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5-1-2004 Male Dominance in the New Zealand Longfin elE Population of a New Zealand River: Probable Causes and Implications for Management James McCleave University of Maine - Main, [email protected]

D. J. Jellyman

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Repository Citation McCleave, James and Jellyman, D. J., "Male Dominance in the New Zealand Longfin eE l Population of a New Zealand River: Probable Causes and Implications for Management" (2004). Marine Sciences Faculty Scholarship. 69.

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Male Dominance in the New Zealand Long®n Population of a New Zealand River: Probable Causes and Implications for Management

JAMES D. MCCLEAVE* School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469-5741, USA

DONALD J. JELLYMAN National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Ltd., Post Of®ce Box 8602, Christchurch, New Zealand

Abstract.ÐThe endemic New Zealand long®n eel Anguilla dieffenbachi (hereafter, long®n eel), is over®shed, and in southern , New Zealand, rivers have recently become predom- inated by males. This study examined length and age at sexual differentiation in male in the Aparima River catchment (area, 1,375 km2; mean ¯ow, 20 m3 ´sϪ1) and the sex ratio and distribution of eels throughout the catchment. Long®n eels differentiated into males mostly at lengths from 300 to 460 mm and ages from 10 to 25ϩ years. Females were rare: Of 738 eels examined for sexual differentiation, 466 were males and 5 were females, and a few others, not examined, were large enough to be female. These counts suggest a male : female ratio among differentiated long®n eels of 68:1. Of 31 differentiated short®n eels A. australis, less common in the Aparima River, 26 were females. Male long®n eels were distributed throughout the main stem and tributaries; un- differentiated eels were more prevalent in lower and middle reaches and in the main stem than in upper reaches and tributaries. In other studies, male long®n eels predominated commercial catches in the Aparima and four other southernmost rivers, by 2.4:1 to 13.6:1 males to females. The Aparima River had the most skewed sex ratio. Long®n eel catches from the Aparima River will become more male predominated because few sublegal-size females were present. The length- frequency distributions of eels in the present samples and in the commercial catches were truncated just above minimum legal size (about 460 mm), showing that few females escape the ®shery. Historically, females predominated these rivers. The recent change in sex ratio is attributable partly to selective harvest of females, and partly to changes in the structure of the population from ®shing, such that differentiation into males has been favored. Longevity, delayed sexual maturity, semel- parity, and endemism with restricted range make the long®n eel particularly vulnerable to over- ®shing.

The two principal species of catadromous eels most catchments. The mean annual commercial in New Zealand, the New Zealand long®n eel An- catch of eels in New Zealand for 9 years in the guilla dieffenbachi (hereafter, long®n eel) and the 1990s was estimated at 1,140 metric tons (Beentjes short®n eel A. australis, are native and widespread and Bull 2002). Long®n eels constituted about in freshwaters of both the North and South islands 30% of the commercially landed weight of eels in

Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 (McDowall 1993, 1998). The endemic long®n eel New Zealand, but they composed about 80% of penetrates farther inland and to higher elevations landed weight in river catchments of the South (McDowall 1993, 1998), inhabiting river systems Island, excluding one large lowland lake (esti- from estuaries (Jellyman et al. 1997) to high coun- mated from data in Beentjes 1999; Chisnall and try lakes (Jellyman 1995). The inland penetration Kemp 2000; Beentjes and Bull 2002). Being ubiq- of the long®n eel, especially, has been restricted uitous and plentiful, freshwater eels were of enor- in some catchments (i.e., drainages) by the con- mous importance to early Maori (New Zealand's struction of hydroelectric dams (Jellyman 1995; indigenous people; McDowall 1990), who contin- BoubeÂe et al. 2001). ue to harvest eels for traditional purposes. Commercial ®shing of yellow-phase (i.e., resi- Concern over the well-being of the long®n eel dent) eels of both species has been intensive in stock has been expressed for some time (Chisnall and Hicks 1993; Jellyman 1995; Hoyle and Jel- lyman 2002). Evidence supporting that concern, * Corresponding author: [email protected] especially for the South Island, comes from (1) Received March 4, 2003; accepted July 16, 2003 studies monitoring commercial harvesting (Be-


entjes and Chisnall 1997, 1998; Beentjes 1999; species (Smith et al. 2001). This means that heavi- Chisnall and Kemp 2000), (2) a decline in mean ly ®shed areas can obtain recruitment from the weight of individual long®n eels in commercial progeny of eels from other areas, so long as eels catches from the 1970s to 1990s (Beentjes and exist in the other areas. Third, because anguillids Chisnall 1997), (3) a decline in catch per unit effort are semelparous, they may contribute to spawning through the 1990s (Beentjes and Bull 2002), (4) or to human harvest, but not both. Fourth, anguillid sex ratios skewed toward male predominance in eels, and especially female long®n eels, grow recent commercial catches from several catch- slowly and reach sexual maturity only after de- ments (Beentjes and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes cades. Long®n eels may reach legal commercial 1999), and (5) apparent declining recruitment of size (220 g) after 10±20 years (Chisnall and Hicks juvenile long®n eels (Glova et al. 2001). Recent 1993; Beentjes and Chisnall 1998). However, ages modeling incorporating realistic values for ex- of migrating silver eel females ranged from 25 to ploitation rates led to the conclusion that long®n 60 years in lowland areas (Todd 1980) to an es- eels are severely over®shed with respect to re- timated mean of 93 years in a high country lake cruitment (Hoyle and Jellyman 2002). (Jellyman 1995). This means that females may be Sex ratios of Anguilla species vary widely vulnerable to the commercial ®shery for several among locales, both naturally and as a result of decades. manipulation. For example, silver-phase (i.e., sea- An endemic, late-maturing species with a re- ward migrating) American eels A. rostrata in ®ve stricted geographic range, such as the long®n eel lightly exploited or unexploited rivers in the north- in New Zealand, may be particularly susceptible eastern USA ranged from 49% to 98% male (Oliv- to over®shing and the threat of extinction (Parent eira et al. 2001). About 250 km away but at the and Schriml 1995; Sadovy 2001). Further, high same latitude in Canada, two rivers exploited for fecundity, also characteristic of the long®n eel, migrating silver eels had 0% and 3% males (Jessop does not reduce the risk of over®shing, as is often 1987). The sex ratio of silver European eels A. mistakenly assumed (Sadovy 2001). anguilla migrating from an Irish lake changed The need for information on sexual differenti- gradually from 9% male to 86% male within a ation and sex ratio for modeling of population dy- decade, attributable directly or indirectly to elver namics, coupled with the evidence for skewed sex stocking (Parsons et al. 1977; Kennedy and Vick- ratios in some southern rivers, prompted us to ex- ers 1990). The sex ratio of silver short®n eels in amine sex distribution as part of a wider program Lake Ellesmere, New Zealand, changed from fe- investigating recruitment and survival of long®n male predominance (78%) in the 1940s to male eels in the exploited Aparima River catchment. predominance (Ͼ99%) in the 1990s, which has Samples of commercial catches in the Aparima been attributed to effects of commercial ®shing River during the ®shing seasons of 1996±1997 and and ecological changes in the lake (Jellyman and 1997±1998 indicated that 93% of long®n eels with Todd 1998). macroscopically identi®able gonads were males Four features of the unusual life cycle of an- (Beentjes and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes 1999). guillids generally, and long®n eels speci®cally, The objectives of this study were to examine make eels an intriguing group for study and an long®n eels in the Aparima River catchment to Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 enigma for traditional ®sheries management. First, determine (1) the length and age of sexual differ- sexual differentiation is environmentally deter- entiation, and (2) the sex ratio and distribution of mined (Colombo and Rossi 1978; De Leo and Gat- the sexes within the catchment. Although this pa- to 1996; Holmgren 1996; Krueger and Oliveira per focuses on long®n eels, information on the rarer short®n eels in the catchment is included for 1999), high population density being strongly im- comparison. Because female long®n eels were plicated in increasing the proportion of males and found to be rare, much of the analysis was nec- vice versa (e.g., Colombo and Rossi 1978; Egusa essarily restricted to sexually undifferentiated and 1979; Naismith and Knights 1990; Holmgren male eels. We also considered whether male pre- 1996; Roncarati et al. 1997; Krueger and Oliveira dominance is a natural phenomenon, a function of 1999). This means that typical management prac- selective harvest of females, or a product of change tices may have unanticipated consequences. Sec- in factors causing sex determination. ond, anguillids are panmictic species (Avise et al. 1986; Sang et al. 1994; Lintas et al. 1998; Bastrop Study Area et al. 2000) or nearly so (Chan et al. 1997; Wirth The Aparima River catchment of 1,375 km2 and Bernatchez 2001), including the New Zealand (Robertson 1992) is at the south end (Southland 492 MCCLEAVE AND JELLYMAN

