The Alumnus, V25n2, April 1941
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University of Northern Iowa UNI ScholarWorks The Alumnus UNI Alumni Association 4-1941 The Alumnus, v25n2, April 1941 Iowa State Teachers College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy Copyright ©1941 Iowa State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Iowa State Teachers College, "The Alumnus, v25n2, April 1941" (1941). The Alumnus. 184. This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the UNI Alumni Association at UNI ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alumnus by an authorized administrator of UNI ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ALUMNUS * {!)11, t/,,e !J~ . PIO EER PETERSO S, FOR APRIL . 1941 A CREATIVE FACULTY, SUMMER WORKSHOPS * CAMPUS TODAY * TUTORS TAKE TO THE AIR * U-BEATEN GRAPPLERS II II =* DEMOCR CY1 § DEFE SE .... ====*= DEFENDERS OF 'fHE FAITH - FAITH I s I N C E R I T y H 0 N E s T y T R u T H * THE POWER OJF K OWLEDGE II 1keALUMNUS 'The C P s Too Y BY MILDRED HOLLY SPRI G'S HERE AGAI SPRING, AFTER SEVERAL FALJ E STARTS, is king of the campus again ... Boy meets girl, and too-ether they troll about, forgetting books for the balmy wonders of nature. "It's too nice to study," they murmur... Coeds and fellows alike haven't the am bition, energy, or inclination for book work. But just mention a picnic, and they 're off. Our cover quartet - Barton Weaver, Hawarden, Mary Alyce Raders, Strawberry Point, Jean Harbert, Ladora, and Les Fry, Fairbank -were snapped on the steps of Lawther Hall by Photographer Loring Carl, as they prepared to set out for an outing.... GIFT LAU CHES LECTURE* FUND A MORE AMBITIO S PLA'fFORM PROGRAM is PRING ... DATES * . ROMA TCE in store for TEACHER COLLEGE audiences APRIL during the coming year-the result of a five 94 hundred dollar gift establishing a lecture and Volume XXV Number 2 recital fund. The donor, a THE ALUMNUS is entered as sewnd prominent Cedar Falls citizen who asked that his name class mail at the post office in Cedar Falls, be withheld, provided the money to serve I owa, with the Iowa State Teachers College as as a working capital for a lecture and recital program owner of the magazvne. Witho1d charge to for the coming year. al1imni, 17,000 copies are printed quarterly, under the editorial and technical supervision of the Bureau of P1iolications. Editorial cO'ln "\VORRIES ARE OVER* NOW-OR m1tnications should be mailed to the Bureau HOW TO TICKLE T TORS of Publications, changes of addres to the WORRIES, WORRIES-AND MORE WORRIF.S be Bureau of Alumni Service. set the co-directors of The American Way GEORGE H. HOLMES ....... ......... EDITOR Director, Bureau of Publications this year's Tutor Ticklers. But when the MILDRED HOLLY ........... MANAGI TG EDITOR show went on January 31 and February 1, HARRY G. BURRELL ............... SPORT the Tutors' ribs were tickled with a five-act satire on A. 0. FULLER ................. DIS'l.'RIBUTION The American Way. Head, Bureau of Almnni Service Clark Gable and Franklin D. Roosevelt BE JAMIN BOARDMAN .... BUSINESS MANAGER were forced to argue their way past Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates ... A super-sleuth inve 'tigated '' fifth column'' actiYities in The Iowa State Teachers College Baker, the Commons, the Facult~- Senate ... Special Summer Courses Burtis Burow and Chris OYergaard directeJ, 1- pha Delta lpha ,ron first place among the main acts, and 1\'Iyron l\Ie crschmitt and War ren Smith, the SwinO'pho nic mittie , won the award for the be t en tree act. :-fl S HOLLY Campu Informer THE FAIR SIX OF* COLLEGE HILL 1x HAPPY COED· raught admiring glance of the frolicing tudents at the Ol<l Gold Dance, Januar:v 17, in the ommon . Beauty June 23 to A ug11st 1 Look below and you'll find them. :B rom left to right-Mary Ann Ruppel of Spring 1. IX WEEK COURSES planned field, Illinois, Helen Hill of Shannon City, e pecially for tho e teacher· who wish to Hazel Kjarsgaard of Newell, Lorraine Paule renew State and County Certificates. of Burlington, Doris Gilbert of Monona, and 2. SUl\L rnR WORKSHOP , from Jeanne Leo of Dysart. Judge for the con four to six week <lnration, offering col test was Robert A. Brown, editor of the 1934 lege credits for teachers who wish to All-American Old Gold, student yearbook. pursue individual work on some special problem, such as the plannin°· of a new TEACHERS TALK *DE 10 RACY com· e of tudy or the perE ction of a TIIE DEMOCRATIC WAY \\"clS the TK\CLJER~ new technique in art. COLLEGE way at the Conference on th 'l'each 3. SHORT CO RSES in Library ing of Secondary School Subjects, l\Iar ·Ii 28 Science and Safety Education, including and 29. A host of teacher , principal , anJ chool Libran- Administration, School school officials gathered around the confer- Library Book Selection, Techniques for ( Continued on page four) chool Librarians, and the TeachinO' of PHOTO BY O.