Indian Journal of History of Science, 52.2 (2017) 161-173 DOI: 10.16943/ijhs/2017/v52i2/49054

Central Institute, Banaras: A Cultural Encounter between the Native and the Modern Form of Instructional Practices

Prakrati Bhargava*

(Received 10 February 2016; revised 12 April 2016)

Abstract Handloom weaving was the most widespread industry in colonial India, next only to agriculture. A century ago India was the prime centre for trade of fine products. However, under the colonial rule it gradually transformed into a market for cotton-textile goods imported from Manchester and Lancashire. This also brought about technological changes in various processes of handloom weaving industry reflecting not merely a technological shift, but a cultural encounter where recipient already possessed a native system of handloom weaving. The present paper will examine the introduction of institutional mechanism of weaving industry on modern lines. The establishment of Central Weaving Institute in the heartland of weaving artisans ‘Banaras’, in 1912 is indeed a glaring example to modernize the weaving methods of artisans in United Provinces. Major focus will however be made on technological change in handloom weaving industry, followed by mapping of the efforts made by various agencies viz. provincial government or voluntary organizations to adopt and adapt the changes in handloom weaving in colonial India. Finally it will stress on the institutionalization of modern form of Weaving School at Banaras which was named Central Weaving Institute. Key words: Banaras, Central Weaving Institute, Colonial government, Cultural encounter, Handloom weaving, Technological change.

1. In t r o d u c t i o n encounters both resistance and support from the Weaving was practiced in India since ages recipient society. Paul Bairoch distinguishes the and was extensively spread across the length and forms of technology in the early and late stages breadth of the country. The technological changes of Industrial Revolution; machines and processes had to encountere resistance which was taking place in the early stages of industrial revolution were in a society driven by its own socio-economic and simple which craftsman could understand, copy cultural practices. Headrick (1998) pointed out that and improve, whereas by the late nineteenth the process of technology transfer takes place in century industrial technology was no longer within two forms; first the geographic relocation and the the reach of craftsman and needed the knowledge other in the form of cultural diffusion. Geographic of engineering and science (Headrick, 1998, 11). transfer is marked by relocation of equipment, Cultural diffusion of technology demands methods and experts from one location to another, a willingness to accept a change, a strong political while cultural diffusion signifies transmission cohesiveness and a common vision for future from one society to another; of knowledge, skills (Headrick, 1998). Technological change is and attitudes related to specific processes. mediated by an agent; if the agent is internal and The cultural diffusion of technology may within the community, the resistance would be

*Assistant Professor, School of Education, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Shahpur, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, Mob: 8894702337; Email: [email protected]. 162 Indian Journal of History of Science weak or negotiable, but, if the agent is external, processes came nowhere near to bridging the it could be strongly resisted by the community’s productivity gap between these alternatives. The socio-economic, cultural and epistemic tradition. need to become more efficient in supplying the Handloom Weaving was quite an old industry changing market needs seems to be a significant in India dating back to five thousand and eight factor in adoption of new technologies. However, hundred years (Rao, 1973, p. 1), where it was the diffusion of technology was not homogenous not merely considered as a profession, rather and remained confined to certain places, products the community’s internal relationship evolved and group of weavers. Many scholarly studies from the profession. The industry which had have brought out varied factors responsible for witnessed a radical development due to modern slow change in technology during this period. science and technology was none other than the Tirthankar Roy points out that the technological handloom weaving industry. The paper attempts intervention is varied in different parts of colonial to unfold the transmission of modern technology India depending on the relative intrusion of through the introduction of formal instruction modern industry, exposure to western education, for weaving community in United Provinces the attitude of the artisan and availability of new (presently Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand) technology (Roy, 2002, p. 508). which already possessed apprenticeship form of Varied factors were responsible for the instruction within a community. The formalization continuity of weaving tradition in colonial India. of weaving instruction, not only marked the Morris argues that market for cloth expanded in transmission of knowledge, but, as argued by the late decades of nineteenth century which was Raina and Habib, that legitimate knowledge responsible for expansion of handloom weaving form and redefined knowledge system became, a (Morris, 1969). Contrary to this, Bagchi attributed symbol of cultural achievement and an imperative this to the durability and artistic work of handloom for development pursuit in the early twentieth which was preferred among average Indian century (Raina and Habib, 2004, p. 120). This villagers (Bagchi, 1972, p. 220). There was not legitimatization of knowledge was exhibited by a significant shift in the dresses of women; sris colonial empire by establishing Weaving Schools and dupattā (an attire used by Indian women) still in the prominent weaving centres in United figured as dominant dress forms, whereas a gradual Provinces viz. Barabanki, Banaras, Bulandshahr, invasion of trousers and shirts among working Almora, Agra and Sitapur. A detailed analysis class urban men was evident. Nevertheless, of course, curriculum and pedagogy of Central in United Provinces by the first decade of the Weaving Institute, Banaras had been undertaken, twentieth century the market share for handloom as Banaras was the most prominent centre for silk was still one third in quantitative terms (by weight) weaving, practiced by Julahas (Muslim weaving (Chatterjee, 1908, p. 12). Roy argues that slow community), who were well-known for their fine change and resistance to change was characteristic artistic work around the world. feature in Central India whereas, in western India The persistence of handloom weaving there was readiness to change in production industry in the early twentieth century was not processes (Roy, 2002, p. 509). The technological merely an outcome of consumption pattern and diffusion is driven by large flourishing market intrinsic flexibility of labour intensive technologies, that establishes economies of scale and reduction but also a response to a technological change. in transaction cost. Moreover, at the community The change was not driven by the competition level;if members were willing to learn and share from the power , since the new tools and knowledge, it promoted the spread of technology. Central Weaving Institute, Banaras: A Cultural Encounter 163

