PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manrhester. Conn., Tues.. Dec. 12. 1978

Legislators Seek |- MHS Students Told C urf^ Approved 1 Scholastic Funding Solutions 1 Of Paths to Prison 1 For Town Property 1 Highlights Page 2 1 Page 8 Page 18 1 Page 19 k------iianrijpatpr Windy, Mild Highs in 40s Daialla on pago 2

GOP Speedy mug nm lh MANCHESTER - Local Vol. XCVIII, No. 62 — Manchester, Conn,, Wednesday, December 13, 1978 > A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881» 20» Single Copy • 15« Home Delivered Republicans have decided to s p ^ up the selection process for a new town chairman and a member of the Town Board of Directors, Elsie “Biz” Swensson has sent a letter to all GOP town com­ Wage-Price Rules Flexible mittee members saying the com­ mittee will meet Jan. 4 to make WASHINGTON (UPI) - The ad­ new contract talks that the ad­ creasing prices at the same rate as benefits — such as health care and even if they hike prices by more than the final selections to replace ministration today revised its wage- ministration considers crucial to the costs," the council said. pensions — to 7 percent during the the original standard would have Thomas and Vivian Ferguson. price guidelines, the cornerstone of success of the overall program. Under the previous price standard, next year. allowed — provided the price in­ Thomas, who is town chairman, its anti-inflation campaign, to allow The Council on Wage and Price firms that couid not meet the price ’The new standard would allow un­ creases are limited to the same level and Vivian, a town director, an­ for more flexibility in determining Stability, which is administering the deceleration standard because of un­ ions and other employee groups to ig­ as last year. nounced they will resign Dec. worker wage hikes and to tighten guidelines, described two of the. controllable costs during the base nore most of thp cost of maintaining —Other modifications, the council 31. rules governing company profits. changes as “significant” and several period were allowed to utilize the previously won health and pension said, make non-union compliance Originally, Mrs. Swensson had The changes came seven weeks others as “minor." profit margin, test. benefits when the employee gets no with the pay standard “more com­ set Jan. 18 ak the date when the after President Carter unveiled his The two most important, according This required that firms could not additional benefits from the parable” to union compliance; full town committee would select new inflation-fighting drive and was to the council, were: exceed the average profit margin of coverage. specify exemptions for government the replacements for the in response to complaints voiced by —To modify the treatment of in­ the “best” two out of the last three ’The other changes in the program mandated labor cost increases such Fergusons. The party’s executive labor unions and businesses. creased costs of existing fringe fiscal years. included: as pension law reform, paid pregnan­ committee had been scheduled to Both groups said the guideiines benefits where the worker would ob­ The revised standard retains the —Establishing a “floor” of 1.5 per­ cy leave, and revised reguations on meet one week earlier to endorse contained several inequities and the tain no corresponding increase in the old profit margin test but adds an ad­ cent in the price standard “so that mandatory retirement; and provide candidates. administration agreed to changes in benefits. ditional requirement. ’The new test any firm with a price increase below a specific exemption for firms that Both meetings have been mov^ hopes of encouraging widespread —To tighten the profit margin test would limit actual dollar profit in­ this is in compliance” regardless of can demonstrate a shorage of some up two weeks. The Republican compliance. to be u s^ by companies that simply creases to 6.5 percent plus any In­ its base period profits. ’The standards categories of skilled labor. executive committee will meet The aiterations were also an­ cannot comply with the basic goal of crease in profits resulting from in­ already include a 9.5 percent ceiling On the eve of publication of the Thursday, Dec. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in nounced one day before the decelerating price hikes 0.5 percent creased sales. on price increases. revisions, Barry Bosworth, director Whoi It Cranes the Municipal Building’s Coffee Teamsters Union exchanges intitial below the average increases of 1976- On the wage side, the basic rule —A change in the decleration rate of the Council on Wage and Price Room. The Republican Town bargaining proposals with the 77. The revised standard is “designed called for employee groups to limit for professional services, such as Stability, said if the o v ^ ll anU-. Committee wiil meet Thursday, trucking industry — the first step in to discourage firms from simply in­ increases in wages and fringe doctors, dentists, lawyers and inflation drive works conpmers can Jan. 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the architects. ’The new standard sets a expect a significant slowdown in the Municipal Building’s Hearing 6.5 percent average lim it on rate of inRation by next spring. lb Banking, Room. professional services charged by a If the program fails entirely, he (A story on page 14 of today’s firm or individual. said, inflation will remain about ]lerald contains the earlier dates, —An alteration in the price where it is today: near double-digit which have now been changed.) guidelines to allow retailers and levels. wholesalers to remain in compliance Nobody Does It Bettra; Rhodesia Fire SALISBURY, Rhodesia (UPI) — Firefighters standing knee- deep in diesel fuel desperately Board Rejects battled a fuel depot blaze today that was consuming millions of dollars worth of Rhodesia’? precious oil sup])ly for the third straight day. CD Fund Vote Guerrilla groups in both Zambia and Mozambique claimed respon- By GREG PEARSON tliis would result in a vote that would sibiiity for the devastating blow Herald Reporter be colored by concerns about the loss against Rhodesia’s already of funding for the senior citizens. teetering economy. Military MANCHESTER — ’The town will Stephen Penney, chairman of the sources said the saboteurs ap­ not have an advisory referendum on board, said he saw no need for a parently used armor-piercing the receipt of Community Develop­ referendum at this time. rockets and tracer bulleU. ment funding — at least for now. Members of the board are elected The Board of Directors voted 6-2 to to make decisions.affecting the town, VD Increases reject a referendum for the receipt he said. of Community Development funds. “I do not see what exalts this par­ ATLANTA (UPI) - Federal Last month, the board received 1,- ticular item to the status of an ad­ health officials report cases of 8(XI signatures on petitions asking for visory referendum,” he said. There gonorrhea and syphilis are in­ a referendum on whether the town is no petition before the board at this creasing in the United States, in should receive fourth-year (the pre­ time to have such a referendum. contrast to last year’s decline. sent year) funds through the Com­ Director Carl Zinsser, who along “We’re at a critical juncture," munity Development program. with Vivian Ferguson supported a said Dr. Paul J. Weisner, head of Residents were concerned that the referendum, asked about liquor sale the venereal disease control divi­ federal Department of Housing and on Sunday, which was a referendum sion of the national Center for Urban Development, which runs the question this November without any Disease Control, Refugee Invasion program, was placing too many petitions being submitted to the In the first 43 weeks of this restrictions on the town before the board. year, there have been 837,110 Refugees from an island camp near Pulaw town could receive its funding. Penny said there had been a the island where more than 24,(K)0 refugees The petitions were later reported cases of gonorrhea. ’This Bidong, Malaysia, motor out Monday to this history of referendum questions on compares with 826,846 cases for are confined prevented the boat from landing withdrawn, however, because $2(XI,- larger boat to assist a group of 161 Viet­ that subject. He also said the board the same number of weeks in 1977, until the refugees scuttled it. The refugees (WO of the present-year funding is to probably should not have proceeded a 1.2 percent increase. namese refugees who had been gropfng in the were then assisted ashore and allowed to join go to a senior citizens center. Spon­ with the referendum question on Syphilis cases jumped from 17,- South China Sea for 12 days before reaching the other refugees. (UPI photo) sors of the petitioning drive feared liquor without receiving petitions to 013 for the first 43 weeks of 1977 to the island camp. Malaysian troops guarding initiate such a referendum. 17,790 this year, a 4.6 percent ’Two board members initiated the hike. action to put the liquor question on the November ballot. Inside Today Director Stephen Cassano said Business...... 28-29 Fire Chiefs Dispute 1-86 Call there is no reason at this time to fiave Classified...... 31-34 a referendum on the Community Comics...... 35 Development funding. ’The town has By SUSAN VAUGHN ding fire jurisdiction in the Buckland firefighters were ready to leave the ding to such emergency calls because Editorial ...... 17 not yet submitted its application for Herald Kepurler area. The decision, handed down a station as the town rescue truck was “they don’t think we can handle Entertainment ...... the fifth-year funds. When it does, it ...... 26-27 few months ago, ruled in favor of the driving by, according to Rivosa. He them. We are just as capable of Family...... 38-44 MANCHESTER - The chiefs of may receive no requirements from both the Town and Eighth District district’s jurisdiction in the area. said that fact should show that there. handling these kinds of incidents as HUD, he said. Obituaries ...... 18 was no delay. they are,” he said. “All we want to People/Food...... 37 Fire Departments are claiming their Town Fire Chief John Rivosa “Let’s find out what we’re talking departments were right in respon­ clainis^e town did not delay, and However, Lingard interpreted the do is be left alone to do our job,” he about before we start talking about ...... 19-22 situation differently. He said the fact added, “but we don’t intend to be Television ...... 26 ding to a rescue call on Interstate said today, “We can substantiate we something like a referendum,” Highway 86 early Saturday morning. didn’t hold the call.” Rivosa said the the town truck got to the North End walked on.” Cassano said. District Fire Chief Granville (Ted) town received the call from state before the district trucks were Rivosa claims that the highway is Both Penny and Cassano men­ 6UESS WHAT, CHUCK! Lingard said today of the town’s police at 4:49 a.m. leaving indicates there was ,a delay legally under the town’s jurisdiction tioned that HUD has toned down CHRISTMAS IS JUST response to the call, “They are in­ because it takes about two minutes to with the district covering it for the some of its demands and appears AROUNPTHE CORNER! terfering with our area.” He claimed The district firehouse records also get from the Central Fire Station to town in the section referred to by satisfied with Manchester’s efforts. that the town delayed up to two show the call from the town was the Eighth District Fire Station. Lingard. Today Rivosa said he is A few residents who spoke still sup­ minutes in calling the district received at 4:49 a.m. Lingard said the district was given “looking into taking over all that ported the concept of a referendum. , firehouse after receiving the call for Rivosa defended the response authority over coverage of the area.” “’That’s the way to do it. Let the aid from the state police. because the call said there were highway from Vernon to halfway He added that the Town Fire people speak,” Eugene Sierakowski Lingard also said that if the in­ trapped occupant^ in a burning car between Exits 92 and 93 as part of the Department is not paid by the state of Strawberry Lanes said. terference by the town continues, the near Exit 94 of the highway. He said Supreme Coiirt decision. Lingard for the calls it makes on the highway, ' Frank Lupien of 21 Sunset St. said district will have no recourse but to one fireman was calling the district said he met with Rivosa earlier and but that the District would get paid the petitioning effort could be done to go back to the Supreme Court for a while the others were still coming that agreement was left in effect. by the state as a volunteer depart­ have a referendum question abxut clarification on the decison regar­ down the firepole. The district Lingard said the town is respon­ ment if it submits the bill for the call. future funding. Board Backs Station Lease or Service Pact ^anl^ By GREG PEARSON dealt with several factors related to School, Howell Cheney Regional said it creates a safety hazard “This station is an integral part of agreed unanimously that this idea be fire protection and both governmen­ Meruld Iteporler Vocational Technical School, homes because collisions could occur the fire protection system in the considered, but it is not likely to be a tal bodies — except for one proposal and businesses. between town and district fire ap­ Town of Manchester. I have seen popular one with district officials. MANCHESTER -The town may that the town take steps to abandon John Rivosa, chief of the Town paratus responding to different calls nothing that would justify the town The second recommendation would try two new approaches for using the the Buckland firehouse. Fire Department, reviewed some of at the same time. vacating the fire station,” Stephen be to lease one of the firehouse bays Buckland firehouse. It may attempt The firehouse was built by the town the past history surrounding Rivosa said the Buckland firehouse Penny, chairman of the board, said. in Buckland to the district. Directors Savings Bank of Manchester to lease half the firehouse to the during a court case to decide whether Buckland. He mentioned that an in­ is less a hazard that way than is the Director Carl Zinsser said he did Zinsser and Stephen Cassano voted Manchester, East Hartlord, South Windsor, Ashford, Andover, and Bolton Eighth Utilities District or it may the town or the district had the surance study had recommended a central firehouse, locat^ on Center not favor construction of the against this idea. Member FDtC, 646-1700 seek to contract with the district to An equal opportunity lender authority to fight fires in Buckland. firehouse near the present location Street. firehouse. But, now that i( is built, he ”To put them both (the two fire provide fire protection in the The case went to the state Supreme and that residents had petitioned for Rivosa said the town should con­ does not think the town should vacate departments) in there together, Buckland section. Court, which ruled in favor of the dis­ a firehouse tq^be built in the area. tinue to staff the Buckland firehouse, it. you’re just inviting trouble,” Zinsser Both proposals were endorsed trict. T(ius, the Mwi has a firehouse About a dozbn'members of the fire and the board agreed unanimously. Penny recommended that the town Tuesday night by the Town Board of said. in an area of town it does not service. department' watched the William Diana, the town ■ director and the district pursue two other ap­ Penny said, “I have a little more Directors, which was considering a Supporters of the , firehouse, proceedings, but Rivosa was the only who had sided with the three district proaches. One would be for the town confiden(;e in the fire departments.” report from a subcommittee of the however, have argued that it still is one to speak. directors on the subcommittee to contract with the district and be He expects they would work together town and district Board of Directors. needed to service areas covered by District officials have recommendation, was absent paid to provide fire protection in \ q 'such a situation. The town directors agreed to the town that surround Buckland. recommended that the town vacate Tuesday night. Buckland. The Board of Directors accept the entire report — which These include East Catholic High the Buckland firehouse. They have PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., Dec. 13, i m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., Dec. 13, 1978— PAGE THREE Solons To Seek Grasso Gaming Cuts Violations Minor in November MANCHESTER - If that have occurred. The The turbidity levels at taken during the month ■I'-.'l' ■nil taken may have a high one bad measurement is summer months result in every month were like town has received; aiu pleased with recent Funding Solution the following three reser-: that had a high bacteria considered either an error an increased growth in A Good Idea November, Bob Young of extension before if must bacteria level. precipitation. This has voirs were above the 1.0’ count, he said. or a fluke. algae. ’This and other fac­ HARTFX)RD (UPI) — Lawmakers same educational opportunities the Water Department meet the new standards, Officials become con­ helped boost the level of standard: Howard, 4.0; Even under the new, The November weather tors can contribute to a believe the most important issue regardless of whether they live in a would be a very happy but it is required now to cerned if the bacteria town reservoirs, which had HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov, Ella Porter Street, 3.8; and tougher standards, a small normally helps water decrease in water quality. they must tackle in the coming ses­ rich or poor community. man. report any violations of problem continues or dropped during a relatively Grasso said today even though the Lydall Street, 1.55. percentage of the samples quality. Hot, humid Young also has been sion is finding a constitutional cure In its preliminary budget, the Young is the head of those standards that occur. repeats itself. If it doesn’t dry autumn. state would, lose valuable revenue Aside from those for Connecticut's educational funding Grasso administration has tentative­ water treatment for the The only violations in she thinks r^ucing the number of problems, there were no woes, a UPI survey of the 1979 ly set aside $30 million in new educa­ department. He reported November were the turidi- gaming events in Connecticut is a other violations during Legislature reveals. tion money. only three minor violations ty level of three town "very good” idea. November, Young The survey also shows that three in But 79 percent of the lawmakers last month. reservoirs. Turbidity At her weekly news conference, reported. four legislators who responded who responded to the poll said they Young reports each measures the amount of the governor also said she.will ask In fact, there was not believe the state should s^nd at think the state should pump in at month on violations of new particles suspended in the Public Utilities Control Authority even one water sample least $10 million more on education least an additional $40 million in the water drinking standards water. than the Grasso administration has coming year. Only 9 percent felt $40 Chairwoman Miriam Butterworth to set aside in its preliminary budget. million was too much. assign all five PUCA commissioners UPI gave the legislators a list of 20 On other fronts, lawmakers to the Northeast Utilities rate^hike potential issues and asked them to overwhelmingly favored a case. f s CHRISTMAS. Northeast Tuesday filed for a Timber Removal on Time rate the issues on their significance. moratorium on new gaming The lawmakers were also asked to facilities. They also supported a $131.5 million rate hike — the largest Id & L it a^ wra|lf»e

May Affect Glastonbury ' I MANCHESTER - The town dividual customer in Glastonbury related, " Weiss said. SUPER Tuesday night proposed three pieces w ill be high and they may seek other The second proposed bill would SPECIAL of proposed legislation that would water sources, such as wells, once require separate bargaining units for affect water service in Glastonbury. they are billed. The special assess­ Police Department supervisory per­ The three special acts were men­ ment, however, would have to be sonnel. Town officials do not like the tioned during a one hour session town paid even if the customer decides to existing setup in Manchester where MEN’S officials had with five legislators who dig a well. lieutenants, who are supervisors, are represent Manchester. This will mean that Manchester in the same bargaining unit as those DENIM Town officials also talked about w ill be reimbursed for the expense of they supervise. OVERALLS their opposition to binding arbitra­ improving Glastonbury service no Weiss also repeated his concern ['CANDIES tion. their support for changing a law matter how many of those customers about binding arbitration for •it’n % xr about police and fire health benefits actually continue to be served. employees. ...Always a Christmas and their opposition to the proposed Another proposed special act “ The binding arbitration law has favorite. Assorted school funding plan. would allow Manchester to transfer a done more to destroy collective chocolates In exquisite Manchester now serves about 270 water franchise area, such as North bargaining than anything else in the ClHhett customers in North Glastonbury. The Glastonbury, to another provider, state," he said. town plans to make substantial im­ such as the MDC, if both sides agree. Dr, James Kennedy, superinten­ f ’m y ; provements to its system, and the The third proposal would allow the dent of schools, spoke briefly again cost to improve service to the out-of- town to discontinue water service to against a proposed educational fun­ town customers will be about $1.5 customers outside of its town boun­ ding system, million, a high figure for the number m daries if it is economically unfeasible "This is a crossroads year for the of homes involved. to continue providing such service. state,” he said of the educational fun­ Because of this. Town Manager Weiss also made a pitch for two ding issue. Robert Weiss Tuesday night bills the town has sought in the past. Other proposals mentioned or Come To proposed three special acts that One would be an amendment to the Tuesday night included an amend­ might make the Glastonbury Police and Fire Heart and Hyperten­ ment to the phase-in bill to correct an customers look to other alternatives, sion Act. The act provides compensa­ inequity for new construction, a such as the Metropolitan District tion to safety employees who suffer proposal for funds for planning intra­ Commission, for water service. heart attacks. town transportation, and a require­ One bill would permit Manchester One of the town’s amendments ment that all building contractors be And to levy a sepial assessment on the would be to require the claimant to licensed by the state. C water customers. This would require prove the claim under the act is The legislators who attended were the customers to pay the assessment work-related. Weiss said physical State Sen. David Barry and Marcella even if they decide not to hook into exams should be required. Fahey and State Reps. Muriel the system. mm 22 Watt Component "There appear to be many claims Yacavone, Walter Joyner and Fran­ Weiss fears the cost to the in­ under the law that are not work- cis Mahoney. WAYSSA TO 50% STEREO SALK TIES Special For Him SYSTEM For Christmas Educators Set Trip Rules wm Includes Reg. $12.50-$16.50 VERNON — Recognizing school and all participants: 12 days for students. from now on w ill need only • Receiver that field trips can greatly that proper medical super­ The administration has the approval of the • Turntable i m - . , enlarge the educational vision or facilities are also been asked to en­ superintendent. • Speakers ^ * experiences of the available; that the cost to courage as many members These are: The yearly Reg. $505 students, the Board of the student is kept to a of the student body as October trip of the Sykes Education Monday night minimum; and that com­ possible to participate in Government Club to .4 E N 'S adopted a policy to govern mercial carriers with full these trips and to give first Washington, D. C.; the <349 such trips. public liability and proper­ priority to those students science trip to Bermuda in COATS REG. However, the board must ty damage be used. who have not participated the early spring; and the RMOSIMX give formal approval to The administration will in previous similar trips. Ski Club trip taken during 7 5 » out-of-state and overnight also be asked to issue The recommendations the ski season. trips but not to day trips guidelines to lim it the for the policy were within the state. number of school days that originally made by the 4'^ YOUNG MEN'S & MEN’S The board policy also the students and faculty board's Curriculum Com­ I GREETING CARDS VESTED requires the administra­ may be out of state or mittee which also said that FOR ALL OCCASIONS tion to review all such trips away overnight with the three trips that are S«e Our Large DUptay ’ GIFTS to assure that there is general recommendation scheduled each year, have ARTHUR DRUG proper insurance for the being six days for staff and proven their worth and CORDUROY SUITS# H FOR MEN’S * XMAS NOTICE Your Gift Gallery VESTED SUITS Demni Jeans SPINNERIN Probate Court is open for 1/3 OFF Denim Vests CREWEL KITS conferences with the judge From $8 to $15 Retell from 6:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. Now Has jr. sweaters, Prewashed on Thursday nights. Night blouses, pants # 3 Sizes 8-20 Reg. & Slims *5.00 telephone number: 647- Instant Discounts! Reg. to $18 3 3227. RAINCOATS Come in today and try your luck. ZIP OUT PILE LINING and s k irts MflW William E. FitzGerald selected groups! Judge of Probate Discounts from 15%-50% REG. ” to »» 75“ 7 10 From November 24th CHILDilEirS iMbehMltr Evening HtriM to December 23rd. C IR C U LATE HOURS RE WOOL Mon. • Frt. WEAR HOUSE ' 1 I 6:30 to e;00 OEUVERY DEAOUNE. SUCKS 5:30 p.m. Dip in our beautiful SAT. ■EG. 7:00 • 10:00 A.m. bowl and get one of our OEUVERY DEADLINE beautiful discounts. 7j30 am. Better values for less! 45“ SugsMted Carriw Rates P iy iM irx Advanco 8iO0l« copy...... 150 Have a Merry, W M k ly ...... Me Ono month...... I3.M Happy Holiday Shopping Throomontho ...... $11.70 SlA m onths...... $23.40 0ns yosr...... $M.50 MsM Rstss Upon RsqussI Where can you get a better value? Only at, Subscribsri who fail to rsostvs thsif nswspapsr bstors 5:30 p.m should Isi^h o n s ths circutaUon Your Gift Gallery dspsHmenl. 647-M46 935 Main Street, Manchester Clibii & M;i

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v / OPEN MON.-PRI, M P.M. Open Daily 10AM to 9PM 70S Main St. EAT. ••8:M P.M. Use Our' 917 MAIN STAEn DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER Manchester. Conn. Layaway PAGE TEN - MANC HESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed., Dec, 13, 1978

