"The South's Livest College Weekly" Georgia School of Technology zni Pol. XVII THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, APRIL 8, 1938 No. 22


VINSON, DUPREE, THOMAS, THORNTON, "Y" PRESIDENT NOMINEES "Y" OFFICERS NEW PUBLICATION HEADS Smith and Press Edit Blue Print TO BE ELECTED Alfriend, Will iams, Yellow Jacket At the meeting of the Student Council last Tuesday night the NEXT MONDAY Editors and Business Managers of the Technique, Blue Print, and Tech's student body will vote in Yellow Jacket were elected for the year 1937-38. The elections class next Monday, April 11, to choose were the closest in years, no candidate being assured of his posi­ a Y.M.C.A. president, vice-president, tion until the final count was taken. and secretary from the twelve candi­ Dillard Munford and Merrit Pope were elected Editor and dates selected by the Cabinet's nom­ Business Manager of The Technique respectively, George E. Smith inating committee. and Joe Press were elected to head the Blue Print, and Billy Students who do not have the op­ Alfriend and R. "Chick" Williams were elected to edit the Yellow portunity to vote in class may vote at Jacket. the Y.M.C.A. desk between 8:30 a. m. The Technique and 4 p. m. Dillard Munford, the Editor-elect, Ed Vinson, candidate Chemical Seniors has been on the staff of The Technique for president, is chair­ for three years, Being an Associate man of the Group on to Attend Annual Editor this year. He is Treasurer of Labor and Economics. He attended the In­ Knoxville Parley the S.A.E. fraternity, member of dianapolis Volunteer Bulldog Club, Scabbard and Blade, Convention in 1935 and The second annual convention of the was on the Student Council 36-37, the Miami Assembly Southeastern A. I. Ch. E. will be held VINSON played varsity basketball this year this year. He worked in Knoxville, Tennessee, beginning and made Freshmen letters in basket­ in the Y.M.C.A. summer service group with registration this Sunday night, last summer. Vinson served as a mem­ April 10, and continuing through the ball, track and cross country. He is ber of the state conference planning following Wednesday. Monday morn­ on the staff of the Yellow Jacket. He committee and is the new chairman ing there will be several papers read, is from Cartersville, Georgia, and is and during the dinner Mr. Kirkpat- of the conference executive committee. Top row, from left to right: Dillard Munford, George Smith, and Bill taking Mechanical Engineering. rick, the editor of the Chemical and He is on the honor roll and has been Al friend, Editors of The Technique, Blue Print and Yellow Jacket respectively. Metallurgical Journal will make an Merrit Pope, the Business Manager- president of the International Rela­ Bottom row: Merritt Pope, Joe Press, and "Chick" Williams, Business Mana­ interesting speech. elect, is a member of the Pi Kappa tions Club. gers of the Technique, Blue Print, and Yellow Jacket respectively. Dan DuPree, candi­ The entire senior chemical engin­ Phi fraternity. He is a member of Tau date for president is eering class, thirty-four in number, Beta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma, Bulldog Club, now vice-president of Math Convention PHI ETA SIGMA will attend this convention which Skull and Key, Yellow Jacket Club, the Association and NAME NINE CO-OP should prove profitable to them in Pi D. E. and has been on the honor editor of the T-Book Held Last Week every way. Monday afternoon there roll for three years and is a varsity and served this year as FRESHMEN ELIGIBLE will be a plant tour of the Aluminum cheer leader. He is also a member of co-chairman of the Company of America which will prove the business staff of the Yellow Jacket Nine men have been added to the group on World Com­ Very Successful very beneficial. At the dinner Monday and Blue Print. He is from St. An­ DuPREE list of those freshmen eligible for munity. DuPree has at­ night the head of the T. V. A. will be drews, Florida, and is taking Electri­ membership in Phi Eta Sigma, Na­ tended two state conferences, the Blue 150 Mathematicians the speaker. Tuesday morning sev­ cal Engineering. tional freshman honorary society. Ridge conference, and the Miami Na­ Present At Meeting eral papers will be read on different The Blue Print These men are members of the section tional Assembly. He has an honor-roll engineering subjects and the business George Smith, the new Blue Print On Friday and Saturday, April 1 co-op class which recently returned average. end of the meeting will be held. On head, is a member of the Phi Sigma to school. A minimum average of 3.5 Glynn Thomas, can­ and 2, the Southeastern Section of the Tuesday afternoon there will be an­ Kappa social fraternity, he has been is required to be eligible for initiation. didate for president, at­ Mathematical Association of America other plant tour, the destination of on the honor roll for three years, is tended both the Blue held its annual meeting on our cam­ The new men who are eligible and which is not known yet. The meeting a member of Interfraternity Council, their averages are listed below: will adjourn Tuesday officially with Ridge conference and pus. This is the third