פרשת ויצא קהילת תפארת ישראל bWelcome to CongregationParshas Tiferes Vayetze פרשת Yisroel מטותמסעי /Tiferes שבת to Congregation מברכי Welcomeאב

Yisroel! Menachem Goldberger Parshas / בס״ד הרב מנח ראוב הלוי גולדברגר שליטא מרא דאתרא בלב אחד Pushka to tal: $570.35 (see p. 3) 10 Kislev 5773/November 24, 2012

5746-5773 Celebrating our 27th year 1986-2012

DAVENING SCHEDULE make a mincha/maariv minyan 15 minutes unlocking the secrets of sefer Tehillim, Friday before sunset each weeknight. main shul, 7:158:15 pm, for men; Candle Lighting: 4:28 pm Join us at 4:30 pm in the upstairs Bais Rebbetzin Etti Rosenbaum speaking on Mincha: 4:30 pm Medrash. If you can come on a regular or Elisheva bas Aminadav, the wife of close to regular basis, please call Mordechai Aharon HaKohen, main shul, 8:309:30 Shabbos Day Beleck at 4435703850 so he can put you on pm, for women Shacharis: 8:30 am the minyan list. • December 9: Chanukah Carnival for the Mincha: 4:15 pm Rabbi Goldberger teaches Tur BaisYosef, whole family, 10 amnoon Maariv: 5:45 pm Sunday through Thursday nights between • December 16: Grand Siyum/Luncheon Shabbos is over after: 5:58 pm mincha and maariv and Mishna Berura on Zos Chanukah, 11:30 am2:30 pm, Sunday nightly after mincha/maariv. The Bais Etz Chaim Shacharis: 8:00 am Medrash learning program will still continue Mincha/Maariv: 4:30 pm each weeknight from 8 to 9 pm, but there will R&R Away for R&R not be a 9 o’clock maariv minyan (unless MondayFriday those present want to make one). While the Rabbi and Rebbetzin are away, Shacharis: 6:30 am please contact Rabbi Yehuda Leib Goldberger Mincha/Maariv: 4:30 pm Mazel Tov to for shailos, including taharas hamishpacha, at Bais Medrash: 8:00 pm 4105851318. If you the voicemail, leave Next Shabbos — Parshas • Rabbi Shlomo and Rivka Slatkin on the a message. In an emergency call Reb Shlomo Candle Lighting: 4:26 pm birth of a daughter. May they be zocheh Goldberger at 4102999960. He will know Friday Mincha: 4:30 pm l’gadla l’ l’chupah ul’maasim tovim. how to reach the Rabbi. For shul matters, Please join the Slatkins for Kiddush at their please call Ari Blum at 4103585478. home this Shabbos after davening. This Shabbos • Drew and Adriana Steinberg on the Baruch Dayan HaEmes of their son Avi. May they be • 7:30 pm: Father/Son Learning zocheh l’gadlo l’Torah l’chupah ul’maasim Congregation Tiferes Yisroel is saddened tovim. to learn of the passing of Eileen Miller, grandmother of our member, Bennett. Pushka Campaign • Moshe and Shaina Margolese on the upsherin of their son Ephraim. May they be May Leah and the Miller family be The pushka challenge is to put whatever zocheh l’gadlo l’Torah l’chupah ul’maasim comforted along with all the mourners of amount of money one is able into a pushka tovim. and Jerusalem. every day or as often as possible. The recommended amount is only 36 cents a day. Focus on Tanach Week of Sisterhood Event When your pushka is full, drop it into the Celebration Please join the Tiferes Yisroel Sisterhood Goldbergers’ locked mailbox at 3310 W. for a planning meeting to discuss shiurim and Strathmore Avenue or call Shlomo and Ahuva The Siyum HaTanach events are on the event ideas and to get your input and help, Goldberger at 4103584456 to arrange a way, culminating in a grand siyum on Zos December 4 at 7:15 pm in the Nancy Taffel pickup. If you need a shul pushka, you may Chanukah. Each Shabbos we have been Annex. take one from the shul window sill. hearing a 23 minute d’var Torah from one of The evening will also feature a talk by Sign up by emailing [email protected]. the participants in the learning. Thank you to Rena Rotenberg called “A Jewish Child Eric Gerstenfeld and Louis Feinstein for your Growing Up in Tientsin, China, 19391948” Weekday Mincha/Maariv Minyan excellent divrei Torah these past two weeks. about her late husband’s childhood spent in Thanks to Eric and Elaine Gerstenfeld for Over the years we have had a maarivonly Shanghai and Tientsin. She will show artifacts planning and coordinating upcoming shiurim, and pictures and a Q & A session will follow. minyan during the fall and winter months. a carnival and the grand siyum. This year we have a strong enough nucleus to • December 2: Rabbi Silber speaking about

