April 11,1879
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PORTLAND DAILY ^——————■———I PRESS.■—m»-w————a— ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-V0L. 16. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1879. ___PORTLAND, TERMS $8.00 PEIt anmm in T'TTT^ THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Cincinnati has tried . BUSINESS CARDS. THE Democratic “free Democratic Publithed every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS ______MISCELLANEOUS.__ PBE8S Difficulties, voting,” and doesn’t want any more of It. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Wanted. The declares in favor of the FRANCIS H. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 11. city election laws. LORD, a either as com- A AT 109 ExtJHAKflB Pobtlxsd. some Christian family, position Define of the Ilard-.TIanry Tim—The St., aDd as-istant to an invalid mother or as IN panion Eureka Tunnel and The Democrats are to D a a refined, intelligent Best do not read beginning trem- Eavtrra' ing Routed—Elation of Terms: Bight Dollars Tear. To mail subscribers misery governess, by lady. Mining We anonymous letters un common! thee Company. ble for Seven Dollars a Tear U paid In advance. references given. Address E. S. ROLLINS, Brook- Indiana. They have carried matters ATTORNEY AND cations. The name and address of the writer are Is Cirfrnbartfra, COUNSELLOR, lioe, Mass.apfrdfit* with too Location of Aline g : 1STevada. all oases indispensable, not necessarily for high a hand ont there. THE MAINE STATE PRESS 23 Court Boston. EUREKA, publication Street, hot as a guaranty of good faith. TbejWaehiogton correspondent of the Boa- Is Thursday Morning at a The are published every $2.C0 We cannot undertake to return ot ministers giving the lie at ^‘“Particular attention given to collection?. In- preserve com- freely ton year, if paid iu advance at $2.00 a year.* Shares of the Par Value of $100 Each. the Advertiser, writing under the date ol the solvency and Commercial Litigation. ocl0d6m PARTNER Capital Stoek $10,000,000. munication* that are not seed. Talaiage trial. Alas for the rarity ol Oth, Bars: Bates of Advertising : One inch of space, the Christian charity! The Honse spent the on the length of column, constitutes a “square." day amendment* Bvbby to the rules, and while the $1.50 per square, daily first week: 75 cents per regular attache of the ruses is furnished debate was dry the -OFFICERS:- Ix costs final action was week three insertions, or continu- with s twenty-five dollars to take a exceedingly imoortanr. after; less, $1.00; Card certificate countersigned by T. dog At ing every other (lay after first 50 cents. Stanley across the 'be close of the day the week, Pullen, Editor. All Atlantic,—and it is worth anti-Randall and tnfla- Halt or 75 one railway, steamboat and hotel that to tion element of square,three insertions, less, cents; President. P* E. the beast the House proposed and carried $1.00: 50 cents week after. Hon. W, W. BIS BOP, Gen. CONNOR,VIce-Pres’t and Gen. Manager managers will confer a favor ns get out ofthe week, per upon by demanding country. measures that will soon make the a scene Special one third additional. credentials of {floor Notices, Good Secretary and every person to out of contest over the wildest Under head of “Amusements" and “Auction Opening:. E.J.BUTLER, Treasurer. claiming represent financial scheme* onrnal. Mr. Hendricks is which the Western Sales," $2.00 per square per week; three insertions sadly interfering with Democrats have to propose. or less, $1.50. the programme of the Daring the early part of the day this extreme The Mine3 of Ihe Company, of which there are four, are situated on Kareka Tiidenites. He thinks Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Stath Capital, $500. Prospect Mountain, County, If the Isles was worth element allowed various of near the now GONSOUIDAl’SD and lighting far it ia propositions of the Press” (Which has a circulation in State Nevada, noted EUREKA RICHMOND MINES. The tun- the last should be first. large every part line, now worth for. committie on rales to be carried. These re- of the for for first nel will cut no lees than five ledges known to exist alouglts producing some of the richest ore be- paying Stale), $1.00 per square insertion, the vived the select and 50 cents for APFLV TO ing extracted in the State. The four mine* purchased by Company are known to contain rich ore, special committees of the last per square each subsequent insertion. or the Texas papers claim session and Address all communications to which the tunnel will cut at a great depth, and tne Property Company be made as valuable as any in that;the State is rapid- increased the membership of a the district. The tunnel