
■ I'- :tr N' MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22,-1980 ATcrase Dally Net Preu Run The Weather FAG^ TWELVE For the Week Ended FdrecMt ef O. 8. Wenther BoseM !|pralb Feb. SO, 1^60 Fair, eeneonnMy ooM toaiglil. estdbltshed at the Three J ’s Res­ 13,079 Low 18 .to S4. Wedamdagr t n e r e ^ The youth and S t Camillas com- The women’i Home League of taurant Ih Bolton. lag eleadtaieaa, eeld. High In mid mitteea of the Guild of Our Lady the Saltation Army will meet to­ Student Store Next Sunday The funds collected In the Heart Member «f the Audit 90*. About Town of St. Bartholomew's parish will morrow at 2 p.m. Iri the Junior hall. Boreu of Clrcnlntton, _____ 4 Refreshments will be sen’cd. Sunday canvass will be added to Manchester— A City of Village Charm meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the / those collected in the Manchester The PMt Chief Daughters, basement of the rectory at 741 E. Heart Sunday Daughters of Scotia.,will meet at Anderson Shea, VFW Auxiliary,- Study Plahued Area Heart Association's month­ Middle Tpke. long fund drive. Last year’s Heart (Claaetfled Advertising an Page 12) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1960 I FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS the home of Miss Elluabeth Brown. will meeftomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at Sunday collection totaled $7,232, ,VOL. LXXIX, NO. 122 20 Arch St., tomorrow at ,7:4.S p.m. the Post Home. Members of the Distributive Nexit Sunday Is Heart Sunday. ■ v' Friend-ahlp Circle.' Salvation Education program (DE) at Man­ Mrs. Leon A. Tfiorp, fund cam­ including $5,163 in Manchester and Army, will meet tonight at 8 Bolton, and $2,069 in the Rpek- •'World Economic Development" chester High School are in favor paign chairman, announces that' o'clock in the youth center. After of establishing a student store at ville-Vernon-Ellington areas. will be the topic for two foreign the business meeting, the service 956 Heart Sunday volunteers will Current Total . ,, policy unit meetings of the League 12 Skindivers the school, but will await the committee will be in charge, with final attitude of the Chamber of conduct a door-to-door collection So far this year the association State Newfl' of Women Voters this week. The Mrs. Thomas McCsmn and Mrs. Go Under Ice Commerce w'hich helps support the in the residential areas. Some of has received $7,183.79 in memorial first group will meet tomorrow at AugiKst Gebel as co-chairmen. gifts, credits from the in-plant col­ 8 p.m. gt the home of Mrs. Vin­ program. the volunteers wi'ho will not be at Members are working on an an­ At Bolton Pond The Chamber's retail executive home on Heart Sunday will be lection at Pratt-Whltney Aircraft, R oundup cent Ramisi, 220 Greenwood Dr. nual project, knitting lap afghans committee has appointed a study and other -contributions plus the U.S., Brazil Leaders making their calls earlier In the Another group will meet Wednes­ for the Rocky Hill Veterans Hos­ local school drive. day at 0:§0 *l.m. at the home of Twelve skindivers from the New group to look into the'possible ef- week. Hartford, Feb. /23 (A*)— i pital. Hostesses will be, Mrs. May­ fecLs such a store would have on Of the 966 volunteers, 223 work­ .The greater proportion of the Mrs. Philip Sumner, 73 Princeton nard Clough ahd Mrs. McCann., Haven area, inclriding one ""from Lhe 125 Chamber merchants who funds collected will remain in Man­ NAACP on List State auditors said today they I SL ers will cover the Rockvflle-Ver- Bolton, swam under the ire at are committed to the DE program. non-Ellington area, 42 will canvas chester to help support the re­ have uncovered Instances of j The Installation committee of Sperry’s, Gien in Bplton Saturday The study group, comprised by In Bolton, and 691 will make calls search, education and community questionable “home to office” 1 Manchester Assembly. Order of Manchestei* Emblem Club will Jay Goldsteinand Harry Clare, service programs for the five areas .i^fear of community hostility and 1 Rainbow for Girls, will meet to­ afternoon. . . in Manchester. The total of 9.56 Washington, Feb. 23 (JFi economic reprisals that would fol­ travel by State Tax Depart­ meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the will study particularly the experi-, represents an increase of 221 covered by the local Heart Assn. The Supreme Court today night at 7:30 o'clock at the Ma­ home, of Mrs. Samuel Vacant!, 101 . Paul J. Tzimoulls, formerly of -ences of other communities which The balance is remitted to the Con­ low public diacloBure of the mem­ ment employes using state sonic Temple for a short business Bolton, now of North Haven; workers over last year’s total, re­ necticut and American Heart Assn, unanimously struck down bership Hats had dlscburaged new Declaration Grandview St. have school stores. Guest Speaker sulting in more complete coverage cars. meeting. Officers are to meet at Frank VVhite, formerly of Man­ The store’s possibility was dis­ for use in maintaining national and fines imposed, by. Little Rock members from joining the organi­ Auditors Clarence F. Baldwln and the Temple at 7 o'cloclc. chester and now of Madison; and Kenneth C. TedforS,. interior while reducing the size of workers zations and Uiduced former mem­ David R. Cole. I ll, Norman St.. cussed by the Chamber’s retail ex­ assignment. State research and service pro­ and North Little Rock, Ark., Robert F. Claffey said it would is editor of the Monthly News Gene White, his brother, of Bol­ ecutive committee and Mi.ss Carol decorator for Watkine Bros., will grams. bers t' withdraw.” appear that such use "is in viola- The executive board dl tlie Ver* ton, took part in the event. Skin- discus* Interior decorating at a Solicit Noighborhomls ^ ■ on leaders of the National As: The justice went on; ! tlon of home to office travel re- Letter, a publication for the deaf Kress, coordinator of the DE pro­ Volunteers are assigned to their speiation for the Advance­ planck School PTA will meet divers from five clubs throughout gram, meeting of the Jaycee Wive* "This repressive effect, w-hile in i gtrictions imposed by the commis- Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the of the New England states. The the state participated. Wednesday at 8:30, p.m. at the immediatb neighborhoods and will ment of Colored People who part the result of private attitudes nioner of finance and control.” editor Is a-former student of th^ "We'd like to gel the store it we present an official Heart Fund con­ Tall Cedars View 70,000 Applaud Ike school. One of them was Shirley Schulz, Community Baptist Church. refused to identify local mem­ and pressures, w-as brought to The auditors raised tlie issue in American School for the Deaf and can," Mias Kress said, "but we Mr*. George Eagleson and Mrs. tribution envelope for the donor's bear only after the exercise of a former composing room .'em president of the all-girl Neptune's don't want to step on anyone'a bers. an audit of the tax collection agen­ Dr Irwin Kove will address'the Daumier's of the New Haven .Tohn'.Jeffers will be cO-chairmeri conventbne'e. After the donation Film on Exelianjje governmental power had threat­ cy for the 2-year period which Hartford County Podiatry Society ploye of The Herald. toes. It's up to the Chamber. We has been inserted, the envelope Justice Stewart delivered the YWCA. w-lll cooperate in any way we can.” of the program. Refreshments will court'! opinion. Justices Black ened to force disclosure of the ended June 30, 1958. tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Courant ■ The divers all w-ore black rub­ be served. may be sealed before being returned A movie on the New York Stock and Douglas wrote a concurring members' names." "The use of state-owned cars On Visit to New City auditorium. Hartford. He will show The Holy phoat MoUiers’ Cir­ Stork Carried to the volunteer.^ Pre-addressed ber neoprene suits,. designed to The store w-ould sell school sup­ Tedford i.s a graduate -of Man­ Exchange, with commentaary by opinion. Stewart said that the two Ar­ should be acrutinized,” the audi­ slides and lecture on findings in cle wail meet tomoripw at 8; 15 keep them wip-m despite the tem­ chester High/ School' and the envelopes to the Heart Fund Ed ,Thorsell and Wayne Oraie nf kansas municipalities had failed p.m. at the home oLMrs. Arthur plies such as study guides, pens, treasurer. In' Manchester and in HEART DISEASE Stewart aaid that on the record tors added aa they pointed to reg­ foot surgery; - perature of the water. They cut a pennants, gym bags and so on. A Rhode laland/Schnol of Design. He the brokerage firm of Putnam and •'it aufficiently appears that com- "to demonstrate a controlling ulations forbidding home to office Pongratz, 219 Oak St. Mrs.'Hard­ hole in the 16-inch ice, dropped a' ha* studied at the Hartford Art Rockville, will be left at the door C6;,'HSitford, w-ill be presented at Enemy justification for the deterrence of Rio dc Janeiro, Feb. 23 (JP)—President Eisenhower ar­ ing Carrier will bWco-hoatesa. portion of the proceeds from the for families away from home dur­ pulaoiy- discloaurea of the mem­ travel. The. Manchester Board of Real­ 12 foot, ladder and attached ropes store would help sefid students to School and the New- York School a meeting of Nutmeg Forest, Tali bership hats of -ocal branchea” of free 8u»ociatlon,” and that hence But Tslx Commissioner John L. rived in Brasilia, future capital of Brazil, at 2:17 p.m. (12:17 tors will meet Wednesday noon at to it and the divers' w-rists. Tlieje of Interior Design. He ha* taught ing the collection hours. Cedars Of Liebanon. tonight at 7 JO V G fV E j NAACP, „"wpuld work a aignlfi- officials of NAACP "cannot be Sullivan, \yhile agreeing with the p.m., EST) today to biegin a 10-day visit to South America. the Manchester Country* Club. A The Army-Nai-y Auxiliary will the DE State Convention. The at the Bradford Durfee Technical said the water was about 33 Chamber has a}reB!(iy appropriated Heart Sunday volunteers in Man­ in the Masonic Temple. canl interference with the free­ punished for refusing to produce home to office travel use a* citej^ Flying from Puerto Rico in his jet plane, the- President short meeting of the multiple list­ hold a card 'party tonight at the degrees under the ire. Attempts to Institute in Fall River, Ma*s.. and chester are asked to bring their After . the film showing, tliQ information." by the auditors, today disagreed ing service group will precede the clubhouse.^ ^ $50 for the C:hOors part in the dom of aaaocihtion of their iriem- came in 13 minutes ahead of schedule. take uhderwaler motion pictures convention C'ogram . formerly headed the deeign depart­ kits and collections to the Treas­ gue.sts will conduct a question and bem.” Blaoli saia” In hia concurring with the auditors'-claim that such luncheon meeting. and stills were futile because of ment at Cheney Bras. urer N. William Knlffhl. who will anaw-er period concerning the op­ opinion in which Douglas joined travel waa improper. He was met by President Juscelino Kubitschek and top Roger Williams, One ofytne principal reasons for^- Stewart added, "There was aub- the murktness of the water. a 8choC?tore. Miss Kress pointed be at the Heart Fund office, 55 E. eration nf the slock market, and stantial uncontroverted e.vldence ')iwt they fell the facta showed The tax chief said the persons Brazilian officials. will hold an The divers practiced for 2 tv Center St., on Heart Sunday. Rock- the acquiaitlon and holding of the ordinances Involved as applied friends Wednesday out, 1 ^ 0 give students the "feel of norzd in DS. "Thk program is open that public identification of per­ Involved w-ere basically "field men” RANGE hours and then replaced the block meiCandising." especially airder- to aeniora. The present enrollment ville-Vernon-Ellinglon volunteers stocks and bonds, Robert King, MARLOW li sona in the community as mem- in the case of the two NAACP of- living in the New- Haven area and By EDWARD T> BUTIXB honor of their daughter. they cut out,. are asked to report to the' Rock­ grand tall cedar, will be program MeWN ST., .MANCHESTER V \ I) WHiiams, who will inC'and stocking, it 25... bara of thie organizations had been ficials violate freedom of speech ^^yho were temporarily shifted to Brasilia, Brazil, Feb. >23 (A’)—Chief executives of the two M school store, Miss Kress ville’ l~r e a su r e r, Malcolm 'W. chairman. followed by harassment a n d and aasembly guaranteed by the the Hartford office during the rush i leave Saturday for Belgrade, Thompson, at the temporary head­ biggest nations in the Americas today pledged their joint rUEL OIL ; Yugoslavia, to join the secretarial 'pointed out, w-ould not only aid the threats of bodily harm. 't;ollection period for the corpora­ program but would aid merchants quarters in the Union Congrega­ "There was also evidence that (Continued en Page Four) tion tax. \ determination to help develop the hemisphere materially and GASOLINE j staff, at the U.S. Embassy as a Increase Asked Eniply Cash Box tional ' Church, Rockville. Volun­ j State Department employe, as w-ell. The store would sell goods "I don’t see where Uiere Is My- morally with the goal of “greater prosperity and harmony at market prices on consignment teers in Bolton w-ill bring their I thing awfully wrong," the comrtiis- In Health Bujpl^et Reported Stolen materials to a coileijponlileijtii point-to be for all." I Manchester Lodge of Masons from local retgilers. East Hartford I sioner added. ^ President Eisenhower and President Juscelino Kubitschek BANTLY OIL ! will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. High Scjiool has ' a DE school I Furthermore, he said that tlie of Brazil, in a ‘‘Declaration of Brasilia,” expressed confidence i After a business meeting, mem- The Health Department budget store whicli, she skid, has proved Another petty cash theft has Grd>Yn Prince Born i use of state cars during that oneA ( .riir , INI'. request for 1960-61 is-$27,279, an popular with retailer.s there. been reported, but this timf all I month period had been cut from in the success of a hemispheric crusade for economic develop­ ' hers of John Mather chapter, Or- -that w-as taken was an empty box. I der of DeMola.y, will present their increase of $3,826 over the current The DE program is 'effected Throw Them I four cars .to one—which would ment. At the same time they asserted their support of “the ; I '1 \i\'kyo. Feb. 23 WP)—Crown Prosecutor Fired The "Declaration of BraaUla”^ - Nursfes, $4,.500 for the Manchester subject to advancement and Last week $17 was taken from Closed Wednesday Princes* Michiko gave birth today Wei.hersfield, Feb. 23 l/P) — A was drafted in advaince in . ex­ Child Guidance Clinic, and $25 for change of job status as full time that *am j rash box. Afternoons t; to a healthy, 5 pound 6 ounce son face-ala,P9 ing Incident in town President Eisenhower walka through long shadows from early morning sun today aa he salutes changes between the two Presi­ advertising. employes. Police arc investigating. who became second in the line of court has caused Judge Edward R. an Air Force honor guard which saw him off on his flight from Ramey Air Force Base, Puerto dent* and their foreign affairs de­ Ike Vetoes Bill Both the Public Health Nurses Students also lake field' trips to SAM YU LYES auccession to the Japanese throne. Doyle to dismiss hia prosecutor, Rico, to Brazil. -W ith the President is Brig. Gen. Joseph J.% Preston, commanding 72nd Bom­ partments. It wa* made public and the Child Guidance Clinic various points and rerently visited "SHOE REPAIRING T h t l ^ y is the first child borz Thomas E. Ruskell, bardment Wing at Ramey. (AP Photofax). today just an hour before^ Eisen­ have placed their requests on the a Hartford advertising agency and OF THE BETTER RIND" PINE LENOX PHARMACY to CradHa Prince Aklhlto and the At the end of a day-long hearirig hower was due here on his 10-day For More U.S. basis of rates for f«ei-vice- render- a radio station. Flavor of the Month I 23 OAK STREET daughter of the commoner fiour on the matter yesterday. Judge South American tour. I ed. In previous years the request "The Chamber is definitely in­ name Side ns Watkins 299 E. CENTER ST. Ml 9-0896 manufacturer he married last Doyle annoimced Russell would no Report from Gronchi This is the rainy season in Bra- I has been made In the form of a terested In th? program," said Ex­ "CHERRY VANILLA" April 10. longer hold the Job. Death G>unt 7 siUa, but the weather was cool and Help on Water SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH I flat fee. » . ecutive Vice President John P. Whole red cherries blended The birth had not been expected "The use of force is not in ac­ comfortable as the President's 707 Wiet, "hecifii'se retailing IS be­ for another week. It came four / FRIDAY. FEB. 26 The clinic'a request represents throughout our creamy cordance with the. standards of jet touched dowm after a 5H 'hour Washington, Feb. 23 (JP)—Presi­ $4.,50 per interview. This is 25 per coming more complicated and Is smooth vanilla. Get some days alter a second aon was bom conduct WeJiersfieid expects of its In Omaha Fire, flight covering 2,700 miles. SERVINGS AT .5:39 and 6:30 cent of the total cost to the clinic becoming more of an anticipated soon at your nearest Royal to Queen ^izabeth IX of Britain. officials, he said. Soviet Will Insist He left Ramey Field, Puerto dent Elsenhower vetoed a $900 PLEASE MAKE RESERVATION.S BY FEB. S4 •- per interview. The Public Health career-." Ire Cream dealer’s store. Aklhlto, eldest son of Emperor Russell allegedly slapped an at­ Rico, Just after dawm to head for million water pollution control bill BETT\* TEDFORD Ml 9-1347—CHfRCH OFFICE Ml 9-1952 The DE program is in its first Hirohlto and Empress Nagako, la torney, Henry (Soldberg of West 3 in St. Louis this city which la to become Bra­ today on tha ground that atata Nurses' request represents .50 per year at-Uhe high school. Miss Kress ROYAL ICE CREAM CO. 26. Michika la 25. MARJORIE LAVOIE Ml 9-5005».or Ml 9.648L cent of the total operating ex­ 23 Warren St.—Ml 3-6950 Hartford, during a court case on zil's capital two months from now. and local governments rather than ADULTS $1..V»—CHILDREN UNDER 12. 7.5c is a graduate of New Britain State An announcement said ImUi Jan. 28. Omaka, Feb. 23 (VP)—Seven pec- The surging crowd broke pense of their program. Teacher’s College, where she ml- mother and child were well. Allies Quit Berlin the federal go'vernment should The Health Department's re­ Russell Is entitled by atate law S9)S died today I" * through police lines as ths plan* The Princeas began having faint foot most of the bill. quest for salaries remained almost labor pains late laat night at the to appeal the action. Statement* dowiitowTi rooitog house oceuipied waa taxiing up the timway. Al­ by hie aiitorneya during the 12- most all the 70,000 population, "Bacauae 'water pollution ia a thA akme. The kliocation is $10,- suburban Togu Palace, where ahe mostly by old age penslonera. 965 this year, and the request for and Aklhlto live. She entered the hour hearing in^ated he may do Washington, Feb. 23 —Soviet'^Khrushchev that Italy oould jiot mostly engaged in ctnutrucUon uniquely local blight,” Elsenhower next year Is $11,139. Imperial Houaehtdd Hospital at so. ETemier Nikita S. Khrushchev is agree wItJi the Soviet*.on Berlin. FbuY ppraoTiff/Fere injured. Ow, work, turned out. Fire trucks said in a message to the House, neporte^. to have^wamed h^ ■will The ov*r-all inipreialoii at Al­ 58-5^r-old Charles^ Battles, Wra* were moved In to hold back the "primary responsibility for solv­ 1;B0 ajn., and the baln^ waa boni lied diplomats is that Khrushchev NEW WAYTO W' hours and 25 _ V.S. Pohey Assailed insist the weetem Allies leave in serious cqnditiwlth bums prowd- 1* ops klso joined the po­ ing the problem lies not with the The delivery wtaa .diacrlbW ia demonstrated anew that he ia in a over 45 to 58 per cent body. lice Ih keeping the wray clelir. federsd. government but rather ••natural," apparently meaning Btorrs, Feb. 23 The United WesU Berlin — regardless of any tough negotiating mood in advance Battles was a baH of fire when Tomorrow Eisenhower is to get must be assumed and exercised aa AUTO without artificial aid of any type. States is using a blunted weapon concession they may bSer to Rus­ of the scheduled East-West sum­ he leaped from a second srtory 61ji- his major Brazilian reception in it haa been by state and local gov­ to cope with the activities of the sia's views on disarniainent. mit meeting May 15. Rk> de Janelre, the old capital. ______BODY S U R E TO The young father, In accordance dow to the icy ground below. ernments. Tf\is being ao, the de­ 6ET BILLS PAID? OLIIE’S with tradition, waited at his home Soilet Union, according to this Khrushchev is understood to Khrushchev ia reported to have There were 36 persons in . the . T he two- Praaidenta’ declaration fects of H.R. 3610 (the vetoed year’s Brieu McMahon Lecturer at have emphasized his -view' strongly Yes! Bring in your tinpaid billa, arrange for a five miles from the hospital. At accused the West of seeking to building including the >. landlady, •aid IhS improvement of the Amer­ bill) are apparent. ★ WELDING the University of Ck)imecti.cut. to Italian President Giovanni stall a settlement of the Berlin Mrs. Clara M. Gillen. 63. Her son, ica*’ ll\dng standards is keyed to HFC KO-Payer Loan and let ua do reel. In AUTO BODY GET A hews of the Wrth. he rushed to “By holding worth the promise of ★ AUTO BODY and the hospital to see his son and his Dr. Hans Uorgenthau, a polit­ Gronchi during their talk* in Mos­ problem indefinitely—the a a. m e James, said three-quarters of the the preservation of world peace fact we’re happy to mail the checks to creditors at cow nearly three weeks ago. residents were penMonere. a large ecalo program of long-term FENDER REPAIRS wife. ical scientist from the University line he took in a talk with Llewel­ and democratic rights. Noting that federal support, it would tempt no eztr| charge. Or, if you prefer, ask for cash and WORK Meanwhile, the first traditional of Chicago, said yesterday' , this TYie Italian government haa giv­ lyn Thompson, U.S. Ambassador, on Gillen identified the dead a* Rob­ the American nations already have m . pay the bills youraelf. Either way, you get your ★ COMPLETE CAR ceremony for the infant had taken nation la atill banking on contain­ en its main Allies a report on the, New- Year’s Eve. ert Woodford, Dick Scheele, Jack achieved much, the two Presidents Gronchi - Khrushchev conversa­ In seeking to warn this strategy Braahear, Claus Petersen, Ernest aaid they are "firm In the convic­ (Continued on Fag< Seven) in PAINTING place. A samurai sword -was pre- ment — basically a military policy bills paid promptly. Drop today. — In its dealing -with the Soviet tions, which were climaxed by a would fail, Khrushchev, in effect, Schmidt, Lloj'd Canfield and Andy tion that action atill more fruit­ : LAi;L(UttB and ENA,MEL aented to the btd>y as a symbol of his duty to defend the nation. Union. public row ' between them at a said that the West could not buy Vopat. ’ ful should be taken.” CMk MONTHiV PAYW■NT SCI4IDUII TEL Ml 6-502.5 Moscow' reception. time or convince him to abandon 'The fire waa discovered aiMiut They did not elaborate, but quitS' Yvtf M 20 t$ MORIARTY BROTHERS Jfichiko’s mother, -Mrs. Hldesa- The United States succeeded in It .< . buro. Shod!, was the only member Gronchi and hia advisers were his Berlin proposals by gt^vlng him 1:25 a.m, in the St. James Room­ possibly will before Eisenhower|>v you get more Pspmtt Ssrmtt S*rmH 281 ADAMS ST. 301 CENTER STREET—Ml 3-5135 preserving Em Ope by concen­ concludes his iI bU to Brazil Frl- of the family with the Princeas Tedees 0w n Life trating on containment, but now not cowed by Khrushchev's harsh concessions on disarmament ing House which occupies the up­ BiiUetins S 6.72 $ 7.27 $10.05 $18.46 ' "I...... A ff language. At a farewell diplomat­ Khrushchev is reported to have per two floors of a 3-etory brick 13.07 14.18 19.74 36.55 for the continement. Tradition The shootihg of Mrs. Anita the spread of communism is of a (ConOnned on Page Seven) than money kept the Emperor and Empress j ic reception. Italian Foreign Min­ described his oft-rejected proposal building in the 400 block on North froito the AP Wires 19.25 20.91 29.27 54.48 Rogers, 37, who was a friend I different nature, one that calls for to make West Berlin a free city aa 13th Street. The location ia in an 30.83 33.6L 47.55 88.47 sway, and they are expect^ to i of James M. Cox Jr., presi­ j new thinking on the part of the ister Guiseppe Pella flatly told visit their grandson and daughter-' shapers of United States foreign a magnanimous gesture on his area between the retail and whole­ 36.41 39.74 56.'4? 106.00 dent of the Miami News,' has I -part. sale business district. DYNAMITE ON PLANE from HFC MA\rHK.STEn In-law tomorrow.' ' bee^ruled a suicide by the j policy, he said. 106 Men Trapped TW $tk*duU akm u hw d on fromti montkh y Opt AT New fuel oil This was his absolute minimum, Firemen fought the flamea in rt^oymonts ond imrimh t «Mit. ■' AND OTWR EEAmxri CITliCS The Emperor will pve the baby; county medical examiner in "Mr. Khrushchev's offensive Washington, Feb. 23 een using News Tidbits recognize that the time has come water from the hose* as it splashed day that a dynamite exploalon ^of !% Pm month on thnl port of tm hoionm M im pEN •. W ATBN«gnV • •HIETOL the ancient ceremony of the First /police Mrs. Rogers shot her­ to end the postwar occupation of im OMtos$ o f IJOO to tto O . ' ^ > , in foreign policy,-’! Morgenthau against the building and left caUaed toe crash of a National THE KNOWy„NAME, NSW amVAiN • n o n W a l k * m a n O h i s t c h Bath. Until then he will be known self yesterday during a loud Culled' from AP Wires the Western Zone. street* covered with ice or slusii. Berlin, Feb, 23 ( D ^ T h e EJaat m m m MIOOLKTOWN t TOnniNGTON as "SlUnno,” or imperial prince. / discussion at the home of her i said. "Containment Is obsolete.” Airlines plane with 34 persons Ufa iiHWiMC* wNrtAls I at taw graap nrta . " As he has done before, Khrush­ Cause of the fire was not' im­ German news agency ADN report­ aboard near Wilmington, N. C,, ,ezind THE KNOWN QUALITY SINCE 190Q NAOyipCNCS • NAWTUCKIT moUier in Miami Beach. (AP i With Khrushchev at the con­ ed today that 106 men atill are (CoBttened eo Page Two)/ Phdtbfax). trols, he said, the Soviet Union is chev Insisted anew that two Ger- mediately determined. Jan. 6. Cbairman James R. Dur­ in Peiping Radio tells Latin. Amer­ manyB—western and eastern— ' The rooming house building is trapped In a cot.) mine at Zwickau fee said evMende indicates toe going, all out in a campaign to ican countn'e* today the United lOUSEHOLD FINANCE SAVE! spread its influence through eco­ were now' a historical fact which next door to the Open Door' Mis­ following an exploalon. explosion, started electrically States is a “savage aggressor” nomic means. - Allied policy could not change ex­ sion. Many of those who fled the ADN said at leaat 17 men died in by a flry cell battery, occurred and President Eisenhower, "de­ blaze gathered there temporarily the disaster, one of the worst in within toe caUn near a seat oc­ MANCHIfTIR IHORPINO FARKAN TUES. and WEP. ONLY Warns on Blow to Economv "Klmishchev does not necessar­ cept with Soviet' agreement. * »' ily believe the old Marxist concept spite his gsin, is rio friend of the Diplomatic authorities, seeking along with a crowd of men from German mining hlstorj’. cupied by JuHan Frank, who 382 Middle Turnpik« West of world revolution." he said. Latin American people.".,.. Atty. to assess the aignificance of the area, which has a number of The blast ripped a main shaft who carried aeddent and life Ih- BRISKET ■‘How’ever, he is using the new George T. Davis says thati "within Khrushchev’s words, view it as rooming house*. of the Karl Marx Mine early yes-' duranoe policies of more than f l 2nd Floer-MItcheN 3r2738 economic and technical power' of the week we’U be back in court,” another sign that the summit con­ tetday and toiiched off a ra ^ n g million. Castfo Regime Ready seeking to save Caryl. Chessman , St. Ix>uia, Feb. 23 The in­ fire Oiat hindered fescue'{efforts. Bean: ID la 6 Ms*., Tats., Titan.-r ID hi I WtD., M.—f:30 to 1} M. the Soviet Union to accomplish ference may fail to alter the Ber­ ADN said rescue, teams s6 far these end.*. Khrushchev is trying from the gas chamber"' lin deadlock. terior; of. a burning 3-story brick PENNY PITO r SECOND About 4,000 applicants taking building in downtown St. Louis have pulled 51 miners to safety. CORNED BEEF On the other hand, some officials " After working through the Squaw Valley, CaUf, Feb. 28 LB. , (Continned on Page Thirteen) , examinations today for entrance believe Khrushchev talked tough collapsed with a roar last nighty tD —-Yvonne Ruegg, pretty To Negotiate with U.S. killing three firemen. night, more than 300 men are ,mo'.Mi0 3 0 JOLO.o.ojo.o.o.n.o.o,o.t.oJrjr'.o-* a » to Coast Guard Academy at New ED 'CEf ****^0 CABB4GE . , to . Gronchi and others A5 a pre- bringing toe fire under control, Swtsa secretary, beat out Penny ■ IV fc C , WITH EACH PURCHASE. I London in June... U.S. Army summit maneuver. Pitou in the tough women’s : mortuary team begins attempts to (Continued on Page Thirteen) the "report said. Havana, Feb. 23 (J^.— Fidek ' Matters at issue between the Two, factors coiild have in­ giant slalom ski race, .today and Qaatro's government aaya i t . is U.S. and Cuban . governments in­ GOP Indicates I identify positively the remains of fluenced him to use blunt lan- smashed America's hopes for a HOT or SWEET ready to ne'gqtiate ita differencea clude: ' ; five U.S. airmen recovered, almost giiage with Gronchi. . gold medal in, the WintJr Olym­ i ' with the United States but warns U.S. demand* for prompt and : 17 years after they .perished in One, he was stung by a sug­ pic event. The Swiss girl was Censorship in j hike in North African desert, from gestion that Gronchi relayed from timed in 1 minute, 39.9 seconda ITALIAN SAUSAGE ..1- against any Washington action adequate payment for American . their downed bomber "Lady Be Kennedy Names Bowles and Miss Pitou of Gilford, N. H., harmful to the Cuban,economy. property seized under Castro's j Good.” West German Chancellor Konrad In second place In 1:40.1. SLICED Foreign Minister Raul Roa hand­ agrarian reform program. Adenauer—that the Berliners vot­ "A second thought ed a note to U.S. charge d’affd i^ . Cuban complaint* that the Unit­ Ribicoff Digest Nella Van Rie may be a defen.se ed on Russia's proposal to make Daniel Braddock yesterday an­ ed 9;ates la harboring “war crlm- I witness at the trial of her radio West Berlin a so-called free. city. rNXEREST BOOST BACKED' on first aid" B^CON nouncing that Cuba would appoint IhaJ" membersjof dictator Fulgen- ; Hartford. Feb. 23 m - Tile state j operator husband. VVlUem, charged Khrushchev scornfully rejected j Foreign Policy Adviser Washington, Feh. 23 (JV-The YOUR a commission to open talks in cto Batista's regime. I administration’s Digest of Ad-1 with the shipboard killing of pret­ this. House .Ways and Means commit­ Washingrton at a date cobvwient ! ministrative Reports which was ty Lynn Kauffman, a 23-year-old tee today approved a com­ OR SLICED Cuban charges that U.S.-based And two, Khrushchev undoubt­ Washington, Feb. 23 iTi — Sen.S> The Senator released a letter to CHOICE to both countries. planes are making bombing at­ ! released recently, was assailed to- divorce. . . Three Injured when edly was irritated to find out that promise bill designed to Inczeasa , -I-** i day by a Repufc(lican party of­ dispute between two young nar­ John h. Kennedy (D-Mass) anr Bowles In which he said “ It has toe Interest }1eld on long-term LB. The' note expressed “confidence tacks on Cuba. Gronchi > was as firm in backing Helps keep your Uiis decision will be justly' ap­ Severe restrictions ^on import* ficial as leaving "all the earmarks cotics patients erupts into melee the Atlantic Alliance as are other npunced today Rep. Chester become increasingly clear that the government bonds. The commit­ preciated by the North American of censorship." iri.volving others late last night Bowles (D-Conn) had Agreed to search for a just and durable peace tee vote was 18-6, with Demo­ i>urner clean as it kEF LIVER from the, United States to Cuba. Allied leaders. Khrushchev pre­ serye as foreign policy adviser in ia the basic issue of the 1960 cam­ goverpment inswmuch as it ia di­ ' Cuba also ha* been pressing for In an address prepared for the at Riverside - Hospital on North sumably had been,, hoping that crats- opposed to any Increase In , ■ 'Tr~' weekly Republican ’.'dutch treat" Brother Island; N.Y.. . . .Huge his presidential campaign. paign. rates voting against the meas­ We’re constantly amazed he^ts your homel 1 Lb. rected to the examination... of a new commercial agreement with Gronchi. leader of the left-wing in Eleanor Brand 8 Cans questions that have lately affected luncheon liere. Howard E, Haus- salvage vessel heads north from the Italian Chri.stian Democratic Kennedy told a news conference "■Whether we talk about the mis­ ure. The comprolse, worked out at the number of cfajldreo RT-98 la the most completely traditional, relatlona between Cuba (Continued on Page Nine) nian of New Britain, counsel for Florida to Provi.ncetown, Mass., in reply to questions this does not sile gap, arms control, the 'under­ In cooperation with Secretary the Republican Legislative minor­ party, would be softer. developed World, the high taxes effective luel oil additive in use MIX and the United States.” ------— y - to try and tree the Swedish mean tliat he necessarily.will pick of the 'Treausry Robert B. Ander­ whocut, scrapeandbtnite today This heipe your oil 5WENT PEAS , „ I- OB ity. asserted that "some of the in- freighter Monica .Smith, from the Bowles as secretary of state if he necessary to support our defense son, did not go as tar as the But the note indicated that ne-. formation Presented Hn the D i-, burner deliver more clean, de­ 1 7 D T A I I ^___J I wins the Democratic nomination establishments or using farm sur­ Elsenhower administration re­ themselves widiin sight (ttnd sound) of our phar- — $ * |.0 0 go!!iations would fall through - if gest) is distorted and the omission l , pendable heat. You get pre­ CUT GREEN BEANS the U.S. government or Congress Castro Grabs Last r Dl Agent to Head and is electeu. Nsithpr. he said. pluses more effectively abroad. We quested — an outright repeal of macy. We do a big business in antiseptka, nf «nmn ttom* Via« all the earmBrk* ' *“ •'* Vice Adm. H. J. the present 4 , i e. / s a' 1 1 ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, I960 MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALH, MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1960