This week’s Lev Echad is in honor of: Yaakov and Batsheva Goldman Visit us at w ww.tiferesyisroel.org Parshas Vayetze

The Weekl y Parsha Making a Grown Man Cry Bais Medrash Renovation (from http://www.torahtots.com) It is with much pleasure and excitement When Yaakov first saw , he bawled that we announce a major new construction like a baby. That’s right! And with good project for Tiferes Yisroel. With Gd’s help reason. we will embark upon a mission to expand and A few good reasons to be exact: beautify the upstairs Bais Medrash. This will Servant Sisters 1. When Yaakov laid eyes on Rachel, he involve building a space directly above the from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; knew she was destined to be his wife, so he “sunroom” of the main shul. Upstairs on the adapted by Moshe Yaakov Wisnefsky kissed her. The shepherds that gathered at the well grumbled about the immorality of this second floor, we will knock down the wall of (from www.kabbalaonline.org) the Bais Medrash facing Pinkney Road and stranger kissing one of their women. They build out over the sunroom adding 50 percent She [Rachel] gave [] her handmaid didn’t realize that Yaakov and Rachel were more space to our Bais Medrash. At the same as a wife. (Gen. 30:4) cousins. Yaakov was saddened that he was time, we will redecorate the Bais Medrash She [Leah] took her handmaid and judged to have committed an immoral act. with a new look, additional bookshelves and gave her to Jacob as a wife. (Gen. 30:9) Yaakov immediately knew that though seforim. The main sanctuary will not be Bilhah and Zilpah were sisters. Rachel was destined to be his wife, she would affected or altered. Nonetheless, in marrying them, Jacob did not die at a young age and they wouldn’t be We have enlisted the services of our friend violate the Torah’s prohibition of marrying buried together. Bernie Schulman as our contractor. Our long two sisters, since they did not have the legal 2. When Eliezer had come to Charan time shul member Bob Rosenfelt will be status of sisters. Bilhah and Zilpah were the seeking a wife for Yitzchok, he brought helping with the site plans and drawings. Bob daughters of ’s maidservants, and camels loaded to the hilt with lots of precious is a former president of the shul and was our according to Jewish law were thus considered jewels and gifts for the Machatanim (inlaws). outstanding building chairman when we built his property, devoid of any familial status. But Yaakov was about to face Lavan empty our current shul. Much thanks to Bob and Spiritually, every Jew is, in a sense, a handed. Bernie. servant of Gd. Not only does his property Here’s why: Our dear friends and members Drs. Ed and belong to Gd, his very existence belongs to Originally, Yaakov started off with plenty Mesa Leventhal will be dedicating the new Gd. This aspect of our relationship to Gd is of money, jewels and gifts. But moments after Bais Medrash renovation in memory of Ed’s in a way superior to the sonfather aspect of Yaakov cleared the Brachot from Yitzchok, parents, Harry B. and Sylvia Leventhal a”h. our relationship to Gd. When we consider he zoomed off towards Charan before Esav Much thanks and appreciation to Ed and Mesa our