Page 187 TITLE 2—THE CONGRESS § 142A §141A. Design
Page 187 TITLE 2—THE CONGRESS § 142a Any reference in any law, map, regulation, document, § 141a. Design, installation, and maintenance of record, or other paper of the United States to such security systems; transfer of responsibility building shall be held to be a reference to the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building.’’ The responsibility for design, installation, and Pub. L. 94–264, Apr. 13, 1976, 90 Stat. 329, which had maintenance of security systems to protect the designated the Library of Congress Annex as the Li- physical security of the buildings and grounds of brary of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, was re- pealed by Pub. L. 96–269, § 3, June 13, 1980, 94 Stat. 486, the Library of Congress is transferred from the as part of the redesignation of that building as the Li- Architect of the Capitol to the Capitol Police brary of Congress John Adams Building and the des- Board. Such design, installation, and mainte- ignation of the main building of the Library of Con- nance shall be carried out under the direction of gress as the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson the Committee on House Oversight of the House Building. of Representatives and the Committee on Rules LIBRARY OF CONGRESS JOHN ADAMS BUILDING and Administration of the Senate, and without Pub. L. 96–269, § 2, June 13, 1980, 94 Stat. 486, provided regard to section 5 of title 41. Any alteration to that: ‘‘The building in the block bounded by East Cap- a structural, mechanical, or architectural fea- itol Street, Second Street Southeast, Third Street ture of the buildings and grounds of the Library Southeast, and Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast, in the of Congress that is required for a security sys- District of Columbia (commonly known as the Library tem under the preceding sentence may be car- of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building or the Library ried out only with the approval of the Architect of Congress Annex Building), shall hereafter be known of the Capitol.
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