\RL OLD GOLD'l'IES Ilighwar a-fety, and Material · and Iethods of Safety Education. June 4 to Aug11St 21 'l'HE REG LAR TWELVE WEEK ummer Se sion of Iowa State Teachers College offering the amc full chedule of cla ses aYailablc durin°· the 1·egular quarters of the academic year. FOR COMPLETE I l<'OR1\'IATIO - Write Selmer C. Larson, Registrar IOWA STA.TE TEACHER COLLEGE Cedar Falls, Iowa Page Two THE ALUMNUS April THE COMMONS PHOTO BY VIC FEDDERSEN, CHARTER O AK, IOWA §UMME WORKS! OPS OU CED FOUR. SIX ... TWELVE WEEKS COURSES OFFERED EACHERS WILL HAVE A 0PP0R'.l.'U 11'Y '1'0 The Summer Workshops are designed T pursue their studies in the ''progressive'' e pecially for those students who do not manner-under the theory of learning by want to carry a complete schedule, and will doing-at the streamlined 1941 summer ses be open only to those of at least junior stand sion of the lowA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE. ing. Work will begin June 25 and end J uly They may earn their college credits by 31, and will be offered for just half of the signing up for Summer Work hops and tudy reo-ular summer tuition, sixteen dollars. independently or in groups from four to six '' Students ,vill be graded upon the work weeks. Or if they wish to carry a complete accomplished in the Workshops and not upon quarter's schedule, they may enroll for the the amount of time spent on the project,'' regular 12-weeks course. Dr. elson said. Under the new Workshops Plan, there "We fool that the Summer Workshops will be no classes, and the u ual rules of will meet the n€-eds, often expressed in the class attendance will not apply, Dr. M:. J . past, for direct in the solution of m.runy Nelson, Dean of the Faculty, has announced. teaching problems, '' he If a teacher wants to prepare a new Regular members of the academic depart course of study, perfect a new art technique, ments will as ist the students in their prob or follow some other teaching activity, he lems. All college facilities-the library, dra may do so without enrolling for class lec ma shop, art studios, music facilities, science ture and receive as much as eight hours of laboratories, school publications studios and credit for the project. the campus training school-will be available. 1941 IOWA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Page Three Students will be free to work under faculty supervision. THE CAMPUS TODAY The regular 12-weeks session will start (Continued from page two) with registration on June 4 and will end on cnce table and · eagerly-and democratically August 22. - talked over problems met in the teaching Short courses in School Libraries and field. Safety Education will be offered in the 1941 Dr. Will French of Teachers College, summer session. Teachers will learn how to Columbia University, New York City, was plan and equip a school library, how to se the principal speaker. He sounded the chal lect ·books for children of .different ages, and lenge to the conference theme, '' The chang the methods of classification and cataloging ing conception of the contribution of the high of books. school to education in a democracy." Sound driving practices will be empha sized in the teaching of highway safety MA YTIME IS MU.SIC* TIME courses. Students will study methods for THE CAMPUS WILL ECHO with straii1s of organizing safety courses in high schools, the first May Festival of the Music Depart and another course will present an overview ment, May 15 and 16. of the safety problem, its philosophy and ob ·- String ensemble classes of Emil Bock will jectives. play a concert. Dr. Edward Kurtz will Registration for the Workshops, and for direct the symphony in another program, the courses in School Libraries and Safety featuring compositions by "native" faculty Education will take place June 23 and 24. members. Compositions students will get The classes will begin June 25 and close a chance to air their efforts at a recital. .. July 31. And a choral concert by the Cecilians and Alumni interested in the short courses Minnesingers, directed by Harald Holst, will or Workshops should write immediately to climax the festival. Dr. M. J. Nelson, Dean of Faculty, in order to set plans for Workshop projects they A POET, MUSICIAN* AND WRITER wish to pursue.