The weather Inside today Partly cloudy, chance of a few brief Area news .. .16-17 Editorial .. ......... 4 showers this ^ernoon and evening, Business....... 18-19 Family__ ...8-9 high about 50, low tonight in 20s to 30s. Classified___20-22 Gardening . .... 10 Friday partly cloudy, highs in 40s or Comics.............23 Obituaries . .... 12 50s. Nationai weather forecast map on »The Bright One” Dear Abby.......23 Sports ....... ,.13-15 Page 20. TWEN’TY-FOUR PAGife TWO SECTIONS MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL «, 1076- VOL, XCV, jfe. 161 PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Unless deficit gap is closed News summary •Gov. Grasso threatens Compiled from United Press International •It,& to veto state budget State HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T, Democratic majority had too much the prospect of more state employe Grasso threatened to veto next spending and not enough revenue. layoffs should the lawmakers give WETHERSFIELD - The year’s budget, expected to be taken Mrs. Grasso, however, refused to her what she considered unbalanced long delayed Bridgeport jai up by lawmakers later today, if they recommend an alternative, saying budget. alai arena opening was closer fail to plug what she said was a $7 she made her views known in her Tepper said the state had reached a to reality today with the million to $10.5 million gap. February budget proposal and the "point of no return” and further cuts legislature had ignored them. issuance Wednesday of a tem­ .«»ITItACT "I do not see how 1 can sign a in staffing would impair delivery of porary permit to its prospec­ budget that is not in balance,” she Mrs. Grasso, who said she would services. not allbw the budget gap to be filled tive buyer. A dune 1 opening is told a news conference. “ If they (the Tepper said the $3- million es­ by a tax increase, said she would sign being planned. legislature) choose not to do it, you timated to retain the present level of can be sure I will fulfill my respon­ a proposal to institute a daily lottery state services was needed because of WATERBURY - The Board sibility.” despite her known opposition to some legislative rejection of the gover­ of Alderyien were to meet forms of legalizing gambling. nor’s plan to extend the work week of today to ionsider a resolution Finance Commissioner Jay 0. Backers of the daily lottery es­ state employes. asking thd state legislature to Tepper said he did not interpret Mrs. timate it will raise $10.5 million. That proposal was scuttled by law­ help the city avoid going broke. Grasso’s comments as threatening to Finance Commissioner Jay 0. makers whose $1.8 billion budget They want authority to float veto the legislation. Tepper explained the administration proposal had almost the exact same bonds to cover a nearly $12 “She only said she would not figured the legislative budget was $3 bottom line as Mrs. Grasso’s, but cut million deficit. accept it, but she didn’t say she million short in welfare and $4 some programs while adding funds to would veto it,” he said. million to $4.5 million short in money others. MERIDEN - Meriden’s 14 Asked if there had been any talk of to pay inmates at state institutions. Another $3 million is needed in per­ Mrs. Grasso said she was especial­ schools were closed today after allowing the budget to become law ly unhappy in the cuts made by the School Supt. William R. without her signature, Tepper said sonnel costs to continue the present Meriden teachers walk picket lines level of state services, he said, but Appropriations Committee in spen­ Papallo said a skeleton staff no. ding requests for the Department of left in the wake of a teachers’ Mrs. GrassO' said she was con­ that money could be done without if a Students leaving the Francis Maloney High School in Meriden decision was made to allow their Environmental Protection and strike could not insure the safe­ cerned the budget package agreed to Welfare. ty of the 10,500 students. The Wednesday pause to tell picketing teachers that the school was earlier in the week by the deterioration. strike began Wednesday in closed shortly after opening because of the strike. (UPI photo) legislature’s overwhelming Tepper said, however, lawmakers She said welfare, which had its protest of the Common Coun­ could take further action later in the state funding cut about $3 million by cil’s rejection of a two-year session and would not necessarily the lawmakers, was a “good place to contract accepted by the have to remedy the problem when cut politically.” “No one evejr hears teachers and the school board. Campaign shifts to Pennsylvania; they pass the budget package this the voice of the poor,” she said, week. saying more money was needed for Mrs. Grasso once again held out welfare programs.” Regional Fred Harris ends active drive BOSTON — Scientists who By LEWIS LORD today’s state AFL-CIO convention in cupied for some time. claim they have photographed UnilecI Pr«8H International