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Corporate Management Committee Thursday 25 June 2020 at 7.30pm This meeting will be held remotely via MS Teams with audio access to the public for the Part I items via registered dial-in only Members of the Committee Councillors N Prescot (Chairman), J Gracey (Vice-Chairman), A Alderson, D Cotty, L Gillham, M Heath, J Hulley, N King, R King, M Maddox, D Whyte and M Willingale. In accordance with Standing Order 29.1, any Member of the Council may obtain remote access via MS Teams to the meeting of this Committee, but may speak only with the permission of the Chairman of the Committee, if they are not a member of this Committee. AGENDA Notes: 1) Any report on the Agenda involving confidential information (as defined by section 100A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972) must be discussed in private. Any report involving exempt information (as defined by section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972), whether it appears in Part 1 or Part 2 below, may be discussed in private but only if the Committee so resolves. 2) The relevant 'background papers' are listed after each report in Part 1. Enquiries about any of the Agenda reports and background papers should be directed in the first instance to Mr J Gurmin, Democratic Services Section, Law and Governance Business Centre, Runnymede Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone (Tel: Direct Line: 01932 425624). (Email: [email protected]). 3) Agendas and Minutes are available on a subscription basis. For details, please ring Mr B A Fleckney on 01932 425620. Agendas and Minutes for all the Council's Committees may also be viewed on Continued…… 1 4) You are only permitted to hear the debate on the items listed in Part I of this Agenda, which contains matters in respect of which reports have been made available for public inspection. You will not be able to hear the debate for the items in Part II of this Agenda, which contains matters involving Exempt or Confidential information in respect of which reports have not been made available for public inspection. If you wish to hear the debate for the Part I items on this Agenda by audio via MS Teams you must register by 10.00 am on the day of the meeting with the Democratic Services Team by emailing your name and contact number to be used to dial-in to [email protected] 5) Audio-Recording of Meeting As this meeting will be held remotely via MS Teams, you may only record the audio of this meeting. The Council will not be recording any remote meetings. 2 LIST OF MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PART I Matters in respect of which reports have been made available for public inspection Page 1. NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES TO COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 4 2. MINUTES 4 3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 19 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 19 5. RUNNYMEDE TRAVEL INITIATIVE 19 6. CONSTITUTION REVIEW 2020 37 7. REVISED PROBATION PROCEDURE 40 8. DETERMINATION OF SEVERANCE PAYMENTS FOR CHIEF OFFICERS 51 9. GENDER PAY GAP 52 10. MODERN SLAVERY AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING STATEMENT 57 11. REQUEST TO CHANGE THE NAME OF AN ELECTORAL WARD – 70 PROPOSED TRIGGER CRITERION 12. APPOINTMENTS TO CHARITIES AND TRUSTS 74 13. URGENT ACTION – STANDING ORDER 42 77 14. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC 91 PART II Matters involving Exempt or Confidential Information in respect of which reports have not been made available for public inspection. a) Exempt Information 15. QUARTER 4 2019/2020 PROJECT PORTFOLIO REPORTING AND THE 92 IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON PROJECT DELIVERY 16. BUDGET MONITORING 2020/21 (TO FOLLOW) 109 17. COVID-19 UPDATE REPORT (TO FOLLOW) 109 18. WRITE-OFF 109 19. URGENT ACTION – STANDING ORDER 42 110 b) Confidential Information (No reports to be considered under this heading) 3 1. NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES TO COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 2. MINUTES To confirm and sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 23 March 2020 as attached at Appendix ‘A’ and on 27 May 2020 as attached at Appendix ‘B’. As this meeting is being held remotely, the Chairman will ask the Members of the Committee if they approve these two sets of Minutes which will then be signed when this is physically possible. (To resolve) Background papers None 4 APPENDIX 'A' Runnymede Borough Council CORPORATE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 23 March 2020 at 7.00 p.m. Members of the Councillors N Prescot (Chairman), J Gracey (Vice-Chairman), Committee present: E Gill, L Gillham, J Hulley, R King,S Lewis, M Maddox and M Willingale, Members of the Councillors Miss M Heath , N King and D Whyte Committee absent; Councillor J Olorenshaw also attended. 577 FIRE PRECAUTIONS The Chairman read out the Fire Precautions. 