Js^Tmerican of STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF See the Display

MEMORIAL HIGHWAY. Representatives has passed a bill pro- Rustic Furniture posed by the American Legion to in- A memorial highway extending from ROAD Atlantic Trust crease the allowance for attendants to ADAMS AVE. & SHORE the Atlantic to the western Company Coast war County blind disabled world and totally boundary line of Virginia, passing N. J. N. J. veterans from $20 to $50 a month. PLEASANTVILLE, ATLANTIC CITY, through the State’s principal cities, has been suggested by the Virginia the Close of Business June 30th, 1922. WILL LEARN FACTS. At American Legion as a memorial to the If torpedoes or other contraband State’s world war heroes. The sug- Garden Furniture were carried on the Lusitania Lawn and gestion, which takes the form of a set being when the vessel was sunk by a Ger- of resolutions, will be acted on at the man the fact will be known RESOURCES next session of the State Assembly. submarine, Etc. \o the world, a concern Summer Houses, Pergolas, which is an to WOMEN PLEDGE SUPPORT. organizing expedition Bonds and Mortgages .$ 97,350.00 salvage the $5,000,000 in gold known All our own manufacture. 433,779.29 Two million American club women to have bnen on board, has told the Stocks and Bonds. article sold at a that is pledged themselves to assist the Am: American Legion. Every price surpris- Furniture and Fixtures. 22,100.56 erican Legion in obtaining adequate ingly low. Notes and Bills Purchased 1,029,500.34 hospital treatment for disabled world $100 PRIZE. war veterans and to help rehabilitated will be offered to An inspection is invited. Cash and Reserve.*. 234,335.47 A prize of $100 veterans find employment through the New Orleans artist who submits their at the meeting Accrued Interest and Other Assets. 7,241.45 representatives the most appropriate design for a pos- the Gen- Charles L. Duble & Inc. of the board of directors of ter for the annual convention of the Co., eral Federation of Women’s Clubs at be held in that American Legion, to ARCHITECTS and BUILDERS. $1,824,307.11 Chautauqua, N. Y. City, October 16—21.

LOUISIANA TO ENTERTAIN. FREAK ATTRACTS ATTENTION. With only one dissenting vote, the A freak pretending to be half ba- LIABILITIES Senate of the Louisiana legislature boon and half woman, giving America has passed a bill appropriating $25,000 as her home and declaring that there Stock.$ 100,000.00 Capital to entertain distinguished guests at are many more like her in this coun- Surplus 50,000.00 the national convention of the Ameri- try, attracted considerable attention can Legion in New Orleans next Octo- in a Constantinople, Turkey, street Undivided Profits 23,735.40 had the mem- Melville ber. bill & The until American Morris already passed carnival, Legion Deposits 1,550,126.85 House. bers had the act suppressed. 11 and 35 N. MAIN ST., PLEASANTVILLE, N. J. Bills 100,000.00 Payable AUTOMOBILE RACE. WANTED TO BE SENTENCED. Accrued Interest and Other Liabilities. 444.86 Missouri and Kansas state officials Because it was the only place he SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY of tlie American Legion have contract- knew of where he could get food and shelter and a chance to re- $1,824,307.11 ed for one of the most important pro- fighting jects yet attempted by the Legion in gain his health, he told the American PICNIC HAMS .19c lb the great 300 mile sweepstake auto- Legion, Solomon Harper, a disabled mobile race to be held in the new, negro veteran of the world war, plead- ENDS HAM .20c lb J half million dollar speedway at Kan- ed to be sentenced for a number of We cannot but feel a keen sense of satisfaction in New BONELESS POT ROAST 12c lb help sas City, September 16. The two de- months to the Auburn, York, discovered the need of a service in this There being no charge against having banking partments are in a fair way of making prison. PORK lb the veteran was not sentenced. SHOULDER .'....23c thriving section of our city and some pride in having estab- a Jiaiflsome sum, which will be used him, otherwise lished an institution, where such facilities and accommoda- tor the care of disabled and SHOULDER LAMB .25c lb needy veterans. A LONG HIKE. tion as we have afforded the and our has public depositors, With the prospect of winning a $10,- BREAST LAMB.6c lb supplied that need and satisfied a legitimate demand. PUPS IN AIRPLANE. 