time in the his­ Phi Eta Sigma, Skull and Key and Pi Miami Assembly and Baran, V. J. R 3.515 the various delegates from the differ­ D. E. He is from West Palm Beach, tory of the association that Tech has worked this year as co- Bennet, W. B 3.673 ent southern schools returning home. Fla., and is taking Aero. Eng. been the host. Approximately 150 of chairman of the Basic Bulbin, F. L 4.057 Joe Press is a member of the Tau Philosophy Group. He the foremost mathematicians in the Chalensik, A. A 3.623 THOMAS $300 Scholarship Epsilon Phi fraternity, is a member is now business mana­ Southeast were present. Among these Haskel, B. W 3.652 of the Yellow Jacket Club and Pi D. ger of the Glee Singers. were 14 from Alabama, 83 from Geor­ Hiltz, R. G 3.652 at Harvard Open E., and the Glee Club. He is from Orr, G. E 4.275 Ted Thornton, candi­ gia, 7 from N. C, 18 from S. C, 16 Chattanooga, Tenn., and is taking Tex­ date for president, is Shepherd, G. R 3.890 ror All oemors tile Engineering. from Tennessee and 9 from Florida. Voorhies, E. S 3.623 co-chairman of the ATLANTA, GA., April 2, 1938—All Yellow Jacket Group on World Com­ The sessions were opened by Dean The purpose of Phi Eta Sigma is Billy Alfriend is a member of the college seniors in the Southeast are munity and president Skiles who welcomed the entire assem­ to promote an interest in scholarship K. A. fraternity, is a member of the eligible to compete for a $300 scholar­ of the International bly to Georgia Tech. Following this among Freshmen. The present officers Student Council for next year, and is of the society are: E. L. Scanling, ship in the Harvard Graduate School Relations Club, and has papers on many phases of research in active in Y.M.C.A. work. He is from President; T. O. Day, Vice-President; THORNTON made the honor roll. of Business Administration for 1938- Talahassee, Florida, and is taking In­ mathematics were presented. Among G. W. Fambro, Secretary; F. H. Gard­ He also attended the 39, members of the Atlanta Harvard dustrial Management. Miami Assembly and two state stu­ the speakers were the following from ner, Treasurer; and Professor H. K. Business School Alumni Club an­ "Chick" Williams is a member of dent conferences. our own Department of Mathematics: Fulnier, Faculty Advisor. the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, is a mem­ nounced this week. Joe Bayer, candidate for vice-presi­ Dr. D. H. Ballou, "Non- Vanishing ber of the Yellow Jacket Club, Pi D. Laplace Integrals"; Dr. W. E. Sewell, dent, was secretary of the Freshman The award will be made on a basis E. He is from Atlanta, and is taking "Some Inequalities Connected with Ex­ Frosh "Y" Council (Continued on Page 3) of scholastic record, financial need, Industrial Management. ponential Functions"; Dr. D. M. Holds Spring Social and recommendations as to the appli­ Smith, "High School Requirements in Prof. Rainey Leads Mathematics"; Dr. F. H. Steen, "Par­ Tomorrow the Freshman "Y" Coun­ cant's general character. The candi­ Philosophy Group Political Discussion tial Fractions Expansions"; Dr. D. L. cil will hold its spring retreat. Dr. date must be a college graduate, either Webb, "Rings in Many Valued Ligics." Herrod of the Physics department has of the 1938 class or of some previous Meet With G.S.C.W. arranged with the Council to hold Professor Rainey has done a great Dean Floyd Field presided at the year. Members of the Basic Philosophy this occasion at his farm near deal of work closely connected with annual banquet which this year was group of the Y.M.C.A. cabinet will Marietta, Ga. The retreat, originally The scholarship will supply the win­ the topic and as political science is held jointly with the Georgia Academy meet with the Y.W.C.A. cabinet of scheduled for last Saturday, was post­ ner with nearly one-fourth of his total his best field he should be able to of Science. Professor J. L. Daniel, G.S.C.W. next Sunday afternoon for poned because of Dr. Herrod's ab­ present a very clear picture of Geor­ President of the Academy of Science, financial needs for the year, members a panel discussion on "God." sence from the city. gia's politics. No doubt the discussion extended a welcome to Georgia in be­ of the club said. In addition to the The Tech men will leave early Sun­ will have a direct bearing on our cam­ half of that body. The guest speaker The social committee consiting of scholarship, it is possible for a first day, give a Sunday School program at pus set-up. was Professor F. D. Murnaghan of Tom Kell, Jack Dunn, and Walter year student in the Business School the Methodist Church in Oxford, Ga., Professor Glenn Rainey will lead a Johns Hopkins University who gave Tumsden, has made final prepara­ and reach Milledgeville in time for a to borrow $300 from the University group discussion on the present one— an address on "The Value of the Basic tions and the group plans to leave at picnic lunch with the Y.W.C.A. cabi­ party political system now existing in Ideas of Arithmetic and Algebra." 