X Play Journal Entries

Stagger Lanayru79 01/05/2016 10:31 AM ·Spoilers

In the midst of the bevy of Missions available after Chapter 11, I'll continue my journal of this initial 100% playthrough here in part eight. The general theme of Wrothian requests for aid so far has been someone wants to go and seek vengeance, and I have to beat sense into a feline mercenary on behalf of their loved ones. Here two great warriors needed to be taught they were lesser on their own.

E Yeah! e 9 r 100 D

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Stagger 01/05/2016 11:36 AM ·Spoilers The two remaining Normal Mssions from the Wrothians are both of a caliber that my A-team is warranted, as is this brutal conclusion to The Rise of the Blood Lobster. A level 60 Skell tat must be fought on foot, I can cope w/ everything the Blood Despair does except for a party wiping thermal attack accompanied by a goofball laugh. It's weird that I'm starting my fifth class here heh ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Phanton J 01/05/2016 11:39 AM Notes, also I'm 1st!

E Yeah! e 0

Elzonire 01/05/2016 11:46 AM Technically, you're second, Stagger commented first...


E Yeah! e 1 Stagger 01/05/2016 12:21 PM ·Spoilers Welcome aboard bros. I can get the Blood Despair down to an eighth of its health w/ this set-up, but then it just OHKOs the lot of us. It takes ridiculous materials to forge the Thermal Resistance Augments I need, so I'll put that off a bit.

This is an interesting Wrothian request. These three want to spar in Skells to assure I'm strong enough to aid them in a revenge mission. A Jacul razed their

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/05/2016 1:37 PM ·Spoilers camp while they were out doing Ganglion dirty work, and the Three Talons felt a karmic duty to avenge the losses ... which we did, after having to start the Mission over because of a sick tactical multiple choice question that can result in some of them perishing in the assault. :/ Way too much of that in a game w/ one file and hundreds of hours to 100% ...

My other remaining Mission for these E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/05/2016 1:44 PM ·Spoilers noble mercenaries was intriguing. I had to march into the Ganglion fortress at Badr Basin in Sylvalum and steal some weapon schematics, a strategically crucial move. The Ganglion pursued the plans to the Wrothian Stronghold in Oblivia, leading to a very tough firefight on Alexander Ridge to funnel them away from infiltration. Nifty details, possible future ramifications ...

So before any Affinity

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/05/2016 1:49 PM Missions available after Chapter 11, pending completion of Rise of the Blood Lobster, a sweep for other Normal Missions, Affinity Shifts and Heart- to-hearts, I'm up above 85% total survey.

My grudge against menu time and gear management will fade. Other gripes will not. 320 hours in, familiarity is breeding contempt for this game. ;) It's great, but the original was more cohesive and manageable. E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/05/2016 7:00 PM ·Spoilers I had a long night of domestic duties, but I've pumped myself up to craft four Thermal Resist XX Augments to end the Blood Despair. That better protect me from his OHKO party wipe, or I'll be most put out.

I have a good plan. I need 20 Tersqual Fire Pouches from these vicious lunks, which I can combat rind for. The Caro Copper Plates, same deal, and my mining operation is top notch. The fourth...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/05/2016 8:36 PM ·Spoilers material required, I just doled out Reward Tickets for, and a few of the Fire Pouches too given the labor in earning the rare drop. Scorching Giant Cells are a Gaia Gularth drop. Those are level 80+ and huge, heh ... the only reason I had two was from a level 48 Tyrant version, but I'm not going through that bruising battle repeatedly.

Here goes ... I'll have to add slots for these.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/05/2016 8:54 PM ·Spoilers ... and everyone survived the party annihilation attack w/ ease except old Stagger, who is the one character I need to survive it to keep the fight going. Oof. I'll try a save TP command so someone has the resources to revive him next time. I'm not quite comfortable letting the AI run him as a healer w/ a very specified set-up for mass damage infliction on the side. Fifth class, yeesh ...

