r Owners and Enthusiasts 1


Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts

August/September 2020 Vol 44 No 2 2 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 3

PPostalostal AddressAddress CCommitteeommittee SSupportupport CContentsontents CITROËN CLASSIC OWNERS’ President ~ Ted Cross Web Wallah ~ Bruce Stringer ED SED PAGE 4 CLUB of AUSTRALIA Inc. [03] 98I9 2208 [H] [03] 5250 2727 The address of the Club and this [email protected] [email protected] PREZ SEZ PAGE 5 Secretary ~ Tim Cottrell Membership Secretary ~ magazine is: RACTIONS AGE PO Box 52, Balwyn, Victoria, 3I03. 04I6 009 297 Ian Macdermott A-T P 6 [email protected] 04I9 362 375 [M] The Club’s website is: TH NNIVERSARY Treasurer ~ Ian Macdermott [email protected] GS/A 50 A www.citroenclassic.org.au TOUR PAGE 9 Citroën Classic Owners Club of 04I9 362 375 Asset Custodians ~ Ted Cross Australia Inc. is a member of the [email protected] Max Lewis IT N ENDIGO Activity Coordinator Lee Dennes AOMC Liaison Offi cers C -I 202I B Association of Motoring Clubs. ~ ~ PAGE I2 The views expressed in this publication 0438 286 I8I [M] Max Lewis [03] 9372 092I [H] are not necessarily those of CCOCA [email protected] Russell Wade [03] 9570 3486 [H] POST CIT-IN TOUR PAGE I6 or its Committee. Neither CCOCA Spare Parts Offi cer~ Lance Wearne Club Permit & Safety Offi cers~ nor its Committee can accept any 0424 054 724 [M] Russell Wade [03] 9570 3486 [H] SIXES ON THE LEVEL responsibility for any mechanical [email protected] Philip Rogers [03] 5944 309I [H] PAGE 20 advice printed in, or adopted from this Publication Editor ~ Leigh Miles Ted Cross [03] 98I9 2208 [H] publication. [03] 9888 7506 [H] Librarian ~ Kay Belcourt MEMBER’S MODEL PAGE 30 The Club cannot accept any [email protected] 04I3 65I 2I0 [M] responsibility for, or involvement in, Committee Persons ~ [email protected] DREAM COME TRUE PAGE 4I Robert Belcourt [03] 9885 4376 [H] Club Shop ~ Kay Belcourt any business relationship that may THE BEST COULD occur between an advertiser and a Max Lewis [03] 9372 092I [H] 04I3 65I 2I0 [M] member of the Club. Russell Wade 040I 859 704 [email protected] DO? PAGE 44 Bruce Stringer [03] 5250 2727 [H] ICCCR Representative ~ Ted Cross [03] 98I9 2208 [H] BLUE SM, WHITE DS, RED HERRINGS PAGE 54 LLifeife MembersMembers 6 CARS, 6 DAYS PAGE 63 The committee awards life MMembershipembership CCoverover ImageImage AGM COMMITTEE REPORTS membership to Club members in Annual Membership is $55 and $5 The cover image is taken from the recognition of their contribution for additional members [ie partners]. website thetruthaboutcars.com and it PAGE 69 to, and support of, the Club. Life was taken by Jirí Klimeš. CLASSIFIED ADS PAGE 75 memberships have been awarded to: Sue Bryant 20I7 Brian Wade 20I7 MMeetingseetings Rob Little 20I2 Club meetings are held on the fourth CContributorsontributors Ted Cross 20I2 Wednesday of every month [except DDeadlineeadline Contributors to this edition of ‘Front Peter Boyle 2003 December] at 7:30pm. The venue The deadline for the next edition of Drive’ include Alan Brown, Jon Faine, Jack Weaver I99I is the Frog Hollow Reserve Rooms, ‘Front Drive’ is Monday, September 2I, Erol Harvey, Julian Marsh. Gert Te Nance Clark I984 Fordham Ave., Camberwell. 2020. Lintelo and Geoffrey Webber.

CCitroëningitroëning Club Permit applications to New Permit holders must Club permit renewals can be FOR SPARE PARTS & TOOLS CLUB SHOP OTHER CLUBS VicRoads must be accompanied supply the Club with sent to PO Box 52 Balwyn, Contact Lance Wearne. For Citroën models, VIC citcarclubvic.org.au by a RWC [pre I949 cars can approved photos, club permit Victoria. 3I03 with a stamped Phone: 0424 054 724 [if memorabilia and other items NSW citroencarclub.org.au be inspected by a Club Safety number and expiry date. return envelope or signed your do phone, please do contact Kay Belcourt at QLD citroenclubqld.org Offi cer], ownership validation at club meetings/events if so at a reasonable hour] or [email protected] SA clubcitroensa.com and VicRoads forms endorsed the appropriate offi cers are [email protected]. WA citroenwa.org.au by the club including fi nancial present. au TAS citroentas.org validation. 4 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 5 EEdd SedSed PPrezrez SSezez of Julian Marsh on the XM. Was it ber the Four Seasons Resort has here is a line in my mind indeed the best the French could eigh has prepared another confi rmed that no money will be about the ‘best laid plans…’. do in I990? great magazine to entertain deducted from your account un- IT know I promised you that this Last edition, with its SM focus Lyou. til the event commences. edition of Front Drive would cel- caused suffi cient interest to spark It is a cold and damp Mel- We continue to welcome ebrate the 50th Anniversary of responses from fi rst, a CCOCA bourne afternoon, and we have new members from around Aus- the GS, but Stage 3 lock down member and second an ‘old fa- been remembering this time last tralia, and most of our longer in Metropolitan Melbourne put vourite’ correspondent of Front year in Europe, when we attend- paid to those plans. standing members have even- Drive’s, Alan Brown. It has I be- ed the I00 Years of Citroën An- I had arranged to visit CCO- tually re-joined by now. This is a lieve been some years since we niversary Meeting at La Ferte CA members and GS owners have heard from Alan and newer very time-consuming process for Vidame in France, and later the Andrew and Sue Cunningham members may need an introduc- our Treasurer/Membership Sec- in Stawell. With travel to region- tion. 2CV world meeting in Croatia. retary Ian to have to send re- al Victoria banned for at least six Alan has been living in France This is the fi rst winter for many minders, so please try and keep weeks that visit is off until at least [in the Vendee region] for many years when we have remained your annual renewal in mind. A late-August. years. Over that time he has writ- at home, and I am missing some bigger problem is the Victorian Thankfully, Erol Harvey has ten for ACE [our fellow Citroën warm weather and social contact. members with Vic-Roads club kindly agreed to bring his XM club in WA] and for CCCUK, as COVID-I9 is trying to make plates. Part of this permit system feature forward to fi ll the gap. well as for us. I hope you enjoy a return to Melbourne, and still requires the plate owner to be ~ Thanks Erol, your willingness to his article. running wild around the world. and remain ~ a fi nancial member help-out is highly appreciated. The member who has writ- This has caused a lot of disrup- of an approved club. This means The XM was to have been ten for us is Melbourne-based tion to our club. We were keen you must keep your membership featured later in Volume 44, and Jon Faine. I have to confess that to re-commence activities start- fi nancial and active inCCOCA its spot will be taken by the GS. it was news to me that Jon owns ing with the AGM in August, how- if you want to renew your club In addition to Erol’s article I a RHD SM ~ no, not one of the ever we have a fall-back option have an interesting Dutch com- rare Middleton Motors cars fea- plate permit. There is no grace to run a Zoom/proxy meeting, period for membership renewal, parison of Citroën’s six-cylinder tured last issue, but one of the which we will now activate in- cars: the Big 6 [in this case specif- and the club is not structured to conversions undertaken by Peter stead. The committee is already ically a 6-H], the SM and the XM send out reminders or take re- McLeod in NSW. I am sure you meeting monthly on Zoom so and the often controversial views will enjoy both these SM-facing sponsibility to inform you. This is this change will meet our respon- articles. sibilities in the safest way. Your With our AGM so badly im- pacted by COVID-I9 the commit- committee has been very diligent tee made the decision to publish with their portfolios, and you can extracts from their annual re- be assured we are improving the ports so every member can see running of your club during this how their club is going. While an- quieter time. nual reports have a reputation Our planning for the 202I CIT- for making your eyes glaze over IN at Bendigo is well advanced, we hope you appreciate the im- and we can be fl exible with event portance of these reports. locations if necessary. Please join Enjoy, us. However, you must book ac- Leigh F Miles ~ Editor. commodation early, and remem- 6 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 7 Prez Sez your personal responsibility to ury model Citroëns designed by the form. the committee’s hope that we maintain both, so please consider Nuccio Bertone and imported in • Proxy Form can achieve the quorum via diarising the dates for us, or risk small numbers into Australia in If the AGM is to proceed, a proxies. If you wish, you can being inconvenienced. the eighties. quorum of I0% of members join the Zoom meeting. Please This issue will include a jump Please read on and enjoy this [about 30] must be present, advise the secretary of your to the wild side and will reveal in- next magazine. in person or by proxy. Please intention to participate, by formation on the mighty XM Cit- Ted Cross ~ President complete the Proxy Form Monday, 24 August. roën models. One of the last lux- by Tuesday, 25 August. This is Your committee realise that the Club’s preferred way to this is not the ideal path to the achieve our quorum. AGM, but we do fi rmly believe • Nomination Form that obtaining your proxy is the This is part of the same form best option we have under the Please note: Except for the AGM, events which were planned for August have been as the Proxy. You only need present circumstances. cancelled. Events are planned for September, but as the impact of Covid-19 later this year to complete this if you wish is uncertain, please check the Club’s website for the latest information or contact the to nominate any member • SEPTEMBER organiser prior to travelling to any event that may be listed later in the year. to a Committee or Support Technical Day with CCCV position. This year the form WHEN: Sunday, I3 September will not need to be signed by FURTHER DETAILS: TBC A-Tractions CONTACT: Lee Dennes, Government regulations now the seconder or the nominee. 0438 286 I8I • AUGUST mean we must have the meeting The President is prepared to [email protected] by September 2 and we will second all nominations. The 2020 Annual General Meeting Further details for this available WHEN: Wednesday, hold the AGM on Wednesday, Club will contact nominees to shortly. Keep your eyes open for 26 August 26 August at 7:30pm. While this ensure their willingness to be updates on this event. TIME: 7:30pm is after the current Melbourne nominated. Nomination Forms CONTACT: Tim Cottrell, lockdown is scheduled to must also be completed by September Club Meeting: 04I6 009 297 fi nish the Committee believes a Tuesday, 25 August. Wood-Fired Pizza Night [email protected] face-to-face meeting at this date • Committee Reports WHEN: Wednesday, Ted Cross is not in the best interests of our Committee and Support 23 September [03] 98I9 2208 members’ health. Offi cer Reports for the 2020 TIME: 6:30pm [email protected] You will shortly receive an email AGM commence on page WHERE: Il Pizzaiolo, The arrival of COVID-I9 with a link to the combined 67 of the magazine. If after I6I-I63 Darebin Rd., Thornbury prevented the Club’s March Proxy/Nomination Form. Follow reading these reports you BOOKING: Essential by AGM from proceeding. Victorian the link, complete and submit wish for a question to be raised on your behalf, contact the Secretary who will table your question. It, and the reply, will be included in the minutes circulated to members. • A Virtual Meeting The committee will use Zoom for the meeting. It is 8 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 9 A-Tractions largest and most prestigious concours d’elegance and exhibi- tion of classic and new exotic and prestige cars and motorcy- cles. In its I1th year, Motorclassica draws an affl uent and engaged audience from around Australia BOOKINGS/PAYMENTS: and abroad for three days in CTOBER celebration of the motoring • O • Available from Ist May via Citroën GS/A CCOCA website citroenclassic. Monday, I4 September 50th Anniversary Tour org.au/wordpress/ WHEN: Saturday, 3 to CONTACT: Tim Cottrell, Saturday, I0 October FURTHER ENQUIRIES: 04I6 009 297 FROM: Ararat [email protected] TO: Hamilton WEBSITE: ilpiziola.com.au Exceptional and authentic Italian COST: $200pp wood-fi red pizza night. More BOOKINGS: Now open, than your ‘average’ pizza place Il closing I September Pizzaiolo boasts an outstanding ELIGIBLE MODELS: GS, wine list and is fully licenced. GSA, Birotor No BYO. Late bookings cannot CONTACT: Andrew be accepted, due to the high Begelhole, demand at this wonderful venue. 0427 378 423 [email protected] • OCTOBER lifestyle. Hosted in the world TOURING ROUTE: Motorclassica 2020 heritage-listed Royal Exhibition • Starting in Ararat, overnight WHEN: Friday 9 to Sunday I1 stops in Horsham, Ouyen, Building located in Melbourne, October Renmark, Kingston SE, Mt TIME: From 9:00am more than 500 vehicles mix Gambier, fi nishing in Hamilton. WHERE: Royal Exhibition with fi ne food and wine, cinema, ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: Building, Melbourne educational displays and I00 • Welcome Dinner, J-Ward COST: TBA trade exhibitors. Tour, entrance fees to The BOOKING: Not required Stick Shed, Nelson Airport CONTACT: Motorclassica is now searching for unique, rare and beautiful Tour, a Pizza Meal and Farewell [email protected] Dinner. classic cars! Applications for Motorclassica stands on the ACCOMMODATION EXPENSES: world’s stage as Australasia’s The Australian International • Entrants are responsible for Concours d’Elegance are now booking their accommodation open. and all other expenses. 10 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 11 AA-Tractions-Tractions Andrew Begelhole [08] 8586 6755 • DAY 8. Saturday, I0 October 0427 378 423 • DAY 5. Wednesday, 7 October Mt Gambier to Hamilton I50km [email protected] Renmark ~ Free Day Mt Gambier, Nelson, Dart- ITINERARY • DAY 6. Thursday, 7 October moor, Digby, Hamilton. • DAY I. Saturday, 3 October Renmark to Kingston SE 245km I0am Nelson Airport Tour. Renmark, Pinnaroo, Evening: Welcome Dinner and Farewell Dinner ~ Bandicoot Tour at J-Ward Ararat Bordertown, Kingston SE Motor Inn, Hamilton • Accommodation in Ararat • Accommodation in Kingston Chalambar Motel SE Lacepede Bay Hotel • Accommodation in Hamil- I32 Lambert St, Ararat. I Marine Parade, Kingston SE ton Bandicoot Motor Inn [03] 5352 7050 [08] 8767 2444 I52 Ballarat Rd, Hamilton. Statesman Motor Inn • DAY 7. Friday, 9 October [03] 5572 I688 79 Lambert St, Ararat Kingston SE to Mt Gambier NOTE: [03] 5352 4I1I I70km This event will be subject to any • DAY 2. Sunday, 4 October Kingston SE, Robe, Beachport, restrictions that are in place at Ararat to Horsham, I20km Millicent, Mt Gambier the time. Please be aware that any Ararat via Halls Gap to • Accommodation in Mt bookings will be at the entrant’s Horsham. Time to explore the Gambier International own risk and not that of CCOCA. Grampians Motor Inn You can register and fi nd further • Accommodation in 200 Jubilee Hwy, Mt Gambier information about this event on Horsham Majestic Motel [08] 8725 48I1 the CCOCA website. 56 Stawell Rd, Horsham [03] 5582 0I44 • DAY 3. Monday, 5 October Horsham to Ouyen 2I0km I0am The Stick Shed, Murtoa for Group Tour. Then take part in the Silo Art Trail • Accommodation in Ouyen Ouyen Motel 9 Farrell St, Ouyen [03] 5092 I397 Ouyen Caravan Park I0 Calder Hwy, Ouyen [03] 5092 I426 • DAY 4. Tuesday, 6 October Ouyen to Renmark 2I0km Ouyen, Mildura, Renmark • Accommodation in Renmark Renmark Hotel 60 Murray Ave, Renmark 12 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 13


