![1889-01-03 [P 6]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE WEEKLY HERALD 6 4 Heavy mow storms in Canada, Maine, New THE WORLD’S WICKEDNESS. A FORTUNE FOR A SONG. ft. Governor Hill appointed Gen. Roger A. Pryor DISASTERS OF ALL SORTS. Ham praire and Vermont. Floods in Canada DEATH’S HEAVY HAND. special counsel to conduct suits against tbs and Maine. JANUARY. A New York Estate Bought For a trusta 14 ' wo sections of an excursion train on the Le­ 14 Hatfields and McCoys, of Kentucky and Waft Trifle Sells for SI,734,750.tggga AUGUST. ___ STORMS AND FLOODS OF GREAT EX­ high Valley road came together at Mud Run, IT WAS LAID UPON SOME MIGHTY Virginia fought a pitched battle. They met ‘ANNO DOMINI ’88 . A Matthew Byrnes jumped off the Brooklyn Ha.; 78 lives lost. again Jan. 19. New York World. bridge. TENT AND DESTRUCTIVENESS. f t ^ ‘sastrous prairie Area reported In Dakota. HEADS DURING 1888. f t Court Clerk Irion, of Birmingham, Ala., de­ 4 Navy frauds reported at Brooklyn navy yard, gf. A bombshell, picked up on the battle field of faulted in $20,000. A little more than one-half of a tract ft. Yellow fever well under way at Jacksonville ftft vsburg In 1664 exploded and killed a 84 W T Reynolds, cashier Citizens' bank, Lime­ of real estate on Manhattan island bough’ Chronological Record of an Fla Earthquakes and Fires, Railroad Acci­ fom man at Boiling Springs, Pa The Grisly Enemy of Mankind Has Spared stone, L T., was murdered by bank robbers, eighty years ago for $3120 was sold yes­ 10. Leary's big log raft arrived in New York from one of whom was shot by the people, one Eventful Twelvemonth. dents and Boiler Explosions—Tho Dead NOVEMBER. Neither Palace nor Hovel, and Here Are terday at the Real Estate Exchange for Nova Scotia 4 Mine explosion at Cook's Run. P a Sixteen was hanged and the rest turned over to the $1,734,750. It was a portion of the twelve 14 Woman suffrage declared unconstitutional In from Casualties in 1888 Number Mil­ Set Down tbe Names of Some of His authorities. Washington territory. lives lost. acres purchased by Isaac Jones in 1808. lions. 4 One hundred miners entombed by a mine ex­ Brightest Marks. Charles O'Brien, cashier, and Elinor E. Morse, DEATH. DISEASE, DISASTER. 18 Potato bugs are so numerous In Dauphin bookkeeper, of the Auburn, N. Y., First Nar The tract extended from what is now county. Pa, that they stop railroad traîna JANUARY. plosion near Pittsburg, Kan. Seventh avenne to half way between Ninth 10. Thirteen killed at Haverh.fi bridge oyer tbe Thirty -seven men killed by a fire In a lantern JANUARY. tionai bank, disappear. Defalcation, $200,000. On the authority of the Philadelphia Press. 87. Investigation of the Central bank ease, To­ and Tenth avenues, and from Seventy- 8L Fisheries treaty reported by the L nited States Merrimac, on the Boston and Maine railroad. •ind gauge works In Rochester, N Y 4 At Baltimore. Gen. Isaac R. Trimble, aged 84 fbtM Direful Thing«, «gith Criminal Mat- IL Collision between the Cunarder Umbria and ronto. shows deliberate bank breaking. Most fourth to Seventy-fifth streets. It was wel senate. 12. Violent blizzard reported from Dakota. At Philadelphia, Joel Parker, ex-Governor of of the officials have come to the United States. trra .(titled, Takt Op Mach of the Space 84 Jacksonville puaranttned because of yellow 22. Fourteen men burned to death at a hoarding the French steamer Iberia, twenty miles from New Jersey, aged 8L wooded and was purchased by Mr Jones Bandy Hook. FEBRUARY. foi the lumber. It then belonged to the Allotted to the Set Record of the Tear’s fever. house fire, at Tower, Minn. 7. At North Stonington, Conn., Eunice Cottrell a 4 White Caps flogged and left a man in dying 84 Miss Nellie Williamson, of Greenville, P a, 84 Thirty-five miners killed by explosion In a oot Disastrous tornado at Waterville. P a Pequot Indian, aged 194 Somerdyke estate. The property steadily Event*—i’er»onal Matter* and Politics laughed herself to death. liery, at Wellington, B. C. 14 Che storm of the 24th, 25th and 26th caused 9. At San Francisco, Gen. Washington Seawell condition in Indiana. increased in value as the west side of the 87. All railroad travel suspended between New (oss of nearly $1,000,000 on the Atlantic coast. 7. Ex-Mayor Means, of Cincinnati president ot Occupy Most of the Rest—It’s a Good 8L Mr. Crowley, the celebrated Central park aged 85 city developed, and the city, when laying chimpanzee, died in New York. York and Boston by a snow blockade. DECEMBER. 14 At Boston, Gen. Adln B. Underwood, aged 6L the Metropolitan National bank, arrested for Terrible storms reported upon the Atlantio 14 A whole family found burned to death In misappropriation. Bank closed. out Central Park, paid $80,000 for five acres. Ohi MOrld to Live In Noth withstanding SEPTEMBER. 