4 Heavy mow storms in Canada, Maine, New THE WORLD’S WICKEDNESS. A FORTUNE FOR A SONG. ft. Governor Hill appointed Gen. Roger A. Pryor DISASTERS OF ALL SORTS. Ham praire and Vermont. Floods in Canada DEATH’S HEAVY HAND. special counsel to conduct suits against tbs and Maine. JANUARY. A Estate Bought For a trusta 14 ' wo sections of an excursion train on the Le­ 14 Hatfields and McCoys, of Kentucky and Waft Trifle Sells for SI,734,750.tggga AUGUST. . . ___ STORMS AND FLOODS OF GREAT EX­ high Valley road came together at Mud Run, IT WAS LAID UPON SOME MIGHTY fought a pitched battle. They met ‘ANNO DOMINI ’88 . A Matthew Byrnes jumped off the Ha.; 78 lives lost. again Jan. 19. New York World. bridge. TENT AND DESTRUCTIVENESS. f t ^ ‘sastrous prairie Area reported In Dakota. HEADS DURING 1888. f t Court Clerk Irion, of Birmingham, Ala., de­ 4 Navy frauds reported at Brooklyn navy yard, gf. A bombshell, picked up on the battle field of faulted in $20,000. A little more than one-half of a tract ft. Yellow fever well under way at Jacksonville ftft vsburg In 1664 exploded and killed a 84 W T Reynolds, cashier Citizens' bank, Lime­ of real estate on Manhattan island bough’ Chronological Record of an Fla Earthquakes and Fires, Railroad Acci­ fom man at Boiling Springs, Pa The Grisly Enemy of Mankind Has Spared stone, L T., was murdered by bank robbers, eighty years ago for $3120 was sold yes­ 10. Leary's big log raft arrived in New York from one of whom was shot by the people, one Eventful Twelvemonth. dents and Boiler Explosions—Tho Dead NOVEMBER. Neither Palace nor Hovel, and Here Are terday at the Real Estate Exchange for Nova Scotia 4 Mine explosion at Cook's Run. P a Sixteen was hanged and the rest turned over to the $1,734,750. It was a portion of the twelve 14 Woman suffrage declared unconstitutional In from Casualties in 1888 Number Mil­ Set Down tbe Names of Some of His authorities. Washington territory. lives lost. acres purchased by Isaac Jones in 1808. lions. 4 One hundred miners entombed by a mine ex­ Brightest Marks. Charles O'Brien, cashier, and Elinor E. Morse, DEATH. DISEASE, DISASTER. 18 Potato bugs are so numerous In Dauphin bookkeeper, of the Auburn, N. Y., First Nar The tract extended from what is now county. Pa, that they stop railroad traîna JANUARY. plosion near Pittsburg, Kan. Seventh avenne to half way between Ninth 10. Thirteen killed at bridge oyer tbe Thirty -seven men killed by a fire In a lantern JANUARY. tionai bank, disappear. Defalcation, $200,000. On the authority of the Philadelphia Press. 87. Investigation of the Central bank ease, To­ and Tenth avenues, and from Seventy- 8L Fisheries treaty reported by the L nited States Merrimac, on the Boston and Maine railroad. •ind gauge works In Rochester, N Y 4 At Baltimore. Gen. Isaac R. Trimble, aged 84 fbtM Direful Thing«, «gith Criminal Mat- IL Collision between the Cunarder Umbria and ronto. shows deliberate bank breaking. Most fourth to Seventy-fifth streets. It was wel senate. 12. Violent blizzard reported from Dakota. At Philadelphia, Joel Parker, ex-Governor of of the officials have come to the . trra .(titled, Takt Op Mach of the Space 84 Jacksonville puaranttned because of yellow 22. Fourteen men burned to death at a hoarding the French steamer Iberia, twenty miles from New Jersey, aged 8L wooded and was purchased by Mr Jones Bandy Hook. FEBRUARY. foi the lumber. It then belonged to the Allotted to the Set Record of the Tear’s fever. house fire, at Tower, Minn. 7. At North Stonington, Conn., Eunice Cottrell a 4 White Caps flogged and left a man in dying 84 Miss Nellie Williamson, of Greenville, P a, 84 Thirty-five miners killed by explosion In a oot Disastrous tornado at Waterville. P a Pequot Indian, aged 194 Somerdyke estate. The property steadily Event*—i’er»onal Matter* and Politics laughed herself to death. liery, at Wellington, B. C. 14 Che storm of the 24th, 25th and 26th caused 9. At San Francisco, Gen. Washington Seawell condition in Indiana. increased in value as the west side of the 87. All railroad travel suspended between New (oss of nearly $1,000,000 on the Atlantic coast. 