discussion St* 8 o'clock tonight at proceeded east on Route P. They Windsor Volunteer Fire • Depart­ C oven try the Church Com m un^ H6\ise. the meeting of the men of the per­ South Windsor ment will lake place at 8 p.m. to­ Bolton ■Francig A. PerfoTt^ principal, H ehron ish tomorrow at .8, when Morton Columbia passed thfolig'li'one green light snd when Miss Blrbarie stopped for a day at Co. No. 1: and Mrs. Edison O. Davis and Mrs. Sheinwold on C. Nace, director of the Dloceean •nie newly elected officer* are Prince Born Thomas Halloran, Grade 1. teach­ Youth and Laymen's Work, will second light Mason was unable to Have You An Event do so and ran into her car. There Mrs. Peter Arno, president; Mrs. Review Unit Town to Act ers, all at Coventry Grammar talk on "The Place of the Brother-: Hoard to Act Three Fitted Allen Barbrick, vice prealdent; School, will discuss the value of Bissell Named hood of St. Andrew in the Lift of were no injuries and damage to nNCHINO PENNIES 4 North dealer Mrs. Elmer Schneider, secretary; kindergarten to Gra^e 1. Literature the Parieh." both Oars was slight. and Mrs. Raymond Ellison,, treaa- .Scheduled That Calls MAY BE e Guys and Dolls Couples’ For Food? .(Contlnuod from Page 'Ilf ' To Aid Work Tonight at 8 Mrs. Henry Gaflkofski in charge. Robert Bissell has been appoint­ first of the Thursday evening Bids submitted for the job of i School Band, . went to Cranston Club of Wapplng Community I■ wife, Michiko,Mii^hiL'rk crav’ARave Viirthbirth to A a K*on. O t l . ural to Win a, Irjck as cheaply as .♦AKQJ42 • transporting Columbia’s school | R.I., this past weekend to partici-. fined for driving while under the It may be a wedding, a banquet or just an infoilnal Other Meetings At. ♦ Q J 2 ’ ed a tnember of the Zoning Board meetings on "A Refresher Course,” Church will hold a polluck supper widespread ._^'.It's. "■'’•‘thwhile being: awakened The Board of Health will meet you can. Defenders must usually children for three years, liegin-jpate in an exchange concert with influence of liquor by Judge Bene­ get-together of a society, lodge or some friendly group. ‘ The birth armis^ Cliailea Hathaway, chairman of The special town meeting to­ WEST EAST of Appeals, to. take the place of and an instruction for those con­ dict Kupchuna* at Monday night’s Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Com­ at 3:30 a.in. to hear the news at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the town make the most of limited re- the late Homer W. Hills, whose nlng in September i960, will be 1 the Crarislon, High School band, ■f^iblic joy iheValace Piara int'Kli®'* Elir.abetlvVininp. who 1 H,e Board of Tax Review, is ex- night will be held at 8 o’clock at 4194 4 10 732- sidering confirmation will be held Town Court session. Two of them munity House. All couples plan­ office building board room. sburqes. Keep one eye open, how­ V A 10 8 5 V K96 4 3 death, left * vacancy. The appoint­ fit Phelps Hall, for adults only. opened at tonight's meeting of the | They were Rita Evans. Forrest ning to attend who have not been WE ARE PREPARED TO SERVE YOU Prople shoutV of no" '‘ves here. She tutored the | pected to report to the Board, of the Coventry Grammar School. The Ladies Assn, of the First Board of Education. i Haun, Fred Patten, Thomas Rob- also faced other charges. In h^ar the tn^ news, tsnouis m Prince „ .__ ^from___ 19^6 ,,through__ e»„H i 1950u imd . |I Finance] at A.. its ___ meeting_____ tonight__-,^ut «« on ever, for the hands in which you ♦ 9 7 3 4 4 ment will be to flnish the 5-year Reservations for the luncheon Fred H. Brown. 60, o t 50 Robin solicited are asked to bring either TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION Banzai! Items to be acted on include ap­ Congregational Church will have must splurge. 4 K 10 6 4 8 ’7.5 term, which will expire June 30, which will be served In the Hebron All bids must be in the hands of j erts, Doran Shumway and Andrew a hot dish nr -a salad. Vhe foreign guest at ! the tinancial tpoubles of the tax the secretary, Mrs. George Peters, | Spearman. Rd., W est H artford, was fined $102 Our catering service is set up to be flexibte enbugh to 10.000 ve«rs-rang through the Ap„i'' propriation of $2,030 for Center an all-day meeting tomorrow West opened the five of hearts, SOUTH and also to fill the 1960-65 term Congregational Church, March 4, for operating a motor vehicle vvhile They are also asked to bring six appeal unit. \ •starting at 10:30 a.m. at the ves­ A Q 8 6 beginning Jul.v 1’. Stanley K. not later than 6 p.m. today, i On the weekend of March 26 the of their favorite slides. accommodate any size gathering. Why not call us and squat'e. Overhead a Ijehcopter sefit rejoicing with tlie Crown The Board of Tax Review has a School repairs and transfer of and E ast won w ith the king.. E ast at The World Day of Prayer under the i'nfluence of intoxicating try. V J 7 2 Nygren has been named to fill Bis- On the agenda for tonight's 1 Island group will come to Urst Aid Talk up by a Tok.vo department store p,,i,„.p primess anfi their budgqt of .$160 which normally ftinds to finance them; appropria­ returned the fojir, of hearts, Sou^h meeting, may be made by contact- Wlndhani for the' same type pro­ liquor. Charges of pa-ssing a slop talk over the details? The group has voted $10 to each played the seven, and We.st won ♦ 10 8 5 sell's seat as an alternate menj- injg Miss Edna Latham or Mrs. m eeting is the following list o f '...... Mrs. Stanley A, Johnson, {pub­ trailed a .streamer ••Gongratula-. majesties and all of the Japane.se covers the $50 salaries of the three tion of $3,500 for court presenta­ A A 9 4 3 _ gram. Some' of them will be house sign and intoxication were nolled. tions. Birth of Imperial Child." people." she added. "I know how tion -and settlement- of the Pe- the Second Mile, the Foster Par­ ^las cheaply -as possible — with the ber of the appeals bbfird up to the Pearl Roberge. Reservations business: Reports ' from Superin­ I^. ,vl’as found guilt.v] judgm ent lic health nurse, will apeak on niembcr.s and the costs of adver­ ents program. Save the. Childreir North East South Weet time of the'next election. tendent George Graff: The Amer- gliests of. the local young people Rising sun flags appeared in (i,py fgel. It's certainly wonder- tising the Board'.a usual three howdy and Tibbetts accident cases; eight. should be made by March 1. at that lime. - sr.a'^ended, for failure to grant First Aid in the home during a j Federation program and One I 4 Pau 1 NT Fan lean Association of the School Ad­ Pleasant Valley Club meeting toj m any areas. ■ fui ne'ws. I'm very happy for hearing sessions.. leasing' of Reynolds School in TTiis was a faital error. ■ West 3 NT All Pass Another appointment U that of Luncheons viflll be served at 12:30. Returns Home right to way at an Intersection. G arden Grove ministrators’ Convention, second­ In nearby Kawasaki some ino-i them." Mansfield for $1,000 for one year; Great Hour of Sharing. And $30 could take the ace of hearts' and Charles P. Miner as dog warden, a Afternoon services will start at 2 Jam es L. Young, Jonathan In a second case Fred J. Stevens. be held Thursday night at 8 p.m. j Because of the huge number of as its share toward the church Opening lead — ¥5 PHONES Ml 3-7364 tion pieture threaters thi-ew open; Mrs. Vining just completed a appeal.s received . from property and accepting a portion of Brigham' then the ten, for ,a total of four position held by him for a number p.m. ary school Highway, president of 46. Wells Rd., Granby, was fined at the clubfiouse on Ellington Rd. I their doors to all comers. In Tate-1 book ba.sed on her two visits to bwneis whose a.saessments were Tavern Rd. and the entire Barns- missions program. defensive tricks, but that was the of years. Announeenfients for the Sunday Motor*, has returned from $150 for operaliifg a motor vehicle A local volunteer fire depart­ Ml 3-8383 bavashi. former home of Miehiko's! Japan since she left in 1050. It is bee Rd. as town roads. Plans are being made for the end. South gratefully took the rest TITie Hebron Elementary School Calendar should now be sent to . -Ja 3-week vacation in Florida. Mrs. while under the influence, and ment representative will demon­ titled "Retiirn to Japan " and is increased .in the recent revaluation, K 9 6 4 3; Diajuonds 6; Clubs 8 7 6. recommendations Nlamil.V. flags hedei ked the city and The Board of Education is ask­ annual summer and food sale June of the trickq, making game and office w ill be open this week of Mrs. Pearl Roberge a t R.F D., Am- 1961-63; J -I Young, who teaches at Windham found guilty of reckless driving. strate mouth to mouth resuscita­ scheduled to he published in Aptil. the Board added five more ses- 4 at the vestry. A luncheon will be W hat do you say 7 cernlng reappointment, of s sfHngs of firecrackers were set ing for' the transfer of funds to fi­ rubber. Answer: Bid two hearts. Bold school vacation, and Principal ston. The calendar, gives news of ,, . , , "/.High School, is on vacation this Judgment was suspended. The find­ tion, Mrs. Jasper Hunt, Mrs. Lil­ — -j— • - .sions this m onth. They also hired served from noon to 2 p.m. that tjff ^ - ■ an appraiser to assist them in nance the cost of repairs ordered West felt ag^Fieve no longer titled. Mi.'appropriated • Funds ch’arged will make the deadline for adjust­ mondson will be in charge of the Rt. 85. Hebron. .schedules once more. Since the, of Sen. John Kennedy, tin, 322 P ark Ave.. East H a rt­ ment of the assessments March 15. and doors. out a moment's delay. Store. GOP to Meet Barletta with "illegal enrichment devotions during the business AniiV^avy Setback Books Added first of the year the children have Later they attended the .leffer- ford, speeding. $30; Theodore ' R. The Republican Town Commit­ exact size.. CD Program to Begin In the present classroom short­ West could see six diamonds and Choir rehearsal will be held in '\Fhiladelphia. Feb. 23 ijt "Isn't at the expense of the national age and in the future the four meeting after lunch. two spade tricks in the duinmy. Douglas Library, Hebron, has the church, Wednesday at 7:30. been having clas.ses on alternate soiv-Jackson Day dinner at the Fait, 49. 91 Roanoke Rd.. Spring- tee will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. that wonderful." a . former tutor of The Civil Defense program for The society recently served Since South had responded to the Frankie and.'NJohnny, 1,684; recently received more science and dates. This gave one group three .Statler Hilton Hotel. Mra. Mer- field. failure t,o drive to the right, at the Wapplng Grammar School, patriinnny and in connivance with home , preparedness wfll get under­ rooms at the Center School form p.m. Prince Akihito .declared with great / ahi Integral part of the Coventry dinner to the'flight session of the opening bid. he surely had the ace Jack's, 1,490; OrfitcTH:A 1,440. A r- nature study books in the popular Flowers on the Atar at St. sessions a week and the other two, rick ia chairman of the Columbia fined $15; J. R. Pandora, 22, 48 according to an announcement by \ ' high figures of tyranny." way shortly ill Bolton under the my-NaNW No. 2, 1,435; >Ir^, Softee, Authorities also announced thaJ. school system,' School Supl. Royal Connecticut Artificial Bre.eders of clubs and the queen of spades "Wonderful World Of", and "Ex P eter’s. Sunday, were in memory and they alternated the liext week. Democratic Committee and Stale Knoll wood Rd.. Farmington, pass­ Chairman John Farnham. leadership of Mrs. Byron Shinn, O. Fisher pointed out. As-sn. at the Church Community the only missing high cai-ds. 1,420; S teins. 1,424; O ak V L 4 1 4 ; plorer " titles, as follows: of the late Mrs. I^ouise Blume, The plan now calls for three, ses­ Central Commilteewopi^n from ing a red light, fined $6; Justin ...... Raul Alfonso Gonse. director of El woniCh's representative. Working Mundo, and assistant ffircctor ■ / The repairs are important for House. The. society was in charge How did West expect to defeat Yankees, 1.412; A rm y-Navy N q .1 , "TTie Wonderful World of the given by her daughter, ""Mrs. sions in a week for each group, thia district. ''•ri L. Hines, 41. Ellington Rd., South Manchester Eveiflng Herald through local church women's the welfare and safety of the chil­ of the kitchen, the Gleaners the contraid ? 1.411; A'be's. 1,411; Mr. H earty, Sea.’’ by James Fisher"; "The Natalie Blume Jones. j Mrs. George K. Evans, class wilt i, Windsor, disregarding a stop sign, •South $$'lnd*or correspondent E l­ O.TC Jorge Marti had resigned. But the groups, Mrs. Shinn will be assist­ newspape:' announced it , would dren, and tjie requested appropria­ Circle of the dining room. If West must hope for five heart 1.409: Bulldogs. 1,390; Bud and .Wonderful World of Communica­ Acolytes were Gordon Weeman meet mornings and Mrs, George B.' .Manchester Evening Heraldfo- $9 bond forfeited: Milton Raisner. more Burnham, telephone Mitch­ ed by Mrs. David M. Caldwell at tion and transfer can be made ' Practlral Nurse Uap|>ed tricks, he miial. assume that East Uiii, 1.382; W alsh's, 1,371; Raidsrs. tion." by Lancelot Hogben: "Ex­ Jr., at the 8 a m. service; David Smith's in the afternoon. . himbla correspondent Mr*. Donald 44, 706 Pontiac Ave., C rah^on. ell 4-0674. publish to,la.v. , Bolton Congregational Church; *-»j SURGICAL Neither Bailetta nor his son, without affecting the tax rale. Mrs. Clairii; Behrend. daughter started with five hearts, headed 1,362; Saver's, 1.3,58; Barons, ploring Under the Sea," by Sam Taylor at the 10 o’clock service; The young women plan to hold D- Tuttl^ telephony ACademy R. I,, illegal passing. $9 bond fo r­ Miss Elizabeth Chase. St, George's Fisher-said. of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bausola by king-jack or by king-nine. Any 1..335; Knicks, 1,326. ^ Hinton; "Exploring the Moon," and. Crucifer. .leriy Taylor. a bake sale In the near future, j 8-843-5. feited: Anthony Cozzolino, 2^, Aniadeo Jr., a U.S. t itigcn. could he WiM t*im li. Mpii More Injury-Prone SUPPORTS keached for commeflt Th,e father Episcopal; Mrs. John D. Avery, St. Unless tl» Reynolds School is of South S t, was lecenlly capped play will work if East has the jack ______’______...... - "Exploring the Weather,”; "Ex- To be .Married Mrs. Lucius W. Rohin.son J r .,) ' ...... Sietz Lane. Cbs Cob. passing a stop Available at Ma-urice; and Mrs. Robert Rich- .^ploring Chemistry,": "Man's Reach had been reported under house ar­ used, four to-six room.s would be as a licensed practical nurse,.Mrs. of hearts, hut West must ’be care­ The marriage of Miss Penny chairman of ways and means, is o . • i l^Iosxc sign, fined $12; and Herbert Ouel­ New Yorfc - - Men are more In- ' Fitted to your rest, biit.there were rumors he had ard.son. United Methodist. on double sessions in the system. Behren. with four other women, ful if South ha.s the jack. Into Space," all by Roy A. Gallant. Patten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in charge of arrangements. | oO C Ifll " jlllfl I IcIIlh lette, 34, 42 Yale Drive. Enfield, Alin, "The Story of Spiders," by jury-prone than women. During a Doctor's EXACT- taken' refuge -iii the Italian, em­ Using n 20-point check list, bars of the women's organizations Fisher said. This school and the, wpi-e honored at a program at the At the second trick West sliould Fred Patten, to Chester Renesen. _ Change Procedure Speeding, fined $30. 12-month period studied by the each woman, who cooperates will whlcH explain the man.v factors bulk of equipment fdlvthe present win with-tiie ten of hearts. He next Dorothy .Shuttlesworth. of Bast Hampton, will take place! bassy. Assoolkies said hg still hold.s Willlmantic State College Lillie i^outnuister Resigns Eighth grade teachers at the Anniversarv Parlv Fire Auxiliary to Meet Health Jnsurance Institute the in- specifications Italian r'llizeiialiip. eve’nlually qualify for a home pre­ which must be considered. It is school_ — l_ — year ta. is under .^''’'1-lease AO a A f for f\V Theater. The ceremony culminat­ leads out., the ace of hearts, drop­ Saturday at 2 p.m. at Hehron Con-4.Horaee W. Porter School have set | , The monthl.v meeting . of th« jury rale*-were. 3-31 per 1,000 men paredness award. By that time, she ChairriiariS.^'man Eddy sr:. of Both Stores The son was repfirfed l^ken to planned that short, regular dis­ $1,000. The town has the addition­ ed 12 months of aUidv and actual ping declarer’s jack. Finally W est A Thiiuaand Thrllli! gregationaj Church. a new pattern for the balance of ; Ladies' Auxiliary of the South ; and .229 per 1,000 women. BACK SUPPORTS will have learned to Identify warn­ cussions of progress and of ques­ the Bov Seoul' Troop Committee, A 37th anniversary party will ; Ciiban Army Investigation Head- al cost of heat, lights, janitor and experienee divided between the leads the' eight of hearts. East the 'Resignation of Uarr Improve*' i tlie .year for their pupils. This i b^^givin" bv'officeVi'of "^the'Wash- ABDOMINAL SUPPORTS ing signals, know the community tions th a t arise, wiJl m aintain In­ telephone, amounting to approxi­ overtaikes with the nine of hearts ^ "THE TINGtER" announces ; quarters for qnc.slioning:f .fnit a Windham Regional Techniral ■* U lth \ Inrrnt Prlr# • George Rpae. as scoutmasler. a Allen L. Carr, who suffered a being done. Mrs. Myrtle Englert: social Club Saturday. Wil- MATERNITT SUPPORTS^ ' U.S. embassy official said qr)jiy plan for emergency action, se­ terest in the project and Increase m ately $1,750. The Reynolds and leads the last heart l<» defeat said, with the fe,eljng that it is a Forbes, president, is general School and the Windham Com­ / position in''which he haa-aerved for mild, heart attack and who has j KNEE SUPPORTS ! agents claimed "he had been rl lected a family shelter area, made the town's true mepar^dness. School is the only available school munity Memorial Hospital. the contract. been confined to his place of em­ good time for the young people t° i chairman. .6.6 SIZES Ians, for emergency cooking. Travel ShoW Set Alto — In'Terhltteoior the pait two and a half He ELASTIC HOSIERV leased. • building' that may be secured by •Mrs. Behrend is now eligible to Daily Question also served previously fofxtwo ployment at the Stanton Houae. accept increased personal respon- ' q-he club, built in 1922 by the Of Cuba's four independent hekUng and lighting, know what A grand tour of Western Eu­ the Town of Coventry. This ar­ Partneh opens with one heart. "tool ARABIAN NIGHTS” aibility for their own work loads. ; Ephraim McCauley for the RIB FRACTURE SUPPORTS' take an examination of the Con With The '.N'enr.Sighted .Mr, Msenns year* as assistant scoutmaster. In Clinton, where is curator, has im­ AND ' newspapers, El Mundo was the to dd'..about radioactive fallout. rope Is in store, for all who ac- rangement has proven highly sat­ necticut State Board of Licensed j and the next player passes 5 on proved recently and hopes to be This will help them to make an ad- ‘orange Hall Corp. as a clubhouse TRACTION APPLIANCES have a^2tw-eek's supply of foodjeept Bomarcojs open invitation to recognition of this long sendee hg . least critical of Castro sim;e he isfactory, flisher stated. The lease Practical Nurses. hold,: Spades 10 7 3 2; Hearts was presented a desk set and lapel to visit his friends here in the justment now. which they...... would" for members of Washington LOIjT. Appreciated WIDTHS CERVICAL COLLARS toppled Batista. The television ata- and w ater^\a battery-powered attend their-Ineeting Saturda.v- at for another year has been ap­ otherwise has-e to do when they No. 117. was opened in 1923 on 8 p.m. a t the Comm unity . 'Hall. button. The office of scoutmauiter neaf^fulure. He was lay reader at CERVICAL BRACES , lion regularly carried Castro's radio, firstt MaltL 'd kit, emergency prove -by the Town of Mansfield. Manchester Evening Herald will be filled by aaalsUnt scout­ St. Pelar'i Church over 20 years are in the transitional period in ^'aahinglon’s Birthday. CARRIED IN clothing and blairkcls and will Charles Gilbert of the Times Trav­ Although there are many SPINAL BRACES marathon nocturnal speeches, —^Jnrollinent Up Coventr.v correspondent F. Paul­ master Arthur Johnson. ago, and Is ,w-ell known here. *ecqpdary education next year. The first president was the late have made plans foi'xcmergency el Bureau will present the new Mrs. Englert and Mrs. Jean Rand George Tomlinson, and the first things familiesr^appreciate travel film at the meeting of the In JanuaiVvJ.he enrollment' re­ ine Little, telephone Pllgrtm Rose will, however, continue in The Stanton House, which has a STOCK AT TRUSSES fire fighting and sahilatfon. fine collection of Colonial furniture have notified parents about Jhe steward was the late Joseph Ken­ 1 Show Tiro Sales .Kiso cqmmunit.V married couples club. vealed 1.162 pOpils in Grades 1 S-62S1. his work, of carrying on with the HERNIA SUPPORTS The plan is being carried out through 8. A to ta ro f 110 Grade 8 troop committee in camping and and other antiquea, is closed to new plan. They point out that nedy, The present steward is Wil­ Holmes service, one of the most ALL TIMES on a nationwide basis as the. mo.sl Mrs, Philip Longstrelh and ' Mrs. SPECIAL I Akron Sales of snow-type tires pupils would leave tlife-school sys­ other social events. the public during-,the w inter home work must be prepared and liam J. S tratton. In 1937. the so­ frequently mentioned is the ex­ practical means of preparing inqi-^ Daniel Post wll be hostesses for cial members were admitted, and | m€DICfiL . during '1959 totaled 5.400.nnn units | the e\'ent. tem in June and an estimated 160 Coventry Badges awarded at the Court of months, but .Carr maifrtains his handed in on time, with no remind­ ■compared with ,S . n the yearj vidiial fnmilie.s to- care for thehi- Grade 1 pupils would be emming Honor Wednesday, went to Jack residence'there. -v ers on the part of the teacher. No the membership now totals more cellence of our professional 4 0000 ' Bulletin Board than 300 members. . | HARD SOLB:—FIRM COUNTER PHflRfrmcY 1 before. Sales in 196(1 are expected | *** much as possible in the Tile Republican Town Commit­ in. in September, according^tp 1.00 Hooker, who won a tenderfoot Friends may .address him al-'J'he longer will work which ha* been ; to reach 5,800.000, which would be event of natural disaster or enemy $ badge; Bruce Lippincott and Lloyd Stanton Houw. Clinton. 'x; carefully assigned but not handed i A program of entertainment' work. The beauty of pur work tee will meet tonight at 8 o'clock Fisher. Thi.s shows a gain of 50' XIof(! Sludenl Wins letkl 7 |7>^ the replacement- bompinbings pupils. without allowance for Grant, second class badges; and Hesrt Fund Canvas* on time, be drawn in through ' and refreshments will bp provided 1 3 |3>/a| 4 4 til 5 |5tk 6 8 1 844 MAIN STREET 8'2 per cent of at the Commilnit.v Hall...... — party for assures the family of a lovely- Kiits wiill be distributed to mem- Lvman Eddy Jr., first class badge. delinquent listings on. the black at the anniversary X lire market. A meeting of ,the Town Plan­ pupils who will move -into town, S150 Scholarship Canvassers who wilt serve on the IB 1 M l X 1 X I X 1 X X M l/x 1 ning Commission has been set to­ m aking the total 1,212. Donald E GnrnnGriffin Jr. ■ Heart.■Drive, on, "Heart Surtlay. " board a.« reminders. This practice members and guests. memory picture. ^ 1 C ' 1 X M 1x-| X 1 X 1 X X M 1 x/M X 1 morrow at 7:30 p.ln. at the Com­ The local public School System awarded merit badges for 1^*1 ^Eeb, 28/ named by Mrs. Harry H. is to be di-*contimied. The New En'^'’nd Paper Mer­ i X i X 1 X f X 1 X X M M M X 1 munity Hall. has 38 classrooms available. The SPAGHETTI \ and home repairs, and C*0"ry; chalrnfian. are: Captain. Parents are invited th, discuss ID 1 chants Assn, has established a C\ QMA“To Meet X X -r T he Bank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY The Blue and Gold dinner of anticipated enrollment requires Kirkham was awarded patrol lead-• canvassers. Mrs. an.v questiona''tiiey may have with 1 E 1 M i X 1 X t X 1 X M / X M AND the t.eachers. Cub Pack 73 will be held at the that the two rooms at the Reynolds $1.50 .scholarship at the Universit.v er stripes. (OeoCge Kramer, Mrs. Evelyn 1 EE 1 I I X 1 X 1 X 1 X X 1 jf/M M X 1 Rosemount tomorrow a t'6:30 p.m. School in Mansfield are needed for The Cub Scout Charter went; 5^8.. Ruth Apeline, Mrs. Make* ToiUHonor* At Ariiiury Today of Connecticut, President Albert 1 E EE I I 1 X 1 X 1 X X 1 1 Tlie CYO of St. Maurice Church through the hand* of Harry Hr; EufJ j„hn Bell. Mr*. Richard A. Card. sdtKof Mr. and qa the coming school year. The hoard N. Jorgensen announced today. / ' ' will omit its meeting this week hopes to house all grade school MEAT BALLS Kirkham and Mrs. Raymond, Everett Stone. Mra. Hugo Mrs. Walter Card of Xjolumbia The Connectiriil Valley Quarter because of school vacation. The pupils in these available rooms. Initial recipient of the annual Bninell. by whom, in turn, it waA Lederer, Mrs. Betty Dombrowski, Green a sophomore .at Williston mum Midget Assn, will meet at 7:30 to­ scholarship is Allan K. Lovejoy> Academy in Massachusetts, has^re usual weekday celebration Mass at However, many rooms will be over­ All You Can Eat presented to Lester Harringt^. Mrs. Clarence E. Porter, Mrs. Wil­ night at the State Armory. ^^Ttm e'tdi^onie 9 A.m. will be held Friday this crowded, Siipt. Fisher pointed out. formerly of Wallingford, a junior ^FRESHLY BAKED ROLLS and BITTER chairman of the Cub Scout P^ck liam H Hills. Miss Caroline Cool- ceived first honors for the mar 400 MAIN STREET in the School of Business Admin­ ing period just completed Plans for' the 1960 racing sea­ ,A4ANCHESTEt,CONN week at St. Maurice Church. Cub Notes Committee. . / idge. Miss Sue-Ellen Kirkham, and son will be made, according to Cub Scout Pack 57 will have its istration. Lovejpy is a married The history of the Scout Move­ Mrs. Harold Lane. .Minor .Accident Mancheater. Evening Herald Bol­ veteran and is living in Coventry. Raymond E. Mason. 16. of Har­ Jattie*^ Meacham of Vernon, as-! annual Blue and Gold banquet at EVERY WEDNESDAY ment was rertewed b,y/^rye.v Lip­ Serving, in Aniston are Mrs sociationDresident. | ton correopondent. Doris M. 6:30 p.m. tonight at the Church According to the terms of the pincott. in recognition of its ,50th Ralph Boyington. captain, assisted mony. R. I., was warned for fol­ scholarship, preference is given to The CVQMA has established a ! D’ltalia. telephone Mitchell 3-6545. Community House. anniversary. bv Mrs. Clifford . Cranick.- = Mrs. lowing too closely after he had MANCHESTER WEST HARTFORD Cub Scout Park,^65 wjll have 'its students be.vp ’ the freshm an 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. been involved in a minor accident track in Buckland, and. it i* the The troop now has ?9 members. Shirley Brown, Mrs. Francu ScIIi- 12lh track in the Stale. Boys and annual Blue and Gold'banquet at 6 year who show interest or poten­ T he boys are making plans to take 'van and Mrs. Joseph Grossman, at Katzmanns Corner Sunday SHOPP+NG CENTER. girls between the ages of 6 and Emanuel Church p.m. tomorrow at the Church Com­ tial in the fields of sales and mar­ ENJOY ONE OF OUR DELICIOUS part in the Scout-o-rama. March Mrs Donald Heath will be captain afternoon. PARKADE ■ 17 SO. MAIN ST. munity House. The pack committee keting. Other bases for selection ,5' the Cam’poree progVam in M ay:! frrr Amston Lake, assisted by Mrs. sVat™Trooper Leo CzajkowskiJ 14 compete. Races a>e^ expected ^ Open 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. - start in late April. Meacham said: Open Mon., Tues., S at will nieetr at 8 tonight at the home include high scholastic achieve­ and the council jubilee in June. | Karl Berglund, and other canvas-1 of Troop K Colchester, said that 10 A.M. to 6 P.A1. Mon. thru Sat. Hears Missionary of Mrs. OUo Krause. ment. good character and per- Mason was following a car driven Booster memberships. aS^-ell as , Open Friday CO CKTA ILS SATISFYING Regular scout troop meetings' sera still _ | memberships of car ownerM are Wed., Thurs., Fri. Teen DanCe Tonight formance in extra curricular ac- __ rt.,. w.-j... at 7 Mrs. John Msleckv will be cap- b.v Elsie V. Birdarip, 57, o f. 38 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. to 9 P.M. The Rev. Melvin Lofgren, mis­ The Coventry'' Police Patrol will j tivities. > Jackson St, Williamtnic as they invited. Meacham said. (n the HebronHebron^ Con^egatmnalConETeaational *“’1 ‘" I*’* canvashers: Mrs. John I l-’.'v . sionary pastor, will speak and conduct a dane'e for teenagers] ------fropi 8 to 11 p.n^. tonight at th e ' Church, and MSitors are ; Hooker.*Mrs. Douglas H. Porter, . u show glides about mission w'ork in Nathan Hale Comnjifnity Center. Yoiinjj Democrats "'Th'rJnnual Blue and Ghld din- Mmoxh, Mrs, Man­ See The Dinah Shore Chevy Show in eolof Sundays, NBC IV -th e Pal Boone Chevy Showroom weekly, 8BC-TV. Tanganjnka, East Africa; tonight Proceed.^ will be used for a -fund vin Ross, Mrs. Lee Braman.. and ROUlARDjOlinfOIlf) ner of Cub Scout Pack 28 will be at 7:30 at Emanuel - Lutheran to sponsor a little league baseball Mrs. Ruth Rathbun. No definite Church. The missibnary will speak Hear Ivamlolina held -Feb. 24 in the elementary quota has been stated. - teani this coming season. Jn charge "laMieierk Hr Hesiry AMericeas'' achool auditorium at 6:30 p.m. A tf&AR f4ANCH§STBR CBNTBR V- aL i Church School staff meeting will b e : Anthony J. S^antoro. John Schoola Closed ___ KASY PARKIN9 to which the entire congregation T. Cousin. Frank E. .Spencer Jr. Sal .Landolina, of the Greater special feature will be a group of schools of the towm. Regional dog trainers. ai-S. Anyone Interest-1 High and Elementary, are closed is invited. and Mrs. Lila M. Leary. Refragh- Hartford Lalwr Council, will ad­ On Tolland Turnpike The Rev. Mr. I,«fgren. who has menta will be available and there dress the Young Democratic .£jl,uh ed in this feature will be welcome | mid-winter vacation of been in missionary service for 10 will be special prize dances. tonight St 8 ;o ’clock at the Com­ Mile Off Oakland Street to join in with the cub*.., :about 10 days, to resume again on h n years, has been on a lecture tour m unity Y. - Red CSiliui Topic of Talk ; peb. 29. Local teachers who are Uq-Op Meets Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sibun .will emplo.ved in other cities or towms, in Aiigustana Lutheran Churches The North (Coventry Cooperative Refreshments will be served af­ Manclie^tel. LUMBER* of the New England Conference NuraefV and Kindergarten parent ter the m'^eting. The public is in­ be host* to the third in the series will xl«o be home on vacation-, this month. He will spend the next members will have an open house vited. ' , ' of. "Eight Great Decisions " dis- \ three month.i in graduate study - russion ■ groups. Tue.*day evening. Manchester Evening Herald He­ at Luther Seminary. St. Paul, "■■R’t- 8, bron correspondent. Mis* Susan Minn, With his wife and four chil­ Tbe, subject tor discussion will B. Pendleton, telephone ACademy 8-3454. dren, he will, retu rn to T anganyika be "Red China on the March . . . this summer for a third term of; STATE What U.S. Action?" missionary service. j KIDS Church New* Grain Record Set Tanganyika ia the location of. , , ThecRev. Gordon W. Weeman, the largest overseas mission field LAST CHANCE- rector. of St. Peter’* Episcopal Sydney—The largest single grain of the Augustana Church wilhj MATiNEK DAILY- Church, will attend a meeting of shipment pvetv to leave Australia more than J50^ missionaries train-T FEATURE SHOWN the Diocesan Youth Council in | has been shipped, by freighter to iiU African "leaders for position.a j SQUARE DANCE LESSONS 2:20-5:40-8';:t0 Thomaaton tonight. l Lebanon. It consistiCof 9.000 tons of of responsibility in thC church and ; MANCHESTER .IITNIOR SQUARE DAKCE CLUB - Parishioners are reminded of j rice and 4,500 ton* of wheat. . also Caj rying on an educational ' ■niRl'SDAYS—NO MORE REGISTRATIONS AFTER FEB,. 25 \ m w \ ^ and medical program. ' ; 5th and flth GRADE.S—6:30-8:00 Pastor I,4)fgren'8 «service has i INSURANCE SINCE 1923 “CORVAIR HANDLES BETTER, STEERS MORE EASILY, RESPONDS been as a district missiortkry.: JUNIOR HIGH AND HIGH STUDENTS—8:00-9:30 working willc African pastors of WADDELL SCHOOL, BKOAD STREET two Congregations and supervis- j .$Or PER LESSON—STAN BEST. Caller 'BEFORE LOSSES HAPPEN. MUCH MORE QUICKLY AND HOLDS THE ROAD MORE SECURELY ing work carried on by A’frican lay pvsrigelials at more, than 50 out INSURE WITH LAPPEN" stations. _y- THAN ANY STOCK FOUR-DOOR SEDAN EVER MADE IN THE U.S.” Xr;.- —Jim WhippU, Car U ft ■ ■*”“T ■ . ■ dve n ch edu le Church men Plaii and If you think we're enthusiastic about Corvair, leaf through the leading automotive, sports and science Dinner Meetin|2 n ever magazines and see what the experts are saying. Then, by aUjneans, drive one yourseff. It's Tax Time and you have no ready cash to meet STATE so /e w Carl Holdridge, ti-easurer of the T here is none of the typical whine American Board of Commissioner^! w ere "O rrair’s steering is so light that at in the Corvair than -in some standard those fixed expenses? In these cases the sea-dis­ OPERA TONIGHT normally associated with rear-engined for Foreign Missions, will be gueet | tke 1.'. ■ parking jpeedr it feels power assisted; it size cars. . . ■ speaker at a meeting of the j THIRD OPERA OF OUR is so. precise as to he absolutely without —Li H. Houck, Alitomotioe A’eu* vehicle*. Inside the car, the effect is quite Your Savings Earn tress signal of "S. O. S." (Save Our Ship) will be churchmen's fellowship of . the ! m om ents unlike anything we have eVer experienced. FOR FINE MILLWORK ..SEE NEW OPERA SERIESl play, snd it is fast enough to allow Hartford East'A.s.sorlationiof Con­ romplete control, over every situation.” It almost seems that there is no engine, gregational- Churches at.Second ' ie jt/o r "So far'a* shopping goes, the Corvair is , of no use to you. This is the/time to think of next UIIIO CliDWIX Uidl fiiiim — Karl Lrw/t’ig.sen, and the general effect is so quiet as to be MANCHESTER LUMBER! Congregational Church Friday, ; io v e ! a housewife's dream. It's Wall and eaaily The meeting will. he preceded by] Tonight at 8:30 P.M. As The Clock Ticks... Sports Cart Illustrated maneuvered without any. power steering, almost uncanny.” year's fixed tax obligations. Inaugurate your pro- L,', —John R. Bond, Road & Track a dinney at 6:45 p.m. ' j One Performance Only snd so easily parked . . it’s a lot easier The speaker wa.s vice president: •w Fine milhyork is a specialty with us!. For special cup­ * tective "S. O. S," ( Save On Schedule! and open '*Steers .like a feather and is extremely to unload a oat full of groceries into a of the Chelsea Savings Bank in ^ In Glorious Color Yefi, as the clock ticks off the minutes, chanres "Nrf ynitten word can suffice for (ho boards, 'cabinets, bookcases . . . marie from the best qual- ipiick...... This is a heautilully designed front trunk at the supermarket than it Norwich,before assuming his pres- I ROSSINI'S genuiiu pleasure that you will receive, il.v matei'ials . . . for millwork of eyery type . . . rely on a Tax Club Savings Account , . t and when Tax ent-positioTi in , Dinner re.ser occur, even in insurance. Right now, TODAY, automobile, engineered by real pios... is into a rear one.” .... CURRENT ANNUAL 1957 - 1 Comic -Opera inigiM behinq the wheel of America’s newest the skill of our experienced c^tsmen. Stop in this valions should be made at the of- i III ClllfllHI SNiti s lower rates are effective on the new, new Home- — Tom MeCjihill, M/xhanix UUistrated —Rosemary Francit,[Popd(a^ Saettee DIVIDEND Time arrives .next year— you'll not be in' DIS­ flees of Center Congregational or ] V and most advanced contribution to trans­ week lo talk over ,\oui' needs and'ifleas with us . . . or Second Congregational Church by | ''Figaro the Barber owner’s policy. In adciition to lower rates, the portation.. . . It is * great car.” call MI :i-51,44 for a I'RF!E consultation witli one of our TRESS! You'll have, instead, ready cash to meet Wednesday. ’ ' "Most surprising thing to me Outside of "I want to slate as firmly as I ean that —Don Steumi, Motor lAfe friendlj' representatives . . , Neal Tyler, Joe Conner or new policy encompasses many changes. the excellent handling characteristics was the Corvair handles as beautifully and is Jim Hebert. - your obligations. . of Seville'' the feeling of roominess inside. . . . I as safe as—if not'safer than—any family 4k. with the Magnificent Voices of Full information apd rate quotations, freely didn't have the sensation of driving a car on the road today.” “i\<» Prohlent Joo Targe or Tm Sm all" B U R N S ID E ^ " ' small car and the .headroom was greater —Jim Whipple, Car Life corvair V TITO GOBBI GOULIONERI given without obligation. Call us today. ■/ BUHNfUDl AVI • t HI ri> 1 C O N D and Introducing • ISM imCHl •> by Chevrolet 5% Cash Disctittnl on .til Our Products Member of Federal Depoalt-.’ln.iiranre Corp. Starts Tomorrtfxcl IRENE GENNA i ' l l o n i i Drive it—it's fun-tastic! See .your local authorized Chetrolel dealer for fait d^ivery, famrable deals. •k |4^CAftY6RANT Symphony Orchestra of Rome’s Royal Opera \m . avtngs anchester MB08M4K«K MILTON CROSS [•JlS (iuest Coinmentator John H. Lappen, Inc. MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH WEST BRANCH E.XTRA ★ ADDED ★ "BHAPSOlDY OF. t^TEEL” / INSURORS ~ REALTORS 9 2 J Main St. 285 [ait Center St. Manchester Parhade TONIGHT ONLY—THIRD OF OUR NEW Car. Lenox St. West Middle Turnpike 8:15 No Intorruprions-Road Show Ptrformonco OPERA SERIE.S AT 8:80 P.5I. ROSSINI'S 164 East.llenter Street—Ml 9-6261 OPEN THURSDAY "FIGARO THE BARBER OF SEVILLE” CARTER CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. iVlNINCS 6 fa H BOTH BRANCHES OPEN FRIDAYS to 8 p.m. KNDA TOMCfHT AN Tiekota $1,00 Now on Solo at Thootor •MViMm ASAMCHtSTMK OYMK SO YtAtUP PeWeesI'* MAjMCHESTER. CO^IN^. Ml 9*5238 ■Ui- ;ALWAYS PUNTY OF FRU PARKING: U i T ABiuTY KNOWLEDGE 1229 MAIN STKEET / V e

