Now at this time the above entitled matter coming on for consideratio n

by the Court, and it appearing that certain appeals were taken from the forme r

decree of this Court as entered March 13th, 1924, and that mandates of the Supreme

Court were filed with the Clerk of this Court February 16, 1925, modifying said

decree of this Court as to the rights allowed to E . E . Grout and to the estate o f

George Gekeler, and that otherwise no changes have been made in the water right s

adjudicated to the respective claimants, as set forth in the findings of th e

State Water Board dated the 10th day of April, 1918, and supplemental findings o f

said Board dated the 22nd day of June, 1921, as modified by said decree of thi s

Court, and it further appearing that a final consolidated decree may now be entere d

completely describing all rights, as provided by said decree, it i s

CONSIDERED, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that the relative rights o f

the various claimants to the use of the waters of above the mout h

of Gordon Creek, and all of its tributaries above said point, including Gordon Creek ,

excepting Mill Creek, heretofore adjudicated, are hereby adjudicated, determined an d

settled as follows, to-wit :

1 .

That the Grande Ronde River rises in the southwest part of Unio n

County in the Blue Mountains and flows in a northerly direction and easterl y

direction through the , and empties into the ; tha t

from the mouth of Gordon Creek to Snake River the river flows through a lon g

narrow canyon, and there is very little or no irrigation from the stream ; tha t

Catherine Creek rises in the southeast part of Union County and flows in a

northerly and westerly direction until it empties into the Grande Ronde Rive r

near Cove, Oregon .

That the land irrigated from said river and its tributaries is ari d

land and irrigation is necessary for the raising of profitable crops ; that said

stream is a perennial stream and that various ap propriations of water users hav e

been made therefrom under the laws of the State of Oregon existing at the time o f

GRANDE RONDE RIVER - Consolidated 1 .



the initiation of such water rights .

2 .

Contest No . 2

George Hempe, et al .,

Contestants ,

vs .

Amalgamated Sugar Company, A . T . Hill, H . E . Coolidge and Floyd McKennon ,

Contestees .

Contest No . 3 .

George Hempe, et al .,

Contestants ,

vs .

G . W . Benson, S . I . Benson and Dick Benson, individually and a s

partners, doing business under the firm name and style or Benson Brothers .

Contestees .

Contest No . 4 .

George Hempe, et al ., — fcr /rs nt ' r r, -,, s •,'c e /n s It! 7,/z 3 re ,,LL Con,eestan , con sl5n ~5 7r/ > ry(ec% 6y . t tT,„2s , J, •rte vs .

W . J . Townley, Myrtle McMaugh and Mr . McMaugh ,

Contestees .

That these contests were settled by the decision and decree of the

United States Court for the District of Oregon, together with the stipulatio n

of the parties to the said contests . Said stipulation was signed by all partie s

except the Amalgamated Sugar Company, and is as follows :

"Whereas, the above named contestants have an interest in an d

to the waters of Catherine Creek for irrigation purposes and have made use of suc h

water right through various ditches named and described in their respective proof s

of claim and particularly that certain ditch known as the Swackhamer ditch and th e

ditch known as the Hempe-Wright-Hutchinson ditch and other ditches, and tha t

certain ditch known as Godley ditch No . 2, the Stoddard ditch and ditches "A" an d

"B", as a part thereof and other ditches, an d

"Whereas, the date of priority of the Swackhamer-Hutchinson -

Schoonover ditch above mentioned is September 6th, 1898, and of the Hempe-Wright -

Hutchinson ditch is March, 1905, and of the Godley ditch No . 2, is the year 1884 ,

as to the contestants herein, and

GRANDE RONDE RIVER - Consolidated 2 .



"Whereas, the said contestants as the interested parties in sai d

ditches have begun and are now prosecuting before the above named Boar d

certain contests against George Benson, S . I . Benson, and J . A . Benson, in-

dividually and as partners, doing business under the firm name and style o f

Benson Brothers, and who are the owners of the following described lands :

"All that part of the north half of the southwest quarter o f

Section three (3) lying west of Catherine Creek, and all that part of th e

west half of the northwest quarter of Section three (3) lying west of Catherin e

Creek ; also the northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarte r

of Section four (4) T . 4 S . R . 39 E . N . M ., and who, as such owners have file d

claims to the rights to the use of waters of Catherine Creek for irrigatio n

purposes, which said claims are now on file with the Superintendent of Wate r

Division No . 2, and to which reference is hereby made for all the informatio n

therein contained, and which proofs of claim are by such reference made a

part of this stipulation, and

"Whereas, W. J . Townley, one of the contestees above named, i s

the owner of the following described land :

"The north half of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter o f

the northwest quarter of Section nine (9) and the east half of the southwes t

quarter of Section four (4) Township four (4) South, Range thirty—nine,(39) E .

W . M ., for which said lands the said Townley claims a right for irrigation purpose s

to the waters of Catherine Creek by and through a ditch called Sugar Bee t

Ir ation Company's ditch, claims respecting which are now on file with th e

Superintendent of Water Division No . 2 and to which reference is hereby made ,

and by such reference said claims are made a part of this stipulation . And said

Townley is also the owner of the north half of the northwest quarter of sectio n

four (4) and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section four (4) ,

and the north half of the northeast quarter of Section five (5), and the north hal f

of the northwest quarter of Section five (5) Township four (4), South, Range 39 E .

W . M ., also Section thirty—two (32) the west half of Section thirty—three (33) ,

the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sectio n

thirty—three (33), also the south seventy acres of the south half of the southwes t

quarter of section twenty—nine (29), also the south fifty acres of the south half o f

the southeast quarter of Section twenty—nine (29), Township three South, Range thirty —

nine, (39), E .W .M ., for which said lands rights for irrigation purposes to the waters

of Catherine Creek have been claimed and proofs of claim are now on file with Superin-

tendent of Water Division No . 2 of the State of Oregon, to which reference is hereb y

made for all the information contained

GRANDE RONDE RIVER — Consolidated 3 . 3

EXHIBIT PAGE OF therein, and by such reference said claims are made a part hereof, an d

"Whereas, said lands last above described were not a part no r was said Townley a party to the litigation hereinafter mentioned wherei n

Amalgamated Sugar Company was complainant and Frank Hempe, et al ., who ar e contestants herein were defendants, which suit has been and now is pending fo r final decree in the District Court of the United States for the District o f

Oregon, and

"Whereas, the said W . J . Townley is also the owner of the follow- ing described lands :

"All that part of Section Thirty—four (34) Township three South ,

Range thirty—nine(39) E .W .M ., lying west of Catherine Creek, (by Catherine Creek we include what is known as and called Nodine Cutoff, the same now carrying all the waters and in the principal channel of Catherine Creek) ; also the east half of the southeast quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter o f

Section thirty—three (33), Township and Range aforesaid ; also the southeas t quarter of Section twenty—eight (28) ; and also that part of the southwest quarte r of Section twenty—seven, township three (3) South, Range thirty—nine, E .W .M . , lying west of Catherine Creek, and which said lands last above described are land s to which said Townley has succeeded to the title thereto from the Amalgamate d

Sugar Company, a predecessor in interest and claims for the irrigation of whic h from the waters of Catherine Creek by said Townley have been made and are now o n file with the Superintendent of Water Division No . 2, of the State of Oregon , to which proofs of claim reference is made for all of the information therei n contained, and by such reference said claims are hereby made a part hereof, an d

"Whereas, generally speaking, the claims to water by the said Benso n

Brothers, Townley, Myrtle McMaugh,Logan and Earl McMaugh, have indicated a date of priority for the use of said waters, antedating those of the contestants herein , and by reason thereof, these contests as above described and entitled have bee n initiated, and

"Whereas, the parties to said contests, both contestant and contestees , are desirous of mutually settling, determining and having such settlement an d determination approved and entered of record of all the matters in dispute betwee n them of and concerning the use of the waters of Catherine Creek ,

"NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and de — pendent promises of each other and for the promises aforesaid, the parties hereto , their respective attorneys, and their successors, heirs and assigns do hereby agre e

GRANDE RONDE RIVER — Consolidated 4 .


EXHIBIT PACE OF - and stipulate as follows :

"1. That the duty of water as applied to the lands of th' partie s to this contest shall be in the amount per acre and according to the decree o f the State Water Board of the State of Oregon .

"2. That the location and capacity of the ditches of the respectiv e parties is and shall be as the same exists or is shown of record in the respectiv e claims of the water users, parties to these contests, and as found to be the fact s and entered of record by and decrees made by the State Water Board, it being under — stood that there is now in existence and without describing each particular ditch , appropriate ditches, covering the lands of the parties contestant and contestee t o

this proceeding by which the waters of Catherine Creek are and have been applie d

to the irrigation of said lands .

"3. The date of priority of Godley Ditch No . 2, and Stoddard Ditch ,

include therein, and ditches "A" and "B", laterals therefrom, as to and for contract s

herein ;has been fixed by decree of the district court of the United States for th e

district of Oregon in the case of Amalgamated Sugar Company, vs . Frank Hempe, at als ,

to be the year 1884, and Benson Brothers, by this stipulation agree to amend thei r

claims so far as the same shall effect the rights of the contestants to the use o f

any of the waters of Catherine Creek so that the date of priority to the use of th e

waters of Catherine Creek in any of the ditches extending therefrom and coverin g

their lands, shall be identical with the date of priority of Godley Ditch No . 2 ,

namely, 1884, and the said W .J . Townley, as to all land owned by him except thos e

lands covered by the Sugar Beet Irrigation Company's ditch, shall amend his proof s

of claim so far as the same shall affect the rights and interests and dates o f

priority of the contestants above named to a date the same and identical with tha t

of Godley ditch No . 2, namely, the year 1884, and as to the lands covered by the Suga r

Beet Irrigation Company's ditch, the priority date will be as allowed by the Stat e

Water Board, and if the proof of claim in respect to that ditch requires amendment

to conform, same will be made .

"4. It is understood and agreed that the lands, claims for water fo r

which have been made by Myrtle McMaugh Logan and Earl McMaugh are now leased by

Benson Brothers, and are included in this stipulation under that ownership, and ,

that the said McMaugh Logan lands shall take a priority date of 1884, identica l

in tine with that of Godley Ditch No . 2 in like manner as the water rights to th e

lands of Benson Brothers is hereby fixed .

"5. It is further agreed and stipulated that the owners who ar e

contestants herein, having water rights through Godley Ditch No . 2, and the contestee s

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated 5 . above mentioned using water from Catherine Creek for irrigation purposes, as o f a date of priority of 1884, through any and all ditches now existing shall us e the waters to the extent of their respective rights thereto in common and i n rotation in such manner as may be agreed upon by the parties hereto or thei r successors and assigns, and if unable to agree, then as fixed and determined b y

the decree of the State Water Board of the State of Oregon, to the end tha t neither of the rights having a date of priority of 1884 shall be prior t o

the other but shall, at all times, be equal in right and identical in time .

The water available under said right to be used in common and in qualit y

identical in time and to be used continuously during each irrigating seaso n

henceforth until July 10th of each year, and from and after July 10th of eac h year to and inclusive of August 10th of each year, the contestee, Townley, /

Myrtle McMaugh Logan, Earl McMaugh, and Benson Brothers, individually and a s

partners and those of contestants and their successors, heirs and assigns ,

who are owners and using water from Godley Ditch No . 2 and Stodt!ard ditch and

laterals "A" and "B", shall not as against those of the contestants, thei r

successors, heirs and assigns, who are owners in and irrigating their land s

from Hempe—Wright—Hutchinson ditch and Swackhamer—Hutchinson—Schoonover ditc h

except"as to waters passing their headgates of either of those ditches, use th e

waters of Catherine Creek for irrigation, but continuously after August 10th o f

each year the relative rights of the contestants and the contestees to the use o f

the waters of Catherine Creek shall be and remain identical in time and right a s

heretofore defined with respect to the use thereof from the beginning of th e

irrigation season to July 10th of each year, and shall be used in common and i n

rotation in the same manner as the same is provided for, for the time prior t o

July 10th, provided, however, that after August 10th of each year, the owner s

and water users, their successors, heirs and assigns in Hempe—Wright—Hutchinso n

ditch and Swackhamer—Hutchinson—Schoonover ditch shall be entitled to such a n

amount of water solely for stock water purposes in common with the balance o f

the parties hereto contestants and contestees, to the extent as is customaril y

allowed by the State Water Board for such purposes .

"6 . This stipulation and agreement shall be deemed binding upon th e

parties to these contests, and upon their heirs, executors and administrators ,

successors and assigns, inuring to the benefit of each according to thei r

respective interests .

GRANDE RONDE RIVER — Consolidated 6 .

"7. This stipulation and agreement also shall be taken as and for a

correct definition, proof and establishment of the respective rights of the partie s

hereto, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns in respect to al l

matters at issue in this contest and shall be binding upon the parties befor e

the State Water Board of the State of Oregon, or any of the courts of the State o f

Oregon or of the United States, where said matters are now in controversy, or t o

which they may be hereafter taken .

"8. The dates of priority of the individual claims of the contestant s

reflected by their proofs of claim which are filed herein shall be taken as and fo r

the correct dates of priority, and any decree, so far as the parties hereto ar e

concerned that may hereafter be entered respecting the administration of the water s

of Catherine Creek and the respective rights of the users therein shall be i n

accordance with this stipulation and their respective claims, as the same no w

exist or may be amended pursuant to this stipulation insofar as the same affect s

the parties hereto .

"9. There is attached hereto a map of the lands covered by the various

ditches taken from Catherine Creek, whereby the waters of such creek are applied t o

said lands, for irrigation purposes, and in which the lands for each owner i s

distinctively marked thereon . Same is attached to further identify and explain thi s

stipulation, and which map is marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of this stipulation .

"10. By the term, irrigation purposes, as used in this stipulation ,

the parties mean the use of water for irrigation, domestic use, and stock water ,

which said uses are to be included in any rights decreed under this stipulation .

"11. This stipulation is to include in its scope all of the contest s

mentioned in the above title .

"12. It is further stipulated that inasmuch as a portion of the land s

described in this stipulation are contained within the meandered lines of Tule Lake

according to the Government survey that so far as such lands are contained withi n

such meandered line the same is described in the manner as it would be if sai d

Government survey as to sectionizing had been extended thereto .

Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 25th day of February, 1918 .

(Signed) B . F. Wilson , C . F . Cochran, Attorneys for Contestant s Crowford & Eakin, Attorneys for Contestees" .

That the decree of said United States Court covers all of the lands no w

owned by the Amalgamated Sugar Company, and said stipulation covers all of the land s

owned by said Benson Brothers, Townley, Logan and McMaugh .

GRANDE RONDE RIVER — Consolidated 7 .


EXHIBIT 4 PAGE OF J That the tabulation hereinafter set forth tabulates the water right s of the Amalgamated Sugar Company in accordance with said decree .

That the water rights of the lands now owned by the Benson Brothers ,

Townley, Logan and McMaugh are tabulated in accordance with their claims except such water rights as were transferred from the Amalgamated Sugar Company to Townley , which are tabulated in accordance with this stipulation ; that the water shall b e distributed upon the lands of contestants and contestees, except the Amalgamate d

Sugar Company, in accordance with the stipulation set out herein ; and as to th e lands of the Amalgamated Sugar Company, the water shall be distributed to suc h lands in accordance with the date of priority set forth in said tabulation, but as between the contestants and contestees who signed said stipulation on the on e

side and third persons not parties to said stipulation on the other side, sai d water shall be distributed in accordance with the dates of priority as set fort h in the tabulation herein .

3 .

The exceptions of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Company and the Irrigatio n

Canal Company and E . E . Grout are settled by the decree in a suit wherein the Islan d

City M . & M . Company was plaintiff and Orodell Canal Company, Irrigation Cana l

Company, People's Irrigation Canal Company, and City of La Grande, George Gekeler ,

Homer Nessley, M . Baker, L . Oldenburg, J . E . Hough, F . Gardinier, J . S . McWhirter ,

Georgia Messner, Jos Richardson, Frank Nessley, Charles Nessley and John Nessle y were defendants . The Pioneer Flouring Mill Company is successor in interes t of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit, and by such decree said Pionee r

Flouring Mill Company is entitled to divert 1500 miner's inches from the Grand e

Ronde River for use between the first day of September of each year and the firs t day of July of the following year, and 100 miner's inches between the first day of

Iuly_.andthe first dayofSeptember of each year . The Orodell Canal Company is the same party as is named the Orodell Ditch Association in the tabulation in th e findings of the State Water Board, and by such decree said Orodell Ditch Associatio n is entitled to divert 100 miner's inches between Septtember_first of each year an d

May first of the following year, 500 miner's inches between May first and July firs t of each year, and 200 miner's inches between July first and September first of eac h year, but at no time shall said Orodell pitch Association divert more than halfth e flow of the river . By said decree the rights of the Irrigation Canal Company ar e all subsequent to the rights of said Pioneer Flouring Mill Company, and the rights of all other defendants in said suit are subsequent to the rights of the Pionee r Flouring Mill Company .

GRANDE RONDE RIVER — Consolidated 8 . b

4 .

In the mutual contests filed by Andrew Anderson and Ansel Comstock ,

the issues were formed concerning a certain tributary of Murphy Creek known a s

Spring Branch, and also as to certain springs rising on the lands of Andrew Anderson ,

and it was stipulated by and between the parties that Andrew Anderson should hav e

the exclusive use of the spring from which said Anderson has run pipes fo r

domestic use, and that as to the other springs rising upon his lands, and the sai d

branch of Murphy Creek which is called Spring Branch, both parties shall have a

right to the use of the waters thereof under date of 1864 .

5 .

As to the exceptions of Joe Clark and H . H . Taylor, wherein th e

parties are contesting the rights as established by the Order and Findings of th e

State Water Board, such exceptions were settled by stipulation herein, it bein g

agreed by and between the parties that neither of said parties shall have an y

priority over the other, but that each of them shall have an equal right to th e

use of the waters of Spring Creek or Spring Branch, from which both parties ar e 6 . using water, and that each of the parties shall have the right to irrigate 20 acre s

with equal priority . That any other acreage irrigated by either party shall b e

subsequent in time to the twenty acres irrigated by the other party . That th e

tabulation herein contained shall be modified by this stipulation as to the us e

of water, and the water master shall divide the water equally between them for th e

irrigation of twenty acres each, and in case there is more water than is sufficien t

to irrigate forty acres, then he may give to either of the parties hereto additiona l

water for the irrigation of other land .

6 .

Exceptions of M . W . Mitchell and wife for the irrigation of ten acre s

described as the NW* SE} NE4 of Section 16, T . 3 S ., R . 40 from the springs rising o n

claimant's lands and also from springs extending to the claim of G . M . Baker, wer e

settled by stipulation, and an additional supply of water for the irrigation of sai d

lands is allowed from springs rising on the lands of G . M . Baker, but the use of sai d

water from the springs rising on the lands of G . M . Baker shall in no way interfer e

with or prevent the use of such water upon the lands of said G . M . Baker, it being

intended to give only the surplus water to said lands after the rights of said G . M .

Baker to the use of such water have been satisfied . As to Murphy Creek, mentione d

in said stipulation, the dates of priority are the same, said stipulation providing

for equal division of the waters from said Murphy Creek ; and the water master shal l

so divide said waters in accordance with such dates of priority .

GRANDE RONDE RIVER — Consolidated 9 .



Also as to the exceptions of the Mitchells to the claim of Emma E .

Pixton, where the right to the use of water from springs rising on the lands o f

Emma E . Pixton, is also claimed for said described land, the right to the use o f

such water is first given to Emma E . Pixton, and any surplus water that there ma y

be may be used as a supplemental right upon the lands of said M . W . Mitchell an d

wife, in the same manner and with the same effect as the water from the s p ring s

rising on the lands of G . M . Baker .

7 .

That as shown by the exception of Carrie Hunter and Pearl

Harrision, the streams from which appropriations are made by S . A . Pennick, E . D .