relationship to Gd like that of a child to could catch him. Esav ordered his son, Elifaz, for their support and generosity. Yaakov and his father, i.e., when we fulfill Gd’s will out to catch Yaakov and kill him. Elifaz did Ester Gur have also given generously to the of love for Gd, our selfawareness is a factor eventually track down Yaakov. expansion project to help us get started. in the relationship: the more we sense how Now Elifaz had a dilemma. Even though he Thank you to Yaakov and Ester for your much we love Gd, the more we desire to was Esav’s son, he had grown up in support and generosity. fulfill His will. In contrast, when we serve Yitzchok’s house and learned “some” decent Rabbi Goldberger will be starting the Gd as a servant, our service is pure; there is things from his grandfather. He knew it was fundraising effort in the very near future to no admixture of selfawareness, for we are wrong to kill Yaakov. But he also wanted to raise the additional amount necessary for the merely the “property” of our Master. do the of Kibud Av (honoring one’s project, and a smaller amount to paint the Through this attitude, the Jew becomes an father) and carry out Esav’s orders. inside of the shul building and take care of a extension of the King, and reveals to the Yaakov came up with a creative solution. few other areas which need attention. The world the sovereignty of Gd. According to the Torah, a poor man is total amount of the project is $75,000. In Kabbala, the Hebrew word for “iron,” equivalent to a dead man. Therefore, Yaakov Our shul has not conducted a capital “barzel,” is seen as an acronym for the four told Elifaz to take all his possessions and campaign since we bought and built our wives of Jacob: Bilhah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Elifaz would be able to go back and tell his current shul building 19 years ago and we Leah. Significantly, the names of the maid father that Yaakov is dead. have not had a building fund since then as servants appear before those of their mis Now, Yaakov would have to face the well. Please remember that the funds being tresses. This reflects the fact that the maidser diabolical Lavan with no gifts, jewels or cash raised are completely separate from shul vants were, in a sense, superior to the matri and ask for Rachel’s hand in marriage. (That’s operating funds. archs. The matriarchs personified malchut of enough to make any grown man cry!) Please begin thinking about what you Atzilut as it is in its native environment, the Graphic courtesy of Chinuch.org. would like to contribute, if you can, to this world of Atzilut. The maidservants, on the beautiful and important project, to enhance a other hand, personified malchut of Atzilut as Shemen Lamaor Sponsors makom Torah and tefilla, which is used daily it descends into the lower worlds. This is why • Ari and Caryn Blum and Jacob did not initially want to by our kehilla. This campaign is not meant to • Jerry and Elka Rottman in loving memory marry their maidservants: they did not want to take away any support from the daytoday of Elka’s dear parents, Aryeh Leib ben be brought into the lower worlds. The ma operations of the shul. The gift you are able to Eliyahu HaKohen a”h and Golda bas Yosef triarchs, however, recognized the need for this give should be considered over and above Zelig HaLevi a”h what you give to the shul in general. descent and therefore encouraged their hus • Andy Goldfinger May Hashem grant us much success in this bands to marry their maidservants. Precisely • Shulamis Heldoorn holy and important endeavor. Thanks to one because they descended into the lower worlds, • Rabbi Menachem and Rebbetzin Bracha and all for your help in expanding and they were able to reconstruct malchut, a Goldberger beautifying our shul. necessary stage in the process of Redemption. For this reason, the names of the maidservants • Leah Miner appear before those of the Matriarchs. Daven with us at 6201 Park Hei ghts Ave nue Parshas Vayetze

