~ Robshaw Out Weather Cloudy with ,c.ttend shewen and thundenhewen today. Turning cooler with r.in in .... I*1hw.st this With Foot Strain afternoon .nd in the west pertian toni,ht. Con· tinued cloudy with show.n in the ..st tonight. or owon High about" in the northWHt to the middle 70s in See Page 4 It I Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City the southeast. Established in 18&8 I!'wa City, Iowa, tunlay, September II, 1!!ti2

I JFK A'sks· Call Up Authority Integrated School Both Parties Fired on at Dawn Back Request • EW ORLEA~ ( P) - Shob. cr.lshffi through the gla ; In Congress front door of onc of the Nc\\ Orlean rchdioc '!>C' n wi d-, segregated sc:llOol about da\\ n Friday. For the mo t part, how. International Situation (,H'r, the Ctlle \\'as quit't. ------Makes Standby Power Bomb threats, pickets and crowds 01 the desegregated pUblic schools.1 Necessary - Kennedy 01 jeering and booing white people No [igur s II" re available on the continued a thi Deep South city parochial schools. " JIl~CTO.- (.\1' ) neared the end oC the lirst week One parochial school closed un­ President Kenned}, fu(·t'tl \ ith o( its biggest school desegregation expectedly - the Our Lad y or "hilt th • lute Hau c tenlll'd - a total of about 300 Negroes in Good Harbor at Buras. where five '\i 20 public school and 36 pal'ochlal egrocs enrolled on opening day a criti(:al 'ntcmaticlllal ,itUil' schools In t we k and haven't ~n back tiem, askt'd ongrl'ss on ('ridav But the crowd. Wtrt dwindling sincc. The pari h priest, the Rev. for standhy 1I11t110rily In 'a II In sill .nd Intrty from Thurs· Christopher Schneider, said 1m· day. ply J50,OOO H('\l'rvbts to acliH' Attendance II' up lit all butt\lio " obody showed up. " He de· duty. r cUned further comment. 1he Pre d nt's requl! t i Iikl!ly Tht ,hooting occurreel at the to be grantl!d 5jl(!edily, but lhl'r St. Rosall. Eltmtnt.ry School In wa no Indication at th Pentago n French Police the HarvlY community .crou Struck By Car that ony Immediot callup o( HI'- the Mississippi Rlvtr from N.w ,('n·i l. or Nallonnl Gunrd m n is Orl ..ns. SUlin R.nd.lI, • S.n Anteni., rex., .I.mtntary p.trolmln in unmarked cars will talee to the strHIs planned Nobody was reported hurt and .chool studtnt, Is ,h,en .id by p.sser.by after she In In .ffort '0 cu. down on the city'. .r.Hic I Congress ml","" of both p.r. Find De Gaulle ties hive beln growing daily the school opened liS u uol a few was struck by • c., as &he w.lked t. school F,· deaths, which h. cI.lms 1$ h.. ded for I new city hours later with n piece of card· d.y. San Antonio Pelle. Chl.f G.. ," Rlchstl Slid r.cord, - AP Wirephoto mort voul in dem.nding that board over the door. some .ctlon bt t,k.n to counter the Communi,t military buildup Assailants "We don't know how mllny shots in Cub •. were fired and we don't know who PARI IA'I - A Foreign Legion fired them," said a spoke man for Th' Wilit 1I0u e did not limit de erter and (our accomplices in I the archdiocese_ thl'COpe of it rl!quc t to the Cu­ bun problem, howe\! r, but poke a commando killer s qua d that The ra h of false bomb titre Se'nate Ok's Disputed o( the "\:cneral International situ­ m iss e d as assinaling Pre ident continued, forcing th temporary ation ," Charles de Gaulle by inches la t c\'ncuatlon of a c g r 0 public In a letler. nding til propos{'d month have been caught, the Gov- school, J\1c~onogh 19. and a Ro­ I gislation to Congres, Kennedy crnment announced Friday. But man Catholic c 11, u r c h. In both . aid ' " In my judgment lhi re· six members of the bund still are ells t' s, Duthorihcs checked the Tax Deduction Bill n~w d uuthomatlon i nec 'ary at large. buildings and okayed them for use. I WASHI CTON (A P) - The limits on deduction included in the would 'pply but av.rag.d over. lo !X'rmlt .promPt and eCCective re· A crowd of 150 to 2tO whitt per· I Clean Up Time Interior Mmi. ter Roger Frey. an· rnatc, b. a i5~t margin, bill for the If·employed . fivI.year period, ~Jlonsc~, a: necessary, to ehal. nouncing the arrests, said the gang sons ••thereel .t thl St, R.ph ... • 'y Gort, tv end the clplt.1 • By Gorl'. to place a limit of ko C9 which may bc presented in John Allen, A2, Charles City, top, and Tom Davis, Al, Cedar Fa" •• Catholic Schoot, whtrl seVlr.1 pa~ed II muc:h·diluh.' aid who were ordered to acth'c duty I clock check on s)~nptoills of heart exhaustion. Frey said that if the ambush of appeared. and Wayne Morse (D·Ore.) voted 18 t year's B rUn crisis. However. there always are mobiU· inl'oluntarily 10 t fall could not be There was no sign oblen was ------­ the Dc Gaullc motorcade driving T h. crowd, numberillt only 81:ainst the bill. However, any more &crious new ImUon l)lans in the files of the Joint called again In the po ible ncw fl'o m downtown Paris to Viliaeou· • b 0 u, 50 compared with 200 threat in Berlin or Cuba - or both Chiefs of Starf and thc individual buildup unles. they volunteer, responding 10 the treatment admin.I 'No Many of tha .m.ntlmanta the b la y airport had ucceeded It ThursdlY, booed when light ~ •• - likely would bring as big a mo· arm d rvice to d 01 with vari- In addition to placing a ceiling istered since he lapsed into lhe Progress' at Senat. ti.d te the Hav.. ·.,.. \·.ould have resulted in a "butch· grots .ntered, .nd shouteel "tral· provtd ma ••_ .rt unICCtpt. blllzation a the summer of J961. ou potl'ntial threat . of t50,OOO men from the Reserves coma on his way to London Airport ery" of all lhe persons in the pres­ tor" and "niggtr lover" when Arms Sa n Meet able tv bicker. of the Itt illation. Then t45,OOO Army, Air Force and I The nited State· now has 15 uf all the armed forces, Kennedy's Thur day morning. ident's car. Riding wllh De Gaulle whi't p.ntnh toolc th,lr chllclrtn ThlY are hOP/lit the.t will be Navy Reervlsts and National combat· ready Army diVl~ion . A propo ed new authority would limit were his wife Dnd their son-In-law, in, Guard men were mu.tered into 16th will be In r ady·to-right shape th ' period of ervlce to J2 months Soblen's wife Dina, like him a GENEVA (,fl- The 17-nallon dis- dropped er ~ 4town In tht Col. Alain de Boi icu. One white woman withdrew two Cederal service for a year. by Oct. J3 , or les . New York psychialrist, flew in armament conference adopted a Stn.'