Harish Jani Head of Network & Operations Department Global IP Business NTT Europe Ltd.

1  Share with you our experience as well as explain our involvement in Europe  Some facts & figures from users in Europe who have been experimenting with our trial in Europe  Corporate Overview  NTT/VERIO Global IPv6 Activities  NTT Europe IPv6 Trial  Trial to Commercial  Global IPv6 Deployment

2 3 Major Telco’s by Market Capitalisation NTT Group* 213

SBC Communications 125 Communications 125 64 AT&T 56 Telefonica 54

France Telecom/Equant 36 British Telecom 35 Worldcom 20 Source: FT May 2002 KDDI 11

$0 $25 $50 $75 $100 $125 $150 $200 $225 Billions of US Dollars

4 Holding Company

100% 54% 100% 64.1% NTT Data 100% Long Distance & International

100% 100% VERIO Europe

5 Holding Company

100% 54% 100% 64.1% NTT Data 100% Long Distance & International

100% 100% VERIO Europe NTT Europe Ltd

Amsterdam Dusseldorf Frankfurt Paris Branch Branch Branch Branch

5  Organisation  NTT Europe Ltd is the European arm of NTT Communications  7 offices in Europe with regional HQ in London  212 employees in Europe, 81% local staff  All sales and operational functions handled within the European region, including NOC  Business Focus

 Providing high quality managed data network services for multinational companies in Europe, Asia and North America  An ISP providing corporate access and high quality IP transit over NTT/VERIO Global IP backbone

6 .com Government MNCs CSP ASP SMEs SOHOs Residential

Total Solution Platform for e-business

E-Commerce IC Card Platform Settlement Contents Delivery

iDC IP Connectivity / Network Services

7 GlobalGlobal IPIP NetworkNetwork ServicesServices OverviewOverview

8  Tier 1 Provider - top layer of the Internet with full global reach and direct connections between most locations Global Internet Global UUNET NTT/VERIO C&W Tier 1 Global IP NW Sprint Level(3)

Tier 2 Buying transit From Tier 1


9  Global (single) AS - IP network covering Asia, US and Europe  Providing global IP transit connectivity to carriers, ISPs, content providers and large corporate customers Korea Tokyo 13G Taiwan Europe Hong US Kong 5G Thailand SriLanka Philippines Malaysia Redundant network Singapore with multiple Indonesia submarine cables.

Australia  13 Gbit/s Japan to USA  5 Gbit/s USA to Europe  5G inside Asia

10  With over 5000 servers online today

Amazon.com  Leverage synergies with Verio’s hosting business to increase Global IP traffic

Microsoft Sites hosted by Verio • IT corporate websites , Intel, Dell computer

•EC sites Amazon, e-bay, America Online

• Entertainment and Online game sites Disney,Sony Play station, Square

• Cache service provider Akamai, Mirror Image, Digital Island

11 12 1) Global IPv6 Connectivity Service Stable and High Quality commercial Global IPv6 Service around the globe 2) IPv6 Solution / Application Advanced, Safe and cost effective Internet solution with IPv6 3) IPv6 Deployment and Implementation Developing IPv6 applications and IPv6 standardis with major consortiums

NSPIXP6JPNAP6 PAIX S-IX EQUI6IX UK6X LINX AMS-IX 3) IPv6 Deployment NTT/VERIO Global IPv6 Backbone •Japan National Project •IPv6 Promotion Council (ASN:2914) •6net NTT MSC HKNet OCN NTT Australia. IP NTT MCL •6Tnet 1) NTT/VERIO Global IPv6 Backbone •Global IPv6 Summit •IPv6 Showcase 2) IPv6 •Consortiums Solution •IETF

13 NTT/VERIONTT/VERIO IPv6IPv6 ActivitiesActivities –– BriefBrief HistoryHistory

1996 NTT Laboratories started NTTv6Net, one of the world’s largest global IPv6 R&D networks (Japan/Asia, US and Europe) 1997 CICNet and NWNet, later acquired by Verio, started operating major nodes of 6bone (US) 1999 Sep NTTCom obtained sTLA from APNIC Dec NTTCom started IPv6 tunneling trial service for its domestic ISP brand “OCN” customers in Japan

2000 Mar NTT Europe started IPv6 trial service (tunnel-broker) Apr NTT MCL started the world’s first commercial IPv6 IX “S-IX” in San Jose

2001 Apr NTTCom started commercial IPv6 Native services (wholesale) Jun NTTCom started commercial IPv6 Tunneling services (consumer) Dec NTTCom participates in Japan National Project “IPv6 Home Appliance Trials” as one of IPv6 access providers NTTCom participates in 6NET Project (Europe)

14 NTT/VERIONTT/VERIO IPv6IPv6 ActivitiesActivities –– BriefBrief HistoryHistory cont..dcont..d

2002 Jun Internet Multifeed (one of affiliates) started a commercial IPv6 IX ”JPNAP6”

Jul NTTCom announced a plan to support IPv6 for WiFi service “Hot Spot”

Aug NTTCom started “IPv6/IPv4 ADSL Dual Access with Plug&Play”

Sep NTT MSC started IPv6 commercial services in Malaysia. NTT Australia started IPv6 services in Australia.

15 NTT/VERIONTT/VERIO IPv6IPv6 ActivitiesActivities –– BriefBrief HistoryHistory cont..dcont..d

2003 Feb NTT Europe launched IPv6 commercial services in Europe. Current/Future Plans include… May NTT/Verio in US start an IPv6 pre-commercial service

Q2 Most of NTT/VERIO Asian POPs will start IPv6 commercial services.

Q4 NTT/Verio will launch IPv6 full commercial service in the U.S.