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and to Loan Fund. net. Georgia at the Y.M.C.A. on Tuesday, (Continued on Page 3) return Sunday at noon. This is the Further information my be secured Tech men leading in the discussion April 7, at 7:30 P. M. The debating first such occasion planned by the by writing Prof. L. E. Campbell, will be Bruce Winter and George society extends an invitation to every­ Due to Easter Vacation there] Freshman "Y" group and the first of School of Business Administration, Wright. James W. May, Secretary of one to come and find out how our sys­ will be no Technique next week. two socials to be sponsored by the Emory University, Ga. May 15 is the the Tech Y.M.C.A. will be chairman tem really does work. Council this Spring. deadline for application. of the discussion. Friday, April 8, 1938 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Page 2 The Technique COLLEGE •AI_LY. GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY, ATLANTA, GA. COMMENT The South's Livest College Weekly "These modern trans-Atlantic flyers 1937 Member 1938 are slow." PEAK I "How's that?" Associated Gofle6iate Press CONGRATULATIONS are due on Reese Hooks. It seems that these fools "Why, Helen of Troy made Paris in were induced to have blind dates with Distributor of two top notch stomps over the week­ a couple of hours." ficticous girls, Mary, Ruth, and Sue, * * * end. The Phi Delt blow-out was an GDHe6ide Di6esf overflowing (doors and windows bear- by two of their thoughtful fraternity And then there's the girl who was in the burden of the overflow) success. brothers, namely, Willie Paulk and Published every Friday by the students under the supervision of the Student Council so dumb she though Vat69 was the Entered at the postoffice in Atlanta as mail matter of the second eta«. Cold weather and rain nearly drown­ "Jug" Stevenson. Accepted for mailing at special rate «f postage provided for in Sect n 1103. 10 Pope's telephone number. We present the April Fool Joke Act of October 3, 1917 authorized April 3. 1922. * * * ed the spirits of the Knights, but they managed to beat the rain to it in time from this point in the form of a play SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ever hear of the girl that had to get 10c Per Copy: $2.00 Per Year; $1.50 Per Year to Teeh Students. to row on to a swell brawl. Stooges of four acts: AH advertising matter must be in the hands of the Business Manager married because her slip showed. Act I. Scene 1. by 5:00 P.M. Monday before date of publication. * * * McCullum and Eve rode the horse down to the "old mill stream," and Scene: Fraternity house on a rainy "What does the bride think of when GOVERNING BOARD almost dammed it up during intermis­ night. she walks into the church." JOHN BOY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF sion having no jook organ for com­ Paulk: "Boys, I met some cute girls "Aisle, Altar, Hymn." DILLARD MUNFORD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ELECT petition. Joe Mayo had a hard time last night and made dates with them WILLARD JAMES BUSINESS MANAGER * * * trying to convince his Lollie Pop that for tonight. Now I don't know whe­ MERRIT POPE BUSINESS MANAGER ELECT Making love is like making pie. All he was not slightly polluted at the ther you boys have planned anything Ray Moore Managing Editor Elect you need is crust and a lot of apple brawl—he claims a sun lamp produced else for tonight or not but . . . (before ADVISORY BOARD sauce. Les Hubbell *!- & ;!* the effect. "Possum" McLean seemed he could finish—interruption) Archie Lewis Jack Chivington Fred Phillips Morley Hudson Ed Mattingly Britt Pendergrast to be having trouble with Barbara "Beetlebrow": "Fine, I'm all for it!" Guy Wells Pat Munroe A half-breed is a fellow with a cold Nat Harrison Jimmy Gordy Muslyn—maybe she was doing too Dave Silver in one nostril. Hooks: Ditto, etc., etc. EDITORIAL STAFF good a job keeping him on the straight - Feature Editor Roach: Ditto. Spencer Montgomery line. Associate Editor "Check your oil, mister?" "Jug": "Suits me." (He knew about Ray Moore -Associate Editor CO-OP DOPEY DAY, the guy who Raymond Lundy Associate Editor "No thanks; I'll take it with me." the joke already.) Lyle Russel Rub Orrin % classed one of the military instructors Q. Johns Van Arsdale * * Ed Kneisel Joe Mayo Mat Cole Ted Thornton as the "biggest bull artist of the Tech Act II. Scene 2. J. A. Altobellis Tom Kel' J. R. Dunson P. Potter "Say, Josh. How can you tell the T. Callaway W. T. Sams Scene: Approaching isolated house, Ed Vinson T. S. Pippin faculty," is having trouble with the Bill Kelly G. Schottler ganders from the geese?" Bill Phillips M. Conway deserted except for three carloads OF L. Bodenheimer F. Holtz object of his affection Barbara Brown. Dean Spratlin F. Allcorn "Oh, we never worry about that. We J. B. Lawrence T. Massey J. Gordon B. Manry Waltermeyer took up where he left fraternity brothers. C. C. Sconyers O. Harrison C. Rippberger J. F. Wagner just turn them all out together and let J. J. L. Jacobs V. Boron off on going to work and now has Paulk: (Carefully removing keys F. Hudson T. O. Day G. Hoyt them figure that out for themselves." Gay Thrash dated her up for the next three from the car and approaching the BUSINESS STAFF months. Tough luck to Day. We hear house followed by the boys) "Mary Co-Circulation Managers