Technology needed certain social linkages for its London Institute and performed fairly well. The survival. The social linkages of artisans as a class institute was not merely imparting instruction in with science and technology are defined in terms weaving technology, but also in modern textile of their socio-economic behavior and prevailing machinery and processes (Weston, 1942, p. technological practices. This linkage is reflected 122). through the interests of artisans in new technology The United Provinces’ government made for generating surplus and community’s interest its first sincere efforts for assisting handloom in developing new technology for improving its weaving in 1900 by conducting surveys in methods (Qureshi, 1990, p.168). handicrafts with a half-hearted intention of reviving The prime area of technological change them. The only province which made some serious in handloom weaving industry in early twentieth efforts in this direction was Madras Presidency, century was warping, , weaving and dyeing. where Alfred Chatterton, Director of Industries, The complex process of Indian weaving was established the Department of Industries and held dependent on equipments that were crude in few exhibitions and competitions to popularize appearance for producing various range of cloth new looms. He recognized the importance of from coarse to fine silk fabric. The Europeans instruction in improved weaving technologies and were routinely struck by this incongruity in started a school in weaving town of Salem, on the native process (Roy, 2002, 512). The advent Serampore Model (Report of the Second Indian of fly looms in early twentieth century Industrial Conference, 1907, p. 563). The School transformed the handloom weaving in India. was closed in 1909 by the orders of imperial However, the diffusion of fly shuttle among government, ostensibly driven by financial weavers was hampered by lack of capital and the stringency, but the idea of technical school for form of cloth, i.e. fine or coarse (Roy, 2004, p. weavers’ survived (Roy, 2002, p. 517). 80).The slow diffusion; in part may be attributed The handloom weaving industry had to the absence to or inadequacy of information also become most debatable in the Industrial system or the setting up of institutions for the Conferences that were organized in various dissemination of better technologies. The first provinces from 1905 onwards. In the Second organized efforts by the government for instruction Industrial Conference in 1906 at Calcutta, Raoji in weaving was initiated with the establishment B. Patel, Minister, Agriculture and Industries of Weaving Institute, Serampore in Bengal of Baroda State, in his speech underscored the in 1908; an important trading town for Danish shortcomings of Indian weaving technology and and British merchants. The institute imparted also suggested the improvement in this technology instruction for teachers in weaving schools, consistent with the needs of the Indian weavers. overseers and managers of hand weaving factories The most important challenge faced by the Indian and also trained handloom weavers and their industry was hindrances in the transmission of children. In 1917, it had 134 pupils. The pupil improved weaving methods among the weaving from this institute appeared for City and Guilds of community. He categorically stated that this could