BENDIGO IS PART OF VICTORIA’S Friday 2 April HISTORIC GOLDFIELDS REGION AND Registration at All Seasons Resort IS A TOURIST DESTINATION. THERE WILL BE 171 McIvor Highway, Bendigo PLENTY FOR ALL TO SEE AND DO INCLUDING 3pm – 6pm Venue Welcome reception including generous supper All Seasons Resort Bendigo HISTORIC TRAMS, CHINESE INFLUENCES, allseasonsbendigo.com.au THE POPULAR BENDIGO FESTIVAL 6pm – 10pm 03 5443 8166 AND THE CHINESE DRAGON PARADE. Saturday 3 April Accommodation Show & Shine WHILE CIT-IN WILL BE CENTRED IN BENDIGO, The resort has excellent rooms at competitive Bendigo Festival AS PART OF THE PROGRAM YOU WILL rates negotiated for the conference - but book Catered lunch at the festival early and mention Cit-In for special rates. ALSO VISIT SOME WONDERFUL HISTORIC Spit-roast dinner with country theme Alternative accommodation includes the TOWNS IN THE DISTRICT. Big4 Caravan Park about 3 kilometres away Sunday 4 April Cost (per person) Distance from Bendigo Observation run visiting historic towns in the region Early Bird (before 31/10/20) $260 • MMelbourneelbourne 115353 kkmm • AAdelaidedelaide 661414 kkmm Later bookings (01/11/20 – 31/01/21) $275 Picnic lunch Just in Time (01/02/21 – 20/02/21) $290 • CCanberraanberra 662020 kkmm • SSydneyydney 88363 6 kkmmFormal dinner at All Seasons Resort Age 5 –18yrs 50% • HHobartobart 88717 1 kkmm • BBrisbanerisbane 11,599,599 Monday 5 April Information and application forms • PPertherth 33,316,31 6 kkmm Full buff et breakfast at All Seasons Resort citcarclubvic.org.au Farewell citroenclassic.org.au

The National CIT-IN April 2021, down restrictions are relaxed out or higher prices will be Saturday 3 April jointly organised by CCCV so you need to book ASAP as listed. • Show & Shine, Bendigo and CCOCA, will be held in our reserved accommodation Here is a sneak preview of the Festival, catered lunch at the the beautiful country town of may only be held until the end event program. festival. Bendigo. The program and of July so please book well in Friday 2 April • Spit-roast dinner with country application form have now advance. Accommodation is • Registration at All Seasons theme. been posted on the CCOCA limited so please get in quickly. Website www.citroenclassic. Book by phone or email only Resort, 171 McIvor Highway, Sunday 4 April org.au. As you know there and mention CIT-IN to receive Bendigo 3pm ~ 6pm. • Observation run visiting will be a rush for holiday group rates. If you try to book • Welcome reception including historic towns in the region, accommodation when the lock online it could appear booked generous supper 6pm ~ 10pm. picnic lunch. 14 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 15

• Formal dinner at All Seasons This will be the fi rst opportunity Resort. to enjoy the fi rst post Covid-19 Monday 5 April national meeting and we • Full buff et breakfast at All strongly recommend this event Seasons Resort is supported by all CCOCA • Farewell members. There is a possibility It is important to remember that the event may need to this event is co-hosted by CCCV be modifi ed closer to April and CCOCA and by mutual but we are confi dent it will be consent and for accounting substantially as displayed. We purposes all payments should will keep you all informed. be directed through the CCCV Regards website. There will be more Ted Cross information coming soon from President CCOCA. On behalf of the CCOCA committee 16 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 17

Prime Ministers’ Castlemaine’s main to date given the COVID-19 Avenue, Ballarat street. situation. If there is a small fee, Botanic Gardens. participants will be advised, and this will be collected as cash in Bendigo. ACCOMMODATION EXPENSES: All entrants are responsible for booking their accommodation and all other expenses. Full details are here. BOOKINGS OPEN: Expressions Cape Otway Light of interest will be taken now. at night. BOOKINGS CLOSE: Again, COVID-19 has made planning diffi cult but adequate advance warning of booking closure will Erskine Falls be provided. POST BENDIGO CIT-IN RUN • D AY 1: Monday, 5 April 2021 Bendigo to Ballarat 154km WHEN: Monday 5 to A short walking tour around Thursday I5 April Bendigo prior to departure WHERE: Central Victoria and for Ballarat via Maldon, Western District Castlemaine, Daylesford and FROM: Bendigo Mount Alexander Creswick. TO: Horsham Shire Council of- • Accommodation in Ballarat VIA: Ballarat, Lorne, War- fi ces, Castlemaine. [2 nights] Eureka rnambool, Hamilton and Stockade Holiday Park Halls Gap 104 Stawell St, Ballarat COST: TBA, see below [03] 5331 2281 BOOKINGS: Expressions of inter- • D AY 2: Tuesday, 6 April est being taken now Sovereign Hill, Gold Museum, CONTACT: Brian James Ballarat Gardens etc. [03] 9728 5526 Wimmera rail • D AY 3: Wednesday, 7 April 0427 534 014 bridge, Quantong. Ballarat to Lorne 158km brianjamesphotography@ Travel via Inverleigh for lunch. bigpond.com with ‘PostCit-In’ Teddy’s Lookout, Great Ocean Road, • Accommodation in Lorne [2 as the subject nights] Lorne Foreshore ENTRY FEE: Caravan Park. The actual entry fee is a TBA 2 Ocean Rd, Lorne right now. There may be [03] 5289 1382 a small entry fee to cover 1300 364 797 some included meals, but no [email protected] bookings have been made 18 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 19

Fokker F.XI Univer- Lake Hamilton Motor Village 650 Mokepilly Road, Lake sal, Ansett Museum, & Caravan Park, Fyans 3381 Hamilton. 8 Ballarat Rd, Hamilton [03] 5356 6230 [03] 5572 3855 stay@lakefyansholidaypark. [email protected] com.au • D AY 8: Monday, 12 April • D AY 10: Wednesday, 14 April Campes Motor Museum, The Halls Gap to Horsham 80km Nigretta Falls, The Ansett Total distance 811 Museum Reed Lookout, Mc Kenzies • D AY 9: Tuesday, 13 April Falls Sovereign Hill, Hamilton to Halls Gap 96km • Accommodation in Horsham Ballarat. • Accommodation in Halls [1 night] Horsham Gap [1 night] Halls Gap Riverside Caravan Park Gardens Caravan Park 190 Firebrace St, Horsham 2223 Grampians Road Halls [03] 5382 3476 Gap horsham@southerncross- [03] 5356 4244 parks.com.au • D AY 4: Thursday, 8 April stay@hallsgapgardenscara- • D AY 11: Thursday, 15 April Teddy’s Lookout, Erskine Falls. vanpark.com.au We all head home with • D AY 5: Friday, 9 April. or possible visit to Wimmera rail Lorne to Warrnambool 207km Lake Fyans Holiday Park bridge at Quantong Twelve Apostles, Cape Otway Light Station Warrnambool & CITROËN CLUB DRIVE All Citroën models are and early sunlight is the most invited and particularly some effective. Later arrivals could • Accommodation in War- District Historic AND STORY BRIDGE rnambool [2 nights] colourful Tractions would still do the photo drive over Car Club. PHOTOSHOOT make ideal subjects from that as each circuit will fi nish back Warrnambool Holiday WHEN: Sunday 16 August. same era. under the Bridge until the Park & Motel TIME: 7:00am, or earlier, or as As it will be a perfect sunny exercise is completed. Cnr Raglan Pde & Simpson soon as you can make it Sunday morning at that time, In terms of safety, drivers will St, Warrnambool WHERE: Meet under Story it will be a good outing for be advised to use their own [03] 5562 5031 Bridge CCOCA members and an discretion depending on RSVP: By Friday, I4 August [email protected] opportunity for some to traffi c in front or behind to go CONTACT: Geoffrey Webber show off their cars. Suggest slow for the photographers Camp kitchen & BBQs 04I1 652 555 we meet up under the Story positioned on the eastern • D AY 6: Saturday, 10 April PURPOSE: Bridge in the park where the footpath side on Bridge. Warrnambool Heritage Geoffrey Webber will be in original Tri-Club display used Members with good cameras Cheese, Visit to Warrnambool Maldon’s main Brisbane over the weekend to assemble in the 1980s. could also shoot from their & District Historical Vehicle street on a bright of I5/I6 August and wants to There is a beaut coffee shop cars if possible please. capture some action shots for Club Spring morning. nearby too. Optional drive and picnic his next publication, Citroëns in The plan is for cars to assemble afterwards. • D AY 7: Sunday, 11 April Australia, from 1920 to 2020 and then do a few slow convoy Members could reassemble, Warrnamboool to Hamilton Your classic Citroëns driving round trips from the southern return to the coffee shop 116km across the Story Bridge will end over the bridge and back under the bridge and/or we Tower Hill, Port Fairy make excellent subjects. to provide more than just one could drive on to Redcliffe, • Accommodation in Hamilton The Story Bridge has recently opportunity for photos. An say for a Fish and Chips lunch/ celebrated 80 years. [2 nights] early start will avoid traffi c picnic BYO by the water. 20 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 21 SSixesixes onon thethe LevelLevel fort, without being lost in the this is certainly due to a desire ince the introduction of ocean of the ordinary. for understatement by owners front-wheel drive in I934, Modesty is in Demand. or manufacturers wishing to con- SCitroën has built, as at the date of Even owners of expensive ceal their vehicle’s exclusivity. the writing of this article [I994] German status mobiles now or- After all, there is usually only three six-cylinder models: the I5 der their eight- or twelve-cylin- one variant and why would you Six and her sister featured here, der engines without a type des- add extra numbers or letters. the I5 Six H, the SM and the XM ignation on the stern. After all, The impressive monogram on V6. They are all equipped with the sheep are quickly separated the boot lid of the Traction Avant hydropneumatic suspension and from the goats on the highway. I5 Six-H will therefore have been spoil their owners with excellent In the I950s, engine designations spoken of with respect. In part performance and a sea of com- on the boot lid are also rare, but due to its excellence of its road handling, the ‘regular’ four-cylin- der Traction already has a repu- tation as one of the fast guys. The ‘Six’ ~ even frantic Fran- cophiles often cling with tenacity to ‘siks’ rather than ‘sies’ ~ takes it a step further. With the I5-H, the 2,867cc six-cylinder engine deliv- ers 80hp [60kW], suffi cient for a top speed of more than I35kph. However, it is not the top speed with which the I5-H outshines its rivals. Speeds of I40kph, or more, are not exceptional in the mid- I950s, but there is virtually no other comfortable fi ve- or six- seater with which to get the av- erage speeds possible with the six-cylinder Traction. This is main- ly due to the excellent handling. Broad highways, where you can effortlessly drive at high speeds with a self-targeting battle cruiser, The striking interior of the Traction can be deduced from the side view. With the SM, interior space was not given too great a priority, despite its overall large dimensions. In the XM, up to fi ve people have a lot of space and comfort. 22 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 23 SSixesixes onon thethe LevelLevel were rarely encountered at the massaged. For here driving the Six time. You can traverse the con- can be very relaxed. This is due siderably less straight and fl at in no small part to the hydrop- through roads with such a French neumatic suspension, which is six-cylinder at a good pace, with- reserved for I5-H [Hydraulique]. out having to steer like a mad- This variant, delivered exclusively man to keep the car on the cor- in I954 and I955, serves as a test rect side of the road. In the city object for the suspension of the and in tight corners, little of that DS introduced in I955. Although convenience remains. There is the Traction’s futuristic suspen- nothing to complain about its sion system only works on the cornering behaviour, except for rear wheels, the suspension com- the force and effort required fort is considerably greater than to steer. Although the beauti- with a conventional suspension ful white steering wheel would version. also fi t in a barge in terms of its During acceleration, your size, your arm muscles seem to hearing is caressed by a nostal- get stronger and thicker by the gically grunting six-cylinder. Once minute. up to speed, the in-line six’s be- In any case, the gear lever haviour is quite civilized, although protruding from the dashboard the motor never leaves any offers the opportunity to stretch doubts about its presence. the right arm occasionally. The le- You cannot blame him for ver describes a wide arc, but you having a sip in the meantime and can feel exactly where the ‘box is rarely settling for less than one in going. In addition, the six-cylinder six. [Your editor went hunting to is very smooth, so you mainly use explain this. The writer means a the extended second and third fuel consumption of six kilome- gears. The fi rst you only need tres per litre. Or more usually when driving away from rest. for us I7mpg or I6.7L/I00km.] If Interior Ambiance you had announced in I955 that On the open road, you have a litre of super would cost more plenty of opportunity to get your than two guilders in I994, you heavily tormented arm muscles would probably have been con- The Traction’s dashboard is no different signed to the insane asylum. from that of the four-cylinder. With the Like many contemporaries, SM, the emphasis is more on luxury than Traditional headlights at the Traction. on sportsmanship. The XM has a less The SM has lamps behind glass, the inner quirky dashboard than its predecessors. of which rotate in response to steering Too bad Citroën has left the one-spoke input. The XM has modern fl at headlamp steering wheel behind. units. 