’s Sustainable Dairy Farming for profitable Indian dairy farm, small and large farms

Ofier Langer Manager The Israeli Dairy School https://www.dairyschool.co.il Introduction • 1982 Animal Nutritionist f, The Hebrew University • 1991-1993 General Manager of Assia Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Nairobi, Kenya • 1993-2005 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd and Biotechnology General (worked with Glaxo India) • 2005-2010 V.P. marketing and sales of Afimilk • 2010 Establish the Israeli Dairy School The Israeli Dairy School • Provides dairy professionals with practical Israeli techniques for a successful dairy herd management. • Our mission is share dairy knowhow with dairy farmers and dairy professionals based on the Israeli experience. The Israeli Dairy School

• In our team there are more then 60 Israeli dairy experts • We host Dairy Experts and companies from more them 20 Countries • Advanced practical Dairy Farming in extreme conditions Facts about Israel Facts about Israel

• 9,000,000 People • Jewish 75%, Muslim 18%, Christian 2%, other 5% • Length 470 km • Maximum width 135 km • Minimum width 13 Km • Largest cities: Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv • languages: Hebrew, , English • Urban population of 90% • Highly intensive agriculture

Cows in Israel and India







0 Cows India Israel

India Israel 5200000 cattle 125000 cows Interesting Facts about Israel

• Israel is the number 1 leader in waste-water recycling with a rate of 80% • Almost 100% of all water supply to households is from desalination plants • Global Happiness Rankings for 2017 show that Israel is ranked 11th out of 156 nations in world (USA is number 14) • Life expectancy for males in Israel: 5th in the world, 80.6 years For females: 9th in the world, 84.3 years • Israel is the only country to revive an unspoken language and establish it as its national tongue. • Israel in the is the land of milk and honey • Ancient Israel was agricultural • In Israel the agricultural calendar corresponded closely with the religious calendar. • The primary livestock in ancient Israel were sheep, goats, cattle, and donkeys.

The Best from the Land of Milk and Honey Agricultural holiday, Shavuot commemorates the custom of bringing offerings to the Holy Temple from the first fruits of the harvest and the first animals born to the flocks.

The Best from the Land of Milk and Honey Israeli Agriculture in the In the Twentieth Century • Started with the immigration of the Jewish people from Europe at the binning of 1900 • They had no knowhow and no Agriculture tradition • They started from scratch There are two unique forms of agricultural settlements Israel

• Most of Israel's agriculture is based on cooperative principles that evolved in the early twentieth century • 1. : a collective community in which the means of production are communally owned and each member's work benefits all. • 2. The : a farming village where each family maintains its own household and works its own land, while purchasing and marketing are conducted co-operatively. • Both communities provided a mean to the dream of the pioneers, to have rural communities based on social equality, co-operation and mutual aid. Dairy farming in Israel The History of Dairy Farming in Israel • The Israeli Dairy Industry 100 Years of Innovation • 1910s: First experimental Israeli dairy farm • In 1912, Degania Aleph, the very first Kibbutz, established its own dairy herd. • 1920s: Efforts to cross-breed Israeli cattle Israeli cattle with Dutch and Friesian bulls • 1940s: Israeli dairy farming grows. In 1946, 13 heads of cattle were imported from Canada The History of Dairy Farming in Israel

• In the 1950s, a large wave in immigration led to massive growth in dairy farming • Throughout the 1950s, approximately 18,600 cattle were imported into Israel. Most of these were American Holstein- Freisian cattle. • 1960s: The growth of exports, heifers to Iran • 1980s: Incorporation of electronic equipment Electronic milk meters, which had been locally manufactured in Israel, became more popular • 1990s: Record-setting yields The Israeli Dairy Industry today

• 750 dairy farms • 125,000 Israeli Holstein cows • More then 90% of cows have recorded production • 12,025 Kg yield per cow per year (3.82% Fat 3.41 Protein) • Production of 1.6 Billion Liters/year The Israeli Dairy Industry today