Charley Roach \ that Shorty Paulk is a changed man said to be quiet as possible because Roy Strickland ( FRATERNITY Roy Elrod C. Gheesling her father always retired early. He Charles McKinnon Roswell James A. Ross Gorman since last Saturday night ???? It is Bill Ashby Roy Goree Ed Lindgren J. H. Emery Billy Bridges getting to be the case where you can't objects to their having late dates." Steve Erhardt Howard Porter Bob Weatherford HIGHLIGHTS Frank Montgomery Charles Mayo Henry Heinz even trust your frat brother these All together: "O. K., allright—gosh days. George Waite, the guy who quit but it'S wet and muddy out here." making dates when the girl of his Paulk: (Having reached the porch) To the Editor Tech's honorary military society, Soph dreams got married, started giv­ "Mary, Mary??" Scabbard and Blade, will hold its for­ HE meeting of the Mathematical Association of America at ing Casanova Waltman competition Ficticious father: (Sigma Chi mal for the year Saturday night from Tech last Friday and Saturday only helped to emphasize the with Doris Norris. We see that Teague Sheridan, borrowed for vocal effects) nine till one at the Shrine Mosque. fact that Tech needs some campus improvements very drasi- has renewed his efforts for Frances "What do you boys want?!! Are you T Invitations have been issued to the cally. It hurts this student's "pride" to be asked by a most charm­ Boatwright since he found that he looking for Mary, my daughter??!! friends and dates of the members in ing young lady, "Where should I register for the Math Meeting?" didn't have a Kentucky babe as he Well get the H— away from here be­ the form of regulation military field On turning around, I saw the marker pointing in the proper direc­ thought. Jack Horner is having trou­ fore I sh . . . (double-barreled shot orders. Those present will be: Presi- tion, but separated from the registration office by about seventy- ble with Butters these days. Brudder gun emptied into the air at this point den P. Lee Martin and Alma Knight, five yards of mud and water. It was evident that she had already Whaley managed to take another babe by psuedo father.) Vice President A. C. Crockett noticed the marker, but was reluctant to follow its directions be­ off his list. Marion Dasher, the one Paulk: (Waving his hands frantic­ and Mary Bell, Secretary Pat Munroe cause she could not believe that Tech could have such poor excuses girl man, finally broke down and dated ally in the air and running OFF in the and Carolyne Yundy, Treasurer for sidewalks. I also reluctantly made an excuse about the terrible Betty Boop junior. Evidently his Duke opposite direction from the other three Billy Caldwell and George Dargan, weather, and directed her by an out of the way walk to keep the flame has slipped a notch. The brothers fools, but followed by "Jug" Steven­ Dillard Munford and Lelia Akin, water and mud from filling her shoes. claim that Bill Ashby is just before son.) "Oh God!! it'S her old man— Bill Paxton and Sara Lee, Gerrald going over for Madelin Adair, but we like h—!!!! We do receive appropriations for new buildings; why can't Johnson and Lenora Standifer, still see him around and about with Without another word or sound, ex­ we get appropriations for upkeep and maintenance of our present Archie Lewis and Sara Alina Mette Williamson. 'Tis said that Edi­ cept for "Beetlebrow'S" grunt when equipment and grounds. Giles, John Wood and Charlotte tor Boy very much enjoyed Pensacola he the ground after his feet ran Sage, Ed Stauverman and Marjorie The expense for one or two paved walkways across the cam­ of you get the meaning. The prize tale out from under him, the three scared Ward, Frank Webb and Harriet pus would be amply repaid in a few years by the savings on stu­ sounds too much like a fish man to be fools with record breaking speed on a Wilder, Bill Evans and Onie Burns, dents' shoes. I, for one, would be pleased to see this improvement, true. Freshman Dale Allen thinks muddy track, headed for the locked Hank Earthman and Ruth Crisp, and I think that I express the opinions of most of the student body. nothing of taking a twenty-five mile car on the hill. Wallace Cotten and Susan Goodwin, I do hope that I will be saved the embarassment in the future of jaunt to take his rival home after he Act III. Scene 3. H. Jeffcoat and Sara Lee, Bill Frierson directing some visitor by an out of the way walk to avoid puddles had gone to Gainesville to see his pres Scene: On highway walking home and Vee Heaton, Jimmy Atkins and ent flame—Jane Johnston. Dale claims of water completely surrounded by slippery red mud. from Mary'S house. Nan McCarthy, Knowles Henley and that he is about to get the upper hand A Student. "Beetlebrow": "Let'S stop at some Martha Mealin, P. Bill Dabney and as he almost knows her well enough phone and call the brothers at the Mary Louise Sciple, Bob Holmes and to hold her hand now (the scandal fraternity house to come after us. Beulah Lee Russell, J. Ward Simms manager's report shows the number of An Appeal for Free Thought I'm scared he hit Paulk." and Joyce Estes, Buck Murphy and dates to be over one dozen). Keep up The three fools call but for SOI..