Whiting and E . L . Whiting are the same streams which furnish water to Hunte r

Canyon Creek, from which W . G . Hunter Estate has an appropriation ; and that in

the suit wherein W . G . Hunter was plaintiff and F . M . Stanley and Harry Huntley wer e

defendants, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Union ,

the rights of the predecessors in interest of E . D . Whiting, E . L . Whitin g

and S . A . Pennick were decreed inferior to the right of the sail W . G . Hunter .

The original tabulation of the rights of the W . G . Hunter Estate

should stand as rights superior to those of the said S . A . Pennick and E . D . Whitin g

and E . L . Whiting, as tabulated herein .

8 .

As to the various exceptions involving the use of the waters o f

Warm Creek, it appenrs that Warm Creek flows in a westerly direction through

Sections 11, 10, 9 and 8 in T . 3 S .R . 40 E .W .M ., that in the SENW4 of Section 11 ,

Warm Creek divides into two branches, the northerly branch flowing westerly throug h

the Ni Si of Section 10 and the N2 Si of Section 9, and the south branch taking a

southeasterly course from said point through the NE-SWC of Section 11, and thenc e

through the Si Si of Section 10 and Section 9 respectively, that at a point on th e

SEtSE4 of Section 10, the south branch of Warm Creek again divides and the mos t

southerly branch thereof for a distance flows through the N NW* of Section 15 .

The use of water from all of these branches has been in a way to take and use al l

of the water that might come down either branch, and in some instances water user s

have gone to the point where the stream divides and turned all the water down eithe r

one or the other of the branches, according as to which branch such water use r

would be using the water from . In the development of the lands about the sam e

GRANDE RONDE RIVER — Consolidated 10 .



amount of water has been used upon the lands irri gated from the north fork as has bee n

used upon the lands irrigated from the south fork . Springs arising along the strea m

and upon the lands irrigated from the stream supplement the supply from each o f

the creeks, and at low water time of the creek, in many instances supply all of the

water used for irrigation upon certain p articular pieces of land, It appears, there -

fore, that the water should be divided e q ually at the division point in the SE ,NW o f

Section 11, and it ie therefore ordered that division boxes be placed at the dividing

point of said stream by the water users interested, and that such division boxes b e

placed in accordance with the plans and specifications to be furnished by the wate r

master, and under his supervision, and such division boxes shall be so placed as t o

divide the water equally between the north and south brenchas of said stream .

As to the division point in the SE_SEi of Section 10, it appear s

that a number of years ago a part of the northerly branch of said south branch wa s

covered over with a conduit to carry the water, and that the water for the Dea n

place in the SW4SW4 of Sedtion 10 was run down tnrou h this conduit, and th e

balance of the water went through the most southerly branch of the stream ; that fo r

the irrigation of the Payne Estate in the NW-, ° of Section 15, ditches were dug fro m

the most northerly of said branches of the south branch of Warm Creek and diversio n

made in the SEQSW- of Section 10, and carried in a southerly direction to the most

southerly branch, and onto the lands of the Payne Estate, Such diversion will b e

subject to the water needs of the Dean lands in the SW SW of said Section 10, an d

any diversion made by the Conklin Estate from the most northerly branch cf said sout h

fork of Warm Creek would be subject to their rights . I n order to p rovide rich rights ,

it appears that Dean should have the right to repair end place in good condition th e

conduit through which Warm Creek has heretofore flowed water for the irrigation o f

his lands, and that not more than one-fourth of the water of '.(arm Creek should b e

diverted through that conduit ; and if there is more water in said stream than necessar y

for use upon the Dean lands, then the Conklin Estate shall have the right to diver t

that extra amount . Provided that the owners of the Conklin Estate lands shall hav e

the first right to the use of the waters from the springs rising on said Conkli n

Estate lands, and on the Payne Estate lands, to the extent that sr .me are beneficially

used .

As between Stackland and Love, the dates of priority as tabulate d

herein will montrol the distribution of water . The nature of use upon the lands shal l

be left to the owner of each phce of land .

GRri;DE EO?.DL b_IVrR - Consolidated 11 .

1 1

Lmi li3I T PAGE OF

9 .

It appears that the waters of Ladd Creek should be divided betwee n

the two branches thereof . Said creek flows in a nortrierly direction, and upon

emerging from the canyon in which it arises it divides into two branches called th e

East Branch and the West Branch, and the waters of Ladd Creek should be divide d

equally between the two said branches . Upon the waters of said Ladd creek defrayin g

the expenses, a concrete division box should be installed at the forks of said

creek, under the supervision and specifications of the water master .

10 .

As to the exceptions of J . F . Dobbin relative to the lands irrigate d

by the Sugar Beet Irrigation Company, it appears that he had purchased certain land s

lying West of Catherine Creek, amounting to a)proxinately 17 .73acres in the NEjLVl f

2,75 acres in the NW4 NE-4 of Section 10 ; 15 .93 acres in the SEESW and 3 .6 acres i n

the SW:SE4 of Section 3, all in T . 4 S .R . 39 E .'ii .ih That such lands were tabulate d

under the name of the Amalgamated Sugar Company as being; irrigated through th e

Sugar Beet Irrigation Company ' s ditch, and asit appears that J . F . Dobbin i s

successor in interest in the ownership of said lands, and that such water righ t

was transferred with the land, which stands in his name, that said water right shoul d

also stand in his name in this decree, and it is so ordered .

11 .

That the lands tabulated herein under the names of W .A . Elmer, E,H .

Shaw, and D .W . Bates are irrigated from the north fork of Little Creek through a

ditch known as the Elmer ditch, and the parties using said ditch have agreed that th e

waters in said ditch shall be distributed 66% to'W .A . Elmer, 25% to E .H . Shaw and 10 %

to B .W . Bates . The water master shall distribute the water according to said agree-

ment until changed by further agreement, between said parties .

12 .

That F .H . Johnson, D .W . iurchinson, J .H . Patrick and Jerry Veatc h

appeared in the proceedings and desired to file a stipulation relative to the use o f

water from McDonald Creek, a tributary of Gr!nie Ronde River, and thereupon did fil e

such a stipulation ; and from such stipulation it appears that each party shall pay

his pro rata expense toward the keeping up of the ditch from which he uses water, and

if only one party uses water from such ditch, :hen he shall keep it up himself . That

Jeety Veatch has the first right to the use of the water of said creek in the sam e

manger and to the same extent as he now uses it . That the other sers of water shal l

use the same equally in proportion to the nu her of acres irrigated, and the water

master of the county shall have the right to arrange a system of rotatio n

GRANDE RONDE RIVER – Consolidated 12 .

I;iLE 01'

between the users so as to best conserve and use Lhe water, and as nearly a s

pos Bible give to each party the time of use in proportion to the number of acre s

that he irrigates .

13 .

In order to successfully irrigate a piece of ground it is necessar y

to have a sufficient head of water ; that three acre feet of water is sufficient t o

irrigate an acre of ground ; that a flow of one-eightieth second foot of water fo r

120 days will approximately supply such water ; that a head of water of one-eightieth

second foot is inadequate for the purp ose of irrigating an acre of ground ; that

in order to irrigate any ground it is not necessary to keep a continuous flow o f

water upon each and every acre of same ; that it is necessary to irrigate each acr e

of land once in every three or four weeks in each growing season ; that the inter-

mittent use of water upon each acre of ground makes it possible for the arrangement

of a satisfactory system of rotation, so that the mead of water necessary for th e

irrigation of an acre of land can be increased .

In order to irrigate an acre of land a head of water of one mine r ' s

inch under a six inch pressure or 1/40th of a second foot is necessary and the wate r

master is hereby directed to formulate systems of rotation whereby irrigators fro m

said . stream and its tributaries may have a head of water of one-fortieth second foo t

per acre .

14 .

That all claimants herein to water for irrigation shall be entitled

to use such water for stock and domestic purposes ; that the right to the use of wate r

for stock and domestic purposes is hereby confirmed gnd entitles the owner of such

water right to divert and use such a quantity of water as is reasonably necessar y

for his household and stock use ; the amount so diverted and used shall not excee d

the rate of one-fortieth of one cubic foot ,er second fur each one-thousand (1000 )

head of stock and the ivantity diverted for irrigation purposes daring the irrigatio n

season shall include when it is so diverted, such an amount as may be reasonabl y

necessary for said stock and domestic purposes, and Lhe right to divert and us e

the waters of said stream and its tributaries for stock and domestic purpose s

continues throughout the year,

15 ,

That the rights of appropriation hereby confirmed are a ppurtenant

to the lands herein described for irrigation purposes, end the rights to the us e

of the waters of said stream and its tributaries by virtue of such rights o f

GRADE RObDE RIVER - Con solidated 1 3


appropriation, are limited and confined to the irrigation of the lands herei n

described to the extent of said land as herein set forth, and the prioritie s

herein confirmed confer no right of use of the waters of said stream and it s

tributaries, on the lands other than those specified tracts to which such right s

of appropriation are herein set forth as appurtenant, and each and every parso n

shall be and hereby is prohibited, restrained and enjoined from diverting and

using water from said stream on such other lends without lawful permit from th e

State Engineer,


That the order of the rights of the respective appropriators o f

the waters of said stream and its tributaries, and in which order they ar e

entitled to divert and use the said water shall be and is according* to the dat e

of the relative priority of the right as herein set -forth and determined, an d

the first in order of time according to tee date of relative priority shall b e

and ie the first in order of right,and so on, down to the date of the lates t

priority, and those having prior rights are entitled to divert and use the water s

of said stream and its tributaries, when necessary for ceneficial use in connectio n

with the irrigation of their respective lands, or other useful and beneficia l

p urposes for which they are decreed a right of use at all times and against thos e

having subsequent rights without let or hinderc.nce, end chenever the water is no t

required by the appropriator having a prior right to its use for the purpose fo r

which said water was appropriated, he must and shall permit it to flow down

in the natural channel of the stream as it was wont to flow in its natural course ,

without hinderance or diversion thereof, and those having subsequent rights ar e

entitled to the use of such water and to divert the some to the extent of thei r

rights of appropriations, according to the order of their priority riglts ; and a t

all times the waters shall be beneficially, economically and reasonably used

without waste by those having a right to do so by reason of the priority of their

rights, and no rights of appropriation are hereby confirmed to divert a greater _

quantity of water into the head of the ditch or ditches of the appropriato r

having a valid right to divert the water than such appropriator can beneficiall y

use for the purpose to which the water is to be p ut .

17 .

That in distributing the water, the water gaster may arrange

systems of rotation in either of the following ean ers :

1 . By arranging a period of irrigation for the lands of a number o f a appropriators, then by giving to one of such appropriators all of the water belonging

GRANDE hCillDE fiivER – Con solidated – 14, 1 4


PAGE OF .._.o; to the lands included in the system of rotation for a length of time proportionat e

to the period of irrigation as the amount of water to which he is entitled bears t o

the whole amount of water to which all the appropriators in such system are entitled ,

and so on, for each appropriator, until all of the appropriators under the syste m

of rotation are served ; and such distribution of water shall be repeated in the

same manner throughout the irrigation season .

2 . Where two or more appropriators agree among themselves as t o

the manner of rotation as to the use of water the water master shall distribute th e

water in accordance with such agreement, provided rights of other parties are no t

interfered with, and provided further that such agreement is in writing and o n

file with the water master . That at all times when there is more water in the stream than i s

necessary for the irrigation of the lands irrigated from the stream there shal l

be no restriction upon the water users in using such surplus water .

18 .

That the name and address of each appropriator of water from th e

Grande Ronde River and its tributaries arranged in a tabulated form, together wit h

date of relative priority .of such appropriators, the number of acres to which suc h

appropriation is applied, the use or uses for which said water was applied an d

is now applied and to which said use is limited, the name of the ditch or ditche s

through which such appropriation is diverted, the name of the stream or streams

from which such appropriation is diverted and the description of the land upo n

which such water is used, the tabulated rights of each appropriator being se t

opposite and following the name and the poatoffice address of each such appro-

priator, are as follows, to—wit :

GRAD DE RONDE RIVER — Consolidated lb ,

inn.in.'+.:~ ..o.«... .« .a ~.nwR. .,.~~.a.a .>w..,v :,~.,<~. .r, . ..-- -


PAGE ,___._ OF

Dote of Name and Poot .ffloe Addreee Amount Numhe r of Approprlat.r Delolire Cubic Fee t U.. Nome of Ditch Stream Priority Per Second Acrce Description of Land or Place of Um I-

) I Adams, Bessie, 1864 2 .5 Irrigation Amos :,i :tle 2.5 acres in SE W-t Union„ Oregon . ;reek Section 18 , T. 4 S.R. 40 E .W.M.

4- 3 6 1 Adams, M .A. May 10, 10 Irrigation May Park Grande 10 acres in 1d4SW4 La Grande, Oregon . 1902 ':rater Ronde Section 4 , _ .- Ditch T. 3 S .R. 38 E .W.M. Compan y

Adams, Thomas 1863 4 Irrigation Ames Little 4 acres in SEsNW4 Union, Oregon . Greek Section 18 , T. 4 S.R. 40 E .W.M.


1f l Ainsworth, James May 10, 18 .1 Irrigation May Park Grande 6 .1 acres in Nlk-IiWi La Grande, Oregon . 1902 d ater Iaonde 10 acres in SW W Ditch Section 4, 1I Z , O Jr Co ., T . 3 S .~i. 38 E.W.M.

1 4'6 1' Allen, Civille 1863 - 3 Irrigation Ames Little 3 acres in SE-eW4 Union, Oregon . Creek Sectiop. lq T . 4 S .R. 40 E.W. M .

b1• Allen, J.5. 1886 8 Irrigation Stacicland alarm 8 acres in SWSW4 Cove,-Oregon. Creek Section-l], , T . 3 S .B . 40 E .W.M.

Allen, Peter 1883 80 Irrigation I :1.itchall 40 acres in NE B R.R. No . 1 Canyon 40 acres in NW&NDa- La Grande, Oregon . Creek Section 16 , T. 2 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

1883 39 .9 Irrigation Slide 36 .4 acres in SW4 5 Creek 1 .5 acres in SE4SE. Section 3, 2 acres in NWFgNNE4 Section 10, T . 2 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

?`a A

5 /Amalgamated/ A . Sugar June .Oompany 1905 1049 .5 Irrigation Godley Catherine 40 acres in NE,SW-4 .Ogden, Utah . No . 2 Creek 40 acres in SEzSW4 Pj.S. Bramwell, Agt ., Stoddard 31 acres in NW. SW4 ,La Grande, Oregon . A & B 9 acres in SW4S4 Section 29, 40 acres in NEiNE4 (See Paragraph 2, page 2 ) 40 acres in SE4NE-i 40 acres in SV -NI PoD TT /,~5gy ! acid) 40 acres in NW I E 40 acres in NESSE4 S 1' !' 40 acres in SE4SEs 40 acres in Silt, 40 acres in NW SE 40 acres in NPI NW 3 .5 acres in NW NW- ' 36 .5 acres in S D 13.5 acres in NE Q

tr GRANDE RONDE RIYER 4- ) A Consolidated ,~ 18 i+ 4 d . t `_~ r l. t I I 1 V_ l



Name and Portotfire Add .,,. Data o f Amoun t . Numbe r Stream Description of Land or Pam of U . Delotivo Cubic Feet Acre U . e Noma of Ditch of Anpropri.ar Priority Par Second

24 acres in SN4S6- Amalgamated Sugar Co f Section 34, (Continued) T. 3 S.E. 39 EOW.M, 40 acres in NW4TW1 40 acres in SW'NI 40 acres in NW. SV1 40 acres in SW-SW- Section 2, 40 acres in NENE4 40 acres in SE*NEg 40 acres in SWNEy; 40 acres in NWOIT E 7 acres in NE'¢NWj 8 acres in ITE4SWg 1 .6 acres in SE SW4 40 acres i n 40 acres in NWZSEt 35.5 acres in SW-SET, 40 acres in 3E4SE-4Seo . S. T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M.

190 4 162. Irrigation i',:ike Catherine 33 acres in NE IVVT= Creek .16 acres in NWgNW- 32 acres in SVITV 40 acres in SEIVii 26 acres in NE$SW4 15.5 acres in NWtSWS 4 Section 3, T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M.

Nov . 300.7 4 Irrigation Sugar Catherin e 22.57 acres in SEQSIV4 1903 -beet Irr . Creek 40 acres in SWySS Co. 0.9 acres in SWiSE4 ' Section 3 3 40 acres in SESE4 C/N ./n /, .~ ' /i ja Section 4 1 Pa lf'-,In• Cr. 1/.7 /tt 7 22.27 acres in NE- 40 acres in SEEiN a ' 40 acres in SWhNWj 40 acres in N'f NW - 40 acres in NEO 15 acres in SE,SWg Section 10 , T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M.

Ambrose, C .W. (See under La Gra ; de Irrigation Compar. Y )

Ames, 0.M:. (See and r La Gra de Ir igation Company)

aAnderson, Andre w 1864 26 .5 Irrigation iurphy 15 acres in NE'O'T,i ?Cove, Oregon. reek 11 .5 acres in SE4-N W Section 14, (See Paragraph 4 , T. 3 S.R . 40 E,W.M. pee 9 .)

GRANDE RUDE RIVES Consolidated - 17 .


Nam . and [APPPot.pri ro Addte u Re lative Cubic F eet Number Use Nome of Ditch 9treom e pptvpri.lor Priority Per aec.nd Acres Description of Land or Place of Us

Anderson., Mrs . C. L. (See under Orode=l Ditch Association )

if/ ~ 5. 4 P . 411 Anson, Joseph 1866 240 Irrigation Sub-irri- Slough of 40 acres in SW4SE- R.No, .2 gation Grand e 40 acres in NE SW* La Grande, Oregon . from dams Ronde 40 acres in SE-SW - River 40 acres in NRI-SET 40 acres in S SE 40 acres in NW SE$ Section 2 , T, 3 S .R. 38 E.W.M.

Antles, A.A. 1872 20 Irrigatio n Antles itirphy 20 acres in SEiN 4 Cove, Oregon . Creek Section 16 , T. 3 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

y3 L,i Arnoldus, C .R. 1901 104. Irrigation Arnoldus Spring 38 acres in NW4SW~'- Summerville , oranches 33 acres in SW;1-SW-4 Oregon. Section 14, 3 acres in SW4SE4 30 acres in SEySE' £ Section 16 , T. 1 S .R . 38 E .W.M.

Bach, Mable A. ( See under La Grande Ir^igation Company )

y N Bachant,5h3n6 Ethel M. 1891 2 Irrigation Guild Catherine 2 acres in N'W4SW Union, Oregon . Creek Section 19 , --~16f T. 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

i5 5 b Badger, Celia 1894 1 Irrigation Hunter Catherine Commencing at a point Union, Oregon . Creek 382 feet south of the SW corner of Block 23 Union, Oregon ; thence south 138 feet ; thence east 210 feet ; thence north 138 feet ; thence west 210 feet -to beginn1,mg , containing 1 acre, more or less (Being a portio n of the SE4NJJ_ Sec . 19 T. 4 S,11. 40 E .W . h . )

yb al Badger, Ross Sept . 6, 10 Irrigation Swackhare rCatherine 10 acres in N11SE4 .)f Union, Oregon . 1898 Schoonover' Creek Section 7 , Sutchinson; T . 4 S .R. 40 E.W.M.

b ainbridge,B . 1870 35 Irrigation Bainbridge Ladd 30.5 acres in SWW" IE,a • La Grande, Oregon . 'reek 4.5 acres in NW,aSE4 pvA 2 , T. 4 S,B .38cE.W,M.

GRANDE RONDE RIPER - Consolidated - 18 .

i 18


Name andP000ffceAddree a Data of Amount Numbe r of Appropriator Relative Cubic Fee t A,,.e Uae Nome of Ditch stream DeacriptIon of Land or Place of U.. Priority Per Second

AGO e,e:6 191q Bai rd, N, C. and Sept . 6 5 Irrigation Swackhamer Catherine 5 acres in NW4SE4 *Baird, Mollie 1898 Hutchinson Creek Section 7 , Elgin, Oregon . Schoonover T . 4 S.R . 40 E .W.M.