the Hamilton Burn catchment and in tributaries and constructed drains in the lower Aparima catch- ment (Robertson 1992). The catchment contains no lakes, and the river system is not dammed. Mean ¯ow is approximately 20 m3 ´sϪ1 (Duncan 1992), but large departures from the mean occur. The headwaters of the Aparima River and a few of the tributaries arise in forested mountains well above 1,000 m. However, 55% or more of the catchment is farmland devoted to growing crops, dairying, and raising sheep, cattle, and deer (Rob- ertson 1992). The substrate varies through the catchment. Most of substrate in the main stem con- sists of ®ne and coarse gravel and cobbles and some boulders and exposed bedrock; there is little aquatic vegetation. Substrate in the various trib- utaries includes ®ne material, sand and mud, and gravels and cobbles; most have aquatic algae and macrophytes. Overhanging bank vegetation along the main stem and tributaries is absent to dense (willows Salix spp. and scrub trees). Yellow-phase long®n and short®n eels are ®shed commercially with fyke nets in the main stem and the major tributaries. This study was conducted from the upper es- tuary of the Aparima River to 117 km inland and included the main stem and its tributaries. Rele- vant ®ndings from other southern rivers were also examined, principally from the nearby Waiau Riv- er (about 30 km to the west) and the Oreti and Mataura rivers (about 15 and 55 km east) in the Southland Region and the Clutha and Taieri Rivers (about 130 and 150 km east) in the adjacent Otago Region.

Methods FIGURE 1.ÐMap of the Aparima River catchment, New Zealand, showing electric ®shing (solid circles) and Field sampling.ÐEels were collected in Feb- fyke netting (open triangles) sites for long®n eels. Hor- ruary 2001 at 45 sites by electric ®shing and in izontal dotted lines separate the catchment into lower, February 2002 at 15 sites by electric ®shing and

Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 middle, and upper reaches. Numerous small tributaries at six sites with baited fyke nets (Figure 1). Elec- not shown. The inset locates Aparima catchment on the South Island of New Zealand. tric ®shing was done by wading primarily in rif¯es and runs, and to a lesser extent in willow-shaded pools and debris clusters, of the main stem and Region) of the South Island, New Zealand, and larger tributaries and in all habitats present in the ¯ows into the South Paci®c Ocean at 46Њ20.5ЈS smaller tributaries. and 168Њ0.5ЈE (Figure 1). The Aparima River main Fyke netting was done in the main stem and two stem, is 113 km long and has two main tributaries, largest tributaries where pools and deep runs were the Otautau Stream and Hamilton Burn, and nu- too deep to electric ®sh. We ®shed 8 or 10 nets in merous smaller tributaries and constructed drains a linear series, approximately 30 m apart, over- of adjacent lands. It is mostly a single-thread river, night for 2 or 3 nights at each site; in addition, 3 although the section between Otautau Stream and nets were set over 1 night at a tidal site near the Hamilton Burn is somewhat braided. The main upper limit of salt penetration in the estuary. Mesh stem, especially the upper half, is steep and swift- was 25 mm stretch measure. ¯owing, but swampy, slow-¯owing areas occur in At streamside, eels were anesthetized in a so- MALE DOMINANCE IN A LONGFIN EEL POPULATION 493