(Continued from Page 1) TECH STUDENTS Saturday morning Professor Murnag- We have a Complete Stock of Radio Parts han spoke on "Finite Deformations of and Ham Equipment—Our Prices are the Best Obtainable Elastic Solids." GARVIN ELECTRIC COMPANY At the business meeting the follow­ 69 FORSYTH ST., N. W. WALNUT 2290 ing officers were elected for the com­ ing year: Chairman, Professor J. A. Hyden of Vanderbilt; Vice-Chairman, Professor D. M. Smith of Tech; Secre­ tary-Treasurer, Professor H. A. Rob­ inson of Agnes Scott. The Georgia Tech Woman's Club entertained both the Academy of Science and the asso­ ciation at tea Friday afternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock.


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TAILORED BY G • • D A l_ l_




Let your body breathe in Palm Beach BY ROBERT T. HARTMANN "38 AND ARTHUR P. LITES '32, STANFORD CHAPARRAL Page 4 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Friday, April 8, 1938

A MB LIN'S Tech Nine Meets Auburn Team Today By Mack Conway Fencers Tie Alabama Freshmen Tracksters Tech Netmen Defeat Jackets, Tiger Game (The two-column quarterback) Opens Series Today Mush James and Bill Moore, Leaving Conference Win Baylor Relay Mississippi State two of Tech's star bowlers, will Title Undetermined The Freshmen won the mile relay By Wide Margin At Rose Bowl Field leave soon to take part in the Na­ held at Chattanooga in the Baylor Last Saturday the Tech fencers Monday afternoon Georgia Tech In a two-game series the Georgia tional Intercollegiate Bowling Relays the past week-end. The team tournament to be held in Rich­ battled to their second standstill of the won its second scheduled tennis match Tech Yellow Jackets' baseball team won against such opposition as fresh­ mond, Virginia, April 15. Al­ season with the University of Alabama of the season with a 7-0 victory over begins its season, as the Gold and at Tuscaloosa. The score was the same men from Auburn, Georgia, Vander- though Tech's entry in the Mississippi State. The Yellow Jackets White Nine and the Auburn Plains­ bilt and the University of Chatta­ tournament last year did not at­ as it was in the previous match, 8M> to 8V2, but the Techsters scored eleven displayed great skill by winning all men open the Southeastern Conference tract much attention among the nooga. Although the bad weather more points than the Tide. Tech won games both singles and doubles. Re­ league at four o'clock this afternoon other colleges competing, the made a slow track the time was still the foils 5-4 and the epees 21/2-lVz sults are: Bobbitt beat Bonner 6-2, at Rose Bowl field. Tomorrow's tilt Jacket team, composed of James good being 3:30. The team composed but dropped the sabers 3-1. The re­ starts at 2:30 o'clock. and Bill Roux did some hot bowl­ of Beals, Plaxico, Venable and Wil­ 6-1; Moore beat Anderson 6-1, 6-1; sults of the match leave the South­ Lindsay beat Smith 6-3, 6-1; Hill beat The Auburn Bengals, last year's ing and brought home the bacon, eastern Conference championship in liams are now the proud possessors of S. E. C. champions, have already cup and title. As a result, the doubt as Alabama has one more meet a handsome trophy, which will be a Drain 6-4, 6-3; Miller beat Hartacock, played three games with a game pressure will be on the engineers with Vandy. If they win they will be permanent possession. 6-1. In the doubles Bobbitt and Moore this year to make a creditable de­ beat Bonner and Anderson 6-3, 6-4; against Pepperrell at Pepperrell on tied with Tech for the lead, since nei­ The meet with Alabama will be held fense of the championship, and Lindsey and Miller beat Drain and ther has lost a conference meet. at Grant Field at 2:00 o'clock this Tuesday and a two-game series with from the way they have been pil­ Hartacock 9-7, 6-1. The results of the match were: Saturday. All Tech men are urged to Shawmut on Wednesday at Shawmut ing up fancy scores lately the White (T) beat Bernstein (A) 5-2 come out and support the team, be­ Tech's team will enter the South­ and at Auburn on Thursday, and are boys seem determined to make and Bateman (A) 5-3. Carran (T) eastern Conference tournament to be cause Alabama will be hard to beat, eager to repeat last year's victory it two in a row. Recently, in a beat Bateman (A) 5-3. Reingold (A) and your support will be needed. held at New Orleans around the first series of twenty games, Mush beat Waite (T) 5-3 and White (T) of May. The Yellow Jacket squad is over Tech. bowled above 120 eighteen times ! 