Pierce County Medical Society Bulletin 2001
ULLETIN lanuary,2001 The 2000 Annual Meeting Charles Weatherby, MD passes the gavel and PCMS Presidency to Patrice Stevensoil, MD Patrice Stevenson, MD introduces DonMotr, MD recipient ofthe 2000 C ommunity S ervice Award See highlights page 3-5 INSIDE: 3 2OOO Annual Meeting in Review i)- Donald H. Mott, MD, Recipient of 2OOO Community Service Award 7lI February General Membership Meeting: What Color is Your ParachuteP 8 Thank you to Holiday Sharing card contributors; over $15,(X)O donated \rt' 10 Meet your Board of Trustees for 2OOl L4 Web Users Search for Medical Advice Most Often 18 Budget cuts to Impact Medical Practices BuTTETIN PCMS Officers/Trustees: War.ryVaa/ft'1r"*/e74: * Patrice N. Stevenson, MD.......President ;fi\ ^_ Susan J. Salo, MD. ......President Elect J. James Rooks, Jr., MD. ....Vice-President * Michael J. Kelly, MD ..Secretaryf[reasurer Weatherby, MD....Past President LLtrTINW Charles M. Sabrina A. Benjamin, MD Drew H. Deutsch, MD Stephen F. Duncart, MD fanuzU,2001 Kenneth A. Feucht, MD Kevin K. Gandhi, MD Sumner L. Schoenike, MD p,-$ * ib \VSMA Representatives: i Speaker of the House: Richard Hawkins, MD E"*i Trustees: David Law, MD; Nicholas Rajacich, MD :i8f AMA Delegate: Leonard Alenick, MD WAMPAC Chat/6th District: Mark Gildenhar, MD WAMPAC 9th District: Don Russell, DO Executive Director: Sue Asher Committee Chairs: Aging, Richard Waltman; AIDS, James DeMaio; Bylaws, Richard Hawkins; Budget/Tinance, James Rooks; College of Medical Bducation, John Jiganti; Credentials, Susan Salo; Emergency Tabtre of Contents
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