Planta (2017) 246:803–816 DOI 10.1007/s00425-017-2749-x


Volatile terpenoids: multiple functions, biosynthesis, modulation and manipulation by genetic engineering

Farhat Abbas1 · Yanguo Ke1 · Rangcai Yu2 · Yuechong Yue1 · Sikandar Amanullah3 · Muhammad Muzammil Jahangir4 · Yanping Fan1,5

Received: 20 April 2017 / Accepted: 22 July 2017 / Published online: 12 August 2017 © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract also signifcant because of their enormous applications in Main conclusion Terpenoids play several physiological the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries. Due to and ecological functions in life through direct and their broad distribution and functional versatility, eforts indirect plant defenses and also in human society because are being made to decode the biosynthetic pathways and of their enormous applications in the pharmaceutical, comprehend the regulatory mechanisms of terpenoids. This food and cosmetics industries. Through the aid of genetic review summarizes the recent advances in biosynthetic engineering its role can by magnifed to broad spectrum pathways, including the spatiotemporal, transcriptional and by improving genetic ability of crop , enhancing post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms. Moreover, we the aroma quality of fruits and fowers and the produc‑ discuss the multiple functions of the terpene synthase genes tion of pharmaceutical terpenoids contents in medicinal (TPS), their interaction with the surrounding environment plants. and the use of genetic engineering for terpenoid production in model plants. Here, we also provide an overview of the Terpenoids are structurally diverse and the most abundant signifcance of terpenoid metabolic engineering in crop pro- plant secondary metabolites, playing an important role in tection, plant reproduction and plant metabolic engineering plant life through direct and indirect plant defenses, by approaches for pharmaceutical terpenoids production and attracting pollinators and through different interactions future scenarios in agriculture, which call for sustainable between the plants and their environment. Terpenoids are production platforms by improving diferent plant traits.

Volatile terpenoids · Multifunction · * Rangcai Yu Keywords [email protected] Biosynthesis · Plant defense · Pollinator attractions · Regulation · Genetic engineering * Yanping Fan [email protected]

1 The Research Center for Ornamental Plants, College Introduction of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China 2 Terpenoids are structurally diverse and the most abundant College of Life Sciences, South China Agricultural group of foral volatiles, encompassing more than 40,000 University, Guangzhou 510642, China 3 individual compounds (Buckingham 2004; Muhlemann et al. College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 2014). A majority of these compounds are of plant origin Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China and have several biological functions in higher plants. Ter- penoids are found in most plant species and are essential for 4 Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan plant growth and development. They are the key components of membrane structures (sterols ­C ), function as photosyn- 5 Guangdong Key Laboratory for Innovative Development 30 and Utilization of Forest Plant Germplasm, South China thetic pigments (carotenoids ­C40); abscisic acid ­(C15) and Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China gibberellins ­(C20) are phytohormones, and ubiquinones are

Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 804 Planta (2017) 246:803–816 involved in mitochondrial electron transport. Many terpe- compound zerumbone from shampoo ginger is a subject of noids (including mono-, sesqui- and diterpenes) are known interest in pharmacological studies (Bertea et al. 2005; Yu to be plant secondary metabolites which play fundamental and Utsumi 2009). roles in plant–environment and plant-plant interactions (Yu Terpenoids are synthesized from two independent but and Utsumi 2009; Dudareva et al. 2013). compartmentally separated pathways: the mevalonic acid Volatile terpenoids (isoprenes, monoterpenes and sesquit- (MVA) and methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathways. erpenes) constitute the largest class of plant volatile com- The MEP pathway is mainly responsible for the biosynthesis pounds. They exhibit several carbon skeletons and extremely of mono- and diterpenes, producing approximately 53 and variable in chemical structure yet share a common feature 1% of the total foral terpenoids, respectively. Sesquiterpe- of biosynthesis, which occurs in almost all plant organs, nes are synthesized from the MVA pathway, contributing including the roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds, but their approximately 28% of the total foral terpenoids (Muhle- highest amounts are released predominantly from fowers mann et al. 2014), as shown in Fig. 1. (Dudareva et al. 2013). Floral volatiles are lipophilic liquids The commercial and ecological importance of terpenoids in nature, having high vapor pressure and low molecular has inspired rapid progress in foral scent engineering for weight at ambient temperatures. These properties allow them terpenoid production in model plants. The identifcation of to freely pass through the cellular membranes for release TPS genes, decoding the biosynthetic pathways and enzymes into the adjacent environment (Pichersky et al. 2006). involved in these pathways, has made the manipulation of Among all terpenoids, mono- and sesquiterpenes are the genetic engineering in plants extremely feasible (Dudareva most commonly studied classes because of their extensive and Pichersky 2008; Yu and Utsumi 2009). Genetic engi- distribution in the plant kingdom and their essential roles neering can improve numerous input and output charac- in both human society and plants. Therefore, we will focus teristics in crops, including weed control through allelopa- more on these two terpene classes in this review article. thy, pest resistance, increases in the aroma production of Terpenoids are synthesized from two inter-convertible ­C5 fruits and vegetables (by altering the foral scent) and the units: isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and its allelic isomer production of medicinal compounds (Aharoni et al. 2005; dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). These fve-carbon Dudareva et al. 2013). Furthermore, model plants (Arabi- units serve as substrates/precursors for the biosynthesis of dopsis, Tobacco) with altered terpenoid profles can provide terpenoids. Based on their biosynthetic origin, foral volatile useful information for exploring biosynthesis, regulatory organic compounds can be divided into three major classes: compounds and their ecological importance in plant–envi- terpenoids, benzenoids/phenylpropanoids and derivatives ronment interactions. of fatty acids, wherein terpenes constitute 55% of the plant In this review, we emphasize the recent advances in secondary metabolites, alkaloids 27% and phenolics 18% understanding the molecular mechanism of the biosynthetic (Muhlemann et al. 2014). pathways and its regulation, function and manipulation of Terpenes play diverse roles in benefcial interactions genetic engineering of terpenoid production in model plants. and in mediating antagonists among organisms (Das et al. Here, we will focus on mono- and sesquiterpenoids. 2013). They protect many plant species against pathogens, predators and competitors (Hijaz et al. 2016). Furthermore, herbivore-induced monoterpenoids act as airborne signals to nearby plants in response to insect attack such as (E)- β-ocimene (Arimura et al. 2004). Although terpenes are mostly studied in the above-ground tissues, recently, their novel function in the below-ground environment, as sign- aling molecules, has been identifed (Karban et al. 2014; Delory et al. 2016). For example, β-caryophyllene, released from the roots of maize plants against beetle (Diabrotica virgifera) attack, acts as a volatile signal to attract predatory nematodes, which will defend plants indirectly from further damage (Rasmann et al. 2005). Similarly, the Hedychium coronarium farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase gene shows a quick response to herbivory and wounding and is involved Fig. 1 Pie chart showing the approximate constituents of the total in foral biosynthesis (Lan et al. 2013). Terpenoids are also foral terpenoids—mono-, sesqui-, di- and other terpenes (like isopre- benefcial for human beings. For example, limonene is exten- noids hemi, tri-, and tetraterpenes). Monoterpenes dominate over half of the pie chart, being operative in plastids and showing wide diver- sively used as a scent compound in cosmetic products (Brokl sity, while sesquiterpenes compose 1/3 of the pie chart and are dis- et al. 2013). The potential anticancer and anti-infammatory tributed in the cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum and peroxisomes

