The Middle East is once again the center of the world’s focus − Egypt’s government has been toppled through massive demonstrations − Libya has taken center stage as Qaddafi fights to maintain control of his country − “Pro-democracy” rallies are starting to spring up in a number of smaller Islamic countries in the region − All of these nations have one thing in common – the says they will all turn against Israel in the last days − March 8, 2011 Charisma Magazine reported that the Muslim Brotherhood has declared war on Israel and is operating in Egypt under the guise of a political party called Freedom and Justice.

Currently the U.S. is involved in air strikes against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. − The Obama administration has stated that the military strikes are meant to avert a humanitarian crisis and to stop Qaddafi from killing his own people − However, Libya’s official news agency has reported that al-Qaida forces are behind the civil unrest in Lybia − Wikileaks released cables from 2008 identifying parts of Libya as a training ground for terrorist fighters – these are the cities that Qaddafi has been taking back. − A member of the deposed regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says that Qaddafi is the one Arab leader who is fighting back against the Islamic revolt sweeping across the Middle East. − Qaddafi has stated multiple times that al-Qaida is leading the civil unrest in Libya − John Brennan, Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser said he was concerned that al-Qaida affiliates in North Africa could try to take advantage of the upheaval in Libya to establish a new foothold − It is believed that all the turmoil could lead to an evil regime taking over these countries so they can come together and try to annihilate Israel

Why is this so important? − The Bible speaks of an alliance that will occur in the Middle East against Israel – it refers to these nations as the King of the South

What’s The Name Of Your Church: / :1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


38 mentions the nations of Libya (Put), Iran (Persia), Cush (Sudan), Rosh (Russia), Magog (Central / Afghanistan), Mescheh, Tubal, Gomer, Beth-togarmah (4 ancient provinces of Turkey) and other Islamic nations including Iraq, Syria, Jordan or Egypt. − But in order for these events to occur every nation must turn against Israel including America − April 6, 2009 – In Turkey President Obama said… “Although we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” – reported by US News and World Report − June 4, 2009 – In Cairo President Obama said… “America is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” – reported by Forbes − March 19, 2010 The Boston Globe reported that the Obama Administration deliberately took a course that I knew would inflame anti- Israeli intransigence throughout the Arab world, and would undermine support for Israel in the United States − Elliot Abrams, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations said that the Obama Administration is imposing new demands on Israel, and building tensions in the bilateral relationship, in an effort to destabilize the governing coalition in Israel.

You can see the tide changing in the Middle East − Since Egypt’s “liberation,” Cairo has lifted its blockades on the Gaza Strip and is now making allies with Hamas and the Islamic radicals − Egyptian military has given permission for 2 Iranian warships to occupy the Suez Canal - 1 ship carrying weapons for Islamic extremists − Iran is currently building a permanent naval base in Syria − Sudan just announced that it will revenge an Israeli Air Force attack against a clandestine convoy carrying arms to supply Hamas in the Gaza Strip. − March 19, 2011 – Hamas, a new ally with Egypt, fired 50 rounds in 15 minutes on Israel from the Gaza Strip − This attack was ordered by Iran on Purim – the holiday that commemorates when Jews were saved from Persia (Iran) − Exciting times

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis



INTRO: − We now move to the second major second of The Revelation – The things which are. − John addresses the Minor… representing the complete Body of − We refer to this period of time as the Church Age, which we are now in

THERE ARE THREE BAISC VIEWS FOR INTERPRETION Literal view: The seven churches addresses in Revelation 2-3 were literal churches that John was writing to. − This is supported by vs.19 where John is told to write down the things which are. − However, each letter ends with “He who has an ear, et him hear what the Spirit says to the church” suggesting that the application of the letter goes beyond the literal church mentioned.

Historical Timeline view: This view suggests that the Seven Churches represent Seven periods of church history − Ephesus: 31-100 A.D. (Apostolic Church / ends with death of John) − : 100-313 A.D. (Persecuted Church / Roman persecution) − Pergamos: 313-590 A.D. (State Church / Constantine) − : 590-1517 A.D. (Catholic Church / Rome) − : 1517-1730 (Refromation Church / Protestant Church ) − Philadelphia: 1730 A.D. –today (Missionary Church) − Laodecia: 1730 A.D. –today (Lukewarm Church) − This is a difficult view to support as the historical timeline and descriptions given to each church doesn’t really fit.

Church Age View: I define this view as one that takes into account that although the letters were written to the Body of Christ that John is writing about one period of time referred to as the Church Age − John writes… to the angel of the church write… − But he ends the letter with… He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches – referring to the complete Body of Christ. − John is not addressing seven periods of church history, but one period of church history that is composed of seven types of churches − These letters continue to have relevance for the church today.