/ . • ■•i \ , ! ■ ' I . I ' *x^ ^

4. . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESIER, CONN, TUESDAY,. FEBRUARY 23, 1960 p a g e PI V e ifJUSEFOUB' to fifth WhUe OldsmobUe dropped 500 miles from San Francisco and Ford, Chevrolet , from fourth to , sixth. Bulck fell Rockville-Vernon Ingrid’s Daughter 230 miles from Salt Lake City I Can’t Slaa|gi7 . G>urt Su from fifth to. seventh. The remain­ Memberships Needed whSrfe Jenny’s father, Dr. Peter.^ Lead ’59 Sales ing order of finish was Dodge, G O d D Weddings Mi^rried Sunday Aron Lindstrom, practices neuro­ ^j>u Should Know • • • TY-Radio Tonight Mercury, Cadillac, Studebaker, surgery. N O W ! lO d ^ NAACP/6n List Chrysler, DeSpto,, Bdsel, Lincoln G>Uege Admissions Said High Justice of the Peace Ted Luns­ Detroit, Feb; 23 (I^)—-Ford, fol­ add Imperial. Prior-Chase San Francisco, Feb. 23 ifP) — In­ lowed by Clievrolet, lerf all auto­ NEWV8 To Insure Concerts ford performed the ceremony and ly AUy. Harold W, Garrity Chevrolet led In reglstraUofis Miss Eleanor Chase, daughter y grid Bergman’s apple-checked eld­ the witnesses were the ^Jailer and SAFE SLEEP* (OonUnned From Page One) makers In the registration- of new of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Grif­ until the last month of 1959 when f§r th§ hiir4j [ h§ariii§ ' Despite ^Closing Door’ Claims • # est daughter commuted across San the radio dispatcher. If yo« fOHCliriic* c M ’ t tl**!* cars last year. moat of General Motors’ plants fin. 92 Doane St,, became the , The Manchester' Community-*' The membership campaign 1s flr»t Democratic chairman Firet Amendj^ent to the Constitu­ T elevision Official*figures relewed yester­ Francisco Bay to her Mills Col­ When Callaway reached into hts because of simple nervou»6*e doe were closed by steel shortages. bride of Frank Thomas Prior, son Concert Assn, needs memberships open to the public. Last year’s pocket for the ring a police dog to over-work or restlessncse...,try tion. *;00 B ij 3 Theater (in progreae) ^ 81 Ma Martin's Roundup day credited Ford with 1,468,461 ■This 'closing college door’ Isn’tfA t this fate, Vernon’s cost this of Mrs. Edith Prior, 116 Keeney lege classes with a new name to­ Uie Board of Education, has ever Kiret Show iin progreae) . 'J2 8:00 Rifleman Ford continued building steadily- if It is going to survive. mistook it for a search for candy . Black w ^te that First Amend of the 6,026,500 registration in year would be about 8750, "not a St. tVh Feb. 6 .at the Second Con­ members had first choice to renew. day — Mrs. Fuller E. Callaway, SoMiNEX, the new aid to sleep that, ti«ii la a man of experience irt law, Early Show Un progreae) 3o] U.S. Marehal thipugh but at reduced rates. . elo.sing half as fast as the colleges Dr. Melvin Horwltz., president, and leaped upon the groom, knock­ taken as directed, helps ment rights are beyond abridg­ Twilight Theater (in progreee) BMt Mavlei tration and about 7,000 ahead of 7j30 l.aramle 22 of Rockville and Vernon college ing of the Vernon Indua(rlal Com­ ly, Mass., was her sister’s matron Carroll Glcnri, A full membership minimum goal. Dr. HorwKz .atp Newa Phon* Ml 3-4134 to college, "rhis is above the na­ orated with red and white carna fined $25 each for. refusing to dis­ Manv Lores ot Dohie Gtllla Xfws • which the two bodies can cooperate j to the superintendent of schools. 3, 40 «or 87S MAIN ST. tional norm. Pope pointed out. He tlons. close names of-members and con­ in efforts to attract industry to Thev, bridesmjiids were Mrs. A. He is a member of the commit­ SEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LISTING said, this year 41 per cent of the Vei-rton. , Law in 1931 he waa admitted to tributors to NAACP. ■ boys and 32 per rent of the girls in Lee Burton. Manchester: Mrs. tee which bargains with the'teach- -4d- Housing Grant Accepted . era each. year, and was chairman practice in January/1932 It waa . The fines were under identical the senior class are making college The Rockville Housing Authority, Harold LeForte.^Baldwinsville, N. ■ « f thla committee until he became about this time that "everything ordinances .adopted by the two plana.. has officially accepted a state grant Y.. and MfSs Jean Dougherty, closed"! because of the depression. cities in 1957. The percentage of those who of 8330,000 for 30 housing units for Manchester. The.v wore match­ Chairman of the board. Radio ing red taffeta gowns, also with Atty. Garrity_____ ^ had...... held many...... ^ . The following year things took Known as occupational privilege drop nut wasn’t *mentioned, but it the elderly. ■ ravels in his hand before Novem-i* turn for the better wdlh the tax ordinances, they require benev­ (This listing Includes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 10-mlnute was explained tha'tv.the guidance Acceptance of stale aid will not white fur headbands and muffs 'ber when he became chairman o f ; start of the remdexing id® olent and non-profit organizations length. Some stations carry other short newscasts). Front End departmen.t encourage^; students affect the authority’s application decorated with red carnations. Miss Karen Mitchell, Glststonbury, Die Board of Education. ' s-nd probate records, and the year seeking lax exemptions to file with WORD—188f 7:46 Congresaionsl Rspnrt to seek obtainable goals rather for federal aid, according to the 7:61) UConn v» Canisius -t- was flower girl. Gary Sinclair, after that things became still bet clerks of the cities financial state­ 6.DU News Za)maB than attempting to work toward Rev. David Jaxhelmer, chairman. Former Judge ments and other Information. ^ 10:00 Concert Hall Beverly, -Mass., served as ring He served as president of the ter when Garrity ■ married Misa 6:16 Art Johnson 11:00 News Special professions beyond their capabili­ Federal aid is. not limited to hous­ . Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Willlanla. in 6:46 Lowell Thomaa 11:16 Sport* Final bearer. "^Manchester Bar Assn., the Cham- Arlyne Mor* rty. 7:00 Amos N' Andy ties. , -V . \ ing for the elderly he said. He first noticed his wife in 1921 refusing to reveal names of NAACP 11:30 6Ild-nlte Moods VD AUGN FRONT END \ T he Housing Authority is investi­ David Prior of Manchester was • ber of Commerce and the Kiwanla 7i30 News. Comedy Tim* 12:55 News, Sign Off Of-the remainder of the senior at the Bardnard School eighth members and contributors said 7:46 Bob and Ray m N F—1236 REG. i7.M class of 125 students. 17 per cent gating land sites for the project, his brother’s best man. Ushers -'>^ub at one time or another. And grade graduation. She sang "Just they feared reprisals, harassment 8:00 World Tonleht and expects to engage an architect were Richard Prior and Bruce ;;fce wms judge of the Town Court 8:16 Music Till One 6:00 Financial News (21 BALANCE FKONT- of the boys plan to enter technical a Song at Twilight" and he sang and bodily harm to NAACP mem­ 12r00 News 6:06 News Roundup ■ within a feiY weeks. Prior, both of Manchester, broth­ lafrom 1937 to 1939. . 616 Showcase and News W HEELS— REG. $4.00 schoola and 42 per cent are ex­ "Old Black Joe." Their courtship bers. 12:10 Mtisic TUI One pecting to take jobs or enter the Albert C. Demers, assistant State ers of the bridegroom; and' George ' The judgeship and the Board of Robert L. Carter, New York City, 1:00 News. Sign Off 7:00 Fulton Lewis (8) CHECH FRUNT WHEEL Public Works Commissioner, will Long, also of Manchester. came full circle in 1957 when Gar­ WHAT—616 7:15 Evening DevoUona BEARINGS service. Among the girls, 12 per - Education post are two of three rity, as a member of the Board of general counsel for NAACP, argued 7:2I) Shosvease News meet with the group Thursday to The bride’s mother wAre a . political posts wrhich Garrity has befoijjB the Supreme Cpurt that the 6:00 Big SUM 7:30 The Army Hour (4) CHECK BRAKE SYSTEM cent plan to enter nursing or champagn lace sheath dress and Education, presented his and Ar- 8:30 John OalF ' 8'(Mi New* practical nursing, and 4IJ per cent review progress to date. The agen­ neld. -The third was being ex- l.me's daughter with her eighth ordinances violated^, the guaranty 6:46 Big Shhw \ 8:05 World Today cy will hold its regular meeting a brown orchid corsage. Mrs. ; '.*mlner of public record.s. of freedom of association and of 7:lHi Ed P Morgan 8:30 Showcase and News expect to do office work. The rest Thursday at 7:30 n.m, lit^City Hail. grade diploma. 7-,16 BIe Shew ALL FOUR ONLY Prior wore a blue shantug dress ■ Garrity was, in 1934, the head of privacy secured against state en­ 11:05 Mu*lc Bevnnd the 8lItars and News are undecided. Events Planned with white orchid corSage. Both the Garrity children in­ 11:30 Public Af**""* 12:06 News Rnundun Pope outlined the role the guid­ ik group which reindexed the rec- herited their parents' musical tal­ croachment by the 14th Amend­ 12 00 News Sign UK The American Legion Auxiliary A reception for 150 guests was • fords of Manchester. He tecalls the ment to the U.S. Constitution. . WPOP—1416 ance department plays In helping will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at | held ,at, the Elka Home after the as ent. Young Arlyne. now a junior [work with-satisfaction, since it Joseph C. Kemp, Little Rock city 6:00 News Weather students make satisfactory .post- the GAR rooma. Misa lola Ross, | ceremon.v. The c tuple .ijeft for a aj. M_^chester High School, is a 6:16 Conn. Ballroom high school plans. The guidance .^.^resulted in a unification and- member itrf’lH'e Round Table and attorney, defended his city’s ordi­ 7; 00 Ray'Someri FOR RENT department chalr.nan.-X'und Mias j wadding trip to Washington,-D-C. nance as a valid tax measure. No deparlmehl has set up files on oc­ O ra Webb, county home demon­ 4btraightening out of both the land of a girls' quartet. Harold. David, 11:00 News ' 8 and 16 inm. Movie Projectors cupations. scholarships, technical and Virginia. They are now living attorney appeared before the High 11:10 Ray Bomera stration agent; will be guests. at 281 Center St. ;"^cords and the probate court 25, is studi’ing voice iiriRome, and 1:00 Dei Raycee —sound or silent, also S6 mm schools and junior coileges, he .[Records. Court to argUe on behalf of North w n c —1080 slide prolector%"* SERVICE ON ALL . said. Kiowa'Council, Degree of P6ca- TTie bride is a 1955 graduate of has already appeared in profes­ Little Rock. hontas, will meet Friday at 7 p.m. " While he lists “ law" and "judge” sional musical comedie.s in Florida. 6 (W News. Weather and Sports //• " ^ CO^'VE^•'^ONAL M AKl^ All students are interviewed at Manchester High School and is a ■'Mt the only occupations he has In their joint appeal the women 6:30 Album of the Day WELDON DRUG CO. least once a year, and those with at Red Men’s Hall, Harriet Fla­ clerical errtploye at Prat’. A Whit­ Garrity's son also inherited a cited a U.S. Supreme Court deci­ 6:45 Three Star Extra 901 Main St. Tel. Ml S-5S21 herty. deputy great Pocahontas, ney Aircraft, Blast Hartford. Mr. ..held, there are a few sidelines in little of his father’s legal ability. 7:00 Dick Bertel ssiy difficulties at all are seen sion of June 30. 1958. The court 7:30 New*.. will be a guest at the 49lh anni­ Prior is a graduate of Howell CThe- - which he dabbles, all of which The lawyer has framed on one will more often. 'give s practical preparation for then said Alabama could not com­ MORIARTY Guidance is not confined to aca­ versary being planned for April 8 ney Technical School and is em­ of his office a contract made by pel disclosure of NAACP mem­ at Red Men^TIali. A public gro­ ployed by Norman’s Inc. here. the FIRST BRA that fits i s id e ■►the difficult chairmanship he now 10-year-old David in 1944. The demic efforts, but is extended- to holds. bership record.', unless the state cery social will,,Ae held Frida^v at contract promises ovedlence and , pupils that have emotional prob­ ■> He is secretary of the Shawmut could show a "controlling justifica­ BROTHERS lems, Pope said. Sumner Dole, part 8 p.m. after the meeting. Wing-Wester veil lirEquipment Co., a partner with persistence in., the study of music tion." Hospital Notes and dancing in return for a pup­ i sot-815 CENTER 8X. time guidance counselor at Sykes j Mrs. Anne Hawley Westervelt '.(Stanley Bray in Weldon Estates, 10 PLAID WINTER JACKEtS TEL. MI 8-5IS5 Admitted yesterday; Robert pet stage which the boy badly The Arkansas Supreme Court in \Junlor High School, told the Board of Hampton and formerly of Man­ • e • .^[•ecretary of Garrity Bros., and upholding the $25 fines imposed on that schools throughout the coun- Wayne, Tolland: Helen Lalhrop, INDIVIDUALLY wanted. "Mother Garrity" and (Fleece Lined). 7-14. 5 ^ 41 ’ Dai’.ey Circle: Mrs. Helen chester, and Raymond Eric Wing ;^6cretary of Ashford Lake Inc. Mrs. Bate.' and Mrs, 'iVilliams try^have fallen down in the area Jr. of Hampton were united in 4 ^ ' The last outfit in the list is a David both signed it. Both lived Ward. Hoffman Rd., Ellington; stated the purpose of the Alabama Only Each of embtional disturbances of stu­ marriage Saturday afternoon at X ^ fport of pipedream come true. The up to the contract. dents. X Beverly Wakefield. High Manor Among the other items which procedure was to force NAACP the home of the bride’s parents. C;|ishford Lake was totally man- out of Alabama. The .Arkansas FormerlyNjean of men at the Trailer Park: Mary Jane Cup, 22 decorate Garrity’.s office at Volpe, Ward St.; loward Huel'smann. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F, Hawley, Jiinade, a hollow dug at the bottom Supreme Court said that in- the University orN^onnecticut. Dole Hampton and formerly of Man­ Butler. Garrity and Diana are a Dobson A VP.. Vernon; Joseph Ger- 9 *®f a riverless valjey that magically cases of Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Wil­ 20% OFF ON ALL KNIT SUITS . said the fiincitonX(f the school is chester. a -.isued with water. Clustered around number of antique wood furnish­ liams the purpose was to deter­ to send young peomexput Into the ian. 12 Grove St.; Herbert Niel­ ings. All of them have been’ re- The bridegroom is the son of VjUila Tir N'n Og are about 1,000 mine the lax sla(;us _ of groups GOOD SELECTION-GOOD COLOR CHOICE world fit to live with -and adjust sen, Vernon. finished by Garrity, who enjoys Discharged yesterday.; Patricia Raymond Eric Wing of Floral City, .•Jots, many with new homes on .seeking immunity' from; levies of to other people. He citedHJie case iFIa'. ' ” them^ working with wood. the cities. of an intellectually bright student Phillips. South Willlngton: Walter The bride wore a powder blue Other Posts Unique Table On June 15. 1956 the U.S. Su­ ONE MILE PAST COVENTRY CENTER whp was so lonely for friends th^l Ma.vnard. Bolton Rd.. Vernon; His meeting table is an o ld Mrs. Florence LaPoirtle a n d chiffon dress and white orchid cor­ A couple of other posts he held preme Court refused to review an she thought she would rather be a sage ' Were legal advisor to the Manches- counter top from a store that Arkan.sas court order requiring ' OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHTS poor'student than a lonely one. He daughter, Toljand. Attendants were Miss Lila West­ ' ter Chapter of the Red Cross, dur­ went out of business in 1800. It NAACP to produ.ee names of of­ helped her understand that most ‘ x ^ ------ervelt, Big Timber. Mont., as maid ing World War II, and legal ad­ has been made into a trestle table people are jealous of those who do Verfton and Talcottvllle news Is ficers and employs^ in the state. The Herald’s of honor, and Orrin, Hosford, visor to the inductees summoned and has many piece.s of Wood in well, he said, and told her an; handled x ^ o u g h Hampton, as best man. .by the Manchester Drsft Board. The court gave no,explanation of 5 W. Main St.. diamond, square and circular its refusal, but some, lawyers said acJiiever must recognize that he is ; Rockville Bujri A reception for the immediate [ With the former post, he says he shapes set into the grain of the I refusal indicated the court felt The Coventry * going to lose some frienda I telephone T R «n ^ ^ 5-31,36. I families was held, at the home of a truly new kind of bra, , sever had any trouble, that mer­ plank. — Praises Manchester Cltoic a state wa.s entitled at least to D E PO T R O A D PI 2-7494 COVENTRY the bride’s parents. After a ski- chants to whom seiwicemen owed A school master's desk stands i The Manchester Child'Guidance trip to Vermont, the couple will be debts were always willing to . be, know who is running the organiza­ Clinic has been proven to be "in­ in one corner, holding an inkwell tion. ■' NOW CELEBRATING Combined Choirs at home in Hampton after Feb. 29. helpful or generous. Of the latter from ■ the Pitkin Glass \Vorks, valuable” to the Vernon school Mrs. Wing is a graduate of Man­ new and young from post, he recalls that he received a and a steeple clock that keeps per­ system. Pope told the Board, Present Pro^^^ni plaque in recognition of his work. chester High School and the Uni- fect time. ^ . The school could not duplicate '. ] versily of Vermonl. She earned her <‘‘It was f nice thing with Han-y the clinic’s . services for "many A high stool in front of the desk The four choirs of Center ConXmaster’s of education degree at Truman's signature on it and all.” I was acquired by Garrity one night times the money,'! the guidance , The Chsea handled by Garrity to­ director said, One-quafter of the gre'gational Church will present ai the University of Connecticut. She M when he was watching his son in a program of sacred and secular : is a teacher of home economics day number a gfreat many young play at Williston Academy. He be- cases handled by the Clinic this persons, for whom he has sym­ past year came ff^om Rockville music in Woodruff hall at the Windham High School, cam.e aware that something on the church next Tuesday at 7 p.m. | Mr. Wing is employed at .the f If pathy. . and VernOn. The cases totaled "I used to do somClof the things stage waa distracting him, and 2.3. of which 14 were referred by Purpose of the program, to which | Ellsworth Farms in Pomfret Cen- Anally noticed the stool. ANNIVERSARY the public is invited, is to raise | ter. w ia m e t T these kids do. They shouldn't have the school. ' a record," he says.^‘^We used to be He nudged his wife and whis­ Asked by'Board Chairman Win­ funds for the Pilgrim Choir robes, j ...... / . Whipped for the same things, not pered, "That's what I’ve been look­ fred Kloter if the school system The choirs .will be Under the direc-j Abalonc Once Scorned ing for to go with that desk." He tion, of Robert Vater and Miss _____ arrested." 4 is in need of a psychiatric or a A-VJt Garrity, who is the son of the waited until the play was over be­ to * 11®“ * psychologist, Pope said- the clinic Martha Whit^wUh Jam Angeles-Thc abalone, a late John F. and Delia L Garrity, fore inquiring whether he could • meets the present needs. He Ihe California came to Manchester from East .buy the stool. He finally got It for suggested that a contribution Ho include community singing. coast, now is cqnisidered a delicacy, • Hartford in 1918 whea,he was 12 fifty cents from the second hand _ the clinic’s annuaj'budget of 830,- _ ■ but it was scorned by the early ■"years old. He .attended' Bariiard dealer -who supplied .the ■ drama . .'iOOO would be money better qpent ~ ' r e p p e r y coastal settlers. The commercial School and was graduated from group with props. than for a psychiatrist who! would —:----- hauls now amount to about 4,000.- Manchester . High School in 1925. Another treasure Is a chest i^th \ not be needed full time. He noted , Black and white pepper come ; ooo pounds yearly. When sliced in- After s year at Wllliston Acade- the date "1682" outlined on the that the clinic had a 87.500 deficit lYom the same plant, but red | to steaks and pounded tender,, the aide in horseshoe, filings. X ' 'my in • Easthampton, Mass.,^ he X ' I this year despite state and federal peppfer is from the capsicum, and abalohe combines the Waver of the ■ went to Tufts; where he took a Garrity is a member of the Elks, \ • aid. and both municipal and' pri­ Jamaica'pepper is from the ' oyttter or cUiwwilh the texture of pre-law course and was graduated the British ■ American Club, the V- vate contributions In Manchester, mento tree. I!thc scallop. In 1928. Ellington Rldgb CountryClub, Is a The clinic would like other During his high school and col- member of the permanent Armis­ towns to accept the responsibili­ ., lege years he -played football and tice Day Committee, and is a third ties of- paying part of the cost -for beweball. and fourth degree member of the -children from their area. Al­ B i: Graduate Knights of Columbus. though Clinic costs average 8J7 After he was graduated from He and his family live at. 141 per interview hour, a rate of 84..50 Die Boston University- School of Pitkin St. per , hour Is proposed for towns. i-l- C om e in — .1... .'■"I DoUy Pro^H’c*"* HEAR ABOUT IT OVER 11-11:80 A.M. A. 12:80-1:00 P.M. SALE! S:()0-6:OO PAI. • the two sides of your body don't motch' rauiid bobbin • But each cup in Warner's new "Tomorrow" gives ond f Tuesday Evening. 23r$i adjusts individually to eoch side! SEE IT AT e le c lr ic IN TALCOTTVILLE 8:80-9:80 P.M.-Upord Startime • You-get the perfect fit all doy, every doy, montf>'‘in ond 9:80-10 P.M.—Arthur Murray month put! 'x, M ' --4,. b v S I N G E R • And the nicest, noturol-est shoping you ever sow! Wedtwsday, 24Hi in handsome • Cool, too! All-oroupd ventilation ends'thot hot "per- 8:80-9 P.M.—Price Is Bight • spire-y feeling! : 9- 10 P.M.— Perry Como c a b in e t : 10- n PJR.—Pontiac Parade • All ot Q price os pretty os yoii'lj look - -from $2.50!' ’

for only O.P The **TomorrbW" Bro See how Coior contracts and expands Makes it real 0 /oVo(/S 4

'A. “ LIVING o r course we did! Modern insurance foj the J "Tomorrow"' — Soft, long-wearing cotton ond home, your valuables, your earnings and savings Never before offered ert' — against more 'than 20 kinds of loss —- is now the easiest, breothe-i-esf net-weove, elastic. $2.50 tbli price, this sturdy,eco­ available to you at ridiculously low cost. Yes, our White. nomical SPAR'l .AA*.console Homeowner’s Package Policy afford' financial prip- u , can be used to thfrn, mend, Are you on in-between sfzfe? (One out of two embroider, backpack or tection against fire, windstorm, theft, bursting women Is!) You'll find that "Tomorrow" gives boilers, persona! liability lawsuits and—"well, let \ COLOR EETS FROM $S2lD0 monogram on light or heavy you o.much better fit than regular-sized bras fabrica.lt has all the easen- us give you the whole story about this worfy,-free thot you've ,been wearing. A truly new kind lial features ol more expen­ hWme protection. B , ‘ ^ . sive models.^^^^ of bra!' Sturdy-unseamed, pet-weave elostic A llied encircles each cup, gently contracts (lefU or Contour cup ."Tomorrow" -— Cotton cups lightly -SINGER expands (right) q^lf around for ideol individ' lined with .foam floating on net-weove elgtsit. AMERICAN MUTUAL uol cGp .fit. 6nly "Tomorrow" hos it— a .truly THE STUDEBAKER LARK FOR I960 SEWING CENTER Fjre Insurance Company new .kind of bra! ' W h ite . 53.50 832 MAIN 8T. Home Offlc^t Wdkefleld, Mciis. BanciiC8t«r Shoppuig. Parkade, Middle '^nipike W. and TEL. Ml 8-8883 Broad 8t„ Ma, cheater. Open Monday, T u ^ a y , 10 A.M. to Muchesteir’a Lardeat-and Oldest TT, Radio, Record and Appliance Store RIANCHESTER 50 Ltwis StM HcfrHerd—CH 5-U81 ' 8 P.M,—Wctfnewlay. Thursday, Friday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. •~ WINF - DIAL 1230 I ,^0 CENTER ST. COR. OF CHURCH ST. ) , V . Saturday, 9 A,M, to 6 .P.M, ' . i •a ,f m so larc.oa C b tJ f u[ ^ by till*’! , it VY«’s /fidrfi/'1 J i I : Fl(t6nn)t)ni Market 9«aar*i NewlBgtw > C. WALTER. Ml 4-1241 / ;■ .... ■ ■ , ' . ■ : " ■ " ■ \ ' ■ 1 N . ' . • 1 • i i . \ y.'. V 1 - v MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY .23, 1960 PAGE SEvijH MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONNn TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1960

stirs people, the other Democratic friction between the university to. the effect that it would be bet­ FBI Agent to Head and the city. IBattrifpBtpr ter for us, giving economic aid to candidatM might as well throw in tJ.Se, Brazil L ea sts Join Court Langtry W ants $ 55,27 Connecticut their, towels. ^ ^ The campus police dhief was re* Glass Gut to All Shapss €draittQ i|praUi others. If we took the label off the Anil we would suggest thati ir Yale Police Force assigned to another job. Powell, as package, and also shed direct re­ the new Connecticut leadership of security director, will take oVor and Sliss for Tabfs Tops In Declaration of Brasilia Only five cakes were presented to puBuimtfb trt nut sponsibility for allotting and su­ the Republican party |s going to the canpua police chief’s job; Judge Jules Karp in Town Court To [Repair Toyn HaU BjlRALO^RUnWO oo. IMC. Yankee CConttnued from Pago One) The 20 students arrested in the U BSs m U StTMt pervising our aid. seem on its toes, it had better see ■ 1— You con do many (QraUBoed from Page One) this morning by, Asst. Prosecutor Uaneticatai, Uon^ By A. H. O. about organizing some Independ­ sex case all paid I2A to $50 fines Allan Thomas. THOMAS r I*1BR0^N It is 'considered.' something of a dents, faculty, and the conimunity after they pleaded n » "contest in things with gloss tobio Extensive repair to the Mu­ WALTER R rtfiRCOSON ents for Nixon. Of course,^ coming Howard Warnock. 59. no cer­ niilestone in thjs direction that we too.” city court Jan. 17. day. Hs is to address the'BrazUlsn nicipal Building is included In th9 PublltlMr* One of the most beautiful teati now, it may seem something o f a and dosk tops and Congress in' Rio, before con- tain address, drew- a 20-day jail Dik to Head 1960-61 budget request of Man­ r>auiMI*d October t UOn are soon to begin our support of . a Powell, ^ o is in hia 40s, will ' The recent incident followed a term after pleading guilty to an in­ monials to the political initiative, contrived and artificial imitation series of snowball riota last March, thoy oto oosy to hoop tinuihg on to Argentina, Chile and chester’s PiAllc Works Depart­ _____ lOseept new international v. organisation, of what happened 10 naturally for be the man ili charge of the uni­ Uruguay. toxication charge. Judgment was PubUabed Eeerr Meenmi resource; and organizing ability.of when 41 students were arrested. Miss Isabelle Phillips . ment. Sundaya and Holldaya IfinteIfintered at the called the Interaational Develop­ ordinary Americans is provided, Kennedy. But there must be some versity’s 64-mah, campus police eloon. Lot us holp you . Secretary of State Christian A. suspended on a similar charge on Clinic Drive Deputy, Director Chester Lang-' Poat Office at ManeheaterHaneheater Conn The chfu-ges against them were Saturday. S e o ^ Ulaaa Mall Matter ment Association, now being or­ periodically, by the way they re­ Democrat, somewhere, who thinks force, the Yale’s ^resentaU ve, In with suggostlons. Hertsr waa designatsd to read the Rockville—Miss Isabelle Phil­ try w^nts to spend $55,275 next dropped, but the students charged lips, 79, of 20 Elm St., Rockville, Rene Joseph Herard, 50, of Kill- spond to new stars in the political that Nixon, too. is a great man, Town-and-Gown reftkUqns, and— that they were the viotima of po­ declaration in English, and the Edward 8 .: Dik, vice president yea>-,compared lo an eetlmatsd 8UBHCR1PT1UN RATES ganized by the International Bank Mirrors cut to oil siios. died yesterday at Middlesex Me­ Ingly, had judgment suspended af­ firmament with grass roots move­ and who la willing to forsake his he hopes—a friend of she students. lice brutality. Brazilian foreign minister, Hor- $27,9^'this year in the municipal Payable In Advance for Reconstruction and Develop­ own party to follow him. Walling­ He Bays the blggestxjob will acio Lefer, to read it Iq Portu­ morial Hospital in Middletown af­ ter he pleaded guilty to intoxica­ of the Abbott-Ball Co., Hartford, One Teat ,tl5.&U ments down here below. Police denied that there was an Open 6 Days A Week tion. building account. ita Montha ... , 7 76 ment, In order to nake loans to When it comes, of course, there ford was once a good place to probably be maintaining good re­ guese, at the site of s mbmnument ter a short illness. has been named chairman of the He called for painting and ThrAe Montha . 8.9U brutality. 8 AM. to 5 PJM. ' rommemorating Eisenhower’s, visit She was bom In -Rockville Sept. A nolle was entered in the case . l.SU under-developed countries. In so is nothing like a grass roots move­ look. As for a modest, retired Re­ lations between the univernty $12,000 fund raising campaign for water proofing the brickwork Ona Month ... to Brasilia. 