..HevM Conference Cem­ Fr.y s.id tht int.ntion of th' children after the school opened. Whatever the diplomatic reaon~ In the ummer of 1961 , the United 1'h' n w autllonty would run from New York and was jl(!rmilted mlttH th.t will ~ ....,.r the I "no progress" report to the U.N. • Ight gunm.n at the setnt w•• But a mon returned the daughter bill . might be, President Kennedy's re· tole h d only lJ combat·lit At'my from the tim' Congre IldJOU~- I1S, to spend a Cew hours in his Hilling. General A sembly today and then to halt D. Gaulil's speeding car he had withdrawn from the school quest to Con,r on Friday for di ~isio n ~ and thre{' under·strength now expected t~ be some time ton Hospital bedroom . However, there i no a urance rece sed until Nov. 12. The United wi,h a barrage of m.chin. gun Thursday. President Kennedy will find all,Y authority to call up • n II' batch of Idivi. ion ' u d mainly for lraining nc~t month , unlll Feb. 211 , 1963. Two medical bulletins summar· Slates and the Soviet Union are firt from • parked light truck. "You can't do anything about version of the legislation accepta­ 150,000 Re ervi ts and National recruit s. which would be about two month~ ized the condition of the 61·year. deadlocked on disarmament and a Tht slugs pitrctd th. body of the this damned tiling," he said. "You ble. Some backer claim they have ------alter the nellt ion begin . old spy. At 10:20 a.m., the ho.· nuclear test ban. car but bounced off puncturl' can't win _" During that lime the . ecrctary pital announced that Soblen "re· The two powers vowed to press proof tirlS. Th. chlufftur sped theprovided strength Congress to override can finishany veto the, Hultman Dltscards SU'lt of deCense could extend the lerm ' mains unconscious. His h.art Is their cia hing proposals when dis· on to the lirport. bill far cnough ahead of adjourn­ of . rvice of the fieM)rvi t · for not showing signs of a_haustion. His cuosion o( the e issues is taken up If the car had been halted, the Red Troops ment. more than J 2 month .. condition gives rise to anxiety." by the as embly which convenes e ir.tention of the gang was to close The measure has drawn heavy 0 Pitt EI t Republican 15 we" .s Demo· Si:'1 hours later Clune the an­ Sept. J8. in and fire until their ammunition upport from doctor, lawyers and n opu a Ion ec Ions era tic b"king for the Pmlden"s nouncement that Soblen's "condi­ The chief U.S. delegate, Arthur was exhausted. Then grenade and Build Up other professional men, along with r.ques' w.s Inured when Sen. tion is unchanged. Jle is till un· many indcpendent buslnc men. Llvtrett Sahonstall of Massa· H. Dean, and the Soviet deputy (Of- a plastic bomb with a t7·second leba DES MOTNES IA'I - Atty. Cen Evan Hultman friday rC

MO'ny Factors To Weigh Safe From AGUIlAS ACHIM IOWA CITY CONGREGATION BAPTIST CHAPEL ACUda Achlm SYIUl'O(u. 432 South Clinton 603 E, WashinJrton st. CooperaUng with lb. R.bbl Sheldon Idwarcll Southern B.ptlst Conventloll In A Cuban Dec;ision Festival Goers FrIday Service. 8 p.m. The Rev. Orlynn Evan., Putor r &abbalb Wouhlp, Salurda7, ..... 9:30 •.ID ., Sunday School By JOHN CROSBY -0- 1D:3G a.m., Morlllnr Worship Most Americans have thought the Cuban probkm 6 p.m .. Training Unlu II CHURRIANA, :;pain - Here we ASSEMBLY OF GOD 7 p.m. Evenln, WorshLp through. are at the end of another Euro­ 1330 Keokult Street -0- Tbe Rev. George W. MoUeD, Putor JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES [ There is reason for lhis. The Presiornt, who has pean summer and what trophies 10 • .m. SundaY School have 1 to show? Not one. Not one! 1I0mln, Worship, 11 • .m, 2120 H. St. 1 p.m. Youth MeeUnL 7:00 p.m. Public Addr •• " "What Is o thought the problem through, cannot talk about it in public Did r go to Spoleto to see the un­ Evangelistic Service, 1:45 p.a. Happenln, To Morals?" veiling of Tennessee Williams's 8:15 Watchlower Study: "BuUdln, A p · with full candor. He cannot lay all the Amcrican hargaining -0- Happy FamUy" new play (he's looking for God BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH -0- problems with the Sovi t Union on thc table. now after all those years of ex· B St. " Fifth Ave., Iowa City MENNONITE CHURCH } ploring the other extreme). No, Rev. Frank Doten, Pastor 614 Clark St. But the civiUans cfln. The Following is a hrief revi w IOU E. BurlmgtOD The Rev. WUbur NachtlJ"U, Pulor I r wasn't. Was I at Edinburgh for Sund.y, V:45 • .m., SundA,y SclIOOl 8:30, 10:45 •. m., Mornlnf: "Worship ,of' the es'Sentials. the bagpipes or the mountaintops 10:45 • .m., Morntng WonlIlp 9:45 •.m., Sunday Schoo 7 p.m. Even!ng Wor.blp 4:00 p.m., Vesper Service IGreenwood of Ciliriueia -for tile ballet? No, ':15 C.m. University YOut.II. Drive and Myrtle Street) To state a gross but us ful ovcrsimplification: r wasn't. Was I in Greece for the Fe owshlp p Aristophanes or in the valley of -0- REORGAN~ED CHURCH o " Fundamentally, American policy on I3erlin is estab- BETHEL AFRICAN OF JESUS-- CHRIST the Loire for the historical reo METHODIST CHURCH OF LA 'ITER DAY SAINTS p lished, creation of the ancient castles? 