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.gaifiiiTBHHn |fnin •WWMPW M : iflaiPiM I^h^bsmhri ' lMww ' ilill *,x<- a.: • Student Weekly Publication 11 Mi Wi-iS The Rice Institute MK XXVI HOUSTON. TEXAS, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1940 Number ti The Nubbin Owl Defiance | Freshmen Play PARIS—-The opinion in diplomatic Shorthorns In circles here last night was that Pierre Laval would not dare lit bring about an open declaration of war I Night Prelude against Great Britain despite con- Conference Opener Pits stant German pressure, but would confine French aid to increasing Flames Of Owl Wrath Undefeated Steers naval activity, particularly in the To Mount At Huge vicinity of Dakar. Against Rice Pep Rally LONDON—The first air raid alarm Texas University campus life of the night was heard at 1 a.m.. Rally Club mttmbeFN aided hv moves directly from Austin to but damage from the ensuing rain of | hordes of freshmen were work- Houston today, as an estimated bombs was described as "slight." The Nazi air force continued to concen- in#? feverishly late Thursday; 5000 Longhorn students follow trate upon military objectives in the (upon final preparation* for the their undefeated football squad mm industrial Midlands us the British : bonfire that will symbolize Owl lil here for a traditionally bitter en- capital underwent the fifth succes- defiance to Texas t'myersity's^ counter with the Owls. sive night of lessened enemy bom- iffl® bardment. undefeated record at the tradi- Hundreds of these visitors bey in tional pep rally near West Hall arriving Friday afternoon, in time Zl'RICH—A report, as yet uncon- HMH firmed, which claimed that the loniyht at 7 o'clock. Added hun- for the bonfire anil freshman game mmmm scheduled tonight. The remainder of Franco-German armistice of June dred.- arriving for the Slime--' the gioup will pour into town early 21 was valid only for a period of Short horn yamc al X p. in. ai > Wm mmmmm four months, was current in Swiss Saturday on special trains und in 'expected to aUK'lllent tlie crowd official circles early Friday. Under automobile. Texas authorities sent ihat will hear Dick Kiv.-Misajt. < these terms the new armistice of back; 700 tickets Thursday morning sports editor nf th< lion-Ion out of a block of 8500, indicating tre- Compiegne Forest would have ex- ('hronicle, in a bri^f VML'>* * i, mendous interest- in the game in pired yesterday. The rumor would Austin. seem a partial explanation of the fore students and -uppi't'ter nf increasing seriousness of Berlin- Rumored Attacks •Jess Neely's s»(i;'ad Vichy conferences. wmmlm There were rumors Thursday af- I'n liminai > »bWf i ; ternoon of planned attacks by Long- MOSCOW — France and Moscow u.i- Wedie\ minll- iSMiHili horn students attempting to ignite seemed Thursday to be approaching , liig, W.ij'eti |• f-.>I:I the Hon- 1 the Rice bonfire before the scheduled a "d i p 1 o in a t i c understanding." 'lie I. .••ill 'in- ami I V.ver Coinpa'i.v be WES • 7 p. m„ anil an intricate alarm sys- Meanwhile the Russian censor pass- can plauinir into |M it i.dris: the .tele- ed a dispatch stating that a Soviet- tem which will arouse all dormitory ri• it,... ' Ii.,: j'or'i)|\ tile .frjvittir\vi>i lv mmm Japanese treaty may soon be signed. H'K' inhabitants at once was arranged be- ;.pt>S tiff' Jti u<-tuiv. ikjt-y gai;Jjage |,i u< k fore dark last night. In Nippon editorial comment in the — to the Longhorn threat will be symbolized tonight bj flames of the wi'-e ).•(>•««•,I into MTVice later \\ i ,I - . —— Texas' beloved Jnck ("ruin—must be stopped and stopped cold if the ;u Support Grows controlled press pointed out that traditional Texas bonfire built by Rally Club members since Wednesday iie-iiay. hi.1 iili! I'l (.lit all Krt't.iOn ••MM Steer is to be properly chilled by (he Owl defense here Saturday afternoon. On the campus student support such a treaty would stop Russian of tl.e cit| iiiaterlai suitable foi the : WM -.Vttdc \ for Neely's embattled Owls was support to the Chinese Chiang Kai- -miiifii-. A '•"inmittce beaded by jliui.-; Shek regime, and emphasized the Saga of Mrs. Blake— |,W^&3fSp. growing by the hour. The Rally Club Football Seminar— 1 • • 11 riai'li. Vernon Baiid, and Slaiki importance of scheduled Russian- Tayliii was pushing CiVastruct.ion a. •1 began issuing Wednesday thousands , K" rf,">wV of stickers bearing the legend 'Crush Italian-Rumanian conferences oyer uvji|ies ontil alter midnight Wedne- ''•liiii Grain College,' and officials of tlie Doctor Neely Lectures the Balkan situation. 