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Mancheater, Conn., Wed., Dec, 13. 1978- PAGE ELEVEN Fiery, Fanatical Friar Was First Reform Dictator Seasonal SJiaring Appeal Needs $3,500 in 10 days singing and marching behind a carving of Christ, built a challenge by the rival Franciscans to prove his divinity FLO REN CE, Italy (UPI) — This month, 484 years ago, MANCHESTER —The annual ah u c a , . h a c 60-foot-high pile of "vanities" on Piazza della Signoria, by walking through fire. He allowed one of his disciples to MANCHESTER The snnuel A ll moniesmnnipc nnlla/,laHcollected ,w1,111 ill Knbe used hnnr.hours until Friday.ITrirlbir U/nm.nWomen II United,U U Fannie,__ . ______Fish of 179_^ E. a fiery, fanatical friar became history's first "refor­ Manchester Junior Women's Club, Lee Irene A. Hyde of 95 Conway Road, Mr and burned precious manuscripts and paintings, ^ m e of act on his behalf. A sudden downpour probably saved the Seasonal Sharing Appeal needs to ,for gift vouchers for children's Donations to the annual appeal now Center St., David and Dottle Custer of 21 ming" dictator, setting some of the patterns followed in and Glenn Motowldlak, Bonnie and Scott and Mrs. A.J. Llbbey Jr. of 64 Milford them were brought to the scene by the great artist Sandro man's life but it stopped the spectacle and infuriated the raise more than $3,500 within the clothing and shoes as well as for total $1,448.75. Those wishing to con­ Jordt Sl„ Anthony Garofalo of Buckland our own time by Adolf Hitler and other despots. McKay, Liz Fletcher, Marie and Paul Road. Botticelli who had fallen under the friar's spell. crowd which had turned out in anticipation of a miracle. next 10 days to be able to brighten the Christmas food baskets, Christmas tribute may make their checks out to Street; Annamae Potocki of 151 McKee On Nov. 29, 1494, a French army led by King Charles Seybolt, St. Bridget Church, St. Bridget's Also, the Kantz and Bailey children of With Florence subdued, its once fun-loving populace On Palm Sunday 1498, a mob sacked the convent and holiday season for Manchester meals for shut-ins and Christmas MACC (Manchester Area Conference St„ Joseph and Jean Nadeau of 196 Grade 4 CCD, Doris P. Dickinson, Mr. VIII left Florence after a sojourn of only seven days, 33 East Eldridge St., Bernard R. John­ "walking like in a trance," Savonarola now turn^ direct­ arrested Savonarola. He was tried by the same city coun­ families in need. meal certificates for those who have of Churches) Seasonal Sharing and Ferguson Road, Arthur and Helen Joyce and Mrs. Leavitt of 700 Spring St., son, Dorothy and Bill Manning of 100 leaving Girolamo Savonarola, a 42-year-old Dominican ly against the pope. “ Thou hast become a shameless cil whose power he had usurped. Tortured, he confessed - With inflation and the ever­ no family and little funds. Appeal and mail to Seasonal Sharing of 476 Parker St., Sally Robinson of 80 N. Kenneth and Julia Chadwick of 688 Bretton Road, Marily Walsh of 64 Bolton friar, the ruler of a city-state which in the preceding harlot in thy lust,'' he cried. Alexander was not anxious he had fabricated his claims to have conversed with God. growing list of local families needing No funds w ill be used for toys. Toys Main St., Charles and Amy Helwig of 531 Center St., Vera Peterson of 53 Glenwood Road, Carolyn Cox Foster of 19 Dover in care of MACC, Pox 773, Center St„ Mrs. Virgil Hartzog of 35 decades had made possible the revival of humanist lear­ for a showdown. He tried to placate the mutinous friar He later recanted but more torture was applied and he help, this year’s goal had been set at St. Road, Fred and Margaret Geyer ol 330 for children are still be collected and Manchester. Country Club Lane, Theodore and ning, appreciation of art and the joy of life we now call with the red cap of a cardinal but in the end he had to use $5,000. Three years ago, the appeal's Also, St. Mary's Girls Friendly Society confessed again. The pope wanted him tried by an will be distributed later this week. Those who have donated to the Margaret Pastva of 65 Unox St„ Dolores Spring St., Thanksgiving collection, the Renaissance. Sponsors, William and Susan Goff of 14 several anonymous gifts, and Arline the ultimate weapon, excommunication. Savonarola ‘ecclesiastical court. Florence refused and condemned goal was $1,500, and last year's was The toys may be left at Center appeal include: and Gerard Bolduc and Ethel Robb. Like Hitler and Benito Mussolini of Italy centuries promptly issued his own excommunication against the him to death. $3,500. Lucian St., Margaret Segerberg of 38 S. Worster of 17A Downey Drive and Congregational«./V/ll5a V 5aviuuai Church^I1U1I,.U UUIduring Illg Uoffice lllCC *»»M6avrt.Marion AMXMJEddy VIof UVU608 O.S. ITMain iaillaJL St., ., V/IIUIL.IIChurch Also,' Concordia Church Women, Adams St., Church of the Assumption, later, Savonarola had used his awesome oratorical pope. Richard Kidder of San Francisco Irt Emily Maidment. Dean Machinery, Mrs. memory of Edith Scott of Stockton, Calif. abilities to spellbind his followers. Like them he Alexander then countered with a series of interdicts organized a private army. He set another precedent for against Florence itself. Savonarola had already lost any later dictators when his youthful followers burned hope of support from the wealthy patrons of the city and Extra Sergeants Suggested manuscripts, pictures and books termed "impure" on a from their places of exile the great families encouraged SOUTH WINDSOR — Town Manager Paul a year, and would be increased to $16,119 if night of folly commemorated as "The Burning of the anti-Savonarola parties with the support of the pope. kindergarten through Grade 6 participated; Vanities" in 1497, Talbot has recommended that two positions of promoted to sergeant, under the present con­ 105 in Grades 7-9; and 110 in Grades 10-12. More and more citizens began to defy the friar and his police sergeant be added to the present force. tract agreement. Another of his innovations, copied only too recently, iron grip slackened. In other matters, Board of Education The recommendation came following a If the recommendation is approved by the was a corps ol boys and girls who patrolled the city His downfall started when he refused to accept a member Frank M, Devney introduced a mo­ searching out "vanities” and willing to inform even on request from Police Chief John J. Kerrigan. council the promotions would be effective Jan. tion scheduling an executive session for May 8 their own mothers and fathers. The promotion of two police officers would t. to discuss personnel during the present school mean an additional cost of $ ^ for the And he may have shaken the world because of un­ Im m unizations Needed year. CHRISTMAS TIME FOR remainder of the fiscal year. requited love. Savonarola was born In 1452. With thick In a letter to Dr. Goldman, Devney Portrait of Girolamo Savonarola, history’s According to Talbot, no transfer of funds Only two South Windsor students have not lips and a large hooked nose, he was an ugly young man met the immunization requirements, accor­ suggested that the board consider such things THE MAN AROUND would be required at this time because there and he was firm ly rejected by the daughter of the rich first “reforming dictator,” who set some of ding to a report by School Superintendent as inservice training, the turnover of teachers may be sufficient funds within the personnel Florentine family of Strozzi when he asked for her hand. the patterns later followed by Adolf Hitler Robert Goldman. going into indust^, the availability of new THE HOUSE; account intended for overtime and training. Severe and withdrawn thereafter, he forsook the study (UPI photo) Goldman said that the two students are in teachers, the availability of substitutes, and of medicine when he was 23 and joined a Dominican ■Talbot said a sergeant is needed in the patrol the overall quality of the present staff. ROLEX division and also to supervise the investigative need of the Diptheria/Tetanus immunication monastery. His first assignment was to lecture in Lorenzo the Magnificent, one of the most glorious figures and must be immunized before Jan. 1,1979. He Chrislm as Story H our theological philosophy in the convent of San Marco in of the Renaissance, into the hands of the friar of San Mar- unit. There are now two sergeant positions in said that appropriate steps are being taken to A Christmas Story Hour for children aged Florence and the girl who not only turned him down but <-'o. Savonarola's prophecies became ever more apocalyp- the patrol division Talbot said, however, one sergeant is at the FBI Academy and the other follow up on the students to be sure that they four and older will be held at the Avery Street laughed at him with her friends must have been much in f>C- From the altar of Florence Cathedral he had begun a O j & C Forrva Co., Inc. is on extended sick leave. will be properly immunized before re­ Christian Reformed Church from 9:30 yo 11:00 his mind when he arrived there in 1481. series of denunciations not only of Florence's ruling entrance to school following the Christmas Talbot said he feels a superior officer should a.m. December 14. A Bible story, songs, In one of his first sermons to a mainly amused and families but of the Papacy itself, then embodied in the recess. Spanish Borgia, Pope Alexander VI. m m u tm T ,, i IheTodition of tie be in charge of the investigative unit. games, crafts, and refreshments will be skeptical congregation he thundered: Goldman said all other South Windsor presented for the children's enjoyment. "I have come to deliver this city from the devil which His sermons, a contemporary document relates, “ At a scene of a major crime, the person in t A T c m m s ^ . students are now immunized according to This program is free to children from South abounds here and return it to the rule of Christ." created "terror and alarms, cries and lamentations. M jle L o g charge of the unit should have the rank of state law against diphtheria, pertussis, Windsor and neighboring towns. Persons ttZ9 Despite the initial reaction, the fame of his fiery Everyone went about the city bewildered, speechless and Usually thought ol as a British tradition, the Yule log sergeant to avoid conflicts and exercise full ROLEX tetanus, poiiomeylitis, measles and rubella. wishing additional information may call the oratoiy spread and eventually began to worry the half dead." Is tolleved to have been brought to England by the Vikings. authority,” said Talbot. • ARTIST S E T S < ^ The log and Its lire were to honor the need lor the sun The present salary of a patrolman is $15,613 Goldman said that 235 students participated church at 644-8496, bankers who had made Florence into one of the most Piero Medici lost the last remnants of the respect of his In France, the Slav countries and even as lar south as Greece, in a clinic held Dec. 5. Twenty students in beautiful and richest of the cities of the known world. subjects in 1494 when he succumbed to the threats of the • EASELS similar logs were burned at this time ol solstice ^ More tliah ever in this Christmas season, you fly They tried to bribe him with donations and personal gifts French army, which had occupied Tuscany on its way to And, Invariably the tradition was to light the Yute log Irom a high, live free and dive deep. Holidays make year brand kept Irom the previous year's log. This beautiful Andover Carol Sing but he had no use for money or luxuries since he lived in reclaim Naples, and secretly fled the city, hastened on adaptation In sterling silver or 14K gold. 'round acllvists even more visible. And so, you self-imposed austerity in a bare cell (still preserved as it by the friar's outbursts. • BRUSHES Also available as a stlck-pIn. Sure lire gilts Irom need a watch that is not just a piece ol jewelry, but was in his lifetime), flagellating himself daily "to punish Savonarola helped persuade the French king to depart J & C Ferrara. Each packaged with a reprint ol the story. Thursday at School lan IIEIIS FINM MMLIHIIS MC the toughest timepiece In the world: Rolex. To give the temptation of my flesh,” with his army after only seven days and to forgo the • SKETCH BOXES Yyle log with Holly leal In sterling on an 10* or to keep, this Submariner-Date, with its 30-|ewel sterling chain $12.50 He inveighed against the wealth of the Florentines and traditional pillage. With both the Medici and the French ANDOVER — The Andover Elementary School’s an­ chronometer movement housed in an Oyster case especially the sensuality of the women, immortalized in gone, he became virtual ruler of Florence, the first monk • DRAWING SUPPLIES ' nual community carol sing w ill be Thursday at 7 p.m. at 5-piecedinettes. of surgical stainless steel and guaranteed pres­ the great paintings of the day. “ Ye women who glory in ever to govern a secular state. the school’s all-purpose room. Everyone is invited to at­ sure-proof down to 660 feet, is precisely right. your ornaments, your hair, your fine hands, I tell you you He proclaimed Christ King of Florence and, increasing­ tend. Santa Claus will be there. Happy New Year! are all ugly with sin," he cried. ly fanatical, claimed he was “ conversing with God " in Am MORE! Santa’s workshop will be held during the regular school His rejection of worldly goods made him popular with his cell and relaying His words when he preached in the day Friday for all of the children. They will be able to buy the poor who regarded him as a saint and approved of his cathedral. He banned the prostitutes, imposed fines for Shook Christmas gifts costing from 10 cents to one dollar. swearing and prohibited the wearing of female or­ call for a sharing of riches. Ever greater crowds came to PAUL'S PAINT Help Sought at Library his sermons. The convent couldTMt contain the thousands naments. He had the magnificent statuary and paintings Help is needed in the Andover'- Elementary School and he moved to Florence Uathedral, then the largest adorning the churches and palaces — humanist teaching Jewelera 6 SHvenmIlhs SInct 1900 615 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER library during January at different hours each day of the church in Italy, and to this day the third largest in the glorified the beauty of the body as well as that of the C / OPEN MQN.-PRI. TIL 8 P.M. SAT. 9 TIL 5:30 week. Anyone who is able to offer help is asked to call 958 MAIN ST. GDWNTDWN MANCHESTER world. ' — mind — removed on the ground that looking at them was 6 4 9 - 0 3 0 0 Mary McNamara, librarian. HARTFORD a NEW BRITAIN oWESTFARMS MALL Control of the city's affairs W a n to slip from the sacrilege. DISTRIBUTOR FOR TOURAINE PAINTS 917 MAIN STREET DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER The school art toom needs old crayons, candles or AimncwiE>ixM>/MnlwC)wg./Vtu/MclwMOwg. During the carnival of 1497 Savonarola's "soldiers, " hands of Piero Medici, who had acceeded his father. paraffin. Donations may be left at the school. r - ^ ALL ITEMS IT'S EFFECTIVE NOW THROUGH JANUARY 31 Army Changes Rule NOW A T On Unofficial Hats JANUARY SALE PRICES ian\ Artist Supplies ^ ©D[^[e3[L[E WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Green Berets may con­ Sale *399 tinue to wear green berets and two battalions of Rangers Rtg. $499. Graceful, contemporary - -A - bestform maidenform bras ^EXTRA BONUS OFFER may wear black berets, but all other Anoy persooneLare dining group. Includes 4 vinyl -'v^------■ IN STOCK NOW!!! A forbidden to wear unofficial hats of any kind after Jan. 1. upholstered executive chairs that at special prices "light-on" A seamless strapless bras bras & Buy Any Two Chief of Staff Bernard Rogers reaffirmed Monday the 'move easily on casters and a 42" We have a fine selection of artists’ supplies of all kinds "sweet nothings" 3 .6 9 for bare shoulders m a g i c LADY hat policy announced last August definitely w ill go into round table that extends to 60 ’ rag 4.S0 > Soti cup brn in white, itupe, bItcA arvt G irm enit oval. Durable Imllatlon glngerwood Visit our store and make your selection. body Get one FREE effect as planned, requests and appeals to the contrary ■\ bodvbkish. Sues32-34-36 #tW1C . . 5 b4 9 *ura 6 .4 9 I top of high pressure plastic lami­ rvg 96 S feg.6 50 reg. 7.50 from Distinctive headgear is OK for the elite Special Forces nated to wood products. Chrome #S730 Nylon stretch knit incot. menufacturer. briefer Fiberfill "sweet nothings" Shapes naturally, provtdei light ^ S40 Soft, seamless f4>erfiU cups for the troops, who gained fame as the Green Berets of the Viet­ plated steel bases smooth look and perfect shape you r>eed today. # M I Lightly fibeffiiled, front closing. suppon One sue fds all White Site $7$ Reg. $95 Chair ^ and taupe. Flexible flat underwires. tlastcued sides end nam War, and Rangers - but other units w ill have to go W hite, u upe , btech, body blush. S ite s 32- back, for comfort and aecurtty. White and back to uniform hats. Sale $99 Reg. $119 Table ------36 * .B , 34.36 C. 7.50 * 6 bu ck S ite s A32 36. B32-38.C U34-38. Appeals from the ruling had been heard from "sweet nothings" bikini I Tt u f “tricot B. extra comfort .1: paratroopers based at Fort Bragg, N.C., air assault # H t 1 S S e iy linie bihirH in white, teupe, *'7^' X'** ^ confection" troops based at Fort Campbell, Ky., mountain troops bisck and body blush SitssS-M-L. vy ) 5 .3 9 double knit bras '•»*» 3 .S 0 t\ / ^650 based in Alaska and tank units, but they were turned ^ ^ #7731 Nylon stretch knit tncoi wrth 4 .4 9 down. V A . •» j v thirt fiberfill, stretch straps S u es A34 # 3 H i CfiM-croM stretch aurroundi fiberlill ^^^:>^36.BC34 38 shaped cupe. stretch aides and straps toti \ freedom of movement Sues A32 36 B32-36 y C34-3B Style W609 tame es above, without fiberfill \ y r QRUMBACHER S u es B32 40.C 34 40 lt*s Christmas j “GAINSBOROUGH” antron III the real McCoys by M aid en fo rm arnival bras 3.99 '• fl 46 O C U F 4.99 reg ie OIL PAINTING lycra powemet ~ double-knit seamless tricot bra I n SETS body briefer tricot body bras Seamless tric o t with fiberfill. Sizes ' Shopping Time!! | A34-36. B32-38. C34-38. #11| ■ y Femforcea front and back parwis ^ reg 16 Fiberfiiied Cups Cotton hned cim ch 1 F B 6 .1 9 •» '“ 4.99 OIL COLORS W rtiie and be6 ^ res *7 come with a Wear Dated 'eg 3 29 each '• « 6 50 tit i t s Smooths your figure, Keepe Prom ise that warantaes a year of With eickjsrve cling cuff Holds LINSEED OIL # BH D For the fuller seamless bras pamyhose from wrinkling ei normal wear to giva you a hose smoothly, slims your figure *>gu’e OcxiDie knit pra ankle or knee, bagging at crotch. lifeitmeof parlecifit. Style #927 comfortable White. wun nylon cups And built- full-figure camisole bra Hidden eUstic control band hip hugger. » 9 2 8 brief O ne sua up strcicri shoulders Whrta, betge Sizes S M L XL- 6 .6 9 Strap ad|utim ani m beck for trrxw iher fit fits sii Whitt, beige, gold blue EASELS XXL Lyc's toes Whtta Sues Seamiest bra with butlt up and look # C o black B34-42 C34^2. D 3 M 4 shoulder stretch stispe Sofifl end sensational under V Suae 6. C34U 0 5 .4 9 '•« •» today’s fastvont White and ' CANVASES beige S u es A34-46. B32 38 Sizes 034-42 6 .4 9 "V ’X JSke^PSPboRie. # t i t ? S e e m l e s s cJ*» /VO7-,/yco/v/v sTones^ pexyesier cups. Kodei fiberbdi Cross-over e itsiK "shapette" by rago oa/et. Oesign Lycre s«3es « / / s AM/FM/8-Track/Phono Stereo System stretch suaot Sues A32 • body briefer '•ouienyiis y 36 0 3238 C3S-38 barbara ann action bras n ace PASTEL Nylon doubleknit bret. nylon fiberfiHed Body briefer with circling bands to control waist hipe O la in an Early American ‘Dry Sink Cabinet’ back Film nylon lace flaiteni front comfonaWy Fib^iiitd Cups Flexible -nsens at sides and center Oman, SETS 3 .5 9 S izasA 3 4 36.B32 38. C34 38 nylon lace cups Sizes 034-42, C D34-44 - _ ^ Thrilling sound reproduction! AM/FM back support Pre-ticketed \ X 2 Q O • 46 b . b o d y p a n t y regularly *17 * ^ • rd a stereo receiver, 3-speed automatic turntable, posture bras . V i !'■/ Long leg body panty with circling bands that control waul W taii, hips, back Fiffn nylon lace fiattans front. Nylon lece cun*' 'ojia ‘Duocone’ speakers! Our Reg. 389.95 v # 1 IU LINOLEUM fiberfiilad S ues 834-42. C D34-44 _ _ •«/V, B C C U P S • P k l reg S6 A 14.99 «««ted 'as Delivery avellaMe at no extra charge. BLOCKS 34-44 4 .7 9 St, flexees briefs c. ’ panty" m arL O W SPEEOBALL “ir 5 . 5 0 A Non roll patented waist Firm *enj LONGLINE POSTURE BRAS [■ ' ■ 6 .9 9 usually $10 nylon lace front tlaiiirts CUTTERS "miracle back" lum m y Openable crotch lor Dining AinarkaiM StykI 6 C CUPS A ^ A V ^ J A Suppon brief m Antron III nylon Light convemefKe Sues M L-XL- • e ta S-P (. Dinatta in Pine 0.39"°*® \ i **^ br«fs with needed suppon Sizes 5 L pant liner XXL #f7| I,, 899 “ nefc XL B o \ Tana or Maple Color 2X 'eg $9 Action briefs w ith m sens at thighs for d. open girdle fe e B, freedom of movement Cotton crotch 6.98 XL 7.98 3X.X «*ct Budget OECOUPAGE 7 .1 9 usually S6 usualty S9 S Pull on girdle #1359. sarrye eta SunM L XL 2X ‘ 1 9 9 « Posture lace b»as with front closing, built up bar Lycra powemet with mKacle bKk m AS above #679 M -L XL G if t Terms materials and Support bands Sizes 34-44. B C D cups sen satin elastic front panel S u a ie h lace *’"■ >.B »io 7.99 Add o dash of old-foshtoned flo* edged cuff ea 4 Je/i, vor to everydoy dining'w ith big " O f / 7 S , 'Sa/( ets 36" round toble with extension leal, 4 mates chairs CKcented by SKETCH BOOKS 18 hour girdle *2 o ff turned post details ... aM ot one it's time for the great SAVE ON THESE SUPER VALUES V low price! Siratcheveryway tShouf rnada of exclusive Spanette CHARCOAL provOes hours of firm control without diecomfon AND SAVE POSTAQE ON YOUR • , HELCO, SNETCO and GNO UTILITY RILLS. Playtex 18 hour all-in-one *3 o ff 'i © 8om*iMng (or DRAFTING I BRING THEM TO OUR STORE FOR PAYMENT. USE YOUR CREDITI All over control plus wsisttirw ar>d stomach mrset ««ryon#on ■' 'I TABLES Suppon panels Our exclusive Spanene fabric com- your Hot 18 HOUR bir>es strength and softness lor a skm silhouette. OPEN NITES TIL 9 TIL XMAS SAT. TIL 5:00 SUN. 12 • 5 PM OPEN EVERY NITE TH. 9 PM - SAT. 5:30 ~ aOSED SUNDAY SALE BUY NOW ON YOUR E.S.A. E.A. JOHHSON BEFORE DECEMBER 30 . .. SAVE UP TO, PAY . . . % IN JAN., Vi IN FEB., % IN MARCH YOU'RE//v,p V 18 hour bra »1 o f f tlie ^atek ^ 3 O FF 8 T a im T t o t i» Kci«fTM .upfxxi b,.br« I PAINT CO. 'b.l I comlixulila In bn,™ DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER .. Cup. an KMpanilM in . TELEPHONE 849-4501 •rt-Mbiiling ftnn, GIFT SHOP 5 lUKitMEMCUQ Phone 649-S221 Free Front A Roar Parking t l- " . Fabnc efuarve Spersette . •77 MAIN STREET I Opon 6 Day* - Thuraday Nlghla 1U I'dM 723 MAIN ST., GDWNTDWN MANCHESTER 945 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER 4 sontMfMtiiMilwtiMMlwxEuiatntiMiHinKesyMMiiwiMWttMiiMieHleatMiMtiw* I \30 DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER g FUST FOR EKBYTHNC FOR THE FiWLY I NOME SRMX1911! PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Wed,, Dc-. 1,1 l« 7H Six Quizzed Eight Jailed in Ecuador ...... lyiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester,_C^^ 13,J 978 - PAGE THIRTEEN For Cop Job) Club Sets MERIDEN (UPI) — A special In Smuggling, Plot (^ase search committee has interviewed six men with police backgrounds who Birthday are among the more than 30 can­ Eight Americans are in an Ecuador prison because of was the key source for the charges about the gold and MANCHESTER -The didates vying for Connecticut's top bizarre — and perhaps false — charges they dug up $7.5 planned political assassination. two law enforcement posts. million in Indian gold artifacts and promised guns to the “I did not originate the charges," Abbey, a free-lance Manchester Junior would-be killers of a presidential candidate. Women's Club will The 12-member panel Tuesday con­ writer who says he has the book rights to the story, said The charges have U.S. Customs agents sniffing after a ducted private screenings with two in a brief telephone interview Tuesday. "I was contacted celebrate its 20th anniver­ fortune in pre-Colombian gold artifacts that may have State Poiice officers, two former by the Ecuadorian government and I had answers for sary at its meeting been smuggled into the United States to be auctioned troopers and two retired New York their specific questions." Wednesday, Dec. 20. secretly to wealthy private collectors. City poiice officers at the State Sources close to the case reported Abbey has said he, All former members are invited to attend, and past Police Academy. And Ecuador's military intelligence agents are in­ Arpen, Holcomb, Coebell and Mauldin, joined the expedi­ presidents will speak on Connecticut's State Police com­ vestigating a charge at least two of the eight Americans tion after reading a newspaper ad for people interest^ in were involved in a plot to supply guns to Ecuadorians who investing $2,000 each in exchange for a share of the their year in office. missioner job is open as weil as a The meeting will begin at new post as of Jan. 1 of state public wanted to kill presidential hopeful Jaime Roidos. profits. 7:30 p.m. in the meeting safety commissioner. But officials sources in Quito said Tuesday the Quito Abbey said the ad was run by Beacon Research Ser­ government has reported it found no evidence to support room of the First Federal The search committee, headed by vice, a Tennessee firm owned by the Nickelsens and Scar­ the weapons and gold smuggling charges, though the Savings Bank, 344 W. Mid­ New Britain attorney Paul J. brough, who told the others Beacon had a permit to dig in eight may be charged with illegal digging for artifacts. dle Turnpike. McQuilian, is scheduled to present its southwestern Ecuador's Bahia de Caraquez area the Ecuadorian authorities have indicated they would free Refreshments and enter­ recommendations to Gov. Eila sources said. < I tainment will be provided, Grasso by the end of the year, when the eight Americans soon, the sources said, but it was un­ The sources quoted Abbey as saying the nine • J & C F tfn rt Co., lot clear if they would have to return to face the illegal and members and guests she wiii make the final decision. Americans left for Ecuador in three groups-between are asked to bring a $2 grab excavation charges. Sept. 18 and Oct. 2 and by the time he got to the base McQuillan said interviews would bag gift. Have you told her lately? continue until all job candidates have Being held in a Quito military barrack are Clyde camp Oct. 9, the others already had dug up hundreds of Anyone planning to at­ been screened. Nickelsen, 57, of Sanford. Fla., and his sons. Terry, 32, of gold ceremonial masks, gloves, figurines and nose plugs It you haven'l here's a gift that will say it tor you. Memphis, Tenn., and Tom, 24, of Sanford, as well as Bill tend should contact Sharon It spells. . Interviewed Tuesday were retired Scarbrough estimated were worth $7.5 millioh. Scarborough, 33, of Memphis, Susan Arpen, 21, of Jackson­ Scorso, 646-1423, or state troopers Walter P. Stecko of But Abbey said the next night he overheard two ______W Madelyn Dore, 649-2725, by Hamden and Orlando P. Ragazzi of ville, Fla,, Beverly Holcomb, 47, of Sanford, Charlotte Americans talking with an Ecuadorian about providing "Bad Recipe" —The surface of an aluminum alloy seal maenified Dec. 19. Berlin Ragazzi replaced Stecko as Coebell, 48, of Akron, Ohio, and Ned Mauldin, 27, of guns to people who wanted to kill Roidos, the sources 700 times its size. More than 11 million second in command of the State Memphis. said. Roidos received the most votes in the July 16 women in the United State Police in 1976. At home in Clarksdale, Miss., was a ninth member of And each letter contrlbutea to the unique design presidential election. A runoff is scheduled for sometime are members of a Junior the group, Richard Abbey, 29, who officials in Quito say next year. of this hand-crafjed pendant by J&C Ferrara. State Police Capt. Thomas J. The Past and the Present Women's Club. The Abbey, realizing Beacon did not have a permit to dig, Avall^le In three sizes. McDonnell of New Britain, of the President Carter and former President Ford smile as they Manchester club is one of faked a back injury the next day, was taken back to the A Microscopic World In sterling silver vdth matching chain $17.60 field operations division and Sgt. meet reporters and photographers at the start of their White Schools Seeking 75 that belong to the Raymond F. Andrews of Colchester, nearest town on a donkey-borne stretcher and flew home These pictures are not what the title them pinpoint the cause. In 14K gold with matching chain Mini Size $48.50 House meeting this morning. (UPI photo) Oct. 12, the sources said. Connecticut State Federa­ Smaller Mini Size In sterling $7.95 headquarters duty officer, were two might suggest. They are greatly enlarged Magnifications vary from a few hundred tion of Women's Clubs. active troopers who also conferred More State Aid photographs ta|(en with a scanning elec­ to several thousand times. The scanning Their goal is to provide with panel members. USE YOUR VISA OR MASTER CHARGE HARTFORD (UPI) — New London's city manager tron microscope in materials and process electron microscope is capable of service and financial OPEN MON.-FRI. » -l P.M. A fifth candidate was John O'Brien predicts there will be more local property tax hikes un­ control laboratories of the Lockheed enlargements to 200,000 times assistance where needed in State Death Toll Up ALL NEW DISCO 'BAT. 9440 P.M. of New York City, who retired from less additional money is pumped into the proposed state Missiles & Space Co., Sunnyvale, Calif. —equivalent to enlarging a ball to a Dragon Teeth” —Contaminated the community'. There also the department in 1971 and currently education equalization funding plan. Such photqs help researchers determine diameter of more than eight miles. molybdenum interconnect surface are social events, including is an instructor at the New York Frank Driscoll was joined by municipal officials and LP’S K-TELL SPECIALS if materials’ and parts meet quality stan­ (UPI photos) magnified 5,000 times. square dances, skating par­ Institute of Technology. In Airplane Crashes educators from Hartford to New London Tuesday who dards, and —if a part should fail —help ties and lunches. Retired New York City Police with eight of them involving criticized the state School Finance Advisory Panel's NOW ON SALE AT The club always is HARTFORD (UPI) — A recent proposal. Department assistant chief inspector fatalities. Last year, when only eight seeking new members. rash of Connecticut plane crashes DISCOUNT Fred Kowsky also was interviewed people died, a record 52 accidents The plan is aimed at meeting a court order to revamp Any woman between tbe that has killed eight people has were reported. Connecticut's educationi funding system. PRICES... ages of 18 and 40 is raised the state's 1978 aviation death Urban leaders and representatives of the state's two V < 1 4 9 U A I M M The second highest number of ac­ Use'Our Xm ai Lay Ateay welcome to attend. 917 MAIN STREET Board To Hear toll to 15 — the highest in seven cidents, 50, was reported in the major teachers' unions concurred the proposal does not years. Give A Gift Certificate DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER tragic 1971 year. But only four of meet its purpose — to equalize educational opportunity Not since the state's worst aviation MAP Proposal those accidents were fatal. without higher local property taxes. disaster in 1971 at Tweed-New Haven Driscoll said if the Legislature doesn't provide more MANCHESTER — Represen­ Next to the 1971 record year, the MAKE IT A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS Airport when an Allegheny Airlines state aid than the proposed five-year phase-in plan WITH... tatives of MAP Associates, jet crash killed 28 people has the most aviation deaths in the past decade occured in 1970 when 22 per­ allocates, municipalities will be forced to increase their developers of the proposed Buckland state experienced more air deaths, A sons died. It was also the year with property tax rates. Commons project in North record total of 34 dir deaths occurred the least amount of accidents, 31. “I don't think I can go back there in April and ask for Manchester, will explain their aims that year. Rosser, a World War II pilot in­ another tax increase," Driscoll said of New London, to the board of directors of the The June 7, 1971. Allegheny crash structor who has been with the state where taxes have been boosted eight times in the past Eighth Utilities District Monday at 7 claimed more lives than any com­ t h o t i f e decade. p.m. since 1951, said investigation of a mercial mishap in Connecticut Gerald Kaufman, legislative consultant for Hartford, Jay Giles, director of public works history. non-fatal accident can be concluded as quickly as one day but, "An in­ predicted any money added to the proposal would be BOLERSMUSIC for Uie town, will also be present to Seven persons were killed this year eaten up by inflation. discusss the proposed project. vestigation of a fatal accident may over the first eight months. John Malsbenden, a teacher from Colchester, said the BAND INSTRUMENTS The regular meeting of the district However, since Sept. 20 the death toll range from six months to 10 months, depending on how long its takes to proposal seemed to be geared more towards meeting ' directors will be in the district for the year has doubled. Repaired*Rented*Taught«Sold complete autopsy reports," he said. Gov. Ella Grasso's budget than the court order to give all firehouse conference room, 32 Main Two men were killed in separate 1013 St. The National Transportation Safe­ Connecticut public school children equal educational op­ lane crashes at Bradley International MAIN I DOWNTOWN TEL ty Board has prime resoonsibilitv in portunities. Following the meeting, at about Airport on Sept. 20 and in Simsbury STREET any air fatality and the Federal Avia­ The finance panel approved the $386.7 million package kANCHESTER 649-2038 8:30 p.m.j tbe directors, assisted by on Oct. 7. On Nov. 28, three persons Nov. 30. - *1^^' - the Ladies Auxiliary of the district perished when their plane crashed at tion Administration is chiefly respon­ fire department, will conduct a carol Brainard Field in Hartford. Nine sible for ail airline, charter and air taxi acccidents. sing at the Robertson Park Christ­ days later, three more men died mas tree on North Main Street. after their plane plunged into the The state Bureau of Aeronautics Mrs. Ida Cormier, assisted by Mrs. woods in Enfield, conducts it's own investigation of all DOWNTOWN Beatrice Maher, will lead the accidents and all three agencies The Downtown Manchester But David Rosser, the man whose kANCHESTER singing. Carol books will be provided, cooperate and share their findings, FAMILY Association would like to job it is to keep the state's airways as Rosser said. but singers are reminded to bring safe as possible, says the latest take this opportunity to "Our cooperation is excellent," he flashlights. deaths don't represent an ominous thank all the people and es­ said. SPORTS Refreshments will be served at the trend. He says Connecticut remains tablishments that have firehouse following the caroling. The among the safest aviation states in Rosser said “a significant percen­ helped make this Christmas public is invited. the nation. tage of crashes are caused by human ARE FUN promotion possible. The Rosser, chief inspector of the state error, but I don't like to use that term ." overwhelming response to Bureau of Aeronautics, said FOR “Martian Eggs” —Electroless copper deposited on glass fibers, Rosser said so many physiological make this an old fashioned Correction statistics show there's no rhyme or magnified 6,000 times. “Harvest Cluster” -Magnified 200 times, problems must be considered in Christmas for the benefit of reason to the recent deaths. it's atomized silver spheres. determining the pilot's condition CHRISTMAS! our patrons was a gratifying MANCHESTER — The name of "Six weeks prior to the Sept. 20 crash, we did not have one single ac­ such as fatigue, attitude, flying experience for all who par­ Timothy Edwards was inadvertantly experience and knowledge. ticipated. omitted from the seventh grade cident in the state." iie said. This is unusual since he receives an average Rosser said investigating accidents honor roll list from Bennet Junior is only one-tenth the job he and two High School which appeared recently of four accidents a month, he said. Soviet Jews Find New other inspectors perform for the in The Herald. He said the total number of ac­ state. CHICAGO (UPI) — “You cannot understand cidents this year amount to only 38 In June the U.S. government granted special "With every family it's hard at the start,” Most of their time is spent licen­ how hard it is for us," Clementine Khait said, “parole” visas for 12,000 Soviet Jews to im­ The following list of Individuals, establishments. Institutions, town officials, and said Drake, 47. “But here there's more merchants Is our way of saying "Thank you" to them for their cooperation and let­ Bank Accepts Santa Mail sing, inspecting and checking the a sorrowful expression lining her face. "Our migrate through May. freedom — we can talk, be Jews.” \ m SKIS ting you, the consumer, know how much the Downtown area appreciates your facilities at Connecticut's 102 air­ situation is very difficult. We have nothing." “It can be called a mass exodus," said Nate Agostinelli, president of Manchester State Bank, Drake, an economist in tbe Soviet Union and patronage. fields and landing areas to accom­ "Just six months from now it will be Stanley Swig of the Jewish Community Oak S tra ti Paefcaga Stora today announced that official approval has been received ARE NOW ON SALE now a factory worker, said he spent five years modate the state's 9,000 pilots and 1,- better," replied Margaret Drake knowingly. Centers of Chicago. ABC AppEMM A R tptlr Olympia D al by the bank from the North Pole Main office of the Skis-Kndings-lnstallation in a camp in Soviet Asia for preaching Ona Hour M arttniztng 800 private aircraft. “The pain will be gone like it wasn't there." But at first immigrants find their new life a S.C.L.B. (Santa Claus Letter Box) for Manchester State Zionism. It took him two years to get an exit Anw tetn FkMAM Corp. Optieai StylaBar Complete Selection "When they have $5,000 in the bank, they'll wrenching experience. Swig said, and they visa for his family and he spent a year without Ann*t Bpot Park HW Joyce Florlat to be an official mail station for letters to Santa ... with feel better,” her husband, Ismael, added with Aquatte W orld Paufa Paint no postage required. must come to grips with many problems. working for fear his job would jeopordize his Afihur Drug B . 0 . P e a rt a wink.-j Children may deposit their letters in the special White Stag Down Veata “It may take nine months to a year to help a emigration status. Bi lltr*N Muslo Tha Penny Saver Mrs. ^hait and her husband Ekhiel are 8IM «oABoola PanSand tha Florlat S.C.L.B, which will be in the lobby of the bank's Main and Jackata plua White family get relocated,” he said. Drake settled in the United States with his middle-aged Russian-Jewish emigrants from B Ig L Palar*a FumHuro Street office. Stag Ski Jacketa, Panta A network of Jewish agencies funded largely wife and two children because his wife felt Tho BHw Shop Pilgrim Fabriea Leningrad. They have been in the United through contributions and membership dues Israel was too insecure, he said. BlW t Hardwor* T h a P la e a Agostinelli stated that "The Santa Claus box is another and Turtlenecka, Aapen States with their two teen-aged children for Broy^ JowoltrD 00100*1 P h a rm a c y help the immigrants make the transition. The “We had a very difficult life in the Soviet Ray*! Army-Navy service to the town's children like the bank's ski race, fish three mpnths. Carvol leo Croom Ski Wear, and Much More agencies try to financially sustain immigrants Union. My children can learn Judaism here," C a rrlo g o H o u m B o u ttq u o R a^ Man*a S h^ derby and swim meet: Santa's box is an enjoyable ser­ The Drakes, originally from the Ukraine, CBT Tha Rummage Corner vice for us. " for up to their first year in the United States he said, turning to his 9-year-old daughter for have been in the United States for three years. and help them find jobs, housing and learn Contor Soda Shop SanYa Paparbaclia However, Agostinelli pointed out that "Santa was i help in translating. Ttw Craft S Hobby Contor Savingt Bank of Manchoator Both couples are part of a growing wave of English. In Chicago, agency workers said, it “I cannot express what 1 think,” he laughed. Tha Croefcary Shoppa Seymour M otor Sporta T h a D a a l Soviet-Jews making their way to the United takes about $1,500 to settle an immigrant. "But if 1 meet with you in two years then ...” SSH Oraon S tarry States in search of religious and social D o ra D a ta Sharwin WHHamt Co. S d ONL'^''''"® "They give us a pension which allows us to Many new immigrants settle in Chicago's Tha DrafMdy BaBahr Shoer Jawolart GOLrBALL GIFT PACKAGES by freedoms they say are denied them in the live, have an apartment and food,” Khait, 47, Rogers Park neighborhood. There the local Dubaldo Elaetrle Co. R. J. Sm ith Inauranoo Soviet Union. said in halting English. E lactroliu Sorvleo Cantor Tha StyHat Jewish community center runs English Fairway Dapartmant Stora Su-Dab Coin Co. Jewish agency social workers believe the Khait is a physician, but must pass a cer­ classes for newcomers and conducts FanTa KHchan Kathlaan Trapunano SPALDING - WILSON - McGREGOR upsurge of Jewish emigration from the Soviet tifying examination to practice medicine in programs to acquaint them with such things Ftta Blar Tradbig Co. Twaada Spadafty Shop Union is a result of growing international Watfclna FumHura e SKI GOGGLES the United States. as the city's public transit system or how to Fannafi lim W lH o n 'a Gift S h o p e BAROMETERS pressure on the Kremlin. They cite the "It's hard," he said. "It's been 25 years fill out income tax returns and get life in­ W o rth *! • SKI LOCKS ^^aDaaaaA .Iftgarbaaa Agapoy Yalo Typawritar Earvica Helsinki accords, a congressional measure since I graduated from medical school and to surance coverage. It also sets up social get- eGOLF SHOES linking trade to Soviet emigration policies Olatftr^ • HUNTING KNIVES remember (medicine from an academic togethers and helps run camps and programs Qramaa Printtng e GOLF CARTS toward Jews and protests by American Jews standpoint) is very difficult. And especially in for immigrant children. H arrlaont Slattonara • HUNTING PACKS Harllaga Savinga A Loan as some of the factors. English." "We had 37 children this summer,” said the narrow stretch • GOLF CLUB PACKAGES Soviet Jews allowed to emigrate are given Houaa A Hala • ALTIMETERS His wife, 46, was a chemical engineer in Pearl W, Block, executive director of the HNB 3 e TENNIS RACQUETS exit visas only to Israel. But about half are Leningrad and is searching for a job. Rogers Park Jewish Community Center. “And E.A. Johnaon Paint Co. • FISHING REELS choosing the United States and to a lesser “I think about finding a job when I sleep," Laaf, Slom A Root e TENNIS SHORTS now 33 can speak English very well. It's really U ft Tho Latch • FISHING RODS degree other countries instead. she said. exciting." ThaUon^Dan Manotiaatar Drug gold belt • TENNIS SHOES Russian-Jews often wait several months at She said Russian authorities hindered her Bannat Jr. High Choral Group Mancftoalar Evening HaraW • ELECTRIC SOX immigration centers in Rome or Vienna for career because of her Jewish background and Boat Eaton Donul Shepa • PEDOMETERS Mencheelar Hardwara S Supply Criapino Buprama Fooda • HOCKEY SKATES visas to the United States, officials said. Since is hoping for a better future for her children. Hoveroraft Service Manohaalor M ail Oubddo Elaetrto V 1971 some 30.(K)0 Russian-Jews have settled in "It's very difficult, the new notions, new Manchaatar Pal Canlar Economy Elactrlo • BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (UPI) Manchaalar Seafood • HOCKEY ACCESSORIES the United States, compared to virtually "nil" culture," Khait said, as he and his wife mu:- Highland Park Markaf A striking accessory to wear • FOOTBALLS — A new hovercraft service between Manehoalor Stala Bar* Manchaatar Flra Dapartmant • SLEEPING BAGS in the 60s. they said. tinned such things as high rents and a teachers Buenos Aires and Colonia, Uruguay, Manehaalar UphMsIarlng Co. Manchaatar Park Dapartmant with pants and skirts for that Marlow*! DapartmonI Stora • GLOVES And since 1973 up to 2,000 have come to the strike that kept theig 17-year-qld sop qut of-.; on the opposite shore of the Rio Ue MHB Round Tablo Slngora “total look.” M a rt-M a d ! M r. D o n u t The “InifiaHy” Perfect Gift • BOWLING SHOES, Chicago area, a major location for resettle--, i school. r. f ; imj M a ry L a w la • SOCCER BALLS Plata, now links 1l|e cities three S a d o rC m n n a ment. About 600 are expected this year alone, But the Drakes said with (ime tM hara«)ips * ’ Senior C itfiona Choral Group His or her initials in I4K gold to he and ACCESSORIES times a day. MMI-Man Printing L Jamaa Church officials said. will diminish. NaaaM Amw Co. 8 worn smartly on the collar or lapel. Also Unitad Area Council of Churchaa Naaatfl Camera Shop can be worn on the porkett tie. ruff or 9 | ^9^95 “THE EVERYTHING FOR ALL SPORTS STORE SINCE 19441“ WINF Radio (Joft Jacoba) scarf. Also avaitabte with w RAY’S ARMY & NAVY IHnniond $l.h The GIFT CERTIFICATES A LAYAWAYS Co. Of Pets Not for Everyone 805 M,iin SI. in Downtown Manciieslor CAIH ■ CHICK - MAITKI1 CHARM . UYAWAV • ■ANRAMIRICAIIO TWEED’S Manchester DENVER (UPI) — The director of tion, andqu|i|y jqtnily is nu(,suilM ^ fated " 646-0762 □ " SPECIALTY SHOP 991 Main Street animal protection for the American care of ainmfals," Cox said. NASSIFF ARMS Humane Association says pets make Shoppers considering a pet as a gift for a Tonight - FREE — Tonight DOWNTa 773 Main St. Open Thursday JHOOR Free Main Street .Parking; plua Free Parking In Four Town Owned Parking wonderful Christmas gifts, but not for child should first ask the youngster's Nights 'til 9:00 everyone. CROSS COUNTRY SKI Manchester Lotal Shopping la Fun In Downtown Manchester! parents if they would accept the animal, 643-6196 917 MAIN STREET # MANCHESTER People considering buying a pet as a gift Cox said. He said the family may suffer WAXING CLINIC first should be sure the recipient would allergies or have other pets. He said At Ray’s In Downtown Manchoator welcome an animal, said Director Warren children also have-to accept and learn the Cox, WEDNESDAY EVENINB, DEC. 13th MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION responsibility of feeding and caring for an 7:3D P.M. Public Wofeoma "Pets of all kinds require special atten- animal. PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed., Pet, 13, 19711 _____ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed., Dec. 13, 1978 - PAGE FIFTEEN Village Fate Hinges Liquefieti Gas Official; Resident Protest Plan On New U.S. Project "Dflaster Ris^ PICKSTOWN, S.D. (UPI) - The The military is part of the history For Route 31 Rezoning village streets are quiet now. most of Pickstown — christened in honor houses are empty, and the remaining WASHINGTON (UPI) - Storage tanks of similar sizeXand COVENTRY — A dozen Bread and of Gen. Lewis Pick, the Missouri “Doomsday” predictions about outlined on a draft map showed 1,500 very limited under light industrial 200 residents must travel to nearby shape that have withstood the telt of Milk Street (Route 31) residents River area engineer. Liquefied Natural Gas explosions feet of frontage on Bread and Milk regulations and that no industry that communities for everything except time without failure and that.so3fety attended Monday’s Planning and Pick’s influence was not noted only have no basis in fact, an official of Street with a 2,000-foot depth on the created air or water pollution would gasoline and groceries. accepts without reservation just as it Zoning Commission meeting to westerly side and a similar parcel on in name. The local restaurant was one of the country’s,largest gas com-' be allowed there. She added that the Twenty-eight years ago. accepts the safety factors desired protest a proposal to change the the easterly side in the vicinity of the named The Pick Inn, and travelers panics said; todays > ji- commission requires site plans by Pickstown’s 4,000 residents had a into high rise apartment com­ designation of a 200-acre parcel of egg farm. could sojourn in one of 150 rooms at At a Senate commerce subcom­ plexes,” Levy said. developers to be approved before, bustling business district that in­ Hotel General Pick, land near their homes from residen­ Commission member James permits are granted. cluded a shopping center, two gas mittee hearing on the subject of LNG Arguing that "LNG facilities do tial to light industrial. As the village grew, weekend ac­ safety. Vice President Max M. Levy Lacock said he felt the large tract In other business Mrs. Richardson stations, a drugstore, theater and not pose unacceptable risks to the The PZC began looking for an in­ could meet the town’s anticipated in­ tivities included services for of Columbia LNG Corp. took sharp public. Levy said, the safety was re-elected to her post for one restaurant. Catholics, Lutherans and Jews held dustrial zone in northern Coventry to dustrial needs for the next 10 to 15 issue with a government report that questions must be weighed against year, when her term on the PZC TTie village — conceived, owned at separate times in Pickstown's one put into a master plan of develop­ years. John Pagini noted there were a catastrophe involving storage tanks the risk of a future gas shortage, the expires. Todd Cook was elected vice- and operated by the federal govern­ church, football games at Pickstown ment adopted last week after the buffers and natural barriers on the chairman, replacing Charles An- ment — was born in 1946 when work for the volatile gas is a future cer­ risk of losing LNG supplies to foreign town’s Economic Development Com­ High and movies at a theater seating tainty. land to screen the industrial site dreuk, who declined reappointment began on the U.S. Army Corps of 610. markets and the risk of dirtier air as mission criticized the plan for insuf­ from the surrounding residential LNG is natural gas that is cooled to a resuit of shifting from gas to coal. to the commission. Claire Connelly, Eln^neers' Fort Randall Dam on the But the bust came as rapidly as the ficient industrial and commercial areas. who has been acting secretary since extrernely low temperatures until it “Not only is absolute safety, i.e., Missouri River near the Nebraska boom. sites. Commission Chairwoman Marilyn the resignation of Bentz Banak, was turns into liquid form, enabling it to no risk to the public, impossible but it border. Southern Coventry has a 40-acre in­ Richardson explained that usage was elected secretary. Corps employees no longer have to On March 15, 1954, President be shipped from foreign gas fields in is inconsistent with national goals dustrial zone around the Route 31 in­ remain in Pickstown and pay rent to Eisenhower flipped a switch that much greater volume than possible and the public interest,” said Levy, dustrial park that was founded by the government. Many, including pumped power from the completed as a gas. The problem is that when it whose company serves more than local investors. A northern site will project engineer Lyle Bingham, have dam. hits water, as might be the case in a four million customers in seven ■ add balance to the plan, said Town Another Arrest Due moved out of federal housing and into ship collision, the LNG can explode eastern states and the District of Planner Gregory Padick, who About a year later, the government with tremendous force. Columbia. homes in nearby Lake Andes. turned over 90 village buildings to the prepared the draft of the master “Thorn aro thn'is.nnds nf potrnlonm plan. “Some people weren't too happy Health. Education and Welfare In Bogus Bills Case “We don't want industrialization in when 1 did that." Bingham said. “But Department. The buildings were our area," stated Carol Kent, a resi­ people don't like to pay rent for 20 removed the following March, and whom he declined to name. dent of Bread and Milk Street. "We years and have nothing to show for the hospital and hotel closed their NORTH HAVEN (UPI) - The Willis appeared Tuesday before Rowing to Work moved there because we liked the it.” doors. Women-OSHA Talk Set Secret Service expects another U.S. Magistrate Arthur Latimer and Pickstown's future — a second, EAST HARTFORD - The author -The flooded Ohio River forced Darrell was cresting nearly at about 60 feet — about rural atmosphere." She suggested arrest in the case of an 18-year-oId was released on his own medicine and health care at Grant Hill Road as an alternative smaller boom or final bust — may be Pickstown may disappear entirely of two books on occupational dangers Miller to row to work to a machine company 6Vz feet above flood stage. (UPI photo) high school junior charged with recognizance pending an appearance one day, Bingham said. the University of Connecticut Health stie for a northern industrial zone. decided in the next few years. — one on the hazards women face in in Cincinnati’s east end Tuesday. The river passing counterfeit $20 bills from a $3 Jan. 2 in U.S. District Court in New Bingham said a power storage Center. Elling operates the program Homeowner Sarah Giesecke million cache stashed in his grand­ the work place — will speak on under an $85,000 federal grant from Haven. He was charged with passing project within the next two years is “Government towns are kind of claimed her family had been paying father’s attic. counterfeit money. dying out because there's no tax New Zoo Additions “Women and Occupational Health," the Occupational Safety and Health slated for construction at the border taxes to the town for 75 years. “What The money and the plates for “About a week ago $20 bills started base," he said. “We're one of three Thursday, Dec 14, from 7:30 to 9 Administration. town of Lynch, Neb.. It could employ right has the commission to come in making it were seized Tuesday at the turning up in fast food restaurants left.” p.m., at a public meeting at the The purpose of the program is to 1,200 people and pump life back into and change our property now?” she home of Joseph Willis, who allegedly like McDonald’s and Burger King in 3 Machinists Union Hall, 357 Main St., Ludes Says Criteria Old Rckstown. increase worker awareness of work asked. If the government should decide it Mork and Mindy, one-week-old Polar bears born at Tucson’s East Hartford. place hazards. flooded McDonald’s, Burger King North Haven, Wallingford, CTieshire, “But I don’t know if they’ll build Paul Kingsbury charged the no longer needs Pickstown, he said, Reid Park Zoo, weigh less than twp pounds each but are alive Jeanne Stellman, Ph.D., chief of and other fast food restaurants with and Ansonia," said I^tective Walter new housing, or if we'd want them Elling and Timothy F. Morse recommended zone was “the biggest the land would revert to the previous and thriving thanks to the human parents, Veterinarian and.Mrs. the division of occupational health the bills. Cummings of the North Haven Police to,” Bingham said. “1 think they'll associate director of the Health swamp in town” and that the soil was owners — a South Dakota Indian and toxicology of the American Samuel E. Sulliman, chief Secret Department. probably bring trailer houses into the Thomas Moore, who are looking after them. The pair, the first Center s OSHA-funded program, are For Measuring Schools too stony for development. He said Service agent in Connecticut, said Health Foundation of New York City Cummings said Willis spent about tribe, Polar bears ever to be born in Arizona, stand a 50-50 chance of working with union groups and others the banks may profit from a zone area.” will be the speaker. the counterfeit money was not made $200 of the money at the restaurants. Earl Erickson, one of the village's survival to adulthood. (UPI photo) to develop training courses aimed at By SUSAN VAUGHN students in interscholastic athletics and extracurricular change but not the people who live “Really, you know, Pickstown Ms. Stellman’s appearance is part by Willis but was found by him stored Willis was arrested in Ansonia few residents who is not employed by helping employees recognize health Herald Reporter clubs and hinted at an addition of some more sports in the there now. He named Devco and the in the attic of his grandfather’s never should have been," Bingham of a program operated by Ray Elling interscholastic program. Monday night. Police and Secret the government, would welcome a hazards where they work. MANCHESTER— We are continuing to measure schools owners of the Miller Egg Farm as house, where he lives. said, stretching back in his office Ph.D . a professor of community One Kiwanian asked, “What are we doing to find out if Service agents later searched Willis’ second boom. by the standards of the past,” Jacob Ludes, new principal those who were pressurinf for Willis’ mother is dead and his home in North Haven where he lives chair and looking out over Fort Ran­ we can have go<^ teachers?’’ Ludes stressed high stan­ Erickson operates the only gas sta­ of Manchester High School, said Wednesday. Addressing rezoning. father lives elsewhere, said a with his grandparents, Mr. and dall. “ The government wanted to dards when hiring and continued supervision after a tion near the junction of highways the ^ n c h e ster Kiwanis Club at its ’Tuesday noon Padick said the Bread and Milk spokeswoman at North Haven High Joseph Bagliore. house the workers in Lake Andes. teacher is hired. He said one thing he does to keep an eye 219,18 and 46. Business has not been meeting, Ludes said that schools ought to establish our Street location was chosen because it %hool where Willis is a student. They found counterfeit money in a on his staff is to be out of his office and in the classrooms g o ^ , he said. GOP Sets Jan. 24 for Elections own standards.” As an example, he referred to the had proper contours and soils for a Sulliman said a warrant was being locked wooden cabinet in the attic, as much as possible. “ In the summer, that’s the only declining scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT), light industrial zone except for some sought for at least one other person along with plates for $20, ^ and $100 time you make money here. In the MANCHESTER -J a n . 24 wHl-be- EU i«..—£ 12.'' -Swensson^juce - been named by Mrs. Swenssdn. She wetlands in the parcel. ’The area he bills, Cummings said. Walter Joyner, who defeated Ted but noted that more students are taking them, thus winter, 1 don’t even make overhead.” the day that town Republicans of­ chairwoman of the Republican Town expects to name the committee for bringing the averages down. Child Abuse Grants Cummings for the 12th Assembly U.S. 18 is a major trucking route. It ficially select a new chairman and Committee, announced today that the director’s job soon, and she has Despite the problems in schools today, Ludes said he District seat this fall, and ’Thomas used to be a main tourist route to the WASHINGTON (UPI) - The member of the Town Board of Direc­ the town committee will meet recommended that the committee thinks they are in “better shape than ever before.” He Black Hills, but motorists now use government has awarded $10 million tors. Wednesday, Jan. 24 to select the continue and also screen board can­ Damron will run the sessions, Mrs. Swensson said. said schools have been unable to solve some of the social other highways. A reason may be in grants to fund programs to prevent The persons who now hold those successors to the Fergusons. didates for the 1979 local election. ills of America and have been unable to deliver what they Pickstown is unincorporated and not and treat child abuse and neglect. positions —Chairman Thomas The executive board, which is In another matter, Mrs. Swensson have been expected to in recent years. He noted the large included in state maps. The grants cover 77 projects in 41 Ferguson and his wife. Town Direc- made up of leadqr^ of the local party, s^id the town Republicans are plan­ Gideon Welles Group number of unemployed Ph.D graduates and the lack of states. A total of $500,000 will be tor Vivian —announced last w&dl^fii*H6)B|eeb'®j^e^;(arlier,___ _ Jan. 17, to Anckrson-lMle The village is losing more than ning a training s^siion for its can­ GLASTONBURY -The Gideon skilled craftsmen. "This does not seem to me to be a divided about equally into four they will resign at the end of this vote on recommendations to the en­ motorists. didates for the Board'of Directors in Welles School Council will meet balance.” He also said the responsibility of the schools to “remedial services” study programs month to pursue a business venture. tire town committee. ’Two years ago, Pickstown school 1979. Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the school educate all children has become an increasing, although for abused and neglected children in Candidates for the two vacant Mrs. Swensson also will name two children transferred to Lake Andes. The training will concentrate on conference room. Parents are rightful, burden. Oakland, Calif.; Colorado Springs, posts already have announced, and committees to screen and recom­ Demolition work already has begun what to do in a campaign and how to welcome to attend and discuss future Manchester High School is in the midst of a major Colo.; New Haven, Conn., and the selection process is expected to mend nominees for both vacant on the old school building, which organize the pre-election effort. programs and curriculum at the reassessment of goals this year. Ludes said, "I think resembles military barracks. Pittsburgh, Pa. start soon. positions. The committee for the “We’ve never done that before,” school. ‘ we’re at a crossroads. He said the school still has rem­ town.chairman’s position alrea^has she said. 1 to .iilbin .m'ji nants of the “Sputnik era” stress on science and math, of the 1960’s “revelant period” and is now looking at the Yule Services Set declining need for college education as a requirement for I WhereThere's Wicker, There’s A Way | a career. Ludes referred to statistics which say by 1983 a high £ At Wapping Church school graduate will probably not need a college education to have a career, ’fliat means a “major shift and soul SOUTH WINDSOR-The House s for abused women searching,” Ludes said. Wapping Community and their children. Manchester High is undergoing a year of evaluation in Congregational Church, Donations may be left in Specializing in CHILDREirS ^ preparation for evaluation and accreditation by the New 1790 Ellington Road, will the special container in the BASKETS, England Association of Schools and Colleges. MEN’S DEPARTMENT have Christmas Eve link. When asked a question about compulsory study halls, LADIES’ DEPT. WICKER SUBURBAN COATS candlelight services Dec. Toy Workshop Ludes told the questioner, “What you’re really asking Misses & Juniors 24 at 7:30 and 11 p.m. FURNITURE The Senior Pilgrim about is the open campus.” Although Ludes said he has ’The service wiil feature AND not received a clear cut opinion either way on the study of SWEATERS speciai music by the junior Fellowship of the church held a toy w orkshop WALL HANGINGS miioiisE the open campus policy, he said he still sees a trend reg $10 & $11 and youth choirs and Manchekfer Parkade OPEN DAILY 10.5 toward more openness, such as with study halls. children portraying the recently and the result is Opposite Marshalls several station loads of SUNDAYS 1-5 TIL XMAS On the other hand, Ludes said he thinks the pendulum is PANTS Christmas story wilt be r- Sunday 12 to S Mon. through Sal. .10 until 10 toys, bikes, and games, 646-6219 on the way back” in terms of the "back to basics." He reg $9 a $10 featured at the earlier ser­ said school committees are now considering a basic core vice. The congregation will will be delivered to the jfl Route 83, Vernon mile soulh of Tn-Ciiy Plaza program similar to one that was used in the school in the Handsome, cold weather, eabardine-look coats, TOPS join in the Service of Revitalization Corps in I Lxit 95 oft l’86 • Hartford’s north end. early 1950s. expertly tailored and fully lined with deep acrylic pili reg $9 a $10 Lights. Famous Brand for extra warmth and comfort A teirific idea tor 4«n()eBiM(imiefiCBa(Ba0S(n(MiiEtcM»aiBauefieaiiamij When asked about basic skills of students, Ludes said Christmas gift-giving, in green, blue, tan and brown. At the 11 o’clock service he thinks Manchester is a step ahead of other school dis­ the chancel choir will sing, tricts in the state with its new graduation requirement of followed by communion Children’s the survival skills test. WOOL-BLEND and the candlelight service. Ludes said he is pleased with the participation by SHIRTS YOUR Host Commillee ENTIRE STO CK CHOICE! ’The church’s Christiam Clothing for % All of our Save on a fabulous collection Outreach Committee will reg $15 of sweateis, pull-on pants and flattering tops for ^ft-glving be host to Honor Court in GENUINE LEATHER HANDBAGS or holiday wearing, now at Hartford on Dee. 26. Honor one super low price! Less • Once upon a time, Moms used to R u g ^ wool-nylon shirts in Court is where alcoholics dress their little girls and boys up in beautiful playthings handsome tartans and plaids are helped with their GM with patch pockets ana side and dress clothes. But times passed, costs went'up, speciai problems. vents for easy wear. A distinc­ and Mom had to start buying lest clothing, and tive casual loc^ for the holidays! The committee wants couldn't afford real good quality anymore. We think assistance in making little boys and girls deserve to wear nice clothing, AUTO SWEATERS sandwiches Tuesday mor­ OFF ning, to take to Hartford so we're helping Moms buy them more easily. Mi You see, at Children's Wear-House, Moms find the and also church members All of our V \. |i to attend the Hartford children's and pre-teens' brands they love to buy and prices 0 REPAIRS reg $17 \ \ j meeting. For more infor­ they can easily afford. We thought children's clothing, “Horn* Ur. Ooodwrtneh" cost too we brought the prices down. of mation call Peg Burgess, Keep him warm from our 644-1877 or Martha Wood, So now, little girls and boys can play together happily ever after collection of crew-necks, SKI JACKETS 644-1846. in good, old fashioned quality clothing at old fashioned prices • CompiBte Mechanical Service V-necks, cables and cardigans In solids and patterns, now at The outreach group also • Colllelon Repair great savings. assisU the South Windsor Community Service Coun­ • Auto Painting Girls and Boys Girls LUXURY cil by contributing canned Preteen • Low Cost Service Rentals reg. $30 everyday WOOL-BUEND SLACKS and other non-perishable • Factory Trained Technicians Our new cold weather collec­ foods to the “pantry.” Nylon Built-Up Hillbilly Nylon tion of nylon ski jackets lined 3 Starting in January, the savings « Charge With Master Charge with warm, waitable pdyester snow Pants All of our ftberflll. In a variety of bright first Sunday of each month lUST IN TIME Jeans Ski Jackets • 24 Hour Wrecker Service reg $23 solids. Adjustable Suspenders will be collection day. Pastel Shades There will be boxes outside ITOR THE HOLIDAYS Elastic Waists In Denims and Khakis to50%on Tei. 646-6464 Imagine! Special Holiday Savings on Assorted Styles Zipper Pockets Our finest slacks tailored in the church school office for Sizes 4-14 Sizes Preteen 8-14 luxurious wool blends. Solids, donations. The items sumptuous Genuine Leather Designer Sizes 7-14 plaids and tartans to pair with Handbags from Europe and Soulh all his shirts, sweaters and donated are used by South reg. to 18 reg. to 15 reg. 32 America in the LATEST designer styles: .... QuUtcx sport coats. Wrap him up DRESSES Windsor residents who the roomy Tote, the new, trim Blazer, the several pairs for the holidays. need help on a short term .....TlnyTots CARTER classic Pouch, convenient Clutch and or crisis basis. 12.99-13,99 Now 8.99 swingy “Disco" dale bags. And all in the Now 23.99! .... HlUBlOy BOYS’DEPT. Just in time for all your holiday festivities.. .feminine Millt-n Tree most DELICIOUS colors: Cinnamon dresses styled with flowing lines and lovely details I Boys Ihl^anta an d .... Don Moor in soft easy-care fabrics, choose from a variety of There wiil be a "mitten . Chestnut. .. Cashew . . . Cafe Au Boys OUTERW EAR^ styles, including the blousoa tree” in the Fellowship Hall Lait . . Black Walnut. . . and more. T oddfers .... HerMalesty CHEVROLET Representative handbags shown. .... Pretty Pleaae of the church from now un­ Landlubber All of our reg til Christmas for donations Dress And .....Wondeiknit $20 & $22 of mittens, scarves, Teddy Playwear Sets >en every night Moa through SaL-^ Jeans Master Charge. VISA and Layaway Plan. gloves, hats and such, to be Cashier will take 20% off our ....OshKosh Gift Certificate , Holiday Colors and AnrViMn Lmle Clfl Crniftciir* delivered to the already low ticketed price. Light & Dark Blue,., .....Aileen Choose from a wide selection of Bears '*r lo AltUnu Christmas gifts. Corduroys infante Sm. to XL Big, Soft and .... PoDyFUnderi 1229 MAIN 8T., MANCHESTER Anderson-Little The church is also collec- Toddlers 2-4 All stores open Sundays till Chtlstmas tin g w o m e n ’s and Sizes 8-20 Reg. & Slim Cuddly .... Darakin reg. to 22 OMOUAUTY B u n children’s clothing, and Reg. 14 ..... Levl’i $aMCf/nun$ K S boots in good condition, for reg. to IS .... Utde World SHOESEE WHITE PAGES OF“TOWNr«“;;rHa’s' PHONE OmECTORY FOR EXACT ADDRESSES Now gp4B uiS M S w 55S ni Pw B S donating to Interval House Mof« than OO cof>ven»«ni localioni Many Shoe Towns open Sundays .....GUI Town in Hartford, Interval VIBA. MMltrcRArt* Now 9.99 NOW 10.99 .... Ptilcata Harbor i \ i i- -s-

PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed., Pet-. 13, 1978 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed.. Dec. 13. 1978 — PAGE SEVENTEEN w r ’ iKi Bolton Firemen Manchester Parkade Open NItes & Sundays iHaurltFfitFr Eimiimj Washington Window By Robert Shepard Report 46 Calls Manchester — A City of Village Charm BOLTON — During October and November the Bolton Founded Oct. 1, 188L ■^V '■‘a ^ Volunteer Fire Department responded to a total of 46 Published by the Manchester Pubhsh)ng%6.7 Herald Square. I House Fine Tunes Its Rules calls. Manchester. Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. In October there were eight motor vehicle accidents, WASHINGTON (UPI) - The elec­ rule changes has eased, in part ting th» old endgprs in their place." pointing to me,” said Rep. Andrew five medical assists, three motor vehicle fires, four Member. Audit Bureau of Circulation Member. Un young juniors now 1.00 to The tax slight, the chamber argues phase-in, which is the lack of stabili­ panies to subject employees or prospective employees to Qlrls sizes 7 to 14; Preteen S,M,L. Families Still Have Good Records dent, has received infor­ should be installed accor­ up for more than 10 days. 2.25. G reat giftsi with justification, could produce ty I in the milL’rate.MNew Haven- mation about rules and lie detector tests under legislation filed by the ding to the National Elec­ Trees in individual units in negative results so far as making Register) 'H^iAbmN^Jt6N'-,''■Wha’t''^e'lylust teen-aged children. To soothe the safety tips for putting up multiple-family dwellings Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries. great difficulty in our society, and it “We've learned that if you show trical Code. fear ... is that government, in order feathers of critics who pointed out the tree. The stand being used should not stay up for more Under the proposed amendments to the law restricting to save the family, will destroy it. is. But it's not so often pointed out children basic little computations an employer's right to subject a worker to a polygraph the anomaly of a divorcee presiding Before the tree is in should hold at least one than 21 days. What we must fear is that govern­ that 66 percent of all husbands and and skills around the home, they are place, a fresh cut, two in­ examination, businesses would be barred from asking over a family conference, the ad­ gallon of water because a Trees in a place of public Thought ment, in paying attention to the fami­ wives in the United States do get transferrable and can be built upon in ches above the original cut, large tree can use one to assembly must be held in whether the worker had taken or refused to take the test Girls & Preteens Girls Warm Knit ministration — in typically awkward married unto death doth them part, the schools. Children who have them should be made. containers holding at least or from asking for the results of the test. ly, will take more and more of the fashion — decided to name a white. two quarts of water a day. Cardigans & Pullovers Mittens and Hats S ! • ■ v i i i c-'iaVuLU -i x’. and stay together until death doth are a delight to teach.” The tree should not block two gallons of water. Trees The companies would also be prohibited from taking 'family functions and place them in Catholic male as co-director. If a good stand is not Orig. 8.00 to 10.00 ’The six most important words: “I part them. To today’s parents who worry any entrance or exit point available, nail a rough in units in multiple-family adverse action against the employee or prospective Orig. 3.00 « 4.50 TTie least important word : ‘,‘1.’’ the hands of government officials or, Fleming quit in a huff. ; admit 1, made a mistake” “That's a great percentage when about whether they are rearing their from the home and should centering board on the tree dwellings must be held in employee based on information obtained from a lie detec­ II Timothy 6:6 “But godliness with even worse, in the hands of lawyers." A more basic reason the con­ tor test. ’The f i ^ most important words: compared with about anything, such children properly, Novak says, "No be a safe distance from all base, place it into a pail containers holding at least contentment is great gain." According to ference was put back was noted 3.99 U.99 1.99^2.99 ’ “You did a good job.’’ as a good baseball batting average of wonder we are all scared to death.” heat sources, including and fill it with sand or one gallon of water. Keeping our priorities in order as this view of recently by Novak. “ ... So great are fireplaces, radiators and ; ’The four most important words: .333— about the current divorce rate. Even Novak, a widely acclaimed Cardigans, V-necks & turtleneck Colorful jacquard knit mittens & , w;ith every t |^ relationships Michael Novak, the antagonists against the family in heating units. sweaters. Solid colors. Sizes 4 to 6X', i “Whpt is your opinion?" '' And besides, people are living family specialist, acknowledges such matching hats. Mittens are 1.99. . dftbn reflectW itnie gq^UneK. Are noM author and American society that they Candles or flammable 3.99; Qlrls 7 to 14 & preteens 4.99 I The three most important words: we content? How do we deal with together — almost three lifetimes feelings; ”I never have gone to bed Hats are 2.99. For girls 7 to 14. professor of succeeded in getting the conference '“If you please!” every day happenings? Forgetting together as compared with our re­ since I have been married and since religion and postponed and perhaps being f Manchester ^ ’The two most important words: self or ? philosophy at cent ancestors.” we have had children without a U Public Records J shattered altogether. “It took modem science to teach us feeling of sinking failure.” “Thank you.” Rev. Marvin D, Stuart Syracuse Univer­ “But even if they hold that con­ The one most important word: United Pentecostal sity, perhaps the how important the family is in every But, he quickly adds, “when you Warranty deeds ference there is a very good chance single area of human life," said count up all the ways in which the Richard A. Radune and Girls, Preteen, Young Jr. Girls & Preteens We.” Church nation would be better served if the that it will be taken over. You White House Conference on Families Novak. “We have leartied through in­ family can fail, you must realize you Eleanor 0. Radune to Paul Sleepwear & Robes Holiday Slacks guessed it, not by families but by vestigations in almost every field are also couting up all the ways in R. Holiday and Suzanne N. i I — already postponed because-of in­ experts.' Experts are people who, by that the food, drink, habits and Holiday, both of Palm Orig. 10.00 to 24.00 ternal squabbling— were never held. which the family is essential for Orig. 15.00 A Y6.00 definition, are always wrong behaviors of the mother in pregnancy nutrition, IQ, development of moral Beach Gardens, Fla., A Walk Under Wings The conference, originally “because they see a problem from property at 59 Joan Circle, Almanac scheduled for 1979,.has been put back and before pregnancy greatly affect virtues, development of habits and the perspective of their own special­ the child. $87.45 conveyance tax. 30% Off at least to 1981— when Jimmy Carter skills of work, and the attitudes of Judgment lien 7.99 ty and "distort the whole.” “We have learned that even the work." Today is Wednesday, Dec. 13, the troops at Marye's Heights outside hopes to be into his second term in Novak, currently on leave from D & L Stores Inc., New n one of the less traveled corners than 50 years. United Technologies Qlft-perfecti Famous makes. Now Smartly styled dress slacks In great music a mother listens to in pregnan­ “The family is still the cheapest, 347th day of 1978 with 18 to follow. Fredericksburg, Va. the White House and safely removed Syracuse while a resident scholar at Britain, against James and of Bradley International Air­ has long supported CAHA and the 7.00 to 16.80. Qlrls sizes 4 to 14; Pro­ colors. Qlrls sizes 7 to 14; Preteen from possible political fallout from cy affects the child. We've learned most effective, and only workable Joan Moriarty, $109.47, In 1918, American soldiers of the the American Enterprise Institute Iport, away from the bustling Bradley Air Museum with numer­ tean & Young Jr. sizes S, M, L. sizes 6 to 14. such a venture. that if you teach a children in the department of health, education and property at 15 Marble St. The moon is approaching its full U.S. 3rd Army crossed the Rhine here in Washington, recently spoke home how to read, how to recognize welfare in the country,” summarizes passenger terminal and the waiting ous donations of money and hard­ phase. • It was aborted for next year Building permits jets, you can stroll among aircraft river at Koblenz, Germany, during at Brigham Young University on why letters and match them with the Novak. “When the family does its job Charles M. Kingsbury, ware, including engines, propellers, following criticism of the con­ The morning stars are Mercury, World War I. neither government nor any other in­ sounds, they learn how to read easily you need health, education and stove at 118 Bretton Road, that flew in years past, touch their and aircraft. Among them are two ference's working director, Patsy weathered fuselages, and peer into Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. In 1975, Australia's conservatives stitution can replace the family. in school. If you don't teach it at welfare very little from the $450. prototype Sikorsky helicopters that All Our Levi’s Jeans The evening star is Mars. defeated the Liberal Party in an Fleming of the Department of HEW. “It is often said that marriage is in Tilo Co. for Mabel Small, cockpits where pilots no longer sit. never went into production and a She is a black divorcee with three home, it is almost impossible to government." You can walk down a memory Corduroys and Denims Those born on this date are under overwhelming swing to the right. teach it at school. aluminum siding at 125 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress we once the sign of Sagittarius. School St,, $1,360. lane of flight, under the wings of In 1977, a chartered DC-3 carrying s j r r t WW operated as an airborne test-bed. For Boya, Qlrle, Teen* A Young Men ^ Clark Mills, American sculptor of Bruce and Annette Grif­ planes ranging from frail, fabric 31 persons, including the University A n U T e W M l i f IV fin, roof repair and vinyl and wood vehicles to hulking Many of our employees, as mem­ famous statues in Washington, D.C., of Evansville, Ind., basketball team siding at 454 N. Main St., machines that once carried passen­ bers of CAHA, spend their own time was boht Dec. 13, 1810. crashed on takeoff, killing all aboard $4,350. gers and targo on airline routes and restoring and preparing equipment Specially Priced On this day in history: Richard N. Archam- fought in our nation’s defense. for public display. Our corporate In 1642, New Zealand was dis­ A thought for the day: Seeing a Citizen^s Stand on Books Lauded b a u lt. sto v e a t 642 Bradley Ajr Museum is operated archivist, Harvey H. Lippincott, was Every style. Every color. Every size. All at low, low pricesi Boys & covered and named by Dutch federal charge repulsed at WASHINGTON - 1 trust those who committee. sons and daughters cun lead to mis- Wetherell St,, $200, makes me grind my teeth, but let it by the Conheciticut Aeronautical founding president of CAHA and girls sizes 4 to 14; Teens & young men waist sizes 25” to 32”. It’s navigator Abel Tasman. Fredericksbury, Va., Southern Gen. are all the time yammering about The chairman, Stephen Priestly, understandings, broken New traile nuiiies pass. The point is not the social class Historical Association (CAHA) to the museum’s first director. Levi’s for less at Youth Centre. In 1862, an estimated 11,000 Robert E. Lee said, "It is well that civil rights in our public schools will put it this way; “When we got into First National Super relationships, or even family of the protesters but whether coal preserve and point up our state’s Museums can be fragile places. Northern soliders were killed or war is so terrible, or we should get join me in a toast to a bunch of coal the textbooks dealing with literature tragedies.” Markets Inc., Hartford, wounded in a battle with Confederate too fond of it." miners have a right to an opinion on doing business as Edwards aviation heritage. The museum’s col­ The San Diego Aerospace Museum miners in Kanawha County. W. Va. and fables where there had been The emphasis is mine. The book in how their children should be Food Warehouse, 205 lection of 115 aircraft is the fourth was destroyed by fire in 1978. Irre­ Four years after the miners staged problems before, we scanned those question was called ’’Write Oh!”, an educated at the cost of their tax Spencer St. ■argp?! iMilbe the third placeable aircraft were lost. Other a long and bitter protest over the books like they’ve never been ’’issue-centered” text for the elec­ money. largest cpllection of engines and Boys Warm Pajamas Salel Boys "McGregor" Daniel Burnham and Jay air museums have perished from & Footed Sleepers selection of school textbooks in the scanned before." ’ -* tive creative writMg bourses offered Clearly, that “working class” Adams, doing business as other flight propulsion equipment. lack of financial support. Plaid Flannel Shirts Yesterdays county, their fight is still ★ ★ ★ to junfor high students. It was an ap­ made a point that still sticks. When The museum is • almost entirely National Speed Center of Let’s not have that happen to Make Great Qftts Orig. 6.00 A 7.00 remembered. Congratulations to the miners. palling example of how some that committee in Kanawha County Manchester, 73 Tolland by a volunteer group of aviation en­ That fight was Their protest, which closed down educators, in the name of “academic this year scanned books “like they’ve Turnpike. Connecticut’s air museum. We hope thusiasts in recognition of the contri­ 25 Years Ago shows a $121,325 General Fund sur­ “very much” on schools, mines, factories, and a freedom and integrity" in effect en­ never been scanned before," it Miirriiige lieemieK you’ll join us in making a contribu­ 4.99 & 5.99 plus, but the available unap­ 1^ butions our state has made over the 20% Off the minds of an regional bus system, forced the courage children not only to rebel acknowledged that so-called “upper Edwin R. Carlson and tion to the Bradley Air Museum, Frank Reilly is elected for his 16th propriated sum from that source is years to the progress of flight. Up Flannel pajamas. Knit ski pajamas. Warm flannel shirts In handsome consecutive term as president of advisory com­ authorities to remove certain books against parental authority but play class" taxpayers must share their Carol L. Hastings, both of to now, the museum has been self- Windsor Locks, Connecticut, 06096. down to only $54,706 today. , Ellington, Dec. 23 at Trini­ Footed sleepers. All are now 20% off plaids. Sizes 4 to 7 now 4.99; Sizes 8 Cheney Bros, union. mittee that from the classroom curriculum and judge and jury in the pursuit thereof. power with taxpayers who earn a dir­ supporting — just barely — from Better yet, pack your kids in the the regular price. Sizes 4 to 20. to 20 now 5.99. Navy Yeoman First Class Lorraine ty Covenant, Melvin S. Hathaway is named May Cogan, formerly of Manchester, recently screened stash them in school libraries where What preposterous garbage. Even ty face every working day of their gate receipts and membership dues. car and visit the museum — it’s business manager of Taft School. a set of English they could be read or not. In short, in this lunatic age, the parents No. 1 Barry W. Botticello and open every day of the year, except becomes the first enlisted regular lives. ’Three cheers! ’Three hell. Four Patricia A, Colletti. both of Now it needs help. For the first . 10 Years Agoi Wave to retire from the U.S. Navy books for the the students were not forced to delve job is still to interfere in their kids’ cheers! Manchester. Dec. 21 at time, it is conducting a public fund Thanksgiving and Christmas, from The fiscal year, ending June 30, after 20 years of active service. county’s Board of Education, says into the untidy works of such far-out, personal lives. Unless the communi­ ★ ★ ★ raising drive. The goal: $90,000. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. View all the aero­ home. Sale! Boys Famous Make Sweaters the man who headed the 15-member dirty-word rebels as LeRoy Jones and ty is courting anarchy, a child’s per­ Dear editors: VIotlirrM (^ircl«‘ As a builder of aeronautical prod­ nautical exhibits. And deliver your Eldridge Cleaver. sonal life must be subject to the ap­ Jimmy Carter ordered that boycott ucts here in Connecticut for more contribution personally. Thanks. Tremendous Assortments! Great Gifts! SCOOPS ■ I- U .;r,. IjfPonSSnqri Now, as Pristly pointed out, proval of his parents. of the first “International Day of :: MANCHESTER - Our miners have been recognized as peo­ Indeed, such “teaching” is also an Lady of Peace Mothers Meet Were Orig. 11.00 (o 17.00 Solidarity with the Palestinian OMRMAN IWA. VlW PO WE 10 IfMS? MU.KXf4i»(rsflrDCiri • u-m -rn ple whose opinions must be invasion of the personal privacy Circle wil meet tonight at 8 People" at the United Nations in a Q/MOFfOlff respected, even though they may at the home of Mrs. liberals are always hollering about. curt note to UN Ambassador Andy Dorothy Paquin. 169 lack literary chic, because they have No teacher or textbook has a right to Young. kids, too. and also pay taxes. question a child about his home life, Hamilton St. f UNITED 6.99 8.99 Carter wrote Young that he could My files remind me th^t one of the Mrs. Ghabrial TECHNOLOGIES Sizes 4 to 7 Sizes 8 to 20 any more than the Internal Revenue not "approve" a resolution that will .serve as co-hostess. textbooks found wanting by the Service has a right to ask how 1 get “glorified the violent acts of any Pratt A Whitney Aircraft Group • Otis Group • Essex Group • Sikorsky Aircraft • Hamilton Standard* Just In time for Chrlstmas-gifting. Classic crewnecks. V-necks. 0 l.nt 1? n , protesters was a thing published by along with my wife. national group, including the UQUOR DEPT. Power Systems Division • Norden Systems •''Chemical Systems Division • United Technologies Research Center Zip fronts. Button fronts. Pullovers. Heavyweights. And morel All Harcourt Brace-Jovanovich. One ★ ★ ★ Palestine Liberation Organization." are machine washable. All are super values. section read as folllows: Some of my liberal friends He then reminded Young that the NO LOWER PRICES “Recount some incidents you or ANYWHERE patronizingly emphasize that in West PLO’s propaganda campaign was those you know have experienced Virginia the protesters usually come aimed not just against Israel “but ARTHUR which illustrate how parental in­ DRUG Master Charge, Visa & Youth Centre Charges Are Welcome from the “working class," meaning against the impending Bgyptian- terference in personal lives of their coal miners. That label always Israeli peace." PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Wed., Dec. 13, IWH

■—I I MANCHESTER------EVENING HERALD. ' Manchester. —’ Conn.. Wed.. Dei'. 13. 1978- IPACK m in NINKTKKN Obituaries Directors Vote Park Curfew Pitcher, Mpn. Juliut* Miffill Mrs. Anne K. Bales MANCHESTER - The town soon school grounds, swimming pools, jn e in addition to the town job. Cowens in Early Shower ELLINGTON — Mrs. Georgianna MANCHESTER - The funeral of will have a curfew In effect that will cemeteries, Northview ski slope and policy it will cause trouble in the Coleman Miffitt, 44. of 88 Cider Mill Mrs. Anne R. Bates of 23 Tanner St., prohibit residents on most town Oak Grove Nature Center. The board originally had asked for future," she said. a policy to be developed by the Author Road died Tuesday at Rockville who died Monday, is Thursday at 9:15 property after 10 p.m. The ordinance establishes The directors also questidned the General Hospital. She was the wife of a.m. from the John F. Tierney The Town Board of Directors penalties of 30 days in jail or a $100 manager. But, Tuesday night, the board agreed that it should not be in­ resignation from a town board by a Julius Miffitt. Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., Tuesday night unanimously approved fine or both for violation of the citizen. W L T Pts. volved in setting such policy and that Mrs. Miffitt was born in Rockville with a mass at St. Bridget Church at the curfew with little discussion. curfew. Normally, such resignations are Retires As Rockets Halted Celts Quebec 15 10 3 33 the manager should use his discre­ and had lived in the area all her life. 10. The board also tabled a proposal Director Vivian Ferguson, who approved routinely. But, in this case, New England 14 9 5 33 tion in deciding what part-time work NEW YORK (UPI) - With 127-110, New Orleans dumped In­ She is also survived by a son, Paul B urial will be In Mount St. for a referendum vote about regional attended her last regular board the citizen is a person who often ORLANDO, Fla. (UPI) - 31 points in the second half and Pete Cincinnati 14 13 3 31 a department head can handle. Dave Cowens out of the way, diana 109-103, Chicago trimmed Miffitt, at home; a daughter, Juliann Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. government issues and rejected a meeting Tuesday, had proposed ihe questions the board — Frank Lupien. Pitcher-author Jim Bouton Maravich finished with 32 points to Winnipeg 11 11 4 26 Miffitt. at home: her mother, Mrs. Friends may call at the funeral “We can’t' take into our hands to Houston Coach Tom Nissalke Golden State 99-94, Denver beat San help New Orleans kill an Indiana Fxlmonton 13 13 0 26 proposed policy for part-time work ordinance to require a referendum Director John FitzPatrick says he has thrown his last George J. Coleman of Rockville: two home todayfrom 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. for department heads. tell the manager when and how the felt he’d be able to get away d m U Antonio 107-103 and Portland shaded comeback. Birmingham- 12 12 1 25 vote for any proposal that would wondered about the resignation department heads should work,” Los Angeles 117-115. brothers, Stuart N. Coleman of Mrs. Bates is survived by a son, The curfew ordinance, as ap­ transfer municipal services to any knuckleball. with a few things he wouldn’t Hi i IIh 99, W arriiirs 94 Indianapolis 5 18 2 12 because Lupien had served less than well against (Moses) Malone, con­ Cli|i|iA-rM 10,5, Kiiii'kii 1011 Wallingford and Malcolm G. Lawrence W. Bates of Manchester. proved, does provide exceptions for form of regional government. Director Thomas Connors said. The Bouton told a local newspaper ordinarily dare — and he did. Artis Gilmore scored 26 points to I'uesiluy's Resiilts key to the entire issue is that the a year on the Commission on Aging. sidering his lack of playing time." Lloyd Free hit two free throws Coleman of Lawrence, Mass.; and a His name was incorrectly reported in those using tennis or basketball The board is waiting for a report Tuesday that he accomplished his pace Chicago to its sixth straight Edmoton 5. Cincinnati 2 department heads do their work for Lupien attends almost all board “ I played some of the guys longer “ I was surprised that Cowens with-four seconds remaining to send sister. Mrs. John (Myrna) Rivosa of the obituary in Tuesday’s Herald. courts or participating in town from the town attorney’s office about meetings, but he had left by 11 p.m. dream by winning one game for the triumph. The Bulls led 74-64 after New England 7, Indianapolis 4 the town. If a part-time job does'not than I had planned but with Cowens started guarding Rudy San Diego over New York and ruin Manchester. meetings, sporting events or cultural what would be included under the when his resignation came up. Atlanta Braves last summer after Tomjanowich," added Nissalke. three periods and held off a fourth- Soviet All-Stars 6, Quebec 3 interfere with this work, then it out we were controlling the boards," Red Hoizman's 1,000th game as an The private funeral is Friday at events. heading of municipal services. The FitzPatrick wanted to find out why eight years away from major league "Rudy's going to get his points and quarter rally which saw the Warriors should be permitted, Connors said. Nissalke said Tuesday night after the NBA coach. Free, who had 26 points, Burke-Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Clarence R. Butlerfielil The following town properties will board agreed to table until they Lupien was resigning and moved to baseball. when Cowens got hit with three quick tie the game with 3:27 left when Vivian Ferguson, who cast the lone Rockets took a I12-l()5 decision from tied the game with a jumper’with 41 Prospect St., Rockville. Burial will be affected by the curfew, which will report is received. table action. The tabling motion was Now he’s cutting short his com­ fouls he couldn't get his game es­ Robert Parish hit a 22-foot jumper. NHL BOLTON — Clarence R. Butter­ the Celtics, “I decided, ‘Lqt's slug seconds remaining before drawing a be at the convenience of the family. run from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily: Mrs. Ferguson and Carl Zinsser vote in favor of establishing the eback. tablished." Parrish finished with a game-high 30 field. 85, of 133 Vernon Road died defeated and Lupien’s resignation this one out.”’ foul on Ray Willihms, who finished Campbell Conference There are no calling hours. Center Springs Park, Charter Oak voted against the tabling. policy, said the board should become "I guess I realized that once I had points. Tuesday at St. Francis Hospital and involved. was accepted by a 6-2 vote. Cowens, who played only 14 Malone led the Rocket attack with with 27. Pulriek Divisiuii The family suggests that any Park, Center Park, Case Mountain, The directors voted 7-1 to reject a actually made it back to the big 28 points and 20 rebounds while Nuggets 107, S|iurs 103 Medical Center. He was the husband The manager has been given con­ FitzPatrick and Joseph Sweeney minutes, picked up five personal CuLulicrK 127, Pisluns 110 W L T Pts. memorial gifts may be made to the Globe Hollow swim area, Salters policy from the town manager about voted against it. leagues, I got all out of that George McGinnis scored a season- of Mrs. Ruth M. Oak Butterfield. trol over such decisions in the past. (and one technical) fouls in the first Tomjanovich added 25 points — 11 in Rookie forward Mike Mitchell NY Islanders 17 4 6 40 Ellington Rescue Post 512. Pond pool and recreation area. how to handle requests from depart­ Lupien had said last week he was relationship I really wanted,” said the first quarter — to allow the high 38 points, including 13 in the last Mr. Butterfield was born Oct. 26, “ It’s caused trouble in the past and half and later fouled out and received scored a career-high 28 points, in­ Atlanta 16 11 2 34 Mount Nebo recreation area, public ment heads who want to work part disturbed with the inaction of the Bouton in a telephone interview from Rockets to clinch their first-ever quarter, and grabbed 19 rebounds to George F. Meaciows 1893 in Auburn. Maine, and had lived I’ll guarantee you if you don’t set a a second technical in the fourth cluding 16 in the fourth quarter, to NY Rangers 15 8 4 34 commission, so he resigned. his New Jersey home. “What 1 quarter. Assistant coach Bob season series against the Celtics. give Denver its sixth straight SOUTH WINDSOR - George F. in Springfield, Mass., before coming lead Cleveland over Detroit. Austin Philadelphia 15 10 4 34 needed was not another major league MacKinnon and Marvin Barnes were Billy Knight led the Celtics with 21 triumph. Meadows. 61, of 349 Nevers Road to Bolton eight years ago. Carr finished with 22 points for career but just the satisfaction that I also ejected. points and Cedric Maxwell had 18. 'I'ruil Itiuzers 117, l.ukers 113 Siiivllie Division died Tuesday in Palmerton, Pa. He Before retiring in 1961, he had been Cleveland while ^ Campy Russell could do it, that I could conquer the "I don’t understand some of the In other NBA games Tuesday Tom Owens, T.R. Dunn and Ron W L T Pts. was the husband of Mrs. Hazel employed by the Strathmore Paper added 21 and Terry Furlow 20. challenge.” calls,” said Cowens. “I don’t know if night, San Diego edged New York Brewer triggered a 20-point outburst Vancouver 12 15 2 26 Murray Meadows. Co,, West Springfield, Mass. Yance Enters Treaty Talks Jazz 109, Pacers lO.H The former in the final six minutes to lead Chicago 10 10 6 26 A well-known philatelist, he By linilrdIlnSlujI Press IInlernulionul nluxmtl lakn 111 of Of thetho signing.cioninfT “ Let A# |iiii|: drail at Vernon Street. They said it appeared In other area play, Rham High Vancouver. Wensink's first goal Szatkowski 178-503. Gail locating a motor vehicle early this desks in the office area were ran­ former road manager. Vernon “Rip" ICorkiiifjliaiii Park aflrr r<*ror78. Tht* lio rar singles in 1932 and later had a career morning that was reported stolen the car up a hill by the corner of the homestanding’ Cromwell High. which saw the Bruins open up a 5-1 MaryLou Mortjock b02, late last night. Jane M, Kraft of 655 Talcottville However. Judge Joseph Lewis, r«illa|is«‘ n'lirrnirnt best five players. where they found a window broken. Police have issued sidewalk Bradley notched 18 ol his markers Janet Lusby 180-478. Linda and motor running with keys inside g f f ? fHt P u m t WHO Bu m YOU LOW PRICES & PERSONAL SERVICE murder game losing streak ... Andre Lacroix ag4* of 15 al llir m il of ilir moiiili Police said they checked the shoveling warnings to three town from the charity stripe, Burton 177-465, Wanda while he went inside the house. When '■ 'S m , "f YOU HAVE A AlASIia CHAAOl, VISA. lAHAAMIII-AHBARIBI FREE FREE SERVICE SERVICE C CA7 a 7 QQ QQQT ( Lewis said the state failed to prove fired in three goals and added an anil uaH roni|iiiiii|j: in liin Iasi ra rr. Behind Budge and Kramer he building and found it to be secure. residents. They also issued 18 infrac­ Mark Bergeron and Tom Gardiner Bonadies 453, Janet Raw- he came out about five minutes later, An undetermined amout of money cm , AAIUKAA l«P«[SS, (ABM IIAHCHI OB DIHiBS FREE FREE REMOVALREMOVAL O H I- D d O f were in twin figures for Rham with Lyle. 36, exhibited an "indifference assist to pace New England over In­ Hilly Hrmlmioil uaH ilrHrn lo picked in order Pancho Gonzalez, tions for traffic violations, and six ™ a vi cABD, twB YOU RAY QUAiar FOB j;5o.ooi.OOWOBni wob™ of OF oldOLD aAPPLIANCE pp l ia n c e CAT QQQO son 464, Diane Thomas 452. his ear was gone, police said. to human life" necessary lor a first- \irlory liy l.rlii^li l‘'ilrli. 'I'lir . Pancho Segura. Bobby was reported stolen Tuesday night warnings for defective equipment CK NSIAKI CBIIHI. ■ FREE LOCAL DELIVfDFLIVfRY RY 0*4 /-0 0 3 8 17 and 11 markers respectively. dianapolis ... Victor Tumenev and degree murder conviction. In second- ______. F*lallioii won inorr lliaii 100,000 Riggs, Ken Rosewall, . At 2:47 this morning, police located from Al Sieffert's Appliances at 445 and traffic violations. Cromwell upped its ledger to 2-0 with Alexander Kabanov each scored two the car while they responded to a Hartford Road as the result of a TONIGHT TIL 9 • TUES & SAT TIL 5, MON,, WED, THURS, FRI TIL 9 ■ CLOSEDCL SUNDAY the win. degree murder, the state must prove goals to lead thrSovierAILStars p 7 s l in liin ra rrrr. and Tony Trabert. an intent to take a life. Quebec’. PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Wed.. Dc<- 11 IQ7B

MAI^HESTER EVEl^ G H g R A LD, Manchester. Conn.. WeH n.,. ,3. in7„_ p^QE TWKNTV.,,.,.- i. fl* X Simsbury 39 East Catholic 65 Cheney T%ch 65 Manchester 38 (OT) 49 Penney 64 Windsor Locks 42 Bolton 38 East Hartford 43 Simsbury Girls 37 Fermi 58 Evans Best Trade Bait Trojans inOT Boston^ RSox Can Offer BOSTON (UPI) - The the only regular who could be traded Yankees. "It’s not his fault, but it’s headaches and double-vision without putting a substantial dent in By EARL YOST After Simsbury turnover, ,iyith 1:16 ,, meeting. going to become a situation where left, Manchester went Into d '‘^fill. that caused Dwight Evans to the team ’s armor-plated lineup. Jim only the strong survive.” SporlM K