E Yeah... e 2 D

Stagger 01/05/2016 10:41 PM ·Spoilers Hallelujah! That was so brutal sticking to my guns and using the healing Class (and it's prescribed weapons, not a hybrid) instead of any of the other four I've already mastered. He just flips out towards the end, so I finally locked up an Overdrive in conjunction w/ an Aura to just obliterate him down the stretch. Whew ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/05/2016 11:42 PM ·Spoilers Tomorrow I'll start off rejuvenated after that, working on those six Affinity Missions. This Wrothian has the Normal Mission start icon over him, and offers no Mission. Beats me ... anyway, Phog and Frye reunited, brothers in arms, first thing next session.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 10:26 AM ·Spoilers So far, the mysterious resource investigation in Sylvalum w/ the brothers has been a classic Phog wild goose chase. However, the addition of reminiscing between them about their very different natures growing up has added a lot to the proceedings.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 10:36 AM ·Spoilers Yeesh, it's a good thing there was character building dialogue. The actual Mission was fluff. If I hadn't explored Sylvalum fully already, or bothered w/ unnecessary combat, it could have been different I guess.

On to Alexa's action. A team gone missing during a weapons test, solid Outfitter premise ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 11:02 AM ·Spoilers So there were two named NPCs whom I never had the opportunity to meet who were seemingly killed during that Mission before we arrived on the scene. Nice add to the Affinity Chart there ... I just lone Skell the combat on these things. I can't be bothered to reassign Skells to characters under level 50. Ugh.

Yelv's Mission has the most promise of this half of Affinty ones not involving the core...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 11:14 AM ·Spoilers Finding the legs of his childhood buddy was a macabre task in anticipation of this final quest. I never had the heart to break it to Yelv that his closest friend was obviously kaput. I assume there's a silver lining in the promise of finding the Lifehold Core, but for now, it's a sad moment.

E Yeah... e 1 D

Elzonire 01/06/2016 11:27 AM ·Spoilers Oh, no... That's so sad...

E Yeah... e 0

Stagger 01/06/2016 11:33 AM ·Spoilers It was compounded by that being his third Affinity Mission. He chose the Reclaimer Division w/in BLADE basically to hunt for pieces of his friend's artificial body. The whole thing was futile, but grimly necessary for him to get closure.

Afterwards, there was a very creepy cut-scene. I've gathered information on Eleanora having some shady purpose, but she seems to be working on a program to craft

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 11:37 AM ·Spoilers mimeosomes that don't need a human consciousness to operate. A back- up plan in case the Lifehold Core isn't rescued in time? Spooky - Yelv seems to be the test subject!

Irina's Affinity Mission w/ the core group is progressing w/ her trademark temper. A father and son Prospector team sent out an SOS. The father is done w/ his job in Primordia's molten Stonelattice Cavern, and left his son behind.

E Yeah! e 1 D Stagger 01/06/2016 11:53 AM ·Spoilers Ha! The old switcheroo! The father was the one left behind, using some artificial body humor here ... seeing Irina fume about the whole thing was pretty funny, but when you take into account her reckless ways on account of her brother being left behind to die on earth, family matters aren't so amusing suddenly.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 12:14 PM ·Spoilers So I go to accept Celica's Affinity Mission, which focuses on Rock's construction work. Her huge xenoform companion shielded some coworkers from danger, but the beams for building were all bent up by the accident. We'll have to use the Nopon trading network to discover information on the ore necessary to get things moving again.

Then this appeared! I swear I've looked for Adolphus at night. E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 12:29 PM ·Spoilers He's got a scheming Wrothian assistant who cleary just went pickpocket on the keys I earned from the Celeste Three too. Grumble grumble ...

Tyat goes on the back burner for now though. I'll get through these two remaining Affinity Missions where the Core is mandatory first, and then reassemble a team that needs levels and Affinity still.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 12:42 PM ·Spoilers That was pretty cool, a big Balleana hoing up after we'd collected the Aerozium - I like fighting sky whales as much as the next player. The backstory on Rock's creation by the Ganglion, and their use of his species to destroy Celica's native village, was intense too. Their bond forged by his revocation of that servitude and subsequent rescue is nice.