lution of 2-phenoxyethanol, identi®ed to species, classi®ed as males if there were developing, reg- and measured to the nearest millimeter total ularly spaced, whitish opaque areas separated by length. In 2001, samples of long®n eels, nearly all transparent tissue, even if the opaque areas did not less than 400 mm long, were killed by overdose extend the full length of the gonad. The presence of anesthetic and frozen for later determination of of even early developing lobes was highlighted by age and sex. In 2002, samples of long®n eels, the addition of blue stain to the body cavity. Also, mostly 300±600 mm long, were similarly frozen developing testicular tissue resisted squashing and for later determination of sex. Samples of long®n the developing lobes absorbed aceto-carmine, eels were chosen to represent all reaches of the whereas the tissue between lobes scarcely did so. catchment and from both main-stem sites and trib- Eels were classi®ed as females if the intact gonad utaries (Table 1). In 2001, samples emphasized was a frilly ridged ribbon. Such gonads had a soft sublegal-size eels, whereas in 2002, the samples texture, squashed easily, and clearly showed de- covered the entire size range for which it was rea- veloping oocytes under the compound microscope. sonable to expect some sexual differentiation. Also In one case, a smaller female was identi®ed on the in 2002, a small sample of short®n eels was kept basis of an anastomosing veinlike network. for sex determination. All eels not kept were al- Age determination.ÐIn 2001, ages were deter- lowed to recover and were returned to the streams. mined for 362 long®n eels (Ͼ100 mm) from Sex determination.ÐThe gonads of yellow eels throughout the catchment (Table 1). All but ®ve lie as long ribbons from approximately the level eels were less than 400 mm long, and all were less of the liver to beyond the vent on each side of the than 437 mm. Aging was by the sawing and burn- body cavity along the junction of the swim bladder ing method described by Graynoth (1999). Brie¯y, and body wall. Sex of long®n and short®n eels was saggital otoliths were removed from each eel, determined using criteria given by Todd (1974): placed concave or convex side up on a strip of undifferentiated gonads (stages 1, 2) ϭ thin rib- double-sided adhesive tape, and held in place with bons of uniform density that lack distinct lobes; a strip of transparent tape. One otolith was sawn early developing testes (stages 3, 4) ϭ distinct along the transverse plane through the nucleus white opaque zones joined by clear areas of tissue, with a ®ne scalpel under a binocular microscope. the opaque zones becoming lobed; early devel- The two halves were placed on a scalpel blade and oping ovaries (stages 6, 7) ϭ an opaque ribbon heated for 10±15 s over a high temperature gas with an anastomosing network of veinlike struc- ¯ame. The halves were then mounted, cut side tures, which subsequently become a frilled ribbon down, in clear silicone sealant on glass slides (Hu with closely spaced transverse ridges on the lateral and Todd 1981). After the silicone cured, slides face. were inverted and examined under re¯ected light To determine sex, each eel was thawed, the ab- with a compound microscope at 50±400ϫ mag- domen cut open from vent to pectoral girdle, and ni®cation. Annuli were counted along the long the left body wall was cut and laid open to expose ventral axis. Age is reported as the number of years the gonad. Intact gonads ®rst were examined under in freshwater. a binocular microscope at 8±20ϫ magni®cation. Data analysis.ÐOnly eels 100 mm or longer Sometimes, a drop of blue Wright's stain was were included in our analyses because shorter eels Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 placed along the intact gonad, and it ¯owed under are not sampled adequately by electric ®shing (105 the gonad by capillary action. In many cases, a long®n eels and 7 short®n eels were excluded). small piece of gonadal tissue was removed (before Although we aged 228 long®n eels, we examined any stain was added) and placed on a microscope the testes of only 40 in the size range 240±280 slide with a few drops of aceto-carmine stain, mm and found 39 were undifferentiated. We as- which selectively stains gonad tissue (Guerrero sumed that the unexamined testes of the remaining and Shelton 1974). After a few minutes, the tissue 188 aged-only eels were also undifferentiated. was squashed with a cover slip or just covered with To analyze eel distribution by sex within the a cover slip, and examined with a compound mi- catchment, data from 2001 and 2002 were com- croscope at 40±200ϫ magni®cation. bined. Many more eels were measured than were Eels were classi®ed as undifferentiated if the both measured and sexed (Table 1). However, all intact gonad was a transparent or translucent rib- those measured but not sexed that were less than bon lacking opaque whitish areas, and if the gonad 280 mm long were assumed to be undifferentiated. tissue resisted being squashed and showed uniform Further, of those measured but not sexed, all long- absorption of the aceto-carmine stain. Eels were ®n eels 680 mm or longer and all short®n eels 540 494 MCCLEAVE AND JELLYMAN

TABLE 1.ÐNumbers and size ranges (mm, in parentheses) of New Zealand long®n eels and short®n eels 100 mm or longer measured, sexed, and aged in the Aparima River catchment, New Zealand, in February 2001 and 2002. One estuarine site is included in the categories lower reach and main stem.

Catchment reach Species Sites and eel category Lower Middle Upper Collection year 2001 Electric ®shing sites 11 17 17 Long®n eel Eels measured 436 (100±882) 424 (102±1,008) 232 (140±1,000) Eels sexed and aged 79 (226±437) 45 (244±395) 50 (268±398) Eels aged, not sexed 102 (100±276) 47 (108±272) 39 (157±276) Eels sexed, not aged 1 (353) 1 (495) 1 (348) Short®n eel Eels measured 25 (161±926) 10 (125±531) 7 (120±792) Collection year 2002 Electric ®shing sites 4 8 3 Fyke netting sites 4 1 1 Long®n eel Eels measured 1,117 (100±746) 733 (104±729) 263 (213±670) Eels sexed 200 (246±746) 251 (123±602) 110 (253±670) Short®n eel Eels measured 35 (106±812) 39 (112±733) 4 (398±605) Eels sexed 20 (355±605) 23 (276±667) 4 (398±605)

mm or longer were assumed to be females. Males present as a small proportion, beginning at age 10, can exceed these lengths, but based on sampling but a high proportion was still undifferentiated of the commercial landings from the Aparima around age 20. At ages 17±22, we found 70% of catchment (Beentjes and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes those aged were still undifferentiated. However, 1999), our assumption would result in less than the proportion undifferentiated at the greater ages 5% misclassi®cation. For some considerations, we is biased somewhat high because the eels that dif- apportioned long®n eels between 280 and 680 mm ferentiated at younger ages were the faster growing that were measured and released (i.e., not sexed) ones (Figure 4). In each age-class exceeding 9 to undifferentiated male or female categories on years, the longest eels are the ones that are dif- the basis of percentages of males and females pre- ferentiated. Many of the faster growing males in sent in each size-class of those that were kept and the population were larger than the lengths we examined for sex. sampled for aging (mostly Ͻ400 mm). Only one The minimum legal weight for commercially female long®n eel, 368 mm long and 20 years old, harvested long®n and short®n eels in the South was in the sample of eels we aged. Island is 220 g. Using length±weight relations of Beentjes and Chisnall (1997, 1998), Beentjes Short®n Eel Length at Sexual Differentiation (1999), and Hoyle and Jellyman (2002), 220 g cor- Too few short®n eels were examined for sex to responds to lengths of about 450 mm and 470 mm allow conclusive statements about size at differ- for long®n and short®n eels, respectively. entiation in the Aparima catchment. Of the 47 ex- Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 amined, 16 were undifferentiated (276 to 454 mm), Results 5 were males (378 to 530 mm), and 26 were fe- Long®n Eel Length and Age at Sexual males (397 to 667 mm). Differentiation Long®n eels differentiated into males over a nar- Long®n Eel Sex Ratio and Distribution row range of lengths in the Aparima catchment. Female long®n eels were rare in the Aparima About 50% of eels examined were differentiated catchment. Of 738 long®n eels examined for sex- by a length of 350 mm and 95% were differentiated ual differentiation, 466 were male and only 5 were at 450 mm (Figure 2). This statement must be qual- female, and all ®ve were in the lower reaches of i®ed because recognition of gonadal differentia- the catchment. The four largest females were tion was made without examination of histologic caught in a stretch of one small tributary; the ®fth sections. (smallest) was caught in the main stem. Based on Long®n eels differentiated into males over a length and sex data, about 26 of the largest long®n wide range of ages. Eels 100±437 mm long ranged eels captured were probably females, including the in age from 1 to 30 years (Figure 3). Males were four just mentioned and others not sexed. If the MALE DOMINANCE IN A LONGFIN EEL POPULATION 495

TABLE 1.ÐExtended.