Louis and Gail FeinsteinFocus (Mishlei ) on Tanach Thank You from the Pears Shoshana Goldman The (9)idea is (Shoftim) to complete Rena a ll ofLevi Tanach, Jonah as a community, Rena with J Eliyahu each Margolesefamily or individual learning (2) Lecha book Lecha from Tanach or a Parshaonah from N the Torah. There can be overlap, as long as we finish Tanach as a shul. We would like to thank the Rabbi and Sign up with Shaina Margolese at [email protected] or 4103587387. Rebbetzin and the kehilla for all of the Rabbi Goldberger would very much like the Torah parshiyos to be completed by the youth of our shul. Sign up with amazing chesed that you have extended to our Nechama Goldman, nechamabgoldman@ gmail.com, 4104406234 or Shonny Katz, 4103580440, family. B”H, other than having to go into a [email protected]. type of galus for the time being, we are now Aharon and Feige Rochel Feinstein children in Talia Goldstein (Koheles) Mo and Shaina Margolese Judy Schnidman () resettled in a beautiful rental house on Menlo Adler (Esther) memory of their Aharon Grayson (Ezra, (Melachim Bais) Shoshana Shamberg Feige Rochel Adler brother, Yaakov Nechemya) Mordecai Zev Margolese (Malachi) Drive. From the immediate move from our (Malachi) Chaim z'l (Toldos) Nossi Gross (Yirmiyahu) (Nechemya, Divrei Meira Shnidman house during the hurricane, to all of the Shaul Allen (Rus, Eicha, Louis and Gail Feinstein Yaakov Gur (Iyov) Hayamim) (Melachim Aleph) support that has been extended, to the Koheles, Esther) (Mishlei) Hillorie Morrison Avi and Susan Sonenthal Mark Hart (Tazria, (Koheles) (Zechariah) amazing meals that have come our way, we Karen Beleck (Shmuel Elaine Gerstenfeld (Esther) Metzora) Avi Sonenthal (Mishlei) Bais) Rabbi Goldberger Shulamis Heldoorn Parsowith family (Shmuel Ann Stiller (Shmuel) are immensely appreciative for all the Shira Beleck (Koheles) (Yehoshua) (Shoftim) Aleph) goodness that has been offered. Thank you so Yisrael and Rina Rebbetzin Goldberger Davidi Howarth (Yisro, Aviva Paul (Vayechi, for Devorah Taffel () much! Bethea (Yechezkel) (Shmuel) B’shalach, Va’eira, L'ilui Nishmas Tamar Shmeuli Tenenbaum Chananya Blaxberg (4) Shlomo Goldberger (Shir Shemos, ) Rayzil bas Nosson) (Shmuel Aleph) Dov, Karen, Shoshana, Atara, Avi, and (Shemos, Va’eira, Bo) Hashirim) Debby Howarth (Noach, Shlomo Pear (7) (, Gavi Blaxberg (Nasso, Tehila Goldberger (3) Yehoshua, Malachi, Bechukosai) Aryeh Yehuda Vanderhoof Shlomo Pear Shoftim (parts)) (Tehillim) Esther) Batya Perlman (11) (7) (Behar, Nisan Blaxberg (Micah, Yaakov Goldberger Bezalel and Esther Huff (Beha’aloscha, Trai Bechukosai) Zephaniah) (Va’eira, B’shalach, (Daniel, Ezra) Asar (parts)) Betzalel Vanderhoof (8) Rachamim Blaxberg (6) Yisro, , Samantha Hulkower Gavriel Perlman (Ki (Pinchas) Coming Up (, Behar) , , (Yisro) Seitzei) Tzadik Vanderhoof (Divrei Avromy Bluestein Ki Sisa, Vayakel, Hadassah Perlman (10) Hayamim) • December 2: Focus on Tanach Learning for (Vayeishev) , , Bert Kahn (Obadiah) (Shemos, Melachim Chaim Bluestien (Daniel) Shmini, Tazria, Efraim Katz (Chayei Bais (parts)) Elie and Esther Weiner men and women Rikva, Itzik and Nechama Metzora, Acharei ) Levi Perlman (5) (Yishayahu) • December 4 : Sisterhood Event with Rena Bluestein (Chayei Mot, , Suzanne Kayne (Koheles) (B’shalach) Women’s Tehillim Group Sarah) Emor, Behar, D Klotzman (Shelach) Minky Perlman (6) (Tehillim) Rotenberg Shiya Bluestein (Yisro) Bechukosai, (Shemos) • December 7 : Dinner with the