The weather Inside today

Partly cloudy, chance of a few brief Area news .. .16-17 Editorial ...... 4 showers this ^ernoon and evening, Business...... 18-19 Family__ ...8-9 high about 50, low tonight in 20s to 30s. Classified___20-22 Gardening . .... 10 Friday partly cloudy, highs in 40s or Comics...... 23 Obituaries . .... 12 50s. Nationai weather forecast map on »The Bright One” Dear Abby...... 23 Sports ...... ,.13-15 Page 20. TWEN’TY-FOUR PAGife TWO SECTIONS MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL «, 1076- VOL, XCV, jfe. 161 PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Unless deficit gap is closed News summary •Gov. Grasso threatens

Compiled from United Press International •It,& to veto state budget

State HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T, Democratic majority had too much the prospect of more state employe Grasso threatened to veto next spending and not enough revenue. layoffs should the lawmakers give WETHERSFIELD - The year’s budget, expected to be taken Mrs. Grasso, however, refused to her what she considered unbalanced long delayed Bridgeport jai up by lawmakers later today, if they recommend an alternative, saying budget. alai arena opening was closer fail to plug what she said was a $7 she made her views known in her Tepper said the state had reached a to reality today with the million to $10.5 million gap. February budget proposal and the "point of no return” and further cuts legislature had ignored them. issuance Wednesday of a tem­ .«»ITItACT "I do not see how 1 can sign a in staffing would impair delivery of porary permit to its prospec­ budget that is not in balance,” she Mrs. Grasso, who said she would services. not allbw the budget gap to be filled tive buyer. A dune 1 opening is told a news conference. “ If they (the Tepper said the $3- million es­ by a tax increase, said she would sign being planned. legislature) choose not to do it, you timated to retain the present level of can be sure I will fulfill my respon­ a proposal to institute a daily lottery state services was needed because of WATERBURY - The Board sibility.” despite her known opposition to some legislative rejection of the gover­ of Alderyien were to meet forms of legalizing gambling. nor’s plan to extend the work week of today to ionsider a resolution Finance Commissioner Jay 0. Backers of the daily lottery es­ state employes. asking thd state legislature to Tepper said he did not interpret Mrs. timate it will raise $10.5 million. That proposal was scuttled by law­ help the city avoid going broke. Grasso’s comments as threatening to Finance Commissioner Jay 0. makers whose $1.8 billion budget They want authority to float veto the legislation. Tepper explained the administration proposal had almost the exact same bonds to cover a nearly $12 “She only said she would not figured the legislative budget was $3 bottom line as Mrs. Grasso’s, but cut million deficit. accept it, but she didn’t say she million short in welfare and $4 some programs while adding funds to would veto it,” he said. million to $4.5 million short in money others. MERIDEN - Meriden’s 14 Asked if there had been any talk of to pay inmates at state institutions. Another $3 million is needed in per­ Mrs. Grasso said she was especial­ schools were closed today after allowing the budget to become law ly unhappy in the cuts made by the School Supt. William R. without her signature, Tepper said sonnel costs to continue the present Meriden teachers walk picket lines level of state services, he said, but Appropriations Committee in spen­ Papallo said a skeleton staff no. ding requests for the Department of left in the wake of a teachers’ Mrs. GrassO' said she was con­ that money could be done without if a Students leaving the Francis Maloney High School in Meriden decision was made to allow their Environmental Protection and strike could not insure the safe­ cerned the budget package agreed to Welfare. ty of the 10,500 students. The Wednesday pause to tell picketing teachers that the school was earlier in the week by the deterioration. strike began Wednesday in closed shortly after opening because of the strike. (UPI photo) legislature’s overwhelming Tepper said, however, lawmakers She said welfare, which had its protest of the Common Coun­ could take further action later in the state funding cut about $3 million by cil’s rejection of a two-year session and would not necessarily the lawmakers, was a “good place to contract accepted by the have to remedy the problem when cut politically.” “No one evejr hears teachers and the school board. Campaign shifts to Pennsylvania; they pass the budget package this the voice of the poor,” she said, week. saying more money was needed for Mrs. Grasso once again held out welfare programs.” Regional Fred Harris ends active drive

BOSTON — Scientists who By LEWIS LORD today’s state AFL-CIO convention in cupied for some time. claim they have photographed UnilecI Pr«8H International Pittsburgh — an appearance that And the President, who campaigns GOP setting sights the Loch Ness monster have The race for the Democratic could generate support for uncom­ in Texas Friday and Saturday, announced plans to go back to' presidential nomination shifted today mitted delegates, who might back termed his Wisconsin victory a Scotland to try again. to Pennsylvania. And so did Hubert him in a deadlocked national party public rejection of Reagan’s Humphrey. convention in July. criticism of U.S. foreign policy. on assembly control BOSTON — Theodore Henry Jackson, Jimmy Carter and Fred Harris, the former Oklahoma Carter, afer edging out Udall for Landsmark, 29, beaten by Morris Udall focused their cam­ senator who never became a con­ first place in Wisconsin but finishing By JUAN TAMAYO the House, 93-58, and the Senate, 23- white teen-agers Monday, paigns on the April 27 Pennsylvania tender, called a noon news con­ fourth in New York, described Penn­ HARTFORD (UPI) - Connecticut 13. taiKeo witnoui anger showdown, and Udall picked a fight ference in .Washington to announce sylvania as the first state where he Republicans are building a $150,000 In the November elections. Wednesday saying "retaliatory with Carter on the issue of racially he no longer will actively campaign and Jackson “can test each other on election fund to finance major drives Republicans need to gain 43 seats in violence will not solve racism integrated neighborhoods. for the Democratic nomination. He a man-to-man basis.” in 79 districts where they believe the House, where they now hold 33, problems. Ronald Reagan campaigned in was the sixth Democratic candidate The former Georgia governor got there is a good chance to unseat for a majority in the 151-member Texas, whose primary is May 1, and to bow out of the race. an icy reception at the AFL-CIO con­ Democrats. chamber. Another 11 GOP senators President Ford planned a swing On th e GOP sid e, R eagan vention in Pittsburgh. Union Their aim is to gain control of the are needed for a majority in the 36- National there on the weekend. Wednesday five cities in Texas members shouted, “We want Connecticut Legislature, where member body. i Humphrey, who insists he isn’t where he is thought to be a slight Humphrey” and “No peanuts in Democrats gained 3-1 majorities in Biebel stressed the other districts 1974 that have throttled most aren’t going to be completely left out . ASPEN, Colo. — Prosecutors campaigning, agreed to address favorite — a position he has not oc­ Pennsylvania.” Republican proposals. of the campaign picture, but they will indicated Wednesday that “You can't continue the arrogance get less help from the State Central Claudine Longet probably will of one-party control,” GOP State Committee. face felony charges in the Chairman Frederick K. Biebel of The Stratford public relations man shooting death of her lover, Opinions differ on uses Stratford told United Press Inter­ and fprmer lobbyist said a professional skier Vladimir national in explaining the program. mathematical review of the 1974 "Spider" Sabich. Biebel said a committee to help election results showed the GOP candidates their campaigns weaknesses and pointed to possible WASHINGTON - A Senate and feed them information on their solutions. subcommittee has served for town^s surplus funds opponents will get the first $75,000, Lockheed Aircraft Corp. with a “In many cases the Democrats and the rest will be donated directly really didn't win; we lost,” Biebel subpoena requiring documents By SOL K. COHEN Manchester still has $288,165 Acknowledging that emergencies to the campaigns, up to $1,000 per pertaining to its payments in said, because the average llcru.ld Reporter available from 1974-75 surplus, plus do occur. Hill says, “1 would recom­ candidate. Democratic candidate picked up only Japan, allegedly including another $78,000 tied up in accounts mend that the town use a larger con­ The committee, already es­ bribes to some Japanese of­ There appears to be a difference of 400-500 votes over the 1972 elections opinion in Manchester, as in most receivable. Next Tuesday, the Board tingency fund each year for emergen­ tablished, will raise its own funds. while Republicans lost 1,500 to 2,000 ficials. cies. and cease appropriating from places still lucky enough to have any, of Directors will act on a proposal by Biebel said about $50,000 would be votes. on how to handle surpluses. Town Manager Robert Weiss for the surplus account each year. contributed directly to the can­ MEW YORK - After an using $209,725 of available surplus to Various controls of expenditures are didates, but Republican sources told He said the failure to turn out the absence of 13 years, the $2 bill fund anticipated deficits this year in available to prevent deficit spending UPI the committee is shooting for vote, a GOP rarity, was due primari­ is back, again featuring a por­ 10 General Fund accounts. In addi­ — if you have proper estimates of $75,000 in direct donations. ly to dissatisfaction over Watergate, trait of Thomas Jefferson. tion, it will act on his requests for revenue and expenditures.” About 50 House seats and all 29 Gov. Ella T, G rasso led the Distribution to banks and utilizing $18,000 in Fire District sur­ Senate d istricts now held by Democratic landslide. public circulation, of the bill plus and $18,000 in data processing Taking note that large one-time Democrats have been targeted (or revenue grants sometimes occur, The target-district committee will will begin Tuesday, Jefferson’s surplus, also in this fiscal year. the special election drive, Biebel have four fulltime staffers to help birthday. Hill recommends, “These revenue When the board last May adopted windfalls should not be used to fund said. local GOP officials in specific dis­ The House districts were chosen on the current General Fund budget, it ongoin/General Fund programs, but tricts set up campaigns and dis­ WASHINGTON - The in­ the basis of whether GOP lawmakers used $49,000 from anticipated 1974-75 should M restricted to the funding of tribute information on the voting sistence of the citizen’s group held the seats prior to the 1974 elec­ surplus as a revenue item. Since capital projects.” record of the Democrat holding the Common Cause has forced the then, it has added another $9,500, tion, when Republicans controlled seat, Biebel said. House of Representatives fc bringing the total from surplus to consider censuring one ofc its $58,500, When the 1974-75 audit was veteran members — Rep. , released, it showed a surplus in Robert L. F. Sikes, D-Fla.— on excess of $500,000. Weiss, in his Disposition of Hughes empire conflict of interest charges. proposed 1976-77 General Fund budget, is proposing a $25,000 SAN FRANCISCO - The revenue item from surplus. city’s Board of Supervisors, remains a major mystery trying to head off a possible George E. Hill, extension professor general strike the mayor says in UConn’s Institute of Public Ser­ By I’RANK T. CSOMIOS was divorced twice and had no regards to that matter," the vice, has conducted a review of the would be devastating, wants Unilt'il Press liileriiuliunul children by either marriage - could spokesman said. ■ striking municipal workers to process Manchester uses in es­ Disposition of Howard Hughes’ em­ trigger an estate fight with a lengthy Kenneth Wright, director of the return to their jobs and their timating revenue, when preparing its pire was as much a mystery today as court battle. Howard Hughes Institute, said, “We "/V annual budgets. ' demands put to the voters. the eccentric life-style of the late In Los Angeles, a spokesman for have nothing to say” about any In his report, he recommends billionaire recluse himself. Summa Corp. said disposition of the bequest from Hughes. 'f.M greater use of surplus as a revenue Three days after his death, no will Hughes holdings had not been made. Hughes was buried Wednesday in a International Mrs. Joan Pratson item to fund the following fiscal had emerged. No one having Hughes was sole stockholder of Sum­ private ceremony in his native year’s budget. anything to do with Hughes corporate ma, parent firm for his empire. Houston, The Episcopal ceremony He acknowledges it is an area fortune — estimated at between $1.5 The aviator-industrialist, who died lasted eight minutes and was where financial, experts disagree, KOTA KINABALU, billion and $2 billion — would confirm Monday of kidney failure at 70, was attended by 16 mourners. Malaysia — Three Moslem air- Mrs. Pratson with his opinion held by about half of that a bequest even existed. believed to have wanted to leave “We brought nothing into this them. The other recommendation plane hijackers today Without a will, the federal govern­ much of his estate to the medical in­ world, " eulogized the Very Rev. exchanged 72 hostages for a (he says he doesn’t agree with it) is ment could tax up to 77 per cent of stitute. Robert Gibson, dean of Christ Church joins Herald (or carrying a large surplus con­ bagful of money and an airline Hughes’ holdings, an Internal “It is not an impossible assumption Cathedral. “It is certain we can take tinually, “to act as a safety valve in a executive in Manila, then sales staff Revenue Service spokesman said that these profits (holdings) will go” nothing out.” j ordered the plane to fly to fiscal year where everything went Wednesday. to the institute, a Summa spokesman Malaysia where it landed this sour.” But the spokesman said that if the In Las Vegas, where Hughes' Mrs. Joan Pratson of Rt. 31, Coven­ said. “But speculation that substan­ morning. The plane still “It is my opinion,” states Hill in bulk of the estate was willed to the holdings included seven casino- try joined the advertising depart­ tial portions will go to the Mormon carries 12 hostages and the his report to Weiss, “that where Miami-based Howard Hughes hotels’, land and a television station, ment at The Herald recently as an Church, I think, is grossly hijackers are still in posses­ there are large surplus balances Medical Institute, the government highrollers dropped the dice and slot inside-outside sales representative. exaggerated.” sion, carried over each year, the tendency could be out well over a billion machines were silenced for a mo­ She also works on the realtors’ page. During his final years, the ailing is to promote a climate of affluence dollars in taxes. ment at the Hughes-owned casinos in Mrs. Pratson, a native of the area, man befriended some.members of in funding new and expanded Because of the “oE^ous tax im­ his honor. MOSCOW — An earthquake majored in advertising and retailing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter programs during the fiscal year.” plication,’’ Treasury Secretary hit a sparsely-populated desert at Marjorie Webster Jpnior College Day Saints, Casino dealers, waitresses, He makes the point, “ These William Simon ordered Hughes’ body area of Soviet Central- Asia in Washington, D.C. A spokesman (or the church, janitors and gamblers bowed their budgetary decisions should only be to be fingerprinted. The FBI con­ today but Tass news agency She has worked in display for Sears headquartered in Salt Lake City, said heads when an announcement on reported there were no made as part of the annual budget firmed it positively had identified the the church knew nothing of a will. public address systems asked for a casualties or destruction. Roebuck and Co. for two and a half process, when there is a thorough fingerprints as those of Hughes'. years, and in the Hartford and “We’re not aware that the Hughes pause in memory of ”a dear friend review and comparison with other The absence of a will — Hughes organization has made any contact in and a great American. " branch stores of Sage-Alien. priority programs.” / "

PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HKRALD, Manchester, to n ., Thurs., April 8, 11)78 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, t o n ., Thurs.. April 8. 1976 - PAGE THREE Bentley lunch program Police report Belleville wins about 11:30 p.m. Fulco, Lebrun and Arrests made or summonses about 1:30 a.m. today. A car driven praise of board averages 157 per day by Delphis A. Dufresne III, 19, of 261 two passengers in Fulco’s car were issued by Manchester Police in­ treated. Lebrun was charged with cluded: Skyline Dr., South Windsor, went off The makeshift hot lunch program Until March 2, Bentley was the reckless driving; court date is April By SOL R. COHEN • Kevin C. Morgan, 20, of 73 Oak the road and struck a utility pole. Haggar® Country Yarns" doubleknit slacks at Manchester’s Bentley School only elementary school in Dufresne was treated for minor in­ 27. Herald Reporter served lunches to nearly half of the Manchester without a hot lunch St., charged at 2 a.m. today with Manchester Assessor Ed Belleville came in for high second-degree reckless endanger- juries a t ' Manchester Memorial school population in March, program. The Board of Education Hospital; his car was towed. Other incidents investigated by praise ’Tuesday night from the Board of Directors for his and leisure tops with VISA® finish. Cafeteria Director Mary Uppling authorized the spring experiment as ment and second-degree criminal Manchester Police Wednesday in­ part in saving the town about $100,000 in revaluation costs mischief. Police said the charges • A two-car crash on Olcott St. said today. a satellite program, with meals cluded : and for his part in supervising the operation. were lodged after a report of Wednesday night in which four per­ The experimental hot lunch being prepared at Manchester High • Vandalism at Washington Revaluation of Manchester properties will take place A rich oxford weave doubleknit of non-glitter 10 0% Dacron* polyester smashed windows on an automobile sons received hospital treatment for program, started at Bentley March 2, School and trucked to the Bentley jninor injuries. Cars driven by School, 94 Cedar St. Police said five as of the Oct. 1,1976 Grand List and will be the basis for naturally mixes-and-matches with a variety of Haggar* slacks. Featuring lunchroom. at Oak and Spruce Sts. Court date is 1977-78 taxes. averaged 157 meals daily for the Dominic Fulco,.16, of 86 Spruce Dr., windows were broken. Replacement month, Mrs. Uppling said. The school The experiment was authorized April 26. cost is estimated at $50. Praise for Belleville came during a public hearing on a Deering Millikan's miracle VISA* finish that sheds stains and keeps you • Frank A. DeCiantis, 17, of 527 East Hartford, and Albert J. Lebrun, enrollment is more than 300. only until the end of the school year, • Theft of a $120 Citizen Band radio $31,400 allocation for revaluation costs — to bring it to Lake St., charged Wednesday after­ 25. of Hartford, were in collision at cool on the hottest days. Contrasting Expand-O-Matic* slacks add ver- Mrs. Uppling said the Bentley but Bentley School parents, who from a car parked on Center St. $132,400 (the final estimated cost). sality to your wardrobe and change in your pocket. results are better than the average pushed for the program, are seeking noon with loitering on school grounds Comparing costs in other towns, Belleville said that elementary school cafeteria extension of the makeshift system. (Manchester High School). Court East Hartford, for example, spent $215,000 for revalua­ programs, which serve about 35 per Proposed renovations to Bentley, date is April 19. A 15-year-old Vernon tion in 1969, with less services provided it than Top $25 . . . matching slacks $18 . . . contrasting slacks $20 boy, taken into custody in the same About town cent of ail students throughout the authorized by voters last November Manchester received four to seven years later (from 1973 system. but delayed by funding difficulties, incident, was referred to Juvenile to 1976, when costs of everything rose). would add a full-scale cafeteria to Court. The townwide daily average of hot St. Stephen’s Prayer Group of St. vice meeting tonight at 7:30 at Belleville worked for revaluation companies before he lunches served in March was 3,337, the school. Norman Fendell • Gerald Slagger, 36, of 19 Locust Mary’s Episcopal Church will meet Kingdom Hall. became Manchester assessor and, because of his $63 Mrs. Uppling reported. St., charged Wednesday night with experience and knowledge, was able to supervise local breach of peace and intoxication, tonight at 8 at the church. Jacket/2-pair slacks Fendell to speak revaluation. In addition, he handled the revaluation for after a disturbance on Eldridge St. The prudential committee of all residential properties (about 15,000 parcels), leaving at Palm Sunday Court date is April 20. The Rev. C. Henry Anderson will Center Congregational Church will lead an adult Bible study Friday at meet tonight at 7:30 in the Robbins commercial and industrial revaluation for the company • Karl L. Richards, 34, of 26C working under contract. breakfast Channing Dr., charged Wednesday 1:30 p.m. in the library of Emanuel Room of the church. Street cleaning routes Belleville said the process being used (extensive use of with driving an unregistered motor Lutheran Church. Norman Fendell, director of the data-processing and the storing of vital information for Regional Occupational Training vehicle on Linden St. Court date is A tag and rummage sale will be The board of trustees of Second future comparative use) will maintain equities for future set for cottiing week Center, will be the featured speaker April 20. conducted by the VFW Post and Congregational Church will meet revaluation. It will retain the capability lor comparing following the 23rd Annual Men’s Auxiliary Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 tonight at 7:30 in the church parlor. values — based on 1975 figures. Comnnunion and Breakfast at North Accidents investigated by p.m. at the post home. Members Manchester highway coordinator on the west, Woodbridge St. on the Belleville predicted there will be computer errors, but United Methodist Church on Palm Manchester Police included: wishing to have donations picked up George Ringstone has announced the east and also on the north, and E. Jehovah’s Witnesses will have a placed them at about 3 percent of the total. He said public Sunday. • A one-ear accident on Love Lane at may call 643-0490 after 2 p.m. street-sweeping schedule for Middle Tpke. on the south. theocratic ministry school and a ser- hearings will be held for all those claiming to be Fendell, who is a Syracuse Univer­ tomorrow and for the week beginning Following that operation, sweeping aggrieved. Monday, April 12. next week will be in the area bounded sity graduate with a major in Special He said the computer errors will be corrected and Education, is also director of Friday, sweeping will be in the by Woodbridge St. on the west, the Manchester viable complaints t^ e n care of. He predicted, based on area bounded by New State Rd. on Vernon townline on the east, Lydall Manchester’s Sheltered Workshop. past experience and on revaluation aftermaths in other In 1974 he was appointed to the the west. Broad St. on the east, St. on the north and E. Center St. on Hospital towns, that as many as 1,500 property owners might show Governor’s Committee on Employ­ Hilliard St. on the north and W. Mid­ the south. up at the public hearings. dle Tpke. on the south. Ringstone advises homeowners to ment of the Handicapped. His af­ 5 Beginning Monday, sweeping will filiations include the Council for Discharged Tuesday: An­ inGWRy HDES= sweep dirt from their sidewalks into Exceptional Children, American drew Reichenbach, 20 Hamlin be in the area bounded by Summit St. the street, when they know that their St.; Julia Ofiara, 14 McCann Association on Mental Deficiency, HRE GRERT-LDOKING KIDS'SHOES. street is scheduled for sweeping. Dr.; Stacia Swider, 94 Brook MCC gets $20,418 and National Rehabilitation Associa­ St., South Windsor; Wilfred tion. Fendell will be speaking on Kent, 56 Franklin Park, for program on “Manchester’s Special Education Rockville; Florence Bowler, Lyons named and Rehabilitation Programs:” 25 Congress St.; Albert Perry, Correction•r^ The event starts at 6:30 a.m. with 21 Court St., Rockville; patient advocate Arizona Sun the Communion service followed im­ Kenneth Smith, 13 Laurel The scholastic average which must Place. be maintained for five consecutive mediately by the breakfast prepared and served by the women of the Also, Elaine Bagge, 99 The state Commission for Higher Education voted publisher semesters to qualify a student for Ferguson Rd.; Denise membership in the National Honor church. Tuesday to award a grant of $20,418 to Manchester Com­ Moynihan, Rt. 87, Lebanon; munity College for a “Patient Advocate Training Duane B. Hagadone, president of Society was incorrectly shown as B Forest Skillin, 401 Abby Rd,, Open house tonight I I ’^ T I C n n e shiny young fashion wilh kicky cu:-oul design, Program.” Hagadone Newspapers, announced in the story of East Catholic High Sguih Windsor; Michael L I I I L C 1 1 1 3 a expandable strap for exira comfort. ^ 0 0 0 at Cheney Tech 140 Benton St.; The grant was among 11 approved by the commission. today that Burl Lyons, former School students inducted into the Black Paicnl and While Patent. publisher of The Herald, has rejoined society in Wednesday’s Herald. Rothman, 270 W. Funds total $157,708 with MCC’s the second largest. Howell Cheney Regional MCC is working with six other community colleges to the group as publisher of the Arizona The average should read B-plus. Vocational-Technical School will St,; David Dufour, 377 St., South Windsor; run the program, Mattatuck, Mohegan, Tunxis, Asnun- Daily Sun in Flagstaff, Ariz, The typewriter used shows a host an open house tonight for Lyons resigned from The Herald in ’’plus” character which was used in Kevin Boyko, 149 Lenox St.; tuck, Housatonic and Norwalk. It also will work with the prospective students and the public. Charles Carman, East Hart­ state Department on Aging. July 1975 to become administrative the original copy, but its use means The program will begin at 6:30 ford. assistant to the attorney general of nothing to the computer that picks it The pilot training program will prepare volunteer p.m. in the auditorium where Also, Jacqueline Nicholson, patient advocates who will in turn train teams of Montana. Previously he had been up in the composing department. Ap­ members of the staff will present an 772 Pleasant Valley Rd., South with Hagadone Newspapers for 13 parently the computer has not volunteers in nursing homes in seven areas of the state. orientation program. Visitors will Windsor; Lee Alexander, 16E Follow-up sessions will be held for volunteers on the job. years. “learned” to interpret such a then be tree to tour the school and Esquire Lane; Ronald LaJoie, Both The Herald and the Daily Sun character, and so it must be spelled 240 W. Center St. The program marks the first time the Community Ser­ visit all classrooms. vices Divisions of the community colleges have worked are affiliates of Hagadone out. Refreshments will be served in the together to offer a training program. Newspapers. cafeteria.

This printing test pattern is Manchester Evening Herald Power Squadron to hear Theater schedule part of The Herald quality Published every evening except Sundays and holidays. Entered at IQ Handsome Oxford control program in order to the Manchester, Conn., Post Office talk on nuclear energy JOa features manly Bring US a pair of your old shoes and Thursday (ji, „ , Showcase 4 — "Next Stop give you one of the finest as Second Class Mail Matter. An engineer from Northeast Utilities will discuss newspapers in the nation. Suggested Carrier Rates linesand fashion heel. put them in the TagwAy Trade-in Bin. I TDAnP-M )-ma ’Lipstick,” Greenwich Village,” 2:15- We'D send them to a local charity. I nuclear power at a Manchester Power Squadron meeting -.00-4.00-6:00-8:00-10:00 4:40-7'10-9’30 Payable in Advance Black and Brown. U.A. East 1 — “Taxi » » Well give you $1 off any purchased ^ at 8:15 p.m. Friday at the Masonic Temple. Driver,” 7:t0-9:10 / Single copy...... :15« $7.99 or more, and 50c off any W eekly...... 90c 8V2-3 The speaker, Peter Kopyscianski, has had experience U.A. East 2 — "Rafferty,” , One m o nth ...... $3.90 $9.99 purchase up to $7.99.* Umit:one in cost and schedule control for Northeast Utilities’ 7:00; "Let’s Do It Again,” ■ Three months ...... $11.70 trade4n per Hem purchased Six m o nth s...... $23.40 $W.99 3W-6 nuclear projects. He holds a B.S. in nuclear engineering 9:00 : One y e a r ...... $46.80 * FootwcAr And handbAgs only. U.A. East 3 — “Gable and Mail Rates Upon Request from New York State Maritime College, an M.S. in Lombard,’.’ 7:00-9:05 Subscribers who fail to receive mechanical engineering and a MBA from the University their newspaper before 5:30 p.m. Burnside 1 — "Dog Day should . telephone the circulation of Connecticut. Afternoon,” 7:00-9:20 muse department. 647>9946. Burnside 2— "The Man Who Would Be King,” 7:10-9:30 flofist & Greenhouse^: Tahuia ■ i V v eSHOES' u n M Training program Vernon (.'ine 1 — "Bobbie Jo OPEN DAILY K-M«n^8^opplnB & The Ouiiaw,” 7:30-9:30 ’A -A -A W ■kiriririf'k-k-k'kif planned for aides Vernon Cine 2 — “Butch le d s]-n d iwiionvefsei 207 Sptmeer SUM! Cassidy & The Sundance Manchttter An in-service training homemaker-home health Kid,” 7:'J0-9;15 URGfST RETAIL GROWERS IN MANCHESTER CONTINUOUS program for homemaker- aides. Showcase 1 — "One Flew Caff Monihetter 643^9559 home liealth aides, of the Richard Godek, a cer­ Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” 621 HAIWFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER MATINEE DAILY Manchester Homemaker tified psychologist, and 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:35 'k'k^'k'k^it'k'k'k'k'k'k ★ -k CALDOR Service, Inc.' will be con­ service coordinator for the SHOPPING ducted April 12 at 7:30 p.m. Hockanum Valley Com­ Showcase 2 — "Bad News SHOWCASt CINtMAJ 1234 Bears,” 2:00-3:50-5:40-7:35- CENTER in the basement training munity Council, will be the 9:45 1-84EXIT58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. room at 237 E. Center St. guest speaker. EAST HARTFORD •, 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8810 FREE LIGHTED PARKINCV^ Honor MASTER CHARGE ’The in-^vice training is His topic will be “Crisis Film Rating Guide a required part of the Intervention.’’ for p.ironts and their children I luuOitiiinm program for the IROBERT DENIRO Q General audiences. All ages admitted. t a x i [ D R IV E R H lip stick's S ADACEMY AWARD i OOUtLI riATUM N Im I mtwaf* ui invHatton lo • klM. ’’ursDoiMGiur.., n Parental guidance suggested. Some material may ’ WINNER INCLUDING { OPEN DULY 10 A.M. ■ 9 P.M. - SAT. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. not be suitable lor pre-teenagers. ^ Corn Dal! too 1:00 REST PICTURE t mim $oi sn rti lamo MS [ I €3ACI.E.nd JJj Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent - SiL MO tas MS MS •r f. llO M B A iy D or .adult guardian. "THE BAD NEWS (. ) No one under 17 admitted (age limit may vary in cer­ l i u c k s m i are our butinesi tain areas). SVL On rrl 21$ 7:11 Me Cut trt) 2M 34« S4L Sit 2tS 440 7:IS $41 Tar$4s 2 lit HITS a. CARTER'S - nU.-MT.-IUII. ootage&high school students- Oet your tom showrease cineim. BRAND NEW «Nsc4)i»iIcardn<»wl s a w 504 BUTCH & THE KID " V mght of bluegrass JUST ARRIVED - NEW SPRING 1976 BLAZER ARE BACK! r i l h the HOP RIVER STRING BAND Just for the fun of it I SATURDAY, April 10,1976 PAUL NEWMAN ES SAMPLES by PERSONAL ROBERT REDFORD 8:30 p.m. -11:30 p.m. KATHARINE ROSS. AMERICAN LEGION HALL This magnificient Group includes Slacks, "BUTCH CASSIDY AND AmBrlean Legion Road THE SUNDANCE KID" (acrota from Manehaftar State Armory) bookshop Skirts, Shirts, Blouses, T-tops, Blazers, PLUS BERT REYNOLDS Manehaatar, Connecticut “W.W. AND DIXIE Donation: *1.50 Glen Lochen Glastonbury Jackets, Tunics, etc. DAMCtXIHar TIcketa Available At Belmont Record - Hartford We will be at the Historical Society 4-whool drive, V-B, A/trant., RAUL NEWMAN \ Dubaldo Music - Manchester Choyannt, opao. tu-tona ROBERT REDFORD TIckata Alao at Door B J f O B “Back Door" Tour, paint, aux. top, roar tail, S A LE PRICE I "BUTCH CASSIDY AND whaalhouM carpat, chroma THE SUNDANCE KID", April 10th. grilla, H.D. radiator, atalnloaa STARTS FRIDAY! First ttaal mirrors, upper & lower 649-9333 (PBl / Hltchcock'a “FAMILY! Imagine body mouldinga, radio, H.D. <6660 i.m TSit M-roLLOw .auRmiBi «vr: iiaHt" •hockt, H.D. front ipringa, stock ||I4136 power itaarlng, L78xl5B you’ve BURNSIDE Kflrospccti^ tiros. Carter Cere. TIKE RCUTCS 19 » 14 » IS lUIT %l\ _ Honoring SHiHI«MMIW..t HTtt»>CltSMWWC Muriel Raker changed 7 : 3 0 \ IINEI "4 GOOD PLACE TO BUY A TRUCK" w rve EVES [El 7:00 changed 9:20 Other Scribner Titles Antiques in Miniature CARTER REGAL A History of Doll Houses M E N ’S SHO P IN STOCK NOW. PRICE! 903 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON SAT. - SUN. ;iN E 1 Collecting Antique Pewter NKKOI.KI'OINT: MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9:30 to 5:30 MONDAY thru FRIDAY 10:00 to 9:00 KIDDIE SHOW SEAN CONNERY Deerfield Embroidery The Complete Men's Store' The Art of Blackwork Design Your Own. How CHEVROLET THURSDAY 9:30 to 9:00 SATURDAY 10:00 to 5:30 ‘70M 6 JERRr .HICHAEL CAINE Embroidery lo make original Cartoon Foottvol 8AT.-8UN. 1:30 Melinas Miniature Gardens designs and apply them • WE ACCEPT MASTER CHARGE AND BANK AMERICARD • 89' 1:00 A 3:00 In canvas. 1229 Main Si, Manchester 646-6464 IT’S OUR 36th...LET’S CELEBRATE. “TOM* JEBBY reSTIVAl" HURRY FOR BEST SELECTION! (ya EYBTittfflyBS.’niSaSAT. T l 5 PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., April 8. 1976 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Thurs., April 8, 1976 - PAGE FIVE ifflanrl|patpr Euf niitg H? ralJi Manchester — A City of Village Charm Founded Oct. 1, 1881 Memb«r, Audit Bureau ol Circulation Member, United Press International Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, ^ In Sets of Four Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711.

