

on the publication of Solubility of Gases in Liquids: A mination of Solubilities (G. T. Hefter and R. P. T. Tomkins, Critical Evaluation of Gas/Liquid Systems in Theory and eds., 2003) and Chemicals in the Atmosphere: Solubility, Practice (John Wiley and Sons, 1991), which was a signif- Sources and Reactivity (P. G. T. Fogg and J. Sangster, icant contribution to that fi eld, providing extensive infor- 2003). mation on, and data for, selected systems. Peter was also Peter thoroughly enjoyed his involvement with Editor-in-Chief of the Wiley Series in Solution , IUPAC and the opportunities that it gave him and his wife which comprised authoritative, comprehensive, and up- Heather to travel and make friends all over the world. Pe- to-date accounts of many aspects of solution chemistry. ter’s involvement was characterized by friendship and Seven volumes were published in this series between conviviality, together with passionate professional activ- 1996 and 2003, including the seminal works: Octanol– ity and challenging scientifi c discussions. Peter was both Water Partition Coeffi cients: Fundamentals and Physical a gentle man and a gentleman, and both he and Heather Chemistry (J. Sangster, 1997), The Experimental Deter- enriched the life of all of us.

See also www.iupac.org/ publications/ci/indexes/stamps.html Stamps International Woodward’s Birth Centennial of Guinea illustrated in this note is particularly puzzling, Much has been written about since it portrays Woodward (1917-1979), one of the world’s leading organic next to a gorilla. It is part of the twentieth century, from his precocious interest of a set of four stamp high- in chemistry to his fearless talent and uncanny intuition lighting early pioneers of as a researcher. His adroit synthesis of complex natu- the fi ght against malaria, ral products is legendary: quinine, cholesterol, lysergic so it is fair to include Woodward for his well-known acid, strychnine, cortisone, several , chloro- of quinine (1944). A possible solution

phyll, B12, and many other intricate . to the gorillian conundrum may be surmised from a He received numerous honorary degrees, learned so- 2010 study reported in Nature, in which an internation- ciety memberships, and awards, including the 1965 al team of researchers describe how gorillas may have in Chemistry “for his outstanding achieve- been the original source of Plasmodium falciparum, the ments in the art of ”. In addition to parasite responsible for the most prevalent and harm- synthetic , he proposed, in 1952 (with ful form of malaria infecting humans. Hence, I must Geoff rey Wilkinson), the “sandwich” structure of ferro- conclude that Woodward’s companion on the Guinean cene, a milestone in modern , stamp is a rather obscure but reasonable choice. and developed a set of rules to predict and explain the In turn, the stamp from the Republic of Chad, with outcome and of pericyclic organic re- a more conventional design, features the structure of actions (i.e., the “Woodward-Hoff mann rules”). He au- reserpine, an alkaloid with antipsychotic and antihy- thored some 200 publications and trained more than pertensive properties, whose total synthesis was com- 200 Ph.D. students and postdoctoral research associ- pleted by Woodward in 1956. Interestingly, the stamp ates, many of who went on to includes, underneath the structural diagram of reser- have distinguished careers. pine, the actual reference to the full paper published Despite the magnitude of in Tetrahedron two years later describing in detail (57 his scientifi c legacy, Woodward pages!) this synthetic breakthrough. was not philatelically recog- The only two countries that have honored RBW nized until the year 2015, when with postage stamps may seem a bit unusual but I postage stamps paying tribute must praise the corresponding postal authorities for to the eminent were doing so in an ingenious and meaningful way! issued in two African nations. The stamp from the Republic Written by Daniel Rabinovich .

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