Pittsburgh — an appearance that And the President, who campaigns GOP setting sights the Loch Ness monster have The race for the Democratic could generate support for uncom­ in Texas Friday and Saturday, announced plans to go back to' presidential nomination shifted today mitted delegates, who might back termed his Wisconsin victory a Scotland to try again. to Pennsylvania. And so did Hubert him in a deadlocked national party public rejection of Reagan’s Humphrey. convention in July. criticism of U.S. foreign policy. on assembly control BOSTON — Theodore Henry Jackson, Jimmy Carter and Fred Harris, the former Oklahoma Carter, afer edging out Udall for Landsmark, 29, beaten by Morris Udall focused their cam­ senator who never became a con­ first place in Wisconsin but finishing By JUAN TAMAYO the House, 93-58, and the Senate, 23- white teen-agers Monday, paigns on the April 27 Pennsylvania tender, called a noon news con­ fourth in New York, described Penn­ HARTFORD (UPI) - Connecticut 13. taiKeo witnoui anger showdown, and Udall picked a fight ference in .Washington to announce sylvania as the first state where he Republicans are building a $150,000 In the November elections. Wednesday saying "retaliatory with Carter on the issue of racially he no longer will actively campaign and Jackson “can test each other on election fund to finance major drives Republicans need to gain 43 seats in violence will not solve racism integrated neighborhoods. for the Democratic nomination. He a man-to-man basis.” in 79 districts where they believe the House, where they now hold 33, problems. Ronald Reagan campaigned in was the sixth Democratic candidate The former Georgia governor got there is a good chance to unseat for a majority in the 151-member Texas, whose primary is May 1, and to bow out of the race. an icy reception at the AFL-CIO con­ Democrats. chamber. Another 11 GOP senators President Ford planned a swing On th e GOP sid e, R eagan vention in Pittsburgh. Union Their aim is to gain control of the are needed for a majority in the 36- National there on the weekend. Wednesday hit five cities in Texas members shouted, “We want Connecticut Legislature, where member body. i Humphrey, who insists he isn’t where he is thought to be a slight Humphrey” and “No peanuts in Democrats gained 3-1 majorities in Biebel stressed the other districts 1974 that have throttled most aren’t going to be completely left out . ASPEN, Colo. — Prosecutors campaigning, agreed to address favorite — a position he has not oc­ Pennsylvania.” Republican proposals. of the campaign picture, but they will indicated Wednesday that “You can't continue the arrogance get less help from the State Central Claudine Longet probably will of one-party control,” GOP State Committee. face felony charges in the Chairman Frederick K. Biebel of The Stratford public relations man shooting death of her lover, Opinions differ on uses Stratford told United Press Inter­ and fprmer lobbyist said a professional skier Vladimir national in explaining the program. mathematical review of the 1974 "Spider" Sabich. Biebel said a committee to help election results showed the GOP candidates run their campaigns weaknesses and pointed to possible WASHINGTON - A Senate and feed them information on their solutions. subcommittee has served for town^s surplus funds opponents will get the first $75,000, Lockheed Aircraft Corp. with a “In many cases the Democrats and the rest will be donated directly really didn't win; we lost,” Biebel subpoena requiring documents By SOL K. COHEN Manchester still has $288,165 Acknowledging that emergencies to the campaigns, up to $1,000 per pertaining to its payments in said, because the average llcru.ld Reporter available from 1974-75 surplus, plus do occur. Hill says, “1 would recom­ candidate. Democratic candidate picked up only Japan, allegedly including another $78,000 tied up in accounts mend that the town use a larger con­ The committee, already es­ bribes to some Japanese of­ There appears to be a difference of 400-500 votes over the 1972 elections opinion in Manchester, as in most receivable. Next Tuesday, the Board tingency fund each year for emergen­ tablished, will raise its own funds. while Republicans lost 1,500 to 2,000 ficials. cies. and cease appropriating from places still lucky enough to have any, of Directors will act on a proposal by Biebel said about $50,000 would be votes. on how to handle surpluses. Town Manager Robert Weiss for the surplus account each year. contributed directly to the can­ MEW YORK - After an using $209,725 of available surplus to Various controls of expenditures are didates, but Republican sources told He said the failure to turn out the absence of 13 years, the $2 bill fund anticipated deficits this year in available to prevent deficit spending UPI the committee is shooting for vote, a GOP rarity, was due primari­ is back, again featuring a por­ 10 General Fund accounts.
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