Raymond F. Robinson, Editor>Pubtisher Harold E. Turkington, Managing Editor Opinion ^ The Tire It is time to take Sccirs profit out of inflation That Beat One of the reasons we have But the real value of im­ inflation is that inflation for posing a limit on passing on in­ too many people is really flation will be to all of us who rather profitable. make more than $100 a week. \ The Baja For the politician it is a No longer will be tempted to perennially profitable issue. accept federal de.ficits which For the bureaucrat it is a inflate our economy because perennially effective excuse to we can keep pace with infla­ Steel Belted Radial demand bigger public budgets. tion. And for too many workers Five per cent inflation to the and businessmen who have man earning $200 a week will been brainwashed, by new­ mean a $5 loss and the more he fangled economic theories, it earns the more he will lose un­ is profitable because it less inflation is checked. becomes a substitute for old- 165-13 This is one way to take the Whitewall fashioned service and produc­ profit out of inflation and in­ tivity as a basis for price or crease the pressure on govern­ wage increases. ment to come to grips with this 40,000 Mile Warranty -Now before everyone gets problem. The last leaves of winter (Photo by Reginald Pinto) their dander up we must admit For if the wage earner Steel Belted Radial Regular SALE that this profit aspect of infla­ doesn’t keep pace with infla­ Whitewall Price PRICE F.E.T. tion is really a myth. But like tion, he as a consumer will not Seniority ruling is trendy gimmickry 165-13 52.00 44.97 1.84 myths it can be dangerous if be as willing to pay inflated 18.5-14 64.00 56.97 eniWh people really believe WASHINGTON - If Solomon had forget the rights of the white worker perhaps years after they were. 2.35 prices for goods and services It passeth understanding why the that mflation is something we wanted to irreparably divide blacks bumped from his seniority spot by 195-14 68.00 59.97 2,44 or more and more taxes. and whites he would have come up Andrew Tully the arrivai of a new employe. Supreme Court^ majority could not (Herald photo by Dunn I can live with if it doesn’t get Governrnent must do the with'a ruiing pretty much like that There is a contradiction here. ,It is see the wisdom in Chief Jhstice 205-14 73.00 62.97 2.74 out of hand. same with its employes and handed down by the Supreme Court my perhaps legaily unlettered opi­ Warren Burger’s thinking. Burger 215-14 81.00 69.97 2.95 the other day. William Brennan said so in writing nion that implicit in the Republic’s rejected “ robbing Peter to pay Dressed up for fashion show The problem is that no one here there could be an even By a 5 to 3 vote, the highest bench the majority’s opinion. He wrote: judicial system is a ban on punishing PauL” but was joined by Justices All dressed up and someplace to go, Gary Loomis, left. Sherry Gadoury 165-15 61.00 54.97 1.94 can agree when it gets out of greater deflationary impact Denial of special seniority to black Lewis F. Powell Jr. and William H. indulged itself in to me trendy gim- an innocent bystander, even to award and Cephus Nolen model what’s in for a fashion show and gym show 205-15 78.00 67.97 2.90 hand. Surely, the businessman ipickry. The majority decided that workers "on the sole ground that restitution to a victim of injustice. Rehnquist in talking common sense. No because the inflation pinch will Friday at 7:30 p.m. at East Catholic High School auditorium. ECHS Searshigh way passenger tire warranty who can increase his prices or black workers should be given such relief diminishes the expec­ There undoubtedly are whites who The three dissenters suggested Full warranty tor 10% ot mileage specitied Trade-in 21.5-15 8:i.(X) 68.97 3.12 be directly affecting those best tations of other, arguabiy innocent restitution in the form of back pay students are participating in the combined show. Biad Davis, broadcast tjw wage earner who can get special seniority if they were delayed don’t want blacks working next to If you do not receive 10% of miles specified because Required, Free 22.5-15 86.00 able to. combat runaway in getting their jobs because of racial employes, would if applied generally, them. But there also are whites who and fringe benefits, siich as pension personality, will emcee the event. All proceeds w ill^ nefit Kevin Hurst of your tire becoming unserviceable due to failure 69,97 3.26 inh«e!^ses in pay equal to or apparently relating to the material or workman- governmental spending. bias. frustrate’’ the federal law. either don’t care one way or the and vacation time, based on longevi­ who was severely injured in an ECHS football game 1 ^ season. snip, normal road hazards or tread wearout, re- IVfoiinting, Rotation LR78-15 90.(X) 69.97 3.53 larger "than inflation rate isn’t We admit that this alone will It won’t wash. Certainly a black or It is not enough merely to award other, or who — in many, many in­ ty. They said courts should be free to placement or refund will be made, upon return as concerned as the person a member of any other minority the black applicant the job he sought, stances — have actively fought for deny seniority for some workers “at with no charge for mileage received. not defeat inflation. wrote Brennan, because doing so the expense ot other workers...” Limitedwarranty who is trying to live on a pen­ should be recompensed if an •the rights of minorities in such cor­ If you do not receive the total miles specified be­ We think such a limit could empioyer refused to hire him would deny the black “his rightful porate precincts as General Motors Nope, said the Brennan majority— came of your tire becoming unserviceable due to sion which is meager to begin mobilize everyone in and out of because of the color of his skin or his place in the hierarchy of and within their unions. Should they, which also included Justices Potter failure apparently relating to the material or work­ with. ethnic origin. Indeed, this shouid be seniority...He will perpetually re­ willy nilly, lose seniority to Stewart, Byron R. White, ’Thurgood manship, normal road hazards or tread wearout- government to combat waste we will exchange it upon return, for a new tire or Steel Belt This is why we believe the the case in a civilian society even if main subordinate to persons who, but reinstated blacks and thus Marshall and Harry A. Blackmun. give you a refund charging in either case, only the and inefficiency that inhibit there were not a Civii Rights Act of for the illegal discrimination, would themselves replace blacks in the vic­ But they did say that the Court was proportion of the then current selling price plus Sport best way to take the profit out productivity and spawn infla­ 1964 which forbids racial discrimina­ have been, in respect to entitlement tim’s role? not requiring federal judges to grant Federal Excise 'Tax that represents mileage used. Our Lowest Nail punctures will be repaired at no charge. of inflation is to limit cost-of- tion. tion in hiring. to these benefits, his inferiors.” The practical, reasonable and, yes, special seniority “in all cir­ Radial living increases as based on But the effect of the Supreme A touch convoluted. But what the compassionate answer has to be cumstances.” Priced 4-ply , Designed for We think most of us would WfX: Ni-wiCTCwneir' A the rate of inflation to the first Court decision will be that in many Brennan was saying was that a black no. For the whites cited above, loss They can keep playing that curious Polyester Tire Small and rather increase our incomes instances blacks will have more worker’s seniority should be dated of seniority eventualiy wilt mean that melody until the Last Trump and it Sport Type $100 a week of income be it seniority than white workers who from the day he was denied employ­ won’t change a decision that calls for’ because we earned it rather when there are layoffs they would go 18,000 Mile Cars from wages, salaries, or pen­ have had their jobs longer. Justice ment because he was black — and before workers who were hired reverse discrimination. than because our dollar has W arranty 40,000 Mile sions. slipped in value. W arranty If inflation devalues the We think government at all CHAjmiONlj# 2 4 % Dyiiaply IH Scars’Regular Steel Belted dollar 5 per cent, we could get levels can take the lead and R&D fjnds small room for chance Rlaekwall Low Price F.E.T. Spurt Radials Regular SALE KlackHull Price PRICE F.E.T. a $5 a week increase if we earn private enterprise will have WASHINGTON - The relative Foundation study shows that U.S. research labs and in industry, of a A78-13 18.99 1.74' ' P $100 a week or had $100 a scientists have received a lion’s super cautiousness — a tendency to -'‘rT OFF no choice but to follow. decline in research in this country C78-13 23.99 1.98 / 1.5.5-12 44.00 37,97 1.34 week in other income. threatens more than national Ray Cfomley share of the Nobel prizes in the improve slightly, not take chances With today’s inflation,' the with way-out research. There’s a D78-14 25.99 2.12 ( Anything earned or unearned defense. If the trend continues, we physical sciences. Our share has 1.5.5-13 43.00 $20,000 a year man profits face stagnation in our living stan­ declined this past 15 years. marked tendency, that is, to bet on Champion E78-14 26.99 2.25 ^ 36.97 1.45 income over $100 a week would greatly whereas the $5,000 a dards, continued high unemployment By contrast, over the years there In the past decade and a half the the sure thing, to spend time and ef­ F78-14 27.99 2.:i9 ^ 6 5 - 1 3 48.00 United States has been second in fort on cosmetic improvements, thus 41.97 1..59 not be increased for cost-pf- and an unfavorable balance of trade. has been an increasingly negative Spark Plugs G78-14 30.99 2.55 year pensioner slips closer to putting an insufficient number of living (inflation) purposes. Moreover, at some uncertain date, balance in manufactured, products published scientific literature to the 17.5-14 57.00 49.97 1.94 the brink of poverty. we will be at the mercy of those who which were not research intensive. Soviet Union on chemistry and chips into gambles which could pay G78-15 31.99 2.58 We think this would protect Regular 89e Inflation is our enemy supply us with raw materials. We have, in the past, depended on mathematics. off handsomely. H78-15 32.99 2.80 16.5-L5 59.00 51.97 1.78 the low income and fixed in­ whether we are rich or poor Research and development has new industries and products to A majority oj the major technical Part of the problain is the financial Resistor Plugs 97c M each come people who are now most been so profitable for the United provide the steady increase in jobs innovations of the past 20 years were squeeze on companies which develop, and the sooner we conquer the Limit 8 Per Customer ravaged by inflation. This States tUfethe 1974 favorable required for our growing population of United States origin but the United produce and sell new products. better it will be for all of us. balance iJ ^ e s e a i^ and Develop­ and for the increasing numbers of States share has declined from 80 per Because many of these new items go must be done because we know It won’t be an easy task but ment intensive products was large women joining the work force. Nor­ cent in the late 1950s to 55 per cent in sour, it is essential that profits on the of no one who is doing more then few things really enough to offset the cost of mal industrial growth is not suf­ the years since 1965. success be great enough to balance petroleum imports that year, despite ficient to meet these needs. The increasing number of U.S. off the losses with dollars to spare. In than merely existing on $100 a worthwhile ever are. week. the high oil prices. 'Historically, a National Science patents awarded to inventors in recent years the cost of money has foreign countries is illustrative — 44 been so high and the cost of S A V E 2 0 % ^6 pair per cent of .the patents in drugs and operations so great, in part because medicines in 1973, 39 per cent in the of the growing burden of government Inside Fidel Castro’s Cuban ^paradise’ field of aircraft and parts, 35 per cent supervision and costly regulations, Sears Oil Filters in chemicals, 34 per cent in primary and the domination of credit sources Helps keep oil clean and free metals, 29 per cent in professional and markets so complete, that com­ S ears B est WASHINGTON - Fidel Gastro has many as 15,000 Cuban troops, has flowing. Change filter when generation and that they listen to and scientific instruments, 28 per panies with major research had 17 years in which to turn Cuba By Lee Roderick what they iearn at home from their muted their siren song somewhat. cent in (Communication equipment departments have become you change oil, helps pro­ into the "proletarian paradise” he The Herald's I Even after the Russian-equipped parents and reiatives.... and electronic components — a far exceedingly cautious about new tect engine. promised to create on the Caribbean Washington Correspondent' expeditionary force was sent from “These youngsters are forcibly cry from 10 years before. research. Heavy Duty Shocks island. What’s life really like today in Cuba to Africa, however, the influem sent to work and to attend classes in The United States today is ahead in One friend, president of a small that Russian puppet state? whole family; one cake of soap for tial Washington Post voiced the sen­ the backwoods, sleeping in the enough areas, and our productivity is research and development firm, tells Listen to the words of a nurse in the bathroom and another one for timents of Castro’s American Regular $2:49 ‘tobacco curing houses’ or the huts, great enough compared with that of me he has lately placed a con­ Havana, a wife and mother of two, washing, to last one month; with friends. without hygienic facilities, with foul our major competitors so that we siderable number of new ideas on Available in writing in a letter dated Feb. 8. Her seven ounces of detergent for 30 Typically putting the blame for the food and putrid water. Most become need not worry in 1970s. But the ice. “ Between controls, tight credit, Full warranty for as long sizes to fit letter was smuggled out of Cuba by a days, plus four pounds of sugar and Cuba/Africa imbroglio on President sick. It is said that they have been cumulative effects of our failure to high costs, making a profit is so as you own the vehicle most American- diplomat and received by a dis­ one pound of lard. The report is that Ford rather than the Cuban dictator, 1 5 % O F F If SteadyRider shock absorber fails successfuily indoctrinated, but no maintain our imposing lead enjoyed made cars and tinguished former professor at the chancy I could lose my shirt in no while the original purchaser owns there will be a further rationing of matter the propaganda. the Post, in an editorial, lamented in the past may slip up on us like the University of HaVana, nbw living in time with a failure or two,” he says. the car, it will be replaced upon re­ many imports. sugar, and only one and one-half “They were able to compare their that it “will take American buildup of cancer or cholesterol. We Sears DC Powered turn free of charge, or the purchase Washington. He in turn shared a ounces of coffee every 15 days, and diplomats, if they can proceed at all, So he’s sticking to his tried and true sufferings with what they had left at could awaken too late to our danger. price will be refunded. If the defec­ Regular *12^® Each translation of it with this writer: many months to work out of the cor­ products, making improvements on tive shock absorber was installed by half a pound of lard during the same home and down there in their hearts The problem is not merely one ot Bright Timing Light "I got up at 4:45 a.m. sharp. It is period, beginning in March. ner in which the President has already-developed items that are Sears, we will install Ihe new shock they rejected communism. They spending. There is increasing absorber with no charge for labor. Sunday and I hurry up to join the “Why? Simply because they need painted the country’s Cuba policy. In selling well. realized that they were being evidence in government, in private Regular $19.99 queue of the bread. It seems endless to send food to the Cubans in Angola, expioited, but they could not revolt practice this means the postponement S a v e *7 on Air S a v e *5 on Sears but after six o’clock I finally got half and whatever will go to Angola will of a long overdue mutual accom­ against regimented oppression, and CARNIVAL by Dick Turner a loaf of bread.... be less for the people here. I am en­ in siience they opposed everything.” modation to 1977 or beyond. Is Angola 9 7 Adjtistable Shooks Rooster Shocks “The market had received some titled to retire and asked for retire­ Other evidences of the systematic really worth it?” each 97 supplies today. I got. six pounds of ment, but this has been refused brutalization and privation wrought The real question is: Is freedom Regular 4 7 each l«vgularl3.iW 2 4 * a d rice, the ration for the month for the because they need nurses for the by Castro in his people are abundant. worth it? Ask the Havana nurse who Angolan war. Virtually all freedoms are a dead will he getting up 4:45 a.m. Sunday in 8 “Nobody expects anything better. letter in Cuba. The authoritative, search of enough food to feed her Today’s thought | But there is not a single protest New York-based research organiza­ family, while Fidel Castro lavishes because we are under a brutal tion Freedom House, for example, his nation’s substance on revolution. repression, such a brutal one that ranks all of the world’s countries on Computerized Electronic "Be compassionate as your Father nobody can imagine what it is. And the basis of the political and civil Yesterdays Most American Curs S A V E 2 9 % is compassionate. Do not judge, and these peopie taik about iiberation of rights granted their citizens. Coun­ Wheel Balancing you will not be judged yourselves; do Angola, equality and absolute tries are divided into seven Oil Cliange, Filter, Liihriention not condemn, and you will not be con­ freedom!” 25'years ago categories, ranging from No. •! — Set of demned yourselves; grant pardon, Or listen to this analysis in a letter “most free” to No. 7— “least free.” This date was a Sunday; ’Che Install up to 5 qts. Sears Best lOW-40 Only and you .will be pardoned. Give and dated Feb. 13 from a lawyer in Not surprisingly, Cuba falls into Herald did not publish. oil, install Sears new heavy duty 4 Wheels there will be gifts for you; a full Havana. Again it was smuggled out category 7 in both political and civil 10 years ago *15 measure, pressed down, shaken filter, lubricate all chassis points. This new process virtually eliminates the need for of Cuba, which has rigid censorship, rights. The U.S.S^R. falls into Manchester Redevelopment Agen­ (Fittings not included) rebalancing. Sears professional electronic wheel together, and running over will be and received by the former category 7 in political rights granted balancer provides both sialic and dynamic balance poured into your lap; because the cy prepares to condemn properties professor: its citizens and category 6 in civil occupi^ by Manchester Pipe and Regular $11.24 ^ * for your tire/wheel assemblies and thus helps to amount you measure out is the “...’There are those who believe rights. eliminate both vertical bounce and lateral shake. measure you will be given back.” Supply Co. and buys three other Available at most Sears stores. that the new Cuban youth accept Incredibiy, there are those in this properties in the North End Renewai Luke 6:36-38 communism. Perhaps one or two will country today — notably liberal U.S. Lord, help me to remember your area. accept it because of pressure or Senators and their fellow wishful State Commission on Higher Learn­ words today and show compassion to 'incentives’ like sending them to thinkers — who are not pleading ing allots $110,000. to R ochester Slor* Hour! those whom I will meet. Russia for their studies, but they are Castro’s case for normalized SItOP A'f SK,\RS AND SAVE Submitted by: Community College for construction MANCHESTER Mon.-Sat. very few and I can tell you, positive­ relations with the United States. of an access road to its future home .SuICt/'ucIlMli The Rev. Paul Trinque "Right now I’m 30 per cent Repc’ llcan, 35 aer cent itr Vt/ur .WiiMFv liuch Sears ly, that communism has not taken Their embarrassment over Angoia, at the former Nike site off Keeney St. WEST HARTFORD Church of the Assumption hold of the Cubans of the present Democratic, 12 per cent moderate, 9 pc. cent extremist and SF.VRS, R O n U T K .\MJ I O 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. which still is the unwitting host to as and for building renovations. 14 per cent undeclnedl" kS* '

PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976- PAGE SEVEN Catholic Appeal MANCHESTER Poster contest set April 17-18 MANCHESTER on drug abuse ? 2 7 " '| WEST HARTFORD t27< WEST HARTFORD Under the theme, "Share, For The Love Of One it YEAR ^ y e a r / now under way Another,” the Catholic Charities Appeal will be held in all GS Now thru Sat. 82 towns and cities throughout Hartford, New Haven and THE THANK YOU STORE Now thru Sat. Crossroads, the ' counseling and drug information Litchfieid counties in 226 parishs on Saturday and Easter THE THANK YOU STORE center, is sponsoring a poster contest with the theme Sunday, Aprii 17-18. “Why I Don’t Want to Use Drugs,” for all students in Gifts from wills and bequests insure the continuation of essential services and programs; gifts can be made in grades 4 to 6. The contest, which began April 1, will run through April honor or memory of a lov^ one or for a speciai occasion. Shop King’s for All Your Home Family Needs! 23. Prizes to be awarded will be — first, $15; second, $10 For more information and a brochure on services, con­ Big Buys on Everything for Spring-into-Summer! tact, The Catholic Charities, director of charities, 244 and third, $5. Posters may not exceed three feet by four feet in size. Main St., Hartford or telephone 522-8241. Any material including crayon, paints, and magic The programs directly touch the lives of over 68,000 people each year from all religions and all walks of life. markers may be used. Posters will be judged on originali­ ty.' neatness and theme. Completed posters may be left at Crossroads, 33 Park St., or in any elementary school office. Posters must be in by 3 p.m. on April 23. Winners will be notified on April Super Savings for Spring! 30. Super ^yings for Spring! The entrant’s name, address, phone number, and The Manchester Evening Herald prints more Manchester news than any other school must be written on the back of the poster. newspaper. Count on King’s for Quality, Selection and Value! The Latest Fashion Looks at Low Discount Prices Further information is available by calling 646-2015.

TOWN OF MANCHESTER \ r Dateline 1776 LEGAL NOTICE By United Press Internulional FAMOUS MAKER MENS FRIEDBERG, N.C., April 8— Members of local Mora­ proximately 11.88 feet to The Zoning Board of Appeals maintain house limits already vian congregation who sought to sign a pledge of neutrali­ will hold'public hearings on PRINTED s ty were threatened with a 40shilling fine if they refused to Monday, April 19, 1976, star­ constructed — variance of Ar- FAMOUS ticle II, Section 3.01.01, attend muster of the town militia. They were castigated ting at 7:00 P.M., in the by the militia captains and forced to drill against their Hearing Room of the Minimum side yard — 185 NO-IRON PERCALE Grissom Road, Residence Municipal Building to hear MAKER religious wishes. Zone AA. and consider the following Item 9 No. 493 petitions: First Hartford Realty Corp. Item 3 No. 485 Sheets Fashion — Variance requested to William Oleksinski and TOWN OF MANCHESTER INVITATION Wallace Parciak — Request reduce north side yard to ap­ NOVUS proximately U.83 feet to TWIN Jeans variance of parking space 750 TO BID requirements and variance of maintain house limits already SOLID AND PRINT SIZE JUNIOR BOYS LEGAL front yard requirements to constructed — variance of Ar­ Sold Nationally The Manchester Board of ticle II, Section 3.01.01, NOTICE permit addition to existing 6-DIGIT POCKET Velour Full Size, SalaPrlce...... * 4 for $10 to $141. “TEAM-MATE” Education seeks bids for restaurant (Willie's Steak Minimum side yard — 165 Developing Sinks for the Grissom Road, Residence The Zoning Board of Appeals House) — variance of Article Graphic Arts Department for Zone AA. Bath Ensemble JR BOYS “TEAM-MATE” will hold public hearings on 11, Section 9.04, Minimum Calculator / § 9 0 the 19751976 school year. Item 10 No. 494 Bath Size Hand Size Wash Cloth Fiared Stacks Monday, April 19, 1976, star­ Front Yard, and Article IV, MENS SHORT SLEEVE Sealed bids will be received First Hartford Realty Corp. Catet, Sale Price.. 2 f o r » 3 ting at 7:00 P.M., in the Section 9, Automobile Parking Knit Tops until 3:30 P.M., April 21,1976 — Variance requested to Sale Price QSO 50 Sale Hearing Room of the and Loading Requirements — $ at which time they will be reduce north side yard to ap­ 70* Famous makers luxury blend 4-pocket flares Municipal Building to hear 444 Center Street — Business Knit Shirts Price 4 * * . « 4 5 * * publicly opened. The right is proximately 11.98 feet to of 50V. cotton, 50% polyester. In 100% brushed and consider the following Zone 11. • Ptrlormt 4 Basic Functions reserved to reject any and,all 100% cotton velour, in mix 'n Over 160 threads per square cotton. Assorted Sale $ O petitions: STATE HEARING Item 4 No. 486 maintain house limits already ■ Full FloaUng Oscimal Poly/cotton and brushed poly/ bids. Specifications and bid constructed — variance of Ar­ • AIgsbralc Logic-Calculaiss match rose print pattern in soiid Inch. Stays, smooth, never solids. 28 to 38, Price ^ The 94 Food Inc. — Variance cotton flares. Asst, plaids and ALSO forms may be secured at the ticle II, Section 3.01.01, as Problsm la Wriltan colors. Pink, blue, yellow. needs Ironing. Floral prints. Medium or Long. requested to dispense wine Crews or turtlenecks in solids and solids. Sizes 4 to 7. Item 1 No. 487 Business Office, 45 N. School Minimum side yard — 193 Brown’s Tire Shop — and beer at a restaurant trimmed models. Poly or nylon. S-XL. Street, Manchester, Connec­ Grissom Road, Residence Request Special Exception in within 1,000 feet of another ticut. Raymond E. Demers, Zone AA. accordance with Article IV, liquor outlet—variance of Ar­ Business Manager. ticle IV, Section 8, Alcoholic Item 11 No. 495 Section 6 and Article II, Sec­ First Hartford Realty Corp. tion 10 for General Repairer’s Liquors — 29 McNall Street — BIC GENERAL Business Zone II. — (property of Michael L. & 100% COTTON License at existing service Carol Ann Policastro) — MENS FRUIT OF THE LOOM ACRYLIC station — 333 Main Street — Item 5 No. 488 MEDIUM ELECTRIC Merrill J. Whiston — variance requested to reduce MENS DENIM Business Zone III. Variance requested to erect north side yard to ap­ POINT Pocket Item 2 No. 490 proximately 12.55 feet to Can Sweater Anthony & Michael addition to building 5 feet BLUE POLYESTER LEGAL maintain house limits already Pre-Washed DeCaprio — Request Special ■ from Harrison Street property REVERSIBLE, WASHABLE Opener T-Shirt§< line — variance of Article II, constructed — variance of Ar­ Exception in accordance with NOTICE Section 13.12.01, 50-52 & 60 ticle II, Section 3.01.01, Cape Article IV, Section 6 for TOWN OF ANDOVER Minimum side yard — 162 9 0 Double Jeans General Repairer’s License to Harrison Street, Industrial Scatter Rugs The 4th quarterly install­ Zone. Grissom Road, Residence 8 2 -or *3 conduct business of auto ment of property taxes on the Zone AA. Fast and easy elec­ Sale Price production painting with auto October 1,1974 Grand List are Item 6 No. 489 ea Sale Price ‘ Sale Price Item 12 No. 496 99 tric opener. Features Knk body work in existing building due and payable April 1,1976. Kwang Sung Hwang — Variance requested to erect \First Hartford Realty Corp. Woven to last! Multi-color striped- a magnetic lid holder. 100% cotton, asst, * 5 at 291 Adams Street, In- Payments made after May 3, additional free-standing sign — (property of Ronald H. & colors. S-M-L-XL. ^99 ' dustrial Zone, and to maintain 1976 are subject to a late Sharon L. Bay) — variance V Slacks the nonconforming yards. charge of 1% per month on the to advertise use which is con­ GALLOPING ^ ducted in large office building requested to reduce north side ASSORTED Information pertaining to late installment from the due — variance of Article IV, Sec­ yard to approximately 12.5 POCKET GOURMET GENERAL above may be obtained in the date, or a minimum of $2.00. feet to maintain house limits MENS Pre-washed jeans Planning Office. Payments may be made by tion 13.1.06, Maximum free­ PACKS Glass ELECTRIC Reg f i r S O standing sign area and limit of already constructed — Codkware Set lor truer lit. Made All persons interested may at­ mail, or at the Town Office one only free-standing sign — variance of Article II, Section Bakeware Tank to sell for much tend these hearings. Building which is open 9:00 3.01.01, Minimum side yard — Kleenex 3-Speed morel Blue den Zoning Board of a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday 341 Broad Street — Business 7 -P lE C E 109 Grissom Road, Residence Sale llm. Sizes 5-15 Appeals through Friday. The Tax Zone IV. Ban-Rol' waists, Tops Item 7 No. 491 Zone AA. SET Price Mixer and 8-18. Bernard R. Johnson Collector is also in the office Inform ation pertaining to Tissues 2 J 1 belt loops. 4 Chairman Monday and Friday evenings, Aaron Cook — Variance pockets. Solids, above may be obtained in the Sale Price Developed by TV's mester chet, Gra­ Sale Paul J. Rossetto 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. requested to convert single- 9 0 fancies. Waist 30 family dwelling to 5-family Planning Office. ham Kerr! 1 and 2 qt. cov. saucepans, Price A great fashion accenti 100% acry­ Secretary Cynthia Clark All persons interested may at­ Cake, pie, meat 5 qt. Dutch oven. 11" trypan (oven 8 -42, S-M-L. lic cape to wear over slacks or Tax Collector dwelling — variance of Article Dated this 8th day of April, tend these hearings. loaf or bread cover tits). Parsley green, paprika 100% cotton in sol­ skirt. Button Iront. One size fits all. 1976 Town of Andover II, Section 6.02.01, House con­ Fingertip control, beater ejector. Zoning Board of pans, measurer. orange, satlron yellow, cocoa brown. ids with contrast / Conn. version-562 Middle Turnpike Decorative colors. Model No. M24 trims. Sizes S-M-L. East, Residence Zone C. Appeals Item 8 No. 492 Bernard R. Johnson Chairman First Hartford Realty Corp. Bank Charges Welcome — (property of David Wells) Paul J. Rossetto, Variance requested to reduce Secretary north side yard to ap­ Dated this 6th day of April, VIVA 1976. 49-OZ SET OF 4 PLUMROSE JR BOYS Paper Instant Drip-Dry 'i>//^£[!npse\ Canned B o x e r Eels Towels Hangers Ham ___ G IRLS Soap $| Sale m 44 Easter Dress Shoes 2 Price J. rolls J - Reg THGWRy Sale 2 J 1 $ 9 8 8 Q 7 9 $ 5.49 t f Price iiuper absorbent, Made of unbreak­ Boxer Hares in poly Easy-care uppers, platform sole. In too sq.ft. able plastic. In as­ 2-lb can /cotton solids. 4 to 7, shiny black. Sizes 8% to 3. sorted colors. SHOES 100% NYLON INFANTS HRE FDR mBJ WITH STVLE. TEFLON-LINED PKGSOF50 11 AND TODDLERS B ik in is SPRING FASHION THE NOW LOOK! JERGENS Luneh Jeans a n d Soap Bags Girls Dresses B r ie fs Fashion Ponchos Sale Sale Sale Price ' 9 9 ^99 PANASONIC Price Sale Price Price 2J1 € o r D Cell B atteries « 3 Great go-anywhere poncho! In poly/ 10-IN CH Boys and girls all- Novelties or tailored around boxers in easy Pretty, easy-care styles to choose cotton with rope belt. Assorted Extra long-life bat­ 3 m,.*I styles. Bikinis 5-6-7, Heavy aluminum pan. White tetlon pull-on style. Machine Irom. Poly/cotton, in your choice stripes. One size lor all. 3 oz size ^ teries. For flash- Briefs, 5 through 8, washable. 9-24 mos. 2-4 of plpk, blue or melon. 4-6x. lights, radios.______Interior, oven-proof handle. Economy packages