411 S. Governor St. 221 Melrose Ave. r, No, and again no. The Rev. Fred L. Penny, Putor J. D. Anderson, PlIlor p , Fupd~mentally, American policy on Cuba is not. 10 a.m., Sunday Scbool ':80 a.m., Church School You'd think r would say to my­ 10:30 a.m. Morntn, WorshIP n The isslIe at Berlin is whether Communist power can self, "Eight·toned thrals played -<)- -<>- fc on the six·stringed lute was good TRINITY CHRISTIAN SHARON EVANGELICAL break 'out of the East-West line - the military and political enough for the thirteenth century, REFORMED CHURCH UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Conference Room No.1 Kalona circle which holds it in place, why isn't it good enough for Iowa MemOrial Unloa Rev. Samuel J. Hahn you?" Rev. Robert J. P.1ma ':30 a.m., Sunday School The' issue in Cuba is whether the Communists can 10 a.m., Morntn, Worship 10:30 • .m ., Divine WorshLp This, after I didn't show up at 7 p.m. WorshIp, 7 : ~9 p.m., Evenln, Service 'leapfrog:- CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST ST. PAUL'S In the case of Berlin, there has never been any serious ate a thral ex­ OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS LUTHEJ tAN CHAPEL cept in a cave) 910 E. Fairchlld St. IMissourl Synod) doubt as to where the West stood. Some people would ac~ .,. were murderous· 404 E. Jefferson I I.m., PrLesthood Rev. John Constable ·to stop creeping aggr ssion at an early point, some later. f Iy u nco m· 10:30 a.m.. Sunday School 9 n.m., Di vine ServJec fortable, but the • p.m., S.erlJDent Meetlni Holy Communion; S e r m 0 n: HB. But the West stands strongly agreed on the fundamental -0- Opened" thrals, ,CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 10 '.m., Adult Bible Study ItId that, the Communists cut Western access to Berlin and to Hi n d e man CROSBY 1035 Wade st. Sunday School . if (and who would know bettcr than The Rev. Harold L. Keeney, PutClf -0- 9:4' •.m ., Sunday School LUTHERAN CHURCIf ·the right to keep West Berlin free and economically alive, llindeman?! were more piercing· 10:45 a.m., Worship OF CHRIST THE KING ly sounded (you don't play a the West will fight. 7:30 p.m .. Evenln, Service Corner of IWV Road thral, you sound ill than at any . -0- and Coralville Road H the Russians make a military base oul of Cuba, on time since Charlemagne. That's THE CONGREGATIONAL The Rev. "Rugene K . IJAnson, Plator because the caves have achieved CHURCH 8:30 a.m., Church School · the other hand, it is not decided on what to do. Or if tllPY 'Keep A Close Watch On Those Men Over There Clinton & Jefferson Streetl 9:30 a.m., The Service, Nursery just the right degree of wetness, Rev. Wendell Mathews, Paslor -0- · stop short of creating a Soviet base and continue to build They/re After Your Money' which adds resonance to the six­ 10:45 •. m., Church School, Morning ST. MARK'S stringed lute and brings out the Worship METHODIST CHURCH up Cuba as an ally, as the United Stales has ann d Pal..is­ 124Yl E. College pitch. The caves won't get that Meets at Odd FeLlo",'. HaD tan, there is still no decision on what to do wilh IIha wrt again until the twenty·sixth EVANGELICAL Robert E. Engel, Pastor ccntury. mindeman says they FREE-- CHURCH 9:30 a.m. Worship Servlce-NurlN!ry itself. The only firm decision is to prevent the use of OF CORALVILLE 10:45 ' .m.. Church School all II. Imbalance 01 Congressional won't get that wet again until 'rbe Rev. W. Robert Cu!bertaoa, I p.m., Youlb Fellowship -0- Cuban force elsewhere in Latin America. the twenty·. eventh century. But Pastor lIindeman has been wrong be­ ' :45 ' .m.. Sunday School ~T, THOMAS MORE CHAPEL 11 '.m., Mo rning Worship Service 405 N. Riverside So American public opinion is understandably on cdgl'. fore.) Sermon: "The KJng's Ambassadors" Father McEJeny, Pastor Committees Deserves Inquiry Well , I wasn't thorc. H's not 7 p.m., Evening Service. 8:30, 10, 11:30 8.m. and 5 p.... Serious minded people of all viewpoints arc gravely con­ Sunday Masses. The 10 a.m. Ma .. u that r don't like thrals. It's not -0- a High Mass Bung by the COD(J't cerned, some in a state of incipient alarm. By ROSCOE DRUMMOND Do you approve of a system At a time when a Democratic that I don't like the six·stringed FAITH UNITED CHURCH ,alion. WASIIINGTON - The Repub­ that places virtually complete President is frequently petilion· lute. It's not even that I don't (Evan,ellcal and Refomodj 8:30 and 7 a.m., 5 p.m., Dally MI •• 1807 Kirkwood Avenu .. Confessions on Saturday from ~:!f There are several conflicting concerns which the lican crusade to correct the in­ control oC thE:: Congressional com· ing Congress to increase his pow· like the thirteenth century. I E. EUllene Wetzel, Mlnlsler p.m.;. 7-l1:30 p.m. millee staffs under the majority ers, does tile Democratic party 1:15 a.m., Sunday School -0- United States must resolve. tolerable and crippling imbalance like the thirteenth century well 10:30 a.m., l\I.ornlng Worship in the professional staffing of the chairman - with the majority in Congress want to go before the enough . J don't love it, but I ST. WENCESLAUS CHURCB -0- u18 E. Davenport St. It must consider the threat to its own imm diatr ~('­ Congressional committees is tak· chairman free to hire and fire country this fall supporting such like it. F mST BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. Edward W. NeuzU, PutO': ing on npw force and drive. It is at wl1l, set salaries, and deter- a one·sided monupoly of Congres· IT'S JUST - well, I had other North Clinton" Fairchild Streetl 8:=!,q. 8, 10 and 11:4~ a.m. SundQ eurity. :ijow damaging is a nearby base? mine tenure? sionol stafCing that it lias cvery Rev. George A. Graham masses at last being taken into the hands things to do that week. And any· 8:30 a.m., J1:00 a.m., Worship 7 and 7:30 '.m., Dally Maue. It must consider Latin America. Would an Am('rican of high·level and influential party Do you wish to condone tile appearance of being, in Sen. way, lhat's a long way to go for Communton MedIation: "The Com· -0- mun10n of Saints" TRtNITY EPISCOPAL CBURCB le::ders and is now being pressed limitations placed upon the minor. Scott's words, "an attempt to ex· a thra!. That's what marks mc Sermon: "Hlslory or His Story" · invasion of Cuba deliver significant, angry Latin-American off from your true festival nut - 120 E. College St. in a manner which. in the end, ity in terms of Inadequate office lerminate the parly in opposi- 8:45 a.m., ChurCh Sehool Tlte lIev. Joseph B. Jardine, Rec«4r forces in to the hands of Castroism? Could the United cannot be denied. space, very limited travel, tele- Iion"? or - enthu~iast. The distance -0- 8 n.m., Holy Communion j doesn't matter. In fact, the dis· FIRST CHRlSTIAN CHURCB 9:15 a.m. Family Service, Nursery States then invade those countries? Sen. Hugh Scott, himself a for· pbon~, 1;a1\~, ~!!~ret .llr\ill fervi.res.. , ReAders orten ;;15k what they 217 E. Iowa Ave. 1J:OO '.m., Morning Prayer mcr chairman of the RepublIcan and allier essenliats of the can do to make tlleir influence tance, the expense, the trouble, 'peDcer M. Adamson, MlnJrter -0.