Kibbutz Moshav 163 dairy farms 583 dairy farms Production of 58% of the Production of 41% of the total milk total milk 3 x daily milking 2-3 x daily milking TMR TMR More cows in the farm Less farms AVERAGE PRODUCTION (305 days) in COUNTRIES with CONTROLLED PRODUCTION by ICAR

Average milk production Country Year Dairy cows Dairy herds per cow per year (kg)

Australia 2015 1,740,000 6,128 5,731 Canada 2014 959,300 11,962 8,984 Czech Rep. 2014 370,721 7,921 Germany 2015 4,284,639 73,255 7,600 Slovak Republic 2015 140,837 6,733 Turkey 2015 5,535,774 2,074,439 3,059 The 2014 1,438,736 15,941 8,376 Israel 2015 107,212 553 11,772 USA 2015 9,317,000 43,584 10,157

ICAR International Committee for Animal Recording Leading Dairy farms in Israel 2018

Moshav Kfar Yhoshua, 178 milking cows, cows average milk per cow 13,358 liters per year

Kibbutz Habonim, 308 milking cows average milk per cow 14,310 liters per year

Heights yield cow: 16,769 liters per year ANNUAL SUMMARY OF THE COOPERATIVE FARMS WITH THE LARGEST AVERAGE MILK PRODUCTION No. % in Rank Farm Milk, Kg Fat, % Fat, Kg Protein, % Protein, Kg F+P, Kg SCC cows milk 1 Ein Hashelosha 14,463 3.66 529 3.30 477 1,006 148 321 89 2 HaBonim 14,097 3.55 500 3.29 464 964 152 294 91 3 Sa'ad 14,024 3.48 488 3.38 474 962 208 341 88 4 Revivim 13,815 3.50 483 3.27 452 935 173 990 88 5 13,780 3.59 495 3.26 449 944 262 290 89 6 M. Hachamisha 13,758 3.52 485 3.20 440 924 224 276 88 7 Regba 13,726 3.56 488 3.30 452 941 172 862 88 8 Ma'agan Michael 13,645 3.56 486 3.21 438 924 215 320 88 9 Dafna 13,641 3.48 475 3.18 434 909 173 300 86 10 Afek 13,629 3.67 500 3.28 447 947 253 314 88 11 13,591 3.57 486 3.23 438 924 242 582 88 12 Nir Etzion 13,572 3.61 490 3.21 436 927 265 663 88 13 Yavne 13,544 3.64 492 3.27 443 936 141 382 88 14 Tze'elim 13,529 3.59 486 3.32 450 935 173 311 89 15 Ma'ale HaGuilboa 13,502 3.45 466 3.19 431 897 259 313 89 16 Carmia 13,457 3.81 513 3.31 446 959 252 421 88 17 Ayelet HaShachar 13,453 3.70 497 3.24 436 933 266 287 88 18 13,392 3.54 474 3.24 434 908 134 321 89 19 Nir Ytzhak 13,376 3.58 480 3.20 428 907 190 369 88 20 Urim 13,376 3.52 470 3.17 424 894 185 418 85

23 Average milk yield per cow (Kg.)

Source: Israel Dairy Board Number of dairy farms and national production

Source: Israel Dairy Board What do we do in Israel for successful Dairy Farming? Make the cow feel conferrable, happy and healthy Profitable Dairy Farm

Good herd Management 06 01 Genetics and Breeding and good planning

Cows Welfare 05 02 Nutrition and Feeding

Herd Health 04 03 Milk Quality and Udder Health Genetics and Breeding DEVELOPMENT OF THE ISRAELI-HOLSTEIN CATTLE

Holstein Israeli Holstein Friesian Bulls cow Israeli Dairy Cows - Genetic Program

Breeding with production emphasis under stressful conditions

The Israeli Herd-Book and Sion is the basis for genetic improvement of the strain

All the data collection is under the direction of Israel Cattle Breeders Association - ICBA.