PKGOF100 Walk tall in this men's KOTEX 10 INCH Daytime Pampers LADIES AND TEENS NYLON TRICOT dress shoe with genuine 9-INCH GIRLS DECORATOR leather uppers. Step out k i l l ; - with Tapes I ta lia n OR PERMA PRESS in style with the Sanitary Paper stack heel look. $Z3.99 jpTerrarium S a n d a ls COTTON Long ,iS l^apkins Plates RAWLINGS Sale Price Kit 8 4 7 C A N O F 3 G o w n s Dresses 7 4 * Tennis Balls Humidity control, soil, . gm * 2 * 2 rocks, charcoal. In- V Reg 11.99 o r Pkgot 24 Championship tennis atructlon booklet. Sale Price 7 7 * Price Easy-care uppers, new leather- Grease-resistant, white. balls, U.S.L.T.A. approved. Sale Price I Pkg ol 30 Regular Bring US a pair of your old shoes and (Live Plants Not Included) wrapped platform & heel. Brown, B a b y >Pkg of 24 Extra Absorbent put them in the Tagway Trade-in Bin. wine. Sizes 5 to 10. g*99 Sale! Girls 19.00 & 21.00 W e 'l send them to a local charity. > / ■ D o lls W en give you $1 off any purchase ^ N/- Leather-Look Jackets $7.99 or more, and 50c off any WHITE WESTINGHOUSE purddneupto$7.99.* Limit:or*e QUAKER STATE MENS 6-INCH Sale ^ I to Nylon Lined & Beautifully Embroidered trade-in per Hem purchased. ROCK Price i * Footwear ai>d hartdbaip only. SUPER BLEND Light Work 99 lUAKEF 12.99 Motor Oil Bulbs Boots Lace panel waltz STATE PORCELAIN YQUTHS, gowns. Baby A Great stylel Great value! Soft, supple vinyl ______B O Y S , M E N S leather-look jackets. Handsomely tailored 8. bump , Quart $ dolls with match­ S iv e 4 lo 14 Tahuia beautifully embroidered. Fully nylon lined. White ing bikini pan- t o r i kMOTOROIlj Can 6 bulbs ^ Cup and Saueer 5** SHOES 5 4 B a sk e tb a ll O x fo r d s lies. Sizes S-M-L. 8. coffee cream. Sikes 4 to 14. Wipes clean with a Reg 8.99 OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 Sale Price Choice of assorted Cotton canvas. Navy, Choose Irom fency Easier atylasi damp sponge. 26 oz bottles Type 10W30 K-Mart Shopping Mall floral patterns. black, (while, mens & R*fl Goodyear welt, oll-resistant jumbo Solids, checks, prints, morel 207 Spancar Straat - 40,60,'75 or 100 watts. 2 ^ n boys only). 10'/i-2, 2’/i-6, 3.69 crepe sole. Easy-care uppers. Tan. Manchester Parkade Manchattar I ^ V In mens sizes 7 to 12. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Ajril 8^ 1976 - PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976

Health Fair Tuesday at MHS A lm a n a c Mastrio’Raffa I ^ Servicemen j The Manchester Public Health and bread in a reduction diet? ‘ These 725 E. Middle Tpk Nursing Association and the Town of are a few of the questions Manchester are co-sponsoring a nutritionists will answer. By United Preaa International Health Fair, Tuesday from 2 to 8 T ^ay is Thursday, April 8, the 99th Airman Mark J. Stapleton, son of Parents are invited to bring their day of 1976 with 267 to follow. MANCHESTER Laurie Ann Raffa of Wethersfield p.m. ill the. Manchester High School children to see the mechanical cow and Angelo Michael Mastrio of Air Force S.Sgt. Thomas H. cafeteria. 'The moon is between its first V i Stapleton Jr. of 84E Rachel Rd., has wink his eyes and chew his cud while quarter and full phase. Ws Rstarvs Cromwell, were married April 2 at demonstrating the entire process of Suporinarkots Corpus Christ! Church in been selected for technical training Gloria Weiss, nutritionist, invites The morning star is Venus. The RIgM BONUS in the U.A. Air Force avionics the public to visit the nutrition milk production from grazing to the The evening stars are Mercury, To Limit Wethersfield. flow of milk. Quantttlas The bride is the daughter of Mr. systems field at Lowry AFB, Colo. exhibit at the fair. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Qualified nutritionists will be on Those born on this date are under and Mrs. Alfred G. Raffa of The airman recently completed SPECIALS hand to help you distinguish facts the sign of Aries. Wethersfield, formerly of basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. Manchester. The bridegroom is the from fiction. Movie star Mary Pickford was He was graduated in 1974 from born April -8, 1893. son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mastrio Manchester High School. His Mrs. Weiss feels that the populari­ College Note GRADE X 101411, of Wethersfield, On this day in history: mother, Mrs. Mary M. Stapleton ty of food fads, the success of nutri­ The Rev. Robert Shanley of In 1513, Ponce De Leon of Spain resides in Newington. tion quacks, the best seller ratings of landed at what is now St. Augustine, Wethersfield celebrated the nuptial books proposing “miracle diets” that Mass and performed the double-ring Three Manchester residents have Fla., in his search for the “Fountain victimize the public, demonstrate been initiated into Kappa Delta Pi, of Youth.” ceremony. that the public has a keen interest in The bride was given in marriage by an honor society in education at Cen­ In 1917, Austria and Hungary s. diet and nutrition. her father. Airman Kimberly K. L etts, tral Connecticut State College in New severed diplomatic relations with the Robelfta Raffa of Wethersfield was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin R. Britain. United States — two days beforf" TURKEYS Hainsey of 190 School St. has Are lettuce and cabbage equally They are: Debra N. Carroll, 619 W. her sister’s maid of honor. good sources of Vitamin C? Does ins­ America declared war on Germany. graduated at Chanute AFB, III, from Middle Tpke., Mary Kenny, 33 S. In 1952, President Harry Truman Bridesmaids were Alane Raffa and ' % tant non-fat dry milk provide you Lisa Raffa, both of Wethersfield, the the U.A. Air Force aircraft mechanic Hawthorne St., and Robin Sapienza, ordered government seizure of the I Beef Chuck Boneless Frozen course conducted by the Air Training with the same nutrients as “regular” 136 Walker St. bride’s sisters: Elizabeth milk? Is it wise to eliminate potatoes steel industry to avoid a general Montstream of Wethersfield; and Command. strike. Lori Ann Mastrio of Wethersfield, She is being assigned to Travis the bridegroom’s sister. POT AFB, Calif, for duty with a unit of the TURBOT Toni-Ann Abbruzese of Military Airlift Command. She was 7 Wethersfield was flower girl. graduated in 1975 from Manchester 4 DAYS! GIANT lb. Kenneth Mish of Wethersfield High School ROAST served as best man. Ushers wpre FILLET Joseph Rubera, Anthony Abbruzese, COUPON------Robert Garrity, all of Wethersfield; Champion 20-oz.i WITH THIS COUPOH I T.SO PURCHASE and John Mastrio of Wethersfield, Airman Robert C. Anderson, son of ■ ^ TtBiyp- Champion 20-oz. f ^ the bridegroom’s brother. Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Anderson of A reception was held at the Marco 38 London Rd., Hebron, was Polo Restaurant in East Hartford, graduated at Keesler AFB, Miss., nUGKlMIII BREAD OSQS* after which the couple left for Las (Herald photo by Dunn) from the Air Training Command’s Good Thru April 10 » On* Coupon P*r Family Vegas. They will reside in Cromwell. basic course for electronic WITH COUPON Mrs. Mastrio is employed by Aetna specialists. The airman, who - PWP spotlights children's events — ^------COUPON------Casualty and Surety Co. Mr. Mastrio I received instruction in com­ Members of the Manchester Chapter of Parents Without 1 ' WITH TMS COUPOH & T.SO PURCHASE Gurskis Photo is employed by The Research Cor­ munications and electronics systems Viva Roma 1-lb.f Mrs. Angelo M. Mastrio poration of New England. principles, is remaining at Keesler Partners, Inc. (PWP), from left, Rutlf^LaRose, Howard Wed. thru Sat. Madsen, and Jeanne Brown, look over schedule of children’s ac­ 0 I Viva Roma - 1 lb. for advanced training. Airman Anderson graduated from tivities during Tri-State Regional Council meeting at The W HEEL BALANCE SPECIAL high school in 1975 in Hebron. Colony in Talcottville. The two-day meet featured a dinner- COFFEE COFFEE Each wheel , PER SALE WITH COUPON Good Thru April 10 — On* Coupon Par Family dance on Saturday night followed by worship on Sunday. Elks installation Friday balanced off 50 WHEEL B ir t h s car; includes ------COUPON------labor and weights. 4 lor‘5 Anthony T. Merola Jr, was elected Installation Included WITH THIS COUPOH & 7.50 PURCHASE exalted ruler of the Manchester College note Quality Custom Reupholsteryeltphok No Trade-In Needed Smith, Kare Ann, daughter of Lodge of Elks. He succeeds Andrew.* 0 Dean A. and Carmella Fuschillo Winzler Jr. IT S WHAT YOU DONT SEE THAT MAKES Smith of 147 W. Middle Tpke. She was Officers will be installed at a semi­ Anne Gr^^alny, SCAVITTO'S WORK SO SUPERHHL C ( M IN AND Performance “ 78” WOOLITE WOOLITE ...4 9 * born March 31 at Manchester public installation on Friday at 7:30 daughter of Mr. fand Mrs. BROWSE...AND SEE FOR YOURSELF OUR WITH COUPON 8 OZ. Memorial H o s p ita lle r maternal Good Thru April 10 — On* Coupon Par Family p.m. at the Elks Home on Bissell St. Edward J. Gracyalny of PROFESSIONAL UPHOLSTERS AT WORK OH THE grandfather is Philip T. Fuschillo of 421 Spring St., a member of _____------COUPON— ------Merola was born in Springfield, PREMISES! 4-Ply Nylon Blackwall Bolton. Her paternal grandparents the Swimnastics Mass, on May 18, 1937 and attended Bonnie All Tuna WITH THIS COUPOH & 7.50 PURCHASE are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Springfield Schools. He attended Demonstration Club of SIZE F.E.T. REG. Ocala, Fla. Her great-grandparents Western New England College and Southern Connecticut State Bonnie All Tuna I Fwmitwr* itrlwpe^ «n4I in t f i M E 7 8 x l4 CAT are Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher of Hartford State Technical College. He College, participated in a WE DOKTHIST M l VOW 23.99 3 S*r(nt* w ith I lf llM twin* Haverhill, Mass. served two years in the U. S. Army swimnastics demonstra­ F 7 8 x l4 3 PrciM f«**ltah*4 25.99 CAT FOOD . . . and was discharged as a sergant in tion at the American FORIITWE... WE lEBUILD IT! - A ■ 4 Si«t pUtfeiM rvW llt G 7 8 x l4 26.99 FOOD 6-oz. 1962. He has been employed 20 years Alliance for Health, 5 AH atctt m 4 vt hani ttM Good Thru April 10 — On* Coupon Par Family Noonan, iMirhael Howard, son of A78xl3 WITH10/*1 COUPON by United Technologies Corporation Physical Education and ------1 8 N*« Jwt* wahhlni hi»4 G 7 8 x l5 2 7.9 9 Mark F. and Alberta Machia Noonan SENIOR i Reg. 19.99 ___------COUPON------as an engineer in product design sup­ Recreation National FREE 7 Alt r«|lw«4 of 158 E. Center St. He was born CITIZEN H 7 8 x l5 29.99 Kelloggs 12-oz. port. Convention held in I I Ofifinal thf** •( (umltwtf r*6l«rM March 31 at Manchester Memorial Pickup & Deiiveiy f P ahdc **tl«m« c«t«fwH|r M tcha-I i Milwaukee, Wis., April 4. 3ISCOUNt | For Datsun, Toyota, Vega, These economy specials are big on I ™ He is a volunteer fire man serving hack anW ftant Hospital. His maternal grandparents Miss Gracyalny, a Pinto and other small cars. performance! Long mileage, high CORN the Town Fire Department Co. 3, FREE ESTIMATES 10 A ll awr ai«tarlaU aia pwrMaaanllf Kellogg's 12-oz. a are Robert W. Twibb and Jacqueline traction. Low profile style. 0 and has been its secretary for recreation major, is a Scalch Cwa«4a4 Twibb, both of Manchester. His HOURS NOI S U M seven years. He is also a member of sophomore at SCSC. A a r m s S L I 6 V E S inclw4a4 paternal grandparents are Mr. and FLAKES CORNFLAKES the Italian-American Clqb serving as dean’s list student, she is Mrs. George Noopan of Elmwood. •WITH COUPON Good Thru April 10 — On* Coupon Par Family^ its secretary for two years. He and chairwoman of the Swim­ .SCAVITTO’S Furniture Shqp^Sho/ ' his family are-members of St. James ■ nastics Demonstration ------COUPON------Nassiff Photo Group. Upon graduation WE Moynilian, Jonathan Michael, Parish. 2800 Main Street, Glastonbury G U A R A N T E E 1 d WITH THIS COUPOH A 7.50 PURCHASE son of Thomas and Denise Jones Anthony T. Merola Jr. she plans to enter the Other officers elected are: Jon ^ 633-0255 es thel you c a n 't rep Sport Premium 4-Ply Nylon Carnation Instant Moynihan of Rt. 87, Lebanon. He was Hawthorne, leading knight; Donald Merola also announced the recreational field. your fumiPuP* ter ^ Carnation Instan born April 2 at Manchester Memorial Day or Nile w then «• con * ” McAuliffe, loyal knight; Douglas following appointments: Alan Donze, 3 REUPHOLSTER f BLACKWALL’* WHITEWALL Hospital. His maternal grandparents Downham, lecturing knight; William R E B U IL D It. B esquire; Leon Zahaba, chaplin; On Memorial Day, the Code are Mr. and Mrs. Sanford F. Jones of Legault, secretary; Foster Williams, Robert Arnold, inner guard; Arthur of Etiquette calls for the For Volkswagen, sports ■^ires for foreign MILK 20-qt. 20 qt. and foreign cars and sport cars. Coventry. His paternal grandmother treasurer; Joseph Lantierei Jr., Steele, organist; Robert Gordon, United States flag to fly half- F $ WITH COUPON Cood Thru April 10 — On« Coupon Ptr Fomlly Is Dorothy Moynihan of Coventry. tiler; and Andrew Winzler Jr.r' presiding justice of subordinate staff until noon, then be raised ii 560x15 or 600x15 600x12 or 600x13 - COUPON------His maternal great-grandmother is to the peak. trustee for five years. forum. WITH THIS COUPOH A 7.50 PIffiCHASE Ida Jones of Mansfield. Reg. 23.99 Ea. Reg. Plus F.E.T. to 1.87 25.99' Playtex 30-ct *AddS2 for Whitewalls Ea . Each Playtex 30-ct, Dunn, Laura Mirhcllc, daughter Plus F.E.T. to 1.60 of Michael and Charlene Violette lOH planning fashion show Dunn of 54G Spencer St. She was born TAMPONS TAMPONS WITH COUPON April 3 at Manchester Memorial Instructors of The Handicapped from Martin Ltd. and So-Fro Good Thru April 10 — Ona/coupon Par Family Hospital. Her maternal grandparents (lOH) will present their annual Fabrics. AIT Mf£‘ —COUPON------are Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Violette spring fashion show on April 21 from Mark Meridy and Elaine Belanger Belted “ 78” 2+2 Whitewall of East Hartford. Her paternal 7:30 to 10 p.m. at Willie’s Steak are serving as co-chairmen. Tickets 2 PLY FIBERGUSS Wide tread helps resist impact, rides smoother. DOWNEY WITH THIS COUPOH & 7.50 PURCHASE 2 PLY POLYESTER Made stronger to last longer. 15( grandparents are Mrs. Mary C. Dunn House. may be obtained at the door or by of Windsor Locks and the late Hugh DOWNEY lOH members will model clothes calling the co-chairman at 649-8498 oi SIZE F.E.T. REG. SALE FABRIC OFF c J. Dunn. She has a sister, Juliie Ann 2. 649-2183. E78X14 2.27 34.99 *25 SOFTNER FABRIC SBFTNER 33 oz. Good Thru April 10 — On* Coupon Par Family m rH sr F78xl4 2.43 35.99 *26 WITH COUPON 33 Oz. COUPON------A78xl3 P G78xl4 2.60 37.99 ROUND POINT Reg. 29.99> *27 WITH TMS COUPON A 7.50 PURCHASE SHOVEL GARDEN BOW RAKE AGWAY H78xl4 2.83 39.99 *29 20c OFF iat:92i)i m $ IS «6.95 GARDEN HOE G78xl5 2.6s' 38.99 *29 2 0 c O F F (81-2450) For Datsun, Toyota, Vega, H78xl5 2.87 41.99 ^6.99 Pinto and other small cars. *32 TIDE TIDE 184-OZ. ■ L78xl5 3.14 43.99 *34 SPADING FORK WITH COUPON 184-oz. Good Thru April 10 ~ On* Couoon P ti Family M079 and! iddt I s M J ^ ' u. CoHft l/tSif' UiilfHt/ ifoo'ri 6>H Oor yno'f/ntg AsfcrAat. Steel Belted Radial Whitewall Bordens All Natural Farmland gooefttS <5/ »>SIZE F.E.T. REG. SALE DR78X14 2.42 48.99 *37 l ^ CREAM CANNED HAM £^poriu>rt, So Couft S it JpKo^isi n s / ER78X14 2.49 .49.99 *38 FR78xl4 2.69 51.99 *40 dh/fe/ous CoMp/i'mtafdYy Corftt MO'gftssuri -futt O V ^ GR78X14 5 1 2.89 54.99 *43 $740 4 PRONG SPEEDY aihto^kkvi. g(4c l k d d , ^ S ^ BR78X13, Reg. 45.99 HR78X14 3.07 58.99 EZDUZ4T HOE CULTIVATOR Plus 2.11 F.E.T. *45 (81-2534) ^5.95 (81-2606) >7.65 Enjoy new driving ease and GR78X15 2.97 56.99 *43 control with our steel belted HR78X15 3.15 58.99 *45 cto is *usf p / t ^ i tjoom fufry radial tires. Built to endure 1 Calif. Iceberg Long Green Tender Pastel y w V UJrft I i/ P t/ K f high speed turnpike driving. LR78X15 3.47 59.99 *48