NTT/VERIONTT/VERIO willwill bebe ableable toto provideprovide commercialcommercial IPv6IPv6 serviceservice inin Asia/US/EuropeAsia/US/Europe

16 NTT/VERIONTT/VERIO GlobalGlobal IPv6IPv6 BackboneBackbone && ServicesServices

Asia/Pacific U.S. Europe


Trial services

NTT/VERIONTT/VERIO GlobalGlobal IPv6IPv6 BackboneBackbone

NTT Aust-IP NTT Europe Hong Kong Malaysia Australia

ISP, iDC coming JustJust coming launched!! soonsoon launched!! IPv6/IPv4 IPv6 IPv6 this NTT Taiwan NTT Korea this Dual Access Tunneling Gateway year!!year!! with PnP Services Services coming coming comingcoming soon soon soon this soon this thisthis Spring!! Spring!! Japan Spring!! Spring!! 17 NTT/VERIONTT/VERIO GlobalGlobal IPv6IPv6 BackboneBackbone && ServicesServices


NTT Communications NTT/VERIO NTT Europe

NTT Korea

NTT Taiwan

NTT Com Asia Strength of NTT/VERIO Backbone •More than 3 year’s experience in running global IPv6 networks covering Asia, US, Europe NTT MSC •Expanding Service foothold •24x7 monitoring and operations by NTT/VERIO dual NOC StarHub •Main IPv6-IX Connection NSPIXP6/JPNAP6 in Japan, PAIX/S-IX in the U.S., AMS-IX/LINX/UK6X in Europe NTT Australia •Optimal IPv6 routes

NTT Major ISP services provided by NTT Subsidiaries Australia.IP

18 NTTNTT CommunicationsCommunications hashas wonwon ......

NTT Communications recently won awards for Best Technology Foresight (IPv6 activities) & Best Carrier Asia Pacific, at the fourth annual World Communications Awards held in London on 30th September 2002.

19 20  Free service started since Q1/2000  About 400 users participated from 15 countries UK Others 11% 11% France Spain 4% 2% Slovenia 4%

Hungary 8% Germany Italy 26% 8% Netherlands 26%

21 Academic Individual Corporate 2% 11% Organisation ISP Corporate ISP Academic 11%

Organisation Individual 18% 58%

22  Trial users fill in a questionnaire form (Summer 2002)  Questions included  Current and future IPv6 utilisation  frequency, purpose, traffic  Expectations for commercial service  quality, product, price

23  Would you like to use IPv6 in business in the future?  Yes No

Would you like to pay for  Yes No IPv6 connectivity when  using business?

Less than What level would you IP v 4  want IPv6 transit price to   Same as be at? IP v 4

24  Commercial IPv6 Service launched in EUROPE on 19TH FEBRUARY 2003  Target: ISP, Corporate, Academic organisations  Location  London, Madrid, Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt  Services  Native and Tunnel connections  Tunnel must be over NTT IPv4 network  for managing network quality and easy troubleshooting  Routing Protocol  BGP4+ (s/pTLA) or Static (NLA/SLA)

25 FORFOR IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE RELEASERELEASE NTTNTT EuropeEurope LaunchesLaunches CommercialCommercial IPv6IPv6 ServiceService

LONDONLONDON FebruaryFebruary 19,19, 20032003 –– NTT NTT EuropeEurope Ltd.Ltd. announcedannounced todaytoday thatthat followingfollowing thethe successsuccess ofof NTTNTT Communications’Communications’ commercialcommercial serviceservice inin JapanJapan fromfrom AprilApril 2001,2001, theythey areare launchinglaunching aa fullfull commercialcommercial IPv6IPv6 serviceservice inin Europe,Europe, targetingtargeting ISPs,ISPs, corporatecorporate usersusers andand researchresearch centres.centres.

IPv6IPv6 isis aa keykey technologytechnology inin thethe growinggrowing InternetInternet world.world. “We“We areare proudproud ofof becomingbecoming aa pioneerpioneer inin providingproviding commercialcommercial IPv6IPv6 serviceservice inin Europe”,Europe”, saidsaid OsamuOsamu Inoue,Inoue, ManagingManaging DirectorDirector ofof NTTNTT Europe.Europe.

26 Primary reason for applicants to decline buying commerical IPv6 service in Europe


Wish 38% 31% Satisfied with free trials Access line cost

Lack of coverage


27  Review peering strategy  Is it similar to early days situation of IPv4 deployment?

 Product Development  combined with IPv4 transit services  access line, billing, etc.  tunnel broker service (over third-party network)  no access line cost

 Value-added Services  system integration  applications

28 29 IPv6IPv6 connectionconnection IPv6 Native IPv6 v6 v6 v6 v6 v6

IPv4 / IPv6 Dual IPv4/IPv6 dual stack Router IPv6 IPv6 v6 IPv4 & IPv6 v6 v4 v6 v4 v6 v4 v4 IPv4 IPv4

Tunnel IPv6 over IPv4 Tunneling termination router

IPv6 IPv4 IPv6 v6 v6 v4 v4 v4 v6 v6

30 TypicalTypical TransitionTransition ▲Home Appliance Products ▲ ▲WinXP End of IPv4 new allocation? ▲IPv6 Home Appliance Trials ▲3GPP, 3GPP2 2003 200x Future Trial Low bandwidth 20012001 20022002 2003 200x Future

6to4? IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 R&DR&D DSL/FTTH DSL/FTTH IPv4 IPv4 IPv4 IPv4 PersonalPersonal T1T1 SOHOSOHO IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 DS3DS3 IPv4 IPv4 IPv4 IPv4 CorporateCorporate

OC3OC3 iDCiDC IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 ISPISP GbGb IPv4 IPv4 IPv4 IPv4

Commercial High bandwidth IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 NewNew Area Area

31 TypicalTypical TransitionTransition ▲WinXP ▲Home Appliance Products ▲End of IPv4 new allocation? ▲IPv6 Home Appliance Trials ▲3GPP, 3GPP2 2003 200x Future 20012001 20022002 2003 200x Future