1 Serampore is a place near to Calcutta in Bengal. It became eminent for the efficiency of weavers who used an improved native looms. Bengal government deputed Havell, Principal of Government School of Arts, Calcutta to investigate the methods of these weavers. He suggested for employing Serampore weavers as teachers for improvement and extension of looms throughout the province. As he weavers were unwilling to leave their place, Bengal government arranged for the teaching establishment at Serampore for instruction of weavers and carpenters in the use and construction of fly shuttle looms. In most cases two weavers and carpenters were sent from each district to be trained at Serampore. 164 Indian Journal of History of Science be overcome by establishing weaving schools, the landowners or rich merchants can establish imparting object lessons and assisting them improved looms with beaming machine, not as financially through cooperative or government philanthropy but on installments, which would efforts (Patel, 1907, p. 10). be paid back by the weaver when he would Reflecting on the contemporary condition conveniently use these looms (Patel, 1907, p. of weaving schools in India, Patel stated, “only few 11). Thus, not merely the weaving schools were schools possessed well equipped weaving factory, enough to convince the weavers for adopting new and without such a factory attached to a school technology, rather more systematic efforts by the where all preparatory processes and weaving in community and the government could facilitate various branches suited to local condition can be technical change. practically taught, benefit derived from such school will be very little indeed”(Patel, 1907, p. 10). It 2. Ha n d l o o m We a v i n g In d u s t r y i n Un i t e d was quite evident that the transition in handloom Pr o v i n c e s weaving industry from household production to The handloom weaving industry was widely Kārkhānā (factory) production by the end of the distributed throughout the United Provinces. There nineteenth century, led to shift from family based was no town and hardly a large village where a apprenticeship form of training to waged labour few Julāhas and Koris2 were not found plying form. Subsequently, formal schools were needed their hereditary trade. The koris were the most for instruction in weaving. depressed class than the Julāhas, and latter decline Banaras was considered the home of to associate with former. It will be necessary to design work; weavers were dependent on ustāds start separate primary school for Koris.The coarser (master artisan) and celās (disciple) for design. fabrics (known ordinarily as garha and gazi) made There were only six to seven families where this of of counts lower than twenty were mostly art of designing was confined. The designs were woven by Koris in the western and central region first drawn on paper; then the designer made out a of the province whereas the fine muslin and silk model of it in cotton thread on small frames, thus was predominantly woven by Julāhas confined to for a new or fresh design a substantial amount eastern districts of the province. The coarse cloth had to be paid to the designer (Chatterjee, 1908, was produced in Muradabad, Agra, Ruhilkhand p. 43). There was an urge for at least one school (Nagina, Najibabad, Dharmpur), Lucknow (Unao, of design for the training of prospective teachers Sitapur, Khirabad, Hardoi) divisions. In these and designers. Further, the link between trained divisions there were small pockets of Julāhas weavers and village weavers could be established who were plying on their own looms and producing through ‘object lessons’ imparted by the former fine fabric likedorya (a thin stuff of loose texture in the villages by performing work on improved requiring yarn of more than forty counts), dog looms more efficiently. However, the acceptance (fine check) in Agra division, Muslin andJāmdānī of the new processes was a complex phenomenon woven by Julāhas of Jais in Lucknow division pervading social, cultural and economic factors and also in Faizabad. In the western district like of the community. Lack of capital was another Mau (Azamgarh) and Banaras Julāhas were the concern that obstructed the weaver to experiment dominant weaving community and were producing with new technology.This could be overcome if fine muslin and silk respectively (Chaterjee, 1908).

2. Julāhas were weavers from the Muslim Community and Koris were lower caste Hindus who were engaged in weaving profes- sion. Central Weaving Institute, Banaras: A Cultural Encounter 165

There was no division of labour and yarn was Though, the industry had sustained under purchased from dealers for manufacturing. The the acute pressure of modern cotton-textile community relationships were closely knitted or industry, but there was no sign of improvement in we can say using Durkheim terminology these the condition of weavers.The commercialization relationship were based on mechanical solidarity of handloom weaving industry by the turn of the (Giddens, Anthony, 2009, p. 14). Saris, dhoti, pagri century had transformed the weaving industry (turban) were manufactured by the weavers with wherein the household production had been shifted coarse as well as fine fabric for local consumption. to Kārkhānā production. Consequently, shifting Dhoti and sari were generic men’s and women’s the family apprenticeship to wage and child wear respectively (Roy, 2004, p. 66). labour. Thus the master weaver operating the had become an authority, not only for paid and With the initial turbulence in the early 3 decades of twentieth century, the industry regained bani worker, but also by monopolizing the supply its momentum after the end of First World War of raw material and paying for the finished products and the Swadeshi Movement (Sheth, N.R., 1979, on the piece-rate basis (Rai, 2011, p. 78). p. M103). A committee appointed by the United The weaving community of Banaras Provinces Government in 1924 admitted that the was predominantly represented by Muslims. handloom industry had ample opportunities in the The education practices of this community were province and underlined this by stating, primarily oriented towards vocational training …..this industry is widely distributed throughout and ethical instruction (Kumar, 2000, p. 121). On the province and is the second only to the the one hand, the vocational training of the child agriculture in importance. The census of 1911 was started at the age of eight by sitting on the pit showed a total population of weavers amounting looms, on the other, ethical education emanated to 951,672 of whom no less than 53 per cent were from religious scriptures. The introduction of actually engaged in the weaving industry; as the census of 1921 it is true these figures were quite modern education was perceived by the weavers maintained, where the decreases recorded were as rushing towards naukari (‘service’ office very slight (Industries Department, 1924, p. 75). job) that was making a man unfit for hereditary The committee felt that the handloom profession. The aversion of the weavers for even industry should be developed as a cottage the very preliminary form of literary education industry, either as a whole time or subsidiary obstructed their advancement and confined occupation. This perception of the committee them to the unscrupulous cycle of mahājans came out of the sustenance of this industry under (money-lender) and middle man (Kumar, 2000, the open challenge of modern cotton-textile p. 121). The prevailing attitude among weavers industry and observed, ‘the industry had satisfied and other artisans held that any form of school strongly marked demand owing to the fact that education for few years would make their sons village people generally preferred coarse cloth averse to hereditary occupations and will end manufactured by hand to similar mill made up unemployed. A.C. Chaterjee in his Industrial articles, while in the production of fine and artistic inquiry of 1908 in United Provinces, while goods it has easily held the market against the discussing the socio-economic condition of mills’(Industries Department, 1924,p. 75). Banaras weaving community, pointed out that

