Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Maighne Wind Farm in County Kildare and County Meath
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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE PROPOSED MAIGHNE WIND FARM IN COUNTY KILDARE AND COUNTY MEATH CHAPTER 15 - LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL EIS CHAPTER MARCH 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 15 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL ....................................................................................... 1 15.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 1 15.2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 15.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .............................................................. 2 15.4 DEFINITION OF THE STUDY AREA ................................................................................ 2 15.5 ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY .................................................................................... 2 15.6 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR LANDSCAPE IMPACTS ............................................................ 3 15.7 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR VISUAL IMPACTS ................................................................. 5 15.8 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................... 9 15.9 VISUAL BASELINE ................................................................................................ 20 15.10 POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS ............................................................................. 40 15.11 MITIGATION MEASURES ......................................................................................... 40 15.12 RESIDUAL LANDSCAPE EFFECTS ................................................................................ 43 15.13 RESIDUAL VISUAL EFFECTS ..................................................................................... 51 15.14 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 66 APPENDICES Appendix M1: Visual Impact Appraisal at Viewshed Reference Points (VRPs) M.1(a) – Appraisal of Visual Receptor Sensitivity M.1 (b) – Appraisal of Visual Impact Magnitude Appendix M2: Methodology Statements for Landscape and Visual Analysis Tools M.2a Theoretical Visual Intensity (TVI) Mapping M.2b Theoretical Visual Intensity (TVI) Mapping M.2c Route Screening Analysis (RSA) M.2d Photomontage Preparation Q:/2014/LE14/731/04/Rpt001-0 i/ii LIST OF FIGURES PAGE FIGURE 15.1: LAND COVER PATTERN OF CUTAWAY BOGS AND FARMLAND WITHIN THE CENTRAL STUDY AREA .... 10 FIGURE 15.2: TYPICAL FLAT LOWLAND FARMED LANDSCAPE WITHIN THE CENTRAL STUDY AREA .................... 11 FIGURE 15.3: TYPICAL FLAT PEATLAND LANDSCAPE WITHIN THE CENTRAL STUDY AREA ............................. 11 FIGURE 15.4: A CREST OF LOW HILLS RISING OUT OF THE PLANAR LANDSCAPE OF THE CENTRAL STUDY AREA ... 11 FIGURE 15.5: EXCERPT FROM MAP 14.1 OF THE KILDARE CDP SHOWING THE MAIGHNE WIND FARM SITES IN THE CONTEXT OF LANDSCAPE CHARACTER AREAS ....................................................... 14 FIGURE 15.6: EXCERPT FROM MAP 14.2 OF THE KILDARE CDP SHOWING RELEVANT LANDSCAPE SENSITIVITY AREAS ........................................................................................................ 18 FIGURE 15.7: TVI MAP FOR MAIGHNE WIND FARM (SEE VOLUME 4.A.2 FOR LARGE SCALE MAP) ................ 23 FIGURE 15.8: MAP OF ROUTE SCREENING ANALYSIS (SEE VOLUME 4 FOR LARGE SCALE MAP) .................... 25 FIGURE 15.9: IMAGE EXTRACTED FROM THE ROUTE SCREENING ASSESSMENT INDICATING A TYPICAL ‘OPEN VIEW’ SCENARIO .................................................................................................... 27 FIGURE 15.10: PROCESS OF OVERLAYING ZTV MAP ON RSA MAP FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES .................... 27 FIGURE 15.11: GRAPH SHOWING THE LEVEL OF VISIBILITY FROM SURVEYED ROADS AS DETERMINED BY THE ZTV PATTERN ..................................................................................................... 28 FIGURE 15.12: MAP INDICATING ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS OF RSA ‘OPEN VIEW’ CATEGORY TO DETERMINE NUMBERS OF TURBINES VISIBLE (SEE VOLUME 4 FOR LARGE SCALE MAP) ....................................... 29 FIGURE 15.13: GRAPH INDICATING ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS OF RSA ‘OPEN VIEW’ CATEGORY TO DETERMINE NUMBERS OF TURBINES VISIBLE .......................................................................... 30 FIGURE 15.14: MAP OF CANAL SCREENING ANALYSIS (SEE VOLUME 4 FOR LARGE SCALE MAP) .................... 31 FIGURE 15.15: GRAPH OF CANAL SCREENING ANALYSIS ................................................................. 32 FIGURE 15.16: TURBINE HEIGHT VERSUS DENSITY RELATIONSHIP (SAME POWER OUTPUT WITHIN VIEW) .......... 