7. Ex-Mayor Means, of Cincinnati president ot Occupy Most of the Rest—It’s a Good 8L Mr. Crowley, the celebrated Central park aged 85 city developed, and the city, when laying chimpanzee, died in New York. York and Boston by a snow blockade. DECEMBER. 14 At Boston, Gen. Adln B. Underwood, aged 6L the Metropolitan National bank, arrested for Terrible storms reported upon the Atlantio 14 A whole family found burned to death In misappropriation. Bank closed. out Central Park, paid $80,000 for five acres. Ohi MOrld to Live In Noth withstanding SEPTEMBER. 14 At Washington, George Walker, ex-United 4 Henry Reece, cashier Continental hotel Philar 4 Battle between renegade Utes and FCites on the ocean. Cookville, Mo. Indications of murder. consul general at Paris, aged 63 When Paie Jones died his proper’y was It’s Somewhat Black Record. LaSalle mountains; 100 Indians reported killed. FEBRUARY. 14 Ai beck's woolen manufactory at Neu munster, 8L At San Francisco. Walter M. Gibson, ex-pre­ delphia. defaulter in $60.000. divided among his five children, Joshua, 4 Barali Althea Hill, of Sharon divorce case L Fire In Buffalo. Loss, $1,500,000 Prussia burned to the ground; fifteen per­ Amos J Snell Chicago millionaire, murdered Here i9 a record of the leading events mier of the Sandwich Islands, aged 65. by burglar (This is the celebrated Tascott the last surviver and to whom the wealth notoriety, jailed for three days for contemptof British bark Abascom wrecked near mouth of sons killed and ten fatally Injured. At Mentor. Eliza Ballou Garfield, mother of of the big estate finally reverted, graduated of the year 1888. court in San Francisco. Judge Terry, her tho Columbia river, W. T. ; 22 drowned. 14 A market building destroyed in Boston by a President Garfield, aged 86. case.) from Columbia and practiced law. John It lias been a right lively year—to husband, sent up for six mouths for drawing 14 Colliery explosion near Kaiserslautern, Bava­ mysterious explosion. 84 At Washington, Rear Admiral Clark H Wells, 24 Masked robbers went through a Southern Pa­ a dirk in a court room. ria; 40 killed. aged 65 cific train, near’Tucson, A. T. Reported Jones, a brother, was at one time president some people. heavy loss of the Chemical Rank. Joshua lived at the 8. United States house of representatives passed 19. Tornado at Mt Vernon, Els. ; 21 killed, 19 mor­ PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. 84 At Cambridge, Mass.. Professor Asa Gray, Two emperors have died in Germany, the Canadian retaliation bill. tally wounded, 100 injured; 80u houses de­ aged 77 84 Express train robbery on the St. Louis, Arkan­ New York Hotel, a lonely and eccentric JANUARY sas and Texas railroad, at Kingsland. Arkan- there has been a presidential election in 9. Suicide in New York at the Hoffman House Of stroyed and 1,500 people rendered homeless. FEBRUARY bache’or. There he died on the 23d ot 14 Et!ward S. Bragg confirmed as United States srs the United States, cabinet crises in Edward V. Seebohm, Loudon dramatist. 81. Between twenty and thirty people killed by 2. At Rome, Italy, Mrs. Mary Howitt, aged 84. last March, worth, it was estimated about 28. Starvation and cannibalism reported among the explosion of a boiler of a river steamer, minister to Mexico. MARCH France and Spain, great floods in China, 14 Don M. Dickinson confirmed postmaster gen­ 14 At Santa Fe, N. M., Archbishop Baptiste 4 Discovei-y of graveyard insurance schema, six or seven millions. His estate consisted tho Indians of the Athabaska and Peace river United States of Columbia. Larny, aged 74 Mexico and a number of other countries, regions in Manitoba. 