Lecture 2 – Bone
Oral Histology Summary Notes Enoch Ng Lecture 2 – Bone - Protection of brain, lungs, other internal organs - Structural support for heart, lungs, and marrow - Attachment sites for muscles - Mineral reservoir for calcium (99% of body’s) and phosphorous (85% of body’s) - Trap for dangerous minerals (ex:// lead) - Transduction of sound - Endocrine organ (osteocalcin regulates insulin signaling, glucose metabolism, and fat mass) Structure - Compact/Cortical o Diaphysis of long bone, “envelope” of cuboid bones (vertebrae) o 10% porosity, 70-80% calcified (4x mass of trabecular bone) o Protective, subject to bending/torsion/compressive forces o Has Haversian system structure - Trabecular/Cancellous o Metaphysis and epiphysis of long bone, cuboid bone o 3D branching lattice formed along areas of mechanical stress o 50-90% porosity, 15-25% calcified (1/4 mass of compact bone) o High surface area high cellular activity (has marrow) o Metabolic turnover 8x greater than cortical bone o Subject to compressive forces o Trabeculae lined with endosteum (contains osteoprogenitors, osteoblasts, osteoclasts) - Woven Bone o Immature/primitive, rapidly growing . Normally – embryos, newborns, fracture calluses, metaphyseal region of bone . Abnormally – tumors, osteogenesis imperfecta, Pagetic bone o Disorganized, no uniform orientation of collagen fibers, coarse fibers, cells randomly arranged, varying mineral content, isotropic mechanical behavior (behavior the same no matter direction of applied force) - Lamellar Bone o Mature bone, remodeling of woven
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