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


− This is the view that we will take in approaching this passage of scripture

Revelation 2:1–3 (NKJV) The Loveless Church 2 “To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, ‘These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands: 2 “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary.

The first letter is addressed to the Church of Ephesus − Ephesus was a major city of Asia. − It was a seaport, the first city reached from − The port of Ephesus was a place of shifting sands, due to the silting up of the mouth of the Cayster river. − It is in modern day Turkey and was the home of one of the seven wonders of the Ancient world – the temple of Diana. − The temple was 425 feet long (longer than a football field) − 200 feet wide (2/3 the size of a football field) − 60 feet high (6 stories high) with 127 Pillars / 36 of which had statues carved into them − The economy of the city centered around idolatry

It was also the center for emperor worship − The temple of Diana had a section to the worship of the goddess of Rome and the emperor Julius. − There were other temples for the worship of emperors Claudius, Nero, Hadrian and Severus. − A gigantic statue of Domitian exists today − Ephesus was also a center for Pagan Magic − In the midst of idolatry and demonic activity, Paul experienced one of the greatest revivals in recorded history and started the most important church in Asia with the help of Priscilla and Aquila

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


− Paul stayed at Ephesus for nearly three years teaching at the school of Tyrannus. From here Paul was able to influence the entire known world with the − It was in Ephesus that Paul led Timothy to Christ and discipled him. − Apollos and John also ministered in Ephesus – it was a spiritual hot spot.

The author is identified as described by John in Revelation 1:12-16 − He holds the seven stars in His right hand – speaking of His power over the Church − Notice, holds the Church in His hands – it is under His control − People believe that the church is under the control of man… that is a fallacy − The Church is in the hands of Jesus and He will correct and protect His Church − It’s not my job to protect the Church, it’s my job to make disciples of all men. − Jesus is the one who Protects the Church. − He walks in the midst of the seven golden lamp stands – speaking of His Presence in the Church − In each letter, Jesus commends them for their spiritual work and confronts them for their spiritual problems.

It is believed that the church at Ephesus was considered to be the pinnacle of Christian maturity and love for God… but Jesus says, I know your works − We need to keep in mind that Jesus is speaking to believers, not unbelievers − The works that Jesus is talking about is not works of righteousness for salvation, but works that occur because of salvation

James 2:17 (NKJV) 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. − If we are living Spirit filled lives, good works will naturally flow from our lives.

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


I know your labor – what is the difference between works and labor? − The word labor signifies the most tense or strenuous effort like a soldier in battle, a victorious wrestler or a manual worker

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas Edison

− Ministry is hard work − The church at Ephesus was bombarded 24/7 with persecution and attack… it wears on you physically and mentally − In addition, just the sheer magnitude of meeting physical needs is tiring… feeding the poor, caring for widows, meeting needs is physically demanding and tiring… but it’s a good kind of tired. − I love the fact that Jesus recognizes the fact that it is physically tiring

I know your patience – better translated endurance − To continue to bear up or endure despite difficulty and suffering

You cannot bear those who are evil − The word bear denotes the outward carrying of the cross by Jesus − It’s not talking about carrying a burden, but of lifting up or supporting something or someone − Evil speaks of someone who is harmful or damaging – personally and spiritually − Jesus says, you don’t support those who are harmful or damaging of people spiritually and personally in this life.

You have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars − The Ephesians had discernment

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


− How could they recognize a fraud? They knew the genuine. − How can I spot a fake? Because I know the real – Jesus.

You have persevered and have patience − One of the thought patterns that John can be best described as spiral. − He circles around a subject and with each pass he becomes more emphatic or detailed in his approach − Here, Jesus repeats something he said earlier in reference to their patience, only this time it is more emphatic − You endure and you continue to endure − You stand fast and you continue to stand − You suffer and you continue to persevere − Why did they keep enduring and persevering? Because they were doing it for His name’s sake. − They believed in the virgin birth of Christ − They believed that Jesus was the Son of God − They believed that He died a sacrificial death for their sins − They believed in the resurrection − They preached Christ and Him crucified

Have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary − What is Jesus saying here? How can you labor and not grow weary?

Dwight L. Moody once said when he came home exhausted after a campaign and his family begged him not to go to the next campaign. He said to them, “I grow weary in the work but not of the work.” There is a lot of difference. You can get weary in the work of Christ, but it is tragic if you get weary of the work of Christ.

− Jesus is saying… you’ve worked hard and you haven’t gotten tired of the work… why? Because they were doing it for Jesus.

