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Aniul Stey e liturdue 1, Nevada Ilere Spartan Spasms San iluar This Meek -End Sports Editor beim Formal Bids Sa n .1041t. Cal. By Slurdock and Bishop Solis. Rate. S1.00 Sports Sale Now Spartan es Per Quarter Just before the P %GE FOUR SAN JOSE. CALIF., WEDNI.:*,DAY. JANUARY 25, 1933 Christmas rt. ftttav cation, ToUrgr one of the aur,5 Minnow Ncrthen of the Fresno State fol. lege paper burst \ N JOSE, Varsity Cagers To IMPORTANT VAILSITY forth with loot V01. 21 CALIF., THURSDAY, JAN t AllY 26, WM No. 57 SWIM NOTICE filth' Sports hoo Intra=172ural about the All-Conleresa By Virginia Gardner Meet Nevada Here By Ilick Hernando., eleven picked by the %Tamil W. L. Coach Charles Walker an- this column. Marcus Hall, Negro Greenleaf Dr. Pickwell Editing Depression Idea Said scribe pouttl nounced that this afternoon at interesting expo mount ii In Two-Game Bill Get your names in for the An 41:nu,rnsi.n:inogutbiuhrasttnaititiessthiio Is Presented In New Issu,e of Western To Be Theme Of o'clock, the Varsity mer- swimming yeas tried last quarter Oul-shooting Tournament. I:00 Baritone, Is Feature Fri ambili iVat. Study Magazine putting (in a little meet so don't get disheartened day is the deadline. men are pride wait shown by theta., Recital Tuesday Juniors' Formal Strong Wolf Imek ous beginners. Ordinarily. begin Fav1111 all by their selves. NON, we Joee columniste, and Defeat Spartans In This affair is going to be run tift. crawl. went o, Artist January "Western Nature Study," nat ners are taught the 31st are sure they. would be terribly shatter our pride and ye T WM. Eminent Pre :dent (:olors Will He League Tilt on an elimination basis. Th. last time. for better leg motion tiral science magazine edited los disappointed if a good crow (I our honor. Last Thumb, Dramatist Next W'eek Black and White Friday schedule will be made up by the 8-ft. crawl was adopted. At the FainousThosie 1)r. Pickwell, is now in the didn't show up to see the bov.. .AII-Conference eleven pick;.d Ilan To lie In Little Theatre al Formal Dance Coach H. C. McDonald's San drawing the names out of the so end of the quarter, a race was knimunces Business Gills //car press. The magazine strut their stuff. the National 110.norary is designed Jose Stade Spartans will entertain called "hat" of all men desiring held between lite three best ex- Protegee, Rival watching these little Fraternity, num,,,, A. 11. linbowski Speak 'I uesday morning. January 31, to cover west roast nature mute Black and white will be the the University of Nevada's title - to participate. The matches may You'll enjoy. perienced swi rs in the inter- as there are writer,' who have cover,{ al Hal, applicable to western condi color theme for the Junior De- bound quintet here Friday and be played off any time con- fellows perform mediate class and three beginners at'us nail, famed negro bari- On Topic of "I? ussia" 11 o'clock, in the Little Thea- p W. c. games, was lions. There are many line nature pression Formal to be given Fri- nd too int- 1 - puhh.!.. Saturday, in a double-header of venient to the contestants. up un some splendid divern of two and one half months prao will be heard on January %I 1.0 and behold, the name. Ire, William Lee Geeenly"f will magazines in circulation, but the) day evening, January 27, at the men( among them. Morris Dailey auditorium. much oliscit.seol, appear in monolgue, Far Western Conference games. til the time at which the nest tice ill this new method. l'he re- .rtn lout leas under the are show them we Hubbard, Simoni, Horrt, based on eastern 111111 Mill Women's Gym. l'he affair is to The WOIVCS are heavy favorites round of the schedule must start. He there and sults were astounding. First Awn Nlason, a well known understood Russia. auspices of the Speech Arts de- western knee Baracchi. and Wool, the itit was the sub nem,. The neyol be strictly formal. l'he depres- appreciate their work and are pertinent, who halve to win on a basis of games al- So much for that today, but place went to the most experi- critic, has said "Roland fret of an instruelive anti Drought him for a cal live men chosen h. interest- western nature magazine sion part comes in that no cor- ready played this season. behind them. enced swimmer, but she was fol- . a great singer. has chosen to the campus. don't fail to get that name in. It's scribes, were on this tear, ing talk given last NIonility even- was