5222 the London Gazette, 29Th June 1962

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5222 the London Gazette, 29Th June 1962 5222 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 29TH JUNE 1962 Certified copies of the proposals as submitted LONDON COUNTY 'COUNCIL have been deposited for public inspection at the County Deeds Office, County Hall, Kingstonjupon- Town and Gauntry Planning Act, '1947 Thames and the County Planning Department, Administrative County of London Development Plan " Eknhurst" Penrhyn (Road, Kingston-upon-/rhames. Notice is hereby given that Mr. V. |L. Nash, Certified copies of the proposals have a'lso been FJR.I.BJA., M.TJP.I., will hold a joint pubEc flocal deposited for public inspection at the places men- iiDqiudry at Wansworth Municipal 'Buildings, (London, tioned below: S.WjlS, on Thursday, 12th July 1962, at 10 a.m., into Local Authority Area Place of Deposit (A) objections and representation's received by the Minister of Housing and Local Government in respect Ghertsey U.D. Council Offices, Chertsey of .the London County Council's proposals for altera- Esher U.D. Council Offices, 'Ports- tions and additions to the Administrative County of mouth Road, Esher London Development Plan submitted to 'him under Guildford R.D. Millmead House, Mill- subsection (2) of section 6 of the Town1 and Country mead Lane, Guildford Planning Act, 1947, relating to land at Balham High Sunbury-on-Thames Ctounoil Offices, (Green (Road, Wandfcworth, <B) the appeal by Mr. J. Taylor U.D. Street, Sunbury on the failure of the {London County Council to issue Walton and Weybridge Council Offices Hersham within the statutory .period notice of decision; on an UJD. Road, Walton-on- application dated' '12>th August 1901, 'for the erection Thames of a fifteen-storeyed office block, a six-storeyed (plus Woking U.D. Council Offices, Woking basement) block comprising offices and a constitutional Copies of the proposals so deposited, are available club andi a two-storeyed spiritualist church on the site for inspection, free of charge, by all persons interested of No. 2K1 "BaUiani High Road, Wandsworth, (C) at the places mentioned above between the hours the appeal by Messrs. Costain flPropenty Investments of 10 a.m. and 4.30 p.ni. Monday *o vFriday inclusive. (Limited against -the decision of the London County Any objection or representation with reference to Council who have refused -to permit the erection of the proposals may be sent in writing to the Secretary, an eleven-storeyed' block of offices with a three- Ministry of Housing and Ix>cal Government, White- storeyed annexe on the -sites of Nos. 207A and 207 to hall, 'London S.W.I, before 24tih September 11962, 209 iBaOnaxn High Road, Wandsworth, and (D) the and any such objection or representation should appeal by the Seafarers' Education Service against (the. state the grounds on which it is made. Persons making decision of the London County Council who have an objection or representation may register their refused to permit the erection of an office block of names and addresses with the Clerk of ithe Surrey 76,000 square feet, on1 the site of No. 207 Balham County Council at the County (Hall, •Kingsfton-upon- High Road, Wandsworth. Thames (reference CGD) and will then be entitled A. E. Hickinbiotham, Assistant Secretary, Ministry to receive notice of any amendment of *he Develop- of Housing and Locall Government. (1625) ment Plan made as a result of ithe proposals. The documents and maps submitted1 to the June 19i62. Minister of Housing .and (Local Government are being placed on sale to the public and a price list •thereof can 'be obtained on application to the County Planning Officer, County Planning Department, INORTeUMIBERiLIAiNlD COUNTY COUNCIL " .Etmhurs* ", Penrhym Road Kingston-upon-Thames. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN Dated this 22nd day of June 1962. Whitley Links Traffic Roundabout W. W. Ruff, Clerk of the Council. County Hall, Notice is hereby given that proposals for alterations or additions to the above Development Plan were on •Kingston-upon-Thames. the '28th day of June .19o2, submitted to the Minister (249) of Housing and (Local Government. The proposals relate to the allocation of approxi- 'LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL! mately 0-625 acres of land situate at the junction of Administrative County of London Development Plan the Links, Promenade and Marine Avenue, Whitley Amendment No. 42 (1962) Bay rto allow for the provision of a traffic roundabout. Western Avenue Extension Certified copies of the proposals as submitted have Notice is Ihertelby given that on lihe 30,tih day olf April been deposited for public inspection at the County 1962, the Minister of Housing and Locall Government Hall, ^Newcastle upon Tyne, and at the Municipal amended the above 'Development Plan. Offices, Whitley Bay. lA certified copy of tftie 'Development Pflan as The copies so deposited together with copies or amended by the Minister has been deposited at the relevant extracts of -the Development Plan are avail- County Hall, Westminster Bridge, London S.E.I able for inspection free of charge by all persons (Room 314A) and certified copies of the Development interested! at itihe places mentioned above during Plan as amended or relevant certified extracts thereof normal office 'hours. have also been deposited at: (Any objection or representation with reference to Kensington Town Hall, Kiensingtoni High Street, the proposals may be sent in writing to the Secretary, London W.8 ; and Ministry of Housing and Local Government, White- Paddington Town Hall, Paddington Green, London hall, London S.W.I, before -the H8th day of August W.2. 1,962, and any such objection or representation should A copy of the Report of the public local inquiry state the grounds on which it is made. Persons made by the Inspector appointed by the Minister is making an' objection or representation may register also deposited at the places referred to above. their names and addresses with the Northumberland The copies or extracts of the Development Plan County Council at the office of the Clerk of the and the Inspector's Report so deposited, wM be open County Council, County Hall, 'Newcastle upon Tyne •for inspection free of charge by all persons interested 1, and will then be entitled to receive notice of any during normal office hours. Amendment of the Development Plan 'made as a The amendment became operative as from -the 29th result of the proposals. day of June 1962, but if any person aggrieved by k Dated ithe 28th day of June 1962. desires to question the validity thereof or of any E. P. Harvey, Clerk of the County Council. 'provision contained therein on the ground that it is not within the powers of the Town and Country County Hall, Planning Act, 1947, or on the ground .that any re- Newcastle upon Tyne 1. quirement of the Act or any regulation made there- (453) under has not been complied with in relation to the making of the amendment, he may, within six weeks from the 29th day of June 1962, make application to LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL' the High Court. Town and Country Planning Acts 1947 to 1959 Dated this 29th day of June 1962. Administrative County of London Development Plan W. O. Hart, Clerk of the London County Notice <is hereby given that Mr. -R. G. M. Chase, Council. (1627) A.5R.I.B.A., M.T.P.I., Inspector, instructed by the The County Hall. Minister of Housing and Local Government, will hold Westminster Bridge, a joint public local inquiry at St. Pancras Town Hall, London S.E.1. Euston .Road, London N.W.I, on Tuesday, 17th Jufly (042) 1962, at 10 a.m. into (1) objections and representa-.
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