Q. If Reggie Jackson's career was lo end today by Coventry potato puffs, soup. retirement, do you think that after the five-year wallinj Even as 19-Year-Old Youth Hebron Tuesday: Taco, salad, com. JUST ASK period he would deserve Induction to baseliall's Hall o All Schools Wednesday: Hot open-face turkey Fame? — Dennis Carollo, Iron Mountain, Mich. K h a m sandwich, gravy, carrots, whipped NEW YORK (UPI) - The youngest son, Jerry, as a result of a the eulogy at the funeral service. Monday: Juice, steak sandwich on hard ^ < ^5^ Murray Olderman Maybe by that time the measuring stick for greatness roll, cheese dream, tossed salad, onion Monday: Meat patty, mashed potatoes, potato, cranberry sauce. will have changed. But right now his totals for 11 years in first time I ever saw Bob road accident. So far, $4,100 has been sent to the gravy, green beans, pudding. Thursday: Pizza, salad, ice cream. the majors don’t measure up to greats of the past. I mean, rings, assorted fruits. Lemon he was taking ground It was completely typical of Bob APBP in memory of Jerry Lemon Tuesday: Tacos, Spanish rice, sliced Friday: Baked batter dipped fish filet, By Murray Olderman a career batting average of under .270 and home run Lemon that in both cases his first Tuesday: Pork cutlets, applesauce, production that doesn’t put him in the Top 20 — not to balls at third base during bat­ and money is still coming in. That’s whipped potatoes, hot vegetable, rye tomatoes, com bread, juice, fresh apples. cole slaw, french fries, bread and butter. thoughts revolved around others even more than the Association Wednesday: Pizza casserole, garden No lunch served at 'Timothy Edwards, ' mention some fielding deficiencies — don’t signify Hall of ting practice for the Wilkes- bread and butter, chocolate cake with The tipoff: Fame status to me. And that’s not denigrating the clutch rather than himself. received right after Casey Stengel peanut butter frosting. salad, orange juice bar. High School, or Ellsworth School. value of Mr. October. Barre Barons of the Eastern I remember how the media sur­ died, which gives you some idea of Thursday: Baked ham; mashed ' Several options are offered daily to the People aware of the Polish ancestry of all-pro Wednesday: Hamburg patty, special League, and what struck me rounded him in the Yankees’ steamy, how the general baseball community sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickle on sesame potatoes, cole slaw, frosted cake. meat offering list on the menu. These in­ linebacker of the Pittsburgh Steelers are Q. Whatever happened lo the famed quarterback Friday: Roast turkey, gravy, mashed clude hotdog, hamburger, tuna, chicken, always questioning his last name — they think there most about him was how crowded quarters at Dodger Stadium feels about Bob Lemon. seed bun, potato chips, vegetable, chilled Roman Gabriel of the Los Angeles Rams? Doesn’t he hold right after the final out of the World peaches. Christmas cookies. potatoes, cranberry sauce, peas, apple or egg salad sandwich, or peanut butter should bie a "ski” or a “wicz” on the end of it. The a lot 'J passing records for the Rams? — Gerry Gastop, remarkably composed he During his 12 seasons with crisp. and jelly sandwich. A choice of two or only change is that it was originally "Cham " but Series asking him how he felt about Cleveland, Lemon won 20 or more Thursday: Beefaroni, green beans, Myrtle Greet, Ore. looked for a 19-year-old kid. Italian bread, ChYistmas cookies. The “combo" is served daily as an three vegetables, and several desserts, is Ham sounded easier. The nine-year great from Penn Gabriel was brought into the Rdms camp as a free agent having been fired by the White Sox games seven times, pitched 31 alternate lunch. This includes Hamburg also offered each day. State is even labeled by , his coach (a this last summer by George Allen. They’re both gone now, That was 38 years ago, back in 1940 only three months before and now Mexican dinner at Coventry Grammar notorious conservative), as the best in the game. shutouts, was named to the School only. on bun with lettuce, tomato, onion, Gabe because he couldn’t pass his physical exam. He’s before he had even come up with being king of the mountain so soon pickles, potato chips; vegetable of the American League All-Star team Friday: No lunch Friday, Christmas living at Rancho Mirage near Palm Springs in Southern Cleveland. He was a third baseman afterward. But instead of crowning day; dessert and milk. Vernon Q. Do you feel pro quarterbacks should be able to mu California. He did some CBS football commentary earlier seven straight years and was so good vacation starts. then, not a pitcher, but he had all the over the circumstance. Lemon spoke with the ball upon seeing no open receiver? Also, what this fall, and he is supposed to be going into the with the bat, he was employed as a E le m e n ta ry All Schools could the defense do to prevent the quarterbacks from recreational sports business in the Riverside area. Yes, he earmarks of a big leaguer already. of the great contributions made by pinch hitter many times. Yet, one of Monday: Juice, hamburger on roll, Monday: Hot sliced turkey roll, running? — Mike Downs, Samoa, Calif. holds many Ram career passing marks in such categories The last time 1 saw Bob Lemon some of his players like Bucky Dent, his former coaches, the late Muddy East Hartford potato chips, green beans, orange as attempts, completions, total yardage, touchdown passes was only a few days ago and he wqs Brian Doyle, Ron Guidry, Catfish cranberry sauce, potato rounds, carrot Ruel, once said of him “he couldn’t wedges. sticks, strawberry fluff with strawberry and most passes without an interception (206). His active sitting in the lobby of the hotel ser­ Hunter and Goose Gossage. All Schools Tuesday: Sliced ham, mashed potato, career is undoubtedly over. act like a big shot if he tried.” garnish, roll and butter. r-i', ving as general headquarters for the When his son died at the age of 26 A1 Rosen, a former teammate of Monday: Spiced ham and cheese on corn peanut butter bar. Tuesday: Italian spaghetti with meat winter baseball meetings in Orlando, on Oct. 31 in Phoenix, Ariz., Lemon's roll, potato puffs, applesauce. Wednesday: Juice, salami grinder, sauce, tossed salad, hard roll and butter, Q. I was wondering If Jerry West and Jane West have Lemon's with the Indians and his im­ -k- parted. My brother said be read somewhere that they did. Fla., just as calm and serene as when grief was enormous, yet it was in­ Tuesday: Salisbury steak, mashed potato chips, garden salad, fresh apple. fruit cup. mediate boss now with the Yankees, Thursday: Pizza casserole, cole slaw, Could you please clear this up for us, uuless you think It’s a I first saw him nearly 40 years ago. dicative of his thoughtfulness for is the one who hand-picked him as the potatoes, gravy, orange wedges, roll and Wednesday: Tomato soup, hamburger butter. Italian bread, fruit. silly question? — Marty Ryan, Ventura, Calif. Essentially, that is the character others that he asked all those who Yankees’ new manager after Billy on roll, french fried potatoes, cole slaw, They have been divorced for several years. In fact, Jerry Wednesday: “British Day": Fish and Friday: Turkey, gravy, mashed potato, spicy applesauce. of Bob Lemon, truly a man for all wished to send flowers send a con­ Martin departed in July. Yankee M, was remarried this past summer, to Karen. And his Los chips, cole slaw, Yorkshire pudding cranberry sauce, peas, apple crisp. Thursday: Fruit juice, salami M E A l ttu Angeles Lakers, you may have noticed, have been doing seasons as well as att eras, one who tribution instead to the Association of owner Georee Steinbrenner also is a never changes personality regardless (vanilla pudding with fruit and nuts). grinders, potato sticks, dessert. very well in the early season. Professional Baseball Players, Lemon admirer, having hired him as Thursday: Pizza with meat sauce, V of how much all the others around South Windsor Friday: (high school only): Tuna salad A) which helps sick and down-and-out ex­ the club's pitching coach two years topped with cheese, celery sticks, chilled roll, potato puffs, onion sticks, ice cream. Quarterbacks like Jim Zom and — lo these many years Q. Can vou settle an argument? Who do you think is the him do. ballplayers. ago. peaches. All Schoulf) Other schools will be dismissed at noon — have shown how valuable it is to take off best basketball player among Elvin Hayes, Marvin Within the past eight weeks, the Chuck Stevens, who once played Friday: No lunch, schools close for so no lunch will be served. Christmas for the wide open spaces when there’s no receiver open. Webster and Bob Lanier? — Robert LaNeer Sr., Olean, As matters now stand. Lemon is Monday: Bologna, salami and cheese N.Y. even-dispositioned 58-year-old New first base for the St. Louis Browns ticketed to move into the front office Christmas vacation. submarine with lettuce and tomato. vacation starts. However, there’s a difference between scrambling hapha­ York Yankees' manager has been on zardly because you can’t spot receivers and running with a ■The Big E — Hayes — has been the most productive, and does a magnificent job of running as the Yankees' general manager at jiurpose. Such veteran quarterbacks as and going into his 10th season with a 24.3 scoring average. He’s an emotional roller coaster. He lived the Association, located in Long the end of next season and Martin is ' y t t o Graham in the past and today have also been an agile rebounder and is more versatile than the through one of the most exhilarating - Beach, Calif., is one of Bob Lemon’s supposed to come back as field Winter Scene in Ellington had the knack of running at the right time. It adds a other two, being able to swing between forward and center. experiences of his life the night of Maintain Health Records closest friends. They went to grade manager. That’s perfectly OK with dimension to the attack, reduces the pass rush because Webster will never be the scoring threat the other two Oct. 17 when he suddenly found school together in Long Beach and defensive ends must be conscious of outside responsibility represent. (Lanier has a 22.5 m ark.) I would like to see the Lemon but if there’s a change of WASHINGTON (UPI) - history. It should include: checked every 6 to 12 himself the winning manager of the have known each other more than 40 single shot — for example, Cardinals and chickadees gather in a snow- a Christmas card like scene (Herald photo bv — that’s how you defend against it. However, a running Piston center, Lanier, play on a challenging team, plans somewhere along the way, he’ll If you lived in one place • Information about any months. measles, rubella and covered forsythia bush in Ellington, The pic- Richmond) ^ quarterback is also an increased injury risk. To me, however, just to have realized his full potential or now. world champions, only to be plunged years. Jerry Lemon was like a son to go along with them. That’s the way and had the sanne doctor all serious illnesses in your • Note injuries. mumps — make a note of ture, taken through a kitchen window, forms ^' i mobility is more important than sheer running ability. my vote goes to Hayes. into the deepest possible anguish two Chuck Stevens and Stevens delivered he is. He’s a good soldier. weeks later due to the death of his your life, there wouldn't be family background among Those from accidents may it. much reason for keeping parents, brothers and result in disabling con­ Q. I would like to try out for the Seattle Seahawks. How Parting shot: do I go about this? Is there a tryout date? When, where? your own health records. sisters on both sides of the ditions or, years later, they Who do I write to or do I just show up? — Howard Peake, Somehow, until the pro football season is cleared But in modern, mobile family. List all history of can be the long forgotten Coeur d’Alene, Idaho societies people not only such diseases as cancer, cause of illness. The Seahawks, like most pro clubs, held open tryouts up, I get the im pr^ion all the teams in the National oasketball Association are still playing exhibition move, they change doctors diabetes, epilepsy, and • Start your family’s im­ .Gf. late last spring. No date has been set for the ’79 edition. So Notre Dame Shifts Emphasis ,iB noi}ic.> innti 'iiil { ,qij | games. the best thing to do is write Dick Mansperger, Director of and see specialists for heart conditions. If any of munization program early P“ yer Personnel, Seahawks, 5305 Lake Washington Blvd., different health problems. these relatives are in life, usually when a child Kirkland, Wash. 9B033. You might be interested in knowing Please send all sports questions to Murray Olderman. P,0. Box 6346, Incline Village, Nev. 69450. Because of the volume of mall, So the Department of deceased, record the cause is two to three months old, that the Seahawks signed and invited to camp two there will be no individual responses. Health, Education and and their ages at death. and keep the records up-to- ^ ira n ts from the last tryouts, though they didn’t make (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.J From Court to Classroom Welfare recommends that date. the final roster. • Keep track of your people keep their own com­ blood pressure, too — it’s a • If several childhood plete year-by-year medical good idea to have it vaccines are combined in a SOUTH BEND.Ind. (U PI)- schedule because of travel problems basketball at Pauley." 3Q U I Z / the Irish would have encountered. Second-ranked Notre Dame Practices in South Bend will be a Jai Alai Results will switch its emphasis from "It would have been pretty rough, “catch as catch can proposition” for J m irs D To flying back from the coast and get­ the next two weeks, Phelps said. 1 the basketball court to the ting in early Sunday, then practicing Tue»iclay Evening SOTN (UVUTH classroom during an unusually The team will have Thursday you A vegsosH mss c m 9 . 8 u t m y 1 1 TcM S«ba$tiaa (.00 S.(0 4 00 7 Aica Artecbe 17.80 4 80 380 on a Monday and 'Tuesday and then through Sunday off to study for. final FIST 1 Umn Ktm (.20 7.00 7 Jnan I Iqu b OO S.(0 long 18-day layoff until its next having to take a bus down to play a S ManUU taubat 11.M T.M 1I.W 4 frra Olafe S.(0 3 Arriaca I Zarria $ 00 exams. Full scale workouts will not w if f wA&reo£mrpRU6Ai, so... laoJa S il S.M Q M a 11 73.10 OwMb 2-7 32.40 gam e. team like Indiana.” Phelps said. I Cora S.M M t d i 1-7 m so PeHeeb 2-711940 resume until shortly before Christ­ QMa I S 4iM TrilKU 1 7 4 1,1(7 30 Trifecta 2-7-3 42480 Notre Dame is coming off an 81-78 "But we’ve got it worked out better mas. PwftcU S-113140 SOrOTN in the future.” IWUFTN victory over UCLA in Los Angeles "It’s going to be one of these things A ------T Triftda S-M I.U IM 1 Cvea 12.40 S(0 3.(0 I kian I Cafea 1920 $ 80 2 80 Pheips interchanged nine players Stem 3 SertN 940 4.40 3 Catiq Arlecbe / 40 4.00 last Saturday, its third straight-vic­ where if two or three guys can get S RoOr^l lai 24.M 1140 i n I IrtaM $40 i Corosleta Olave s 20 ro B u r tory over the Bruins in Pauley in the win over UCLA, a plan the I Otaieiu 7oqui S U I M Qinela 1-3 2S20 QimeU 3-4 (2.20 the time we’ll work with them,” he 7 U Isis 440 M K ta 1-3 7100 M e cta 4-3 144.00 Pavillion, a place Coach Digger Irish coach hopes to use throughout IfiiK ta 1-3-I 492.90 said, "But between now and the 23rd, Qwwta 1-4 (2.U Irifetb 4-3-1 73290 Phelps calls the "Yankee Stadium of the season. He said improving his we aren’t going to go at it full tilt. M c d a 1-1 14120 uam ATTUQAMZ 2.140 team’s depth and playing another P(?. J. BEGAN HIS PRO Trifeda I-1-7 I.S3$.70 2 Alta SebastiaR (.10 $ 00 3(0 HAWU 2(4.113 college basketball." When they retqm on Christmas Day TW9 I Ama(a I hem 14 (0 7.(0 tough early season schedule would CAREER WITH VIRGINIA "Actually, we’d do quite well if we is when we’ll pick it up again for St. 7 M w tia kpa 13.20 7 40 (.20 ( Cans Carea 4.00 pay off for the NCAA playoffs in OF THE ABA, WHO PIP HE S Irra ijRda (iO 4.00 QMMta 2-1 40.40 played more of our games in Francis and Kentucky.” 3 Haua lai 4.00 Mfctj 2-1 11000 March. .^( ENP HIS ABA PAYS WITH? Triffcta 2-10 KZ70 Pauley," Phelps said Monday. "But, IWnieia S-7 (4.00 "You can see year after year it’s dMQOlGMSYf A. INDIANA M acta 7 S 1S4.20 IMTN Shift Likely this long layoff isn't going to hurt us Staubach Ailing B. N.Y Trilccta 7 S-3 U liO 8 boR I Sarpa IIU I3 M 940 too much. We'll bounce back.” paying off,” he said. fOHTH 4 tm j bM 340 3.(0 Notre Dame finished fourth in the DALLAS (UPI) — The Dallas Cow­ C. SAN ANTONIO j 7 Abna I I M (.49 341 7Akar«2arrij (.40 CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) Notre Dame does not play again boys announced Monday quarterback 4 $49 I M I 44 4020 - Sew Hampshire’s pro NCAA playoffs last season, the best 2 Pda 3.M Pvfacb 14 9S.90 until Dec. 27 when it hosts St. Fran­ Roger Staubach was sent home from Trifacb 14-7 (70.SO hockey team might be finish for any Irish team. Most of the AU UaMSUE te w b 74 S7.N cis of Pennsylvania. The Irish also practice with a sprained right foot PertKb 74 101.19 playing in the Cape Cod Irish return from that club this year. Tops Rankings Tnfecb 74-2 324.(0 7 60 3.20 will be preparing for a Dec. 30 match and toe and was considered doubtful Coliseum by the end of the Kelly Tripucka, a highly-touted 9.00 4.40 with defending national champion for Sunday’s game against the New HANCOCK, Mich. (UPI) 2 Tell Asis 11.(0 8.00 4.41 740 year. sophomore forward, scored 21 points I IM ZaqDi 9.N 7.40 M iiiab 34 4LS0 Kentucky in Louisville. York Jets. — Minnesota, 10-3, retained $ IMiCKi I Ptriacb 3-4 2S440 The Concord Monitor and hit two key free throws down the jAsmie lin u 340 Normally, Notre Dame would not the top spot in the college OmHa 2-14(.00 Irifacb 3 4-1 9$(.70 Staubach has played in 92 of the reported Tuesday the New have such a long layoff between stretch to lead Notre Dame in the coaches hockey ratings Perfeeb 2 -1 IIS40 Cowboys last 93 games. The last Trifccb 71010 Hampshire Freedoms will games in December, although it is victory over the previously unbeaten released Monday. Bruins. game he missed because of an injury ...... p lfA S iC u r begin playing its games in semester exam time on the South was against the Jets in 1975. The Gophers received Pheips also had praise for the work the South Yarmouth, Bend campus. The Cowboys already have four first-place votes and of some of his younger players who Mass., coliseum Dec. 30. Notre Dame usually would have clinched the NFC East division ON TN£ ^OOTT£T> lp ^ S ANl> 93 points in the seventh f ' he said responded to the pressure of week of the rankings. faced intra-state rival Indiana this championship and will play the first week but the game was taken off the "playing in the mecca of college h a n g t h is o n youA MAHTlSWim Boston University took six Jal Alai Entries playoff game at home. B ^ S W O C **tatt>llt« 8 Fraacnca-lri|a SiWia Balesano 127-346, Rose 8 AJberOi-fsaa 3K>.MLNVi:ONSw«l4l WIK. FAN Siith Mntk Taeffth Borello 125, Joan Kelsey 1. Ceiriefu Asn 0 1. I. buAi-S«batliaa tMr $ ^ ^ 9 0 on,‘24"V59» 2 IMJolnjr I 2. Aria Hinu ! Canlala Caira Hwir $2.98 to $7.95 7 Artaaa Urea 141-362, Debbie Rozell 129- 3 Hu m I Kept 3 fdoCaita 7 Afriap l-Srta$ti« S24.95 on ht kitdtt 1. Afca-Sercia 1. FrancHca Pierre 152-401, Gisele Golding 136- 1 PfteUtHren (. Roaia-Stftia t. francma Zaria OUR $1.49 to $3.90 $. THk-l«nrs $. 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FRL10-9 U r t l l SAT. 10-5, W A 124 Beefsteak and Wonder are registered trademarks of ITT Continental Baking Company. Evwrything pwMtad with a SO day “NO-HARD-TIME” Monay Back Quarantaa. MOPED8 Paddlad with a 18 Day, or 100 Mila limit tyum privllaga PAG E TW ENTY-FOUR - M AN CH ESTER E V EN IN G HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Wed., Dec. 13. 197B • M AN CH ESTER EVEN IN G H ERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Worf i w n i qtu _ p^,;p FMD YOUR NAME USTED ON THESE PAGES A *5 raZE EVERY DAY HERE! ^ THE FIRST PERSON TO COME INTO THE HERALD AFTER 0:30 AM TOMORROW WINS THE PRIZE FipST PE|pil TpjOlillE INTO THE HERALD AFTER 8:30 AM TOMORROW WINS THE PRIZE

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IWMCEMimcnriaiMMMaB twiawiKiciaiKEMaiMiHKad Family or Friends in Town THIS WEEK’S AUTO SALES for the Holidays? ^NEWN^ HOLIDAY m gx-c SKI PACKACB _ im mean $4i7i mscmuc TRUCKS • TRUCKS • TRUCKS Zopkyr 2 4o«. 4 qM ir, cmwRV- Mrii ro..- ».»__ « HOLIDAY SPECIAL ^ m ^ g i f t s f o r t h e 4tponiMMLONy BUYS Miomwiy HN oonoM • 4 x 4 s a P ic k u p s LEASE A ms mean smti j I I MANCHESTER ■»V t'T Pic*v Packages. Cdos; f teklNMwiaNiii uaniluAr Mmrdi 4 Ooor. 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,«W»kY9»vr»iYv yys%tf,ttrf> “ '•WiNiMli.v^...... ------. H{iP74r/!'..Trllj PAGE TWENTY SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed.. Dec. 13, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Wed.. Dec IS I97s_ TWENTY-Ma |:n Area Residents Sing British TV Scott’s World In University Chorus To Televise Bard’s Plays Actor Amused He’s Star WEST HARTFORD- Fifteen area men The 100-member chorus will perform By VERINOIN SCOTT autobiography. The first installment, and women will sing with the University Ralph Vaughan Williams' “Hodie, " one of "Run Through,” was published five LONDON (UPI) — Despite a bitter of Hartford-Community Chorus and England’s favorite Christmas celebration HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - John years ago. Orchestra Saturday, Dec. 16, at the un­ works and Vivaldi's "Magnificat.” American controversy, British’ Houseman, the distinguished actor, Houseman doesn't believe in rest­ iversity's new Lincon Theater, 200 Bloom­ television has begun showing its most Soloists wili be William Harness, educator, writer and producer who and recreation. When he's not acting field Ave. grandiose project - televising all of baritone, Kerry McDevitt, tenor, and Joan now stars in “The Paper Chase” in the series or writing by hand on Shakespeare's 37 plays. Singing in the chorus are Linda Robert, Dudd, mezzo-soprano. Thomas Brooks series, came late to acting. At age 70, legal sheets or in children’s “It is a monumental undertaking,” James LeSure and Jane Taft, all of wili conduct the chorus and orchestra. he is amused to find himself a TV notebooks, he is off to USC where he says Alasdair Milne, chief executive Manchester; Helen Tumas of Rockville; Membership in the University- star. is a professor. At present he is of British Broadcasting Corp. (B ^)% Joseph King and Lori lamonaco of Ver­ Community Chorus and Orchestra is open Houseman won the Academy providing the school with a new television, “ the biggest project we non; Eklward Ciogston of South Windsor; by audition to the Hartford area com­ Award for best supporting actor in curriculum for its theater depart­ have ever attempted." Mariiyn Galuska, Ann Muscareiia, Ken munities. Tickets are avaiiabie from any 1973 for his performance as the in­ ment. Stanko, Dorothy Stanfield and Sharon It also so among the most conten­ chorus member, at the door, or by calline timidating professor of Harvard Law Houseman, a native of Romania, is Harrison, ali of East Hartford, and Robert 243-4442. * tious, at least in the United States. School in the movie version of “The no stranger to academic life. He was Lotreck of Toliand. American protests over aspects of Paper Chase." an associate professor of English the Shakespeare series have involved His sonorous voice and stern mien drama at Vassar, founder and ar­ top theatrical figures, several labor bely the man’s subtle sense of humor tistic director of the UCLA Theater unions. House and Senate com­ and a certain gregariousness that is Group and director of the drama divi­ 51st State Carol Sing mittees and even the White House. charming, once a stranger gets past sion of New York's Juilliard School. By any standard the series is an his forbidding exterior. At the end of his full days, Joan enormous undertaking. Houseman and his second wife, prepares simple French dinners for Slated in Glastonbury It will take six years to complete. Joan Courtney, spend their time the septuagenarian workaholic. Tutankhamun Exihit Its full cast — there are 1,000 between two homes. One is a man­ Dinner is unfailingly accompanied by speaking parts - is a roll call of the sion in New City, N.Y., along the a vintage wine — French, Italian or GLASTONBURY — The land which is sing. In a “Dear Elmer” letter, she said, People gather about the “Gold Mask” of King Tutankhamun during B riti^ theater, which is one of the "by-passed by progress and blessed by the “I will be pleased to accept and look Hudson River about 10 miles from Californian, depending on the menu. a press preview Tuesday at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New American objections. Its overall West Point. The other is a rented John Houseman They entertain infrequently and Lord" is at it again. Nayaug, the seif- forward to being with you and many other budget is $14 million, of which proclaimed 51st state, has invited Gov, friends that day.” York City. The funeral mask is made of solid gold and weighs 23 dwelling in the Malibu Colony, a bas­ venture out into the wilds of American companies, through co­ tion of movie stars and the big rich. on a slice ol toast and a cup of tea and Eila Grasso of "neighboring Connecticut” The Nayaug Fife and Drum Corps and pounds. In left photo, a wood carving shows th^ boy-king ready to har­ Hollywood nightlife even more rare­ producer Time-Life Inc., invested $3 His New York digs were built to drives to 20th Century-Fox where the to its 21st annual Christmas Carol sing. the Third Connecticut will be reviewed by ly- poon a hippopotamus of Seth, the god of evil, during a religious rite. million. Leads Royal Canadians Houseman’s specifications in 1946. show is filmed. The caroling will be Sunday at 4 p.m. at both governors. There will be the The Housemans once owned a The exhibition will open for the public beginning Dec. 20 and continue The marathon began with "Romeo He decribes it as one of the most Houseman is picked up by a great number of dogs. But they 36 Tryon St., South Glastonbury, at the traditional bass drum solo, and Mrs. Ruth Bill Lombardo, 30, son of Lebert and nephew of Guy, will through April 15. (UPI photo) and Juliet, " shown in Britain Dec. 3. beautiful houses he has ever seen, ad­ chauffeur. On days when the actor adopted an orange cat, not too im­ Nayaug Green. Dufford, Nayaug’s First Lady, will be conduct the Guy Lombardo Royal Canadians when they per­ "Richard II" with Derek ("I, ding that it has thick walls, enormous isn't as familiar with the script as he aginatively named “Orange,” who "It is with great joy that I announce our crowned Queen of the Holidays. Claudius") Jacobi and “As You Like form New Year’s Eve in the grand ballroom of the Waldorf should be, he drives while the Christmas Carol Sing,” said Gov. Elmer Joe Fhizzo, Nayaug’s Musical Director, rooms and — not unlike himself — a doesn’t like dogs. Ergo, Orange is It” with Helen Mirren as Rosalind Astoria in New York City. (UPI photo) forbidding exterior. chauffeur read cues for his lines in their only pet. S. Gardiner of Nayaug. "Our hot will accompany all on the piano and Bill follow before Christmas. Then three the show. chocolate, as usual, will be served from Ericksen has made arrangements for Prof Says Tut Show Repellant The impressive house is filled with Houseman is delighted that “The more beginning in February end the Peopletalk a collection of modern furniture, an­ Even when he’s not called to the Paper Chase” has been renewed for my ancestor's (the Earl of Butte) cast several brass instruments. For frosting on RC A T — r t h/lir 'o H/M i IH STORRS — A University of Connecticut art they should, sne adds. first of six seasons. tiques and Charles Eames creations. studio. Houseman is up by 6 o’clock the balance of this year’s television iron kettle, which for 475 years was used the cake. Jack Finney, the state's Latin treasures in their native setting, she hopes professor believes the "commercial “You can’t see much” because crowds are ’’The Complete Dramatic Works of It stands on 13 acres of wooded to work on the second part of his season. to serve the British at Carol Sings in the Scholar, will givb the Christmas greetings that some good will come of all the “ folderol” brouhaha surrounding the forthcoming herded through the exhibition quickly so that William Shakespeare" begins hillside looking down on the river mother country.” in Latin as usual!' surrounding the exhibition. Yankee Finds Father Metropoiitan Museum of Art exhibit of the everyone can get a look at the display. showing on U.S. Public Broadcasting about a mile away. ft was reported at the mention of the "The public is invited from Maine to “It may get people into the museum who treasures of Tutankhamun may be doing more Also, only 55 objects are on display, com­ Service next year. And there’s the "It looks like an old-fashioned mother country that Elmer’s lips began to California,” said'Gov. Gardiner. “Come have never been there before. And that may Fiedler Recovery Fast harm than good. pared with the thousands that were discovered rub. But Loses a Mother dungeon,” says Houseman, winking. quiver and he was forced to wipe a tear early and stay late. Dress warm and come make them want to go back,” says the UofC BOSTON (UPI) - Boston Pops Dr. Jean L. Keith, UConn associate in the tomb. Some of the others remained on Well-known Americans fought a "But it suits me just right. It's a mobility and gait.” from his left eye. with a song in your heart and a smile on professor. professor of art, says, “I find the commer­ display at the museum in Cairo when this two-year campaign against investing genuine hideaway.” conductor Arthur Fiedler, who un­ The hospital said it would be “The Land of Eternal Youth" received your lips because in Nayaug, happiness The exhibit at the New York museum opens derwent brain surgery this week, cialization of the event unbeiievabiy exhibition came to the United States. American taxpayers’ money in the After a search of 15 years, New royally grateful for all the security Until two months ago the several more days before his a response from Mrs. Grasso, who and laughter are a dally event.” to the public Dec. 20 and continues through appears to be making a repeliant.” The trend of museums in recent years has series. They won that battle, and a York Yankee superstar Bucky Dent he got from the police department Housemans owned a beach house at physicians know whether Fiedler will accepted Elmer’s invitation to the annual April .15. ’’remarkable” recovery and his Keith, who teaches a course on Egyptian art been to give the people the treasures and the government-funded agency withdrew finally found his father — and lost a while he in was the Cleveland Clinic Malibu, but decided to rent another make a complete recovery. and archaeoiogy, points out that persons who gold, she notes. Yet Keith doubts that many its backing. mother in the process. home in the colony, putting some of family hopes the 83-year-old maestro Fiedler was officially listed in fair last October for heart surgery, so will be home for Christmas. have been abie to get a close look at the riches people look beyond the dazzle of the riches to But there still are complaints that In the January issue of Sport his West Coast furniture in storage. and stable condition in the hospital’s TV in Review he's come up with what he calls “a Fiedler, who has conducted the discovered in the oniy royai Egyptian buriai the years of art and culture that precede and National Art Guide Debuts American Shakespeare productions magazine, Dent reveals the trauma Going back to the days when he intensive care unit. small token of appreciation.” Pops for 50 years, was admitted to ground intact count themselves among the accompany the objects on display. will be inhibited or adversely in­ of a childhood in which his mother was a producer at RKO, Paramount The silver-haired, mustachioed CHICAGO (UPI) — Helyn D. Goldenberg The token — a check for $30,000. the Tufts-New England Medical “in” crowd. “People just talk about how gorgeous the fluenced by these British ones, and abandoned him to the care of an aunt Khalid and his retinue of more than and MGM, Houseman always lived conductor has suffered periodic wants to make it easier for people to go to art that relying on this British import and uncle whose surname he Center last Saturday after com­ NBC Movie Celebrates Others, who have been unabie to see the gold is. They don’t look at the 2,000 years of art galleries. 200 were in the city for a month. on the shores of the Pacific when in bouts with pneumonia and exhaustion exhibit during its two-year U.S. tour wili have and burials and religious experiences before means neglecting America’s own assumed. He says he didn’t learn his California. plaining that he was having difficulty in recent years which have forced f So she is going to publish a bimonthly Police Chief Jeffrey Fox says most walking. to satisfy themseives withe the numerous Tut was on the scene.” cultural resources. mother's true identity — he thought Almost every morning he takes him to curtail his hectic schedule. magazine. National Arts Guide, which will list of the king's $30,000 tip will be used to souvenirs issued to commemorate the event. Keith notes that interest in Egyptian art Milne, however, insists that the she was the aunt — until he was 10 extended walks along the beach, Doctors performed a “limited” He was supposed to be at New 2,500 museums, galleries, colleges and auction equip a gymnasium for an officers’ These inciude books, calendars, bells, plates tends to be cyclical — interest peaks whenever massive project is one "that no other years old, and even then she refused except when he is working in the new one-hour operation late Monday to York's Carnegie Hall Tuesday night. Anniversary of Flight houses in the United States and Canada — and physical fitness program. correct what a hospital spokesman and even T-shirts. there is a major exhibition touring the coun­ broadcasting organization in the to tell him who his father was. CBS series. He's up at 5:45 on Assistant Pops Conductor Harry special exhibits at each. (^uote uf the Day called "problems affecting his By JOAN HANAUER than his brother. “The T-shirts are the worst.” says Keith. try. world had ever tried or ever would. If He finally tracked him down and working days, breakfasts meagerly Ellis Dickson took his place. “Due to the phenomenal expansion of fine “After Wilbur died,” Huffman added, “If there was less of a commercial brouhaha, Although she believes the tour of Tut’s it was to be done at all, it would be learned he's Russell Stanford, of Richard Donner, director of the NEW YORK (UPI) - While scientists arts centers throughout the United States,” “Orville became the withdrawn recluse more people would be going to see the exhibit treasures in the United States is being handled the BBC who did it.” Savannah, Ga. Says Dent of his new multimillion-dollar movie are trying to decode the latest information she said in an interview, “ the best, and space probes have brought back from the that Wilbur had been.” rather than just to say they had been there.” poorly, and she despairs of the fact that people The BBC confidently expects that mother, “1 am bitter toward her. She "Superman,” in the January issue of probably fastest, way to become lost is by Omni magazine on the headaches of planet Venus, the earthbound will The driving force behind the Wright Even those who can say they were there who are making their “once in a lifetime” trip the series “will be sold world-wide.” withheld the truth from me for ali brothers’ work in their Dayton, Ohio, bicy­ taking a stroll through the American World of “All the plays will be presented in those years ... I cannot forgive that.” getting the Man of Steel airborne: celebrate tbe 75th anniversary of the first probablv won’t get as much out of the visit as to Egypt now will be unable to see the Art." PKACTICAL GIFT IDEAS aSm powered flight. cle shop, their preliminar glider flights a style true to the period in which Diva to Director "It's easy to talk about Superman and the first 12-second powered flight, was flying now, of course, after it's done, Incredible, it seems, that only 75 years they were set," says overall There’ll be a changing of the guard PRICES GOOD NOW UNTIL DEC. 23,1978 • MOT ALL ITEMS IN ALL LOCATIONS. Wilbur. Moriarty isn’t entirely comfor­ but when we were trying to figure out ago, on Dec. 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville producer Cedric Messina, 57. "There today at the New York City Opera table with his portrayal. FREE how the hell we were going to do it, it Wright conquered gravity — briefly — at , A IR W A Y , will be no modern-dress versions or when director Julius Rudel steps “ROCKWELLS BIG TOYS FOR “I’m not as proud of this one as Eric in FILM PHEMNTATION 'PASTA was a nightmare. At times I just Kitty Hawk, N.C. AT MAIN ST. MALL eccentric interpretations.” The Bard down to be replaced by soprano .BIG BOYS” .AS SEEN ONT.V. ’Holocaust,”’ Moriarty said. “I think I TRAVEL AGENCY isn't being bowdlerized to fit the box, wanted to walk off the picture.” ' The event will be celebrated this Dec. 17 MISSISSIPPI Beverly Sills. play Wilbur with too much respect — I 457 CENTER 8T. ELASTIC either. Producers are using the Glimpses by “The Winds of Kitty Hawk,” to be STEAMBOATS 646-2500. IT A L IA !^ Opera company officials an-^ shown on NBC 8-10 p.m., with Michael don’t make him human enough. I want to DELTA QUEEN STOCKINGS authoritative texts produced in 1951 nounced the move Tuesday. They say Shelley Bruce, 13-year-oId star of B la ck sDeckep, Moriarty (last seen as the as Nazi you be nice to him.” WHEELCHAIRS by Prof, Peter Alexander of Glasgow Rudel — a 57-year-old Viennese who "Annie,” may play an orphan on MISSISSIPPI QUEEN Lid. loved to hate in “Holocaust” ) playing In “The Deadliest Season” the actor ARTHUR University. The project has taken joined the opera 30 years ago as Broadway but she'll reign as princess portrayed a hockey player who kills THUNS., DEC. 14, 1971 DRUG since 1976 just to get this far. It all M o M M-S7S. W o r k m a t e ™ Wilbur, and David Huffman (most recent- A T 7 «P .M . Complete “thchome of fiish pasta" assistant conductor — will assume of the Greater New York Automobile Li *. Sale 0 iy in "F.I.S.T.” ) as Orviile. another player on the ice and is accused of Sponioradbv began when Messina went for a walk. Show that starts Jan. 27 at the ICHomacraH Bockwall 10 All-purpose work center and visa Travel Service directorship of the Buffalo Philhar­ Saw. Cuts 3%" Textbook history tends to differentiate homicide, and Moriarty noted, “I can TIVOLI TRAVEL He was directing a location monic next season. Coliseum ... Natalie Wood is on loca­ deep, rips 24". Homecrall* Saw I ’Dmi'I iM it Tm NHkMl Vi” OPENING WEEK SPECIAL: as little between the Wright brothers as make human beings out of bad guys, but IMIIGKSTEIM4M329 telecast at Glamis Castle, which During his tenure, the City Opera tion in Cleveland for the filming of Modal S4-SM. and Router between the cough drop Smith Brothers, maybe I don’t have enough courage to go Buy 4 doM n ravioli... gat 1 d o z e n Ireel figures in Shakespeare’s "Macbeth” gained Stature as one of the world's "The Cracker Factory " — a two-hour $27999* the other way and show good guys with and is the birthplace of Queen ABC-TV adaptation of the Joyce but the two actors see their characters OUR SPECIALTIES: top companies. Miss Sills earlier this phis tt AS quite differently. their quirks, which aren’t always so Elizabeth the Queen Mother, when he Rebeta-Burditt novel ... Warren year announced plans to retire from SEEN “I was the bald one,” Moriarty said of pleasant.” Start a happy hour evening Meat Ravioli . .$.80 d oL Manicotti .. .14 0 each I took a stroll through its garden. singing by 1980. Beatty attended the Paris premiere Moriarty’s dissatisfaction aside, he is "It occurred to me that it would ON T.V. Wilbur Wright during an interview, but under the Orange Roof. Cheese Ravioli .$.75 doz. Sauce...... 1 9 5 p h t l & Rocky Mountain High of “Heaven Can Wait” Tuesday Vic almost immediately turned serious, one of the most compeliing actors to work make an ideal Forest of Arden,” Damone is in Las Vegas, appearing Fresh Spinach P a s ta ...... $ 1 .2 5 f t .1 Amy Carter isn't exactly giving up describing Wilbur as “a loner, withdrawn, in television and. helps make “The Winds SIP SOME Messina recalls. “If ever there was a with Lena Horne at the Sands Hotel, a little obsessed.” of Kitty Hawk” unusuaily successful HOLIDAY CHEER SYLVESTER perfect location for ‘As You Like It,' the violin, but she'll s-A^ap the bow for the boards right after Christmas. "The one picture of him I saw in which he television fare. this was it.” HOME-STYLE MEAT & CHEESE STALLONE President Carter’s 11-year-old iooked at home and at peace was when he “The best aspect of the film is as a Like a bottled beer, a choice RAVIOLI FETTUCINE, Discussing his idea with BBC-TV INielsen Ratings Only 14 with saw purchase: A SINGLE HEIGHT, Reg. 49.99 N 0 W 3 9 *« was getting an award from President documentary of flight,” Moriarty said, of wines or a very-cordial chiefs, Messina suddenly piped up, daughter heads for the ski slopes of Rockwell $49.99 'A hp Homa-Use Crested Butte, Colo., again this year U K SlU t Taft,” Moriarty said. "Otherwise there calling it “an excellent documentary on mixed drink from our super- MANICOTTI, LASAGNA & PARADISE "Why don't we do all Shakespeare's NEW YORK (UPI) — The ten top Router. was a lot of anger in the man.” the development of flight,” from 1900 to friendly Service Bar. plays?” — right after Christmas in Plains, network programs for the week en­ Modal 4601. Deiux« Dual Height Reg. 89.99 NOW 74.99 Save *15 SAUCES - All Fresh - Made Daily ALLEYS Ga. — with the family of James Huffman saw Orville, on the other hand, the Wright brothers 10-mile, 33-minute, One reason might be that BBC-TV ding Dec. 10, according to the A.C 33-second flight over the Hudson River On The Premises. has televised 30 of the plays already, Bishop, a Carter family friend. Nielsen Co., were: as “the brother with the sense of humor, Modal 4525 and the Statue of Liberty less than 10 year the first in 1938 and some of them While she takes her post-yuletide 1: Three's Company; 2: Laverne & who took things easiiy — even carelessly.” Free Horn Wouevrea HOURS: Mon. to Sat. 10AM-6PM ...... Psrsmouni Piciummz Prpwtus 7%" Circular Saw, 1V4 later. several times. But Milne grabbed the vacation in the Rockies, the presi­ Shirley; 3: Happy Days; 4: 60 SAVE 20% OFF ALL (Orville was at the stick for the first Sunday 8:30 AM - 2 PM hp. Aluminum blade dent and wife Rosalynn, not to be out passenger fatality of the aviation age.) “It’s a celebration of fiight,” Huffman l l ^ m i idea. Minutes; 5: Taxi; 6: Third Annual guards. Double In­ at schussed, will take up cross-country Circus of the Stars; 7: All Star "He was supportive, once he was drawn to said. HAPPY HOUR 4-7 TO ORDER TEL. 643-7424 "It seemed to me it was something sulated. So it is. BBC television should do, and could skiing at Camp David. Tribute to Jimmy Stewart; 8: M-A-S- FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES Wilbur’s idea, and more demonstrative ALL DRINK8 MS ______188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE/MANCHESTER DOMESTIC WINES do if we could find the money,” Milne Big Tipper H: 9: Little House on the Prairie; 10- MATcIMMiTMipIn M lrtliim One Day at a Time. m ifitiiiifi AND BEERS I5S 64»«220 H Roger and Marci Negro, Proprietari said. Saudi Arabia's King Khalid is REG. ’ 39.99 N0W*34J9 T V Tonight Panavislon* Each of the six seasons of plays will mix history, comedy, and RAHOSIZISs tragedy, the BBC says. The plays are Modal 4150 6.-00 na Spyrl'a classic tale of the love being screened in no particular order •34"x3r* between a Swiss girl and her 11:30 4V’ Adjustable Variable •42"x2t" (£(SOlSNMn S i (£ The Brady Bunch grandlalher returns In a contem- (D CBS Lata Movla "Terraces" — not the order in which they were Speed Reversing Drill. , • W kSV (SJoktr'tWIld p o r ^ setting, (1977) Lloyd Bochner. Julie written, or in historical sequence. Big 2.7 amp motor. OBBozo'iBIgTop a 69 A Place 01 Dreams Newmar. But the eight dealing with English Very versatile. BOXED 9 TV Community CoMg* adokar'aWUd S Hogan's Haroaa aMyTliraaSont w S P o ilo a Woman r

V PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed., , l;i, i:i7ll

MANCHE.'ER evening HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Wed.. Dec. 13. 1978- PArir.: Tw.-x.-v They Maintain Healthy Beach Firm Softens •Mi';i': You've seen the TV commercial with the dune buggy residents have been working to preserve Rhode Island's Drink Label Sweet Life Protes Three soaring off the edge of a sand dune. Did you know it ocean-front beaches for years. They are Don Lewie of 188 Two appointments and a makes conservationists cringe? Lydall St., John Motowidlak of 16 Frederick Road, and WASNINGTON (UPI)-Anheuser- promotion have been an­ Beach conservationists try to keep beaches looking Bob Carr of 19 Cornell St. Busch Inc. said today it will virtually nounced by Julian Leavitt, natural and clean. Most of all, they try to keep them What do beach conservationists do? “ For one thing, we eliminate the alcoholic content of its president of Sweet Life there. transplant beach grass from thickly covered area to open controversial new “baby beer,' ad­ Foods Inc. Along with other SNET employees, three Manchester areas. We also plant a variety of pine trees which thrive ding that the drink was never in­ Donald Letourneau has in sand. Both plantings prevent the ocean from washing tended for teen-agers in the first been appoirtted vice presi­ I the sand away," explained John. “Winds and flood tides place. dent of management infor­ from winter storms can wash away an entire beach.” The drink, “Chelsea," had come mation systems. Naturally, there are a tew obstacles which make plan­ under attack during its test Letourneau joined Sweet ting difficult. It takes a bucket brigade to water the new - .marketing as an alleged attempt to L ife in 1963 as a plants. And, poison ivy is a major menance, as Bob Carr hook young persons on beer. programmer, steadily uncomfortably discovered. But the company — in a move progressing though various Besides natural vegetation, conservationists also plant which had been disclosed several phases of the business, fences. “They keep sand from blowing away," said Don. weeks ago — formally announced from supervising to data “But more importantly, they prevent vehicles from today that the alcohol in the beverage processing manager, and driving over grass and shrubs. Flattened beach grass “has been virtualy eliminated, to the culminating with his pre­ takes a full year to recover." same trace levels of other soft sent position of director of In September, there's a massive beach cleanup. From drinks.” management information Green Hill to Watch Hill (and every foot in between) In addition, it said the foam in the systems. cleanup crews comb the beach for litter. drink will be reduced to levels found Before coming to Sweet Competitiors in situp contest. Donald l.«luurnettu Why do they do all this? Because they love the beach. in other soft drinks; the glass used in Life, Letourneau spent AI Spagnoli Ronald Sulwlliro “We're avid fishers in the fall and winter; family the bottle will be changed from clear some time with both Pratt and Whitney Small Tool campers in summer." said Bob, “We spend a lot of our to emerald green; new labels will be working in the warehouse. Spagnoli lives with his later was named assistant time there.” Division in West Hartford, Situps Fight Palsy used deleting any reference on the In his career with Sweet wife, Florence, and their director of transportation. “When people litter and speed dangerously over sapd front panel to alcohol or to Busch; and Travelers Insurance Life Foods, Spagnoli has son and d a u g h ter in dunes, they ruin it for the rest of us," added John. Co. Sabellico resides in Suf- and the original advertising cam­ worked at most of the jobs Springfield. field with his wife Linda “That's why rules are posted — to protect the beach." paign calling Chelsea a “not-so-soft- Letourneau lives with his he currently oversees, in­ Ronald Sabellico has He summed up, “Ninety-nine percent of all beach- On Dec. 6, members at all par­ over 40 locations, and the results will wife, Polly, and their three and their three sons. ticipating Woman's World Health drink” will be replaced by one calling cluding that of being a been promoted to director goers follow the rules. We only hope someday there'll be be forthcoming shortly. Five finalists the product “the natural alter­ Recipe Put in Safe Place daughters in Stafford driver. of transportation — Suf- 100 percent participation." Spas throughout New England were will be chosen to appear on United Springs. awaiting their turn on the situps native.” The 20-year-old secret ravioli recipe of Spagnoli was made a field. Cerebral Palsy's first National Keith Jones, marketing manager products all made on the premises, all using AI Spagnoli has been ap­ supervisor in the Sabellico joined Sweet boards to test their situp powers. The Telethon Dec, 30 and 31 on WNAC-TV for the drink, said, “We intended to Mrs. Palma Pasqualini, second from left, is pointed vice president of Appointed theme of the evening: “Let's all do fresh whole eggs. Shoppers may. walk in, warehouse in 1945, and in Life Foods in January 1967 Channel 7. market the first all-natural soft drink given to Carla Squatrito and Roger Negro of warehousing and transpor­ John Motowidlak, in foreground, waters a situps for those who can't!” 1961 w as nam ed as a c le rk in the During this time, they will com­ for adults — not a beer for youth. select their favorite Italian foods and take tation. Spagnoli joined small evergreen he has just planted in an ef­ John McGann, son of Each member obtained sponsors Pasta Italiana Ltd., 188 W. Middle Turnpike superintendent of w a re h o u se . In 1972 Tht lint motion pictura pete to better their scores, and the Federal and state government agen­ them home for dinner. Fresh frozen ravioli Sweet Life Foods in 1942 Sabellico became shipping copyrightod in tha U.S. was fort to keep Rhode Island beaches intact. Mrs. Margaret McGann of who donated an agreed upon amount for safe keeping in Hartford National Bank warehouse and transporta­ grand situp champion will be cies agreed it was a soft drink. and sauces will be sold for the person who unloading freight cars and tion. supervisor, and one year of a man snaazing. Tha yaar Motowidlak, along with Manchester residents Wethersfield, has recently to United Cerebral Palsy for each awarded a trophy and a $500 gift cer­ vault by William Moorhouse, bank vice presi­ wai 1894. situp their contestant was able to “Yet, when some reasonable peo­ likes to stock up his freezer. The store will be Don Lewie and Bob Carr are employees at been appointed an officer tificate. Another $500 gift certificate ple were troubled by confusing dent. The retail store will feature meat and of the Connecticut Mutual complete. The sponsors were on hand open seven days a week from 10 to 6 p.m. and Southern New England Telephone. They and will be awarded to the woman who aspects'of the product and its adver­ cheese ravioli, sauces, egg noodles and other Sunday until 2 p.m. (Photo by Salem Nassiff) Life Insurance Company in to cheer their women to victory. received the most pledges for her Kliebeck Vice President other employees have devoted their spare Over 100,000 situps were done tising, we took immediate steps,” he Silver Leaf Bracelet & Necklace Hartford. As assistant situps. add^. "we've now taken action to 3 hours to saving Rhode Island’s beaches from director of the corporate throughout the spas by their winners! Woman's World estimates that ap­ Joins Firm Kenneth M. Kliebeck of Vernon was recently promoted abuse of men and nature. Contestants' ages ranged from 10 more clearly communicate the actuarial division he proximately $16,950.00 raised for original premise for the productand First Federal Officer to vice president by Hartford National Bank and Trust serves as a project mover years to 68 years. United Cerebral Palsy as a result of Fireside Realty Inc., 519 Co. As manager of Retail Deposit Operations, he is Returns are now pouring in from to eliminate those factors which led Center St., has announced Receive Promotion for major systems develop­ the contest. to the confusion.” Robert Lynch, president. responsible for the systems coordination of the bank's ment. He supervises the that Peter J. Dubaldo has First Federal Savings & liability products, and the internal processing functions Claire Smith Giuliano, account manager at work of staff personnel in become associated with Loan Association of East and customer service activities involving demand deposit daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Connecticut Mutual Life the actuarial support Fireside as a full-time Hartford, has announced and time deposit accounts. Harry Smith of sales coordination depart­ system unit, in addition to representative. that Daniel J. Thibodeau, Kliebeck, who began his career with Hartford National Manchester, has recently ment. She is part of the coordinating the division's Dubaldo and his wife, the CPA, has been appointed in 1969 as a supervisor, was promoted , to assistank;;^ been promoted to assistant team responsible for ser-, long-range systems former Leonora J. an officer of First Federal manager of checking account services in 1970, and then ■ vicing the company's development. McGann also Haraburda, are the parents Savings. manager in 1972. Promoted to operations officer in 1973, south-central block of develops and monitors all of five children and have Thibodeau will be the he was elevated to the position of assistant vice president agencies regarding types of actuarial division lived in Manchester all associations auditor for the three years later. qualified pension and profit experience studies in­ their lives. He is a retiree main office and seven sharing plans, Keogh cluding mortality, morbidi­ from Hamilton Standard branches. He attended both plans; IRA plans, and TSA Joins Firm ty and lapse prevention. MKNITTED & WOVEN IC SALE Division, United available at Lad Sterling or through Holy Cross and the Univer­ plans. David Fox has joined the A University of Hartford Technologies, and held the sity of Hartford, receiving ittTIMIIASlItt Lad Sterling HumeButies She joined the compensa­ Transamerica Building, graduate with a bachelor's position of foreman. his bachelor of science in OMR ft ftoyt I md up tion and business planning San Francisco office of degree in economics and Sportswear Dubaldo is a member of accounting in 1974. . ArMt division as a franchise Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. finance, McGann joined Stripes, Plaids, Ribs. Solids. Novelties & Pontes. SAVE! the Army-Navy Club, VFW Thibodeau is a certified OMa: U lin n ■ « « , V«iM*g, MM T n n v noor tKfolRt, iRlRiicw Btim reviewer in 1976. She was as an account executive, Connecticut Mutual in 1965. Great for pants, vests, suits and sportswear. SAVE! Post No. 2046, American ubiic accountant and a promoted to ERISA coor­ Peter J. Dubaldo BojrK Floor EkotoIoo. Mdo Horoo, VouMno, according to Samuel M. Following a series of Machine wash - Tumble dry $100YARD Legioii and other service ..lember of the Connecticut PoroNol Boro, MM Tro n ^ SAVE! I dinator in June, her most Pro-Sehool Cloiooi yoort oM Yates, vice prsesident and promotions, he was named 100% Polyester • 54" to 60” Wide. and charitable Dubaldo Brothers Society of CPAs and the lad sterling recent position. Movomont or Oymnutic CIooroo manager. Fox is ac­ senior analyst in 1976, his organizations. He is a com­ Orchestra. American Institute of Cft»e4«.4M7 THE MARKET PIACE AT GIEN LCXHEN GIASTONBURY 633 3722 Giuliano is a cum laude credit^ by the New York most recent position,' municant of St. Bridget's Dubaldo will concentrate CPAs. 961 FARMINGTON ATE W HARTFORD, 236-2200 graduate of Upsala College Stock Exchange and other A LL STAR Church. WININBER8 BYMNASTICS SCHOOL McGann is an active his real estate activities He was formerly with Daniel J. Thibodeau 811 BAST MIDOLl MANCHlftTU in East Orange, N.J. with a regulatory bodies, and will member of the Knights of He enjoyed playing the throughout the Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & 10 mimrtoo from I oomora toufti Wlndtor bach elo r's degree in handle^ investment ac­ Columbus and serves as a drums and trumpet for the Manchester-Vernon area. Co. wife, Carol, and their or ASUPER SELECTION OF FALL COLORS 10 miiHrtOR from Vomon CIrolo sociology. She also counts representing a eucharistic minister at St. Thibodeau lives with his daughter, Sonja. ( Read Herald Ads ^ received a certificate from variety of investment ser­ Columba's Church. ^ t i n Adelphi University's vices provided by Dean McGann and his family Just the right fabric for the Holidays. Perfect for evening wear. Claire Smith Giuliano paralegal program. Witter Reynolds, are residents of Andover. 87% Acetate/13% Nylon Blend Luxury Car Sales Gain Washable • 45" Wide YARD DETROIT (UPI) — The American — Cadillacs, Lincolns, Mercedes £ Awarded Diploma R E G U L A R L Y $3.b'J A Y A R D By the end of the 1978 model year, Simplicity 8790 luxury car, a land-cruising behemoth Benz and others — raised their share luxury car sales had swelled to 579,- and symbol of middle class from 3.4 percent eight years ago to 000 units out of more than 11.2 million Garry Helyer, C.L.U., with Northwestern Mutual affluence, is surviving the stampede 5.1 percent in the 1978 model year. cars of all types. college unit director for in 1972 and has since won to smaller, more fuel efficient and “People want luxury — it's as sim­ Cadillac, perpetual sales leader in the Northwestern Mutual numerous awards on sales Lumberjack Suitweight austere cars and is gaining ground in ple as that,” one industry analyst luxury sedans, accounted for nearly N ew cure Life Insurance Co., has of over $2,000,000 of in­ the U.S. auto market. said. “And if they can afford it, 348,0()0 of the 1978 sales with its been awarded the surance. Helyer is in Industry figures show since 1970, they'll buy it'.” ' The perfect pant fabric. deVille, Eldorado and Seville models Chartered Life charge of the college agen­ Plaids Knits sales of domestic and foreign-built In 1970, four years before the Arab — a 63 percent increase over 1970. Underwriter's (C.L.U.) cy at the University of luxury cars in the United States have oil embargo and the onset of Ford Motor Co. sold 184,300 Lincolns Great for jackets, warm shirts, jumpers, skirts & robes. A SUPER SPORTSWEAR FABRICBRIC forenergy headaches: diploma and professional Connecticut and maintains climbed 86 percent, compared with a government-mandated fuel economy — the Continental, Versailles and designation by the offices in Glastonbury. Machine wash • Tumble dry Machine wash - Tumble dry 25 percent gain in the overall car standards, U.S. motorists bought Mark V — a 225 percent gain since market. American College of Bryn He and his wife, Janet 85% Acrylic/15% Polyester more than 312,000 luxury cars — both 1970. Foreign carmakers sold about Mawr, Penn. live in Hebron. 100% Cotton While small cars clearly dominate domestic and foreign makes. Total 60" Wide 48,000 units, with Mercedes raising two aspirin The American College 45" Wide $048 the industry with 44 percent of ail car sales that year amounted to its deliveries 57 percent. awards the C.L.U. designa­ M Y A R D U.S. tar sales last year, luxury cars slightly more than nine million. tion to persons engaged in $046 REGULARLY $4.49 A YARD ^ Y A R D the insurance business who REGULARLY $3.69 A YARD successfully complete the and plenty of ffiSE 10-course C.L.U. curriculum and fulfill SOFT AND LUXURIOUS stringent experience and This Christmas Lend Me Your Ear ehticai requirements. SOFTS. FLOWING Fabric ov\^rIo%' Courses cover such areas surprise someone special Cathy Bruno, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. as fundamentals of life and Qiana‘ I I'll I* F=usel Nicholas Bruno of Barbara Drive, East Hart­ health insurance, pension 100% Dupont's QIANA® Nylon Interlock ford, prepares to whisper her Christmas list planning, insurance law, Don't sew it • Fuse it fast! witbaGIFT SUBSCRIPTION Machine wash • Tumble dry 18 yards per roll ■ 36 yards total in Santa’s ear while visiting Chenette income taxation, in­ vestments and family 60" Wide Compare with 12 yards for 894 Associates Inc. Gallery of Homes at 453 financial management, es­ $099 to THE HERALD! REGULARLY Burnside Avenue in East Hartford. Parents W Y A R D tate planning, and business $4.49 A YARD are urged to bring their children in to have a insurance. color photo taken of their child with Sanla A 1973 graduate of the FOR 2 Treat those special people on your Christmas list to Claus and pick up free coloring books and University of Connecticut, R O LLS ^ a very special gift they're sure to appreciate. Nothing Helyer, started his career brightens the day quite the same as a copy of The candy canes. (Herald photo by Strempfer) Gurry¥ Helyer Wool Suitings Herald. If you have someone in the armed forces, a PLAIDS. TWEEDS & SOLIDS student, relative, friend or former neighbor, give Maine Up Coordinating fall/winter colors. them the gift that Is brand new and exciting Select from various weights everyday. Call our circulation dept, at 643-2711 Ext In Paper 34 ask for Mary Noble or mall the coupon below. 100% Wool and Wool Blertds - 59" Wide $/48 AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI) “NEW HOURS” YARD The Herald will send a special gift card announcing REGULARLY $5.99 A YARD your girt subscription. — Recent Maine paper mill In State Out of State expansions have given the One Month $ 3.90...... $ 4.90 state slightly greater To serve you better, the BOLTON Throo Months $11.70...... $14.70 papermaking capacity than Six Months $23.40 ...... $29.40 Wisconsin, but Maine was solid color OFFICE of The Savings Bank of TW ILL BACK One Year $40.90 ...... $58.80 (9 3 still number two in 1977 in velveteenI paper manufacturing. FOR HOLIDAY EVENINGS , 1 Manchester will have new hours ^ i v e the 1 ^ One big energy headache is your home. You’ve And youll be able to tfJly up, in dollars and cents, Production of paper in Thick pile • High luster Perfect Gift got to heat it in winter, l&ep it cool in summer. And how much these energy-saving steps could save you Maine last year was 2,833,- beginning January 1, 1979 as listed for the 100% Cotton Twill Back 911 .tons compared to 2.- ' Holiday season everything, from your furnace to firying pan, needs in the future. below. 36" Wide 898,609 tons in Wisconsin, One of our YARD costly energy to work. Northeast Utilities’ RESP seminars are completely Gift THIH8UUD, Cktuletleii D*ft. said Henry Magnuson of That’s why Northeast Utilities is offering RESR free of charge. If you wish to invite a RESP spedoer ^Certificates REGULARLY $5.98 A YARD Brtlnard Pi. ManohMttr, Conn. 0M40 YOUR NAME...... the state's paper industry our“Residential Energy Savers Program'.’ Headed by to your civic, church, or community group, ^ 1 the information office. Monday thru Thursday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM YOUR FABRIC STORE WITH STYLE Butterick 5888 Doi« a group of energy experts, RESP evening seminars electric company office nearest yoa O r write: Magnuson said Saturday ADDRESS ...... Maine was unable to reach Friday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM teach you valuable tips on cutting home energy costs. Ralph Marrone, Nonheast Utilities, P.Q Box 1953, its potential due to the Saturday Nomt You can learn how to insulate your home. How Hartford, Cbnnecticut 06144. 9:00 AM to NOON CITY...... STATE . shutdown of Kennebec to weather-strip and caulk doors and windows. Even You’ll discover that after an evening of RESR River Pulp and Paper Co, how to select appliances that will save you money. youl have found rdief for your energy headaches. in Madison and a month­ ZIP ...... PHONE . long strike at S.D, Warren F R o r m m CITY...... STATE...... Co. in Westbrook. always first quality fabrics & notions Encloted it my check ZB»...... PLEASE CHECK, Doing everything in our power to serve you. The Savings Bank of Manchester O I MONTH a 3MONTH6 oSMONTHS o 1 YEAR for $ ...... TM-Cmr PIAZA BURR CORNERS A tradition of banking excellence SHOPPINQ CENTER 11wConnectiai(ij|h(ind{WConi(any/T}MHuTfccdEkcnklJ(UConvwv/VMcmM«ii*chu8craEkctTkConv«v/H^ NonhciM UotiCM ScTvkt CciRipiei/NonheiM Nucku Encify Conv^ OPEN EAT. 10-* OPEN DAILY 10-1 TEL. OAE-TTOI Member (D l( iSi TEL. •7I.M17 Eitf ntng Hr ralli

K PAGE THIRTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Wed.. Dey. 13, 197«

thank Norman Fendel and East Hartford his staff and students for News for Senior Clllsens inviting us as well as the MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Wed., Dec. 13. 1978— PAGE THIRTY-ONI-: Stocking Sand students from the com­ Hi, folks! The first bit of more information as time Marge Reed and Marge munity college. Help Wanted 13 fafp W anted news is important because is running out and we could Hall are all at their homes Tomorrow we will b.e INDEX 13 For Icy Roads use a few more. serving a delicious seafood Dorm Traj N o r i c i i we are changing our recuperating. Also, Alice indies SALESMAN / ESTIMATOR MATURE & Experienced 1 - Low mo Pound Holiday Dance. It will be Speaking of trips, one is Scagel is in the Manchester newberg lunch at noontime 2 ~ Poroontli for lumber yard. Must have Waiter, Host or experience in taking off EAST HARTFORD — Winter sand held on Thursday, Dee. 28 being planned to fly to San Memorial Hospital expec­ and then in the afternoon 3 — Announoomontt Waitress/Hostess, year round will be stocked and avaiiabie in large Francisco for a couple of starting at 1:30 p.m., we 4 — EntortWnmtni lumber and trim______fromn piplans, emplojrment with benefits. and not on the 27th as ting to be operated on 5 -> Auction! Also cxpi experienced in Apply in person at Ellington quantities at several locations to heip planned. If you purchased a days, then on to Hawaii for will be entertained by Mr. sometime this week. FINANCIAL measuringuring Reply P.O. Ridge (Country Club between cope with icy conditions. Arthur J. ticket planning on the 27th around seven days, then to and Mrs. James McGarity Fire Safety Efforts 8 — Bondt-Slockt-MortotOM Box 67, & st Hartford,'06108. 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Just a note about our^big Mulligan, the director of public and will not be able to Reno for a few days before who will show some e — Ptrional Loam Christmas Dinner at the By KEN FRANCKLING 10 — Inturanca FULL TIME CLERK For works announced. make the new date, then flying back home. beautiful colored slides on PART TIME- No nights. No ROTC building held this Unlled Prr»» liUrrnutiunul EMPLOYMENT weekends. Long holidays. July general office duties. Must be Sand will be available at McAuliffe you may return the ticket This trip isn’t scheduled past Tuesday, Dec. 5th. We China. It should make for a 13 — Halp Wantad and August off Many retired able to type 45 wpm. C & M until the first part of May Tragedy replaced the glow of '..At 14 — B u iin a a i O pp o riu niiia a Warehouse at 289-8211. Park in the senior citizens parking for a refund. Sorry about had 174 members attend very interesting and 15 ~ Situation Wantad gentlemen and housewives iot; East Hartford Gotf Course that, but every once in a and so we won’t have any educational afternoon. Christmas spirit a year ago when a h a p p y 16th enjoy driving school buses. the delicious buffet pre-ddwn fire erupted on the top floor EDUCATION Whv not you? We will train. PART TIME For tire parking iot: Hiiiside Street between while we make plans and fliers or other information By the way, don’t forget — Privata Inttrucilona prepared and served by 18 BIRTHDAY Call Vernon, 875-2826, or changing and service station the cemetery and the Hockanum something happens and until right after the that on Thursday, Dec. 21 of a Providence College dormitory on 19 — Schools-Clattaa members of the communi­ the eVe of semester examinations. 20 •* Iniirucliont Wantad Manhester. 643-2414. work. Experience a must! River; the town garage: Main Street they are changed accor­ holidays or maybe just ty college. After the meal, we will have our annual Apply at Brown’s Tire, 333 Qiiickly kindled by hallway REAL ESTATE DICKI-WALLY Main Street, Manchester. north of Willow Street; Main Street dingly. By the way, our big before. Something to think students from the ROTC Christmas Party which 23 — Homas lor Sala TRUCK MECHANIC with at the intersection of Main and bus will run on that night about. will feature a delicious decorations stretching from floor to 24 — Lola-Land for Sala qualifed experience in general under the direction of Den­ ceiljng, the Aquinas Hall dorm fire 25 — Invaatmant Proparty truck repairs. Commands top RNS, LPNS, NURSES Porter streets near Broad Street; Hey, man the action here 26 — Busmasa Proparty providing we have enough nis Sheridan and Donna turkey dinner at noon, then wages, $280 a week. Must AIDES- CGS has a growing Goodwin playground near the Maple at the center starts with killed 10 women students. Two of the 27 — Raaort Proparty people signing up for it. So Blanchard presented the we will be entertained by 20 — Raal Eatata Wantad Help Wanted 13 have own tools. All company need for experienced Street exit; Foran Park parking if you’are planning on last Friday afternoon’s set­ sixth grade students from students fell or jumped from a 4th benefits. For Appointment professionals. Work close to Story of Scrooge 1978. floo/ window as rescuers tried to MI8C. SERVICES home on private duty, or staff lot off Forest Street. going to the dance and need back games. We had 40 the Keeney School. After 31 — Sarvicaa Offered NURSES AIDES - Full time, call 688-2233. Featured in the production relief. Excellent rates, instant Also: Great Hill Road opposite to use our bus then be sure players and the winners that Santa will drop by and reach them. Four died of burns, the 32 — Ptinting-Paparing and part time, 7-3 and 11-7. was David Pronovost, John rest from inhaling smoke. 33 — Building-Conlractlng Experienced preferred, but RN- 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., and II plan, insurance protection Mayberry School; the police station you sign up at the office. were Archie Houghtaling, Nowik, Laura Quaranto, he and his elves will pass 34 — Roofing.Siding we will train. Apply in person; p.m. to 7 a.m. part time. C(jS, 111 Pearl, Hartford, 246- The close-knit Roman Catholic 35 — Heating-Plumbing 5826. near the glass bins: Woodbridge Well, have you finished 139; Arvid Peterson, 131; Girard Aubin, Toni Asselin out the gifts. The party is 36 — Flooring East Hartford Convalescent Enjov working with an Avenue at the dead end; Smart at your Christmas shopping Katherine Ellsworth, 128; more of a grab bag deal school in Rhode Island’s capital city 37 — Moving-TrucKing-Storaga Home, 745 Main Street, East excellent supporting staff, and Greg Blad. Music for 38 — Sarvicaa Wanted Risley Street; South Grammar yet? Man, I started out Burt Turner, 127; Ann where a woman will bring experienced the worst dormitory fire Hartford. caring for our elderly PAR'T TIME AIDE for family the show provided by Nan­ patients. Pleasant at­ planning clinic. Evenings. School between Brewer and High over the weekend and I Fisher, 124; Sam Schors, in a woman’s gift and a in the nation, according to records MI8C. FOR SALE cy Pitkin and Dennis kept by the National Fire Protection 40 — Household Goods NURSES AIDES- Full time, mosphere, good wages and Must live East of the river. streets: Handel Road at the dead couldn’t believe the traffic 123; Hans Frederickson, Sheridan. The evening man a man’s gjft. The 41 — Articles lor Sale all shifts. Experience benefits, Please call Doris Need own transporation. Association. 42 — Building Supplies preferred, but training will be Mature woman preferred, end; fire house No. I; St Mary’s and number of people with 121; Bill Stone, 121; Paul ended with a sing-along of gift should be at least $2 43 — Pets -Birds- Ooga Blain, RN, Director of Church parking lot; St. Isaac Jogues the same idea. Schuetz, 119; Bob and one that you yourself While Providence College gathered 44 — Livaatock given. Apply in person: East Nurses, 6464)129 Manchester ^ u a l Opportunity Employer, Christmas carols. 45 — Boata & Acceaaoriaa Hartford Convalescent Home, 522-6201. parking lot; St. Christopher parking If there’s shortage of Schubert, 117. would like to receive. It’s a inndr strength and continued its task Manor Nursing Home, 385 Everyone enjoyed the of educating young people, the 46 — Sporting Gooda 745 Man Street, East Hart­ West Center Street, lot; Faith Lutheran parking lot: money. I’m not sure where Then on Monday after­ fun afternoon so plan on 47 — Garden Producta ford. e a r n YOUR F ^ evening and we wish to Christmas tragedy intensified con­ 48 — Aniidues Manchester. Blessed Sacrament, across the street it is because everyone noon we had 13 tables for being a part of it. 49 — Wanted to Buy Lauderdale-Bermuda money at Sutton Avenue and Oxford Drive; seems to be spending it. pinochle and the lucky cerns about fire safety at colleges and SECRETARY - Part time SHEET METAL Mechanics- now!! Work December 27 thru RENTALS mornings, Vernon Circle area. January 27. $400 guaranteed Our Lady of Peace Church parking By the way, how many of winners were: Kitty universities across the United States. 52 — Rooma for Rent Experienced in instailation of 53 — Apartmenta for Rant Typing, and machine part time. 25 students needed. lot. Pat’s Meiical Pharmacy New commercial and industrial you have been riding or Byrnes, 813; Joe Windsor, Mood on Safety 54 — Homea lor Rant transcription a must. Send heating and air conditioning Call today. 10-3 pm. 872-2128. This new service replaces the walking down Main Street 789; Andy Noske, 781; 55 — Buainasa for Rent resume to Box AA c/o HOLLIbTEB OSTOMY PBUDUCIS A spot survey of private and public 56 — Raaort Property for Rent systems. Top pay and previous practice of providing sand and noticed the building Josephine Schuetz, 756; schools by United Press Inter­ 57 — Wantad to Rant Manchester Herald. benefits, 649-47TO. ROOFER AND SIDING. Pay 58 — Miac for Rant boxes. Mulligan said “ Experience I \ e w Transit-C hief with the Hospitality House Katherine Gleason, 747; national found a new mood about fire scale base upon experience. • •xelw lv* kanqra m m I SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS- GRIT BLASTERS WANTED- Call 742-8440 after 7 pm. has proven that due to the limited sign on the window. Well, John Galley, 745; Helen safety among administrators and AUTOMOTIVE Mayor Arthur Powers of Berlin, Conn., talks about his new 61 — Autos lor Sala Excellent Part Time work. Experienee required. For ap- amount of sand that sand boxes hold that means that you are Saimond, 741; Mabel • odor banter Mm students. The concern has been 62 — Trucks for Sala Will train. Call Manchester ■ointmentpoi call 633-9474. Conn OPPORTUNITIES Available job in State Capitol corridor after being named transportation 63 — Heavy Equipment lor Sala ,643-2414 or Vernon 875-2^. Ha it is impossible to keep them filled welcome to stop in, have a Wilson, 736; Leon Fallot, 0 o n o i t e o coupled with stricter enforcement of 64 — Moiorcyclaa-Bicyclas lardface & Metaliizing Corp., to meet new people and earn during emergencies.” commissioner by Gov. Ella Grasso this week. Powers, 50, will cup of c o ffe e and a 730; Alfreda Hallin, 729; fire codes. 65 — Campara-Trailers-Moblla Glastonbury. money. Full and part time Michael DeSimone, 729; PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Hom es PARACHUTE RIGGER positions while they last, /tpp- succeed James Shugrue, who will retire Jan. 15. (UPI photo) doughnut and you’ll meet But the survey also revealed u6 — Automotive Service WANTED- 2 years in packing DRIVERS FOR SCHOOL ly 7-Eleven, Center Street, some real nice people who Betty Jesanis, 726; Martin M l YOUR MEOICM. NEEDS! frustration over inadequate budgets 67 — Autos for Rant-Laaaa parachutes desired. Primary BUSES WANTED- We will Manchester. are hosting the room and Bakstan, 722. and inspection manpower, the responsiblity will be to sup­ train j;ou. Part time. you’ll also find some very During the day we heard 1001 Main SL 528-6553 East Hartford dangers in many fraternity and port engineering packing Housewives and retirees NIGHTS-11 pm to 7 am. M/F. nice gifts on sale. These that Georgina Vince, Lott and Found 1 requirements. High School preferred. Manchester area, Apply Bess Eaton Donut, Shortage Boosts Price, sordHty houses, and a concern Education required. Please 643-2373. 150 C e n te r S tr e e t, gifts are made by our whetlier officials can ever do enough LOST- Golden Hetreiver, call Personnel Department at Manchester. senior citizens and the sale to combat the prime cause of fires — male 1 1/2 years old. No Pioner Parachute Co., 644- DENTAL ASSISTANT- to is to help our center to be neglect. collar. REWARD. Days- 688- 1581. work full or part time in oral TYPIST- if you have good able to continue our “The human element is what you Mary Kim Fasolo of Milford, Conn., covers her mouth from 1911 ext. 2013. After S pm., surgery office. Must have skills or skills you haven’t THINK SPRING smoke as she awaits rescue from top floor of Aquinas Hall at ______643-1868. HAIR STYLIST- SHARP previous experience. Resume used for awhile call 2894319 Says Yule Tree Farmer weekday noon meals at a break your back on,” said Richard MANAGER - ASSISTANT to Box DD, c/o Kbnehester for more information. reasonable price. Santa Sutcliffe, spokesman for Southern Providence College. The pre-dawn fire one year ago killed 10 im p o u n d e d - 6 month male HAIR CUTTERS. Rapidly Herald. WAUTOMA, Wis, (UPI) — On Christmas Day about Clause is even spending Methodist University in Dallas, women students. (Copyright Mike Delaney photo bv expanding National chain of be about $10 to $12 in northern areas. In southern states it WITH precision haircutting' shops FULL TIME CUSTODIAN- 750,0(X) families across the nation will rip open gaily will be about $15 to $20. some time there and is where a fraternity house fire last Providence Bulletin via UPI) strett^T/fa''’ ^cTnUc" anxious to visit with you opening soon in Marshalls 2:30 p.m.-11 p.m. Apply wrapped presents lying beneath trees grown in this small January killed one resident. Manchester Dog Warden, 6 ^ Mall Manchester. We are Gilead Hills School, 228-9458. all. The hostess, sales BOOKKEEPER community. Hedrick said it takes about 12 to 18 years to grow a ‘"Typically, you can go into a dorm Within hours of the Providence ment pressure to upgrade dormitory 4555. looking for a licensed ladies and Santa are all THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT FULL TIME Experienced Wautoma, a central Wisconsin town of several thou­ Christmas tree, depending on the type. He said it takes a or fraternity or sorority room and fire, Rhode Island Fire Marshal Earl safety, is raising funds to implement manager and stylists who can year to get the seeds, all of which come from European volunteers from our you can see a toaster or a corn pop­ LOST- Black short haired eat, do today’s casual blow dry Waitress. Apply at Ellington sand, calls itself the “Christmas Tree Capitol of the F. Shannon and the National Fire extensive improvements in its 24 Ridge Country Club, between countries, including France, Belgium, England and center. per or a curler all sticking in one wcarng white flea collar. haircuts. Good salary on com- WANTED World." Protection Association in Boston, halls which house 35.050 students. misions plus paid vacations 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Scotland. Stop by and say hello, The University of Connecticut’s Storrs Campus Is offering a variety of graduate electrical socket. You can say to the Vinicity Keeney Street. Sick “The Wautoma area ships more Christmas trees than and undergraduate couraea this spring. which sets national fire safety stan­ Delay in New Deviees girls pet. REWARD. 649-3663, and holidays. In-shop training. and f’m sure you’ll find kids 'You’ll start a fire.’ Then you dards, began getting calls from con­ 527-5913. No following required. Call TYPIST & VARIOUS Office jl any other municipality in the United States. And that The seed remains three years in a seed bed before Duties- or Accounts Super­ ' means more trees than any place in the world," said Paul that unusual gift you’ve leave. If you come back the next day cerned officials at other schools. William C. Templemeyer, Kim or -Judy 1-226-7851. Experienced book­ being planted in the field. After that it takes about eight P e rto n a la COMMAND visor Assistant. Eyierienced Hedrick, regional manager of G.R. Kirk Co. looking for. The Hospitali­ or in the next hour, the thing’s back “We know that after that fire, a Northwestern’s housing director, preferred. EEO Employer. keeper. Monday - years for a scotch pine to reach maturity and 10 to 15 Courses are offered In most disciplines: Agricultural Economics and Rural said he found a delay of up to nine PERFORMANCE "The Hair- Hedrick said the company will ship 460,000 trees this ty House is located in the in the socket. lot of schools took a very hard look cutting Place.” 2M-8291. Friday, 3714 hours per years tor spruces and douglas firs. Sociology, Anthropology, Art, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil months in getting new devices, like WOMEN WANTED FOR season from Wautoma and Kirk Co. nationally will place old Economy Electric Engineering, Classics, Computer Science, Design and Resource Management, “You’ve done your duty, but have at what was going on. We were get­ BOWLING league - 9;15 week. Paid vacation, building right next to smoke detectors. FULL TIME MALE To handle about 1.5 million trees in American homes for Christmas. Tending the trees, he said, “is a year round job. We're not prevented the tragedy. ” Two por­ ting calls and suggested they look at Wednesday nights. Please call EXPERIENCED MATURE medical benefits, pen­ Dramatic Arts, Educational Administration, Educational Psychology, Elemen­ “Everyone around the nation is 646-2161 after 5 p.m. WOMAN part-time waitress. duties in shipping and “We’re by tar the largest in the world," he said, “and always doing something.” Peter’s Furniture Store. tary Education, Foundations and Curriculum, Higher Technical and Adult table hairdryers in a closet were our Life Safety Code,’’ said NFPA receiving departments. sion plan, credit union. The holidays will soon be cited as the “probable cause” of the responding at the same time to a Apply in person, F ani’s we’re the largest division of Kirk.” Education, Physical Education, Secondary Education, Electrical Engineering, spokesman Paul R. Sawin. The agen­ Kitchen. 1015 Main Street, Experienced preferred. EEO Salary based on upon us and before we Dec. 13 Providence fire. Laboratory deep concern for better and more Help Wanted 13 Employer. 28^8291. The only other big tree growing outfit locally is During winter, workers weed out trees that are Engineering, English, French, German, History, Human Development & Family cy got about 60 inquiries. after 3 p.m. experience. Call 228- crooked, have diseases or are double-trunked. In spring know it, we’ll be starting tests couldn’t determine if the modern fire alarm systems,” Campbell Co., which will ship 130,000 trees this year. But Relations, Italian, Linguistics, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Improvements liaslened WANTED - Gas station atten­ 9474 or 649-9587. and summer, the trees are pruned and cared for to pre­ Templemeyer said. SECRETARY - Hartford Law AVON- To Buy of Sell. Hedrick said there are about 10 other “smaller firms” another new year. Man, Metallurgy, Music, Physios, Political Science, Portuguese, Sociology, Spanish ajtpliandes were dh, but officials Many schools hastened fire safety dant, full or part time. vent disease. time is really flying by. speculated the instruments were Shortly after the Providence fire, Mature, responsible person Firm seeks experienced Manchester, Bolton, (Coven­ selling trees and “altogether we’ll ship out about three- and Statistics. ’ improvements which already were in for third shift. References secretary with some college try, Andover. Call collect 822- quarters of a million trees.” Someone told us that being used to dry clothes wet from a Georgia fire marshals visited Emory 8083. The trees also are sprayed with a green latex paint in the planning stages. Call 871-1698. or secretarial background. ■Hie prime reasons for the Christmas tree boom is san­ almanac is telling us that late night snowball fight. University in Atlanta and ordered Expert typing and short and August and September to standardize color and reduce Penn State gave printed layouts of improvements in two dormitories. dy soil and ideal growing climate. Hedrick said the tree February is going to be a Cost Is only $45 per credit hourl Most of these courses meet In the late atter- Aquinas Exceeded Code 60 percent of its buildings to the local TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. skills required. Call 249-9121 the amount of moisture loss. They are cut starting in Oc­ rough and cold month and Georgia Tech reviewed its safety Apply 81 Commerce Street, for interview. business really got st_. ;ed when Kirk moved into the noon or early evening once or twice a week. Degree and non-degree students Schpol and city officials stressed fire department. It has trained cam­ tober and then shipped. if so, I have just the answer program with state and local of­ Glastonbury. PTG Company, area in 1954. are eligible to take these courses. that Aquinas Hall exceeded the state pus patrolmen to make a first attack TILO COMPANY- opening un­ for you. We have a bus trip ficials and found it was in com­ Telephone 633-7631. The Kirk Co. has in the Wautoma area 12,700 acres of "We cut the trees and within 48 hours bail them (with fire safety code for a building of its on fires, using proper breathing ap- der new management has BOOKKEEPER pliance with all codes. trees, about 80 percent of them scotch pine. The trees plastic to prevent damage),’’ Hedrick said. “We pile planned to leave our center RN, LPN, 7 to 3 and 3 to 1 year round work in siding, type. Despite that, a $275,000 safety paratus if needed. Its fire drill The University of Massaehsetts were cut starting in October and semi-trailers began them in tight piles and put shade cloth over them. If it’s on February 9 for a 13-day For Information on registration procedures and deadlln«lq, call The Office of shifts. Good pay, good roofing, and trim. Top wages. Credit Programs, Extended and Continuing Education. The telephone number expansion program was started ira- system delegates certain people to rushed the previously planned in­ benefits and working con­ Sub contract plan availahle. Part time. Experienced for biiiing and rolling in November to lots across the nation. real dry we might spray them with water.” jaunt to Florida. ’Ton’ll mediately after the fire. sweep through buildings as they Is 486-3832. stallation of 7,(KK) smoke detectors— ditions. Apply in person, Ver­ Apply 624 Wethersfield Ave,, misc. Hours can be arranged. Hedrick has a warning for buyers. visit many interesting “Long before the fire, we did exert *onve and make sure everyone has non Manor, isO Regan Road, Hartford. 8-lOam, Monday places along the way and one to a room — in dormitories of its ’"rhere is definitely a shortage,” he said. "I just talked Then they are shipped to dealers at Christmas tree lots great efforts to make sure the 'off- Vernon. thru Saturday. also while in Florida. Now sprawling Amherst campus. The cost to a fellow in New Jersey who is just begging for trees. I throughout America. buildings were safe,” said the Rev. Ivy League Yale University in New never heard of him before and 1 really don’t have any “We used to use railroads,’’ he said, “but you can’t get we have room for a few was $2(X),000. CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC CAGE CO. Thomas R. Peterson, Providence Haven, Conn., initiated stricter en­ - Experienced only. Top more trees to give him. cars anymore. And dealers like to have them brought more so quit thinking about The Lnlivniily (ifGmneLikvt i forcement of its regulations and “We want the earliest detection LEGAL ColIege;president. “Whatever can be possible for the occupants of the wages, /^ply: Atlas Tile, 1862 91 Eim Street ' Mancheoter, Ct. “In the last four months I’ve probably had 100 right to their lot” it and decide to come. Call Extended XGmtlnuIngEducatbm \ done tq go beyond the code, to make' added a ban on flammable Berlin Tpke., Wethersfield, NOTICE telephone calls from people trying to buy trees.” our office, 647-3211 for decorations in rooms, corridors and room so they can get out,” said 563-0151. the pljfce more safe, we were willing Robert Campbell, UMass residential Hedrick said about 27 to 30 million trees will be sold at to do it. hallways. Notice is hereby given that resource management director. RN-LPN wanted for full or prices stiffer than last year. Maryland State Fire Marshal the public hearing in Docket “You do what you can, generate as part time on all shifts. Apply No. 781109, concerning the ‘"rhey were going to be raised anyway but they will RETCHER GLASS CO. much good will as you can and de­ James C. Robertson said the Many Fires, None Fatal director of nursing. Salmon- probably be raised further because of the shortage. brook Convalescent Home, off Authority’s Investigation To Off 3S Ytft pf lipfifttt ]|o«MAKCMItTCT pend, on the maturity of the com- Providence publicity brought greater UMass has had no fatal fires since Determine The m /wministmechamc Wholesalers are paying about 20 percent more than last cooperation from college officials its 1863 founding. But it has had more House Street, Glastonbury. munily,” Peterson said. “You leave Please call 633-5244. Reasonableness Of We have an opening that has long-range pos­ year, so for a good tree of six or seven feet the post will the rest to God. That’s all you can and fraternities and sororities. than 60 fires in each of the last two SAVE The Freshest Implementation Of The Con- sibilities with a highly skilled group. The job is niiiWTuin tors MT. VERNON 1 do.” “They have become aware of the years. Seventy percent of the fires in NURSES AIDES wanted for tigueus Toll And Non- nciuw fsAuws.fmnAci t ooo* MttMiit challenging, non-repetitive, non-production. It TUI iNaoiuMS-snctu »on WITH US iMilk In Town! The Rhode Island Legislature potential for deaths in dormitories, its 41 dormitories are caused by full time on all shifts. Apply Continguous Toll Discount IDAIRY STORESJ Check our quickly passed new laws requiring especially relatively modern dor­ candles. A school regulation director of nursing. Salmon- Plan As Raised In Docket No. involves making repairs and problem solving, rCOUECTOirs n o is^ mitories,” Robertson said. “We have prohibits their use without protective brook Convalescent Home, off 771105. which was held on and there is room for original ideas. Tools and EVERYDAY! two fire drills per semester in each House Street, Glastonbury. (MANCHtSTt(lS49.452-D DANISH PUTESATES Sava on Holiday Naedtl Sale Ends Sat, Deo. 16 products codes! college dormitory and mandatory seen an increased interest in fire enclosures. Some schools ban November 21. 1978 and con­ equipment are supplied. PRESIDENTIAL Please call 633-5244, tinued without date is now posting of escape route diagrams in safety.” candles outright. DECANTERS f^ERSHEirS reassigned to be held in the of­ Three years' experience in mechanics and NUUNE each room. Northwestern University in UCLA has its own fire marshal, SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS for REPRODUCTIONS ^ED « GREEN Evanston, 111., under local govern- Donald Reickenbach. He says there South Windsor. Will train. fices of the Authority, State machining are requited or basic madiining phis Estimates Gladly Given Office Building, 165 Capitol KISSES is a greater campus concern about Apply 9 Brookfield Street or five years in the mechanical field including jineu- OPEN M-F 1-5:90 call 289-5918, after 12 noon. Avenue, Hartford, Connec­ PLASTICS IN STOCK the possibility of major earthquakes ticut on Wednesday, January matics, hydraulics, linkages and mechanical THUR. Til. 0:00 3/10" X 1/4" SAVE SAT. • ■ 5:00 at the California school than about a SEWING MACHINE 3. 1979 at 10:00 a m. Docket drive systems and equipment. STOCK SHEETS OR CUT SIZES fire disaster. Operators and miscellaneous 200 is s I ai^ P *** No. 771105 is the Authority's Please come to our Personnel Department any 54 McKEE ST., MANCHESTER About 4,000 of UCLA's 30.000 workers needed. Must have Investigation to determine (O ff Center Su) ' >CREEN8 REPAIRED some High School ^ucation. students live in campus dormitories. procedures, criteria, and day between 9 a.m. arid 1 JO p.m. and ask for iEVNUrSQUAUTY Must be able to read and Florence Johnson. The university conformed to strict speak English, and provide guidelines to be used in con­ STAY IN SHAPE! FEEL GREAT! RIBBON CANDY fire regulations, including one own transportation. No nection with petitions for AND SAVE! minimizing interior decorations, experience neessaryn Please extended local (toll-free) LETbC US HELP YOU LOOK YOUR BEST THIS prior to the Providence fire, Call Personnel Department at telephone service. Pioneer Parachute Company, Public Utilities ''HRISTMAS SEASON WITH OUR ,iL" 1.09 Reickenbach said. When the Univer­ NOW Buy Now a Sayol 10 oi. Boy. 644-1581. Control Authority HO LID AY INTRODUCTORY OFFER sity of Cincinnati welcomed students P FAmDrSPRBE Henry Mierzwa THE TRAVELERS back to school in September, each RELIABLE PERSON needed Executive Secretary YOU CAN PUCE YOUR PREMIUM PREMIUM to clean office once a week. jB weeks for *15 BHERD was given a letter stressing that their 084-12 Downtown Harttord Fun Excorcisa Plan and/or 646-0313. caution and behavior would have the ^ equal opportunity omplcvef M/F Diets Compiled Exclusively by Our Dietitian CUSSIHED AD ANYTIME POTATO CHIPS nav«iqLii.» ’ No Disrobing * Individual Programming greatest impact on fire prevention. Physician Inquiries Invited About Our MED Method ENOLISH MUFFINS Steve Weiss, a senior and president INVITATION TO BID of Cincinnati's 25-story dormitory The Manchester Board of Education solicits bids for tower Sander Hall, said fire drills Science Equipment and Furniture, Sealed bids will be CHRISTMAS received as follows: Save last year "were taken for granted COUPON 3 S‘ 1 « > Science Equipment December 19, 1978 11:00 A.M. Everyday! *8 OL M X N MATCH when it was pulled. People stayed in Furniture December 19, 1978 11:30 A.M. McDonald’s® their rooms. But with a lot of At the lime listed the bids will be publicly opened. The rThli ; Coupon li Worth *10 **® Serve The Beetl .ftert SAVE EVERYDAY! freshman this year, they’re taking it toward* our ragular right is reserved to reject any a j^ a ll bids. Specifications I seriously," and bid forms may be secured at the Business Off Ice. 45 N. Needs People 6 WEEKS for *25°” IJPURE FLORIDAVbl^^^.l’i^U M Taking; K i i Ich l,ig;lilly School Street, Manchester, Connecticut. Raymond E. j Introductory Offer ICE CREAM 'TfiSSriif Couni^‘^ Demers, Business Manager. II Tarticaii sun OU, - bfim DfcnAtr 2( A few students continue to take tire 076-12 BREAKFAST OHANGE SAVE 1/2 CaL H O M O G n i b « regulations lightly at most schools, including those where tragedy has JUICE 50( Ewyday 1.29 struck such as Cornell University in NOTICE FLEXIBLE HOURS Ithaca, N.Y. Eight students and a PUBLIC HEARING ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION McDonald's* Family Restaurant Is Ca n a d a DRY i professor died at Cornell in an April 1967 residential club fire. BOARD OF DIRECTORS looking for good people who want a 'A 9 SODA I TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT “Some students get aggravated by Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town good Job with all the extras. As a SAVE the fire drill we have in the middle of plaille gallon 10 of Manchester. Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing in the member of our crew, you get a good 643-2711 the night when they're all sleeping, Hearing Room at the Municipal Building. 41 Center Street, l o t 1.0S lor 1/2 galloni 190 79 starting pay, supervised training, free MANCHESTER but that’s when most fires are and Rich In Vitamin C Erwydi) S Cnit Rmrtll/2 CiL Manchester, Connecticut, Wednesday, December 20,1978, at meals, pleasant working conditions 397-A BROAD STREET ’ ▼ ^ w -ar w - it’s worth it,” said William P. 7:30 P.M. lo consider and act on the following: 847-0006 MT. VERNON #4 Paleen, Cornell’s director of Proposed additional appropriation to Educational Special and regular raises. MT. VEHNON #2 s MT. VERNON §7 Grants. Fund 41. Account {1273. Expansion of Head Start VERNON PUTNAM PLAZA 244 BROAD ST. 690 HARTFORD RD HEBRON AVe! residence life. > APPLY IN PERSON D o lla r , «CWpi_»Fao>lfox RUN M«Ll ”SUiB2n&' cdh^lay’g^Aies of tiying U rqium — $3,500.00 to be financed by a Grant from the P08TROADFLAZA EASTSmFORD MANCHESTER MANCHESTER qlastonbuhy to fool the inspector by hiding for­ Depanment of Health. Education and Welfare. McDonald’s® 871-2S88 560-3522 Elizabeth J. Intagliata 1221 Tolland Tpka. Savor! bidden appliances, like hot pots. We Secretary, Board of Directors have taken them away,” Paleen said. Manchaatar, Ct. - ^ ______/------Emergency exit stairwell is one of two added to Aquinas Manchester, Connecticut “The main effort ought to be on fire Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 7lh day of YOU DESERVE A BREAK TODAYI Hall at Providence College since the tragic fire one year aeo education,, but some of them take fire December, 1978. An Equal Opportunity Employor M/F (UPI photo) i ® ■ safety lightly.” ji 083-12 PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Wed.. l)i^- 13,