FboD, M o u s e FuiPdiTbRe LETTUCE CUCUMBERS CELERY S u m i e s , T o o l s , HFneDtoAPe, c/!)Atp/vG,4 L o T S UNCXDNDmONAIJyGUARANim! Oil and Filter Change with CaldorlOWSO Now here's the kind of old fashioned guarantee you can Lubrication Year Round Motor Oil understand! No Ifs, and* or butsi If anything goes wrong iiXia 4 / * 1 3/219* 3 9 *bunch r with one of these Agway garden tools, bring It in»w e'll Our swap it for a brand new one, Immediately, right out of our LABOR INCLUDED Reg. Tool Hanger I store stocki Naturally, we make them so they won’t break. 64c Quart Agway has put the finest steals, the finest woods, the most I OPEN We will drain and install up to 5 quarts of 20 or 30 HD or Sweet Life durable construction Into these tools. Value priced. 10W30 weight motor oil and a new Lee oil filter, then Oil Pour Spout...... 39*1 1 e&c I Durable. Unconditionally guaranteed. Where can you find lube all necessary grease points. We stock Lee Filters with this coupon tnd th« purchiM a better deal? ip^ to fit most cars. Universal Oil Filter Wrench, Reg. 99c...... 77* | ol «ny of th« tool* in (hi* *d. W tll i s i THURS. EVL 6 to 9 or p*gboard mount. Chrome finish. I MAYONNAISE • ' Hold* up to 3 tool*. 0(l«r good COLA * • through thi* wetKond. (81-2975) f i i i a i FRI. 10 to 9, SAT. 10-5 J - f l i i i SALE: STORE HOURS: 3 WAYS TO CHARGE MANCHESTER WED. thru SAT. r Won-> Tu*i.. W*d.. 32 [AGWAY] S0O-S30 Th u n . 6:30-8:30 a e w A Y 1 6 pk. Limit Open Late Every Night S«l. 8:00-8:00 540 BItOKUND RD, MANCHESTER CORNEIH AUTFORD RD. & PRIE ST., MARCHESHR 649-7782 1145 Tolland Turnpike o z. Except Sat. 'til 6 P.M. 6 8 * 1 i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976- PAGE ELEVEN PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976 Theater schedule SAM program to offer job opportunities Manchester’s youth will this year’s program will positions throughout the worked in various Job preference will be U.A. East 1 — “Taxi Showcase 1 — "One Flew Showcase 3 — ‘Lipstick,” T.R.S. C6MPANY FINDS IT NECESSARY TD SELL DVERSTDCK DF: Driver,” 7:10-9:10 have the opportunity again begin in June. town. More than half were municipal departments given to people who have Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” 2:00-4:00-6:00-8:00-10:00 this summer to seek and in other functions from previously worked for the U.A. East 2 — “Rafferty,” 2:004:30-7:00-9:35 The program is designed directly involved in plan­ G a rd e n in g Showcase 4 — "Next Stop employment in the collecting taxes to mowing town. The human service 7:00; “Let’s Do It Again,” Showcase 2 — “ Bad News Greenwich Village,” 2:15- to provide activities and ning and operating SAM 9:00 Bears,” 2:00-3:50-5:.40-7:35- 4:40-7:10-9:30 Summer A ctivities in part-time employment for activities within the lawns. and video production U.A, East 3 — “Gable and 9:45 Manchester (SAM) Manchester’s youth pop­ recreation department. The town will be accep­ positions will be filled by By Frank Atwood Lombard,” 7:00-9:05 program. ulation. The program sponsored ting employment interviews because of the Burnside 1 — “Dog Day With budget approval by Last year, 50 people were outdoor movies and con­ applications to May 15 for skilled nature of the work. Afternoon,” 7:00-9:20 the Board of Directors, employed in various certs, craft fairs and plays. the following positions: Typist candidates will take LEATHER COATS Burnside 2— "The Man Who V ITS The remaining employes Clerical aide, crew leader, a typing test. The Would Be King,” 7:10-9:30 remaining non-recreation Vernon Cine 1 — "Bobbie Jo human services aide, out­ three-angled, with notches A positions will be filled by a DRASTIC REDUCTIONS They say that many cac­ & The Outlaw,” 7:30-9;30 door laborer, SAM aide, tus varieties cannot be on the edges. In our picture Vernon Cine 1 — "Butch MATTER typist, video production lottery drawing. identified until they bloom the two blossoms grow Cassidy & The Sundance Band concert date changed aide, and recreation and it took Pat Lukach’s from two notches on a flat Kid,” 7:00-9:15 OF specialist. % cactus 10 years to form its leaf. Some of the other Four openings are in the Alan Mason, human ser­ The U.S.' Coast Guard been changed to Sunday, A c a d e m y ’s L eam y Off first blossom. It is stems are three-sided. It Is recreation department — vices director, will head SAVE UP TO PRIDE! Band concert originially April 11. The concert will Auditorium in New London Regular blooming now, beautifully, unusual to find a plant with drama director, newspaper the SAM program. Mel leaves that are of two dis­ DID YO U scheduled for April 25 has be held at the Coast Guard at 8 p.m. as usual. Siebold, rec director, will Retail in a "do-it-yourself” lean- l/Ve're Talking About The concert is free and editor-typist, project ad­ to greenhouse at the tinctly different shapes. coordinate the recreation Prices Something Special open to the public. ministrator and projec­ Lukach home, with two KNOW!! activities. Built own When We Talk About The concert date wa^ tionist. blossoms on ^ne stalk. greenhouse Nonreturnable container moved up to facilitate the Many small buds promise that grass WANT ADS Mrs. Lukach says her filming of a USCG Band . more blossoms. can grow 643-2711 legislation is killed mother had a lot of plants 6 Inches performance for National j Almost a year ago this THRU SATURDAY ONLY! and she has had plants in the time HARTFORD (DPI) - Educational Television in column had a story about ”We cannot take the risk herself as long as she can It takes to Lawmakers finally laid to of losing any jobs at all,” St. Louis, Mo., which is thursday nite and another cactus owned by service your remember. The Fire Glory Heral^i scheduled the weekend of Holidsy Inn® Downtown Hartford Mrs. Oliver Matthewson of equipment rest for the year a plan to sad Sen. J. Martin cactus came to her as two ban nonreturnable bottles, Hennessey, D- April 25. friday nite (50 MORGAN ST.) Manchester which the small pieces of leaf broken during the Matthewsons and I were spring rush. deciding the chance of Wethersfield, summing up Sunday’s program will from a friend’s plant. They further economic woe the prevailing sentiment. include Rossini’s “William certain we had identified rooted and grew but the special! 16:66 A.M. to 9:66 P.M. as Heliocereus speciosus, w asn’t Worth the en­ Sen. Harold Hansen, D- Tell Overture,” “Glenn small plant was placed IF ITS COT AN ENGINE— Miller-Tonite!” and a per­ 6 P . M . - 9 P.M. ONLY! or the Sun Cactus. We had vironmental benefits. Sherman, who led support where it was easily WE SPECIALIZE H enry B lo c k h as formance by clarinetist found a picture of the cac­ The Senate Wednesday for the proposal, said lob­ knocked over and went (Herald photo by Pinto) IN ITS REPAIR Ralph R. Loomis of the DRAPERY & SLIPCOVER Well known out-of-town outlet finds it necessary to reduce tus in the "Exotic Plant killed the bill, 20-16, byists for the bottling in­ their inventory at fantastic savings. You’ll find famous maker through a number of such following more than 90 dustry had misrepresented Rondo Movement of Manual,” by Alfred Byrd accidents. Set on the back Mrs. John Lukach was rewarded for a long wait when her cactus L&M EQUIPMENT COUP. - a special reason why] Rout! 83 «inNm,Cofln. Mozart’s “Clarinet Concer­ men’s and women’s leather and suede coats and jackets at Graf. minutes of debate in which the situation, distorting the' FABRICS porch where there was less bloomed in attached greenhouse at the Lukach home, 161 An­ Tal.: 872-8311 the possible economic impact it would have on to in A.” savings up to 50% off regular retail prices. NOW THROUGH A Herald subscriber, traffic, the cactus was fou sh o u ld co m e to u dover Rd., East Hartford. Petals are a brilliant red enclosing ramifications was virtually workers in their industry. SATURDAY, APRIL 10th., ONLY. Mrs. Lukach thought her protected from mishaps. BOLTS AND BOLTS OF white pistil and stamens. Plant has several buds. the only topic. THE BIQQEST SELECTION 1 9 9 plant might be of the same The cactus was given a YD. fo r in co m e ta x help. IN THIS AREAI variety. Carrying the book, better chance for healthy 1 went to look at the cactus, has flats of germinating another year. growth when Mr. and Mrs. African Violet values to 5. then still in bud. I left the Lukach moved to their pre­ seeds. There will not be Crocuses are, in my Show Carter peanut party is Sundaj book for Mr. and Mrs. any room to spare in the experience, the most sent home five years ago Mrs. Earl Bissell of A “Who is Jimmy Carter Lukach to study as the bud and built the lean-to greenhouse until the reliable of early bulbs to explained that peanut par­ Barbara Weinberg, who is DRAPERY and School St. sends word that Peanut Party” will be held ties (Jimmy Carter owns a opened into a flower. It greenhouse opening off the weather Is warm enough so continue growth after the Windsor African Violet Com plete Carter’s scheduler for SLIPCOVER from 3 to 4 p.m. Sunday at peanut farm in Georgia) Connecticut, will present I with Ihli coupon g ood only at was not another Sun Cac­ living room. A contractor she can set some of her being forced for early Society will have a violet HUNDREDS OF CURRENT FASHION LEATHER COATS plants outdoors for the bloom. Narcissus will the home of Bob and Diane are not fund raisers but are Carter’s qualifications tus, after all. laid a floor and installed show Saturday, April 10, I y a r d pilgrim fabrici summer. Financial Comollo, 131 Edgerton St. public gatherings for lear­ for president and will But the book did not fail heat pipes from the house. usually adapt to outdoor from 2 to 5 p.m, and Sun­ AND JACKETS TO CHOOSE FROM. Mrs. Lukach is a New All interested persons are ning about the former explain the caucus selec­ L 1 H idW • J us. John and Pat Lukach Mr. Lukach and some conditions and some day; April 11, from noon to m k found another picture and York girl who came ^o hyacinths will repay Services invited to attend. Georgia governor and his tion process that will take MANY STYLES ir MANY COLORS ■ I friends built the frame, 5 p.m. The place Is the If you received the Short Form for filing Deputy Mayor John then a description of a cac­ covered the greenhouse on Connecticut for a job in a transplanting to the gar­ drive for the Democratic place April 27 and the Wilson Congregational STOCKS your taxes, our preparers are specially Thompson, who is tus they are sure is Pat’s. I top and sides with plastic dietary service at Hartford den. This is not true of nomination for president. preferrential primary — HURRY — Church, 691 Windsor Ave, CORPORATE AND trained to determine if it's best for you. Manchester coordinator agree completely. The and built shelves for the Hospital. Her husband Is most tulips which seem to Thompson said he and scheduled for May 11. piW im^lifabncs*to™op6a...t0to6dt»lv,..tfcun. ALL SALES FINAL ★ CASH, MASTERCHARGE, DR PERSDNAL CHECK Admission is free. ' MUNICIPAL BONDS If it is, we'll complete it at a very low for Jimmy Carter, ^ ptionf...646-1000, - lA)A (li. hi. n ni|ht S it til til 9 9am pm (VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE REQUIRED) name is Nopalxochia plants. from Hartford and works exhaust their strength with 177 KARTFOnO R0AO...MANCHESTER Several Manchester TAX SHELTERS price...because the simpler the return, ackeimanii, and the com­ Now the shelves are now at Chorches Motors in forced bloom in the house growers. Including Mrs. mon name is “Fire Glory.” filled and there are other Manchester. and, if transplanted to the OPTIONS the less we charge. Bissell, are members of MUTUAL FUNDS Mr. Graf calls the color of plants In hanging baskets Spring blooms garden, simply disappear. the Windsor club. C horale the petals "a soft rosy overhead. The plant pop- If you have forced crocus Exceptions to this rule, at There should be 150 or C onlnct: s c a r le t.” He says it our house, are the short­ Robert C. Heavi.sides H&R BLOCK- i^tion keeps expanding. in a pot that has blossomed more violet plants In com­ ...a\bnt-a-Matic ■ m m m originated in southern "Everybody gives me and “gone by,” don’t throw stemmed Kaufmannlana petition for prizes and new Home: 6-17-9745 needs Mexico. clippings,” Mrs. Lukach these bulbs away. Set them tulips. These pop up in ear­ varieties will be shown by Office: 278-2100 THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Another important point, aid, "or asks me to keep a in the ground, and expect ly spring even after we Lyndon Lyon of. 3S6 Rear West MIddIa Tpke. • 646-8449 Attic Fan in identification, is the have forgotten where they singers plant in the greenhouse them to blossom again next Dodgeville, N.Y., an out­ • EASTH1UTF080 .miNON •8UnON8U8T writer’s description of the are located. FaineV^febber 1131 •■•III StrM t Pott Road P lu i Fox Rod M ol S A V E * 2 0 during the winter.” year, and then spread to standing hybridizer of stems as both two- and 10 C xjuM ittition l*la/u 828-7788 878-7848 833-0818 On lower shelves, Pat become a larger clump in African violets. 1 iuriiord, (4)nn.(NilO!l Ope^oiiio - 9 p.m. W e ^ w , M 8«t * Swt All experienced choral (20:i) 278-2IIK) singers in the Manchester area are invited to join the 875-4RM 999-2910 WaaU^fajl! Manchester Civic Chorale, Mon.*8iL 9 to • Hion.-9ot lM ~ FreeIt removes excessive heat from now in rehearsal for a con­ S e a r s ' Mtndwster PirUde, darim rt(dar ittn hwn. cert to be held jointly with your attic saving up to Vsrd. the Manchester Civic the cost of annual cooling. iiKenmore Deep Cleaning T'(t*e$tone Orchestra on May 23 at 'll1^..*') '.fi LAST Manchester High School. If this Is the year you’re planning to Invest The group will perform in central air conditioning lor your Powermate® Vacuum 3 Randall Thompson’s home...NOW Is the time to check with us. If DLC 100 you decide to buy from us before April 30th, Sears "Testament of Freedom,” DAYS a setting of four writings you’ll receive a $76 rebate check In the main by Thomas Jefferson. right after our pre-season Installation Is RECAPS THURSof FBI. - SAT. complete. Regular *129.99 Black or White Ralph Maccarone is the APRIL 8, 9, 10 choral director, and Dr. Get the best air conditioning system, plus While They Jack Heller of University our expert Installation & service plus a $76 of Connecticut conducts rebate. Order now. Last... the orchestra. Carrier's super-efficient "round one” Is the most energy-saving central air There is a particular conditioner on the market. . . already need for male voices. meeting EPA etendards set for 1980. CASH and Can you afford to eettla for less? CARRY Although no solo auditions are required, members are 1 0 9 reqired to be able to read l/s RIGHT for the times music and to have had BROWN’S TIRE SHOP Call 289-5431 NOW for a aurvay. 333 MAIN STREH, MANCHESnil some choral experience. Separate motor for 10-in. beater-bar-brush to get 646-3444 Rehi'arsals are Monday Fuel out deep-down grit, dirt. Strong suction canister from 7:45 to 10 p.m. at motor; cord reel. With attachments for other home Learning creative dancing Robertson School, corner KASDEN Company dusting and vacuuming. of Main and N. Main Sts. 340 Tolland St., East Hartford Self-expression in the form of creative dancing is taught to threeryear- Use Sears Easy Payment Plan olds at the South United Methodist Church nursery school by Marianne Wilcox who beats out rhythm with a tambourine. (Herald photo by Pinto) IRGWRy SHOES Sale Ends Saturday RRE SPRING-FEVER SHOES. |Here They Come... IT’S EASY ON THE EYES! THE WORLD FAMOUS The American HHPPVDHVS BUDWEISER CLYDESDALES f Optmetrk Association ^ A fetching fifties revival Quasat: recommends adiustmg the TV $10.99 featuring perl ankle strap, to chang^g room kght 8 X 10 PORTRAIT V en d Ihts set docs Hautomaticalty , shapely high heel, comfort- 25 .U,100% SOLID STATE ablelrfcot lining. Black WORKS IN A DRAWER® COLOR TV ^ Q u ^ a r and Spanish Saddle. IN FRIDAY, APRIL 9 Starting at 2 P.M. “ SUPER INSTA-MATIC" TUNING PRESS Electronic Presented by :ih70 ONE |l Light Sensor BUTTON automatically The Manchester Parkade to balance khue ^Ijdjusts picture “IN FRONT OF DAVID'S RESTAURANr’ as room • IIintensity LIVING COLOR Manchester Parkade contrast A “Qf!* brightness "n T changes [Make way for the Clydesdales, eight AFT BREHTH OF SPRING I perfectly matched champions of cham- > Q Q Cool your every Step in this Iplons, straining against gleaming leather QS3000 100% SOLID STATE T l k a S W pretty wedge sling with CHASSIS with land brass handmade harness to pull their S A V E *10 PLUG-IN perfs aplenty. Russel 1 shining red Budwelser wagoni Bring your MODULES and White. Ifamily for a close-up look at America's most No chassis Adjustable beater-bar Vac tubes to bum Bring all the children Ifamous team. ')(a circuit needs to be replaced, an exchange module No appoinimtnt necessary • Limit One special 8x ID per child SA V E *40 can be plugged in by a service Two per (amily • Ages Four weeks through fourteen years • Ad­ technician usually in the home' HrinK iiv 4 p jir of ditional portraits available at reasonable prices • Groups at $1 25 Model WU9224LP your o ld shim's aind each additional child. MATRIX PLUS PICTURE TUBE Simulated TV Reception p ill Ih rm in the Kenmore with 12 dial stitches Tiigw^y Ira d c-ln Bin. Regular Crisp, clean If The elegance ol Italian Renaissance design in a VVe'll s4*nd them to 8x10 FAMILY COLOR PORTRAIT pictures with mediterranean style credenza » High performance * a liK jl charily. •89.99 Head vivid color And solid stale modular {(ive you $1 off any in the Quasar purchase of $7.99 Matrix Plus Pic­ Regular chassis • Instant Pic­ nr m ore, and .SOc off ture Tube, ajel ture and Sound • UP TO any purchase u p to black matrix IS’ f'* •210 surrounds each Energy Saver Switch • $7.99. lim it: one Deep cleans carpets, even shag, with its revolving beater- color doi FASHION LOW DOWN »170 Pushbutton UHF Tun­ trade-in per item Children with parents, grand­ bar-brush and powerful suction. Adjustable to four rug pile This Kenmore has automatic snap-in button-holer. Dial- ing purchased. parents. adult couptaa. Mom t i l Q Q ’ Footwear and t II m3 3 you're going. Twin-Strap low and Dad. Limit one ipecial height positions! 2 speeds, other quality features. to-sew 6 utility stitches and 6 s-t-r-e-t-c-h stitches. Foot handbafp ordy. ______i i ^ i i wedge features crepe sole. per family. control. Sew with ease and ease your clothes budget. Tan and While. Oally: 16 a.m.-1 p.m. — 2 p.m.-S p.m. % Tabuia M U K i : I K K Its 20th CENTURY TV 'SHOES' 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Saturday: 16 a.m.-1 p.m. K-Mart Shopping 2 p.m.-4:30 p.m. SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE MANCHESTER MON.-SAT. 176 BUBNSIDE HARTFORD OPEN DAILY Saltsfavlton Ouarunleed Mall or Your Money Hack Sears 10 to 10 Pho to H o u r r WEST HARTFORD 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sedsl-nd [*5iyeM] 207 Spancer Straat SKAHS.ROFHl fK AM) t'O Mancheatar MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn,, Thurs,, April 8. 1976— PAGE THIRTEEN PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ^ h ester, Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976 Obituaries Study indicates best readers Mrs.^Mary A. Blair Ragner Abrahamson Mrs. Joseph Parzych Herald angle Indian nine opens Friday Mrs. Mary A. Blair, 79, of 89 Ragner A. Abrahamson, 34, of Staf-. VERNON — Mrs. Irene Jen- Timrdd Rd. died Wednesday at a ford Springs, formerly of the Vernon- drzejewski Parzych, 48, of 114 Hany are in state’s smaller, sehools Earl Yost Glastonbury convalescent home. She Ellington area, was killed Lane died Wednesday at Rockville By LEN AUSTER seniors Bruce Ballard and Tony Kinney, a junior, is the top outfield “I think we are going to have a win­ ' wasUhe widow of Kenneth Blair. Wednesday in a one-car accident on HARTFORD (UPI) - Children state Board of Education show that wealthy suburban area near New Sports Editor General Hospital. She was the wife of who go to school in Connecticut’s eighth-graders in cities with pop­ York city, had the lowest test results llcrtilil .Sportswriler Barrett. Ballard had a 4-2 won-lost replacement. Brian Moran, another ning season. I'm not going to set my ,pdrs. Blair was born Oct. 28,1896 in Rt. 19 near the Massachusetts line at Joseph Parzych. small cities and towns are much ulations of more than 100.000 ranked of all. Connecticut’s Education Com­ It will be a new cast of mark with 85 in 61 . one of the 10 juniors on the varsity sights too high myself because he Jamaica, B.W.I., and lived in 2;15 a.m., state police said. Mrs. Parzych was born in He also was third leading run squad, is an infield reserve. last two years I thought we could win Brooklyn, N.Y., most of her life, Abrahamson was pronounced dead more likely to read well than those in far below their counterparts in missioner .Mark R. Shedd said the characters for Manchester Worcester, Mass., and lived in Ver­ the state’s large cities, according to smaller cities and towns. county s average was brought down producer with 10 RBIs. Barrett When talking about the pitching the league and fell short,” Parks coming to Manchester six months on arrival at Johnson Memorial non for 13 years. She was a communi­ High when it opens up its 1976 graduated from-the jayvee squad at staff, one has to start with the fire­ stated, ago. She was a graduate of the W.W. Hospital., authorities said. He was a the results of a test given last fall. Fairfield County, the state s by the poor showing of students in the cant of St. Joseph’s Church. Figures released Wednesdayiiy the baseball campaign. The In­ mid-season 1975 and batted .290 with balling Ballard. The 6-3 righthander “I think our pitching is going to be Backus Hospital School of Nursing, passenger in a car driven by Dennis large cities such as Stamford and She is also survived by a son, Bridgeport, Late entry, early finisher one of the unsung members of the dians, 13-5 and second in the the varsity. is whom the Indians are depending good and if we hit it can be a pretty Norwich, and for 35 years was a J. Hine of Stafford Springs. Hine and Richard Parzych of Vernon; a Celtic cast who gives you a steady The Silk Towners will have an en­ on. Ballard will draw the starting hill good season. We’ve looked gooi,^ Some highly regarded Fairfield Mike Roy almost didn’t get his en­ CCIL last year, comrnence nurse at the Brooklyn (N.Y.) Jewish two other passengers were taken to daughter, Mrs. Carol Kulpa of Ver­ game each time out...Ray McKenna, tire new infield. Junior Tom Jones, assignment against Penney. defensively in practice and the out­ About town County school systems, such as West- try in on time to take part in the play Friday afternoon at 3:30 Hospital. She was a member of St. Rockville General Hospital, and the non; her mother, Mrs. Joseph Jen- East Hartford sports promoter and who was with the varsity, takes over Parks is looking for a No. 2 starter field has looked particularly good," port. Darien and Greenwich, have Manchester Lions Club Road Race Luke and St. Matthew Episcopal fourth passenger to Hartford drzejewski of Vernon; and two manager, reports that he’ll give up against Penney High at Kelley at catcher. Going around the horn, and the leading candidate is senior the veteran Manchester coach con­ consistently spent more per pupil in last Sunday. The youngster managed Church, Brooklyn. Ho^ital. brothers, Eugene Andrews of The Manchester PTA Council both projects after this Field. • senior Mike Quesnel will be at first, southpaw Scott Eagleson. He was 5-1 cluded. The Girls Friendly Society Spon­ recent years than towns in other sec­ to get his entry in just before the Survivors are 2 daughters, Mrs. M^r. Abrahamson was born in Worcester and Matthew Andrews of summer...Hartford dates for Celtic Gone are three-year standouts either junior Frank Livingston or with the jayvees and hurled for the Schedule: April 9 Penney H, 13 executive board will meet tonight at sors will meet Friday at 6:30 p.m. for tions of the state. deadline and then went out and won William (Eleanor) Peschke of Rockville and lived in the Ellington- Millbury, Mass. games next season won’t be known Jack Maloney and Ray Sullivan. junior Bob Nurmi at second, junior American Legion team last summer. Hall A, 15 Conard H, 19 Simsbury A, 8 at 221 Porter St. a luau in the parish hall of St. Mry s The test, taken last October by 4,- the 10- and 11-year-old division. His Manchester, with whom she made Vernon area most of his life, moving The funeral is Friday at 8:15 a.m. until July, publicist Howie McHugh Departed also is stellar John Jeff Backofen at and senior Righthanders Kevin Hanlon and Pete 21 Fermi H, 23 Enfield A, 27 East to Stafford Springs about 3 years ago. Episcopal Church. Mrs.. Edward 343 eighth-graders in 100 Connecticut 51-second margin was the biggest in her home, and Mrs. Jerry (Patricia) from the Burke-Fortin Funeral reports...A number of fans jumped Koepsel who notched nine victories Wayne Ostrout at the hot corner, Daigle, both juniors, round oirt~the Hartford H, 29 Wethersfield A, May 3 He was employed by Harold G. East Central Pomona range will Platz of Glastonbury will tell about schools, evaluated seven verbal any of the four age categories...Jack Callahan of East Brunswick, N.J.; a Home, 76 Prospect St., with a Mass on referees Joe Gushue and Darell last season. Only two starters from Barrett has the assignment in mound corps and they will be Windham H, 5 Penney A, 7 Hall H, 11 Levesque, Builders of Tolland. meet Saturday at 5 p.m. at Good Will early life in Hawaii and demonstrate skills, including word recognition, Holik, former Manchester High and son, Paul Higham of Morgansville, at St. Joseph’s Church at 9. Burial Garretson when they failed to stop the 1975 team return. centerfield and he will be flanked by probably used both as starters and in Conard A, 13 Simsbury H, 17 Fermi Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Grange Hall, Glastonbury. The Hawaiian cooking. Hostesses are understanding figurative language Trinity College athlete, has turned to N.J.; and 13 grandchildren. will be in St. Berhard’s Cemetery. play as Celtic plajer fell to the floor What 10-year Coach Hal Parks will junior Ed White in left and junior relief. Parks also expects to get A, 19 Enfield H, 21 East Hartford A, Sharon Ceisl Abrahamson; a travel committee is planning a trip to Mrs. Elsie Lewis, Mrs. Mary Frazier and determining word meanings. The umpiring and has joined the The funeral is Friday at 8;30 p.m. Friends may call at the funeral with Cleveland in possession of the begin with are the returnees — Ray Gliha in rightfield. Butch some hurling from White. 24 Wethersfield H, 26 Windham A. daughter, Jodie Lynn Abrahamson of Plymouth April 22, and those in­ and Mrs, Viola Trotter. Members are results showed that only about one- Manchester baseball chapter.,,The at Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E. home tonight from 7 to 9. ball. Not until the ball changed ha'nds Stafford Springs; his parents, terested should call Edith Schoell, asked to wear appropriate colorful fourth of the students had mastered field in the 16- to 18-year-old bracket Center St. The Rev. Stephen Jacob­ did a whistle blow while Charlie Scott Gayland Abrahamson of Vernon and 528-2852. clothing. all seven verbal skills. of the Lions Club Race found the top son, rector of St. Mary's Episcopal was on the floor apparently in pain. Mrs. Evelyn Willis of East Hartford; five places being taken by top-notch Church, will officiate. Burial will be The refs acted according to the rule a brother, Richard Abrahamson of Center Church Toastmasters will schoolboy runners, Dave Boraks of Saturday at 10 a.m. in Evergreen book which reads: When a defensive Bobby Bonds injured Daytona Beach, Fla.; and two meet tonight at 7:30 in the Federa­ Xavier in Middletown winning with Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y. Fire calls player is injured, the official shall sisters, Mrs. Karen Howard of tion Room of Weiss decision allowed Wes Fedorchak of Manchester High, Friends may call at the funeral not stop play under any cir­ Ellington and Mrs. Diana Post of Art Switchenko of Windham High, home Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. and cumstances until after a goal is East Hartford. Glen Flosdorf of Manchester and from 7 p.m. untii the time of the ser­ The Past Chiefs Club of Memorial scored or the ball becomes dead. The The funeral is Saturday at 9:30 Munrliester Legion use of Mt. Nebo Luke O’Connor of East Catholic vice. Temple, Pythian Sisters, will meet public address annoupcer could have a.m. at the Tocchetti Funeral Home, Wednesday, 12:50 p.m. — Brush fire at following in that order...The Boston Davis pink slipped Friday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. informed the fans and the heat would Uunuld I. Miller 200 W. Main St., Stafford Springs. Hickey’s Woods, Union St, (Eighth Celtics are averaging 13,392 fans per H.A. Alley, 69 Washington St. Deputy Mayor John Thompson, with rec director Mel Siebold- and have been off the officials. BOLTON — The funeral of Donald Burial will be in St. Edward’s District) who was Manchester mayor last year game at the Boston Garden to date Wednesday, 9:38 p.m. — Standby for assistant rec director Carl Silver pre­ I. Miller of Rocky Hill Veterans Cemetery, Stafford Springs. when a rec department decision was sent. The two rec officials, said and 1 1,077 in five Hartford on eve of opener Home and Hospital, who died Mon­ electrical transformer problem at 67 The East Catholic High School Friends may call at the funeral Oakland St. (Eighth District) junior class will sponsor a paper overuled by town officials, today cor­ Thompson, expTained their reasons appearances...The NBA playoffs will day at the hospital, was this morning home Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Wednesday, 10:34 p.m. — Auto accident drive Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. rected a misconception that it was for using Mt. Nebo for town start next weekend and Boston will in the chapel of the Veterans Home p.m. NEW YORK (UPI) - The eve of the 1976 baseball season at Hartford Rd, and W. Center St., Box Papers may be brought to the ECHS the Board of Directors which programs, placing priority there, be celebrating its 25th appearance in Displayed class and Hospital. 125. (Town) parking lot. Anyone unable to bring countermanded the decision. rather than for ofher programs. the post-season play. Giants sign Csonka proved to be a cut-down day fot^two of the game’s most feared Burial was in Col. Raymond F. Bill Fitch of the Cavaliers showed Mary M. McBride, Wednesday, 11:39 p.m. — Smoke in­ their papers may call Jeff at 644-1686 Thompson said it was Town Weiss said he pointed out that the hitters—Bobby Bonds and Tommy Davis. Gates Memorial Cemetery, Rocky vestigation at 107 Walnut St. (Town) Big business more class than any NBA coach in NEW YORK (UPI) — For the second time in three years, l.arry or Bob at 646-3838 for pickup. Manager Robert Weiss who made the Legion program also is a town visits to the Hartford Civic Center to Bonds, the $100,000 outfielder Hill. broadcasting's Today, 9:50 a.m. — Unnecessary alarm , Professional hockey in 14 months Csonka lias traveled the free agent route to a million dollar contract this decision to permit the American program and not a private venture. face the Boston Celtics this season. acquired by the California Angels Mr. Miller was born in West En­ at Box 442, Holiday House, 39 Cottage St. in Hartford has produced a $6 million time with the New York Giants. world championship with Gary Nolan first lady, dies The Department World War I Legion team to play at Mt, Nebo, that He pointed out, also, that the Alumni The young coach wasn’t up and down from the New York Yankees last field, Maine, son of Mrs, Nina (Town) dollar a year business for the area Csonka, tlie hulldozing fiillhaek, wlio helped earj^v the Miami on the mound opposing Houston’s WEST SHOKAN, N.Y. (UPI) - Veterans and Auxiliary will meet it was on a recommendation by him League program was a new proposal, all game Tuesday night berating the winter, was cut down by a broken Wiilette Miller of Bolton and the late Tolland County just getting off the ground, and that the Hartford Chamber of Commerce Didphins to two straight Super Bowl ehainpionships hefore defecting to J.R. Richard. Mary Margaret McBride, once Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Rocky Hill (Thompson) and that the issue never officials and instead calmly handled hand that will sideline him for at Norman Miller, Wednesday, 7:36 a.m. — Truck fire on its participants would be happy to claims. In addition, the WHA entry tile Worhl Foothall I.eague, eliose tlie Giants over a half-dozen other In other eleventh-hour player tran­ known as the “first lady of broad­ Veterans Hospital. Refreshments reached the Board of Directors. his club like a pro. The same can’t be least three weeks. Other survivors are a son, Donald 1-86, Vernon. Thompson explained that, shortly play at any field without any objec­ has helped bring in patrons who have National Foothall League idiilis Wednesday and, in the space of an hour sactions on "cut down day," the New casting," died Wednesday at her Wednesday, 10:50 a.m. — Grass fire on will be served. said for Tom Heinsohn, Celtic men­ For Davis, the 37-year-old, much- Miller of New Hampshire; two after Legion officials were told they tions. brought in close to $11 million'durI7ig>, and a lialf, signed a multiyeur contract worth over a million dollars. York Mets assigned pitcher Nino farm in West Shokan, N.Y., following Broad Brook Rd., Ellington. tor, whose actions are almost unreal- traveled designated hitter, the cut Espinosa and infielder Jack daughters, Mrs. Linda Dagon of couldn’t use Mt. Nebo field for its He said Weiss then made the deci­ this time in the form of admission a long illness. She was 76. Wednesday, 11:03 a.m. — Vernon Fire in his protests to the game officials. down was far more serious — a pink Heidemann to their minor league Windsor and Jacqueline Miller; two The Manchester Area Alumnae 1975 home games — because the field sion to countermand the rec taxes, rental, concessions and novel­ Her 40-year career in broadcasting Department to tractor-trailer accident If the Celtics had played only half as slip. The Yankees handed Davis his complex and dropped non-roster brothers, Audrey Miller of Columbia Club of Pi Beta Phi will meet Mon­ was to be used by a rec department department's decision, that the East ty royalties, in addition to hotel, Selmon selected began in 1934 on WOR, the New York on 1-86 near Exit 95. well as the game against Cleveland unconditional release that could spell and Ronald Miller of Mansfield; and Wednesday, 12:08 p.m. — Grass fire on day at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Linda program — Legion officials ap­ Catholic High School field was made restaurant and parking station of the Mutual network, where ,,was officiated, Boston would have i\LW YOKK — The T^nipu Bay Buccaneers, one of the National the finish to a long and productive two sisters, Mrs. Norma Bither of Rt. 83, Vernon. Ewald, George Dr., Vernon. A guest proached him (Thompson) and asked available for the Alumni League and revenues...How the time flies Exhibition she posed as a grandmother with a won instead of losing 101-92...Two Football l,.eague*8 two new expansion clubs, were prepared to open the Kitting career. The season, Bolton and Mrs, Everill Nason of Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. — Auto accident speaker will discuss the care of house for his help. that its 1975 games were played there department: Moe Morhardt is now in large family and used the name crackerjack college football of­ annual coll^^ player draft today by taking .\ll*America defensive taekje meanwhile, will open today. In the b aseb aii Willimantic. on Rt. 83, Vernon. plants. Thompson said he met with Weiss, without objection. his 10th season as varsity baseball Martha Deane. ficials, brothers Ron and George Ab- Leroy S(‘liiion^f Oklaboina. National League, Houston is at Cin­ coach at Gilbert High in Winsted. dow have opened the Big Boy riie Buecamn'rs won the right to choose first in the college draft at a cinnati, while in the American The, former Manchester High and pitcher Bob Myrick; the Atlanta GUARANTEED Restaurant in the K-Mart Shopping special drawing last December and (^oacb John McKay was to start the League, the Yankees, minus Davis, UConn standout made it all the way Braves cut pitcher "Blue Moon” Center in Vernon. Ron, an umpire, selections at FST by picking Selmon, the 6-fool-2, 260-pounder are at Milwaukee. to the maW leagues as a player with Odom and obtained outfielder Terry LOSE COMPLETE GM out of East Longmeadow, and who led Oklahoma to the national college championship last season. Bonds, whom the light-hitting the Chidago Cubs. Last year Crowley from the Cincinnati Reds; George, a linesman, from West Angels are counting on to add some Morhartys schoolboys posted a 17-3 the sold pitcher WEIGHT Springfield, work out of the Eastern sock to their anemic lineup, actually wonrjjret log...The Cleveland Wayne Simpson to the California REPAIRS Intercollegiate Athletic Football Of­ Rejects latest offer broke his right hand Friday night, .CavSIiers sport a .500 road record, Angels' Salt Lake City farm. ficials’ office in New York...Jimmy sliding home in an exhibition game RVSTI • COLLISION splitting in 40 games which is one SAN DIKCiO (I'FI) — Free agent pitcher Andy Messersmith turned In final exhibition tuneups: NO PREScnipnoN n e e d e d Connors has been named to the New against the Los Angeles Dodgers. reason the club heads the Central down “the largest offer for his services from any team yet’' Wednesday Alex Johnson doubled home two WeW BLACK C APSULES • MECHANICAL NOW». a word about cost. England Basketball Association all- However, official diagnosis wasn’t Division standings ahead of the iiighl when he rejected a San Diego Padres’ contract. runs during a three-run ninth star team and also gained rookie-of- made until Wednesday when X rays WE SERVICE ALL GENERAL MOTORS Washington Bullets. which gave the Detroit Tigers a 3-2 BIO SLIM T the-year honors. The former East riie Patres in making the announcement, however, did not disclose revealed the fracture. CARS AND TRUCKS win over the Boston Red Sox ... Catholic and Northeastern standout the terms <»f the offer nor the reason for Messersmith’s rejection. Orthopedic specialist Df. Julio BURN OFF EXCESS Genuine Part* Nears '10,000 plateau Bucky Dent's two-run fifth-inning POUNDS WITHIN DAYS Factory Trained Mechanica may play in Europe' next Taleisnik informed the Angels that Veteran] Paul Silas of the Celts season.,.Tom Roy, former South no surgery would be necessary but homer sparked the Chicago White 24-HOUR WRECKER SERVICE needs 75 joints to become the 11th Windsor High and Maryland player, Bid rejected that Bonds would have to wear a cast Sox to a 6-2 win over the St. Louis CALL 646-6464 Cardinals...The Minnesota Twins man in NBA. history to reach 10,000 has returned home after his first \\ FTIIFKSFIKLD (I PI) — The slate Special Revenue Commission for 10 days and a splint for another points and 10,000 rebounds. Silas is season of basketball in Italy. week. belted the Houston Astros, 10-3, in a has njeeted a hid by developers of a proposed dog track in Stratford to bizarre game that featured five Carter Chevrolet apply for a gambling permit. Besides Davis, the Yankees op­ tioned Rick Sawyer, Ron passed balls by Astros’ catcher Cliff 1229 MAIN ST. • MANCHESTER rile eommission said Wednesday there was a moratorium on new Johnson in one inning. Johnson was applications for gambling licenses, hut sources in the panel said there Guidry and. Scott MacGregor to Syracuse in getting down to the 25- unable to contain the knuckleball was little chance the track would he approved, even after the offerings of pitcher Joe FUEL moratorium ends in mid Mav. man limit. The Yankees will send 23-game Niekro...Southpaw (Jeoff Zahn, who Ask bigger slice winner Catfish Hunter against the underwant arm surgery last winter, Tiant in shape Brewers' Jim Slaton, while at Cincin- hurled six strong inning^ as the I’KOVIDENGE, ll.l. (Ul’l) — I’liuroiiglibrcd racing, like the ojil gray naji, the Reds begin defense of their edged the Cleveland In­ dians, 2-1. marc, ixn’l what it uacil to lie in Klioile l.,lan(l. WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (UPI) — Luis Tiant looks in shape. Kc|trc»cnlaliveH uf IJncoln Downii ami NarragaiiHell Park wj-re the “He IS completely ready,” Red Sox manager Darrell Johnson firHt to ailmil it Wcilnemlay when they a.sked a legislative eommi»)iiun to said o) his pitching ace Wednesday. give them a liigger share uf tlie daily lietting handle and eunsid(\ dog /■ Boston lost its last exhibition game racing for added revenue. Cincinnati fans of the spring, 3-2, to the Detroit Tigers However, Tiant, who was 18- "We’ve still got the strongest club Off track betting 14 las', season and won two World in the league and that trade won’t Series games, pitched one-hit ball for help them beat us,” Tiant said. WETIIER.SFIELI) (liPI) — I'lie Special Revenue Cominissiiin suys the seven innings. In Wednesday’s game, Tiant fir.Hl pliuse uf Cuiineelieiit's $300 million off truck belting prugrain will set for inaugural "My control was the best it's been yielded only a single to Alex Johnson. begin .April 29 willi tlie opening of 10 wagering parlors. all spring," said Tiant, 35. He retired the first 12 baiters to face And tlie eoinniission, in eliarge of all legalized gambling in the stale, CINCINNATI (UPI) — Baseball’s opening day is usually a big Tiant lost the chance to pitch the him and showed good control. Reggie also said Wednesday "InslunI l.oltery" will run only amitber week or so event here, but today was an exception — it was even bigger. beruiise ibe 2!i million liekels are neuriv. sold out. regular-season opening game against Cleveland, who took over at the start In a city where baseball is still iFree. That's the word. The the Orioles in Baltimore Friday of the eighth inning, gave up all the firmly regarded as the national more music to the ears of Reds fans. because he was slow to get in shape. runs in the ninth inning. sport, (Cincinnati Reds’ fans had the "We’ll win it all again,” Sparky NOW account is free at Now, lie said, his condition "is the best reason in 35 years to get excited promised Reds’ rooters. best I’ve been in five years ’ and he's "It looks like he's lost his rhythm," The Reds, traditional opening day Heritage Savings. No Manager Darrell Johnson said of about today’s season opener against raring t.i go. \ the Houston Astros. hosts, began defense of their crown ■ Tm not afraiifef any club, even Cleveland, "so Stan (Williams, the MCC nine opens with a 2:30 p.m. (EST) contest matter what your the Orioles, although they made that pitching coach) will work with him For the first time since 1941. the against the Astros at sold-out, 51,963- 'Reds started the season as world big trade," Tiant said. the next couple of days to get him seat Riverfront Stadium. minimum balance champions — thanks to an exciting, Tiant, who will pitch against back on the track.” It was the lone National League seven-game World Series triumph Baltimore Sunday, was referring to Ferguson Jenkins will start for the regular season game today, with the only other rj. is. No matter how over the Boston Red Sox less than six the deal which brought Ken Holtz- major league contest scheduled at Red Sox Friday and Jim Palmer will months ago. ^hany checks you write. man and Reggie Jackson to the go for the Orioles. Milwaukee, the American League Orioles, And the ■ pre-season prediction of opener between the Brewers and No matter what. After a six-game Southern trip through the Carolinas, the Reds manager Sparky Anderson was New York Yankees. Manchester Community College baseball team opened its ^ U The NOW account. regular season today with a brief Northern swing to Franklin, 20-game season Mass, to face Dean Junior College. This time, it will be for The savings account that works keeps. be behind the plate. Brewers hopeful, MCC compiled a 1-5 record in , like a checking account, and pays 5 % interest. After facing Dean, MCC will get North and South Carolina against goal of Jenkins good competition. That is exactly right into the thick of CCCAA play. A (£/! It's free with no minimum balance at Heritage Savings. crucial weekend is upcoming as the what the (^ougars will get in their play Yanks today Cougars face Mattatuck Community BOSTON (UPI) — The Boston Red Sox want to find out fast debut against Dean. The Bay State Open your NOW account with us. The free way is the better way. nine is a powerhouse in New College Saturday. Division foe just how good a deal they made in acquiring Ferguson Jenkins Northwestern Community College MILWAUKEE (UPI) — The muttered grumble of losing England. teams each autumn is, “Wait ‘til next year.” And each spring And that's the last word in NOW accounts. last fall. Coach Skip Olander, in his second will host the Cougars Sunday in a key doubleheader for early Northern the clubs that have finished near the bottom of the pile head inter The seven-time, 20-game winner year at M(iC, feels his club will be opens the season for the defending ready. Olander will probably start Division supremacy. their opening game with the confidence that this, indeed, will be winner," he said. "At Texas last The Cougars face a 10-game league American League champions Friday year, I could have won 20 ball games, Rich Rabe on the mound (6-1 last their year. afternoon in Baltimore. year, 0-2 on the Southern swing). schedule and many feel that the if it was not for the defense. That CCCAA will be more competitive The Milwaukee Brewers aren’t mas. "Your confidence has to be "I’d like to win 20 games again but team made 191 errors" while Boston In the outfield, Olander boasts making any rash promises for 1976 shattered. You get to the point where I haven’t yet thought about setting three powerful bttWr Jim Blanchard than ever. In the new four team committed 139 miscues. Northern Division with MCC is but they did head into today’s season you want to get everything over with any goals," said the 6-foot-5, right­ hit a lusty .421 down South, Paul Some persons, including then- Northwestern, a prime challenger opener here againt the New York and start next year, hander obtained from the Texas Placido batted .347, and Don Slom- Texas Manager Billy Martin, thought with three .300 hitters returning. Yankees with more than a touch of Rangers. cinsky knocked in five runs. Jenkins’ problems were caused more Tunxis enjoyed an impressive optimism — most of it generated by "Well, this is next year.' "A lot of things come into play for In the infield, either Lou "Next year ■' starts today jit County by his age (32) than by his fielders. It Southern swing through Maryland new Manager Alex Grammas. a pitcher to win 20.1 have to get off to has been reported Martin, now New Wellington or Rich Linden will start While the Brewers were losing last Stadium with the Brewers' Jim Heritage Savings and Virginia. Greater Hartford is not a good start, escape injury and sus­ at first. Joe Banning (.312 during the Slaton. 11-18 last season, going York Yankees manager, was not in­ expected to challenge. season. Grammas was third base • tain a high level of efficiency terested in Jenkins when the Rangers trip) will get the nod at second base. coach for the world champion Cincin­ against Catfish Hunter of the & Loan Association Since 1891 In the Southern Division, perennial throughout the season." A1 Dionne, who is recovering from a Yankees, one of the premier pitchers wanted to trade him and his $200,000 power and defending league champ nati Reds. He wasn’t around tp see The native of Ontario, Canada, who annual salary. sore shoulder, will start at shortstop. Main Olfica: 1007 Main 8t., Manchestar 640-4586 • K-Mart Offica: Spencer St.. Manchester 640-3007 Housatonic is the favorite. Mattatuck all the bad things that happened and in baseball. Coventry Office; Route 31.742-7321 • Tolland Office: Rt. 195, quarter mile south of l-OO, Exit 00, 672-7387. played junior hockey against Derek Rick Nicola will hold down the hot "In 1973, when I was traded to he wants to start new this season And, Grammas to the contrary. Sanderson of the St. Louis Blues, corner with regular has the talent to challenge the Hawks OPENING SOON — HERITAGE CONVENIENCE CENTER IN FRANK’S SUPERMARKET Texas, the Cubs said I was through,” while no reports are available on with a clean slate. Brewers' fans are going to have a lot feels his won-loss record will be Larry Morrison still hobbled by an “I know it’s only natural when yOu East Middle Turnpike. Manohester he said. "Hell, I was only 30. But 1 South Central and Middlesex. of trouble forgetting the disastrous aided by the trade. With Texas last came back and won 25 games the ankle injury, i go through something like they did year, he was 17-18. The two division winners and two 1975 season, which saw the club fall following year and 1 can still play Jack Maloney, who had an im­ last year that it’s going to be in the "This ball club has both offense second place finishers will gain apart after the All-Star break. now.” pressive trip with a .333 average, will back of your mino," admits Gram- and defense and has proven it is a berths in the playoffs on May 15. » PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976- PAGE FIFTEEN