3. Bani system was the system where ordinary weaver received raw material to manufacture cloth as well as design from the Ghasta (master weaver). Ghasta was the hierarchal head of the production process. He connected the producer and the mar- keting network by participating in both production and marketing processes see Rai, Santosh Kumar, 2011, p. 78 166 Indian Journal of History of Science the julāhas were very orthodox (perhaps bigoted) The weavers had evolved their own ways Muslims, and many of them objected to rendering of working and leisure. The production may be their boys to school where all communities were closely associated with demand from the market represented. He also stressed upon the need of and the supply of raw material. Alfred Chatterton primary education for weavers that could raise the in Madras Presidency had also experienced the intellectual standard of the community. Chatterjee difficulty in motivating the weavers to produce suggested that initially schools exclusively for more by using improved looms, he observed: Julāhas should be started, the parents could in …..the difficulty which had to be faced lie mainly such cases, be allowed to supplement the ordinary with weavers themselves …. The weavers object courses by lessons in the Quaran and the principle to turning out in a day more cloth than they have of the Islamic theology. been accustomed to, and neither in Salem nor in Moreover, on the occupational side the Madras have we ever been able to get them to make weavers believe that use of improved looms would full use of improved way of working (Chatterjee, ultimately affect their interest by cheapening 1908, 22). 4 the production. The weavers of plain Kāśī silk In Banaras the weavers of plain Kāśī silk of Banaras admitted that they did not desire the admitted that they did not desire the introduction introduction of any imported hand-loom, thereby of any improved handlooms because as it would diminishing the earning of the individual weaver adversely affect the earnings of individual (Chatterjee, 1908, p. 16, 22). It was also observed weavers. Chatterjee underlined that the fear for that the wealthy weavers had discouraged the improved technology was not merely an outcome use of fly-shuttle at one of the weaving school of technological bias, rather an outcome of in the United Provinces, as it threatened to make complex socio-cultural and economic factors that the poorer weavers independent of them. Similar determined the forms of training and the market observation was held by Chatterjee in United for their product. On the economic side, the Provinces and expressed his views as follows, mechanization of the weaving process had greatly This is one of the reasons why I am afraid handloom affected the demand for hand woven cloth as the factories will have a very uphill struggle. Even the latter was more expensive and had accelerated the master-weavers of Tanda, who are the proprietors competition. of small factories and carry on a fairly considerable business, labour under the impression that the Thus it may be said that weaving practice use of improved looms would vitally affect their in India had been institutionalized pervading interests by cheapening production (Chatterjee, 1908, p. 23). into the socio-economic and political activities of the community. Veblen defined institutions Thus the power relation within the as settled habits of thought common to the community had also played a significant role generality of men (Latsis, 2010, p. 603). Many in acceptance of new technology. Moreover, institutions are by nature vestigial. This implies the delicacy and aesthetic which marked the that many institutions are not prompt to respond uniqueness of the artisans could not be achieved the changing needs of the human beings, rather by complete mechanization of the process. they are outgrowth of set of beliefs and practices that corresponds to the needs of technological