H»lp Wanltd 13 Help Wented . ArUelea lor Sato i f Artfefap.ter Safa 41 Why Not Order ” ' ' REAL ESTATE laehold Qooda 40 Articlet lor Sale 41 Your Happy Ad FIBERGLAS “140” JUNIOR BEAUTIFUL GIRLS LIGHT ASSEMBLY- Part E X P E R IE N C E D PART ...... FOUR-PIECE Pine Bedroom time, approximately 25 hours MINERAL SPECIMENS & SKIIS With Solomon step-in WINTER COAT- Pile lined, Today I TIME TELLER- Tuesday Homea For Sale 23 Excellent condition. REAL STONE JEWELRY. bindings. Henke Buckle Ski size 12. $25. Ladies Raincoat, per week. Mornings. Call thru Friday 3:00 p.m. to 7:00- - - Queen-size bed, triple dresser, after 5 pm. 649-1696^9-6242. Make good Christmas Boots, size 4. Riedell Girls Ice size 12, $25. Both in excellent Doge-BMe-Peie p.m. Apply Manchester State MANCHESTER------Split Level presents! Call The Rock Shop, Skates, size 3 1/2. Call 649- condition. Call after 4 p.m., S h e B e r a t e Bank, 1041 Main Street. night stand. 4 years old. $800. MY COMPANY WILL in excellent condition. 7 rooms 646-1970. 3321. 6334910. DOG-CAT boarding baUiing / ______1 full and!2half'baths. Cuttom o ” ™35. EMPLOY 2 people to start im­ AIR CONDITIONING and pw m ing. Obedience, protec- til 9 p.m. dally. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING mediately. $200 per week drapes,' Awnair .awnings. Cen­ ib^TFMlUffeVnv LENGTH Ranch Mink 30 INCH E L E C T R IC TORO- Model S 224 SNOW tIon efasses. Complete •••••••••••••■ refrigeration mechanic. Good tral air conditioning, many -TEMPORARY Furniture excellent condition. Size Frigadaire Stove, $100. Full BLOWER- 2 stage self potential while learning, plus pay and good benefits. Must Excellent condition. Oval modern facilltes. Canine “ bonuses. Call 646-3936. Equal other extras. F.J. Spilecki, 12 or 14, $800. 875-2344. length Mouton Lamb Coat, propelled. 5 years old. Veiy Holidav fnne. 200 Sheldon have state license. SHEET Realtor, 643-2121. dinette table with chrome $35, short lamb Mouton Coat, good condition. $175. Cafl Opportunity Employer, M/F, m e t a l MECHANIC. base and 4 cane chairs. Large Road. Manchester. For reser­ CODE-A-PHONE - Model 333 $10. Bottle insolators, $^. Cali Between 4 and 7 p.m.. 649-4048. vations please call 646-5971. PHONE 643-2711 Experienced only. Good pay CONTEMPRARY RANCH-12 oval mirror, and lamps. 649-5931. BABYSITTER- Responsible with remote command. and benefits. Please call A&B rooms, including adjoining in­ Rosewood armoire and chest Telephone Answering REALISTIC Receiver, ’Turn­ FORAjSISTANCE IN PLACING YOU^ AD loving person to care for 17 Cooling & Heating Corp. 649- of .drawers. _742-75(H.,i FREE TO GOOD HOME- month old, in our Manchester law apartment. Sunken illving ‘ — ------— ------Machine. Slightly used. $350. KENMORE DISHWASHER, table and 8 ’Track Recorder. Beautiful long-haired white room, formal dining room. 3 649-4109. Maple Hutch, 1 Maple rocker, Excellent condition. $125. Call home. Monday thru 30” ELECTRIC Frigidaire cat, with blue eyes, orange Wednesday. 7:30 to 4 pm. baths, 4 bedrooms, huge antique rocker, dresser, pic­ 643-8717, after 5 p.m. tiger and kittens- black, black Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 PART TIME CASHIER- fireplaced family room, game Stove. Immaculate. $100. nic table, fish tank, stand and Transportation and mature responsible person. Color: White. Call 643-9317 CHRISTMAS TREES- and white and tabbeys. Call room, $119,900. Group I Yeomans Tree Farm, Lake pump, industrial carpet 633-6581, or 1-342-0571. ADVERTISING BOOKKEEPERS- If you have references required. Call 646- Evenings or weekends. Apply after 5 p.m. * TAG SALES WORK AT HOME On the 6668. Realtors, Philbrick Agency, Road, Andover. Thousands to sweeper. Torches with hose RATES eood skills, or skills you phone servicing our in person: Inside-Outlet, Burr 646-4200. choose from. Try us you’ll like and gages, old jig saw, air haven't used for awhile, call Corners, Manchester. WE BUY AND SELL Used FREE TO GOOD HOMES- 1 d a y ...... 12c word per day customers in your spare time. BABYSITTER Wanted- what we have. Open daily 3:30 compressor, old combination TAG SALE- Inside, carved Adorable kittens. Tigers, 289-4119 for more information. 249-7773. MANCHESTER- 8 room Furniture. One piece or entire lathe wood/metal. 1967 Ram­ 3 day* — lie word per day mature person to babysit in ORDER AND DELIVERY household. Cash on the line. to 5 pm. Weekends 9-5 pm. jewlery boxes, furniture, Black St white, and Fluffy Sdayc — 10c word per day my home. Bower School area home, on 7 acres of beautiful Follow signs from Route 6. ble Wagon. 643-4711. tools, toys. Lots more. 348 Orange. Also: Young Cats, 26 daya . 9c days...... PART TIME Secretaries / LUBRICATION PERSON work with Manchester land. Acre pond. Garages for 3 Furniture Barn. 646-0865. **’• 8® InnovaUon that allowi you to STAR vour Grey, white, and fluffy black. Typists Bookkeepers- for in­ from 8 am to 12 pm for my 5 Wholesale Distributor. Oakland Street, anytime. BOTTI FRUIT FARM - Fresh IS words $2 00 mi.iimum WANTED- To lubricate .vear old. Own transportation cars, one is heated. $82,500...... cU^fled ad for extra altenUon value. Simply Call 1-342-0571, or 633-6581. Sweet Apple Cider, Apples, 9 Happy Ads . . . $2,50 inch formation call 289-4319. trucks and trailers. Related Steady, full time. Arrange for Group 1, Philhrick Agency. necessary. Call 643-1208 after interview . Call 643-2626 pears.lears. 260 Bush Hill Rod. experience needed. Starting 5 pm. 646-4200, □MISC. FOR SALE Manchester. MECHANIC SERVICE between 3 and 6 pm or Satur­ FRESH PICKED MT. STARRED. The only additional charge la for the pay $160 weekly. All fringe day 9-12. SALES STATION part time days and benefits. For appointment call TOLLAND- Custom built 6 LAUREL FOR SALE- Best space the S'TAR occupies. There are two A nttquoa nights. Could lead to full time BABYSITTER in my Glaston­ Articlea lor Sale 41 688-2233. bury home. Great Swamp Room ranch, on heavily treed for Christmas Wreaths St dlHwwt liiei of STARS you can use. Try it the position. Experienced need FOTOMAT has opportunities Decorations. $1.25 bunch. Call ASSOCIATES Road. Glastonbury, acre -)- lot. Exceptionally '"'PorUnt message WANTED: Antique furniture only to apply. 252 Spencer LAUNDROMAT Attendant- for neat responsible and per­ clean, with many custom ALUMINUM Sheets used as 649-7862. to glass, pewter, oil Street. Manchester. Manchester town line. 633- sonable individuals interested printing plates, .007 thick ^ E L P I WANTED Mature responsible person to 2849. built-in features. Also, 3 other 'antique ItemsT work part time, Friday 2-10 in part time employment. We bedrooms, I 1/2 baths, 2 zone 23x32”, 25 cents each or 5 for USED STORM WINDOWS We have Harrison, 643-8709. A '- ':* - r' BABYSITTER NEEDED offer challenging and rewar­ $1. Phone 643-2711. Must be , The Carl A. Zinsser pm, Saturday and Sunday 1-6 OPPORTUNITY TO OWN oil heat. Immediate occupan­ FOR SALE- Triple Track ------Tovr O ltiN - BUYERS - BUYERS - BUYERS Desperately in my pm. 646-8749. ding work with pay training cy. $64,500. Peterman Real picked up before 11 a.m. Aluminum. Various sizes. Call Agency of 750 Main Manchester Home. Morning Your own business after being and excellent company ONLY. M anehM tor an employee for a year or two. Estate Agency, 649-9404, 646- 649-7862, evenings and Sunday. If you have not sold your house or Street Manchester has hours only. Mature reliable FULL TIME LIFT MAN benefits. Ideal for housewives 1171. isz ★ person preferred. Own We need production and or students. For further infor­ TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - ouBlnesB, Ifs because you have not openings for full & part WANTED For Service Sta­ branch manager trainees for SEWING MACHINES- Brand 74-perdey <1.60 per diy transportation and references tion. Experienced preferred mation call 563-8155 between BOLTON- Custom 9 room Good condition.Good for new Zig-Zags. Distributors (Phia rtguler word id rale) called ual time Real Estate UVE GHMSTMIIS TREES required. Call 643-7130. professional service business. 10 and 2 pm. plating, or welding. Call 649- R«ir 19 L«wl« 8 t with mufflers, shocks and Sales experience and 2 to 3 Cape. 2300 so. ft. 2 1/2 baths. list price $199,95. Now only Associates. As lubrication. Call Bob at 649- Unique fireplace, 2 car gar­ 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. $79.50. Save up to 50% on all CALL US TODAY/ 6 room Colonial featuring 3 BaMnd bam-garag« ACCOUNTING CLERK - years college preferred. Call GAL FRIDAY Wanted for 4531. 649-0836, from 9 to 12, age. Birch Mt. area. View. famous makes! Viking, Elna, members of Group I we bedrooms, formal dining SECRETARY,High School District Sales Manager of $89,000. Lessenger Sells. 646- MOLDED FORMICA top and New Home, Singer, etc. A-1 ■9.00/TREE Graduate with 1 year college Thursday thru Saturday. National Computer Company, paneled bar with two shelves offer many advantages room, IVi baths, fireplace FULL TIME SERVICE 8713. Sewing Center, 2026 Park i c m e n t i with heat-o-lator, city or business school. Good STATION ATTENDANT Requires good typing skills, and four stools. $175. 6464028. Street, Hartford, 238-1123. plus a liberal commis­ TAB NOW • CUT LATEE PART TIME typing skills and accounting LAUNDRY WORKERS- 1 excellent telephone utilities. Priced at $59,900. Wanted. Days. Experienced part time washman weekends 44i4 DUPLEX- Aluminum sion schedule. Contact background. Able to handle a preferred. Call Bob, at 649- capabilites and overall siding, newly remodeled. Bus DARK LOAM Delivered ' 5 LIVE CHRISTMAS trees for variety or responsibilities. second shift. Temporary eneral knowledge of office yards, $34. plus tax. Also sand, Mr. Zinsser at 646-1511 GROUP 1 OKN SXUMMY & SIMMY OPPORTUNITY 4531. washman 3rd shift, 1 part line location. I/)w $50’s. No sale, 454 Woodland Street, • Suburban Company, fringe futies. Excellent starting agents please. By appoint­ gravel and more stone 643- Manchester. for a confidential inter­ benefits, free parking and time folder, weekends. Apply salary and company paid 9504. ZINSSER AGENCY 10-4 P.M. WAITRESSES WANTED- For Meadows Convalescent ment only. During days call view. pleasant working conditions. evening shift. Call 649-7563. benefits. One person oHice. 644-2988, after 6 pm, 649-9922. COPPERTONE G.E. Stove- S4S-1S11 649-4129 For B ri^ t Willing EOE Employer, Call 522-8211 Home, 333 Bidwell Street, Call for appointment. 289-9591. 14-FOOT HILLTOP Trailer Self clean oven. A|so; 281 Spencer Street., Manchester. Individual ext 214 for interview. Manchester. 7 ROOM COLONIAL CAPE- 2 $150. Outboard motor 40 horse Matching Frigidaire 20 tu. ft. to 4 bedrooms. 1 car garage. Evenrude $250. Mobilehome Refrigerator, excellent conm- ROCKVILLE & SOUTH DCA Day Care assistant 45x10 with furniture in cam- Uon. $500 for both, oT $275 SHOrtT ORDER COOK- teacher ($6,038) and teacher Bualneaa Opportunity 14 WalkwaiK in basement.oasement. Must Have a Vehicle. WINDSOR AREAS. Janitorial Evenings. Call 649-7563, 281 Conveniently located to shop- slls ground $4,000, Call 525- each. Sears Dryer, l$0, duties. Permanent positions aide ($5,448) year round. Enjoyable, Interesting Spencer Street, Manchester. MANCHESTER Package ping center. $47,900. No excellent condition, ( ju s t^ for dependable persons. Minimum high school diploma made Colonial Print Drapes, and young child experience. store. Excellent location. Well Work. Good money. Caraillo Services, 528-7057. established business. Call ...... CHRISTMAS TREES- Blue St sheers plus Kirsch r ^ \ln-^ MATURE ADULT for housg For “ application ppii<- PERFORMANCE FOR Music and Art High School, 843-1108 Alex Matthew 649-4003 Joe Lombanlo FOR THE SPORTSMAN Professional Singer/Pianist. H ou aeho ld MANAGEMENT 644-8597. Goods NOT EXPERIENCED * 43 A & B SPORT SHOP ’’Christ­ POSITION R E F R IG E RlA^OHfe A mas Headquarters For ’The GUITAR, BANJO, Mandolin, Washers / ranges, used, PROMISES DHVEDY-r- NURSE AIDES Please send resume Bass Lessons: Folk, Blue Sportsman’’ Fishing, Hunting, promptly to Box F, c/o guaranteed and clean. New Camping, Canoes. 1000 Han­ Grass, Popular. Ages 5-adults. shipment damaged, G.E & Manchester Herald. Beginners-professionals. T m C M l US TO INSPECn ford Turnpike, Vernon, 872- NEEDED FRIGIDAIRE. Low prices. 8052. Eay: enjoyable prSgress. B.D. Pearl St Son, 649 Main $37,000 7 room, 4 bedrooms, 25 Mill St. c To provids Nursing Cars FREE Loan instrument. 646- Street, 643-2171., In private homes and 6557. $42,000 5 r garage. 15 Anderson St. CUSTOM MADE Madical Facilities. Part SOLD DOLL CLOTHES LOVE SEAT - Like new condi­ $40,000 3 f ^ l y , 3 heating systems. 261 Tolland St., time, full time. Considera­ Schoola-Claaaet 19 tion, orange background with tion given to preference white Horal print. Call after 4 East Hartford. BEAUTIFUL BARBIE DOLL of;—Location and Hours. CARRIER FOR THE BEST - Manchester p.m., 646-1168. DRESSES 60c. Bridesmaid’s Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 $56,000 6’/i room Colonial, 1005 Ellington Road, Outfit $1.50. Complete Wed­ NO FEE - WEEKLY PAY South Windsor. For Information call NEEDED pupils per teacher. FREE in­ ding Outfit, $3.50. Pajamas troductory lesson with this ad. $50,000 7 room Raised Ranch, 594 Chapel Road, 60c. 643-6452. 643-9515 Call 646-6306, or 646-3549. MancIwstBr EMO AID A ASSISTANCE Beacm Mil South Windsor. of North Eastern Conn. LOW TAXES LOW PRICE FOR HER $72,000 8 room, 4 bedroom Ranch, 211 Ferguson Inc. Area Wxc “COACH HOUSE’’ Road. adds up to an affordable home. 5 rooms, garage, UNIQUE CHRISTMAS GIFT! H e r a l d 3S7 East Canttr StrMi, new heating, plumbing, roof & electrical means its CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Manchttttr Manchester & Gift Certificate, 8 Weeks $25, HAVE FUN MAHY MOHE-CALL US-WE WORK! well cared for. See It today. Only $39,900. (unlimited visits). Woman’s East Hartford OTIS STREET World Health Spas, 6494345. Town Line And earn money. Executive living in this 2 PICK OUT YOUR OWN COLORS Marshall’s Mall. Part time opportunity bedroom town house. IV, in this beautiful new home set high up off the WILUAM L BELHORE AGENCY KEITH REAL ESTATE Call Jeanne at baths, spacious basement, road on a wooded acre lot. 2 V2 baths, huge FLORIST MANUFACTURING OPENINGS AT for ambitious and carpeting, appliances, floor to ceiling fireplace, spacious famUy 431 H iin SL 647-1413 317 Green Rd. 646-4126 464 East Center S t 647-9946 responsible person. patio, surrounded by park room with brick wall and flue for wood bur­ THE GREENHOUSE, 315 Must have vehicle. 23 like grounds, heat and hot ning stove. Double garage are more. 670s. Broad Street, 649-7370, 10 - 8 CHANDLER EVANS water included. $360. No daily. Cemetery Baskets, hours per week. Start MANCHESTER VICINITY Trees, Wreaths, Plants, Cut pets, 2 children. WANTED— $Ma ar» a Hlest Hartford based manufacturer of high technology aircraft @ 2:30 P.M. BLAHCHARD & ROSSEHO Flowers. Arrangements. control systems. Due to a steady demand for our precision fabricated Order Now. • ERA "“ l t o r s ^ConHiwrcial Properties products, the following openings are immediately available for skilled CARRIERS " J g K r a EAST HARTFORD MANCHESTER A N 'riyu E s machinists. Call Jeanne BlAHCHAROANDROSSEnO nCALTORS 646-24t2 848-2482 288-9814 Building your own home? Then consider this NEEDED IQUAL HOUaiNQ OPPORTUNITY -fklndiistrial Properties ANTIQUES ET CETERAS- J J jM n iATHI MACHINISTS (2nd shift)—2 or more years experience on P4J, 6 4 7 -9 9 4 6 1.4 acre heavily treed lot. Rural zoned, mid w a s No. 3, M S TAR M /S, Acme Gridley M /S Bor, W&S 1 SC, Monarch N/C, Arthur & Elizabeth roR ’Ahwestment Properties teens - 649-2813. Carpenter. Antiques Make A ^ experience on B&S horizontal lur- Wonderful Christmas Gift! grindacs, or limilar ecguipmenl, doing first cut and/or close tolerance finioh work. DdUAR SAVER 115 Spruce Street, phone 649- -fk&is Stations 5051. fla t LAP OPiRATORS (2nd shift)— 2 or more years experience doing close foler- NO COLLECTING We're “We’re The Neighbortiood Prefessionals’’” BOLTON em a manual flat lapping. 1. Meadow Lane & Porter We Have Buyers and Investors Waiting Your own mini-estate on this 60 acres of treed ROBERT D. HARRISON- MHSIT im DRILL MACHINIST (1st Shift)—2 or more yaoro axparianca doing St. and open land. You’ll have lots of wood for Early American Furniture 1) On a wooded lot sits this Im­ For the R i^ Situation — Cali For and Accessories, bought and daaa lalaranca vartkal drilling on multi-spindle Ediund sensitiva’ddlls 2. Redwood t Galaxjf Dr. maculate 9 room Raised Ranch your stove, room for horses and cows. Owner sold. 943 East Middle ’Turn­ afa r CHTTiR (2nd shift)—1 or more years experience on Fellows Gear Shapers. 3. Russell S t Area with a 2 car aUached garage, 3 Details. may finance. Mid 60’s. 649-2813. pike; call 643-8709.______3 bedrooms, fireplaced knotty M K IR O DISCHARGE RIACHINISTS (2nd shift)—2 or more years experience on TREASURE TRUNK ■aa, ar shniiar H)F aquipmant, with ability to make and dress electrodes. Call Larain At pine family room plus wood ANTIQUES- 1212 Sullivan stove. Mud room, workshop. FJ. SPILE(»U INC., REALTORS WOLVERTOH AGENCY Avenue, South Windsor; 644- A ffT A FRATK MACHINIST (1st shift) - 2 or more yeoro experience on N /C Extras galore. Call and see It 1074. This Christmas give M Hbif Of bonfi9. ■ 7 42-5549 643-2121 649-2813 now. $74,900. Antiques- see our wonderful selection! HIHCH LATHI MACHINIST (1st shift) - 2 or more years'experience on Har- • H z - ' amga bench lathes. WAGON SHED- Christmas TDDL ROOM RIACHINISTS (1st Shift)— Class A journeyman machinists capable Barn, Doll Houses & Miniatures, Restaurant & al making jigs & fixtures, reworking salvage, and making small run production parts. MANCHESTER ELLINGTON 2) This 4 bedroom Garrison Bake Shop. Route 44A Hacnry Bridgeport milling background desired. CARRIERS Colonial offers you many com­ Ashford. Phone Storrs, 429- AR of the above Hated mochining aaoignmenta require the ability to set­ forts. Fireplaced family room, 9319. up and operate from blueprints. NEEDED hardwood floors. In-ground *!!f*5^* ****'"® ’*'®9**» induding o liberal ihlft pramium, lubBlontiol company poid omployoo concrete 14x32 pool. A real ■WOW, mduding hoolth, Rf* ond occidoni insuronco; o non-contribvtbry poniien plan, crodlf union focilitioB (East Hartford) cream puff. $76,900. • M MvcotiofMil OBiiBfanco. In oddition, thoM potitioni offor pormononf omploymont with ihoI opportunityopp< for promoHon from within, • g . ■» ^ ao. mo Apply In Person Or Call: Tudor Village BOLTON — Oustom 7 room Contemporary Mon.-FrI., 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. and L-Ranch, built In 1973. Features large eat-in Or By Appointment R IA L ESTATE^ 3) Make an appointment today MANCHESTER — Elegant custom built 7- kltchen,^ formal dining room, privately It you would llko *o bo In thl$ QItt Quido Call Joe Sullivan at Burnside Avenue 80 you won’t miss out on this room brick Rsnch with attached 2 car garage set on situated master bedroom 14x20, with a 9x7 CHANDLER EVANS INC. area. JACKSTOH/ tremendous value. 3-4 lart approximately 4 acres. Features Include 3 fireplaces, dressing room,, 14x27 rec room, first floor 643- 2711. ‘ Personnel Office • bedroom Cape, fireplaced 2 baths, largeI roomrooms, lovely view and much more. laundry, 2 baths, 2-car garage, deck. A living room with cathedral Priced at $135,000. beautiful home on an acre lo t______Corners New Park & Oakwood Aves. AVANTE ceilings, 2 full baths, hardwood West Hartford, Ct. 06101 Call Barbara at MANCHESTER floors, 2 car garage. $77,600. ZMSSER AGENCY PMLBRIM AG^Y Tel. 236-0651, Ext. 503 640 -78 3 5 6 4 6 - 1 3 1 6 ______An Equal Opportunity Employer M^F 646-1511 ______646-4200 * n r r - ‘ guv t PAGE THIRTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Wed,. Dee, 13. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Wed.. Dec, 13, 1978 — PAGE THIRTY-FIVE BUSINESS & SERVICE J2S!L!S1£S!!SL Peanuts — Charles M. Schulz B o T ACROSS 5 Holds in Answer to Previous Puzzle Dear Abby NOW,LOOK,! SOOET IF U)E CHAN6EPTHE wonder S f C r S \ b u 5 T I L U t Greek lener 1 •TOU ^PIP ' ' ' Y m... iATl/RPAVi I na/me To bach, it 6 New Deal O w A C 1 7 A TVPINSi' 6 Serious fever project (abbr.) c L A IM 0 O \p M A R 1 8EA6LE JANT/MV0OOKINALL E o w t us m o n ey, a n i^ By Abigail Van Buren UIOULP 6 0 FASTER 12 Weapon 7 Cries 1 R E u H f H t 1 THE STOKES BV T+IEN 13 Velvet-like fab* 0 0 N H 1 N ------6 Arithmetic 1 9 U P Y OuR CiOMPuTJER ric * sign 0 O T W 1 T 14 Leud w o N u 9 Monotonous H E n F 7 7 7 15 Former 1 R 0 W 10 Big cofiee pot A H A Y • DIRECTORY D 0 B5 N 'T M A fC C : 0 A M _B R A student 11 Mediterranean • T 1 n 1 L E M H •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 Not joking 14 Kind of T A L L 0 A SwvfMi O tttn d 31 ScrvICM Olt»nd 31 16 Lysergic acid R A W 0 r PalnUng-Ptptrtng 32 Building Conlncllng 33 hammer 8 M 1 T Father’s Day diethytimide E 0 N T A R 1 n 17 Mao,_____ c A T C&M TREE SERVICE - Free 19 State (Fr.) 0 B 1. 1 • A N n WATERPROOFING - Foun­ A4W PAINTING Contrac­ FARRAND REMODELING - M f « . J A £ K ^ $ ^ f. tdng A X E D estimates, discount senior 5 0 20 OisUHS call B E N F C c F dation cracks, tile lines, tors. Quality painting and 21 Constellstion 1 1 M E citizens. Company Cabinets and Formica Tops, 22 Vermilion • O 0 L E A R walls, sump pumps, paper hanging at reasonable Roofing, Gutters, Room Ad­ js Every Day PrIscilla’e Pop - Ed Sullivan 23 Prior to Manchester-owned and hatchways, window wells. 25 Fishing snare 24 Women's 44 Small drum rates. Fully insured. Free ditions, Decks. All types f •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 Flout operated. Call 646-1327. Fireplaces and Ceramic Tile •••••••••••••••••••••***»« patriotic 34 Snakemouth 46 Singletons Estimates. Call Wayne 649- Remodeling and Repairs. W ELCd#-rOT)^ ITS A FILM ABOUT 28 French repairs. 30 years' experience. OHIcot-Slont lor Beni 55 Autaf For Sale 67 Autos For Sale 67 o yoh Bbout a letWr you never HCW N IC E .' I O^V, WOULPSOi h a v e ^ society (abbr.) 38 Nuclear 48 Leisure 7696. Phone 643-6017. Motorcycfos-Pfcycfos 64 ■WCVIES B4? WHAT mountains B4M TREE SERVICE. 643-4953, 242-5915. reedved. Some time ago I received a call from my aon’a third k WOOLV BEAR .4 HAVE FUN, TO LP h im I T S I S / I ^ V 26 Juice (Fr.) , • 0«"cy(abbr.) 49 Jane Austen MANCHESTER- Main Street ARE VOU GOING 29 Entertainment Complete tree care Free es­ 1969 ROADRUNNER- Will 19M DART 62,000 miles. New 1975 HONDA CB 360 T. grade teacher asking me to stop in at school to discuss a l> CATERPILLARS, CHILPREN ' ATTACK OF THE VAMPIRE 27 Between (Fr.) 39 Mark down TOM FLANNAGAN- Pain­ QUALITY CARPENTRY By modern ofice available, 400 -^ T D SEE? 30 Simitar timates. Senior Citizen SNOW-PLOWING- Residen­ trade for Van or Motorcycle. winter tires, recent tune-up, Excellent condition. Only 3400 REVERENP WEEMS 28 Tittle 40Wor.hipp«j 5*An,tomic.l ting, Interior, Exterior. Paper Harp Construction. Garages, sq. ft. Heat, Ad included. Call ^WOOLV BEARS FROM compound Discount. Call 643-7285. New paint, mag wheels, you tial and Commercial. Depen­ Hanging, General Repairs. Framing, Additions, 6482469 or 6482755. winterized. Dependable 6 miles. Best offer. Call 528-6843 l d ^ . 7 d “ U reid? THE SWAMP OF BLOOP'? 32 Office worker 29 Fish 41 Fifteenth pouch radials, 4 speed. Call after 6 cylinder, $700. 6481502, dable. Resonable. Call 648 Fully Insured. Call 643-1949. Remodeling. Roofing, & after 5 pm. "Dear Abby, 36 Cereal grass appendage century royal 5 1 Flying saucer REWEAVING burn holes. 2098. or 6483824. pm., 649-8944 or 6489056. 31 Hebrew holy family Zippers, umbrellas repaired. Siding. Call 643-5001. My dad works all the time. He is never home. He gives me 36 Vest period of (abbr.) ■TRIM SPECIALIST- Pain­ time day (abbr.) Window shades. Venetian 1972 FORD LTD - Complete MotOFcyctos-Sfcycfos 64 Aulomollve Service 6 6 money and lots of toys, but I hardly ever see him. 43 Varitty of 62 College DICK'S SNOW-PLOWING- ting. Papering, General 37 Talk wildly 32 Take the sun blinds. Keys. TV FOR RENT. CARPENTRY - Repairs, □ AUTOMOTIVE power. $900 firm. Call 525- I love him and wish he would not work all the time so I wheat Serving Manchester for 10 Repairs. Call Paul evenings. 39 Negative remodeling, additions, gar­ 1973 HONDA CB 450. Low WE PAY $10 for complete could see him more. 1 2 3 S Marlow's. 867 Main St. 649- years. Parking lots, 643-8303. 1)171, or 643-4167 after 6 p.m. answer 4 6 7 9 9 1^ 11 5221. ages, roofing. Call David Ask for Barbara. mileage. Excellent condition. junk cars. Call Joey at Tolland driveways, sidewalks. San­ Patria, 644-1796. Autos For Sale 67 $650. Call 6485849. Auto Body. 5281990. J e ff 42 Find fault 12 13 ding also available. 6485099. Building Conlncllng 33 That was the entire letter. Abby, I was very poor when I 43 Notice ODD JOBS Done - Cellars, at­ was a boy. I always wanted my children to have it better 44 Fuss (comp. 14 Rootlng-Sldlng-Chlmnar 1974 MUSTANG GHIA - 4- 15 tics. garages, yards cleaned, FREE- Junk cars removed. WES ROBBINS carpentry speed, 6 cylinder, 4 new . ..tlUn I did, M in addition to my regular job, I worked two ■ wd.) moving, trucking. Loam for 1< 11 6487243. remodeling specialist. Ad­ npi radials, (2 snows), excellent part-time jobs--almost doubling my income. I managed to 45 A lley_____ saie. Lawn service. No job too condition 228-0475 or 2289550. provide my wife and two sons with many luxuries, but I IS uflik>WM 47 Maker 19 big or small. 568-8522. ditions, rec rooms, dormers, ment Co. Expert installation 20 21 22 23 24 COMPLETE LAND built-ins, bathrooms, of aluminum siding gutters realized after reading Jeffa letter that I was depriving them Captain Easy — Crooka A Lawranea 50 Sunbathed 25 CLEARING and Chipping &r- kitchens. 649-3446. 1972 CAPRI V-6, 4-speed «- of something lar more important-mysell. And my time. 53 Begin an 26 27 29 COMPLETE CARPET ti Tile and trim. Roofing instmlation vice. Building lots cleared. track stereo, $1100. Call (648 For Instance, I had never attended a report card con- ocean voyage installation and repairs. Free and repairs 649-6495, 871-2323. OKAY, VA MUTIM0U8 SCUM! 54 In the open 29 30 31 Fully insured. Tree removal. CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. 2227, after 6 pm. iCTence, nor vUited school. I took no part in Scouting, THAT’S THE ONLY ‘ estimates. Call 646-3745, after No job to big or to small. Additions, Repairs, Cabinets. LOOKS LIKS IL L HAFTA WAY £ CAM HOLO 55 Hit herd J2 33 34 35 5 p.m. SPECI.ALIZING cleaning and aitjiough both sons were Cub Scouts. T have never BACK YA RI0HT UP T' 56 Edges Guaranteed results. Don't Call GaryCushing 3482009. repairing chimneys, roof, new 1966 CHEY WAGON- Running 36 waste money on large reprimanded my sons. This responsibility was entirely their 57 Hoed 37 31 39 roofs. Free estimates. 30 but needs work. $75. Call mother s: Sometimes days would pass without my seeing 40 41 BRICK, Block. Stone. business overhead. Miner TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY anytime, 875-7059. 42 Fireplaces.concrete. Chimney years Experience, Howley, the. boys awake. d o w n 43 44 Land Clearing. Call 649-8735 Carpentry and general con­ 643-5361 repairs. No job too small. after 7 pm. tracting. Residential and ATTENTION! Come see our ^ u s e of the standard I had set for my family, I felt I 45 46 47 45 49 Save! Call 644-8356 for es­ couldn t lower those standards without first discussing it 1 Hard handed ~~~ ^ commercial. Whether it be a ROOFER WILL Install roof, Great Selection of Quality defento lU timates. HOUSE with them, so we held a family meeting. The result: I quit 51 52 53 CLEA NING small repair job, a custom siding or gutter for low dis­ Preowned Autos. Completely 2 Armenian problems? General Cleaning, built home or anything in reconditioned at Manchester both part-time jobs and we adjusted our standard of living mountain 54 QUALITY CARPENTRY By count price. Call Ken at 647- accordingly, ° 55 Carpets, Floors, Walls, Smoke between, call 6481379. 1566. Honda. Connecticut’s largest 3 To set in type Harp Construction Additions, & Water Damage Restora-Restora­ and most complete Honda That was newly two years ago, and now I realize what a 56 57 roofing^, siding decks and gar­ 4 Pretend tion. Professional-Insured .NEWTON SMITH- Healing-Plumbing 35 Dealer! 24 Adam Street, A COMPLETE CAR CARE CENTER wonderful family I have. I have earned the respect of my - li ages. Call anytime. 6485001. DOMESTICARE, 643-1945. Remodeling, Repairs, and Manchester. sono. But more important, f have learned that the greatest mwSPARR INriMWtIMSNl CARPET INSTALLATION - Rec-Rooms. No job to small. SEWERLINES, sink lines, 8*“;» “ 1 give his children is himself and his time. LOSE WEIGHT and NEVER 6483144. cleaned with electric cutters, 1974 VEGA GT- Good running Today I am a happier man, and I want to thank you, Stair shifts. Repairs. Carpets, Gain it Back! No diets, exer­ • Top Quality Exhaust Systani by professionals. McKinney condition, $550. Call 649-8994, • Brako S an riG o Abby, because if it were not for the letter my son wrote to steam Cleaning. Free es­ cise or costly meetings. For after 6 p.m. • Engine Tuna Up timates. Call 649-6265. CARPENTRY ii Masonry - Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ you. I might never have known what I was missing. Sign Allay Oop — Dava G rain win at bridge free information call or write ADDITIONS AND pany, 643-5308, •Front End Sarvtaa me... A M Centers of America, 983 REMODELING. Free es­ JEEP 1974 CJ-5 - 258 C.I. High Absorbw Replaconiont EXPERT PAINTING and THfc PRINCE Main Street, Manchester. 643- timates. Call Anthony perfrmance engine, 20,000 •Prof. Ruatproolbig DAD NOW THAT LANDSCAPING Specialize, 7563. NO JOB TOO Small - To let • Qu^ U a o d Cara e...DaADi , KESP CLIMBIN'.' ONCE WElR6 Squillacote 649-0811. repairs, plugged drains, miles. Hooker Headers, C O M M A N D B l! THUM'S IN TH; OOU05, IH EY 'a HAVE . Exterior House Painting. Holley four barrel, DEAR ABBY: Would you like to know how an 83-year-oId 6 0 N E ,A R E A TOUSH TIIME TRACKIN' US!, Tree pruning, spraying, kitchen faucet replaced, jjjjjjigjjjj We offer convenience along tvilh a tuperior product. W E e o - SNOW-PLOWING- FIRE WROBEL & SON- General Offenhauser high-rise relic feels about Christmas? mowing, weeding. Call 742- repaired, rec rooms, IN S TO WOOD for sale. Delivery only Carpentry 4 Repairs. manifold. Monro MagnumMa .1 jlisUice exchanging gifts because most people give only in 7947. 569-3037. i bathroom remodeling, heat A good hand viewed again Specializing id ReTnddeling, modernization, etc. Free shocks, all gauges, 2 sets of the; hope that they'll get something. If I could get off tires, fog lights, roll bar. HEAVY OR LIGHT Rec Rooms, Repairing of Estimate gladly given. M & N Christmas list I would rejoice. I don’t need in a four-heart contract witb Porches, Concrete and Excellent shape. Must sell any^iog, and everything I get is either the wrong size, not TRUCKING. Cellars, attics Plumbing & Heating. 649-2871. NORTH lZ-13 four probably losing tricks. Chimney Repairs. No job too this month! Please call 628 mj^otyle, or I have one already. and yards cleaned, also stone, 4051. ♦ 752 . Ix)ok at all the c a r ^ and loam or sand delivered. 644^ small. Discount Senior MANCHESTER PLUMBING go shopping myself, so I have to impose on others Y K J 10 8 3 you will see all those losers Palnling-Papering 32 Citizens. 6482403. & HEATING - Repairs. to sh6p for me, which is asking a lot. Also, a dollar doesn't 1775 or 644-9532. 1974 GREMLIN- Am/fm « A64 right there, yet A1 per­ Remodeling. Pumps repaired 3 6 9 M A IN ST. buy nearly what it used to, and I resent spending all that « A7 formed the magician’s trick radio, automatic. Low MANCHESTER A-1 UGHT TRUCKING- Rub­ PAINTING - Interior and LEON CIESZYNSKI Builder - / replaced. Free estimates. Mon. - M . S u n. • • pjn. money just so people won't think I'm a cheapskate. of making one of them van­ exterior, paperhanging, Electric drain-snaking. 24- mileage. Excellent condition. WEST EtaST bish removed. Appliances etc. New homes custom built $1200 or best offer. 643-0245, 6 4 6 - 2 1 1 2 Wod. un 9 P.M. SM. . I don't like those annual Christmas letters describing 8 A Q J8 S ♦ 10 9 ish into thin air. moved. For all your Light excellent work references. remodeled, additions, rec hour service. 646-0237. where they went last year. It's a lot of bragging and showing He won the club in dummy Free estimates. Fully in­ anytime. » o.m. - 3 p.m. Y 642 T 5 Trucking needs at Very rooms, garage, kitchens off. ♦ 10 7 ♦ Q J9 S 3 and drew tnunps with three Reasonable Prices. Call sured. Martin Matson, 648 remodelea,bath tile, cement leads. Then he cashed his 4431. Neither do I like Christmas cards with the sender's name 8 Q J 1 0 8 9 8 6 4 2 anytime, 8787059. work, steps, dormers, printed on it. If a person can’t even sign bis own name in ink The Pllntatonaa — Hanna Barbara Productlona king of clubs, ruffed Ms laht residential or comercial. Call SOUTH club in dummy and stopped QUALITY PAINTING and PLU M B IN G - 25 Y e a rs and add a personal "Hello," who needs it? 649-4291. FIBRE'S A N ^ ♦ K 4 3 to count the hand. West had SNOW-PLOWING- Commer­ Paper Hanging by Willis Experience! Call Tom Also, somebody who notifies me that she has sent a con­ ^ L E T ME ♦ AQ97 Dawkins at 6487630. "Dif­ / m 'o r i i l E R S / tribution to HER favorite charity in MY name is somebody application IVUAT'S TO ^ shown three hearts and cial and Residential. Free es­ Schultz. Fully insured FIRST CLASS Carpentry - t h in k A B O U T ♦ K 8 2 ficult Jobs Taken In Stride." else I can do without. I like to pick my own charities. TO J O IN THINK ABOUT? three clubs. He was not the y timates. Reliable, plus Best references. 649-4343. Remodeling and Additions. L IT.' ♦ K S 3 Merry Christmas, Abby! NEXT YEAR'S HOW COULD sort to make a vulnerable Prices Around! Please call Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 overcall with only a four- Flooring 36 An VONE NO T Vulnerable: Both 5283678. J.P. LEWIS & SON Interior years experience! For Free g r Xn d m a C H ^ / S T M A S card suit so he had at least and Exterior painting, paper C L U 3 ^ w a n t t o Dealer; South Estimates, call 646-4239. FLOOR SANDING and five spades. That meant he hanging, remodeling, carpen­ SHALL JOIN A CLUB West North Etast South SNOW-PLOWING- Available try. Fully insured. 64890. Refinishing. Floors like new, could not hold more than two GENERAL CARPENTRY, P * . el P POK diamonds. The magic was all winter, night or day. (Specializing in older floors). I* 3 « Repairs, Remodeling, Staining floors. No waxing. i*«v«Un CELEBKATIN& Pass 3 NT ready. SANDING AVAILABLE TOO. SILKTOWN PAINTERS- Y |p n N m r T w Ym m «r Tm Old." S tai N with • Im«, Garages, Additions, Porches, Also Ceiling and Interior CHKISTMAS Pass 4T Pass Pass A1 cashed his king of dia­ Don't wait til it snows! Call Pofessional work at no extra Rec Rooms, Roofing, Gutters. g g eMtol to A U ^ i l n P a s s 6480743, after 3:30 p.m. cost. Call 6485424. Painting. John Verfaille. 648 r / . . monds, led a diamond to Call Mr. Moran 643-2629. 5750 after 6 pm. D rito, BtoTtoi, HIBi, CdS. m i S . dummy's ace and a spade to 1979 ZEPHYR STATION WAGON his king and West’s ace; Opening lead: West could take two more Looking for kitchen Apartmenia For Beni 53, OlHcea-Slorea for Beni 55 OlHcea-Slorea lor Bent 55 spade tricks but would have appliances? See the Astrograph to play a fourth spade to give great buys In today's FOUR ROOM Apartment- ROCKVILLE - 9x39 foot store DESIRABLE OFFICE The Born Loaar — Art Sanaom By Oswald Jacoby A1 a ruff and discard. Or Classified columns. Tile bath, appliances, private on busy street. Large display SPACE- modest rent. and Alan Sontag West could lead a spade to entrance and storage. Good windows. $125 monthly. Lease Immediate occupancy. 953 ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) Be East. East could then collect ••••••••«••••••••••••••••• location. Available im­ required. Lee & Lemont Real­ Main Street. Telephone 643- doubly certain that proposals '(KW.,yEAR„«IBtW3|jfT! Here is a hand played a diamond trick, but would you make today can stand up Apartmenta For Beni 53 mediately. (Juiet or retired ty, 875-4690. 4846 after 5 pm. ^VEAH...UmWH„.C5H.|JO'.vm, many years ago by the fate have to give A1 a ruff and persons. References, securi­ under close scrutiny. Your US AWOmeR THREE discard and no third spade QOoSiKilD^y Ideas may be mercilessly LCT lew TALK. WDIH02., Albert Morehead, editor of LOOKING for anything in real ty. No pets, or children. >Z\WMUIK.OP05ATI»... > the Bridge World m agazine loser. estate rental - apartment , Unheated, $215 monthly. pigked . apart, so baye, yqur ^ TALK 16 oeAP! Dscember 14,1178 •aimwOM'readyi. iW --v :• i 'S . . f ^ and New York Times bridge (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. I homes, multiple dwellings, no Write to; P.0, Box 244, East- editor. ford, Conn. You will be far luckier In enter­ TAURUS (Apr! rO-MSfS)) Thle fees. Call J.D. Real Estate prises where you (unction in­ North really should have (Fora copy Of JACOBY K. 'D- la not a good time to get In over EBN, send $1 to: "Win a! Associates, Inc. 6481980. dependently than you will with left A1 in three notrump, but 5 ROOM APARTMENT, new­ your head budgetwise. Don't Bridge," care of this newspa­ partners this coming year. assume any new long-range then there would be no story. FOUR ROOM APARTMENT ly remodeled. Convenient Avoid taking on deadweights. per. P.O. Box 4S9, Radio City obligations unless they're ab­ As it was, A1 found him self Slallon, New York, N. Y. 10019.) - 426 Broad St. $155. Swurity location to buses, shopping X-MAS SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 280tc. solutely necessary. deposit. No appliances. and churches. Use of one car 21) Even though your intentions GEMINI (May 21-Junt 20) Make Married couple. No pets. garage included. $290 may be noble, a close compan­ no decisions today under pres­ Telephone 643-4751. monthly, no utilities. Security SPECIALS ion will not appreciate your sure/ You need time to think Haathcllff — Csorga Qataly and deposit required. 6485597. , trying to run his iife (or him. Let things out. If you feel pushed It f I ^ VERNON- Well maintained him do his own things and you will adversely affect your judg­ ,vn garden apartments. Frank MANCHESTER- Three dp yours. Like to (ind out more ment. Smith Assoc. Inc. 246-6831 or bedroom Duplex. Country 1974 CAMARO o( what lies ahead for you in CANCER (June 2t-July 22) Re­ W Inthrop — Dick Cavaiii Resident Manager 871-9188. kitchen. 11/2 baths, rec room. BEAUTIFUL SEA QREEN WITH MATCHINQ VINYL ROOF AND PLAID 1979? Send for your copy of sponsibilities you've been BUCKET SEAT INTERIOR - 350 S CYL. - A A R A N S - POW ER STEERINO Astro-Graph Letter by mailing postponing are likely to clamor Immediate occupancy. V t RESPONSIBLE FEMALE to References and security. 6«- - RADIO - WHITE WALLS - SPORTY LITTLE AUTOMOBILE 50 cents (or each and a long, lor Instant attention today. /Wa p r i e d „ share apartment with same. 6370, or 7681818 after 5 p.m. self-addressed, stamped enve­ Keep cool, but try to gel mat­ K3NY I HAVE OFaOUBBB...')C)a Large bedroom. 647-9988. . $ 3 4 9 5 — lope to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box ' ters straightened. WE'RE00 HEAR ABOUT PIP >OU HEAR ABOUT Call after 4:30, 5681230. No feet. Call 9 to 5, 6486836. 1973 MUSTANG E outside world than usual today. ”rWBKINS?... THE KING?...- childm. Available around the I Leave them on the doorstep so and resources. However, today S o lo n ” in t e r io r - HAS 8 CYL - 3 you could suiter a careless / 1st. of December. ATTRACTIVE 3 room office. SPEED STANDARD TRANS - P/STEERINQ - WHITE WALLS - I you don't gel the family EXTREMELY CLEAN NICE RUNNINQ AUTOMOBILE • , uptight. loss. Ideal location. $300 including (NEWSPAPER ENTERPn(SE ASSN | ROOMMATE WANTED TO u tilities. Don Horrigan, f Barry’s World — Jim B a rry SHARE 2 bedroom apartment Barrows Company.647-1000. ‘ TMANKSWR ♦RSUAX...Ht «XZP with mature woman and well C£WUN9 B Y /' tm fWHPCe.' behaved 4 year old. Clean, MANCHESTER- Retail, Bugs Bunny naimoani « swuw. neat environment on bus line, storage, and/or manufac­ convenient to highway. North turing space. 2,000 sq. ft to $5399 Manchester. Call 646-7759 100,00() sq. ft. Very after 7 p.m., or 2481140, 10 to OH,TO BE RELEAseP &AH&-] IftA Y , reasonable. Brokers FROM THETBPIU/M OF 4 p.m. p^rotected. Call Heyman WAY.' / ©UV'NOR, Properties, 1-2281206. Our Bearding Housa This Funny World BBIN(B4/MERE WHAT^'eOIN' 4 ROOM APARTMENT, WINDOW WA6HER.' ON Stove, refrigerator and hot STORE OR OFFICE space VIEW res yEARN RORTrtE EARLY _ '/i water only. $M5 monthly and adjacent downtown pairing security, 643-1442. lot. 6481442. f RAW - OF PLAYHOUSE BO JTLIVE 16 DEAP. PORTABLE m o r i a r t y b r o t h e r s / Ajjp OTHER LIVE PRAMA6.' •toMAdORi PEOPLE WUNTED MAGHNSrS OFFICE SPACE FREETV ^ A W e n HAVE VYATCKEP WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY OF — ^ M A N V INSTANT ■J TOOLBOX AND TOOLS FOR RENT ■ M B A replays they t?NLY BELIEVE Want to purchase used tools for THE ABOVE CARS BETWEEN student taking machining In zso iquare ien, cenler o( RUT u w eatherman school. Manchester, air conditioning and NOW AND CHRISTMAS - ACT 646-4469 parking. Call M H 55I. 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN.* Phone 643-5135 THE .IKPUSTRY! CASTS Jo APP « FASTI ^^CREDIBILITY!