f Sports I Monthly pin winners Tough schedule set I slate ' i Sonics up Tliursdav in rolloff Saturday BASEBALL H ^ G i S a t Norwich at Rockville for Eagle trackmen MCC at Dean Junior home mark Saturday will be a lucky pins over their average in a Freeman Heath, Ron College day for two Brunswick single game will be Vigue, Ron Fletcher, Gene ' n C o u Friday Parkade Lanes league declared champions and Wildes, Don Storrs, Steve MITES ■V:: BASEBALL NEW YORK (UPI) — There were four games in the National bowlers. will represent the center in Sanelli, Len Delisle, Don Irarusup. Cutusout. By LEl^LSTER time schools will be broken into four javelin and his younger brother, Penney at Manrliester, Basketball Association Wednesday night and each one had a Bernie Giovino, manager the national finals. Whitehouse, Norman Rip us off. love it. Herulcl nportHwriter divisions based on size. This pushes freshman Mark Fournier, is another .3:30 direct bearing on the playoff picture that is at present slightly of the bowling center, an­ Giovino said the two Brailsford, Gordon Daring, There is a sharp contrast in some of the bigger sized schools up a javelin thrower. ’The latter also com­ Cheney Teeli at Kham out of focus. nounced April 10 has been local champions will be Don Palmer, Don selected as the roll-off date competing against 454 McLaughlin. the composition of the 1976 classification and out of the Eagles’ petes in the pole vault. One per­ Vinal Tech at Coventry At stake in three of the four games • - Oat (oupen mPi fom ot poputm grouping. former Kelley is high on is junior Jon for his center’s monthly bowlers from all over the Women — Dona Price, East Catholic track team. Stafford at Ellington was the “crucial” home-court advan­ ■ M.Cafiet Lawn Tractor Lindberg who he calls “an athletic York Nets topped the Virginia high game winners. A total United States and Canada Carol Powell, Gwen Kehoe. •nirtiM fou le |«ua crigat* Ot What East does possess is a fine South Windsor at tage. In the other game, the Seattle Coach Dave Kelley has under group of runners. Senior Mark weight man. In three weeks he’s Squires, 127-123. of 50 men and women will for a chance at the big Jean Archambault, Mary FREE TRAILER Clastoniiury SuperSonics had to survive a shaky his guidance a veteran group of Skehan in the 880 and mile and senior picked up some proficiency in three Iftvrn 102, Jazz 99 compete for the chance to prize — an all expense paid Botticello, Phyllis Hufford, FREE LAWNSWEEPER Bolton at Cromwell finish to take a major step in quest of George McGinnis scored with runners but a youthful bunch of Brian Foley in the 440 and 880 are events,” Lindberg, it is hoped, will win a three-day trip to trip to Europe! Each Sandra Pfeiffer, Honda FREE 42” FiSoNT BLADE TRACK the NBA title. seven seconds left to give the 76ers 4 0 0 premier harriers. Senior Cephus develop in the discus, javelin and Washington, D.C., May 28, Brunswick operated Griserich, Carolyn Thu cotton wttti row pwchiMOl thu pow«rlw< field participants. How well East Catliolie at St. Paul By virtue of its 115-114 victory over Nolen is multi-talented and will per­ shot put. Seniors Steve Lane and their victory over the Jazz. McGinnis 29 and 30 to the finals of bowling center is sending Morrison, Barbara Higley, the latter performs could Chicago, the Sonics, who have now lll.Cub Cadet form in the sprints,’ 100 and 220, and Greg Bilodeau, junior Bill Gorman, TENNIS scored 14 points and Pete Maravich Brunswick’s 11th annual two local champions to the Nancy Washburn, Dot East Catliolie at Glaslon- won 14 straight gamps at home, Lawn and Garden Tractor determine the kind of season it in the long jump where he holds the sophomore Tom Messier and had 15 for the Jazz in the fourth ’’Bowl Your Way To Washington, D.C. roll-offs. Roberts. trtIMIes |ou to yow civoK* ol moved IVz games ahead of Phoenix 1 5 0 t will be for the Eagle thinclads. school record. Mike Nolen, another freshman Chris Soares are other hury (girls) Europe” International The qualifiers are: Fran Misseri, Dot FREE MOWER and two games in front of Los East opens its campaign Friday senior, is another sprinter as is field participants. St. Bernard at East Tournament. Men — Ken Thomas, Tucker, Sheila Price, FREE TRAILER and LAWN .SWEEPER Angeles in the battle for secq^ place Pro afternoon in Bristol against HCC op­ senior Jim McCann. “If anywhere, we’ll lose points to Catliolie The roll-offs begin at 4 Mike luszezak, John Helen Hathway, Marilyn in the Pacific Division. BE SU RE... BLISS has been serving the Home Owner lor ponent St. Paul. It is one of 12 dual Seniors Jim Charest and Joe Stamp some strong teams in the weight Saturday p.m. Ferguson, Manny Scata, Rogers, Judy Duhaime, 94 YEARS. For a complete FREE INSPECTION of your home • >hr« coopen aMh your pwchM* ol The first two teams in each divi­ Basketball - ims tojpon vnlh |r< w pw'.hote of meets East. The Eagles are also and juniors Eric Lecko, Steve events. Our strength will be in the BASEBALL In the local roll-off, each Ernie Whipple, Cy Perkins, Roberta Shore, Gi Gi by a Termite Control Expert, supervised by the finest M .Cadet Riding Mower sion automatically clinch playoff erWiKrt you to your cho<« ot slated to participate in the Eastern Colbert and Luke O’Conner top the running events. We won’t hurt Si . Paul at East Catholie, period. The victory moved the 76ers bowler will roll thrdF Nick Bonadies, Jack Carlow, Cheryl Sutyla, technical staff, phone: IH.95 Electric Riding Mower berths while the team with the best a full game in front of the idle Buf­ you to ti FREE TRAILER,.FREE BAGGER Connecticut Relays April 23-24, the list of runners in the mile and two- anywhere and we have a lot of 12 noon games across six lanes. Lonergan, Happy Delisie, Vera Stearns, Margaret .. FREE T LAWN SWEEPER record among the conference also- I L ' $100 FACTORY REBATE New Britain Invitational May 1 and mile. Senior Steve Whitham is a top flexibility,” Kelley stated. East was :MCC at .Mallalurk CC falo Rraves in the battle for second The man and woman Al, Little. Kosky, Nancy Doucet, Sneupu rans also qualifies. the Hartford Public Invitational May triple jumper as well as in the, 9-2 last year. place in the Atlantic Division. knocking down the most Bob Baker, John Higley, Carol ’Turner, Lee Bean. In the Midwest division both 15. hurdles and junior Bob Frank is a Schedule: ^\pril 9 St. Paul A, 12 PislonB 106, Burks 96 Milwaukee and Detroit have clinched Kelley calls his schedule a tough pole vaulter, hurdler, long jumper. Glastonbury/Rockville A (G), 15 St. J ' Archie Clark scored 10 of his 16 playoff spots with less than a .500 one with the likes of Hartford Public Junior Bob Caffrey tops the list of Bernard/Northwest Catholic A (St. points in the fourth period and sank 649-9240 I 1 2 5 winning percentage, so two teams Bowling and New Britain on it. These two high jumpers. B), 20 Hartford Public A, 27 Xavier two key technical fouls in the from among Seattle, Phoenix and finished one-two in the Indoor Track If East does have a weak point it is A, May 3, Aquinas/South Catholic A Pistons’ win over the Bucks. The p v«ut HI.Cadel dealer ihe nwil best thing lo your nwtt door nnghbur Basketball Los Angeles will qualify for the BUSS TERMITE CONTROL State Open Meet last month. But, he in the field events. Kelley does have (A), 11 New Britain/East Hartford A Pistons moved to within 1 'k games of DIV. O F BU S S EXTERMINATOR COMPANY a EST. 1882 quarter-final round, one as a second- MOUNTAIN l)i;\VS- 381. Gene Tirinzonie 137- 483, Debbie Brown 177-474, feels his team will do well and has a performers but for the most part (N.B.), 18 HCC Championship, 21 first-place Milwaukee in the Midwest i j n m t place finisher and the other as the Lee Bean 178-493, Bee 361, Bernie Casey 366, Mara Stephens 197-490, The Oldest & Largest in Conn. EQUIPMENT CORP. ^ shot at the Class M outdoor crown, a they are very young and in­ Manchester A, 25 Class M Sectionals, Division. Junior Bridgeman led 'UWN IQUIPMENT It OUl lUSIMItt" ?, l.„,n Verm.n C... -.H MnuteRS ’ Western Conference wild-card team, Moquin 182-475, Jeni Andy Lamourfeaux 135-370, ’ SOME MODELS title East won two years ago, Oijie experienced. Junior Emil Fournier is 29 Class M Championship, June 5 BUSINESSMEN Milwaukee with 23 points. Lisa Luginbuhl 469. Seattle’s victory increased its Granato 185-494, Kitty Cyr Frank Calvo 351, Bert IRT. 83 872-0707 VERNON, CONN. X ' i “ basis for his optimism is for the first expected to win some points in the State Open Championship. Action last night at filing Junior Bullets 115, Burkris 105 SUPPLY record to 41-38 and the Sonics have 196-466, Peg Craig 452, Davis 140-389, Bob Boroch , M o n . 10 Thurs. 8-6:00; Fri 8-8; Sat. 8-4 High saw Moriarty Brothers nip Phil Chenier scored 13 of his 27 COMMERCIAL- Bill three games remaining — at home Donna Stratman 180-501, 150-374. Kahuna Kids, 73-71, and Langan VW points in the first half as the Bullets MacMullen 149-154-430, against Golden State Friday night, on Annie Gagnon 179-459, outlast Schiebel Auto Parts, 96-86. surged to as much as an 18-point lead Rick Johnson 142-159-411, the road at Phoenix (40-40) Saturday Charlotte Wemmell 209, TVlI-I.ITTv Rosemarie Islanders after second playoff win Bob Beckwith had 26 points, Yogi over the Rockets while climbing to” George Burgess 155-142- arid back home against Portland Sun­ Sandy Robison 197-511, Lou Lovett 209-535, Jean Amaio 14 and Ben Grzyb 13 for within percentage points of first- 426, George Barber 173-416, NEW YORK (UPI) - Canucks, the Blues hope to “I felt like they tired 50 day in the season’s finale. Toutain 194-465, Bev Archambault 179-493, Mary they beat a Buffalo team Moriarty’s while Tom Juknis had 21, place Cleveland in the Central divi­ Bud Wickman 151-144-411, The Los Angeles-Kipgs, eliminate the Buffalo shots,” he said. “They Los Angeles, meanwhile, with a 40- Liappes 183-486, Debbie Botticello 178, Camille which finished 33 points John Goodrow 18 and Steamboat sion. Guards Calvin Murphy and Tim Flynn 144410, Tim New York Islanders, St. Sabres and the Maple were getting a lot of shots 41 record, has only one game Moore 454, Betty Richard­ Scuta 468, Cathy Carbonell ahead of them in the Fulton 16 for Kahuna’s. Mike Newlin combined for 51 points Hickey 136-364, Doug Louis Blues and Toronto Leafs will be looking to but they kept missing the remaining at Phoenix tonight in what son 467, Sheila Price 472. 455. regular-season standings. Bill Morgan pumped in 32 markers, for the Rockets. Scruton 151-370, Rob Nicola Maple Leafs will be oust the Pittsburgh net.” amounts to the season’s pivotal Carl Frantz 23 and Keith Benett 14 Nuggets 130, Colonels 103 146- 380, Carl Bujaucius 138- seeking their second Penguins. St. Louis Coach Leo game. Should the Kareem Abdul- V- Mike Balesano 192- I'.I.KS- Joe Cataldi Sr. INTO SPRIN61 Vancouver Coach Phil for Langan. Steve Robbins had 22, Dan Issel’s 26 points paced the 381, Dave Dynes 165-360, swme straight victories in the Boivin gave the credit to Jabbar-led Lakers win, they will 145-141-478, Ken Seaton 156- 170-387, Bruce Fish 152-140- • On Tuesday night, the Maloney noted that the Duke Hutchinson 19 and Steve Nuggets to their easy triumph over Ed Miller 138-362, Lee National Hockey League’s rookie goalie Ed have to place-their fate in the hands 154-440, Tony Marinelli 142- 381, Art Cabral 141, Al TM M UP WITH Kings defeated the Flames Canucks beat the Islanders Rasher and Carl Hohenthal 18 points the Colonels, who finished fourth in Prior 145-384, Walt preliminary playoffs Staniowski. of Seattle Saturday night when the 140-422, Don Simmons 156- P irkey 136-394, Whit 2-1, the Islanders beat the in five of six meetings and apiece for Schiebel’s. the ABA, Kentucky was hampered by ' Lawrence 136-353, Rich tonight and their first big added, “T o ^se a game is Sonics venture to Phoenix. 413, A1 Bujaucius 173-154- Hastings 147-405, Joe THE jiV. G. GLENNEY CO. Canucks 5-3, the Blues “His saves in the first poor shooting, hitting just 33 phi: cent Farrell 144-360, Ken i step toward the Stanley downed the Sabres 5-2, and not the enpof the world. four minutes of the game Willie Norwood paced Seattle’s in the first half as the Colonels fell 459, Joe Twaronite 167-137- Pagano 172-403, Rich Osborne 371, Nick Nicola Cup championship. Toronto beat Pittsburgh 4- Still, we let them come in made the difference,” said victory Wednesday night with 24 behind by 14 points. 435, Russ DeVeau 166-410, Cabral 135, John Rieder 147- 360, Mike Kelly 151-375, ... beautify your property at low cost! ’The Kings can end their 1. and manhandle our Boivin. “They were on the Cop opener ’■points but with the score 115-114, Spurs 96, I’aeers 75 Roy DeVeau 164-401, Mike 361,. Al Atkins 369, Stan Art Ruff Jr, 136-364, Fred best of three-game series Goalie Rogie VacHon, goaltender. We didn’t play attack and out-skating us following Mickey Johnson’s basket James Silas scored 26 points, run­ Pagan! 152-140-401, Rocco Seymour 373, Bill Adamy Riccio 144-386, Dave by defeating the Atlanta who blocked 19 of 20 Atlan­ well enough to win.” and Ed stopped them. He Winning its opener yesterday was with seven seconds left, Norwood ning his season total to 2,000, in the Lupacchino 174-391, 352, Lyman Fuller 362, Kosicol 156-369, Ron Flames, the Islanders seek ta shots, was given credit The Blues pulled the prevented them from the Manchester Community College threw away the ensuing inbounds Spurs’ win over Indiana. The third- George Burgess 160-396, John Berk 357, Jack Talley Sponheimer 372, Al their second straight win for Los Angeles’ victory biggest sur'jirise of the taking a lead and forcing us women’s softball team, 12-3, over pass. place Spurs ended the season with a Erv Rusconi 151-389, Fred 357. Napolitano 358, A rt over the Vancouver over the Flames. first-round games when to play catch-up.” Asnuntuck Community College of Johnson, who led all scorers with 50-34 record and open their semifinal McCurry 141-384, Art John- Cunliffe 351, Joe Tremano Scotts Enfield. 29 points, then tried a 12-foot jumper playoff against the Nets. ■ son 139-137-375, Frank ZODIAC- Diane Ander­ 381, Ted Lawrence 357, Kim Keeley slugged a grandslam at the buzzer, but it fell short of the •Nets 127, .Squires 123 Blank 370, Vic Marinelli son 181-487, Mia Kachmor Henry Luneski 355, 19th hole homer and Jan Stevens, Sally Len- rim. Julius Erving scored 38 points and 156-379, Joe Pagano 142- 187-485, Pat Legrand 193- tocha and Sheryll Kane each had Tom Burleson and Fred Brown had 15 rebounds for the Nets, who ___ ^WATtR three hits for MCC. Ginny Peterson each added 20 points for Seattle. held off a late rally by the Squires. notched the mound win. The Washington Bullets topped the Following are the 7:34 Starters time. ton, E. McNamara. Ticky Burden scored 26 points for iarlyBird 9:54 Evelhoch, Foster, Houston Rockets, 115-105, the pairings and starting times 7:41 Sartori, Carlson, W. 8:51 Wolff, T. Leone, Putz, Virginia. THOROSEAL McCallum, Stuek. Philadelphia 76ers defeated the New for the % Handicap Four Kulpa, Remes. Edwards. 10:01 Bolin, C. Filloramo, Ball Golf Tournament at 7:48 Zemke, Ogden, 8:58 Curtis, Vonderkall, S. Orleans Jazz, 102-99, and the Detroit PREVENT COSTLY BASEMENT LEAKS WITH V. Clementino, Bennett, Manchester Country Club Engberg, Copeland, Leone, Bengtson. Extra year Pistons beat the Milwaukee Bucks, Jones cited THOROSEAL 10:08 Hilinski, R. Macaione, Specials w a t ix PLuo-Hrd,Miic caiMiit u aop oi K tin w ttm . 7:55 Butkus, Lipinski, Peck, 9:05 Starters time. 106-96, in other NBA action. TH0R0IEAL-8.1IW lo bo opplM M i t nuooiy a o la lot a t W proMomo. Saturday; J. Filloramo, Larmett. DENVER (UPI) - The Western LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Randy Cerina. 9:12 Ottaviano, W. Skinner, In the final regular season games 6:45 Matava, P. Taylor, 10:15 Atherton, J. Athletic Conference has granted an Jones, a 20-game winner for the San 8:02 Backiel, J. Wilson, Morline, Eigner Sr. in the ABA, the Denver Nuggets You can save up to $4.00 a Pond, G.H. Smith. Macaione, Mloganoski. extra year of eligibility to seven in­ Diego Padres last season, will be 6:52 Novak, Mails, H, John­ Prindle, Frank. 9:19 M c F a rla n d , W. jured athletes, including three defeated the Kentucky Colonels, 130- bag on America’s Favorite 8:09 Giguere, B. Davis, 10:22 Staum, N. Clark, J. presented the 1975 Southern Califor­ son, McLafferty. Sullivan, J. Clementino, J. Skinner, D’Amato. University of New Mexico football 103, the San Antonio Spurs beat the lawn food. Schaffer, Narkon. Baker. nia Athlete of the Year Award at San ONE 6:59 Moran, Manchester, players. Indiana Pacers, 96-75, and the New Tracy, W. Jones. 8:16 Sleeves, Sanders, 9:26 R. Gardella, Schotta, 10:29 Starters time. Diego Stadium on Sunday. 7:06 Oleksinski, R. Jones, Dvorak, W. Leone. Betko, Palmer. Scotts GAL. CAN N. Smith, Dutelle. 8:23 S. Ferguson, C.D. 9:33 D. Smith, Greene, 10:36 Clough, Rockwell, Romayko, Finnegan. Turf Builder 7:13 Kristof, Daley, McCarthy, Bates, Bonadies. Perry. ' f i r e s t o n e Nadaskay, Weiman. 8:30 King, Karszes, 9:40 Wilks, Gingras, H. 10:43 Eagleson, Melley, Turf Builder 7:20 Kennedy, Hayes, Migliore, Zanis. Gardella, Lachapelle. Lynch, Baker, SCUBA INSTRUCTION Beautiful Uniform Whiteness Turner, Dik 8:37 Heath, Banavige, Shea, 9:47 Pietrantknio, Car- N.A.U.I., P.A.D.I., CERTIFIED ALL-AMERICAN Spread It Around 10:50 Genovese, FREE \ GENUINE WNITE Brown. m ie n k e , H a s s e tt, D. YEAR ROUND, CO-ED CLASSES 7:27 Schilling, H. Giglio, Christiansen, Hunt, McIntosh. SAVE ^ .0 0 Griffiths, Murphy. 8:44 Gazza, Fraser, Connor- McCarthy, BASIC • ADVANCED • COURSES VISUAL INSPECTION 15.000 Sq. Ft. $1095 MARBLE CHIPS ,,, c NEXT CLASS , „ n n Reg. $23.95 Cut lor land leaping projocla A EquipL iiiy c 9nH *65.00 Bring thia ad for Fro* Tank Chock TIRE VALUES Such aa: Drlvewaya-Paflo’t-FIoww' Pota, etc. and Visual Inspoctlon Sticker WAbwriafcnaim- Provided 2nil MED. SIZE: 1”xH Valid unlll 4/30/78 M.H. •SAVE *3.00 4-PLY POLYESTER CORD 10.000 Sq. Ft. $1395 CASH « CARRY SPECIAL ^ Rag. $16.85 FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION* 3 L A C K W A L L S SAVE n .0 0 Size -P ric e Size Price urn $149 SCUBA PACKAGES 5,000 Sq. Ft. $795 Oi MWOU.WI , B 7813 •19.95 G78-14 •25.95 5Glb.bag " Goodyear Sak Reg. $8.95 U.S. DIVERS • DACOR • SWIMASTER • HEALTHWAYS C78-14 •29.95 H78-14 •27.95 078-14 •21.95 G 7815 •28.95 Save^^uirs.,Fri. & Sat. on this Polyester Cord Tire A 7 8 13 E78-14 •22.95 H78-15 •29.95 QUALITY 5-rib design MAKE UP YOUR F78-14 ■29,99 L78-15 •30.95 Homaprotection called (lor) because ol rain? ‘Power Streak’78 GEAR it’s easy to install Lawn & Garden Tools OWN PACKAGE Whittwa'I* add ‘2 A78-13 polyester cord AT while aluminum blackwall with trade ★ ★ SUPER COMPARE & SAVE! ^ FREE High Scores In Quality BLACKWALL PRICE G U tfiR S and" ^ m o u n t i n g B78-13 S21.25 SAVINGS! Super Deal! ^ DOWNSPOUTS A n d Value E78-14 $24.19 Lighlweight aluminum consUuclion with 600-15L $24.38 baked-on finish that never needs paint! Sections slip logelher easily, slay Dirt F78-14 $27.55 U.S. U.S. DIVERS J “ .. I “ FF Lawn 6 0 clean and leak-proof. No special tools Shovel G78-14 or 15 $3091 DIVERS our February prices on blackwalle and whitewalls needed for installation ... and the Navy MK I price is right! R24B H 78-14orl5 $32.10 R.C. I Pius $1.75 to $2.80 F.E.T., ALUMINUM Pruning Bow depending on size. 10’ Section Reg. $111.00 TANK ' DOUBLE BELTED ic Saw $ 2 4 9 Rake $ 7 0 0 • Goodyear’s best-selling bias-ply tire FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION* F t 16 RHB14 71.2 cu. ft./Retarve Save 20% on Fittings • Polyester cord body • Road gripping tread $5goo Reg. $795.00 *4.64 at the yard

*117** A 7 8 13 Goodyear Values At Everyday Low Regular Prices bchniyi BlalHtwall. Special Values From Our Fencing Dept. I Plus M 75 Live Like lifetinn CuwantN Excfuifva Ufelfnta Qusnnt— F E T and old lire A Texas , ‘Custom Power Cushion Polyglas’ ‘Custom FoiysteeT Radial eLACJtWALLS Sirt Millionaire 3— WIMASTER MR-12 fob. piict NOW Double fiber- Stockade Fence SIsckwall Price W klttw sll Price ROCKET FINS A78-13 B 7 8 14 S 3 7 .8 0 * 2 7 . 2 5 glnss bell for r blackwall long mileage, w STRONG E78-14 $30.95 9 5 DR78-M $53.04 • Ad|uatabls REGULATORS C 7 8 - 1 4 3 8 . 4 5 2 8 . 2 5 with trade E 7 8 14 4 0 . 0 0 2 9 . 2 5 polyester cord - J PRIVACYI ;ii F78-14 $33.95 $ T O a«,W3 HR78-14 $65.44 flag. $728.00 Surrounded By ^ W whitewall • Powerful F 7 8 14 4 4 . 1 0 3 2 . 2 5 body for ' G78-14 $35.62 with trade GR78-15 $62.36 • Comfortable G 7 8 -1 4 4 5 . 9 5 3 3 . 2 5 stri'nRlh. ^ Glenney’s White Enclosure H 7 8 14 4 9 . 6 0 3 6 . 2 5 G78-15 $36.49 HR78-15 $67.04 Reg. $29.95 Available • On m any 1976 new cars • As advertised on TV DACOR 400 *105"® F 7 8 - 1 5 4 5 . 3 0 3 3 . 2 5 BUY ^ OLYPIC REBUUTOR G 7 8 - 1 5 4 7 .1 0 3 4 . 2 5 H78-15 $39.25 • Fiberglass cord belts • Two steel cord belts JR78-15 $69.52 NOW! ^ in 6x8 Ons ol H 7 8 15 5 0 . 7 0 3 7 . 2 5 J78-15 $39.95 • America's best seller • Sure-footed handling LR7S-15 $72.50 J 7 8 -1 5 5 2 . 5 0 3 8 . 2 5 Cedar Round Rail Post & Rail Fence sections i The Finast L 7 8 15 5 4 . 9 0 4 0 . 2 5 Plus $1.75 to $3.03 F.E.T.. WHITEWALLS available Plus $1.98 to $3.47 F.E.T., LlmtHd Quantity with 1 Post - Cash 81 Carry Only depending on sire. at our low regular prices. Other sizes low priced too depending on size. All prices plus '1 9 8 to ^3 14 F E T and old lire L W h ita w a ll add » 3.26 t o *4.25. 10’ SECTION GET SOLD WE ARE AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR: INCLUDES 1 POST $ R 9 5 Reg. $19.50 Per Section U.S. DIVERS a SWIMASTER e HEALTHWAY a DACOR * ^ ^ per section While It LAST YEAR’S STOCK I FARALLON e SPORTSWAYS e PARKWAY a IKELITE AND 2 RAILS ARGO DONT SHORT! inc. post Lasts SLIGHTLY • • NOW MASTER CHARGE COMPLETE Give Yourself A Choice IMPERIAL a SEAQUEST NIKONOS AQUA DIVE WEATHERED CASH SAFETY fkO O D fV E A R CHECK For more good years in your car FREE! TEL. 872-6547 TRI-CITY MANCHESTER MANCHESTER MANCHESTER HOURS 325 BROAD ST. NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE INC. SHOP FRIDAY T)IVERS 6 4 6 - 3 3 5 6 TO 8:30 P.M. 295 BROAD ST., (OPPOSITE SEAR’S AUTOMOTIVE) THURS. 8-5:30 336 North Main Street ROUTE 30, POST RD. PLAZA, VERNON SAT. 8-12:30 SATURDAYS Moil, Tims., Wed., Fri. 8 • 5:30 PHONE 643-1161 e x it 96 OFF 1-86. OPEN DAILY, 12 NOON TO 8 P.M., SAT. 10 A.M. TO 840 ______MON., TUBS., WED., FRI. 8-5:30 • THURS. 8-8 • SAT. 8-1 Tel. 649-5253 TO 4 P.M.

