WHA Rf;.QLLY IJI.Q "Hac(.cing can get you in a who(e (0+ �ore +rout>(e than you +hink and if a co�p(ete(y creepy +hing +0 do." - lXlJ wet> page ai�ed a+ kidf +0 difcourage hacking (www.u5doj.!Jov/k.jd5pa!Je/do ..do nt/reck.(e55.ht�) s'rll If If 2600(lSSN 0749-3851) is published Editor-In-Chief quarterly by 2600 Enterprises Inc. Emmanuel Goldstein 7 Strong's Lane, Setauket, NY 11733. Second class postage permit paid at lavoUI and Design shapeSHIFTER Setauket, New York. Cover Design snc. The Chopping Block Inc. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to OfficeManager P.O. Box 752, Middle Island. NY Tamprut 2600, 11953-0752. Wrilers:Bernie S .. Billst. Blue Whale. Copyright (c) 1999 2600 Enterprises. Inc. Noam Chomski. Eric Corlev. Dr. Delam. Yearly subscription: U.S. and Canada - Derneval. Nathan Dortman. John Drake. $18 individual, $50 corporate (U.S. funds). Paul Estev. Mr. French. Thomas Icom. Joe630. Kingpin. Mm. Kevin Mitnick. The Overseas - $26 individual. $65 corporate. Prophet. David Ruderman. Seraf. Silent Back issues available for 1984-1998 at $20 Switchman. Scott Skinner. Mr. Upsetter per year. $25 per year overseas. Individual issues available from 1988 on Webmaslers:Kerrv. Macki at $5 each. S6.25 each overseas. Nelwork Ooeralions:CSS.lzaac Broadcasl Coordinalors: Juintz. ADDRESS ALL Shihlock. AbsoluteO. silicon. cnote. Anakin SUBSCRIPTION CORRESPONDENCE TO: IRC Admins:autojack. ross 2600 Subscription Dept., P.O. Box 752. Insoiralional Music: Joe Strummer. Middle Island. NY 11953-0752 Svd Barrett. real earlv Flovd. Ron Geesin (
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