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


Jesus offers seven words of commendation to the local church at Ephesus… But now He has one word of confrontation

Revelation 2:4 (NKJV) 4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

They had lost that intense enthusiastic devotion to Christ − Keep in mind, this is the church that Paul spent the most time at − They had come into the experience of God’s grace and love − They were in love with the Lord − But something changed – some believe it started as soon as Paul departed. − We are told that the port of Ephesus was known for it’s shifting sands… and it seemed that this was indicative of their hearts as well.

They left their first love − “First” is the Greek word “protos” and it speaks of the first in a series − In this case it refers to that young love that was full of emotion, full of idealism, full of passion − It wasn’t that they left their love… they still believed the right things and did the right things because they loved God… but they lost the sense of awe, wonder, amazement, joy, anticipation that they had when they were hearing about Jesus for the first time. − Ephesus was a great city with a lot of attractions that were beginning to draw believers away from their first love for Jesus Christ − This was the church that was so powerful in evangelism that in an area of approximately 25 million people there was such a move of the Spirit that everyone in the city knew who they were and Roman emperors and nobility heard the gospel preached to them.

The story is told in New England about two girls who worked in a cotton mill. They were friends, but when one of them quit working there, they lost touch with each other. Finally, they met one day on the street. The working girl asked her friend,

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


“Are you still working?” “No,” she said, “I got married!”

When that girl worked in the mill, she watched the clock, and every evening when five o’clock came, she had her coat on and was on her way out. It was hard work, and she didn’t like it. Now she is married and she says that she has quit working.

If you could look at her life, you wouldn’t think she had quit working. She gets up earlier than ever before to prepare breakfast for her husband and make his coffee. Then she throws her arms around him and tells him good- bye. All day long she is busy cleaning house and washing clothes and caring for two little brats who are two little angels to her because they’re her babies. When five o’clock comes, she doesn’t put on her coat and leave; she starts cooking dinner. Six o’clock her husband comes home. She throws her arms around him and tells him how much she has missed him. When a man comes home in the evening, sees the light on upstairs, opens the door and hears crickets, he knows the honeymoon is over. But this girl is in love. Her husband’s workday is over, but hers has just gotten started. She serves dinner to her husband and feeds the children. Then she washes the dishes, puts the children to bed—and that’s not easy—and works around getting things ready for the next day. She is weary when she finally gets into bed—but she’s not going to work anymore, she says! Why? Because she is in love.

− When your home life and your church life become a burden – there is something wrong with your relationship with Christ. − You’re no longer in love.

So how do you get back to your first love? It’s easy. Revelation 2:5 (NKJV) 5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


The first thing we do is Remember − There is something I like to do from time to time… I’ll just sit someplace quiet, maybe listen to some worship music, close my eyes and remember the day I heard Jesus’ voice for the first time. − I remember the excitement that I felt, the hunger I had for His Word.

The next step is to Repent − This word is a loaded word − We use it as an excuse to yell at people when we don’t like what they’re doing – you need to repent you jerk − It means to change your mind, to change directions − It means to stop going one way and start going the opposite way

Do the first works − When I started dating Roxie – I called her on the phone all the time − I wanted to spend every moment I could with her − That’s what it means to do the first works… do what you did when you were falling in love with Jesus for the first time

The consequences of falling out of love is that we loose our place − Now… you might say, wait a minute – God is supposed to love us no matter what − How loving would God be to make us spend eternity with someone we don’t really love? − That would be torture and God loves us too much to torture us.

Revelation 2:6 (NKJV) 6 But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

− Nicolaitans is a compound word that comes from Nikao - “to conquer” and Laos – “the people.” We get our word laity from Laos.

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis


There are two explanation of this term − According to tradition, Nicholas, one of the seven deacons of (Acts 6:5) is believed to have become the founder of an Antinomian Gnostic sect. − They were characterized by sensuality, seducing Christians to participate in pagan feasts and immorality. − The Nicolaitans taught that in order to master sensuality, one must know the whole range of it by experience. Therefore he should experience every lust of the body because it doesn’t affect the spirit. This sect was expelled by the Church of Ephesus, but tolerated by the Church of Pergamum. − The second view is more theological − The deeds of the Nicolaitans were considered a doctrinal position held by those who sought to overcome or destroy the people of God through temptation like did.

Revelation 2:7 (NKJV) 7 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” ’

How do we overcome? John says we overcome by faith 1 John 5:4 (NKJV) 4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith.

Paul gives a name to our faith – the Lord Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 15:57 (NKJV) 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our victory is not secured on our own – but our victory is given to us through the Lord Jesus Christ.

What’s The Name Of Your Church: Ephesus / Revelation 2:1-7 © 2011 Holland Davis