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Owls Face Mighty & 4,7 "Battle of Baton Rouge..." ...On National },V< Owls Face Mighty LSU By TED HERMANN teams in the nation with Don Rather, Rufus and Boyd King, Thresher Sports Editor Bobby Lively and Gene Miller lining up on the first team. Amid the glamour of nation wide TV, coach Jess Neely's 20th The second unit, which is almost as talented, is headed by 250 pound edition Bice football squad opens its 1959 campaign in Baton Rouge sophomore tackle Delbert Wiley. Backing up Wiley are lettermen at 8 o'clock this afternoon against Paul Dietzel's national champions, Gerald Gusler, Jerry Graves and Shelburne Ford, along with squad- the LSU Bengal Tigers. The Tigers are 13% point favorites to take man Bill Donaldson. their eighteenth victory in this, the 80th meeting of the two teams Fortunately right end is fortified with more experience than in a series which dates back to 1915 and includes three ties. left end, as the first two slots are held down by captain Billy Sim- Returning only sixteen lettermen, the Owls, termed by Neely as a mons and letterman Charles Pollard. team of desire, face the possibility of entering the contest with as Quarterbacks Look Sharp many as four sophomores in the starting lineup, thus emphasizing Neely is also well stocked at quarterback with able ball handlers the lack of experience on the '59 Owl squad. The most inexperienced and signal callers Jon Schnable, Alvin Hartman and Wade Rogers. positions are end and fullback. All four left ends, headed by promis- Schnable, always a dependable but not flashy field general, had one ing Robert Johnston and backed by Wesley Stokes and Johnny Bur- of his best nights as he completed eight of eleven in last Saturday's rell, are either sophomores or junior college transfers. Such is the Blue-Gray tilt. Between the three squirt backs, the ball was thrown case at fullback where Roland Jackson, the most highly rated Rice 37 times Saturday with 19 completions, illustrating a newly found fullback since Kosse Johnson, holds down the number one slot fol- confidence in the Owl aerial attack. lowed by Mike Bowen and Lonnie Caddell. Elsewhere in the backfield, the prospects are also bright as Three Deep halfbacks Bill Bucek and Gordon Speer appear on the verge of great Elsewhere in the line and backfield the Owls are three deep in seasons predicted for them the past two years. However, their fine capable performers. This wealth of depth has led Neely to make the running and receiving is being matched by sophomore Johnny statement that he would like to "go with three units playing in Stephenson, who is pushing the senior lettermen for the left half spurts of about five minutes each in a quarter." 'JESS NEELY starting assignment. Right half is also well fortified with letterman From tackle to tackle the Owls are possibly one of the strongest Begins 20th Year (Continued on Page 7) "LITTLE MAN ON THE CAMPUS" RETURNS THRESHER ALL NEW PAGE TWO RICE THRESHER An All Student Newspaper Since 1917 YOL. 47, NO. 1 HOUSTON, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 19, 1959 Humanities, Engineering Frosh Picnic, Masterson, Griff is Named Deans By SID NATHANS tions have been inaugurated at programs and to make more ef- Thresher Columnist fective the Institute undergrad- Dance Tonight the Rice Institute to further ac- Two new administrative Icomodate growing XCIce graduate uate departments. Freshmen have a full schedule freshmen can make appointments In May, Dr. William Houston today, Saturday, with the an- to have their Campanile pictures announced the appointment of nual Freshman Picnic and an in- taken. Dr. William Masterson, professor formal dance tonight winding up Then from 7 until 9 tonight in of History, as Dean of Humani- their first week at the Institute. the Grand Ballroom of the Stu- ties. In July, Dr. Levan Griffis, Upperclassmen will have a full dent Center the slimes will attend formerly of Borg-Warner Cor- day Monday with final registra- an informal "get-acquainted" poration of Chicago, was ap- tion details. dance. pointed Dean of Engineering. Dr. Masterson has been at Rice The frosh -will frolic at the since 1949. He received his BA at field house, where they may use Rice, and earned his M.A. and Ph. the swimming pool and other fa- D. at Pennsylvania. He has served cilities, from 2 until 5:30. At 6 COLLEGES— Rice as assistant-to the President, o'clock they will have dinner in and is Master of Hanszen College, the Student Center. At a Glance where he lives with his wife and Some time during the picnic, Orientation Week saw Baker,' the slimes will receive their Hanszen, Jones, Wiess, and Will See. page 2 for editorial Rice Colleges presenting