25. Report that 4,000 men were engulfed while eral of the United States. Charleston, S. C. of stocks and bonds and tbe above-men­ including nearly every one upon the filling a breach In the Yellow river embank­ L. Q. C- Lamar confirmed as associate justice of 15. At Toledo, O., D. R. Locke (Petroleum V. 4 Eras t us J. Jones, ex-treasurer of Dauphin tioned real estate, and one or two other OCTOBER. Nasby ), aged 54. county. Pa., defaulter in SOI,OCX). American continent; great storms have 8. United States senate tariff bill reported. ment in China confirmed. the supremo court of the United States. parcels. The stocks realized over a million, 87. Explosion and sinking of a ferryboat at Vallejo, 17. 11 C. Walthall re-elected United States senator 17. At New York, A. S. Barnes, aged 71 24 State Treasurer Tate, of Kentucky, reported swept the earth's surface; there have 6. United States war ship Baltimore successfully 21. At Providence, George H. Corliss, aged 70. and yesterday the seven acres of land up CaL Forty lives lost. from Mississippi defaulter in $250,000. been earthquakes; disasters almost with­ launched at Philadelphia. 24 At Washington, W. W. Corcoran, aged 90. 27. State National hank of Raleigh. N. C., closed town were put od ssle in the Real Estate out number have to be recorded, crime & Supreme court of Utah gave final judgment 89. Avalanches destroy several Alpine villages in Wesley Merritt confirmed as brigadier general Exchange. Italy. of the . MARCH. its doors. Charles E. Close, president, and has stalked abroad in all lands, there was dissolving the Mormon church corporation Samuel C. White, cashier, defaulters in $75,004 and escheating the property MARCH. 94 United States Senator Wilson, of Iowa, re­ 4 At Boston, Amos Bronson Alcott, aged 84 The tract as it now stands occupies an a little flurry between Canada and the 4 The famous hospice in St Bernard buried by elected. APRIL. entire square, half of another and one quar­ United States over the fisheries ques­ 12. Gen. Thelamaque, defeated candidate for 4 Mrs. Proctor, widow of Barry Cornwall president of Ilayti killed while storming the an avalanche. No lives lost FEBRUARY. aged 88. 4 First Whitechapel murder reported. ter of a third. Last year a row of filteen tion, but no great harm was done; Eng­ Palais Nationale at Port au Prince. ft. News received of earthquake In the province of 14 Henry George withdrew from the Anti-Poverty 6. At Boston, Louisa May Alcott, aged 55. 11. Trial of Dave Walker, Bald Knobber chief, in society. houses was built on a portion ns an experi­ land has had some skirmishes in the 14 The gunboat Petrel successfully launched at Yun Nen, China. One hundred nud fifteen 7. At Charleston, C. G. Memminger, secretary of progress in Ozark, Miss. He was convicted, ment. The other property consists of 100 east; Stanley, the African explorer, is— j Baltimore. thousand people killed and 1,800.000 rendered 14 Charles S. Carey made solicitor of the United the Confederate treasury, aged 85. and with other Bald Knobbers sentenced to States treasury. vacant lots lull city size. The prices re­ where? there is a little row in#tho West A large delegation of Sioux chiefs arrived at homeless. 4 At Charleston, W. Va , Gen. D. EL Strother hang Dec. 88. Indies; but why go on? If you examine Washington to talk over the proposed cession 10. Twenty-eight lives lost by the sinking of the MARCH. (Porte Crayon), aged 72. 14 Happy Bob Van Brunt, formerly Salvation alized were not up to the expections of the British steamship City of Corinth. 4 Gen. Badeau brought his suit against the Army leader, hanged at Warsaw, N. Y., foi executors, but the property ntfered was all the set rec ord found hereto attached of part of their reservation. Grant family. Settled late in the year 9. At Berlin, Frederick William Ludwig von ou will ti #1 the date of nearly every 14 Baseball championship awarded the New York U, 12,14 Famous blizzard along tbe Atlantio Hoheuzollern (William R. emperor of Ger­ the murder of Will Roy. sold. The total amount realized was club. coast Business paralyzed; many people APRIL. many and king of Prussia, aged 91. 84 Passenger train on the Inter-Oceanic railway 1,975,000. Snportant event duly set down with care frozen to death ; numerous railroad accidents L Dis DeBar excitement at Its height In New in Mexico robbed by highwaymen. 