42 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 15.1: LANDSCAPE VALUE AND SENSITIVITY ...................................................................... 3 TABLE 15.2: MAGNITUDE OF LANDSCAPE IMPACTS ..................................................................... 4 TABLE 15.3: LANDSCAPE IMPACT SIGNIFICANCE MATRIX .............................................................. 5 TABLE 15.4: MAGNITUDE VALUE AND SENSITIVITY ..................................................................... 8 TABLE 15.5: GUIDANCE FOR WIND FARMS IN THE ‘FLAT PEATLAND’ LANDSCAPE TYPE (DOEHLG WIND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES – 2006) .................................................................... 12 TABLE 15.6: GUIDANCE FOR WIND FARMS IN THE ‘HILLY AND FLAT FARMLAND’ LANDSCAPE TYPE ............... 12 TABLE 15.7: ZTV MAP FOR MAIGHNE WIND FARM (SEE VOLUME 4 FOR FULL SCALE ANNOTATED ZTV MAPS GENERATED FROM HUB HEIGHT AND BLADE TIP) ......................................................... 22 TABLE 15.8: RELEVANT DESIGNATED VIEWS FOR COUNTY KILDARE ................................................. 35 TABLE 15.9: RELEVANT DESIGNATED VIEWS FOR COUNTY MEATH ................................................... 36 TABLE 15.10: SELECTED VIEWSHED REFERENCE POINTS (VRP’S) .................................................... 38 TABLE 15.11: LANDSCAPE SENSITIVITY WITHIN THE STUDY AREA .................................................... 46 TABLE 15.12: SIGNIFICANCE OF LANDSCAPE IMPACT ................................................................... 49 TABLE 15.13: SUMMARY OF VISUAL EFFECTS AT VIEWSHED REFERENCE POINTS (VRP’S) ......................... 51 TABLE 15.14: MAGNITUDE OF CUMULATIVE IMPACTS ................................................................... 60 TABLE 15.15: OTHER WIND FARMS WITHIN THE STUDY AREA ......................................................... 61 TABLE 15.16: NATURE OF CUMULATIVE IMPACTS ........................................................................ 62 Q:/2014/LE14/731/04/Rpt001-0 ii/ii 15 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL 15.1 Executive Summary Although the initial impression of this extensive wind energy development proposal is that a broad area of the North Kildare lowlands would be covered with tall wind turbines, which would dominate the landscape and surround its inhabitant, this landscape and visual appraisal reveals quite a different reality. That is, due to the dispersed nature of the proposal and the high degree of screening provided within the lowland landscape, the Maighne wind energy development will be perceived as a series of small to medium sized developments rather than a sprawling singular one. Rather than dominate the underlying landscape it is considered to integrate with it reflecting the organic and meandering pattern of the peatland areas that it occupies and abuts. The dispersed arrangement of the various clusters results in equally dispersed impacts. The magnitude of these impacts reflects the robustness of the receiving landscape and visual setting as well as the discretely portioned views of the scheme. Only from occasional elevated vantage points that rise out of the lowland landscape is the overall scale of the development apparent. The most sensitive of these locations are contained at significant distances from the proposal (20km+) where it will be perceived as another element within a vast, productive landscape pattern. 15.2 Introduction This chapter describes the landscape context of the proposed Maighne Wind Farm and assesses the likely landscape and visual effects of the scheme on the receiving environment. Although closely linked, landscape and visual impacts are assessed separately. Landscape Impact Assessment (LIA) relates to changes in the physical landscape, brought about by the proposed development, which may alter its character and how this is experienced. This requires a detailed analysis of the individual elements and characteristics of a landscape that go together to make up the overall landscape character of that area. By understanding the aspects that contribute to landscape character it is possible to make judgements in relation to its quality (integrity) and to identify key sensitivities. This, in turn, provides a measure of the ability of the landscape in question to accommodate the type and scale of change associated with the proposed development, without causing unacceptable adverse changes to its character. Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) relates to changes in the composition of views as a result of changes to the landscape, how these are perceived and the effects on visual amenity. Such impacts are population-based rather than resource-based as in the case of landscape impacts. Visual impacts are measured on the basis of: Visual Obstruction (blocking of a view, be it full, partial or intermittent) or; Visual Intrusion (interruption of a view without blocking). This landscape and visual impact assessment