X Play Journal Entries

Stagger Lanayru79 12/09/2015 11:34 PM

I've been putting off finishing Chapter 5 for three real life days of exploring, taking on other Missions, and immersing myself in Mira. This third journal entry of the journey will start with a bang.

I could go for a higher survey percentage in Noctilum first, perhaps 40. I'll come back to Oblivia for a day or two before Chapter 6 and see what lies in the vastness across the river.

E Yeah! e9 r 100 D

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Stagger 12/09/2015 11:44 PM ·Spoilers All this firepower for three little guys eh? The Ganglion way seems excessive. :p The technology of the Ma-nons must be something else, for these interstellar eugenics experts to feel like adding them to the two other races and potent weapons they already have enslaved. That's my read on the tale thus far anyway ... it's getting quite interesting.

E Yeah♥ e2 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 1:32 AM Those events were shocking. I was awaiting a twist about our amnesiac avatar protagonist, not the one I got. Intense. Urgent. Well crafted.

I'll see Vandham tomorrow and sleep now. Otherwise, I won't sllep for hours. I ran around Primordia, found a cave and completed my longest standing Gathering Mission. Ah, bluegrass country's hidden Tyrants. The Follow Ball I've used twice declares this is it. E Yeah! e3 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 7:55 AM Here's a couple I left out from caves I discovered last night. Lawless Grex, and perhaps the leader of their pack, much closer to NLA than is comfortable ...

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 12/10/2015 7:56 AM Xnotifications!

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 7:57 AM Some Guardian of a massive stash of Collectibles, Field Actions and a precious FrontierNav site this guy is ... just huge amounts of Collectibles available in both spots, similar to how Secret Areas functioned in the original. Awesome creatures too!

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 8:58 AM @'doer: Couldn't connect to your squad for some reason. Want to try joining Justin, Dean and I? Bring Eric if you're willing, eh?

Wow, the results of Chapter 5! I won't spoil them until I hear you're past it too. Normal Quests galore, including one that aligns w/ a huge goal of mine! Sweet. My first Affinity Quest will be Nine Lives though. Given pets are part of heart-to-hearts, no-brainer.

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 12/10/2015 9:10 AM My squad? I'm not playing the game right now. A glitch, perhaps?

E Yeah! e0 D Stagger 12/10/2015 9:43 AM Heh, yeah I got disconnected anyway. Did you clear Chapter 5? It effects what I'm willing to say here. ;)

The scope of this game, yowza. I'll be in NLA for a couple hours, but I could spend all day here. New phenomenon mixed in with the Normal and Affinity Quests here - unique named NPC dialogue based on party composition. Irina got some too, Chart changers. Wow.

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 12/10/2015 9:45 AM I am not done with chapter 5 yet, no.

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 11:47 AM Okay then comrade, do not open any spoiler comments until you've completed it, because I'll discuss some story developments in them.

This Normal Mission has an exceptional premise. You're going to love it. The Basic with the riddles and no tracking is one I saw you comment on that impresses me as well. They've refined the experience from the original in mesmerizing ways. Affinty Chart boss today! E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 11:53 AM ·Spoilers Yes, I put Elma in swimsuit bottoms. I did remove her cats ears though. Don't judge me.

So between the mimeosome revelation and the Ma-non moving in, the plot has really thickened. NLA is a hotbed of new activity, and I have a pile of Affinity Missions I'm pumped up for too, hoping to survey Oblivia in the process. Characters to work in, Basics to mow down ... whew, first time on the ship!

E Yeah♥ e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 11:59 AM ·Spoilers I'm just standing here listening to the theme song. I'd better eat lunch before I start exploring this place and meeting all of these Ma-non. E Yeah! e2 D

Zachary 12/10/2015 12:28 PM just watching.

E Yeah! e0

Stagger 12/10/2015 12:28 PM ·Spoilers Wow, there were three choices for how to win The Pipsqueak's interest in a technology exchange. Then three options proceeded my first choice. I'm hoping I've gone the right route with food for an ideal result. The Affinity ramifications of all kinds of avatar dialogue selections are mind boggling too. Of course now I'm rounding up food before I've eaten. No! I'll put the gamepad down begrudgibgly.