Ad6to4? hoc R&D IPv6 IPv6/IPv4IPv6 Dual AccessIPv6 IPv6 R&D DSL/FTTHDSL/FTTH TunnelIPv4 IPv4 IPv4w/ Plug&PlayIPv4 PersonalPersonal T1T1 SOHOSOHO IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 Corporate DS3 Corporate DS3 TunnelingIPv4 ServiceIPv4 IPv4 IPv6/IPv4IPv4 Dual Service

OC3OC3 iDCiDC IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 Native Service IPv6 IPv6 ISPISP GbGb IPv4 IPv4 IPv4 IPv4

IPv6 Native Service New Area IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 New Area w/ IPv6/IPv4 Translation

32 (News Release in August 2002)

FORFOR IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE RELEASERELEASE NTTNTT CommunicationsCommunications toto OfferOffer IPv6IPv6 BroadbandBroadband AccessAccess ServiceService -World's-World's firstfirst IPv6IPv6 connectivityconnectivity forfor individualsindividuals andand SOHOs, SOHOs, featuringfeaturing plug-and-playplug-and-play andand QoS-QoS- NTTNTT CommunicationsCommunications CorporationCorporation (NTT(NTT Com)Com) announcedannounced todaytoday thatthat itit will will introduceintroduce aa totallytotally newnew typetype ofof next-generationnext-generation broadbandbroadband accessaccess serviceservice basedbased onon IPv6IPv6 technologytechnology andand featuringfeaturing plug-and-play,plug-and-play, securesecure andand qualityquality ofof serviceservice (QoS)(QoS) functions.functions. ThisThis willwill bebe thethe world’sworld’s firstfirst accessaccess serviceservice toto useuse IPv6IPv6 connectivityconnectivity withwith suchsuch functions.functions. NTTNTT ComCom andand ACCAACCA NetworksNetworks willwill provideprovide thethe serviceservice fromfrom thethe firstfirst quarterquarter ofof 2002.2002.

33 WhyWhy currentcurrent customerscustomers useuse ourour IPv6IPv6 inin JapanJapan  I am advanced regional ISP.  I am developing web-based products and services.  I am interested in non-PC based appliances/devices  I am interested in wireless technologies  I am interested in security over IP  I am interested in developing new peer-to-peer applications  I am interested in new business models  I do not want to be left behind when IPv6 is implemented

TheThe customercustomer ofof NTT/VERIONTT/VERIO GlobalGlobal IPv6IPv6 GatewayGateway ServiceService (IPv6(IPv6 nativenative serviceservice inin Tokyo)Tokyo) =>=> mainlymainly JapaneseJapanese regionalregional bigbig ISPsISPs andand IPv6IPv6 developersdevelopers TheThe customercustomer ofof OCNOCN (IPv6/IPv4(IPv6/IPv4 dualdual andand tunneltunnel inin Japan)Japan) =>=> mainlymainly enterpriseenterprise network,network, IPv6IPv6 developersdevelopers andand individualindividual

EuropeanEuropean marketmarket willwill soonsoon emerge?emerge?

34 35 36 37 ・Serious situation may

develop in 2005 (?) 103 /8s remaining

⇒ IPv4 Addresses will 84 /8s remaining be exhausted thus will not worst case be possible to allocate to new servers most likely

bast case

2005 2007

Global demand for Cellular and ADSL/Cable modem – exhaustion dates (Quotation: ICANN Adhoc Paper)

38 • Address length : from 32 bit (IPv4) to 128bit (IPv6)  unlimited Global IP addresses. • Plug & Play function is implemented as standard  Automatic address configuration IPv6 Network • Security function (IPSec) is implemented as standard  Common Global specification • Function to guarantee bandwidth is being developed and will be implemented as standard Traffic based QoS • Multicast function is implemented as standard Simple streaming

IPv4: 4,294,967,296 Population of the world:: 6,000,000,000

39 • Address length : from 32 bit (IPv4) to 128bit (IPv6)  unlimited Global IP addresses. • Plug & Play function is implemented as standard  Automatic address configuration IPv6 Network • Security function (IPSec) is implemented as standard  Common Global specification • Function to guarantee bandwidth is being developed and will be implemented as standard Traffic based QoS • Multicast function is implemented as standard Simple streaming

IPv4: 4,294,967,296 Population of the world:: 6,000,000,000

IPv6: 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456

39 IPv6 feature : Solve the IPv4 problems :  Global IP Address  Exhaustion of global IP addresses (32bit -> 128bit)  NAT (Security)  Plug and Play  Old infrastructure (Auto Configuration)  Standard function: IPv6 removes the barrier from IP business  Security (IPsec) Easy access, Simple security :  Quality (QoS)  Connect non-PC devices to Internet  Stream (Multicast)  Peer to Peer application etc.  End-to-End secure communication IPv6 produces new kinds of IP business

40 IPv6 feature : Solve the IPv4 problems :  Global IP Address  Exhaustion of global IP addresses (32bit -> 128bit)  NAT (Security)  Plug and Play  Old infrastructure (Auto Configuration)  Standard function: IPv6 removes the barrier from IP business  Security (IPsec) Easy access, Simple security :  Quality (QoS)  Connect non-PC devices to Internet  Stream (Multicast)  Peer to Peer application etc.  End-to-End secure communication IPv6 produces new kinds of IP business

40 IPv6 feature : Solve the IPv4 problems :  Global IP Address  Exhaustion of global IP addresses (32bit -> 128bit)  NAT (Security)  Plug and Play  Old infrastructure (Auto Configuration)  Standard function: IPv6 removes the barrier from IP business  Security (IPsec) Easy access, Simple security :  Quality (QoS)  Connect non-PC devices to Internet  Stream (Multicast)  Peer to Peer application etc.  End-to-End secure communication IPv6 produces new kinds of IP business

40 IPv6 feature : Solve the IPv4 problems :  Global IP Address  Exhaustion of global IP addresses (32bit -> 128bit)  NAT (Security)  Plug and Play  Old infrastructure (Auto Configuration)  Standard function: IPv6 removes the barrier from IP business  Security (IPsec) Easy access, Simple security :  Quality (QoS)  Connect non-PC devices to Internet  Stream (Multicast)  Peer to Peer application etc.  End-to-End secure communication IPv6 produces new kinds of IP business

NTT Communications will open up a new market for IPv6 !