17. Seventy families reported starving In a Dakota York. 12. At New York. Henry Bergh, aged 65. and, it is hoped, with a reasonable de­ town. and sea disasters. Ice bridge formed between 14 At Paris, Senator Lazare Hippolyte Carnot, MAY. Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. gree of accuracy, together with some not New York and Brooklyn, East river. 4 Rhode Island election. Carried by the Repub­ L Assistant Cashier De Baun, of tbe Park Na­ 87. Steamer Ilaytian Republic seized by a Haytian licans. aged 87 ■o important but curious, diverting or man-of-war. 17. The south bound West Indian mail train on 14 Horace Fairbanks, ex-governor of Vermont, tional bank. New York, defaulter in $95.000. tbe Savannah, and Western railroad 4 Gen. George Crook made major general and 4 Tho supreme court of Illinois confirmed tha [ Oregonian. ] puzzling- ______NOVEMBER. , CoL J. R. Brooks made brigadier general aged 4S. 1. Many men wounded and schooners dismantled broke through the trestle after crossing creek 24 At Washington, Morrison R. Waite, chief Jus­ sentence of the Chicago boodfers, and they In his message delivered a few days ago to near Blackshire, G a. ; nineteen persons killed; 17. Louisiana election. Carried by the Democrats. were sent to Joliet penitentiary. THE GENERAL RECORD. during a fight on Chesapeake bay between 94 Episcopal Bishop Courtney consecrated at tice of the United States, aged 72. the legislature of South Carolina, the Gov­ JANUARY. dredgers and oyster police. thirty-four hurt; narrow escape of George 84 At Wiesbaden, John T. Hoffman, ex-governor 12. Masked robbers board a train on the Sonora Gould and wife. Halifax. railroad, at Aguazarca, A. T., and then robbed ernor of that State declared that the negro 1. The 36-inch lens of Lick telescope successfully 4 Steve Brodio jumped off the Poughkeepsie Bishop Janssen consecrated at Belleville, Ilia of New York, aged 60. mounted. bridga 90. Twelvo inches of snow fell in northern At New York, Commodore Robert B. Hitchcock, tho fireman, killed the expressman and fatally in the South should not exercise the suf­ Texas. Theatre burned at Oporto, Portugal; 84 Melville W. Fuller nominated chief justice hurt the conductor. One* passenger fatafif 12. United States house of representatives passed 12. A bereaved widow, Marie Berthune, crazed by United States supreme court aged 84. frage, and that tbe South would remain the Pittsburg, Kan., mine disaster, set fire to 119 people consumed. 24 At New York, Joseph W. Drexel aged 55. hurt bill empowering the president to appoint a MAY. “solid” so loDg as the right of suffrage was commissioner of fish and fisheries. her hut and burned herself and four children 81. Tornado in East Tennessee. Many floods. 24 At Savannah, ex-Lieutenant Governor Dore- JUNE. 22. Blizzard reported in the northwest. 14 R. B. Roosevelt confirmed as United States 1. Mrs. Rawson, whose divoroesuit against hei held by the negro race. 16. United States house of representatives passed to death. minister to the Netherlands. heimer, of New York, aged 52. Dingley’s resolution calling for Inquiry into 14 Capt. T. n . Logan, commanding the U. R. 87. Terrible floods in Germany and Hungary—100 87. Near Claymont, Del., FeÙx O. C. Darley, artist, husband was the talk of Chicago, shot Maj. “That efforts will be made,” said he, villages submerged—many lives lost—40,000 Union Labor convention nominated Alison J. aged 82. Whitney, her husband's attorney, in open ‘'either by coercive legislation or concilia­ allegetl discrimination in Welland canal tolls. troops at Fort Hancock, on tho Rio Grande, Streator, of Ullnois, for president and Charles 10. Lucy Barber put on trial at Buffalo for voting taken into custody by Mexicans for hunting rendered homeless. Heavy floods In Ala­ 8eyyid Barghash, sultan of Zanzibar, aged 84 court. tory measures, to break the solid South is bama. E. Cunningham, of Arkansas, for