Iiattrijphtpr Siiptitttjg Llpralli Momlns
AT«iagie Daily Net Press Ron For Hie Week Ende4 The Weather Bbreh 9, IM* Ratal tonight and tomorrow iiattrIjPHtPr SiiPtitttjg llpralli momlns. Low tonight In 40s. 15,580 Tomorrow, about 60. Manehetter A City of WUage Charm VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 142 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, BIARCH 18, 1968 (Ckuwlfled AdverUainr on n i(e 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Kennedy Hits Johnson Calls on Americans KBNNEDV NOT INVITED BRUNSWICK, Maine (AP) — Sen. Eugene J. MoOartby War Policies said today he would not Invite Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, ^ MANHATTAN, Kan. (AP) — Sen. Eugene M. McCarthy, D- fellow challenger of President For National Austerity Sen. Robert P. Kennedy Minn. Johnson for the Demooratlo launched hia campaign tor the “ *• cam- presidential nomination, to ___ _ 7. paJgn. Kennedy urged atudenta campaign for him In Wiscon DemocraOc presldenUal nomln- sin. ” I have asked his peoiJe aUon today with a polnt-by-polnt lurk behind the maek of official not to sohedule him In,” the denunciation of President John* Illusion with 'which we have con- .Minnesota Democrat told a son’s Vietnam war strategy cealed our true circumstances. news conference at Bowdoin Urges Effort He charged that the adm’lnls- ourselves.” College, McCarthy said he tration’s "only response to faU- country Is In dangeiv- might change his mind later lan- ure Is to repeat It on a larger 1*“ ^ foreign enemies, but he wanted-the opportonlty T o W in W ar scale.” but above all from our own mls- to show that he oonid win on Kennedy’s first campaign SVlded policies.” his oira In Wisconsin as he speech was prepared for a Kennedy said the last two had campaigned in New And Peace youthful audience at Kansas months have shown that: Hampshire.
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