FRIDAY May 24, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents Cartersville Elementary 3rd- Two killed in wrecks on graders learn principles of consecutive economics at May Market days in BY DONNA HARRIS also was created to provide them with an
[email protected] opportunity to spend some of their bucks. Bartow “They did not use real money,” she said. Third-graders at Cartersville Elemen- “They earned the Canes Cash by working STAFF REPORT tary School learned a thing or two about so they made an income to use. If they There were two fatal car economics last week. make the money, they’re more cautious wrecks in Bartow County on Roughly 330 students in 15 classes cre- [about spending it].” consecutive days this week. ated products to sell at the second annual She also pointed out a student who didn’t Paul Mark Rose, a 62-year-old May Market last Thursday and Friday in spend all her money because “it’s her hard- from Michigan, died Tuesday in a the school cafeteria to learn all about sup- earned money.” one-vehicle crash on Interstate 75. ply and demand and how to spend money In early April, groups began coming up According to the Georgia State wisely. with a product they could make easily and Patrol, the accident occurred Third grade teacher Brittany Jones said sell for a high profi t, according to Jones. near mile marker 293 in the an economics unit is “part of our curricu- “They had to make at least 25 [items],” northbound lanes of I-75 at about lum … so we decided a hands-on activity she said.