Here's why I need to scour five continents. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 12:44 PM ·Spoilers *that* *showing* Anyway, there are probably a handful of Normal Missions like this one tucked away in random places. I refused to pay this debt for this Nopon when the incident occurred that de-coifed a poor woman at the Nopon Bazaar in NLA. It has led to a follow-up Mission much later on. This wasn't here before Chapter 10. Of that much I'm certain ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 12:50 PM ·Spoilers Again, back burner to maximize gains once the core characters can be removed from the party ... I love this duo. I had hoped Rock would function as Celica's Skell when I first signed them up, but the solid story behind his pacifism balances out my disappointment. I'm going to take a quality lunch break ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 2:07 PM ·Spoilers Aw geeze, I might as well have kept the core group together. No way I'm going where Wang has asked me to on a separate Normal Mission to see if the final key's holder survived w/ anything but my strongest crew ...

The Nopon concern was easily resolved, and Lin's Affinity Mission was a cakewalk too. It was nice to reconcile two weapons researchers who had been feuding all game though.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Phanton J 01/06/2016 2:13 PM ·Spoilers So just had a run in with the wraths "Laos fault" UGH!:(

E Yeah! e 0

Phanton J 01/06/2016 2:14 PM ·Spoilers 14% remaining..

E Yeah... e 0

Stagger 01/06/2016 2:27 PM ·Spoilers False alarm. I thought Wang was sending me somewhere else. That wound up being right in the wheelhouse of this crew. Add Law to the list of deceased characters on the affinity Chart that I'm pretty sure are impossible to encounter.

It's been a long time since the epic struggle w/ three Skells on foot at the back of Primordia's Molten Hollow. This door will finally open.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 2:35 PM ·Spoilers Wow and double wow! Adolphus had circulated a false key, which Law possessed, to draw out those who killed his partners. Yup, the Celeste Three, vile treacherous greed heads. Ga Bewe in turn betrayed him, and unable to handle us in combat despite a distinct advantage over three quarters of our party, she escaped ... leaving an empty safe. Despite approaching 50 million credits, the 5 mily reward

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 6:34 PM ·Spoilers would have been appreciated. Such is life ...

Forgot I left that hanging. Anyway, I took a lengthy break after some on-line Missions, and now I have a threefold purpose to keep me from playing Chapter 12 until tomorrow. One is to search for Normal Missions in the vast world of Mira outside settlements. First find: a Wrothian who wants to duel! I picked up on this from a tip from the Cole family.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 7:24 PM ·Spoilers That ties into purpose two. I roam settled areas hoping for yellow Info bubbles to find new Heart-to-Hearts and Affinity Shifts, as well as talk to named NPCs to update Affinity Links and rarely learn new things about Tyrants or wandering characters. Just as I can't keep my sanity and search five continents repeatedly, I only talk to those who are likely to have changed. Meanwhile, Duel part II.

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 01/06/2016 7:35 PM ·Spoilers I'm hoping this enthusiastic Wrothian's chain leads to the Gauntlet opening up in the Outfitter's Test Hangar.

Before trying him in combat again, this Affinity Shift is great. A MiraLife Card nut Ma-non received a huge cash influx from the Wrothian who made off w/ the Celeste Three's white gold. The funny thing is, I would have given her the money to help her people w/ medical supplies ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Phanton J 01/06/2016 8:12 PM ·Spoilers Any tips for jiorg and buidhe ? It seems to be something like when I fought zanza I don't last 5 minutes.

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 01/06/2016 8:26 PM When you fight them on foot, use the Mortal Enemy Skill if you have it, while in their Skells, there is a Skill to inflict higher damage to Mechanical enemies. There are ton of wrinkles to the combat system, but if you're underleveled, it's just going to wreck you.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/06/2016 8:29 PM ·Spoilers The Mission chain is great. The second Duel consisted of chasing the last of the Hundred Hellians through the jungles of Noctilum, hearing the bittersweet history of their mastery of guerilla warfare to support their Wrothian kin, and their demise at the hands of the Ganglion. Now my new friend wants to hunt Jacul in Sylvalum, but he has a would-be Prone apprentice shadowing him.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Elzonire 01/06/2016 8:46 PM ·Spoilers Are sidequests a generally and easily missable in Xenoblade?

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 01/06/2016 9:08 PM Very much so Elzonire. I've made a couple choices so far out of hundreds that might have closed a couple Mission chains off before their time. My second 100% run of the original, I was able to complete the maximum Quest total, which I missed by a couple my first time through. I don't know that number for XCX yet.