Stream category Species Main stem Tributary Total Collection year 2001 15 30 45 Long®n eel 575 (100±830) 517 (140±1,008) 1,092 (100±1,008) 96 (226±419) 78 (244±437) 174 (226±437) 137 (100±276) 51 (157±276) 188 (100±276) 1 (353) 2 (348±495) 3 (348±495) Short®n eel 7 (161±926) 35 (120±792) 42 (120±926) Collection year 2002 7 8 15 4 2 6 Long®n eel 1,565 (100±729) 548 (122±746) 2,113 (100±746) 385 (123±670) 176 (253±746) 561 (123±746) Short®n eel 32 (106±812) 46 (174±733) 78 (106±812) 21 (355±605) 26 (276±667) 47 (276±667)

assumptions about apportioning sex made previ- ously (see Methods) are reasonable, the overall ratio of males: females in the Aparima River sam- ples was about 67.9:1. The sexed and apportioned females were evenly distributed among reaches throughout the catchment (Figure 5) but were mostly found in tributaries (Figure 6), especially the smaller tributaries. Undifferentiated long®n eels (100±139 mm) were mostly found in the lower reaches of the main stem of the catchment (Figures 5, 6). Eels in that size-class had already been in freshwater 1±4 years (Figure 4), showing that movement upriver is slow. Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011

FIGURE 2.ÐLength-frequencies of New Zealand long- ®n eels from the Aparima River catchment, classi®ed as undifferentiated or male (lower panel) and the percent- age differentiated into males at each length class (upper panel). Arrows mark lengths at which 50% and 95% of FIGURE 3.ÐAge frequencies of New Zealand long®n the eels were differentiated into males. The assumed eels from the Aparima River catchment, classi®ed as undifferentiated category was composed of eels for undifferentiated or male. The assumed undifferentiated which age was determined but, because of their small category was composed of eels for which age was de- size, had a high probability of being undifferentiated. termined but, because of their small size, had a high Bars and data points are centered at the midpoints of probability of being undifferentiated. Sample sizes are 20-mm length-classes. Sample sizes are in parentheses. in parentheses. 496 MCCLEAVE AND JELLYMAN

FIGURE 4.ÐMean lengths and standard deviations (er- ror bars) at age for the New Zealand long®n eels of Figure 3 (the Aparima River catchment), showing that faster-growing eels of a particular age were more likely to be differentiated than the slower growing eels. Sample sizes are in parentheses.

Only a few eels in that size-class had penetrated to the middle reaches. The change from a skewed and bimodal length distribution in the lower reach- es to more symmetrical ones upstream and in the tributaries is further evidence for the slow move- FIGURE 5.ÐLength-frequencies of New Zealand long- ®n eels from the lower, middle, and upper reaches of ment up the catchment. Undifferentiated long®n the Aparima River catchment that were classi®ed as un- eels at their modal size of about 290 mm in trib- differentiated, male, or female. All measured eels are utaries and upper reaches (Figures 5, 6) had prob- included. Those not examined for sex were assigned a ably taken 10±20 years to reach those locations sex, based on the proportions of the sexes of those ex- (Figure 4), assuming a gradual, unidirectional up- amined in each length-class and the assumption that any stream movement. unexamined eels greater than 680 mm long were female. Bars are centered at the midpoints of 20-mm length- Male long®n eels were distributed throughout classes. Arrows mark the size-class at entry into the the catchment. Further, their size distributions commercial ®shery. Numbers above bars are the num- were similar throughout the catchment, except that bers of females. Sample sizes in parentheses. the distributions in the lower reaches and main stem were sharply truncated at the upper ends, a little above the minimum legal commercial size males, in distinct contrast to the high male: female (Figures 5, 6). ratio among long®n eels. However, short®n eels There was a low representation of long®n eels were rare in the samples, being outnumbered by Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 140±400 mm in the samples (Figures 5, 6), but long®n eels 27:1 (Table 2). this was probably because of sampling bias rather Short®n eels were distributed differently than than rarity of these sizes in the population. Al- long®n eels, short®n eels being relatively more though electric ®shing and fyke netting sampled abundant in the estuary and in low-reach and mid- various habitats, effort was not equal between dle-reach tributaries. In those locations, the long®n methods or among habitats, and both electric ®sh- eel: short®n eel ratios in the catches were between ing and especially fyke netting are size-selective 5:1 and 13:1, whereas the overall ratio in the main (Figure 7). Many smaller eels could have escaped stem was 86:1 (Table 2). Short®n eels actually out- through the mesh of the fyke nets. Both sampling numbered long®n eels in two middle-reach tribu- methods revealed the sharp decline at the upper taries. ends of the length-frequency distributions. The 34 short®n eels greater than 540 mm, which were determined or presumed to be females (Be- Short®n Eel Sex Ratio and Distribution entjes and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes 1999), plus 15 Of 31 short®n eels that were gonadally differ- shorter eels sexed as females, were more highly entiated in the Aparima catchment, 26 were fe- represented in the estuary and lower main stem MALE DOMINANCE IN A LONGFIN EEL POPULATION 497

FIGURE 7.ÐLength-frequencies of New Zealand long- ®n eels from the Aparima River catchment captured by FIGURE 6.ÐLength-frequencies of New Zealand long- electric ®shing (upper panel) and by fyke netting (lower ®n eels from the main stem (lower panel) and tributaries panel). Sample sizes in parentheses. (upper panel) of the Aparima River catchment that were classi®ed as undifferentiated, male, or female. Those not examined for sex were assigned a sex, based on the misclassi®ed because we carefully followed proportions of the sexes of those examined in each Todd's (1974) comprehensive descriptions and di- length-class and the assumption that any unexamined eels greater than 680 mm long were female. Bars are agrams of developing gonadal stages for both centered at the midpoints of 20-mm length-classes. Ar- long®n eels and short®n eels. Nevertheless, our rows mark the size-class at entry into the commercial assumption that unexamined long®n eels longer ®shery. Numbers above bars are the numbers of females. than 680 mm were females might have resulted, Sample sizes in parentheses. The data include the eels if anything, in a only a slight overestimate of the depicted in Figure 5. proportion of females in the population.

than were undifferentiated or shorter unexamined TABLE 2.ÐRelative abundance of short®n eels in the short®n eels (Table 2). Of the ®ve identi®ed as Aparima River catchment, New Zealand, shown as the ra- males, two were at the middle tributary site, where tio of New Zealand long®n eels to short®n eels (sexes

Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 the largest catch of short®n eels was made, one combined) and the minimum percentage of female short®n was at an upper tributary site, and two were at a eels in the total number of short®n eels. The actual num- bers of short®n eels are in parentheses and are the same lower main-stem site. for the bottom section, so they are not repeated there.