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Multifunctionality of volatile terpenoids electromagnetic, visual) are necessary for locating breed- ing sites and food. Many studies showed the role of plant Terpenoid metabolites are involved in various physiological terpenoids in communication between plants and pollinators and ecological functions based on the diferential expres- (Baldwin et al. 2006). Terpenoids are a major cue for attract- sion profles of terpene synthase genes found in response ing pollinators (animals, insects, mammals, birds and bats), to biotic and abiotic environmental factors throughout plant serving as vectors in pollen transfer (Abrol 2012; Farré- development. As the largest class of natural plant products, Armengol et al. 2015) and many other miscellaneous func- terpenoids possess diferent functions in mediating benef- tions in plant biology and ecology (Degenhardt et al. 2009). cial and antagonistic interactions among organisms. They Floral scent is an important source of communication protect many plant species, animals, and microorganisms between pollinators and fowering plants for their evolution, against pathogens, competitors and predators by transmitting particularly during long range communication (Dudareva messages to mutualists and conspecifcs regarding enemies, and Pichersky 2000; Farré-Armengol et al. 2013). It has the presence of food and mates (Gershenzon and Dudareva been proven that the information sent by the foral volatiles 2007). Terpenoids are also involved in the plant–plant depends on eliciting a distinct behavioral response and the interaction, repelling pests and attracting enemies of pests context and composition of their emission toward the respec- (Unsicker et al. 2009). Volatile terpenoids are involved tive pollinators. Long distance foral scent emission mostly especially in attracting pollinators, seed dispersal, defense contributes to guiding pollinators to fowers, especially for against herbivores from both below- and above-ground (Ali night-emitting plants, for which the production of scent et al. 2012; Delory et al. 2016), plant–plant signaling and intensity is high to prevail over the low conspicuousness protection against pathogens (Huang et al. 2012) (Fig. 2). of fowers under low illumination. For example, Sagittaria latifolia and Petunia axillaris, pollinated by moths, emit Terpenoids as attraction for pollinators larger amounts of volatile terpenoids than day-emitting bee- pollinated plants in the same genus, such as Silene dioica Flowers employ various palettes for mediating the attrac- and Petunia integrifolia (Waelti et al. 2008; Dudareva et al. tion of pollinators to ensure successful reproduction. 2013). Potential pollinators quickly identify and locate the For pollinators, multisensory inputs (thermal, olfactory, scented fowers, promoting association between pollinators

Fig. 2 A summary of volatile- mediated interactions between plants and their surrounding environment. Plant–animal interactions comprise the attraction of seed dissemina- tors and pollinators by fruit and foral volatiles, the repellence/ attraction of herbivores and the attraction of natural enemies of aggressive herbivores in both the rhizosphere and atmosphere. The above-ground interactions include priming or elicitation of the defense responses of nearby unattacked plants through the leaves of the same plant. Moreover, the below-ground interactions consist of allelo- pathic activity on the germina- tion, growth and development of competitive nearby plants. Ter- penoid volatiles emitted from roots and reproductive organs also possess antimicrobial activity, hence protecting the plants against pathogen attack. Furthermore, leaf volatiles (iso- prenes) confer thermotolerance and photoprotection

