Integrated Design-Build Management
Thesis for the Industrial Doctor of Philosophy Degree of Engineering Integrated Design-Build Management - Studying Institutional Processes to Understand Project Coordination & Performance By Lea Urup MT Højgaard Søborg, Denmark 2016 & Division of Construction Management Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden 2016 Title of project: Integrated Design & Build Management – Studying Institutional Processes to Understand Project Coordination & Performance By Lea Urup © Lea Urup, 2016 ISBN: 978-91-7597-900-7 Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniske högskola, Ny series nr 4581 ISSN 0346-718X MT Højgaard Knud Højgaards Vej 7 2860 Søborg Denmark Division of Construction Management Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Sven Hultins Gata 8 412 96 Gothenburg Sweden Printed by: Chalmers Reproservice Gothenburg, Sweden 2016 2 Foreword This dissertation is submitted to the Division of Construction Management at the Department of Environmental & Civil Engineering at Chalmers Technical University, SE for the degree of doctor of philosophy. The research project was conducted as an industrial Ph.D. project from June 2013 until June 2016 in collaboration between the author, Chalmers University of Technology and MT Højgaard [MTH]. MTH is a construction & civil engineering company in Denmark with over 4000 employees and an annual turnover of around 7 billion DKr. MTH carries out a range of construction and civil engineering projects, including: commercial, residential, healthcare, bridges, roads, and off-shore wind turbine foundations. Principal supervisor: Christian Koch, Professor, Division of Construction Management at the Department of Environmental & Civil Engineering at Chalmers Technical University, Sweden. Co-advisor: Christian Thuesen, Associate Professor, DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.
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