Discussion Reach Stream Identi®cation of Female Eels category Lower Middle Upper Total Because of the unexpected extreme male pre- Relative abundance of short®n eels dominance in the Aparima River population of Estuary 5:1 (14) 5:1 (14) long®n eels, the possibility arises that female long- Main stem 52:1 (23) 851:1 (1) 28:0 (0) 86:1 (24) Tributaries 13:1 (23) 6:1 (48) 42:1 (11) 13:1 (82) ®n eels were misidenti®ed as males, or simply clas- Total 26:1 (60) 24:1 (49) 45:1 (11) 27:1 (120) si®ed as undifferentiated juveniles. In this study, Relative abundance of female short®n eels about 50% of the 340±360-mm long®n eels were Estuary 71.4 71.4 classi®ed as males (Figure 2), which is near the Main stem 56.5 0.0 54.2 lowest size reported to be developing males (Todd Tributaries 39.1 29.2 27.3 31.7 (1974). However, it is unlikely that many eels were Total 53.3 28.6 27.3 40.8 498 MCCLEAVE AND JELLYMAN

TABLE 3.ÐRatios of male to female (M:F) New Zealand long®n eels in the commercial catches from South Island rivers, New Zealand, sampled in ®shing seasons of 1996± 1997 and 1997±1998 (data from Beentjes and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes 1999).

River M:F ratio Sample size Southernmost ®ve major rivers Waiau 2.4:1 675 Aparima 13.6:1 774 Aparima (scienti®c)1 67.9:1 1,859 Oreti 4.6:1 1,448 Mataura 2 4.8:1 1,462 Clutha 3.2:1 1,381 Headwaters Taieri3 0.2:1 348 Waikaka Stream4 0.01:1 86 FIGURE 8.ÐPercentages of number of New Zealand long®n eels in the smallest length-class (such that the Other rivers smallest length-class will equal 100%) and in succeeding Waitaki 1.1:1 619 10-mm modal length-classes, as depicted for scienti®c Eight others combined 0.4:1 to 2.0:1 46±226 samples and commercial catches in the Aparima River 1 Including those apportioned as male and female. and in the commercial catches in four other southern 2 Excluding Waikaka Stream. South Island catchments, New Zealand. The starting 3 Above Taieri River gorge. length-class for the scienti®c samples was a secondary 4 Headwater stream of the Mataura River. mode, chosen to approximate the commercial catch modes. Commercial catch data are from Beentjes and Chisnall (1997) and Beentjes (1999). Four rivers com- Skewed Sex Ratios in Southern South Island mercial includes the Waiau, Oreti, Mataura, and Clutha Rivers rivers combined. Sample sizes in parentheses. The preponderance of male long®n eels in the present electric ®shing and fyke netting samples (68:1; Figures 5, 6) was consistent with the com- from nine other rivers in more northerly parts of mercial fyke-netted catch from the Aparima River the South Island ranged from 0.4:1 to 2.0:1 (Table (Table 3). Combining the two summer ®shing sea- 3), though sample sizes were small for most. sons of 1996±1997 and 1997±1998, the male: fe- In contrast, the commercial catch of short®n eels male ratio was 14:1 (N ϭ 774; data from Beentjes in all South Island rivers was nearly 100% female and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes 1999). The actual ra- (Beentjes and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes 1999). Only tio, however, was probably higher because about 6 of 1,153 short®n eels sampled in the catches from 50% of the commercial catch was reported as un- the ®ve southernmost rivers were males. Most differentiated (N ϭ 782). In our study, sex was male short®n eels mature and migrate to sea at a determined for more than 95% of long®n eels in size smaller than the minimum legal size (220 g, the commercial size range. about 470 mm; Todd 1980; Jellyman and Todd The preponderance of male long®n eels also oc- 1998; Francis and Jellyman 1999). Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 curred in other rivers in the southern half of the South Island, although the Aparima River was the Truncated Size Distributions in Southern South extreme. In the ®ve large, southernmost catch- Island Rivers ments, the ratio of males to females in the com- The truncated length-frequency distributions of mercial catches ranged from 2.4:1 to 13.6:1 (Table long®n eels in the Aparima River (this study) and 3; Beentjes and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes 1999). other South Island rivers (Beentjes and Chisnall Because of the conservative assignment of sex by 1998; Beentjes 1999) are considered to be a con- those authors, the actual ratios were probably high- sequence of an intense and sustained commercial er. Approximately three-quarters of the South Is- eel ®shery. The rapid decline in numbers of long®n land long®n eel catch is produced by those ®ve eels greater than 500 mm in the scienti®c samples catchments (Beentjes and Bull 2002). In the head- from the Aparima River was mirrored in the com- waters of the southern Taieri River, only recently mercial catches from the Aparima River and from accessible to commercial ®shing, the catch was four other major southern rivers (Figure 8). Rapid predominated by females (0.2:1). The male: fe- decline in proportion of the catch for eels exceed- male ratios of long®n eels in commercial catches ing the minimum legal size (220 g, about 460 mm) MALE DOMINANCE IN A LONGFIN EEL POPULATION 499