evident, so "Western Nature sages are to be worn, and bids going to be a lot of fun. lowed five inches behind the us Hall, the negro baritone, At that tillre students The Nevadans. undisputed con- eleven men. May we simplt ing to who have Study" was written to answer are fifty cents at couple. Paul race. and also a the members of the Busi the ference champions in 1932, come three beginnerswhatta our answer is this team rh protegee rival. hour free will have the 0P- this need. The field is covered by Cox's orchestra will furnish the .ose a recital at the Com- ness Girls' League al their de- to San Jose with an entire team I might mention the faet, Coach California Stars by Alpha l'hi Gamma? We, portunity of hearing a reader topics. The series of bulletins, music. The dance vill be a pro- Playhouse, which lightful dinner of veteran players. Dan Bledsoe, Charlie Walker stated that the And here is a new use for olol Freano is no: T.00. burnt o, ', made a meeting in Seim- who has had many years of ex- each dead with a distinct sub- gram dance. impression on a for three years an All-Conference championship match of this foul- Gain Five Places textbooks. The Advanced classes large Milli - field Hall by Dr. A. II. Lubowski, perience and who presents his ice!. The first was on the sub- Harry Jennings is general monologues in a style peculiarly forward, is the star basket shoot- shooting tourney will possibly Ice have homework in diving to elim- Well, reporter for tL popular member of the Foreign Jed of "Frogs and Toads," see- chairman for the dance; Pearl squad and has an un- all the splashes that resound I studies! in London for two his own. His performance will ond er of the played off between halves of the inate cal morning paper cc- Language department. on "Birds," third on "Trees Mohnen is bid chairman; anol Lee on All-Star Team be of particular interest to those cany ability of slipping down the hiss bssisesisffl game of she seg. across the pool. You can use aired his views on the and has given concerts of Valley and Foothills," fourth Russell is assistant bid chairman. In his rhararteristically emus- students who have a major inter- floor past opposing guards on a ,son. 'rhis will be the Chico vs. our chemistry, anatomy or Eng- of coaching, substitutions. He returned to the United on "Weather," fifth on "Spring Bids are obtainable at the Con- ing est in in interpretation. fast breaking offense. Couffrey.: sett Jose game on February 25th. Prep Stars Hog Phiees on lish Lit books as mountains to all that goes with a sue, In 1932, and gave concerts manner (of speaking, in which Wildflowers," and the magazine troller's race. If there are any running mate to Bledsoe, places Now, i ask you. isn't that a real All-American Truck (live over. The itlea is to practice basketball team in his wr- Franeiseo. tlie foreign accent adds color if The Speech department is ar- now in print deals with the sub- bids left over on Thursday, Jan- well up in the scoring column diving, feet first, not ranging to have Mr. Greenleaf ' Incentive and Field Team at home, of the Ilist Varsity-Pacific not posscss a great or not suavity to Ilic magnitude eit jeet of "Insects." uttry 26th, they will be offered to and is the most aggressive player head firslmoral: Dive feet first l Alar voice. nor read his monologue of Rip Vain the stuolent body; until then only test. Said reporter must does he his topic, Dr. Luboswski spoke Dr. Pickwell is editor of the ram. and Oni- Winkle. and possibly on e o And it won't be long before we California scores again! This and avoid the splash, line few a job somew).- fan exceptional 'singe, but the Nler- pamphlet and is assisted by Dr. Juniors niay obtain bids. Mike Gould, center, stands six, text books to about Russia's student life as con chant of Venice. have an Intra-Mural Swim Meet. Mine it's in track. Out of the 'le ntallv. put the coaching jo.h, his limits he sings with Hazeltine, Dr. Duncan, Mr. Buss. little trouble ob- trasted with American life. There Thcce will be is asspgion feet, and has Watch for the big splash. 10111C last would be impossible anuineness of feeling and Miss Smith, Dr. Brauer, and Mr. fourteen possible places on the A. is not the grouping of students 'MID-WESTERN taining the tip-off. Gould con- 's of technique that it is a charge of 10 cents, to cover the Count. A. t'. All-American Interscholasd sistently oullumped Jack Read, Rubber, rubber, rubber! They ..to to hear him.