Tribal Circumstances and Impacts of the Lower Snake River Project on the Nez Perce, Yakama, Umatilla, Warm Springs and Shoshone Bannock Tribes

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Tribal Circumstances and Impacts of the Lower Snake River Project on the Nez Perce, Yakama, Umatilla, Warm Springs and Shoshone Bannock Tribes Tribal Circumstances and Impacts of the Lower Snake River Project on the Nez Perce, Yakama, Umatilla, Warm Springs and Shoshone Bannock Tribes Developed for the: Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Developed by: Meyer Resources, Inc. April 1999 i 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF TRIBAL CIRCUMSTANCES AND IMPACTS FROM THE LOWER SNAKE RIVER PROJECT ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE STUDY TRIBES ............................................................................................... 1 1.2 PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF THE PRESENT IMPOVERISHMENT OF PEOPLES OF THE STUDY TRIBES............................... 2 1.2.1 Losing Tribal Salmon.................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 LOSING TRIBAL LANDS......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 A SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL CAUSES OF PRESENT ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCES FOR THE STUDY TRIBES ....... 4 1.5 THE CONTINUED IMPORTANCE OF SALMON FOR THE TRIBES ............................................................................... 5 1.5 RESERVATION OF THE TRIBAL RIGHT TO HARVEST SALMON IN THE TREATIES BETWEEN THE STUDY TRIBES AND THE UNITED STATES..................................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 IMPACTS OF THE LOWER SNAKE RIVER DAMS ON THE STUDY TRIBES ................................................................ 8 1.7 PRESENT LOWER SNAKE RIVER PROJECT ALTERNATIVES.................................................................................... 9 1.8 SELECTION OF ALTERNATIVES A1 OR A2........................................................................................................... 11 1.9 SELECTION OF ALTERNATIVE A3........................................................................................................................ 12 1.10 IMPACTS OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ON FLOODED LANDS IMPORTANT TO THE TRIBES ................................. 12 1.11 CUMULATIVE TRIBAL IMPACTS OF LOWER SNAKE RIVER PROJECT ALTERNATIVES........................................ 15 1.13 MITIGATION TO PROTECT TRIBAL SITES AND RESOURCES ............................................................................... 17 1.14 A SUMMARY TRIBAL ASSESSMENT OF LOWER SNAKE RIVER PROJECT ALTERNATIVES.................................. 17 2.0 PROCEDURAL OVERVIEW FOR ASSESSMENT OF TRIBAL IMPACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES22 2.1 STUDY METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 22 2.1.1 Federal Guidelines...................................................................................................................................... 22 Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies - 1983..........................................................................................................................................................22 Presidential and Executive Department Direction, Guidance and Policy................................................................24 US Army Corps of Engineers Guidance Respecting Tribes....................................................................................25 The Responsibility of the U.S. Department of Commerce ......................................................................................26 EPA Guidelines With Respect to Environmental Justice ........................................................................................27 Court Findings with Respect to “Perspective” in Assessing Impacts on Treaty Trust Resources ..........................28 2.1.2 Understanding Tribal Treaties.................................................................................................................... 29 Treaties Related to this Analysis..............................................................................................................................29 Treaties as Negotiated Settlements ..........................................................................................................................29 Relevance of Treaties for the Present Analysis .......................................................................................................34 Tribal Trust Resources.............................................................................................................................................35 A Summary of Other Selected Laws Relevant to Tribal Protection........................................................................37 2.1.3 Analytical Issues Affecting Assessment of Impacts on Tribes..................................................................... 38 Crediting What Tribes Say.......................................................................................................................................39 Tribal Culture is Modern and Evolutionary.............................................................................................................40 Tribes View Themselves and Their Resources Holistically....................................................................................41 2.1.4 Selecting Indicators of Tribal Circumstances and Potential Effects .......................................................... 42 Salmon and Access to Salmon Fishing....................................................................................................................42 Historic Villages, Grave Sites and Usual and Accustomed Fishing, Hunting and Gathering Areas.......................43 Speaking Tribal Languages......................................................................................................................................44 2.1.5 Integration of Tribal Assessment with Non-Tribal Models for Assessing Circumstances and Potential Impacts on Tribes....................................................................................................................................... 45 A “Hierarchy of Needs” Model for Integration of Tribal and Non-Tribal Assessment Measures..........................45 Non-Tribal Indicators of Tribal Circumstances and Potential Impacts ...................................................................49 Tribal Poverty...................................................................................................................................................49 Tribal Unemployment ......................................................................................................................................50 Tribal Per Capita Income..................................................................................................................................50 Tribal Health ............................................................................................................................................................51 Tribal Assets and the Associated Annual Values they Produce ..............................................................................53 2.1.6 Valuing Tribal Benefits and Costs in the Present and The Future ............................................................. 54 Value in Use, Value in Exchange and Intrinsic Value.............................................................................................54 The Value of Present and Future Trust Assets to Tribes .........................................................................................56 Economic Analysis and Discounting the Future......................................................................................................57 2.1.7 Assessing Tribal Circumstances and Benefits - A Summary of Method ..................................................... 58 ii 3.0 ASSESSING HISTORIC AND EXISTING TRIBAL CIRCUMSTANCES POTENTIALLY AFFECTED BY THE LOWER SNAKE RIVER PROJECT............................................................................................... 61 3.1 LINKAGES BETWEEN LOWER SNAKE RIVER PROJECT ALTERNATIVES AND REFERENT TRIBES.......................... 61 3.1.1 Securing Tribal Assets................................................................................................................................. 61 3.1.2 Linkages between Tribal Fishing and the Lower Snake River Project....................................................... 63 3.1.3 Linkages between Usual and Accustomed Tribal Areas and Project Reservoirs ....................................... 64 4.0 CIRCUMSTANCES AND IMPACTS ON NEE-ME-POO (NEZ PERCE)................................................... 69 4.1 ACCUSTOMED TRIBAL AREAS AND SEASONAL HARVEST ROUNDS OF NEE-ME-POO......................................... 69 4.2 NATURAL CAPITAL AND ANNUAL PRODUCTIVE YIELD OF ORIGINAL NEE-ME-POO LANDS ............................. 72 4.3 A BROADER PERSPECTIVE OF NEZ PERCE LIVING CIRCUMSTANCES IN PRE-CONTACT TIMES........................... 75 4.4 CHANGES IN NEE-ME-POO CIRCUMSTANCES DUE TO THE TREATIES OF 1855 AND 1863 .................................. 77 4.5 FURTHER
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