000 wager, Monte Smith, American is mak- NECK LAMB.12c lb Two coyote pups will travel by air- Legionaire from Dallas, Texas, to hike from plane to the American Legion national ing speed in an effort LEAN BRISKET.6c lb Dallas to New York City in 300 days. convention in New Orleans in October SALT PORK.20c lb OFFICERS from Miles City, Montana. The ani- the FLAG PRESENTED. GOOD PORK CHOPS.25c lb WARREN SOMERS .President mals will be chaperoned by adju- tant of the Legion post at Miles City. The flag that waved over the na- ELIAS ROSENBAUM .Vice-President tional capitol at Washington, while AN OFFICIAL WELCOME. the body of America’s Unknown Sol- Wilson Certified Coffee.25c 16-oz jar Wilsco Jam. .25c EDMUND C. GASKILL, JR.. .Vice-President and Counsel from the French dier lay in state in the rotunda, has Sour Mixed An official welcome Dinner Coffee.25c 15c.bot. been presented by a member of the WM. V. VOSS.Secretary and Treasurer government is awaiting the delegation Pickles .10c who will re- capitol guard to the Covington, Ind., of American Legionaires Sunbeam Coffee .35c Sugar Corn-4 cans 25c visit the scenes of their A. E. F. activ- post of the American Legion. bot. Ale. .15c 25c DIRECTORS ities this August, according to Ambas- Large Ginger Peas.15c, 20c, sador Jusserand, speaking in behalf of BIG MEAL PROMISED. Edmund Whelan Edward L. Bader C. Gaskill, Jr. John M. his government. The party of Legion With beef at six cents a pound and Ernst Becker Frederick Hickman Donald Roberts J. men and their wives will sail from pork at five cents and fruit "yours for MORRIS & MELVILLE, Pleasantville, N. J. David Berg Julian A. Hillman) Elias Rosenbaum New York, August 5, to visit France, the asking,” a heavy “chow” is prom- August F. Bolte E. Kirk Loveland Louis Rosenthal Belgium aid England. ised to all former A. E. F. members Phone 168-M, 11 N. Main Street Phone 378-W, 35 N. Main Street A. B. Bowen John A. Majane Sidney Rosenbaum who will visit one "Dad” Painter, an Orville T. Crane John Murtland Warren Somers ALLOWANCE INCREASED. enthusiastic American Legionaire in Harvey K. Eaton Alfred J. Perkins John B. Tomlin By a unanimous vote the House of Guatemala. Curtis Eldridge Ferd R. Patzowsky Herbert R. Voorhees STATEMENT Joseph Wagenheim TESTIMONIAL DINNER. P. H. S. ALUMNI NOTES. OF CONDITION OF THE

Representative citizens, not only of Miss Armenia Leeds Risley, a senior Atlantic City and County, but also of nurse oi the Episcopal Hospital, of is a most de- the State, were among those who ten- Philadelphia, enjoying Trust William Smathers a light lui vacation at her home here, REPORT ON SCHOOL FUNDS. of reserve dered to Judge Equitable Quite Another Matter. Comp’ 013.47; 10% tund, $2,431.94; testimonial dinner at the Ambassador “The Poplars”. Sunday Miss Risley ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Interest on surplus revenue, $47.83; a ol 1918 of P. Hotel on Monday evening. Counsellor entertained classmate Webst er I’rice, cub Lodi an of school re-apportioned balances, $44.98; State Irate Papa—"No, air. My daughter MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Theodore W. Schlmpf presided as the H. S., Mr. Joseph Clair, ol Camden, has his for railroad tax. $10,23r>.99; for manual can never be yours.” funds, just closed report Mr. Clair is a U. P. graduate this year. I toastmaster. The speakers included At the of »Uu> aohool year ending June 30. The raining, $3,885.92. Bright Suitor—"Quite right sir. She Close C.overnor Vice Chancellor Miss Nellie Collins, of North Main shows that the amount of cannot possibly be my daughter. I Edwards, import Roberl H. Ingersoll, Mayor Edward L. street, has returned to her home here, money received from the State of llirk -“What would your father do only wanted her to be my wife.”— Ilader, Prosecutor Edmund C. Gaskill, after spending a most delightful week for schools during the if I told him I wanted to marry you?” Colorado Dodo. Jr., Circuit Court Judge George S. Sil- with a school chum, Miss Marion Ott, time covered was $44,765.98. Dolly—“He’d refer the matter to will ver and Judge John J. White ol' the of Philadelphia. Miss Collins Mortgages This sum was made up from the me.” Mr. Grouch—“I suppose you only Court of Errors and Appeals. teach this coming year in Pleasant- Stocks and Bonds following Items and amounts: From Dick—"And what would you do?” married me because I had a little S. Silzer made a plea ville at School No. 1. U. S. Bonds and State appropriation of $300,000 for Dolly—“I’d refer the matter to the money.” Judge George Liberty Certificates of lor fewer laws of a higher quality, Miss Edith Leeds is entertaining her school purposes, $722.48; from a sep- young man who proposed to me, and Mrs. Grouch—"That’s not true. I’d Indebtedness. 