Ealing Mental Health Employment Support: Service Directory
Ealing Mental Health Employment Support: Service Directory Name Service Details Eligibility Referrals Ealing IPS Specialist employment support for people A brand new service for patients with anxiety, Alisa Carlon Trailblazer with common mental health conditions. depression, OCD or PTSD; A brand new service with Employment Ealing@ Specialists fully integrated within IAPT clinical Anyone living in Ealing who has a common mental twiningenterprise.org.uk teams health condition such as OCD, depression, anxiety or 1:1 support to enter mainstream PTSD. Is unemployed and receiving JSA, ESA or UC. 03001 235 199 employment Is not on the Work Programme, meets IAPT eligibility Follows customers’ job preferences and and lives in an eligible ward within Ealing. choices Support with job searching, CVs and Eligible Wards: Acton Central, Cleveland, Dormers applications Wells, Ealing Broadway, Ealing Common, East Acton, Engaging with local employers Elthorne, Greenford Broadway, Greenford Up to six months in-work support Green,Hanger Hill, Hobbayne, Lady Margaret, Northfield, North Greenford, Northolt Mandeville, Northolt West End, Perivale, South Acton, Southfield, Walpole Ealing IPS This innovative new service is delivering IPS works aims to support people who are 25 years Helen Doutty Works integrated employment support with talking plus with common mental health with a GAD7 therapies to help residents find sustainable General Anxiety Disorder Test Questionnaire (GAD) Ealing@ work in their chosen field of employment. It's score of 7 or above or a Patient Health Questionnaire twiningenterprise.org.uk improving the quality of residents’ lives and (PHQ9) score of at least 6. enabling them to be more independent. 0300 123 7059 Be unemployed Individual Placement Support (IPS) has a They must NOT be on the Work Programme, or good evidence base showing that it is very Work Choice (or its successor next year, the Work effective for people with severe and enduring & Health Programme) this is due to the double mental health problems and our IPS Works funding ruling.
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