- It must consider American bases and military missions National Committee and the most mechanics o[ ad e q 1I ate staff felt. If there are citizens who and the discomfort add just that Sally A. Smith, ST. MARYS CHURCH touch oC charisma that really MInister of Educ.tlOD Jefferson & Linn Streets overseas. They ring the Communist perimeter. 1£ the powerful Republican leader in work? want to furlher a reform of this 1:15 '.m ., Church School Monsignor C. H. Melnber., Pa_ Pennsylvania, and Rep. Thomas THE REAL ISSUE here is not injustice in Congressional staff- turns him on. )f he comes from 10:30 • .m., Worship 8, 7:30, 9, 10:15 and 11:30 a.m., SUJIo United States invades Cuba, wiIJ the Soviet Union invade California first class, if the whole -0- day Masses Curtis of Missouri, who has been the welfare per se of any parli- ing in the interest of both parties. .:£, and 1:30 ' .m., D.llY Millel : , a nearby country containing a United States base or mis­ stirring up opinion on this issue cular minority party, whether Re- they can write to Sen . Hugh Scott, thing costs him a year's pay, FmST CHURCH -0- , almost single-handedly [or a long publican or Democratic, but the 355 Senate Office Bldg., Washing- lands him in bed for a week with OF CHRIST, SCIENTI&T ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH sion? What will tlle United States do then? pneumonia, and maybe loses him 722 E. College St. Johnson & Bloomington StreetJ " lime, are creating an ad hoc com· preservation of the two-party sys- ton, D. C., and lie will tell you U a.m., Sunday School 8 and 10:30 a.m., Servlcel ,""' It must consider world opinion as well as Latin Ameri­ mittee o[ three Senators and three tem of government and lhe erCec- 110W to help. a wife - well, that's 26 points, 11 a.m.. Lesson Sermon: 9:J5 a.m., Sunday School grand slam, and rubber. UMnn" 9:30 •.m ., Adult BIble Cilia can. The peoples once colonized by Europe have a decp Congressmen to make this crucial t· f t" 0 f C ·t If Copyright 1962: Jve unc lOlling ongress I se . , New York lie raid Tribune, Inc. One night Ken Tynan and I sat -0- and undiscriminating distrusl of Western military action reiorm a national crusade and to FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN FRIENDS enlist the active support o[ party around trying to invent a festival -- Wllllam Connor L Clerk CHURCH ~gainst small countri s like Cuba. The Communists pIny (Meetlng .t the EngLert Theatre) Phone 8-35,8 leaders and independents in every ·• AN dl B·b which would be so thoroughly reo Rev. Roy Wlniste, p.. tor East Lobby Conference 1100. skillfully on this. state. Rev. Carl Berhenke, Towa Memorlol UnIon TIpplng - ee ess, rI e ~~~It~ t~~~I~o ;~~; ~~fi:V!in~~~ ASsociate Pastor WlII Meet Again Sept. LO They merit this support. When -I>- 9 Ind U a.m., Services To return to fundamentals: the West cannot merely the iacts are widely known, I By BARNETT D. LASCHEVER iollowing: bell boy, dining room this is not easy. Some idiot is 10 a.m., Sunday IIchool VETERANS HOSPlTAL balance one Comm~ist action against one Western action. think they will get it. Herlld Tribune News Service wailer, bus boy, dining room cap- going ' to show up - no matter -0- CHAPEL • tain, dining room head waiter, what you put in the caves. (Or FIRST PRESBYTERIAN V •.m., Worship . These may seem alike to the unwary but they are not THE FACTS are not in dispute. I'M FED UP with lipping. At 8 I.m., Communion - I'IrIt SUI"" There are eight joint Senate·House hotels and resorts the outstretch· maitre d', chambermaid, bar the mountaintops or the ruined CHURCH -0- ~lj.~e. AIL actions beyond t]le Communist perim ter are 26 E. Market St. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL committees. They ore served by ed hand, beckoning (or a coin, is waiter, sports activities attend. ab,~ey or the medieval vi,I,lage.> Dr. P. Hewlson Pollock, M1nIIter aggreSSive actions. Those of the West are the defense of a total profes­ shoved relentlessly into your face ants, night club headwaiter, su- Try thiS on for Sl:~, 1 ~ug· The Rev. Jerome J. Lelk., SERVICES sional staff of 72 • perintendent or service, car at- ' gested at one POint, a festival University Pastor 405 University Hospital the Western world. This fact must be made morc prrslla­ at every move. It's an odious 1:30 Church Scbool aoo WorshIp (Sponsored by Idwa CouneU persons, 70 of practice that puts demands on tendants, and health room attend. of ~Iev~nth cent~I?' love P?ems --0- of Churchesl sively. whom are COn­ ants. r~clted tn the ort?tnal Gaehc by Tlte Rev. Allen C. Eastl.nd, IIID_ both the giver and the receiver. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 8:30 a.m.. WorshLp Servlc ... There are reasons of poise in making this fact known trolled by and Confined perhaps [0 the dining A full d~ o[ Upping eats up a SJr Osbert and Edith Sitwell. That Jef{erson " Dubuque Streets res p 0 n s i· room, it might be acceptable, but tidy sum. should keep people away .by. the Rev. Eugene H. Hancock 9:30 a.m., Chul'ch School Sessions, and there is still time, One Sllccess in deep penetration is This a I' m y of people is em- millions. W? .stage .It In a ble to the Repub· even then I ask, "Why should it coul~ WOrshlr' Sermon: "H j g h way no reason for panic: It is greatly overbalanced by a 511C­ licans. The im· be necessary to bribe a waiter to ployed by the hotel. As in any ~onastery tn GalicJa - Jf there Drama' Current -0- ~ssion, of Red failures in Egypt, [ndia, Indonesia, Malaya, balance is 35 to perform his job?" other business, why doesn't the IS s~~ h a plac,e. Ther~"must !>e a 1. employer pay their salaries and GaliCia, musn t t~ere. OUR REDEEMER Ghana, South Viet Nam, etc. The custom started, strangely LUTHERAN CHURCH The campara· enough, in the barber shop during end lipping? '1 TY,~an sh?Ok hJS he~d gloom· (Missouri Synod) Best Sellers But the Cuban success remains a perculiarly awkward ble profe~sional the days when the barber per· If no tips were received holel J y: It won t do. The SJlwell mob 2301 E. Court St. Herald Tribune News servl._ '!l staff of the 22 DRUMMOND and restaurant workers would ~ould cO.me by the tho~sands - Rey. W. H. Nierman. Plltor one, The,United States now faces a kind ot thin-Red line formed 1 h e bleeding operation. 