7 .5a5 ip 1891 1 Irrigation Guild Branch of 1 acre in SE ri 'atherin e Section 19 , Creek T. 4 S.R . 40 E .W.M.

Baird George 1876 16 Irrigation State 'atherine 15 acres in NW—'4S 1 Union, Oregon, reek Section 20 , T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M. auwnotW b . No. Coll 5 1892 15 Irrigation Baird Little &1-6 acres in SE'4•NW4 'reek W14 acres in NE:£N'V4- - SeotIon 22, ca, ce/'q~ T. 4 S.R. 40 E .W.M. SI ,tltk/'X Cancelled-sr. or Rec . Vol . P.~ 1894 14

\\J D b Baker, G.M. 1869 14 Irrigation Baker or eurphy 14 acres in SE4NE,- Cove, Oregon . Aiay. Creek Section 16, T. 3 S.R . 40 E ;W .M. (See Paragraph 6 , page 9 . )

Baker, W . A. 1893 17 .5 Irrigation Baker Grouse B acres in NW.-NE4 Summerville, Creek & 5 .5 acres in SW B- Oregon. Spring 4 acres in UNE4 Branch Section 10 , T. 1 S.R. 38 E .W.M.

4\ B4rber, Oharlee H . Sept, 6 10 Irrigation Swackhamer Catherin e 10 acres in NrW4-SE4 - Union, Oregon . 1898 Hutchinsor. Creek Section 7 , Schoonover T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

Barbur, W .P . (See under La Grand e Irrigatio n Compa :ly) '

Barbam, J .R. (See and r La Grande Irrigation Company )

Barker, :Lettie (See under La Grande Irrigation Company )

‘'3 6 Barker, R. I . 1890 6 Irrigation Unnamed Spring 6 acres in NEzSE4 Cove, Oregon . on Section 10, claimant ' s' T. 3 S.R. 40 E .W.M. land.

1896 10 Irrigation Sutherlanc Warm 10 aures in NE4SE4 and stock or Barker Creek Section 10 , T. 3 S.R. 40 E .W .M.

GRANDE RONDE RIVER 7 f . Consolidated — X19, '19


Name arid op a fim Addrn Date af e Relative Cubie Feet Number of ADomrlator Priority Per Second Acre, Uee Nome of Ditch Btrmm Dcecrlption of Land or Plum of U.

i*;, bi Bates, B . W. 1896 6 Irrigatio n Elmer Littl e 3 acres in NWyi1W* Union, Oregon . Creek 3 acres in SWNli4 Section 13 , ( See Paragraph 13 , T . 4 S .R. 40 E.W.M. page 12 . ) y I t, Baxter, J .W, Jr . 1863 10 Irrigation Tunes Little 10 acres in SB4SV Union, Oregon . Creek Section 7 , T . 4 3 .11. 40 E .W.M.

Bayliss, Thos . (See und. r La Grand e Irrigation Com ar.y )

Beaudette, El i (See und: r Nessley Ditch Company )

Bellmer, Sarah E . (See und:r La Grande Irrigation Company ) 1 Bennett, D .B. Oct . 26 1 Irrigation Jackson Phillips 1 acre in NE4-SE4 Elgin ;, Oregon . 1908 Graham Creek Section 16 , and T. 1 N .R. 39 E .W.M. Jest Elgir.

Nov. 11 1 Irrigation Jackson Phillips 1 acre in SW4NE4 190 1 Graham Creek Section 16 , T . 1 N .R. 39 E . W.M.

I Bennett, John (See candor La Grande Irrigation Company )

Benney, R. V. (See undr La Grand e Irrigation Compaiy )

6IV Benson Brothers 1870 92,57 Irrigation Old Catherine Beginning at the N W Union, Oregon . channel Creek corner of Sec . 3, T . 4 S. to Yearley R. 39 E .W.M., thence W (See Paragraph 2, 161. rods to NE corne r page 2 .) NW$ Sec . 4 same T . and R. thence S . 92 rods to NW corner of S44E4 Sec . 4; thence E. 161 rodsato NW corner of SW4Nt/ Sec . 3 thence N . 92 rods t o place of beginning, con - taining 92,57 acres, mo h or lees, (Being in th e Ni NE- Sec . 4 T.46 .R. 39 E.W.M.) .

1870 205 .8E Irrigation Old Channel Catherine Beginning at the SW and Hot corner of N'WW4SE- Sec . 4 T Lake or 4 S.R . 39 E .W.M., thence Benson E . 5016 .4 feet to center brotiners line of Catherine Creek ; thence in niorthweeterly direction along said center line to where it crosses U. Line of SW-2eivie Sec . 3, same T . and .R ; ' thence W . 2969 ft. to G .EGENDE iOitUE _ IVER _ Consolidated – 20


N.m Data o f Amoun . and Poetotfice Addre.. t Num her of Appropriator R.I.11re Cnbie Fee t Acres U.e Nome of Ditch Stream De Priority Per Second .criptlon of Land or Ma of U. e

Benson Brother s corner of SWjR-4 Seo . 4, thence S 2640 feet to (Continued) place of beginning . (excepting therefrom the right of way of Centra l Railroad of Oregon, con- taining 8 .46 acres) con- taining in all 205.86 acres more or less .

11 16 t Benson, J . A . 1879 1 Irrigation Godley C atherine 1 acre in S`V# SW4 Union, Oregon . No . 1 Greek Section 18, ( S ee Paragraph2 , T . 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M. page 2 . )

e Benson, Mrs . M. A. 1879 2 Irrigation Godle y Catherin e 2 acres in SE4SE 4 Estate, No . 1 Creek Section 13, Geo. Benson, Mt . T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W.M. Union, Oregon . (See Paragraph 2 , page 2 . )

r) D

I' I Benson, S.I . 1879 1 .5 Irrigatio n Godle y Catherine 1.5 acres in SE4SE 4 Union, Oregon .. 6o. 1 Creek Section 13 , T. 4 S.R. 39 E .W.M. (See Paragraph 2 , page 2 . )

Beveridge, B . (See under La Grand e Irrigatio n CompaiYy )

0 11 1 Black, C . J. July 7 9 Irrigation La Grexide Grande 9 acres in S7-17S - La Grande, Oregon . 1903 Irrigation Ronde Section 5 , Company River T . 3 S .R. 38 E.O.M.

e Blacker, Ella B . May 5, 1 Irrigation Nodine Ladino 1 acre in NE,H Pine, Oregon . 1894 Creek & Section 19 , C atherine T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M. Creek

1, 14Heirs1 of L . A . 1890 10 Irrigation Blacker Tributary 5 acres in SW-y-SE- Blacker of Catherine 5 acres in SE0SW4 By Robert M. Blacker Creek Section 32 , Union, Oregon . ~ T . 4 S .R. 40 E.W .M. 5380 Main, W.A. 1876 .50 Irrigation Town Catherine One half acre in Si . Creek of Block 15, 'Jes t Union, Oregon . .sb .. Union, Oregon . 73a (Being in the NW - Sec . 19, T . 4 S .R . 40 E . W.M. )

1891 1 .5 Irrigation Guild Catherin e 1 .5 acres in SW,iNWy Creek Section 19 , T. 4 S .' . 40 E.W.M.

1 0 tothl S .S . 1876 .50 Irrigation ;_ Town Catherine Ni Block 14, flee t Union, Oregon . Creek Union, Oregon . (Being in the NWyi1W;y r3a.Sfo Sec . 19 T. 4 S.R. 40 E.O.M. ) GRANDE ROUE RIVER _ Consolidated – 21 . .<'"-•~ .>ipts.~..~n ~ n.~~ w. ..~~. .._®,.,~,.,~~_ ..~r,, ..~ I _ _ _ .


Data o Name and Fantail., Adam.. f Amoun t Number of Appropriator Relative Cubic Feet Ina Name of Ditch stream Priority Per second Acme Description of land or Place of U.

' b °Bouchard, Medy 1878 5 Irrigation Goodell :,add 5 acres in SEtI1 V R.#2, La Grande, Creek Section 2 , 1 Oregon. T . 4 S .H. 38 E.W.M.

1878 5 Irrigation Bouchard- Goodell, 5 acres in WE-NW. Geiger Creels Section 2 , T. 4 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

, Boyd., John 1880 323 Irrigation Dtete Little A. 36 acres in NE-' NW-Payette, Idaho . Ditch Catherine 40 acres in NJi-NWI' (C . E. Lawson, successor and over- Creeks 40 acres in SW-1 W in interest) flow 16 acres in SE W Union, Oregon . Section 30 , (Note s his lani was irrigated from the overlie) of 40 acres in NE-40k Catheri 'e Creek leer it s mouth and from the waste water 40 acres in SE04 from i t igation iitches taken from Little Creek and 40 acres in SW-5W4 Catheri e Creek sear tyle mouth of tie canyon and has 40 acres in NWIS'r'l- never u-ed water after the 1st of, July of each 2•ea r and 19 acres in NW S this rieht is limited to anirrigatior season ending with 12 acres in SW4SE4 July 1s , of each year ; this land alsc has a supplemental Section 19 , supply der Stat e Eng_neer l s permi t ,lo . 765 which right T. 3 S a ra 40 E,W .1,. shall be in accordanc e with the laws governing tae same . )

Bradshaw, M .V. (See un.er La Grand e Irrigation Comrany)

.Bradshaw, M. W. (See un.er La Gr_.nde Irrigation Comp ny)

/glo b rasher, Thomas 1876 1 Irrigation Town Catherine Block 16, Jest Union Union, Oregon . Creek Oregon . (Being in th e T N'll UW:p dec . 18 T. 4 S. SS R.40 E.( .12.) containing 1 acre, more or less . • 6 bin Estate of L. Brazills 1869 17 Irrigation LLy +farm 17 acres in NE4SW- (Successor to J.W. Creek Section 10 , Ingram) T. 3 S .': . 40 E .W.M. Cove, Oregon .

Breedlove, A .J . (see un.er La Grand e Irrigation Company )

Orodell Ditch Association]) Brown, E.J . (See un.er I GRADE DOaIDE RIVER- Consolidated - 22

2 2



Name and Pontoffim Addree e Mite o f Amoun t Number of Appi oprtelor Relative Cubic Feet Use Nome of Ditch Stmem Dcacrlplion of Lend or Plem of U . . Priority Per Second Acre.

,~738 Z . Brown, J . J . 1891 1 .50 Irrigation nod warn Catherine Block 17 Hanna ' additi a Union, Oregon . Creek to Union, Oregon . (Bei g -r3JOCo in the SW4NW Sec . . 19 T. 4 S .E . 40 E .W .M . con e taining 1 .50 acres, mo n . or less .

Brown, Mary (See under La Grande Irrigetion'Company )

Bryant, Cora (See under La Grande Irrigation Company )

°Buell, E . E . 1889 180 Irrigation Unname d Spring s 20 acres in l ;Eg;NEi Buell, W .A . ditches tributary Section 22 , Buell, Ivy Ma y :o Willo w 40 acres in NE-NE-'° Buell, Mrs . W .H . Creek 40 acres in NW E--Z SuDmtirv'ille, Oregon . 40 acres in NB NW 40 acres in NW NWi Section 23 , T . 1 S .H . 38 E .W .M .

0 Busick, A .M . 1864 69 .7 Irrigation Unnamed C atherine 33 .2 acres in SW SE4 * Union, Oregon . Creek 15 acres in SEtSE4 Section 20 , 21 .5 acres in NE-- NE4 Section 29 , T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

1864 Domestid Pipe line Spring s Used at house fo r on SEVI'i domestic stock an d sec . 29 T . garden . 4 S .h . 40 E .W . M.

May 25 Irrigation hoses Catherine 8 .5 acres in NW,-~rNWnj 1897 Lore Creek 15 acres in SW-INNW- 1 .5 acres in SBi W- Section 28 , T . 4 S .a . 40 E .W .M .

0 Busick, Cora B . 1871 1 Irrigation darren R : Catherine 1 acre in NE4NE4 Union, Oregon . Blakeslee Creek Section 24 ; T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W .M. ' 63 0 Butner, Anna Lee July 20 Irrigation Ladd 18 acres in S\5W=, La Grande, Oregon . 1895 Creek Section 1 , 2 acres in S2 SB- Section 2 , T . 4 S .E . 38 E .W .M.

0 Calhoun„ J .E . 1890 20 Irrigation Calhoun Zweifel 20 acres in SW SE4 Summerville, Oregor . Creek Section 3 , 7 . 1 S .E . 38 B .W .M .

GRANDE MONDE i3IVER - 23 Consolidated



Name and Pallor fice Addre.. Date o f Amoun t Ndmber of Appropriator Relativ e Cuhie Fee t Acre. -- Uee — Namo of Ditch Stream - - De.cripUan of Land or Place of U. Prlorib Per Second

l b .‘ b Callihan, G . T. 1863 8 .3 Irrigation Imes Little 2.8 acres in ITRjN .i- Union, Oregon . Creek 5.5 acres in NWI-N*' , Section 18 , T. 4 S .R. 40 E O W.M.

bl Cameron, E.G . 1866 7.5 Irrigation Cameron Little 3 .6 acres in NE-iSWj Union, Oregon . Stewart :reek 4 acres in MbiSW 4 Section 21, T . 4 S .Ra .40 E.W.M.

1866 17 .5 Irrigation Cameron Littl e 6 acres in NW44Wd ~2 Swiger :'reek 3 acres Yn SWWNW 3 acres in SEtNW- 5 .5 acres in NE-zSW4 Sedtion 21, T. 4 S.R . 40 E .W.M.

ff1 " Camp Carson Mining & 1908 Mining and Indiana Irande Camp Carson aline s Power Company, Power 2onde 1400 acres in T . 6 S . 11. T„ Harvey, Presa fiver H. 36 E,W.M. La Grande, Oragcn.

ba v Campbell, Wilbur D . 1888 15 Irrigation Campbell 3 :rings on 12 acres in SW4SV.r;; Route #1, ilailants 3 acres in SErSti La 'Grande, Oregon . Land Section 34, T . 1 S.R . 38 E .W.M.

1888 Domestic ripe 3_lrings Domestic, stock and Line garden on claimant ' s land.

Campbell, Hattie (See under La Grande Irrigation Company )

b 9 4 Cantrel, S .C . 1888 3 Irrigation Cantrel Lewis 3 acres in SPiSE4 Summerville, Oregon . Sranch Section 4 , ay, 'A t./ e, :.{, 3. - T . 1 S .R. 38 E.W.M. SI,Or/o" ./ f•41 3

A ° b Cantre:L, Wm. 1886 4 Irrigation Cantrel Lewis 4 acres in SE-4SEy Summnerville, Oregon . Ghy f 3ranch Section 4, fn a tc~fv T . 1 S .R . 38 E .W.M. S/'0'P3e/.7 4L/3

. . Carbine, Edmund Z . (See under Nessler Ditch Company and O~rodell Litcz Association )

Carbine, Wm . V . (See under Nessley Ditch Company )

Carlson, Anna C . (See under La Gra de Irrigation Company)

GRANDE DONDE RIVER Consolidated. - 24 .



Nam. and Po .tofn . Add.. . Data of Amount Number of Appropriator Relative Cubic Feet Uae Nnme of Ditch etreum D ., riptlon of Land or Plaee of Use Priority. Por Second Acre .


Carlson, Eric B . 190 0 10 Irrigation May Park rand e 10 acres in SE.INWyN .- and Water .onde Section ,Ti Brita Company T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .M . La Grande, Oregon .

T' f V1 PoD

q 9Y i,1 Carroll, Jenni e 1870 16 0 Irrigation Littl e ittl e 160 acres in SW4 Union, Oregon . Creek Cree k Section 36 , T . 3 S .R . 39 E .W .M.

9 3 O Carroll, ? . S . 1900 20 Irrigation i;iey Park Grand e 20 acres in NaNN. NBi La Grande, Oregon . Water Co . Rond e Section-4 , 1-7117 D PoP T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W.M. V 5%o55.2

61 Carroll, Eliaa 1864 1 Irrigation Lewis Catherine Block 7 Lewis Addition ? Union, Oregon . Creek to 'n orth Union . (Being in the Nd SW~- Section 1 0 T . 4 S .E . 40 E .W .M. ) containing 1 acre, more or less .

, ' 9 Caspar, G . A . Sept . 6, 10 Irrigation Swackhenner Catherine 10 acres in SE,iNE. . Union, Oregon . 1898 Hutchinsor Creek Section 7 , Schoonover T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W.M.

0 i4avinees, J .L . June 262 Irrigation Caviness Grande 23 acres inSWy; a^E Island City, Oregon, 1866 and May Ronde 32 acres in SE:iSE- py -1 7)I7 dater Liver Section 3 3 , O P~ (eg ditches T . 2 S .R . 38 E .W.M. ~f? u° (Ib also tabulated under May Park Wetdr Ditch which 40 acres in NE TE4 pap should be regarded as sipplemental tolthis right) 20 acres in NW4EEi> " T_75~io A Section 4 , T- 95'4 b ~a0/Pou 27 aures in NE71Ny14 sp . 1/ 55?51y 5-s- '7 z i 40 acres in Idv143JW4 4 : .= Cestnele~~f'~ -, •V~•-~' ^ R "'~"'~"'~`"r 40 acres in SEii-14WL-f 40 acres in SW tIW- Section 3 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .M.

I° Chadwick, Geo . 1874 35 Irrigation fl ees e arm 5 acres in 114NE4 Cove, Oregon . Creek 15 acres in NE,iVWi. 16 acres in 1W 1iWi Section 10 , T . 3 S .R . 40 E .W.M.

, q Chadwick, Mrs, Pearl 1883 44 .1 Irrigation Godley Catherine 9 .1 acres in 1VB EW4 Union, Oregon . 11 0 4 1 Creek 25 acres in NESW4 10 acres in NWkSEi Section 23 , T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W .M .

GRL.iDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated - 26 .

25 .


Name and Pp r,p fim Addy... f Amoun t . .prletpr RDelotl. o Cublo Foo t NpmL r U . . Nome of Ditch Stream Description of Lend or Plum of Use of ADPn Priority Per Second ' pre°

Chandler, J. A. (See under La Grande Irrigation Comcanf)

Chandler, Zach (See under Nessle Ditch Company )

0 Chandler, J .A. 1868 16 Irrigation Pumping rande 16 acres in SE .SW- La Grande, Oregon . plant onde Section 33 , T . 2 S.R. 38 E.W.M.

Chapman, Geo . H. (See under La Grand e Irrigatio n Company )

Chapman, J .M. (See under La Grande Irrigation Compal`ry)

D° b~ Chenault, I . E. 1904 25 Irrigation Dams fo r spring 5 acres in NE;SWT, LaGrande, Oregon . sub– Branch 20 acres in SE4-SW- irrigation Section 32 , T . 2 S.R . 39 E .W.M. D' (mti City of La Grande 1892 .75 Municipal Puinning Grande Place of use is within Oregon . plant & Ronde the corporate limits of pipe linea River the City of La Grande , Oregon.

62') Clapp, B . B. & Son. 1909 4 Irrigation McCoy Mill Beginning at the SW corner Island City, Oregon . Eccles Race of Sec . 35, running thenc e through North 20 rods ; thence eas t McCoy by North to a point 16 0 Eccles rods east and 30 rods Nort h ditch of the point of beginnin g on quarter section line , thence south on said quarter Sec . line 30 rods to Sec . lire on south of sai d Section ; thence 160 rod s west on said south sea . line to place of beginning , containing 4 acres, more or less . ~ c c 3 s yr -r 5730 Xark, Hattie 1891 1.5 Irrigation Red Barn Catherine 0..5 acres in SW.-NW- Union, Oregon . Creek 1 acre in NW4-8W4. ~,j1.5(. Section. 19 , T . 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

kark, Mrs . Emma 1891 3 .5 Irrigation Red Barn Catherine 3.5 acres in NW-SW4 Union, Oregon . Creek Section. 19 , T. 4 S .R. 40 E.W.M. -r.,(a

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated – a6 .

