EC 464 STUDENT OUTLINE EC 464 THE PACIFIC RIM - ECONOMIC & POLITICAL ORDERS: “DRAGONS, TIGERS & FLYING GEESE” On satisfactory completion of this course a student will earn: • 4 BU credits, and • 1 BU Hub units covering: 1 unit Intellectual Toolkit – Critical Thinking Classes are timetabled as follows: Mondays and Tuesdays throughout a 7-week semester There are also compulsory tours set on an all-program Melbourne F/T Lecturer: Dr Andrew Mack (0411221663,
[email protected]) Program Learning Outcome: This course contributes to the Program Learning Outcome to be achieved by every student: that is to demonstrate knowledge of Australian culture and society with respect to a combination of the following areas: Australian politics, industry, economics, social policy, environmental policy, literature and the arts, film, marketing, advertising, and mass media. The United States must recognise the sheer weight of China’s economic footprint. Absent an effective American alternative, it favours Beijing over the medium to long term.` (Kevin Rudd, Lowy Interpreter, 7 May 2019) ‘Few in the West have grasped the full implications of the two most salient features of our historical epoch. First, we have reached the end of the era of Western domination of world history...Second, we will see an enormous renaissance of Asian societies. The strategic discourse in the West should focus on how the West should adapt, but this has not happened’ (Kishore Mahbubani, The New Asian Hemisphere: the irresistible shift of global power to the East, New York: Public Affairs, 2008: 9) 1 “America is the global tiger and Japan is Asia's wolf, and both are now madly biting China.