40 IPv4 IPv6

IANA The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA


NIR National Internet Registries

LIR LIR Local Internet Registries

ISP ISP ISP Internet Service Providers


41 IPv4 IPv6

IANA The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA


NIR National Internet Registries

LIR LIR Local Internet Registries TLA Top-Level Aggregation

ISP ISP ISP Internet Service Providers NLA Next-Level Aggregation

EU EU EU EU EU EU End Users SLA SLA Site-Level Aggregation

41 IPv4 IPv6

IANA The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA


NIR National Internet Registries

LIR LIR Local Internet Registries TLA Top-Level Aggregation

ISP ISP ISP Internet Service Providers NLA Next-Level Aggregation

EU EU EU EU EU EU End Users SLA SLA Site-Level Aggregation

IPv6 Address Structure IPv6 Address : 128bit prefix:64bit 64bit 3bit 13bit 13bit6bit 13bit 16bit

FP TLA-ID sTLA-ID NLA-ID SLA-ID Interface-ID 001 (/16) (/35 or /32) (/48) (/64) (64bit)

41 (2003.05.09) WIDE Japan 2001:200::/32 OCN Japan 2001:380::/32 MAXISNET Malaysia 2001:D08::/32 NUS Singapore 2001:208::/32 AARNET Australia 2001:388::/32 CBNNET India 2001:D10::/32 CONNECT Australia 2001:210::/35 HANINTERNET Korea 2001:390::/32 PREGINET Philippines 2001:D18::/32 NTT Japan 2001:218::/32 HOTNET Japan 2001:398::/32 TFN Taiwan 2001:D20::/32 KT Korea 2001:220::/35 MULTIFEED Japan 2001:3A0::/32 OTNS Japan 2001:D28::/32 JENS Japan 2001:228::/35 GNGIDC Korea 2001:3A8::/32 AI3 2001:D30::/32 ETRI Korea 2001:230::/32 KMN Japan 2001:3B0::/32 APNIC Japan 2001:DC0::/32 HINET Taiwan 2001:238::/32 SO-NET Japan 2001:3B8::/32 TWNIC Taiwan 2001:DC1::/32 IIJ Japan 2001:240::/32 TOCN Japan 2001:3C0::/32 IMNET Japan 2001:248::/35 UNINET Thai 2001:3C8::/35 CERNET China 2001:250::/32 PTOP Japan 2001:3D0::/32 INFOWEB Japan 2001:258::/32 XEPHION Japan 2001:3D8::/32 BIGLOBE Japan 2001:260::/32 FBDC Japan 2001:3E0::/32 6DION9 Japan 2001:268::/32 INTEROPE Japan 2001:3E8::/35 DACOM Korea 2001:270::/35 KCOM Korea 2001:3F0::/32 ODN Japan 2001:278::/32 BII China 2001:3F8::/32 KOLNET Korea 2001:280::/32 INET Thai 2001:C00::/32 TANET Taiwan 2001:288::/32 ASNET Taiwan 2001:C08::/32 HANANET Korea 2001:290::/32 SINTEL Singapore 2001:C10::/32 SONYTELECOM Japan 2001:298::/32 ARCNET6 Malaysia 2001:C18::/32 POWEREDCOM Japan 2001:2A0::/32 SINGNET Singapore 2001:C20::/32 CCCN Japan 2001:2A8::/35 ASAHI-NET Japan 2001:C28::/32 KORNET Korea 2001:2B0::/32 JCNET Japan 2001:C30::/32 NGINET Korea 2001:2B8::/32 CATIPV6 Thai 2001:C38:/:32 INFOSHERE Japan 2001:2C0::/32 GCIX Japan 2001:C40::/32 OMP Japan 2001:2C8::/35 DREAM Korea 2001:C48::/32 ZAMA Japan 2001:2D0::/35 TTN Taiwan 2001:C50::/32 SKTELECOMNET Korea 2001:2D8::/32 SIXREN Taiwan 2001:C58::32 HKNET Hong Kong 2001:2E0::/32 TIARE Papua New Guinea 2001:C60::32 DTI Japan 2001:2E8::/32 Chinanet China 2001:C68::32 MEX Japan 2001:2F0::/32 CWJ Japan 2001:C70::/32 SINET Japan 2001:2F8::/32 NTTIP Australia 2001:C78::/32 PANANET Japan 2001:300::/32 InterVia Japan 2001:C80::/32 HTCN Japan 2001:308::/32 CYPRESS Japan 2001:C88::/32 CWIDC Japan 2001:310::/32 NTTEAST Japan 2001:C90::/32 STCN Japan 2001:318::/32 krline Korea 2001:C98::/32 KREONET2 Korea 2001:320::/32 CHTTL Taiwan 2001:CA0::/32 MANIS Malaysia 2001:328::/32 ESTEL India 2001:CA8::/32 SAMSUGNETWORKS Korea 2001:330::/35 PacNet Japan 2001:CB0::32 NETSURF Japan 2001:338::/35 D-CRUISE Japan 2001:CB8::/32 FINE Japan 2001:340::/32 CSTNET China 2001:CC0::/32 QCN Japan 2001:348::/32 AGCXNET 2001:CC8::/32 MCNET Japan 2001:350::/32 SAISON Japan 2001:CD0::/32 MIND Japan 2001:358::/35 SEEDNET Taiwan 2001:CD8::/32 V6TELSTRAIN- Australia 2001:360::/32 HARNET Hong Kong 2001:CE0::/32 TERNET K-OPTICOM Japan 2001:CE8::/32 MEDIAS Japan 2001:368::/32 SHINBIRO Korea 2001:CF0::/32 GCTRJP Japan 2001:370::/32 SSD Japan 2001:CF8::/32 THRUNET Korea 2001:378::/32 GUNMANET Japan 2001:D00::/32 42 (2003.05.09)