Anyway, I'll start w/ purpose number three tomorrow. The Duel III had a sad ending. E Yeah! e 1 D

Elzonire 01/06/2016 9:24 PM That's... honestly ridiculous. Do you think you'll get 100% on this first playthrough?

E Yeah! e 0

Phanton J 01/06/2016 9:35 PM Are you able to use your skells ?

E Yeah! e 0

Phanton J 01/06/2016 9:36 PM Oh and I'm level 35

E Yeah! e 0

Cole 01/07/2016 12:29 AM ·Spoilers I'm still chugging along in Xenoblade, aside from Mia (haven't gotten her yet), I've currently maxed out all party memembers' levels and affintys. Along with mastering all classes for my character. Though I still have trouble with the fact I can't fight many enemies that are way over lvl60. The final mission I need to do in order to get Mia and finish Blood Lobster's mission are also troubling me.

E Yeah! e 2 D Stagger 01/07/2016 9:42 AM ·Spoilers @Elzo: Yes I will, however it's tricky to define in this series. You can close off a few Normal Missions or Quests and still have a file considered to be a 100% playthrough.

@Zachary: Chapter 9 fight? Yes, you can use your Skells.

@Cole: That's a tough Skell on foot too, the level 55 Rexoskell. You have the file for the Level 60 Excavator Skell right? I'm planning on using one of those today.

E Yeah! e 2 D

Cole 01/07/2016 9:53 AM ·Spoilers Yea I'm currently using it as my main Skell. And yea you called it, it's the Rexoskell that I need to defeat but not much luck. Also Boze's last affinty mission I'm having trouble with. It's not so much the enemy I have to fight, it's the location that just makes it difficult with my party members who will just walk into the lava to attack. Making me relive that one boss fight from the last game.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Phanton J 01/07/2016 10:32 AM Ok I'm on the flight test where do I find the coil and light speed jet fin, I'm alone now so I kinda don't what to wonder around to much and get WAMED.

E Yeah! e 0

Eli 01/07/2016 10:46 AM ·Spoilers I found beam defence was super helpful with the Rexoskell fight, as its most powerful move seems to be a beam-based attack, and like most skell enemies, it is vulnerable to gravity damage. Also, the Mechanoid Slayer Skill mentioned earlier should help... I really hated that boss. :p

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 01/07/2016 10:58 AM ·Spoilers I didn't have much trouble w/ the Rexoskell honestly, but I can see how it could be tough. As for that Scintimure in Boze's final Afinity Mission, attack it at range from the tunnel and command your Party to do the same. Disengage and fall back until it approaches the mouth of the tunnel, and then fight it there. It will keep your crew from wasting their life.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 11:02 AM ·Spoilers @Zachary: Xiphias or Aetrygon drop the fin. I don't remember the coil. I already had that stuff going in. Your speed racer approach is your problem, and I'm not your encyclopedia dude. Google is.

The Excavator gave me the confidence to try Hayreddin, the Territorial. Guess I could have beaten the level 81 Simius pretty easily w/ four level 50 Skells ... but I didn't know his defense was so soft.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Elzonire 01/07/2016 11:05 AM ·Spoilers "wamed"??? Do I want to know what that means?

E Yeah!? e 0

Stagger 01/07/2016 11:05 AM ·Spoilers After that, there was a particularly obnoxious level 72 Fal-swo Tyrant in Primordia that I knocked off for a Segment Recon, leaving just Lucielle there. I tried the level 72 Ictus Tyrant in Cauldros near Mount M'Gando a bit. He's still pretty rough.

This was a huge win though - just Coil and a level 94 brute left for Normal Missions now. The former I'll try. The latter, not yet ... E Yeah! e 1 D

Cole 01/07/2016 11:06 AM I'll take those tips into the fights. I still had massive trouble with lvl80 sphinx with 4 lvl50 skells.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 11:12 AM ·Spoilers Yeah, I didn't try a few fights I should have before getting the level 60 Excavator br'er Cole. I know w/ Rexo, I've been working on my fifth Class. It happens to be Psycorruptor. I have a good build w/ Secondary Speed, the healing Arts, and the Beam Attacks that get an Aura Boost. There are builds that allow people to beat Lucielle on foot, so experiment a bit.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 11:14 AM @Zachary: I'm not trying to be petulant, but c'mon man. Just use Google. You obviously don't care if you figure this stuff out for yourself or not.