All breeding is by artificial insemination and 95% is done by Sion. Assaf Sheep • Israeli cross-bred sheep combines the positive qualities of the Awassi and German East Friesian breeds. • Produces an average of 450 liters of milk annually, • Average prolificacy of 1.3 lambings each year with 1.6 lambs per lambing. Heat detection

Using the Latest Technology to get better pregnancy rates Peaks in activity indicate a cow in heat. Using pedometers on cows eligible for heat lead to a higher rate of heat detection and more efficient breeding. Nutrition and Feeding “ quality forage & reasonable cow comfort is the key success factor in any conditions”

Dr. Ofer Kroll The ensilage process and technology is highly maintained and provide a high quality silage

Silages are packed and stored only in concrete bunkers.

Check out for bad quality silages: before and after exposure Silage preparation in Givat Yoav Feed center Milk Quality and Udder Health Milk quality - average somatic cell count

Source: Israel Dairy Board

Prevention is the best and cheapest way to cut losses

A full hygienic milking routine is one of the cheapest and most effective ways for healthy udders and more milk Milking requires cooperative effort between:

• The cow

• The operator, worker

• A properly functioning milking machine

• Good milking routine

42 The Dairy Farmer The Israeli Dairy Farmer:

• Well trained • Loves technology • Seeks innovations • Demands individual animal information • Relies on automatic systems • Using management software –keep records • Willing to share farm data & results

44 Using Technology

Dairy herd management tools In modern Farm using Herd Management Program is a must A good Herd Management Program is accurate and reliable information systems that provide accurate information at proper time and support the right decision-making at the proper time Herd management companies in Israel

Three main Israeli companies that are selling their products in Israel and export their product word wide:


SCR now Allflex (Merck)

ENGS Herd Health It is important to move from the Individual Cow health towards the entire Herd health

The individual cow

Data Collection Recommendations and Processing

The herd Targets or Goals • Targets are preset, and are used as a challenge for farmers

• Targets should be within reach.

• Targets are updated regularly Cow Welfare Grouping

• Different nutritional requirements. • Social consideration. • Heterogeneity, mainly due to social repression of younger / weaker animals. PROPER MANAGEMENT OF EACH PRODUCTIVE STAGE TO ACHIEVE MAXIMAL PRODUCTIVITY Milking cows, Heifers’ raising, different lactation stages special consideration for the DRY PERIOD and the TRANSITION PERIOD

54 HEAT STRESS MANAGEMENT Cooling cows improves cow’s welfare and production sustainability Factors affecting the heat stress

• Temperature • Humidity • Wind (direction and velocity) • Barn characteristics (roof height, marginal • length, bedding area and its surface, etc.) • Solar radiation

Proper planning is the base for success Most popular in Israel is loose housing barn • Large bedding area; • Relatively small amount of bedding materials. • Shade adjacent to feeding alley • Bedding area- 17 m² per cow Cooling by Showering and Ventilation in the Holding Pen of the Milking Parlor

• Size - at least 2 sq. mts/cow • High roof • Drainage • Equipment

The equipment should produce large water droplets that effectively soak the cow’s hair coat and reach the skin. Water must evaporate before the following water application. Fans remove (push away) the air containing the evaporated water.

Important nots:

• Farms are different from each other • Each farm is a unique entity • There is no one solution for all the farms but rather, a solution should be tailored for a farm based on its special conditions, needs and ability to implement recommendations. Using Israeli systems in India, Is it possible ? Nashik farm 350 milking cows (total 650 cows)

Dairy Products in Israel • Very large selection of products • 4 main dairy factories (Tnuva, Strauss, Tara, Gad) Milk companies in Israel

Israel’s biggest dairy producer, 50.6% market share established in 1926, by the moshavim and kibbutzim. 2007 Acquisition Apax Private Equity Foundation 2015 Acquisition Bright Food Group Shanghai China About 500 dairy farms supply there milk

Privet famaly owner 21.4% market share established in 1939, cooperate with Danone, PepsiCo,

11.9% market share 1942 established by 7 dairy farmers Owner: Coca-Cola Israel 160 dairy farms supply them milk Thank you!

Hope to see you in one of our seminar