18, 1880, a daughter of the late of Alex Litwinezyk, 71, of 121 Weekly ...... •#•••*••»a .Kl far as we are going to participate ment, spontaneous and irresistible publican elder statesman who the city. Yale, which has ateut HEARTENING DECLINE Park St., who was chaeged with the Community Chil(i Guidance some ' ceiling replactmentft more SlnRle Copy .. . « 4,000 energetic undergraduatea>.la The declaration is to be in' John and Sarah Woodworth Phil­ in this program, it is s step in the in its origins, sweeping forward in might be persuaded into one more Infant deaths declined S3 pet;, failure to grant the right of way Clinic, storm windows, light installations, role, how about Ed Platt up in built right in the center of Ne' J. A. W HITE GLASS CO. scribed at the monument in this lips -utd had. lived in Rockville all and a new electrical •' distribution MEMBER Of right direction. compulsive welcome to the new cent and maternal deaths were zpectacular'new city on a plateau as the result on an accident on The campaign will begin March THE AESUCUTED PKEBB great man. Sherman? We can see the g'-qqn Haven,'a city of 169,000 inhabit-' own 77 per cent in the United her A e. Maple near Main St. on Feb. 11. panel. New petitions are needsd in The Aaaociated Preia la excluatrely But we move slowly and grudg- roots blaze sweeping from Wal­ ants. 31 SISSSIL ST. PHONE Ml 9-7322 '• 600 miles northwest of Rio. m e was once employed by the 7 with a kick-off dinner at the the Hall of Recorfia'across Cen­ entitled to the uae ot republlcatlon ol When it happens it holds us, S^tes between 1944- and 19S4, President Elsenhower called Bra­ Thomas noted that Litwinezyk Ihas Wnddell S(^ool. lingly in such directions, and what lingford to Sherman already, and, Tension between the school and H^kville Journal. ter St., he added. all newa dlapatcbea credited to It or we confess, awestruck and spell fir^ decade of the antibiotic era. silia a symbol of Brazil's progress. been driving for 32 years without Dik has served on the School not otherwlae cr^lted In thla' paper Hammarskjold emphasized, in hia bound. We are never quite pre­ if It does materialize, promise it the town la often strong. It was / Funeral services will be held at any record against him. I The works department budgsls, and alao the local newa publlahedxbere. strong just a month ago, when “ Your decision to carve a beau-, II a.m. tomorrow at the Ladd Building Committee and is a them- All rljthta ol republlcatlon ol apeclet remarka, waa the fact that we are pared for the wonders we see un space and awe equal to that we The case of George P. Colerfian which Langtry was preparing to­ have just devoted to the stirrinj; the widely-publicized "Sex in the tiful city out of the wilderness r ^ Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Ave., day, joined with others submlttsd dlapatcbea herein are alao reaerred atill eecing to it that the nations fold. . minds us of our own decision me^y 18. of ’74 Lydall St., charged With f ' The latest development of such crusade of Connecticut independ­ Dormitory” case came tfl..J,tght. Rockville, with the Rev. Paul J. speeding as the result of an acci­ after the 3-day holiday weekend. Pull aervlce client ol N B A Serr- with whom we associate oureelvei That case led to Powell’s appoint­ years a g o ' to move the c a p i^ ' of Bowman, pastor of Union Congre­ (j movement caught us as surprised ents for Kenrtedy. our fledgling nation from J^lla- dent on Hartford Rd. Satui|day The deadline was Friday. Still ice. Inc in thie international' project are ment yesterday. gational Church, officiating. Publlahera Repreaentatteea; '4 The a.s ever, finds us still flabbergast The funeral will be held tomor­ For More U.S. Back Taxes We have been trying to figure underdeveloped nations. But we man and true humanity. point in his talk'to the people of Quotations Furnished by brought i/ito court just as the ses­ $292,410. Salaries, wages, and and quite prominently so, lit one the United States Sunday night. row at f-\ft a.m. at the Talarskl sion began. Edward S. Dik fees, including pay for four new out why the President took to the hav^ so far forbidden even liaison torch for Kennedy, down to Fair- Let us pray: "O, EStemal God, Cobum A Middlebrook, Inc. The two Presidents expressed Funeral Home, 380 Maple Ave., Bank Stocks Richard E. Schwitzer, 23, of men, accounts' for about $20,000 air Sunday night, and. In back bf between the new International field County where “Junior” Phil­ who ceme to us in Christ, deliver Hartford, followed by a solemn Help on Water All Paid Up ber of the Town Development <3om- ue from the leeser goods that we "W' belief that the Inter-American sy;s- Bid Ask< East Windsor, pleased guilty to of the boost. While $10,000 mpes that, why he is going to South Development AssociAtion aiid the lips, now a distinguiahed arid .vet­ high Maas of requiem at the SS, four charge, .tampering with a miaslonr He ia a memtfer of the would go for 8U(fii things as added may have the greats one: Thy tem, calling for an ever-improving (\mn. Bank and Trust Manchester Masonic Lodge and America. He Is going, we guess,, United Nations, simply because eran Democratic senior, felt in­ Way of life, presents one of the Cyril and Methodius Church at 9. (Continued from Page One) Conn...... 43'4 45 motor v^icle, theft, operating a iiwurance costs, pension, hydrants love in our hearts for all men. In Burial will be in Mt. F' Benedict By LaPointe Sphinx Temple of the Shrine in because having begun waging di­ Russia is in the United Nations. spired to return to see what fur­ great challenges and opportunities Hartford National motor vehicleirehic with another per and mains, and laundry charges. ther public service he could render. Jesus' name. Amen!”- Cemetery. Hartford, plomacy by travelitis, he can’t Rev. C. O. Simpson of this age, TTiey called for full municipalities to delay essential B.mk and Trust Co 37'4 39 sons license, and driving while his The Town Court BpdgM dropped Eventually, it is to be hoped That Mrs. Winalski should be I>aPointe Industries Inc,, wiped license is under suspension. He was He Uvea at 137 Henry St, , because the new Circuit Court sys­ stop, any more than Khrushchev Center Congregational Church implementation of principle, of water pollution abatement efforts Fire Insurance Companies both We smd Russia will realize charmed out of the Republican obert J. political and economic «.lldanty i today from 6^ 9 p.m. out. its back tax bills with Vernon fined $134 with $100 remitted, and Aesisting him will be Dr. Robert tem will abolish the local Judiciary while they waited for federal I Aetna Fire ...... H 77 AleMJury, divisional chairman; stops. He took to the air Sunday that the task of helping the rest of party, that Alfred N. Phillips, Jr„ and Rockville today with the deliv­ given 40 days in jail, with execu­ Jan. 1, I960. The request is $13',444 Buildings Lifted Yearly as set forth in the charter of the I funds." ! Hartford Fire 185 195 Ally. Herbert Phelon, buslnesa; flight, we guess, partly because he the world advance economically should be charmed, once again, organizaUon of American slates ~ ^ National Fire ...... 13.5 143 ery of checks for $69,588.80, and tion BUspneded after 20 days. as against $21,687 for the current into conquering his modest aver­ • • House leaders, sUre the veto James Vandervoort, Rockville - year ending June 30. The only wanted to say gpod-bye to us, is BO big and so urgent, so vital snd the mutual assistance treaty Mrs Sara Lamron Garr 415 . . , Phoenix Fire - ...... 83 .86 $27,783.04. In a companion case. Lloyd L. Vernon divisional chairman^ Roy sion to the public platform, and Godthub, Greenland—New Dis­ of Rio de Janeiro. .Woodland St., Hartford, sister of .would come, already have laid Life and Indemnity Ina Cos. present count employe to be re­ along with an advance hello to hia to the survival of both our civilizS' Vernon Board of Finance Chair­ Ramaker, 18, of Broad Brook, Wendell^ radio and publicity chair­ that the movement launched bv tant Early Warning Line con­ 130 OUT OF 139 The modernistic capital-to-be Mrs. Bessie Kennedy o f Hanches- [plans to attempt to override it, per? Aetna Casualty ....195 205 pleaded guilty to charges of tam­ tained will be the director, of the prospective hosts. But perhaps he struction in Greenland includes . . . 4a>* Ai^A as af V f t Q inai t * s.. man William F. Luddecke, when man. tions, so necessary if we are both these two should catch like such REALR ESTATE was decked 'out colorfully I Thursday. They aren’t optl- Aetna Life ...... 82 85. pering with a motor vehicle, and ^traffic ■violations bureau, accord­ wouldn't have been on the air at wildfire that it could wind up spon two big steel buildings that atand 371 told of the payments, said he will Team captains for the-Town of ing to Uie request, because the to stave off an historical chal­ HARTFORD BUILDERS INCORPORATED Eisenhower's first stop on the mis- ; ! mistic about the prospects, how- Conn. General ...... 3.56 recommend a 43-mill tax rate at a theft; He was fined $25 on ekeh all unless he had felt some neces­ soring and tendering a welcome on “ stilts” 19 feet above the ice­ INSURANCE ^ . . ______A native of Hartford, she was , Hftd., Steam Boiler . 82 87 count, and given .a 30 da'y sus- Manchester are Adam Rhodes, CJircuit Court will not collect park­ lenge bigger than the challenge »(on he hopes will cement western ever. special meeting of the finance John McEllreavey. Allim Taylor, sity to talk to us about something luncheon to the Massachusetts cap and will be jacked up three But they do figure some Repub­ Travelers ...... 84' j 87>4 pneded sentence and nine months ing fines. we now offer to each other, that feet hydraulically each year. The USE OIL IN THEIR hemisphere the public assistance section of the board Thursday night. Mrs. George Sandals and Mrs. Jay teat has absolutely nothing to do Senator on his .first post-hn- fies MAIN ST., GROUND FLOOfe-tre*"- ••**** licans may be hurt in the Novem­ Public Ltilities ~ Luddecke had pleviously pre­ probation on the theft-charge. ‘ The Town Parking Authority we will make it a common cause. nouncement visit to the state—all 2-story structures are each 133 by On hts arrival Ei^senhower re- gtaie Welfare Department. She Conn. Light * Power 22'4 Rubinow. reque«‘-sd $15,000 for next ysar. with his South American trip, or OWN HOMES . . . "IN8URAN8MITH8 8INCE IfilP’ . reived a key to the city and a ^ ^ member of Bedford Street ber election if they vote to support dicted a 44-mlll rate contingent Walter R. Hicking, 17, of '91 So far, neither we nor Rusaia this has the sweep and tide and 144 feet. They have to be raised a veto of a Bill that would offer fi­ Htfd. Electric Light 6214 upon receipt of the $69,000 check Charter Oak St., was fined $12 The ways and means committee During the flret six months of the his travel and peace rivalry with onrushlng majesty of destiny it­ to keep from being buried by the greeting from KublUhek . Synagogue. Hartford. nancial help to cities over the coun­ Hartford Gas Co. . . 42 for the clinic la Dr. Alesbury, Mrs. current year, it . spent $3,409. can tolerate even the suggestion "I do not hide the emotion with : 'gu"v7ting. besides her sister ■ 1 for the town, but now feels, he said. after being, found guilty of failing Khrushchev. He felt he had to man­ self. snow, which builds up on the cap try for building sewerage disposal Southern New England .J,, ; the town can "squeeze through” to secure a drivers licena^ E. .Fenton Burke, Dik, Theodore The Recreation Department .asks of such a thing, and we probably about a yard every year. which I see you descencl in Bra­ here, are a brother in West Hart­ $113,813, up from $102,047, mostly ufacture some opportunity to talk If this is the way Jack Kennedy silia lo, begin your voyage to plants. TeIephone_ • ...... 43'4 - ■ the year wi',: a 44-._mill rate. A companion case aaw/Peter R. Gurney, Dr. Francis W. Helfrick, agree that Hammarskjold is talk c o s t s /ess t o o ford, another sister in Hartford. Today’s veto was the first of the Manuractiiring Ckimpanies for salaries. to us about how strong we are, just South America,” the Brazilian The chairrnan expectedihat a 46- Koehler. 18, of Cov^try, fined McBlraevey, Dr- Mather H. Neill, Ing impoasible nonaenic. But the and several nieces and nephews. new session of Congress. Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. 59 63 mill rate would have been neces $125 after being fouKd guilty of Atty. Phelon, Rhodes,' Mrs. Ru­ , The town treasurer’s request is as, a few days previously, he had president told Eisenhower. "The Funeral services were scheduled The bill would continue a Water Associated Spring 20i,4 22',4 $12,393, up from $8,176. day may stilt come, because it has plane that brought you from your sary if LaPointe’s back taxes were driving while his licefiae was under binow and Vandervoort. suddenly inade a special trip down to be held this afternoon at the Pollution Act of 1956 and raise the Bristol Brass ...... ; 11-’i 12>, not paid this year. suspension. / Town Treasurer 'Walter Leclsro tO; country has just landed in a veri- Weinstein Mortuary. 640 Farm­ 9>i The Child Guidance d in ic serves to Cape Canaveral where, some­ total.of federal funds that could be Dunham Bush ...... 8 U James Curran, controller at La­ Victor R odrigos Rivera, 23, of towns in the northeast section of asks a $2,650 raise tor his own post, t"able field of battle. This recently ington Ave., with burial in the spent from $.500 million to $900 mil­ 48'4 times, we launch our missiles. Em-Hart ...... •. 45'2 Pointe, delivered the $69,588.80 Hartford, pleadijra guilty to charges Connecticut. which would lift the salary from cleared ground Is a critical zone Bedford St. Synagogu •'Cemetery. lion oyer a ten-year period. Fafnir Bearing .... .59''2 63>,4 check to town tax collector Mrs, $1,250 a year to $3,900 —a hike Le- The President, having been a in the war that we forcefully carry Friends may make memorial con­ of evading /Yeaponsibillty and Some 3,000 children, in this area When Morality Was High Proponents of the bill contend it Landers Frary Clark 19’j 21 >4 Florence Loverin this morning operating a motor vehicle while his clerc eees as in line with salaries professional military man himself, forward for a better destiny for tributions to the Hartford Heart is vital In order to keep waste and N.B. Machine ...... 20 22 need help, said Dik, according to paid other part-time treasurers Ho! Hum! Every Sunday, in / and city tax collector Edward L. license was under suspension. An­ is thin-skinned about the twin at­ Qur people. Assn. sewage out of ■ streams used as North and Jiidd .....36'4 39 >4 Buchanan received the cit.v’s check estimates of the national mental around the State. He also asks "Constructive work—Gist is the other count of evading respon­ health picture. So far. 103 chil­ boosts for his clerks and an extra tacks, half launched by the Demo­ some pulpit, it’s our moral decay, sources of water supply. Rogers Corp. (B) .,. 15'4 17>4 for $27,783.04 early this after­ sibility was nolled. He drew 30*- Just as any other day, to somt poli­ Tosw war, the rich wsir, the first Eisenhower agreed that rivers Stanley Works New . .20’4 22*4 dren have been helped at the $300 to cover expenses of a con­ crats trying to create an election 42 noon. day sentences on both counts, to vention of the Municipal Finance tician, or to some editor, it’s our anil -only crusade of aalvalion of and atreams ' are a priceless na­ Terry Steam ...... 38 clinic. year Issue, half launched by gen­ century, the war that gen- Funerala tional asset and that "polluted .wa­ 35',4 The payments bring to an end be served concurrently, with ex­ Officers Assn, in Seattle, Wash., Torrington ...... 3314 ecution suspended, and was placed erals who want bigger appropria­ moral decay. We pre decaying so erV‘*a peace... ter ia a threat to the health and Veedcr Root ...... 48'4 51*4 lengthy negotiations over the next year. firm’s 8-year-old tax bill amount­ on probation for six months. tions for their special services, fast the process must be almost zil has started — and God Joseph C: Wilton well-being of all our citizen.s." The above quotations are not to knovOs with what oacriflee - for the But he said pollution and its cor­ ing to $142,000 with interest and A $15 bond was forfeited by whii^ have been made against the complete. Funeral services for Joseph C. ae construed as actual markets. William J. lerardi, 40. to the attackers, that they politics, and "the lust for easy WITH YOUR HEALTH f local action rather than providing addition to LaPointe’s. has been S t ’/,,.Mrs. Olive Cardarella, Tal- The Incinerator la in the rear of hemlsipheric program ot develop- j The main speaker at the affair have found a tender spot, which money and big money." “excuses for inaction” aa he said better anticipated and should» pro­ cottville''Rd., Vernon; Suzette Reis­ the home of Salvatore Bquatrito. ment he has projected, "repreaents the vetoed bill would do. will be Dr. Albert E. Rurke, a vide enough of a cushion so that Warrantee Deeds er. 86 Benton St.; Robert Martin, they may proceed to wound some These things, he said, “ point in an appeal to reason and not to ■When you buy curel-alls from hn itinerant" COOKING! ■ Elsenhower listed Rnir steps he Yale University professor and a- the 43-miii’Tate will suffice...... Sherwood Circle Inc. to Town of 175 Vernon St.; Mrs. Sophie Hess, more If they can. the direction of a depreciation bf generisaity.” noted news analyst. Manchester, Sherwood Circle off peddler, the stakes sire tragically high. AboutTowii said the federal government should 75 Bisaell St.; Catherine Jeaki. As for the President’s superia- the moral, currency.” This trend He did not specifically mention take: Dr. Burke, a resident of Chesh-, Green Rd. The peddler may, in effect, be risking your French Rd . BoUon; Mrs. CIoTelhe tlyes the other night—“an inde­ could “bring this mighty nation the financial help Brazil has re­ 1. The setting up of a forum in ire, has lived an,d studied in the Ansaldi Heights Inc. to Town of Bussiere, Ckiventry; Deborah Eck­ health for a fast profit. . — ceived from the United States in Phi Theta chapter of Beta which to bring together all those Soviet Union, Europe and with Furnace Fumes Manchester, Ansaldi' Rd. off els, Mountain Rd., Rockville; Mrs. structible. force pf„ Incalculable low.” Sigma Phi, business sorority, will Since hoalth is your most precious gift, Us development, but said “our two concerned with the problem in or­ variou.s Arheircan Indian groups Autumn St,. Anna Paiz, Hazardville; Mias Jaan. pow4r’’' was what he wound ilp He went on to distribute blame countriea remain unalterably bound meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the der to focus attention on solutions. in the southwest. Give Fire Scare Malachi L. and Katherine Dona­ rely on the community health team Dougherty, 71 Doane St.;-i Mrs. claiming for ue— they do not make for this atate o f things. He blamed together.” . , Lutz Museum. 126 Cedar St. He said he is asking Secretary of The annual meeting will feature hue to Anne T. Campbell, prop­ in the event of illness. Mary Gavia, 85 Oliver Rd.; Mrs. us feel much safer than we felt the government. He blamed the Eisenhower’s schedule In'Brasilis Welfare Arthur S. Flemming to the clKstomary formant of dinner, An overheated firnace that-ran erty at 119 McKee St, Yv(jnneO Pelletier, 21 Biasell St.; dancing, introduction' of Man- before. We felt rather safe before, schools, for trying to create too See your family physician. Should hs Included a civic reception in the Daughters of Isabella will meet call a.natlo. al conference on wa­ out of water resulted, in some ex­ Quitclaim Deeds Mias Joan Mooney, 41 Florence St.; ter pollution for next December. che.ster area businessmen and^pre- except for some uneasiness over pleasant a life instead of discipline. prescribe medicine, our fully stocked center of the city, the unveiling of tonight at 8 o’clock at the K of C John Groman to Ruth P. Gro- Mrs. Lucy Hansen, 19 Strant St. a monument (:ommemerating his 2. Federal application of conr .sentation of awards. As many as citement on Main St. shortly after man, property'*On Burnham St. ADMITTED TODAY: James prescription department is your assursnoS Home. The program will include a where possible hysteria over the He attacked the "Uifantillsm of visil, dedication of the foundation demonstration by a cosmetician, a trol measures to correct intoler­ 600’people-have attended past an- noon today, but no damage. 'fi'rank X. Dixon to Amelia D. Henderson. 131 Charter Oak St.. missile gap might lead us. We radio and television” and he had a of prompt, courteous serVicEu stone for the new U.S. embassy, Chinese auction and penny sale for able pollution where the issue in­ ni;al meetings. Fuines from the furnace, located Dion, property on Ridgewood St. Joseph Menard, 83 Ridge St.: Mrs. would rather that the President kind word for "the yellow preas.” .and a (iinner .he 'will gU'e tonight members qnd guests. Refreshments volves several states or is beyond The meeting ia scheduled to be­ in back of Tots 'N Teens, at 956 Trustee Deed Jean Monelte, Ellington; Gordon should hold to his own normal And, as final proof of hia right to for Kubitschek. will be served. the powers of a single state, or gin at 7:15 p.tiu- . Main St., leaked up into Harmac's Estate of Allan M. Barrett to Tuttle, 131 Mather St.; Donna Rae where it is appropriate , to rein­ at 946 Main St. and fTe'men were William W. and Josephine B. Sis­ Coleman. 73 Lydall St.: George business, and trust us to trust him indulge in such criticism, hs added Kubitschek will return to Bio de Janeiro tonight, to await Eisen­ force state efforts. OHARGE.S OLYMPIC NEGLECT called to look for a powible fire. son, property at 91-93 St. John St. Smith, Andover; Joaeph Sapienza, rather than feel it necessary to that "our churches are Involved, QUINN’S PHARMACY The Gol()en Age (ISub will meet Squaw Valley,, Calif., Feb. 28 hower’s arrival there by plane to­ Thursday at 2 p.m. at the East 3. Assisting financially in the Goodrow Gilbert, assistant man­ Attachments 2 Rogers Pi.; Kimberley Morrell, ' trump up opportunities to rew u re for there is a glaring discrspancy (ff*) — .\ niembier of the U.S. Washing . Phone MI 3-4136 morrow. The U.S. President will Side Rec. administration of state and inter­ ager of Harmac’s, said he be­ Wennergren Construction Co. East Hartford. us so powerfully. between their numerical and finan­ visit Sao Paulo, Brazil’s industrial state pollution control programs. women’s speed skating- team gan smelling strong. 'umea about agajnst Morris and Ann Feirstein, BIRTHS YESTE^RDAY: A charged toda.v that her roach is aasy His hopes for his South Ameri­ cial strength and their Influence on metropolis, on Thursday and on . 4. Increased federal;;'aid' in the noon,' and, as the .smell kept get­ property at 379-381 E. Center St., daughter to Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Friday will fly to Buenos Aires,- The Atnerican Legion will meet had neglected the team so badl.v ting stronger and he could not $995. Bentley,'Ddckerel Rd., Vernon; a can journey were more' in place; American manners a^d morals." tonight at * :15 at the Legion Home. form of research and technical as­ The two presidents will have a sistance. that Its chancOfi In the Winter find its sorfree, he called the fire Wennergren Construction Co’, son to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Svasek, It is quite true that some of our Such lectures, in which we our­ chance to talk privately tonight Eisenhower said there already Olympics were wrecked, Jeanne department. Three companies re­ against Joseph Gordon, property Thompsonvllle: a son to Mr. and neighbors have felt that we have selves engage occasiohally, seem at dinner in the new marble and The El Beaus will play for the are provisions in his 1961 budget Omelenchuk of Decatur. Mich., sponded. on Crosby R(l., $1,500. Mrs. Robert Cooper, 162 Green Rd. ; been neglecting them in oiir con­ glass Presidential Palace. Kubit- Saturday hight dance at the Brit­ covering the last three points. . said, coach Ed Srhroeder had The furnace supplied heat to Willard B. Dickenson against a daughter to Mn and Mrs. Thomas to create no great forward reform ish American Club from 9 to 1. failed to tiirn up for many prac­ Harrison, 34 Walnut St.; a daugh­ cern with more valuable cold war ^ ■ achek is expected to urge Ameri­ The veto ia Eisenhower’s 158th. both stores. An official of Tots Waiter G. McNally, property at 6 impulse among the American peo­ cu-sfom WOOD ARE TWO HEADS BETTER THAN ONE? can financial backing for his pet Up to last year, he had never been tice sessions aiifi had not given Morse"Rd., $995. ter to Mr, and Mrs. Wilmot Smith, allies elsewhere, and' the reason [N Teens said that it will be ple. But they do stir' a dear nos­ "Operation pan-America,” a overridden but he finally waa ' the women skaters the guidance Checked ImmediaLely to make sure Judgment Lien Chaplin. they have felt this way la that it talgia, for the dear old days when CORNICES Perhaps not for cooking hut for deciding sweeping program of economic turned down in J959 on a public they w,oilld need to su ite d In it is all right, and get it back into ...Anthony J. Walden against Ken- • BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter to has-been true. Lately, however, we no form of . entertainment ever development for’ Latin America. Police Arrests works appropriation. the games. - correct operation. netfi Miller, properties on Foley St., Mr. and Mrs. Florian Bolduc. 55 have hed trouble counting our The' Brazilian, prraident has been Town firemen were called to ex­ $820.fi0. Weils St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. tried to fool the public, when f on a savings plan, yes indeed! 1 ’— Donald- O’Brien. Thompsonville; a usual majorities in the United. Ns;; disappointed, by U.S. refusal to tinguish two’ minor grass fires r Marriage Licenses - butchers had no thumbs, when 'give blanket endorsement to hia Howard Warnock, 59, no certain yesterday with no damage result­ John Anthony DeMarche' ot daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Norbert tions General Assembly, and we every last cop was always hon­ far-reaching propaoal. The United address, was arrested yesterday ing from either. Waterbury and Geraldine Mary Seeling, High Manor Park, Rock­ have also become aware of new est, when nobody paid any atten­ Husband and.wife usually talk it over . . . agree on the amount States has expressed wholehearted ' The first was at 56 Grandview Rohan of 38 Gardner St., St. ville. FEATURING afternoon and waa charged with in­ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; Communist infiltrations, economic concurrence with the plan’s basic St. at 10:56 a.m. Companies 2 - James’, Feb. 27. tion to a murder trial, particularly to save each payday . . and start saving at Manchester's old* toxication. James McVeigh, 193 High St.; cultural 'and poliUcsl, In this hem­ SOLID WOOD FROTECTIV goal, but insists that the plan must and 3 responded. William John Southwell of Corn- If it had a sex angle, when col­ DUST CAPS 32" WIDE John Gorman, 54, 369 Burnham watL Bridge and. Thelma Mae Far­ £;manuel Zahner, 5 Hilltop Dr., so*s hom« hooting isphere. It is time for the Eisen­ be worked out in more detail and At 12:08 p.m. Companies 1 and lege students were always perfect « MditMS'tSat est.financial institution^ . - ^ St., waa arrested last evening and 4 were called to' 418 Hackmatack rington Rogers of 99 Oak St., South Rockville; Walter Smith, 867 hower smile, and it can do Us then must he carefully atudled. charged with breach of peace aa little gentlemen, when politics •uttom Mmic* Mat an- Kubitschek, who -heads Latin St. Methodist, March 5. Center Sit.; Mrs. 'Jacqueline 'Ek- our wovl great deal of good if, most of the aSlaa ywi ta baautlfy the result of a disturbance at his Matthew Robert Green of 65 holm and -son, 458 W. Middle- smelled ps sweetly as lilacs, and yaur (lania at a fractlan America’s most populous nation, is home. He was released under $25 Durant St. and Nancy Marie You get^premium quality time, it is twisted a little to one of tha -prafaMlaKal Saa- ,We do our part by paying a generous dividend so your savings also reported anxious for more Tpke.; Mrs. Jeannette Lareau a(}d nobody had any drive for money. aralor'a priea. Faint K ar ' bond for appearance in court Sat­ Spaulding of Hartford, Feb. 27. tson, East Hartford. Mobilhest with RT-98 .... the ^ Bide, as it always is when the These were also, come to think covar It with your Srapary gro^ faster. In fact, based on a 69-year average. Savings and active TJ.S. help in Brazil’s devel- urday. Miller Property nlatarlal. Makaa hanfln* opng(ent, both by trade and loans. DISCHARGED TODAY: Infant most (ximpletely effecU've fuel President is listening. They don’t of it. days when government did drapaa a plaaaura— aUwhf CURRENT ANNUAL The Roger Sherman Crane Serv­ SPACE MONEY APPROVED daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- oil additive in use today. And want to hear how big and power­ t#h ans alSat ara maSa Loan has paid highest dividends. Join the thousands in this ice must appear in Towm Cour) Liened by Court Washington, Feb, 28 (/Pi—-The Awnd Holcombe Jr., South Wind­ you get premium, aenriee. An- very little governing, when there ta auaaart Srasa raSa ar March 19 to answer charges that House passed and sent to the ful we are. They do want us to tfavaraa raSa. DaaltnaS ta DIVIDEND r a t e BeCr Consumption Off sor: Mrs. Georgette Guard, 89 tomstie deliveries . . . a bal­ was no radio' or television, when area who save regularly at Savings and Loan. • one of its vehlciea was t(X) long Senate today a bill appropriat­ avariaa yaua arlnSaw — bay ----- Schaller Rd.; William Kittel. 18 anced payment plan and inany understaind that they too are schools . expelled bad boys instead Mat alia larear than yaur avar-' Christchurch — Consumption of and too wide to be driven on the The s'econd judge'nient lien in a ing an extra $28 million to-speed people. all winsaw alaa. laatriMtlaiw far week has been placed on proper­ Bisaell St.; Norman Meyers, pther extras designed to maka of trying to reform them, when beer and stout in New Zealand highway. The arrest was made yes­ the project to pat a man In Wapping; v^isa Mary Kasperan, ataamMhta anS harSwara tar hanalae terday by a State Trooper when a ties of contractor Kenneth A. Mil­ home heating roallf easy. Hqarat was |n full bloom, and when ara IhitSSiS. dropped during 1969 from 22.8 gal­ space. The action taken by voice 79 W. Main St., Rockville; Mrs. lons to 21.1 per capita. Production vehlcltj IJeSlonging to the company ler, 70‘ Foley St., .\vho ia awaiting vote, followed less than half'an churchea'had only one service a Town Court action on three civil Loretta Miller, -Coventry; Mrs. A Future Common Cause? WE OPEN AT 7:80 A.M. also dropped, failing 3,500,0(K) gal-- was found* to be 80 feet long and hour of discussion. The new Sunday.' 9 feet 3 wide. suits pending against him. Bertha Rusaell,--20-Balem, Rd.; Mrs. Mobilheat MONDAY THRU SATURDAY Ions to a total of 48,000,000 gallonk. money supplements funds pro­ Martha Kelderling, 19 Bucking­ United Nations Secretary Gen Try as we will, however, we can The newest lien ia for $820.50. vided last year for the National NORWAY WINS SKI RACE The action is brought by the Hart­ ham SU Deborah Eckels, Moun­ eral Dag Hamniars.kjold, in a news draw no connection between these TILL »:00 PJH. MONDAY Thru THURSDAY vSAVINGS KEATING EXPLAINS Aeronautics and Space Admin­ EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 8:80, Hartfo'rd, Feb. 28 (fP)—The ' Squaw Valley, Calif., Feb. 28 ford City Court in favor oJ_ An­ istration. It is the entire lunoiint tain Rdi, Rockville; Mrs. Mildred [ ^ 3 conference reporting on his recent conditions and the wonderful pu­ thony J. .Walden, who clainia'Mil­ Kozlovlch, 6 Edison Rd.; Wilfred OPEN SATtlRDAY UNTO. NOON cUtf/ LOAN eonvict who ^slated on defend­ (>ip)—Hakon BnisVeen of Nor­ requested by PresMBnt BLsm- tour of Africa, emphasized heav rity of American li^e in' those days. •\ S O C I A !■ I O NJ ler has not 'completely satisfied a Giguere, 96 Lockwood St.; Ronald ing himself against charges of way won the 16-kfloineter ski recent .court order to pay him hower. - WE GIVE A lly hia belief that what the under It's a hard job, giving credit where pisrtlolpation in the Jan. 6 prison race today, bskrely lieatlng Six- Brackely, 48 Biasell St.; Rlcfiard (Walden) $1,379 pUia $44.80-for Barry, 120 Hawthorne St.; Alex­ developed nations of the world it was due for what we used to be, riot claimed In Superior Court ten Jemberg’s gallant try to be­ lU SAVED FROM SEA GREEN STAMPS MANCNBITBRI L P U T FINANCIAL INBTITUTIOW coats of suit. ■ . ander ■ Blssett, Mansfield: Mrs. most ardently desire is to have aid before we began decaying, or today "that he was "mentally In- come the Winter Olympics! first The lien attaches properties of Bllbaiv Spain. Feb. 28 UP) — eapable” of defending himself. double gofd medal winner. Brus- A French freighter today res­ Josephine Majewski, 37 Kerry to themselves channeled through giving blame where It belongs, now Miller at 70 Foley St., Hartford St.; Mfss Ann Washburn, East This argument was advanced by "Sreen,won In 61 minutes, 66 sec­ cued all 10 crew membere. it the United Nations rather ^ than Rd. and Broad St. The, same pZop- Hartford; Mra. Joan Tribou, 45 E. the decay Is well nigh complete. Holland J. Keating, 29, of Wa- onds. Jeinberg was tiincd In 51 Coming to Static Theater the -Dutch coastal vessel En- ertiea are attached by another, lien Middle Tlike.: Mra. Louise Aker- MORIARTY have it come as the^^ft of pome But we "can guarEmtee. one terbury, On his motion, to set minutes 68.6 seconds. Veikko Frank Sinatra and Italy's beautiful Gina Lollobrigida, In her first gonla which sank 80 miles north filed last Wednesday in favor, of llnd ahd.eom Coventry; Mrs. Trin­ individual nation. thing. I f we all live long enough, OPEN UNTIL 5 P.M. THURSDAYS 9 A.M. lo 8 P.M. Inside the guilty verdict that' Hakullnen, Finland’s veteran Hollywood .filmed, motion picture, form the electric romantic team Norman L. Cleveland of Rockville, ot here, the oqastal radio sta­ ended his trial two weeks ago. star competing In his third of-"Never"Never So Few,” MGM- film version ot of Tom Chamaies’ best- . That lien ia for $390.84. tion reported. The French ship ity iPetrasso and son, 4 Salem- In such >ah interpretation of the we will be privileged to hear, sqm ^, Rd.; Mrs. Kathleen Downing and BROTHERS 886 N. MAIN 8T. ELUNOTON BRANCH S Keating said be came Into court Olympic games, toek third with . seillng novel. Unfolding a vibrant love story against a back- Miller is also faced with three Capitalne Damper found the wish cf the potential receiving na- time, in 1980, a' fiery denuncia’tibn . son, .69 Overlciok Dr. Manchester, Conn. West Road. Route 88 II hours of uninterrupted service. for his triar "obsessed with the 62 miqntes, 8. seconds. Elnar drop of guerilla jungle fighting In Burma during World War II, , civil aiilta la Manchester totaling survivors in lifeboats as fishing Uons, jjlammarskjpld parallels an of the decaying morality of 1980, MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, FRIDAYS MIteheU 9-5258 TRemont 5-68II .Wednesday hours: Q a.m. to 12 noon. -'Idea the .most important thing Ostby of Norway took fourth the picture was* made in Cinemascope and color. Co-staxrad / nearly $3:000. Millef has filed an boats and coastal steamers « Warmer fafie powder tints help angumanC^ which is being 'fnorc along with a nostalgic Inference waa to bring put 'thb truth. with Gennady Vaganov of Rus­ In a big cast (Sie Peter Lawford, Steve MciOueen, Richard John- I appearane.e in the local court and from Spain and France searched Ml 3-5135 QUAUTY~^h« best economy of alV* make up for Iom ot color If your Mid more stnmgly advanced by Uiat, In the old days, things wars ,about the prison." That, he saldt sia fifth and Eero Mantyrant of son, Paul Henreid, Brian Donlevy and Dean Jcines. It SUrU to- • la'awaiting counter'sbUon by the heiavy seas for the 498-ton Rot- ^,301-311 Cootor^f. hair la iiegltiflilic to aUver. BPBod Ameiioaa poU<^ makers— much better. sjaa what tjiraw him off. ' Finland a sUth. morrow at the Stale Thzater. plalntiffsl ' to rd m a ^ t a l vessel.