8:30, 10:45 a.m.LWorshlp Services FICTION .' 0 H House committees is 461 respon­ Since there was no set fee, the not make a living wage in these flom ASia, (r m Afnca, from Sermon: HA miracle Performed NEW YORK - The weekly in Cuba, t)1e uniforms of the Soviet Union itself, compar­ sible to the Democrats, 42 to the days. Par~ . Avenue .. They',d even find ' :45 a.m., Sunday SclIOOI anll )llbl. patient tipped the barber what­ Clu... coast·to-coast survey of leadin~ able to its own thin khaki line in ElU'ope. Republicans. The imbalance is ever he felt it was worth. The alternalives; pay higher GallcJa. No, It ~on t do; How -0- booksellers by the Herald Trib. 11 to 1. The Senate Democrats wages, or as in E u r 0 Po e dis- a~ou~. a productIOn of . Tamur· The practice since has become FREE METHODIST CHAPEL News Service shows the followiM The special nature of this new type of threat, an have a professionat staff of 462 courage lipping and instead add lame m modern dress WJth? Hel~n Muscatine" Third ."ve. books currently at the top of \he on 16 committees, the Republi­ universal, with some notable ex­ a 10 or 15 per cent scrvice charge Hayesnnd Charlton He~ton .. We.d The Rev. Gene Carroll, PlatO! arm~ ' ~atellite deep inside the frce world, needs to he ceptions. And while the tip is al· 10 a.m., Sunday School best·seller lists. cans. 39. The imbalance is 12 to 1. to bills. stage Jl JU the old DrUid ruJUs m 11 a.m., Morning Worship SHIP OF FOOLS, Porter ' analyze?- although it has not yet deveJoped vcr)' far in These are the facts which jus­ most always with us , it doesn't THIS PRACTICE was started Ireland . It gets about three de- 7:30 p.m., Evening ServLc. necessarily always insure prompt­ DEARLY BELOVED. Lindb, .... the military direction, tify Sen. Scott in saying to his ostensibly lo eliminate lipping. grees ~bove zero on a ~arn~ su~. -0- YOUNGBLOOD HAWKE, Wouk Democratic colleagues in Can· n e s s. No matter, the hapless How has it worked? mer mght there and It rams JU- CHURCH OF CHRIST -The Christian Science Monilm' traveler, intimidated by the ob­ . cessantly." Donald Barber. Pastor THE RE1VERS, Faulkn.r gress - and to the voters across WJth Europeans very well. But I WAS FORCED t t 11 h' Meeting In the "H BulldIDJ THE PRIZE , Wallace . the country - that "the majority vious superiority oC the \Va iter, One MUe South on Highway flt still dutifully digs into his pocket Amel'lcans, creatures of bad ba- _ 0 e un • '.m., Morntn, Worahlp THE AGONY AND THE E~ party is not playing by the rules hits, have refused redemption. ~bout ,the !l e len Hay~s mob. 10 I.m., Church School TASY, Stone of the game, and if the American and pays, even when the service Even now they insIst on lipping, They d sWim the ~Uan!lc to ,s~e 1:30 p.m., Eventng ServICe ~ 'Daily Iowan is abominable. UHURU, Ruark people knew lhe full facts of the in add iLion to the service charge. H~len Ha~es play. Peter, Pan 10 THAT'S NOT ALL: lipping is a FIRST UNITARIAN SQCIETY ANOTHER COUNTRY, Baldwiit rhe Daily Iowan II wrUten and edited by students and Is governed by a story, their sense of justice and Some American hotel owners HIn?ustam ..No, Jt wo,n t wa~h. PORTRAIT IN BROWNSTONE, sneaky camouflage. It kids the Iowa Ave.-- "Gilbert St. /,card student truatees elected by tlte student body and four fair play would cry out against are thinking seriously of abolish- Let s kJc~ thJS a.roun~: t and Preventive Medicine, !xpt,l.nud Ad Tak.r Will W NTEO, ,Irlo 10 dellv r O~lIy Ilceipts brought about by the NFO state projects on which the Iowa D ield which Is of IIreat lmpor· DE MOINES LfI - The J\1lnnea· oying a 24·year·old woman gave .. Iowan \ri Bur,_ and Currier ..... Ip 'You With Your Ad. Milt. for Sal. 11 Dorml b flnnlll,f Sep!. lB. MuU be y,ilhholding action and other cco. Slate Highway Commission will reo tance in the Congo today. polis and St. Louis Railway w¥ birth to a badl~ deformed baby ______resldenl 0 dorm. Conlact Lee W'lt, nomic factors." ceive bid Sept. 11 . Oth.r points on the .ight.w•• k acell ed by Gov. orman Erbe FrI. aftill' blllin veral lImming tab. THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES Clle. ,r., 201 Comm. Clr., Phone day of locking oul employes. and lets contalnini podoPbylum. FOR SALE: Mile Peke puppy, $35 0111 74191 • I" tour Incillcle fed.r.1 • n d .t.,. THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY 8·0243 030 . . •. " A Wilson spokesman in Cedar Interstate projects on which bids h.alth In.titutlons In WlShln". the Slate Commerce Commission Rapids said the reduction in its 011 AOV!RTISING COPY. FOR LE. Second ' hind Thelmor.. • I will be lakcn lire for wori< in Cass, ton, ".... C., B. Itimor. . • n dAn- a. ked for an explanation the The magazine said podophyllum Personal 24 hog slaughter operation came at I discontinuance of service. may affecl the nCtVCS somewhat . rellry Mod I 22 COf)'111lI machine. Jo. lOson, Polk and Woodbury coun· apo II s, Md ., Spr Inlln.ld, d- til., Chi· Yo.cellonl condition. , ~ . DIll 7·9ti63 a time when it normally would The M&St. L, owned by Chicsllo Ihe I ep·lnducing drug A TIP for Ill. "'1M - 10 11. buy, lie . cago, Buffalo, N,Y .•• n d N." a· ~oe bel", ..." 9 •. m. and 5 p.m. 9· 11 or wap u e Dally Iowan Wlnt i\e11 be increasing employment. The Johnson county project is 1.3 York City. and North Western Railway. was thalidomIde, w h I c h has been for quick, .lfIclcPL Ind Inupen I.,. hId rt I h blamed for deformities In thou· . :r.t-=--=------", 13 en·Ic •. PRone 7.. I'J. • l~lR In Chicago, the 11.S. Agriculture miles DC grading. bridges and cui · Lovanium Unlver ity is a private S u own a er te egrap era struck "'nd of b-"I' born 'lIl Euro"". IWho Ooes It? 2 Mobil. Hom •• For Sale Departmenl 0 f fie I' reported re· verts on 1·80 north of Iowa City institution subsidized by the pub· the North Western Aug. 30. ...,..... ~- Rld.rs Wanted 23 cl'ipts of cattle, hogs, sheep and from a point approximately 200 lie authorities. situated on D S50. Erbe enl a telegram to Presl' A FOQd and Drug ~d{1llnistratfon PlANO let on ; E~perlcn~.d t ~.r 30' LONG. E... lIenl tondlllon . $900 or d nt Kennedy FrideY ""11111 "the spokesrnat\ said that "'eocy has Mf"l~n O.,r.. • In plano. Con· htahul bid by Sep!. 22. OLAI 338 ..9901 . lambs have lagged far behind re· feet east of the Towa river easterly. acre campu at Kimuenta, seven . "! ... "en"'I\h enl O<'allon. Dill 337·7309. 