578 NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES TO COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The Groups mentioned below had notified the Chief Executive of their wish that the changes listed below be made to the membership of the Committee. The changes were for a fixed period ending on the day after the meeting and thereafter the Councillors removed would be reappointed. Group Remove From Membership Appoint Instead RIRG Councillor Alderson Councillor E Gill Conservative Councillor D Cotty Councillor S Lewis The Chief Executive had given effect to this request in accordance with Section 16(2) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. 579 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillor D Whyte 580 REVIEW OF RUNNYMEDE’S VERIFICATION FRAMEWORK POLICY The Committee considered an amendment to the Verification Framework Policy to ensure the Council could help residents as quickly as possible during this outbreak of Corona virus. By adding flexibility to the policy, unnecessary contact could be reduced, risk minimised to customers and Council staff of contracting the virus and hasten decisions in relation to Council Tax Support claims. RESOLVED that i) in accordance with paragraph 1.3 of the Scheme of Delegation, the decision on this matter be a delegated function for the purposes of this decision only, as a decision was required as a matter of urgency in order to help residents as quickly as possible, and could not be delayed until the next meeting of Full Council; 5 ii) the revised Verification Framework Policy, as circulated, be adopted for the period commencing 24 March 2020. 581 PROPERTY INVESTMENT STRATEGY - ACQUISITION OF A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY By resolution of the Committee, the press and public were excluded from the meeting during the consideration of this matter under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that the discussion would be likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information of the description specified in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to Part 1 of the Act. The Committee considered the purchase of the freehold interest of Honeywell House, Arlington Square, Bracknell ,Berkshire. Through an open market bidding process, Officers informed by benchmarking data had agreed in principle a purchase price. The offer was made subject to survey and Full Council approval. The vendors of the property had accepted the Council’s offer and proposals, but a key requirement was the ability to conclude the transaction on the 31st March 2020. Details of the building and its condition, tenants, rental arrangements, independent valuation were taken into account by the Committee. Whilst there were some repairs and improvements which remained to be undertaken, these works were required to be undertaken by the tenant by legally binding contract (the lease) and so officers did not consider that any significant concern or impediment existed to proceeding with the purchase. The Assets and Regeneration Member Working Group unanimously agreed to support proceeding with the acquisition. The relatively high yield of the purchase and the very strong covenant, favourable unexpired term and the fact that the building was in good condition provided a strong purchasing opportunity that would add a further high quality asset to the Council’s portfolio. The purchase of the commercial property after allowing for the cost of acquisition provided an important revenue contribution that would assist funding regeneration projects being undertaken by the Council together with a reasonable prospect for growth in the revenue and capital value of the asset. RESOLVED that i) in accordance with paragraph 1.3 of the Scheme of Delegation, the decision on this matter be a delegated function for the purposes of this decision only, as a completion of the purchase was required as a matter of urgency, and could not be delayed until the next meeting of Full Council; and ii) subject to no significant variation in terms, the freehold purchase of Honeywell House, Arlington Square, Bracknell RG12 1EB be approved and a capital estimate in the sum reported for the purchase and related disbursements of Honeywell House, Arlington Square, Bracknell to be taken from the provision for property purchases held within the Capital Programme, be approved. (The meeting ended at 7.30pm) Chairman 6 RBC CM 27.5.20 Runnymede Borough Council APPENDIX 'B' CORPORATE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 27 May 2020 at 7.30 p.m. Members of the Councillors N Prescot (Chairman), J Gracey (Vice-Chairman), Committee present: A Alderson, D Cotty, L Gillham, M Heath, J Hulley, N King, R King, M Maddox, D Whyte and M Willingale. Members absent: None Councillors T Burton, E Gill, T Gracey, C Howorth, M Kusneraitis, S Lewis, I Mullens, J Olorenshaw, P Snow, J Sohi, S Whyte and J Wilson also attended. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 February 2020 were confirmed as a correct record. As the meeting was being held remotely using MS Teams, the Chairman would sign the minutes when this was physically possible.