vice presi­ 4 White Caps of Spencer county, Ind., com­ at a general election. She was convicted on Mexican territory. dent. APRIL. to be assumed. But this solidity will later and imprisoned for one day. 87. New York state court of appeals decided that 84 Sixty miners killed by an explosion at Rich manded newspapers to publish their proclama­ 17. Union Labor convention nominated Robert H. 4 At PhiladelphiA Benjamin H. Brewster, ex- tion under penalty of chastisement prove to all those assaults a veritable stone 80. A workman in a Pittsburg, Pa., iron mill « I I Cornell university cannot receive the $1,- Hill, Mo. Cowdrey, of Illinois, for president, and W. H. 600,000 willed to It by Mrs. Jennie McGraw APRIL. attomey general United States, aged 71. 4 ML L. Lichtenstein, Wilmington, Del., da wall so long as the civilization of the pulled through the rolls. L Wakefield, of Kansas, for vice president 4 At New York, Jacob Sharp, aged 71. 22. Delaware reported free from debt and with a Fiske, as It already possesses as much aa the L Eighteen people burned to death and sixty-five faalter in $33,250. ADglo-Saxon is threatened and the priceless Injured at Celaya, Mexico, by the burning of 24 R. L. Gibson elected United States senator 7. At Brooklyn, Gen. Quincy Adams Gillmore, 17. Eight masked robbers went through a train heritage bequeathed us by our forefathers surplus of 8250,000. law allows. This is the celebrated Fiske will from Louisiana. aged 63. 84 Adelbert college (Cleveland, O.) trustees de­ case, and appeal was taken to the United the stand for spectators at a bull fight near Junction City, M. T., securing $1,400. is endangered.” 2. News received of wreck of bark Princess off Equal Rights national convention in Des Moines, 14 At Valencia, Spain, Archbishop Joseph S. 90. P. A. Huber, Adams Express agent at Sun- clared against co-education. States courts. la., nominated Bel va Lockwood for president AJemany, aged 74. Here is an official announcement by the 80 The schooner William Jones, of Boston, which Caminha, Portugal. Twenty-three drowned. bury. Pa., arrested for stealing an expresi 81 The California supreme court affirmed the de­ 84 E. D. White elected United States m ta tor 15. At Liverpool, Eng., Matthew Arnold, aged 65. governor of a Southern State that the ne­ cision in the Sharon divorce suit to the effect had been seized by Hayti, was released, and 4 Twelve persons killed in an accident on the package containing $29,600, in transit from Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway at from Louisiana 17. At Brooklyn, Ephraim George Squire, aged 66. Philadelphia, in August, 1886. gro in the South shall not have political that Sarah Althea IXU was the wife of Senator an indemnity of $10,000 paid. 8L Prohibition national convention nominated 14 At New York, Dr. Cornelius Agnew, aged 54 rights. “We declare,” said he, pursuing Sharon. DECEMBER. New Hampton, la. 84 Porter und Buck, American burglars, held in 4 Tornado destroyed several houses in Sioux Clinton B. Fisk for president and John A. At New Yolk, ex-United States Senator Roscoe London for extraidition to Zurich, where they the subject with the florid rhetoric of the FEBRUARY. L Littlewood won six day walking match, beat­ Brooks for vice president. Conkling, aged 60. 4 The governor of San Domingo granted a con­ ing the world record. City, la. are charged with stealing $250,000 worth of South, “we declare, with a determination JUNE. 19. At Baltimore, Mil, A. S. Abell founder of Tho cession to American railroad contractors. & Tho Paraguay-Bolivian question assumed seri­ 14 GrÄit damage done by ice gorges in the north­ property. as fixed and immovable as the stars of ous proportions. west. B. Oregon election. Carried by tho Republicans. Baltimore Sun, aged 81. 84 Charles A. Pitcher, teller of Union bank ol 8. United States senate postponed consideration 4 Democratic national convention nominated 20. At New York, William B. Dinsmore . president heaven, that never again shall any other of the British extradition treaty. 