11-1$ II-J. cepits for lhe corresponding Labor This work includes dual 236·[oot by miles outside Leopoldville . To ~ 10 ckout achon by the MlOneapqlis mad ao reporu such a the one pub. Day week last yeaI' at 12 major 30·foot continuous I·beam bridges, admitted to the Faculty of Med· and St. Louis Railway iii bringlni If hed In London . He said the n·al'kels. and fivc reinforced concrete box icine. students must hold a cer· undue economic dure s to the com· alfllCy I king mor Informa­ LIQUIDATION SALE It s aid figures Cor the week and pipe culverts with flumes. tifkate of completion of secondary munities it serves. tion, lncludlni a complete copy of Liquidating Furnishings "Would appreciate your effort the Lancet article. of in halting this action." Th. dfug Is made fr~ the root Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity Erbe said Indu tries and rarm of the podophyllum plant, which produce dealers have complained irows In the ea tern United States SIS Eo.t Colleg. Street Sell your lOCI' THESE ARE YOUR LUCKY Air Force Recruiter that the interruption of service by and Cal\8da, wher It is known as 11 BUNK BEDS the railroads i causing problems American manll-ake. It also grows IBM NUMBERS Full Twin sile black wrought in Shipping. Thur day he had sent in the Himalaya . Iron b.ds. Also will $50 President Kennedy a telegram il\ If you ilr. looking for • make into twins. .. which he said the strike again t the c.r.. r, and you ilr. tir.d 20 CHAIRS North Western is causing problems sur Graduate Assigned of being und.rpaid, then Contrilct type dinl", choirs Easy Ways To this Is YOllr opportunity. in Iowa and the Midwest. To Marine Corps Band Ii~ht wood. solid, $10 Order You r The Commerce Commission said birch. .. You Cotn prep.,. yourself WANT ADSI In a lettcr to the Nortb Western Gordon Hallberg, an SUI gradu­ qulekly for a care.r in tha 5 TABLES 3 that it has received numerous reo ate, enlisted today in the U.S. Ma· IBM Data Processing field . 8 ft. Monroe folding $22 b.nquet tobl... fa ports that employes of the M&St. L. rine Corps for assignment with the 10 South We wi ll financ. your train· IS CHEST OF DRAWERS are ready and willing to resume world·famous Marine Corps Band ing for you, and it will not 1. PHONE IN their jobs, and that it is possible at Washington, D. C. He enlisted I.. t.rf.r. with your pre"nt $12 ta 704m Dubuque St. to restore service to the division. for four years and was appointed .mployment. For informa. 14 STUDY TABLES The commission asked Ben W. to the rank of Sergeant. tion without obligation, writ. the most in DRY CLEANING Heineman. chairman of tbe North Hallberg, a trombonist, wa se· today to $5 •• $8 .. 3 STUDY DESKS 2. COME IN Western at Chicago, to report in lected after beini audition cd by Data Processing Trng. Assn. wriling whether M&SI. L employes Bolt 54, Th. Daily Iowan C_I...... tbe lland's Director at Washington $15 ea C... t. r are on strike, whether pickets are nod round musically qualified. Give: Name· Address· Phon. 3 Piece Plastic Section,ls, End interferring with the division's op­ He holds a B.A. in music from and Tables. RCA TV, o"",r items. erations, and the economic (easi· hours you now work. 515 East Colle". Stre.t MONDAY, TUESDAY, bility of operating the division. SUI and hBB been on the music 3. MAIL ' IN teaching stall here. He was also a Men and Women 18--45 No Phone Orders Employes of the M&St. L. have Shown from ,., P.M. The Dally lown separate contrllcts and are not in· member of the Moline High School SPECIALS WEDNESDAY ONLY volved in the telegraphers strike and the SUI bands. against the North Western. Spokesmen for employes of the By Johuy Hut M&St. L. have complained thaI they were locked out when the WHAT 15 If, 1l1AT MA~ES Us SPORT COATS North Western closed down the WAL.K AND TAL.K AJ.,]D LiVe: di vision. AND BREATI-lE ~ . .. UNLINED Marshall Wins EACH CLOTH JACKETS Committee OK I WASH INGTON III - Thurgood . '" Marshall, Negro whom President Kennelly lIOminfle4i n.arlY II year PLAIN ago to be a rederal appellate judge. finally won apP(llval FriAlly of the \ c Senate Judiciary Committee. ONE· PIECE DRESSES But the battle against conClrma· lion of the Cormer chief counsel '0{ - ---_--J EACW the National Association for the SINGLE BLAN~ETS Advancement of Colored People i BEETLE BAILEY By MORT W AL~ E B expected to be carried to the Sen· ~ 'I ate Cloor when the nomination is brought up there, LOOKS LIKE WELL, i~EY OUR ~EGULA~ SAID WE'D ~Av'E NO EXTRA CHARGE The committee vote ~ d­ S'PARKLlNGL Y QEANED ing confirmation WBB 11 to 4. Those MENU. HA5~.~ ALL 'fi.lE COMFORTS , opposed were Democratic Sens. PEA5 •. CAN EO ... eli!E THAi WE ... AP lor F-A-S-T SERVICE James O. Eastllllld ol Missisai ppi , "~(~~ .~ and ·FRESHLY PRESSED tN CAM? I Olin D. Johnston of South CarQlina. Sam J . Ervin Jr, of Nort h Carol ina and John L. McClellan of Arkan· YOUR CLOTHES READY IN AN HOUR ON REQUEST sas. Johnston W85 asked by newsmen OR PICK·UP WHEN CONVENIENT if Sou thern foes of Ma~shl&ll wouJd filibuster against collflrmaUon. The 9·9 Carolina senator replied : "I don't 10 South Dubuque St. know yet." He said that he and other Southerners had not discussed their .plans...... -..-- Gollis Big ·3 Set To Start fE \\' YORK (AP) - The New York Yankees. scrambling World Series I aft e r their l~th American AKRON, Ohio 'JI'I - Jack Nick· E League pennant in 14 years, storm. Twins Win on Rare Play ed from behind with a three· run laus, the young U.S. Open cham· pion, has no intention ~f taking a bur t in the seventh Inning Friday ------.------.-~~--.----- .. -.