'A Few Weeks' Becomes i day, anil '.v.u k was resume.I a!, eight 4ri same organization had ready some VICHY — Marshal Petain left this ' nYl.ick Tiiui -day morning. 15,000 copies of 'Rice's Honor' fer capital Thursday tor a journey deep Martino To ltc Heard •ni Owl supporters in the South Stands. into occupied France, where he in- iilliwwisill On Gridiron Mechanics Years At Autry House Tony .Martinn, Iiistiluie he'iid gard- !§}» in the downtown ticket office busi- tercepts the armored train of Adolf ener who will mala- ins rust. nnai , ness was virtually at a standstill late Hitler returning from Madrid and ISy Mary Pctrie much In give tin the work aft.ei plea tor team. .-pii'i:. iit ttu rally -e Jess Neely's class in applied grid- well represented, and better explained, Thursday afternoon, after the last a series of interviews with axis- all these years. I miss al| my ejiil-j nitrhf, expii - --ed! eai r iiri. tin- ,'.vn i; iron mechanics continues at 1 p.m. by Mr. Morgan. Morgan obliged at sympathizer Franco. Petain stated "Ili. Mrs, Blake!" "Good morn- •n ! block of 700 returned tickets from dren very much, lull. We must, retire !he hope ibal tin- lit wi,nUI k- jargo 'w1il^P§wS teW' crucial points by running the film Austin had been decimated by fans today from the Physics Amphitheatre, upon his departure that—-"the future ing, Mrs. Blake"- for twenty-one I some time." 1-noiii.rii to l.ijirri ail. 11ii-lit .al'iei !-1:i.• in reverse arid repeating the sequence. situation of France depends to a years Rice students have called out fllVlP ift- 7 illtd tin ItlSPeCI;;;!! earlier in the day. The field house with Dell Morgan in collaboration She laughed when askr.l Ikhv she had reported Wednesday that startl- Neely held forth in great style; large extent — upon this historic this cheery greeting as they passed \ Thursday . omt I. • > With the Owl head mentor as opcra- happened to become hosies.- for tin- ih ,,.,'j ,-•; during the question and answer part meeting." the office in Autry House. Mrs. Blake 1 ing room wuold not be sold, and recreation house. She said she agieed the |||'c-t Hall --ile • ''ii'-.\i-.i ih.,t M. tor of a slightly 'decrepit motion pie- of the program, explaining each point always replied Willi a wave of her there was a concerted rush for the PHILADELPHIA — Launching a ti- ,iu,-.t to help net the place ill-tailed - lino's wi?h nviirht i a-:l.y a. Uire outfit. patiently, and emphasizing often by hand and a pleasant, smile. Nine last of temporary spats In the end rade upon Wendell Willkie at a Dem- "and ii took me twent\-oni' .var- t'; realiiy. i'Ke -/(liiii e -[ruetiivi! - zones. A final estimation showed recou i'se to the ' blackboard. Students times, out of ten she could call the Neely's second lecture in the newly ocrat committee dinner Thursday install it!" wBmp&faitetl ;ui-ieiiy witMiviii iiimae there would be a crowd slightly in inaugurated and intensely interest- have a definite. : advantage over the night, Paul V. McNutt, former gov- students by name.. :3 iwfiH of wo-".i. '{.Vi-iV:,;;-;,i* S.I Mis. Blake did similar dtraf excess of 28,500 present when the ing series in which he attempts to downtown Quarterback Club here, ernor of Indiana, national comman- This year Mrs, Blake remains at a'sso)material.-, aiilrougl. inr: the World War when she was two teams take the field against one explain the intricacies of modern since they have all their queries an- der of the American Legion, and as- home, keeping house I'br her daugh- n •' yet .".ear eoipili hostess for !he. Light (iuanl Armory, another. football, and in particular the intri- swered and none rejected. pirant to the presidency, said " . ter, but she declares thai her heart a recreation house for, enlisted -••! Icatn Continued on page 2 cacies employed by his Owls, was at- An overflow is expected agiiin to- the next president will be allowed is still with- her many friends at dicrs. In 11' 1KeVel'end Harris Mas- ,' ; Miose Kvii-', tended by about 500 students who day at one o'clock because of the re- no mistakes such as the Republican Autry House. "Please tell the stu- terson of the l''piscopal Clliirch came I'r<>iis i gathei iiic: \v overflowed into the aisles of the Am- ported excellence of the picture ob- candidate has been making. There dents that 1 didn't retire because' I to her anil told her of his plan for enari'img-- ijo e.:.- : . tained during the Tulaiie mishap. will be no time to gain experience was Ined of them," she requested yes- phitheatre last Friday.