1 3 806 Planta (2017) 246:803–816 and plants via individual ratios of general compounds or spe- role in defense against pathogens (Rosenkranz and Schnit- cial compounds (Wright and Schiestl 2009). Terpenoid vola- zler 2016). (E)-β-Caryophyllene emitted from the stigma of tiles are emitted not only by petals but also as pollen odors, Arabidopsis fowers limited bacterial growth, while plants such as β-ocimene, a universal attractant emitted by plants lacking the secretion of this sesquiterpene showed a dense that attracts long range pollinators (Knudsen et al. 2006), population of bacteria on the stigma of the fower, result- such as bees, moths, butterfies and beetles (Muhlemann ing in reduced seed weight compared with the wild-type et al. 2006; Okamoto et al. 2007), thus beneftting pollinator plant. Huang et al. (2012) proved that (E)-β-caryophyllene foraging. They also have been found to attract bumblebees is important for plant ftness and functions in defense against and honey bees (Granero et al. 2005). Volatile terpenoids pathogenic bacteria. attract certain pollinators by releasing pheromones; for The phenomenon “indirect defense response” refers to example, orchids employ foral scents that mimic a blend the plants’ characteristics, which protect them against her- of pheromones from female pollinators, triggering copu- bivore attacks by promoting the efcacy of herbivore’s natu- lation attempts by male pollinators with fowers (Bohman ral enemies (Dicke and Baldwin 2010). This may include et al. 2014). Tomato fowers in glasshouses mainly produce releasing a blend of specifc foral volatile scents that attract four monoterpenes (p-cymene, α-pinene, (+)-2-carene, and predators of herbivores after being attacked (Kessler 2010; β-phellandrene); all of these are recognized as herbivore- Peñuelas et al. 2014)). In the model plant Arabidopsis, induced leaf volatiles, possessing toxic properties and func- females of parasitoids Cotesia marginiventris use TPS10 tioning in plant defense. The emission of the compounds (a sesquiterpene) to track their lepidopteran host by utiliz- mentioned above is negatively correlated with bumblebee ing the foral scent (Schnee et al. 2006). Arabidopsis has visitation. Floral scents represent characteristic attributes of been shown to emit two terpenoids, (3,S)-(E)-nerolidol and plants pollinated via beetles and necrophagous fies, prov- its derivative (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, when the ing a clear link between specifc foral scent chemistry and strawberry nerolidol synthase gene was introduced into certain pollinator guilds. The complex chemistry between the plants, resulting in greater attraction of the predators foral volatiles and pollinators is yet to be unraveled. The of predatory mites (Kappers et al. 2005). Caryophyllene, increase in annual temperature is a potential threat to pol- emitted from the roots of Maize plants, is known to be an linators that afects their life cycle and fower visitation. The herbivore-induced below-ground signal, which strongly excessive use of pesticides in feld crops is a grave threat to attracts entomopathogenic nematodes (Rasmann et al. 2005; potential pollinators, which should be alleviated to improve Delory et al. 2016). Similarly, Ozawa et al. (2000) demon- crop production. strated that (Lotus japonicus) shoots infested with spider mites released a blend of volatiles that attracted predators Terpenoid volatiles: an immediate response in plant of mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis). Terpenoids released from defense attenuata afect the expression of several genes of the adjacent conspecifcs. Terpenoids released from the air The plant kingdom shows two types of responses (direct also play a signifcant role in plant defense against biotic and and indirect defense mechanisms) upon contact with herbi- abiotic stresses (Paschold et al. 2006; Unsicker et al. 2009; vores and pathogen and rodent attacks. The direct mode of Dudareva et al. 2013). defense includes several physical structures such as thorns, Plant terpenes emission could also be an internal signal trichomes and accumulation of chemicals (phytochemicals) for plants to indicate the presence of herbivores and allow having antibiotic activities. In most plant species, sesquit- the initiation of defense in neighboring tissues (Rosenk- erpenes and diterpenes act as phytoalexins (Mumm et al. ranz and Schnitzler 2016). In the case of herbivore damage, 2008). For example, in Gossypium species, gossypol and signifcant amounts of volatile terpene blends are emitted its associated sesquiterpene aldehydes, derived from the from lima bean leaves to stimulate the adjacent leaves to (+)-δ-cadinene precursor, provide inducible and constitu- boost nectar secretion to attract herbivore enemies (Heil and tive protection against pests and diseases (Townsend et al. Bueno 2007). Developments in chemical ecology increas- 2005). Fourteen diterpene phytoalexins have been discov- ingly confrm terpenoids’ defensive role. The above-men- ered from Oryza sativa and divided into four types based tioned examples strongly support the foral volatile terpe- on structural distinctions: phytocassanes A–E, oryzalexin noids’ involvement in deterring unwanted foral visitors. S, momilactones A and B, and oryzalexins A–F. Numerous Many TPS genes from various crops have been identifed volatile terpenoid compounds possess antifungal and antimi- that showed defensive roles against herbivore and pathogen crobial activities in vitro (Bakkali et al. 2008; Johnson and attacks, but there is a need to explore them further. Poten- Gilbert 2015), explaining the tissue-specifc expression pat- tial TPS genes and their defensive roles can be enhanced terns of their biosynthetic genes (Chen et al. 2004). Moreo- with the help of systems biology. Genetic engineering com- ver, only some of them have been characterized due to their bined with biotechnology and plant breeding is a valuable