28 .



Nema .od Po.tofflm Add ... Dole o f Amoun t Number of Apprcpri.tor Reletiv. Cpble Fmt U.e Nome of Ditch stream Priorltl Per Second Acrce Description of land or Place of Us e

t' Clark, Jo e 189 0 2 2 Irrigatio n Unname d Sprin g 6 .5 acres in NE4SEy, La Grande, Oregon . Jreek & 3 acres in SW-1-S14 s p rings o n 12 .5 acres in S4-SE4 tSee Paragraph 5p ) .,Iaimant ' s Section 17 , land . T . 3 S .R . 36 E .W .M.

eIl Clark, E .W . 1892 1 Irrigation Spring Sprin g 1 acre in SW i'TW Elgin ., Oregon . Cree k Creek Section 15 , ditch T . 1 N .R . 39 E .W.M.

Clark, Eober t (See unde r Orodel l Ditc h Association )

Clay, S .D . (See unde r La Grande Irrigation Company )

Clegg, Wm . Estate (See under La Grande Irrigation Compary )

Ol ne, F . S . April .50 Irrigation Cates Catherine Na block 17, Town Union, Oregon . 1879 Creek of Union, Oregon . 73D-%, (Being in the NF -NW,- Sec . 19, T . 4 S .R . 40 E . CM . )

%YCoffman, Seigle 1888 30 Irrigation Taylor Little 15 acres in SY ISWI Union, Oregon . 1 'green Creek 15 acres in SESW4 Section 12 , as p T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W.M.

D t, i- colt, A .J . 8. Anna 1877 20 Irrigation Colt Spring 10 acres in NW TE } Summerville, Creek 10 acres in SW B Oregon . Section 2 , 1 . 1 S .R . 38 E .W.M.

1 , k7 0omstock., Ansel 1864 14 Irrigation Comstock Tributary 7 acres in 2B2 eq wq Cove, Oregon . o f 7 acres in NW4NW-- Lhrphy Section' 14 , (See Paragraph 4. ) Creek T . 3 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

,r ~ 7 Conklin, q tly M. 1872 40 Irrigation Conklin Springs 40 acres in NE4 NFA Clove, Oregon . on claim- Section 15 , ants lan d & T . 3 S .R . 40 E .W .M . Spring (See Paragraph 8) Branch

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated - 27 .

2 7



Name and Pn .tofflea Add.. Relative Namhe r of Aa ;yroprietar Acocbic Pt Avea Use Nome of Ditch Stmt. Do.cription of Land or Plan of Use el at i a CPer ont

1 3 P Conoway, Rex 1893 22 Irrigation Stevens Ladd 22 acres in NEiNVFi La Grande, Oregon . Creek Section 1 , T. 4 B.R. 38 E .W.M.

1906 18 Irrigation Washout 18 acres in N2 N V Branch of Section 1, Ladd T. 4 S,R. 38 E .W.M. Creek

I~ !Conner, Mrs . C .A. 1864 1 .9 Irrigation Lewis Catherine 1.9 acres in ISE- Union., Oregon. Creek Section 18, T. 4 S.R. 40 E .W.M.

ly oa Cook, Barry 1870 20 Irrigation i Cook Duncan 20 acres in SE-SW4 • Multnomah Hotel Section 14 , (This lend als o has a upplymental right T. 3 2 .11. 40 R.W.M. under the Mill Creek dscree , certificate of water right No . 395 )

' Coolidge, C .C . 1900 10 Irrigation May Park Grande 10 acres in NE IW,-'iE4- La Grande, Oregon . Water Co, Ronde Section 4, ~D T. 3 S.R. 38 E .W.M. t

0orpe, Amo E . and 1869 101 .3 Irrigation . Daugherty Warm 21 .5 acres in SWINE Seymour, L . Creek 40 acres in SWTWT, Cove, Oregon . 40 acres in SE'IW4 Section 10 , T . 3 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

16 I'Corry, Roy J. 1874 10 Irrigation Prescott Catherine 10 acres in N4-NW-i ' Red heer, Creek Section 30 , ~' f •° . T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W.M. Alta, Oemada Ch Sv ',

Couoh, Estate of R . (See under Orodell Ditch Association )

>5 Coulter, Mary J . Oct . 9 Irrigation West ,. . 2 acres in NWySW- 1908 Elgin Section 16 , Irrigatio n T. 1 N .R. 39 E.W.M. Company 4' y Oaunsell, Mary I . 1883 59 Irrigation Counsell Ladd 30 acres in N W4SW - ' , La Grande, Oregon . Ditch creek 8 acres in SW4S6 F Section 1 , 11 acres in SESE4 10 acres in NESF} Section 2 , P. 4 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

to' Courtney, B .P. May 10, 12 . : Irrigation May Park Grande 10 acres in SW=NW. La Grande, Oregon . 1902 ;later Ronde 2 .6 acres in NV*SW4 1110 Ditch Co . River Section 4, T . 3 S .R. 38 E .W.M. LPJT' GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated - 2g

gyn.. .: .. .—~,. ..~ . : .-.. : .w._ ...... ~,


Nam. and Poatofflm Addreu Data o f Amoun t Number of AOUr.pot .tor Relativ e Cubic Fac t U .. Nome of Ditch Slreom Deacriotion of Land or Place of Use Priority Par Second Aeree

73011 Cowan, Mrs . R. E. 1891 1 Irrigation Guild Jatherine 1 acre in SE NWi Coalinga, Calif. reek Section 19 , T.3.5fo T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

Oaykendall, Frank (See under Nessley Ditct company )

2)9- V V Crandall, W.L . 1870 3.50 Irrigation Crandall .:ill 3 .5 acres in SWQSE4 La Grande, Oregon . pipe line Creek Section 7 ; for house i' . 3 S .R. 38 E .W.M. & domesti c use r' ) Crandall, Charles 1871 3 Irrigation Crandall .,ill 3 acres in SP.SE4 La 'Grande, Oregon . Creek Section 7., T. 3 S.R. 38 E .W.M.

LCraver, C . G. & Kate 1871 1 Irrigation ..arren & Catherine Commencing 221 6/25 feet Union, Oregon . Blakesley Creek N of SE corner of Sec . 13 T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M. , thence S . 178 7/25 ft . thenoe 'H 230 ft ; thence N. 178 7/25 feet ; thence E. 230 feet to beginning ; containing 1 acre, more or less (being in th e SE4SE4 Sec . 13, T . 4 S.R.. 39 E.W.M. )


1, Crossland, O .M. & Mary 1874 .50 Irrigation Prescott Catherine_ - .50 acres in N'fl (E-4 . Union, Oregon . Gl•Pt.n t : r , /1//--' Section 19 , T. 4 S.1.. 40 E .W.M. 1883 45 Irrigation Hutchinsor.Catherine 27.5 sores in NEfiW4 ' Englaind Creek 17.5 acres in NW -8W4 ' Co P ) . oa o' ''• Section 14, rp .or Y.i .13pls3 T . 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M.

1875 2 .5 Irrigation Hunter Catherine 2 acres in NYJ&NEr Creek .5 acres in NE43TWi- Section 19 , n T . 4 S.H. 40 E.W.M. sp. 14/.3 .6

outer, Carrie B. 1891 Irrigation Guild Catherine .5 acres in SEi'NW4 Union, Oregon . Section 19 , T. 4 S.R. 40 E.W.M. 3asb

Currey, Geo . M. (See under La Grande Irrigation Company)

~a Daron, E .M. 1901 8.5 Irrigation Unnamed Spring 8.5 acres in NW i'LLV4 La Grande, Oregon . Branch Section 11 , T. 3 S.H . 38 E .W.M.

GRA Ds. RONDE RIVER Consolidated = 29 .



Date of Amoun t Name and Pantofflo. Add,... Relath e Cubic Fon t Numbe r U.e Nam. of Ditch Streem Doncription of Lend or Plane of U. of Appropriator Priority Per Second Arree

Deron, E .M. 1895 r .5 Irrigation Duran Spring 4.5 acres in NW-NWy . 3lci+eely Branch Section 11 , (Contimred) T. 3 S.R. 38 E .W.M.

Davis, 9 ..P . (See under La Grnde Irrigation Company )

jf Davis8 Cora M . 1882 .5 Irrigation Guild Catherine Beginning at a point 320 1 Union., Oregon. Creek south from SE corner of Block 22, Union, Oregon ] T3 thence south 100 1 ; thence west 210f thence north 1001 ; thence east 210 1 to beginning,being in the SEI 4 Sec. 19 T . 4 S.H. 40-E.W.M.

Davis, Bert W . 1900 4 Irrigation May Park Grande 4 acres in Lots 12 and 13 7 May Park, Union Co.anty. La Grande }'e on. Water Ronde 7117 LVC Co. ,

y .t l o Davis, Frank P . 1904 20 Irrigation Hutchinson Catherine 11 acres in NE NW- Union, Oregon . ` Seeblove Creek 9 acres in RW-IsNW Section 14, °• OY• Y° /, l9, R 338 (H-/6 7) ay'/ o T T . 4 S.R. 39 E.W.M.

'br DavisDavie,, Bethel A . 1900 20 Irrigation May Park Grande 20 acres in Lots 8,9 , La Grande, Oregon . oortter Co . Ronde 10,11 and 16 in May Par k i-f Union County, Oregon . Pr~

3 y " r Davie, R .V. 1869 6 .5 Irrigation Wilkinson Little 6 .5 acres in NEQSW4 Union, Oregon . Creek Section-12 , T . 4 S.R . 40 E .W.M.

Davis, W .T . (See under La Grand e Irrigatio n Company )

Day, L.P . (See under La Grande Irrigation ':Company )

Day, Martha E . (See under Orodell Dit h Association ,

62)5 x Dean, M. F. 1874 60 Irrigation Deans ' Springs 40 acres in SEE,-SE4 Cokesville, ';Wyo . on claim- Section 9 , ants land 20 acres in SW SW4 (See Paragraph 8 ) and 2 Section 10 , unnamed T. 3 S .R. 40 E .W.M. streams flowing thrnugh ,

Daaious, Howard C . (See under La Grande I rigation Company) GRANDE RONDE RIVB R Consolidated - 30 . * a 1 3.a

- .rte ._ .. __ ...... ~e ...svr,~~ ~•


Addres s Dole of Amoun t Name and Poutoffi Numbe r U.e Nome of Ditch Stream Deecripllun of land or Place of U. of APPrepri .tor p,1oNV Per Second Acre °

Decioue l, Jenni e (See under Oradell Ditch Association )

DeLong, E .H. jSee under La Grande Irrigatio n Company )

De4ore J.A. 1873 2 Irrigatio n Torn Catherin e 2 acres in FtE-N eVoreUnion„, Oregon . Creek Section 24 , 3 ~5 ~a T. 4 S.R . 39 E .W.M.

Dobbin,5b39 I Edythe 1892 2. 2 Irrigation Guild Catherin e 2.2 acres in N;1—Sq Unio, Oregon. Creek Section 19. , '(' 36 T. 4 S.H. 40 E .W.M. yob r793/Q?OLf Dobbin, Floreno e 1870 75 .5 Irrigation Townley Catherine 1 .5 acres in NW iiNE ' Union, Oregon . Dobbin orCree k 40 acres in SW NE, Dobbi n 34 acres in SU4i0 Sec.13 Miller T. 4 S.R1 39 E.W.M. Blakesle e

pyo 869'; 158 .5 Irrigation Dobbin Little 40 acres in SES~E Creek 40 acres in SV4SE4 1 8 Section 12 , Sec- dal `d,( 3 1 40 acres in NROTE-,i 38 .5 acres in Mk-NMI Section 13, T . 4 S.R . 39 E .W.M.

r Dobbin„ James D. 1864 30 Irrigation Little Little 5 acres in NW-N E' .. Union, Oregon . Creek '-'. Creek & 5 acres in SWOT slough L slough 10 acres in S.EtNW. ditches 10 acres in SE4BW4 Section 11 , T . 4 S.H . 39 E .W.M.

March 60 Irrigation Aempe Catherine 30 acres in 1 -W;:yN 1905 ;fright Creek 30 acres in S'Yl-4NE* Hutchinson Section 11 , T. 4 S .H. 39 E .W.M.

31' 16 acres in NE;TE4 1, Dobbin, John F . 1872 90 Irrigation Dobbin' s Little Union, Oregon. ditch creek 36 acres in N'Ilf4NE- 22 acres in SWzNEk ( See Paragraph 10) 16 acres in SB NE$ S ection 10 , I T. 4 S.R. 39 E .W.M.

Nov. 40.01 Irrigation Sugar Catherine 17 .73 acres iri 1903 Bee t Creek 2 .75 acres in Irrigation Section. 10, Company 15.93 acres in SEal-SW4 ehoi7ye in loin of /V. — 3 .6 acres in SW,iSI See 5p.Or.Va/. %o,4 f 7 Seotion-3 , f7rdr-~ r.d

31 r r,



Date of Amount Name end Po.loffim Addre . a Relative Cubic Feet Number Dao Name of Ditch [itreom Dn.criptlon of land or Pi.m of D.e of Appropriator Priority Per Second Arre.

3 9 7 V Dobbin p Margaret B . 186 4 92 Irrigation Little Littl e 28 acres in 1vL,NW4 Union„ Oregon . Creek Cree k 18 acres in NVf4BW Slough 'en d Little 18 acres in SWt-NW`y and ]ree k 28 acres in SE4N'Wt ditches slough s Section 11 , T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W .M.

11 0 10 acres in eEa-NE4 e rpobbin, W .M. 186 4 3 0 Irrigation Littl e ittl e 4 Grass Valley , Cree k reek 5 acres in NW-.1B 5 acres in SW-NB4 Oregon . slough & n d ditche s lough 10 acres in SE4itE4 Section 11 , T . 4 S .H . 39 E .W.M .

Marc h 70 Irrigation :nem e Katherin e 30 acres in c?ETVE& SEgYdE.; 1905 Wright reek 3® acres in _iutchirson 5 acres in NW-iNE4 5 acres in SVfz1E4 Section 11 , , T . 4 S o n, 39 E .W.M

, 1 11 B iDobbin, Rowena G . 190 1 1 0 Irrigation Dobbin Little 10 acres in SW&N Section 12 , Union, Oregon . dutchinsonCreek 4 S .R . 39 E .W .M.

Lots 4 and 5, Block 22 Dotson, , Gree n 188 0 3/ 8 Irrigatio n Catherin e Poem of West Union , Dotson, Sarah Susan Cree k Oregon . (Being in th e Union, Oregon e SW4-NW4 Sec . 19, T . 4 S . -t3a sb R . 40 E .9V .1, )

1 3 39 e Block 17, West Union , Dr $e, 9 ..H . 1878 1 Irrigation Town C atherin Oregon . (Being a portion Union, Oregon. Creek of the W W i'iLt Sec .19 , T 33510 T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M . , containing 1 acre, mor e or less, )

, 1394 Red Barn- Catherin e .50 acre in SW4HW4 Xeher, C .F . 1891 .50 Irrigation Creek Section 19 , Union, Oregon , i T . 4 S .h . 40 E .W .M. Y'3-)aG

25 acres in NE1f Drumemith, Lawrence W . 1864 ?6 Irrigation Lawrence Ladd Drum Creek Section 2 , H . F . D . T . 4 S .R . 38 E .W .M. LaGrande, Oregon . Smith

1875 4 Irrigation Lawrenc e Lad d 4 acres in SB NW- Drum (Creek I Section 2 , Smith T . 4 S .R . 38 E .W .Li.

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated - 32 .



Dote o Name and PottolD Address f Amoun t Nnmber Ducription of Land or Platt of Us e of Appropriator Relative Cubic Peet Acrcs U.e Nomc of Ditch Stream Priority Per Second

Drumsmith, Lawrence W . 1864 7 Irrigation -ransmith Wsst 7 acres NEI. Ei ]o. 2 Branc h Section 2 , (Continual.) Ladd T . 4 S.R. 38 E .W.M. Creek

% Duke' Sarah Sept. 6 6 Irrigation Swackhataer^atherine Beginning at a point 30 Union, Oregon. 1898 Hutchinso r Creek feet N of SW corner o f Schoonover NW NE4 Sec . 7, T . 4 S. R.-40 E .W.M. ; thence E . 20 rods 90 feet thence N 40 rods ; thence W . 20 rods , 90 feet, thence south 40 rods to place of beginning containing 6 acres, more or less . (Being in th e NWF9NE4 Sec . 7, T. 4 S.R. 40E.W.R. )


IO2'Dunn, C .A. 1883 19 . 3 Irrigation Irrigatio n Grande 12.5 acres in SW- .NW:-1- La Grande, Oregon . canal co . Ronde Section 9 , River 6 .8 acres in-S E of chit yea' . Section 8, jets Sip. Gr. 3o/, 3 )yi j T. 3 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

Dutli, Marc (See under La Grande Irrigation Conn;arty)

' Eames, '(I.E. Sept . 6, 35 Irrigatio n Swackhar.!er Catherin e 35 acres int 1-SE: _ Union, Oregon . 1898 Hutchinso n Creek Section 6 , Schoonover P. 4 S.H . 40 E .W.M.

Eames, P. A. (See under E.H . Shaw, page 89) E. R. Shaw Successor in interes t

. Eastern Oregon 1869 3 Irrigation Hinckley Catherine 3 acres in NWi,IT ,— F :Experiment Station tlarrem Creek Section 24, UnCon,Oregon. T. 4 S .R. 39 L .W.M. ' Irrigation Godley Catherin e 1867 55 .8 Godley No . 1 Creek 24 acres in NET* ' '4'4_ Section 23 31 .8 acres in NW ' Section-24, T . 4 S .R . 393E .W.M.

1867 80 Irrigation Godle y Catherine i 40 acres in S4NE iso . 1 Creek Section 23 , 40 acres in SWFgNW ;i Section 24 , T. 4 S .R . 39 E.W.M.

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated — 33 .

33 .E


Dob o f Name and P..tofflee Add . . Relative Ca!TolleA t NumLeAc,eB r Name of Ditch Strenm De•crlDUon of Lail or Plain of U . of ADllroDrl•tor Priority Per Second

Eastern Oregon 1864 80 Irrigation Hutchinson Catherine 40 acres in NESW4. ' Experiment Station IicLean Creek 40 acres in N'VI SE4 ' Section 24 , (Continued.) T . 4 S .h . 39 E .W .M.

1863 72 Irrigation Ol d Catherine 40 acres in SETS-ii Channel Creek 32 acres in SWSE4 ' Section 24 , T . 4 S .n . 39 E .W .M .

1863 , 40,1 Irrigation Pyle s Pyles 12 .8 acres in I W Canyon Canyon 21 .2 acres in S NE-§ 4 .1 acres in id ; Wr 2 acres in SE;Wy Section 26 , T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W .M .

~ o 15e Jr itz •' ; 1' Eastern Oregon Light Oct .29, 1295 .73 Storage storage sheep Storage in iorgan Lake & Power Company 1901 ac .ft . Creek YJ- Wa Sec . 1 3 Baker, Oregon . storage Ez Ei dec . 14 ,

Pa w e v Claim . H7 T . 3 S .R . 37 E .W .M . 16 sec . ?ower Use at Power plant . ft .

750 H .P . Blum e On Mill Cree k

Eberhard, Chri s (See under La Grande Ir igation Compar.y)

L, O Eokersley,D Otho 1903 2 Irrigation Eckerdey s p ring in 2 acres in NW.iSE4 Cove r, Oregon . ditch Steve n Section 16 , 1 t . near T . 3 S .R . 40 E .W .M . intersec - tion with alder at . , also spring st on claimant e t9 6 lan d Su4erseded ~ by[y q

Eckstein, Wm . 1900 Domestic Eckstein nd Summerville, Oregon . 7ree k

1902 2 Irrigation Eckstei n 2n d 2 aures in SE,,-SW4 7reek Section l q -I-1 lea, Trs{ S P ° Vel .13 T . 1 S .R . 38 E .W .M.

