The London Gazette, 3Rd August 1962 Bills Receiving
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6154 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 3RD AUGUST 1962 At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 30th day Pipe-lines Act, 1%2 (c.5'8). of July 1962. Road Traffic Act, 1962 (c.59). PRESENT, Glasgow 'Corporation Order Confirmation Act, 1962. Tay Road Bridge Order Confirmation Act, 1962. -The QUEEN'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Leith Harbour and1 Docks Order Confirmation Act, Whereas a Representation duly made to Her Majesty 11962. in Council by .the Minister of 'Housing amd Local Maidstone Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Con- Government that, for (the protection of the Public firmation Act, 1962. Hea&th, burials- should be discontinued as hereinafter Pier and! Harbour Order (Great Yarmouth New directed on, 'the Churchyard of ISt, Mary's Chuidh, Britannia iPier) Confirmation Act, 1962. Northiam St. Mary, 'Rye, in the County of Sussex, Pier and Harbour Order (Great Yarmouth Port and Haven) Confirmation Act, 1962. has, <in pursuance of an (Order in Council!' made the 1 123rd day of May 1962, and duly published, been Pier and Harbour Order (ILangstone Harbour) Con- taken into consideration by a Commattee of the Privy firmation Act, 1962. Council: Letdhworth Garden City Corporation Act, 1962. Now, .therefore, Her Majesty, in exercise of .the Dartfordi Tunnel Act, 1962. .powers conferred on Her by section one of itihe [Burial Orpington Urban District 'Council Act, 1962. Act, 1«53- 16 & 17 Vdct. c. 1134, and of all other British Transport Commission Act, 1962. .powers Her 'enabling, is pleased, by and with the City oif London (Various Powers) Act, 1962. advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and ait is Regent (Refining iComipany Act, 1962. 'hereby ordered, as follows: London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1962. ll>. IBurda'ls shall be discontinued forthwith and en- River Dart (Navigation Act, 1962. tirely in .the said! Churchyard of ISt. Mary's Church, South Staffordshire Water Act, 1962. Northiam St. Mary, Rye. Scotswood) Bridfee Act, 1962. •2. Thds Order may be cited as the Burial Grounds London County Council (Improvements) Act, 1962. (Churchyard of St. Mary's Church, Nonthiam St. London (Bridge Improvements Act, 1962. Mary, (Rye, jSussex) Order, 19-62. Port of London Act, 1962. W. G. Agnew. Northampton Corporation Act, 1962. Manchester Ship Canal Act, 1962. OIL INI (NAVIGABLE WAITERS ACT, 196.5 Notice is hereby given' that Her Majesty im Counicl was pleased, on the 30th July 1-962, to approve am Order in Council .under 'the above named Act entitled TREASURY "The Oil in Navigable Waiters (Convention Coun- tries) (Ghana) Order 19162" (S.l. 1962/lli6i57). Treasury Chambers, London S.W.I. 'Copies of itihe said Order, when published, may be 3rd August 1962. purchased directly .from. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, at die addresses shown on1 (the last page of TENDERS FOR TREASURY BILLS this Gazette, or through any bookseller. 1. The Lords Comrnlisslilaneis of Her Majesty's Treasury hereby give ntartfice that Tenders wffll be 1 received; at the Chief CashKer's Office at the Bank- of WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT, «1&7« England, on Friday, the 10th August 1962, at 1 p.m. Notice is hereby .given that Her Majesty in Council •for Treasury Bills /to be (issued under itihe Treasury was pleased, oni die 30th July 1962, to approve an Bills Act, 1877, the National! Debt Act, 11889, arid Older in Council entitled "The Weights and the National Loans Act, "1J9391, (to the amount of Measures (Local Standard Tolerances) (Amendment £2130,000,000. No. 2) Order 19'6t2i" ( 1.962/H6H4). 2. The Bfflls wall be fti amounts iof £5,000, £1.0,000, Copies of 'the said Order, when' published', may be £25,000, £50,000 or £100,000. They will be dated purchased dtimectiy ifrom Oar Majesty's Stationery at ithe Qprtiion of 'the tenderer on any business day Office, .at any of (the addresses shown on .the last from Monday, the Il3th August '1'962, to Saturday, the page of lOiis Gazette or through any bookseller. ISrih August 1962, inclusive, aaid' wll be due 91 days after date. 3. The Bills will be issued and paid, at .the Bank of England. 4. Each- Tender must be ifloir an amount n"ot less Hhan £50,000, and must specify itihe date on which BILLS RECEIVING ROYAL the Bills required are to be dated, and the net amount ASSENT 'per cent, (being an even multiple of one penny) which wall be given ifor .the amount applied for. Separate Tenders must be dodged for Mis of HOUSE OF LORDS different dates. Westminster, London S.W.I. 5. Tenders must be made (through: a London Banker, Discount House, or Broker. 1st August 1962. 6. Notification will be sent by post on the same This day -the Lords being met, a message was sent day as Tenders are received to the persons whose to the Honourable House of Commons, by the Tenders are accepted Bn whole or lin part and pay- Gentleman Usher of the -Black (Rod, acquainting them ment in full of the amounts due 3ni respect of such that The Lords authorised by virtue of a Commis- accepted Tenders must be made to the Bank of sion under the Great Seal, signed1 by Her Majesty, England by means of cash or a Banker's Draft on the for declaring Her (Royal Assent to the Acts agreed! Bank of England not later rtfliani 1.30 p.m. (Saturday, upon by both Houses, to desire the immediate attend- l'li.30 a.m.) on the day on- which -the relative Bills ance of the Honourable House in the House of are to be dated. Peers to hear the Commission read, and* the Com- 7. Members otf the House (of Commons are not mons being come thither, ihe said Comniiission, precluded from tendering for these Biflils. empowering .the Lord! Archbishop of Canterbury, and 8. Tenders must be made on the .printed forms several other Lords 'therein named, to declare and which may be obtained from ithe (Chief Cashier's notify the lRoyal> Assent to the said Acts, was read Office, Bank of England. accordingly, and the (Royal Assent given to: 9. The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Finance Act, 1962 (c.44). Treasury reserve the right oif rejecting any Tenders. Appropriation Act, 1962 (c.4*5). Transport Act, 1962 (c.46). Education (Scotland) Act, 1962 (c.47). Law Reform (Husband and Wife) Act, 1962 (c.48). Air Guns and Shot Guns, etc., Act, 1962 (c.49). COLONIAL OFFICE Landlord and Tenant Act, 1962 (c,50). Licensing (Scotland) Act, 1962 (c.5'1). The Church House, Penalties for Drunkenness Act, 1962 (c.-52). Great iSmith Street, London S.W.I. House of Commons Members' Fund1 Act, 1962 (c.5'3). Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act, 1962 (c.54). 30th July 1962. Lotteries and Gaming Act, 1962 (c.55). The QUEEN 'has been pleased to appoint Sir Kenneth Local Government ((Records) Act, 1962 (c.56). Wiliam Blackburne, G.B.E.. K.C.M.G., to be Uganda Independence Act, '1962 (c.57). Governor-General of Jamaica..