Rabbi and Blum family (Shmuel Bamidbar, , Barbara Landsman Mordechai Meir Perlman Hillel Zeitlin (Rus) Aleph) Be’halot’cha, , (Esther) (Devarim) Rebbetzin. Contact Shlomo Goldberger for Chaya Blum (12) , Chukas, Elie Levi (Tzav, Shmini, Noam Petersen (8 ) reservations. $18/person, $54 max per (Vayeitzei,Yishayahu , Pinchas, Tazria, Metzora, (Terumah) (parts)) , Devarim, , Yaron Petersen (7) family. Dovid Blum (5) (Shemos, Vaetchanan, Ekev, Kedoshim, Emor, (Mattos) • December 8: Shalosh Seudas sponsored by Va’eira, Bo, Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Behar, Bechukosai, Yehoshua) Setzei, Ki Savo, Bamidbar, Naso, Jonathan and Talia Raun Lenny and Glenna Ross for the Shloshim of Reuven Blum (7) ( , , , Be’halot’cha, Shlach, (Iyov) Glenna’s mother and Glenna’s father’s Kedoshim) , V’Zos Korach, Chukas, Binyamin Reznick HaBracha,Yirmiyahu) Balak, Pinchas, (Pinchas, Mattos) yahrzeit. Moshe Cohen (Melachim Andy Goldfinger Masei, Devarim, Dvora Sora Reznick • December 9: Focus on Tanach Chanukah Bais) (Koheles) Vaetchanan, Ekev, (Tehillim) and Raizy Cohen Goldman family (Bo) Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Howard and Dvora Sora Carnival (Yechezkel) Avi Goldman (10) (Esther Setzei, Ki Savo, Reznick (Habakkuk) • December 15 : Camp Shabbos (parts)) Nitzavim, Vayelech, Jerry and Eileen Joyce Dreyfuss Goldie Goldman (12) Haazinu, V’Zos Rosenbaum (Trai • December 16: Focus on Tanach Grand (Vayishlach, (Vayeitzei) HaBracha, Melachim Asar) Vayeishev, Yayigash, Nechama Goldman Aleph, Jonah) Louis and Rachel Siyum/Luncheon Mishpatim, Me lachim () Elie and Esther Levi Rosenstock • December 29: Shalosh Seudas Sheva Aleph and Bais) Shoshana Goldman (10) (Ezra) (Va’eschanan) (Shoftim, Melachim Lenny and Glenna Ross Brachos sponsored by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Aleph, Esther) Eliyahu Margolese (3) () Goldberger Yaakov Goldman (Bereishis, Noach, Jerry, Elka and Elisheva (B’shalach) Lech Lecha, ) Rottman () • March 10 : Banquet

Please Daven for Our Soldiers PUSHKA CAMPAIGN Yaakov and Batsheva Goldman have begun Sign up by emailing [email protected] m. Participants who have Yisroel and Yaffa Addess a program matching one person to one Israeli The pushka challenge is to put whatever amount signed up for this year's Tehilla Rottman of money one is able into a pushka every day or campaign: Chaim and Rivka Bluestein soldier. This connection is about learning, as often as possible. The recommended amount davening and doing chesed as a zechus and a is only 36 cents a day. Rabbi and Rebbetzin When your pushka is full, please empty it into Goldberger shemira for the soldier. May Hashem watch a ziplock bag marked with your name, and drop Shlomo and Ahuva over them and protect them and all of Am it into our locked mailbox at 3310 W. Strathmore Goldberger Avenue. If it is difficult for you to drop it off, Howard and Dvora Sora Yisroel. Visit www.shmiraproject.com for please contact Shlomo and Ahuva Goldberger at Reznick more information. 4103584456 to arrange a pickup. If you need a Moshe and Shelly Cohen shul pushka, you may take one from the shul Jerry and Eileen window sill, and they will be replenished as Rosenbaum • Aryeh Eastman (Aryeh Lev Nachman needed. Jonathan and Talia Raun Each week we will print the names of the Ari and Caryn Blum ben Rus) participants who have turned in a pushka that Ken and Chana Birnbaum week. Bob and Karen Rosenfelt • Dovid Eastman (Michoel Dovid ben Rus) Lenny and Glenna Ross • Ami Bennett (Amitai Efraim ben Sora This week’s contributors: Keely and Jillian Lenny and Glenna Ross Goldberger Leah) Fred and Rena Levi • Binyamin Goldman (Binyamin Yehuda Elie and Esther Levi Susan Vick Michael ben Batsheva Rivka) Betzalel and Esther Huff • Moshe Orman (Moshe Dovid ben Louis and Rachel Rosenstock Simcha Freydl) Nisan and Marietta Jaffee • Sarit Petersen (Aharona Sarit bas Chana Mo and Shaina Margolese Pesha) Running total: $570.35 Barbara Landsman Rottman family