iMv l a n p l o r p '« Th e intricacies o f PUE A n y MINUTE, b u s i n e s s n e v e r LOOKIN' RR ^ C E A S E TO W JH' R E N T.' A M A Z E M e . / 76% of persons planning to buy a home referred to classified ® mn J~y^.BwitchBd to a whole newi area _ a - i^ H e r a l b aefiidgrammlng soap ope^ to « real estate advertising/' Did they see your ad? ClASSIFlEO ADVERTISING SOURCE: Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 1976 PHONE 643-2711 ronAtii»rAgfitiH placimo vouwab t x t — ' . , / .. _ U HEY P b e o u s t a s Atr.v.i ig A.TF-.- "It's a partridge Inapeartree -and wait tUlyousea what I got for you for the next 11 days of Christmasl" L HAGE THIHTY-SIX - MANCHESTER EVKNING HERALD. Manchestor. Ciinn.. Wed.. IXi. i;i. I!),. Directors Have Doubts Snow Rule Tabled SWEET TASTES MANCHESTER — Two ordinances proposed The board also took the following actions provements. by the Department of Public Works were ap­ Tuesday night: • Tabled appointment of a Town Ethics proved Tuesday night, but a third about snow • Approved the sale of two parcels at 360 Commission. removal was tabled. TollaM Turnpike to the state Tor $33,000. The • Appropriated $34,246 in funding from the Members of the Town Board of Directors land is needed for highway improvements. Comprehensive Employment Training Act had some doubts about an ordinance proposed • Adopted an ordinance that permits a con- program to cover CETA costs for December. OF CHRISTMAS by Jay Giles, director of public works, the dification of the Town Charter. The charter is • Approved $22,000 for road improvement proposal would permit the town to shovel being updated through the codification. projects, including signalization on Spruce sidewalks and then charge the property • Appointed Raymond "Sonny” Damato to Street and Middle Turnpike. ff n millions of kitchens all Austrian Jam Torte and Sesame owners in instances where the owner had the Cheney National Hlstdrlt District Com­ • Transferred $2,162.53 to the Water Depart­ around the world, Christ- Cookies, can be baked and frozen. failed to do the snow shoveling 24 hours after a mission. ment budget from unexpended balance in the imas is the happiest and Austria, a land where people take storm. • Appointed James Watt to the board of Cooper Hill Treatment Plant account. g ^ i busiest time of the year. pride in their pastries, contributes "When the Town of Manchester can't shovel directors to the Manchester Legal Aid Ser­ • Assigned the name of Chapel Road to the And although the spirit of the season the Jam Torte. and the Almond its own sidewalks, how in the blazes will it vices Inc. primary industrial road. is reflected in a myriad of different Crescents. Panettone, an Italian shovel other sidewalks,” Director Carl • Approved an application to the Capitol • Accepted a grant of $23,000 from the flavors and fragrances, depending yeast cake specialty which can be Zinsser asked. Director Joseph Sweeney said Region Council of Governments for $86,700 for Connecticut Historical Commission for plan­ on the kitchen, holiday cooking and made in many shapes and sizes, that a town-owned walk near his home has not site improvements to expand housing for the ning work in the Cheney Historical District. been shoveled yet this winter. baking gets an extra measure of features the distinctive flavors of elderly at Spencer Village. • Allocated $6,500 tor a traffic signal at attention almost everywhere. citron and anise. The rich, vanilla- “It's quite obvious the town doesn’t practice • Allocated $1,000 from Community Center and Church streets and $25,000 for road fWfi what it preaches," Sweeney said. Development ' funds for downtown im­ reconstruction work. flavored Spritz are melt-in-your- Betty Intagliata said the proposed or­ Just about everyone has time- mciuth press cookies from Sweden. dinance. which also would increase the fine honored recipes they prepare each This recipe for Sesame Cookies is a for failure to shovel walks, might create many yule for family feasting, for enter­ preserve-filled variation of the problems and complaints. taining, for gifts. But as much as we traditional Christmas seed cookie Thomas Connors jokingly proposed that the enjoy our own traditional favorites from Hungary. ordinance be tabled until June. By then, there Cutillo Wants to Keep Post handed down from generation to ?eneration, somehow introducing a Happy Baking! And don’t forget would be little snow for the town to worry HARTFORD (UPI) — Sen. Louis S. Cutillo, mittee, now called the Finance Committee to leave Santa a sampling of all the about, he said. The board did decide to table it D-Waterbury, says he does not want to lose his Cutillo said he was upset with the changes ew new recipes to the Christmas until next month. goodies! position as chairman of the committee which and wanted to be senate chairman of the repertoire is a special treat. Mideast Briefing It did approve two other ordinances oversees legalized gambling in Connecticut. Public Safety Committee, which will review proposed by Giles. Cutillo, chairman of the General Laws Com­ legislation policing lotteries, jai alai, dog Oner permits the town to close a road legal­ mittee last week which lost its responsibility Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, just back for a 16-day, seven racing and track betting. •T®, ly when construction work is being done. The over the gaming industry, Tuesday said he The Revenue and Bonding panel will handle nation Middle East trip on behalf of President Carter tells a news other establishes penalties for persons who now wants to head up the new Public Safety the revenue-raising associated with the conference Tuesday he has warned Israeli leaders the 96th Congress leave debris on town roads, or pipe water onto Committee. gambling arena. them. will be “reluctant” to increase aid unless their country stops ‘Tve been here nearly 10 years,” Cutillo Senate President Pro Tern Joseph J. building new settlements on the West Bank. (UPI photo) The directors made no final decision on said. “I have the right to ask for the job.” Fauliso, D-Hartford, who appoints committee whether to hold a Dec. 20 meeting with the Senate and House Democrats last week cut chairmen, Tuesday said he expected some Water Study Committee. The committee has the number of committees from 20 to 16. The senators to request new appointments due to said it can not prepare a final report by then, reorganization divided gambling respon­ the changes. Fauliso was expected to appoint and some board members wondered if the sibilities between the new Public Safety Com­ committee Chairmen later this week. Dec. 20 meeting would be worth holding. mitee and the Revenue and Bonding Com­ Area Woman Appointed For those who are looking for the flavor of holidays ppst and the 1 To Vacant Budget Post baking conveniences of the present, the Kraft Kitchens share their MANCHESTER — The town has hired a mittee of Finance. In that job, she has collection of Old World confec­ budget analyst to fill a position that has served as a budget analyst and executive tionary: Spritz, Sesame Cookies, been vacant for five months. assistant to two commitee chairmen and Janet Chayes, a Marlborough resident, has been involved in preparing a detailed Panettone, Austrian Jam Torte and has been named the town's second budget monthly analysis of state revenues and Almond Crescents. All are make analyst. She will begin work Jan. 2. expenditures. ahead and with the exception of the The position was created in 1977, and She was graduated from the University Paula Yellman was the first budget of Connecticut as a dean’s list student and analyst hired by the town. She resigned soon will receive a master of arts in July 14 of this year, and the position has political science from Trinity College. been vacant since. Ms. Chayes will be involved in SAVE ( Ms. Chayes has worked since January 8 5 preparing the town budget for 1979 and also 1975 as the senior administrator to the will do day-to-day budgeting review work. Connecticut General Assembly Joint Com­ DouUe Holiday Savings Plant Shutdown Probed on Delicrious l^lgeils! WATERFORD (UPI) — A Northeast said.. Utilities spokesman says workers were in­ The 660,000-killowatt unit is owned by vestigating how the Millstone I nuclear Northeast Utilities. The spokesman added ALMOND CRESCENTS SESAME COOKIES power plant accidentally shut down. Millstone I was expected to be back in PANETTONE 1 cup Parkay margarine 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup Paricay margarine 1/2 teaspoon salt 5 to 5-1/2 cups flour 3/4 cup raisins The plant ceased operations early operation today. 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup finely chopped Sesame seeds 1/2 cup sugar -1/2 - cup lapped - citron Tuesday when automatic equipment shut Steam isolation valves are located in 3/4 teaspoon almond extract nfmonds V...... 1 teaspoon vanilla off the flow of steam in one of our main IGraft apricot or strawberry . 2 p)%s. active dry yeast - -2 tablespoons chopped each of the four lines carrying steam from 2 cups flour Confectioners’ sugar 2 cups flour preserves 1 teaspoon salt lines leading out of the reactor, the walnuts the reactor to the turbine. Parkay margarine 1 tablespoon anise seed spokesman said. Cream margarine and granulated .sugar until light and fluffy. The valves are designed to automatical­ Blend in extract. ,4dd flour and salt; nii.x well. Stir in nuts. Cream margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Blend in 1/2 cup milk Plant employees were investigating £ ly close in case there is a leak in lines Chill. Shape rounded teaspoonfuls of dougli into crescents; vanilla. Add flour and salt; im’x well. Shape rounded table­ 1/2 cup water 1 egg, beaten what caused the main steam isolation between the valves and the turbine so place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at .325°, 10 to 12 min­ spoonfuls of dough into balls; roll in sesame seeds. Place on 9 ®ggs 1 t^espoon water valve to close and halt the steam flow, he steam will be locked in the reactor. utes or until set. Cool; sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar. Ap­ unpeased oiokie sheet Indent centers; fill with preserves. In large mixing bowl, combine 1-1/2 cups flour, sugar, yeast proximately 5 dozen Bake at 400 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Ap­ and salt. Heat 2/3 cup margarine, milk and water over low heat proximately 3 dozen until warm. Add to flour mixture; bent 4 minutes on medium Music Program AUSTRIAN JAM TORTE speed of electric mixer. Add 1 cup flour and eggs; beat 2 min­ 2 cups flour utes at high speed. Stir in raisins, citron, nuts and anise seed 1 tablespoon water SPRITZ Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough. On floured Planned by DAR 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup Parkay margarine 2-1/2 cups flour surface, knead dough until smootli and elastic. Place in greased 1 10-oz. jar Kraft red rasp­ 2/3 cup sugar bowl; brush with melted margarine. Cover; let rise in warm 1/2 cup Parkay margarine 1/2 teaspoon baldng powder MANCHESTER - Mrs. Cheryll Hadley, a berry or strawberry lace until double in volume, about 1-1/2 hours. Punch down 1 egg, beaten leg g Dash of salt faculty member at the West Hartford School preserves 1/4 teaspoon vanilla Sough. Cover; let rise about 30 minutes. Punch down d o u ^ ; of Music, will be the guest artist at the Orford Combine dry ingredients; cut in margarine until mixture re­ divide in half. Shape each half into round loaf; place bn greased Parish Chapter, DAR, Christmas program sembles coarse crumbs. Add egg, water and extract, mixing Cream rnnrgarine .and sugar until light and fluffy. Blend in egg cookie sheet. Cut deep cross in top of each loaf. Cover; let rise Thursday. The meeting will begin 7:30 p.m. at lightly with fork. Chill one quarter of dough. Press remaining and vanilla. Add combined dry ingredients; mix well. t SS about 1 hour. the home of Mrs. John Rieg, 2 Eastland St. dough on bottom and 1/2-inch up sides of 9-inch springform dough with food coloring, if desired. Force dough through Brush dough with combined egg and water. Bake at 350°, 35 Mrs. Hadley is a graduate of Drake Univer­ pan. Spread dough with preserves. On lightly floured surface, cookie press onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 400° 6 to 8 to 40 minutes. 2 loaves • sity and the University of Illinois. While roll out chilled dough; cut into 1/2-incli wide strips. Place Your holi(day meals antd parties deserve ™dozeii *’®'’**^ browned. Approximately teaching at the University of Illinois, she per­ strips diagonally across preserves to form lattice; press edges formed with contemporary and chamber really delicious coffee. And now you can save to seal. Bake at 350°, 35 to 40 minutes or until light^ browned. music groups. She has also performed as piano 85^ on the Folger’s Coffee made just for your Loosen crust from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. soloist. coffeemaker— She is currently working as a free lance ac­ Folger’s Coffee comes in 3 grinds—regular, companist. electric perc and drip. Tastes so delicious, it’s been Hostesses will be Miss Sally Robb, chair­ for automatic drip coffeemakers. It’s the same man, Mrs. A. Howard McElrath, Miss Marion the leading coffee in most of the country for years. delicious Mountain Grown Folger’s, but it’s flaked to Brookings, Miss Nellie Lull, Mrs. James And Folger’s is mountain grown. That’s the richest, release more rich flavor, so you use less and save Mru. Chervil lluciley McKay, Mrs. John White and Mrs. Leslie most aromatic kind of coffee. money. If you normally use 5 measures per pot, you Brookes. Folger’s Flaked Coffee is specially designed only need 4 of Folger’s Flaked Coffee. Your Neighbor’s Kitchen

By BETTY RYDER TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR STORE on Qiristmas diamonds any SaveSSt size The Ways and Means Committee of breads, rolls and pastry; cakes, ■'2 to 1 cup chopped green pepper set aside. Parboil peppers m boiling 1/3 Carat xaiNtto.GROWN |b|gera bn n lo- terrific hostess gift. They may be plus a spice guide, downad who hat by wrinsn agroomant wito Proctor 4 Otmbia agraod to accapi fmanaal rasponsibiiiiy, or to a noidar ol our Ctrbiicaia ol Author, Place a layer of shreffded lettuce minutes. (Stand peppers in shallow Coffee. ity ackng tor toam COUPONS SHOULD BE StoPPED, AT OUR EXPENSE, TO PROCTER 4 OAMBLE; 2IS0 SUNNYBROOX DRIVE, CINCINNATI purchased through any club member With holiday entertaining m mind, 3 OHIO 4i33T on bottom of clear bowl. Follow by pan. Add '/i inch water to pan and ' Cathradamptonvalua l/TOol 1$ 01 of by contacting the co-chairmen of 0 7 3 M 0 a recipe ’’Toby’s Cheese Ball ” sub­ layers of vegetables in this order: bake uncovered.) FOLGER COFFEE CO. the committee, Sharon Guerette at THEN... mitted by Mrs. Marjorie Mlodzinski Celery, peas (uncooked), lettuce, Getting a headstart on holiday 646-2944 or Mary Russo, 646-4447. of Vernon, might fit right into onion, green pepper and more let­ treats try these Rum Balls submitted Save big with this 500 This is one of the club’s fundraising 9672CF TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR STORE your menu. tuce. Spread mayonnaise over top. by Claire Drake of Bolton. events this year. Other events in­ coupon when you Sprinkle with 2 tablespoonfuls of cluded an Arts and Crafts Pair held 'I’ohy's CliiTsc Hall Iltim HuIIm stock up on a large sugar. Cover with a cheese layer and recently and plans are under way for 2 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, 1 cup vanilla wafer crumbs, can of Folger’s Coffee -softened top with bacon bits. Cover with Saran 1/4 Carat S a v e 5 0 <^°"Hilgei^ a Spring Dance. crushed 1/4 Carat T.W. or Folger’s Flaked Wrap and refrigerate overnight. when you buy Any woman 18 to 40 years of age in­ 1 cup crushed pineapple, drained ■Yi cup walnuts Diamond Pendant Diamond Earrings Coffee (or two small 2 cups chopped walnuts Another recipe li.sted under "Main terested in membership in the 1 cup confectioners sugar ONE 2 lb. OR 3 lb. CAN OR ONE 26 oz. OR ' I cup chopped green pepper Dishes ” and submitted by Mrs. size cans). Manchester Junior Women’s Club ‘/i cup bourbon, rum or brandy $29900* 39 oz. Ci^N OF FLAKED OR TWO 1 lb. CANS OR TWO 13 oz. OF FLAKED 2 tablespoons chopped onion Itnbert (Diane) Byrne is a switch $19900* should contact Mrs, Madelyn Dore at Combine all ingredients. Allow to 2 tablc.spoons .seasoned salt from the usual stuffed peppers. This 649-2725 or Mrs. Sharon Scorso. 846- .stand until stiff (about 30 minutes). TO THE DEALER You ara autoontad to ad at our agtni tor toa radampUbn ol toa coupon Ma will raimburta you tor tha laca vaiua ol this couoon or if ctHioon one is call appropriately enough •Available In 14Kt. Yellow or White Gold. Illustrations enlarged to caMttorkaa rsorchartdrta. wo wiuramburto you tor such troogoods, phis5«torhandhng. providad tod you arid toaconiumot havt compkad wiin tn'a iwma o t ^ Mash cheese with fork; add pineap­ Use a teaspoon and scoop out dough coupon oflar By tubmiitng tola coupon tor raimburtanwni you laprosam toM you rtdtamad H pursuant to toaaa terms Any laJura looniorca mass larm* Ahaii ra and salt, h orm into 1 large or 2 small itntad mult bo thown upon tariuatl and M ura to do to may. al out opbon, vok) ail coupons lubminad lor ttimburstmani lor which nootodoi Wednesday of each month, Stiiffi'il Pi'|i|irr.» IMuiir confectioners 3ugar and store in tin products purchatod la shown tooporty rodoomad coupons wiU ba accaptod tor roimburtamoni if idanBfitd by toa ratsil ditlnbutor d ow mar balls. Roll into rest of nuts. Better if toom Ml connodion wito u to t M too coniumor. or too supphor of too produds on which too coupons ham b a ^ .. September through May, at 7:30 p.m. 4 medium green peppers for 1 week before using, who has by wtinon agraamani with Proctor 4 Gambia agraad to accapi knsncial rtspontibuily, or lo a hoidar ol our Carthc am or Authm Q refrigerated overnight ir your ityackng- tor— ------~ - O N l SHOULD BE IHIPPEO. AT OUR EXPENSE. TOPROCTER 4 OAMBLE, J1i0 SUNNYBROOrt DRWE atWIWATl $ at the First Federal Savings, 344 W. 1 cup uncooked elbow macaroni 1 hope I’ve whet your appetites %iammd ©? 0MI0 4U3T . , „ 1278 tn guesita can guess tho hidden in­ I (7 oz.l can tuna, drained and enough so that you’ll not only want to I fiTooM Cashradampbonvaiua l/»on$ “ Middle Turnpike. Manchester. gredient. Place Your TRUST in FOLGER COFFEE CO. I The colorful cover of the cookbook flaked purchase a cookbook for a friend, but Barbara Marble’s Overnight Salad the Diamond Specialist CUT ALONG OOTTEO LINE © T h e Folger CoUco Company, 1 9 7 8 bears an appropriate message: 1 small can cream of mushroom add it to your own pantry shelf. caught my eye .-ind is imc ol do soup (senii-condensodl Call club members now and place ffiwmcaM ■'Kissin’ wears out — cooking ilon'(!'' .dic.iil |■c(■ipcs 1 Imp MANCHESTCa PARKAOE • M M in atoo The contents arc divided by lull- Splash of white wine your oders so that the Manchester Sharon Guerette. at left, ami M;ii y Russo, co-chairmen.lo tlio VERNON. BRISTOL ^ A2A. WESTFARMB. SIMSBURY color pages dealing with appetizers, O icriiiglii Siiliiil Leftover vegetables Junior Women’s Club can continue Ways and Means Committee of the Manchester Junior Women s pickles and relishes: main dishes; 1 head lettuce, shredded Cook elbow macaroni, drain and its worthwhile community projects. Club, look over cookbooks comprised of more than 200 soups, salads and vogelabics: ' a to 1 cup chopped celery favoriterecipes trom members, t Herald photo by Pinto)

IL PAGE THIRTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed., De(. i:i, I'CT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., Dec. 13. 1978 — PAGE THIKTY-NINI': Wareham-Kendall A H S top & Sh

pound ment. Library of Congress, BEAT that has the answer. Write For more information on ‘‘Detroit and Vicinity acquired from the Library addresses and telephone Lpackage] ^ W h i t e G e m ” 10 First Street S.E., the Referral Service in the library’s services for Before 1900.” of Congress for nominal numbers of federal agen­ Washington, D.C. 20540. care of the Library of the handicapped, write the The library also sells sums. For information and cies in your region — from 300 4 Q . THE BUREAUCRACY Budding Sliced Meats pk0 The research librarians Congress at the above ad­ Division for the Blind and such recordings as “ Folk a price schedule, write the BEAT THE Howard K-Ottenstein ask, however, that you dress. Physically Handicapped, Music of Puerto Rico” and library’s Photoduplication BUREAUCRACY, the new Colonial Sliced Bacon^M .49 Ocean! solicit their help only after The Library of Congress Library of Congress, 1291 “ Robert Frost Reading His Service. nsgutarorMipie d ^ le Ju ic e book by Howard K. Ottens- WierwiorBetf S4 Cranberry Juice you have exhausted all has a special Division for Taylor Street, Washington, own Poetry.” And if your club or tein. Send your name and y^Oscar Mayer Franks 1 b pkg. I . 0 9 S to p & S h o p local and state information the Blind and Physically D.C., 20542. Cocktail 480Z. btl. Use library from far away For a free copy of the organization would like to address with check or 84 ounce bottle sources. Handicapped that records The Library of Congress Library of Congress learn more about the money order for $2.65 to €kens 8 9 If your question is of a ^ IS h o p 2 4oL g g j (Ninth of 18 parts) . tures. And the library's or prints in braille some 2,- doesn't just collect books. publications catalog, write library, the library’s Loan BEAT THE R o o m e r d e lis ced to order. iWhole2y2-3lb& Fruit Cocktail Stop&Shop 2( J 8 9 ‘ .Mushrooms scientific nature, the 500 different written works --■ Shortly after its founding collection is growing at the It publishes them as well. the Loan Division, Library Division will lend you an BUREAUCRACY in care Our meaty, all natural oWWWIMXeQ library’s National Referral Tom ato Juice 32oalc^oSe 49* Heinz Pickles inSiSiS 79* in 1800, the Library of astounding rate of 7,000 and musical compositions Among its diverse of Congress, Washington, informative color film. of T he Manchester Avalable in stores featuing a seivice det chickien from Maine. Delicious Center for Science and Congress was burned to the new items each working annually. The books and offerings are “The Civil D.C. 20540. (NEXT: Find a job) Evening Herald, P.O. Box Stop & Shop stuffed with a savory dressing/ ground — along with much day. Technology will help you records are then dis­ War in Pictures,” “Jour­ Copies of maps, photos, Learn more about 489, Dept. B, Radio City GtanbenySaiice G ceenBeans of Washington — by the You don’t even have to get in touch with the in­ tributed to about 150 state nals of the Continental prints and other documen­ government benefits and Station, New York, N.Y. British. Fortunately, it visit the library to take ad- dividual or organization and city libraries. Congress (1774-1789)” and tary materials may also be services — including the 10019. was rebuilt, and has since vantage of its vast !utUporSplit3'^49i 3 '£ 1 stop^st^p 4 's ? i grown to a size that resources. “W hite G em ’ S p lit librarians of 150 years ago Is there a question — on Chicken Breasts 2 -2 % b a One Pie Pumpkin 39* Whole Onions 2’S?*1 could hardly have en­ almost any topic — that has Sliced Beets aops3«p 4«*1 Royal Prince Yams 69^ visioned. “W h ile G em " you stumped? Write the 2 -2 '/2lb a Today’s Library of siopa Legs 79i Wings Library of Congress for the Macaroni Salad Shop 59£ Congress houses 18 million answer. Address inquiries WE WEBB THE n « S r KeCrustAQx Sweetlfoed books, 4 million to the General Reference *o«weaHcaur photographs and prints and and Bibliography Division, yxirkitchenouaiity foods! PERDUl c% Piddes ]MK 250,000 reels of motion pic- Readers Service Depart- «uufrrcu4a«ivru» i P b r d lie Whole 2y2-3lba ^rocKer ^ p k g a ^ Stop & Shop 32oz., jar O w Roasted or B.B.Q. Style Stove Top M ix Stufling12oLpt(0. *1.19 Durkee Coconut 7ot.pkg 69* Pillsbury Bread M ix X 87* Vlasic Dill Pickles X 89* ik e d C M d te n Dd^Bnmordrartnny KoaherorPolMi W E U E S D i ^‘‘WhiteGem”s « O d i c k e n s C C Tasty senred FIX IT h o to rc o k f SimfHoiySvida SelectOBves Herb Alexander Fresh C heese Pizza S. ‘1 .09" RegubfSrtM ' ^ aoptaiop______Early California Ti Wrdue Chicken Breasts 3y2-4lbs. a Assorted Flavors Pitted Soz. can Perdue Perdue Workshop vise is ^ ^ O Z e n m e a t Special values. Legs 3%^bs. 89b Wings 3’/2-4lbs. 792 Marachino Chem’es Manzanilla Olives WE W IU U W iTS BE *n Orchard Queen GtoriiSUIad a welcome vice Sauce 1 lb. pkg. Lovitf s “V S e a Food Cocktail 12oz.jer Hershey Mini-Chips tng ChocoMe,Derkork»ChoCDWe By Herb Alexander find a second surface, half No home workshop is round and corrugated. ived Steak really well-equipped unless Together the surfaces form P la n te rs H o t & C d d i it has a vise. This is a basic pipe jaws which will grip a #1 IN LOWEST PRICES Bondess Chock Dry Roasted or Insulated Foam tool. It is absolutely essen­ piece of pipe securely 2 * ® Cocktail Peanuts “S 0 9 p k g of 50 ea tial in any job where without smashing it as flat 12 ounce jar material must be firmly jaws would. This feature is \^ te a k -U m m Steak !?S35.*1.89 Stop&Shop held while working on it. important if you have to COME IN AND COMPARE! H id e Stop&Shop Q 7oz S i Cold Cups 7 ounce pkg of 100 Hard Candy IIFLevort Obega. I It is an extra hand when cut a length of pipe. Stop & Shop “Great B eef USDA Choice Mxed Nuts wlh Paerub StfiQ kiy t » Planters 12ouncecan 250ct Napkins one ply (kg you need both your hands When you mount a ^ seafood For holiday entertaining *1.69 for handling a tool. machinists’ vise place it on Vises are widely one comer of the bench so Confused about all the food available in a variety of that the face of the fixed Boneless Beef Chuck Steak ‘1.59. PotatoCh^ PtmerPlates sizes and types and in a jaw is slightly forward of ErediPtdlock “G reat B e e r S to p & S h o p 9ia White W M V wide range of prices. They the edge of the bench. This warehouses around town? Chuck Stewing Beef U ^ A C h c ^ 1,49. work on similar principles, 100% Natural pkg of 100 will permit clearance for Fillets B ee f C huck however, regardless of objects that project Underblade Roast B one-in type. There is a movable downward. 1.39. Cheese Crackers lSp‘ 2|2£*1 Coffee Creamer 29 jaw and a fixed jaw. The A woodworker’s vise is Well, don't be! WAREHOUSE FOODS, Shrimp Cocktail 3X°2?*1.79 Beef Chuck SrrelPned O Q 4 Peanuts 99* Lindsay Olives 6oz.can 0 9 movable jaw • is preferred if you do much Shrimp Rolls;^feozen *1.09 Shoulder Steak for Loniton Broil manipulated by a handle carpentry. This type is not I 'i Large Shrimp 'IfeSf *4.99 “G re a tB e e r Q O which tightens it or fastened to the top of the THE ORIGINAL, is the only place to go Slop & Shan Peeled I Oeveined USO A C hoice 1 .0 w b d s ir y Money-saving values on our dairy fresh producta releases it in relation to the bench. It is mounted on the Blue Shell Crabs *1.89 Empire Apples fixed jaw. The handle is at front of the bench so that are part McIntosh the end of a threaded steel the top edge of the fixed for incredible food savings! and part Red Delicious. Minute Maid Blue Bonnet shaft. jaw is Hush with the top of Good for baking O nly at With a few exceptions the bench. bakery Baked in our ovens cooking or snacking. Orange M a rg a rin e most vises are mounted on Jaws on such a vise are S to p & S h o p a solid surface, generally larger; 3 to 6 inches to 4 by Everyone seems to be getting on Stop & Shop Yah Yah 64 ounce carton one pound pkg the workbench. This is 10 inches. The jaws are of from concentrate quarter lb. sticks 5 9 done by bolting, clamping smooth steel with holes Empire the bandwagon! After over two years l^ numV 0 g t or screwing to the surface provided so that the jaws Binterefest Breakstone 16o(Xiceajp 69* C ottage C heese I6~(wictan to provide a firm moun­ can be lined with pieces of Breyer's Yogurt nlS 3?!^’1 Crescent Rolls B0?pl^6 59* ting. wood to protect the of WAREHOUSE FOODS bringing you The kind you are likeliest W hole Milk Ricotta *1.89 Pillsbuiy cookies X 99* material you are working Calebm 2 potnd oonWnir (> x . Chipi Sigv, O d m a Raiain or BuBaracokh to buy is the machinist's on. B re asl icedd 2 ^ 1 vise. This is a utility vise Both types of vises are top quality at unbelievable prices, Lemon Pie 99* that will fill most needs. It available in clamp-on Countrystyle Donuts ^ ^ ^ d i n 6 U.SN 01 P frozen foods Over 700 items for quick-to-fix meala has steel jaws generally models where portability is other markets are tiying to duplicate ^ StopI o p I S Shop h o ^ 11Hu lM L (Aig ofof6« e« AaetdorAaetdorCinwnori Cinwno varying in width from V 'z needed. These can be to 4 inches. The opening mounted on a saw horse or health & beauty aids S to p &(S Sh n (£ Joz. bag StopJ between jaws w ill vary a tabletop. us...but we know they can’t. Only we Save on our your favorite brands. from 3 to 6 inches. Any vise must be P P t a t o e s 4 9 e Ju ic e There are a few other mounted securely so that it can offer you up to 40% savings Fresh Green Beautiful Fresh Florida features you are likely to doesn't wobble. Tighten LARGE! FOOD STORE 60 Peas & Carrots, Peas,, find on a machinist's vise. only with the regular han­ IN THE AREA, LARGEST « I O b ! c a n s ^ ^ Com or Mixed Vega Generally there is a flat dle. Do not apply extra savings on everything! Peppen ittfa TDmatoes anvil base back of the fixed leverage by extending the M rnHiiiniiPARKING mAREA, ku, LuvvtsiLOWEST PRictsPRICES Beauty Lotion < Crisp, sweet vSlMkfUm Plant ‘ S M R im & ripe C offee C ream er 3 39* Oven Fries Stop&Shop24ttphg jaw. Use this for handle with a length of pipe 4 ounce bottle. and mild. M n P n * Sin. foil pot B ^ e a fo rs a la d a IbsJ hammering and bending. or by pounding on the han­ Grapefruit Juice 59* S w eet Potatoes laounctpNg Most models have a dle. Haddock Dinner 79* G reen Giant 25S*1 swivel base, You can turn Keep jaws clean, free of All items in all ist chance to get your... Genuine 24%Lead I'ntim e for Holiday & Christm as^ the vise in any direction rust, and smooth. Line with Half Gallon Sun Glory Mrs. Smith’s and lock it in place. wood or other soft departments have Below the flat surface of materials whenever the warehouse e l a t o C m b l J^^une Stnet each jaw you arc likely to work must be protected. jC r e a m t le P ie been discounted up to 40% A sso rte d | .2 8 0 Z , C M n a R a v o rs . "To read a poet in January ii at lovely ai to go for a walk Your Choice ( eta: a 9 9 ,pkg in Ju n e ." j , h i Paul every shopping day • 10 O Z WATER G O eifT • 7 0 Z R E D W M E PPBK AlVolume 11 H o 4 h O Z WHfTE VWNE 0 John’s Pizza 99* Rich’s Bread Dough 99* ® 3 « • 10 OZ CHAMPAQNE/SHEneer of the week... feeds K ^ FIA T E k • e oz eevBuGE P W B^ xlVnl Nn1 99$ La Pizzeria *1.49 Whipped Topping IStoS!* 49* With evetySS forxi purchase 469 MAIN STREET, E. HARTFORD C O M P L E T E S E T Vol 1-12 $ 2 2 .8 8 ^ Carnation Shiimp’'i?S*S5r*4.59 Pie Crust Shells 17oz.(*gol2 69* COME COMPARE! Wcaaaflaceva8uv.0a c 10’ 8iL.i Across from Pratt & Whitney Oacl6htabnaaeloi*owcwlomafawiree«vtlhehoNKilm*Balwlo»mpacksgieolwyliem«oeplwh«aoewwieenoiiielablilftoaalotaocloo»iafdaatafaofvi4ioiaaatam*CopntgN1976bySlop&Shop8inanwifM>t.*lrtth*ar—nwBNolraapoftafclalDr VeograpNalanofa. The Matterhorn-• Zermatt, Switzerland—was not tcaled until July 14, 1865. when Edward Whymper clim b^ the Stop wasting money! 14,782 foot peak. OPEN TUES.-FRI.9-9«OPEN SAT. 9-7 PAGE FORTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed., Dec. 13, 1978

Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d , Manchester, Conn., Wed., Dec. 13, 1976 — PAGE FORTY-ONK Thirty-nine cities took part in HUD’s demonstration Freeport, N.Y., Rockford, 111., and Compton, Calif., have titled “ Urban Homesteading: A Guide for Local Of­ program. A total of 2,842 HUD-owned homes were given participated. ficials," but don’t let the title scare you. Ask for it at any to those cities and the improvements have had “a Ms. Steetle says the cities have to be alert for of the 40 HUD offices; they’re listed in the phone book un­ they can mislead women over the contract. In some ridiculous thing I have ever were married two years Manchester Evening into thinking they have a DEAR READER-That catalytic effect” on the neighborhoods, says Ms. Steetle. displacement” — wealthier folks pushing poor people der U.S. Government. If you have trouble getting the states, using the same read. You recommend ago, we wrote a contract Herald, P.O. Box 475, legal guarantee of the con­ lawyer as your future is a great idea, particularly THE lU . AND YOU Other abandoned houses in the neighborhoods acquired out of a neighborhood through urban homesteading. The pamphlet, write Nancy Steetle, Director, Urban taking all the romance out with his parents because for teen-age couples who Radio City Station, New value and were renovated and reoccupied. The cities im­ HUD program has had none of that so far, she says. Homesteading Program, HUD, Washington, DC, 20410. ditions agreed upon before spouse invalidates a of inarriage and then say we were going to live in York, N.Y. 10019. Be sure William Steif proved streets, lighting, security and schools, wmetimes CHOICES - marriage. premarital agreement. must live for awhile with But urban homesteading can be quite costly. In Then walk into your local councilman’s office, slap the these contracts can their house for awhile. one or the other’s parents. to ask for the hotline by partly with federal funds. Small businesses reappeared Baltimore’s Inner Harbor the new owners spent up to pamphlet on his desk and say, “How about doing this?” Karen Blaker Ph.D. DEAR R EA D ER-Y our DEAR DR. BLAKER - strengthen the crumbling What we wrote protected name. and prospered. The cities’ tax bases increased. 360,00 per home. That’s unsual. Generally, the renovation This weekly column provides information about federal letter was one of many Someone cut your column American family. the privacy of all con­ Is a friend, a relative — Write to Dr. Blaker in Philadelphia and Allas, where 349 and 340 homes bill, per home, runs $6,000 to $30,000. The variables are services offered to individuals and groups. Queries are asking me to print a war­ on premarital contracts Whoever hires you to cerned and spelled out even a spouse — talking care of The Manchester Homesteading, city-style ning about the legality of respectively were turned over by HUD, are outstanding enormous. invited. We can’t reply to each letter but will answer as Mixed reactions out of the paper and put it write this irresponsible specific financial com­ about suicide? Find out Evening Herald, P.O. Box By WILLIAM STEIF examples of success. But the program wasn’t and isn’t If you want to know more about urban homesteading, many as possible. Write to “THE U.S. AND YOU," care premarital contracts. My on the bulletin board where garbage should fire you im­ mitments. how to cope from Dr. 475, Radio City Station, confined to big cities. For example, Decatur, Ga., advise is to get good legal 1 work. mediately. Blaker’s hotline, "When A The 19th century cry was “40 acres and a mule." Any Ms. Steetle’s office has just published a pamphlet en­ of The Manchester Evening llcrnld. We now have a house of New York, N.Y. 10019. DEAR DR. BLAKER - contracts are at best a psy- counsel before signing such I never would have seen DEAR READER-That Loved One Threatens American could go west, stake out land and, if h*e im­ our own and we are still Volume of mail prohibits After reading your column chological tool o t one agreements. it otherwise because I would be impossible, Suicide.” .Send 50 cents proved it — that is, farmed — it would be his. That was friends with my in-laws, personal replies, but on premarital contracts, spouse to hold the other to Furthermore, each per­ can’t stand advice thanks to my contract. plus a stamped, self-, homesteading. thanks in part to the questions of general in­ SALE TODAY THRU my fiancee and I confident- their original agreements son involved should have columns. Now I know why. DEAR DR. BLAKER - addressed envelope to Dr. Today homesteading has been transplanted to the premarital agreement we terest will be discussed in dec ly sat down to write one. and expections. At worst, his or her own lawyer go That column was the most Before my.husband and I all signed. Blaker in care of The cities. It’s “an idea whose time has come,” says Nancy ...... 16th future columns. RIGHTS RESERVED We were shocked to find i Steetle, who runs the program for the Department of we didn’t agree on many r Housing and Urban Development. C\^/pharm acy SS basics of everyday life. As HUD owns nearly 30,000 foreclosed single-family a result, we have decided homes. It gives groups of these homes in a city's to |)ut off our wedding until declining neighborhood to the city, and the city in turn we can resolve some of our gives those homes, free, to select^ persons if they'll fix differences. up the property and occupy it. Whether or not such a In short, for an investment of your labor or you money, contract would stand up in or both, you can have a home at a knocked-down price. court, we are convinced it # > P Considering real estate prices these days, this can be a is a good tool for do-it- good deal. yourself premarital EkN ihlMt «lMrt Id IlMili nquM 101» fU4>y nUiM There are some catches. ' for Mb It or Mv I advonM pilco ti lock AlP Sion, ol­ counseling. coptMipocificollyn id In INood First, not all cities qualify. Most cities have declining DEAR DR. BLAKER - neighborhoods, but for urban homesteading to work there Please print this as a war­ A&P IS A DELI SHOP' has to be a cluster of foreclosed or abandoned homes in ning to young women are an area, so that the renovation helps revitalize the entire are writing prenuptial con­ 'JMUtumstammtimiiavmMf. neighborhood. tracts and assuming Cofondn-StonSicod , Shop Sundays 9 am 014 PM Another catch: the neighborhood can’t be too big. For everything in them is legal­ GENOA SALAMI example, Detroit tried to qualify nearly the entire city ly enforceable. CorondO'SlonSdcod , ipfiUhniQwistmasi for the HUD program. That’s too big a bite. These contracts are of HARD SALAMI ' Then there’s the question of selecting prospective home little legal help except C ofondoM owners. This can be tricky. Some cities pirefer renters where they pertain to PEPPERONI who don’t have enough money to buy a home. Some cities, financial matters or usual­ Corondo , KBAfT-PHL SBU.TKTSEALTEST like Minneapolis, run lotteries. Others, like Atlanta, ly property held separately SLICING PEPPERONI COTTAGE screen homesteader applicants through a five-citizen before marriage that the CirantfHliv&igM review board. However it’s done, tlje city has to be two agree is to remain PRESSED HAM staffed to pick the new owners fairly and then follow up to separate. For example, Cmndo-bOn « < sJLVI "I 3 make sure the property is brought up to local standards. you cannot enforce during H O T H A M ’ 240Z. I EACH PACKAGE CONTAMS: c cont. Usually, after three years of occupancy, title to the the marriage a provision Stm-SllMlIStyll I homestead is turned over to the buyer who fixed up. • 3 BREAST QUARTERS • 3 LEG QUARTERS that the salary of the PROVOLONE * • 3 WMGS • 3 NECKS • 3 SETS OF GHLETS A W -M K M b i aaif or E lb a a w n breadwinner be shared and SMo-Snoip-lioloii . managed equally by both TABLE CHEESE ’ A&P IS A POULTRY SHOP CHEDDAR CHBSE partners. ^--- % ESH EGG NOG In most cases, prenuptial Cut Up, Split or 3V4t04lbS. Fresh Chicken Fresh Chicken r fis n HotorSimt O U A R T K H ) ROASTING LEO B R EA S T ■ C K A c r T c k I ^ a r r e l HEALTH ITALIAN SAUSAGE RYOS QUARTERS OUARTRS •nf. SligM ir Mki-NM 8m m LEGS s o u R i ^ ® Lawrence E. Lamb, M.D. T H E ' ! m HILl^SHIREKIELBASA CMal Sfcatf-TwInFacfc l ^ A M I I A W H).l lEL-C-BIT CHEESE A&T s LICEDBOLOGNA i: * ' 0 9 i b lb . L A W Y E R A. i«iH99 Fear of rapid heart beat SLICED BACON ptg. I A&P IS A COUNTRY FARM PORK SHOP ► ti, Will Hird or 6mt SilM or Pippironi 401 g g . a iT f u v o r s -sealtest DEAR DR. LAMB — I a r te r y w ith f a tty - A&P SLICED MEATS pkg. 1 P o rk Lo in P o rk L o h i Because of crowded con­ A&P-MciOUl have a rapid heart beat, cholesterol deposits. Bitl Franks WHOUIRIOMTVS UGHT'NUmY^, ditions at the courthouse, a 19 o js m c u rm o : 1M4M. CENTER CUT ASSORTED Blood tests and chest Actually, a variety of shoplifting case was MEAT FRANKS> t » p k 9. t t » SaOM TV ROASTS or X-rays indicate that there is acute heart problems are STEAKS, cm STEAKS ICE MILK X 99* relegated to a small room PORKCHOPS PORKCHOPS m F m S tanpi a /0a p a * d i Eya nothing wrong with me. I also called heart attacks. or EXTRA LEAN GROUND in the basement. When the EACH PACKAGE CONTAMS; TASTI-FRIES 3 " ^ eliminated all caffeine including episodes of rapid V • R f 4CENTBI*2SH0UUei, defendant was found guil­ ip tm m m r m n O M ca i-A W from my diet and now I heart action such as you ty, his lawyer appealed to a QiOck 1(01011-001111 Jotoi'o ------OW BO SHOPS have stopped .smoking. I WHOUTWLOMS S W E E T P E A S describe of transit chest higher court. SHRIMP COCKTAIL klSdEEiriy-ladlatln am on valium as needed. KXoHb. avg. pains which do not result in Quick FrozvhCap’n Join's*Silad SUs c u s m c u rm o : « | 8 9 $ 1 9 9 When my heart starts CHANGE JUICE 6 * b £ l the death of heart muscle. COOKED SHRIMP . STRVSTEAKS FORMERLY UtcInlMab beating fast, it is very Quick Frozsft-FoiM 4 OtvsM VjiY.SaoiNSTRVS I lb. I lb. So, in an honesty, it’s not a BREAD DCUGH f r ig h te n in g . I a ls o very accurate term. But if 3 i i r e 9 * MEDIUM SHRIMPISH 10ariaaStaaaa«r0iwaMbdiEya , experience shortness of you are worrying about the breath. This happens at possibility of having death VEGETABLES I GREAT FOB STUFFING-7 oz. ^FOREST GROVE least once every week or of heart muscle or myocar­ JANEPARKER-SLICEO ^rucnDISPOSABLE DIAPERS every other week. My doc­ dial infarction, I don’t KEUOG&& A lV 3 $ t ') V mmaLvmrmt» i tor says that if eliminating MANDARIN 11 oz. WHITE 9 $1 think you need to concern 1 • Fruit , Whoto-PtdM 20oz. 12 Ct cigarettes doesn’t stop the yourself about that at your c r o u t e t t e s 4 9 GRANGES cans 1 rapid heart beat, he’ll put COCKTAIL TOMATOiS BREAD 9 Ivs. TODDLERS box age, particularly since you • SlicMl YtUow Cling « Stewad me on digitalis. This are a woman. ’TTiat place was simply SMNlDlltMfMII £ too cramped to carry on a P fA C W S TOMATOES worries me. I am sending you The COOKES $ 7 9 9 ' I ain only 31 years old and Health Letter number 6-12, fair trial," he contended. “We were sitting so close have never had any serious Heart Irregularities, BStM BEANS ”• 6 9 * illness. Do you know any Skipped Beats, Tachycar­ to the jury that my client thing about this condition? dias, to give you more in­ and I had to whisper to And, am I likely to hav^ a formation about these keep from being tw heart attack? problems. Other readers overheard.” But the court denied the c ^ I T e r s CHEESE iMHnUETOMATOfS DEAR READER - who want this issue may |17oi.caii-Fndl „ ■ appeal. The court said in­ Many people who have at­ send SO cents whith a long, ALLPURPOSE ICOCKTMl 2 tacks of rapid heart action convenience alone does not BOILED CRANBERRY COCKTAIL ASSORTED-BATHROOM stamped, self-addressed iCTwmiTONWTOif e a .^ have no underlying heart envelope for it. Send your invalidate a trial without p i u s b u r y ; 1602 lb. G&C S4W OCEAN q t SOFT-WEVE disease at all. request to me in care of The STRESSTABS 600 some evidence that it real­ MAALOX NO. t f l O U R 5 l t u 7 Nevertheless, when the Herald, P.O. Bos 1551, HIGH POTENCY NEUTROGENA GILLETTE ly affected the verdict. I d NIDNS CUT GRRN BEANS SPRAY Ml TISSUES ANTACID By and large, for a trial 4 9 : heart beats fast during such Radio City Station, New STRESS FORMULA HAND SUPER CURL attacks, it can be uncom­ TABLETS to be considered fair, the You'll DO Better With A&P's Fruits & Vegetables! York, NY 10019. Stresstabs VITAMINS CREAM STEAM CURLER 2V Off likaHlBidannt — — - fortable and frightening. I should tell you alcohol With Iron physical conditions in the 50 count 1.11,11 courtroom must be SECRET RCLL-CN 'iS^99 The shortness of breath in sometimes precipitates 60 count 2 ounce tube U ’ OHLibaFCQncantnlaToz.or Model no. 2930 adequate. Consider a more JANEPARKER-ICED-SPICED such instances occurs such an attack in peopie ocados $1 FAMILY PACK-24 0Z.PKG.i PRELLSHAM PCC ■ 02. NL^®® because the heart is extreme case of crowding who don’t have heart dis­ SPANISH I Red Ripe FerFraaNBraiSi beating so fast it doesn’t ease. So, if you happento be in a prosecution for Our Regular 1 96 murder. size SCCPE MCUTHW ASH’Ji"*!^® have time to fill properly drinking cocktails now and Our Regular 5 49 Our Regular 2.49 Our Regular 10.99 BAR CAKE TOMATOES between beats. As a result, Here, the courtroom was then, you should try to find JANE PARKER-FRESH A&P ASPIRIN T 79 it becomes an inefficient out if theyare associated so jammed with spectators I Fancy Flavortui THERAGRAN HENNA CREME that the defense attorney COftLibaHtaNarorIM pump. with the attacks and you METAMUCIL ENGLISH ' r e d c n i c n s There are some medical HIGH POTENCY ALLBEE HAIR COLORING was unable to see the faces US.Na.HkMalBakari CRESTTCCTHPASTE l£99 would be better off not LAXATIVE MUFFINS 12 Ftotatena«4r m t2.n a r problems that will oc­ using them. VITAMIN WITHC 6 THICKENER of the jury. Several times P C T A T C E S POWDER he couldn’t even see the Bananas ^ casionally cause this. One Of course, if you are FORMULA MULTIVITAMINS 7 02. pre-mixed Sno-WNtaFraaii VITAMINS For relief of constipation color treatment witnesses he was cross- UGHT FRUIT CAKE ’2^*3^ AlPUM'a-OrlDiTTaa.arNylai of them is an overactive drinking alcohol, you 100 count MUSHRCCMS 21 ounce 4 02. shampoo examining. Plam-Sugu-Conbo . . . . thyroid. I presume that should also know that it 100 count I With 30 Free WaaiL-RadOaiciM DRESS SCCKSISIWlO-a w 5 9 * Assorted Shades This time, the guilty ver­ k i n g d c n u t s St 7 9 4 9 1 your doctor has tested you doesn’t mix well with APPLES for this possibility. You did Valium and you shouldn’t dict was thrown out. The Papayas SeaatIJulcy court said a judge should the right thing by use the two together. In ANJCU PEARS Our Regular 4 07 “keep the prisoner’s dock, p r eliminating caffeine and plain language, if you are Our Regular 5 09 I Our Regular 5 99 Our Regular 6 19 ‘Sorrento’ BaautlW-faicy I SCNAL T O U C H the counsel’s place, the stopping cigarettes. Those taking tranquilizers, don’t Cookware * 9 9 ' PCINSETTIAS are two factors that we drink. witness chair, the jury’s - Offer ffis Oac. 23 ATRARAZORS .n *2® MAALOX PLUS BAUSCH & LOMB seats, and the intervening know contribute to the, Digitalis is sometimes frequency of such attacks. SIMETHICONE CHLORASEPTIC STERILE, ESOTERICA space free from either used to control various hostile or friendly in­ Now I used the word “at­ types of rapid heart action. ANTACID MOUTHWASH PRESERVED ORY SKIN Lemon Swiss trusion.” WtttinMSi»trS«vki9iBMMet I WnniniWBIIIW^SBViniB^^ tack" on purpose because There are other medicines & GARGLE SALINE SOLUTION WhhiraedinraiyiMiBdOMM Creme Flavor LOTION Another murder case at­ 10X,LT.QrJ ALLnAV0RS>ANNPAfiE the term “heart attack" is also available for this Regular or Cherry REGULAR or SUGAR FB S QUARTS not a very precise one. 12 ounce liquid 6 ounce 8 ounce tracted so many onlookers depending on what kind of DRY 13 ounce m m s M O M s n r e Today, by common usage, episodes a person has. SKIN that the judge decided to MiGAUON shift the proceedings to a it has come to mean having - I presume you have had nearby movie theater. SUOM inadequate circulation to an electrocardiogram and Id C R iA M J - t i P S O D A Our Regular 1.89 There, the trial took place the heart muscle which the nature of your rapid Our Regular 1,72 Our Regular 1.85 Our Regular 3 89 3 on the stage, with a full a J] leads to death of part of the heart beat has been iden­ house watching. i I D heart muscle. These at­ tified. That sometimes At the end of one session, tacks are usually caused by makes some difference in ROBITUSSIN DM BAUSCH & LOMB DRAMAMINE ■ the bailiff announced that It plugging of a coronary deciding what kind of Mtf 6-8 HOUR SEA BREEZE DAILY TABLETS I the “regular show” would COUGH FORMULA ANTISEPTIC CLEANER For Nausea. Di22iness.l go on-the next day with a For the skin For soli contact lenses Vomiting I “matinee in the afternoon DM 4 ounce 10 ounce 1.5 ounce 12 count and another performance Lovable Pets at 8:30." Again, the trial was over­ For Sale.. turned by an appellate 100* FREE 100* FREE 5 0 * FREE 100* FREE 100* FREE 100* FREE Our Regular 1.82 Our Regular 2.19 Our Regular 2.44 Our Regular 1.1S court. S S .1 0 .STAMPSfICOLD BOND STAMPSHCOLD BOND STAMPsHcOLD BOND STAMPsH COLD BOND STAMPS COLD BOND STAMPS “The law requires,” said lOCoioen Ipnsi -no coiaen Tens- - ■ ■ “ the court, “that trials shall WitMtia furcfiaaa afS pkgi. at he public, but this require­ With tin PurchiM Of 3 fkgi. Ot «llbtliiPvchaM «l1CoM.ol wnnihiPinkinalilvoi «mitteMMafSpk| wisis«nnnm t*iin|.al ment is satisfied by admit­ BIRDSEYE BIRDSEYE HOLIDAY TAVORriE SWEET MIXED ASSORTED-BATHROOM FEMMHE PROTECTION C^/pharmacy ting those who could con­ TA S Th FR IES STIRRY A X E LR O D HBNZ SOFT-WEVE STAYFRM veniently be accom­ POTATOES VEGETABLES SOUR C R EAM PICKLES TISSUES MAXIHPADS modated in the courtroom 10 oz. pkgs. Vernon Manchester Enfield Mansfield without interrupting the Asst.-10az.pkg. 16 oz. cent. 2 4 o z .ja r Two-400 ct. roes ki pkg. 30 cl. pkg. _ IrwHInlCdwonPNFiiiilly ' ■ U n io n Coupon PbrFuidy. G S ^ jLMtOnoCoueonParFMiltf. LMIOm OopMNrF^. m i IMtOnaOawinhiFaniy. S S fl Kmart Shopping Center Manchester Parkade Enfield Square East Brook Mall calm and orderly course of lif— j U a V I|yudDK.ip:is,n7s. 3 XlJ ^ Oac. justice.” H e r a l b Routes 83 & 30 Broad St. (across from Marshall’s) 90 Elm Street Off Routes 195 & 84 \ iHihlir Kcniri- fi.aliirf 871-1661 646-0302 Ilf III)' A iiicrirun Bur inWSEFFtCTIVtDtCtMeilt1135 »■«, 197TOLLANDt TNPKE • CALDOR PLAZA • MANCHESTER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING VHHoriulinii iiiul llir WE KSERVE TIC neNT TO ISST OUAimTES TO 3 PES CUSTOMEII UMiSS OnCSWISE N01B ) 4 COSKCT TTWGIWWCAl BWOSS ITBKWSS4HSOT>VIMUaUTOSSaESAm8WICT»4DtMaS (uiiiniTliriil Bur Vhhim'Iu- lion. PAGE FORTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Wed., Dec. 13. l»7i;

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed., Dec. 13, 1978— PAGE FORTY-TIIIIIOI': N«w Books

New books at Mary Cheney Jastrow — God and the Library are: W ALDBAUM S astronomers Fiction Johnston — The inner eye of Davia-Coff - Night tennis love ALLShopRites FOOD MART OPEN SUNDAYS Jones — Faces of Kenya DeWeeae — Nightmare in Food Mart pewter Lane — ’The magic years of Fiah — Purauit Beatrix Potter Jam ea - ’The wings of the Lauritzen — Palaces of dove Venice OPBI Malouf — Johnno Lauritzen — Venice TIL CHRISTMAS 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M Schulze — Yesterday’s Levine — TTie arts of David seasons Levine Seneca CLOROX ZESTA S ta r-K ist Yarbro — Cautionary tales Lofts — Emma Hamilton TETLEY H ellm an n 's Yehoshua — The lover • loos — The Talmadge girls SUNDAYS Nonfiction McCarthy — A political AppI esauce SALTINES TUNA bestiary BLEACH TE A B A G S Ackerman — Signals Malek — Washington’s SALTED OR UNSALTED C h u n K i,iLiHT ', , . M a yo n n a ise Alberti— Your perfect right hidden tragedy 25 OZ JAR g a l l o n Pl a s t ic B o m t-: 9 A.M.-4 P.M. KEEBLER ■ 1 LB PKG t)'. Oc CAN 100 COUNI PKG Aldred — Jewels of the Manning — ’The fine 35mm „ U A R I jA R Pharaohs portrait .3 Alsop — Lady Sackville Marshner — Blackboard -THE M E A T in g Place Armes — A critical history tyranny of the British cinema Mills — Bishops by ballot PORK LOIN, CENTER LOIN Baring-Gould — Curious Murmuers of Earth Foocf m myths of the Middle Ages Passive solar, state of the bonu p Barmash — The chief art Certificates S.O.S SOAP PADS T XU 53* l s ca f o r executives PORK CHOPS Heru’tagiaM glttid M l WALDBAUM'S N.Y. STYLE DEU!^ BLEACHED OR UNBLEACHED SAUERKRAUT I ^'" SI 3 89* Paige — Orange madness NABISCO • TflISCUITS A OTHER ASSORTED VARIETIES Bell — Kings don’t mean a Plant — Paul Klee, figures _ ShopFmeFoodGm LUNDY HEBREW NATIONAL PILLSBURY FLOUR s lb bag 69* OR C ^lcatet, ivillible in s o z p k g thing and faces SNACK CRACKERS 69* *5.000(111$ at all ShopRHe BEEF KOSHER Bendix — Kings or people Porter — Antarctica COOKEDHAM PEANUT atoraa.Radeemablaatany HILLS BROS. COFFEE . l b c a n *1.99 LIMITED Bloch — "So the witch won’t Redford— ’The Outlaw ’Trial Franks or DEL MONTE ■ SLICED ■ CHUNKS OR CRUSHED REESE’S BUHER CHIPS izoz pkg »1.09 thne lor nwrchaiidiaa (If reciplema AND SHOULDER FR IE N D S ------eat m e.” Sale — Fairy tales and after PORK ROAST choice. ‘■ i*-Bnployera; Convenient Stwpnito SLICED TO ORDER PINEAPPLE IN JUICE 15W OZ. CAN 39* Booraem — Help your Scalia — n ie cutting edge Knockw urst BAKED PEA BEANS zsoz. c a n 69* TIME Gift Co(tlflcatoa for empioyaat are a children be self-confident Sobel — ’They satisfy B O N E-IN $ 4 5 9 welcorm holiday cfiange of pace Bordman — The American Sophocles — Oedipus the mm OFFER DwPRKEauSdMan rs WhiteCloud NESTLES musical theater king (new translation) ■ • 12 OZ. WESSON anca bagina wkh good Bristow — ’The sex life of Sophocles — Women of pricot, tndtoghioyau Cottonelle C h o co la te plants ’Trachis (new translation) lb. preolor oovkuo, wolch Brodsky — Imperial Stein — Making medical I for thooa cowr.codod SWISS CHEESE FJO^DLAND LB *2.29 OIL tigno tima#iau( Iho M o rsels charade choices okn. ."58 OZ b o t t l e or C h a rm in Brown — Of snails and Stem — Auto ads SLICING PROVOLONE lb‘1.89 BATHROOM TISSUE Blue Ribbon Specials COUNTRY STYLE ASSORTED, BONE m 12 OZ BAG skylarks Strong — Recreating the O range DANISH FONTINA IMPORTED LB *2.19 Buchanan-Brown — Phiz! past PORK LOIN PORK LOIN are one more way Buckley — Ahymnal Sutherland — Paddling my S ig n ... NOVA SCOTIA LOX SLICED l b . *1.89 Busselle — Master own canoe RIBS CHOPS CONFECTIONARY Slgnalo ■ "SpocW • l . S » photography Putchtio" wa'va mtda 3 Toland — Hitler, the pic­ Food Mart helps you EQUAL AMOUNT DECORATOR that anablat ua to ra- ALASKAN LOX sT ed lb *1.79 Cardozo— Lucky eyes and a torial documentary of his life BONE4N, FOR SLICED OR WHOLE OF SIRLOIN, OR ASST. S duca our price lor ■ high heart T u ch m an — A d ista n t BARBEQUE knaodtinw. keep the cost of BLADE AND SUGAR ju m b o S l B S m i LARGE WHITE FISH o“ lb 99* UNCOLN APPLE JUICE bo“ e 89* FOOD CLUB POTATOES 4 l?ASi99* Chargaff — Heraclitean fire mirror CENTER CHOPS TOPCO Chow — Journey in tears Walt Disney’s treasury of Green BEEF BOLOGNA TO ORDER LB *1.79 SLICED MUSHROOMS b o z . c a n 99* food down. Clark — How to open your children’s classics SLICED TO ORDER LIQUID DETERGENT B®^;?fE*1.69 Stideer... Blue Ribbon Specials are special manufac­ own shop or gallery Women and sez roles DOMESTIC ROAST BEEF LB *3.49 FOOD CLUB CATSUP 32 OZ. BOTTLE 09* Clay — Modem art, 1890- The World Series: a 75th an­ ’UNWaakDaN’ ongie WEAVER PENN COUNTRY PLAIN • MEAT OR MUSHROOM S & W STEWED TOMATOES'U°n 39* turer’s temporary price reductions that we pass Oranga aign lath you FOOD 32 OZ. 1918 niversary PORK LOIN TOWELS ' Hhanlhaaalalaariiang. CHICKEN ROLL TO ORDER LB *2.09 51 COUNT on.99° The Produce Place The Frozen Foods Place n vLvn nicM O APRICOT PRESERVES/GRAPE lAM/ORANGE CHEESE Seedless ^R M A lA O E /euC H P U S E R V ES O R STRAtMERRY CREAM BROIL ROAST Hi C Drinks SHOULDER Chickens ORCHARD HILL S^muckiers Preserves "i^59^ SINGLES (UNDERBLADE) 3V2 LBS. AVG. Grapefruit W5 FOR I ■ YELLOW OR WHITE CHEESE ARIZONA FRESH BROCCOLI POT PIES IN W A nR OR 00. CHUNK U6HT 12 OZ. PKG. 8 OZ. PKG. S i 6 S S i 4 3 FRESH SPINACH lb 39* POLLY S POINTERS Nestie Souptime 2t^89 SCOOP YOUR OWN ■ U.S. NO. 1 Polly C ram e r bunch W6 9 W * = • 1 .1 3 ' LB. YELLOW ONIONS'’^.r lb14* " 4 a 8 9 * POTATO CHIPS GIFT OF THE S U U S.D.A. CHOICE ■ BEEF BONELESS U.S. NO. I - BAKING The Daily Place Pringles...... TUna Flakes *Si39^ U.S.D.A. CHOICE ■ BEEF ■ BONELESS . WITH 10 LB. The Ice Cream Place LAND O'LAKES QQ TOP BLADE STEAK LB *1.89 m r ub IDAHO POTATOES BAG t h o p ic a n a ASSORTED FLAVORS' ShopRile PUNUT OR PLAIN A U VARIETIES SEVEN SEAS U.S.D.A, CHOICE ■ BEEF BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST "‘??T ° 1-59 Ideas for six-pack rings B U T T E R 1 LB. PKG. QUARTERS I b w O PEELED i OEVEINED ORANGE JUICE M & M Candies Salad Dressing i;i89^ CANADIAN L b ICE CREAM CHUCK STEAK (UNDERBLADE) LB *1.69 FRESH TURNIP I 5* FLORIDA CITRUS _____ . SLICED BEEF LIVER lb 79* CALIFORNIA • CRISP U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF DEAR POLLY — I do so enjoy the ideas from other ng c A a v A R in u s CARUSO 1 0 0 % P U R E '/2 GALLON Q C O '"';^ '’ Q Q readers and hope some of them can suggest what 1 can do ORANGE JUICE c a r t o n CHUCK CUBE STEAK LB *1.89 BEEF FRANKS PREMIUM LB *1.19 ROMAINE LETTUCE HEAD 39* 9 9 < cent Carefree Gum C ^ O il...... T:.®*!** U.S. NO. I ’ 2V<" MIN 3 LB. BAG with those plastic rings that come around six-packs of ShopRitt GEM OUR BEST MACINTOSH APPLES 69* soda cans. — ANNA The Deli Place. FINE/MECNUM/ BROAD AXELROD 16 OZ. SWIFT’S PREMIUM DEAR ANNA — I am sure you will be getting a lot of U.S. NO'. 1 • ROME BEAUTY IMPORTEO Apple Juice...... Penn Dutch Noodles ^49^ S O U R C R E A M CONTAINER 7 9 * Smoked ideas from our ingenious readers. ’The only thing I know Breaded Brown n' Serve APPLES BEST BAKING m IN. BAG 69* OCEAN SPRAY is to fasten this piece to the bottom of a wire coat hanger POLISH Q e a n WHOLE KERNa FUNSTEN 6 OZ. PKG. IMPERIAL MARGARINE iu^RT^Rs 75‘ and slip scarves or belts through the rings. — POLLY k 1 LB. PKG. QUARTERS QUARTERS ! O Shoulders HAM Cranberry Juice... ' *2” Stokely Com.... 'ts < CRYOVAC WRAPPED Veal Patties Sausage ALMONDS NATURAL or BLANCHED *1.39 DEAR POLLY — What good is a Polly’s Pointer if you your carpets. 4 99 BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 59‘ have destroyed your clipping or the newspaper in which it REALEMON HUNGRY lACK ^ (WATER ADDED) REG. or ITALIAN STYLE ALL VARIETIES BEAUTIFUL DECORATIVE COMBINATION PLANT The Service Deli Place. appeared? I bought a notebook, cut out the Pointers each OOMESne. WATER AODB] R en t MR! Lemon Juice 59^ Pills^ry Potatoes HOOD YOGURT pu^^U 3gu°489* Mums & PoinsettiaspoTEA*5.99EA.v time they appear and use clear plastic tape to fasten HR The prclesstona) way lo dean youi COOKED cdn>ei8 youfscU lo i a hactx)n n l th e professKmai C them to both sides of the paper. Now I have a lot of URBY’S TOMATOES IN PUREE/ cosf Doe|M'lvdiuiig powet lilts nut gtoiind mdut .CRUSHED TOMATOES IN PUREE/TOMATO PUREE RED PACK valuable information under one cover. — DOT tn |)iil like new” licaiity luck iiilo yi«n carpets LB. LB. Poinsettias « POT e a *3.99 HAM lb 3 '8 OZ. "Slum '* (EXCEPT BERLIN & ROCKY HILL) DEAR POLLY — A very useful kitchen gadget can be Tomato Juice.... 53^ Plum Tomatoes.’± "si, ^ Ff^ESH BAKED DELIGHTS! Carpet Oteninf 49 DUE TO OUR FRESHNESS POLICY made from an empty can (soup cans are great for this) The Bakery Place _ Sptetn A ll VARIETIES (EXUPT GINGER BREAD) PILISBURY ShopKtt ww.* T A B L E T A L K DRAKE'S PERRI "ALL NATURAL’ SOME ITEMS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TIL TUESDAY and it won't cost anything. Cleanly cut out both ends of "NO PRES. ADDED" Applesauce -':;*:i ^ the can and then use it for chopping o j breaking up StwpRIto WHITE OR CQ Bread Mixes ”x 69* 49 APPLE ITALIAN FO O D CLUB L.U. 84 ground meat in the pan. ’There will be no sharp edges to Coffee HOT OR M . 7 9 ■n SANDWICH 3 REGULAR OR UNBLEACHED BEEF/CHICKEN/ ORUNTAl/VEGETABLE UPTON ^ SA U SA G E SWEET lb FR A N K S or“I*eef 1 1 . 0 9 harm the pan. This is also great for chopping cooked BREAD ^ PIE Cake Jr. potatoes or any cooked vegetables, to tenderize meat, to ShopRite Flour.... ^ 59^ Lite Lunch ^i:j49< ELM BREAKFAST SPECIAL CUT use as a cookie cutter or biscuit cutter. It is easy to wash 22 OZ. PKG. 13 OZ. PKG. BETTY CROaER ’ A U VARIETIES. COLONIAL BACON VACUUM^HACK *1.49 and store on a shelf for use the next time. — WANDA The Seafood Place— PORK SAUSAGE LB. *1.39 50* Off AVAL. AFTBI SUN. GEM ON ANY 2 PACK DEAR POLLY — When my dish draining rack, dish Pie Crust Mix.....3lv.*1 Jello Gelatin.....5 99* • 1 . 0 0 i c mop and bottle brushes become soiled or sour I anchor CHILD MILD FRANKS LB *1.09 Seafood Specials of the Week! FRESH SOLE 1 9 9 A U VARIETIES (EXaPT OECAPPEINATEO) UQOio BY them in my dishwasher with twisties that come on bread FILLET lb ShopRite NABISCO GEM BEEF FRANKS lb *1.09 FRESH CORELLE CORNING bags and then turn on the washer. They come out clean Savarin Coffee Palmolive NILLA WAFERS 12 OZ PACKAGE 59* GEM SLICED and fresh. - MRS. B.H. POLLOCK FILLETS l b HURRY AND COMPLETE YOUR SET NOWl P A I n r'l 1X0 b o l o g n a • LUNCHEON 0.A M r\ M . 2 9 DEAR POLLY — Those who use food coupons should QUy.iL .QRACk e r S- ’pLB 7g« V-fU ( O COOKED s a l a m i OR P&P l B 1 . 1 9 LIMITED QUANTITIES ASSORTED V/^IETIES • 5 OZ BAR PARKS • REGULAR OR HOT N SAGEY FRESH PERCH FILLETS read the expiration date carefully to be .sure to have the *1.89 WITH THIS COUPON AT FOOD MART GOOD SUN.. DEC. 10 THRU SAT.. DEC 16. LIMIT ONE 2 PACK ■ amount o( merchandise required. Chei'kers get very dis­ 587 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE 214 SPENCER STREET CADBURY CHOCOLATE BARS 69 SAUSAGE MEAT i=oz *1.29 SWORDFISH STEAK (FROZEN) LB. *3.49 ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. gusted with those shoppers who only pick up one item MANCHESTER Tty/ MANCHESTER w*YM«fve the n.nt to lim.i sates to 3 ohgs ot any item e.cepi whete otherwise noted Items ottered lor sale not available in caie loll or 10 other leleil dealers or wholeialart Not rsaponaiDla lor typographical errors " " when they need two or three to get the coupon price. The customer usually wants to use the coupon and then runs Open 8:30 AM > 10:30 PM Open Mon.-Fri. 7 AM - Midnight back to get the required amount while everybody in line 410 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE MANCHESTER waits. — D.K. _____ PRI(!ES EFFECTIVE ONLY AT THE SHOP RITE STORES LISTED ABOVE S at. 7 AM - 1 0 : 3 0 PM Polly will send you one of her signed thank-you •In Older to a»»urBi»ullicienl supply d Mies Hama for allot our customers we mualreaeivalha right lo knit the purchaaeotialailounlltol 4 ol any aalaitanw. ascapi where otharwiaa noted." newspaper coupon clippers if she uses, your favorite Not rasponsibla lo t typographical arrors. Pricas altactlva Sun., Dec. 10 «iiu Sal.. Dec. 16,1978. (topyrighi Wskatam Food Coiporalion, 1978 Pointer. Peeve or Problem in her column. Write POLLY'S POINTERS in care of The Herald.