24 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 25 SSixesixes onon thethe LevelLevel the interior of the Traction ex- the Traction was designed long M comes from Maserati, which udes an atmosphere that is char- before the war ~ you sit remark- is responsible for the V6 which acteristic of the country where ably low. This is thanks to the lies in the rather chaotic forecas- the car comes from. That starts monocoque body, which makes tle. In terms of lines, the SM is a fi rst with the smell, which is com- a chassis redundant. This imme- very characteristic car. The wide pletely different in a Citroën such diately saves a few centimetres battery of lamps behind curved as this than you discover in a of fl oor height. The seats are up- glass give the SM an unmistakable Wolseley, Lancia or Mercedes. holstered with a pleasantly fi t- face, which still evinces the awe Then there is also the design of ting fabric, which in this car dif- of other road users to this day. the dashboard and the imple- fers from the original, but offers The rest of the bodywork mentation of the door trim and the same comfort. When you does not give rise to any confu- seats. In this decidedly inexpen- sit down for the fi rst time, you sion, even with other models of sive Citroën, completely different feel like you are sinking straight its own marque, there is hardly ideas about ‘domestic conviviality’ through the furniture, but the any similarity. Years later, a style el- prevail than in the competition mental fl ashes of doing irrepara- ement of the SM can be found in from England, Germany and Italy. ble damage are somewhat pre- another Citroën: the nod at the No walnut, wood veneer, Ba- mature. These are just honest old side windows can also be seen in kelite, leather or, if necessary, fashioned French chairs that, if the XM. plastic, but steel, sprayed in two you like those over-stuffed cush- The interior could have shades of gray. The dark shade ions are great. You can also sit in been devised by a draftsman matches the exterior of the the back. You nestle nicely in a of science-fi ction comics. The body; the light shade accentuates corner and spread your legs re- one-spoke steering wheel is the lines of the windshield, instru- laxedly. ‘On to Provence, Gaston!’ somewhat oval in the SM. The ment panel and side windows. SM: Chevrons and Trident? instruments are also oval: they In the middle of the dash- Contemporary Citroëns, such are a radical break with the tra- board you will fi nd a jumble of as the Xantia 2.0I-I6 VSX and the ditions that most sporting cars buttons and switches. Some have XM V6 I6-valve show how sport- try to uphold in this regard. The to be turned; others have to be iness and comfort can be best seats, with their backrest fl owing pulled out. Disorganized? After a combined. In the early seven- smoothly through to encompass few days you are used to it, espe- ties these two properties were the seat, also seem to be unaf- cially when you have thorough- still seen as an impossible com- fected by prevailing views. ly read the instruction booklet. bination. With the SM presented Identity Crisis Your obliging servant [that’s the on March I1, I970, Citroën had The leather is also excel- writer] has not done so, so that therefore performed a true mir- lent. Thanks to the many adjust- the turn indicators always fl ash acle. The car combines the com- ment options of seats and steer- to the wrong side during the fi rst fort of the DS with the perfor- ing wheel, it takes a little time to few kilometres. The bottom of mance and appearance of a real fi nd a perfect positioning. Turn- the switch indicates the direction, Gran Turismo. The S was taken With the Traction and the SM, the engine not the top I as wrongly assumed. from the designation of the SM is placed in the longitudinal direction Compared with other large from the DS Sport project [code behind the front . The XM has a cars from the thirties ~ after all, letter S] from the early I960s. The transverse V6. which saves a lot of space 26 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 27 SSixesixes onon thethe LevelLevel ing the ignition key immedi- I5-SIX H SM [Photos: I97I] XM V6 ately causes an identity crisis Engine: in-line liquid-cooled six- Engine: liquid-cooled six-cylinder Engine: liquid-cooled six-cylinder in invading Citroën drivers. You cylinder, underlying camshaft, bore in V, cylinders at 90°, 4overhead in V, cylinders at 90°, 2 overhead sit in a Citroën, you smell Cit- x stroke 78 x I00mm, capacity camshafts, bore x stroke 87 x camshafts, bore x stroke 93 x roën, you have a Citroën steer- 2,867cc. 75mm, capacity 2,670 cc. 73mm, capacity 2,975cc. ing wheel in your hand, all you Transmission: three gears, front- Transmission: fi ve gears, front-wheel Transmission: fi ve gears [optional see around you is Citroën, but wheel drive. drive. automatic transmission], front-wheel you hear the hoarse growl of drive. an unadulterated Italian six- Body and suspension: monocoque Body and suspension: monocoque Body and suspension: monocoque cylinder. A light press on the body, independent suspension with body, independent suspension, body, independent suspension, hy- accelerator. The tachometer torsion bars at the front, rigid rear hydropneumatic suspension with dractive hydropneumatic suspen- needle fl ashes over the overtly axle, hydropneumatic suspension at self-levelling and height control, sion with self-levelling and height elegant numbers. The howling the rear, drum brakes all round. hydraulic power disc brakes all control, hydraulic power brakes all grows stronger. The nose rises. round. round. The rear seems to be pulled Dimensions and weight: wheelbase Dimensions and weight: wheel- Dimensions and weight: wheel- towards the asphalt. Clicking ~ 308.7cm, 476[l] x I79[w] x I56[h], base 295cm, 489.5[l] x I84[w] x base 285cm, 470.8[l] x 200[w] x almost a miracle given the long weight I,325kg. I32.5[h], weight I,490 kg. I38.5[h], weight I,5I0kg. linkage to the gearbox ~ the Performance: max power 80bhp Performance: Max power I70bhp Performance: max power I70bhp lever shoots through the over- [60kw] @ 4,000rpm, top speed [I27kw] @ 6,250rpm I972: [I27kw] @ 5,600rpm, top speed ly chic gear quadrant. You can I35kph. I78bhp [I33kw] at 5,500rpm, top 2I7kph. feel the Maserati trident prod- speed 220kph [228kph]. ding your bottom. Could that Production period: I954-I955, con- Production period: I970-I975, from Production period: from I989. type designation also have an- ventional suspension I934-I940, ‘73 at extra cost with 2,965cc en- other meaning? I946-I954. gine and automatic transmission Price: from ƒ88,850. Fuel consumption shows that the six-cylinder technol- and wheel angle. As the wheels dersteer is easy to catch: just re- ogy has undergone enormous move outward, the assistance in- lease the throttle and you are development compared with creases. At higher speeds, the as- back on the right track. The hy- the Traction engine. On aver- sistance becomes less. Caution dropneumatic suspension, slightly age, one in seven is quite fea- is advised, especially when trav- less soft than the DS, meanwhile sible [20mpg or I4.3L/I00km] elling slowly. Too much enthu- provides unprecedented comfort and in addition your progress siasm makes you a ghost driver for such a car. Only the very short is signifi cantly faster than with in a fraction of a second. There ‘punches’ are sometimes diffi cult the I5-H is a complex hydraulic system for the suspension to absorb, but The steering wheel is small between the front wheels and an average speed bump does not and reacts extremely direct- steering wheel, but the steering make any impression on an SM. ly. Assistance varies with pace is certainly not numb. Drivers without any Citroën With the Traction almost the entire Once you are used to direct experience who have to brake boot lid can be lifted. The SM and XM steering and strong power assis- an SM for the fi rst time will be in have a third and fi fth door, respec- tance, you can quickly go through for the shock of their lives. That tively. any corner. The tendency to un- ‘mushroom’ under your foot is 28 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 29 SSixesixes onon thethe LevelLevel very effective. You do quickly get could an idea for the accessory completely different spring char- only underwent a facelift in late used to it, after which the all or industry? acter. Within a fraction of a sec- I985. nothing feeling has disappeared. Turning the ignition key leads ond, the comfortable chassis Under the skin, however, Fine inputs are not the strongest to a pleasant surprise on the XM changes to that of a pure sports there is a world of difference be- point with these brakes. V6: the engine sound reminds car. The car can then be steered tween the CX and the XM. Famil- On the highway, you must you of that of the SM. Once you as if it were a go-kart, with a light iar elements such as the hydrop- constantly monitor the speed- hit the road, the similarities are understeer that remains perfectly neumatic suspension have been ometer. You think you are driv- not limited to the sound; the per- manageable. further perfected. More pow- ing at I20, but the needle is at I70 formance is also at a similar level. Like the SM, the XM V6 also erful and cleaner engines have and the other traffi c seems to be For both models, the DIN power has speed-dependent power been fi tted, while much attention parked in the right-hand lane. It is I70bhp [SM injection I78bhp, or steering. You will have to get used has also been paid to improving must be a perfect excuse for the I27 and I33kW respectively] and to the quick return to the rest road handling and passive safe- recently released speeding ex- a peak of around 220kph is spec- position, but after that short pe- ty. All these requirements make cuse book: ‘Yes, but this is a Cit- ifi ed. Acceleration from 0 to I00 riod of getting used to it, you can it increasingly expensive to de- roën SM, offi cer…’ takes 8.9seconds with the SM and get really hooked on this system. velop new models. Sales fi gures XM V6: A Touch of Maserati 9.7seconds with the XM. Above Since it has appeared in recent that would be considered a top More than its predecessors, I40kph, the SM must recognize it years that not every XM buyer success ten years ago are now the XM is geared to a wider au- been outpaced by the XM. The V6 is charmed by this Diravi power not even suffi cient to recoup dience. You hardly have to get 24-valve, with 200bhp [I49kW] steering, conventional assistance development costs. Citroën also used to the luxurious interior of and a top speed of 238kph, goes has been available since last year. cannot avoid responding to the a step even further. With the XM the XM. The front seats are elec- The power brakes transmit wishes of a wider audience. The it also becomes clear that the en- trically adjustable; the position considerably more feeling than sales fi gures prove that the XM of the steering wheel can also gine technology has made enor- the servo of models like the DS appeals to a larger target group. be adjusted to personal prefer- mous progress: if you push on, and CX. ABS is available at an ad- But also those who have been ence. The fact that Citroën has you get around one in 7.5 [I3.3L/ ditional cost, but that is also quite driving Citroën for years quick- not opted for a freak design of I00km or 2Impg], while driving normal with other brands. ly appreciate the car. There are the instrument panel and the with the large current engine even owners who are shocked controls is understandable, given one in ten [I0L/I00km or 28mpg] Share It is always the same song: at the idea that the XM will the need for larger sales num- is easily achievable. someday be replaced by another bers and therefore to appeal to a While spring comfort is still when Citroën releases a new model. The XM is therefore again unsurpassed, views on how model, the traditional enthusiast’s wider audience. The fact that the a real Citroën. Although it also quality of the fi nish is at a signifi - that comfort is achieved have fright strikes at the heart. It was has something of a Maserati with cantly higher level than with the changed over the years. The ‘fl oat’ no different when production of six cylinders. XM’s predecessor, the CX, is even that is usual with the DS and, to the CX ended in I989; why on earth would you replace that © This article by Gert Te Lintelo more gratifying. a lesser extent, with the SM and with photography by Rein Van But to also immediately relin- CX is also present at the XM at a car? It is still so modem… Re- Der Zee fi rst appeared in the quish that traditional one-spoke constant pace, but it is less pro- garding the latter, the CX enthu- Dutch magazine Automobiel steering wheel, that is going a bit nounced. In fast corners, the six- siasts have right, at least, partially in March I994. It is from the too far. It has no practical disad- cylinder’s springing system with on their side. The car has been on Editor’s collection and may not vantage, but does contribute to its hydractive [adapts to driving the market for fi fteen years but be reproduced without the the car’s own identity. Perhaps it style and conditions] adopts a still looks up-to-date, although it permission of the publisher. 30 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 31 MMember’sember’s Model:Model: 19901990 XXMM 2.02.0Si id plastic coating. As the coat- could easily hold a large bottle of been launched in May I989 and in arrived in the UK in I989 hav- ing aged and cracked this design wine, otherwise the rest of the I990 won the coveted European ing completed my university was guaranteed to maximise wa- car was quite conventional. The Car of the Year. It was designed studiesI at Monash and was excit- ter retention around the pipes, AX had almost no road presence as the replacement to the CX by ed to start a proper job at a large and encouraged by the salt used so you were constantly at the re- Bertone, who having previously government research laboratory on the winter roads, this caused ceiving end of other driver’s ag- worked on the design for the BX, near Oxford. The pay was terrible widespread rust. The fi x involved gressive behaviour and quickly won the competition in I986 for but I splashed out and bought a replacing almost all of the hydrau- learnt the art of defensive driv- the XM design having submitted used Citroën BX I1RE because I lic pipes, the cost of which far ex- ing on English motorways. The their fi rst concepts in I984. had always been fascinated by the ceeded the value of the car, and car was noisy, freezing cold and I loved the shape of the front, quirky difference of the brand. thus ended the life of the BX. lacked any power so wasn’t one something one reviewer called This BX was almost the bot- The car I replaced it with was we grew to love. ‘the last word in the gothic wedge tom of the range, black with an also at the bottom of its range; a The big Citroën available at design’. Other commentators after-market go-fast stripe, and Citroën AX I0RE. The designers this time was the XM. Compared noted that owners always turned being a Series I it had the roll- were playing with minimalist ide- to our AX, the XM seemed the their heads for a last look as they ing barrel speedo, non-cancelling as, they said inspired by the 2CV, height of luxury with electric win- walked away from the car and indicator switch that was dash but essentially trying to compete dows, climate control, comforta- with its sweeping French snout mounted and a maniacal single with other ultra-small low-cost ble seats in a quiet and spacious the car always made an impres- windscreen wiper. It was the car cars coming onto the market cabin. The car gave a solid impres- that took my bride home a cou- The I984 XM sion as it came around the curve. at the time. Since Citroëns have sion with doors that closed with sketch by Marc De- The high hatchback rear, however, ple of years later and just as our Below: 2-door AX to be quirky much was made of a muted thud instead of the tin- living expenses started to increase I0RE ~ a very schamp, pencilled took a bit of getting used to. the very deep door pockets that ny bang of the AX. The XM had it catastrophically failed its annual basic car. on the fl ight from Citroën had high hopes for MoT [the UK roadworthy test]. Right: The high Roissy to Turin the XM and planned to take on The hydraulic suspension hatchback and after attending the the luxury car market coming pipes were made of steel en- elevated spoiler of Citroën briefi ng. head-to-head with BMW and cased with some sort of rig- the Series I XM. 32 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 33 MMember’sember’s Model:Model: 19901990 XXMM 2.02.0Si