--, DETROIT (A'I - The Minnesota night and went on to beat the Bas· •, Twins, surging ahead with a run back seat to either Arnold Palmer ton Red Sox 5-4. , or Gary Player when the three , on an obstruction play, continued champions tee off in the World Boston's Gene Conley was work· their mastery of the Delroit Tigers Series of Golf today. ing on a five·hitler, had a 3-2 lead • 6-4 Friday night and remained in The Dail Iowan ,• The 22-year-old (ormer ational , the thick of the pennant race. and had retired 13 men in order , Amateur champion warmed up for before the Yanks put on a typical, , The second·place Twins' 11th vic. ' decisive rally in the seventh. , the 36·hole playofC, which has a tory in 13 games with Ihe Tigers ' top prize of $50,000, by firing a 4- , enabled th em to Slay Ihree games Elston Howard led off with a ,• under·par 66 over Fireslone Coun· single and scored ahead of Bill , behind the New York Yankees' l try Club's 7,165·yard course de pite who edged Boston 5-4. S Skowron who cracked his 20th , two bogeys in the first three holes ir homer of the season. • , Minne ala also retained its liz I in Friday's final practice round. It ~.~"".,.""'-,~".-.-." -"" "".".,.~ game margin over the third.place Two outs later Tony Kubek hit .. .. Th. talented trio, joking their IT his third homer of the season, giv· Page 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, II.-Saturday, Sept, I, 1962 Los Angeles Angels, 5-4 victors way around Thursday'$ practice ing the Yanks a 5.3 lead. It stood over Baltimore, in the close Ameri­ round in which Palmer matthfd up against a Red Sox rally that can League scramble. Gary Player blasting out of Irap par 70 while Player had a 74 and produced one run against relie( The Twins wiped out a 4·3 Tiger during practice round for $50,000 Nicklaus a 76, played more serio pitcher Bud Daley in the e:ighth. Angels Keep Pace with Yanks Icad with two runs in the sixth on World Series of Golf which opens ously Friday. Ric Rollins' single and the obstruc­ today at Akron, Ohio. Bill Stafford, New York's starter Player, collect.ng four birdie. in who worked seven Inmngs beCore tion ruli ng by plate umpire Ed -AP Wirephoto I Runge. Friday's practice round, also came being lifted Cor a pinch hitter, was ill with a 34-32-66, while Palmer credited with hi s 13th victory in By Edging Orioles in 10th Rollins drove in winning pitcher Jim Ka at with the tyi ng run and had a 36-23-68. The course, charged 21 decisions. Conley was charged BALTIMORE IA'! - The third·place Los Angeles Angels, struggling lip by heavy rains early in the witlt the 10 s. sent Vic Power to second. Power Reds' Pinson Injured, But Active to stay in the American League pennant race, scored twice in the loth advanced when Al KaHne 's throw .. week, was plush and i expected I Bill Porklns, whe Is oxpected to return to active participation Mon· loslon 010 200 010- 4 n I 10 remain so for the NBC-TV tele· New York 110 000 3Ox- 5 , 1 inning Friday night and hung on for a 5-4 victory over the Baltimore from right field skipped past third cast today and Sunday. day allir ipondlng most of thi5 wHk sidelined by a thigh injury, Conley, ..dill (3) end Nixon; SI.f· Orioles. base to the edge of the Tiger dug­ keeps his hands In tune with the fe.1 of the ball while playing catch ford, Olley (I) Ind Howlrd. W - Sllf. The tense SQueaker left the An· Doubles Home ford (13-1). L - ConllY (13-13). strike out slugger Jim Gentile, and out. with Matt Szykowny. Porkins will not participate in today's full Home runs - loslon, Rllnnels (10). gels 412 games behind the league· Tom Morgan retired the final two Rounding third, Power collided 2 Players Hurt sClle scrimmage. - DI Photo New York, Howard (111, Sk_ron (101, leading New York Yankees, who Orioles. with third baseman Steve Boros Kubek (3). defeated Boston 5-4. Leon Wagner's double, his fourth and was beaten to the plate by Key Run, 6-5 PH1L.S NIP BRAVES, 4-3 The Orioles. who whipped the hit of the game, igniled the Los Phil Regan's throw with the reo In 7-2 Nat Win * * * * Yankees five in a row two weeks trieved ball . But Runge promptly * * MI LWAUKEE (A'I - A home run Angeles rally in the loth. Wagner CI CINNATI fA') - Vada Pinson CHICAGO {JI'I _ The Washington ago to make a contest of the pen· ruled Boros had obstructed Pow· by Roy Sievers in the loth inning moved up a base when Baltimore doubled in the deciding run in the Senators knocked out Eddie Fisher nant chase, scored one run in the pitcher Hoy I Wilhelm fielded a er and allowed the go·ahead run. 2-3-Weeks Wait broke a deadlock and gave the lOth and had the potential tying eleventh inning Friday night giv· in the Courlh inning and continued Philadelphia Phillies a 4-3 victory sacrifice bunt by Bob Rodgers and Mlnnlsola 002 012 100- 6 11 ° run on first base with none out. Delroll 003 010 000-. f 3 ing Cincinnati a come·from-behind against Turk Lawn to rout the over the Milwaukee Bravtls Friday threw loa late to get Wagner at Kill Ind Bailey; Regan, Klint (7J .nd night. Los Angeles Manager Bill Rig· third. Brown. W - KI.I (16·11). L - Reg.n 6-5 victory over St. Louis . Chicago White Sox 7-2 Friday night lIey. sidelined with an ulcer reo (f.9), ;" a game in which both clubs 10 t For ·Hurt Center The victory went to reliever Jack A sacrifice fly by Felix Torres Home runs - Oolrolt, Killne (251, 'l'he game had ee·sawed inlo the services of one player. cenlly, didn't do his condition any Fe,nlnd .. (II). BaJdschu n who now is 10-7. The scored Wagner and Rodgers went overtime after the Reds finally H a r r y Bright, Senators' first By ERIC ZOECKLER loser was Claude Raymond (S-3l. good as he rushed three pitchers into the contest in the final in· to second on the throw to the plate. (jed it in the ninth inning ofC start· baseman. suffered a torn rib car· Sports Editor Henry Aaron and Joe Adcock ning. A single by George Thomas sen! Cye Iones Wor k Be hin d el' Bob Gibson. tilage when he checked his swing Uodgel's home. The Iowa depth situation described as "critical" hy Coach hit home runs Cor all· the Braves' A double by Russ Snyder cmd a In the eleventh, Eddie Kasko had at the plate in the third inning and runs. Don Demeter a Iso got a Los Angell. 