., i'-.. PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976 I^ANCjlESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976 — PAGE SEVENTEEN scene and the Vernon fire depart­ Area police ment was called to wash down the Hiring practices are Kevin Kulo, 18, of 43 High St., legal but questioned VERNON Rockville, was arrested Wednesday Matthew Stachowiak, 24, of 26 on a Common Pleas Court warrant Grand Ave., Rockville, was Bolton foreman of the road. It 'was an­ charging him with first-degree nounced by First Selectman David charged Wednesday night with robbery and two counts of second- Area news DONNA HOLLAND operating under the influence of Andover Ellington Hebron ' South Windsor Dresselly March 16. degree larceny. In the past couple months several liquor or drugs and reckless driving The position was not advertised. The arrest was the second in con­ Bolton Coventry East Hartford Tolland Vernon changes have been made in the after being involved in an accident on ■ There is no record of any discussion nection with an armed holdup at the town’s road crew employes by the' Rt. 83. on the part of the selectmen nor any Gasland Station on Rt. 30, in Board of Selectmen. Police said Stachowiak was record of an executive session. February. It has terminated one, hired one as traveling north in the southbound The present assistant road forman, Kulo was held in lieu of a $7,500 a road crew employe, accepted the Richard Sauer, has been employed lane and struck a car in the bond and was to be presented in court Fishing derby retirement of one, hired one as an in­ for the town over six years. He was southbound lane driven by William in Rockville today. terim road foreman and hired one as Dobie, 72, of 29 Windermere Ave. A made assistant foreman two and a road foreman. passenger in the Dobie car, Mrs. half years ago. David Cassidy, 35, of 21 Vernon The termmation followed an Mildred pobie was taken to When contacted by The Herald Ave., Rockville, was charged set for Saturday executive sepion discussion by the Sauer said he has never received any Rockville General Hospital for treat­ Wednesday with breach of the peace board Dec. Iz, 1975. A crew member ment of a leg injury. grand prize will be given in memory complaints about his work. He said following investigation of a distur­ Vernon was terminated due to poor atten­ Police said after colliding with the of John M. Gessay, who prior to his when he was made assistant foreman bance at his home. The 12th annual childrens’ fishing dance which effected the total Dobie car, Stachowiak skidded back death, was the sponsor of the event he believed he would be foreman He was held at the police station derby, sponsored by the Vernon productivity of the crew, according into the northbound lane and collided for many years. when Massey retired. and released later on a $50 non-surety Recreation Department, is scheduled to minutes of the selectmen. with a car driven by Elsie Samson of The participants will be divided He said he was not offered the posi­ bond for appearance in court in for Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Jan. 5, the selectmen confirmed an 48 Sunset Dr. and then again skidded into five age groups for the boys and tion of foreman. I Rockville April 28. Valley Falls Park. • executive' session decision to hire back into the southbound lane and two for the girls. A first and second The Herald investigated the situa­ SOUTH WINDSOR In the event of rain Saturday the Lance Dimock for the road crew. struck a car driven by Mary Harris prize will be awarded in each group. tion following questions by njany derby will be conducted Sunday from The position was advertised and six COME IN TODAY DURING OUR of 34 Wilson Lane. Ronald Guimond, 16, of 653 Plea­ The boys’ categories will be age 6 residents as to the way the situation noon to 4 p.m. of the 31 applicants were interviewed Loyal service to Bolton M o LpxrixiJr Stachowiak was held at the police sant Valley Rd., South Windsor, was and under; 7 and 8; 1-12; and 13-15. was handled. The Recreation Department has by the selectmen. statin and later released on a $250 charged Wednesday with illegal The girls groups will be 10 and under The Board of Selectmen appears to Donald Massey reads a card given him by his stocked the pond with some 400 trout Donald Massey’s retirement as bond. Court date was. set at April 28 possession of cannibus-type sub­ and through 15. be acting within its legal rights. Sec­ fellow workers during a dinner last week. Mrs. ranging in size from 10 to 14 inches. foreman was accepted Feb. 17 to in Common Pleas Court, Rockville. stance. . He was released on his Each person who fishes must tion 7-12 of the Connecticut State Shirley Riley, selectmen’s office manager, promise to appear in Common Pleas For a special bonus about 12 trout take effect March 1. He had worked Police said the Stachowiak and register at the entrance to the park S tatutes covering "D uties of stands by him. Massey worked for Bolton for 24 Court 12, East Hartford, April 26. weighing almost two pounds have for the town for 24 years. Selectmen” reads, "They shall > @ M i n r a i Dobie cars had to be towed from the also been placed in the pond. where he or she will receive a years and retired this winter as foreman of the 2-SFEED, 4-CYCLE "fishing license.” Several door March 1, Louis Paggioli began superintend th e corfberns of the All boys and girls aged 15 or prizes will also be given. working as interim foreman of the town....” town road crew. Attending the dinner were: FOR THIS GREAT BUY! younger and living in Vernon, are Through the rest of the fishing road crew. In past years he' has Bolton does not have a merit Catherine Leiner, town clerk; Eleanor Preuss, eligible to fish. Participants must Authority works season fishing at Valley Falls will be plowed snow for the town on con­ system nor a civil service commis­ assistant town clerk; Elaine Potterton, tax fish from the shore and use live bait 1976 ZENITH 100% SOLID-STATE limited to those aged 15 or younger tract. sion. These projects will then be or lures. Fishing with flies is not per­ collector; Catherine Peterson, treasurer; WASHER Coventry and to Vernon Senior Citizens. This Donato Rattazzi Jr. was hired as GET THE BEST FOR LESS reviewed by the authority. A selec­ mitted for safety reasons. Parents Calvin Hutchinson, building inspector, and their LIGHT TO HEAVY SOIL SELECTIONS The Housing Authority received 16 will run through May 2. The Vernon DURING THIS ONCE-A-YEAR EVENT! tion of an architect will then follow. may assist younger children in applications for the position of Police Department will make spouses. BLEACH DISPENSER The authority is seeking an baiting their hook but may not par­ Honor ■foil progressing Save on any KitchenAid architects for the 30-unit elderly architect who has worked with DCA regular checks of the area. Imperial dishwasher. A 19"G0MPACT TABLE TV housing project. ticipate in any way in landing the and Anne Luke will obtain prices for on this type of project. fish. Senior Citizens need not have a H ebron crowning touch to a beau­ The authority had intended to license to fish as the pond is stocked items at the club’s fair booth. Anne It will also ask for a site review by Besides the special grand prize to Geraldine S. Grant, president of Board discusses tiful new kitchen thatwiil check the references of all the by the Recreation Department and Francis .and Janet VonDeck were work as great as it looks. the Environmental Review Team of the one catching the largest fish, 15 the American Legion Auxiliary, gave architectual firms that applied for owned by the town. elected as chairwoman and vice Eastern Connecticut when a primary other prizes will be awarded. 'The a progress report on the honor roil Also on sale the position. Due to the large chairwoman of the booth. paid volunteer^ site has been chosen. project to the Republican Woman’s are KitchenAid disposers, number, it is now seeking a list of The club voted to send a deposit to The authority decided the key to Club at a recent club meeting. trash compactors and hot- housing projects within 50 miles of the Lions Club booth chairman to site selection will depend on the The club is assisting with the Bolton water dispensers. Let us ONLY Coventry from the state Department secure a booth for the Harvest Fair. architect. He will review the sites project. Earlier this year it donated The Board of Selectmen Tuesday responded to the instail them ail for maxi­ of Community Affairs (DCA). and indicate the feasibility of each. mum savings of lime and $800 towards the honor roll. Peanuts over cookies question: Should members of a volunteer fire department Mrs. Grant said an order for the be paid by the town when they respond to fires? money. Sale ends April 30. permanent marker had been placed. In other business the club voted not The question does not pertain to all members, just Their goal is $5,000 and to date $2,500 to have a cookie booth at the Colonial those employed by the town. ■ The BROOKDALE Judi’s day has been raised, she said. Days Fair in June. They are looking The board was in obvious disagreement as to whether G4010C KDC-17A into the possibility of selling either or not they should be. i r 100% Solid-State Chassis Vernon solutely silent and perhaps, after April tag sale peanuts or popcorn. Selectman Norman Preuss said he would "scream i r Brilliant Chromacolor Picture Tube The club ratified a $14 expense i r Synchromatic 70-Po8ition UHF Channel Selector BARBARA RICHMOND watching it, wondered about the A tag sale to raise runds foe the from one end of town to the other” if they were paid. He made between meetings. There was i r Patented Power Sentry Voltage Regulating System judges who didn’t place them first. project is scheduled for April 24 on said if one gets paid, then all the volunteers should get The Rockville High School band , $5 for dues to the National Federa­ i c Solid-State Super Video Range Tuning System Next William Houle, chairman of the lawn in front of Bicentennial paid. Fine kitchens deserve KitchenAid. played and there was a standing ova­ tion of Republican Women’s Clubs i r VHP and UHF Antennas the Board of Education, brought Headquarters. Anyone wishing to Selectm an Leon Rivers said he felt if the fires were a tion as Judi Genovesi and her skating and $9 to the Connecticut Federation KitchenAidf Built better. Not cheaper. greetings from the board and told the donate items should call Mrs. Grant. definite detriment to the town, the town could pay the partner in the Olympics, Kent Weigle of Republican Women’s Clubs. were honored at the school others present they should all be set­ Club President Patricia Mulligan volunteers, ' built as only Zenith builds color TV I Wednesday. ting objectives and striving to First Selectman David Dreselly made no comment It was a special day for Judi who is achieve them as Judi and Kent had. other than to ask Rivers and Preuss to work on a policy a graduate of Rockville High and Martin Fagan, principal of the high' covering the situation. school, extended congratulations on + l" 0 L p jtr L r u t Model though her partner was honored too, Recently the selectmen hired two employes for the WLW2500P it was really a “ Salute to Judi” day. behalf of the students, faculty and A Stop & Shop highway crew. Both are members of the volunteer fire ONLY Judi and Kent have been ice dan­ the administration. He said Judi had department, one is chief Dan Ratazzi. BIG 15 CU FT FREEZER cing partners for several years. Both been a fine student. He said the dan­ C.B. RADIO Two speeds — normal agitation and spin, gentlo are members of the Hartford Skating cing partners had set a goal and agitation and spin reached it through hard work and joins Bradlees Cancer skating benefit Delicate cycle Club and returned to their home towns (Kent is from West Hartford) sacrifice. HEADQUARTERS Three regular cycles for: Cindy Coughlin, president of the East Hartford A Medi Mart Drugstore will com­ Bolton Heavy soil selection early in Miirch after competing in jtsessaiiuli SALES a SERiniX a INSTALLATION Innsbruck ami then on to the World Girls’ Athletic Activities, Club, on The Stop & Shop Supermarket Co. plete the trio of Stop & Shop stores There will be a public skating Saturday from 7 until Normal soil selection behalf of that club and the Leaders Light soil selection Championships. will open a new store in the Charter when it opens in the mall April 19. 8:30 p.m. at the Bolton Ice Palace to benefit the Club, presented Judi with a silver Manager of the new supermarket American Cancer Society. Both adult and children s Up to 14 lb. capacity of mixed heavy fabrics They came in 15th in the Olympics Oak Mall off Silver Lane Monday at Bleach dispenser and 13th in the World, a great honor engraved locket and Kent with a jade 10 a.m. is George Pauley. tickets are available. Anyone wishing to go is asked to tie tac. Three wash temperature selections for both young people. The big new store will replace the His staff includes Enzio Monnaco call Alison Boisoneau, 646-4472. Dr. Raymond Ramsdell, Three water level selections Along with several other guests of old Forbes St. store opened 17 years as night manager, Dick Strang as honor, the parents of Kent and Judi superintendent of schools, com­ ago in June, 1959.' meat manager, Wayne Gagnon as plimented Judi for continuing her Few attend hearing were escorted to the platform by A Bradlees Department Store grocery manager, Don Cyr as Rockville High School students. studies and attending other school opened in the mall in March. It is a produce manager and Joe Miscia as Judi and Kent were then brought to events, while practicing the many Stop & Shop company. deli head. Bolton COLOR TV ROTOR ANTENNA “center stage,” and again received a hours she did on her skating. "That Less than 20 persons attended a public hearing on standing ovation. John Leary, a takes a lot of dedication, willpower town proper budget Tuesday, senior, read a proclamation signed and hard work.” Three were young men from the general puBltcT Most i^aiaaB iol by Mayor Thomas Benoit declaring “We are all very proud of Judi and Rockville Hospital notes were representing boards and commissions and were • COBRA • PACE • HY GAIN April 7 "A Salute to an Olympian Kent,” he said. present to answer questions townspeople might have. • ROYCE • SHARP • FANON He read a resolution from the a FAST FREEZE SHELVES Day,” and terming Judi an am­ Admitted Wednesday: Larry Carr, The hearing lasted less than an hour. • BULK STORAGE RACK • REGENCY • GEMTRONICS bassador of good will. school system recognizing Judi for Broad Brook; Allen Barber, Windsor- Stafford Springs; Sadie Cloud, Crystal ville; Edward Black, South St.; a JU IC E CAN RACKS • E.F. JOHNSON The mayor also presented Judi her "dedication resulting in her becoming a world famous athlete.” Lake Rd., Ellington; David Connor, RFD Rockville; Lucille Blain, Dayville; MOBILE • BASE • SSB RIGS with a large key to the city and 2, Ellington; Leonard Dufour, Dr. Ramsdell then presented Judi Margaret Booska, Enfield; Ida declared Kent an honorary citizen of Windermere Ave., Ellington; Marion Chapdeiaine, Warehouse Point; Charles Vernon. with a skate which will be bronzed. Grover, Snipsic Lake Rd., Ellington; Frankovich, High St., Rockville; The final speakers were Kent and Mrs Judy Tselle of Vernon, presi­ Dennis Hine, Stafford Springs; Ovila Charlene Gagne, Dunn Hill Rd., Tolland; FREE ANTENNA OR INSTALLATION dent of the Skating Club of Hartford, Judi. Kent said "I am honored to Hurlbut, Stafford Springs; Erika Koltay, Mrs. Judy Grice and son, ^ u th St., 85 East Center St. Terrace Dr., Vernon; Bridget Mulligan, * “ brought greetings from that group. take part in a tribute to my. wonder­ Rockville; Gary Lambert, High St., at Summit St. With purchase of any OR Radio! 128 ful partner Judi.” Quarry Dr., Vernon; Charles Murray, Rockville; Andrea LaMarre, Sand Hili > 2 5 8 She outlined some of the steps INSTALLED INCLUDING ALL PARTS & LABOR Judi credited her teachers for Florence St., Manchester; Glenn Rd., South Windsor; Janice Lee, West WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIALI taken by the two young skaters to Pfistndr, Old Post Rd., Tolland; Edward reach the pinnacle they did. She said being so patient with her in helping Hartford; Kim Lynch, RFD 2, Coventry; Judi Genovesi Day Prentiss, Green St., Ellington; Cynthia Michael Morelli, Donnel Rd., Vernon; this was the first time that ice dan­ her get caught up on her studies after she had been away skating. Robinson, Sherry Circle, Tolland; Mrs. Beverley Munn and daughter, West- DAFFODILS ^„»i.39 cing was a part of the Olympics. Vernon Mayor Thomas Benoit presented Judi Genovesi of Ver­ Geraldine Smith, Stafford Springs; Violet “I’m honored everyone is so in­ view Terrace, Rockville; Jeanette Owen, OPEN 111 9 P.M. THUR8., PRI. NIQHT8I Mrs. Tselle then showed a film clip non with a large key to the city at “A Salute to an Olympian” day Tomko, Spring St., Rockville; Richard Bakter St., Tolland; Leah Rundgren, terested in what I’m doing now,” she ~ i IcrtfixrLnJr of Judi and Kent going through their at Rockville High School. (Herald photo by Richmond) Zlotowski, Meadow Brook Rd., Ellington. Gordon Dr., South Windsor; Earl Westinghouse routine and the audience was ab: said. Discharged Wednesday: Clyde Arnold, Springer, Stafford Springs. TEMCO Friends seek seed funds “Oliver” shows Friday Pancake breakfast BICYCLES TWO-SPEED 18 LB. CAPACITY NEW------USED GAS GRILLS HEAVY DUTY PERMA-PRESS QUALITY BUILT 2-DOOR BOLTON—A representative from Friends of the Area Briefs ALL GUARANTEED EAST HARTFORD—St. Rose School, will present BOLTON—There will be a pancake breakfast Sunday at THE LARGEST Library will attend tonight’s Library Board meeting to Herrick Memorial Park from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. It is an all- 11.6CU.FT. REFRIGERATOR "Oliver” Friday at 8 p.m. The cast includes: Danny PPOFCSSIONAL ASSEMBLY (EUCTION Of WASHER request its aid to complete the seeding of the library O’Connell as Oliver, Danny Emrick, Lorraine Michaud, you-can-eat affair sponsored by the Bolton Volunteer NEW 8ICTCUS lawn. Alison Boisoneau, Bolton Woman’s Club Conserva­ Patrick Keenan, Mary Jo Donovan, Diane Gagnon, Dan­ Fire Departmeitf and the Women’s Auxiliary. Proceeds IN THE tion Committee chairman, will also attend. School board meets VERNON AREA) ny Dione, Dan Williamson, Mary Beth Hanley, Jerry go to buy equipment for the town’s new rescue vehicle. □ Big 18 lb. capacity Library shows Passover COVENTRY—The Board of Education will meet Leamy, Susan PelletiSr, Sharon Byrne, Tom Tedone, □ Heavy duty spiral ramp tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the teachers room of the high Cathy Palmeri, and Joseph Loomis. Library repairs in budget agitator BOLTON—A display on Passover is now at the Bentley school. Dr. Donald Nicoletti will report on the testing BOLTON—At a meeting Tuesday, the Board of a RUST FREE □ Two agitation/spin speed o c f o t n t i. selections, "Normal" and Memorial Library. Irene Tabatsky, Bolton High School program. Blood pressure screening Selectmen unanimously approved asking the Board of ALUMINUM / ^ \ a IN FINITE RANGE “Gentle" home economics teacher, prepared it. It commemorates EAST HARTFORD-There will be a free blood Finance to include $4,200 in the 1976-77 budget for □ Five position water saver the April Jewish holiday and will be up through Friday. Artists chosen pressure screening Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the renovations to the old Bentley Memorial Library. HEAT CONTROL including “Reselect" a STAINLESS STEEL VERNON—"Barn at Night,” an acrylic by Pat Cook' Community Room at Raymond Public Library on Main „ , Mon-Sot «iS04l30 x b i k e I setting Declining enrollment Thurt A 9ri ntt«s 'til 9 BURNER St. It is sponsored by the Combined Public Health Nur- K e t i r C n i e n t p a r t y □ Five position water has been selected as the painting of the month by the a SPLIT GRIDS temperatures (three for EAST HARTFORD—A panel of town officials and Tolland County Art Association. It will be on display at sing Service with the Heart Association of Greater Hart­ A U HPAIR S fiUAHANTEEO TOLLAND—Dr. Kenneth MacKenzie, who is retiring as a PORTABLE CART Permanent Press) residents will discuss how to deal with declining school the Rockville Public Library. Other paintings chosen for ford and is open to the public. High blood pressure is a ttURPCNING • KET8 MAOC □ Bleach dispenser enrollment tonight at 7:30 p.m. at East Hartford High leading cause of death in heart attack, stroke and kidney superintendent of schools, will be honored at a retire­ POST ROAD PLAZA a ASLO AVAILABLE IN display were: An acyrlic by Henry Novgrad at the MAIN STREET. ROUTE 30 PERMANENT POST □ Porcelain enameled tub, ment dinner June 4 at the Buckboard Restaurant, or top and lid School. A New York City consultant will discuss Savings Bank of Rockville; an oil by Charlotte Emery, failure. VERNON, CONN. I72-31S6 nationwide causes. East JIartford’s enrollment dropped First Federal Bank, Rockville; an oil by Florine Lugin- Glastonbury. Tickets are available in the Board of □ Lint filter and water from a peak of 12,600 in 1970 to 10,400 this year and is buhl, Tolland Library; an oil by Pat Kent, Savings Bank, “Suspended Moments” Education office. Fran Emmick is in charge and tickets recirculation system must be picked up by May 14. □ Lock 'n Spin'" safety lid expected to decline to 7,800 by 1981. It has prompted Tri-City Plaza; an acrylic by Lynn Peters, Ellington EAST HARTFORD-The East Hartford Fine Arts suggestions four of the town’s 22 schools be closed. Library; and an pil by Winifred Rogers, Tolland Savings Commission will present “Suspended Moments” Friday Artists night COUNTRY BARN Bank. at 8 p.m. in the Veteran’s Memorial Clubhouse on Sunset “Bag Sale” SOUTH WINDSOR-The Cultural Arts Committee is ANTIQUES COVENTRY—The ’Thrift and Gift Shop is running its Ridge Dr. The Readers Theatre Group is presenting it. A Camera club social hour with refreshments will follow the show. The planning for "Artists in Residence Tonight,” scheduled annual “Bag Sale” now through Saturday at the corner of for May 22 at 8 p.m. at several homes in the Berle Rd. with Thia Coupon i VERNON—Snipsic Camera Club will meet April 14 at public is invited. Weekend of ! S 1 5 8 Routes 31 and 275. from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. area. On display in the various homes will be etchings, The customer buys a shopping bag for $1 and fills it free 7:30 p.m. at the Union Church social rooms. Guest APRIL 10-11thOnlyl 110% OFF ROTISSERIE AND TANK OPTIONAL Festival of Folk water colors, oil paintings, pen and ink drawings, speaker will be Robert Mcllvin of Cheshire who will pre­ M ■■ Hi ■■■■■■■■■■■■ B M H B M M J with any clothing items regardless of price marked. photography samples, ceramics and other works of art. sent a program on “Exciting Titles.” Anyone interested BOLTON—A Festival of Folk in a coffee house setting Young Republicans meet Champagne and hors d’oeuvres will be served during the ANTIQUES INCLUDE: 26 inch Board work $ 2 6 8 ^ 2 8 8 is invited to attend. Members should bring in slides for will be Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at table, pins drop leal table, aaa cheat, blanket cheat, the monthly club competition. ’The subject is "Foul viewing and purchasing. For more information concer­ COVENTRY—The YGOP will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at Herrick Memorial Park for those in Grade 7 or older. It is ning tickets contact Joan Stein or Beverly Schwabe. bird cage winadora, caat Iron cook atove, plua a good the home of Hank and Ginny Grabowski, Woodland Rd. is Weather.” Reports will be given by the committee sponsored by the choir of the United Methodist Church aelactlon of uaed furniture, rellnlahed and In the rough MANCHESTER Atty. David Rappe will speak on "Wills and Probate.” It revising the bylaws and by the nominating committee. under the direction of Mikel VanShrauss, lay speaker at Cancer chairman - collecllblea, Iramea, mirrora, atonaware, bottlaa, etc. FREE DELIVERY 273 W. MIDDLE TPKE. is open to the public. Driving course UMC. Admission will be charged and refreshments served. , VERNON—Jane P. McCarthy of 32 School St., LOCATED: On Route 207, juat 2r,’wiil., Thun., Sat. 9;30 - S;30 DJUSIES...... bunch« . [ Marketing efforts have been stepped up to Formal action at the New Haven Ronald L. Waters has been named sales Friday, noon til 8:30 1 39 cope with the economic slowdown and in­ stockholders meeting included election of 15 I LAPP PLAZA Rt83,VtmoR 872-8022 manager for the Hartford office of Air I DAFFODILS... .. b u n c h ^ l ■ T Firm honors Tolland man *1.69 doz. 29 creased competition, Hansen said.' directors, reappointment of an auditor, and Canada. He is responsible for sales and Hansen also told stockholders of steps SNET defeat of a stockholder’s proposal to request marketing in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Edward Leckfor of 72 Dockerel Rd., Hartford for 17 years and has held his pre­ C ith a Carry f IMS „ 29 * 4 P 1,Q0 ! has taken to lessen the effect of inflation. and evaluate Affirmative Action Plans of western Massachusetts. I Houra: Mon., Thru Sat. 9:30-5:30 J Tolland, has been named administrative sent position for two years. FLOWERS ind ARRANOBMENTS FOR EVERY OCCASION . employe of the year in the group depart­ “The group department’s administrat­ I Opan Thuraday Nitaa ’til 9KK) I ment of The Hartford Life Insurance Co., ive division 1975 award tor excellence was 36 OAK ST., MANCHESTER Tel. 649-0791 or 649-1443 FREE Delivery & Parking a Frank Gakeler, Prop. Hartford. given to Mr. Leckfor because of his I Phone 649-2522 [ Leckfor serves as coordinator in the superior performance and enthusiasm for data processing planning area of the group his job,” said Thomas Wrenn, assistant Joins firm department. He has been employed at ’The vice president of the group department. Raymond Laferriere of Manchester has joined the Carl A. Zinsser Agency, Realtors, 750 Main St., as a real estate salesman. A- Laferriere, a native of Promoted Holyoke, Mass., and graduate of public schools Robert E. Clark of there, came to Manchester LAST 3 DAYS!) Manchester has been about three years ago. He promoted to manager of has completed real estate policy operations at courses at Manchester REAL WOOD PANELING! Connecticut Mutual Life in Community College and is Spectacular values from our super aelecllon ol let Quality Hartford. continuing specialized panelsl Detailed woodgraln rtproducllons on rugged plywood. A graduate of the Hart­ realty education. cR o ssm n n s, Sea our hardboard paneling ipeclalt $ paneling accttaorlct, tool ford Institute of Accoun­ He is a World War II su n se t lauan tropical ting, Clark joined the com­ veteran, serving three mahogany pany two years ago as an years overseas in the U.S. Q A A 4'irx5/3r assistant manager and was U e l l U Army as a combat " ■ ‘' j U named an associate engineer. He is a member reenbiiar or manager last year. of the Veterans of Foreign Somestead A former Air Force com­ Wars and the American panel M IM B a'xi'is/sr puter operator, he lives Association of Retired Per­ 4 . 9 9 ^ with his wife and daughter sons. at 16 Lawton Rd. He and his wife, the T former Doris Ann white aluminum white aluminum Moorhouse of East Hart­ colonial ford, live at 51 Sycamore rain carriers Lane. combo door 2”x 3” downspout At meeting 3 8 9 0 9 9 1 ^ length lengik William H. Leslie of GOING OUT OF Replace rotting gutters...protect Manchester participated in A quality unit you can install our home from water damage, the recent Society of Ac­ yourself...with stop-by-sisp dirtc* tightwelght, lasting aluminum; lions. Complete with safety glass, 10^ langtns. tuaries regional meeting in screen A hardware. Washington, D.C., as part of a workshop presentation muniimmimmm [FTTTT on employe benefit plan self-sealing funding and costs. exterior sheathing^ Leslie is assistant vice plywood roof shingles BUSINESS SALE! president and group ac­ tuary at the Hartford Life Joins staff Insurance Co., Hartford.

Michael Hardel has Super-strong...guaranteed not Shinglas that rastst even hurri­ Public to delaminate. Exterior glue., cane winds. 230 lb. asphalt joined the sales staff at 3-ply CDX plywood, for sheath­ ihlnglta. In all stock colors. 3 Dillon Sales and Service, ing, roof decking, more. bundlss covtr approx. 100 s q . f t ^ 319 Main St. records Hardel has been WosOifi^ Itiiilding |ifrmil8 associated with the l i i m m / M automotive industry for l a s t The Andrew Ansaldi Co. for more than 20 years. He was James P. Connolly, trustee, Nutmeg Beverage Co, (Pop 6’ springbrook tool shed aluminum formerly general manager / t i m e Shop) PlanU 249 Spencer St,, combination at a dealership in $140,000. Rockville. dollar inve K Frank Aleria for East T O S A V E windows Hardel lives with his Catholic High School, two family at 122 Cambridge baseball dugcuts at 115 New St. State Rd., $1,000. Donald Ponticelli, additions ABSOLUTELY at 261 Autumh St., $950. Gets award Ernest J. Reed for Joseph Triple ribbed galvanized steel construction with baked Cherrone, demolish building Green & White enamel llnish. Decorative storage lor Joseph Palazzi, service NO EXCEPTIONS! tools & lawn furniture. manager at Chorches at 624 E. Middle Tpke., $1,000. White linish window units you can Inatall Leon J. Zaccaro, additions yoursell & save! Complate with tcraan. Motors Inc. of Manchester, Inside Dim. 7’9-3/6"W x 5’7-1/6"D x 6’3V,”H Slock sizes only. at 71 S. Adams St„ $1,500. has been named a member S SPBEEI STORK 5 Robert G. Snyder for EVERYTHING IN of the ;’Citation Circle” of Edward Sargalski, garage at Chrysler Corp.’s service managers. The award is based on handling of customer I relations, service shop management and factory warranty policy fence at 410 Center St., $825. procedures. BIKES •TENTS Joseph Virelli, tool shed at Palazzi will attend a ser­ 446 Parker St., $160. A & J Quality Roofing Co. vice managers seminar GYM SETS with other winners later | this month in Miami, Fla. St., $1,900. GIRLS’TOYS Marriage licciiHC and Assunta Maria Sipala, LF U LLd •{ iA M tS Rran lacwa. Ms" ro i. pm 40 Ttart ol UmxctIM Strvict O p en 24 Hours Dally FISHING GrUfin Photography FOR EMERGENCY SERVKC OMuantg PoruiTiK CAMPING aamaacs Mobil GOLF SETS HEATING OILS A N D r e d u c e d 5 0 % OIL BURNER A TENNIS HEATING INSTALLATION at' t h e EQUIPMENT 643-5135 315 Center St. Manphester BASKETBALL ITEMS'. SPORT SHOES OPEN OUR REG. PRICES TENNIS OUTFITS \ coMPnmoN ON EVERY SINGLE ITEM IN O p ening SAT. 8 P.M. L EVERY DEPARTMENT! . APRIL 10 e are oo'"® save o" lake ad'