Mercedes, and priced the car ac- Above: The trim Mercedes design and is operated cordingly. It took four years to de- levels for the XM by a foot pedal with a dashboard sign and test the car, and accord- available in the UK mounted latch. In manual cars an ing to one source, Citroën spent in I990. extra solenoid switches in to hold 7.5billion French Francs [approx Left: I990 Citroën the car if stopping on a hill, and AU$5billion] tooling up the facto- XM 2.0Si. switches out as soon as the accel- ry. They set an aggressive sales tar- erator is touched. Door sensors get of I60,000 XMs per year. The operate solenoids to momentar- car used hydropneumatic suspen- ily stiffen the suspension in antici- sion with a new computer-driv- pation of somebody getting in or en active suspension they called out of the car, and the current ‘Hydractive’. Using sensors on drawn by indicators, tail lamps the steering, brakes, throttle ped- and side lights is constantly moni- al, suspension and transmission, a tored with a message showing on computer constantly monitored a dashboard dot matrix display the drive and road conditions and should one fail. switched in or out two additional With so many electronic and spheres connected between the computer-controlled innovations two front wheels and two rear the car needs a robust and stable wheels to fi rm up the handling. electrical system. Unfortunately, The handbrake follows the Citroën made a serious miscal- 34 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 35 MMember’sember’s Model:Model: 19901990 XXMM 2.02.0Si culation and the early cars were the UK market meaning that an I bought a pair of Citroën grate to Australia it was impor- plagued with intermittent elec- upgrade from a minimalist AX to ‘aerodynamic’ roof bars for the tant to bring our two cars, the tronic faults that dealers struggled the luxury of an XM was with- car and, in the European style, XM and a I984 2CV which was to diagnose. The cure for the ma- in my reach. The RP number of mounted our bicycles upside Alison’s fi rst car. A characteristic jority of these problems turned the XM I bought tells me that the down on these bars and headed of the XM is that if not used for out to be very simple. The two car was made on 3 December off to the south of France with many weeks the battery will fully multi-point earth connections be- I990. It is a 2.0Si with a fuel in- our friends and their Series II BX. drain. I imagine that when it came hind each headlight had to be cut jected XUI0J2 I2IkW engine and Driving a right-hand drive car on time to disembark the car from and replaced with old fashioned fi ve speed manual transmission. the right side of the road takes a the transport ship, the Melbourne crimp connectors. Another multi- All XMs sold in the UK came with bit of getting used to, but the XM port workers found the battery point connector underneath the electric tilt and slide sunroofs. has long legs and is an absolute fl at and simply towed it out. With battery compartment also needs The internet had only just pleasure to drive in fi fth gear on the suspension fully down the XM regular cleaning. been invented at this time, and long trips. While in France, Alison only has about I00mm of ground Unfortunately, there wasn’t without this revolutionary tool I started to develop an aversion clearance so this caused quite a a cure for the damage done to doubt that it would be possible to wine and a few short months bit of damage to rods and brack- the car’s reputation, and although to keep a car like the XM on the later, on a snowy February, our ets under the car. After repairing 96,000 cars were sold in I990, road. Some web searching told daughter was born at the John the damage, getting the car up to sales plummeted to 49,000 in me how to fi x the earth problem Radcliff Hospital in Oxford. Australian compliance was simply I99I and continued to fall. By the Left: Cycling holi- and fi t an air bypass required to I have a grainy video of the trip a matter of fi tting some Australi- time production was stopped in day in the south keep the engine breathing in cold from our house to the hospital to an-style child seat restraining clips. 2,000 a little more than 330,000 of France. XM and conditions. These simple fi xes collect Amy. Lifting this tiny, pre- The Citroën specialist that cars had been sold compared BX. gave me years of reliable service, cious person out from the back I bought the car from gave me with over a million CX sold over Right: Our daugh- though of course in recent years seat of the XM made me grateful a bonus book telling the story its I7year lifetime. ter Amy, 4 days the internet, and eBay in particu- for the solid robust nature of the about the design of the XM. It is This was wonderful news for old, on her journey lar, has been an essential tool in car, one that I could trust to carry Erol and Alison en- in English but the translation re- me. By I994 the XM had become home from the sourcing wisdom and increasingly my family for many years to come. joying the sunshine tains much of the typically gushing the fastest depreciating car on hospital in Oxford. rare parts from around the world. When we decided to emi- in their 2CV. Gallic literary style that tells you they expected this car to achieve greatness. One picture from the book particularly sticks in my mind ~ it features the heads of the design teams standing in front of various concept drawings of the car. During the many ‘projects’ I have since had to undertake to rectify or repair some compo- nent of the car that has ceased to function I often wonder which one of these people in the pho- tograph was responsible for the odd design decision associated 36 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 37 MMember’sember’s Model:Model: 19901990 XXMM 2.02.0Si with the bit in my hand. and the output face. Polycarbon- struts are connected to the body of these mounts and there is lit- One case in point is the front ate goes yellow with UV ageing so, of the car by rubber mounts that tle point in sourcing mounts from headlights. Because of the nose rather like growing cataracts, the are in tension rather than com- scrap vehicles as the rubber in angle the profi le of the headlights XM tends to slowly go blind as it Top: The XM head- those is also at the end of its life. pression. The whole front of the lamp design with has to be very low. Although com- grows older. If you trust the dried car is effectively hanging from There are now several sources of mon now, the XM designers were rubber seals of the lights enough complex rear re- refurbished strut mounts, typical- these rubber mounts. When the fl ector surface. among the fi rst to use a com- you can get in there and remove rubber cracks and fails only the ly using polyurethane instead of plex rear refl ector surface to the plastic plate, or most own- Below: The last rubber. The Netherlands seems bonnet prevents the struts from gasp of the single throw the beams into ers tend to fi t brighter Xe- to be a place where XMs still live, shooting up as the front collaps- spoke steering the right parts non or Metal Halide globes but at the time I needed these I es. You can see many sad pictures wheel set in a of the road. A to replace the standard could only source them from Lat- of this on the internet. Again, web dashboard whose CRAY supercom- halogens. This gets some via where a young entrepreneur searches told me that everybody’s plastic quality se- puter was used brightness back but of was rebuilding them. mounts seemed to be failing at verely let down its for the design, at course accelerates the Another component failure about the same time. Citroën executive aspira- the time one of the UV ageing. that nearly ended the life of our had of course ceased production tions. world’s most power- Another design XM was to do with the sun roof. ful computers. To help ‘feature’ that kills The unique design uses a fl exi- tweak the spread of many XMs is the ble cable wrapped with a helical light a thin polycarbon- failure of the front wire to produce a screw thread ate plate was placed be- strut mounts. that is driven by the electric mo- tween the low-beam globe The suspension tor. If the roof is not used often the lubrication tends to solidi- fy and the torque in the cables causes them to snap. A car with a gaping hole in the roof is not much use, however I did fi nd the components from a Japanese car that had been scrapped. The les- son here applies to many aspects of the XM ~ it needs to be used regularly and does not appreci- ate long periods of idleness. Japan is another country with pockets of XM enthusiasts, I have since learnt. Although the upper Above: Citroën XM range XMs were supplied with design history by some very stylish alloy wheels, my Martinez & Sauzay. version has pressed steel wheels Main picture: Cit- with large fl ush plastic disks as roën XM design the wheel trim. XMs, like many team with Jacques hydropneumatic Citroëns, are Calvet at front 38 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 39 MMember’sember’s Model:Model: 19901990 XXMM 2.02.0Si great to drive on corrugated dirt The XM boot is enormous with the spare roads, but while the passengers wheel suspended below the read of the are enjoying smooth comfort the car. Rear seats can be folded forward to wheels are going nuts. The plastic further increase carrying capacity. There disk wheel trims have a tenden- is an extra pane of glass, which can be cy to fl y off under these circum- lifted, to protect the passengers from the stances and, both times this has cold when the hatchback boot is opened. happened to me, I have not been The 80litre fuel tank gives the car a able to fi nd the trims in the sur- long stride. rounding bush. It would not sur- I am not sure if those people are prise me if the disks have actually infl icted with the same Citroën been fl ung into low earth orbit. optimism of the rest of us who During a web search for re- deep down know that liking such placements I found that there is a diffi cult car is quite irrational. A ttiltingilting ccoverover iiss uusedsed ttoo hhideide tthehe ‘‘mess’mess’ an entire sub-culture of people Twenty-fi ve years on now and ooff thethe radioradio cassettecassette pplayer;layer; tthishis wwasas oonene who collect samples of wheel the XM is still on our driveway ooff thethe fi rstrst carscars ttoo pplacelace rradioadio ccontrolontrol trims and mount them as dec- and used several times a year. bbuttonsuttons onon thethe steeringsteering wheel.wheel. oration on their walls. Prized The topcoat on the upper panels specimens are traded for incred- needs attention and the horribly ible prices, and among the most plastic dashboard is rather fragile, prized of all designs is the fl at but otherwise the car is rust free disk XM trim. Fortunately, I found and in good shape. The engine three very good condition exam- has done over 300,000km and ples for sale on eBay from Japan, is going strong and I cannot re- and seem to have made a lasting member how many sets of front friend with somebody who is de- tyres I have had to replace [only lighted that a person in Austral- use ~ the car chews ia should also be mad enough to through front tyres!]. keep these odd cars on the road. I have found that a 3D print- I am still waiting for the XM er is a valuable tool for repairing to become a classic. Not par- plastic clips, adaptors and fasten- ticularly because I am interested ers that were designed to only in seeing the value increase, but work once, especially inside the more because increased interest dashboard. There is a persistent in keeping these cars alive could fault with the current monitor improve availability of diffi cult-to- for the rear indicators that caus- get parts. If you are very selec- es the dot matrix warning to light tive about the blogs and posts up and although cleaning con- you read it is not too hard to tacts and supplying new earth fi nd somebody who says this has points helps, it does not seem to started to happen. But then again, be a long-term cure. 40 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 41 MMember’sember’s Model:Model: 19901990 XXMM 2.02.0Si DDreamream ComeCome TrueTrue Many of the interior instru- large celebrations with friends Melbourne, the SM was used dai- ment lights are permanently on this year, she has reluctantly de- s my head hits the pillow ly. I regularly saw it illegally parked while driving and the tiny incan- cided to postpone the wedding. and I summons sleep, my in William Street outside the law descent globes in the electric win- That gives me a bit more time Athoughts are not of sheep jump- courts, and occasionally admired dow switches cause heat damage to fi nish off some of the cosmetic ing fences. Instead I confi gure it when it was at Citro Motors in to the switch mechanism. By now projects needed to smarten up and then reconfi gure my dream Collingwood. I think I have replaced all of these the XM. And who knows, perhaps garage. It invariably starts with I had lusted after an SM for with an LED and resistor. Green with the extra delay, by next year Citroëns and then gradually ex- years, always assuming they were is the colour scheme used for the XM will fi nally become ‘a clas- pands depending on the jackpot out of my reach. I had only once instrument lighting and at night sic’? in the lottery this month. driven one for a short distance, the cabin twinkles with back-lit Our friends who came with The centre of the collection is on the Boulevard around the Yar- switches