1 3 Planta (2017) 246:803–816 807 approach for enhancing the defensive role of TPS genes in 2013). Commercial bumblebees were strongly attracted by other crops that show less resistance toward pathogen and Bt-eggplant instead of the wild-type in a glasshouse environ- herbivore attacks. ment (Arpaia et al. 2011). The relationship between failure in crop pollination and the composition of foral volatile Volatile terpenoids: impact on the agroecosystem organic compounds is best demonstrated by alfalfa seed production, which depends on pollination through honey- Volatile terpenoids have several important applications bees that consistently showed low fdelity to alfalfa fow- in human society; the food and pharmaceutical industries ers compared with other weedy plants and crops. To show exploit their efectiveness and potential as favor enhanc- the link between crops and volatile terpenoid chemistry, ers and medicines (Rosenkranz and Schnitzler 2016). The Morse et al. (2012) studied tomato production in a glass- most extensively used terpene by human beings is rubber, a house, where imported bumblebees were regularly used as polyterpene composed of repeated isoprene subunits. Simi- pollinators, which showed a preference for other forage and larly, terpenes fne important use as methanol, cleaners, fowering plants outside of the glasshouse. The behavior of solvents, camphor, antiallergenic agents, pyrethrins (insec- bees toward tomato plants was attributed to the emission of ticides), limonene, rosin, nepetalactone (in catnip), digitoxi- four monoterpenes (α-pinene, β-phellandrene, (+)-2-carene, genin, carvone and hecogenin (a detergent) (Croteau et al. and p-cymene), which possessed toxic properties and were 2000; Thimmappa et al. 2014). The antimicrobial activity useful in plant defense. Terpenoids are of utmost importance of terpenoids is the most signifcant because of the dras- in crop protection, plant reproduction, and future scenarios tic increase in bacterial resistance to antibiotics, which is a in agriculture involving sustainable production platforms. growing cause of concern globally (Islam et al. 2003; Singh Terpenoids may have other mysterious functions in plants and Sharma 2015). In livestock, the addition of terpenes that remain to be revealed. can replace conventional antibiotics, as they can slow down the resistance of bacteria against antibiotics. Plant oils that included terpenes in their composition showed promising Biosynthesis and subcellular compartmentation in vivo bactericidal activity. Terpenoids also play key roles of terpenoids in plants in the clinical industry (Singh and Sharma 2015). Prabu- seenivasan et al. (2006) proved that cinnamon oil showed Terpenoids are the largest class of plant foral volatiles, a broad range of activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. encompassing 556 scent compounds. For the biosynthesis Moreover, the terpene composition can vary markedly of most terpenoids in plants, the simple fve carbon unit among diferent species. Neolitsea foliosa (Nees) plant oil IPP and its allylic isomer DMAPP serve as the initial sub- contains caryophyllene (sesquiterpene), which is responsible strate. IPP is the most frequent precursor of all terpenoids, for its antibacterial properties (John et al. 2007). Terpenoids synthesized by two compartmentally separated and inde- have also been used in antibacterial soaps, household prod- pendent pathways, the MVA and MEP pathways (Chen ucts and cosmetics due to their lipid organizational proper- et al. 2011). The MVA pathway comprises six enzymatic ties (Caputi and Aprea 2011). reactions, carried out through step-by-step condensation of The impact of terpenes on both nature and human appli- three molecules of acetyl CoA, which then undergo reduc- cations is complicated; however, these compounds have a tion to the MVA pathway followed by two subsequent steps signifcant impact on the agroecosystem and maintenance of of phosphorylation and decarboxylation, forming IPP as the bio-diversity. For example, blueberry, apple, cucurbits and ultimate product (Lange et al. 2000; Tholl 2015). Similarly, canola are valuable to varying degrees from the insect pol- the MEP pathway involves seven enzymatic steps and begins linator point of view (Losey and Vaughan 2006; Tholl 2015) with the condensation of pyruvate and glyceraldehydes- and for self-incompatible dioecious crops. Floral scents 3-phosphate (G3P) (Nagegowda 2010; Muhlemann et al. have also been unintentionally used to retain a few pollina- 2014). IPP isomerizes to form DMAPP, which serves as a tor attracting traits as a baseline, without which the crop substrate for hemiterpene biosynthesis or combines with one could not bear fruits. Jabalpurwala et al. (2009) observed IPP unit to produce geranyl diphosphate (GPP), catalyzed by that self-incompatible Citrus grandis (pummelo) blossoms the GPP synthases (GPS). The condensation of one IPP with emit larger quantities of volatile organic compounds than one GPP molecule produces farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP), other species such as lemon, orange and grapefruit fowers, which is catalyzed in the presence of FPP synthases (FPS). which comprise both female and male organs. Few experi- Similarly, GPP and FPP are precursors for the biosynthesis mental studies have been conducted to evaluate the efects of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, respectively (Vranová of foral scents on crop pollination. For this purpose, bee et al. 2012), whereas prenyl diphosphates in the trans-con- visitation was compared between Bacillus thuringiensis fguration are assumed to be the ubiquitous naturally occur- (Bt) and wild-type (Bt)-expressing eggplant (Dudareva et al. ring substrates for terpene synthases. In wild-type tomato