Edwards, Charas 1883 Irrigation Gekeler Grande Lots b and 6, Block[ 9 , and Laura Pearl , Ronde Dc Grande, Oregon . Honan t s addition t o 3iver La Grande, Oregon .

Elan, T . D . (See under NessleDitch Company) Chanse /n yofi~T vj div -- GRLiiDE SONDE RIVER 5p O'; V'c J P /417 (co- f _{~ ' L ,.3'., Consolidated,- 34 . G 2~ fgts3 u .~ ) ~ ' . 34r . .


Name and f'orto((iee Adam. . Dote o f Amoun t Numbe r Relattvo Cubic Feet 'Uee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use of Appropriator priorit, Par Becand Acres

I -

Ellsworth ., Elisabeth May 10 10 Irrigatio n I May Par k Grande 10 acres in SWIJ 1 La Grande,Oregon . 1902 Water Ronde Section 4, Ditch Co. River T. 3 S.R. 38 E.W.M. -r-7l(7 e Pa

2-5' ' Elmer, W .&. 1896 40.5 Irrigation Elmer worth 16 acres in N W* Union,Oregon . Fork 13 acres in NSSE4 Little 10 .5 acres in SE:i (See Paragraph #11) Creek Seotion•11 , 1 acre in Sl SW- Section 12, T . 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

5l . nc1, Jacob 1886 16 Irrigation End Richards 15 acres in SE41EE Summerville,0regon . Ditch Creek Section 16, T. 1 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

y,1 i' Epling, F .S. 1893 1 Irrigation Unnumed 'Lill Lots 1 and 8, Block 6 , La Granide,0regon . Creek Original Townsite of . La Grande ; Lots 1,2,3,6 , 7 and 8 Block 1, Chaplin' s Addition to La Grande , Oregon. P-61 ' ban, Hattie 1864 89 Irrigation Little Little 24 acres in NEO-4 876 E. Taylor (Creek Creek 24 acres in SEtE4 Portl.and,Oregon . (slough & Section 10 , ditch 20 .5 acres in NR' Wy 20 .5 acres in S G Section 11 , T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M.

9- b Feik N.M. 1906 35 Irrigation Hunter 27 .5 acres in NEQ-SWy, _ La Grande,Oregon . Canyon or 7 .5 acres in NWSWW Mitchell Section 9 , Canyon T. 2 S .R . 38 E .W.M.

D 2- 1' Falk, A.J . 1906 30 Irrigation I Hunter 5 acres in SW4-SW= ,, I,a Grande,Oregon . Canyon o r 25 acres in SE-4S$ Mitchel l Section 9, Canyon T . 2 S .R. 38 E.W.M.

- 1 " Peik, J .L. 1906 25 Irrigation Hunter 10 acres in SBNW, - La Grande,Oregon . Canyon o r 7.5 acres in i 1 Mitchell 7.6 acres in NW'.--IS Canyon Section 9, T. 2 S.R. 38 E.W.M.

GRANDE RCNDE RIVER Consolidated — 35,



N.me nod Fa .toffl . Addre.. Date of Amoun t Numbe r of Appropriator Relativ e Cubic Fee t Acme Uee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use Priority Per Second

Feisor, Rose E . 1891 2 Irrigation Guild Catherine 2 acres in NW WJ4 Union, Oregon . Creek Section 19 , 'T 5,4%. T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

573 91a

Ferguson , J . W . 1876 .50 Irrigation Town Catherine Ni Block 15, Wes t Union,, . Oregon . Creek Union, Oregon . (Bein g T3 .156• in the NW°NW- Seo . 19 , T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

1''Fickle, Jack 1864 80 Irrigation Pickles Little 16 .5 acres in NW4S Union, Oregon . ditch Creek 31 .5 acres in SWWS 4 Section 17 , 27 .5 acres in NE&5E- 4 .5 acres in SEISE ¢ Section 18, T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

1864 181 Irrigation Stat e C atherin e 22 acres in NE V ditch Cree k 36 acres in NW°4NWt Irr . Co . 15 acres in SW,NWt 39 acres in : Iw 10 acres in g$s-84P Section 20 , 12 acres in NENEi Section 19 , 12 acres in NE g 35 acres in SE4SEy Section 18 , T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

t, P-Fisher, E . 1899 6 Irrigation Fisher Bryant 6 acres in NEBW4 Summerville, Oregon . Section 2 , T . 1 S .N . 38 E .W.M.

"1' L Fleming, Thoma s 1906 10 Irrigation r'l emin,g l s Gordo n 10 aores in SElEs Elgin, Oregon . Creek Section 32 , T . 2 N .R . 39 E .W .M.

v~ t,0-Foster, Hannah E . 186 4 .50 Irrigatio n Lewis Catherin e e acre in E2 31ock 2 0 Union, Oregon . Cree k of Swackhamer ' s Second Addition t o Union, Oregon . (Being in the NB SW& Sec . 18, T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W.M, )

Frakes, James A . o . 815 35 Irrigatio n Irrigetion ;rand e 35 acres in NWQW4 3844 Front St . , canal Co . ond e Section 16 , GANCRLEO Spec . O .V .4.ip .lg l San Diego, Calif . iver T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .M. fh pdir, GI Ai 3 Or, 3Q i . 3p. iw 7 ("coil- .r icf d~G rad A.? iufet.". GRANDE RONDE LIVER Consolidated - 36 .



Name sad Po .loffin Addres s Data of Amount Numbe r of Avpropriator Relative Coble Feet Use Nome of Ditob Stream Description of Land or Plan of Use Priority Per Second Acre .

I0 Fries H . 1900 10 .5 Irrigation Fries Spring 10 .5 acres in NESW4 Summerville, Oregon . ditch Section 3 , T . 1 S .R . 38 E O W O M,

09. Frismell, Mrs . Mattie 1906 7 Irrigation Lewis Lewis 7 acres in 1flMWy Summer'vi1le,Oregon, B ranch Brunch Section HG-,/O T . 1 S .R . 38 E .M , .W

/lad,. .G A/ a SG . ,vCL/G G 30 Irrigation Frizzell fountain 10 acres in SW NE ~~ 5 1893 P S3 stream s 10 acres in NFZNWT; 10 acres in SEIWy Section 22 , T . 1 S .R . 38 E .W .M.

lOrFuher, E .A . 1866 43 Irrigation Fuher Catherine 17 .5 acres in. SWiS. E- Union, Oregon . Greek 2 acres in SE-SE- Section 28 , 20 acres in NE4NE,i 1 .5 acres in NW, ZE;t, 2 acres in SE- E- Section 33 , T . 4 S .R . 40 EOWOM .

' yFargason, Isabelle May 35 Irrigation Furgason Springs 9 acres in NL45W La Grande, Oregon . 1882 in. Sec . 26 acres in SSW 34 T . Section. 35 , 2 N .R > 39 T . 2 N .R . 39 E .W L M, ~ S3 . W .Iii.

Purgason, Alexander L, 1903 440 Irrigation Furgason Ladd 22 acres in NE 3J Furgason, L .J . Drainage Creek 30 acres in NW.iNE. Furgason, Henry from Gekeler 35 acree in SW E': Furgason, Oscar Gekeler slough 37 acres in 3E04 Furgason, Hattie slough springs 40 acres in NEtSE4 . Baker, Oregon . 40 acres in SE-:SE - 40 acres in Sti-: SE ~~ ct.rc l ; 33 3t?7 40 acres in I !lSE3 Section 30 , 40 acres in NE4-N 40 acres in 1L NEy 36 acres in SWINE ; 40 acres in SENE4 Section 31 , T . 3 S,R . 39 E .W .M.

6, Gale, Mable 1870 27 Irrigation Dobbin Catherine 20 acres in NESEY4 pvi Union, Oregon . Miller Creek 5 acres in NW-4i;S E Blakeslee 2 acres in SE-SE4 Townley Section 13 , Dobbin T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W .M.

1 Galloway, Rebecca 1870 3 Irrigation Dobbin Catherine 3 acres in S..:1SE4 Union, Oregon . Miller Creels Section 13 , Blakeslee T . 4 S .D . 39 E .W .M. Townle y Dobbin

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated — 37 .



Dat N.ma and Po .tofRee Add.. . . of Amoun t Numbe r of Appmpri.tor Relativ e Cubic Fee t Use Nome of Ditch Stream De.crlption of Lnnd or P4ee aline Priority Per Second Aro. .

pi/ 1. G arner, Mary M . 1900 5 Irrigation Garner ;anfi 1d 5 acres in NW-4SE4 R .F .D . No . 1 Spring Section 16 , La .Grende, Oregon . SW41IW, T . 2 S .R . 38 E ;W,M, Sec . 16 , T . 2 S .R . 38 E .1 .1,I .

q v(

Garrett, Teo . L . Oct . 9 1 Irrigation 'Nest Phillips 1 acre in N'43' t- ,E1gin, 0 -Oregon . 1908 Elgi n Creek Section 16 , L rigatio_ T . 1 N .R . 39 E ;W .M . ditch

May 3,5 Irrigation Rasmusen Sprin g 3 .5 acres in N .iSW4 1896 Creek) Section 15 , T . 1 N .R . 39 E .W .M . 00,!\

,A4Gates,5 S .O . 1872 10 .1 Irrigation Sam ' s Catherine 10 .1 acres in SE4-SW- Union, Oregon . C reek Section 34 , 'T3a56 T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

1891 0 .9 Irrigation Red Earn Catharin e Lots 3,4,5,6, Block 1 3 Creek Hannah ' s addition t o Union, Oregon,( Bein g in the SW-4-i'Ha-- S ec . 19 , T . 4 S .R . 40'E .W OM.

1889 14 Irrigation Car p enter Catherine 2 .5 acres in SE SW- Creek 11 .5 acres in SWWSE4 Section•34 , T . 4 S .A . 40 E .W .M .

~Co A.° 5'° A ek eler, Geo . 1869-1;0. 64.,,A, 242 Irrigation Irr .Canal Grande 40 acres in NE4S'1 Estate of /8$3 ~n f.'fveY Company Ronde 1 acre in N iS W By . C .R . Gakeler River 1 acre in S'NFS W La Grande, Oregon . Chen9c m o,nf c J dil/. I 30 acres in SE4S See Sr Or. 3 /. „,/ 70.7: 40 acres in NWWSai Modif ed) Sae Decvee ..fiv~~~~s (/ 30 acres in SW4SW ; Vol . 15, f , , 373 Section 8, , 40 acres in NW TE - .SCS als . Ccty-:2 d 1,3o 4 p i ANC” 40 acres in SWATE4 i 36 k' ~ 10 acres in NENW4 10 acres in SEe W Section 16 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .M. 5 396 Gilfillan, Jennie 1892 1,4 Irrigation Build Catherine Beginning 320 feet w ut h Union, Oregon . Creek of the SW corner Block 21 , -1''30.56 Town of Union, Oregon ; thence south 2)O feet ; thence east 210 feet ; thence north MO feet ; thence west 210 feet t o place of beginning . (Being a portion of the SBj1W Sec . 19 . T .4 S .R . 40 E .W , L+, )

GRkL O E RODE RIPER Consolidated – 38 .



Date o f Amoun t Noma and Po.tofflca Address Nush.r Description of Land or Place of Use of Appropriator Relative Cubic Feet Acres Uee Nom . of Ditch Streoin Priority Per Second

Q 1 4 Gil1espie, Edw . 1896 55 Irrigation rinke r 30 acres in NW Union, Oregon . Creek Section 11, 26 acres in SW85W- Section 2, T. 5 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

Q y " Gillespie ;, Elsie and 1900 3 Irrigation Sweifel Scrapping 3 acres in SVf.SE. Carlton, Sweifel creek Section 33, Lostin8, Oregon . T. 1 N.R. 38 E .W .M.

4 3 I'Glenn, Guy J. August 8 H.P . Power ,all Cr. Power developed and Summerville, Oregon . 1907 15.7 domestic diversion is locate d Sec.ft, about 53 rods SE fro m NWWorner of SE4 Sec . 12, T . 1 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

?.9)1 Glenn, Sarah 1870 1 Irrigation 'small kuhn 1 acre in i14NVl Summerville, Oregon, ditches Creek Section 14, T . 1 S .R. 38 E.W.M.

~1Glover, Alice R . 1863 1 .2 Irrigation South Little 1 .2 acres in S71NW4 Union, Oregon. Little Cr . reek Section 18, ditch T . 4 S.R . 40 E .W .M .

11' 1893 27.5 Irrigation Stocker atherine 5 acres in NNE- rGodiey, S.T. 7reek 5.5 acres in NF ;h7idW?y- Union, Oregon . Section 12, 4 acres in SdSW- 13 acres in SE4S4 Section 1 , 0 4~U T . 5 S.R . 40 E .W .M. yq1 ..~ t ~ 5 e Golay, G.L. 1907 4 Irrigation Golay ' s Murphy 4 acres in SWINW:k Cove, Oregon . Section 14, T. 3 S.R . 40 E .W .M.

4 0 Golden Rule Co ., 1872 37 Irrigation Rohen— Little 27 acres in NE1,SE--

NR La Grand.e, Oregon . kamps 3reek Section 21 , 5 acres in SW4N 14 5 acres in Nv1YSV- Section 22 , 7 . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

1910 10 c,,P, Power Turbiru located in SWQ W4 60 Sec . 22, T . 4 S .R . 40 Sec .ft . E .'W.M., water returned to stream immediatel y after use.

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated — 39 .



Name end P. .toffim Addm . . D.te of Amount Number of .tor Relative Cubic Peet Acres Uee Nome of Ditch Slre.m Dceeription of Land or Place of Um Afpt0Url Priority Per Second

Good, Albert (See under Orodell Ditch Association )

g ; 57,39 1 (Roo ) . r ) Goodbrod, A.J. 1863 16 Irrigation Goodbrod Catherine 16 acres in SE4N Union, Oregon . Section 24, ?'3-156 T . 4 S . R. 39 E .W.M. Storage in artificia l lake of 1 0 acre feet . 1865 2.6 Irrigation Goodbrod Catherine 2 .5 aores in IR W4 Creek Section 19 , T . 4 S .R . 40 F.W.M.

q 0 d y Goodnough Mercantile & Nov. 11 3 Irrigation Jackson Phillips Beginning 10 rods wes t Stook Company, 1901 Grnha;n Creek of the northeast corne r Elgin, Oregon . of the SWTE4 Sec . 16 , T. 1 N.R . 39 E ., thence west 14 rods ; thence south 40 rods ; t]pnc0 rod s east 14 rods ;/to p'ce of beginning, containin g 3 acres„ more or less . (Being in the SWiNE- Sec . 16, T .1 N .R. 39 E.W,M. )

eDYR Graham, William J. 1878 46 .5 Irrigation Xing or Ladd U) 24 acres in N.a SlWy Estate, Graham Creek 22 .5 acres in SNSWy, Lucy E . Graham, Adams Section 1 , La Grande, Oregon . T . 4 S .a. 38 E .W.M. (I) PG 93SL -Z (Ftn .-k) p 0 Graham, Thomas 1891 0.50 Irrigation Guild Catherine .50 acres in NE4NWy Union, Oregon . Creek Section 19 , 'T3a5 T . 4 c .R. 40 E .W.M.

',A, v51 (P J O Grande Ronde Lumber 1889 67.5 Manufacturin€ Grande ,rande Mill situat edon NEI Company, domestic Ronde Sonde Sec . 34 , Perry, Oregon . and storage Lumber Co . River T. 2 S.R . 37 E .W.M. for millpon d

Gr1NGElJ9. an ) .~fl Spzc,Or.V.~='p.4i3 Grandy, W .D. 1870 / 400 Irrigation add 40 acres in S1.SW4 La Grande, Oregop. reek 40 acres in SE4iEy ekeler 40 acres in SWINE- lough 40 acres in NE4S E 40 acres in SE.SEl 40 acres in SWgSE4 40 acres in N'NJ43Ey—i, 40 acres in NN-SWIt 40 acres in SEgSW I 40 acres in NW4SVF. Section 26, T. 3 S.R . 38 E .W.M.

Gtt BBE R.)iaDE RIVE@ Consolidated 9 40.

40, _-.c-,,, : :.:.~, : - - .—..


D.t , of. Amount Nam . and Foote( f le, Achim,. Rnl.tly , Cohle Pent Number U„ Nome of â Itch 9tre,m Oncrlption of Lund or Pl .ee of U.. of Appropriator Priority Per Second Aer n —

Q In Grasty, J„W . 1889 3 Mining Grasty China Placer mines located. La Grande,Oregon . Creek on SW4 Sec . 26, T . 6 S .R. 36 E .W.M.

Green, C.G. (See unde Orodel Ditch Association)

9 b I. Green, W .R. 1871 4 Irrigation Miller Catherine 4 acres in SEySE4 Union,Oregon . !Dobbin Creek Section 13 , Blakesle e T. 4 S .R. 39 E.W.M. 1871 3 Irrigation (Warren Catherine 3 acres in SWSW,- 'Blakeslee Creek Section 18, T . 4 S.R . 39

Greenwoods, Wm. (See unde . La Grande Irrigation Company )

'Griggs, Henry S . 1864 1 Irrigation Lewis Catherine Block 14, Lewis Addition Union,Oregon . Creek to Union, Oregon. (Being in the NE4SW- Sec. 18, T. 4 S .R. 40 E.W.M. )

9 9 NE-S brGrout, Fred 1871 190 Irrigation McAllister Grande 40 acres in La Grande,Oregon . Ronde 36 acres in NW4. 5 acres in S1,4g Section 7 , 30 acres in NE4`9Wy 40 acres in NWSWy 10 acres in SW4SW - 30 acres in SE-4SW4 Section 8 , T . 3 S.R . 39 E .W.M.

Grout, E.B. 1869 -- 145 Irrigation Irrigation Grande 40 acres in NW ' NEi La Gran..e,Oregon . I Canal Co . Ronde 40 acres in SW E (8uooeeeor in River, 25 acres in NE-SE 3. – Cha .,9e iri , / of c% Mill Cree c 40 acres in NW interest of Dexter -4' Eaton) - Sea .5-/,. Or. V. / Sp ,17 Springs on Section 15 , (-Cory filed a t Faye 33 N{7 SI T. 3 S .R . 38 E .W,LI. 7/ qsd~~ 'ee Decree .) 4/, /. L p . 3 fiiol- •S hQrein) NE4SW SCe 0/sp,,Cerf, " Sec .16, 1' 3''h4poa I S Sec . 20, T. 3 S.R. 38 E.W.M. Guianese, Milli e (See under La Grande Irrigation Company )

Hsaker, JaSn 1¢79 8.5 Irrigation Sacker Fir Creek 8 .5 acres in NW4SB4 9ummervi.11e,Oregpn. Section 33, T. 1 N .R. 38 E.W.M.


r'+',•i Consolidated – 41 . -ti

7 1

EXHIBI T r' E OF ,, .

Name and Po .tofflce Add . .. Dore o f Amount Number of Appropriator Relative Cubic Feet U.e Nome of Ditch Stream De.criptlon of Land or Plaee of Um Priority Per Second A,,,,

Hacker, John 1900 2 Irrigation Hacker Scra pping 2 acres in NEsSW a (Continued) Section 33 , T. 1 N .R. 38 E .W.M.

3 0 1 Hagerman, Naomi S . 1871 1 Irrigation iTiller Catherine 1 acre in SE .1SE;; Unions, Oregon. Dobbin Creek Section 13 , Blakeslee T. 4 S.B . 39 E .W.M.

b P-i b3Haggerty, W .O . 1864 1 Irrigation Lewis Catherine 1 acre in SW Union„ Oregon . Creek Section 18, T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W. M.

