Flora of Australia, Volume 29, Solanaceae

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Flora of Australia, Volume 29, Solanaceae FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Volume 29 Solanaceae This volume was published before the Commonwealth Government moved to Creative Commons Licensing. © Commonwealth of Australia 1982. This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced or distributed by any process or stored in any retrieval system or data base without prior written permission from the copyright holder. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: [email protected] FLORA OF AUSTRALIA In this volume all 206 species of the family Solanaceae known to be indigenous or naturalised in Australia are described. The family includes important toxic plants, weeds and drug plants. The family Solanaceae in Australia contains 140 indigenous species such as boxthorn, wild tobacco, wild tomato, Pituri and tailflower. The 66 naturalised members include nightshade, tomato, thornapple, petunia, henbane, capsicum and Cape Gooseberry. There are keys for the identification of all genera and species. References are given for accepted names and synonyms. Maps are provided showing the distribution of nearly all species. Many are illustrated by line drawings or colour plates. Notes on habitat, variation and relationships are included. The volume is based on the most recent taxonomic research on the Solanaceae in Australia. Cover: Solanum semiarmatum F . Muell. Painting by Margaret Stones. Reproduced by courtesy of David Symon. Contents of volumes in the Flora of Australia, the faiimilies arranged according to the system of A.J. Cronquist (1981). Volume 1 Cannabaceae Volume 7 Volume 10 Haloragales Moraceae Haloragaceae Introduction Urticaceae Malvales Ebenales Gunneraceae Elaeocarpaceae Sapotaceae Fagales Tiliaceae Ebenaceae Myrtales Balanopaceae Sonneratiaceae Volume 2 Sterculiaceae Symplocaceae Betulaceae Bombacaceae Lythraceae Fagaceae Malvaceae Primulales Thymelaeaceae Magnoliales Myrsinaceae Punicaceae Casuarinales Winteraceae Primulaceae Onagraceae Himantandraceae Casuarinaceae Melastomataceae Eupomatiaceae Volume 8 Rosales Combretaceae Austrobaileyaceae Connaraceae Trapaceae Magnoliaceae Volume 4 Lecythidales Eucryphiaceae Annonaceae Lecythidaceae Cunoniaceae Myristicaceae Davidsoniaceae Caryophyllales Nepenthales Pittosporaceae Volumes 19–21 Phytolaccaceae Laurales Nepenthaceae Byblidaceae Nyctaginaceae Droseraceae Monimiaceae Grossulariaceae Myrtaceae Idiospermaceae Aizoaceae Crassulaceae Violales Lauraceae Cactaceae Cephalotaceae Flacourtiaceae Hernandiaceae Chenopodiaceae Saxifragaceae Bixaceae Volume 22 Rosaceae Cistaceae Piperales Chrysobalanaceae Violaceae Piperaceae Volume 5 Surianaceae Rhizophorales Tamaricaceae Rhizophoraceae Aristolochiales Amaranthaceae Frankeniaceae Aristolochiaceae Portulacaceae Passifloraceae Cornales Basellaceae Cucurbitaceae Volumes 11, 12 Alangiaceae Nymphaeales Molluginaceae Datiscaceae Nelumbonaceae Caryophyllaceae Fabales Santalales Nymphaeaceae Salicales Mimosaceae Olacaceae Cabombaceae Polygonales Salicaceae Caesalpiniaceae Opiliaceae Ceratophyllaceae Polygonaceae Santalaceae Capparales Loranthaceae Ranunculales Plumbaginales Capparaceae Volumes 13–15 Viscaceae Ranunculaceae Plumbaginaceae Brassicaceae Moringaceae Balanophoraceae Berberidaceae Fabaceae Resedaceae Menispermaceae Rafflesiales Volume 6 Rafflesiaceae Papaverales Batales Papaveraceae Gyrostemonaceae Volumes 16, 17 Dilleniales Celastrales Fumariaceae Bataceae Dilleniaceae Celastraceae Proteales Hippocrateaceae Elaeagnaceae Theales Stackhousiaceae Volume 9 Proteaceae Volume 3 Ochnaceae Aquifoliaceae Theaceae Icacinaceae Hamamelidales Actinidiaceae Ericales Cardiopteridaceae Epacridaceae Hamamelidaceae Elatinaceae Volume 18 Corynocarpaceae Ericaceae Clusiaceae Dichapetalaceae Urticales Podostemales Ulmaceae Podostemaceae Volume 23 Volume 28 Bignoniaceae Cymodoceaceae Bromeliales Lentibulariaceae Zosteraceae Bromeliaceae Euphorbiales Gentianales Triuridales Zingiberales Euphorbiaceae Loganiaceae Triuridaceae Musaceae Gentianaceae Volume 34 Apocynaceae Zingiberaceae Arecales Asclepiadaceae Costaceae Volume 24 Campanulales Arecaceae Cannaceae Sphenocleaceae Marantaceae Campanulaceae Rhamnales Pandanales Volume 29 Stylidiaceae Pandanaceae Liliales Rhamnaceae Donatiaceae Philydraceae Leeaceae Solanales Arales Pontederiaceae Vitaceae Solanaceae Araceae Haemodoraceae Lemnaceae Liliaceae Linales Volume 35 Erythroxylaceae Linaceae Volume 30 Brunoniaceae Goodeniaceae Volume 40 Volume 46 Polygalales Convolvulaceae Iridaceae Malpighiaceae Cuscutaceae Commelinales Agavaceae Tremandraceae Menyanthaceae Xyridaceae Volume 36 Xanthorrhoeaceae Polygalaceae Polemoniaceae Commelinaceae Hanguanaceae Xanthophyllaceae Hydrophyllaceae Rubiales