1 3 808 Planta (2017) 246:803–816 trichomes, Z, Z-FPP and two prenyl diphosphates, in the the formation of most sesquiterpenes (C15), which account cis-confguration, are also naturally occurring substrates for for approximately 28% of all foral terpenoids. In snapdragon the synthesis of sesquiterpenes catalyzed by FPP synthase fowers, the MEP pathway alone supports the biosynthesis (zFPS). Similarly, iso-, mono- and sesquiterpenes synthases of sesquiterpenes (Dudareva et al. 2005), whereas the MVA convert DMAPP, GPP and FPP (or Z, Z-FPP) to isoprene, and MEP pathways are involved in the formation of ses- monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, respectively. Based on quiterpenes in the roots and leaves of carrots (Hampel et al. their biosynthetic origin, all volatile organic compounds can 2005). Terpenoid biosynthetic pathways and their intracel- be divided into numerous classes, while several foral scent lular compartmentation in plants are shown below in Fig. 3. volatiles are constituents of the terpenoid, phenylpropanoid/ The formation of the GPP precursor has been confrmed benzenoid or fatty acid derivative groups of compounds, and to occur in plastids and is responsible for the biosynthesis each volatile group is recognized by a few compounds that of monoterpenes as the fnal product, while sesquiterpenes produce a typical scent (Muhlemann et al. 2014). are produced in the endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes or Two diferent and independent pathways are involved cytosolic compartments, which are also a site for FPP for- in the formation of fve carbon isoprene building units, the mation. Nevertheless, two unlikely monoterpene synthases plastidial MEP and cytosolic MVA pathways; however, of strawberry that generate several olefnic monoterpenes the MEP pathway is also disseminated in the endoplasmic and linalool lacked plastid targeting signals and were shown reticulum and peroxisomes (Mahmoud and Croteau 2002; to be targeted in the cytosolic compartment (Aharoni et al. Dudareva and Pichersky 2008; Lange and Ahkami 2013), 2004; Guirimand et al. 2012). Likewise, the overexpression whereas these compartmentally separated isoprenoid bio- of the lemon basil α-zingiberene synthase gene in tomato synthetic pathways are interconnected by a metabolic “cross- plants resulted in the production of a monoterpene in the talk” (Flügge and Gao 2005; Orlova et al. 2009). Meva- cytosol (Davidovich-Rikanati et al. 2008). Santalene and lonate-5-diphosphate is produced in Arabidopsis thaliana by bergamotene synthase (SBS) from tomato contain puta- the MVA pathway through phosphorylation, and the entire tive N-terminal plastid targeting peptides (Schilmiller reaction is catalyzed by mevalonate kinase and phosphom- et al. 2009). Plant genomes have evolved to encode diverse evalonate kinase (Lluch et al. 2000; Yu and Utsumi 2009). FPP synthase isoforms, which are present in the cytosol, The MVA pathway in the peppermint glandular trichomes mitochondria, plastids or peroxisomes (Chen et al. 2011; is blocked at 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, Thabet et al. 2012). Terpene biosynthesis occurs at specifc which is an enzyme that controls the rate of the MVA path- stages during plant development and within specifc tissues way as well as both mono- and sesquiterpenes biosynthesis (Vranová et al. 2012). entirely based on the plastidial IPP. In the tobacco suspen- Numerous TPS enzyme products, including isoprenes, sion cell line BY-2, the crosstalk between the MEP and monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and a few diterpenes in spe- MVA pathways has been verifed (Hemmerlin et al. 2003; cialized metabolism, are volatile under the normal grow- Dudareva et al. 2013), although the specifc intermediate ing conditions (environmental and temperature) of plants. has not yet been identifed. Studies on snapdragon fowers To date, numerous fower-specifc terpene synthases have also indicate that the MEP pathway supplies IPP for the bio- been characterized and isolated, as they are accountable synthesis of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Furthermore, for the development of monoterpene linalool (A. thaliana, the trafcking of IPP occurs unidirectionally from the plas- Anthirrhinum majus, H. coronarium and Clarkia breweri) tid to the cytosol (Dudareva et al. 2005; Nagegowda 2010). (Nagegowda et al. 2008; Ginglinger et al. 2013; Yue et al. Moreover, both pathways co-operate with each other for a 2014), 1,8-cineole (Citrus unshiu, H. coronarium and Nico- while and provide the IPP precursor for the biosynthesis tiana suaveolens) (Roeder et al. 2007; Li and Fan 2007), of terpenoids as mentioned above. The chamomile sesquit- myrcene (Alstroemeria peruviana and A. majus) (Aros et al. erpenes are an adequate example showing clear metabolic 2012), E-(β)-ocimene (A. majus and H. coronarium) (Shi- crosstalk between the two pathways in which both provide mada et al. 2005; Fan et al. 2003, 2007) and the sesquiter- IPP precursors for the production of certain terpenoids that penes α-farnesene (Actinidia deliciosa and H. coronarium) consist of 2 fve-carbon isoprene units, which are derivatives (Nieuwenhuizen et al. 2009; Yue et al. 2015), nerolidol (A. of the MEP pathway, while the third unit is formed by both chinensis and A. majus) (Green et al. 2011), valencene (Vitis pathways (Towler and Weathers 2007). In the plastids, the vinifera) (Lücker et al. 2004), germacrene D (V. vinifera, MEP pathway (Hsieh et al. 2008) results in the formation Rosa hybrid and A. deliciosa) (Lücker et al. 2004; Nieu- of IPP and DMAPP from G3P and pyruvate. However, the wenhuizen et al. 2009) β-ylangene, β-copaene, β-cubebene, classical independent MVA pathway (Vranová et al. 2013) α-bergamotene (Cananga odorata var. fruticosa) (Jin et al. is disseminated in the cytosol, peroxisomes and endoplasmic 2015) and β-caryophyllene (Ocimum kilimandscharicum, reticulum (Pulido et al. 2012). The MVA pathway forms IPP Daucus carota) (Yahyaa et al. 2015; Jayaramaiah et al. starting with acetyl-CoA condensation and is responsible for 2016).

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Fig. 3 An outline showing the formation of iso-, mono- and sesquiterpene biosynthetic pathways in plants catalyzed by diferent terpene synthases and their intra-cellular com- partmentation. The plastidial MEP pathway starts with the condensation of pyruvate and GA-3P, which undergo diferent reactions, producing iso-, mono- and sesquiterpenes as their fnal product. However, the MVA pathway spans the cytosol, peroxisomes and endoplasmic reticulum and starts with the condensation of acetyl-CoA, which undergoes diferent reac- tions, giving rise to mono- and sesquiterpenes as the fnal prod- ucts. The cross-talk between the two pathways includes the exchange of IPP between the two compartments, the cytosolic MVA and plastidial MEP pathways, producing diferent terpenes as end products (iso-, mono- and sesquiterpenes)

