Newsweekly Tercentenary Edition Churches Section
Lutrell •ebreur Qtnnununtty Gtenter. Int. ad memple lletly £1 105 PRINCETON ST., LOWEU., MASS. ,.,.... Clert ,.. UHi JOSlPM WilllDf ,.. __ AUAII__ L. LMlll -- 105-St. To the People of Chelmllfordr we extend our congratulations to the people of Chelmsford as they celebr ate the three hundredth anniver sary of their existence as a community. This is an occasion for rejoicing and thanksgivine. We look back over a vast span of 300 years . Out of scores of scat tered, t iny conununiti es such as Chelmsford then was , America has grown into a vast and powerful nation, dedicated to high ideals. CHURCH AFFAIRS COMMITTEE---Front, ltor, Mrs. Harold Clayton, Chalr,nan '!be pioneers of 300 years ago, were f ollowed over the cent uries by other pioneering spirits who came here from various lands, Arnaud Bla~kadar, Mrs. Gordon oe~olf, Mrs. Jessie Stewart; rear, 1 to bringing to .voorica. their gifts of heart and hand, of mind and r, Daniel Haley, Rev. Landon Lindsay, Maxwell carter, Bernard McGovern. spirit, all contributing to America' s cultural heritage. How meaningful this three hurxiredth anniversary celebratioP must be to the people of Chelmsford I personally can fully ap CHURCHES - JOHN FISKE preciate, because another segment of America, the Jewish people, has just completed its own cel ebr ation marking the three hundredth The Rev. John Fiske was 54 years old when he anci some of the Wenh am anniversary of the establishment of the first Jewish community in church members came t.o <llelmsford to 11 ve ( 1655). H~ had come to America what is now the United States.
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