Experience Saturday Morning Lite Parshas Vayetze

Refuah Shalaimah to Our Members  • 9:209:40 pm: Rabbi Goldberger teaching Tur Bais Yoseph. Monday through Thursday. • Karen Rosenfelt, Chaya bas Sheindel No Peanuts! The shul is peanutfree. In consid eration of our members with peanut allergies, please • Karen Eisenberg, Keren bas Levana Yuta refrain from bringing peanut products into the shul. Shabbos: • 88:30 am: Mishnayos Chabura. Nezikin . Community  Joblink . Joblink provides seekers, recruiters OFFICERS • November 24 : Women’s in memory of and employers with valuable information regarding Esther Nechama Margolese. Sefer HaChinnuch, employment opportunities and career information.  President Ari Blum 4103585478 led by Dr. Dovid Clay. Home of Joyce Dreyfuss, If you are looking for a job or know of one at [email protected] 3820 Menlo Drive, each Shabbos at 3:20 pm. All your office, contact our shul liaison, Yehuda  VP Mo Margolese [email protected] women and high school girls are invited. Copies Bennett, at [email protected], 443827  VP Membership Louis Rosenstock 4432554343 available. 8420 or Elly Lasson, executive director at Joblink, [email protected], lrosenstockphoto@ • November 25 : Blasé Day. Who cares? [email protected], 4106028700. yahoo.com • November 24 : Lecture by Rabbi Katz. Israel and  Secretary Ari Blum 4103585478 the : 19491952. Israel and the Arabs.  [email protected] Suburban, 8 pm, free. Shul Rentals . To reserve the use of the shul’s  Treasurer Yaakov Gur 4103582005 • November 28 : Ohr Academy Open simcha hall or Nancy Taffel Annex, please contact [email protected] House. Meet Principal Rabbi Greenblatt, faculty Eileen Rosenbaum at 4107648443 or eileen@ and other parents, and learn more about the tiferesyisroel.org. CONTACT INFORMATION school. For more information, 4105005984 or There is no fee to reserve the date. For  Ahavas Yisrael Chabura Project Meira Blaxberg [email protected]. 89:30 pm, availability, go to www.tiferesyisroel.org, and click 4103583943 [email protected] JCC Community Room. on the “Calendar” button on the left. This online  Bais Medrash Rabbi Elie Levi 4103188932 calendar is kept uptodate continuously.  Calendar Eileen Rosenbaum 4107648443 Support Network  [email protected] Members of our community are developing a Sponsorships . To arrange your sponsorship,  Camp Shabbos Adriana Steinberg 2026416677 new mutual support network called Northwest email [email protected] or go to [email protected] Neighbors Connecting. Primarily to aid seniors to www.tiferesyisroel.org and click donate. Please  Candyman Ari Blum more happily age in place, they are also working to send your donation to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel,  Chesed Committee Chana Birnbaum () 410 empower anyone, any age, to support each other 6201 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215. 3587736; Ester Gur (births) 4103582005; Raizy with their daytoday tasks. It can be offering a ride To sponsor Shemen Lamaor for a month or the Cohen (cholim) 4107648852 to the grocery store, changing someone’s lightbulb, Lev Echad, Camp Shabbos or Father/Son Learning  Davening Schedule Jay Taffel 4103589029 or just a friendly checkin call. for a week, the donation is $36.  Father/Son Learning Dov Pear 4103589825 If you are interested in helping create a richer For the following, please contact Nisan Blaxberg  Gabbai Rishon Jay Taffel 4103589029 culture of caring in our community, please get in at 4103583943 or [email protected].  