4. Plain Kāśī silk was a stuff weaving of which was introduced in the last decade of the nineteenth century. It was durable and cheap, thus quite popular. The yarn for plain Kāśī silk was supplied by a Bombay Firm and was imported from Italy for more detail see Chaterjee A.C. p. 44 Central Weaving Institute, Banaras: A Cultural Encounter 167 development and different material needs of the found in his inquiry on Industries in United past (Latsis, 2010, p. 603). Mokyr in his case study Provinces that Messrs Hattersley loom was of British and French economies had identified successfully used in a small weaving factory at resistance during the industrial revolution. The Kanpur managed by Allen Bros. Similarly Rai resistance to innovation is identified as a central Bahadur Gulshain Bhwani Puri, a firm manager element governing the success of new inventions. from Banaras had installed Japanese loom, one Such resistance usually takes the form of non- imported directly from Japan and another copied market processes. It consists of vested interests, locally at a cost of Rs. 175. Thus he turned out whose assets are jeopardized by new techniques, excellent cloth, both cotton and Kāśī silk from this as well as by intellectuals who are opposed to new loom at half the cost as compared to production at technology on principle (Mokyr, 1992, p. 325). local looms. Similarly, Triumph loom, invented by The silk weavers in Banaras were organized in Captain Maxwell of Salvation Army, was though a hierarchal relationship whereby master weaver good, but too expensive to be afforded by ordinary had the control over nature of production, credit weaver (Chaterjee, 1908, p. 24). Indian weavers and the marketing chain. Banaras Sari designing were skeptical about using looms and manufacturing was a monopolistic trade in the for producing fine cloth because owing to greater hands of nakabandh and ordinary weaver could strain, only comparatively coarse yarn which will neither afford the design nor the raw material and not readily snap can be used for warp. Clearing thus was dependent on master weaver for yarn these doubts Chatterton pointed out, and money. However, at Azamgarh there was a the fly shuttle looms, no matter what type, must be large number of independent weavers producing constructed to suit the work for which it is intended cheap sri and dupattās (generic women’s wear ……… and it is mainly owing to the neglect of this in India). The independent weaver had more point that fly shuttle weaving has made so little real progress among the Indian weavers (Chatterton, opportunity to innovate for changing market 1908). needs while in a hierarchal system as prevalent in Banaras silk weavers there was little scope In Salem Weaving Factory, Madras for experimenting in new products (Rai, 2011, Presidency, the looms had successfully undertaken pp.76-78). Independence was defined as right of the work of higher counts between 60s and 100s possession over the finished goods, a right that and produced fine cloth. Further, to demonstrate was exercised through sale to consumers directly the comparative advantage of different types of or through merchant who bid highest. Contrary to looms a competition was organized in Madras this, dependent weaver may or may not retain the Presidency, which established that there was right to sell to other parties, if not satisfied with great advantage in the use of fly shuttle for every the terms (Roy, 1989). The possession of right variety of cloth i.e. fine or coarse, wide or narrow on the end product also determined the flow of (Chatterton, 1908, p. 57). Therefore, adaptation capital, which subsequently played a decisive role of looms according to the needs of the Indian in determining the production process. weaver and financial support to weavers became the determining factor in popularizing improved 3. In d i a n We a v e r s a n d Ch a l l e n g e s t o looms. The initial cost for switching over from one process to another viz. traditional looms to Te c h n o l o g i c a l Ch a n g e the modern one required a substantive capital At the turn of the century improvement investment, which could not be afforded by the in weaving technique of Indian weaver drew the poor weaver. attention of provincial government. Chatterjee 168 Indian Journal of History of Science