Lon and Found 1 P tno nili 9 ^ IMPOUNDED - mixed breed, INCOME TAX returns BABYSITTER to care for one MANCHESTER - U iR Built -. MANCHESTER - Six room MANCHESTER - To settle es­ MANCHESTER - Two-family MANCHESTER - Immaculate MANCHESTER - $27,500 - RAISED RANCH - Seven black, brown and white, male prepared in your home by child, my home or yours. eight room Garrison Colonial older Colonial, formal dining tate. West side older home. duplex, aluminum siding, 2- six room Ranch, three Willing to work for a starter rooms, beamed cathedral dog near Thomason Dr. Call qualified consultant. Call Highland Park ai;ea. Call 646- lour spacious bedrooms, 21/2 room with dry bar and built-in Ideal for growing family or in­ car garage.' Big back yard. bedrooms, fireplaced living home. This handyman special ceiling in living room with Dog Warden, 646-4555. Allan Keeler Tax Service, 871- 0559. baths, family room with stone hutch, city gas, water and law division potential. Enjoy Private Owner. Inquire 143 room, nicely treed yard. Many could be your first home. Call fieldstone fireplace,*- etrt-1n 1781, Monday^Sunday, 9-9. wall,, double garage, $65,900. sewer, convenient to down­ the advantages of spacious Main Street. CIRCA 1778 extras. Priced in the mid 30’s. today, G&R Realty, 289-6885. kitchen, formal dining room, IMPOUNDED - mixed breed, INSURANCE AGENCY east Hayes Corporation, 648-0131. town shopping and schools. rooms, abundant storage Beautifully restored 6- B/W Realty, 647-1419. 15x21 family room with white and buff male. Redwood room Cape. Wide floor She Heratb of the river needs,full time $29,900. By owner. 643-8608. areas, full basement with dry OVERSIZED CAPE - Six fireplace, wooded acre-lot WELL LOCATED two Dr. area. Call Dog Warden, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING experienced help,,must know,^„RANCH - Country living In the cellar, expandable attic. MANCHEiSTER - Turn of the boards. T^o baths, 2-car MANCHESTER - 5-5,;>aplex rooms, with central air- with privacy, $44,900. bedroom Ranch Con­ 646^555.______general insurancewating and ' hllyi->100x200...... lot, surrounds Imagine the fun of family or century charming older garage. Lovely wooded set­ in excellent condition, good In­ conditioning, eat-in kitchen, Philbrick Agency, Realtors, dominium, full basement, ful­ □ EMPLOYMENT Colonial, four , large 646-4200. LOST - Savings Passbook coverage, typing, no this deal) six room brick and MANCHESTER - Cape, new friends gathered in dining ting on 1*A acres. $57,5(X). come or live-in, attractively dining room, brand new bath, ly carpeted, carport, outside number 022-0-24589-8, Hart­ shorthand. Salary commen­ aluminum hotnh. Two baths, kitchen and roof, king sized room with walk-in buffet bedrooms, large entrance listed in the 30’s. B/W Realty, three good sized bedrooms, patio and more. Call First foyer, spacious staircase of WARREN E. ford National Bank and Trust Help Wanted 13 surate with experience. Write fireplace, gaha'ge, asking $42,- master bedroom, carpeted closet plus sit-down kitchen 647-1419. $35,000. Philbrick Agency, SIXTEEN ACRES - Plus Hartford Realty, Milt Leon, Co., First Manchester Office. to Box SS, Manchester 9W. Keith Real Estate, 64^ with full pantry. Great original wood, Italian brick Realtors, 6464200. restored antique Colonial in 646-8727 , 646-6555. $30,900. PHONE 643-2711 living room with fireplace, fireplace. Ideal , for HOWLAND Application made for pay­ PHONE FROM home to ser­ FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD Herald, 4126, 649-1922. 100’x200’ treed lot. $34,900. southern exposure for winter Manchester. Fifteen rooms, vice our customers in the warmth where your plants professional man. Parking for Raaltori 643-1108 MANCHESTER - Five room three full baths, nine GRACIOUS Four bedroom ART T. ment. Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. Ansaldi Ranch, two Manchester area, flexible BAKERY PORTER - full MANCHESTER - Extra nice will thrive. Reasonably priced % cars on this large treed lot. MANCHESTER fireplaces, other features too Colonial, center hall, formal hours, super earnings, 249- 13 Help Wi 13 Help Wanted 13 time, steady work, apply 5-4 Two family, new furnace, for early sale. Call 643-5693. G&R Realty 289-S%. fireplaces, garage, convenient Just Listed — 7 room numerous to mention. $130,- dining room, living room with I Love You % location. Quiet street. Call 7773. Parkade Bakery, Manchester, appliances, and more. Ideal Ranch, Green Manor area. 000. Philbrick Agency, fireplace, new kitchen with Sandy K. prepara OPENINGS on all shifts for Ct. for young couple, let tennent Iiriiln liji fur littirid MANCHESTER - Unusual in­ 649-7763. Realtors, 646-4200. microwave oven, trash com­ SCHOOL Maintenance help - CAREER as an optician, NEW RANCH - Large country come home, charming Move-in condition. Owner Dan Mosler - Cali 649-3329 or REAL ESTATE Agent - experienced printed circuit mechanically capable. Give Mechanclal ability and math help make mortgage kitchen with appliances, two M^utiJu llw WMt Ml. MANCHESTER - reduced transferring, high $30s. pactor, etc. paneled rec room, 525-8263 tor appointment. Unlimited possibilities in board people. Printed circuit CLEANING help for beauty payments. Must be seen. Only Federal Colonial with upstairs NORTH COVENTRY - Price beautifully treed lot. 646-1189. experience and references. background helpful. Call 643- full baths, three bedrooms, $M,500. Quality biAlt, all brick apartment. New roof, new MANCHESTER .- All offers Call now for quick sale. residential and commercial board fabricator, Manchester Herald ^ x , NN. 1191. salon in downtown 38,900. Warren E. Howland fireplace, patio, oversized 2- MANCHESTER - ’’Village Cape, treed lot, in-ground considered, on this extra large is right on this three bedroom TAX RETURNS - Individual field, licensed, full-time per­ photographer, electroplater, Manchester. Call 563^765. Realtors, 643-1108. Charm" Cape, six rooms, wiring, new heating, new (!entury 21 Raised Ranch,'2-car garage, SIX ROOM Cape, move-in car garage, deck, walk-out pool, basement rec room, with plumbing, new aluminum cape, four bedrooms, and business tax returns son wanted. Keith Real NC driller. Programming for AVON'S NEW earnings plan basement, aluminum siding, fireplace, garage, wooded lot, bar, quiet neighborhood of fireplaced front to back living formal dining room, deck, condition, panel^ rec room, BEST WISHES prepared. Call Russell L. GENERAL OFFICE Work - siding, interior remodeling of Jacktson Avante Estate, 646-4126. excellon drill equipment, silk means you make more bookkeeping and typing, lull SUPERINTENDANT - SOUTH WINDSOR - 3 raised wall-to-wall throughout, $47,- convenient location. $32,900. comparable homes. Inspect room. Ideal home for growing nice landscaped lot. High 30’s. oversized garage, circular AND GOOD LUCK Burnett, Tax Service, 353 screener and inspector, Modern apartment building, Double "E" Real Estate, exceUent taste and quality. A Century 21, Tedfonf Real pool, assumable mortgage, mmney. Sell guaranteed, day, Mon, and Tucs., Wed., hearth brick fireplaces, 3-4 900. Philbrick Agency, 646- this maintenance free proper- must see house. G&R Realty, family. Priced to sell. Call 646-1316 Center Street, Manchester, RN’S and LPN’s needed for 3- dry film applicator. Must world famous products, many Hartford. Retired couple for 4200. ' ______^lar^Eganj^46-5358^^^^^ ty. G&R Realty, 289-6885. B/W Realt)\647-1419. Estate, 647-9914. 646-1189. 646-3005. ______Thurs., Friday afternoons. bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, 9llQ#illH.'i______11 shift; Excellent benefits have one or more years at new low prices. I’ll show Call 742-6641, maintenance, repairs. Apart­ living room, dining room, Darlene Lavoie experience in P. C. txiard VERSATILE Dance Combo and working conditions. you how. Call 523-9401. ment plus salary, 522-1187, family room, play room. 11/2 manufacturing. Apply in per­ availabie for weddings, par­ Please apply in person. RESPONSIBLE person, 232-5673. baths, fully caroled, 4-zone I'll miss youl ties. 3120 for four hours. Call Meadows Convalescent son at Multi-Circuit Inc., 50 MORNING STOCK Crew, married, sober, not afraid of Harrison St., Manchester, 646- oil heat. Mud room and much, Love, Jean 649-3826, 644-1335. ' Center, Manchester, Conn. experience necessary. 5 a.m .- hard days work, $3. per hour, GOLF COURSE - Mow much, more. Mid $$0,000. Alda "o™- Morning clerks from experienced superintendant, fairways, Monday-Friday, 7 Realty, MLS Realtors, Equal I t A NatUmot Home Imp/iovement Motdltl 8:30-3:00. Apply Frank’s a.m,-3:30 p.m. Snack bar, part Announcemente 3 Announcements 3 Announcements knowledge in all phases of Housing Opportunnty. W8- Supermarket, 725 East Middle electrical, plumbing, lawn time, help. Apply at Tallwood 7271. P.S. Don’t forget Turnpike, Manchester. work, apply between 9-11 a.m. Country Club, Route 85. to write. only.y. Manchester, 528-1300. Hebron, FIRST OFFERING - Six DENTAL HYGIENIST - part room Ranchr^reezeway, gar­ time, Glastonbury location. SALES POSITION - excellent age, fireplace, plaster walls, PUBLIC NOTICE Call 649-3517. YiwtrtitHHHil-MNlitHM opportunity for aggressive in­ good condition throughout, It kCil 343-2711 to4ay fur fnt dividual in Retail Sales with city utmtteS, lot 100x150. Near All charitable and non-profit organizations INSURANCE AGENCY in the mufti. permanent food broker. Good school. Priced at only $43,900. NOTICE starting salary and benefits. wishing to have their Public Announcements Vernon Circle area looking for Call Charles Lesperance, 649- part time clerk typist. Send resume to Box V, 7620. Taken by virtue of an published free In this space are urged to con­ Experience in life insurance DENTAL ASSISTANT - Manchester Evening Herald. EXECUTION to me directed, tact Joe McCavanagh, General Manager of preferred. Typing and Wanted for growing MANCHESTER ten room and wiU be sold at PUBUC machine transcription. A Manchester office. Five day ranch. Five, bedrooms, two VENDUE to the highest Regal Mufflers of Manchester. Space will be must. Send resume to Box M, week including Saturdays. and half baths, fireplace, bidder, at MEADOWBROOK alloted on a first come, first served basis. Manchester Herald. Experience preferred. Send MANCHESTER Three chair remodeled kitchen, many resume to Manchester Herald SHOPPING CENTER, RT immaculate Barber Shop off extras, must be seen. $Ms. Call Thursday batwaan 8 and 12 BUSINESS of your own, in­ Box HR. Main Street. Call for details, LaPenta Agency Realtor, 646- 44A, < COVENTRY, vestment less than 3100 in­ to raaarva apaca for tha following LaPeifta Agency, Realtor, 2440. CONNECTICUT 31 days after come potential 31200 a month, PART TIME help weeknights, 646-2440. date, which will be on the 17th waak. Joe McCavanagh part time. Must be over 21. 5-10 p.m., Saturday 9:30-7. SEVEN room aluminium day of April 1976, at 10 o’clock 742-9087. Over 21, bondable, references, sided Cape. Three bedrooms, in the forenoon, to satisfy said 32.30 per hour. Call 646-9197 or Situation Wanted 15 dining room, living room, Execution and my fees 4 hand lull of cash is tetter than a ear- apply 707-A Main Street. family room, and one bath. WILL TAKE care of an older thereon, the following M uffler age full of stuff. . Close to schools, church, bus PART TIME bookkeeper - person with light housework.’ and shopping. $39,900. By ap­ described property, to wit: a PUBLIC Health Staff Nurse Five days a week (if lot, consisting of ice skates, Center secretary, one girl office. Call pointment only. 649-4218. R e gal B.S. required. Minimum one between 10-2, 643-1440. possible). M7-9240. hockey pads, hockey sticks, year experience. Generalized hockey jerseys and other MANCHESTER - Solid brick W t otter convanisnea along with a auparlor product. yogram, 35 hour week. SCHOOL BUS Drivers, LIGHT housework or babysit­ cape with 1 1/2 baths, various sports equipment. | Eleven paid" holidays. Three knowledge of Manchester ting few hours a day wanted. fireplace, basement garage, Dated at Coventry, Conn, Corner of Broad week vacation. Community necessary, clean driving Call 646-7223. full shed dormer, in mid 30's. Health Service Inc., Rt. 6, this 29th day of March 1976 and Center Street Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. record required, call 643-2373 T. J. Crockett, Realtors, 643- Ralph S. Thlssell Columbia, Ct. 228-9428. or 643-2414. RELIABLE SITTER, will 1577. Deputy Sheriff Phone 646-2112 Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. babysit in my home. Call 643- 7715. JUMBO RANCH on 120x200 It's April . . . springtime . . . and time for those improvements around your home which do so much to increase your home’s comfort and its value! Whether your home improvement project lot, now being built on East is large or small, the business firms whose advertising messages appear on this page have the materials you need and the know-how to assist you should you need help. They invite your THERE’S A BUMPER CHILD CARE - Toddlers and pre-schoolers. Playmates, Eldridge Street. Call now fof questions as well as your patronage! And they remind you April is the month to DO IT -T O IT! CROP OF VALUES National Weather Forecast large fenced yard, convenient details and color choices. T. J. IN THE WANT ADS location. $4. per day. 644-9000. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. CALL MANCHESTER - New listing SEE THESE LOCAL MERCHANTS FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS!! 643-2711 19 - Nice 4-4, two-family with 2- Schools-Classes car g a ra ^ and two heating BEGINNERS Cake systems. Priced in upper 30’s. Announce T. J. Crockett, Realtors, M3- Evans Waterguard Since 7953 Ready for a New Kitchen Floor? 3000 Decorating classes, starting 1577. April I3th and 14th. Call 633- White Masonry RIDWELL THATCHER 5388 for more information. Waterproofing WHY PAY MORE? MANCHESTER - Super buy, HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. I “With my small overhead I can give you the I Eliminates the back­ large 3 bedroom ranch, N ow Only I A L t r O A . best for less.” breaking job of hand finished basement, fireplace, □ SIDING □ REAL ESTATE king size master bedroom, SALE ^ 1 9 Mike Gfacalone raking, and does it in a garage, great neighborhood, SIDING OF ALL TYPES fraction of the time. asking low 40’s. Warren E. |The Finest In Armstrong & Congoteum Flooring Operates as easily as a Homes For Sale 23 25 lb. bag. Regularly 3.95 • Altarattons • Roofingling • Bareges • Porchss Howland Realtors. 643-ll()8. Expert workmanship hilly guaranteed. power lawn mower. More Mix with water; brush on Additlans $26,500., ATTRACrriVE 5 room thorough than hand masonry, stone or brick. Seals Aluminum Combination Storm Windows Ranch, fireplace, baseboard FREE ESTIMATES raking could ever be... heating, stove, refrigerator. ★ BUY ★ out dampness above or below USY grade, Indoors or out. 25 lb. Htitchins Agency 646-3186, This clean ranch and FREE S vinyl Dressing With Any New Floorl bag covers approximately 125 S . 649-6495 REDUCED FOR quick sale - move In lor iprlngllma ^quare feet. j/VhIte only. MANCHESTER two family, 30 Locust Street, fun. The United Team will If no antwsr, call lAYlOR RENTAL unwiAiHfkfoiocAilft no agents. 646-2426, 9-5. be glad to thow you thia Rockville 075-9109 Suburban Floor Oovering home and point out lie Mim Atr of Mtnehottor JUTH WINDSOR Chambor of Comm«fC« 155 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER BOLTON - $31,900- Attractive many laaturaa. Showroom samples located at Authenticy 1 For period ending 7 a.m., Friday, April 9. Thursday night will five room Ranch, family . 5, Nutmeg Rd. 148 N. SCHOOL ST., This valuable Information can ★ UNITED REALTY ★ MOORE'Sl |687 M alnSt. 647-17931 6 4 3 - 2 4 9 6 be yours, FREE, when you order find showers scattered over parts of the Rockies and Florida. room, fireplace, paneling, 2 8 0 -0 2 3 1 MANCHESTER any of the tine quality. GOLD Elsewhere, mostly fair weather is forecast.. Minimum aluminum siding. Hutchins 848-9616 LINE C B A C C E SSO R IE S listed temperatures include: (approximate maximum readings In Agency, 646-3166. in this ad. Each product la a carefully designed, precision parenthesis) Atlanta 43 (66), Boston 33 ( 46), Chicago 35 ( 66), MANCHESTER- New listing - CUP mTd CB aid created to help you Dallas 47 (73), Denver 38 ( 66), Duluth 39 (67), Houston 5 (79), U&R Built eight room HEBRON seven room Ranch, get the best performance from Jacksonville 52 (71), Kansas City 46 (69), Los Angeles 43 (63), Colonial, 2W baths, double three bedrooms, private treed the C B rig you now own. With lJOHN'SFLOORCOVEMKGINC.1 and Gold Line you can quickly sup­ Miami 68 ( 83), New Orleans 50 (75), New York 36 (48), Phoenix garape, ail the extras. Air- lot, garage, fireplace, press noisy CB "pop and 56 (85), Francisco 45 (61), Seattle 41 (57), St. Louis 36 (69), conditioning, dead-end street. appliances. Immediate oc­ 119 Oakland St. SAVE!! crackle"... filter out pesky re­ on FUN 60’s, Hayes Corporation, 646- cupancy. $43,900. Warren E. ception problems ... get the 0131. Howland Realtors, 643-1108. correct antenna placement... Installing Since 1953 emf, you can fM iy ac/Meve max­ LOVELY six room Ranch MANCHESTER - ten room imum CB p o w t — Mimpfy and Ranch, six bedrooms, large aasMy/ home, on quiet tree lined KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING street. Two fireplaces, 1 1/2 treed lot, garage, ideal for LINOLEUM - CARPET - CERAMIC large family on budget. $41,- FAMOUS GOLD LINE baths, garage, privacy, Buckley School, low 40’s. 900. Warren E. Howland FCRMICA CB ACCESSORIES Keith Real Estate, 646-4126, Realtors, 643-1108. Also Everyday in the 649-1922. |W e Carry Egerya Rugs & Martin Braided Rugs| MAKE YOUR CBA MANCHESTER - new listing, six room Cape. Two rooms un- POWERHOUSE Manchester Evening Heraid ★ LOOK ★ finistred, aluminum siding, manchester PERFORMER! To US If you a rt con­ nice location, walk to Parkade Open Mon., Tue$., Sat 10 to 6 P.M. sidering a new home In and schools. Low 30’s. LaPen­ Thurs. & Fri. 10 to 9 P.M. ta Agency, Realtor, 646-2440. the low 40's. Let ut show Closed Wednesday carpet Classified Ad Section... 311 Main St. ANTENNA MATCHERS you MaK Quality lor un­ FOUR bedroom Ranch, two A correct VSWR match for your comparable value. Tha and half baths, large country IMANCHESTER 643-9479 6 4 0 -2 1 3 0 center antenna means full power every United Team will tarve lim e. . . and the tops in on*the*alr a different ^5.00 Fun Ad kitchen. IFamily .room and clarity! your neadt. also a rec room. 3-zone heat, M od*l#l044...... '..(9 » ★ UNITED REALITY ★ air-conditioning and many will appear. Be the first person 646-9018 more comfortable features. REGIN A CAREER Offered at only $44,900. SWR MINI-BRIDGE Beechler-Tanquay Realtor, PAINT UP • FIX UP iBathrooiti Vanities| OAKLAND FARMS Space Saver Mini-Vanity Bases! Experienced CB'era and Hama IN MANCHESTER - Magnificent 646-2212. know that an SWR Bridoe is the to respond and win! eleven room Colonial, over 4,- Gothic Smoke or shortest route to "super'' CB out* LAW ENFORCEMENT MANCHESTER - New homes BUY OF THE WEEK and GREENHOUSES put! A 250 Watt beauty. 000 square feet of elegant Oak Tha Connecticut Army NiHonal Guard can land you to living area. 4 1/2 baths, now under construction by Gleason St., Manctiester • 649-7S91 Mod»l#10«A...... »15»* aluminum siding, beautiful Nutmeg Homes Inc., Raised AcroM from tf»« tormor Pllgrtm Mllla $ 2 3 ” tha U.S. Army Military Polica School at Fort McClaltan, Ranches and Colonials. Alabama, tor light walks of training In law enforca- terraced lot. Must be seen. Priced to sell fast inOO’s. Call Priced from $49,900. Call for with This Coupon -THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL- Great savings on I ALTERNATOR/ GENTR mant. Tha school Includei training in mathodi of ap- details. Zinsser Agency, 64^ marble or aciyUc I NOISE FILTERS RULES & DIRECTIONS R. Zimmer, J.D. Real Estate, prahenslon, taarch and aalzura, judo and application 646-1980. or 647-1139. 1511. PAINT THINNER tops in I Your car's electrical system can STRAWBERRY PLANTS coordinating I create noise. It's a "wipe out" with of unarmed dsfansa, tachniquea of quailing riots and Reg. 79* colors, r this handy CB aid. Operates on all Ads will appear somewhers In the dliturbancaa, cara,and uta of authorized waapona, RAMBLING nine room Cape, SEVEN ROOM Cape, four Election cl treg's. bedrooms, big family room, Quality Vanities At ■ Classified Section. mathodi of patrolling, and bailc tachniquat of in­ 2 baths, fireplace, carpeting, Model #1076...... *826 1 trees, $36,900. Hutchins Agen­ two fireplaces, central vac LOW, LOW .PRICES vestigation and Interrogation. cy, Realtors, 646-3166. system, attached garage, PINT 17< I t 25 Plants n . 9 9 Ada will be run only once and will be run quiet street, $46,900. Owner. Initial enllatmsnt Is for tlx years. Following eight waaka Good Only April 8, 9, 10 Also Vegetable Plants, Flower MANCHESTER' - Hurry - 649-3954. FEED-THRU FILTERS A B under various classifications. of Basic Training and eight weeks of Military Polica Plants and Nursery Stock... NOISE SUPPRESSORS Spring has Sprung - This 6 School you’ll return horns to a guaranisad part-time room Ranch, three bedrooms, SHERWIN WILUAMS CO. M k P a n e l Solve CB noise problems due to The first person responding to each ad is LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN “WATCH FOR OUR car accessories, appliances, voi- job with tha 143rd Military Polica Company at tha Waal fireplace, garage, full base­ spacious Garrison Colonial on 981 Main 8trtat SPECIALTY HOME CENTERS ^ tagerag's, etc. tOOAmpa-SSVolts the winner. No duplications will be Hartford Armory on Farmington Avsnua. ment, treed lot, needs a new beautiful wooded lot, large WEEKLY SPECIALS” Division of PET, In c . ______owner. 30’s. LaPenta Agency, Modol#1090...... *5®« * awarded. Tha pay la good. During acliva duty training you’ll family room with fireplace, 228 Spencer St., Manchester, Ct. * 646-1404 Realtor, 646-2440. 12x23 game room, music All responses mutt be in person at the racsivs $360 par month plus frsa msali, housing, un- room, or fourth beijroom, Iformt, and full medical covsraga. Whan you return MANCHESTER - Seven room wall-to-wall throughout, "STOP-CAR-STEREO­ ■ Manchester Evening Herald at Herald NOISE" HLTERS you’ll work one weakand each njonth lor $53.68 with Raised Ranch on lovely rosewood paneling, central Q M IM fi CHMN LINK Squelch nolM in car .lereoa & Square. automatic Incraatss. Each lummar you’ll eetye two wooded lot in one of vac, built-in barbecue, sliding Manchester’s most desirable tape decka cauud by turn sle- waaka active duty with tha 143rd MP Company. glass doors, flagstone patio. WINDOW SPECIAL! DO IT — TO IT! nale. wlpera. ale. Installa eaglly. Responses must be made Monday thru areas. Two fireplaces, pan­ Call today for details and in- FENCING SALE Additional bansfitt Includs $20,000 Ills Insurance lor eled family room, 2-car gar-, jspection of this choice This Is a DELUXE (Tripis Track) WITH ROLL UP AWNINtS Modal #1066...... *400 a Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 $3.40 a month, PX privllsgat, and a free retirement age. Priced in the 50’s. Jolfering. $79,900. Philbrick Comblnatlon-Storm & Screen Win­ * Aluminum Producta . StaUonary Awninge Par Ft. Send your order today/ p.m. Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. Agency Realtors, 646-4200. Receive your FREE "How To" plan. dow, Heavy Duty Aluminum Tinted booklet by return maill ^ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Age 18 to 34; normal Screen Wire — Sturdy Braes Bar. . Door Canoplee * Porch Screening toW ONLY X Herald employes and their Immediate MM Coupon Todiyt . color vision; U.S. Clllian, or be admitted to U.S. for • Patio Roole Complete With Screening EVERY 100 FT. INCLUDES; ■ families are ineligible to participate. permanent raaldsncy; no mors than 3 dspsndants for SALE ENDS $ 1 ^ 4 5 COMPARE AI9O’ - 9 Gauge Green Vinyl Fabric - 4’ High | non-vatarani; no larlous arrest record; height at least NEW-NEW APRIL 30 I W AT 26.9S See U$ or Cell tor FREE Estimates ★ 100’ - 1% inch Galvanized Top Rail S’O" tor malat and 5’4” lor Ismalsa; able to past written Brand new 6-room Colonials, 3 bedrooms, I This Is a Limited Oiler ■ Come In or CALL NOW. ★ 100 EACH TIE WIRES entrance teat and physical examination. JVz baths, fireplace, aluminum sideicl, city FAMOUS BRANDS STORM DOORS & COMBINATION ★ 9 EACH - 1%” Galvanized Line Poati ★ 9 EACH Aluminum Loop Capa Vatarana can snilat lor aa little aa one year at tha grade utilities, many extras - $38,900. Only two ALUMINUM DOORS GALOREI WINDOWS IN ALUMINUM you hold pravlouily. Thara’a no actlva duly left. • White • Brown • Black ADDITIONIL HMDWAK I MSTALUT10N AVAUtU Bond chock or M O ALL STYLES AVAILARLE ^ S t por Mom. ifuppingandhftndNog raqulramsnts for vatarana. All your training will be “on 7*dBy monoy bock guira/iMo ff yot/art/)Of Security Chain Link Fence Co. co m p ttH ff aattaWad tha |ob.“ MANCHESTER AWWN6 CO, (Add atttwcity aalaa lax aa noadad 649-31)911 k | Kuonb S h e B c r a tb For full dstalls and a personal Interview contact Allan R&D REALTY INC. Weatherguard Co. I 195 W. Center St. SALE ENDS Fim Miwy I 'lr iir MAM Established 1949 C06MUNICATIONISAUS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Salley at the Connecticut Army National Guard I 639 Center St. 649-4533 tWtJS APttlLSOth 6 8 8 -0 0 9 1 120 WATER STREET Raorulling Otftca In Hartford. Tsiaphona 248-3320, L 8. NORWALK. CONN 06866 646-4968 Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. ______I . L / PAGE TWENTY-TWO — MANCHESTER EVfelNlNG HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Aprifs. 1976 - PAGE TWENTY-THREE\ Articin tor Solo 41 Roomt tor Root 52 Aportmonto For Root 53 Aulot For Solo Answer to Previous Puzzle Frank and Enwat I n S c h o o l THREE DAYS Only - Friday LIGHT Housekeeping, room FURNISHED apartment, 1 6491929 IS THE number Charles M. Schultz 12-5, Saturday, all day, Sunday for rent, stove, refrigerator, 1/2 rooms, private bath, call for a Volkswagen Bus II ACROSS 2 Aware of VETERINARIAN 10-6. Good buys, top quality, linens provided. 801 Main St. carpeting and paneling. Good rebuilt engine. New transmis­ Dear Abby 1 — review (slang) sion, front brakes, muffler. 5 School subject 3 American cash only, no checks or ,6469879. location. Call 649-5729 (coll.) IF I HAD A CAP, SIR, WHY PON'T'fOU JUST TRY IF I 6 0 T A H ir,I COULP deposits, knick-knacks, Body good. Fold d o ^ bed, inventor 5 o M e ? o D Y n /t h i evenings. 9 School chum 4 Asian nation isoeoLD COME back here SETTING A HIT INSTEAD? THROIO/WCAP IN THE AIK! beautiful hanging - plants, ONE large room for working storage $750. firm. Call after 6 By Abigail Van Buren 12 Preposition 5 Unruly group TO THE BENCH, ANP SLAiU shelves and brackets. p.m. 13 Worthless 6 Scents 0- ■fr ■fr A person, private bath, entrance 30 LOCUST STREET - First IT POION IN PI5SUST! J ------' OVER m y clothing, hooks, dining room, and parking. Call after 5 p.m., floor, four room apartment, (Scot.) 7 Opposite of 0 0 0 living room sets, lamps, 6469704. h eated , se c u rity , $210. 1966 CHEVROLET Suburban 14 Stowe false tahies, dresser and chest, TV Carryall. Running condition character 8 Detester PET Ro c k . Available April 16th. 6492426, 15 Cornmeal 9 Boundary and sewing machine. Loads of CENTRAL, pleasant, room 9-5. as is. May be seen at Brown’s pudding 10 Shakespeare's 26 Distracting 45 Sloping ways parking. 27A Amato Drive, next to shower, parking. 649- Tire Shop, 333 Main Street, 17 Diminutive of river 26 Tipped 46 Otherwise lU \ South Windsor. (Pleasant 6801 after 6:30. CLEAN tour room apartment Manchester. Best offer. DEAR ABBY: I went with this man for three years, and Ronald 11 Scottish writer 30 Anatomical 47 Gaseous Valley Apartments.) for rent. First floor, no pets. it was the real thin^f, but we had a big fight. Before he 16 Biblical name 16 Property of netw ork elem ent BANK Repossessions - 1975 cooled off, he jumped into a marriage that he regretted right 19 Teachers'------M oses' 31 G aelic 48 Sicilian _ Adults only, $130 plus security 21 Region brother 33 Kind'Of down volcano iH A 'tti MOVING - Four piece maple deposit. 6493841. Toyota Corella, 2 door hard­ away. ^ Aportmonto For Ront 53 23 Male sheep 20 Domesticates 35 Lure 50 Boy's name bedroom set with recent new top, 4 speed transmission, I am still single, but 1 have no time for him because he is a 24 Scoundrel 22 Road curves 40 Attack 51 To be (Fr.) Gold Bond box spring and 4 ROOM DUPLEX - nice loca­ AM-FM radio. 1973 Ford LTD, married man now and has been .for six years. 27 Larlssan 24 Vehicles 43 Clamping 52 Organ part WINTHMP By DICK CAVAUI mattress. Five piece formica WE HAVE customers waiting tion, carpeting, private 4 door hardtop, AM-FM radio, Every time his wife goes to a hospital to have another m ountain 25 Nautical term devices 55 Lords (ab.) • and chrome kitchen set. GE for the rental of your apart­ driveway, basement, securi­ air-conditioning. Power 29 S im ple r - 5“ r ~ 5“ 6 baby, he calls me at work and sends me telegrams begging 32 Foreigners r ~ 5 7 r " 10 11 automatic ironer and chair. ment or home. J.D. Real ty, $165. No utilities. 643-9233. steering, power brakes. Call me to see him. He says he still loves me. Mickey Finn — Morris Weiss Call 649-4837 evenings. Estate Associates, Inc. 646 34 Seesaw 13 14 South Windsor Bank and To tell you the truth, I still have a soft spot in my heart 36 R ewrite ^ SIX ROOM Apartment, stove, Trust. 289-6061, Mr. Marouski.. for him. I know I shouldn't see him, but how can I get him 37 Interpolations $5. CASH to the first person to IS 17 refrigerator, carpeting, out of my heart before I weaken? 