is now in six and is run and soon number POR LAND PUBLISHING CO. hundred feet, being day night, and will strike the STATE OP ly The of prominent coma.itteee, as the regu- first ot MAINE. filling up. greatest increase is in the series of ledges spoken of above. lar report will show. The committee ou com- The Trustees have set asiae a limited number of shares as a working capital, which will be merce J. C. HAMMETT, H. disposed of for BY THE graveyards. obtained a rule giviog them control of D., N. Si GARDNER. a short time at the lotf of and the names of the Officers should be a to GOVERNOR, price $UI5 per share, guarantee the the river and harbor bill and power to at ENTERTAINMENTS. dlw stockholders that the money will be judiciously The stock of the Company is made forever nnas- I1 K O L report (Homeopathic Physiciau,) ap7 expended, A. C A M A T I O N". any time, and defeated a sessable, and is so its face. prqposttion which designated upon Gossip. wonid Has located at Wanted A. O. CROSBY, No. 70 High Street, Boston, mass., will act as Agent for the sale of this require a three-fourths vote to pass it Immediately. In accordance with time honored and a LANCASTER HALL. stock, and also that ot the Charter Tunnel and Mining Company, in the New England States. custom, by under suspension of the roles instead of two- GOOD CUSTOM COAT MAKERS. None Parties to the advice ot the Executive thirds as Yarmouth, Me. writhing purchase may address him, or the undersigned at the principal place ot business of the Council, I appoint now. This opens the way for the A Mechanical Model of TWObut good workmen need apply. Address by mail Company, Eureka, Nevada. About men and Women heaviest JOHN ROBERTS, Gorham, Me. swindling ever yet done in the name *lc28 (Near the G. T. Depot.) SM&Wlf apld2w P. E. Thursday, the 17th inst, of rivers and NEW CONNOR, Vice-President and General Manager. harbors. The vote on this propo- YORK HARBOR! mbs__» d3m» AS A DAY OF sition was by no means partisan. The action The of which Showing the Inlands, Forts, East* iver B. F. PRITCHARD, Wanted. Queen the Belgians visited the Lon. developed the real purposes of the me- Fasting, Iluiniliation and Player. of the Bridge, Foreign Steamers, Ac SMALL, convenient rent, centrally located. don Home f jr Lost Dogs, tha other day, and jority Democratic side came last. The Address “RENT,” Press Office, stating price, And that ibe occasion may let all un- Democrats and Greenback a A beduly observed, the ingenlons Court Circular men proposed ON EXHIBITION DAILY Real Estate anfl Fire Insurance Broker number.of rooms and location. ap3dtf detected ia this rule the and necessary vocations be laid aside, am!each and every giving ways means, banking and From 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Admission 25 cts.; chil- movement of curiosity "that kindness and hu- and & one devote himself to currency coinage committees the right to 15 CHADBOURN self-examination, with to and dren cts; Uberal reduction families, Mortgages loans negotiated. $25,000 wanted seeking manity which are the at to KENDALL, distinguishing char- report any time, and at the same time pro- aprll <J3t invest in first-class mortgages. All business in- contrition and humility forgiveness for past TO LET. offences., acteristics” of her that a trusted to me will be attended to. Office- majesty. viding majority of the House may, promptly and resolve by Divine assistance to lead a wiser and A 12 Market Square, Portland, Me. Louisville young woman writes to a mod- upon receiving such reports, immediately fix a better life. THE GIRLS’ MISSION CIECtE ie3 eodtf est and a dav for considering them. This was carried ALONZO stupid youth, “Ires, when you asked Will have a To Let. GARCELON. 130 to 109. It was a to the me if I by great surprise & Given at the Council Chamber at would marry you—Oh! I not SMALL tenements from 5 to 9 dollars with 168 170 MIDDLE Augusta, this ought to coaservative and as eacb, third hard-money Democrats, STREET, day ot April, in the year of our Lorn one have to W. done I Sale and 3 Seuago. Apply W. CARR, it, suppose—but then it was such an Its purpose was to provide means for the Supper. J. M. ROSS thousand eight hundred and seventy-nin e, and forciog ap4tf 197 Newbury St. and so I Ewmg and schemes of and silver In the Vratry of the Second Pariah Church, Have the pleasure ot informing: their friend* that on and after the Independence ot the United States ot Amer- opportunity, smiled the one to yen and Kelley paper Removed from No. 8 Oak St. to ica the one hnndred and third. iutlation upon the Honse and the party. The On the AFTERNOON AND EVENING of answered,‘Never!’ And you stupid, you froze TO LET rule reallv accomplished the purpose in view,In APRIL 11th.