ESNET U.S. 2001:400::/32 NLYR 2001:590::/32 VBNS U.S. 2001:408::/32 VDN 2001:598::/32 CANET Canada 2001:410::/32 GLBE 2001:5A0::/32 VERIO U.S. 2001:418::/32 SONIC 2001:5A8::/32 Cisco U.S. 2001:420::/32 SPACEWAYNET 2001:5B0::/32 QWEST U.S. 2001:428::/32 HOST 2001:5B8::/32 DSIN U.S. 2001:430::/35 HEXAGO 2001:5C0::/32 ABOVENET U.S. 2001:438::/35 WARE 2001:5C8::/32 SPRINT U.S. 2001:440::/32 NERICV6 2001:5D0::/32 UNAM Mexico 2001:448::/32 SEMA 2001:5D8::/32 GBLX U.S. 2001:450::/35 NOANET 2001:5E0::/32 STEALTH U.S. 2001:458::/35 PSCNET 2001:5E8::/32 NET-CW U.S. 2001:460::/35 OEN 2001:5F0::/32 ABILENE U.S. 2001:468::/32 HURRICANE U.S. 2001:470::/32 EP-NET U.S. 2001:478::/32 DREN U.S. 2001:480::/32 AVANTEL Mexico 2001:488::/35 U.S. 2001:490::/32 ITESM Mexico 2001:498::/32 RNP Brazil 2001:4A0::/32 AXTEL Mexico 2001:4A8::/35 AOL- U.S. 2001:4B0::/32 TIMEWARNER WAYPORT U.S. 2001:4B8::/32 PROTEL Mexico 2001:4C0::/35 UNINET Mexico 2001:4C8::/35 NASA-PCCA U.S. 2001:4D0::/32 DOTNET U.S. 2001:4D8::/35 WISCNET U.S. 2001:4E0::/32 SHAWIP U.S. 2001:4E8::/32 ENTERZONE U.S. 2001:4F0::/32 ISC6 U.S. 2001:4F8::/32 AISP U.S. 2001:508::/32 RISQ Canada 2001:510::/32 NAC U.S. 2001:518::/32 FLADMS U.S. 2001:520::/32 TELKOMSAV6 2001:528::/32 CETLINK U.S. 2001:530::/32 SGNS 2001:538::/32 ICGV6INIT 2001:540::/32 TENET 2001:548::/32 COGC 2001:550::/32 COMCAST6NET 2001:558::/32 ISOMEDIA 2001:560::/32 2001:568::/32 WCOM 2001:570::/32 NETBLK 2001:578::/32 OR 2001:580::/32 43 UU 2001:588::/32 sTLAsTLA HolderHolder inin RIPERIPE NCCNCC :192:192 // 357357 (2003.05.09)