38 Plant ovule C'MON, UNCLE PHIL— ^pear at the Manchester LOOKING for anything in real private driveway, $215 per 1967 DODGE Pick-up, $500 or 39 Seasoning iT " STOP SITTING AROUND Evening Herald office with a estate rental - apartments, best offer. Call between noon STILL CARE 41 Fem ale ru ff AND MOPING/ BUY A month. Two children, no pets, COUPLE OF TICKETS TO 1965 Chevrolet, preferably the homes, multiple dwellings, no security, 646-6072. and seven. 8797446. 42 Reverend (ab.) 21 DEAR STILL: There Is nothing you can do about a "soft 44 M ix A BROADWAY SHOW— owner. fees. Call J.D. Real Estate 2 T 2 T 29 30 31 spot in your heart.’' Just make sure it doesn’t spread to 46 Doors, for Associates, Inc. 6461980. MANCHESTER - Four 1968 PONTIAC Tempest, 8, Instance TREMENDOUS Tag Sale - rooms, one bedroom, first automatic, clean, good condi­ your head. Try to get interested in someone else. Nothing 49 A ntic 32 Something for everyone in­ PRESIDENTIAL Village floor, heat, hot water, stove, tion. Best offer. 6493K24 after kills an old romance quicker than a new one. 53 Hawaiian cluding 13” tires, TV, apartments, near churches cooking fuel, quiet, con­ 3. garland children’s clothes and toys. and shopping area, no pets. venient location, large yard. 54 Draw in chess 38 39 140 Please call 6462623. JONES AUTO 56 Male child ■ Sunday, April 11th, 165, 39 $205 monthly. Security and DEAR ABBY: I am the mother of a baby who is learning 57 O klahom a, city 4^ 43 45 Essexx Street, Manchester. references. Write Box ’IT, SALES to feed himself. I am almost positive that Terry is 56 Unsullied MANCHESTER GARDENS- 46 41 46 4i 50 Manchester Herald. n NM M M|V, ahi, pi, * ...SSN left'handed because when 1 put the spoon in his right hand, 59 Kind of 51 TAG SALE - Dont’t miss this Two bedroom duplex, in nmtbrnOt.toi,n»"...... um literature (ab.) beautiful country setting. n UN CMw HI, ah. pi, lin t ..U2N he transfers it to his left and proems eating that way. 60 Mr. Mineo's U 54 one - Antiques, air- Homes tor Rent 54 n NM CWhiiii R, in , PI...... $IIN Homoo For Solo 23 Servicoo Ottorod 31 Sonrlcei Ottorod 31 Hooting-Plumbing 35 Includes heat, hot water, My husband says I should train Terry to be right*handed 61 Winter vehicle conditioners, collectibles, nM KIllllllVllIlH''...... »>N 56 67 58 clothes, much furniture, X- appliances, and parking. $189- COLUMBIA - Attractive . npimiiiM M v,T^iiii.....tiM because everything is geared for right-handed people and DOW N H we M h, W l ^ ...... ilM 59 u CAPE COD - unfinishM se­ DRESSMAKING, hems and COLLEGE GRADUATE - FRANK SCOTELLA Plum­ mas items, mirrors, games, $199. munthly. Superintendent Ranch, two bedrooms, dining the boy will be handicapped if he's left-handed. Now my 1 S hrub alterations done in my home. IIFW rM ilf* ill^ • n . nMiRiN a cond floor, pine paneieofami- Will do yard work, several bing - repairs and remodeling. lawn chairs, hundreds of 646-0090, Robert C. White room, fireplace, garages, IlKlINliilHIipi'...... IlM husband is forcing Terry to eat with his right hand. ly room, garage, porch, Reasonable. Call 646-4019. years experience, most equip­ Vanities and hot water nursery stock. Company, 236-5961. Equal references, no pets, ^75. 228- It we im i «im A pi, * ....g a t What do your experts say? ■ NEWSPAPER ENTERPHISE ASSN i fenced backyard, treed and heaters. Prompt service on housing. It Tomi cm i ew n I w i ..tiai ment including, mower, 3540, 646-3166. YOUNG MOTHER WHAT THIS HOUSED shrubbed. Waik to shopping, REUPHOLSTERY - Save trucks, chain saw etc. Call emergencies. 643-7024. TAG - Arts and Crafts sale - - 299 Broad SI, Mancheitir 649451$ NEEDS IS FEWE(?) bus and schooi. $34,600. Call money at Scavitto’s with 649-3761. Italian Ladies Club. Tolland MANCHESTER - Fairfield COVENTRY Lake - two DEAR MOTHER: My experts say to let the child eat skilled professional 1 WISE GUYS' r-Y after 6, 649-4004. PLUMBING and Heating Street, East Hartford. April Street - Five room, duplex for bedroom year round house, with whichever hand he wants to. To force Terry to use his reupholsters. Renovating LAWN MOWING and raking, repairs, formica vanity 25th, Reserve booths, 569-1029. rent, wall-to-wall carpeting, newly remodeled, nice tile 1973 FORD - Gran Torino costs are less than new fur­ cabinets. Economy rates. Tile finished rec room, garage, wagon, new shocks, battery, right hand when he is naturally left-handed could create IN NORTHEASTERN Ver­ window washing. Ed Roberts, bath, convenient kitchen, oak many more problems that it solves. mont, lakefront cottages, niture. Free estimates. 633- 649-2007. After 5 p.m., call 528- work. 649-4056. TAG SALE - 24 f'arm Drive - $225 monthly, no utilities. floors, immaculate, tires, muffler, trailer hitch, AHEAO.'I 0255. Senior Citizen Discounts. Security and lease required. roof rack, V-8, 302, excellent Besides, what's the difference which hand he eats with? Win at Bridge GET summer homes, country 7433. Free estimates. Saturd^ April 10th, 9 a.m. to throughout. Absolutely no homes, lots and acreage. SeQd 4 p.m. Baby furniture, sewing Call 646-4461 after 5. condition. Call 875-9190. His mouth is in the middle. FAT' j 2 Flooring 36 pets, responsible adults only, for free brochure. Fenton STUMP REMOVAL - Spring Painting- Paporing machine, household items, security, 774-5758 , 423-4190. Chester Real Estate, Box 122, special, 20" stump $15. Also 1973 TOYOTA, C orona, FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, storm windows, storiW door, Lyndon, Vermont, 05849.1-802 special on all sizes. Call 742- INSIDE - Outside painting. toys, small appliances, mis­ deluxe, good condition. Cali floors like new, no waxing, NEWER Six room Colonial, 1 DEAR ABBY: A reader asked how to address mail to a Prof takes winning line 626-5669. 9347. Special rates for people over cellaneous. RENTAL OmCE 644-1939. (specializing in older floors). 1/2 baths, wall-to-wall couple who are not married but are living together. 65. Fully insured. Estimates DARUTO ENTERPRISES carpeting fireplace, nice DRAPERY and Slipcovers - Ceilings and inside painting. 1973 OLDS, Cutlass Supreme, Today, many couples who are married have different given.1. Call 6467863. John Verfaille, 6465750, 872- SAND and gravel for sale - Large variety of Apartments and location. Rent with option to Custom-made to order in our tree work and odd jobs. Call Townhouses throughout blue with black vinyl top, names. ___ _ . Manchester. buy. Dubaldo-Lesperance own workshop. Over 2,000 2222 automatic, excellent condition My daughter-in-law kept her own name, so I address their • l9?6BvN(* r u BdoUS Pai Qti 4 - f i $41,900 PAINTING - interior and 647-1834. ffSjnMf Office open dtU y Agency, 646-0505. ‘ ’Aha! ’ ’ thought the student, fabrics and patterns for your exterior, paperhanging, except for high mileage. $2,- mail to both of them, using both their names. IN-TOWN - Six room S a t 10«9, Sunday f f . j * NORTH "I am going to see a finesse selection. We help you select excellent work. References. GIRLS Two Pants Suits, size 646-1021 GLASTONBURY - Small five 000 or best offer. 643-(»12.' It may appear to the postman that they are not married, Captain Easy Crooks and Lawrence Ranch, Ihraa bedrooma, just the right fabric. We □ MISC. FOR SALE AK8 for the jack.” living room with firaplact, Free estimates. Fully in­ 8, 10 $5.; Spring coat, size 10, 240 New State Road room house with closed-in but I know they are. 43 measure free. We install. sured, Martin Mattson, 649- $4; raincoat with zip-in lining, 1975 MONZA, 2 plus 2, V-8, Even though I would have preferred that she had taken Much to the student’s sur­ MANCHESTER porch, two bedrooms, den,- ♦ 75 YOU WANT MB TO formal dining room, Rods and hardware available. 4431. size 8, $3.75; All in excellent automatic, low mileage, prise the Professor led a se­ WHAT I HAVE IN MIND Y h e M E A N S RI6HT!.,.0THERWISE, ^ 7 HMM,.,VOU Artlcloo tor Solo 41 living room, eat-in kitchen, my son’s name. I realize that it is her privilege to use her AA9862 HUMILIATE M'/SELF kitchen with new cablneta Call Scavitto's Furniture condition. 649-4915. lovely area, $275. Lease, excellent condition. Call after cond trump and went right up IS A NEWS STORY TO / FRBB THINK WHAT IT WOULD \HAVEAPOINT own name if she so desires. I'm just... WEST EAST*. BY TELLING THE WORLD t i t i l l a t e p u b l ic ! COVERAGE, and deluxe diahwaaher, Shop, 633-0255. Outside Hart­ PAPER HANGING Expert. security, references required. 5, 6497114. with his ace. This time poor COST TO HIRE PErECTIVES-j THERE,EASY! ALUMINUM sheets used as GLAD THEY'RE MARRIED AQJ A532 HOW BUCKIN0HAM I5H CURIOSITY.. AND THUS V C H IEF' BUY BROADCAST TIM E '/ one car garage, con­ ford area, call Enterprise Your average paper, in FOR SALE two ranges, one West had to produce the jack S W IN D L E D I ------printing plates, .007 thick, Call 1-224-8792 anytime. V K 10 8 »QJ75Z, SET WIDE PRESS venient location, owner 2228. Senior Citizen Discount. average room , $25. Mr. dishwasher, for information MANCHESTER - Unusual 1974 FIREBIRD, low mileMe, and the Professor proceeded 23x32”. 25 cents each or 5 for DEAR ABBY: That guy who came home to find his wife ♦ 9 6 4 3 10 8 2 COVERAGE! anxioua. Looking lor Richman, 6463864. phone 646-8215, 643-2693. Call deluxe one bedroom fully loaded, negotiable, (iall « to make his contract with two $1. Phone 643-2711. waiting for him a la natural with a pitcher of martinis AKQJ5 *10 7 reasonable offer. E-Z Floor Cleaners - Rugs and after one. townhouse, private entrances, Business tor Rent 55 289-0983 after 4 p.m. overtricks. carpets vacuumed and shanP WILLIS SCHULTZ, Quality and patio, full basement in­ doesn’t know how lucky he is. SOUTH (D ) "How did you know that the CLEAN USED refrigerators, cludes heat, appliances, I usually come home to a wife who's still in the same ratty A A 10 9 7 6 4 U&R REALTY CO. pooed, floors washed and interior and exterior painting FOR RENT - Connecting or 1970 CHEVROLET Impala, jack was going to drop?” ask­ ranges, automatic washers, carpeting, and pool. Ice bathrobe she was wearing when I said goodbye to her that » A 643-2692 waxed. Reasonable rates. Call and paperhanging. Fully in­ Building Supplies 42 separate front room offices. sports sedan, one owner, im­ ed the student. 646-0518. with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s skating pond. $245 per month. maculate. Call 6492041. morning. And the martinis are not in a pitcher. They are in «AKQJ Robert D. Murdock, sured. Call 649-4343. 953 Main Street. Call 6494846. "1 didn’t,” replied the Appliances, 649 Main St., 643- Available immediately. Call HER! *43 Rooltor 2171. FLAT STONES - for retaining Professor. ”I had nothing to QUALITY Refinishing, 252 Building-Contracting 33 walls, fireplace veneers, 646-1021 days, 646-1705 OFFICE SPACE - 400 square 1967 MUSTANG, clean, 6 UNLUCKY ME IN JERSEY East-West vulnerable evenings and weekends. cylinder automatic, $450. gain by a finesse since if East Spruce Street, Manchester. flagstone, fieldstone, also fdet, air-conditioned, $175. had started with four trumps Very reasonable, free es­ NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - SWIMMING POOLS - Luxury Warren E. Howland Realtors, After 4 , 643-2951. above - ground pool dis­ clean used bricks. Call Bolton West >k)rlh East South to the jack he would have timates. Free pick-up and Remodeling, repairing, ad­ Notch Quarry, 649-3163. MANCHESTER attractive 643-1108. tributor needs warehouse three room apartment. Stove, 1971 FORD Torino, metallic made a trump trick whether Loft-Land For Solo 34 delivery. Call 643-4369 or 646 ditions, rec rooms, porches Astro-graph 1 * and roofing. No job too small. space, will sell and complete­ refrigerator, heat, electricity, PROFESSIONAL Office, 353 green, automatic, exceptional or not I finessed. ’This time 8567. ly install a huge 16’x31’ OD Pass 1 N.T. Pass 3 ♦ Call 6463144. references. No pets. $155.649 Center Street. Air con­ condition, reasonable offer. Pass 3 A Pass my play of the ace p v e me a Alley Oop — Dave Graue BOLTON VICINITY - Twelve swim pool complete with fen­ Dogs-BIrdo-Pots 43 3167 , 228-3540. By BERNICE BEDE OSOL 4 * building lots ranging from one ditioning, hot water, heat, 6494866, 6499083, 6495614. Pass Pass Pass chance to gain a trick and no CUSTOM PAINTED lamps, cing, sundeck, filter and chance to lose one. acre to five acres. Priced several styles, choice of 50 CARPENTRY - Repairs, PRIVATE riding instructions, parking. Call 649-1680 or 649 Opening lead --K* remodeling, additions, gar­ pump. Now only $787. Full MANCHESTER large four- 1967 CH5VERAL V-8. 32,000 For Friday, AprH 9, 1976 I FISURE WE CAN Y'MEAN BY F I.Y IN '? HOW TH' N051R.' WE’RE SONNA , ^ THOSE LfTTLE BLACK from $8,500 to $12,000. Century colors. Reasonably priced. price financing available. Call English and Western, $5.00 room apartment in attractive REACH THAT CAVE UP HECK ARE WE SONNA DO SET US A TRAINED YEAH?\ BEASkOED F aiA S 21, Tedford Real Estate, 647- ages, roofing, call David per hour, call 633-5571, miles, one owner, good run­ ARIES (March 21-April 19) To­ Call 875-1165. toll free 1-800-628-9607. 'four family dwelling. Mature ning condition. 6600 firm. 649 SCORPIO (Oct. 24^Nov. 22) THERE TH' SAME WAY THATT FLAP OUR A R M S? PTEROSAUR, ^ M E AS H O W ? j ARE aOINa TO , 9914. Patria, 644-1796. anytime. MANCHESTER - Store or of­ day you should find yourself This should be a pleasant and By Oswald & James Jacoby THOSE SlRL-NAPPINS, THEY d id ” _ adults only. No pets, $235. in­ fice for rent. Inquire 143 Main 7846. even more popular than you LITTLE JASPERS DIP,' HOME GARDENS Roto CARPETS - Special - This cludes heat. Mr. Blanchard rewardina day for you if you ’The student was watching A Florida reader wants to BUILDING Lot, suitable for tilled, Manchester, Bolton, WES ROBBINS carpentry DOG-CAT BOARDING Street. normally are. Don't be sur­ center yobr efforts and atten­ remodeling Sjiecialist. Ad­ month only. Free - Rubber 6492484. 1968 DODGE DART GT, 6 prised If you gain a new ad­ the Professor play. He had know if you modify your bid­ single or two family. 3-car Coventry, East Hartford and padding with every order. A bathing/grooming. Complete tion on your more lofty goats. just learned about the princi­ garage owner-broker. 649-8782 ditions, rec rooms, dormers, modern facilities. Canine cylinder, automatic, power m irer. ding any because you have Vernon areas. Call 646-8019. world of samples to choose THREE bedroom condo, four SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. ple of restricted choice. after 5. built-ins, bathrooms, Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon OFFICE SPACE steering. Call 742-8212 after 4 passed originally. from with prices you can af­ baths, wall to wall carpeting, TAURUS (AprH 20^May 20) 21) Some problems that have The Professor won the club kitchens, 649-3446. Road, Manchester. 646-5971. p.m. Hang in there today. You're the ’The answer is that you do, MADE TO Order - Formica ford. For shop at home ser­ dining room, living room and FOR RENT annoyed you in the past few lead with dummy’s ace and but only the least little bit. 42 ACRES in Andover on 250 square feet, center of one who Is likely to come out days may be resolved, giving Tops, cabinets, doors, LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - vice. Call Scavitto’s 633-0255. family room. Pool and tennis. 1970 PLYMOUTH wagon, cashed dummy’s king pf Remember the fact that you small State Road. 500 ft. fron­ Senior Citizen Discount. FREE PUPPIES, mixed $375 a month. Lease and Manchester, air don- the winner in the long run. you a reason to celebrate this tage, 3 acres cleared. Brook shelves, etc. Free estimates. new homes custom built, breed. Beagle, toy-collie. Call automatic, power steering, Don't let initial setbacks dis­ evening. trumps. ’The queen fell froim pass just doesn’t change one security. 875-0723 a m, 871- ditioning and parking. Call on property. $39,500. Call 537- Call 649-7831. remodeled, additions, rec 647-1213 anytime. ' power brakes, four new radial courage you. the West hand. spot on your cards. SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice, 1792 p.m. 643-9551. tires, good condition. $1,000. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. » 1267 rooms, garages, kitchens GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) WATERPROOFING - remodeled, bath tile, cement leading manufacturer has 648-4437. 1»)A venture where you share Hatchways, foundation redwood pools left over from SPACIOUS six-room upstairs Good news may come your a material interest in common work. Steps, dormers. Boala-Acceasorleo 45 way today through one w ho Is Cl.r6I^N£*.lnt TVR..USP.t0H Butinooo Proporty 26 cracks, sump puihps, stone Residential or commercial. 1975 season Half Price. apartment. Security deposit. Resort Property with another should prove Barry’s World Guaranteed installation and References. Write Box BB, Trucks tor Sale 62 extremely fond of you and who profitable for both of you to­ walls, patios, steps, walks, Call 649-4291. For Rent 56 always has your best interests PACKAGE STORE - well es­ fireplaces, ceramic tile terms. Call toll free 1-806228- 21’ LAPSTAKE, 1969 100 h.p. Manchester Herald. day. The Flintstones — Hanna Barbara Productions Mercury outboard. E-Z loader 1967 FORD, F250, 6 cylinder, at heart. tablished, doing over $100,000. repairs. Basement floors. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY 1976 ask for Monte, day or IT’s Not too early to plan your AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb. 19) evening including Sunday. trailer. $1,700. Call 646-0678. pick-up truck, $600. (Jail 647- Good lease, located in a plaza, Expert mason. Albert Zuc- Carpentry and general con­ MANCHESTER - Deluxe two summer vacation! I Lake CANCER (June 21-July 22) Things should start excellent clientele. Asking caro, 643-4953, 653-2914. tracting. Residential and bedroom Townhouse type Kanasatka, Moultonboro, Stay on your toes today where brightening-up for you today. T t a k e o n e 46 ...A n d w r i t e y o u r n only $23,900. Arruda Realty, CHINA - 82 piece, Limoges, 16’ STARCRAFT all apartment. Living room, your w ork o r career Is concern­ Harmony will begin to prevail in OF T H E S E GET congressman A b o u t commercial. Whether it be a aluminum with windshield, 31 , ...... New Hampshire. Lakefront 1972 C30 CHEVY, panel van, ed. Something unusual may EVERY L O T S OF THE HIGH COST 528-9395, 644-1539. THINK Spring in your custom Pearl ivory pattern, $50.; 35 dining room and kitchen, com­ cottage, sleeps five, two two areas where there was dis­ small repair job, a custom seats four, 65 hp. motor, and $1,800 or best offer. Call 649- develop. It could prove finan­ FOUR REST... OF MALPRACTICE made outfit. Call 649-0131. built home or anything in piece Steubenville, very old, plete appliances, carpeting, bedrooms, living room, cord before. HOURS, $35.; not sets. Call 646^54. trailer. $1,550.643-2361 after 5. 6313 anytime. cially beneficial. IN S U R A N C E /... MANCHESTER - Vernon between, call 646-1379. air-conditioners, 1 1/2 baths, kitchen, screened-ln porch PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Townline, on busy Route 83, GARDEN evenly tilled with full basement, patio and and sundeck. Completely fur­ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) It w on't Your past efforts did not go un­ combination office and in­ WHEEL HORSE garden trac­ 1966 JOHNSOM Outboard swimming pool. $225 monthly 1966 HALF TON Ford truck, take much to arouse your op­ Troy tiller. Reasonable. Call TOBIAS CARPENTRY Ser­ motor. 60 h.p. electric starter nished. Private beach. Great good all around condition, noticed. nor will they go un­ dustrial building. Tremendous George. 649-7846. vice - Remodeling, repairs, tor, 35 models in stock. See us plus utilities. R. D. Murdock fishing and conveniently timism today, nor should it be rewarded. That which is due is value. T. J. Crockett, for new, used and repairs. - controls and manual. Tank, Realtor, 643-2692.______$ ^ . Telephone 6498683. hard for you to inspire others. coming, so be patient a bit additions, custom building. No excellent condition, $300. 643- locateo on Lakes Region area. Realtors, 643-1577. Sale on some models. Save. Available June through Go out and spread some longer. WINDOW CLEANING- job too small. Free estimates. 0582. THREE ROOMS, all utilities, 1965 CHEVROLET, Utility sunshine. Commercial and residential, Over 25 years experience. 643- Pick-up and delivery. September, $175 weekly. Call OFFICE BUILDING - East Manchester Cycle Shop, 178 heat, and appliances, no pets, body. Call 649-4446. insured, call Quality 5769. FEATHERWEIGHT - 12’ $200. Call 6495297. Cromwell, 635-0457 after 4:30 VIRGO (Aug. 23-8apt. 22) Center Street - Formally used Maintenance Inc., 647-9498. West Middle ’Turnpike. p.m. Someone you've been con­ y o u r for dental office. Waiting aluminum boat, semi-V. two GARAGES, room additions, Molorcycles-BIcycles 64 siderate of In the past may be b m x f c i y room, receptionist’s room, SECRETARY’S office desk, L anchors, non-skid bottom, one CHARLES Apartments on in a position to return the favor decks, rec rooms. Twenty oar, net, and cushion. $225.; Charles Dr. Deluxe 4 1/2 room EASTHAM, CAPE COD, three large rooms, plus three CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING. years experience, residential shaped, can be seen at 707 Mass. - Four room Ranch, MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE today .ind will be happy to do April 9. 1976 smaller rooms, on first floor. Have "Troy bill” roto-tiller, Main Street, Manchester. Bought new 1971 Johnson, 6 T o w n h o u se, b a t h s . so. or commercial. Stephen sleeps six, with-in five - Lowest rates available. This coming year progress will Second floor has apartment will travel, gardens, $150. h.p. motor, extra propellar Appliances, carpeted, two air- "Sunny Day" coverage. Myers, 646-2672. and gas tank, $350.; 1975 depth conditioners, heat and hot minutes of bay and beach, ful­ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Try be made because you'll have with good income. Entire flowerbeds, lawns, large or ly furnished, quiet residential Exclusive NETRA Agent. Born Loser — Art Sansom ELECTROLUX - four months finder, $60. All in excellent water. Storage, basement, to associate with persons today the opportunity to assume a building in good condition. small. Call 643-1895. RootIng-SIdIng-ChImnoy 34 area. $160. per week. Five Clarke Agency, 643-1126. who are of an Idealistic nature. more direct control over Large amesite parking lot. old, excellent condition, with condition, call 643-4663. garage. Wash and dryer hook­ up. Soundproofing, near all room Cape - sleeps seven, ful­ Something mutually advan­ situations important to you. Be $55,000. Philbrick Agency, TWO HANDYMEN will rake, BIDWELL Home Improve­ power nozzle. Call 875-9190. ly furnished. Within walking 1973 YAMAHA 360. Call 643- tageous will result. your own man. Realtors, 646-4200. fertilize, lime, general lawn schools. $270. 646-0800 or 646- 9020. ment Co. Expert installation Garden Products 47 1540. aistance of fresh water lakes. work, mow lawns seasonal. of aluminum siding, gutters BICENTENNIAL goodies - 4 Five minutes from bay and FEW tWORPS Also clean attics and cellars. gowns, circa 1865 iace shawls, HONDA 1974 XL 175, Woods Bugs Bunny — Heimdahl and Stoffel ®l976byNEA. Inc Pool Estate Wanted 28 and trims. Roofing installa­ SUBLET 2 bedroom aptart- ocean. $150 per week. Cali 742- Reasonable. 643-5305. tion and repairs. 649-6495, 875- back hair combs, fans, PURE 6M7 for further information. ready, moving, best offer. 643- children’s dresses long and ment, full basement with 1038. "Now there goes a truly tragic figure. Nineteen ALL CASH for your property 9109. COW MANURE patio. Children allowed, near within 24 hours. Avoid red ROGER LANDON - General short baby dress, etc. Tel. 649- Wanted to Rent 57 TW AT'S A N LAST DESIST IN MDUR. and trying to make a comeback!" y w if w n i' clean-up and lawn care. Car 7705. Nature's beat natural (trllllzar -school, $225. Call 649-0612. UAUeM.'VtXJ «AV IT WITH tape, instant service. Hayes HORACE Tetrault — Siding, Any qutntHy tfa/Zvarad BLACK Bike, 3 speed for sale. NATIONAL DEFAMATION FLOWERS! aowERS! Corporation, 646-0131. wash Saturdays and Sundays roofing, storm windows, aw­ THOM RETIRED LADY desires un­ $25. Call 643-4719. BUMS COWIN' BANK W E A R E only, back of Savings Bank of CARPETS - plush deep red MANCHESTER - Six room Our Boarding House — Carroll & McCormick ,29FABUM4H , ,25?ABU«H nings. Quality workmanship, Duplex, new bath, near furnished efficiency or 1 1/2 O U T O 'A EMPLOYES/ Manchester, 923 Main Street. 15’xl2’, Beige 15’xl2’. Grey 646-6838 room apartment, no pets or 1970 YAMAHA, 350, R5,. High SELLING your house? Call us free estimates. Fully Insured. AFTER SIX Washington School. $225 b a n k .' first and we’ll make you a Call 646-9061 between 7 a.m. - 872-9187, 649-3417. 9’xlO’. 3-55 gallon drums. Call car. Low rental, near bus line. handlebars, saddle bags, 9 a.m. only. after 4. 646-6948. monthly. References, lease. excellent condition. $425. ^ CRUMWELL HIREP A FORMER ^ CRUMWELL WILL BE cash offer. T.J. Crockett, Hayes Corporation, 646-0131. References. 647-9443. Realtor, 643-1577. D&A ROOFIIHJ3. R oofs, 3398. REFORTER TO WRITE A PAOEANT ABROAD ATTENPING SAVE on Auto repairs, flat FOR SALE - Crocheted siding, gutters, and leaders. Antiques 46 FAMILY OF three adults ABOUT THE RENOLUTION, MAKIN6 THE WHIPPIN6 (OST rate. You’ll be surprised, free afghan. Call 646-6652. SIX ROOM Duplex, dead-end PUCH-TE175, very fast, IMMEDIATE CASH for your Free estimates. Fully in­ street, children and pets want five rooms first or se­ CORNW ALLIS THE HERO,' THE POOR convention so I W Heo U S PJ! 0» property. Let us explain our estimates. Call Bruce. 643- sured. 249-0205. cond floor. 2492669. dependable, woods bike, many 5600. WANTED Antique furniture, welcome. $225 monthly. 6UY SOT SO s h o o k O VER IM LOOKlNfi FOR fair proposal. Call Mr. WALNUT Motorola console extras. $550. Rickman, one SOMEONE To ACTUALLY stereo with am/fm radio, glass, pewter, oil paintings, or Security required. Available KN0CKIN6 THE FOUNPINS Belfiore, 647-1413. SPECIALIZING in cleaning WOMAN ARTIST looking for year old, 250cc, MX, super FATHERS that HE H IT THE PRODUCE THE ^ ODD JOBS, minor $200. Call 647-1957. other antique items. R. May 1st. cal!'647-1018 after 6. and repairing Chimneys and Harrison, 643-8709. place to live with studio fast, many extras, $600. After SAUCE A6AIN FH> S P L IT This Funny World MAY WE BUY your home? maintenance, windows, roofs. Free estimates. 30 space, near Manchester. Call 3, 643-4548. to JOIN THE SVR5IE6! L’il Sport - Wirth specializing in lawn mowing. TAG SALE - Many new items, MANCHESTER - Family Quick, fair, all cash and no Years Experience. Howley, ANTIQUES Wanted - style, two bedroom apart­ 872-6559. problems. Call Warren E. At your convenience or 643-5361. two motorcycles, car, clothes, 1972 KAWASAKI 350cc, J- seasonal. Low rates, free es­ 10 speed bike. Friday and American furniture, oriental ment, quiet location, includes © Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. rugs, paintings, pewter. Wind­ WIDOW wants 3-4 rooms in rebuilt motor, $550 or best WE ARE BEING PAID A SUBSTANTIAL STIPEND 0 timates. Call 643-6836. after 6, Saturday 9-7, 48 High Street, heat, appliances, and offer. Call 649-1184. UNEMPLOYED Roofer will sor chairs, crocks, jugs, carpeting, $230. per month. two family home. Have no TO UDITER IN FRONT OF THE COMPETIN& CASH for your property. Call ' ask for Russ. install roof or gutters for low Manchester. pets or children. Call 649-5428 weathervanes, primitives. Damato Enterprises, 6491021. INSTITUTION ACROSS THE STREET/ us first if anxious to Sell. discount price. Call Ken at Ron Dionne, 643-1691. , between 9-3. 1971 CT 70 TRAIL bike Honda, Keith Real Estate. 646-4126 or PROFESSIONAL lawn 649-2456 anytime. GARAGE SALE - Big tire excellent condition, asking 649-1922 maintenance, clean-up, fer­ truck, antiques, mis­ NEW THREE Bedroom $200., or best offer. 6496706. SCHNOOGL^ tilizing, mowing ana roto-' cellaneous items, lots more. FURNITURE - Rugs, pain­ Dulplex, central location, BAMK-TMlsm YANKEE ALUMINUM and tings, pewter, dolls, crocks, carpeting. 1 1/2 baths, SELL YOUR house through J. tilling. Reasonable rates. siding, gutters, doors, win­ April 10, 11th, 18 Trotter □ AUTOMOTIVE GIRL’S three speed, 26" Free estimates. Call Street, 5^nchester, 95. lamps, etc. Now accepting appliances, washer and dryer Watson Beach Real Estate dows, awnings, free es­ consignments, for April auc­ Columbia, maroon color, Company. Professional real ^ Greenwood Lawn Care, 289- connections, full basement excellent condition, $45. Call timates. Fully insured. 35 tion. 644-8962. and attic storage, master Aufoi For Sale 61 estate service for nearly 50 ®G1. Oakland Street. 649-1106. WESTINGHOUSE automatic 8490809. years. Call our Manchester of­ washer, very good condition. antenna, no pets. Call 646- $100. Call 643-9444. 7684. NEED CAR? Credit bad? fice for an estimate of value PICKUPS on E.S.P. - Pickups Bankrupt? Repossessed? HONDA, 1973, 750F, 1200 without obligation. 647-9139. Heating-Plumbing .35 Wanted to Buy 49 miles, $1,675. Call 871-0672. on E.S.P. Pickups on E.S.P., TAG SALE - boys bike, 31/2 ROOM Apartment, plea­ Honest Douglas accepts Box 284, Willimantic, Conn., SEWERLINES, sink lines, Columbia, b a ^ scale, fur­ OLD DOLLS WANTED - Will sant, location, appliances, lowest down, smallest $6.00 a try. Betty Lou cleaned with electric cutters, niture, fan. crocks, books. heat, hot water. Working payments. Douglas Motors,' W»wi Brw Inc, T M A Freeman. pay $65 and up for Bisque and Campers-Trallers