Two *Basic* Missions, not Normals left, my bad ... I have the BLADE terminal cleared otherwise heading into Chapter 12, but I also feel like hunting. E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Phanton J 01/07/2016 11:20 AM They actually have Google on this? I didn't think they did thx.

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 01/07/2016 11:47 AM ·Spoilers I got that Blademaster Ictus in Cauldros. That was gratifying. Here in the Rockmole's Burrow, this is an unwelcome development. Buchwald seems to have some kind of crazy healing power. Whatever I hit him w/ is automatically replenished!

E Yeah!? e 1 D

Elzonire 01/07/2016 12:11 PM Zachary, from the moment a game is released, people start working on the google for it. With how big the release of Xenoblade was, combined with how big the game itself actually is, definitely. Miiverse is not Google, Google is Google. Just sayin'.

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 01/07/2016 7:44 PM ·Spoilers No comment Elzo. Anyway, I managed to win very different battles against two level 70 Sphinx Tyrants. One was a Segment Recon in Oblivia w/ Feliciano, who had intense damage output. The other in Primordia was just on general principle, very evasive critter though ... Coil occupied the rest of my day. I don't even want to get into what a pain that was.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 7:46 PM ·Spoilers While trying to get the electromagnetic stom conditions for Coil in Cauldros, I stumbled onto The Duel Part IV. The master losing his Prone pupil was rough, so let's hope there's a happy ending. I was just assembling a party for it when I finally stumbled on to Mia's first heart-to-heart. I already had gathered Info on the next two, which created a rapid fire late night tale of espionage. Neat.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Cole 01/07/2016 8:28 PM ·Spoilers I've completed the Downfall Mission, Boze's final affinty, beat Blood Lobster, and finally got Mia. Now I'm gonna pump up her affinty and max her level. Then every character will be maxed out. Also luckily enough, that one other character's affinty was maxed out before it was too late.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Phanton J 01/07/2016 8:36 PM How far are you from the end?

E Yeah! e 0

Elzonire 01/07/2016 9:40 PM Simply answering Zachary's question, Stagger. Nothing more.

Does the gap of gaining a level take a long time?

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 01/07/2016 10:13 PM ·Spoilers @Cole: Am I ruined for not maxing Lao's Affinity? Like going to be locked out of two Segment Recons for his last two heart-to-hearts? I'll never play this game again if that's the case. It's already a sloppy mess compared to the original. A lot of system and visual improvements, but just all over the place ...

@Zachary: I have one Chapter left which I'll play tomorrow, but that's not remotely the

E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 10:16 PM end of a 100% run.

@Elzo: Fair enough. My response would be harsher. :p To answer YOUR question, it depends. I can drag underleveled characters around w/ my strong ones and move them up very quickly.

I haven't looked around for The Duel Part V. Part IV was a satisfying reclamation of the Wrothian's sword from a Definian hustler who tried to impersonate his deceased pupil as a last ditch tactic. E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 10:19 PM However, barring finding that, or trying to artificially reach some final heart- to-hearts, as I've reached 4heart Affinity w/ everyone except Lao very naturally, this is where I'll stand on Total Survey percentage going into Chapter 12 tomorrow.

I'm serious about that Cole. I'll finish the main story, and then put this one file comedy away forever. To deny 100% Survey over that would be a joke.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 10:27 PM ·Spoilers @Cole and Eli: I had to check to see if 350 hours of my life seeing every Affinty Link change and filling every part of the Enemy Index were null and void. Thankfully, no ... Eli warned me that Lao was going away, but I stubbornly persisted. This profile's work will show what any guideless initial 100% attempt would consider a proper conclusion. No Segment Recons are tied to Lao's h2h's.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Cole 01/07/2016 10:27 PM They realized ahead of time, not to lock things behind Lao's character. So no achievements are locked with him, nor segments are locked for him (except maybe his hangout location?). But his heart to hearts don't even count for segment recons, it's like the DLC character heart to hearts, they're there, but don't go towards segment recons.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 10:31 PM Thanks Cole. I'm not put out by him being stuck at 3hearts in the slightest. I'll proceed to mangle all Tyrants, et cetera, but I stand by my feelings about this game. They tried for too much and lost a lot of what made the original great.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Elzonire 01/07/2016 10:32 PM If I may, what do you mean this is a sloppy mess compared to the original?