4. Th e Es t a b l i s h m e n t o f We a v i n g improved looms among the weaving caste. A Sc h o o l s i n Un i t e d Pr o v i n c e s weaver working on his own would be able to utilize the cheaper appliances while co-operative No ideal looms or other appliances societies and small capitalists interested in starting can be found to suit all kinds of weaving or in hand-weaving factories would be benefitted by the different climatic condition. It was not possible training of number of artisans in the comparatively for a small school functioning at a local level to more expensive methods and appliances. These make elaborate investigations in the subject, nor industrial schools would, moreover, be of very can the owners of pioneer factories be expected great value indirectly in raising the intellectual to lay out much time or money over the solution standard among weavers. Nevertheless, the of different problems connected with hand Hewett Weaving School was established in weaving and the preliminary processes. Thus Barabanki in 1907 through the efforts of Deputy a Central Experimental Weaving Station under Commissioner C.A. Sherring and philanthropy Government was proposed to be established for of Talukdars headed by the Raja of Jahangirabad. undertaking investigations in improved looms The instruction was imparted on the Salvation for varied conditions and requirements of the Army models of improved looms. Though the weavers were convinced of the superiority of the province, together with modification that will new looms over the country looms for the plain probably be required in them to meet the local coarse cloth weaving, but the biggest obstacle in its needs (Bhargava, 1968 p. 260). Further, the adoption was the cost, which stood in the way of experimental institute was expected to ascertain an individual weaver. Subsequently, by April 1908 which of the improvements in the preliminary three Demonstration Schools under Government processes can be adopted in these provinces auspices were started at Shahjahanpur, Muradabad (1) by weavers working at home (2) by small and Tanda. At these schools fly shuttle loom of the capitalists starting hand weaving factory. Another Madras type and Serampur type (viz. fly shuttle function of the institute was to impart training in slay with warping beam but without a take up the principle and practice of different branches of motion fixed on the ordinary country loom) and the hand weaving for educated youth who wish to set Salvation Army automatic loom were being taught up hand loom weaving factories in the province. and demonstrated (Chatterjee, 1908, p. 28). Thus, research and training institute in the form Beside these small efforts no organized of Central Weaving Station was approved by the effort was made by the Government to promote Industrial Conference at Nainital in 1907 and was capital investment in the improvement or hoped that an institution will soon be established installation of machines, and no systematic (Basu, 1991, p. 134). All these efforts were drops investigation was carried out for the suitability in an ocean to modernize the handloom weaving of fly shuttle looms catering to the needs of industry that could contest the import from the local weavers. Subsequently, some District and British cotton-textile industry. Peripatetic Weaving Schools were established in prominent handloom weaving centres of the Contrary to this centralize form of weaving province. District Weaving Schools were opened institution, A.C. Chatterjee thought that the in Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar, Shahjahanpur, expenditure incurred in establishing small Sandila and Almora with some fly shuttle looms schools at some of the large weaving centres e.g. and weaving instructors (Industries Department, Azamgarh, Tanda, Muradabad, Jaunpur would 1919, p. 174). Courses in Weaving and Knotting be more effective and efficient in popularizing were imparted in these schools on modern machines of one year duration, but no stipend Central Weaving Institute, Banaras: A Cultural Encounter 169 was given. The students have to arrange their own a Peripatetic weaving school with six looms was yarn for weaving in most of the schools, moreover started, weavers of Mau after visiting the school, no instruction was imparted on machine repair asked the instructor; if he would instruct them at or improvement. The schools had to frequently their home, if they would buy the machine? The restrict their instruction to only few pupils due to instructor readily accepted their proposal and shortage of funds. The Indian weaver was hard trained the weavers at their home and thus within pressed and it was obviously difficult under these a year 30 fly shuttle came up. It is quite evident circumstances to give up his daily wages, and join that weavers adopted the improved looms if they the school. felt that it will readily enhance their production. Meanwhile, due to the outbreak of The Mau weaver’s preferred fly shuttle looms for First World War, the war needs compelled producing dhotis for local market, which they the government to utilize its resources to its had to give up, if they would not manufacture it maximum. Thus Muzaffarnagar Weaving School at a marketable rate, now producing three dhotis was turned into a small factory supplying goods per day on a good margin. Another interesting to the Indian Munitions Board. Responding to incident took place at Agra where some Koris were the war demands, the instruction in school was convinced when they participated in a competition adversely affected and thus in 1916 forty students between old looms and fly shuttle looms organized passed from this school with partial training by the superintendent of Peripatetic School at Agra (Industries Department, 1919, p. 174). Moreover, (Industries Department, 1919, p. 177). in the absence of proper motivation and aid for obtaining supplies of machine accessories some 5. Go v e r n m e n t Ce n t r a l We a v i n g weavers had reverted to old looms. In s t i t u t e , Ba n a r a s Nevertheless, the students who came out The more formal and systematic attempt to of these schools had significantly contributed institutionalize weaving instruction came up with in popularizing the fly shuttle looms. In a small the establishment of Central Weaving Institute at village of Bahari, 10 miles from Muradabad, 30 Banaras. Though, Nainital Conference (1907) had fly shuttle looms had been installed and in the recommended the establishment of Experimental whole district the number reached to 70. Only 15 Institute for handloom weaving which could students were trained by the school, rests of them undertake research in weaving technology as were self-taught or taught by these students. Thus well as impart instruction in improved weaving the people were receptive to technological change, methods, itcould not get materialized until 1912. if they were convinced that it would facilitate their A Central Weaving Institute, Banaras came into business and the people from their own community being for implementation of above scheme. The effectively conveyed this. Apart from these fixed school had three classes viz. Junior Class, an schools, Peripatetic Weaving Schools were opened Artisan Class, and a Knitting class (Industries in the prime centres of weaving. These were Department, 1919, p. 173). Knitting class was mobile weaving schools with one superintendent introduced in the School for supporting hosiery and few ‘mistries’ (machine mechanic) camping industry which had firmly established itself in in a village for a day or week depending on how the province. Hosiery products like socks and quickly local weavers received their message. Thus cotton under vests were preferred by urban middle weaving schools were started in Etawah, Mau and class, these products were earlier imported from Agra. Mau, which was a prominent weaving centre Japan. did not have a weaving school until 1917, when By 1917, the school had 75 students on 170 Indian Journal