Modulation of plant terpenoid biosynthesis into the atmosphere/rhizosphere (Kolosova et al. 2001; Chen et al. 2004; Tholl and Lee 2011). Several conifers accumu- Terpenoids are frequently synthesized and released at par- late signifcant amounts of scent oleoresins in their spe- ticular times from specifc plant tissues. Ample evidence cialized needles, bark blisters or resin ducts and sapwoods explains the tempo-spatial TPS expression correlating with (Zulak and Bohlmann 2010). The biosynthesis and regula- the volatile terpenoid biosynthesis and emission, suggest- tion of emission of plant terpenoids are mostly carried out ing that the volatile terpenoid biosynthesis is mostly regu- via petals, although other tissues, such as sepals, stamens, lated at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels pistils and nectaries, also contribute to the foral bouquet of (Tholl 2015). The regulation of plant terpenoid biosynthe- plant species (Farré-Armengol et al. 2013). Sometimes, the sis is complicated and usually divided into two categories regulation of terpenoids is induced via abiotic stresses, path- during development, the temporal and spatial regulation, in ogens attack or feeding of herbivores (Vranová et al. 2012). response to biotic and abiotic factors such as light intensity, In Arabidopsis, mono- and sesquiterpene synthases are not insect/pathogen damage, nutrients, humidity and tempera- expressed in fower petals, and their expression is restricted ture conditions (Van Poecke et al. 2001; Hakola et al. 2006). to nectaries, sepals, anthers and stigma (Tholl et al. 2005). In the snapdragon fower, key volatile benzoid compounds, Developmental, rhythmic and spatio‑temporal the monoterpene myrcene, (E)-β-ocimene biosynthesis and regulation developmental regulation occur in the epidermal layer of the upper and lower lobes of petals, controlled by the cir- The emission of particular volatile compounds into the cadian clock following the diurnal rhythm (Kolosova et al. atmosphere depends on their rates of biosynthesis and emis- 2001; Muhlemann et al. 2014). Similarly, H. coronarium sion. Numerous studies showed that terpenoid volatiles are promoters (PrHcTPS1 and PrHcTPS2) are involved in the mostly synthesized de novo in a few special physical struc- temporal and spatial regulation of HcTPS genes associated tures, such as oil glands (Gershenzon et al. 2000) and resin with the biosynthesis of terpenoids (Li and Fan 2011; Li ducts (Miller et al. 2005), which accumulate large quanti- et al. 2014). Likewise, cell-specifc expression of the aroma ties of terpenes. Biosynthesis occurs in the epidermal cells biosynthetic genes was also reported in C. breweri and of plant tissues, through which they can easily be released roses (Bergougnoux et al. 2007). In N. suaveolens, several

1 3 810 Planta (2017) 246:803–816 monoterpene nocturnal emissions from the stigma and petals was usually connected to the increased transcriptional activ- are an outcome of the transcriptional regulation of 1,8-cin- ity of a particular biosynthetic terpene gene (Nagegowda eole synthase through the circadian clock (Roeder et al. 2010; Nagegowda et al. 2010; Xi et al. 2012). In Medicago 2007). Pre-revealed changes in the emission of terpenoids sativa, pathogen attacks cause metabolic and transcriptional that follow nocturnal, diurnal and circadian rhythms over the changes in the plant cells (Suzuki et al. 2005). lifespan of fowers may be associated with the pollination of insects. In Artemisia annua, β-pinene emission fuctuates with the day-night rhythm, which is usually higher in the day Genetic engineering for the production of plant compared with night (Lu et al. 2002; Tholl and Lee 2011). terpenoids The majority of terpene synthase genes belong to the TPSa and TPSb sub-families, reaching peak expression accord- Genetic engineering in plants/model plants for terpenoid ing to the bundle of accumulation of individual compounds, production is currently a dynamic research area. Metabolic whereas in the TPSg sub-family, only the linalool synthase engineering ofers a gigantic potential for enhancing plant transcripts were observed during the ripening of berries. resistance to pests in agriculture and forestry due to the abundance and contribution of secondary volatile metabo- Transcriptional and post‑transcriptional regulation lites in altering the foral scent bouquets, improving fruit quality, eradicating undesirable compounds and improving During the foral lifespan, the gene expression is transcrip- plant defenses (direct and indirect defenses) for exploring, tionally regulated by more than one biochemical pathway. the efect of changes in the volatile emission upon insect The enzymes profcient in using numerous similar sub- behavior (Mahmoud and Croteau 2002; Capell and Chris- strates, such as acyltransferase and salicylic acid methyl- tou 2004; Tholl 2015). Recent advances in the identifcation transferase (SAMT), supplied the precursors that controlled of genes and enzymes responsible for volatile compound the product type (Boatright et al. 2004). A relative investi- biosynthesis have made metabolic engineering dramatically gation on the regulation of monoterpenes and benzenoids realistic (Aharoni et al. 2006; Dudareva and Pichersky 2008; emission in snapdragon fowers showed that the orchestrated Dudareva et al. 2013). In most studies, the overexpression of emission of isoprenoids and phenylpropanoid compounds TPS genes is a promising method for tackling these issues were regulated upstream by individual metabolic pathways by manipulating terpene formation in transgenic plants. The (Muhlemann et al. 2012). frst reported transgenic plants with modifed monoterpene The formation of volatile flower terpenoids through profles were petunia (Petunia hybrida) and mint species various independent pathways is not merely dependent on (Mentha spp.) (Krasnyanski et al. 1999; Aharoni et al. 2005). the biochemical properties of the enzymes involved in the It has been demonstrated that upon herbivore attack, plants biosynthesis but also on the contribution of the transcrip- emit a blend of volatiles, which is composed of more than tional factors (TFs). Until now, only a few TFs had been 200 compounds that are directly responsible for deterring, identifed in the regulation of biosynthetic genes. Recently, intoxicating or repelling herbivorous insects (Seybold et al. R2R3-type MYB TF, ODORANT1 (ODO1), isolated from 2006). Alternatively, they can attract the parasitoids and nat- the petunia fower, was highly expressed in petal tissues ural predators of ofending herbivores, resulting in securing and was involved in the regulation of a major portion of the plant from damage (Mercke et al. 2004; Degen et al. the shikimate pathway (Verdonk et al. 2005; Muhlemann 2004; Dudareva et al. 2013). The transformation of petunia et al. 2014). EOBII (EMISSION OF BENZENOIDS II), with the (S)-limonene synthase gene from C. breweri results another R2R3-type MYB TF positively regulates the ODO1 in linalool production that repels aphids (Lücker et al. 2001). that activates the biosynthetic gene (isoeugenol synthase) The repellent/attraction properties of various terpenoid vola- promoter (Colquhoun et al. 2010). Similarly, the MYB4 tiles in petunia fower were observed via silencing the bio- transcriptional factor was a repressor of one of the enzymes synthetic genes individually responsible for the production in the cinnamate-4-hydroxylase, phenylpropanoid pathway of scent compounds (Kessler et al. 2013). Another example and controlled the fux in petunia fowers (Colquhoun et al. of foral scent engineering is the introduction of a maize 2011). Similarly, MYC2 activated two sesquiterpene syn- sesquiterpene synthase gene (TPS10) into Arabidopsis, lead- thase genes (TPS11, TPS21) through the jasmonic acid (JA) ing to the production of a signifcant amount of various ses- and gibberellic acid signaling pathway in A. thaliana during quiterpenes that are exploited by the female parasitoid wasp inforescence (Hong et al. 2012). In roses, the up-regulation C. marginiventris to navigate to their potential lepidopteran of terpenoid pathways occurred via the overexpression of the host (Schnee et al. 2006; Delory et al. 2016). Manipulation PRODUCTION OF ANTHOCYANIN PIGMENT1 (PAP1) of genetic engineering for sesquiterpenes production seems transcriptional factor (Zvi et al. 2012). The enhancement in a challenging task and is less successful compared with that the concentration of terpenes in response to diferent stresses for monoterpenes due to lack of suitable precursors.

