Felix Cavaliere's Rascals to Perform

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Felix Cavaliere's Rascals to Perform July 16, 2016 Vol. 2016, Week 5 Lakeside welcomes boaters & artists Preacher of the Week: waterfront will line and in Central Park. transform into an Children are invited to the Rev. Dr. Gary V. Simpson outdoor showroom paint south of the Pavil- Supported by the of classic wooden ion from 1-3:30 p.m. for Knobel Family Endowment boats, as cruisers a fee of $2. Proceeds sup- line the dock and port the Rhein Center. At the age of 15, the the lawn of Ho- Paintings that were com- Rev. Dr. Gary V. Simpson tel Lakeside for pleted by the plein air art- stepped into the pulpit to the 13th Annual ists throughout the week- provide the message and Lakeside Wood- end will be available for challenge the congregation en Boat Show purchase during the Wet about serving God. Since A collaborative effort from 12-4 p.m. Paint Sale, held from 2:30- then, he has lectured at Har- blending the craftsmanship More than 50 wooden boats, 4 p.m. south of the Pavilion. vard Divinity School, Yale of the Lakeside Wooden each classified by the year it Wally & The Beavs will Divinity School and Princ- Boat Show and the artis- was made, will be featured. provide a wide range of eton Theological Seminary. tic expression of the Plein The boats are categorized music, including songs by The Rev. Dr. Simpson, Se- Air Art Festival will cre- as historic (prior to 1918), Chicago, Journey, Grand nior Pastor of Concord Baptist ate one of Lakeside’s most antique (1919-1942), classic Funk Railroad, Elton Church of Christ in Brooklyn, unique weekends of the (1943-1975), early contem- John, The Blues Broth- N.Y., will serve as Preacher in Hoover Auditorium based summer from July 15-17. porary (1976-1984) and late ers and The Beatles from of the Week from July 17-22. on Luke 15:1-7, entitled “An- This three-day event be- contemporary (past 30 years). 12-4 p.m. at the Pavilion This week is supported by the swering the Grumblers?” gins on Friday, July 15 when The sizes of the wooden boats East Deck. For more in- Knobel Family Endowment. Not only has the Rev. Dr. more than 30 plein air artists featured range from 9’ to 57’. formation, see ‘Arts & En- The Rev. Dr. Simp- Simpson led the Concord from across the Midwest ar- To register a wood- tertainment’ on page 10. son answered his call to Baptist Church of Christ, he rive to paint outdoor land- en boat, contact Wooden For lunch, dine at one of ministry and at the young is a tenured associate pro- scapes until Sunday, July 17. Boat Show Coordinator Lakeside’s restaurants or age of 20 was ordained. fessor of homiletics at Drew The term “en plein air” Mame Drackett at mame@ enjoy a variety of grilled His congregation is one of Theological Seminary and is means painting “in the open drackett.cc or (239) 776- options at the Wooden Boat a handful of churches in the a visiting professor of preach- air.” The artists will be paint- 6205. Registration is free. Show Cookout from 11 country serving as a teach- ing, worship and the arts at ing scenes throughout the Several plein air events a.m.-3 p.m. on the lawn of ing congregation for young Union Theological Seminary. entire community, especially will also take place on Sun- Hotel Lakeside. The menu pastors. With the support of Additionally, he has taught lakefront landscapes. All are day. The Plein Air Paintout will feature chicken, ribs, the Lilly Endowment, the and lectured at New Bruns- invited to watch them paint. will be held from 12:30- burgers, brats, potato sal- Rev. Dr. Simpson has led wick Theological Seminary, On Sunday, the Lakeside 2 p.m. along the shore- ad, coleslaw and chips. the formal Pastoral Residen- Harvard Divinity School, cy program at his church to Yale Divinity School, Prince- “State of Lakeside” Address planned for July 21 aid young seminary grad- ton Theological Seminary and Lakeside Chautauqua last year’s financial picture. pacting programming, uates in their transition to Candler School of Theology. President/CEO Kevin Sib- During the presenta- facilities and grounds, fulltime pastoral ministry. He is an accomplished bring will reflect on the -fi tion, Sibbring will also as well as plans for the He has continued to chal- teacher and musician with nancial picture and vision talk about Lakeside Chau- Pool & Wellness Center. lenge his church to focus a heart for ministering to of Lakeside’s future during tauqua as a non-profit At the end of the address, its core mission around the God’s people. His passion his “State of Lakeside” Ad- charitable organization. Sibbring will pose ques- building of community. of God’s love in his minis- dress at 6:15 p.m. Thursday, In detail, he will review tions about the future of With his servant leader- try is certainly contagious. July 21 in Orchestra Hall. the