shows that baited fyke nets used in the commercial River, ``. . . all samples consisted of long-®nned ®shery are quite effective in harvesting long®n female eels. This was also true for. . . the Aparima eels. Much larger eels were common before and River and the Waiau River.'' The 11,624 eels (all in the early stages of commercial ®shing (Cairns caught in baited traps of unspeci®ed mesh or 1942; Burnet 1952; Beentjes and Chisnall 1997). mouth size) in the Hedgehope River and its trib- In a recent study, unbaited fyke nets were used utaries in the lower Oreti catchment had an average to sample long®n eels in Lee Stream, a headwater weight of 1.22 kg (Cairns 1942). A long®n eel of tributary of the Taieri River, at sites with easy or that weight would have been approximately 780 dif®cult access to commercial ®shers (T. L. Broad, mm long (Hoyle and Jellyman 2002) and female. University of Otago, personal communication). Long®n eels in the commercial catch in the Oreti The length-frequency distribution of eels at the catchment in 1996±1998 averaged only 516 mm dif®cult sites was normal, whereas that at the easy (Beentjes and Chisnall 1998; Beentjes 1999). sites was signi®cantly nonnormal and truncated Burnet (1952) caught long®n eels in baited traps sharply above 600 mm. The mean length of eels with 25-mm-diameter mesh in tributaries of the was signi®cantly greater (by 60 mm) at the dif®cult Waiau River. The 606 eels also averaged 780 mm, sites. Similarly, Broad et al. (2001) found long®n whereas the recent commercial catch averaged 536 eels sampled by electric ®shing at different sites mm. From Burnet's length composition table, 48% in the Lee Stream catchment to be signi®cantly were greater than 760 mm and certainly female, longer at dif®cult than at easy access sites. and 72% were greater than 690 mm and probably The length-frequency of short®n eels harvested more than 95% female. by the commercial ®shery in southern rivers de- Harries (1974) collected long®n eels in the Clu- creased more gradually with increasing size above tha catchment with baited traps and in the Taieri the minimum legal limit. The modal length of River catchment by electric ®shing and with baited short®n eels in the commercial catch for the ®ve traps. Females were much more abundant than southernmost rivers combined was 580 mm, males among the eels for which sex could be de- whereas it was only 500 mm for long®n eel, despite termined. In the Clutha River 87% were female (N the fact that the long®n eel is a much larger spe- ϭ 85) and in the Taieri River 78% were female (N cies. In the southern rivers, long®n eels are tar- ϭ 282). geted with baited fyke nets, to which short®n eels Commercial ®shing in the southern rivers be- respond less readily. It may be that the rarer short- came signi®cant in the early 1970s (Beentjes and ®n eels in those rivers are less vulnerable to com- Chisnall 1997). Data from commercial eel pro- mercial ®shing. cessors shows that the proportion of long®n eels Where short®n eels are targeted by a commercial in smaller weight categories increased markedly ®shery, the same reduction in size distribution and between the 1970s and the 1990s. truncation occurs, often abruptly. In the 3 years A signi®cant decline in catch per unit effort for after the beginning of a commercial ®shery in one long®n eels also occurred in the rivers of the south- South Island lagoon, the mean length of eels in ern half of the South Island through the period scienti®c samples had declined by 100 mm (Jel- 1991±1999 (Beentjes and Bull 2002). For the lyman 1993). Only about 10% of the eels in the Southland Region, where earlier data are compa- Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 second sample exceeded the mean length of the rable, the 1990s continued a declining trend ob- ®rst sample. served in the 1980s (Jellyman 1993). Changing sex ratio and ®shing down of large females over Historical Sex and Size Distributions in Southern time probably have contributed to the declining Rivers catch per unit effort. Both the sex ratios and length distributions have changed with time in the major southern South Why are Sex Ratios Skewed toward Males in Island rivers, although directly comparable studies Southern Rivers? have not been conducted. Cairns (1941) ironically Given the predominance of female long®n eels suggested a campaign of eel destruction and stated, in the southern rivers before commercial ®shing ``Eleven thousand eels were taken from the Hed- (Cairns 1941, 1942; Burnet 1952), what has caused gehope Southland. These were all the change to a predominance of males, especially long-®nned females.'' The Hedgehope River is a in the Aparima River? Three possibilities are con- tributary of the Oreti River, 20 km east of the sidered here; of course, the cause might be a com- Aparima River. Above the head of tide in the Oreti bination of factors. (1) The selective commercial 500 MCCLEAVE AND JELLYMAN

harvest of larger, longer-lived females created males at smaller sizes because males become rec- truncated size distributions with an associated ognizably differentiated earlier than females. The skew of expressed sex ratios. If so, potential sex sex ratio gradually changed with increasing eel ratios would still be at preharvest values, and elim- length to approximate 1:1 at lengths where all eels ination of harvest would allow the sex ratios to are differentiated, whether ®shing occurred or not. return to preharvest values over time. (2) Com- The ratio then trended toward female predomi- mercial harvest has restructured the river popu- nance because males matured and emigrated ear- lations such that biotic environmental conditions lier than females. (e.g., social interactions) now favor the develop- It seems more likely that changed factors in the ment of males. If so, elimination of commercial environment caused differentiation of a greater harvest might not produce a return to preharvest proportion of the population into males in the last values or a return to those values might take much 2 decades than in earlier decades. Those eels in longer. (3) Other environmental features of the our samples identi®ed as males (mostly 300±600 catchments, natural or anthropogenic, have mm) would have entered the Aparima catchment changed to favor the development of males. If so, between the early 1970s or 1980s for the larger elimination of the commercial harvest would have males and the early 1990s for the smaller males, no direct effect on sex ratios, other than allowing and depending on growth rates: assumed 13 mm/ the few females in the population the chance to year (our study) or 23 mm/year (Beentjes and reproduce. Chisnall 1998; Beentjes 1999). It is not known at Two lines of argument suggest that the observed what size environmental factors exert their in¯u- sex ratio in the Aparima River and other southern ence on sex determination, but the in¯uence is rivers was not just a simple function of harvesting. probably well before differentiated testes are dis- Commercial ®shing does cause a rapid drop in cernable. long®n eel numbers just exceeding the legal size As a result, we could not determine whether the limit. However, it apparently does not skew the factors in¯uencing differentiation relate to com- sex ratio within a given size-class. First, among mercial ®shing or to other aspects of the environ- the eels between about 440 and 560 mm in our ment. Commercial ®shing does alter the size struc- samples (Figure 6), we found few undifferentiated ture of the population. For example, between the eels and therefore little potential to increase female mid-1970s and the mid-1990s the proportion by numbers. At the lower end of this size range, the weight of long®n eels greater than 710 mm fell population has not yet been directly affected by from 60% to 32% in the catch handled by the ®shing. Developing females, certainly at the upper largest South Island eel processor (Beentjes and end of that size range, should have been recog- Chisnall 1997) and has probably fallen further nizable had they been present. Only a few in that since. Almost all long®n eels greater than 710 mm size range were recognized by Beentjes (1999) are females. A reduced proportion of large eels in from samples taken 3 or 4 years earlier. the southern river populations might have allowed Second, a simple modeling exercise showed that a greater survival rate of smaller eels (e.g., through although commercial ®shing increases the rate of reduced cannibalism or competition for food). A decline in numbers of eels above the legal size, it consequent increase in population density of small Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 does not alter the sex ratio per se. Previously used eels might have favored differentiation of males values of growth rate (13 mm/year), natural mor- (e.g., Parsons et al. 1977; Kennedy and Vickers tality rate (0.04/year), and probability of male mi- 1990; Krueger and Oliveira 1999). The perceived gration as a function of size for long®n eels (Fran- increased population density might be exaggerat- cis and Jellyman 1999; Hoyle and Jellyman 2002) ed, if the reduction of large eels resulted in in- were combined with a sexual differentiation sched- creased encounter rates among smaller eels. Large ule for males approximated from Figure 2 via a long®n eels altered the daytime resting habitat logistic equation. A similar schedule was used for preferences of smaller long®n eels in experimental females but at a larger size range. A ®shing mor- conditions (Glova 2001), but the behavioral in¯u- tality of 0.1/year was superimposed gradually over ence of large eels on smaller ones during nighttime 5 years on the natural mortality rate. It was as- is unknown. Large eels may inhibit the nighttime sumed that an individual in a length-cohort of un- emergence of smaller eels from within the sub- differentiated eels had equal potential to become strate, which would reduce the encounter rates and male or female. perhaps allow differentiation of females. In the model, males greatly outnumbered fe- Low electric ®shing catches of long®n eels 150± MALE DOMINANCE IN A LONGFIN EEL POPULATION 501