14 At Washington, George Walker, ex-United 4 Henry Reece, cashier Continental hotel Philar 4 Battle between renegade Utes and FCites on the ocean. Cookville, Mo. Indications of murder. consul general at Paris, aged 63 When Paie Jones died his proper’y was It’s Somewhat Black Record. LaSalle mountains; 100 Indians reported killed. FEBRUARY. 14 Ai beck's woolen manufactory at Neu munster, 8L At San Francisco. Walter M. Gibson, ex-pre­ delphia. defaulter in $60.000. divided among his five children, Joshua, 4 Barali Althea Hill, of Sharon divorce case L Fire In Buffalo. Loss, $1,500,000 Prussia burned to the ground; fifteen per­ Amos J Snell Chicago millionaire, murdered Here i9 a record of the leading events mier of the Sandwich Islands, aged 65. by burglar (This is the celebrated Tascott the last surviver and to whom the wealth notoriety, jailed for three days for contemptof British bark Abascom wrecked near mouth of sons killed and ten fatally Injured. At Mentor. Eliza Ballou Garfield, mother of of the big estate finally reverted, graduated of the year 1888. court in San Francisco. Judge Terry, her tho Columbia river, W. T. ; 22 drowned. 14 A market building destroyed in Boston by a President Garfield, aged 86. case.) from Columbia and practiced law. John It lias been a right lively year—to husband, sent up for six mouths for drawing 14 Colliery explosion near Kaiserslautern, Bava­ mysterious explosion. 84 At Washington, Rear Admiral Clark H Wells, 24 Masked robbers went through a Southern Pa­ a dirk in a court room. ria; 40 killed. aged 65 cific train, near’Tucson, A. T. Reported Jones, a brother, was at one time president some people. heavy loss of the Chemical Rank. Joshua lived at the 8. United States house of representatives passed 19. Tornado at Mt Vernon, Els. ; 21 killed, 19 mor­ PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. 84 At Cambridge, Mass.. Professor Asa Gray, Two emperors have died in Germany, the Canadian retaliation bill. tally wounded, 100 injured; 80u houses de­ aged 77 84 Express train robbery on the St. Louis, Arkan­ New York Hotel, a lonely and eccentric JANUARY sas and Texas railroad, at Kingsland. Arkan- there has been a presidential election in 9. Suicide in New York at the Hoffman House Of stroyed and 1,500 people rendered homeless. FEBRUARY bache’or. There he died on the 23d ot 14 Et!ward S. Bragg confirmed as United States srs the United States, cabinet crises in Edward V. Seebohm, Loudon dramatist. 81. Between twenty and thirty people killed by 2. At Rome, Italy, Mrs. Mary Howitt, aged 84. last March, worth, it was estimated about 28. Starvation and cannibalism reported among the explosion of a boiler of a river steamer, minister to Mexico. MARCH France and Spain, great floods in China, 14 Don M. Dickinson confirmed postmaster gen­ 14 At Santa Fe, N. M., Archbishop Baptiste 4 Discovei-y of graveyard insurance schema, six or seven millions. His estate consisted tho Indians of the Athabaska and Peace river United States of Columbia. Larny, aged 74 Mexico and a number of other countries, regions in Manitoba. 25. Report that 4,000 men were engulfed while eral of the United States. Charleston, S. C. of stocks and bonds and tbe above-men­ including nearly every one upon the filling a breach In the Yellow river embank­ L. Q. C- Lamar confirmed as associate justice of 15. At Toledo, O., D. R. Locke (Petroleum V. 4 Eras t us J. Jones, ex-treasurer of Dauphin tioned real estate, and one or two other OCTOBER. Nasby ), aged 54. county. Pa., defaulter in SOI,OCX). American continent; great storms have 8. United States senate tariff bill reported. ment in China confirmed. the supremo court of the United States. parcels. The stocks realized over a million, 87. Explosion and sinking of a ferryboat at Vallejo, 17. 11 C. Walthall re-elected United States senator 17. At New York, A. S. Barnes, aged 71 24 State Treasurer Tate, of Kentucky, reported swept the earth's surface; there have 6. United States war ship Baltimore successfully 21. At Providence, George H. Corliss, aged 70. and yesterday the seven acres of land up CaL Forty lives lost. from Mississippi defaulter in $250,000. been earthquakes; disasters almost with­ launched at Philadelphia. 24 At Washington, W. W. Corcoran, aged 90. 27. State National hank of Raleigh. N. C., closed town were put od ssle in the Real Estate out number have to be recorded, crime & Supreme court of Utah gave final judgment 89. Avalanches destroy several Alpine villages in Wesley Merritt confirmed as brigadier general Exchange.
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