E Yeah! e 0

Cole 01/07/2016 10:33 PM The director made the comment that the next Xenoblade game will be more like the first. I agree with you to a point, but I can enjoy this game as it's own thing. Also, when you beat this game, you and me are gonna talk about the end game.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 10:37 PM I've discussed it already Elzo-sama, but I'll rehash. There are far too many party characters w/out sufficient detail to make me care about them the way I did the close-knit group of the original. The Skell combat is so rudimentary. Everything is about gear set-up and menu time. On-foot is tremendous at least, better than its predecessor ... there, skilled play matters. Is this still better than

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/07/2016 10:41 PM any other RPG on the market? Yes, to me at least, but I think turn-based menu selection combat has been dead for close to twenty years, so my opinion is a fringe one. It's gorgeous. The world and enemy design is phenomenal. There's just too much energy scattered in too many directions. The main story is an afterthought. If that doesn't illustrate what I'm driving at, then I've lost my touch.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Cole 01/07/2016 10:43 PM I can agree with you on the party member thing. I mean with the setting they gave us, it makes sense you can have all these different part members. But yes, it's better to give you party members that stick with you. About the story, the director might be trying to go for the multi game story direction again like he did with and .

E Yeah! e 1 D

Elzonire 01/07/2016 10:48 PM Trust me, I know you've mentioned these things offhandedly. But again, I've never played this series; I have nothing to compare it to. Thank you for the explanation. If "story is an afterthought" like Tri Force Heroes... Oh, that's bad.

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 01/07/2016 10:54 PM Which served TFH just fine, I might add ... but XC has an all-time great main story. XCX's is pretty good too, it's just the nature of it creates so many subplots that the main arc is something I forget about for days at a time. Then each chapter takes under an hour. Zap!

I couldn't stand to be a Fire Emblem player Cole. How can I get into that many characters? I'm off to food and sleep bros.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Phanton J 01/07/2016 10:57 PM So there's 13 chapters in total? E Yeah! e 0

Cole 01/07/2016 11:46 PM Actually Fire Emblem isn't that bad about that, especially Awakening. Cause characters are properly introduced in the story, and you gain more info about them in support convos. Like in Awakening, I was like, I love all of these babies. In the original FE games, like the DS remake of the first one, they would just give you characters without them saying anything.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Cole 01/07/2016 11:49 PM Heck in the remake of the first game, in order to even get some characters from extra chapters. You had to have only a certain amount of characters in your army. Meaning you would have to literally kill off characters to get certain characters. I couldn't do that. In Awakening I actually got all support ranks maxed out, except for support ranks with the female avatar.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Eli 01/08/2016 12:33 AM I didn't even realize Lao had Heart to hearts, I'll have to watch those this time round. I actually thought the party characters in this game are quite well- developed, not as much so as in the original, granted, but still great. It does take too long to raise their affinty, though. And there probably ARE a couple too many of them.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Eli 01/08/2016 12:37 AM It's definitely alot better then, for example, Skyrim's countless companions, none of whom have any character devolpment whatsoever and I couldn't care less about.

E Yeah! e 1 D Stagger 01/08/2016 9:28 AM Sure Eli, but it's frivolous development. There is none of the nuance that made XC's cast so authentic. It's important to note that the basis for comparison here is a game that had the level of character development common to a great novel. This has the level of character development found in a respectable anime series.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 10:01 AM ·Spoilers Look at Doug throwing a hissy fit before the final Chapter ... this is an example. He never seemed remotely committed like this. Suddenly he's the most serious person in the group.

