THE NEW YORK TIMES Lon-Nol Announces He and Sirik Matak Exercise Full War Power in By HENRY KAMM stitution. However, five of General Sink Matak is now Special to The New York Times these cases involved the rais- PNOMPENH, Cambodia, July ing of officials who had headed known as Deputy Premier in- 2—Premier asserted ministries from the rank of stead of First Deputy Premier today on' his own behalf and state secretary to that of min- as he was before the shuffle. on that of Deputy Premier ister. The posts of second •and third Sisowath' Sirik Matak that they A number of younger, well- deputy premiers have been jointly hdve full power to make educated men of modern out- abolished. all governmental decisions dur- look were added to the Cabinet. Commenting on today's de- ing the war emergency. This move was believed intend- velopments, a Cabinet Minister The proclamation of what ed to lessen the criticism from Said that a principal reason for most political and diplomatic the intellectual elite that the the reaffirming of the existing observers consider unrestricted Lon Nol-Sirik Matak leadership state of affairs was General power came in two messages was not sufficiently employing Lon Nol's concern for legality. to the nation, one by . Chief the talents of the university- He said the Premier wanted to of State and the educated younger men who had avoid being suspected of as- other by the Premier. Both also been kept out of influen- suming power for its own sake were based on a vote of "full tial posts under Prince Noro- and asked for the confidence confidence. and total support" dom Sihanouk, who was de- vote for that reason. for Lieut. Gen. Lon Nol and posed •as Chief of State In a similar bow to legality, Maj. Gen'. Sink Matak by the March 18. the Government is putting National Assembly last Satur- Keuk Kylim, a representative Prince Sihanouk on trial in ab- day and announced today. of the younger intellectual sentia tomorrow. The principal The effect of the proclama- elite, was named Information charge before the military tri- tions, in the view of qualified Minister, replacing Trinh Ho- bunal is believed to be high sources, is largely to ratify and anh, who had come under criti- treason, and the principal rea- make more specific the exist- cism for his performance in son •for the trial is to provide ing state of affairs. presenting Cambodia's case to legality for the impending con- the world. Mr. Trinh Hoanh No Criticism of Move fiscation of Prince Sihanouk's was left out of the Cabinet but vast holdings, palatial houses, Since neither of the two lead- retained his post as secretary motor pool and other proper- ers is suspected of di.:tatorial general of the , Cam- ties. strivings, .the reassertion of bodia's single political party. Only two members of the wide wartime powers appears Other moves included the Prince's close family remain in so far not to have aroused criti- shifting of Yem Sambaur from Pnompenh, living in enforced cism from the limited number his post as Foreign Minister, to retirement. They are Queen of Cambodians who -take an Minister of State charged with Mother Kossomak, his mother, Assotisted Press active interest in politics. justice and relations with Par- and a daughter, Princess Boup- DEFENSIVE MEASURE: The nature of General Lon liament. He was replaced by ha Devi, a beautiful, much mar- Koun Wick, who was Ambassa- Cambodian soldier goes to Nol's attitude •to power and its ried dancer in her twenties. evening bath with an auto- exercise was indicated in his dor to Yugoslavia until that They are playing no political message. He said, after noting country broke relations with role and appear to be as for- matic tucked in his waist. the confidence vote and the Cambodia. Yugoslavia has rec- gotten as the very institution ■ subsequent message from •the ognized the Peking-based exile of royalty in this kingdom, Chief of State giving him and Government of Prince Sihan- which has been without a king Gen. Sink Matak full powers: ouk, formed May 5. since Prince Sihanouk father's "But we -ask in advance your A Concern for Legality death a decade ago. indulgence for the measures In the shuffling, Premier Lon In all but in name and the that we shall be called upon Nol retained the defense port- letter of the Constitution, Cam- to take in all urgency to face folio, signifying the division of bodia is a republic and "vive up to the present situation." responsibilities between the two a republique" signs are wide- The first measure he men- leaders, with the Premier in spread in Government offices. tioned was a shuffling of the charge of the military side and General Sink Matak has re- Cabinet, increasing the num- his deputy in charge of admin- nounced his title as a prince ber of ministers from nine to istrative and diplomatic func- and was referred to in the new the 16 called for in the Con- Cabinet roster as "monsieur le tions. major-general."