6 3 '' Hale, OIaude M . 1903 5 Irrigation dale ;.anman 5 acres in SESWy Summerville, Oregon . Creek Section 4 , T . 1 S .R. 38 E.W.M.

1, 35Hall,4 J.E. 1869 120 Irrigation Old Little 40 acres in NE-SWF Union, Oregon . Slough Creek 40 acres in SEtSW 20 acres in INV;,–SE–t. 20 acres in SIW*SEa Section 2 , T. 4 S.H . 39 E .W.M.

1874) 15 Irrigation Little Littl e 15 acres in NW_N24 Creek Creek Section 18 , or mihos T . 4 S.A. 40 E.W.M.

1874 10 I Irrigatio n ram p s Littl e 10 acres in SWyS7' Creek Section 7 , T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M. n ile:n.pe .right Ditch .3 0 Hall, R .E. *1874 3 Irrigation Amos Little 3 acres in N#4-N V Union, Oregon . Creek Section 18 , T . 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M. (*Sue Supplemental decree 31–343 )

Hall, John G . (See under Nees ay Ditch Company )


f0 Hall, G.F . 1882 59 Irrigation Catherine 10 acres in SWiSWi Union, Oregon . Creek Section 8, 40 acres in NE IW; Section 17 , T. 5 S .R. 41 E .W.M.

1900 36 Irrigation i• i? 12 acres in NEgsSWg Creek 12 acres in NW4SE4 12 acres in SE SE4 Section 17, T . 5 S .R. 41 E .W .M;

PIN 1874 130 Irrigation Little 30 acres in NEy3VW Creek 40 acres in RW QWf 40 acres in SWtNWW q 5 Spec .nr . (a) YS — nc . FANCELEO v3iC.P°74 20 acres in 5EiiINW - • Section 13 , T . 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M.

Ha ley Eo L , ' (See under Orodell Ditch Association GRALDE iONDE RIVER • 4 2 Consolidated — .~42.



Name and Poalaflice Addres s Data of Amount Number of Appropriator Relative Cubic Peet Use Name of Ditch Stream Dcecription of Lend or Place of Use Priority Per Second Acres

o 1 3 Halling, P .J . 1863 2 Irrigation Amos Little 2 acres in SE-NYF.i , Union, Oregon . Cree, : Section 18 T . 4 S,L . 40 E .W .M.

36 1 6 Hallmark, J .I . 1869 15 Irrigation Warren arren 10 acres in NE-NE¢ Cove, Oregon . Cree k Creek & 5 acres in IW NEi ditch spring Section 16 , T . 3 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

Hallmark, Thnmas L,B . 1869 5 Irrigation + i e.rm ''arm 5 acres in_HWefi Cove, Oregon . Creek Creek Section•16 , ditch T . 3 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

i' Halsey, M .W . 1879 1 Irrigation Hudson Catherine 1 acre in NT -HW4 Union, Oregon . Cates Creek Section 19 , Dickerso n T . 4 S .R . 40 E .T.M. Prescot t ditch Co .

3 1 1 i' Hammon, G .F . 1863 8 Irrigation Amos Little 8 acres in SE,.SW4 PVir Union, Oregon . Creek Section 7, , ,f T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M,

Nos . 6312. — 6356 (incl - usive Certs, unde r Peermit ) y Banks / W .D, 1876 0 .50 Irrigation Town Catherine Ni Block 18 in Wes t Union„ Oregon . Union, Oregon . (Being in the I SJJ4N - . ?eo,1 9 3a 5 T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

Hanley, Kate R . (See under Orode 1 Ditc h Association )

Harland, J .J . ( S ee under La Grand e Irrigation Company )

Harnden, G .W . (See under La Grande Irrigation Company)

y4 o Harris, S .A. 1866 1 Irrigation Levis Catherine 1 acre in NW}SW4 Burley, Idaho . Creels Section 18 , T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

,,qq 3 6 I Hart, Frank 1895 14 .5 Irrigation Elmer Little 14 .5 acres in IW NE4 Union, Oregon . i Creek Section 14-, .M . T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W DV A (See paragraph 4 , page 6 . )

Hessee, Emil (See under La Grande Irrigation Company)

GRO0DE MONDE RIVER Consolidated. — 43 .

4 3


Dotard Nam. and Penal fim Add .. Amoun t Number of Appropriator Meth. Cubic Fact Uee Name of Ditch Stream De .cription of Land or Plam of U. Priority Par Second Acme

Hawkins, Mrs . C .G. (See under 0rodell Ditc1 Association ) 3b o b Haycock, S .F. 1883 3 1/8 Irrigation Amo s Little 3 1/8 acres in SE-N11F Union, Oregon . Creek Section 18, c T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

HAyneys,S .N. 1876 0 .50 Irrigation Town Catherin e South half of Block 1 4 Union, Oregon . Creek west Union, Oregon . (Being in the 1ltiW-i4W- T3s510 Section 12, T . 4'1S,R. 40 E.W.M. )

3 b~ "Hayne ; Sarah A. 1864 1 Irrigation Lewis Jatherine 31ock 22 Swackhamer l s Union, Oregon . Creek Second Addition to City of Union, Oregon . (',Being a portion of th e R SE- Sec . 18, T. 4 S.R. 40 e.W.LI. )

1. 310 Hempe, Anton B . 1901 70 Irrigation U;per end kyles 32 acres in AR,,;-SH4 * Union, Oregon. lower Anni e Canyo n Section 25 , ditcnes Creek T. 4 S,1{ . 39 L .W.M.

10 gores in 1\ilk-.Slk 20 acres in SSW- Section -30 , 8 acres in NW-NTW4 Section 31 , T. 4 S.1i. 40 E.W,M.

1.96 Hempe, Frank 1874 240 Irrigation Carrol Little 40 acres in SE43VW4 if Union, Oregon . Creek 40 acres in SWiHlf hl en'5 ; - i 40 acres in NE--SW 6`„ s Atper 2 40 acres in NW SW- /beahl.. Sect ion 1 , re (This land has supplernertary right fr rn Catherine Creek 40 acres in NEiNR through F :empe–WrightIllu chinson ditch under priorit y 40 acres in SE4IJEq date of _905 .) Section 2 , T. 4 S .R. 39 E.W.M. Henderson ., C .C ; (See under Wakefield, R.L ., Page 100 )

Hendricks, Asa O . (See under La Grande Irrigation Compary i e Heppner, A.W. 189ID 1 .25 Irrigation 1tied Barn Catherine 0 .75 acres in NWg-SW- Union, Oregon . ditch Creek Section 19 , T. 4 S .A . 4Oh..E.W,M. (3d5(. 0 .25 acre in SB44E4 0 .25 acre in NEySE-4. Section 2% T . 4 S.I.I. 39 E.W.BL.

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated — 44 .



Nolo. end Pontornm Addre.. D.te o f Amoun t Nomber Motive Cubic Fee t tee Nome of Ditch 8lrwm De.crivtion of Lond or Pl.ee of U. of APplmpri.ter Priority Per Second

,.5 9464 Hetherington, J .W. 1905 1 Irrigatio n Red Darn Catherin e 1 acre in NE.SW4 Marshfield, Oregon . Creek Section 19 , T3DSe T. 4 S .R. 40 E.W .M.

3 Hi11, Mary L. 1864 3 . 3 Irrigatio n Lewis Catherine 3 .3 acres in SW,SWt• Denio, Oregon . '_Iodine reek Section 18 , T. 4 S .R . 40 E .W.M,

r Hill, A .T . , 1866 235 .5 Irrigation Springs & 40 acres in NE,lSE La Grande, Oregon . sloughs 40 acres in SESEN Section•10 , 35 .6 acres in NEilSW4- 40 acres in NWi-SVf' (NOTES 20 acres ,n NE4SE4 Section 10 are also 40 acres in. SW'4SW- irrigate d from Grande Ronde River thrcugh irrigatio n 40 acres in SE,SW-i carnal Co . ditch der date of 1883. ) Section ll , T. 3 S.R . 38 E .W,M.. _e /le Z .

Hill, Henry T. ( See under la Grande Irrigation Company)

bq b3 Hill, W .C„ March 15, 40 Irrigation Masterson Phillips 40 acres in NW E~ Elgin, Oregon . 1909 reek Section 22, T . 1 39 E.W.M.

3'10 .nde 16 acres in SEg•NE4 '' Hills, J .A. 1890 16 Irrigation Hills Gr: La Grande, Oregon . Londe Section -4, Liver & T. 3 S.R. BS E,W.M, springs

b Hindman, J .L . 1869 107 Irrigation Soruner- Indian 40 acres in NEiNW-;r--, Elgin, Oregon . iiindman Creek 40 acres in NWiNV,Fi- 9 acres in SW4NVt 18 acres in SEINW - Secti on 26 , T. 1 N .R. 39 E .W.K. i

b Hindman, W.B . 1872 50 Irrigation .i.S . 'lat 26 acres in N SW-4 Elgin, Oregon . Hindman-- Creek 6 acres in NdiSW ' 14 acres in SW.1SW 5 acres in SE-8W, Section 16 , T . 1 N.R. 40 E .W.M.

1, 373 Hoatson, James 1870 30 Irrigation Hoatson Huncen 20 acres in SWi-SW Cove, Oregon . Hryant & dr:nch 10 acres in SE4SWy rioatson Section 14, 7 . 3 S .R. 40 E .W.M. (This lard also s a s pplemental ri_h t under th e Creek decree , cer ifica e of water ri€ht .`:o . 357 .)

GRANDE L U DE RIVER Consolidated - 45. '5


Date o f Name and Pasta lice Adds . Amoan t Numbe r of Appropriator Agra ilea Namo of Ditch Stream Do.eriptton of Land or Piano of Use P r y perSe and

Holm, Frank (See underNessley Ditch I Company )

63Holman, J .A . 1866 80 $ub — Chec k Grand e 30 acres in N ;SWi La Grande, Oregon . ,Irrigation dam in Frond e 40 acres in NWO Cavines s River 10 acres in SESW4 slough Section 1 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W.M.

• i

Mimes, Julia• B . ( S ee under Orodel), Ditc h Associs.tion )

6 '3Holmes, Charles M . Sept, 6 , 5 Irrigation Swackhal:ie Catherine 5 acres in SE sE 4 Union, Oregon . 1898 Schoonover Creek Section 7 , Hutchinso n T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

1864 1 Irrigation Lewis Catherine Block 18, Swackhamer ' s Creek addition to Union , Oregon, (Being in the NE-SW Sec . 18, T . 4 S . R . 40 E,W . . )

3 16 6 Hoote, D .M. 1874 1 .75 Irrigation Prescott Catherine 1 acre in N'JI4NE-i Union, Oregon . Creek 0,75 acre in SWIIEg ,, . ., Section 19 , aA, I- .(c rjtD : T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

31 t' rn, M. 1863 6 Irrigation Line s Little 6 acres in SW4HW4 Union, Oregon . Creek Section 18 , P . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M.

6Roux, I .E . 1870 40 Irrigation houx Duncan 1 acre in SB SW4 Cove, Oregon . titch branch 31 acres in S8 SE4 8 acres in SU SE4 Section 14 , T . 3 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

1. 311Hoag , W .E . & J . S . 1899 8 Irrigation Roux Lurphy 8 acres in NiI SWi Cove, Oregon . Creek Section 14 , T . 3 S,it, 40 C .W .4 .

4 6 53Hudson, W .H .G . Apr .17 Irrigation Prescott Catherine Block 13 Town of Union , Union, Oregon . 1879 Creek Oregon .(Being in the NE NWW Sec . 19 . T . 4 a . :'t . 40 E .W .M . )

Huffman, C .D . (See• under La Gra de Irrigation Company)

GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated — 46 .


Name P Date o f Amount • d .toffies Address Relative Cubic Feet Numbe r U.e Nome of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use of Appropriator Priority Per Second Aerea


b Huffman, L.F. 1869 157,5 Irrigation Pyles Proctor 10 acres in SW'#-NE Huffman, LW . Creek Ditch 13 acres in HE HW4 Union, Oregon . 32 .5 acres in NW4-NW 12 acres in SW'-HW - 40 acres in Si--N t. 12 acres in Hr,-SW§ 26 acres in NW- H Section 7, 12 acres in SW:,.;.SW-i','- Section-6 , T. 5 S.R . 40 E .W.M.

1878 2 .5 Irrigation iiocell Pyles 2,5 acres in SWAU B Canyon & Section 7 , spring T. 5 S.R . 40 E .W.M. Creek

OHug, A.E . Oct . 22 35 Irrigation IHgatt Clark 12 acres in S 1,11SW Elgin, Oregon . 1900 i Creel Section 14, 0. 15 acres in AE - 4N'-8 acres in Ivi4N1 Section 23 , 2 . 1 N .R. 39 E.W.M.

Hull, Wm. (See under La Gr,rde Irrigatio n Compan ) I

Hunt, D,2d. (See under La Grntde Irrigation Comnen lr )

(3 (. Hmmter, W.G. 1870 80 Irrigation Hunter Hunter 40 acres in SE SE-g Estate Canyon 40 acres in S .r4SE4 A.R. Hunter, Admr . Section 15 , Island City,Oregion. (See also under Orodell pitch 5.ssooiat~on) T . 2 S,It, 38 S,W.Ik:. (See Paragraph #10 , Page 10 .1

b Hunter, S .L. 1873 12.9 Irrigation & iiodine Catherine 12 .9 acres in Union, Oregon . . for brick yariHunter Creek Section 19 , Fickle 'IP. 4 S .H. 40 E.W.I . Chorz` u /in /a7t c ', r c'II ; sP .Or. V./ . S', lo 1 6 Huntley, 1. (See under Orodell Ditch Association )

3g' b Huntley, ?earl 1874 18 .5 Irrigation Payne ' s Thomas 8 acres in SYFN1E F Cove, Oregon. Creek & 10 .5 acres in SW 11W', Spring Section 15, , /,-.!I Sc r p .Sr (L rr.r i. 3 S...ilr . , N ./;,lbr r drench T. © S .R . 40 E .W.M. – riryl+ .4 iiarra Ck . 3 S f Fr ,1 1u . 7o, re . .d dl}rf.• O.If . er+rire n/ lowla .,~

ursh,0~ Ilureh J,ld, 1891 1 .8 Irrigation ried L+wrn Catherine Block 18 Hannan Union, Oregon . Creek Addition to Union. (Being in the SWWNW4 -j'sag b Sec. 19, T. 4 S.R. 40 E.W.M. )

GRIME RC11DE FIVER Consolidated – 47.

tl 5,i,


Date of Amoun t Nam• • d Pwtolfte• Acids-am Relativ e Cubic Fee t Number Co . Name of Ditch Stream Dracrlption of Land or Place of Use of ADPropriator Priority Par Second Acrce

P I n 0

Hutchinson, Isabelle 1863 60 Irrigation eiird Little 20 acres in iUf .NE 4 . Union, Oregon. Creel, 20 acres in Sili-erF1i Section 18 , 20 acres in SW SE4 (NOTE ; The land in Section 7 has a supale:nenta y right Section 7 , from Catharine Cr ek tht1oiugh Swacichs.mer Hutchins n Schoonover T . 4 S .R. 40 E•W.LI. ditch, under prio=ity date of September 6th, 1891 , in addition to lands hereir-after described as under, said ditch,)

1867 45 .1 Irrigation Godley Catherin e 10 acres in SNi4SW4, No . 1 Creek 0 acres in SE-4SW4 ' autchi, scn 5 .1 acres in S4SE4 Er land Section 14i $b T . 4 3 .h. 39 E .W.M•

1867 53 Irrigation Golley Catherine x'25 acres in NW N i. -o . 1 Creek /30 acres in NE NC- i_) n \1,1, 1,,,(, . G6„. Section 23, T . 4 S.. . 39 E.W.Ni.

1867 80 Irrigation Dobb s Catherine 40 acres in S*NT,i slough Creek 40 acres in SI NE°4, Section 14, T . 4 S .H. 39 E.M.W .

1883 44.3 Irrigr ti on sr ai su n Catherine -20 acres in SW SW- ; anglae d Creek II 20 acres in SEi-SW4 ' , Cit 1 .,~,'~ _ ' f,C, L4.3 acres in SNP'-S7 Section . 14, T. 4 S .ii, 39 E.W.M.

Sept. 6 49 irrigation wacicha .er Catherine 20 acres in SW;SE 1898 iiutchineor.Creek 29 acres in Sl}4-5Ey :ichoonovez Section 7 , T. 4 S .R. 40 E .WM• ~d~~~ r 4 531 Hutchinson, J .F. pyA. 1876 94.6 Irrigation C offin Catherine ,-13 .2 acres in hTd,114 . Union, Oregon . sJ k. „• 1 Creek .-25 .9 acres in iiYgSLt~ ~ , ~ S),0( 11J'v - S( Section 18 , "IF-'7,4,!3'0 I ~J/ I 25 .5 acres in NASE- 4 -30 acres in S.46 4 i? Ui Section 14, T. 4 S .k. 39 E .W.M.

1864 27 .1 Irrigation died Lill Catherine -1.1 acres in SW IyF-''' ni P~.pfDiv, Creek 7 acres in SW4SE ' , v . .Va1• G p 2.34 -19 acres in SE4SW$ / _ Section 13 , T. 4 S.1.. 39 E .W.M.

18766 15 .8 Irrigation Coffin Je.'ht rine %real_ 8 .3 acres in 36VSW4 'v Section 13 , 7 .5 acres in SE, SE4 - ' Section 144 T. 4 S .11..39 E.W.M.

ti 1867 21.4 Irrigation' Godley Jatherine -2 .5 acres in gNTSE4 / loo 1 reek 1 . Section 14 1 r1, g~i l .11,l ;l .( .l.'7 15 .5 acres inivrEiN.E^ t r 1 ` r - l } ,N+la , Section t J.t"la e 3 ti acres in Nl, . ' a ,I G °!E RCND f It . J ;E RIVE? Consolidated - 48• r4 t aid} .t I } r . , T.,, 4 S.R . 39 t~ ; .. I . au ..u~.u.ia..w .. . . . -LTi f _ ..wry• .~ n. ... j' 4


Date of Amoun t Nam. arid PoatofRo . Address Nnmbec Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Plaee of Use Relativ e Coble Peek Aerea Uee of Appropriator Priority Par Second

Hutchinson, J .F. 1864 4.3 . Irrigation lied Bill Catherine - 1.7 acres in SWiSW± Union, Oregon. ,-f Dir, Creek Section ']3 , Sp .D .•Voi . pZ34 - 2.6 acres in NWiNW4 7 (Continued) , Section . 24, T. 4 S .R. 39 E,W.M,

1867 42.8 Irrigation Dobb s Catherin e 25.3_acree in NW*SW4 Slough Creek 3 acres in SW-;,5'W4'' Section 1p, 14.5 acres in N$y'•SE-i ~ Section 14, n~l T. 4 S.R. 39 E .W.M,

lutchinson, J .R . 1867 130 Irrigation Godley Catherine 12 acres in NW,NE4 *Union, Oregon . No . 1 Creek acres in SWWNE4 . / t .oct)iv . r e. f' /icc `i,/. t. "1/u....r '~• c3a•v'` fo cx 15.5 acres in •SE4SW4 30 acres in NV1S 4 40 acres in SW4SE4 Section•23 , T. 4 S.R. 39 E .W.M.

1 .5 acres in NE 1 acre in NW- Section 26, T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M.

1876 13 .9 Irrigation Town Catherine Blocks 12 and 19 i n Creek West Union, containing 3 acres, more or les s ,(Being in the NWW;iNW- Sec . 19, T . 4 S .R. 40 E.W.M. )

11.9 acres in Railroad Addition to Town o f Union. (Being in the ISE iIEY Sec . 24, T.4 S.R . 39 E.W.M.

i 1864 53 Irrigation Hutchinso n Catherine 28 acres in NE&NE , I.cLean 25 acres in NWiNE4 Section 26, T (G-r{. pz !( t 0 ( . 4 S .R. 39 E.W.M.