throughout the interior. always the SM. Like a sun in a solar ra River in Burnley. That car was us to France in their BX now also Amy was planning to get mar- system, the others revolve around for sale at Duttons and a cashed live in Melbourne, and their origi- ried this year and asked whether it. I have no idea where I fi rst en- up mate was looking for a toy. nal Series II BX has been added she could have XM as the bridal countered my dream car, but oth- We went for a spin, marvelled at car. I love the idea that the very to by a locally sourced Series I. er than the unaffordable Chapron the engineering, wobbled around same car that carried our pre- At one point we realised that DS this is as good as it gets. the road as you do, and gingerly cious baby home from hospital between us we owned rather a My car was originally a US covered a few k’s. When Jeff Du- in Oxford could be the same car lot of Citroëns, so we gathered spec left hand drive I972 car with tton said ‘changing the battery is that takes her to get married in them on the local school oval for factory brown leather seats and a nightmare… you have to dis- Melbourne. Unfortunately, COV- a photo shoot. The C5 and Xantia an automatic gearbox, brought mantle half the front… ’ my mate ID-I9 has put a spanner into the have gone now, replaced by a C3 into Australia in September 2000 walked away and bought a Por- works. With our UK family, includ- Pluriel and a 2CV Forgonnette, by Peter McLeod at the business sche 9I1 Targa instead. ing her brother, trapped overseas so the overall number has not he then ran near Port Kembla From time to time Terry For- and with continuing uncertainty changed. called ‘SM Australia’. It was one of rest would tease me about buy- as to whether we can even have Erol Harvey the earliest chassis to go through ing the SM. Various sums were the RHD conversion, and then mentioned and laughed off. restored as a show car. It fea- tured in ‘Austral- ian Classic Car’ in December 2002, before be- ing sold through a Shannons auc- tion in February 2005. Purchased by Terry Forrest, now a judge but then a QC in 42 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 43 DDreamream ComeCome TrueTrue Around 20I1 though, I heard that paid to buy it! Jan and I fl ew to ther’ instead and say that if there wizard has added an iPhone con- the car had been in a fi re and Sydney and drove home to Mel- is nothing like an SM then I have nector for the music, and the as eventually discovered from Terry to add that there is ~ the air con blasts cold, the leather that there had been a small elec- in the context of our hammocks cocoon me and the trical incident, but no fl ames. The country ~ nothing SM glides and clicks and whirls wiring in the steering column had like a right hand and roars across the landscape been pinched whilst he was ad- drive SM. My like a fl ying saucer. The clichés are justing the steering wheel, trig- sparky true. Just for once gering a loom meltdown. The car Sadly I confess that this car was immobilised and he needed has been neglected recently. Dis- to make room for a new toy and tracted by other projects [sigh] wanted it out. I have procrastinated in sort- The new toy was my fault ~ ing out an LHM leak somewhere I had heard of an exotic car for hard to fi nd. I need to put the car sale and introduced Terry to the on a hoist to locate the culprit seller. As a reward for my efforts, and other things keep getting in Terry offered me fi rst option on the way. But the lock down, ironi- the SM. My excitement was tem- cally, provides me with extra time pered by knowing how com- to devote to the garage and I plex these cars are. Colin from am confi dent that I will have her Citro Motors [by then closed] back on the road soon. agreed to inspect and managed Jon Faine to hotwire the SM. Despite sitting for I8months, it pumped up and bourne in the SM in July 20I4. drove. I was smitten and bought I giggled madly the entire way. it then and there. Driving an SM in inner city The car was towed direct traffi c, even with the right hand to an auto electrician who took drive, requires concentration. four months to complete the The car is wider than most, and new loom. Meanwhile I used attracts so much attention that it contacts in France to locate all is almost dangerous. The super the parts needed to convert the direct steering has to be expe- headlights to the iconic six light rienced to be believed, and the Euro spec that defi nes the SM. small SM Owners Group that The light boxes, glass covers and have occasional drives provide the rare as hens teeth front cross much needed moral and techni- member, together with a new cal support. clutch plate were all sent off with It is a Citroën cliché that the SM to McLeods workshop, there is nothing like an SM. As where the car was effectively ‘trumping’ is unfashionable at this restored again, for more than I time in history, I will ‘go one fur- 44 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 45 TThehe BestBest FranceFrance CouldCould Do?Do? CXs rusted as soon as they saw to the once-revered XM ~ the ll families have their prob- a rain cloud, but they were so I990 European COTY, no less ~ lem child. In the small comfortable and stylish. How- for it to turn from an appealing householdA of the big Citroëns, ever, when the XM plopped out executive cruiser into a citrus-fl a- they all came out with a num- in I989, the buying public was no voured E-segment PR nightmare? ber of birth defects, but for the longer willing to take the rough By the late I980s, the PSA longest time, the public was will- with the smooth. Group had started to recover ing to forgive these niggles. Early So why was the XM a fl op? from the episode. The fu- Traction Avants were notorious- On the one hand, it was too ture looked bright again ~ the ly fragile, but they were revolu- expensive: a base-spec XM cost 205, the 309 and the tionary and chic. Early DSs would 50% more than its CX equiva- Citroën BX were helping the Jean Giret [above cars were to share the same sometimes blow their hydrop- lent, so naturally there were few- company out of its fi nancial hole right] who worked fl oorpan, engines and transmis- neumatic system, but they were er buyers who could afford one. and the new small cars [Citroën on a CX replace- sion, but other elements would cutting-edge and radical. Early But the real culprit was the bad AX and Peugeot I06] were off to ment without be entirely different. The Peugeot The Talbot Tagora never had a prayer. rep the XM got in its infancy. This a promising start. But the dras- the knowledge of 605 looked like a slightly bigger The big thirsty saloon market was is a common enough malady – tic cutbacks of the I980-85 peri- management and 405 and featured a conventional badly hit by the I979 Oil Shock, but the GM, Ford, BL, NSU and countless od were to leave a mark on cars Art Blakeslee who suspension [MacPherson struts Tagora just pointed to where Talbot were others made the same mistake: that would only appear farther ordered the work in front and double wishbones going, along with the rest of PSA. PSA’s a good car coupled with a fatally down the line. It so happens that destroyed. at the rear], whereas the Cit- market share in France went from 42.6% botched launch leaves the com- PSA’s two fl agships, the Peugeot The Talbot Tago- roën was to have a completely in I979 to 30.3% in I982; production pany trying feverishly to address 605 and the Citroën XM, were ras of the ‘90s: separate shape and employ the was down by a third. But even if they a myriad of fl aws, amid throngs conceived during this diffi cult pe- and marque’s signature hydropneu- had not hit economic headwinds, it is of angry customers and panicked riod. Problems encountered in Citroën XM: by matic system on all four wheels, diffi cult to envisage a world where the dealers. utero can lead to developmental screwing up one with semi-trailing arms at the Tagora would have been a success. As Series II cars are more plenti- issues, as was the case here. platform, PSA man- rear. The internal codename for such, it was an abject failure. Talbot sold ful than Series I cars today with Peugeot-Citroën’s new E-seg- aged to shoot the XM, in those days, was ‘Projet fewer than 20,000 Tagoras in three mod- nearly all the kinks having been ment programme was launched themselves in both V’, soon numbered as V80. el years ~ it was gone by late I983. ironed out. So what happened in I983. From the get go, the two feet. There were several in-house 46 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 47 TThehe BestBest FranceFrance CouldCould Do?Do? V80 styling proposals from Cit- is unclear to me whether he had down; the SM and CX were more placed by a completely new 2.9li- roën’s Vélizy design centre. It much of a hand in the XM’s de- horizontal, with a Kamm tail. The tre DOHC V6, also seen on the seems that PSA decision-mak- sign. Theirs was called ‘Projet Y’ XM would follow the ‘80s trend 605 and the new 406 Coupé. ers were keen to keep some of [aka Y30] and, at least initially, the and lift its tail up ~ only this time, All models came standard with the marque’s most iconic design Italians ran into the same issues it would have a rear hatch. a 5-speed manual, but a 4-speed features, The choice of engines was a ZF auto was optional. such as foregone conclusion: base-spec Suspension-wise, the third the fast- models would remain in the 2li- generation of Citroën’s famous back rear, tre bracket, with the Douvrin hydropneumatic party trick. They aerody- engine ~ carburetted, fuel-in- now called it Hydractive, which jected or turbocharged accord- meant the system was hooked ing to taste. Two Diesels, a 2.I up to a computer and cancelled with or without turbo [8I/60.4 the previous generations’ ten- and I08/80.6hp/kW, respectively] dency towards body roll in cor- and a turbo-only 2.5 giving out ners. namic I27hp/94.7kW, were slated to Julian Marsh’s view is the Hy- These two projects, nose and rear wheel spats, but it as the in-house team. appear both excellent. At the dractive suspension was not a one presented by ~ was diffi cult for the Vélizy boys to Belgian designer Marc De- top of the range, the infamous forward step in Citroën’s hydro- really come up with something the styling centre schamps, working at Bertone, PRV would make its debut on a pneumatics. In his view the XM suitably novel. They were more at Carrieres-sous- found the XM’s signature beltline Citroën. The PRV motor was a did not ride as well as the BX redesigning the CX than creating Poissey and the Eventually, the Bertone design codeveloped 6cylinder engine which used the previous incarna- a new car. other by the Velizy got the nod, thanks in no small produced by Peugeot, tion of hydropneumatics. In the Peugeot tradition, a styling centre, part to the new beltline that and Volvo. Its fi rst use was sup- The XM also had variable- competing design was commis- clearly identify their design proposed. The sig- posed to be in the Renault 30, powered steering, but instead of sioned to an Italian design house. themselves as Cit- nifi cant kick up in the rear fi nally but Peugeot played ‘dirty tricks’, the DIRAVI seen on the SM and Bertone and Marcello Gandini, roën. They remain gave the project a distinctive fea- jumped the gun and launched CX, this one was also computer- who had just helped make the close to the lines ture, along with the wedge-like the 604 before Renault got the controlled. The brakes featured BX such a hit, were roped back in, of the CX; neither front end’s very thin headlamps 30 to market. It soured relations ABS on all but the lowest-spec though Gandini was now work- was chosen. and grille combo. The DS’s ing as an independ- between Souchaux and la Régie versions. shape had been for years. Julian Marsh points out that ent consultant tapered for Renault, This was the fi rst 6-cylinder DIRAVI was only available on LHD so it Citroën since the SM, showing V6 models. In this application it the marque’s intention that the was lower-geared than on oth- XM was to be a more sophisti- er more pedestrian models and cated and expensive car than the anyway it was quietly dropped CX. The fuel-injected OHC 3li- in I997. He also notes that while tre PRV could be ordered with a ABS was available, ‘in efforts to normal set of I2 valves, providing attract mainstream purchasers, I65hp/I23kW, or with 24 valves the feel of the brake pedal was and I97hp/I47kW. The PRV was made more conventional thanks discontinued after MY I997, re- to the insertion of a deformable 48 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 49 TThehe BestBest FranceFrance CouldCould Do?Do? Top: The lone remnant of Citroën’s idi- greater failure than the XM. since the I970s ~ and one which osyncrasy was the single spoke steering Shoddy assembly was an- the fi rm failed to address for a wheel. Look at the Tagora’s dash and other big issue. This affected the very long time. Citroën interi- you see the prototype of the XM’s a dec- body, the drivetrain and was es- ors usually had iffy quality as well, ade prior. pecially noticeable in the inte- but at least they had style and in- Centre: Series I dash looked a ‘mite rior, which would rattle itself to novation. In the XM, it seemed cheap, even in high trim models’ pieces in short order. Speaking that Peugeot had taken over the Bottom: Series II put some ointment on of which, this is one aspect we reins completely and thrown the the ‘rash of switches’, but airbags killed have not yet touched upon. The baby with the bathwater. The the trade mark steering wheel. Whatever interior of the XM had its mer- lone remnant of the Citroën idi- traces of Citroën the original had were its. The cabin was extremely spa- osyncrasy of yore was the single- erased cious. The low beltline, copious spoke steering wheel. But take a tube in the brake valve to make glass area and thin pillars made look at the Talbot Tagora’s dash the pedal feel spongey’. for unparalleled visibility, even for again, and you will see the pro- All in all, when the XM was the time. The seats, the air-condi- totype for the XM’s, ten years be- launched in April I989, it seemed tioning, the lack of road noise ~ fore the fact. The controls used like an impressively complete those were all excellent. But the to have charm and quirkiness in package. And in many ways, it design and perceived quality of the CX, but in the XM, they were was. The car looked like no oth- the dash were somewhere be- just squeezed randomly all over er, the suspension was supple but tween mediocre and abysmal. the place. far more supportive than before, The fi rst series dash looked The Series II, which arrived in the V6 versions were supremely a mite cheap, even in the high- I994, addressed some of the crit- fast and the amount of toys one er-trim mod- could have [for a price] was just els like the one astounding. Here is where things shown. It was a went awry: the electronics were perennial issue