PACE for State employes. Presumably -It would be embarrasaing to some­ Warns on Blow to Economy GOP Indicates* one If the public were let in on the Kennedy Names Bowles fact that of 14 such double-pay in­ ‘I TAKE IT VOU AN' creases between July .1, 1958 and Censorship * in - i PETUNIA HAP A Ll'L Jan. t, 1959, six went to employes Castro Regime Ready SPAT, P08KY ■ f AND A A14&M,V<5U \N\tU, Foreign Policy Adviser In the Governor’s office.” PURPt SOON BECOME Hausman suggested that a study y-VEAHl SHE; s, H E A R T ACCUSTOMED, Ribicoff Digest f the mads by the Leg- ACaOM IBMMbMll club! POESN'T l^FOR ANY' MB. EWTO.TO (Oenttniad from Page One) prlmaryf already have pledged ialatute (jouncil toU> determine what To Negotiate with U.S. CARE m-tWAT , ONE vJHO’ IM S Me BBV i TT fi ^ Oitrich their delegation to Nixon In state (Oontlnaed from Pag* OM) information should be printed in ____ 8 Network* HAPPENS TO 6STS 3EST5 AND t)» CMgress in recognising and convention. In 19B2 the Oklaho- ^ e Digeet “ to jgive the citizens of ----- 6 PI*yhort to (Continued from Page One) the Soviet bloc aoid many of the ME ANV s t a s b s d I^I S p i r it e d ‘ proposing new polictea to. meet the mane gave seven votes to Taft, "Surely,’ said Hausman, "the (Connecticut proper Information SEMDSTW& I VJitWA. k \ BANTER VJW TOuetemiUn and to find ways to assure that Asian-African bloc could he ex­ MORE! HABDEST .7 four to Elsenhower and five to people would be Interested In what f o r k a t L i nnhicm vme ^ *** n2i«*l?**'** IndlMn challenges which already confront the United States entbraclng the pected to support (Cuba. Oen. Douglas MacArthui^ projects w «re killed and what no pertinent facta are omitted be­ i CW OVJ-i ENLWEN our ' * anplor m cause the adml IsttaQon In power sugar quota system. Castro has In Moscow, Soviet Deputy Pre­ LElSURe HOURS! fDomertie niriDi standards are used by the com­ mier Anastas I. Mlkoyan aald laat from . t \me.7 Aloytlui ‘ fllMvet **No other spokesman In foreign ia not proud of them." complained frequently thait having '---- - y4£/ w a n mission In making its decisions.’’ night Foissia would be willing to \ IS Wtnderer jo woody fruit* ^ , affairs today has done more to 44 Honeyed Trinity Glee Club qauaman said the summary the quota subject to U.S. congres­ sell fighter planes to Cuba- but' HConflrm iiH arveit 30 Husband.of recognize the need' to build a new sional action makes it "aji inrtru- 43 Genus of aukg "boasts" o f the Ribicoff adminis­ that Prime Minister Castro did POTTERTON’S 15 Wily 12 Glorify Oudrun framework for free world asaist- Entertains Women Shriners to Fete n»ent o f political pressure" against- not bring, up the subject during lO.Instructor ig insect e«| (myth.) 48 Stagger . ance to India and other southern tration’s enactment of programs 47 Maaculin* on a number of subjects but omits Cuba, Mikoyan's Visit to Cuba. Ho told on tha A 17 BaroneU (*b.) 21 Withered W Bsck of th* Asian nations— to anticipate de­ Thfi—Unlted States already has appall* tlaa mention of the $21 million of high­ Ladies March 5 newsmen at a diplomatic reception 18 John (Gaelic) 22AnUrctic aea neck velopments In Algeria, Africa arid The Trinity Ckillege Glee Club apologised for what was apparent­ T. HAMLIN 20 Discern 23 Ireland 83 Blow with 40 Aaterlak under the dlreCUon of Dr. Clarence way funds or the Issuance of bonds that Cuba, which, signed a big H.E.LCe.. Latin AmeFica-“ to suggest new ly an 'attempted bombing raid on trade and credit agreement with 31 Censurina 24 Braxllian atate open hand BODlameunted H. Barber, presented a varied pro- to pay current mstallmenti of Tlcketa - for the Omar Shrlhe ALLEY OOP policies to cope with the coming a Cuban s u ^ r mill last Thursday Russia during hia vlalt, "needs compofitiona 23 Poems 33 Row 81 SnuU tumor* muaic, school building grants. Club Ladies Night are In the Ijanda BSEaat (Tr.) .miaslle gap and the current eoo- gram of classical choral by a private Florida-based plane. tractors, not planes." GUARANTEED 21 Both were 28 Sharp sounds 40 Large cask Negro spirituals, college songs Decorator of the general committee. 84 Legal point nomlc gap between the rich and "Surely, these precedent-shat- The plane exploded, killing the named 28 Son of Jacob 43 Wlrelets poor nations of the world— to sug­ and popular musical comedy selec­ Frank CrawsKaw is chairman of The affair will be held Saturday, eardlnali by (Bib.) 43 Grant* use SOMuaieal taring actions deserve mention In two Americana aboard. MONEY-BACK gest meems of Widening cracks in tions for the Women's Club of decorations for the 47th annual March 5, at the Manchester Coun­ -----John 39 Individual* temporarily ' direction any objdctlve analysis of the 1959 On Sunday, another plane the Iron Curtain through loans, Manchester at Second Congrega­ Maaonlc Ball Friday night at the try CJluh. Dancing to the music of XXIII, legislative session,” said Haus­ dropped several bombs near ah oil BUY-A-DRYER food and other assistance— and to tional CJhurch last night. Masonic Temple. man, "and their omission smacks Tony O’Bright and his orchestra refinery just outside Havana, and 37 Pinnacle II HA’ITT nr will follow/ the dinner program Notice 28 African worm purpose ways of revitalizing old Mrs. Barbara Conklth, . club Crawshaw armounces that the of censorship." the semi-official newspaper Revo- PLAN azsociatlotia with our friends in treasurer, Introduced four n*"/ theme will be “ Blossom Time." Commenting o'n the report of that starts with a social hour at lucion charged that the plane ' 81 Embellishes 6:30 p.m.. HAVE DAILY western Eurbpe,” members, Mrs. Frederick Becker, This wUl -be the 16th year that the State Development. Conimls- came from Florida. 34 Taciturn / (Committee members are Ed­ 36 Rescind Mrs. Roderick M a c L e a n, Mrs. Crawshaw has decorated the''ball- eton, Hausman said it showed that The Cuban Arm y said the raider DELIVERY Tb-THE Vice President I^ h a rd M. Nlx- Rotoert G. Kelley and Mrs. Blllle ward Saari, Walter Ferguson, A r­ was a B25 bomber, but U.S. Cus­ 37 Snuffle room. ' ' f ' ', 33 new industries were located in thur' Holmes, Austin Chambers on is countering D e m ^ e tic at­ Robbins. toms Agents in Miami reported 38 Onager The Farmington Valley Orches­ Connecticut and opened up an es- and Harold 'Turklngton. Mall res­ 39 Light touch tempts to, tag him as a (K )R .^ d Mrs. John Malone and Mrs. W il­ they could find no evidence that tra will provide music from 9 to 1 tlrnated^,2,000 new jobs, but It ervations are being auscepted by 41 Unless (Latin) guardsman with efforts to shoWYie, liam Hannah, new program co- such a bomber had taken off from a.m., with a concert starting at fadls to say how many plants and Robert MacMillan at 35 Oau-dner BOLTON 42 Rebuff has united Republican party sup­ cltalmen, were Introduced by Mrs. 6:30. Light refreshments will be jobs left the atate. south Florida. . They suggested ' 43 Alma box port. St. BY DICK TURNER Dudl^^ostlck. served during the evening In the The report of the safety com- Sphinx Temple Potentate Free the attack was launched from CARNIVAL 48 He Is one of As a part of this strategy. Nix­ Co-chairmen ■ of hostesses for banquet hall. mi'aaion atated the commisaion (Cozumel Island, oft the Yucatan several — on’s name is scheduled to go Into mont Alderson paid a surprise vis­ AREA the eventng^wMe Mrs. CJharles Tlcketa are still available from supported legislative hills calling Peninsula. cardinals the April 26 Pennsylvania primary it on the club at its February Brame- and Mrs>Blmer Odell. David R. Spencer, 116 Forest.'SL for abaoJute.jnaxtmum apeed lim­ meeting Friday at the 3 J’s. restau- Cuba, meanwhile, opened a cam­ 49 Observed today as an unopposed candidate After the glee club p iV )g i^ , cher­ it, uniform no-fix traffic tickets, paign for the Latin American seat 83 He U a . for the Republican presidential, rant. 'H iere' were 52 Shriners at \ bV sAL VERMEER on the U.N. Security Council, religious----- ry' tarts, tea and c o ffe e \ w e r e and a standard accident report the’ meeting. Wallace Cook, chief PINE LENOX PRISCILLA’S POP nomination. served. A cherry tree fo rm e d -^ ^ Tolland County form but, aald the New Britain at­ which comes vac-.nt a the end of In Chicago . Seri. Hugh Scott (R-Pa) , an­ of audit of the Internal Revenue YOU^^HOUUD DO AS I table centerpiece with decorations- torney, the Digest failed to men­ the year. Chile already Is a can­ 88 Cuddia nounced yesterday that petitions Service, spoke about the income DO, PRISCILLA, WHEN^EN in red, white and blue In keeping tion that all these bills were Jellied didate for the seat, and a top PHARMACY 87 Color to put Nixon's name on the ballot tax laws. 1 GET TIRED OF with the Washington birthday Known Artist by the Democratic legislative ma­ Because of Ladies Night, there diplomatic source at U.N- head­ («IGH) ____ 88 Held back are being filed with Nixon’s knowl­ 299 E. CENTER ST. HISTOR'Y^ELLIK jority. will not be a March meeting. On quarters In New York predicted S E T T IR E D Q) 39 A if Ign* edge. There-was a bare possibility theme. Those who poured were AND GE0(^APHY To Talk on Oils "Mlaaing front this year’s report April 15. the club will observe Its Chile would win most of the sup­ HISTORY. S P L ------' f 60 Begins that Ntxon might say "no" at the Mrs. George Meyer, Mrs. Frank BOOKS ■BCD of the peraonnal department,” said annual Potentates’ and Divan port within the 20-nation Latin TEL. Ml 9-089S V AND GEOQRAPHY DOWN last moment but his approval was Pastula and Mrs. Thomas S. B O O K S ! r Hausman, "ia any mention of the Night at the Log (Cabin In l^ba- Americaii bloc as well as of the 1 Nomtd expected. Moore. The regular meeting of the Tol­ »------JH----- merltorioua salc-ry Increase plan non. United States and its Allies. But I Mlsplteed An entry in Pennsylvania, would land County A rt Assn, will be held bring to eight the primaries in March 1 at the School Bulldirig-B^ which the Vice Pruident’s name Mason Gets Post comer of Park and School Sts!^ SHORT .tIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL will be before the Voters either Rockville, at 8 p.m. phone MI 9-4537 directly or represented by a dele­ On State Group The feature of the evening will Sci gate slate. be a demonstration in oils by the for a Nixon thus Is matching the well-known artist and teachler Bis- OKAV, number of primariea . In which Town of Manchester Fire Chief sell Phelps Smith of Wethersfield. 'b W. Clifford Mason ha* been ap­ Smith Is known for his marine WfOP Kennedy haa entered or, in one case, is representsd by proxy. In pointed to thS Governor’s Con paintings and has won many priz­ ij- IMP Vy htA ■ <"«• Y-M- >*•« ference on Fire Prevention Com es at various exhibitions and has ■me Ohio, Gov. Michael V. DiSalle. U served on juries Of national exhibl DRAW- running pledged to the Masaachu- mlttee. tloris. He has been a successful II BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS m m ■etts Senator. J He received notification of hla LONG SAM. appointment by mall. lustratoT, newspaper artist, in­ RIM© Al?OUNDTHE WASHER Noeop/S MHADrrf A6 AIM. In each' Instance Nixon structor and art dlrqptor for many made It clear he has permitted the In all, 29 fire chiefs from I, FMSeiVC ME FOK K M 's o throughout the state were named years. His work hasvjbeeri repro­ STILL K W ALIVE, entry of his name primarily be­ duced In full color for calendars by DAvP»L,rrf 1 KNOW rrs cause local Republicans u rg^ . the to the committee, all .being mem­ bers of the Connecticut Fire American Artists .Group, Inc. He , ___^OFitemBH'fowe action. They wamt to heal breaches has lectured and taught at colleg­ FEEUwd^ TERRIBLE THAT CThieTs Assn. in the party that go back to the es, private schools and art leagues ^fXK n ^ M PIPNT According to the letter Chief ’ from 1853 fight between President In addition to his regular art class­ com. * Eisenhower shd the late Ben. Rob­ Mason received, committee irieet Ings will be held In the near fu­ es he is currently teaching fine TRVTT ert A. Taft for the presidential arts to Insurance and industrial i NflM'. nomination. ture, at times convenient to those f»0TTERT0 N’S concerned. groups. NEVER I f Nixon brings out a eubstan Snlith is kpo-wn to many of the tlal number of Republican voters local group. He served as one of In all eight states — even though R equ U ite $ the judges for the annual fall, ex­ ro i»n be is unopposed — the Vice Pres­ hibition. viAtHurr ident's followers will be prepared To obtain a c<^yright, two A short business meeting will be 2-2 3 e fcy WU. to claim that the (lO P la united copies of the work must b e , pre­ held and members are asked to behind him. sented to the Library of Congress bring'In work for criticism. Pic­ and up “ They’ r® worried! The patient ha* all the symp Of the eight states, Wisconsin, with the registration, In' addition tures of the month are also to be BY KEN BALD^nd JERRY BRONDFIELD , an illnes* he can’t afford!” Ohio, Illinois and Indiana cast to the fee. chosen. (Hmlted stock) JUDD SAXON their votes at the 1952 convention P" IN A WAV', YES. THERE IS, < ....BUT WE HAVE A»MOWe« 6UEST-AY0UN& for Taft. New Hampshire and take up to 2 years to pay AA^ERICAN “ WHO SEEKS MORE THAN FUN INVOLVEP. L r V Oregon went for Elsenhower and I •'L l_T M'SIEU ARLHFR FOR WS ' '<*'• t COWPANY....''...... ;) BY ROIISON Pennsylvania gave him a 53-15 __ BUT V r r margin over Nixon’s hoine iSINS TO SOUNP M te o f .California was a hiddout MAKING LOANS. TSHMIt S Chief Justice Earl Warren, STAPIUM ^klahoma Republicans, with no MAKING FRIENDS LU© A TUR OF LAUNDRY \M() qiwmnfnn f S ^ 4 uou'H PINE ...THAT'SQUR BUSINESS ' C.«* •.*1 *t»i ta.B M aU ng instalment caah loam, o f course, is a *pe- aalty at HPC. But with every loan we try to BY JOHNNY HART PHARMACY make a new friend—by being helpful,iiy providing B. C. 664 CENTER STREET the faateat poeeibleaervice, by handling your ac­ ft c o r : o f ADAMS count with considca«£km and understanding all ___ BY ROY CRANE TEL. Ml 9-9814 BUZZ SAWYER along the line. Life insurance i* available on loans ! L -fA- TUENOOYOUSVE^ % nnn^dh yournew V ABSURD? P5RUAP5 NOT, HERE,NOUNS MAN, T AMVEtEV Viyii...AS5oimyHEVt^ - at low group rate. iNTtei (IDUll 1 ' ^ • SIVE DICTATION / MONU ir PAYM ApWRAL. SURflV VDU SECURITY CONSCIOUS! I SPEAK IN FACT, I ... Prescription No medical exami­ IN BEC? ' 30 IS 13 6 i *• * - ..Y'...TAUONTWIST!ltP.WNE? VERY CUARDEDIY ON THIS PHON?^ nation—no age limi­ p0rmti SmmU Svmm ^ ELECTRIC DRYER S.V. MICROPNONt OKMY STARS! Specialist tation. Please drop S 6.72 $ 7.27 S10:05 bl8.46 O • MmOtN BEVINO T ALMOST FORGOT' THOSE 13.07 14.18 19.74 36.55 My BEDSIDE in or phone. VISITING ADMIRALS... THE Teii Your Doctor To 19.2S 20.91 2937 54.48 TtB'.E,' C O N F E R E N C E '...IN THIS 30.® ®.61 47.55 89.47 Phone Us 36.41 39.74 56.48 106.80 We WUl DeUyer TOO OBT M O If THAN aiOWn nt trktilmli miem u UmS on foo^ mtnlhly USE THE CONN. BANK nOM MK CHARGE PLAN FOR YOUR PRESCRrPTION 2. m u «* MaeM«t T«*la* M«m IM **•. •• > I u BY DIOK CAVALLI SING A SON© OF WAGNDAY MiiRTY MEEKLE lOUSEHOLD FINANCE Buy it! 1 ^ ' I OlONT VYHEN WE&ROW KNOW ON THE BY LANK LEONARD UP, YOU WONT , YOU HAP MANCNIfTIR BHOPPINa PARKAM MICKEY FINN ' A LOT OF LET MY HAVING 382 M iddle Turnpike West VES, NITA.' SO A LOT O F " >■ MONEM H.E.L. Co. PLEASE BRINS MONEY STANO CINPY. /MV THINGSl- 2nd Floor-M Hchell 3-2738 tJbw, NOW, DEAR! IN THE WAV OF BUY-A-DRYER DON'T BE ALARMED/ OUR GETTING Naeri: 10 to A Ms«.,.Tims., Ilwa—10 to 8 Wtd., FrL--9:30 to 12 Srt. MARR(EC!<, PLAN WILLVOU? V '^ 'j


. MORALi TiiAe advantage of Helco's




MANCHESTEft EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAy. FEBRUARY 28, I860 TEN Americans Shut Out in First 11 o f 27 Championships ...... ' ‘ "" ' ■' * I THE Herald Angle Win Heiss Nears 15-Year Ambition By C niinw Vnllev Calif Feb fS.OOO meter women’s speed skating,»man added a fourth place In Streak cross-country to his first in the Russia downed scrappy Czecho­ EARL VOST Bradley Win 23 (/P*— Barring’ an an event right up Russia’s alley. alley | cross-country to his first in the slovakia, . Hu m Ia 8-5, and Canada trounced Jumping to beat Norway’s Tormbd o r In Uie m en’s 15 kilom eter (9.6 Germany 12-0 in the other open­ tSport* Editor Top Saints upset, the stars and stripes of miles) cross-country ski race. Knutsen. Thorns had the honor ers. *' the United Stages should flut­ Sixteen Jernberg. Sweden’s of being the first non-Scandinavian Games to win this event In Olympic his- The puck chasers were given a Two Loral Coarhes in Tourneys Ends After 15 ter higli on the victory pole "King of the Skis” and winner , of day off to build up their strength the 30-kilomcter gold medal, aimed tOry. • r- ra n k s in the post-season Connecticut Intcr- By 126-86 today for the first time in the Hockey and the weather provid­ for the remaining games of the to become the first double gold rouncl-rbbin competition. Coachtnp ranks Conference (CTAC) basketball tourna- New York. Feb. 23 (>B)—Oscar Robertson has another line eighth Winter Olympics. medal winner of the games by tak­ ed a bright note for the hosts. scho astir Athf residents, Eli?in Zatursky Already far ahead after comple- The American hockey team, paced It Waa clear, crisp and sunny in major colleRe basketball’s rfecord book toda.v and his to^ ing this race. by Minnesotan Roger Christian s for the athletes and the 18,500 i Uon of the compulsory - figures, Monday was another black day ments 7 ” « fine 14-4 record to P o ih ^ o ta l ranked Cincinnati Bearcats are virtually assured of their lovely Carol Heiss of Ozone Park, three-goal performance, defeated spectators. More of this Ideal S A ,m nteta in Con- third crack at the NCAA championship. ______N.Y., was rated a 1 to 100 shot to fo- the 'Yanks. In the fourth day of Sweden, 6-3, in the opening round ivfather—four to 40 degreeq—was competition, the gold medals went of the final Olympic Hockey forecast for the next few days. Secticut,Pain.tfiP T b r Indians successfully rebounded from a so-so Scoring a record 126 points The fabulous Big O, winding, up'*' realixe a 16-year ambition and win to France. Russia and Germany, what for him was a mediocre two- game with a 92-69 thrashing of the Olympic figure skating gold fi.n vvnn-loRs .mark of 1 95s 59 to the Rdd Embers of Manche.y medal—the only prize that has and Russia rolled up Its advantage third tourney ~ game tour of Texas, mana^d six the erstwhile .pace-setters; Indi­ in the unofficial team point scor- E'ive Mr. Zee his 1 - ter won the Central Connecti­ field goals last night In C^c.ln- ana rolled to Its ninth straight eluded her so far. , team in seven' year.a as head roach. The pert, 20-year-old skating | “iS- cut Basketball League cham­ natl’s S.5-.54 iw t of North Texas victory, 92-78, over Illinois to The Soviets had 86',*1 points, Major Gbnlroversy Explodes State to tie Elgin keep its mathematical chance be­ queen stepped on the Ice for the pionship last night at the East free skating finale today with an Gerrnany 48, Sweden 29. the p.S.A . time career record of 956 neio hind unbeaten Ohio State In- the 16, Switzerland 15. Canada and .^Finr Record Hartford High School Gym Big Ten race; and Missouri whip­ almost undatable lead over her against an outclassed Hartford goals. arch-rival, 18-year-old Sjoikja Dljk- Austria 13 each, Finland and Po­ In Women’s Figure Skating ^>jAntiline the reins of St. Thom- But while Oscar waa held to ped Colorado, 82-73,, and knocked ______■ ■ — A< Semlnarv is the Rev. Philip Cyril's quinteCby^a Score of 126-86. stra of Holland. Carol, the four- land 11 each, Italy 8. Norway 6, me win was the for the Em­ only 16 points, Houston shoved the Buffs out of a three-way tie Blanev ^'n-^till claims Manches­ tor the Big Eight lead with idle times world champion'^ had nine Japan 33ii. bers agaln.st one defeat: the Bearcats toward another Mis­ ordinals—a perfect rating from the The beat the Americana could do ■'Squaw ■Valley, <3allf., Feb. 23,(/Ti CIAC b a s k e t b a l l ter as hi.s h ^ « , EatheV- Blaney s souri Valley Conference champion­ Kansas and Kansas Slate. __ A major controversy of 1he Coach George MltchelPacharges nine judges—and 837.8 points w com i m in individual competition was “T------Saints, in th e ir^ lk st season of ship and another NCAA Tourna­ W ake ForeoL (18-6), preppm g nine juui5ca~-*uiu oui.o ' m iiiuiviuuni Winter Olympics exploded today a Today'll' Playdoivns turned In one of the best team ef­ for the big Atlantic Coast Cottfer- pared to the European champion’s j eighth place in the women’s 1,000 Cla.ss B com petition.^ 1 1 IP forts ever, with all but one o r^ ^ ment by anapping Bradley's 15- 20M ordinals avt<4and 709792 nnfntapoints ' meter speed Mleafinorskating. .lAAnneJeanne few hours before Carol Heiss of (Rating* In Parenth«?se«) cames. FollowinR a poor stArt, SJ^t. game winning streak, 6S-;58, enol> Tournament next week, Ozone Park, N.Y., took the ice in ClaM A ' seven men used scoring double fi^ thumped Nlt-bound Villanova. 89- Far Out Front Ashworth of Wilmington, Mass- Thomas came roarinp down'^ti^ ures. Topsy DelGobho again led The flub by. Bradley, the na­ Carol' Ivas far in front despite set a national record of 1:36.5 in an effort to win the first United Ansonia (13) vs.'Hartford Public 70 behind 26 points from Billy stretch to post an impressive the way for the winners with 25 tion's No. 3 team In the new As some eyebrow lifting scoring on the the event, won by Russia's Klara Slates gold medal of the Games. (17) at Wallingford. and Rain the 10th rankinp spot points while John Fontana turned soclated Press poll, dropp«vd the Packer, 21 from Dave Budd and 20 fifth and final compulsory figure Although Carol finished com­ Darien (16) vs. Weaver (20) at among Class B pbwers. The Saints 1 Guseva in 1:34.1. in his be,tit perform ance getting 25. Braves a game behind Cincinnati from Dennis Cha.ppell. Monday, Five of the nine judges Miss Guseva's triumph was ex­ pulsory ftgnirea well ahead of her Branford. meet Boberl FUrh High Friday Paul Grogan and ■ Lucien Plante with three ganlea to go for each Gary PhllHps, who held Robert­ gave Miss Dijkstra more points on pected but the men’s downhill and nearest rival, Sjoujke Dijkstra of Class B night at 8:45 at UConn. were close behind with 21 and 20 club in their mighty MVC duel. If son to 13 points in a game, last this difficult backward bracket Nordic gold medal went to long Holland. In women's figure skaV; No Games Scheduled, A vear ago the Saints, then in Cincinnati can win Ha laat three year, was the Houston hern against points respectively. Sonny Thomas change bracket figure than they shots. ing, a giroup of American expert.* O aM C Class’ C. ran up 24 straight vic­ played an exceptional 'floor game conference g a m e s - and R','' Bradley with .50 points. The loss credited to Carol. One other offi-1 ‘Go for Broke’ charged tiisit Judges upgraded the naturally favored oyer Wichita, was only the second in 23 games At Central Connecticut College. tories without tasting defeat dur­ and wound us with 15 points as ! cial had them even. Several mem-1 Jean Vuarnet, a handsome, 27- Dutch girl on the fifth and final W ashington 13) vs. Ellington ing regular season play. Despite did Johnny Jones. The latter two Tulsa and Drake—It haa the title for Bradley, which last its other to - TIGERS’ EARLY ARRIVAL—Detroit Tigers’' regular pitcher Ray Narleski, r^ht, I bers of the U.S. family charged the ■ year-old, F'renchman who was told figure yesterday at the expense of and an . .CAA berth in the bpg. Cincinnati way hack on Dec. 22. I judges upgraded the Dutch girl. (17). ■ - • the top rating in 1958-55» the controlled both backboards joined the rookies in their opening session yesterday. Coach Tom to "Go for Broke" in his laat blg- .Carol. ThomastOn (16) vs. Wamogo Saints fell victim in the first round .Scoring Spree Consolation In Case ' Big O Shackled Narleski as he unwinds for some early practice. Narleski had a disappointing 4-12 rec The A m ericans—shut out of tire tlme fling, captured the downhill With Robertson held down to ■ first 11 of the 27 championships— . Ed Ooetello. sports editor of the ( 21 ). of the Cla.ss C Tpurnameht. This KEY. PHIUP BKANEY ■In the last five games, Del G'obbo There's Important consolation in 2:06.0 for the dangerous, two- Boston Globe, writing from here season the SainTs were 'members has scored 120 pointH*, for aji av­ in that case for Bradley, alnce offi­ 16 aflter_ getting only 14 In « 'ric- ord last year. lAP Photofax) ______^---- 'had another hope in the women’s mile journey down ice-topped of the Charter Oak .Conference Chester for several years . . Dale cials of the National Invitation tory over Hoiwlon last Saturday, ]gi*nt slalom. Penny Pitou. of Gil­ said: NBA AT A GLANCE erage of 24 points' per game. The. Souaw Peak. ‘Unfair Judging’ Monday’s Result Northern Division. Hartford has been reappointed as­ 126 points scored by the winners Toiimamenl- have been holding 6-9 Paul Hogue was Cincinnati's ford. N.H.. who was second in the stocky, 22- ' Father Blanev has been coach­ sistant director of public relations open a spot for whichever of the main attack with 29 points, '^'o "The one big happy family at- St. Louts 113. M inneapolis 103. set a new loop mark, the previous moaphere of the Winter Olympic F. ing basketball at St. Thomas at Trinity. Hartford will handle high' being 119 scored by the same two powers failed In the confer­ weekii Rob^rtijon ncorefl % Tuesday’s Schedule career high 02 points snd his 23 Batterymen for Los Angeles Games took on signs of an un­ Boston vs. Philadelphia at ^few Seminary for 15 year's. Thealocal sports releases . . First' group of Red Embers against Winsted ear­ Rir ’A<4«tmT While the scorers of the Nationar^liaskethHll A.ssociation get the )ig ence race. ,„ d . . v „ - Boston Red Sox players and of­ field goals against North Texas pleasant squabble that w as Ignited priest, a former baseball and bas­ lier in the year. When Coach ,e. then. ..p-ltKe Georgia Tech and Notre Dame There was virtuallv no hope at ites in winning the Nordic com­ York. ‘ ketball player, coached the St. ficials will leave Boston by- air Mitchell uttered at the start of the officially joined the NCAA Tour­ Stale. Th»s lime he waa well bined jumping and cross-country by m any G reater Boston flgnire Minneapolis at New York. MOMENT OF TRAGEDY Wednesday' bound for Scottsdale, shackled by the defensive play pf ; all for Uncle Sam din the remainder skating enthuaia*‘,B and friends Thoma.a college five for eight season, “This is my best team", he Cousy of Boston, big figure, is the perennial Sv^c^use ‘ nament family, the Irish (15-7) aa i of the money program. He didn’t skiing with 457.9 points. Syracuse at Cincinnati. —Elwira Soroezynska of years, winning 106 gamea,and. los-, -Ariz.. spring training headquarters wasn't fooling. He has the cham­ Rodgers of Philadelphia, inset above, and Urry CoslellohLSyracu.se. in.et. ------an at-large selUctldn for the first Ken Boren' and Emmett Baker, Take Part in First Drills The 5-6. 