'In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for The
'IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FO R THE COUNTY OF UNION . IN THE MATTER OF THE DETERMINATION OF THE ) RELATIVE RIGHTS OF THE VARIOUS CLAIMANTS ) TO THE USE OF THE WATERS OF GRANDE RONDE ) RIVER ABOVE THE MOUTH OF GORDON CREEK AND ) OF ALL ITS TRIBUTARIES ABOVE SAID POINT, ) DECREE . INCLUDING GORDON CREEK, EXCEPT MILL CREEK, HERE- ) TOFORE ADJUDICATED, IN UNION COUNTY, OREGON . ) Now at this time the above entitled matter coming on for consideratio n by the Court, and it appearing that certain appeals were taken from the forme r decree of this Court as entered March 13th, 1924, and that mandates of the Supreme Court were filed with the Clerk of this Court February 16, 1925, modifying said decree of this Court as to the rights allowed to E . E . Grout and to the estate o f George Gekeler, and that otherwise no changes have been made in the water right s adjudicated to the respective claimants, as set forth in the findings of th e State Water Board dated the 10th day of April, 1918, and supplemental findings o f said Board dated the 22nd day of June, 1921, as modified by said decree of thi s Court, and it further appearing that a final consolidated decree may now be entere d completely describing all rights, as provided by said decree, it i s CONSIDERED, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that the relative rights o f the various claimants to the use of the waters of GRANDE RONDE RIVER above the mout h of Gordon Creek, and all of its tributaries above said point, including Gordon Creek , excepting Mill Creek, heretofore adjudicated, are hereby adjudicated, determined an d settled as follows, to-wit : 1 .
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