Gabbai Sheni Hillel Zeitlin 4103587316 touch with Risyl Edelman at CHAI. $50  Gabbai Nathan Franco 2404722815 Chumash $75  Girls’ Learning Group Nechama Goldman Yahrzeits Yahrzeit Plaque $300  Hospitality Gail Feinstein 4107642532, 410456 Other seforim may be dedicated as well. 4306 Giving tzedakah in the name of the departed has  Kitchen/Kiddush Volunteer opportunity the power to elevate their soul. When you give TY Shiurim Schedule  Lev Echad Suzanne Kayne 4107641971, Option charity on behalf of your loved one, consider giving 4 (please use email) [email protected] to Tiferes Yisroel. Sunday:  Mitzvah Cards Glenna Ross 4103581687 And may the soul of your loved one be bound in • 9:3010:15 am: Men’s Brachos shiur  Seforim the bond of life, together with the souls of given by the Rabbi. , selected Tosfos and Purchase Nisan Blaxberg 4103583943 Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov; Sarah, Rivka, Ra Maharsha following Shacharis. Repair Mark Hart chel and Leah; and together with the other righteous • 1010:45 am: Women’s Tehillim gathering for  Shalosh Seudos Coordinator men and women in Gan Eden. cholim (Nancy Taffel Annex). Hinda Blum 4107642279 Mollie Fink, Malka bas Yehoshua a”h, 10 Kislev, Monday:  Simcha Hall Reserve Eileen Rosenbaum 410764 greatgrandmother of Meira Blaxberg • 6:457:45 pm: Rambam Hilchos Ishus. Given by 8443 [email protected] Geoff Frisch, Gavriel ben Yitzchak a”h, 10 Kislev, Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis . On hiatus.  Sisterhood Batsheva Goldman 4103583768 father of Julie Glassman jenbgold@gmail. com; Elka Rottman 410358 Tuesday: 5427 [email protected]; Devorah Taffel Sylvia Weinberg, Shana bas Moshe a”h, 12 Kislev, • One hour before mincha: Gemara Chulin . The mother of Dr. Ed Leventhal 4103589029 [email protected] 8th perek dealing with the meat and bones and  Supplies Ordering Shulamis Heldoorn 410664 Rose Sylvia Littman, Raasha Shifra bas Shmuel blood of kashrus, given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Eliyahu a”h, 13 Kislev, mother of Iris Littman 1212 [email protected] Beis Midrash.  Tzeischem L’Shalom Coordinator Mordechai Be Feige PorterArenzon, Maryam Feige bas Nosson, • 8 pm: Chabura learning — Kitzur Shulchan 13 Kislev, mother of Rabbi Shlomo Porter leck 4435703850 [email protected] Aruch , focusing on the laws of Pesach. After  Webmaster Tzadik Vanderhoof 4107642258 Sadie Novograd, Sarah Braindel bas Shalom a”h, 14 maariv in the Bais Medrash. Led by Elie Weiner. Kislev, mother of Allan Novograd a”h [email protected] Jack H. Freeman, Yaakov ben Reuven a”h, 15 Wednesday:  Yahrzeit Plaques Nisan Blaxberg 4103583943 Kislev, grandfather of Gail Feinstein • 89 pm: Nesivos Shalom. Bais Medrash. Led by  Yahrzeit Records Alisa Mandel 4109632977 Philip Zassler, Shraga Feivel ben Israel a”h, 16 Fred Levi. [email protected] Kislev, father of Judy Ference a”h Daily (MondayFriday):  Shul Business [email protected] • 66:25 am: Chabura learning Rashi on the weekly Donations parsha given by Nisan Blaxberg. All men and (older) boys are invited to attend. • In memory of Sylvia Frank, mother of Glenna • Every morning following davening — a chabura Lev Echad Deadline: Ross, by Gail Lipsitz for strengthening Hebrew reading with Nesivos Wednesday, 6:13 pm • In memory of Sylvia Frank, mother of Glenna Shalom . With fresh hot coffee! [email protected] Ross, by Dr. Barry and Ruth Kramer • Sunday through Thursday evening after mincha/ • In memory of Sylvia Frank, mother of Glenna maariv for 15 minutes — Rabbi Goldberger shiur Ross, by Gary for men. Mishna Berurah . Good Shabbos! • In honor of Rabbi Goldberger’s speedy recovery, • 89 pm: Nightly men’s bais medrash. Sunday by Libby Steinberg through Thursday.