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The manipulation of terpenoid biosynthesis is an efec- example, the trichome-specifc promoter of the cytochrome tive strategy for improving the quality of foral scent, aroma P450 gene (CYP71AV1) from A. annua has been studied and and favor of fruits, herbs and vegetables (Pichersky and is a promising tool for genetic engineering of artemisinin Dudareva 2007; Dudareva and Pichersky 2008). The frst biosynthesis in the whole plant system. attempt to revolutionize the flavor of fruits was made through genetic engineering of tomato plants by overexpres- Transcription factors sion of the linalool synthase gene from C. breweri under the control of the E8 promoter (fruit-specifc promoter), which In organisms, gene expression is regulated via complex improved the aroma of fruits that were originally discarded regulatory networks, which are synchronized by transcrip- by humans (Lewinsohn et al. 2001; Nagegowda 2010). tional factors (TFs). TFs are proteins that perform as hubs or master regulatory genes through repressing or promoting Plant metabolic engineering approaches the RNA polymerase binding to specifc promoter regions. for pharmaceutical terpenoids production TFs can be used as powerful regulators of plant second- ary metabolism, as most TFs can initiate the peculiar gene A large amount of diferent terpenoids have been described expression coding for enzymes in biochemical pathways. In from which many of them are separated from different A. annua, the artemisinin biosynthesis is positively regu- medicinal plants, like Taxus chinensis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, lated via two TFs (AaERF1 and AaERF2) belonging to the A. annua, Panax ginseng and Ginkgo biloba. Terpenoids AP2/ERF family (Yu et al. 2012). Nevertheless, there is a isolated from taxol, ginkgolides and artemisinin have great need to determine whether these TFs indirectly regulate the efects on several diseases, such as paclitaxel derived from glandular trichome development, expression of other genes taxol, a diterpenoid derived from Taxus brevifolia, a sig- and membrane transport expression or directly regulate nifcant anticancer agent. Structurally unique ginkgolides them via promoting the expression of biosynthesis genes. diterpenoids families are highly particular platelet-activating Similarly, another TF (AaWRKY1) was shown to activate factor receptor antagonists (Lu et al. 2016). Similarly nowa- the expression of amorpha-4,11-diene synthase (ADS) and days, a sesquiterpene (artemisinin) produced from A. annua others in the artemisinin pathway (Ma et al. 2017). These is the best therapeutic towards drug resistant and malaria fndings also highlight the fact that TFs are dynamic tools causing Plasmodium falciparum strains (Weathers et al. for manipulating the complete transcriptional networks 2011). Several plants metabolic engineering approaches related to developmental or specifc biosynthetic pathways. holds a signifcant pledge to regulate the pharmaceutical This approach will help attain food plants with higher nutri- terpenoids biosynthesis based on Agrobacterium-mediated tional values for both human and animal consumption. The genetic transformation. Efective strategies to enhance the potential use of TFs in heterologous systems can boost the production of pharmaceutical terpenoids include the over- synthesis of important secondary compounds. expression of genes involved in the terpenoid biosynthetic pathways and via suppress the competing metabolic path- Subcellular localization ways. Furthermore, regulating the relative transcription fac- tors, primary metabolism and endogenous phytohormones Localization of genes (TPS) and appropriate prenyl diphos- can also considerably boost up their yield. Combination phate synthase in mitochondria or plastids is preferable of all these approaches can help to increase the supply of to cytosolic localization due to the tightening regulation limited terpenoid drugs, ultimately minimizing the price of of cytosolic prenyl diphosphate pools. By introduction of expansive drugs and promote standards of people’s living. potent antimalarial drug (artemisinin) in tobacco via two mega biosynthetic pathways into the nuclear genomes and Gene promoters chloroplasts, resulted in enhanced level of artemisinin with- out interrupting plant health. A comprehensive evaluation Gene promoters can be very useful in the manipulation of was conducted by Wu et al. (2006) to evaluate the efect of genetic engineering, especially those promoters that drive targeting diferent gene products to cytosol or plastids. The gene expression at a particular time and a specifc place; most appropriate example is the accumulation of amorpha- for example, cell types, tissues, and organs are interesting 4,11-diene (ADS) and FPS in plastids, resulting in approxi- targets for the genetic engineering of the metabolic pathway mately a 5000-fold increase in ADS concentration in model (Benedito and Modolo 2014). To coordinate gene expres- tobacco plants over another model plant (unchanged ADS sion, promoters interact with the RNA polymerase under gene) having a cytosolic gene product (Wu et al. 2006). certain conditions and are common to plant genetic studies Likewise, a mitochondrial-localized heterologous TPS gene (e.g., actin, CaMV35S and ubiquitin). Specifc promoters for was frst studied by Kappers et al. (2005), which revealed glandular trichomes are favorable tools for this purpose. For that the overexpression of the FaNES1 gene from strawberry