147-poilnd W est Ger objecting to ‘unfair judging.’", ! havo a ehos* ol a chance in the Poland drops head into T .»-_•_It:__Ai._ T3c^%s of the RSox . , t3fiinrtBruno BohnRnnn rtiof oiH579 round at Lexington. Ky.. March getting only one basket in the first Despite the alleged downgrad­ ing 5.5. After .handling the fresh- pionship nqw to prove it. Bobby HOCKEY A t A GLANCE *her hands a moment after men-sophomore team for three Center St„ vhcationing off the, Knight sat out the game and play­ 8„ and Tech by' clinching the half. ing, Carol wound up in .the com­ TT u Fob chicken. He says he’ll run off theV Coach Bobby. Bragan is high on filouday’s Results she fell on final lap of la­ years, the Saints joined the CIAC Florida keys hookpd on to a great ed instead in the feature against WhaVs Wrong with Pro Basketbdltl'^ Soulheaslem .Conference apot Georgia Tech ’ouLis Vince Boryla, yesterday and watched the first ^ offered him -a 85.500 raise. The 9mok«j. I d ranks. This was Miela's first sea­ Manchester High's Class A Tour- ^ rtnhho'!! i!!!.!!!... il 3-3 25 them. Dodger arriv&'la take their cuts, .. only • holdouts left are shortstop 8°'^ and play Netherlands and the 'United States. it's going to be like when every New. York's general manager, "is | son as head coach. Principal at nament basketball game at the 3 ...... « 3-7 15 When Joe Lapehiek ffrst es Rlroroii* Winter Bob Lillis and pitcher Fred Kipp. I po**''. On Monday’s final, an intricate 2-3 26 t^am haa one or two of them." Suffield la, Howard Brown, former New Haven Arena will be on sale y rianir . y ...... jumped renter for the Original Cel- lhait out of a defensive mistake j Ohio State figure known as the backward you can make an offensive ma- | Sherrv the hero of the 19.39 Bavasi and he rest of the Dodg- "We laid the foundation for our Manchester Rec Director and Wednesday from Ki lo 12 noon and ,2 Tninl, .52- 23-31 126 tic.s a generation" ago, he got paid / "The game is all out of pro­ World Series victory over the Chi- er regulars are dtle here next Mon- 1959 success right here at Yero bracket change bracket, judges form er Suffield coach and di­ 1 to 5 p.m. at the Arena box of­ ..Hnrtford St, r > T ir « ISR) portion,” says Bob Davies, a pro neuver. Drive around your man i from Austria. Czechoslovakia, Eng­ TIRE a buck a minute and played in W’hile So^ twoiBeach and .we re going to work B. F. on a brilliant play and he's left rector of athletics . . .Urn Murray fice at the high school. The In-,' - ..y...... 1 dance halls and church base­ star of half a dozen years ago, Bearcat Lead in AP Poll winte^selison m^aklEp«chl.. ac^^ Gil Hodge, should be > Just as hard, if not harder, this land, Italy and Japan gave the and Oefte Sturgeon are Manches­ dians will meet either. Hartfc^d 6 mcIumo ...... 12 "when a guy like Chamberlain, flatfooted. But somewhere is lurk­ edge to the Dutch girl. Judges from SENSATION! ments. ______. cepting awards and eating fried i here Thursday:______‘ *P' '______ter's only representatives on the Weaver or Darien. The choice here a Kgna^i . who can't throw a ball in the ing this monster to bat the ball Gei'many, the Urtlted States and New England group of the Collegi­ So you'd .say the pro' gam e/has away, and then the man who's tonight is Weaver and the Beavers j wuih ! ocean, can com'e in and score 45 ClncinnatifN*"; York }iniversi,v (No.' 141, St^ I > the Netherlands favored Carol. Ca­ j-vl tis/H ate Board of Basketball Officials flourished. It's' big-time,' tel^ised | points a game." been wut-maneuvered has / head New York. Feh. 2.5 must rate a favorite's role against 3 Rilr.v ...... 5 6-R IQ 1. , ..K.iii I-ouis (No, l«) and Indiana (No. 20) nadian judges rated the two even. which'draws a.ssignments from Asa the Red and White Friday night | a^ P * I from coast to coast, front 5ig start for the other basket.' still lends the college basketball Ohio University. North Caro- Tourney Tickets ■ arenas like Madi.son Square Gar­ Ba-sketball has never seen any­ ‘Rank Injustice' Bushnell's office in New York. despite their 20th ranking anjOttg j 2n_T..inU ...... 37 12-20 86 thing like the mobile big- men who An astute college coach like |-^rade| with the end in sight, lina and Illiaois* dropped out, Aaron Comes to Terms, "Sror-^'At haif: 52-41 RH F.mbpr.". • den and Kiel Auditorium. Pete N ew .eU o f California pro essw challenger in OhtOi .T hree gam es, are scheduled this One of the experts here for the Class A schools . . . UConn hosts, roam the coupls today, firing shots Follower* of .Manchester Games, who declined use of his GOODYEAR Niagara tonight at-Storrs , at 8 \ ______Now let's go down on the court. from unbelievable angles, racing frank admiration for the *'’****'**■’ ! LL^^hichhM HHo second involving two teams who ar" High’* basketball team plan­ Here *n There The Original Celtics have the baU, of-.e the men who play T>rnpro hfljfikAt*bi^ket o ia ie w m e n . ______^.s»a in fh,- na. name, said, " it waa rank prejudice o'clock with plenty of tickets ,ST. .lAMES DEFEATED pell-mell iip ,and down the floor to nlace in the weekly Associated' among the top-20 clubs in the na Braves’ Brass Content ning to attend Friday night’s or rank Ignorance. Carol’s trsciiigs | « am lattuMMmtmmmm Jim Carey, track coach and availahle . ,/ Anne McBride, for-1 . ‘7-—. . , ^ and Johnny Bsckman feeds it into et their gunning in within the ball, but translates this phobia for K pon of sport, writer, and tipn. In addition to SjtU'-'laj, former baseball ‘mentor at .East individual performance into a game at the New Haven Arena were more accurately placed, her ' mer Women's Club golf rh-m-' ftjTMary's of Dutch Dehnert in the pivot. Nat f4-.second limit, which they've now sDorlscasters ' Urah-Utah State game, there will will be able to purchase tickets Hartford High, has accepted a pion at the Manchester Country. J^l7d^' last night at the Ea.st S de Holman fakes his man on a go- warning; ^Although Oscar Robertson wasibi a Tuesday clash of Providence edges truer and general Informa­ reduced 'to a ■sh'Ot every 11 seconds. Milwaukee, Feb. 23 (/P)—General Manager John McHale of Wedneedav‘‘at the box office in tion of figure was closer to-the-two ------teaching-coaching post at Trum- Club, recenll.vi took part in the -St.: Rec. 55-22. Rick Laliberte 110) led and-stop, thTjp drops back while ...."Pro-footbalKand baseball Indi­ held to 1* Samrday.^^Onri^^ ,N o. FIRESTONE You can argue with Ibe ■way It ' bull High next fall. A graduate of cate what really draw^ consistent­ and a Wednesday game between the Milwaukee Braves breathed a sigh of relief yesterday as the vestibule of the .Manchester tangent circle* which that figure M an-i Petersburg, Fla., Women's Open, j the SainUs. Beckman comes across to set a selts^ mqre than 18,000 jamming nail beat Houston 57-47, to boost High Arena, Faculty Manager AIC, Carey has resided In ly and attracts new spectators — iU record to 20-1. There is .a fom- Villanova iNo. 121, and Toledo (No. slugger Henrv Aaron came into the fold for 1960. “He’s very is mipposed to be. screen. The pa.ss goes from Deh-' the three tiers of Madi.vin Square Dwight Perry reports. "Miss Dljkstra’s second turn nert to Holman, who seta and Garden to see W ill and Rii.ssell the closene-ss of a league race and fortable 203-point gap between Cm- 19> happy and so are we,’’ McHale .said after his telephone con­ the underdog having a chance to cinnati and runner-up Ohio State, The only team among the top 20 Ticket office will be open yvas beyond the center axis of the arches the ball cleanly through square off in a preliminary game. that already has finished He regti- versation with Aaron. * „ ~~T. Wednesday morning from 10 to figure and the edge# from that the hoops. But the nien who study and play win. I believe the; NBA is more in­ Ohio State’s victories over Il­ With the signing of the Nation-; offered until Milwaukee s stadium ■PAW NEW! fWjW QUALITYI terested in individual performance linois and Michigan State earnec^ lar season t schedule is Y',''' H noon and from I to 3 p.m.. turn back to center,were badly de­ Now the Boston Celtics of to­ basketball, deplore the patternless ginia which plays Virginia MilP al League ba'lting champon the | froze over. Similar sentiments Manchester has been allotted viated.” game of stuff-the-basket that is and-has created poor balance. enotigh support to give the contract aituation brightened con- were expressed by other players, day have It. Bob Cousy has It in "Elgin Baylor helped the gate eve, the No. 2 spot in a scram ble tarv ThOrsdav night in a first round 1,000 tickets for the 9 q’c l o ^ The United States holds both the the backcourt. He turns like a played now. last veaf, Chamberlain this year *. . .m • '___■ w 1 a Rt*ar1. aiderably for McHale. He has been McHale insists however, that game against either Hartforn T i r e '" men’s and women’s figure skating Fh’cn within , the ranks of the w'ith Bradley'and California, Brad-1 game of P''®'"**’®*™ ,n select the target for the ire of players ; -Uie Braves should have won the discus thrower and loops it aide- and O scar Robertson nexit year. ley a winner over Oklahom'a City j Conference T " '" ^ '" Y h" n (^AA ien- Weaver or Darien. Tte-Ywo championships. Mis* Heiss was sec­ NBA, smug because five of its who claim they weren't offered! pennant last year. He Mys thu Will Fit arm 75 feet through the air. Un- This is in a .sen.se a false economy and North Texas to make it 15 j the league cham p and NCAA r p schools play tonight y.’for the ond to Tenley Albright of Niwton d^r. the rims, 6-10 Bill Russell eight teams are sure to ahow a ■ atraight since bowing to Cincinnati reaentative. ■wtiat they ate worth ' i has to be a determining factor in right to meet the Indtiins. Centre. Mass., in 1956 a t Cortina. Tibi Of profit, there is clamor' for consid­ becau.se the team draw is the sub­ The first 10 teams with point* And indicaUons are that at least; what salaries will be. McHale also times his jump to grab/the ball at stantial and enduring draw." 22 was third with a 21-1 rec- Perry added that children Haves Alan Jenkins won the men’s maximum height. His , hands are eration of a change extending the Califomla, boasting an 11- on a.'10-9-8. etc. ha.sis (F irst place —^for the present Aaron, who had a j has denied that he has teen mak-^ planning 'to yifo by bus must at Cortina and his brother. Dave, TibllHs .time, limit for .shooting, to re.store votes and won-lost records through worthy .365 batting average last' ing wholesale cuts in the salanes already above the ba.sket and he ( N ^ T : LesMling eoacheS dissect game winning streak and a 20-1 make reserta'ilons when pur­ is the favoritg here. .some science and finesse to the F.eh. 21 in parentheses I : , season, is the highest paid member offered to the players. In. Bur- sil^ply stuffs it down.. The Celtics the pro game.) mark, was fourth. _ ■ chasing ^tfekets. Also, CIAC hki^'b two quick points, among the game. Utah moved up from eighth to 1. Cincinnati (66) (20-11 ...1.5W of the team. He received an esti dette’s case. McHale made no oflicUH have" warned that no FRENCHMAN WINS DOWNHILL—Jeaii- Vaurnet of 2. Ohio S tate ( 4 9 ) '( 19-2-i . . 1.357 bonte about saying that the figures John Faszholz, who pitched in ! I fifth by disposing of Denver and mated 835,000 last year and was streiuners, confetti or placards France takes to the air over a bump on..Squaw Peak as four games without gaining or los- New Mexico. It has an all-impor­ 3. Bradley (23) i21-l) ...... pushing for a raise, which he ap­ the /star pitcher quoted were in­ v m be allowed In the Arena. 4. California (19’) (20-11 ,...1.283 accurate. he races to. victory in the men’s downhill event. He was ing "a decision for the. 19,54 Car-1 tant Skyline Conference test com­ / parently got without too mitch dinals. is s Lutheran minister. ing up Saturday against Utah 5. U tah (1) (20-2) ...... fi-J? trouble. . McHale believe? that he and tp& timed in 2:06 for the two-mile-race. (AP Photofax) State the No. 8 team. Utah State 6. Georgia Tech (2)-. (20-41 .559 ■ McHale trail has a list of 12, a plaj’ers aren’t too far »f)ar^-uul Twy man over 2,00B Lakers Seek Approval beat Utah the first tim e they- met. i West Virginia I3l (21-4t 443 xnost impressive list, that he haa th a t more talking is needled. He Although Georgia Tech lost 40 A U tah S tate il9 -3 l ...... •7'58 to sign. It includes Lew, Burdette, said'there is enough time W t, too, Tennessee and downed Georgia, the 9. Miami (Fla.) (2) (21-3) .31, Weuren Spahn, Johnny Logan, to get them signed before he has Points in Career Engineers rem ained in the No. 10. St. Bohaventure I2l (15-31 2.>8 Joey Jay, Bob Rurti, West Coving­ to deal with a ra?h of holdouts. For an Interesting Job For West Coast Site followed by West- Virginia Second Ten to n , Juan Pizarro, Joe Adcock, Bo’ The pitchei>-'and catchers are New Y'ork. Feb. 23 i/Pi—Cin- which lost to George Washington , st. John’s (NY ) (l6'-5) Avila, Felix Mantilla and Chu due to rep^pf at Bradenton, Fla., oinnsti's Jack Twyman has become but won over Pittsbu^h . : villanova (17-3) .. ■\LaU’ ' . ■ / tom orro^ Inilelders are supposed * F.AST SIDE MIDGETS Move Up to MiHh ' 5' ^uhurn (61 (17-31 to be,rihdy March 5, the day the the fourth player in National I.,pa ■ Angeles, . Feb. 23 (A’t — ple here knew so much about The Lawmen after being down Miami (Fla.1 Increa.^bd it.s sea­ ' Burdette had the contract /pot Basketball Aaan. history to score “THE AIRCRAFI”^ pro basketball. 1 am going to . 14. New York U. (15-3) boiling recently when he retu/ned unsigned are offleially claaelfled The Minneapolis I.jiker8 have 15-7 a t the half against the Pum p­ son record to 2t-3' by whipping 15. Providence (17-4) ... holdou ts. McHale is counting on 2,000 points In a , season but the played three of their National ask the n 6A for •permission to ers, almost pulled, the game out Florida '^outh^m. moving into ninth his contract to McHale and/sajd move our team to Lx>s Angeles 16. St.4 Louis (16-61 .... he wouldn't sign for what 1)4 was beating the deadline. fellow wl)o became the third to do Ba.sketball AAsn; gam es -in in the last quarter only to lose 26- place St. Bonaventure a d v a n c ^ 17. Holy Cross (17-3) ... Los Angeles / and Pre.sident next ,sea.son. . it. Wilt Chamterlaln, still is a 21. The Pumpers piled up a big into the top 10 for the first time bV 18. Texas AAM (17-3) •' (•unaway leader of the scoring Bob .Short ii convinced his "We. will need the ^vote of halftim.e lead and then managed to knocking off Villanova and Mar- FIRST 19. Toledo (lJ-4) ...... race. team .should make its home six of the eight owners. I know hang on to jt until the .final whis­ qliette. .. .^ 20. Indiana (16-4)...... Barry Mackay Improves flxcellent opportunities leilh good pay-^ ■ • here next soa.soh. Los Angeles would support us; tle. Bobby Hamilton with 20 points New faces in the aecond 10 were ' While Twyman boosted -hie sea­ $■ son total to 2,060 points in • 67. The Lakers bowed to the St. I don't know i'f permission can '.was high for the Pumpers while plus other attractive benefits. - be obtained.” games through Sunday,. Wilt — Louis H awks la.st night, l l 3 - , Jirhmy Anderson and Gary Gentil- Wins National Indoor Crown the 7-1- Philadelphia" rookie — 103, before 5,324." They aU Short said several other core stood out for the Lawmen. Standout Rifle Performonres poured h is-to ta l to 2,373 for 63 traded over lO.OOO when they cities, including Washington gam es and a‘ 37.7 per gam e pace. EXPERIMENTAL MACHINISTS played the Philadelphia ’War­ and Pitit.sburgh, would be con­ Y MIIIGET IJIA O U E New York. Feb. 23 i/Pi -- Na-ten SaVitl in the final of a ^g one. for precision mschintng assignment* on tlonal indoor tennis chamfiioni Big Barry, who lives, in Dayton, That’s good for a seven, points a riors in a single' gamO., last sidered by the other owners. Going, into the final games of By Matehett,GeisslerLeadW ay game lead over TwymaifNAverag- Miller* ) imiled Quantitici .Some Sire* an month and their two-game Bui he added: the regular seasoh, Ma’s A Bill's Bzrh- Mackey still may not he the -Ohio 's'°n the Buffalo tour- nament a "week ago Sunday by ing 30.7. Elgin Baylor of Xinne- lA thes V* .series, with the Hawks pulled "It’s my view that Las An­ made a last .game effort to down most graceful player on a tennis apolis remains third with 1,661 Grinder* First Line Fisk Custom more ‘than 12,000. . geles would be the beat place the Elks, 63-51. This win for Ma's court, but he's a greatly improved crushing Savitt in straight sets. Boring Machine* Oeluxe-Tyrex an mit,standing performance by Favorites Neale Fraser and Roy points in 67 games, a 29.1 pace. First Quality, 'St. Louis’ victory, last night to move the franchise.'" moved them into third place, one Sparkling performances by John oner—• Veteran St. Louis center game aheiad of 'the Elks, who are the Indian.* will enable them to Emerson of Australia lost to The w"eek also was a big one Tire and Tube or Tubeless was its. eighth in 11 sta rts Matchett and Paul Gelsslec led .bring back the laiireU. "He's starting to hit with hi? Andres Gimeno and Manuel San­ for Boston's Bob Cousy, who against the Lakers, whose Larry Fou.st racked up his currently in fourth place. Keith's forehead!’’" observed Don Budge, TOOL and DIE MAKERS outgunned an undermanned Fletch­ high-flying .Manchester High rifle­ The summaries: tana of Spain 16-all and default pushed his toital of assists to 627 s coac-h, Jim Pollard, was eject- ■ lO.odoth. point in the t,hird one of the greatest, today. “And size b u c k White er Glass to rethain ln first place, men to another victory Mancheater (897) In the doubles. Fraser pulled a —only 15 short of the NBA sea­ ed for protesting a personal quarter last nighiL and, the that's good. Furthermore, he 'is 6.70x16 game wa.s .stopped while’ the 74-22. in tha-Armory rifle range, with a John Matchett ...... -’OJ 88 185 back muscle and couldn't con­ son record he set in’ 1955-56. Other SHEET METAL MECHANICS 16.88 1 20.88 fond call. Paul Geissler ...... 99 84 183 tightening up on hts second seiw- tinue. . department leaders" are: kqn $.70x15 Of the turnout, Pre.aidervi crowd gave him a cheer and Three players, Frank Kopcha feared Choate School team on the 7.10x16 18.88 22.88 short end of an 897-876 acora Donald. M cLagan .. . . 9 6 82 178 ice. This Is helping him tod." Sears of New ■ York in field- goal Short said: "The rwnponse of he was awarded the b^ll. Foust (20), Richard ConAtantine (16) Whatever the reason. Mackay 7.60x16. 20.88 24.88 and Larry Serretto (11) hit double Matchett and Geissler, firing 1^8 Rick Jacobs ...... peicentage with .479, Cham ber­ FUSION WELDERS ** 7.50x14 Los Angeles has been over­ wound up the night ■witJtr.^2i ” elyijvere the only cannon-balled Dick Savitl, 6-2, 2-6. 8.00x16 . 22.88 a6A8 figures for fast moving Ma's. Allan Sault :...... 9 9 74 173 Ed Sawyer Aware lain in rebounds with 1743 and whelming. We always knew' I. points. , 10-12. 6-1, 6-4 y e ste rd a y 'to wlh .27,7 per game, and Dolph Schayes 7A0xl4 16J8 20.88 6.00x16, Laker star Elgin Baylor was Steve Cole (13) led the Elks in gunners in the 180’sin the holiday Choate School (876) . this was a major league city match, and contributed heavily the- N ational indoor title. of Syracuse in free throw pei'cenn- MACHINE OPERATORS - 8.60x14 1 18.88 22.88 in every way, but we were' held to 20 points and fai'leirto scoring. Bob Dunn ...... 97 82 ,479 Savitt, a 31-year-old New York That Al Dark May 6.40x15 Ray Jenack (33) and Richard toward the Manchester High Jim Clarke ...... 95 80 17,5 age w ith .891. ' ' with experience on S;00xl4 1 20.88 24.8S surprls^ to find'that the peo­ ' get a field goal in the first half. shooters’ 15th victory^ in 17 sUrU. oil company executive, is not play- i Vertical Turret Laths* Macalone (15) led Keith's to their Dave Luckenbill ,...9 6 79 17.5 , ing the circuit but he has S'Manage prac-' Some Day loip-slded win. Fletcher’s, although Since the school is In the winter John Holdemess -----• I® Jig filUIs Bxnaaiige/ vacation week, the Indians ^ d to tlcraliy weaned on the seventh ; ■ Engine Lathe* outplayed ali-fhe' way, never gave Paul Petley ...... 98 75 173 Regiment Tennis Club courts, site Reeapp fire without the services of Bucky Other Manchester scoring was CleSfrwater, Fla., Feb. 23 (/P)— Mult-au-matic Lathe* Unconditionally Guaranteed . up fighting as .Dennis Lynch, Paul of the Nationals. Manager.: KjJdie Saw yer of the Sport Schedule Bridgeport Head in No Hurry O'Brien-, and Tony Kauslaslnis Kehler, the Indians’^ hottest gun by. Bob Muraw'ski, 172; Ron Against All Road Hamrds now off on a skiing holiday, and He won the croiyn'back (n 1952, Philadelphia PhUlies says he is not Custom Built Wall fou^t airthe w«y. W abrek, 171; Dave Rotents. 168, again in 1058 and lost the final to DON’T WAIT^APPLY AT CutH, Breaks, BruUioii, Buttles, . Retreaded With freshman standout Gary George Landls; 157; Gary Harri­ dlscoutiiing the possibility veteran Sunday, Feb. 28- Alex Olmedo last year, so his cre­ infielder Alvin Dark eventually Spikes, Chuck Hole*. etO., Rubbery To Name New Football Mentor ski. currently in Florida. The high son, 164. ■ , New B ritain v*f. Green Manoi", team total waa unexpectedly wel­ dentials vVere in order, may wind up as manager of the Included—Prorated Adjustment I ■ Retains I^^ad "Yes." said Mackay. "my fore­ 7—Verplanck. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE on P er Cent of Treiad All Prices Plus Tax come against the private school club: ! exchange ppaMe T in in and the know-hoy gained from gunners, rated pne of the better hand and service have improved." Dark waa obtained the past wis- i . Sunday, filarch 6 Wear Based on Sale Price ‘ Due to receiil refinement Bridgeport, Feb. 23 (/Pi-Hrldge-C-cause of a lack of peasonnel and M ontreal, Feb. 23 i/Pl—Bronco Cadets Injured .366 Main SI.. East Hartford, Connecticut producing some of the world’s frequent,injuries to key players. rifle, teams in the state. Pre- In fact, I wouldn't mind playing ter froth' the Chicago-.Cubs in a Suffield vs.,Green Manor, 7— Handing mevhwde, iwdn> r PM hnc poet University's athletic director Horvath scored only one point last aeason dope had figured the In­ some of those guys who have turn­ trade for Richie Ashburn. ■ V Open Monday thru Friday—8 A.M. to 4 P.M, v- 99 He played football at Columbia week—his 36th assist of the Na­ West Point, N.Y., Feb. 23 )/P) Verplanck. , what Vie think is the fine-sl hl.ehd finest hfamls. , said today that he , will take his University, i^’here he also served dians for six J)}}?' ed professional. Not, all of them, Asked to comment about .the tional’Hockey League season— A bus carrying West Point’s ski mind you, but some." Dark reports Circulating among We would like you to try it. In lime about naming a new head as an assi.atant football coach be two each to Hamden, Wllbrahatn team skidded .on a ' sharp .cu^^'* V, '■ . .'i formula in the Inisines.s. football coach., to succeed Walter But holds a four point edge ovv The return' match He’ll probably-have ^n opportu­ observers here. Sawyer said: fore tak-ibg the Bridgeport job. He Chicago's Bobby Hull in the NHL near here yesterday, barely missed College Basketball extra .hoiiqiiet* extra, smoothness , ,.FI 1,1, (Kay) Kondralovjch, ' , will continue as varsity track With Oioate in Wallingford nity next year, George Birnes, "I don’t say Dark might not PR A T T &< W H IT N EY AIR 0 R A FT It is a produrt of one. of'-tho Qf'ART scoring race. League statistics re­ a deep ravine, and craahed into a E a a t 0p4n tin 9 P.M. Thura. and 'riv—AU Day Sat. Dr, Herbefrt Gllne.s accepted coach. March 7 will find the Indians a.t president of the U.S. Lawn Tennis eventually wind up as mana'g^er of Division of United Aii;ccaft Corporation world’s great distilling •organisa­ and e.Tfrn flavor—you will taste ,IA'C. TAX leased today show tpe big Bastpn parked station \yagon. Ten cadeta Assn., w'8(?,a spectator at the finals the Pjtillies. B ut he -waan’t brought Seton Hajl 72, C anisius 63, Kondratov-lch’s resignation last full strength and'potentially more w'ere hosjJitaiized at the Academy, how coiihplelelyjfoday'a PM de­ wingman with 73 points, including powerful than yesterday, augur­ and said he was certain the In- here tor that purpose. We want M anhattan 109, CCNY 6^. I East Hertford 8, Connecticut HARTFORD MANCHRSTER tions, National Distillers, with, its week.’after the coach accepted full- THRteE TIME WINNER a league-leading 37. goals.- Hull, and four weie treated for minor time leacrtlng duties as assistant ing well for another victory. ternjational Tennis Federation him to play third base. And I’m Assum ption 71, MeriThnack 56. 91 CENTER ST. Vast supply of great whiskies— serves the “de'luxe'' stamp. Hallandale, JJ-la,- (NEA)- F,asy who scored, four goals Sunday injuries and released. An Acad*- sure Alvin wants to play third 911 PARK ST. professor of physical education in The Indians jpumejf to_,MawaT my spokesman ■ said none of the wmild vote in opjsn tournam ents at Fairfield U 81, South'ern Conn, Spur, from the Sprinj^ HiU Farm night, also added an assist for I Its meeting In Paris on July 6. base. H®'® still got time before he CH 6-6561____ .Ml 8-2444 . the UniversitV's Arnold College cihunetts tqmorrbw to fire a line cadeta was :n serious condition. 76. won the Hutcheson, Fountain o) five point splurge laat week. ' He • Wllbralmm Academy lean) which 7^1 was the seepnd time In thinks about becoming a man­ Di.vialon. 1 ' A climbed past Montreal's tilling TTie collision wedged the bus into Ymilh and Florida Derby last year tight days that Mackay had beat- ager.” ■' — St. Anselm 's 81, StonejilU 71, A Member of National Distillers' Family of Fine Brands Kondralovich was head football -Jean ’Beliveau, who Is thind with pinned the flnrt .defeat of the side of the sUtlpn wagon. the first time, this feat haa been miffered by the local ninvrods. Only roach hefeYSr 10 years, snd post­ 66 points. (.0 ;i 1 , I;:11,1,1 U V«I(I ii r .. i ed a 30-58-5 IrecoriL mainly b«- ^f^p,mplished. K‘ ■ . ■' i"' (■ 1 ' l l L. ■ . f"