4 The natives of Alaska sent out an appeal, say­ 14 Report from Calcutta of tornado at Dacca, Providence, It. I., is a fugitive and default« killing more i :. an 100 persons and wounding Grover Cleveland for president of the United of Adams Express company, aged 77 in large amounts. than ADglo-Saxon rule in this fair, be­ 18. Commissioners of Immigration abolished the ing that tho women are outraged and the men States and Allen G. Thurman, of , for 21. At Boston, Brig. Gen. William Dwight, aged 56. loved and beautiful South land of ours." bureau of labor at Castle Garden, New York. virtually enslaved by the Alaska company. more than 1,000. JULY. 19. Explosion of colliery In Workingham, Eng- vice president At Ottawa, Thomas White, Canadian minister 4 John R. Van Loan, of the Second National Well, then, if the colored man cannot Frederick Mayer, Austrian vice consul in New 4 Many evictions on the Des Mornes river lands 14 William B. Francklyn and S. B. Tuck made of the interior aged 54 York, committed suicide. in Iowa. laiid killed twenty-two persons. bank of Jersey City, a defaulter $15.000 vote the white man should not be allowed 89. Floods in Wisconsin and in the southwest United States commissioners to the Paris ex­ 22. At New Brunswick, N. J., Rear Admiral 14 The stealings of M. L. Lichtenstein . defaulting IT. Two American war ships ordered to Tangiers, 11. A Maryland police schooner, during a desper­ position. Charles Stewart Boggs, aged 77. to vote for him. That is, the representa­ Morocco, because of a row between the United ate fight with oyster pirates, scuttled two Loss of life and destruction of property re­ treasurer of Wilmington, Del., loan associa­ tion of South Carolina, and certain other ported. 14 Mme. Dis DeBar sent to the penitentiary in 84 At New York, Mrs. Clements S. Lozier, M. D., tions, aggregate $100,000. States consul and the sultan. schooners, after sweeping their decks with a New York. aged 74. States, in cougress and in the electoral col­ 80. Investigation of the sugar trust begun in New Gatling gun. Considerable loss of life. MAY. 15. More stories of opium smuggling on the ex­ 4 An entire family consisting of seven jiersona 94 Republican national convention nominated 80. At Rome, n . B. Deasy, vice rector of the treme northwest and the New York and lege ought to be reduced at once, iu accord York city. 12. The United States steamers Galena and Yantio Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana, for president, American college. 81. The president of the United States transmitted sailed from the Brooklyn navy yard for Ilayti burned to death near Burlington, Neb. frontier. Later many arrests were made and with the provisions of tbe fourteenth 4 Cloud burst near Maize, Kan., and caused a and Levi P. Morton, of New York, for vice MAY. in November Frank Gardner was convicted amendment of the constitution. _v_g: the fisheries treaty to the senate, accompa­ to demand the release of the steamer Ilaytian president. nied by a message and protocol. Republic. flood, during which* a house was swept into 4 At Fond du Lac, Wis., Bishop John Henry and sentenced for being concerned therein. These utterances by Southern governors the Arkansas river and four persons -of one JULY. 87. Cases against seized fishing vessels David J. 9. CoL Thomas L. Casey appointed chief of the Hobart Brown, aged 56. Throe Bohemian Anarchists Hronek, Chapek are sufficient notice to Congress that the Adams and Ella M. Doherty discontinued by family drowned. 4 At Amherst, Mass., Lawrence Perseus Hickok, Chlebouth arrested in Chicago for conspiracy THE OLD WORLD. Explosion of a carload of dynamite near Locust engineers of the United States army, with the right to vote in the South is “abridged” on order of the Dominion privy counsel. rank of brigadier general. aged 69. to murder Judges Gerry and Grümell and JANUARY. Gap, Pa., killed eight persons and injured 7. Near Griffithsville, W. Va., Thomas Eggleston, Inspector Bonlield, and burndowu the city. the ground of color. Enforcement of the MARCH. 