1 3 812 Planta (2017) 246:803–816 in the model Arabidopsis plant with an engineered ‘Met’ metabolic engineering. The information attained provides mitochondrial targeting sequence resulted in two new ter- new insights into terpenoid metabolism and will help in the penoids involved in attracting predatory mites that poten- metabolic engineering of plants for attracting pollinators and tially aid in defense against herbivores. The potential use of increasing the amount of the valuable products of volatile genetic engineering in the subcellular localization of TPS terpenoids. Since plant defense mechanisms are benefcial genes provides new insights for further investigation. to agriculture, there is an increasing focus on terpenoids and phytoalexins, which contribute to plant defense responses Host organism selection and controlling pests, weeds and pathogens. Recently, plant terpenoids have been exploited for biofuel development and The selection of an appropriate host organism for genetic its by-products. Strategies in plant metabolic engineering transformation is important and should be done carefully. clutches a promising role to upregulate the pharmaceuti- To date, the study of plant metabolic engineering involves cal terpenoids contents in medicinal plants. Pharmaceutical transgenic plants expressing the heterologous gene relevant terpenoids production can be improved greatly via a series for the accumulation of terpenoids using quick transforma- of metabolic regulation in medicinal plants. In future, with tion procedures. Nevertheless, the production of engineered the constant development of metabolic engineering in plants, terpenoids in model plants was very low, and the highest more high value pharmaceutical terpenoids will be upregu- accumulation levels reported were approximately 0.01% lated. The spatial, temporal and transcriptional regulation of of fresh weight biomass. However, diterpene production in terpenoid biosynthesis during the development and response tobacco glandular trichomes is relatively high; the heterolo- to environmental stresses is correlated to the physiological gous gene expression has not yet resulted in high production or ecological functions, such as repelling herbivores, patho- novel diterpenoids. Therefore, high terpenoid accumulation gens and attracting pollinators as well as natural enemies levels have been found for volatiles emitted from engineered of herbivores. Transcriptional and post transcriptional fac- model plants. If the purpose of genetic engineering is to tors could also play important roles. Transcriptional factors adapt to the trophic interaction of plants with respect to include a group or groups of signifcant regulatory genes, insects, then the terpenoid volatiles released from model which can perform key functions in genes that respond to plants can have constructive efects against disease resist- stress mechanism. The overexpression of TFs can activate ance (Kappers et al. 2005; Yu et al. 2012). On the other a group of loci, which function in a systematic approach for hand, volatilization is undesirable if terpenoid collection is reacting to unfavorable environmental conditions. Hence, desired, which poses a strategic question for scientists. There genetic engineering of transcriptional factors would be are limitations in genetic engineering for non-model plants a powerful technique for improving the genetic ability of producing terpenoids, the main limitation being the low crop plants to address abiotic stresses. Transcriptional fac- efcacy of transformation as well as the lengthy period for tors also play essential roles in signaling pathways under the regeneration of transgenic plants. Metabolic engineering temperature stress. On the other hand, the identifcation of has been successfully employed in peppermint and lavender new TFs and overexpression cannot be neglected. Genomic, plants to magnify the essential oil production (Lange and metabolic and proteomic tools and validation of in vitro cell Ahkami 2013). culture systems could be helpful in elucidating the terpenoid Volatile terpenoids are widely used in diferent industries, biosynthesis regulatory mechanisms. Genetic engineering as mentioned above, for multiple uses by human beings. plays fundamental roles in the improvement of crop plants Moreover, genetic manipulation for enhanced terpenoid at every step, from the engineering of new biosynthetic path- production in the future would be benefcial for human ways to altering the foral scent in scentless crops. Many beings. Much more work in this feld is needed regarding aspects of terpenoids in both plants and ecosystem are yet the manipulation of genetic engineering in fowering plants. to be elucidated. Genetic engineering techniques can revolutionize the use of terpenoids in both plants and human beings. Author contribution statement FA, YK, YY, SA, MMJ design the manuscript. FA wrote the manuscript and RY and YF revised the manuscript. Conclusion and prospects

Genetic engineering has greatly enhanced our understand- Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China to Yanping Fan (Grant nos. ing of the function, biosynthesis, and regulation of vola- 30972026 and 31370694), a Specialized Research Fund for the Doc- tile terpenoids in the past two decades. Recent eforts have toral Program of Higher Education of China to Yanping Fan (Grant no. demonstrated the viability of improving plant defenses 20134404110016), and a Specialized Major Project of the Production- and enhancing the aroma quality of fruits and fower via Study-Research Collaborative Innovation of Guangzhou Science and

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