UUNET UK 2001:600::/35 CARRIER1 UK 2001:790::/35 COLT DE 2001:920::/32 NETZQUADRAT DE 2001:AB0::/32 SPACE DE 2001:608::/32 DANTE UK 2001:798::/32 D2VODAFONE DE 2001:928::/32 COBWEB NL 2001:AB8::/32 SURFNET NL 2001:610::/32 TELEKOM DE 2001:7A0::/32 KOCNET TR 2001:930::/32 BTTEL ES 2001:AC0::/32 BT UK 2001:618::/32 NERIM FR 2001:7A8::/32 UTA AT 2001:938::/32 WEBTAPESTRY GB 2001:AC8::/32 SWITCH CH 2001:620::/35 COMPLETEL DE 2001:7B0::/35 GENDORF DE 2001:940::/32 DATA EE 2001:AD0::/32 ACONET AT 2001:628::/32 BIT NL 2001:7B8::/32 NORDUNET SE 2001:948::/32 ROCKENSTEIN DE 2001:AD8::/32 JANET UK 2001:630::/32 BELWUE DE 2001:7C0::/32 MEGAPROVIDER NL 2001:950::/32 TEUTONET DE 2001:AE0::/32 DFN DE 2001:638::/35 ISI IE 2001:7C8::/32 NORWEB UK 2001:958::/32 IPEXNET CZ 2001:AE8::/32 FREENET RU 2001:640::/35 ESTPAK EE 2001:7D0::/35 CYBERCOMM NL 2001:960::/32 TELEPORT AT 2001:AF8::/32 GRNET GR 2001:648::/32 KOLUMBUS FI 2001:7D8::/32 HUBRIS NL 2001:968::/32 FASTWEB IT 2001:B00::/32 ECRC DE 2001:650::/32 OPALNET UK 2001:7E0::/32 ATI TN 2001:970::/32 RUNNET RU 2001:B08::/32 TRMD DE 2001:658::/32 LU PT 2001:7E8::/32 GATEL DE 2001:978::/32 LODMAN PL 2001:B10::/32 RENATER FR 2001:660::/32 LAMBDANET EU 2001:7F0::/32 DEMON NL 2001:980::/32 NFSI PT 2001:B18::/32 NACAMAR DE 2001:668::/32 TTD ES 2001:800::/32 CGEONLINE FR 2001:988::/32 DCLUX LU 2001:B20::/32 EUNET FI 2001:670::/32 POZMAN PL 2001:808::/32 tooFast 2001:990::/32 KPNQWEST PT 2001:B28::/32 IPF DE 2001:678::/35 SDV FR 2001:810::/32 HTC FI 2001:998::/32 EDU RO 2001:B30::/32 XLINK DE 2001:680::/35 TELECEL PT 2001:818::/32 INTERNED NL 2001:9A0::/32 INTELIDEAS ES 2001:B38::/32 TELECOM FR 2001:688::/32 WEBONLINE NO 2001:820::/32 TRUESERVER NL 2001:9A8::/32 MEDIARAMA IT 2001:B40::/32 RCCN PT 2001:690::/32 PROSERVE NL 2001:828::/32 BAHNHOF SE 2001:9B0::/32 GAVLENET SE 2001:B48::/32 SWIPNET SE 2001:698::/32 MAINLAB DE 2001:830::/32 CISTRON NL 2001:9B8::/32 BITNET SE 2001:B50::/32 ICM PL 2001:6A0::/35 CONCEPTS NL 2001:838::/32 LUNA NL 2001:9C0::/32 SANDNET SE 2001:B58::/32 BELNET BE 2001:6A8::/32 POWERTECH NO 2001:840::/32 DCS SE 2001:9C8::/32 SEVENLEVELS SE 2001:B60::/32 SUNET SE 2001:6B0::/32 CSP IT 2001:848::/32 Tsystems AT 2001:9D0::/32 CARNET HR 2001:B68::/32 CSELT IT 2001:6B8::/32 ATNET AT 2001:850::/32 TELEFONICA ES 2001:9D8::/32 ANLX UK 2001:B70::/32 TELIANET SE 2001:6C0::/35 SIL AT 2001:858::/32 SOLCON NL 2001:9E0::/32 SKYNET BE 2001:B78::/32 TELEDANMARK DK 2001:6C8::/32 GROLIER FR 2001:860::/32 Tesion 2001:9E8::/32 PRAGONET CZ 2001:B80::/32 ROSNIIROS RU 2001:6D0::/32 IPHH DE 2001:868::/32 VLP FI 2001:9F0::/32 CASTELNET NL 2001:B88::/32 CYFRONET PL 2001:6D8::/32 EUROPEAN AT 2001:870::/32 INODE AT 2001:9F8::/32 INTERHOST ES 2001:B90::/32 INTOUCH NL 2001:6E0::/35 TELECOM DEFINITE UK 2001:A00::/32 COMPULINK UK 2001:B98::/32 TELIVO FI 2001:6E8::/32 DENET DK 2001:878::/32 CALADAN UK 2001:A08::/32 ARSYS ES 2001:BA0::/32 DIGITAL SE 2001:6F0::/35 KOMPLEX DE 2001:880::/32 NASK PL 2001:A10::/32 LEONET UK 2001:BA8::/32 EASYNET UK 2001:6F8::/32 XS4ALL NL 2001:888::/32 RESTENA LU 2001:A18::/32 TELECOM IE 2001:BB0::/32 UNINETT NO 2001:700::/32 TELEKOM AT 2001:890::/32 OSN DE 2001:A20-::/32 EENET EE 2001:BB8::/32 FUNET FI 2001:708::/32 WIDEXS NL 2001:898::/32 CEGETEL FR 2001:A28::/32 LEGEND UK 2001:BC0::/32 INS UK 2001:710::/35 TELEPAC PT 2001:8A0::/32 INROMA IT 2001:A30::/32 NONE FR 2001:BC8::/32 TEN CZ 2001:718::/32 CYBERLINK CH 2001:8A8::/32 TAXXUS DE 2001:A38::/32 EUNET AT 2001:BD0::/32 REDIRIS ES 2001:720::/32 AA UK 2001:8B0::/32 EDINET PT 2001:A40::/32 WAPI NL 2001:BD8::/32 VERIO UK 2001:728::/32 RSLCOM FI 2001:8B8::/32 WASK PL 2001:A48::/32 C2INTERNET UK 2001:BE0::/32 TELEKABEL NL 2001:730::/32 CATCHIP NO 2001:8C0::32 XTEC ES 2001:A50::/32 LIDEN SE 2001:BE8::/32 HUNGARNET HU 2001:738::/32 VERAT YU 2001:8C8::32 EURONEXUS IT 2001:A58::/32 LOGIVISION DE 2001:BF0::/32 VIAG DE 2001:740::/32 CELOX DE 2001:8D0::32 MNET DE 2001:A60::/32 IUCC IL 2001:BF8::/32 ROKA DE 2001:748::/35 SCHLUND DE 2001:8D8::/32 NETSONIC FI 2001:A68::/32 FMV SE 2001:400::/32 EDISONTEL IT 2001:750::/32 DOLPHINS CH 2001:8E0::/32 CLARA FR 2001:A70::/32 NETKONECT UK 2001:758::/35 ATRAGON IT 2001:8E8::/32 SCANPLUS DE 2001:A78::/32 GARR IT 2001:760::/32 CYTANET CY 2001:8F0::/32 EURNET IT 2001:A80::/32 CYBERNET DE 2001:768::/32 EMIRNET AE 2001:8F8::/32 CLARANET UK 2001:A88::/32 HEANET IE 2001:770::/35 DELFI LT 2001:900::/32 WAN NO 2001:A90::/32 LITNET LT 2001:778::/32 BYDMAN PL 2001:908::/32 ULAKBIM TR 2001:A98::/32 NORIS DE 2001:780::/32 GITOYEN FR 2001:910::/32 GTN DE 2001:AA0::/32 44 SONERA FI 2001:788::/32 UNISOURCE CH 2001:918::/32 OPENIT DE CurrentCurrent IPv6IPv6 activitiesactivities ofof eacheach countrycountry Japan




45 CurrentCurrent IPv6IPv6 activitiesactivities ofof eacheach countrycountry Japanan  e-Japan strategy : (within 5 years)  Promote the shift to the IPv6 Internet  National Project : about $ 200 M  IPv6 Promotion Council (http://www.v6pc.jp)  Promotion of next generation Internet with IPv6  Development, Promotion, Strategy etc.

Europepe 6NET  Programme of the European Commission (EUR 26.5 million)  31 partners from the commercial, research and academic sectors (include NTT Com)  Euro6IX  European IST Program (IST-2001-32161)  17 partners (mainly European carriers and Cisco)  3GPP  Recommendations for IPv6 in 3GPP Standards

U.S..  Internet2  Deploying an IPv6 network within the Abilene infrastructure  DoD  IPv6 Deployment within the DoD

Chinana 6TNET  IPv6 telecom trial network  CERNET  China Education and Research NETwork

45 CurrentCurrent IPv6IPv6 activitiesactivities ofof eacheach countrycountry Japanan  e-Japan strategy : (within 5 years)  Promote the shift to the IPv6 Internet  National Project : about $ 200 M  IPv6 Promotion Council (http://www.v6pc.jp)  Promotion of next generation Internet with IPv6  Development, Promotion, Strategy etc.