E Yeah!? e3 D

Nintendoer 12/10/2015 1:03 PM ·Spoilers Since we're at the same point in the story, I'll spit out some predictions. So don't look if you haven't completed chapter 5!

I don't think the language issue Elma brought up has anything to do with the human population being mimeosomes. It could easily be explained as such; they have a build-in translator, for example. But considering she and Lin were pondering it, it is likely something else.

E Yeah! e1

Nintendoer 12/10/2015 1:12 PM ·Spoilers Most of my other questions have been answered. But this is the main one that lingers. What is so special about Mira? It's already attracted several forms of life to it all within a short period of time. Granted, several of which are trying to exterminate humans (for some reason, possibly linked to the intro...I suppose that's another lingering question), but still. The game has suggested...

E Yeah! e1

Nintendoer 12/10/2015 1:14 PM ·Spoilers ...that Mira itself is the cause of being able to communicate with Xenos so easily. Dangerous ground ahead, but it's possible the planet serves as a sort of reverse-Tower of Babel situation. From what I've played of , it had some references to The Word, so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.

E Yeah! e1

Stagger 12/10/2015 1:26 PM There is a lot I agree with in that speculation 'doer, especially Babel, and a couple things to add. The panel in the intro showing the human form drifting in space is integral in some way. Also, get a good look at what's in that chasm in Oblivia sometime ...

Time to find a pet Tatsu! The Normal Missions are great. Affinity ones are transcendent. Pretty sure this will open heart-to-hearts ... E Yeah♥ e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 2:12 PM Wow. Five Affinity missions of the twelve or so I have available meet my continental restricted agenda and level. Awesome. Throw in all of the Normal, Basic and a full Oblivia explore? See you Sunday, Chapter 6.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 2:44 PM Amazing! A Normal Mission, the type encountered through the traditional XC Quest method of NPC interaction, leading to a massive change in the environs surrounding NLA. Ramifications on the narrative, a sensible task that breaks the fetch and hunt mode because of a backstory ... XCX is thoughtful in ways that leave an enduring impression. E Yeah!? e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 2:59 PM ·Spoilers This is just too much. It created a new Landmark, with new Affinity improvement inside the Water Purification plant. A substory between the research team progressed. I can reach these wingec rascals w/ ranged attack from atop it now. Just wow ...

E Yeah!? e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 3:12 PM Again, I'm a leg man. Don't judge. :p

I'm confronting a guy on an unpaid Mission bonus w/ his second request, testing out weapons for the Ma-non, unraveling a haunting mystery of betrayal, and finding a lost cat ... all at the same time. Bonkers multi- tasking. I'll settle down. I'm just thrilled by this entertainment masterpiece. @'doer: The ship theme music is incredible, right?

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 12/10/2015 3:23 PM I don't know. I haven't been there yet. I'm still walking around the rest of New LA. =P

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 3:34 PM ·Spoilers Heh, you're proceeding exactly as I did. Steady XC 100% heads now, eh? We could have Skells Sunday or Monday, but this is the way to fly the first time imo. Maybe not for everyone ...

Ignore this next part 'doer. Stop reading. Feel bad about the Plant already ...SPOILER

Yardley's scheme? Another Landmark created, a simple Quest Chain Achievement, and the ability to change bodies on a whim. Whoa. E Yeah! e1 D

CHELEUITTE 12/10/2015 3:44 PM do you like this game so far?

E Yeah! e0

Stagger 12/10/2015 4:44 PM Very much so Chel-hermano. Out of this world experience ... the first Xenoblade is easily my favorite RPG ever, and this is an upgrade.

Here kitty! Ah, a catnip Collectible, saw this coming, but it's still amusing ... Once this Affinity Mission is over, I'll check out which Primordia Missions I can handle. Hopefully Heart-to-hearts are unlocked. Then it's off to Noctilum with Irina.

E Yeah! e2 D Stagger 12/10/2015 4:51 PM Ha! That turned out pretty funny. Saved a screen to shate from it later ... this is a tradition carried over from XC, but it feels more organic here. Remember how the Cinicula from Chapter 2 had slain Simius? Now in the East Gate area, this guy is definitely a new resident. Rotbart, anyone?