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, .CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1960 Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Sub'urban for Sale 75 Income Tax Facts -- 2 PAtSE TWELVE Rooms Without Board Houses for Rent 65 BOLTON AREA—8 room house, oil, B O t S C O E T Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods COMFORTABLE ROOM for a gen­ COVENTRY -5 Yoofn year 'round I—COVENTRY -u Minimum doWn SIX ROOM Cape, 1>A bathi, full RY FAGALY and SHORTEN ' FHA. New 8*,i room ranch, built-in cellar, houae and grounda in ex< heat, 2 acres, main highway. Automobiles for Sale 4 THERE bUGHTA BE A LAW tleman at 14',3 Hackmatack St. house, modern kitchen, bssebosrd $13.,900. AD 3-8816. | Notes and News W mALPObL fully 'Automatic AA’Al SUPER VALUE hot water heat, lake privileges, G.E. stove and oven, paneled fire­ cellent -condition, well l,ahdacaped RETURNED Ml 3-1616, 6V 4-3680. comor lot, Buckley School, ahown Your Married Children. ; FORD 4 DOOR V-R scdsn 'M 3. Full waahefT Good conditiwi. $36. MI $85 monthly. PI 2-8081. place wall, basement gfirage, one - ' ■ T' ' i'- ■ FROM MODEL HOME WELL.HEATED room, contlnuoue acre lot. Immediate occupancy. by appointment PhtJbrlcH Agency, _ Wanted— Real Estate 77 price et Brunner's, Tnlcott- E'JEft'/llMEMPg. ______- ______' 8 BRAND NEW ROOM8 Cub Pack No. 9I of the Man­ villc. Fill yo'ir Ras lank, M.Rr. hot w'ater, "shower, private en­ $14^900. R. F. Dimock C o. Ml Ml 9-8,464. FARMS, ACREAGE and listings chester Green School held its blue CLASSIFIED QOii VAC9Ti0k‘V& "SAVE 120 on Wright power ww- OF FURNITURE trance, parking. Gentlem$,n only. Suburban for Rent' 66 9-5245 or Barbara Woods, MI on homes wanted. Call U A R SIX LARGE rooms, 2'.i story hbme, and gold banquet Feb. 17 at the HE COaECWMOSE Exclusive power blade cuts at 196 - PLUS — 101 Chestnut Si. ,,, 9-7702. Realty Co., Inc. MI 4-8193. Eve-- Can Be Dependents WESTINGHOUSE l ',4 baths, 6na-car garage. Lot Garden Grove. _ ' Auto Drivtni^ School 7-A AP0QE9SE9THAN strokes per second—never whips, ROCKVIiJl e SIX room (iuplek nings BU 9-6736. District (jommiasloner i^arlM 6 TELEPWOHI APPLIANCES TWO FURNISHED rooms, kitchen, II—VERNGN—New 5 room ranch, 80x308 with amail greenhouse in kicks or grabs. Safest because U’* house, excellent location. Refer­ SfclXJNG—BOYIN'G—■Trading?, We Stansfleld pfesenfed the hhartei: ADVERTISING MORTLOCK’S ' Manchester's lead uiSECToav- chainless. Tote it-vvelghs only 2!> ADMIRAL T.V. bedroom and bath, private en­ ences -required. Cali TR 5-3274. 3 bedrooms, finished recreation rear. Off East Center St. See this I Tills IS one m .a aeries of axU-|> If ybu claim in exemption for offei you free confidential in- AT Vt PRICE trance, all utiltlies, parking 36- room. $700 down FHA. Selling for house before you buy. $14,900. Phll- to Frank Vaiclulia, pack repreaen- cles On federal income tax filing; a dependent, it doe* not nec««- inj; driving school. Three Skill ' lbs., fully gassed. Drops trees up specUpnt and arrange all financ­ tative, who in turn presented it courteous instructors. Class room to 20 inches—handles every sawing EVERYTHING ONLY Union Bl. ■ , lOCICVILLE- Park Street, 4 room $13,800. R. F. bimock CO„ Ml briCk Agency, MI 8-8464. These articleis are based On infor­ sarlly follow that the dependent CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOURS $459 (ated apartment, $75 monthly. 9-5245 O r'B arbara Woods, Ml ing from start to fimah. Mitten to Mrs. Myron Rice, president of Instructions, for 18, '7 year old' job. Try it and get $20 off regular ST JAMES Pariah—8 room modi­ will work hand and glove with mation provided by the Amcrlcsui will not file a return. It may, bo 8;15 A.M. I'd 4:30 P.M. Telephone Mr Mortlock, Director price. A-P Equipment, 945 Center, "SEEING’’ IS BBUEVINO NORTH END—Room with or ’’/ith Aleq 3 room apartment with heat, 9-7702. the Green PTA. InsUtule of Certified ’ Public Ac­ that your 17-year old son earned out board, parking, centra! loca. fied colonial in excellent condi­ you. Member Multiple '• Listing of Driver Education ,Stl 9-7R0B MI 9-2062. hot^aler, gas range, $65 month Awards were presented to Rob­ countants and the Connecticut himaelf about $1,200 from odd OR 8 YEARS TO PAT tion. Call MI 9-1015. ly. T^5-5126. in-M A N CH ESTER—New 6 room tion with 2-car garage. Owners 'service. Call the Ellsworth Mitten ert Sejtjell, l-year pin; Peter COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ready to go to Florida. J . D. Real­ Agency. Realtors-,-" Ml 3J1930. Society of Certified Public Ac­ jobs and summer work, m bit of\ LARdON’S Connecticut's ftrst I*- BOBBY JONES golf set, Irons, Phone for appointment '^raneb. I ’ -r •i**-*’*. buUt-ln oven and Haskell, i-year plrt hear badge. MONDAT Thni FRIDAT 10:S0 A.M.—8ATCROAI, 9 A.M. ATTRACTTIVE FRONT room with ty, MI 3-5129. countants in cooperation-with the which lie put In hi* saving* ac- - censed driving school trained. woods and putter, bag and cart SAMUEL ALBERT, HARTFORD range, fireplace, oversized garage. WANTED—Nice • room 'Coloniai ^Id arrow; Robert Taylor, wolf breakfast. Home comforts. Lady. 68 Over an acre of lAnd, selling with garage in Sf. Jam es' parish. Internal- Revenue Service. ) count toward a college education. , Certified and approved. Is now of l.ciutt W|II,|P4,H iTNBIC*?, ‘ and balls. Call MI 3-6487.' CH 7-0368 Warned to Rent VERNON STREET — Beautiful 6 badge', gold arrow and denner: Da­ Each exemption you can claim Since he earned more than $600 h# fering claasroom and behind See U Day Or Night MI 9-4081. $18,700. R. F. Dimock Co., Ml Top dollar paid. J. D. Realty. MI PLEASE READ YOUR AD 4 TO 5 ROOM \aparlment, vicinity room ranch, attached garage, vid Strimailia. asaletant denner; is,worth bet-wcen $120 and $546 in must fllc,^ a return, and will claim wheel Instruction for teenagers \ A t you have no means 'of trans­ 9-524.5 or Barbara Woods, MI patio, air-conditioned, close to 3-5129. ______Edward Slnmaitia, denner; James Ml 9-8078, of West Street.XManchester, for 9-7'^2. federal income lax dollar savings, an exemption for himself. He may Caautfled or -Wont Ad«” aro taken over the P f""* “ " '® "' A nd who does "Bouts and Accessories • 46 portation r n send my auto for Apartments—Flats— couple with onV small child. school. Exclusive listing. Can be 9 Bacon, wolf. depending on your income bracket. even get part of any ta x ' withhold "venloBoe. The advertleer ehouJd read his ad the FIRST DAF IT PREPARE FOR driver's test All The CABO you. No obligation. Tenements 63 Agent. PI 2-6385 V-M ANOTEfiTER-New 614 room seen by appointment only. J . D. ■ Alaa." John Gorman, denner; With thi? thought in mind, you can hack as a refund However, if you APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in Hme for the next tneer- Ages 18 to 60 Orivin)»-and class SENDiMS..... f A—L—B—E—R—T—’S ranch, built-in G.E oven and Realty, MI 3-5129. - . Richard Dillon, denner; Richard look kindly at your five children \ provided more than half of hi* •tton. The Herald le reeponelble for only ONE Incorrect or omitted MARTIN '-tlOO” outboard motor, range, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, near State News rorgatan. GENERAL RENTAL agency— We J. -D. REALTY Cohn). • . you all the basic infor"mat,iou on ! ^ whether yoU '«t married in J*n- or Ml 4-8193. lumped into one second mortgage mother duties call MI 4-1000. vertised price# by at least 5% 9-7702. , V Brokers Ml 3-2766 brell, school principal; Mr#. Gloria 9-5833. 9.8746. Finest of home organs. iJfeflm#'etlr sneclaiize in rentals of all kinds. Benson, PTA president; Israel the requiremenU' for clamung an : June or .Decemb*r. you can with payments on only $22.25 for NOBODY ^ BUT NOBODY Business Services Offered 13 enjoyment. Dubaldo Music Cen­ Cfll J. D. Realty, Ml 8-8129. eve- Ml 3-5129 Ml 3-1637 ONE FliOOR. stone, 6 rooms, fire­ WEST SIDE—Single, 2 bedrooms, Levine, institutional representa­ exemption for a dependent , joint u x return with your BRUNNER’S BEST PUYS each $1,000 you need. Dial CH UNDERSELI^ NATIONAL ter 186 W. Middle Turnpike. Call living room with fireplace and ~.Ex-t‘ire C hief piex Announcements Help Wanted— Male 36 nUiga »n 8-1637. place. 225x226, separata rental W'tllfmantir, Feb. 23 ./P/-VVord tive, and William Hankinson, aa- Children—Married or Single wTfe as though you were married RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any m ake- Roofing—Siding 16 6-8897 and art for Franke Burke Ml 9-6205. heatalator, modern kitchen. . din­ INCOME TAXES prepared in your 1989 EDSEL 2.door. H. T, auto­ or Mrs. Carter now, Connecticut FOR BUYERS WITH CASH, ^lihlis, $60 monthly incomK out­ of the death in Ft. Lauderdale, aiatant Scout commissioner. With so many tax dollars for __ UiB^entire______year,___ arid___ can in cars, amplifiers phonograph* nd COUGHLIN- ROOFING Company. EXPERIENCED lubrication man,- FOUR ROOM furnished apartment, buildings trees—$15,900 CKrlton ette. hot water oil heat, storni home or by appointment. Bxper matic drive, custom radio, under- Mortgage Exchange, 15 Lewis St., SPECIAL DEALS AIX MAKES of name brands, band all utilities furnished, block from Houses for Sale 72 sash, screens, awning:s. Garage Fla., of Clifford C. Smith Sr., for­ Hankinson presented award* to ; stake, it is worth empliasizing som* j mogr'easis'enjoy a tax-doUar »*Vv changers. Over 47 vears total ex Inc. Aluminum sidrig, ssphalt- days, company insutance. many W. Hutchins, .Ml 9-51.12,' the following: Den. No. 1, Dickie I points about exempt ions'.11181 may, | lenced tax wort. 24 hour hoi 'ervice. coating, powgr steering, power perience 90 days guarantee >jn all Hartford. and orchestra instniments, re­ Main St. MI 9-9428 between 5 9 with screened in patio attached. mer WiHimantic fire chief, has brakes, healer, defroster, clock, asbestOB roofing. Also aluminum, other benefits. Apply in person. FIVE*% mort­ -Redu^^d $1,000 for quick sale, Bel- d iu g iu i Mwy p .r .m . IM .. -uPPPrl. yo« S ’ l S former Internal Revenue agent In teed A. A. Dion, Inc.. 299 Autumn car. Willing to relocate. Promo­ PRICES! storms, $13,900. 4't,% mortgage dale, he leaves a brother, J. Ray­ Spinella, wolf badge; Gary Ben­ Reasonable rat^s. Call PI 2-7558, tion, extrk benefits. Call TR 5-9004 way Kitchen appliances furnished gage msy Be a.'suraed. 4 finished, fio>e.^Agency, M l 3-5121. your home or by appointment. Ml GET MY PEAL TODAY St. Ml 3-4860. con be assumed. J . D. Realty, Ml mond Smith Sr., of Windham son, Bobcat bsfdge. wheri their“1“ off*pring.I,.??’!'. T.'.'”,.'!'.';;! get married between 1:30-4 30 or any time ______:.t______■ — LAUNDERETTE 1 or AD. 6-1929. MI 9-4824, TR 5-1166. 3-5129. one partially finished, one unfin­ Center. You might agree, for example,Tie ta 9-8938. Saturday.Or Sunday ■ Wanted—To Buy 58 BOLTON-^See this six room split Also, Den 3, Michael LaCjrotk, than It does when they are single. in-IB EDSEL 4 door sedan. Radio, RAY’S ROOFING CO., shingle and lasily managed and operated b y ! Diamonds— Watches— FOR R EN T- -Six room flat all'Con- ished room Recreation room, full bear badge; Richard LaCrolx, bear take turns in having the exemption built-in roofs, gutter and conduc­ FULLER BRUSH sales and service MANCHESTER - Sturdy new 6 basement, tot 150x200. $14,500* ■level. Three bedefioms, spacious Young couples often find it hard NEW ELBXlTROLtrX (R)— Auto- healer, undercoating,. push hiitlon MAM RUBBISH removal features iband and wife, grossing ap-1 Jewelry 48 venicnces, one-car garage. $95 per living room, full dining room, coni badge 8.nd assistant denner; Rus­ to cope With the high cost of living.; yea? to year. , matic-F World's only fully auto­ automatic, low mileage, Fiilt F^rice tor work; roof, chimney repairs. prtxlmately $25,000 yearly with ex-1 route work. Starting guarantee WE BUY and sell antique' and used room Garrison Colonial 1'4 baths, Marion K, Robertson, Broker, .MI Bandit* !\ei $2.99 full-time commercial, Industrial, $91.50. plus expenses. Ambitious, furniture, china, glass, silver, pic. month. References required. No hot water heat, full tniulation, .1-5953. venient kilchert. w-ith-electric dish East Hartford, Feb. 23 i/P) sell La very, bear and gold arrow; Your daughter Alice may announce , The one A’ho cl.iiniS me exem ^ matic cleaner. New work-savlng a mere residential, service. Attics, cel­ Ray Hagenow, MI 9-2214; Ray cellent profit. Financing arranged.' LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler—re­ Information by phone. See Alice Steven Marino, denner stripe, and Jackson. Ml 3-8325. courteous, married, car neces­ lure frames guns, attic contents, plastered walls, fireplace with washer and range. Oversized Two bandits beat up an attendant with pride that, "George and I are; lion must have contributed m on ■features! Two-tone color. See It $1,199 lars. yards, burning barrels, card­ pairs. adjusts watches expertly. whole estaies Furniture refln- Clampei, 843 Main St,. Mancjies- ^"HENRY .ST area —6 room Cape healed garage, amesite drive, full Richard Berthiaume, bear badge; in->pendent now.. We don’t want ■ than 10 per cent of the support, today. MI 3-8306, sary. Manchester - Willimantlc paneled wall, knqtty pine 'abi at a gaaoline service station here board drur ■, snow plowing (side­ J. D. REAL’TY Reasonable prices. Open Tuesday Ished and. re tir e d Furniture Re­ ter. nets l^arge shade trees. Owner I Cod many attra<-tive feature.' in- basement. Fireplace, wooded.lot, den 4, Jam es Olbry, lion, gold and any handouts. Wa'll live in a base-1 and he must be a member of a walks). Ml 9-97157. area. Phone MI 9-0090 for inter­ thru Saturday. Thuraday eve­ early today and fled with a total RUSSELL’S Barber Shop will be Roofing and Chimneys 16-A view. pair Service and Sales, Talcott- and builder Ml 3-4880 < hide desirable Bowers School dis- Owner very anxious to sell. Ask- loot of Dnly $2.99. silver arrow; Edward Ackerman, ment if need but we intend to ' group who together pronded more BRUNNER’S MI 3-5129 nings. 129 Spniref. St. MI 9-4387. FURNISHED 1 and 2 room apart­ ! Irirl, garage with patio,'♦righ a.'- ! Ing only $15.8011 McCarthy Enter struggle along On whatever we than half support. He must alM open every day this week, includ­ rille Ml 3-7449 ______ments, private bath, free parking. Trie A'icllrii w as Donald E. Ou»- gold arrow and denner; William ing tomorrow,' (C orjer Oak and ROOFING — Specializing repairing VERNON—5 room ranch, A-1 con- sumable mortgege, low prises. MI 9-4.576. R. D. Murdock, pibry, gold arrow; Gerald Sulli­ make. " All this aa she gracelully; meet the other requirements for On the Manr-hester-Vernon MORTENSEN TV. Specialized RCA roofs of all kinds. New roofs, gut­ FOR SALE—Fully equipped sum­ Adults. ' Business block. Depot aell, 22. Of DI88 Charter Oak Ave., Spruce Sts.V Wp specialize in Town Line In Talcottvllle Situations Wanted— l^ ition. with 3 acres of land (hat 'monthly payment, better value all MI 3-8472. van, denner #tripe; Ronald Kurtz, accepts your $600 check (a wedding! claiming a dependency exemption television, service. Ml 9-4641. ter work, chimneys cleaned re­ mer roller rink in South Coventry, Fuel and Feed 49-A Rooms Without’ Board 59 Square. Mr. Keith, MI 9-8191. «»< could be" used for building. 4>j;y„ ; a realistic prii c S. A Beechl.er, j -----Nij— ...... — ----- —’----- Hartford. The,acene was the Save­ gift), a retrlgerator, washing ma-'l (see instruction booklet) children's haircutting. Plenty of suitable 10 bowling lanes, banquet Female 38 way Gaa Siatibhj.:419 Connecticut gold arrow; Richard O’Grady, den­ Open Eve. Till 9 Ml 3-5191 paired. Aluminum aiding. 10 ^ mortgage can be n.'sumed Priced 1 Realtor, .MI 3-6969 or MI 9-8952. ■ MANCHESTER r Rockledge. Six chine and bedroom set (to get them In order fOr one Of the group t*i free parking. NOTICE—R. E. Crowell A. Co., hall, parking fdr 126 cars. Must I SEASONED hardwood, cut any FURNISHED ROOM^^Op# mlnut# n v o ROOM furnished apartment, Boulevard. The time w-as about ner stripe, and Mark Cross, bear Public Accountants, offices now lo­ years’ experience. ■ Free esti- SECRETARY. mature, exper­ for quick sale. J . D. Peally, MI i-ooni ranch, diningng !"oorn.!"ooi garage. started), a weekly donation of food have the exemption, all other m*m« sell. Sholes. Williams 1-2887, 310 length. $10 a load delivered from Main Street. llghL^ioua#- private bath, hot water heat. Ap­ .CENTER ENTRANCE Colonial. 6 Tongren, Broker. Sfl 3-6321. "Any. 3:30 a.m.' -.J badge. RA5TBLER 1958. 2-door sedan with cated at 24 S Prospect St., Bast Wates. Call Howley, Ml 3-5361, Ml ienced. desires congenial position ply Marlow’s, 867 Main St. 3-5129 (leftovera), and so on. The value bers' of the group who contributirf radio, heater, defroster, beautiful 34)763. Norwood Ave., Edgewood, R. I. I Grantland Nursery and Land- keeping, women only. Ml #-7*a^ —------1 rooms, I ’ -j baths. G.E. heating svs. thing in Real Estate." Joseph Michalik, chigirman. an­ Personals Hartford. BU 9-4.598, JA 8-8634. this area. Fiv* day week, $60. 1 scape. Ml 3-0669. ------nounced the townwide Scouta- of these gifts can be considered In more than'10 per cent must sign green. Looks and drives like a new Good background, MI 9-9158. MANCHESTER 6 room split evcl, ! tern IvOt 80x200, Nicely hedged, determining whether Alice was eup- declarations ' that they will not PLEASANT HEATED room near wooded lot. 15x22 recreation rooni, ' Choice Pitkin St. area.'.Inhn H, MANCHESTER—7 room cape, nice Briulnl Banker Dies " -rama will be held at the Armory VACCUM CLEANERS repaired m car. Monthly payments as low as FLOOR SANDING and reflntshlng. bath for gentleman. Fre# parking. TWO ROOM furnished apartment I ported by you. If she receives more 61aim the dependent. The Internal my owu home ahop. Forty years $39, See It and drive it today. Heating and Plumbidg 17 Help Wanted— Female 35 built-in stove, 110' frontage. Only, t^ppeii, Inc., .MI 9-.5261, MI 9-2896, yard, about 40 afires. Owner will Bristol. Feb. 23 —Clifford S. March 5 from 1:30 to 8:30. p.m Specializing In old floors. Ml 54 High St. ______at 105 Birch St, Burdge, Sr., .72, chairman of the ».,ii K. 'Vrm.Hop i half Of her support from you. Revenue Servlet provjde* Form factoiy experience. All makes, Brunner'a, vour Lark dealer, Tal- 9-5750. ' Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 Garden— Farm— Dairy $17,,500. Carlton W, Hutchins, MI | m I 3-5219 take first mortgage. Possibilities The theme will be Scouting j i„. PI'TMBING AND heating - re- STENOGRAPHER for development. Tongren, Brok­ board of the North Side Bank and 2120 (Multiple Support Agree­ loiw ratea, free estimates, free rotlville. MI 3-5191, Products 50 i; PI,EASANT heated room, one block ATTRACTIVE 6 room duplex, three 9-51,12. Skills." ■ modelirigX Installations, repairs. WANTED TO sell beautiful black $11.500—Exceptional 8 room ranch. er. Tin 3-6321. Tnist Co., of Bristol died in Stuart. , I come, and meets the other re- ment) for this purpose. pickup and delivery. Mr. Miller, TREE SERVICE. Tree removal from Main St , separate entrance. bedrooms, large cabinet kitchen, Cub Scouts played *^*^*®* i quirements for a dependent (see in- GOLDEN HAWK 1956 Stiidebaker, specialists, insured,. Reasonable Ail work ^aranteed. 25 years ex­ Opportunity for clerk-typiat with Labrador Retriever, seven months stainless steel sink and tub. Base­ SEVEN ROOM home, aluminum : cellar, garage. 2 acres, nice loca- Fla., yesterday, apparently of a The amount of support a persea JA 3-S409.______• ■ perience. 24^our service. Call Gentlemen Free parking. Ml storms. '.eiiclosed porch, garage,' tion. Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml COVENTRY—No'money down. 4 skill in the auditonum after th?-! atruction booklet), you can con­ receives is not always in money. sports coupe,- automatic drive, rates. Call Ml 3-7695. some .stenographic ability, capable i bid. AKC. Excellent hunting, EEN MOUNTAIN potatoes—50 ment and attic, two porches, oak heart attack. dinner. WANTED—Two riders to Hartford Earl VanCam'p.-Ml 9-4749. strain. MI 3-0935. Wonderful with lb. bag, It.90.-'150 Spencer St. 3-4724, anie.'ite drive. A.'king 412.600. [ 9.5132; ; room ranch, large porch. Summex He was vacationing \vith his tinue to claim a dependency For example, say you are claiming radio, heater, dual exhau.'l, very of handling a variety of duties. I flooring throughout, steam oil exemption for her. However, If you Hospital or •vicinity. 8-4:45. Call solid. Brunner'a, Talcottville. Open COSMA REFRIGERATION Serv­ children. Paul J. Correnti .Ml 3-,5363. ——— ------j or all vear 'round Use Tongren, wife. 'Burdge also leaves a son, your widowed mother as a.depend- FAUCETS LBAKHiilG? I will re­ heat, copper window, acreens. ------— ^------:------— I BOWERS .SCHOOL-6 room co-! Broker,' MI 3-6321. The annual falher-son banquet do, then ahe must not file a jolrlt MI 3-5952, after 5:15. evenings. ice. F.epairs all make refrigera- Position requires accurate typing j Adiilla preferred. Opposite. Center Clifford S. Burdge Jr. of Bristol. ent. She owns the house she live* tois, freezers, wa.shing machines, pack Or reflace Vashers on any and aptitude for figure work. Com MEXICAN Chihuahua for breed­ Household Goods 51 TOWN OF COVENTRY 4 CAROL DRIVE—Rockville $18, j loniaJ-, entrance hall dishwasher, ------■— ——.------'------of Pack 64 was held Feb. 17 at the return with her husband. You in, and has a small Income from in­ faucet for $2. laboVand material Park. Available March 15. 'Tel..MI 650 5 room ranch, large riving birch cabinets, partial recreation - MANCHESTER—5 room ranch. 2 , He had also been president of Hollister St. School. Table decora­ would pirob'nbly talk over the suitn- WANTED—Ride from Regan Rd., CHEVROLET Bel Air 1959 4 door dryers, ranges, oil and gas burn­ plete benefit program. Modem of ing. Registered. Call after 8. Ml 9-7529. the bank many years; vestment. To determine how mU' ‘ Vernon to Artay Bldgp Capitol sedan. 6 cylinder.', radio, healer. ers. Ml' 9-0883. All work guaran­ included. MI 3-4523, \ 3-2384. ZOMNt; BOARD room, cabinet kitchen; 3 bed- room, garages, trees. $16,300 As-' years ol 100x200 lot. Recreation tions b.v the CTubs featured a cen­ tlon with vour daughter and son-in- of her own support she is prpal^- fice! Write P. O. Box 1512, Hart AT NORMAN’S Tooms, IHiVt mortgage c.an be room, fireplace, den. More land A\a., Hartford. Hours 8:15-4:15. It's spotless. Buy It tor $.55 month­ teed. NORTH (COVENTRY .— 3-room sume present mortgage, small terpiece commemorating s o m'e law to fin'd the method of handling ing. It is necessary to flgufe out 5-.6430, after 5:3n or Ml ly at Brunner'a in Talcottville on ford, stating business experience,. (XICKER SPANIEL pups, golden apartment, private entrance, heat assumed. Manon E. Robertaon. cash. Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml- available. Tongren, Broker MI Life in Balance phase of scouting and noting the which results in the greatest tax Millinery Dressm^ing 1^. registered. $28. MI 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE O F A P P K A L S Broker. Ml 3-5953. 3-6.121. the fair m arket valtie of the house 3-1571, any time. Ask for Mr. the Manchester-Vernon town line. AVOID THE spring rush— lawn education and salary requirad. red, AKC and lights. PI 2-7720 before 2:30. 9-5132: Hartford. F'eb. 23 'J5—Doctors at 50lh anniversary of Boy ..Scouts ' saving. Your biggest problem may in terms of rent. If the amount of mowers sharpened and repaired. 9-1838. 'ITie Coventry Zoning Board.'nf McCook Memorial Hospital today Frederick W. Hammett, credit be convincing your daughter that Heavisides. ALTERATIONS and fine helm ing. $3«» $13.900-'-’IMMACUl^TE 6 room n ', ROOMTAPE, plus finished rec-.i MANCHESTER Banch; Owner support you are providihg exceed*, BUICK SPECIAL 1957 4 door sedan Free pick-up and delivery. All Inspect vour spring warqrobe STENOGRAPHER—Will train to do Appeals will hold a hearing on Fri­ FOUR ROOM flat, partiafly heated ave Gassaway Ware. 30, 34 Loomia manager tor.' Coil's Patent Fire she is still a "dependent." You may "WANTED-Ride to Pralt & m il- legal secretarial work. Writs Box day. March 4. 1960 at 8 PM . In cape new furnace screened realion room full dormer, I'i, transferred. 3 large bedrooms, t the Incom- •. e i* receiving and the with Dynaflo, radio, heater, new work guaranteed. Sales, service, ! now! M I'3-5630. , \ All new, 10-piece living room, N small < hildren. Call MI .9-2863 bus. t., the victim of a shooting early Arms. Mfg. Co., gave a talk on find that you would be better off ney. second shift from Green Road tires. It has super chrome trim, parts and rental equipmenl. LAM: Y, Herald. Articles For .Sale 45 in^pieoe^^droom, 20 piece kitchen the George Hersey Robertson Iff ter 6 p.rn. porch, garage, nice loft'trees. bath's garage, $15,500. Owner MI huge kitchen with knotty pine today, a "50-50 chance" of recov­ to forego the possible tax savings rental value of the house for the .'('bool shopping. *djarlton W handling firearms. Each Cub re­ year, then you can claim her as a ^clnlty. Call MI 3-1609. also new tires. Brunner's, Your Equipment Co. Ml 3-0771, TR , • - X School at which time the following ' 9-1432. . / cabinets galore, large ceramic tile ery. according to Del. Capl. to maintain harmony in the family USED LUMBER—Oean 2x3. 2x4, Hutchinsms. MI ceived a brochure on Colt's line of Lark dealer. Talcottville; 5-7609, collect. Moving-r-Trucking— appeala will he heard: ONE 2-ROOM apartment and one baSiroom. Near schqol. bus and Thomas J , Hankard. by preserving your daughter’s dependent. 2x6 and up. Assorted sheathing, MANCHESTER GREEN-Older/l Parkade. Full basement, copper arms. NORMAN S, Il4C. 111 Frank'and-Ellen Bausola of 3-room apartment, both ftirni.'hed His alleged assailant, Roosevelt Cubmastcr Arthur Norwood pride. Next .Article: ^Y'hat I* Incomet Automobiles for Sale 4 DER'S TV Service—Motorola Storage ERK-TYPIST flooring, inside doors, window All utilities supplied, pleasant resi- ■MANCHESTER-Beautiful 3 bed­ , room house with great potential, j plumbing, plaster walla, base­ i LARK EXECUTIVE cars 1959 443 ^Hartford Road , South Street for permisaion to room ranch, garage, large lot, Butler, 30, of U Mather St,, (or made'the following awards: Rod- hardtop, 1 wagon, 2 4-doon«,^ew and Philco factory service. Hi-Fi, sash, plumbing supplies, pipf*- enlarge an existing non-con­ rlentl'al section of Rockville. Call 3 extra lots included. reduced: board oil heat, storm# and OLDER CARS, mechanic# AUSTIN A, CHAMBERS Co. lemng for an experienced hot water and steam furnaces, Manchester extras galore. Friill price, $15,800. 1 price to settle estate. S. A. whom a $25,000 bond was set today eric Norwood, .gold arrow on wolf; car warranty, Brunner's, viu Lark phonos and auto radios. 214 Spnice forming building knowii a# . TR 5-,5915jjr TR 5-3011. .screen# raised hearth brick fire­ bv Police Court Judge George. A. dais, flxit yourself cars, always moving, packing, storage, clert-typist in small department. cabinet sinks and bricks. ■ Open Easy Terms MI 3' Short wa. out—5 room expandable ' Beecfiler, Realtor, Ml 3-6969 or place. Newly landscaped, $15,900. David Tedford, silver arrow on dealer In Talcoltville. Ml 3-5191, St. Mr9-14R6. rate on long' distance moves Position requires a neat appearing Hinkel's Restaurant on South home, $8,500. .Many more new and Silvester, .wa# also at the hospital wolf; Buell Grant, silver arrow on a g o ^ selection. Look behind our daily 3:30-5:30 p.m. Saturdays 8-4 Open 9 a.m .—9 p.m. THREE ROO.M modern healed ! MI 9-8952. MI 9-1796 ■ , World Day of Prayer Set l l office. Dougla# Motors, 333 Main. 48-slates. MI 3-5187. woman. with good typin'g ability. p.m'. Call Choman Housewrecking. Street, ' ' used fror- $5,000 up. Call the Ells- under police guard. bear; Jam es Norton, gold and sil­ CHRYSLER 19.56, 4 door sedan. LET US TAKE care of your rub­ Route 31 Corporation of Cov- apartment, available .March 1st. -Windsor-- radio; heater, automa­ bish removal by our weekly pick­ Some facility in shorthand helpful MI 9-2392. Before you buy furniture anywhere Stove refrigerator arid' utilities worth Mitten Agency, Realtors. Mi ' 66 FOOT'RANCH, 4 . large bed- ixn PORTER .ST, Older home, two- Capt. Hankard Said Butler be­ ver arrows on, C'-ar: Roderic Nor- WANTED — Clean used cariV We MANCHESTER Package DeUvery. but not essential. Modem 'office, V—Sbtry. for permisaion to erect 3-6930, .W 9 .5524. rooms, firep'ire. gar*ge. 2 wooded came jimotionally disturbed ^ James Norton, tic push-button drive. A beautiful up service: "Monthly rales. Man­ Light trucking and package deliv­ Shop 'at Nbrman'’i furnished^ .MI 3-5.163. .Ml 9-8448. family. 