The elimination of Negative Impact of Geological Compound of the Environment on Health Status of Residents in the Krupina District S. Rapant, V. Cvečková, K. Fajčíková State geological insitute of Dionyz Stur, Mlynská dolina 1, Bratislava,
[email protected] LIFE FOR KRUPINA, LIFE 12/ENV/SK/094 Acronym: LIFE FOR KRUPINA Project title: The elimination of Negative Impacts of Geological Compound of the Environment on Health Status of Residents in the Krupina District Project location: Krupina District Budget info: Total amount: 417,750 € EU contribution requested: 201,153 € (49.59 %) Project code: LIFE 12 ENV/SK/094 Duration : 01/10/2013 - 30/09/2017 Coordinating beneficiary: Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra Associated beneficiary: Mesto Krupina (City Krupina) LIFE FOR KRUPINA, LIFE 12/ENV/SK/094 Objectives: The main objective of the project is the improvement of health status of residents in the Krupina district. This project will lead not only to description of real status but also to realization of required interventions and remedial measurements. Analysis of relationship between geological environment (environmental indicators – chemical elements) and health status of residents (health indicators) is the main scope of our work. LIFE FOR KRUPINA, LIFE 12/ENV/SK/094 Why Krupina district? 1. Health status of residents in the Krupina district is one of the most unfavourable. 2. Character of settlement: mainly rural, residents living in family houses with own gardens. 3. Krupina district is characterized by low level of anthropogenic contamination of geological compounds of the environment. 4. Geology of the Krupina district: Neogene volcanics defined in the previous studies as the most unfavourable geological environment for human health.