1884 600 Irrigation Godle y Catherine 40 acres in NANE4 No . 2 Creek 40 aures in SWIE4 Stoddard 40 acres in NE4NW;4 40 acres in S t 40 acres in S _ 40 acres in NW.4 Section 35, • 40 acres in SWWNNE4 40 acres in Sn t 40 acres in S .a . 40 acres in e . 40 acres in SEESW,• 40 acres in SWaSW- 40 acres in NW4SVWg 40 acres in Nhli,S 1 ;_ . 40 acres in SWj-S Section 26, li T. 3 S.R . 39 E .W.M. .1 1 GRANDE ROIIDE RIVER Consolidated - r19,


Data of Amount Nam . and Postofflee Addre . Relative Cubic Peet Number Us e Name of Dlteh Stream Description of Land or Pb... of Um . of Appropriator Priority Per eeeond Acres

12 acre s in SEia'W- Hutchinson, J . H . 1867 30 Irrigatio n Dobbs Catherine Creek 18 acre s in SW1SEc Section 13 , (Continued) T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W .M. 4 9 0 atherine 40 acre s in NE4'-i1E* Mdreh 200 Irrigation Hempe 40 acres in SETEi 1905 Wright Creek Hutchinso Section 36 , 40 aore s in SEOR° 40 acre s in NE4SE 40 acres in SEiSEi Section 26 , T . 3 S .R . 39 E .W .M.

1874 8 Irrigation Prescott Catheri n 8 acres in SW4NE4 Blacker Cree k Section 19 , T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M .

187 4 Irrigation Nodin e Catherin 9 acres in SWgNE4 Section 19 , (N0T'Et Ya W . Steven s s successor in interes t to th e T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W .M. 8 acres i rigated under the Prescott- lacker ditch an d 9 acres under the Nodine Di ch .) in p~ o { di V . c.•~ .,/ 5 in . 2 u .

09 ° Hutchinson, Lorn a 1884 160 Irrigation Godley Catherine 40 acres in NESN'a Union,Oregon . No . 2 Creek 40 acres in SE-9 40 acres in SW=g 3 40 acres in WJI S Section 27 , T . 3 S .R . 39 E .W .M.

3a3W Hutchinson, R.W. 188 4 16 0 Irrigation Godley Catherine 40 acre s in NEg;SWy}- in NV/ S'W *Union, Oregon . . 2 Cree k No 40 aure s .~, 40 4 aree in NEISE ; cP`/r1~ ..i • .( ; 71C' /gi 4-0 s o re s in NW' S Section 23 , T . 3 S .R . 39 E .W.M.

Sept . 6 . Swackhame Catherine 40 acres inn. ' E° 189 8 160 Irrigatio n Hutchins o Creek 40 aores in S Schoonov e 40 acres i n 40 acres i n Section 23 , T . 3 S .R . 39 E.W.M.

4 Ot o 1/a 1 . .3 p. 57 /9 40 Hutchinson, Stev e 188 4 220 Irrigation Godle y Catherine acres in NES * Union,Oregon . No . 2 Creek 20 acres in N'' C6, .P • •fa ; v Sp•O .0 J. 's,MI 9 40 acres in J~ 4 0 acres in SN SW 40 aores in NE4S 40 acres b i Section 22 , ca m T . 3 S .R . 39 E .W.M. Trs Sp Or. LT-p.a.), Hutchinson, W.H . 1864 16 2 Irrigation Hutchins o Catherin 40 acres in NW4SWggi Union ., Oregon . McLean Creek 37 acres in SW4SWy Section 24 , 5 acres in HWlW4 Section 25 , 40 acres in S 1 40 aores in N*8E Section 23 , T . 4 S.R. 39 E .W.M .

GRANDE' RIDE RIVER Consolidated - 60 .



Date of Amount e Name and Po.toffle. Add.. Number Nomc of Ditch Slrcam Description of Land or Place of Do Relative Cubic Feet Acres U.e of Aspropriator Priority Per Second

Hutchinson, W .H . 5 acres in NWIW* Section 25 , (Oprtin1ed ) 40 acres in SESEy 40 acres in NES T Section 23, T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W . X330 4a3t t .M 5 0 Irrigation Dobbin Catherin e Hutchinson„ W.R . 1870 80 Creek 40 acres in 1IESEn 4 Union, Oregon . 40 acres in NW4ti9* Section 1 , T . 4 S .H . 39 E.W.M. 1884 480 Irrigation Godle y Catherine 40 acres in SWksE4 No . 2 Creek 40 acres in SEySW4- Section 23 , 40 acres in Ntif • 40 acres in SEiNEy CL . 1 4 . o-/ D . 4p, ar .V.l• tap Hl9 40 acres in SW4iNE4 . 40 acres in 4, el/7 4— 0,, v./ . 40 sores in SE 4 r • 40 acres in SWNW .40 aorea in iw sw4 Section 27 , (40 acres in SW>iSD Section 22 also irrigated t rough 40 acres in Sii4-5Ey Hempe Wri ht Hutchinson Ditch) Section 22, . 40 acres in NE14NW- 40 acres in NW4NEI Section 26 , T. 3 S .R. 39 c .IN.M.

1898 80 Irrigation Hutchinson Catherine 40 acres in SW*SE * Schoonover Creek 40 acres in SEiSE4 Swackhamer Section 1, S.B. 39 E.W.M.

March 80 Irrigation Hempe Catherin e 40 acres in SE SE4 1905 Wright Creek Section 23 , Hutchinson 40 acres in NH NH - Section 26 , T. 3 S.R. 39 E .W.M.

correcte d U i .- t .c. Crr~il C.e .l- Ornr r /9,9 n /m,)97L ''t} d See Tr fil a *3o7 9 Caihrrin 1903 40 Irrigation Hutchinson -Ladd-- 40 acres in SW4SE4 0reek Section 4, T . 4 S.R . 39 E .W.M.

3Q~ ~J en, L .M. 1866 2 Irrigation Pump Grande 2.5 acres in NH SE4 nLLa Grande,i Oregon . ditch Rond e 19 .5 acres in SE4SE* fiver Section 32 , T . 2 S .R. 38 E .W.M. b 59 "Johnson, A, 1874 Irrigatio n Prescott Catherin e 4.5 acres in NE4NW4 Union, Oregon. Blacker %roe k 4.5 acres in NWiNW4 1: Section 30 , c& . j', . v . T. 4 .it. 40 E.W.M. 399 yJohnson, Andrew 1864 60 Irrigation Lewis 7atherine E- Block 9 Swackhame r Union, Oregon. 1etAddition to Union , Oregon . (Being in th e NEW4 Sec . 18 T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M. ) 94 vTohnsoniF ;H. 1880 00 Irrigation ISDonald iicDonal d 40 acres in NliNNF4 Creek & (See paragraph #12 , Johnso n 40 acres in N*i* ditches :springs Page . 12.) rising 40 acres in Men*. on land Section 27 ~ GRANDE BOND E RIVER, Consolidate d


Nam. and Polarities Addres. Data of Amount Numher of Avvr

i Johnson, F,•He 40 acres in NE1-NW1 40 acres in NW,INEi (Continue,d ) Section 26 , T. 1 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

John, E.R. (See under La Grape Irrigation Oompary) 5 1 I I Johnson, C .B . I (See under La Grande Irrigation CompIy )

,16'7 & son, Nellie L. 1891 1 Irrigation Guild Catherin 1 acres in NVIQS W4 Creek Section 19 , . Union,Orsgon. .R . 40 E .W.M. "r3n5ta T. 4 S

Johnson, Fre d (See under La Grade Irrigatio n Compary )

Johnson, G.O . (See under La Grande Irrigation Comps. y )

00 3 acres in NE-tNWW3 ,, 1863 3 Irrigation Ames Littl e Johnson, 9 .M. Greek Seotion ..18, Union,Oriegon . T . 4 S .R. 40 E.W.M.

Johnson, Thos . D. (See under Orodell Ditch Association) ;

Little 6 acres in NW4NWy L. Jones, J.R . 1863 b6 Irrigation Ames Unioa,Oregon . Creek Section 18, T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

D . Jones, M. Aline 1903 2 Irrigation Irr.Canall Grande Block 1 East Additio n to La Grande,0regon , and C .M. . change in ~i3. - e . sr. Company Ronde 1, A of River La Grande, 0regon . Or. Vol. 3 p, /q y (LOp. y fi le- o f page 9. horein) .y3G613 F 6iaf`b4' Jorris, G .W. 1886 31.5 Irrigation Jorris Ladd 31 .6 acres in SW4-NW$ La Grando,Oregon, Creek Section 1 , (I 9S T. 4 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

6 Keokritz, Theo . 1863 2 Irrigation Ames Little 2 acres in SEQNW-- IInion,0regon . Creek Section 18, T. 4 S .R. 40 E .W.M.

& b .( d Keen, Mrs . Effie P . Aug. 11 1 .5 Irrigation Sappingtcn Spring 1 .5 acres in SWiNW Elgin,Oregon . 1898 and Lynd Creek Section 15, T. 1 N .R. 39 E .W.M.

Keltz, Geo . ( See under La Graade Ir igation Compary )

n b 6 Kennedy, J,W. 1901 10 Irrigation Dobbin- Little La Gran.de,Oregon. Greek 10 aures in SW' Section 12, T . 4 S.R. 39 E.W.M. 5 2 GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated. -. 62,

est y4 la wi moi t-ti 1 F


Naxos and Poston' . Add.. . ma. a Amoun t Numb e r of Appropriator Reath.. Cubic Feat TN. Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Pima of U. Priority Per Second Acrn

' Kent, David'S. March BO Irrigational iieiu1 e Cc.t'rierine 40 acres in NEHSE4 Union, Oregon . 1905 ++riht Creek 40 acres in SESE4 rlutahiLis~n Section 2, T. 4 S.H. 39 E .W.hi.

1876 80 Irrigation Carroll Littl e 40 acres in SE 9W4 Green Creek 40 acres in SW4Sw Section 1 . (The above land as a enpplemental riOit throug T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M. Hempe—Wright—Hut hinsor Ditch from Catherine Cr ek under priority d to of 1905 ) 04 ' Kerr, John March 6, 1 .5 Irrigation I ehoakley Spring 1 .5 acres in NW SWg Elgin, Oregon . 1902 Jranch Section 15 , T. 1 N .R. 39 E .W.M,

I Kimmel, Little, 0 . (See an d r La Gras de Irrigation Com;af )

Kindred, Mrs . J .H . (See an d r La Grande Irrigation CornpaIBr t

6 Klees, A .& Son 1871 22.5 Power Lill Lill Power in SP SE4 Summerville, H.P . Plume Creek Section 12 , Oregon . 18 Sec . T. 1 S.R. 38 E.W.M. ft.

4-0 6 K loostr@, Albert May 1 .5 Irrigation .,est Phillips 1.5 acres in IPSW4 . Elgin,'Oregon . 1902 Elgin Section 15 ) Irrig=_-.i,icn T . 1 N .n . 39 E .W.I,i. Ditch

t'Knight, A.J . June 13 Irrigation Sugar Catherine 13 acres in SE4Sl Union, Oregon . 1903 Beet Creek Section 10 , Irr,Co . T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W.1L

Kofford, Chris . 1901 24. Irrigation Hutchinson Catherine 9 .5 acres in SW'NW- Union)egon . 8eeblove Creek 14.5 acres in SE4 VFy Section 14, T . 4 3 .R. 39 E .W.M. e Kofford, James A . 1883 7 Irrigation ~ Hutc:-iiraon Catherind 7 acres in SW4 'Ili Union, Oregon . England Creek Section 14, sp .o, .Jat T. 4 S .R. 39 E .W.M. 1901 23 Irrigation Ilctc!_inson C charina 3 acres in SW,NW4 See'blove Creek 20 acres In , SEy 4 Section 14, T . 4 S .R . 39 E .W.M. ' ; 5 3 GRANDE RONDE RIM — 52A


el ; .


Dat a o F Amdun Nara a Relativf ative Cubic t Fee t Number Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Us e . andof AppropriatorAtiPreprlator Addrn Priority Per Second Acrea

Krouse, O.P. & A.N . 1864 39 .5 Irrigation Krouse Ladd 4.5 acres in SW'`NW°- La Grande, Oregon . Crank 26,5 acres in SENW 8.5 acres in NE4SW* Section 36, T. 3 S.R. 3B E.W.M.

. 4',S if, Kuhn, Elias 1868 16 Irrigation i Kahn ' s Kuhn 16 acres in SW SE4 Summerville, Creek Section 10 , Oregon . T. 1 S.R . 38 E .W.M. 1.-lC„Ir6 1. ni) s`• !, ~n .Jc l Bed-sp. or Sec. Vol. LS R "6 "f ~ILa Grande, Irrigation 1903 501 .44 Irrigation La Grande Grande Company , Irr .Co. Ronde La Grande, OregoPn( Roc, Vol _LA P j,YLjj ;ancelled-sp . or (O.M.Ames) 1 Lots 13,14 Block 7 , / Pleasant Home Addition . Cancelled-sp. or Rec . Vol . _.~ P. / 6 ? ! 3r' l i c

Ambrose) 4 Lob 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 6 , Home Investment Addition (SY SW.) Sec, 4, T. 3 5,H. 38 E.W.LL,

(Mable A. Bach) 1 Lot 148, Chaplin' s 3 supplemental addition .

(W.P. Barbur) .5 W2 Lot 1, Block 1 Honan' s Addition,

(J .H, Barnha(l) 2 Lots 1 and 6, Block 4 Home Inveatinent Additio n (SE4SEz) Sec . 5. T. 3 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

(Lottie Barker) 1/3 Lots 5,6,7,Block 3 8 Riverside

(Thomas Bayliss)- 3/4 Lots,1,2,3,14,16,18 , Block 53, . Riverside Additio n

(Sarah E . Bellmer) 1 Lot 2, 31ock 2, Henan ' s / Addition (NB$IE4 Sec . 8 , I. 3 S.A. 38 E .W.M.

'(John Bennett) • 1/3 Lot 7, Block 1, Pleasant Hoare Addition (SWNE4 Section 5, T . 3 S .R. 38 201.1;1. )

5 4 GRANDE ThJHDE RIVER Consolidated — 53.


I I ill !'


Date of Amennt Name and Parlalice Addre. a Relative Cubic Feet Number U.e Nome of Ditch Stream Deacriplion of Lund or Place of U. of Appropriator Priority Par Second Acrea

La Grande Irrigation Company (Continued )

(B . Beveridge) 1 Block 5, Rynearson l a Addition . • , ($.Y . Bonney) .5 SiLot 13, Hew Haven Addition .

Bradshaw'( 2 Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1 0 Home Investment Additio n (SLySE4 Sec . 5 . T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W.M . )

(M.W .Bradshaw) 2 Lots 3 and 4,,Blook 1 0 Home Investment Additio n (SE4-SEa p ec . 5 T . 3 S . R . 38 E .W .M.

(A .J. Breedlove) 1 Lots 9 16 incl . Block ; 44 Riverjide Addition .

(Mary Brown) 3 Lots 1,2,3, Slack .2 -lease.nt home Addition )SINEg Sec . 5. T. 3 S . R. 3 8 (Cora Bryant) 1 Lot 6, .dlock 2,Hom e Investment Addition(SW-SWi Sec . 4 . 2.3 S .m . 38 E .W .M. (Hattie Campbell) 1 Lot 5, _flock 2 , Home investment Additio n (sv sw~) gee . 4. T . 3 S .H . 38 E .d .M.

(Anna C . Carlson) 1 .5 Lots 2, 4, Block 3 Hume Investment Additio n (SEYSE- Sec . 5, T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .L . )

(J .S . Chandler) .5 South half Block 15 8 Chaplin l s Supplementa l Addition (NW NVt- Sec . 5, T . 3 S.R . 38 E .W.11 . )

(Geo . H . Chapman) 17 7 acres in NW SVi Seo .4 , 10 acres in NE1hS Section 5 , i . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .M . l 5 5

GRAN .OE RUNDE RIVER Consolflated — 53 A.


Data o f Amount Naxos and IPo.tofflae Addrne D.iow . Cubic Foot u . . Name of Ditch f Strenm Dc.crlptlon of Lund or Place of Usa of Appropriator Priority Per Second,

(J .iki. Chapman) 4 Block 160, 163 inclusiv e Chapman ' s additio n (NW Wd- Sec . 5 T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W . M. )

(S .D . Clay) Lots 1,2, Block 1 a Riverside Addition

(Wm . Clegg Estate) Lots 15, 16 Division B . New Haven Additio n (Nt:.-NJ Sec . 5, T . 3 S .R . 38 li .d .U . )

(Geo . H . Curry) 3 Lots 5,10,Division A. New Haven Addition , Lot 8, clock 2, Pleasan t Home Addition .

4 acres in SESE , Section 4 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .MS.

p Lots 1,2,Block 4 Pleasant dome Additio n (SISFin dec . 5, T . 3 S .R . 3. 8 B .'ri .li . )

(L .P . Day) 3 Lot 7, Block 5 Pleasant Home Addition N iSEQ Sec . 5 T . 5 S .R . 3 8 E .W,L: . )

Lots 1,3 . Block 3 , Home Investment Additio n (1 5511 Sec . 5, T . 3 S . 3 . 38 B .W .M. )

(Howard C . Decious ) 4 Loos 3 4, Block 2 , f{elson~s Addition . Lots 1-13 inclusive , Block 4, Sunnysid e Addition .

(E .H .DeLong ) s8B- 30 acres in NV 4NW.i 10 acres in SWiWif. Vca 3 P 10 oc . Ca n cuncd - sp . m N 20-acres in Niiys E4 2. or. . Ga Icellad - sp . or F co . Vol . S2 P.°.F.:L20- acres in NL'-SE- Section 23 , T . 3 u .l1 . 38 E .W .M.

(Max Dutli) Lots 13,14 Block 8 liynearsons Addition . f 5 6 GRANDE AONDE RIVER Consolidated - 54:


Date al Amoun t Name end Po.taffin Address Relativ e Cubic Fee t Number Uea Name of Ditch 9trenm Deaeription of Land or Place of U . of Appropriator Priority Per Second Aerea

(Chris Eberhard) North half of Lot 13 , Division 8. Mew Have n Addition. (NB NW- Sec . 5 T . 3 S .R. 38 E .W.M.

(Wm. Greedwood) 40 20 acres in SE4SE4 20 acres in SWWSE4 Section 3, T. 3 S.R. 38 E ;W .L I

(Lille Guisness) 5 Blocks 1,2,3,4, Dwight ' s Addition

(G.W.Hardon.) 1 Lots 3,4,5,6, Block 7 , Pleam:nt dome Addition (SE4NE i Sec . 5, T . 3 S .R. 38 E .W. . )

(J .J. Harlan) a W- Lot 2, Block 1 Honan 's Addition.

(Emil Hesse) 2/3 Lots 1,2,3,4, 11,12 , 13,14 Block 39, Elver - side Addition .

(Asa O. Hendricks) 1 Lot 1, _Jivision B . New Haven i4ditio n NETVV4 Dec . 5 , T . 3 S .H . 38 E .W .M.

(Henry T . Hill) 4 Lots 2,3,4,5, Block 9 Home Investment Additio n (SE4SE Sec . 5 . T . 3 S .R . 38 E.W.L )

(C .D . Huffman) 10 10 acres in SWOE Section 4, P . 3 S .Y. . 38 E .W.M.

Hunt) .5 Lots 9,10,11,12,13 Block 18, Riversid e Addition . 5 7

GRANDE hORDE RIVER Consolidated - 55 .


Date of Amount Nam* and Natalie. Addrem Number of Appropriator Relative Cubic Feet Use Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of U. Priority Per Second Acre,.

)Wm .Hw11 ) 5 5 acres in Nd.iiNw4 erection 5, ''' T . 3 3 .d : 38 E .W .M .