230 mm (Figure 7) are evidence that some years Clearing and livestock grazing have reduced ri- of low recruitment occurred in the Aparima River, parian cover and increased the erosion of shingle although the electric ®shing was not a random into the upper part of the catchment, causing great- sample of all habitats available to eels. If the low er instability of the riverbed (Robertson 1992). Al- catches re¯ect actual low density of small eels, the though such changes gradually alter the general argument just presented would be countered, but characteristics of the water courses, they do not most of the males we sampled would have differ- affect the entire catchment simultaneously, where- entiated before the period of low recruitment. Un- as the change in eel population structure appar- fortunately, there are no historical records of den- ently is catchmentwide. sity of eels less than legal size against which to In summary, commercial ®shing selectively har- compare current density. vests female long®n eels, but does not, per se, It is also possible that the presence of large fe- account for lack of immature females smaller than males inhibits the differentiation of males through legal size. The climatic and anthropogenic changes chemical communication. The glass eel stage of to the environment evident in the southern South the European and American eels respond behav- Island seem to have been more gradual and on iorally to exceedingly low concentrations of sub- different time scales than the changes in eel sex stances from other eels and other aquatic ratio in the Aparima River and nearby rivers. Com- (e.g., amino acids; Sola et al. 1993; Sola and Ton- mercial ®shing has altered the size structure of the giorgi 1998) and bile salts (Sola and Tosi 1993). eel population, probably altering the social struc- Reactions of glass eels to conspeci®c yellow eels ture, such that differentiation into males has been and their bile are equivocal (Miles 1968; Pesaro enhanced. The perceived increase in density of et al. 1981; Sorensen 1986). Apparently, the pos- small eels may be the driving factor. sible in¯uence of pheromones on sexual differ- entiation has not been studied in eels. Implications for Conservation and Management Climatic factors, particularly temperature and The conservation and management of highly ex- precipitation, have changed in recent decades, but ploited, highly fecund, pelagic-spawning marine it seems unlikely that the slight trends could have ®shes is dif®cult at best. For highly fecund marine caused the dramatic shift in sex ratio. Compared teleost ®shes, it is theoretically unlikely that with the 2 decades preceding 1950, air tempera- spawning stock-recruitment relationships can be tures over Southland have since warmed (Salinger de®ned because of the high variability in density- and Mullan 1999), increasing about 0.14ЊC per de- independent and density-dependent mortality rates cade (Wratt and Salinger 2001), but with substan- (Koslow 1992). For long®n eels, it is also prac- tial interannual variation. Holmgren (1996) tically unlikely because there are no means to as- showed a slight increase in percentage of cultured sess the spawning stock; the spawning area is only European eels that became males with elevated conjecture (Jellyman 1987). temperature, but only with constant culture tem- Koslow (1992) attributed the supposed resil- peratures of 6ЊC or more apart. In Southland, an- ience of such teleosts to exploitation to the pro- nual precipitation between 1976 and 1994 aver- duction of large numbers of small eggs. However, aged about 10% above the long-term average Sadovy (2001) rejected the argument that fecun- Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 (1930±1994; Salinger and Mullan 1999; Wratt and dity, per se, offers resilience to exploitation, sug- Salinger 2001). This small change is overshad- gesting that it is inappropriate to compare the tiny owed by the normal range of ¯ow variation from eggs of a high fecundity broadcast spawner with dry to wet periods of 1±2 orders of magnitude in those of a low-fecundity producer of yolk-®lled the Aparima catchment (Robertson 1992). eggs. Sadovy (2001) cited the families Scorpaen- Anthropogenic changes to the environment have idae, Serranidae, and Sciaenidae as examples of also occurred in the Aparima and other Southland marine ®shes that have not been protected from and Otago catchments. Many of these have been exploitation by their high fecundity. Common fea- gradual since the mid-1980s, such as conversion tures of these are longevity, delayed sexual ma- of forest to pasture and cropland. The most ob- turity, sporadic recruitment, and iteroparity. Re- vious change in land use in the Aparima catch- productive potential of species in all these fami- ment, coinciding in part with the changes in eel lies, and in anguillids, is also reduced by the har- population structure, has been the rapid increase vest of juveniles. To further complicate the issue, in dairy farming and consequent increase in nu- recruitment variation in marine ®shes increases trient loading in some areas of the catchment. with fecundity (Rickman et al. 2000) and longevity 502 MCCLEAVE AND JELLYMAN