Europepe 6NET  Programme of the European Commission (EUR 26.5 million)  31 partners from the commercial, research and academic sectors (include NTT Com)  Euro6IX  European IST Program (IST-2001-32161)  17 partners (mainly European carriers and Cisco)  3GPP  Recommendations for IPv6 in 3GPP Standards

U.S..  Internet2  Deploying an IPv6 network within the Abilene infrastructure  DoD  IPv6 Deployment within the DoD

Chinana 6TNET  IPv6 telecom trial network  CERNET  China Education and Research NETwork

45 CurrentCurrent IPv6IPv6 activitiesactivities ofof eacheach countrycountry Japanan  e-Japan strategy : (within 5 years)  Promote the shift to the IPv6 Internet  National Project : about $ 200 M  IPv6 Promotion Council (http://www.v6pc.jp)  Promotion of next generation Internet with IPv6  Development, Promotion, Strategy etc.

Europepe 6NET  Programme of the European Commission (EUR 26.5 million)  31 partners from the commercial, research and academic sectors (include NTT Com)  Euro6IX  European IST Program (IST-2001-32161)  17 partners (mainly European carriers and Cisco)  3GPP  Recommendations for IPv6 in 3GPP Standards

U.S..  Internet2  Deploying an IPv6 network within the Abilene infrastructure  DoD  IPv6 Deployment within the DoD

Chinana 6TNET  IPv6 telecom trial network  CERNET  China Education and Research NETwork

45 CurrentCurrent IPv6IPv6 activitiesactivities ofof eacheach countrycountry Japanan  e-Japan strategy : (within 5 years)  Promote the shift to the IPv6 Internet  National Project : about $ 200 M  IPv6 Promotion Council (http://www.v6pc.jp)  Promotion of next generation Internet with IPv6  Development, Promotion, Strategy etc.

Europepe 6NET  Programme of the European Commission (EUR 26.5 million)  31 partners from the commercial, research and academic sectors (include NTT Com)  Euro6IX  European IST Program (IST-2001-32161)  17 partners (mainly European carriers and Cisco)  3GPP  Recommendations for IPv6 in 3GPP Standards

U.S..  Internet2  Deploying an IPv6 network within the Abilene infrastructure  DoD  IPv6 Deployment within the DoD

Chinana 6TNET  IPv6 telecom trial network  CERNET  China Education and Research NETwork

45 CurrentCurrent IPv6IPv6 activitiesactivities ofof eacheach countrycountry Japanan  e-Japan strategy : (within 5 years)  Promote the shift to the IPv6 Internet  National Project : about $ 200 M  IPv6 Promotion Council (http://www.v6pc.jp)  Promotion of next generation Internet with IPv6  Development, Promotion, Strategy etc.

Europepe 6NET  Programme of the European Commission (EUR 26.5 million)  31 partners from the commercial, research and academic sectors (include NTT Com)  Euro6IX  European IST Program (IST-2001-32161)  17 partners (mainly European carriers and Cisco)  3GPP  Recommendations for IPv6 in 3GPP Standards

U.S..  Internet2  Deploying an IPv6 network within the Abilene infrastructure  DoD  IPv6 Deployment within the DoD

Chinana 6TNET  IPv6 telecom trial network  CERNET  China Education and Research NETwork

45 KeyKey toto IPv6IPv6 growthgrowth

IPv6IPv6 ChipChip IPv4/IPv6IPv4/IPv6 Dual Dual service service Dynamic IPv4 address+ Fixed IPv6 Product Merchandising address 32 bits MobileMobile、、AVAV equipmentequipment (low cost and easy to set up)

Product Merchandising Sensor, Information Windows’s official support 16 bits Sensor, Information Windows’s official support applicanceapplicance ・IPv6 support Win XP ・IPv6 application Win CE 2002 2003 2004 NET Server

HomeHome ServerServer InformationInformation applianceappliance ・Music, digital photo ・Toshiba Information appliance ・Sony product support IPv6 (2003) ・Panasonic:Home information appliance LocalLocal governmentgovernment ・electronic application

46 47 NewNew InternetInternet BusinessBusiness modelmodel createdcreated byby IPv6IPv6 Global IP address Mobile equipment

Real-time data NW for mobile Remote distribution Maintenance IPv4IPv4 Secure End-to-End Communication

Remote IPv6IPv6 NAT Data exchange Control LAN

Home Private address Network Information appliance OA equipment

IPv4 : one-way IPv6: two-way communication communication ・two-way communications between information due to NATthe business model appliance and mobile is client & server. ・New internet business models will be created

48 NextNext GenerationGeneration ofof IPIP WorldWorld

AllAll terminalsterminals areare connectedconnected toto IPv6IPv6 Internet.Internet. TheyThey communicatecommunicate directlydirectly withwith endend--toto--endend security.security.