of History of Science its roll. The students of this school also sat for throw shuttle across the sley and in consequence the City and Guild examination held at Kanpur. a much higher speed can be obtained without any In 1918, five students sat for the examination, extra effort on the part of the weaver. It was easily three passed in first division and two in second. repaired by the village carpenter. Moreover Babu Most of the student who passed the junior course N.C. Dutt and Balmukund Prasad of the institute joined the District Weaving or Peripatetic Weaving had succeeded in producing a shuttle box with schools as instructors or as managers in local six shuttles. Further experiments were made to weaving . The students passed out of artisan reduce the weight and also the cost of fly shuttle class were working in a local weaving shed. The looms (Industries Department, 1919, p. 173). students of the Knitting class were employed in the These efforts were drop in ocean with the extant Knitting factories at various parts of the province of vastness of weaving industry in the province. (Industries Department, 1919, p. 173). Moreover, the resources; whether physical or The local Julāhas showed resistance to human,were inadequate in all weaving schools. join the school. The two year course was too An inquiry Committee constituted in long for Julāhas to give up their daily wages 1921 under the chairmanship of Khan Bahadur and join the course as they had to learn only the Shaikh Maqdul Husain, Registrar Cooperative improved methods and tools. Although the school Societies, United Provinces with six other was not appreciated by the local Julāhas, it was members from various walks of life, but without attracting weaving community from other parts any representation from the weaving community. of the province from District Weaving Schools With regard to the District Weaving School and and the Peripatetic Weaving Schools. (Industries Peripatetic Weaving Schools, the committee Department Proceedings, December, 1924, p.72) observed that the general aim and objective Yarn for instruction was issued by the for which they were established have not been Central Supply Stores. The Stores was started fully attained as they had not been effective in at the institute in August 1916, with the object popularizing the fly shuttle to the extent that was of supplying yarn and looms accessories to the hoped and had not sufficiently attracted hereditary district Weaving Schools and weavers selling the weavers, for whose benefit they were primarily finished products to the institute. A system of piece intended (Industries Department, 1924, p. 74). work wage had been introduced and the students Further, the teaching staff of the schools was were paid wages when they returns the finished deficient in practical knowledge and accordingly cloth to the stores. failed to command the respect of local weavers. The schools had grossly undermined the marketing The obstruction in the supply of various of goods from cottage industry, and thus the efforts articles from western countries during the First to motivate the cottage industry to adopt improved World War had given an opportunity to manufacture methods of production were limited (Industries the goods which were imported earlier for local Department Proceedings, 1924, p. 74). markets. The school also undertook experiment in improving and adapting the fly shuttle looms Regarding Government Central Weaving under local conditions. They had produced a Institute, Banaras the committee observed that cheaper picker for looms costing 12 annas as the institute had not been as successful as was compared to the imported one costing Rs. 2-4-0 expected, that students (especially non-weaving per pair and thus reducing the cost of looms by students) on leaving the class of the institute lacked one rupee, as no iron was used in the manufacture competence to start their own weaving enterprise, of the sley. Another advantage was that it easily and that a little successful experimental work Central Weaving Institute, Banaras: A Cultural Encounter 171 had been carried out on comparative assessment examination) and vernacular. In the Artisan Class of different kinds of looms. The institute in fact 75 per cent of the seats were reserved for hereditary had largely failed to fulfill the experimentation weaving caste and non-weavers admitted only that were reasonably entertained of it (Industries when weavers were not forthcoming. Raibahadu Department Proceedings, December 1924, p. 75). Munshi Ravi Nandan Prasad, however, appended They also pointed out that the Central Supply Store a note of dissent on this recommendation and had not justified its existence and had not been argued that no distinction should be made between conducted on commercial lines, since orders given weavers and non-weavers in respect of scholarship to them were above the market rate. and admission to weaving schools (Industries Thus the committee regarded that this Department Proceedings, December 1924, p. industry has so much of potential to progress 77). However, Government did not fully accept despite of competition from modern cotton-textile the dissent note, as it perceived that accepting the industry; the Central Weaving Institute should dissent was undermining the majority opinion be dedicated for the modernization of weaving of the committee and Board of Industries, but, industry. Thus it condemned the courses of the amended the reservation for the weaving class institute which were started for imparting training from three-fourth to two third. for the industry and recommended The Hosiery class of the institute was that all instruction in power loom should cease. divided into an ‘ordinary class’, requiring The committee clearly defined the functions primary education as entrance qualification of the institute as to undertake experiment and and an ‘advanced class’ for those who had research work for the benefit of the handloom passed the ordinary class. The institute also had weaving industry; to provide technical instruction research section which laid special emphasis on in handloom weaving which will qualify students experimental and research work for weaving to take charge at weaving school and to work as industry. The committee made no recommendation managers and mistries in factories and to provide for the grant of any stipend to ‘advanced class’ such practical instruction in improved methods who joined the institute for the improvement of of handloom weaving including, preparation, their technique, however, the Director and Board finishing, designing and dyeing and in hosiery of Industries, United Provinces advised that such making. stipend should be given and they should be of The committee reorganized the institute substantial amount as it is necessary to attract into three major sections viz. a Weaving Section, a man who had to compromise with their wage. Hosiery Section and a Experimental and Research The provincial Government was in agreement Section. Weaving section was further sub divided with Director and Board of Industries and decided into three classes: A senior class for superintendent that a sum of Rs. 100 per month for 10 month and managers; junior class for instructors and to students of advanced artisan course and left mistries and an artisan class for both weavers the decision regarding number of stipend on the and non-weavers (Industries Department, 1924, Advisory Committee of the Institute. No stipend was awarded in the Hosiery class. The committee p. 77). recommended two stipend of Rs. 30 per month A strict entrance qualification was each tenable for 10 months to the first two students prescribed for each section. An entrance of the final year of the senior class, on condition examination for the Senior Class, comprising that they consent to carry on research work under questions on English, Arithmetic (of a standard the principal. corresponding to that of school leaving certificate 172 Indian Journal of History of Science