annual distribution and Lakeside and take respons- ship, the Rev. Dr. Simpson Sibbring will pres- how the Endowment for es from the community. will provide the message at See ‘Preacher’ on page 7 ent the address through a Life Initiative will sup- For questions or comments 10:30 a.m. Sunday, July 17 PowerPoint presentation. port the need to grow the about the “State of Lakeside” The “State of Lakeside” endowment by Lakeside’s Address, contact Gretchen Address will provide an 150th anniversary in 2023. Colón, Vice President of Ad- Chautauqua Lecture Series explanation of Lakeside’s Sibbring will discuss ad- vancement & Communica- revenue and expense mod- ditional projects that were tions, at gcolon@lakesideo- World’s Fairs & Reflections of a el, as well as a glimpse of completed this spring, im- hio.com or (419) 798-5396. Expositions Major General Explore the history, culture Major General, Robert Felix Cavaliere’s Rascals to perform and legacies of more than W. Smith III, (retired) Rock & Roll Hall of Famer the Vocal Group Hall of 160 years of world’s fairs will share his insight and 1960s rock legend Felix Fame and the Grammy and international expositions into decisions made and Cavaliere will perform hits Hall of Fame. Cavaliere’s with John E. Findling, PhD. lessons learned as a mil- itary leader and retired “Beautiful Morning,” “Groov- goal is still to simply finance executive at in” and “Good Lovin” with his make people feel good. Ford Motor Company. Rascals at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, For Cavaliere, standing See “Education” July 16 in Hoover Auditorium. for peace, love and hap- on page 8 for full de- Celebrating their 50th An- piness has been primary scriptions of this niversary tour, their career has to his illustrious career. week’s Chautau- included accomplishments qua Lecture Series. such as being inducted into See ‘Felix the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Cavaliere’ on page 10 the Songwriter Hall of Fame, Nationally-renowned Tony Buettner to speak at Lakeside Lakeside Conversations This summer, join our Health and Lakeside Conversations wellness is in- taking place at 3:30 p.m. tegral to Lake- Mondays until July 25. side’s mission of These meetings, held in nurturing mind, the Hotel Lakeside Fern body and spirit. Room, give the communi- A long, healthy ty a chance to gather and life is no acci- continue discussing the mas- com/news and click on the dent. It begins ter planning process and ‘Pool & Wellness Planning’ with good genes, munity, lifestyle and spirituality. cific characteristics. We call these Pool & Wellness Campaign. page to fill out an electron- but also depends on good habits. Through several expedi- characteristics the Power 9®. Lakesiders will have the op- ic comment card and stay If you adopt the right lifestyle, tions, they found that people in Join Tony Buettner, Senior portunity to meet with Kevin up to date on the exciting experts say, chances are you certain geographic areas reach Vice President of Business De- Sibbring, Lakeside Chautau- things happening at Lake- may live up to a decade longer. age 100 at rates 10 times great- velopment at Blue Zones and qua President/CEO, Board side. We value your partici- So what’s the formula for er than in the U.S. and labeled nationally-renowned speak- members, staff and even fel- pation and genuine thoughts. success? National Geographic these areas as Blue Zones. er, at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 3 in low Lakesiders to help plan For more information, explorer Dan Buettner and his The first Blue Zones were: Hoover Auditorium to learn for the community’s future. visit the Legacy House, brother, Tony, have led teams of Ikaria, Greece; Loma Linda, more about Blue Zones and how If you’re unable to attend 217 Walnut Ave., call (419) researchers across the globe to Calif.; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, this research relates to Lakeside. one of our conversations, 798- 5396 or email advance- uncover the secrets of Blue Zones Japan; and Nicoya, Costa Rica. To learn more about health visit www.lakesideohio. [email protected]. – geographic regions where high After identifying five Blue and wellness opportunities at percentages of centenarians are en- Zones, the teams of researchers Lakeside, pick up a Health & joying remarkably long, full lives. identified lifestyle characteristics Wellness booklet or handout at Inside the Lakesider The recipe for longevity, the that might explain longevity. They the Legacy House, Information Community News .............pgs. 2-6 Buettner brothers have found, found that the lifestyles of all Blue Center or Lakeside Chautau- Religious Life ............pg. 7 is deeply intertwined with com- Zone residents shared nine spe- qua Administration Office.
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