Web Server Accounting Broadcast Next MAP Web Current Generation Juice

Mail Video Server Music

Music Company

49 NationalNational ProjectProject inin JapanJapan :: InternetInternet AppliancesAppliances Information Appliance Refrigerator (remote guard) Broadband Concert (DV over IPv6)

Cameras with IPsec

Remote Movie Baseball Controller (Production & (Multi-cast) distribution)

Mobile PDA P2P Game (Hybrid P2P)

On the train TV Phone conferencing (End-to-End) (remote control of information Micro-server appliance)

50 IPv6IPv6 SolutionSolution  Non-PC devices Web Camera  Sensors, PDAs, Cameras  Sensors Remote maintenance PDA

IPv6 Building System Solution  P2P applications  Messenger (File transmit, TV conference)  VoIP Messenger

IP Phone  End-to-End security  Personal IPv6-VPN (File Sharing, Extranet)

51 IPv6IPv6 ApplicationsApplications

Commercial Products where Commercial Products and IPv6 is already implemented. Network Appliance, currently IPv4. Web Camera Home VTR Server Server

Sensors Temperature, CO2.. Home Appliance Car Navigation OS: Windows XP WMP, Messenger:soon Net MD

Concept Product - Coming soon to the market. IPv6 telephone Sony: Wireless Service Home Server on the Train (2003-04)

52 EndEnd--toto--EndEnd SecureSecure CommunicationsCommunications Easy to setup IP-VPN between end-to-end terminals with IPv6 Private Address Global Address Private Address

NATSecure Transmission NAT IPsec IPsec IPv4 The Internet Office B Office A Terminal R R terminal Site-to-Site Secure Communication Low security LowLow interoperabilityinteroperability on the LAN betweenbetween differentdifferent vendorsvendors Global Address Secure Transmission

IPv6 Office A R The Internet R Office B End-to-End Secure Transmission R Secure End-to-end Easy to partner Communications secure communication with new customer Business Partner

53 IPv6IPv6 AppliedApplied TrialTrial withwith constructionconstruction companycompany  In a JV office, plural construction companies are sharing a LAN to have common information at such construction site. However, each construction company’s staffs, each belonging to respective JV is required to communicate with headquarters and their colleagues at different site.  Therefore end-to-end secure communication method is necessary.  We will investigate merits of IPv6 on the IPv6 trial. Network of Constituent Company Y JV Company A Construction Constituent Constituent company X Setup IPSec company X company Y IPsec IPsec ・・・ Server Internet IPv6 over IPv4 IPsec OneOne LAN LAN is is shared shared Shared Server by plural constituent Shared Printer by plural constituent IPsec companies.companies. Constituent Company X JV Company B

54 PersonalPersonal RemoteRemote AccessAccess

(2) Anonymous Access (1)(1) fromfrom PCPC toto thethe InternetInternet HomeHome / /SOHO SOHO Web Server Contents LAN IPv4IPv4 Internet Internet Enterprise Network


(1)(1) fromfrom InternetInternet toto appliancesappliances HomeHome / /SOHO SOHO

LAN IPv6IPv6 Internet Internet Cellular Network (2) Peer-to-Peer Communications 55 PersonalPersonal RemoteRemote AccessAccess Current Internet (2) Anonymous Access (1)(1) fromfrom PCPC toto thethe InternetInternet HomeHome / /SOHO SOHO Web Server Contents LAN IPv4IPv4 Internet Internet Enterprise Network


(1)(1) fromfrom InternetInternet toto appliancesappliances HomeHome / /SOHO SOHO

LAN IPv6IPv6 Internet Internet Cellular Network (2) Peer-to-Peer Communications 55 PersonalPersonal RemoteRemote AccessAccess Current Internet (2) Anonymous Access (1)(1) fromfrom PCPC toto thethe InternetInternet HomeHome / /SOHO SOHO Web Server Contents LAN IPv4IPv4 Internet Internet Enterprise Network

OutsideOutside New Usage with IPv6 (1)(1) fromfrom InternetInternet toto appliancesappliances HomeHome / /SOHO SOHO

LAN IPv6IPv6 Internet Internet Cellular Network (2) Peer-to-Peer Communications 55 PersonalPersonal RemoteRemote AccessAccess (Killer(Killer App?)App?)

Ex1) Access and control your PC at home HotHot Spot Spot

Home/SOHO Home/SOHO VCN client, Browser IPsec or SSH VCN server Free BSD/KAME IPsec or SSG Free BSD/KAME

IPv6IPv6 Ex2) Access and control your VCR at home IPsec

Ex3) Access and control your camera at home

56 PersonalPersonal RemoteRemote AccessAccess (Killer(Killer App?)App?)

Ex1) Access and control TODAY: access something FROM your home your PC at home HotHot Spot Spot TOMORROW: access something IN your home

Home/SOHO Home/SOHO VCN client, Browser IPsec or SSH VCN server Free BSD/KAME IPsec or SSG Free BSD/KAME

IPv6IPv6 Ex2) Access and control your VCR at home IPsec

Ex3) Access and control your camera at home

56 ExhibitionExhibition N+I2002N+I2002 ““UbiquitousUbiquitous CommunicationCommunication”” - Microsoft, Hitachi and NTT Communications -

GlobalGlobal IPv6IPv6 NetworkNetwork

Home, SOHO, etc. Shop,Shop, Hotel, Hotel, etc. etc. plan to support IPv6 Home, SOHO, etc.

Digital photo data Music files

Joint Demonstration...

57 ExhibitionExhibition N+I2002N+I2002 ““UbiquitousUbiquitous CommunicationCommunication”” - Microsoft, Hitachi and NTT Communications -

GlobalGlobal IPv6IPv6 NetworkNetwork

Home, SOHO, etc. Shop,Shop, Hotel, Hotel, etc. etc. plan to support IPv6 Home, SOHO, etc.

Digital photo data Music files

Joint Demonstration...

57 ExhibitionExhibition N+I2002N+I2002 ““UbiquitousUbiquitous CommunicationCommunication”” - Microsoft, Hitachi and NTT Communications -

GlobalGlobal IPv6IPv6 NetworkNetwork

Home, SOHO, etc. Shop,Shop, Hotel, Hotel, etc. etc. plan to support IPv6 Home, SOHO, etc. Seamless

P2P Communication

Digital photo data Music files

Joint Demonstration...

57 P2PP2P VPNVPN HeadquarterHeadquarter in in Asia Asia HotHot Spot Spot DB


IPsec IPsecIPv6 NW

IPv6 backbone IPsec IPv4 backbone

BranchBranch office office in in Europe Europe BranchBranch office office in in US US