E Yeah! e2 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 5:04 PM Heh, just went to find this rare appearing Tyrant to confirm I can't tangle w/ it yet. There are Reaver Auravis at level 35ish I'd like to try and beat for a Mission, but it hasn't come up again at the Blade Terminal since I abandoned it to make room. Grosium Cores could spawn sometime this week too, yeesh ...

E Yeah! e2 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 6:15 PM I was hoping a Normal Mission about Xenophobia would come up, having heard rumblings from a number of named characters. A Mission chain find, following a new Affinity Chart gap, very satisfying ... now about the scene at Army Pizza, that's bigotry trouble brewing. Such a deep game!

I'll get right on this after finishing up the Celestial Three, another mystery mission. Great stuff!

E Yeah! e2 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 7:26 PM ·Spoilers While that resolved itself in a fairly trite fashion, they can't all be perfect. This one is. Accounting for a crime of plunder in a time of need, dispensing justice, debunking a myth ... complex, impressive writing for such a seemingly minor mission.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 8:08 PM What a twist! It got too hairy for me, first Normal or Story Mission I can say that for. I'll retry it after a brazen assault on a Lawless Grex honcho, Dieter. The Epicure alternates between a lazy watch over his pack and a wild sprint around his domain. I bested his two flanks, 5 and 7 levels above me, easily, but Tyrants are a different story. Not my A-team, but next time he rests, here goes.

E Yeah!? e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 8:24 PM Yes! Caught a level up for the power trio dispatching his sentinels again, which was necessary when I grew impatient and tracked him to his lower resting spot. Respawn city, but taking two at once gave me faith. Irina is the healer here, and quite weak, so losing her about a third of the way in hurt. The Epicure pushed me through two overdrives and a solo finish ... thrilling win! One-timed it!

E Yeah! e2 D Stagger 12/10/2015 8:30 PM Hard to explain how great that was ... stalking him at sunset, hearing Dieter's howl in the rain under moonlight, the sun rising as I made my way down from the foot of Talon Rock above Sayram Lake, all of those exploring deaths caused by Lawless Grex avenged in one fell swoop. Got his holograph and everything to celebrate with ... now the scene with the Celeste Three Mission ending for desert.

E Yeah♥ e1 D

Zachary 12/10/2015 8:35 PM Umm, not to get weird.. But why is to of your teammates in there underwear?

E Yeah!? e0

Zachary 12/10/2015 8:43 PM Oh and how far are you to 100% the game?

E Yeah! e0

Stagger 12/10/2015 9:19 PM ·Spoilers Less than 20% surveyed, although I'm getting close to that mark ... three to five weeks Zachary, heh. As far as those clothing choices, I'm a grown man. Irina has shorts and a jacket. Elma is in a bikini bottom and has a tight long-sleeved garment. Koo is 13 years old. She stays covered. Anyone else who's finished this mission, who do you think has the remaining key to open the door?

E Yeah! e1 D

Zachary 12/10/2015 9:22 PM Umm ok then good luck!

E Yeah! e0

Stagger 12/10/2015 9:55 PM Are you uncomfortable with overt hetero behavior? :p Anyway, after those two missions, slaying two level 35 Auravises was tough, but went off well enough. One of them triggered new Info for the place it was completed that I stumbled across at a field outpost. Neat ...

Hrrm, Irina and ... whom shall I take? I plan to do a lot in Noctilum. I think I'll keep Elma, rather than add Gwin or L. E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 10:02 PM Gwin could use the leveling, but the workload and his duplicate class to what Stagger is working on doesn't jive. Elma and Irina's relationship is interesting, and maybe someday we find out who Leon is. :p I have plans for Lao and L in Oblivia, and I'm guessing about four or five new party members are about to hit the scene. One is from this clash of strong women with different issues with men.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/10/2015 11:21 PM ·Spoilers I brought L in instead, realizing there would be no interaction between Elma and Irina, and spent a long time Gear and Arts tinkering on the Murderess ... for the betrayal. A unique piece of White Whale debris, and more infighting - but at least she's not using the nice set-up I gave her against us! Awesome stuff, can't wait to see where this is going ... and some Noctilum work got done. Calico up E Yeah!? e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 12:36 AM on a remote rock, nothing major.