5-3 and Bartha (T) 5-3. Berstein (A) Scientia To Sponsor composed of Bill Moore, captain, Russ Coach Dell Morgan of the invaders If he gets any better his bowling beat Bartha (T) 5-4. Bobbitt, Carl Lindsey, Red Hill, Gene is undecided as to his strongest lineup, score will be as good as my golf In the epees: Waite (T) beat Rein- Horseshoe Tourney Miller, and Al Rossow. Several Tech although among the players definitely score. (P.S.: Mush and Bill will gold (A) 2-0 and Bateman (A) 2-1. men are now entered in the Atlanta placed are: , D. Swindle and be almost as doggy as Chick Ald- Carran (T) and Bateman (A) tied First it was yo-yo's; then it was the Invitation Tournament in competition L. Diamond; catcher, N. Whitten; left field, H. Bazemore and Kenmore; redge when they step on the al­ 2-2. Reingold (A) beat Bartha (T) big apple; now its skating; next its with some of the country's top ranking and center fielder, T. Thompson. leys at Richmond. Mr. Blick, of 2-0. horse shoes as Scientia, honorary In­ players. Number one man on the Tech In the sabers: Waite (T) beat Bern­ dustrial Management Fraternity, the local Blicks, gave them each courts is Russ Bobbitt, who is out­ Among the others available Coach stein (A) 5-1. Bateman (A) beat sponsors an inter-fraternity horseshoe standing in Atlanta tennis circles and a bright gold bowling jacket ap­ Morgan will depend upon M. Morgan White (T) 5-4 and Waite (T) 5-4. tournament. who is nationally recognized as a or T. Hayes at first base; C. Hopper propriately decorated with Yel- Ciabattoni (A) beat White (T) 5-3. doubles player. or F. Riddle at the hot corner; O. loy jacket, letters, etc.) Two men will be selected from each fraternity and will compete for top Bradfordor or D. Phillips at right . . . Softball practice is starting A match with Fort Benning at Col­ honors and a beautiful silver loving field; C. Gresham or D. Bennett in around about the frats and it umbus, the first scheduled for this BELLE ISLE GARAGE cup to adorn the fraternity mantle- the position; and with W. won't be long before the rival season, was rained out. Today the furnished the cars which the Tech Chapter piece. So far, considerable interest has Yellow Jackets meet the Clemson net- Mastrin, C. K. Patrick, W. Andrews teams will be playing for the of A. I. Ch. E. used in going to their been shown in this tournament, and and C. Sellers to fill out the out field. school "rag." convention in Knoxville. men at 4 o'clock and tomorrow they it is hoped that all fraternities will .. . Did you know that a certain This Service Was Furnished Free of Charge meet Florida at 2 o'clock. It will be With practically the same team as (Continued on Page 6) hold their tryouts as soon as possible remembered that Florida broke Tech's last year, Coach Bobby Dodd of the in order that a schedule may be drawn long list of victories last year. Yellow Jackets is hopeful of a vic­ up and announced in the next issue of The schedule: torious season, as the Gold and White The Technique. April 8—Clemson, here. nine has been shaping up well with In order that the preliminary detail April 9—Florida, here. daily sessions at the Rose Bowl. 2ACHRY may be cleared up as soon as possible April 14—Alabama, Tuscaloosa. each fraternity is asked to cooperate April 16—Sewanee, Sewanee. 87 PEACHTREE by turning in their candidates to Nat April 23—Sewanee, here. Atlanta's Harrison, Willie Paulk, or Ray Lundy. April 29—Georgia, Athens. This list must be turned in by next April 30—Alabama, here. Finest STETSON HATS Friday. May 14—Georgia, here. $5 and $7.50 Billiard REAL HONEY Parlor MAKES IT SMOKE BETTER The Q Room Made to convinee smokers of 25-50^ pipes that 59 NORTH AVE. they will get more pleasure out "Next to the Varsity" of this honey-cured briar for $1. • OC* mV-v.".v POCKET BILLIARDS »l World's biggest seller. SNOOKER YELLO-BOLE WHERE TECH FELLOWS GET TOGETHER REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.