(Longhurst 2002), when taxonomic relatedness is producing rivers into male-predominated rivers taken into account. exacerbates the direct size truncation problem These and related ideas have been developed for from commercial ®shing. iteroparous species having wholly marine life cy- Conventional management practices are inap- cles. Can they be applied to conservation of long®n propriate and ineffective for the anguillid-type life eels and other anguillids that have an unusual ca- cycle. The maximum size limit on long®n eels on tadromous life cycle with semelparity? Semelpar- the South Island (4 kg), or even one much smaller, ity obviously worked in an evolutionary sense long as instituted to protect a portion of the females, before there was commercial ®shing, even for a serves little pragmatic function because eels are geographically restricted endemic species, the vulnerable to the ®shery for so many years that long®n eel. Before ®shing, a comparatively ex- few if any reach that size (Hoyle and Jellyman tended age at maturity and single-time spawning 2002). The minimum legal size, 220 g, was insti- were counterbalanced by the fact that large female tuted on the basis of yield-per-recruit and mar- long®n eels were top predators and food gener- ketability considerations. The minimum size does alists in New Zealand fresh waters and experienced little good as a conservation measure because in a low mortality rate. heavily exploited rivers a large percentage is Anguillids have a long larval life with high mor- caught as they recruit to legal size. A female has tality, which is probably density-independent be- to grow to 10ϫ the minimum weight to have a 5% cause of their rarity in the sea (Kleckner and chance of maturing and migrating (calculated from McCleave 1988; Tesch and Wegner 1990). This is relations in Hoyle and Jellyman 2002). The present followed by a period of years in fresh waters dur- quota management system for the South Island ing which mortality and sexual differentiation are provides a cap on harvest. However, it is ineffec- partly or largely density-dependent, and during tive as a management tool because it is not applied which sex-related size dimorphism at maturity de- by species, and it does not protect females, which velops. Anguillids share characteristics (other than are still vulnerable for many more years than iteroparity) with other exploited marine pelagic males. Management to date has presupposed that spawners: longevity and delayed sexual maturity small females carry through to maturity, but evi- (Todd 1980; Vùllestad 1992; Chisnall and Hicks dence presented here does not support that sup- 1993; Jellyman 1995; SvedaÈng et al. 1996; Oliv- position. eira and McCleave 2000), high fecundity (Todd Freshwater reserves for eels, where eel ®shing 1981; Barbin and McCleave 1997), and probably would be prohibited, were proposed during the ear- variable recruitment in an unexploited state. In that ly stages of the developing commercial ®shery in state, the presence of many age-classes in the an- New Zealand by Castle (1972), who warned then nual spawning migration from a river (Vùllestad of a possible crisis unless thought be given to the and Jonsson 1986; Oliveira and McCleave 2000) long-term consequences of ever-increasing wild and across the continental range (Vùllestad and eel harvest. The call for reserves in relatively un- Jonsson 1986; Vùllestad 1992) achieves the same ®shed rivers has been repeated (Hoyle and Jelly- outcome as the bet-hedging strategy of iteroparity man 2002). However, the un®shed or lightly ®shed in non-anguillids. areas do not appear to have protected the integrity Downloaded by [University of Maine] at 15:11 22 December 2011 Truncation of the size and age distribution of of the eel population to date. Most of these areas female long®n eels tends to negate that outcome are unproductive, as re¯ected in slow eel growth, in two ways. First, fewer age classes and fewer and the total area is small and inadequate (Jelly- total spawners probably contribute to increased re- man 1993) compared with the total exploited area. cruitment variability, where recruitment refers to To be effective, additional reserves would be need- glass eels entering fresh waters. Secondly, reduced ed (Hoyle and Jellyman 2002), perhaps many more mean size of spawning females reduces the poten- (Clark 1996). tial fecundity disproportionately because fecundity Two actions are needed urgently, one a conser- is an exponential function of length: about L4 in vation or management action and the other a re- the long®n eel (Todd 1981) and about L3 in the search action. First, the ®shery needs to be restruc- American eel (Barbin and McCleave 1997). tured or substantially curtailed, such that increased ``[F]ecundity is an inappropriate criterion for iden- numbers of females are allowed to mature and mi- tifying extinction risk'' (Sadovy 2001), especially grate to sea. Options are available, and more than for an endemic species with restricted geographic one may be necessary, though they may be painful range. The transformation of important female- to commercial interests. Legal designation of re- MALE DOMINANCE IN A LONGFIN EEL POPULATION 503

serves is one. Converting the ®shery from its focus and species composition and distribution of com- on yellow eels to a focus on migrating silver eels mercial eel catches. New Zealand Fisheries Data would allow a maximum size to be set so that some Report 89. National Institute of Water and Atmo- spheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand. or all females could escape the ®shery. Transfer Beentjes, M. P., and B. L. Chisnall. 1998. Size, age, and of elvers or undifferentiated yellow eels to waters species composition of commercial eel catches from where eels are rare or absent is another option, market sampling, 1996±97. NIWA Technical Report though this would have to be done in a manner 29. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Re- favoring differentiation into females, not males. search, Wellington, New Zealand. Secondly, on a longer term, the environmental fac- BoubeÂe, J. A., C. P. Mitchell, B. L. Chisnall, D. W. West, tors determining sexual differentiation need to be E. J. Bowman, and A. J. Haro. 2001. Factors reg- elucidated so further conservation actions might ulating the downstream migration of mature eels (Anguilla spp.) at Aniwhenua Dam, Bay of Plenty, be taken to restore populations in rivers that were New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and historically female. Freshwater Research 35:121±134. If short-term changes are not instituted, the ap- Broad, T. L., C. R. Townsend, G. P. Closs, and D. J. plication of research results may never come to Jellyman. 2001. Microhabitat use by long®n eels fruition. The time is now to invoke the precau- in New Zealand streams with contrasting riparian tionary principle. vegetation. Journal of Fish Biology 59:1385±1400. Burnet, A. M. R. 1952. Studies on the ecology of the Acknowledgments New Zealand long-®nned eel, Anguilla dieffenbachii Gray. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater E. Graynoth, who directed the wider Aparima Research 3:32±63. River study, provided advice through the present Cairns, D. 1941. Life-history of the two species of New research. M L. Bonnett, G. R. Kelly, and J. R. E. Zealand fresh-water eel, part I. , age and Sykes assisted with eel collection. C. Buard and growth, migration, and distribution. New Zealand G. R. Kelly aged the eels. J. R. E. Sykes and G. Journal of Science and Technology 23:53B±72B. R. Kelly prepared Figure 1. V. Thompson (Moss- Cairns, D. 1942. Life-history of the two species of fresh- water eel in New Zealand. III. Development of sex. burn Enterprises) loaned us fyke nets. J. D. M. was Campaign of eel destruction. New Zealand Journal a visiting scientist at the National Institute of Wa- of Science and Technology 23:173B±178B. ter and Atmospheric Research while this research Castle, P. H. J. 1972. Prospects for the New Zealand was conducted. The study was partly funded by freshwater eel industry. Commercial Fishing 11:13± the Foundation for Research, Science and Tech- 15. nology (New Zealand), contract NO1X003, and Chan, I. K. K., D. K. O. Chan, S. C. Lee, and K. Tsu- the Ministry of Fisheries, Contract EEL2001/O2. kamoto. 1997. Genetic variability of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica (Temminck & Schlegel) re- References lated to latitude. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 6:45± 49. Avise, J. C., G. S. Helfman, N. C. Saunders, and L. S. Chisnall, B. L., and B. J. Hicks. 1993. Age and growth Hales. 1986. Mitochondrial DNA differentiation in of long®nned eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) in pas- North Atlantic eels: population genetic consequenc- toral and forested streams in the Waikato River ba- es of an unusual life history pattern. Proceedings sin, and in two hydro-electric lakes in the North of the National Academy of Sciences 83:4350± Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ma-

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