designed by monkeys, put togeth- with er by blind rats and used compo- nents sourced in someone’s gar- den shed. In the early models, the amount of faults that the system came up with was truly shock- ing. The same issues blighted the Peugeot 605 as well, of course ~ they had the same simian-de- vised/rodent-assembled comput- ers and connectors to contend with. This, coupled with the mod- el’s all-too-close resemblance to the popular 405, ensured that the 605 ended up being an even 50 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 51 TThehe BestBest FranceFrance CouldCould Do?Do? icism by putting some ointment were fragile on 24-valve V6s and In I99I, the extremely capa- million units during their admit- on the rash of switches that had could destroy the engine, electric cious XM Break, built by Heu- tedly longer life-spans. The prod- plagued the original dash. Things windows and seats were glitch- liez, was launched at the Frank- uct planners doubtless would looked a bit better on that front. prone, the Hydractive suspen- furt Motor Show. Citroën, by this have liked to have stretched the However, the advent of airbags sion switched to Sport mode time, had addressed a fair num- model’s life-span by a few years, meant the demise of the trade- without warning, seals came un- ber [though not all] of the car’s but with such abysmal numbers, mark steering wheel, replaced by done and panels were often mis- most egregious gremlins, but it there really was no other way a rather boring-looking unit. Build aligned [especially on the rear was too late. The reputational but to euthanize the XM sever- quality was better all around in doors and hatch], window sill damage was already done. Pro- al years before a true successor these later XMs, but whatever trim warped prematurely, brake duction fell off the proverbial cliff, [the C6, launched in 2005] could traces of Citroën the original had and cabin lights worked when never to recover. be fi elded. were now erased. It was impossi- they felt like it, code-protected A big table full of detailed pro- Few special bodies were ever ble to have it both ways, it seems. ignition systems failed due to duction stats is worth a thousand Tissier’s XM Majesté attempted on the XM, com- The fi rst couple of model Even the I994 poor quality keypads [which pre- words, which is good, as this post added pared to previous big Citroëns. years of the XM were very suc- ‘refresh’ failed to vented the car from being start- is already getting a bit long. The I07cm to the car’s Pierre Tissier made a few super- cessful sales-wise, but word soon have an impact on ed and is apparently very tricky I994 refresh, heralding the true length. stretched six-/eight-wheelers, as got around: XMs looked good, the sales. The slide to bypass or repair], fi fth gear niggle-free XM [well, almost], had Heuliez also pro- he had done on the DS and CX, drove great and seemed fi ne at was irreversible. could become inoperative, some absolutely zero impact on sales, duced ‘specials’. but he also made a few stretched fi rst, but problems would come Heuliez was con- turbos died early… clutch issues, which were on a continuous and This is the I992 with four wheels only: soon, and in bewildering num- tracted to build suspicious drivetrain noises, stut- irreversible slide since their I990 LWB Palace. While the Altesse [+55cm, three made] bers. Some defects were appar- the XM Es- tering EFIs, erroneous computer high point. Just over 300,000 sa- occasionally used and the Majesté [+I07cm, four ent within the warranty period, tate which was data and alloy wheels that oxi- loons and 30,000 wagons were for Presiden- made]. others reared their ugly head launched at the dized in months completed the made in a full decade on the as- tial transport the A few oper- only after a few years of owner- I99I Frankfurt Mo- picture ~ it was bad. Very bad. sembly line, whereas the DS and Élysée Palace es- ated a less dramatic stretch of ship. A few examples: camshafts tor Show. Even by Citroën standards. the CX both scored over one chewed a purchase. the XM, adding anything from I0 52 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 53 TThehe BestBest FranceFrance CouldCould Do?Do? to 30cm to the car’s rear doors. day. But unlike its illustrious for- especially bland, in my view, with tional types. This means that the Heuliez tried this out a couple bearers, the XM has a gut full of its Xantia-like snout and gener- width and range of the headlamp times, using a wagon base, and half-baked electronic pasta that ic interior. I have been in a cou- beams in the Citroën XM are the product of these efforts were can be a real headache to sort ple of XMs in my day ~ they are much more powerful than those occasionally used for presidential out. Forget the kooky suspen- smooth and spacious for sure, in competing models, though the transport, but the cars were nev- sion spheres and the poor qual- but they are also unpleasantly latter’s lamps may be appreciably er bought. Even the Élysée was ity plastic ~ those are solvable is- cheap and neither interesting nor larger. weary of the ill-fated Citroën. sues, but shoddy electronics are engaging. The complex surface head- It is worth noting that Citroën a nightmare beyond any mechan- Seems at least one owner is lamp has other advantages. The themselves mooted a three-box ic’s best efforts. in agreement, too. Self-deprecat- glass can be raked more steep- version of the XM, albeit on the It is therefore likely that the ing humour is a fairly widespread ly in order to improve the Cd, normal-length wheelbase. This XM will become a rare car in trait among Citroën enthusiasts. I something which was not previ- car was supposed to herald the short order. The wagons are al- would not necessarily agree with ously possible since an inclined marque’s return on the US mar- ready very scarce, being few in the sticker on this car, but it is a glass absorbs too much light [I2% ket, after over I5 years of absence. numbers to start off with, but fact that the XM, despite over I00 loss for a 20% slope]. The glass Somehow, PSA fi gured that this In addition to bog-standard carburetted 2litre prototypes and the combined of the XM headlamp is fi xed, and was not a wise move, and they Heuliez’ saloon Series I saloons are also becom- talents of Gandini, Bertone and the headlamp aim is achieved by pulled out of the North Ameri- ideas Citroën also ing exceedingly diffi cult to fi nd the in-house styling team, falls moving the refl ectors. can market altogether shortly worked on tradi- [not that you would want one: short of looking spectacular. And As anyone who has driven thereafter. Oops again. tional three-box with only I06-I12hp [79-83.5kW], if a big Citroën fails at that, then an XM, or early Xantia [which is Nowadays, XMs are practi- version of the XM. they are a bit on the lethargic it’s not really worthy of the name. similarly equipped with complex cally worthless and therefore It was destined to side]. Diesels are long-lived and Julian Marsh also noted the surface units] will attest, the main dying at a prodigious rate. Peo- herald PSA’s return V6 models still command a pre- problems that were discovered beam lights are very good but ple who still own one are usually to the US market. mium, especially the 24-valve in relation to the much-hyped the dipped beam performance is passionate about them and claim Wisely they quietly PRVs, but those are fragile and headlights. ‘The headlamps which atrocious. they are the most undervalued dropped the idea. quite thirsty. had been a source of much criti- The problem is the almost hydropneumatic Citroëns ever ‘Ugliest Car in the And then, there is the issue of cism were revamped in I996 but total lack of scatter caused by made. This may change in the World’? Clearly the æsthetics. Try as I might, I cannot right hand drive cars continued the very precision that , to be fi tted with the original, in- the lamps developers, hoped to next decade or so ~ the Trac- owner of this XM fi nd these as exciting as other big adequate units presumably the achieve. The cut-off is extreme- tion, the DS and the CX all went has not seen an hydropneumatic Citroëns, includ- ~ sales fi gures did not justify the ly sharp indeed good news through a similar period in their Ami 6! ing the C6. The restyled version is ~ development of RHD versions. for oncoming drivers ~ but bad Similar lamps were fi tted to early enough for the XM or Xantia versions of the Xantia but sales driver for it to be dangerous to were suffi ciently healthy here in drive much above 60mph/I00 Britain to justify developing re- kph at night.’ placements’. This article is taken from the At the launch of the XM Cit- website: www.curbsideclassic.com, up- loaded in February, 2020 with addi- roën claimed that the ‘complex tional material from Julian Marsh and surface headlamps offer 45% the Editor. better performance than tradi- 54 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 55 BBluelue SSMM, WhiteWhite DDSS, RedRed HerringsHerrings to his Ami 8 Break. One brother COCA affi liate Alan Brown is a genius with mechanicals, the has lived and worked in other a magician with hammers, CFrance since the I980s. He has dollies, welders and sprayguns. contributed occasional stories to Daniel looks after his customers our magazine. with good humour and shared Following last edition’s Front advice. He travels to Bordeaux Drive article featuring the SM Es- twice a year, to see another mate pace, Alan contacted The Editor, who owns a vineyard. He returns with 25litre containers of Caber- mentioning that he had contacts Left: The Paris Sa- who had been involved with the lon Seventy-One. net Sauvignon for his customers’ design department at the nearby Below: The com- delectation. You get the picture: a Heuliez factory, where the SM Es- puter room [Salle good bloke. pace which appeared at the I97I des Ordinateurs] Our host, who is a long- Paris Salon de L’Automobile was at Heuliez, Le Pin, standing friend and client of Dan- designed and built. near , un- iel’s, comes to the door with a Here is the account of a dated. Sadly the smile and a handshake. His iden- memorable meeting which took design studio no tity cannot be revealed; suffi ce to place recently, thanks to last edi- longer exists. say that this friendly and charm- ing gentleman is well-placed to tion’s Front Drive article. DS Madeleine out- Blue SM, White DS, Red Her- side Clemenceau’s The Blanc Meije Citroën DS respondent, rings summer house, St called Madeleine glides through born the same A secret location in Western Vincent sur Jard, front gates and towards the cha- year as the DS France. 3pm on an early summer Vendée, France teau between columns of fl ow- launch, and Saturday, 2020. 2020 ering, perfumed «tilleuls»: lime Daniel, born trees. four years later. Tyres whisper on white gravel. Unlike the au- Then silence. thor of this ar- Two car doors clunk softly. A ticle, Daniel is a light drizzle washes limefl ower real mechanic. pollen onto the sweeping bonnet. He runs the vil- The occupants walk towards lage garage with a stately, glazed I9th-century his brother Jean- front door, and climb the three Yves. His sister steps. After a pause, Madeleine, Brigitte handles her LHM hydraulics having de- the admin. Oc- tected the lightened load, settles casionally his fa- almost noiselessly back to nor- ther, now in his mal ride-height. eighties, calls in The occupants are Your Cor- for minor repairs 56 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 57 BBluelue SSMM, WhiteWhite DDSS, RedRed HerringsHerrings be an authority on the history of there are not so many utes. But the company we are here to talk there are plenty of Breaks… about today. As Australian Citroën enthu- In the parquet-fl oored re- siasts probably know, the French ception room, the long table has Left: Heuliez did for a , is Break. This a damask red tablecloth upon good business appellation derives from Shoot- which is a pot of coffee. Next building Break ing Brake, and the modifi cation in to it are four green cloth-bound versions of the BX, spelling is Francophone linguistic the XM, the end of collections of photographs. logic: Le steak; le breakfast… Coffee is poured. CX series and the Xantia. This is the Whatever the spelling, Le Over the next ninety minutes, Break became le bread and butter Daniel and I are treated to an In- production line in the I990s. for Heuliez during the time our sider’s story. host was with the company. Heu- It is the story of a local coach- Below: Even a rather dashing liez became a volume manufac- building fi rm which, founded in turer, producing those highly-suc- I920, became one of France’s little AX Break/ Monospace «Eva- cessful Break versions of the BX, most innovative and creative sion» prototype the XM, the end of CX series and specialist vehicle companies. It emerged… The the Xantia. Even a rather dashing was also active in aeronautical, ultimate golf little AX Break/Monospace «Eva- railway and military sectors. buggy? sion» prototype emerged… The That company is Heuliez. One arm of Heuliez [sold to the west of the country, some of ley one-offs for in the ‘90s, but still author- Heuliez worked France’s most well-designed ur- the Sultan of ized to keep Heuliez brand] con- with and ban transport vehicles. Brunei, to an tinues to manufacture, here in Peugeot, too… However, its world-class de- award-winning sign department, sadly, no longer seventies or- exists. ange Parisian- The photos we will see today Taxi based on turn out to be a treasure-trove , the Peugeot a precious tribute to the ingenu- 204. There is ity and variety of projects under- a selection of taken by its design team. shots of Sta- We are here to talk in partic- tion Wagons… ular about the 50th anniversary Heuliez worked of the Citroën SM, including the with Simca and RHD conversions in Australia, but Peugeot, too… before that we happily wander Australia is, into a series of anecdotes… allegedly, the The collection of pictures birthplace of the shows everything from Bent- ute. In France, 58 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 59 BBluelue SSMM, WhiteWhite DDSS, RedRed HerringsHerrings ultimate golf buggy? It was fi tting that the compa- ny should evolve in this way, with this tailgate, or Wethat look folding at more seat photos and its solid background of produc- mechanism…»sip more coffee. Daniel has seen ing specialist vehicles. A brief visit most of the photographed cars to Wikipedia or other planets in in the metal, as, over the years, the Google universe will provide they passed through his village more details. workshop. I had seen some of What I am interested in dur- them there, too. But photogra- ing today’s visit, however, are the phy was always discouraged. details which might be shared Our host smiles and contin- with Front Drive readers, and ues: which are not to be found from «Then there were the de- other sources : signers themselves, among them • What was it like to welcome Yves Dubernard who was from decision-makers from Citroën Left: XM with boot. Tourcoing in the north, and was and other manufacturers thirty Last spotted at with Heuliez for a number of or forty years ago, when com- Daniel’s garage. years before pursuing his career puter-controlled production Sold at auction in withPSA . He had been involved in various game-changing de- lines were in their infancy, and Le Mans… small-ish manufacturers still had The «BX Break their place? VIP» road from • Was there anything peculiarly con jet from Le • How did the logistics work Falcon jet landing French about any of this, which Bourget. There with Paris-based companies, strip to factory. might have been detectable was a fl eet of 400 kilometres away? I990s. in the fi nished cars and which BX VIP «Breaks» made them so… French? which would … Or am I on a red-herring transport the fi shing expedition ? délégation to Well, antipodean friends, the main recep- whilst I did not fi nd easy answers tion area. Cof- to any of the above questions, I fee and crois- certainly unearthed some inter- sants. Members esting insider information… of the design Our host explained how a team stayed typical visit from Parisian captains at a respectful of industry might unfold : distance. They «The Heuliez site had an air- could be called strip 3kms away from the new upon, café in factory in Le Pin. A délégation hand, to discuss could arrive in a Dassault Fal- design details of 60 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 61 BBluelue SSMM, WhiteWhite DDSS, RedRed HerringsHerrings signs, including the re-design of copter; a pre-campervan-boom that disastrous «Elephant Man» campervan; fl eets of early elec- Citroën Visa front-end. Yves’ oil- tric vehicles, and a production painting impressions of his de- line for electric AX, Saxo and signs were a sure-fi re way to Peugeot I06 models, many for convince those Falcon-jetting de- the avant-garde urban transport cision-makers. He was a genius experiments in La Rochelle in the with a paintbrush.» I990s. More coffee, more photos. Our host summarises the Left: GS M7 jeep I explain to our host that it is prototype I975. company’s decline : the SM’s upcoming 50th anniver- «When medium-volume pro- The French army duction of mainstream Citroën sary, and a recent article in Front was using Mé- Station Wagons was moved back Drive Magazine which had initi- haris at the time ated my request for a natter. as radio cars… to the main factories after the Salon«Ah, de the Paris…And SM Espace atthat the Heu- I97I Flak jackets not Xantia’s production ceased in liez manufacturer’s plate… » included? 200I, the challenges and re-struc- Oil-painting of SM Below: BX-based turing required for Heuliez were He pauses before continuing : I972 re-styling buggy, also spotted considerable, to say the least. Like «As far as I heard from col- exercise by Yves at Daniel’s, prior Pinin-Farina, Bertone, Karmann, leagues, the company produced Dubernard… Note to Le Mans auc- and all other, there was no more three was HenriSM Espace Heuliez’s vehicles. personal One his signature in tion. The chassis work for such small carrosserie bottom RH corner. has clearly been makers and small series manufac- shortened for this turers.» exercise. Even though the company Club truth-and- fi ction legends are made. transport. One was shown at As the cof- the Paris Salon. This one was de- fee pot cools, stroyed at the factory, but the we wind up our roof, with its opening panels, was friendly, wide- cut from the vehicle and put ranging conver- weldedinto it storage onto his SMfor own ownerspares car, inwho but case I of sation with a last am notproblems sure and with there the survivingare diffé- two fl urry of photos rent cars.versions This of roof the madestory» its way into and snippets of the hands of an information: a We joke that such tales of GS-based jeep; provenance, perhaps we might a BX-based one; call them automobilian red her- specialist mod- rings, are the stuff of which Car ules for Euro- 62 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 63 BBluelue SSMM, WhiteWhite DDSS, RedRed HerringsHerrings 6 Cars,Cars, 6 Days:Days: PartPart 1 was a French leader in produc- Our host smiles and we walk Preamble fi rst hand driving experience of tion of specialist vehicles, includ- out to Madeleine. The heavi- Citroëns we had not owned was ing urban transport, ambulanc- er rain has now washed away aving planned well ahead really essential. es and fi re-fi ghting, the grande the limefl ower powder. Another for two weeks Respite for After each test drive and visit, époque of Break production was, handshake. A ray of sunshine as myH girlfriend Narelle, I organised I would write up basic notes and well, broken. Madeleine rises, and turns back a road trip in the DS5 to Stan- comments by each owner and Digitally-controlled produc- towards the driveway in a single thorpe and down through north- then expand and word process tion lines meant that manufactur- sweep. ern NSW to visit various Citroën the text on return home. These ers could produce different mod- Blue sky; White Madeleine; enthusiast friends. They all knew notes would then be used as els on the same assembly-lines. Daniel’s red jacket. I was coming and because of re- reference material for the main Too bad for those specialist sub- Bleu. Blanc. Rouge. cent extremes of weather, some body text in the new book. contracting fi rms like Heuliez. In the D’s rearview mirror, and visits had to be rearranged to Day One: Monday, 17 February I comment that Heuliez al- in both chrome door mirrors, suit. Phoning ahead made it all go Vehicle One: Citroën C5 Aircross. ways seemed to be ahead of its our host waves, and watches us smoothly too. This test offer to drive Cit- time, and that the brilliance and drive towards the front gates. Purpose for the road trip was roën’s new SUV C5 Aircross had ingenuity of the designs have be- Not too many red herrings to test drive cars we had not been in the winds for some time come part of French automobil- after all. owned and the experience and and the opportunity happened ian legend. Daniel nods in agree- Alan Brown, 30 June 2020 feedback gained would be ex- quite quickly and conveniently ment. tremely helpful in preparation to before I set off southwards. Footnote: Nothing write about all the other Citroëns I had two hours on the Mon- fi shy about this in Australia. We thought we’d do day, I7 February, interviewing Jim design. another book, in response to Reddiex for more of his mem- overwhelming demand for the ories and recollections on the DS book and to write authori- Kegresse days and the introduc- tatively, Mark and I agreed that tion of the Australian CX. When I 64 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 65 6 Cars,Cars, 6 Days:Days: PartPart 1 was returning through Nambour, However, I thanked him for To continue as I successful- diesel motor too. The torque is I rang Gerald Cullen and he con- this opportunity to see how well ly test drive fi ve more different there when you need it and you fi rmed, ‘Yes, come in, the car is this new Aircross suspension Citroëns over the next six days. feel in control. I can drive for here waiting.’ Gerald is the long system performed and to com- Day Two: Tuesday, 18 February: hours, mind you; it is easy to get time Peugeot Dealer in Nam- pare it with that of my DS23, the Vehicle Two: 2010 Citroën Grand away on the speed. I have got to bour. He also took on the Cit- Xantia and the conventional sus- Picasso. watch that,’ he says. roën franchise around 20I4. pended DS5 on our own local ‘My Citroën small boot Light His wife Lyn agrees, ‘It is actu- I have known Gerald for some dirt road at Lagoon Pocket. I5, a I95I model, is resting in the ally my car, Lincoln has plenty cars 25years and have appreciated his Yes, the C5 Aircross, bright red shed today waiting for a part of his own there in the back shed. fi rst class attention to after sales exterior and smart black leather unfortunately, we will drive that I do love the headlights, they are service on our Peugeots and inside, was easy to drive off, once next time,’ says Lincoln. fantastic,’ Lyn says. ‘I grew up on a Citroëns and he has always sup- I realised I had to press the side Not to be disappointed, he farm, got used to driving lots of ported our annual car shows and button on the aircraft like gear said, ‘We will take the Picasso vehicles, love my Picasso.’ our DS book too. Anyway, I think stick, then simultaneously pull down to see my friend Simon, Anyway, pity they are no long- Gerald [always the good sales- back to engage Drive. [Gerald he is a steam train enthusiast, er available. I am fi nding the Pi- man] was hoping I might be inter- had already told me that!] So you will love that. Then on the casso so easy to get used to, one ested in this one as he took me apart from that embarrassment, way back, you drive.’ So after that sits high and the vision is even out fi rst for a demo. He said, ‘How the ride was smooth and quiet as pleasant distraction, talking won- better than my DS5, it has a simi- many ks have you done in the I tried to fi nd some rough stuff, derful steam train stuff, Simon’s lar A pillar with the fi xed quarter DS5 Geoff? How much longer do no surprises. Eventually, I found a collection so impressive, [I must light giving good all round vision. you think you will keep it?’ I replied dirt road and yes, it performed visit again] it was back to Stan- The McPhees are keeping this that I was not ready yet, the DS5 well. Seats were comfortable too. thorpe, Picasso style. one. They often use the Picasso was a brilliant long distance tourer, Further drives with this car will be Cruising quietly on a hun- for long distance touring, ‘It is perfect for this ongoing fi nd and coming up on my own dirt roads, dred, along the New England economical, has plenty of space test drive research project. so will keep you posted there. Highway with Granite Belt wine and so easy to drive for both of country looking green again, Lin- us,’ says Lyn. coln smiles ‘This beautiful I0 year Vehicle Three: Lincoln’s next Cit- old, bought it new, no other SUV roën, ‘Black Bess’, the 1952 Cit- people mover is as good… has roën Big 15 that Citroën DNA, all the way Now this was to be quite a back to the ‘50s.’ And there I was, different experience: my fi rst sitting there, quite relaxed, very drive in a pre-war designed Trac- comfortable, both hands touch- tion. ing the wheel and one elbow There it was, down the back- resting easily on the door arm- yard, looking quite formidable; no rest, the other on the support number plate, no bumpers and between the seats. [Just like I do fi nished in Matt Black. in the DS23, I thought]. ‘She is unregistered, let me Lincoln continues… ‘She warm it up a bit,’ says Lincoln. steers properly, quite direct ac- So around the backyard cir- tually, has a willing 2litre turbo cuit we go, Lincoln offering pas- 66 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 67 6 Cars,Cars, 6 Days:Days: PartPart 1 sionate words of wisdom. ‘I will but here is me Lincoln. Now taking the driver’s posi- keep it in fi rst gear, it is a I952 Big leaning into the turn. Yes, this is Started up easily, there is that tion. ‘See that big handle sticking I5, the Germans used this type of fun, I could get used to this. And unique sound of the fl at four air- out of the dash?’ says Lincoln, ‘re- car in the Second World War. It there was that long bonnet and cooled motor turning over and lease that. The box is a standard was called ‘the Staff car’ then.’ The two headlights out there in front; warming up nicely. 4-speed, reverse is close to you previous owner said this came it brings back memories of my ‘It is actually sounding quite and down.’ Yes, quite easy, I select from New Zealand, and initially grandfather’s ‘38 Dodge. good now,’ says Lincoln as the fi rst, off we go, round and round they were meant for South Af- So that is my fi rst drive in ‘pre- backyard circuit beckons again. and round the backyard test cir- rica, but were shipped on to Fre- war’ Citroën; did not stall and will The GS is not quite ready for the cuit. This little Citroën is quite a mantle.’ not forget it, thank you Lincoln. road, some minor work needed charmer… I like it… no wonder ‘She is warm now, here it is ‘Lots of work to get ‘Black for the roadworthy. It will be my so many GS owners love theirs; your turn. Foot lightly on the ac- Bess’ on the road,’ he says. ‘I will let son Rob’s car when he is ready. [I you only have to ask them. celerator and then let the clutch you know when it gets close, we thought, yes, that is so good, the Unfortunately, as already out quickly at the end.’ Off we will do a real test drive one day.’ car will stay in the family and with mentioned, the car I was hop- go, round and round, me hang- Vehicle Four: The GS Club the younger generation. Rob is a ing to drive, Lincoln’s Light I5, ing right on that huge steering ‘I will back the little GS out, it working man with a young family, a charming older Citroën, [it is wheel. No wonder its big, no is a bit tight here in the shed,’ says helps his dad work when he can]. white, not like the black cars I re- 68 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 69 6 Cars,Cars, 6 Days:Days: PartPart 1 AAGMGM CommitteeCommittee ReportsReports member Maigret driving in the Not a Citroën, but I have a Ted Cross ~ Presi- McDermott. Many thanks to Sue. I950s TV series] has a slight prob- photo shoot pencilled in when dent Russell Wade has retired as Editor lem and was waiting for a part to passing through in the DS23 to more recently and I think we all arrive any day. So my fi rst road our next CIT-IN at Cowra, NSW, agree he did an outstanding job test in a real Traction would have for us. And now a warm welcome watch this space. back to Leigh Miles who replaced to wait until next visit. [Just be- Geoffrey Webber Russell. fore Easter Lincoln maybe?] Editor’s Note: Geoffrey The committee is working Next day, Lincoln takes me Webber has appeared in Front exceedingly well together and pro- to see another enthusiast build- Drive previously, as he is the actively improving each function of ing a special Alfa nearby. Last year, author of the new defi nitive the club. Any successful committee only the rolling chassis and en- book about the DS in Australia: always needs each member to do gine were on display. This visit, titled, not unsurprisingly ‘The DS their share and take responsibility the body was there and, looking in Australia’. As you will also have for their portfolio and I am pleased closely, I soon noticed that Trac- seen Geoffrey is presently working to report we have that level of President ~ Ted Cross commitment to CCOCA with this tion windscreen and upper body on another Citroën-focussed book The CCOCA fi nancial club year which will cover a far wider range technically fi nished in March 2020 group. I am not going to thank shape. Michael