Roll Your Spares And Strikes at OUR NEW BOWLING ALLEYS J. B. S. CO. Located Next Door to the Georgian Terrace HERE'S A % MODERN CLASSIC Ideal Sport Conveniently Located BY STETSON for the for Take the new lines of tomorrow . . . wider, Girl Friend Tech Men lower, more rakish... mould them into a hat of classic simplicity . . . and you have this BOWL FOR HEALTH'S SAKE sophisticated new Stetson! It comes in the VISIT THE COPPER BOWL — UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT distinguished new range of "Thoroughbred NEXT DOOR TO THE BOWLING ALLEY Colors," of course. WEEKLY HIGH SCORE


Phone WAInut 7823 for Reservations Free Flying Lesson

—OR— Courtesy— BLICKS BOWLING CENTER BLEVINS AIRCRAFT CORP. 20 HOUSTON STREET — PHONE WA. 5622 Free Flight over Atlanta Pete Underwood, Instructor Friday, April 8, 1938 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Page 5 Interfrat Softball Softball Schedule

Season Began Mon. APRIL DIAMOND No. 1 DIAMOND No. 3 DIAMOND No. 4 TIME Pi Kappa Phi Sigma A. Epsilon Beta Theta Pi Last Monday afternoon the official 11 versus versus versus 4 30 Interfraternity Softball League swung Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha Alpha Tau Omega into action for this season with the Chi Phi Delta Tau Delta Sigma Chi SAE's playing the Phi Kappa Tau's 12 versus versus versus 4 .30 and the Phi Delta Theta's opposing Phi Gamma Delta Tau Epsilon Phi Theta Chi the Pi Kappa Phi's. Phi Delta Theta Chi Phi Phi Epsilon Pi The game between the SAE's and 18 versus versus versus 4 :30 the Phi Kappa's was fast and very

Kappa Sigma Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon evenly matched. The SAE's took the

lead in the second with a Pi Kappa Phi Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Sigma Kappa

4 score of 3-2. 19 versus versus versus :30

One Phi Delt and Pi Kappa Phi Kappa Alpha Phi Kappa Tau Beta Kappa

game was a slug-test, the final score Delta Sigma Phi Pi Kappa Alpha Alpha Tau Omega

being 19-7 for the Phi Delts. 4 20 versus versus versus :30

Phi Gamma Delta Tau Epsilon Phi Theta Chi Georgia Sigma Nu's Phi Delta Theta Sigma A. Epsilon Beta Theta Pi 21 versus versus versus 4 :30 Win Bowling Title Chi Phi Chi Phi Phi Epsilon Pi Pi Kappa Phi Delta Tau Delta Sigma Chi The Sigma Nu team of the Univer­ 25 versus versus versus 4 :30 sity of Georgia defeated the Chi Phi Delta Sigma Phi Phi Kappa Sigma Beta Kappa bowlers of Georgia in a five-game con­ Kappa Alpha Phi Kappa Tau Phi Sigma Kappa test to annex the state bowling cham­ 26 versus versus versus 4 :30 pionship. Phi Gamma Delta Sigma Nu Sigma Alpha Epsilon The Sigma Nu's had previously won Phi Delta Theta ,Sigma Nu Alpha Tau Omega the interfraternity league champion­ 4 :30 27 versus versus versus ship over at Georgia; while the Chi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Phi Epsilon Phi's had emerged as the ace bowlers

of Georgia Tech. Sigma A. Epsilon Beta Theta Pi

versus 4 :30 The Sigma Nu team rolled scores of 28 Open versus Beta Kappa 549, 579, 528, 544, and 502 for a total Phi Kappa Sigma

Jcyce Estes leads out of 2,702. This was almost 200 pins Pi Kappa Phi Phi Kappa Tau Phi Sigma Kappa ahead of Chi Phi total of 2,505. The 28 versus versus versus 5 :00

individual Chi Phi scores were 408, Chi Phi Tau Epsilon Phi Theta Chi

Sigma Chi's Hold Annual Ball 512, 486, 391, and 536. Tau Epsilon Phi Theta Chi

29 Open versus versus 4 :30 ed Sigma Chi pin presented to the I i Sigma Phi Epsilon At Georgian Terrace Tonight j < Sigma Nu honored girl. Chapter bids have been

Highlights of this week's social acti­ by a formal dinner attended by mem­ (Continued Next Week) issued to all Tech fraternities with

vities will be Sigma Chi's annual bers and their dates exclusively. Dur­ the invitation "bring your sweet­

"Sweetheart Ball" which will start ing the dinner the brothers will ob­ hearts" on each. Members and dates

at ten o'clock in the ball room of the serve the traditional ritual of selecting ENGRAVED INVITATIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS will be: President Mush James and FRATERNITY STATIONERY VISITING CARDS Georgian Terrace Hotel. Music will be a "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" from the Joyce Estes, Vice President Johnny

furnished by Harry Hearn and his girls present. The selection will be Hayes and Mildred Rodgers, Secre­ J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING COMPANY Swingsters. The dance will be preceded rade public at the dance and a jewel- tary Charles Long and Esther Weeks, 103 Peachtree St., N. E. Telephone Wa. 6870 Atlanta, Ga.