6 antT^S loom vacanUJl.*------Fx)r March 4 Observance buy. trade down or trade any­ excellent benefit program. >pply \ a building without proper set- acres; Carlton-JV./'Hutchins. ^f1t"1ngTi’ewlv'dricorated. GoiVti Invest JupstToried by police aRcr the lion badge: Bii.'.:>larkel. ' assistant thing. Dougla# Motors. 338 Main. car at a sacrifice price. Rrimner'a. chester Rubbish. PI 2-6.361 after 5. ery. Refrigerators, washers and - hai-ka at the corner of Route SCHOOL STREET^14^ rooms, new In Talcottville. Open evenings. FOUR 2-6X6-8 oak flush doors. MI TH REE PIECE bedroom suite and 9-,5132. / ■ ment. priced for immediate sale shooting and was being held (or denner stripe; Steven Keeney and , stove moving speciaitv. Pbldlng FIRST‘i^AT10NAL STORES, 3-8296, after 8 p.m. .31 and Slonehou.'e Road. FOUR ROOM apartment, second heating system, new plumbing, | psychiatric examination at the hos­ NEED A CAR and had your credit , HOME OWNERS- ’Toni, and ■eq'Uip- chairs for rent'M T '9-0752 ’ night table. Governor Winthiop (Tiarles PonticelU. MI 9-9644. Charles May, denner stripes. World Day of Prayer wlH be. ob-.*>Mrs. Ludwig Haoiaen. St. Mary'* maple desk. Excellenl condition. All interested persons are ini'ited ■floor adults. Call MI 9-5987, aluminum storms. easi!y"“i5orivert-1 pital. turned down? Short on down pay­ 1957 DESOTO. 4. door station j-ment rental. V’p rent and repair, \- INC. ed to 2 apartments. Owner fran- Charming 5';^. room ranch with . . J 4 Charles Stansfleld presented the served on Friday, March 4. wdth a Episcopal Church. wapon radio and hpalf»r and i Our prircs fair. A P Kcjuip* DOZER D-2, good/funning condi­ ..Reasonable. Call Ml 4'074R eve­ to attend this hearing. - Ware_ is expected ,lo undergo M ^ ^ charter to the committee ment? Had a repoasesalon? Don’t MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ PARK AnX ^ OAKLAND AVE. tion. $1,800. Ciyr be seen at Thi' THREE ROOM apartment, heat, tic. Reduced to $12,900. J . D .! basement, fireplace, built-in 76 FLORENCE ST. worship service at the Community Also, Mi;s. John Kjellson, Em *n- power Rea.sonable. 58 E, .Middle! mem Cn. 945 Center St. Ml 9-2052. ing Company. Local and long dis­ nings. COVENTRY ZONI-NG BOARD operation within a few day# for 1 » give up! See Honest Douglas, get e a ?t W r t f o r d Thomas Golla (Jo.i 251 Broad St. OF APPEALS hot water, stove, refrigerator, tile Realty. Nil 3-5129 stove, wall-to-wall„ carpeting and 7 room home. 4 .i)o»:n, 3 up, the removal nf a .32 caliber slug. ______, Baptist Church at 2 p.m. under the iiel Lutheran Church; Mrs. J*m «* the lowdown on the lowest down Tpke 5U 9-0386. tance moving, packing and stor­ ——!------!------— i other extras Large- wooded lot. spon.'orship of the M.anchester Beckwith. Secon'd Cohgreg*tion#J ■ STEPS SIDEWALKS, stone wall.', age. Regular service throughout 11 CUBIC FOOT frostJree Westing- flichard Gronbaek, Chairman hath end shower, parking. ' $85 aluminum storms, enclosed porch, I Ipdged in his bark. \v = ,.o Gub Pack 143-held its blue and and smaileet payments anywhere fireplaces. flagstone terraces. RENTAIvS--Floor sanders. edgers, house refrigerator. Westinghouse Herman Mul.'e, Serrelary monthly. Call MI 3-6,396, MI 3-7997. j ROCKLEDGE custom built SVi J Asking $18,500, j garage, amesite drive. Asking Council of Church Women. Church: Mr.'. Russell Holmes, Not a small loan'or finance com­ PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy New England States and Florida. hand sanders, wallpaper steam­ room, ranch, attached garage tin-.i - - Capt. Hankard : gold banquet Feb 17 at Center North Methodist Church; Mrs. lEv, Work done at reasonable prices. PROTESTANT LAd V, wants worn- 4-bumer electric range, very good .Dated at Coventry. Conn., this $12,600. ' Butler -were cnnfi on ed at the | Congregational Church. Mrs. RJverett Fish and Mrs. pany plan. Douglaa Motors, 333 direct from original owner a clean Ml 3.0796., Ml 3-8563. , , ers, equipment, floor., polishers, THREF: ro o m fumisheiT'^art-' ished recreation' room, plus nu- 1 oi.x room cape with onc-car ga? George Smith, both of the Baptist erett Irisli, Community Baptist top condition, low mileage, stand­ an companion not over 65. Must condition. Call Ml 3-19.56. , I9th riaJ’’ of Februar.v i960 ' merous extras. Bv appointment, oil heat, combination storm of the shooting^ the Little -^vebelos Ricky Burr and David Main St. be able to drive. No hard work. vacuums. C. J. Morrison Paint ment ronveriientlv ,bSi-a(.ed. Ml Church, v-ill serve as co-chairmen Church; Mrs Sydney MacAJpine, ard ahift 4-door aedan. I will pay Store, 385 Center St,. MI 9-971.1. .3-6129. ■- ■/ -■ only Paul J Correnti MI',^5363. windows, screens, and doors. Con- PAUL J. CORRENTI Harlem Smoke Shop. 290 'Windsor , . . .- nledce of alleci-' Painting— Papering 21 Good home. Best references. Write I Real Estate ' MI 3-.5363 St. Ware said that Butler shot riim i " a R «v.o f the annual observance in which Church of the Nazarene, $600 for a-6 cylinder 1955 Plymouth ______:______i J ___ £ .------^ 1 venient to school, bus, and shop- Also,' Mrs., Major E. Walter Reiveiiere or Chevrolet Bel Air. Household Services Box S, Herald. ___i POWER LAWN MOWERS—Jacob- THREFT r o o m riiodern apartment, LARGE, TH REE bedroom ranch ! ping. Asking $12,900. after saying ''Yb'u better ' itay Offered 13-A PAINTING AND paperhanglng. FOR RENT , with attached garage and full away from my wife." Five other Lamie, Salvation Army; Mrs. $700 for 1956 model of either or I Good rlei.n workmanship at rea- YOURS SINCERELY—Avon Co#-l sen. Bolens, Toro and Ariens. Self- central location^ heat and hot Michael Getzewich. w ill participat . ^ ^ ,1955 Buick Special. Tel. 5U ‘9-24.10. '■ propelled, push or' riding. 18 to 30 For An water, private entrarice with -basement. Located In beautiful ALICE CLAMPET. Realtor i HENRY STREET witnesses to the shooting were also John Clavagnaro and .Mrs, Louis# HAROLD & SONS, Rubbish lemov-! sonable rales-. 30, years in Man- metics. We sincerely believe you; 10,400 s q . FT. W AREHOrSE Following dinner, served by the ^ potli ck st 12^30 P Kohls, Concordia Lutheran QiUTch, inches. Ask for demonstration and Clear epan, platform level on porch, $A5'monthly. C. J. Morri­ Tamarack Hilla with outstanding discovered during a police investi­ '«!, -cpllai-R and attics i leaned. I cheater. Raymond Fiske. MI will earn more money, meet more ■ InPorestinq Job MI -9-4543 In the desirable Bowers School Women's Society of (jenter aiiirch. j Comniiinity Baptist Cliurch w il and Mrs Paul Norling, Coi’onant he satisfied. Trade in -your old ma- railroad siding. .50c per m|. ft. son Painf Store. .185 Center St., Ml convenience to school, shopping gation. William Mullen read a poem. "F'or precede the worship service. Mr,. 1957 FORD. Custom. 4 door Ys. Ashes, papers all nibhi.'h. Harold: 9-9237. wonderful people and enjoy your | If buying, selling nr wish to *eotion, a 6 room Colonial Congregational Cliiircli. work more a# an Avon represent-1 chirfe: Parts . and service.. We Several minute# from Wilbur .1.0644 MI 9.971,1 and travel. Sales executive -Father. " Cartoons'""iverr ^hown. TLawrence Osborne will he genera' Call owner MI 9-1912. Hoar. NU 9-40.14. transferring to .^icago. Estate-; trade, contact this office, j three bedrooms. Downstairs the THOMAS HARRISON — Painting ative than you could in any other | sharpen and'repair most all hand Crose Highway in North Man- TRY ' ' . j separate entrance hall takes a lot Awards were presented as fn l-' c.hairman of the luncheon, Reser- and power lawn mowera. MI like grotinos in fine-neighborhoofl Chinese Admiral Here Ft J4T FINISH Holland window \ and papafhangihg. Guaranteed part-time work. We give complete eheeter. TEI- JA 2.8114 ■Gtoton, Feb. 23 (Bi — ’The com- I vstinns should be niad" with Coun- shades made to • measure. All:I workmanship. MI 9-2497. 3-7958. Capitol Equipment Cp., 38 N E W 4 r o o m sp arlm en t <-entrA l-J raM om " bV.m Tn W e' T rrsr qu aJity I ^ a R G E 3 b cd r'fm iirra'n lih 'ri^ n T m l 4 ' b a w m e T N k e training. .Call CH 7-41J7. j “THE AIRCRAFT Iv located. $85, MI 3-4685, iiianTerdn-chicf of the Chinese F'reddlc Songailos, Roy Johnson, > 'l repre.s-jntativc.' from each metal Venetian hlinda' at a ntw! Main St, « ^ / bath, fil-eplace. basement garage, : dininTr-^ni a^^^^^^^ Death Count 7 - t . -- William Griffin, Mark Hanna, bob-1 chiirdi. A Sunny Romance! low price Key# made while you :; EXTERIOR AND' interior painting PROMOTIONAL assistant (Part- with Philippine rimhogany tnm <.onvenient to school, bus. Park-1 L-aee Owner! transferred and Nationaifst Navy is Here today for ! and . paperhanglng. Wallpaper FIRST THREE R,OO.M apartnieht, $55, Ml e’ensiblv priced 't il7 MO makine T J J,” ” 8a-age. Owners transferred a visit to the Submarine Base and cat pins; Freddie Songailos. Gary "Labourers -Together With Gn"''" ■yalt Marlon's. | time! 9 a.m. till noon, 5 day,! 9.5'>29 0-5 F'mir room-tenenient I*®"® "'V pnetd at $17,900 maKing ^de. S, A..Bpechler, Realtor MI ^ive immediate occupancy. I„arson, Harr,v .Jenkins Thomas will he the theme of this year's '^books. Guaranteed workmanship. $.10 weekly salary ($2 hourly) plus .'-7. rnur loom reiienipiu. excellent financing available. Fori, 3-6969# cdcq „„ or Mlitn O 9-8952. soco ’ ry" Fi'e immraiaie Atlantic Submarine Force Head- 111 Omaha Fire, ,1**6*" ;.0:1 DICK S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ ‘■Reasonable raVeis kltlly Insured. WANTED— fCxeellenl opporlunitlea with $60, MI 9-5229 . 9-f5; details which apply to you call Ml | _ _ — —_—— ;__ ^__ ! Very sensibly priced. quarters. I F'innie, Ross Robert'. John luli- sendee. The niimose of World D-*v. ISbnus. Car a must. No selling, nf Praver. which bec*me a ivo>-v|.| pany doors and windows. cu.'tom Fast and courteoua service. I^eo local area. Call on our prospects, SEPTin t a n k s good pay— plus other #t- THREE .ROOM apartment in House 9'1278 Russell F„r Broderick. (TWO F'AMILV Convenient West T. J. CROCKE'IT. Realtor dm. Yue-sin Ni and his party | ano, Warren Pierro. Jdichacl An- work guaranteed Call collect Wil- J Pelletier Ml 9-6326. , set-up appointments for our sales­ REGISTERED trartive benefits. Broker. Side location,, excellent condition, were met at TrUmbull Airport at dorson. David Mullen, W.illi.am .wid-! observance in 1920. is to unite | AND A Hale Building. Heated, elevator, Griffin. Mar-k Hanna, Emerson Du- 3 ill St. Louis limantlc HA 3-1196. men. Call Meriden BE 7-3163. bath. Call MI 3-4123. Ask for H. B. high income property, priced (qr 9:45 a.m. bv Rear Adm. Lawrence all C hri'tian' in a bond of nrave>- : EXTERIOR AND interior painting, NURSE GROWING PAINS? If your family immediate sale' S. A. Beechler, I\II 3-.1577 more., .Raymond CeCobeil.- John United church women in 145 couii-j PLUGGED SEWERS House or E. A. Weden. has outgrown 'vour present home, P.. Daspit, force commander. TV s ER vTc E - PiJtlerton'a all decorating, ceilings, floors, paper­ WOMEN—Part or fulUtime receive EXPERIMENTAL ' Realtor, MI 3-6969 or Ml 9-89$2. The Chine.'e arimira) toured the Goiangos, Gary^Pierro. Sco.tt Wil­ tries-around the world will gather] (C'nnttiiued from Page O ne)" makes Higiieat quality guaranteed hanging, Clean workmanship. . 12 Midnight to 8 A..M. we niay have what you need.. If regular weekly pay check and No Weekends, Rate Open FIVI5 ROO.M oat. separate oil base after a visit to force head­ loughby, David Rosco, Douglas xjn six continents, and. nrave’-' ■------■ work and" parts, over 47 years ex Free e..'timates. No job too small. Machine Cleaned . MACHINISTS not. weTl find it-(or you. Your Lots for Sale McBride, Michael Getzewich John keep your iniportance, as wifp and Call Mr. Della Fera furnace. Summit St.,H alf block BUILT BY ANSALDI quarters. wlTI be voiced in more than Kh ■ Ten other, firemen were injured perience Famous.for service since John VerfalMp, MI 3-2521. mother. For appointment call Ml Septic Tanks. Dry Wells. Sewer for preci'inn merhlnlng from .High Si-hnol, Iinniediate oc- present home will be taken in ex­ Shannon, wolf badg^. langiia-res and 1.000 d ialect., , i" the blaze, one seriously. 1931 Phone Ml 9-4537 for bes* A t MI S-2461 -Ok. change . Efficient service guar-i Five room ranch, full basenieiif. ^ VFIRNON—Beautiful- 90x180 wood­ After lunch he had an operation- i 4-0394, 10-12 and 3-5. Lines Installed—Cellar Water­ aaalgnmenta on ■cupam-v $85. Call MI 9-7109 after ed plot with city .water. excellent al briefing by force staff members. , Iptordenofo'natlonal nrdiects nf -Two of- the victim*, trapped un* aervlye' EXTERIOR and interior painting. 5, ■ : ' atlteed. J. D. Realty Ml 3-5129. [two fireplaces, hot water oil heat, | ^ ----- . . . loughby. Douglas McBrlli!i-iae-^GaGary Ceilings refinished. Paperhanging. proofing Done. CRESTFIELD ~ .Miller# — ------;---- —,------pjjg-j radiators, full insulation,4 new homes on strelgt, seconds from The afternoon’s schedule included the World Council of C'mrch'V' del" debn.'.' lived for some Ume a f­ Larson, gold ai;row.': Bruce GfoU*. ter the upper floors fell in. Som* ALL m a k e s of TV. radio^and Wallpaper book.'. Flstimates given. family of CONVALESCENT l>ithe# OAK ST4-6 room, 2-story alum- everything, $2,700, vVebster Agen­ visits to sutiuiarine school at the siinported -bv th« World D«v of WOMAN TO iron for ATTRACTIVE 4 room and bath , ceramic tile bath, I Gary Larson, Douglas McBride, sn> 25 other firemen worked desper­ home eleclionic equipment ex­ Fully covered by, in.'urancer"Call five. Call MI 9-2074. McK in n e y b r o s . Grinder# ■garden apartirient, Oxford St. ^tnum aiding, copper plumbing, new rabinets, city water and city cy, Realtor. TR 5-5745. base a'nd submarine Sailftsh at Praver. offering, include the traln- pertly repaired with a 90'day :^dw"ard R Price. MI 9-1003. HOSPITAL ewiring and G, K, furnace, aula- State Piei-.-New London; vcr. arrow&;..:_Bruce Grolta, bear ing^rf^leader' in n'n» rhri,stl‘«n ately to resiMie them. But both wer* Boring Maehinrt ■ First floor.' ample beat, hot water, MANCHESTER—4 B zone lots, b.de-;:;G.ry L-,»n. H,..-, J-n- guarantee. Call Mr Britney at -the WANTED—Middle-ageded worAfm Ifto Sewerid^c Disposol Co. parking. Reference.' p.N'-hanged. water.; 3-car garage.: six room' ranches. 1 '- baths. Admiral Ni and hi# party, who dead when extricated, the last ope s of telephone. could be industrial. Also lot on. at 3:50 a.m. ICS'T). six hours af­ Manches.er T\'. Ml 9-1046.. live in and take care IS0-1S2 Pearl St.— Ml S-5808 $11.5. AD 6-t269 or-Re,'idenc-e Su­ Lot 65x340. Hou.se _completely in-!,basement, two fireplaces,, hot Box Mountain Drive, Vernon and came to this area from New York erts: BruerGrottr Alan” Ko“rb,' I't in m'nV land, Courses and Classes 27 Call MI 9-8860. Biilated. J- D Realti, 5U 3-5129. . qji beat, cast iron radiators, City, will leave late thi.' afternoon ter they were trapped. WEAVING of bums, moth holes TOOL and DIE perintendent, MI 3d809. South St., Coventry. Manchester— denner. badges. | ?o.'t-ring friendl>--telatmn# w-l b EI.ECTRONICS orfers tyelj-paylng PORTER STREET Section -7 room h*’' . insulation, plastered walls, 2 parcels 30 and 90 acres. One C for an overnight visit to Newport. David Mullen, F’reddie Songailos,and seance to During the futile rescue oper*- and tom clothing, hosiery runs; MAKERS THREE AND Jour -•'nn'T cabinets, city water and city tion. a Catholic prieat inched hi* handbags repaired, zipper re­ positions to technicians and serv­ zone lot in Manchester. J . D. Jimmv Anastasio. aasiatant denner 1 Indiana icemen. ' J-eiarn-by-dcing"— train T u n, V w l'"'se kitchen, living room ^'’warage •two-car -...... garage, amesite- Roalty, MI 3-5129, badges; Ricky Burr. David Law -1 ®9"itrv. A snec'al nrotect tht* way ; Iht-fugh the amotilderlng placement. umbrellas repaired, 3.T% of Trains Late ■wgecka'ge to adniiniater IjBst rite*. • men's shirt collars reversed a d now at Connecticut's Oldeat Elecr SHEET METAL ^ ^ ^ ^ i 15.X24 with fireplace, built-in book-: d'-"'®- - Hartford; F’eb. ,23 i/T: About fence, Michael Staley. George ! y®a>‘- 'offorinr lnc.-#a"S'. is Ironic Setjool. Day and .evening '•______, ; cases and desk, 'httached .one-car t h r e e CHOICFJ- lots available ih» estabti'bment or # rodio tran'- A^-itv hospital physician crawl- replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ CHARLES LESPERANCE $2,200 per lot. R F. Dimock Co., one-third of the New Haven raul- Fitch, Joseph Loney, Ricky Larson, ’ ing Shop. . elas.'e.'.. Spring term starts March MECHANICS ONE TW 0;R00M apartment and | garage, second floor. 3 'bedrooms ■. MI 9-7620 road's lialns into three s'.ations Peter Burnham. Bruce Burke, m'»*'nc st'tlon in A fric', ®'^ t!irough4he debria to give medl- ,20. I.imitpd enrollment free T one three-room apartment.' Call' and bath, extra building leilot, Ml 9-5245 or Barbara Woods Ml Church women who wlli nartici- : .®?Lon to Arth.ie 5934 9-7702. were late . during the last ,stx Lwebelos badges. placement service—extended tui­ MI 3-8026. $20,900 Philbriek Agency, MI SECLUDED, iminaculate 8 room months of 1959, according to ex Those who dressed as Indians for paite in readin*-#. to which tb« ccn»-,.. ^*®'*--,^®rt/''® tion plan. Free Catalog. New Eng­ FUSION WELDERS BuildiriR-CnntrHctinT 14 9-8464, ranch, built-in stove, garage; SIX B ZONE lota witli city water. hibil.' presented by the lailroad the .presentation of the awards erregatipn n-i!I re^ond. will he ; Cupton'Lprbm-t, 38. land Technicar In.stitute, .56 Union THE HARTFORD CAS CO. Mrs. Alton Hall, South Methodist '^ ‘>ham Gneser. 34 many extras, 3 acres, trees. Only ■Union St.. Manchester, $2,500 today to the State Public Utilities were DurWard Miller, cubmaster of ANY KIND~of carpentry and cabi­ Place, Hartford Conn. Phone Business Locsitions THR SUBURBAN $15,900. Carlton W Hutchins, Ml- Church; Mrs. C. Hi*nrv Anderson j F®“ e * net work done Honest and relia­ JAcksoh 5-3406 idACHINE each, .Ml, 9-6495. .■ ' Commi.ssion. Post 47, as Akela; Billy Staley, for Rent 64 9-.5132. ■ After looking at the figures for cubmaster of Pack 1-13, as Medi­ and Mr.'. Ernest W: Benson. Fman- *'® "'a-a killed I^rbert ble workmanship. Call. Rokcbe DESIRES SALES REPRESENTATIVE, AGE 26 to 36 In beautiful . Birchwood Park. TWO LOTS,'" good location, city uel Ltttheran Church; Mr'. B«n1a- ' Grieser s moans would be heard as Thompson. -Ml 3-1895 for est* OPERATORS Three bedrooms—7 rooms. A some 200 train.' arriving at Grand cine Man; Wallace A. Geiger aa Am-CONUmONED 3-room office. MANCHESTER ' water, average 73x100. $1,200 each. min Seave'v, Church of the N az- ; Ote.men worked to reach tn«^- , u . Bonds—Stocks. Mortgages 31 with experience on sophi.sticated, split-level home fea­ Central, New York, New Haven Chief Silting Bull; and Wally B. males V HCATING EQUIPMENT $ALES EXPERIENCE PREFERRED . 100% Mam Street location Park­ Charles I.esperance, MI 9-7620.- arene. and Mis* Lillian Grant, Cen- j Lorbert s body was the last to M A'ertloal Turret. I.«the# ing. Marlow's^ 867 Main St. turing luxurious living, sleeping Six room ranch, garage, sun and Hartford. PUC chairman Eu­ Geiger, as the Great White Spirit. MORTGAGES— - Consolidate your Honored guests were Miss Hulda ter Congregational Church. | recovered. ■*’' ^ BAI.ARY PLUS BONUS ' Jig Mill# ' and recreational facilities. 4'i% porch, fityplace, 4% G.I-. mort­ gene S.-,Loughlin commented; Scallops, trim the collar and For Complete Home iTToftthly pHyments into one lump m a in STREET—Building for com­ mortgage can be assum'ed with a gage, Convenient location $16,200. "You could do aa well carrying Butler, principa' of Nathan H®*® Others who will participate in ; The pwnef 4nd a tenant of sum with a second mortgage. Pay­ Engine Ijithe# BOLTON AREA—One acre building the service are Mrs. Jam es Munaie',1hullding were booked suspected pockets of this smart dress and Remodeling .Call LIFE INSURANCE mercial business or office use. moderate down payment. By ap- Five room Cape Cod,*^ garage, lots, $2,000 up. AD 3-8816.. the people piggy back," School; and Edward Adamy, presi­ jacket combination to flatter the ments arranged to meet ,VoUr in­ Mult-au-matic Lelliet Will subdivide. Ml 9-5229, 9-5. -pointnibnl only. fireplace, near school and bus. The three PUC commissioners dent of Nathan Hale PTA, which Salvation' Armv.> Bible' rea d rt:lo f arson, but police said eeveyal 'mature figure * ; come. Expedient r.ervice. Dial Ml $15(700. Excellent condition. SIX TO SEVEN acres, some immediately fired a barrage of sponsors CJub Pack 143. Mrs. Robert ' .Johns. Community ] hours later it -was possible neither .JACK KERIN , 3-5129 .1, d ; Realty. 470 Main St. 4 “ ACCIDENT and HEALTH INSURANCE • No. 8291 with Patt-6-Ram a is 1 : y LARGE .STORE at 26 Birch SI. ' J. D.. REALTY 4 Six room Colonial, garage. $500 cleared, cellar hole, near UConn, ques'Jons at the railroad's, witness The festivilie; were concluded Baptist Church, soloist: Mrs. Wii- ! had any knowledge of how th# .SO W ustSt. Ml 9-1805 Don^t Walt— Apply At Apply...Jiijarlow'B,, 867 Main St. liam B. Kloppenburg, St. Mary's 1 hie at-arrted. . , In Sizes'36. 38, 4,n.'42. 44, 46 48.1 RETIREMENT PLAN required or 25 year FHA mortgage Mrs. Contessa, Agent. PI 2-638^ at a^ hearing- today at the State wUh the singing’ of "Goodnight 50. 52. Bust 38 to -54. Size 38; 40 Up to Seven Years Financing Near Main St. Parking. MI 3-5129 to qualified ■ buvFr. Full price C;hih Scouts." Episcopal Church, organist. iTie i They werfe Angelo Kolocotronis. Delightful:li^ t. kittens in a romance e m p l o y m e n t Offire Building. . ' "■' Rev. John N«ubert, paator of Com- 51> ovaier of Uie .building at bust. 4. yds, 45-inch. -- . Arrangied' . $14,500. ‘ ' . 'Suburban for Sale 75 "W hat we want to find out is moqd to trim, a set of kitchen PAID VACATION and HOLIDAYS . OFFICE SPACE, exaellent loca-i munitv Baotiat Church, will deliv- 6th S t . and Edward . No. 8191 with Patl-O-Rama is . • SEPTIC TANKS., _____ :------—O'* wh.v these trains were late, What towels! Eas.v to embroider in gay. ALL TYPES of carpentry, recrea-, OFFICE tloiv second floor, 1200 sq. ft.' EIGHT ROOM Dutch Coldnlal. LOMAS & NETTLETON CO. er the benediction. ' ''Ab-schal, 44. operator of a salvage In sizes 36, 38. 40, 42. 44. 48. 48. .50,' CLEANED,and INSTALLED steam heat, one-car garage, near ELLINGTON-Moser Drive. Just was cone about it, and how to pre­ LillieJHooky ill Japan colors. _ tion rooms, remodeling, additions j 366 Maiq;^t., Rant Hartford, available, heat, air-conditioned. , . CH 9-6211 -over the Rockville line, charming A dramatization of World Day j omsiness who used the two upper 52. Bust 38 to 54. Size 38. 40 bust, - Long term lease avaiiahle, J. D, : bus, , shopping ■ and Vcrpianck vent aiicli. a_ thing in,the future." Pallern No. 59.14 ha.' hot-iron and gat ages. Call Ml 9,-4291. , Conneetleut. Eve.nings Ml 9-7613 new 5'i! room colonial ranch, 3 of Prayer pro.iects.' entitled floors. yds. 45-inch. - .iransfer for 6 motifs- color chart; • SEWERS . Realty, MI ,'3-.5129, School, Excellent condition, Lotighlin .'aid. ■ . . Tokyo The rale of school at­ BIOWELL HOME Improvemen -MACHINE CLEANED APPLY IN PERSON MONDAY-FRIDAY, $ to 10 A.M. $17,900. Philbriek Agency, MI AD J-8441 very spacious bedrooms, ceramic tendance in Japan i* nearly 100 per "Friends. Across F'rontiers," will; Drt. Cpl. Williarh Balter of O'* T o order, send 3.5c in coins t";', sUtch .illustrations. Open M'ondu'y thru Friday— tile-bath, large attiactive living Counsel Thomas J. O'Siillivan. Co. Alterations, additions, gh., ' mr^ r / k r y z a k 9-8464. ) JA 2^3?75 for the New Haven'said that Itjiter^ cent. The- term of cpmpulso’ry edu­ be'presented by a g.rpup o f church a-rson squad, one,of the a r r e s tl^ - Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve- send '25c in .corns to 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Houses for Rent 65 room with picturesque bow win­ officers, said later both men denied mng Herald. U50 .55 E. Of jAntie Cabot.’The Manchester Eve- rages. Roofing and siding experts. • INSTALLATION ------Heating and Air-Conditioning Sales Manager exhibits would show the causes for cation is nine years. Every"yeai; 55 women. Aluminum clapboard# a specialty, I TWO FAMILY 4-4 or can be 8 SOUTH WINDSOR - 3 bediroom dow, large attractive kitchen with Representative*- from ewh of setting the blaze. ..-f ‘ AMERICAS. NEW YORK 36. N.5 . 1 ning Herald. 11.50 AVE. OF SPECIALIST PRAH& WHITNEY plentycabinets, natural wood­ the train delay*. Asked what th* pef cent of junior high school stu­ Unexcelled workmanahfp. E aay; ■FOUR RfiOM single hou'ae for rent, room'single; vacant, lot 9pxl50, ranch with attached garage, railroad manageinent did vyheiV it dents advance to senior high the . participating churches are There apparently wa* UtUe SSi*; JTpr Ist-class mailing add 10c, a m e RKIAS, NEW YORK .56.' N. 233 PEARL STREET -, / -garage. Out o f town owner says cerainic bath, fenced rear vard, work, walk-out 'basement with pic- surance on fhe building and it* for each pattern. Print name, ad­ budget tprnis. Ml 9-6498 or TR a ir c r a f t $90. MI 3-6105, received its daily ’ reports -«i£ late schools; the figure in the United Mrs. Wa)ker W. Briggs Jr., South 5-9109 ' ■ HARTFORD, CONN. , / ’!scil,'; House in nice condition and lot 108x200. Owner transfer makes ture window, city water, excellent Meth'odlst Church; Mr*. Charle# content*, Baker aald. Police *alit.A dress ' with Zone, Style No and For Isl-cfass mailing ad'd 10c for j , Town anil Couiitry handy' to stores and transporta­ sale netessarv. John H. I.a.ppan, residential al-ea, seconds . '"om trains, O'Sullivan arid ' tfi'e rail­ States is 00 per cent, in Russia and- Division of llnttad Aircraft road’s witnesses, RoberO W. Hoop­ France 60. We#t Germany 60, and Baxter and ^ is s QllUan Grant, lie detector test indicated Kolo- ,8i«'. I each pattern. Print Name, Address AH,, TYPES OF carpentry work, Corporation SDC^ROOM h o u s e ; $90. Ml 9i6229. tion, John H.’ I-appcb. Ine., MI Inr., MI 9-5261, MI 9-2896, MI everything.. On)y, $14,700, Websle* cotronl* ha* no guilty'luiaarUKIg*; copy ' er, said they did not know. England 30. ' ■ Center Congregational Ojurchi fiend 35c today for yciur with Zone and Pattern Number. done. . Alterations dormeVs, roof-, Drainage Co. ; Rant Hartford 8, epnne>eUnnt ' 9r6. 9-5261. MI 9-2896, MI 3-5219. 3-5219, Agency, Realtor, TR 8-8748. of the Spring and Summer la^ue Have you the 'M Album rbntain- Ing, porche?, finish upstairs, ef 'glur complete* patlem maga-1 mg ;many lovely designs and free basementa. and garage, etc. Call. Ml 9-4143 ■iat Bdsle Fashion. pattema? Only 2.5c a 'c o p j! ' MI 9-5981.