That was brief. Murderess has an interesting future. I guess if I wasn't up over 40% in Noctilum, there would have been more to do. The all inner- Blade treachery review continues! Three missions in a row where I've gone against my own forces, this time on account of a curious individual here ... %$#@$%/& indeed, Professor B. I thought Yelv would continue the trend

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 1:09 AM of unscrupulous behavior, but the sinister music that played as he doled out tasks was a ruse. He's fun loving, and a good mix w/ Lau. Since his Affinity Mission doesn't carry him far into Oblivia, my survey of what lies beyond the river remains in the distance. The derelict Pathfinder Sniper who was out to lunch on Doug's great mission is along w/ L, and his Affinity one comes next.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 2:26 AM Ah, 5am. The magic hour. Comment quotas refill. My yammering expands like a searing, inscrutable cosmos.

What now? Straggler was nearly awoken. His florid festivities are cut short. I forgot about Phog. Phog forgot about Phog too. Loving these new chatacters - a sense of just what was lost with Earth has been renewed in me by Yelv's enigmatic Reclaimer search and Phog's painfully contemplative

E Yeah♥ e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 2:32 AM reflection. Alcoholic older brother causes his self-doubt perhaps? Deep game. Wow.

Phog's repeating of a task was humorous. Signature Art, Sky High indeed! Great mission though. The probe sabateur Ganglions won the first time - rather, the daytime level 80+ Tyrant that sprints the Plains did. Nighttime? Piece if cake! ;)

I found what I was looking for here. 30% in Oblivia is a Mission goal heh.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 2:40 AM It's for L indirectly, and another example of tragic loss by a wife of a BLADE who sold his finds on Armory Alley. That's why I was going to bring him, as a great Lin substitute, but these guys need more work. It's a hilarious party. The chatter during and buttressing battle is fantastic. Doug's a natural fit with these two, but Phog and Lao have amazing interplay. Btw, passed 20% overall ... E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 3:13 AM I hadn't noted that Lin and Elma are required for Lau's trip. I'm holding off and crossing the river to survey instead. Keenan Ridge is where I'll stop heading east, basically just for this Battle Tested (and apparently Italian) Grex Tyrant. Similar situation to Foggy Situation's combat finale here. If Vigents are anything like the Tyrant kin, he'll leave at sunset. The BC clock changer is nearby.

E Yeah♥ e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 3:25 AM Longview for exploring, closer for combat except for huge brutes; that's the ticket. I've yet to mention the caliber of these visuals. Looks better than Fallout 4 to me ...

That's the point east I won't go for now, concentrating on moving south. I'll only hit the open desert this way as a last resort. Tough Tensicula Tyrant on the agenda next, a few Zeppelin Blattas, and hope for good weather ...

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 3:47 AM Perhaps not my finest idea. W/ a party lacking three sub-20 characters in it, this sneaky sand dweller is mincemeat. I switched in Steel Flesh on Stagger and figured I'd try to effectively solo it. :p Yelv and Phog bit it about ten seconds in. Complicating things, I wanted to put in some Assault Rifle time rather thsn leaning on the boss ranged attacks of the Launchers from my first Class maxed.

E Yeah♥ e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 3:57 AM Oh, so close! I've got this next time. If I caught one Topple w/ Assault Hammer out of two during my second Overdrive, comfortable win ... and if a second attempt fails, I'll either break out the bigger guns or just go Galactic on this asscave.

The Dilus are great enemies too btw. They are set up like River Nile crocodiles here as opposed to the Everglades alligator feel in Noctilum. Brilliant.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 4:57 AM Oblivia, you beauty. I couldn't fade that big fellow solo w/out changing set- up, and must have had lucky evasions the first time, but nearby there was a level 29 Tyrant for a mission of much smaller stature. No trouble at all there ... One I get though with this incredible southwest section, I'll press on to the southeast. Two big goals in mind - that 30% and Blade Rank 8.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 12/11/2015 5:32 AM