a series comment. blanket taxes and physical ed- ucation activity cards. There will of introductory speeches designed (Continued on Fage 8) also be a table set up where the to acquaint freshmen with the college system. Along with these speeches were scheduled talks from the Army and Navy ROTC A New World officers, the Religious Council, The editors of The Thresher have given me this and the Honor Council. But as the upperclassmen re- opportunity to extend a welcome to all new students turn, events are being planned to and to all students returning for another year at the acquaint the freshmen with the Rice Institute. school and the upperclassmen It is a mixed but very real pleasure to welcome under- with the freshmen, particularly mm the better fifth of the Freshman -Immmmm hp graduates to a university. The very deep congratulations Class. one feels for you as a group capable of winning four-year MAKING PLANS—Dr. LeVan Griffis, left, and Dr. fellowships for exceptional education is sharply tempered WIESS W. H. Masterson discuss the coming year and their new by the knowledge that a lot of you are not going to enjoy Wiess had a party in Hermann positions as deans at Rice. * Park and a pep rally for the LSU one bit the very hard work- this opportunity entails. The game the first night of Orienta- almost effortless ease of your preparatory school achieve- tion Week. Thy plan on a dance Upperclassmen Register ments, as upperclasmen can testify, melts very fast in rwith Jones for September 21. the face of the adult performance a university derpands. JONES Monday in Student Center You will find sympathy almost universally from the .men Jones included talks from var- Monday, September 21, upper- of all dtas belonging to his fam- who instruct you, if you are doing your level best to work ious department heaSs in their classmen will report to the regis- ily must be brought for their and to understand the new ideas and techniques before you. orientation program. A'Big Sis- tration tables in the Grand Hall Also at this time students will The human mind has built-in resistance to new environ- ter—Little Sister dinner will be Monday, September 28, and get of tfie RMC from 8:30 a.m. to pick up their health insurance ment, new tastes, new ideas. A teacher cannot demolish 4:30 p.m. - policies or. complete arrange- acquainted dance for the men's ments for health insurance. these blocks; you have to knock them down yourselves. colleges is scheduled for October Each student will pick up his He can, however; with courtesy, point the way to a new 2. blanket tax, physical education country, which without destroying the old paths of in- 6 activity card, and" 1959 Campa- See page three for an open BAKER nile. No student may secure a letter from Wayne Han- dividual faiths, can lead you to a new world of under- Baker has on tiieir calendar a blanket tax without hfs Cashier's son, president of the Stu- standing the earth and all the men who inhabit it. dance with Jones Sunday night, receipt, showing that he is regis- dent Association. —W. V. Houston September 27, a stag beach patty, tered, and the license numbers and a fall semi-formal dance. Two THE THRESHER SEPTEMBER 19,1959 A Step Forward LITTLE MAN ON HARVEST SENIC MtfHH Editor Hopes A step forward toward the educational aim of the Rice Institute as a school "dedicated to the Advance- US To Remain ment of Letters, Science, and Art," was undertaken pOttOlNlNCi (Wf with the establishment of the post of Dean of Neutral In War 20 YEARS AGO Humanities. Acknowledged to be one of the outstand- September 14,1939 ing science-engineering schools in the country, Rice (Editorial) Germany is again attempting to take another piece has for many years neglected emphasis on the "other" of desirable territory for the Fa- divisions of the Institute. r therland. Poland, France, and 5 ? England have declared a state of In the first of twelve points in the long range war with Germany to prevent development program undertaken early in 1945, it conquest in central Europe. a America has no conceivable was stated: ". The Institute will provide a broad reason for becoming part of an- and sound basic program with a well-developed and other European war. strong curriculum in arts and letters and with the America is an ocean removed from this chaos. A mighty fortu- emphasis on science and research that is required nate thing that if we, realizing to meet changing circumstances." The emphasis on that atrocities must occur when science is a necessity in today's scientifically-minded half the world is at war, curb our biases and, what is more, retain society and we agree that this segment of the plan our distance.
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