Treasurer Jack Sherertz and Virginia

Hickman, Jack Johnson and Dixie

Dunbar, Millard Dusenbury and

Tommy Turner, Drew Heidler and Parts and Supplies for Radio Amateurs and Radio Experimenters Jane White, Louis Ingram and Rosa- ON LAUNDRYby lyn Willis, Willis Mozley and Mary SPECIALTY DISTRIBUTING CO. Jo Brownlee, Bob Schulze and Ruth WA. 1257 - 1258 425 PEACHTREE, N. E. Conner, Dick Anderson and Julia Convenient Railway Express Service Chapman, Penton Dekle and Frances Vautrot, Otto Kraus and; Lois Hatcher,

Marcy Fannon and Margie Ward,

Tom Allen and Nell Smith, Billy Speed it home and back weekly by nation-wide Baker and Shep Davis, Ralph Smith Railway Express. Thousands of students in colleges and Jane Turner, Bob McKenzie and throughout the country rely on this swift, safe, de­ Lady Jane Akin, Alex Ormond and

pendable service. Prompt pick-up and delivery, Kitty Mote, Frank Buchanan and Vir­

without extra charge, in al! cities and principal ginia Spinks, Lee Kendrick and Mar­

tha Frost, Herman Libbe and Susan towns. Be thrifty and wise — send it collect — and it Spratt, Ralph Willis and Helen Jones, can come back prepaid, if you wish. Low, eco­ A. Willis and Charlotte Starr, Gene

nomical rates on laundry, baggage or parcels. Reed and Sara Jane Godbee, Charlie

For rush service telephone the nearest Railway Sherrod and Virginia Starr, Jimmy

Dukes and Louise Woodward, Floyd Express office or arrange for regular call dates. Boyer and Opal Maxwell, Julian Alto- 89-91 Luckie St., N. W. — MAin 3471 bellis and Harriet Fuller, Ed MacMor- Depot Office — 325 Mitchell St., S. W. (Continued on page 6) MAin 3471 — Atlanta, Ca.

RAI LWA^SXPRE S S Baldwin's AGENCYX /INC. Drug Store NATION - WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE COMPLETE STOCKS • Drugs • Prescriptions This Add and 6c Good for One GIANT ICE CREAM SODA $33.50 Something New HEMLOCK 3255 136 MERRITTS AVE., N. W. A Gabardine is a "must" in your spring — Tech's Own — wardrobe, for they are more popular than In Gabardines! ever. This year we have our widest selec­ tion. They are available in either single- or SEE 'EM AT MUSE'S GEORGIA double-breasteds and plain or sport backs.

RETURN ENGAGEMENT Starting Saturday ESTABLISHED 1896 $ .75 COLDWYN FOLLIES" 26 Third Floor Starts Next Friday ON THE STAGE HOLLYWOOD HOTEL REVUE" PARKS - CHAMBERS, Inc. New Location — L. G. Balfour & Co. Plus Men's and Boys' Outfitters—Sporting Goods DANCER LOVE AT WORK' Fraternity Jewelers ANN SOTHERN MUSE'S 6th FLOOR JACK HALEY 37 PEACHTREE ST. MARY BOLAND E. E. HORTON Page 6 THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Friday, April 8, 1938 Sigma Chi Dance Elizabeth Dwyer, Tiger Benton and RAMBLIN'S Marie Forrester, Clinton Knight and (Continued from Page 5) Freda Copland, Ed Garner and Bar­ (Continued from Page 4) land and Virginia Harvey, Roswell bara Hastings, Bob Voorhees and ATTENTION JUNIORS student at Tech lives on Grant James and Coribel Mason, Ed Oliver Emily MacMorland, and Warren Mc- You Are Now Eligible to Wear a field? Well, sir, he must, because and Dot Frank, Charlie Murphy and Lain and Gene Slack. I have never been down to the track when "Chickadee" Ald- TECH CLASS RING redge was not running 'round and 'round and 'round, etc. He took a little workout Sunday Sport Shirts afternoon (only a couple of hours). The Most Popular Item on the Market ... Is it true what they say $1.15 each about Dix—, I mean, Joe Bart- lett? We wonder if there is any­ Mercerized Poplin - White, Oyster, Blue, Tan thing to the rumor that he will be Short Sleeves - Pleated Pockets switched back to an end position See Samples at next year. ???? All Sizes . . . Tom Jones has been show­ TECH COLLEGE INN ing fine form in the dashes. He appears to be in for a good sea­ Made By son. Good luck, Tom. The Tech Shop, Inc. L C. BALFOUR CO. . . . Perrin Walker has been burning up the tracks during re­ 49 NORTH AVENUE, N.W. Your Official Jewelers cent indoor meets. He beat Ben Johnson two out of three dashes and holds victories over several other track notables. Incidental­ ly, it would sure be swell to see him back in a Tech uniform.


Qcuf £Ju tufth i%


ipSililiiiil THEATRES

ieTHE SOUTHxS FINES T Now Playing BRINGING UP BABY" co-starring KATHERINE HEPBURN CARY GRANT Special Midnight Preview Saturday — 11:30 P.M. a In Old Chicago ALICE FAYE TYRONE POWER DON AMECHE !pmftmwnt

Starts Friday