10. M. Floquet elected president of French cham­ twenty more; seventeen houses wrecked and AUGUST. fourteenth amendment should come in 1. Mills tariff bill presented to the United States 15. National convention of American party at aged 111. He smoked for ninety years. 25. War between Hatfield and McCoy factions it bouse of representatives. ber of deputies. burned. Damage, $75,000. 4 At Loadon, Professor Leone Levi, aged 60. Pike county, Ky., and Logan county, W. Va., here. Some member of Congress should 22. Louise Michel shot by a crank at Havre, 11. Destructive tornado at Freeport, Ills. Washington nominated James L. Curtis for broke out afresh. International railway connecting the Mexican president. 11. At St. Paul Minn., Commodore Kittson, aged bring the message of the Governor Central and Southern Pacific opened for busi­ France. 14 High water at Alexandria, Mo., along the Red 67. 87. Governor Hill commuted death sentence ol of South Carolina before the House FEBRUARY. River valley; many plantations Hooded; 24 Ex-President Salomon, of Hayti, arrived in Chiara Cignarale to imprisonment for life. ness. New York en route to Paris in exile. . 12. At Toronto, John Joseph Lynch, archbishop of and move that inasmuch as 4 Austro-German treaty of 1879 published, caus­ several lives lost. Toronto, aged 72. 29. White Caps In Perry county, Ind., flog tw« Poll in M. Squire and Morris B. Flynn acquitted ing much excitement. 26. Robert Garrett reported completely demented. the constitutional rights ot large num­ In the court of oyer and terminer, New York. 94 Destructive storms from ocean to ocean, much •TCNE. * Mormon missionaries. & Lord Landsdowno appointed, governor general property damaged and several lives lost. 81. Charles H. Litchman resigned the general 80. P. K. Dederick, of Albany, robbed of $40,00( bers of citizens in that State are denied, on & Albert Dodge, insane, of Fergus Falls, Minn., of India. Lord Stanley, the present governor, secretaryship of the Knights of Labor. 4 At New York, Thomas M. McElrath, first pub­ locked his wife and a neighbor up with him­ Pennsylvania alone reports a loss of more by uu expert thief. account of color, the representation of the appointed to Canada. than a million dollars. SEPTEMBER. lisher of Tho New York Tribune, aged 81. State therefore shall be reduced. self for twenty-four hours and talked religion. 9. Operation of tracheotomy performed upon the 10. Republicans carried the Maine election. 7. At Paris, Marshal Edmond le Bœuf, aged 79. A u o rsT . He was armed with a shot gun, a revolver and JUNE. 4 At Jamaica riains. Mass., Rev Dr. James L Blinky Morgan hanged in Columbus, O. What member of Congress will do this? crown prince of Germany. 4 Eighteen persons killed and forty-one injured 84 J. II. Oberly nominated Indian commissioner. knife and finally killed himself with the re­ 15. Tho English reported to have seized a rich OCTOBER. Freeman Clarke, aged 78. 7. Second Whitechapel murder. Will not Mr. Hermann of Oregon do it? volver. In a railway accident near Tampico, Mexico. 10. At Fall River, Mass.. Stephen Gleason, 10l Hugh M. Brooks, alias Maxwell, hanged at S t part of Venezuela. Eleven persons burned in a fire in the Undine 84 Daniel Hand, of Connecticut, gave $1,000,000 The man who takes the lead in this busi­ & Mayor Hewitt, of New York, declined to review 18. Memorial window in St. Margaret's church. for the education of colored people in the old aged 103. Louis for the murder of Preller. ness will make at once a national reputa­ the parade of Irish socities on St. Patrick’s hotel, Bocl-iord, Tex. Right Hon. Edward Robert King-Harman, un­ 14 Two men in Chicago arrested for systematic London, to John Milton, gift of George W. 14 Dubois, Pa., suffered the loss of 30' houses by slave states. tion. day. Childs, unveiled. 80. Lord Sackviile given his passport. der secretary for Ireland, aged 50 years. mail robbery, having taken more than $10