284, declaring that the better the laws the cousin, Miss Marion Stretch, of Had- arate appropriation to reduce school I accepted while you were trying to have married you if you had twice as Demand and Time Loans Secured Collateral less tlie lor additional legis- donfield, N. J. by 500,939 tax, $888.41; 80% of school tax, $27,- make up your mind.” much.” necessity lation. He said: Mr. Walter Moeller, of Cologne, en- Bills Purchased “We have entirely too many law's. joyed an evening this week with old Real Estate and Furniture and Fixtures. 125,597.90 - What we need is better laws and few- classmates. Cash and Isabell Hommel is her Reserve.. 440,612.38 er of them. The better they are the Miss enjoying summer vacation with her aunt, Mrs. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF fewer we need. The fewer we have, the better their quality will be." Enoch, in Philadelphia. $3,803,558.67 Judge White said in part: This year’s graduates of State Nor- LIABILITIES “The Temple of Justice can have no mal at Trenton, N. J., were Misses Katherine Eva side entrance. Not only must its por- Edith Leeds, Stahl, Capital.$ 200,000.00 tals stand publicly and equally open Risley, Geneva Lake and Milded Surplus . 200,000.00 The Atlantic to all mankind, but it must also be Fields. Miss Mary Clark, Miss Ger- Undivided Profits 23,019.62 no trude Helfrich, and Mr. Harry Lake, well known that there are other Reserve for Interest. 2,585.66 entrances through which anyone may also students at Trenton Normal are Bills payable secured U. S. Bonds and pass. enjoying their summer vacation here. by Liberty “If our judges permit it to appear, The graduates of P. H. S. that are Certificates of Indebtedness .'. 219,500.00 Safe & Trust Co. whether true or not, that the influ- taking the summer course at Ocean Dividend .;_ 10,000.00 Deposit ence of or wealth or City are Misses Nellie Collins, Catha- power organiza- Deposits . 3,148,453.39 tion is felt, in our courts and tempers rine Sullivan, Edith Sturgess, Irene Of Atlantic N. J. the justice therein administered, our Ferrell, Elmia Crowell, Juanita Ryker City, liberty ami our free Government will Chalmers, Grace Bump, Mable Pen- $3,803,558.67 become a thing of the past. There is nington, Marguerite Lake, Jennie God- At the Close of Business June 30th, 1922. Jessie Mildred only one thing worse than for a judge frey Steelman, Gordon, June 30, Burns Carlson, Reba Higbee, Jessie 1922—Deposits.$3,148,453.39 to have a reputation of being suscep- June tible to influence, and that one thing Brown, Manie Rubinfine, Kathryn 30, 1921—Deposits.... 2,548,289.87 is for it to be true. The man who Boice, Ella Adams. pretends to be able to ‘fix' matters Increased Deposits .$ 600,163.52 Resources with the court is a villain and is usu- RAINBOW CLASS SOCIAL. ally a liar, but more than that, he is a SANE, SOUND, STEADY, SUCCESSFUL GROWTH Bonds and Mortgages Owned ..$ 285,525.00 traitor to his country and to his peo- Last Friday night the members of LET US ADVISE the Rainbow the YOU Stocks and Bonds Owned. 1,541,577.63 ple, and a judge who permits himself Class of Wesley Sun- to be 'fixed’ or even influenced by such day School gave a social at the resi- Notes and Bills Purchased 2,541,465.05 dence of Mrs. W. Claude East a 'fixer' is even infinitely worse, and Bailey, OFFICERS on HARRY Loans Collaterals. 1,716,485.18 is a traitor also to his high profession Washington avenue. BACHARACH, President. DENNIS E. KELLY, Treasurer DAVID C. House and his office." The evening was spent playing REED, Vice-President CHARLES S. MOORfc, Solicitor Banking 218,000.00 high A. a C. Vice-Pres.WALTER Cash and Reserve. 