Eriocaulales Taccaceae Rubiaceae Lamiales Eriocaulaceae Stemonaceae Smilacaceae Boraginaceae Dipsacales Volume 25 Restionales Dioscoreaceae Verbenaceae Caprifoliaceae Flagellariaceae Valerianaceae Restionaceae Sapindales Dipsacaceae Melianthaceae Volume 31 Centrolepidaceae Volume 47 Akaniaceae Sapindaceae Juncales Orchidales Lamiaceae Volumes 37, 38 Juncaceae Aceraceae Burmanniaceae Burseraceae Corsiaceae Asterales Orchidaceae Anacardiaceae Volume 32 Asteraceae Simaroubaceae Volumes 41, 42 Callitrichales Cyperales Volume 48 Callitrichaceae Volume 39 Cyperaceae Volume 26 Gymnospermae Plantaginales Alismatales Plantaginaceae Pteridophyta Meliaceae Limnocharitaceae Rutaceae Volumes 43, 44 Scrophulariales Alismataceae Zygophyllaceae Oleaceae Hydrocharitales Poaceae Volume 49 et seq. Scrophulariaceae Hydrocharitaceae Non-vascular Volume 27 Najadales Volume 45 plants and floras of Volume 33 Aponogetonaceae adminstered Geraniales Juncaginaceae territories Hydatellales Oxalidaceae Myoporaceae Potamogetonaceae Hydatellaceae Geraniaceae Orobanchaceae Ruppiaceae Najadaceae Tropaeolaceae Gesneriaceae Typhales Zannichelliaceae Acanthaceae Sparganiaceae Apiales Posidoniaceae Pedaliaceae Typhaceae Araliaceae Apiaceae FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Solanum semiarmatum F. Muell. Painting by Margaret Stones. Reproduced by courtesy of David Symon. BUREAU OF FLORA AND FAUNA, CANBERRA FLORA OF AUSTRALIA Volume 29 Solanaceae Australian Government Publishing Service Canberra 1982 © Commonwealth of Australia 1982 ISBN 0 642 07014 8 (case bound) ISBN 0 642 07013 X (series — case bound) ISBN 0 642 07015 6 (soft bound) ISBN 0 642 07016 4 (series — soft bound) EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Sir Rutherford Robertson (Chairman) Barbara G. Briggs Hansjoerg Eichler Leslie Pedley James H. Ross David E. Symon Paul G. Wilson Alison McCusker (Secretary) Executive Editor Alexander S. George Printed at Griffen Press Limited, Marion Road, Netley, South Australia CONTENTS Contributors to Volume 29 vi Introduction vii Solanaceae 1 Abbreviations and Contractions 198 Publication date of the previous volume 200 Index 201 Endpapers Front: Contents of volumes in the Flora of Australia, the families arranged according to the system of A.Cronquist (1981). Back: Flora of Australia: Index to families of flowering plants. v CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 29 Dr Laurie Haegi, Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs Macquarie’s Road Sydney, New South Wales 2000. Dr Rosemary W. Purdie, c/- Herbarium Australiense, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, P.O. Box 1600, Canberra City, Australian Capital Territory 2601. Mr David E. Symon, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064. Ms Betsy Osborn, Illustrator vi INTRODUCTION This is the first of the descriptive volumes in the Flora of Australia to be published. The Solanaceae was chosen because taxonomic studies in most genera were due for completion by the anticipated date of publication of the volume. Revisions by Laurie Haegi, Philippa Horton and David Symon, botanists based or trained at the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide, have provided the basis for the present treatment which has been substantially prepared by Rosemary Purdie. Descriptions and discussion are concise but are supplemented by important references, synonymy, and information on type collections, cytology, distribution, habitat and illustrations published elsewhere. Descriptions are based on Australian material except in the case of some naturalised taxa for which the collections in Australian herbaria are inadequate. Likewise, synonymy is restricted to names based on Australian types or widely used in Australian literature. Misapplied names are given in square brackets together with an example of the misapplication. Alien taxa which are established in one or more localities, but not under cultivation, are considered naturalised and are included in the Flora; they are marked with an asterisk. Genera and species are arranged to show natural relationships as currently interpreted. Although relationships cannot be shown adequately in a linear sequence, such an arrangement in a Flora usually assists comparison of closely related taxa. Infraspecific taxa are keyed out under the relevant species. Up to five collections are cited for each species and infraspecific taxon. Distribution maps are arranged in the same sequence as the text, grouped 15 on a page, and placed such that the last taxon on the page closely follows its position in the text. Thus, for any taxon, the reader will always find the map on a later page. The volume contains no new names or combinations. As noted in Volume 1, the recommended
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