▶ To Cherish All Life With OOps! What the Blue Cliff Record Fidgets, halter tOps, and the emphasis on “all,” can we exist and Roshi Kjolhede have to say snark: how a dharma superiority on earth without killing? about mistakes complex develops AUTUMN 2018 | VOLUME XL, NUMBER THREE editOr ZEN BOWChris Pulleyn |
[email protected] editOrial cOnsultant The mind of the Zen adept is taut—ready, like a drawn bow Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede |
[email protected] cOpY EDITOr Autumn 2018 | Volume Xl, number THREE Cecily Fuhr |
[email protected] art directOr To theme or not to theme? For more 3 M SOUNDINGS Daryl Wakeley |
[email protected] than a decade, each issue of Zen Bow has proofreader had a specific theme, and submissions have “Just bury me in Tupperware”: John Pulleyn accordingly been solicited for specific topics. remembering Cynthia Seefeld | The Call for submissions The first two issues of the redesigned Zen science of kisses and stones | Q&A: My legs fall asleep! | Tangen Roshi’s tea All readers are encouraged to submit essays and Bow were also themed: “Starting Over” and images at any time and on any topic related to Zen “Memorializing Tangen Harada Roshi.” room teachings | What is samadhi? practice. Articles may be of any length. Suggestions for articles and artwork are also welcome, as are Meanwhile, creativity in the Sangha con- “found objects” such as quotations, haiku, and/ tinues to bubble up and ideas keep coming or excerpts from articles in other publications. amaury cruz Submission guidelines may be found on the Zen Bow our way. The über-theme ofZen Bow is to page of the Center’s website: www.rzc.org/library/ inspire Zen practice, on and off the mat—but I resolve not to kill: zen-bow.