(C .B . Johnson ) . 5 Block 166, Chaplin ' s Supplemental Addition (NL4H'tI4 jec . 5 , T . 3 S .H . 38 E O W,Ll . )

(Fred. Johnson) 3 flocks 5,6,7 , New Haven Addition Cancelled-sp. or Ra : `%oLL~8 P. /.7 (NiVwr Sec . 5 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W,M .

(E .R .Johnson ) 1 S2 Block 159, EA- Block 154, Chaplin ' s Supplemental Addition NWzNW. Sec . 5 , T . 3 S .R . 38 L .W .M .

(0,0, Johnson) 4 Lots 9,10,B1ock 1 0 Lots 5,6,7, Block 3 Home Investment Additio n (BE-SE Sec . 5 . T . 3 S .E . 38 2 .'d . LI. )

(Mrs . J .B'.. Kindred) 1 Lot 1, Block C . Ne w Haven Additio n Ni;,hN,i,, Sec . 5 , ", 3 S .A . 38 E .W .M-.

(Lillie C . Kimmell) 1 Lot 5, Block 6 Pleasant Howe addition, NEtSE`-i 3-.c . 5 `i' 3 3 .it . 38 E .rW .,.L . (Geo . Koltz) 12 Blocks 2,4,5, McWhirter ' s Addition (SE&SW4 Sec . 4, 7 . 3 3 .d . 38 E .W .M. '

(La Grande 2 Si Lot 6 all of lots 7 Investment Company) and 8 Block 7, Pleasan t dome Addition . . Lot 6, flock 2 and Lot 4 Block 1, Home Investment Addition .

(F .O . Larson) Lots 3,4, Block 1 Riverside Addition .

5 8 GRANDE RONDE RIVE R Consolidated — 56 .

. ~,..,,~.~.v., .. ,,, _.~,, -


Date Name • d Pmteftlee Address of Amount Numher of Appropriator Heaths Cuhic Fee t Uee Nomo of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of U. Priority Per Second Aorea

(Jerome Lawrence) 1 Lot 1, Block 2, Home Investment Addition (SSSiiI4 Sec . 4 T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .M, )

(W .D . Long) 3 Lots 1,2,3, Block 1 dome Investment Addition S'W4SW Sec . 4, T . 3 S . H . 38 J .W,_ .

Mrs . S .A . Lovely) 1 I Lot 8, i)ivision C , New Haven Additio n ITEITW4 Sec . 5 , T . 3 8 .R . 38 ' E .W .M .

(Cris Lund,) Lots 2 4 , I Block

(Guy Lyons) 1 Lots x.,3,4, 5, Block 2 Ryneareon t s Addition .

(Grace C . HoAllister) 62 ,3~ . . I- /s ~f' 20 acres in IiBiN4 ( it- io 20 acres in iTEgiSl7;L. 2 9 acres in il'tT4MR 4 acres in 841,14 1.8 -9-acres i n Section 9 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E,W,1iL.

(James W . McAllister) 10 10 acres in N'; iNWt Section 9 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .M.

(J .D, McKennon) 10 10 acres in SRIaaR 4 Section 5 , T . 3 .i .it . 38 E,W .IS ;

(G .W . Iias-ton) 1 Lot 5, 31ock 5, Pleasant done Addition NW SEy Sec, 5, T . 3 S .A . 3 8 E .tr .l. .

(Mary Metcalf) 1 Lots 4,5,6, Block 2 Sunnyside Addition .

_ 5 9

Gth NDE ROAD& LIVER Consolidated - 57 .


Data of Noma and Poatolflea Add... Amoun t Number of Appropriator Relative Cubic Feet cm . Nome of Ditch Stream Priority Per Second Acres Deacriptton of Land or Place of Ua e

Cancelled - sp . or Bs . Vol (Andrew Muit ,lenberg) }8 . P,-5 J-8-acres in NE4NW;; Section 23 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E .W .M.

(J .L . Mainhall) 1/3 Lots 5,6,7, and 8, Bloc k 28, Riverside Addition .

(A.S . Myers) 1 i Lot 12, Division. A . New Haven Addition . I

(J .E . Neilson)' 1 Lot 6, Block 6, Pleasant Home Addition ' (NWiSEu- Sec . 5, T . 3 S . R . 38 2 .W,S_.J"

(Peter Nelson) 2/3 Block 159, Chaplin ' s Supple . ;:ental Addition . (NIdFI- 1Wy-; Sec . 5 . T . 3 3 .11, 38 E .W.M. )

(Cheater Newlin) 4 Lots 4,5,6, Block 6 , Lot 1, Block 7 , Horne Investment Additio n (S¼811‘. Sec . 4 . T . 3 S .R . 38 E .V .M . l

(bars, Sibley) 1,~2 j EQ Lot 1, Block 1 Bonan ' s Addition.

(LW . Oliver) 10 10 acres in 1dL3`iVIV,~ Section 9 , T . 3 S .R . 38 E .N .M.

(L . Orton) 1 Lot 8, Block 3 , Home Investment Addition . (SEtSE' Sec . 5 . T . 3 3 .R . 38 E .W.M. )

(J .H . Patrick) 4 Lots 1,2,3,4, Block 4 , Home Investment Additio n

(Mrw . Anna Pausej 1 Lots 6,7,8,9,10 , Block 30, Predrnore t s Addition .

(George Pfifer) .5 Lot 2, Block 5 , Pleasant Some Additio n (SWJtiNE4 Sec . 5 . T . 3 3 .1i . 38 E .W . M. )

6 0 GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated - 58 .


.e Date a t Amount Nem . and P'oetofflee Addre Relative Cuble Feot Number Uav Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Place of Use of Appcoprlator Priority Per Second Aorra

(J .B . Porter) 2 Lots 8 and 9, Division A. New Haven Addition (Mt l'Pil Sec . 5, T. 3 S .A. 38 E . W.M. )

(Mrs. L.F. Proebstel) 14 14 acres in SB SW4 Section 32, P . 2 S .A. 38 N .W.M.

(Joe H. Richardson) 21 18 acres in SBi Vitt 3 acres in SVRB4 Section 9 , P . 3 •S.u . 38 E .W,M.

(S.F. Richardson) 10 10 acres in HB NW4 Section 9 , T. 3 3 .n . 38 B .W.M.

(B. T . Roberts) 3/4 Lot 14, clock 1, Pleasant Home Addition .

(Geo . B . Scott) 1 Lot 7, Block 2 , Pleasant Ho :.e Addition ,

(Wm. Scull) 1 Lots 3,4, Division B . New Haven Addition . (NN4 i'W, Sec . 5, T. 3 S .A. 38 .'Via. )

(Martha A . Smith) 1 Lot 8 plock 4, Pleasant Home Addition . (N1SEy Seca 5 , T. 3 S.11. 38 B .W.H. ) (Mrs .J.H. Snodgrass) 1 Lots 164, Chaplin f s Supplemental Addition (NAN'W- Sec . 5, T. 3 5 .11 . 38 E.W.tl .

(Geo . E . Stansfield) 2a Blocks 147,166, Chaplin f s Supplemental Addition. ('d NW4 Sec . 5, T. 3 S.A. 3B B.W.M. )

(S .F . Steinbeck) 8 Blocks 1 and 6, IVIcWhirter ' s Addition. (Sra-SW4 Section 4, T . 3 S .R. 38 1 .1.11. ) (Orlando Stevens) 7 Lot 4, clock 7, Block 8 , Home Investment Addition , (S1W4SW4 Sac . 4. T. 3 6 1 GRAiDE HO:WDE AIVER Consolidated — 59 .


Data of Amount Nam . and Pwtoffice Add... Number Uae Name of Ditch Stream Dmerlption of Lend or Place of U. of AoProprlator Priorittiey pr ierand Acrea

(C .S . Stilwell) 1 •~ Lot 3, Division A . New Haven Addition (NE4N'd Sec . 5 , P . 3 j . -s . 38 B .W .M .

(Dave Stoddard) 2 Lots 1, 6 -,lock 9 , Home Investment Addition (SE SE;< Sec . 5 f )) . 3 S .A . 38 E .W .1Vi. )

(John Stott) . 2 Blocks 152, 153, Chaplin ' s Addition ITW 15Vi Sec . 5 , T . 3 S .L . 38 E .W .&I.

(J .H . Stringham) 2 81ock 155, 0 aplin f s Sup ;lemental Additio n (Ni .- .N,i-, Sec . 5 , 1 . 3 S .A . 38 E .W .M .

(Mrs . J . J . Strong) 1 Lot 8 Block 1 , Pleasant Home Additio n (SW NE_ Sec . 5 , T . 3 S .A . 38 L .W .t,1 . )

(Mrs . S .E . Swalberg) 1 ;flock 157, Chaplin ' s addition N 4 Nvi4 S ec . 6 2 . 3 S .A . 38 L .W .M . )

(Viola J . Tartar) 2 Lots 8,9, Division .8 . New haven addition (NL4N Sec . 5 . T . 3 3 .h. 38 E .r1 .Li . )

(1'J . F . Tate) 1 Lot 1, flock 5, Pleasan t Home Addition (SE*NE4 Sec . 5, T . 3 S .R . 3 8 E .W .M .)

6 2

GRANDE tCNDE hIVER Consolidated. - 60 .


Dal . o f Amount Nam . and Po .toffiea Address Relative Cubic Feet Numbe r U.. Noma of Ditch Blceom Description of Land or Pima of U. of Appropriator rooms, Per B . ...d Arran

(CH. Tate ) 1 Lots 1,2,3, Block 7 , Pleasant Home Addition . (SEINE Sec . 5 . T . 3 S .H . 38 E .W .I3 . )

(E .Thoreon) 1 Lots 1,2,3,4, 13,14 , 15,16, Block 42 , Riverside Addition . •

(Herbert G . Vorus) 1 Lot 2, Block A . New Haven Additio n (NE4Nat4 Sec . 5 , 3 J .A . 38 E .W,M. )

(Mrs . B .F . Wade) 34 Block 40, Riversid e Addition .

(M . Waller) 2 Lots 4 and 5, Block 5 , Pleasant Home Additio n (SIJ4iis. Sec . 5, T . 3 S . A . 38 L .,i . . )

(Chas . Weagel) 1 Bot 7, Block 4, Pleasan t tome Additio n (NW&SB Sec . 5, T . 3 J .R . 38 E .VJ .ICi . )

(Gdaeie Weagel) Ez Lot 2, Block 1 , Honan l e Addition .

. New Have n (bits . G„ D . Webb) 1 Lot 1, Mock A Addition (ND4dn1l4 Sec . 5, T . 3 S .R . 3 8

(0 s . Phebe B . Webb) 5 Cancelled-sp. or Rec . Vol . .LL P . •5 / Block 33, Riversid e addition Bd Nd .j Sec . 6 , i . 3 S .A. 38 d .J .IC . )

(John W, Wild) Lots 6 and 7', Block 2 iiynearsons Addition .

(S .B . Williameon) 20 20 acres in NVi=4NEi' Section 9 , T . 3 S .B . 38 B,W,I3.

.6 3 GRANDE RONDE RIVER Consolidated — 61 .


Data o f Amount Numbe r Dmcription of Land or Plata of Vat Nam . and Pontoffica Andru s Relative Cubic Foot Imo Num. of Ditch stream of Appropriator Priority Per Second Arr.

(Edith C . Wilson ) 2/3 Lots 6,6,7,6,9,10 , Block 39 riversid e Addition .

_(J,M. Wilson) 5 . 4 30 8 acres in 1iO4SE4 Section 6 , T . 3 3 .i: . 38 E .W.M. 1 .6 acres in SW SV Section 32 , T . 2 S .R. 38 E.W.M.

Block 2, Heison ' s Addition Blocks 169, 170, and 17 1 Chaplin' s Addition (2nd ) to La Grande, Oregon.

(N, E. Wilson ) 1 Lot 8, Block 3, Pleasant Home Addition (SWeNE Sec . 5 . T. 3 S .R. 38 E .W. . )

(J,1I, Wright ) 2 Lots 1,2,3,4, Block 1 Sunnyside Addition .

(Lehi Wright ) Lots 12,13 block 1 Pleasant Home Addition (Sti irE Sec . 5 . T. 3 S .h. 38 E .1'I.i•. )

(F .R0 Wright) Lots 2,1,3, Block 6 , Lots 4,5,0, Block 1 Home Investment Addition (Sol -SW sec . 4, 2 . 3 S .R. 38 E.W.L0 )

(N .H. Wood() 1 Lot 4, Block 2, Home Investment Additio n (SW SW. Sec . 4, T . 3 S . . 38 E. 2.hi. )

(Henry Young) 3 3 acres in S44S â4 Section 32 , P . 2 S .B. 38 E.W.M.

:der La Grande Irri atioz Cornuany ) La Grande Investment Cone any (See u 6 4

GRANDE i:0NDE RIVET Consolidated - 62 .


Data of Amount Nam. and P

,/a PpD I' Ladd, Freeman 'r'- 1901 SD, o Irrigation Orodell Gr_Iiide No irrigated acreage La Grande, Oregon . ! Nonde described but State Engineers Perrrti t No . 3705 gives 25 acres in the SW'43 W Section 28, 25 acres in Nd.i N Section•33 , T. 2 3 .R. 38 E .W.L'i.

1903 5 Irrigatio n La0r_.ruie Grande Part of Uatlots 165 , 166, 168, and 167, Chaplin ' t Supple„ientary Addition to La Grande, Orego n known as Mummy' s Subdivisior

Lambert, J .G. (See under Orodell Bite Association)

b Lanman, A.E . 1903 9 .6 Irrigation Lanman 3;rine 9 .6 acres in iiW SW4 Summerville, Oregon. yrrnch Section 3 , 2. 1 S.Ih . 3B E .W .M.

?') I 1 .5 acres in NE N''1 L. Lanius, F .P. 18163 4 Irri gation Ames Little 2.8 acres in SEZIV, Union, Oregon . Greek SeetioniB , -2. 4 C .a. 40 ,'-,.W.1. ' .9- Lanman, C .W. 1878 3 .5 Irrigation Lannan Leis 3 .5 acres in SuJ-iSW4 Summerville, Oregon. Section 3 , 1. 1 S .A. 38 E.W.M. m

ti3 O-SLantz, J .K. 1869 34 Irritation ..ay •+aria 1a acre s in pVtY Cove, Oregon . 12 acres in N,v 4 10 acres in iiui:f,54 Section 10 , T . 3 8 .~ . 40 i.4.M.

1900 18 irrigation Lant z Spring 6 acres in x EySVf4 - 'rid r_., n br,t .ch 5 acres in 1.41 4 SV1 7 acres in N,r4SE4 Section 10 , 2 . 3 S . t . 40 E .Vr,I4i.

1902 3 Irrigation Lant z Lantz 3 acres in 16E4 pipe line S1,r'in,L•s Section 10, 2. 3 S .A . 40 E.W.M.

GLa army E .L. 1899 20 Irrigation Lesni Ladd 15 acres in NF1:1.SEy Ls, Grande, Oregon . Creek 5 acres in SEilSE4 Section 1 . T . 4 S.S . 38 E .W.M. 6 5 GRANLOE iiviVDE itIVER Consolidated – 63.


Date of Amount Number Name and Peatofflce Address Relative Cubic Peet Uee Name of Ditch Stream Description of Land or Plea of U. of Appropriator Priority Per Second Aerea

Larm, E .L . 1699 15 Irrigation E,nrL ey A a-:-y acres in li%SE. Cenyon .,_ _yon 10 acres in 3LSET ,(Continued) Section 1 , 1 . 4 S .c . 3 6

Larson, P .O . (See unde_ La Grerde Irrigation Company )

Lawrence„ Jerome (See under La Grande Irrigation Coiepan;• )

Lawson, C .E . (See John Boyd)

Leak, Robt . 1900 5 Irrigation C1 .fiel d 5 acres in hEAS''0 .Estate of, J_rins w section 16 , J .A . Leak, Adm . miler T . 2 S .A . 38 E .W .M. La Grande, Oregon, s_ rir_=' s above a Lls 0 s p rings o n 3 ;;1Wy Sec . 16 , 2 . 2 3 . . 36 2 . : .i, ,

e v~y,5 , Edna 1876 .75 Irrigation 'o :vn Catharine u!z of Clock 6 and Union, Oregon . Creek Lots 3 and 4 in Bloc k 6 '2own of West Union , -y- 35(e Oregon . (Being a portion of the z ati Sec . 1 9 i' . 4 S .A. 40 B .W .Q . )

~~o \

°Levy, Leon 1867 .3 Irrigation Guild Ca ;herine 1 .3 acres in SE4N'i~ Union, Oregon . Creek Section 19 , .LI . -r3.5G T . 4 S .R . 40 E .W

1871 Irrigation Apes and two springs 2 acres in aE. SW4 and stock ditches 150 i x250 Section 8 , respeceive y T . 4 S .R . 40 E . 'tV .1t'i . westwar d hula SE 111 corner nE.Syal Sec . 8 , 1 . 4 J . d . 40 2 .

'"'LLe vy, LS . 1904 I0 Irri_•c.tion „• .3 e Cr,herine 10 acres in SE4NEy Union, Oregon . i, ::vy Creek Section 24 , -~,ja51 'o Y . 4 S .A. 39 E .W .M . 6 6

_ GR2NDE li4DE RIVER Consolidated — 64 .



Nam. and Poatoffla. Addce.a Data of Amount Numher of Appropriator PriorityRelative PerCuhie Second Fea t Aern U. . Nome of Ditch Stream Dneriptlon of Land or Plane of U.,

Ll 360 9 IF iedtko, Wit,. 1901 32 Irrigatio n il ; .tehll 3u1LCathorine 18 acres in Ivr N Union, Oregon . 3eebleve Creels 14 acres in NW:Ni c 4 f' / °4 '74 D • ,• 5/°'' O•, 0% /9 3.3 8 Section 14, (17 '-/ 6 7) 39 ;.W . :.

,R O ' Lieurenc e, H, & M. 0 . 1864 82 .5 Irrigation Lieurcnce l islrvhy 4 acres in SW Cove, Oregon . Creek 28 .5 acres in SDNW-4 40 acres in NE SV. 10 acres in N'd'$SW • Section 14, T. 3 S .H. 40 B,W.M. j

Lindsay, Eph 1876 .5 Irrigation Town Catherine Ni Block 6, in bea t Union, Oregon . Creek Union, Oregon, contain -T3d6(o ing i acre, more or less . (3eing in the NW4NWf Sec . 19, T . 4 S .R. 40 E . 47.,-. )

Long, W.D . V 5 (See under La Grade Irrigation ComJany)

F8035d PO4i Love, J.B . 1867 16 Irrigation Sleuth earlit 16 acres in SE4SE4 Cove, Oregon . Pork or Creek Section 10 , .eoylee T. 3 S .H. 40 E .W.M, Lovely, Mrs . S .A. ( See under La Gre de Irrigation Comjiany )

,/31/ 'Lund, Dena & Herman 1869 20,0 !Irrigation 'ere. Tracts 2 and 4, Cov e Cove, Oregon . Creek 0: Orchard Tracts, being epring s 20 acres in N2 :•iEg rising Section 16 , above lana T. 3 S.R. 40 E .W.M.

Lund, Chri s (See under La Grade Irrigation Coni any)

Lyons, Gu y (See under La Grande Irrigation Com,Jany )

.err, Robert A . 186 9 127 Irrigation rroetur ryles 5 acres in iVE E- and W.B. Butterfield Creek Creek or 20 acres in 3JWtSEet Union, Oregon . Proctor 40 acres in Sri-SE-.i- Section 7 , 7 acres in SW4SW- Section 8, 30 acres in NBgBR Section 18 , 20 acres in NP N n 5 acres in SufNllg Section 17 , T. 5 S .R. 40 S .4 .M.

Git,UiDE ROiiDE „ :.VER Consolidated - 65.