The recommendations of the committee In the Hosiery class also a similar pattern appeared to be encouraging and promising for was witnessed. The Inquiry Committee constituted modernizing the weaving industry. However, in in 1930 to examine the situation of industrialization reality the institution did not establish an organic and technical education in United Provinces was link with the weaving community of Banaras. dissatisfied with the functioning of the institute. The figures of 1924 clearly depicts the indifference Khan Bahadur Khalil-ur-Rahman, who was of weaving community; out of the 46 students in the associated with weaving profession pointed out roll, 16 were weaver, and only 12 were receiving that the improvement in the machines made by the a scholarship of Rs. 6 per month, which was far institute had to be tested by the skilled artisan, thus below the rate as recommended by the inquiry the class for skilled artisan had to be developed committee. In the Junior Class which had 30 at any cost. There was formerly a weaver quarter seats, only 21 students took admission in 1930 and which imparted instruction at weavers place but were given stipend of Rs. 5 per month (Industries was discontinued later on. It was observed that Department Proceedings, 1930, p. 123). In the this was very successful to improve the skills of Senior Class as already mentioned an entrance weavers as they were reluctant to join the school, examination was conducted in English, Arithmetic but could be convinced through demonstration at and vernacular which also required Matriculation their own working place (Industries Department examination as minimum qualification, but it was Proceedings, 1930, p. 123). too difficult for institute to find a student with such Despite the efforts of the provincial qualification, because those who were qualified government to attract weaving community to were not much interested in this vocation and the school, the weavers had not turned up for the those who were ready to attend the institution did courses dedicated to them and, even which did not not fulfill the requisite qualification. Thus out of require any entrance qualification. The reluctance 20 applications received by the institute only ten of weaving community to attend the weaving were admitted, though they did not comply with institute was not merely instructional but had deep the eligibility criteria, but were somewhat close to seated social and cultural considerations. that i.e. two had failed in the matriculation exam and one could read up to Patna matriculation.

Table 1 Various Courses at Government Central Weaving Institute, Banaras from 1930-31 to 1932-33: Report of the Industrial Reorganization Committee Government of United Provinces, 1934, Allahabad. p. 43 A Central Weaving Institute, Banaras: A Cultural Encounter 173

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