Accidents kill Deal two local men in Dalton in two days See 3A See 3A THE DAILY CITIZEN Tuesday,July 28, 2009 •Dalton, Georgia • • 50 Cents THINGS U.S.homesales boominJune TO CHECK WASHINGTON (AP) — Newhome sales rose last month at the fastest clip in more than OUT eight years as buyers eagerly took advantage of ON THE bargain prices — aclear sign, economists said, 3 INSIDE that the real estate market may finally be bounc- ing back. Historically lowinterest rates and afederal tax credit for first-time homeowners also helped Gov. SonnyPerdue comes push home sales to their highest levelsince out swinging as audit November,the Commerce Department reported reveals possible fraud at Monday. state DOT. While home prices are still falling around the country,sales have nowrisen for three months in See page 2A arow.Construction of newhomes is at the busiest levelsince last fall. And home resales Democratic Senators may rose in June for the third straight month. be scalng backhealthcare “The worst of the housing recession,”said proposals. David Resler,chief economist at Nomura See page 5A Securities, “is nowbehind us.”And as with the overall economy,the “recovery” is likely to be Christian Heritage quarter- slowand arduous, he said. backDaniel Pierce has worked hard in the offsea- ¢ Please see HOMES, 2A son. See page 1B FROM TODAY’S County FORUM “I am aproud parent of a schools Cotillion honoree.Both parents are working class people who don’t appre- ciate being called afool plan two by unknowledgable peo- ple.Mydaughter’sa great Christian young ‘days off’ lady who does not drink or do drugs.What is your definition of character?” BY RACHEL BROWN
[email protected] “Thanks to the CETApro- gram, twoofmyfivechil- Whitfield County educators will dren received school likely be furloughed for twodays funds and went on to before the end of the calendar year become productive in response to $2.8 million in new health care workers.” state budget cuts.