000 001 110 2- 5 IS 2 Closed Doors Friday Jerry Burns at the beginning of fall drills, may have taken a single by Brooks Robinson, his Bailimore 001 000 Oil 1- 4 12 ° had to retire from the game. Bob humer for the Phillies. fourth hit of the game, chased AMES (A'I - Towa State went be· drilled a leadoff single to lert off Sadowski, whose two·run homer Philadelphia 010 000 101 1- 4 7 I Grbl, SprIng (II .. N,vI"o (I), Oslnlkl tum for the w()rs(' F'rida)'. relief speciaiisl Dan Osinsk i who (91 Bowfleld (10), Morg.n 110) Ind Rod­ hind closed gates Friday to prac· reliever Curt Simmons and moved accounted for the only Chicago MilWaukee . 000 100 200 0- 3 4 I gers; PIPPIS, HI" (I), Hoeft (f), Luobke Burns told reporters after the B , n n , I I, '"Idlchun (f) .nd 01)· was making his seventh appear. (9l, Wilhelm tlO) Ind L.ndrlth. W - lice defense for its opening game to second on Don Blasingame's runs, had to be carried from the afternoon drills that Jim Robshaw's rymple; ShOW, Rlymond (f) and Uec~ . ance in the (ast nine gamts. Osinski (6-3). L - LUfbke (0·1). Sept. 15 against Drake. sacrifice. Pinson's double followed. field on a stretcher IIhen he strain· or. W - B.ldschun (10·7). L - R.y. Laver Stays injury was described by team phy· Homl run - LOl Angll .., L. Thom .. BeCore the gates were locked, the ed ligaments in his ankle sliding mond (5~) . Ted Bowsfield then came on to (2.). SI. Louis 200 011 000 10- 5 13 0 sician Dr. W. D. Paul as a "se\'ere Hom. runs - Phllld,lph)a, Dfmelor Cyclones spent 40 minutes polish. Clnclnn.11 000 102 001 11- 6 13 3 into second base in the eighth. (26), Sievers (19). Mllwauk .., H. Aaron Coot strain" which will keep the (37), Adcock (26). ing up their ofCen e. Gibson, Shlnll (10), McD.nlel (10), Wishing Ion 010 330 000- 7 II 0 No . 2 center sidelin('d for two or Simmons (11) Ind Oliver; Purkey, Iros· Chicago 020 000 000- 2 , I Hoi in Drive ---- Coach Clay Stapleton had the non (II, Kllppsleln (10) Siller (11) and Chlney, Daniels (4) and Relllr; Fish. three weeks. INDIANS TRIP A'S 2:1 first and second units working on Edwlras; Foil .. (1 0). W - Si sler (3·3). or, l.nnl (4), Lown (5), Joyce (5), D,. So the 234.pounder from Council CLEVELAND {JI'I - Cleveland 's deCense against offensive plays L - Simmons (1-9). busschere (8) ind C.. reon, Martin (I). Pete Ramos pitched a two·hitler Home runs - St. LOUIS, Whitfield (8). W - Dlnlel. (7·15). L - Fish .. (1·5). Bluffs is expecled to receive teams.presented by the third and fourth .-Clnclnn.lI,___ Robinson,;;;;;;;;;;,; (34) _____. lii - ..-;;;;-;;;;; Homl___ run - Ch;;.;; icago___ , Sodowsk;;;;;; l (" . For U.S. Title some treatment during thlt pe­ and beat the Kansas City Athletics. 2- 1, Friday night. The Indians FOREST HILLS, N. V. 111- Rod riod and if everything goes as Dr. Paul has predicted, Robshaw scored both their runs in the bot· Amarlcln L •• gue NaUonal Le.gul COL. TS TAG METS, 4-2 Laver, the explosive Australian tom of the ninth. W. L. Pcl. G.I. W. L . Pel. G.I, will b. ready for the Oregon New York 84 59 .587 x·Los Angeles ..... 91 50 .643 HOUSTON (A') - Tight relief GIVf YOUR CAR ATREAT left·hander, continued his relent· State opener Sept. 29. The A's had scored an unearned Mlnne ola . 81 62 .566 3 x..san Francisco .. 89 51 .636 H~ pitching by Jim Golden and Don run in the top oC the ninth. Los Angeles ... 79 63 .556 41. CincInnati 88 55 .615 " les drive toward a coveted grand DUring the controlled exercise, Delroll ...... 72 68 .51. 10' , x.Plttsbur,h .... 83 58 .589 8 McMahon gave the Hou ton Colts cleaned inside and Ollt in minutes at John Wyatt came in for laser Chicago .. ... 72 70 .507 JlI . St. Louis .. 75 67 .528 16~ a 4-2 victory over the New York slum Friday when he ground down No. 1 right halfback Lonnie Rogers Orlando Pena, who permitted only BaUlmore .•••. 70 73 .490 14 MUwaukee ... 73 70 .510 19 Melican Dav( s Cupper Antonio and econd.string left. half Willie Cleveland ..... 69 75 .(79 15 .... Philadelphia . 69 75 .479 23',2 Mets Friday night. six hils but had allowed the In­ Boslon 66 75 .463 17 Hou slon 54 87 .383 37 Golden, who rescued Colt starter Palafox. 6-1, 6·2, 6-2 and led the Ray Smith were idelined and Kansa. City 63 79 .• « 20' , x.Chlca, o . 52 89 .369 39 dians to fill the bases in the nlnth. Hal Woodeshick with two on and MINIT -AUTOMATIC CAR WASH way into the Quarter·final round Burns said he would not know His first pitch was hit (or a game· Washln,lon 56 88 .389 28 ',2 New York 35 107 .246 56h of the National Champion· whether the two would be ready FRIDAY'S RESULTS FRIDAY'S RESULTS none out in the 7th, was the win· WEEKDAYS 8:00·5:30 tying single by Bubba Phillips. New York SJ BOMton 4 Cincinnati 6, SI. Louis 5 ncr. He is 6·U. ships. Cor scrimmage today until just be· Wyatt then walked Jerry Kindall. Los Angeles 5, Baltimore 4 _ 10 In· Philadelphia 4, Milwaukee 3 - 10 In· fore it begins. nlngs nlnKs New York 000 101 000- 2 4 I BellHer's The top·seeded Laver already Klnsu City . 000 000 001- I l I C)eveland 2, Kansas City l Houston 4, New 'rorit 2 Houslon 000 011 2h- 4 7 I Next to Stop & Shop has won the Australian, French Clevel.nd 000 000 002- 2 7 1 Wuhlni lon 7 Chieago 2 Plttsburl[h.Los Ang.les - night JlcklOn Ind Plgnlllno, Collm.n (7); When asked if No. 3 end Jim Mlnn,sot. b.troll night 1025 S. Riverside Dr. and Brili h tilles. The United Penl, WYltt (9) Ind Sulllv.n; Romos 6, 4 C 1l cI,o-San Frenclsco - WoodtSh lck, Golden \71, McMahon (II Winston had achieved the 90 per Ind Edwards. W - Ramos (I·" I. L - TODAY'S PROBABLE PITCHERS Ind Smith. W - Go clen (6·11 ). L _ TODAY'S PROBAlILE PITCHERS JlcklOn (1·11). Slates crown would make him the cent efficiency that has been de· penl (3·3). Washlnf:ton (Rudolph 8-7) al Chicago Philadelphia [Mahaf(ey 18·1 I) al MU· only other player in history be· sired since the beginning of drills, (Wynn 6- 2) waukee (Spahn 14·12) sides Don Budge - who did it in Burns commented: Minnesota (Pascual 17-8) at Detroit Chicago (Cardwell 7.14) at San Fran. fLarry 2-8) cisco fPlerce 13·5) 1938 - to score a grand slam. Late Scores SI. Louis (Jackson 13·10) al Cln

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