Exam Schedule-Fall 11 S
- XfcA tAftUCH COLLEGf VOLUME LXVM Tuesday/ December 12,1972 Number 14 and coor Orcheatra Flamboyan, he got the can from Bulldog- He Scene m Manhattan, :Jimf1 place in the Main Building, dinating all activities connected themr has played many the also gave the group its name. "I came in to jam and blew Eric's auditorium this Thursday, with it. Committee members are major ballrooms in New Y< said, 'Geez, I gotta go home and amps. That symbolized something. December 14^ beginning at 12 noon Chairwoman Debbie Dixon, as weQ as concerts in ^f.i,, ^eed my bulldog.' Somebody—I The next seven months were lean and win feature Earth, Wind St Carmen Fibres, Marion Isaac, Chicago, Buffalo, and at think it was Eric—said, Thaf s hV' and cold. Then came a call from Fire, Frankie Dante with Jake Jutkowitz, Antonio Mclnnis, Grossinger's. They recently The bulldog was the national Gene to join Bulldog. Orchestra Flamboyan, ^iid Rob Muhlrad, Billy Fox, and Joan returned from a successful tour of symbol of England at one time. John 'Turi has been a keyboard Bulldog. Greenfield. Faculty advisers are Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo. Ttiey bold out, they're strong but man for five years. He started as a Convocation is a traditional Assistant Directors of Student The group's new Cotique album, El they're not aggressive. I think it's sax player, men moved to piano nfli—M event at Baruch. It is Activities Jim Johnson and Linda President*, will be released in the a good name. My dog's happy and organ, teaching himself.
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