869,477.69 games and music, and at late hour POFFENBERGER, HANSTEIN, Tr. Officer refreshments were served by the host- RUNAWAYS HELD HERE. ess. DIRECTORS $7,172,530.55 Among those who attended the Harry Bacharach Albert C. Abbott Frank Benjamin Thomas, of 1117 Sloan Walsh meeting were: Josephine Carr, Leona David C. Reed John R. Charles S. Moore street, Philadelphia, and Edward Sha- Livezey Shaw, Kathryn Whitman, Beatrice Louis E. Stern Frank J. Moore Frank Swoboda piro, his chum, of 1123 North State Glenn, Naomi Sharrock, Elizabeth El- Edgar S. Hill A. C. Isidor Schmeldler street, Trenton, spent Sunday night in Poffenberger lers, Henrietta Bailed, Mrs. Thelma Harry Weinmann L. A. Steinbricker Walter Hanstein the local jail, when they were picked Smith, Edward Blake, Edward Wick- W. Frank Sooy G. Frank Cope Anthony M. Ruffu, Jr. up here after hiking from Atlantic Liabilities man, Ellis Nickerson, Richard Sulli- Wm. J. Patterson The told Crawford City. boys Mayor van, Howard Disner, Ralph Napoleon, Stock that had started out from Phila- Capital .$ 150,000.00 they Conan Van Lew, and William Lloyd. 3-65—Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits—3.65 Surplus Fund. 450,000.00 delphia to visit Thomas’ sister, who lived in Atlantic City. They had $2 Fund. 500,000.00 FISHING TRIP. Surplus when they started from home. In Undivided Profits, Net. 117,168.45 not find the Atlantic City they could Plans have been made by members decided to walk Deposits 6,367,737.10 relative, and then they of the Board of Education and a few across their home. The Dividends Unpaid. 37,625.00 the State to of their friends to enjoy a fishing trip Concrete here until Blocks-Better Mayor decided to hold them in Egg Harbor Bay on Thursday. Building Buildings sent Monday morning, when they were President Arthur H. Stiles, Vice-Presi- —USE— $7,172,530.55 to their homes. dent Charles H. Conover, Lewis R. Smith, Warren C. Marshall, Robert H. ADJOURN UNTIL SEPTEMBER. Zane, Secretary Charles E. Jackson, Morrison Concrete Blocks Superintendent William C. Sullivan, Building THE BETTER We invite your careful inspection of our banking facilities. The Auxiliary of the Mainland Post and possibly Mayor Thomas F. Craw- KIND No. American will not ford, will be among those who will Three cent, interest on 881, Legion, per paid special and time deposits. make MORRISON CONCRETE hold any more meetings until the first up the party. PRODUCTS CO. Monday in September. This action EAST PARK AVENUE IF WENT AWAY— N. J. was taken because many members of YOU PLEASANTVILLE, the for Distributor EDISON the Auxiliary have left city and stayed two years, would you be PORTLAND CEMENT Phone 377 few turned OFFICERS the summer, and only a content to hear from home every out for the meetings. With the first three months? You can’t find time to will be JOSEPH THOMPSON. President and Trust Officer session in September, plans write to your friends or relatives completed for the year’s wTork. LEWIS Vice-President every week, but you can send them EVANS, The Auxiliary realized quite a sum M. D. The Pleasantville Press. They’ll read YOUNGMAN, Vice-President on the “Poppy Day” held a few weeks it and be glad. We will send it for shows that al- you SILAS SHOEMAKER, Secretary and Treasurer ago. The latest report you anywhere in the a Planning to Build ? most $25 was brought In. The money JOSEPH B. SMITH, Assistant Treasurer whole year for only $1.50. IF YOU ARE, LET ME GIVE YOU AN will be used for the disabled veterans ESTIMATE. in this State. BENEFIT SHOW. I Can Save You 1 MEETING. Money DIRECTORS HOME BUREAU The Daughters of America will give a movie benefit at the Strand Theatre All kind* of building, repairs and alterations. Write All ladies interested in the “Home this The picture will be me. JOSEPH THOMPSON WILLIAM B. LOUDENSLAGER JOHN ESTELL EVANS Wednesday. Bureau", Millinery and Dress, should “A Homespun Vamp,” featuring May LEWIS EVANS J. LEONARD BAIER JAMES H. MASON, JR. attend a meeting at the High School MacAvoy. There will also be a com- JOHN J. Contractor M. D. YOUNGMAN DANIEL W. MYERS SILAS SHOEMAKER at 2.30 P. M., daylight saving time, on edy picture. GREEN, 72 W. JAMES T. BEW ISAAC BACHARACH W. E. SHACKELFORD Thursday and hear Miss Marion But- Washington Ave., Pleasantville, N. J. State Leader of Home Demon- DIED. E. V. CORSON CHARLES E. SCHROEDER G. ARTHUR BOLTE ters, stration Work, and of the Home Bu- WILLIAM S. EMLEY — reau. which is important. Pass the JUMMEL. At Pleasantville. July 1, Katherine, wife of Ernest F. Jummel, word to your friends, and come your- not let The aged 59 years. Interment Fleasnntville Why Pleasantville Press h self. ^Cemetery. a Regular \ isitor in your home?