Anyway, Lin prepares a spread as all of the mandatory party members gather together for a meal while we await news of the Lifehold Core's location.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 10:10 AM ·Spoilers Now I know I've explored these waters before. There wasn't an aerial war going on then ... E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Cole 01/08/2016 10:25 AM Can't wait for you to beat the game so we can discuss it.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 10:29 AM ·Spoilers This is not surprising. Founders' descendants ... the opening scene hinted at this. Skell and Mimeosome technology, and now this Trion shield defending the Lifehold Core, seemed like gifts. Who opposed the Ganglion during the combats tat consumed Earth?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 10:32 AM ·Spoilers Luxaar strapping himself into the Vita, also expected ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 10:44 AM ·Spoilers Ah, now the surprises start. Eleanora's creepy cut-scene after Yelv's final Affinity Mission is haunting me now. Elma was about to reveal why the stasis pods w/ the real human bodies are nowhere to be seen inside the Core when Luxaar burst in. He thinks Elma is the key to the advanced technology that continually thwarts Ganglion plans to purge the cosmos of the human virus. I'll take him on foot.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 10:57 AM ·Spoilers Luxaar gives a speech after his first defeat. So we're descended of the Samaar, a civilization that appeared from a different plane at the dawn of our cosmos. Neat. That's not the Great One piloting the Vita though. Its second form had some cool shield drones that I've wiped out except for some invincible one that scurried off to the center of the room. E Yeah! e 0 D

Phanton J 01/08/2016 11:20 AM Someone say anime? I swore I heard it. Anyway any tips for that space ship heading for NLA? With those to Weird things in it.

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 01/08/2016 11:28 AM ·Spoilers @Zachary: No. Enjoy having the end game ruined for yourself.

That's a pretty good fight. The previously invincible Sattelli becomes a necessary target when the Vita nears critical status, and there are a bunch of other defending agents that pop up. A reasonable challenge on foot for three level 60 characters ... now stop reading Zachary. I'd prefer you stopped commenting too, but it's your world.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 11:31 AM ·Spoilers So the ECP was a deception. No human bodies were brought. A massive mainframe stores the memories and consciousness of 20 million human beings. This chamber is filled w/ a protoplasmic fluid that can regenerate those bodies to transfer the essence of life back into its corporeal form. Ghosts in the machine man ... heavy stuff. E Yeah! e 1 D

Phanton J 01/08/2016 11:38 AM Um ok..

E Yeah... e 0

Stagger 01/08/2016 11:39 AM ·Spoilers ... very heavy, but interrupted. The Vita may be wreckage, but Luxaar is not. The Ganglion leader can generate ether from his body, and is trying to trash the mainframe, which defends itself by creating these beasts. Oh boy ...

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 11:41 AM ·Spoilers Lao redeems himself quite nicely! E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 11:51 AM ·Spoilers ... or not. I mean, his intention was exemplary. The fact that it wound up crashing the Vita, Luxaar and himself into the protoplasm w/ all of the Earth's genetic information in the midst of a lunatic defense program initiation - that's just bad luck. Or the need for a freaky final boss. Pick 'em.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 11:57 AM ·Spoilers Lao tells Lin to get out of the way this time. At least his epiphany came in time for redemption, not to mention his treachery makes even more sense now. Most of us would be pretty unhinged in his circumstances w/ that knowledge. I'll go at it on foot still, seems more fair ... E Yeah... e 0 D

Cole 01/08/2016 12:00 PM ·Spoilers @Stagger: You actually have to defeat Lao on foot, in his second phase he completely saps the fuel out of your skells.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 12:06 PM ·Spoilers Awesome! Yeah, that's forthcoming. While better information on the Samaar is new, this is not surprising. Don't make me feel sympathy for the Ganglion, w/ nasty Luxaar all mixed up in our precious primordial forge here. I appreciate you sharing Lao ... um big Lao.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 01/08/2016 12:20 PM ·Spoilers Hey Elma! So this was our benefactor ... explains the Ares Skell, the advanced technology in general - but not the cockamamie avatar system. Such dead story weight man. If the Ganglion's undoing is in the Samaarian remnants in human DNA, I'd wager Cole's thought concerning a direct sequel is on the money. Lifehold power restored, enemy routed, post-game time!

E Yeah! e 1 D

Cole 01/08/2016 12:23 PM Wait for it.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Elzonire 01/08/2016 12:23 PM ·Spoilers Wait, did you beat the main game? Already?!?

E Yeah!? e 0

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