had adapted the individuals but can report every of models, both those offi cially but as you know the AGM has cabin onto his version of a I937 committee member has done their imported and vehicles imported been deferred. These are strange Alfa Romeo 6C 2000 Berlinet- share and more. This has made my by enthusiasts. This article will, in times and diffi cult for the club to ta Competizione. Pretty over- its fi nal format, most likely appear role as President much easier. whelming what he was achieving, plan and run events. But this last Plans are in place to resume within that new book, so we are year has been great in many ways, a big impressive car, and Michael grateful that he has chosen to events as soon as possible and will particularly for the fi rst half of the be subject to any developing public said it would be ready for the big share this extract with CCOCA. year. Thank you for your on-going health and fi nancial conditions. car show in Toowoomba over Clearly it was written prior to support and membership. Easter. [Hmm, maybe one for Please keep an eye on upcoming COVID-I9 and his plans around The Citroën Centenary events and support them if you our Specials chapter in the next CIT-IN 2020 have come to nought. Celebration was in France but feel you can. Hopefully, we can all book?] Leigh F Miles ~ Editor. every Citroën club around the meet in Bendigo, at Easter in 202I. world was asked to organise Ted Cross events in their Country. CCOCA President was active in this pursuit and both clubs [CCCV/CCOCA] helped Secretary ~ Tim Cottrell Unfortunately, Tim was not organise our best Citroëns at able to get his AGM report to the Motorclassica in Melbourne. We magazine by the deadline. had a few interstate Citroëns on display too. This was actively Treasurer ~ Ian McDermott supported by Citroën Australia The club’s fi nancial position continues to be strong, with and even the Citroën CEO, $65,800 in cash, and $34,674 in Linda Jackson made time to visit other assets [mainly spare parts Melbourne for the event. inventory] at the end of February The new committee was 2020. However, we recorded a loss formed at the last AGM and of $9,297 for the year. The main we sadly waved farewell to Sue contributors to that were a stock Bryant who handed over to Ian 70 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 71 AAGMGM CommitteeCommittee ReportsReports Ian McDermott Lee Dennes ~ Citroëns. The weekend began with Lance Wearne ~ ~ Treasurer and Activities Offi cer a dinner organised by CCOCA Spare Parts Offi cer Membership Sec- which was supported by many retary who had travelled far and wide to attend. There were shared events with CCCV which included a Tech Day, Pizza Evening, Bastille Day, Jamieson Festival, and the extremely popular Christmas BBQ which continues to grow in numbers each year. Lee Dennes Activities Coordinator Spare Parts Officer ~ take adjustment and revaluation Lance Wearne of the carrying value of inventory The last year since March 20I9 in spare parts and club shop. For has once again been a diverse several years we have had some year for the club’s spare parts. slow moving items in our stock Movement has again been busy at of Traction spares, and while times [members doing restoration] stock’ with a number of members Lance has managed to sell some and then there have been relatively taking advantage of some very of these by promoting them, we Film Festival, Trentham Weekend, quiet periods. dated prices. Speaking of prices, have accepted that some parts are a Club Room BBQ and Petanque The past year we saw another members may at times wonder at actually worth less than we had Competition, Chit Chat Tuesday 26 electric steering kits being the different prices. This is due to previously stated in our accounts. and Wine & Cheese Nights were assembled and sold to members the fact that parts may be in stock As time goes on we might have to all well attended. A four-day trip with some interest from New for a while and hence the price revise the value of inventory again. which followed the Burke and Zealand as well. may still be from the previous year Leaving aside the revaluations, the Wills Track was very educational. As usual our suppliers in or earlier. club would have recorded a loss of Guest speakers from The Europe have adjusted prices We will again look to sell of just $252 in its day-to-day activities. Flying Doctor Service, a talk on around April last year with some stock later in the year so keep an Ian McDermott Treasurer drive shaft issues in Tractions and adding the price of payment eye out for the discounted sale. Activities Coordinator ~ photographic evenings of trips to methods [such as Paypal] to the Some of the more unusual Lee Dennes WA, France and Russia made for cost of parts. I suppose this is the parts the club has sold the past There have been many and very entertaining and informative yearly cycle, which gets us whether year are the electric steering varied Events and Activities and General Meetings. it is the price of energy or parts. kits, special radiator hoses for ID they are listed in no particular OzTraction was held in The club also supplied a number powered Tractions, gear selector order. Horsham and showcased the of JW gearbox strengthening handle springs, revitalized clocks, Teddies Terrifi c Tour travelled Western District. A scenic drive plates to Europe only to later hood linings, brass wheel nuts across the Nullarbor to CIT-IN in culminating in a picnic and 2CV fi nd copies available commercially. fuel sender units and muffl ers. As Katanning and the WA Post CIT-IN polo playing competition made for I was reminded by Rob of an old one can imagine parts are not toured around the South Western some hilarious entertainment. saying… that imitation is the most always available so please do try to Region of WA. The Geelong Motorclassica in October was sincere form of fl attery! anticipate requirements as delivery Revival included the French Car a highlight that celebrated 100 During 20I9 we also had a times have slowed even more in Festival. The Concours, the French years of Citroën displaying over 30 sale of parts that have been ‘dead these times. The last order I placed 72 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 73 AAGMGM CommitteeCommittee ReportsReports has just arrived after six weeks! Russell Wade ~ Bruce Stringer ~ Kay Belcourt ~ Alert: Our traditional supplier Immediate Past Web Wallah Librarian & of windscreen wiper grommets is Editor Club Shop no longer able to supply these so if anyone knows preferably of a local supplier/manufacturer please get in touch. For members wondering why we maintain a parts department here is a rough snap shot of what the parts scheme has done over again, don’t know where, don’t the past year. know when’, hopefully Bendigo Ordered parts from the UK CIT-IN. Keep COVID safe. totalled over $800 while parts Bruce Stringer Web Wallah from Europe were well over centred, but the most satisfaction $I3,500. The majority of this was I have gained from my term as CCOCA Shop ~ Kay Belcourt sent on to members as a result of editor is the relief that there is still Well, like for everyone else, orders. a smidge of functionality between the last few months have been so Keep Safe! the ears after 76years. totally different to the norm and Articles that were written in consequently Club Shop sales have Lance Wearne Spare Parts Offi cer In these tumultuous times I the Front Drive Magazines. This hope that Leigh and all of our been non-existent. In fact, the last Editor ~ Russell Wade involved scanning and reading all Shop sale was made at the French Having completed a successful fellow members and loved ones past issues [250] and extracting keep well. Car Festival down in Geelong back transition of editorship back to our the Technical Articles. There is a in November 20I9. previous editor Leigh, I can look Russell Wade search facility as well. I have found Immediate Past Editor Despite the variety already back with the satisfaction that no with this that after each search one available [or so I believe] it seems one was offended or complained Web Wallah ~ Bruce Stringer needs to hit RESET before doing to me there is less interest in Club or even offered to take over and This year has seen constant another search. Shop generally, although there is do a better job. I was led into the activity on the CCOCA Website The soft version of Front Drive quite often greater interest at CIT- task of replacement editor by Peter both by me and members. due to COVID was well received INs and FCF days. Boyle’s encouraging comments:- It is pleasing to see members and will continue as it has many As indicated on previous how hard can it be? or give it a are using the website more. advantages and suits the new reports, it is getting harder to crack and some other unprintable There is a wealth of information Editor who spends 50% of the source new merchandise and suggestions [thanks Pete], to fi ll the that can be seen or accessed on year in England. with platforms such as eBay, void when Leigh decided to take the site. I do have other ideas to people can fi nd and purchase a break after I3 years as editor, as The Calendar is constantly kept continue improving the site but like items for themselves. I now ask, well as stints as librarian, club shop up to date so I would encourage everything it’s fi nding the time, but do members wish for the ‘Club and activities offi cer. members to refer to it for events it will happen. It is always pleasing Shop’ to continue? And if so, what I must thank all those who and Club activities. and helpful to get feedback from would YOU members like to see made positive comments and Buttons have been added to members and if I don’t reply I in it? Models are usually popular contributions, particularly in the access event registrations and still appreciate them, so keep and to some extent key-rings. I am early stages as I was feeling my memberships etc. them coming. If something is not always on the lookout for private way into the world of desktop I have fi nally fi nished putting working or not right on the site let collections of models, but they publishing. all Front Drive Magazines on the me know. don’t come up very often. This might sound a little self Website as well as all the Technical As Vera Lynn said, ‘Till we meet As an avid collector myself of 74 Australia’s National Magazine for Citroën Owners and Enthusiasts 75 FForor SaleSale Citroën memorabilia [anything the position of Librarian as of this UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ALL PRICES SHOWN from a serviette or lolly wrapper month, but hopefully we have a EXCLUDE RELEVANT GOVERNMENT to a hubcap or Citroën-marked new one arranged as of the AGM. TAXES AND CHARGES. spanner] I have numerous other Happy reading. ‘collections’. BUT, I am ‘an exception Kay Belcourt Librarian 1950 CITROËN 11B rather the norm’! My I950 Citroën BI1 Normale [209030] project is sadly So, if you would like Club Shop Membership Secretary ~ going to be for sale, as I’m no longer able to get back into Ian McDermott restoring it. The car used to be another member’s car to continue please let me know ClubHub was fi rst used [or any other committee member] [Peter Fitzgerald] and was named ‘Moriarty’ way back then. for renewals and subscription In any case, it is complete, although the interior is a bit of by phone or email. payments in April 20I9. At that a mess, partly disassembled interior by previous owner ~ Cheers and happy collecting!! time we had 252 members. By and I kept it the way I got it… The crown wheel and pinion Kay Belcourt Club Shop the end of the year that had are worn beyond repair and would need to be replaced if restored to original. I have acquired an ID I9 engine Librarian ~ Kay Belcourt increased to 3I9 members. Much As per my report last year, the of the increase can be put down and 4-speed gearbox with the intention of fi tting that to Library continued to be utilised facilitate better maintenance and drivability. There is also a to the ease of joining CCOCA via spare rough boot lid and a second spare wheel. Along with whenever books were taken along the club’s web site, with its link to it is an original set of parts list and workshop manual as well to the meeting. ClubHub and the associated credit as a complete photocopy and scanned versions as PDF. I Members are welcome to and card payment system. Since the have a few photos of it out of the ‘barn’ when I poured a are encouraged to borrow books, start of this year, 25 members have concrete slab in the barn in readiness to start working on and the Club will even pay the resigned, for a range of reasons. the car a couple of years ago… $I0,000.00 ONO. Contact postage to the members and back, As an on line system, ClubHub Details: E-mail [email protected] or 0499 050 609. Joe so please avail yourselves of the has solved the problems of dealing Hovel, Bendigo. [44/02] fabulous collection of books the with hand-written paper forms. 1971 CITROËN DS 21 Club owns. The downside has been that many Very extensive restoration carried out. New paint, A full list of the books/manuals members have been frustrated by upholstery, carpets, roof lining, exhaust system, electrics, in the Club’s collection is listed the passwords required to access dashboard, and all mechanicals. Drives superbly, and is close on the website, so if anyone is the system. We are considering to a new vehicle. More photos and refurbishment invoices wanting a specifi c book then it can less automated alternatives which over the last 4 years available on request. WA Reg: IGNY be posted to you. Once meetings will retain the ease of on line 024, $43,000 Stuart Pekin ~ Perth 04 0423 I7I2 [44/0I] at the club rooms resume then transactions, but not require the a selection will be taken to the use of a password. CITROËN 2CV meeting. I986, 60K kms. Recent import from UK ~ fl eeing Brexit!! Ian McDermott Was to be used as a Company Rep’s car, but things have I will be stepping down from Membership Secretary changed. Car is in very good overall condition, but needs Lisa Christensen, is an all rounder knowledge of the multi-facets some minor tidying up and cleaning to be really Great! Full freelance designer with a wealth of design. She created Three set of new Michelin tyres. I put the car through Licensing of experience, having worked Branches Design with the some 6 months ago for my client, with no issues. WA Reg: IGUG 262, $22,000. Stuart Pekin ~ Perth 04 0423 I7I2 in philatelic, corporate, vision to provide best practice [44/0I] brand & retail design within within graphic, garden and the marketing, publishing, homeware design. government and small CCOCA commissioned Lisa business sectors. to develop the logo and style Home grown in Melbourne [fonts etc] for CIT-IN. Talk to she is a natural collaborator and her about your next design teacher, thriving on sharing project. threebranchesdesign.com.au