
PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3480, 65 pp., 26 ®gures, 6 tables July 25, 2005

A New Protocetid (: ) from the Late Middle of South Carolina


ABSTRACT A new and of protocetid cetacean, Carolinacetus gingerichi, is described from a partial skull, the posterior portion of both dentaries, 13 vertebrae, and elements of 15 found in the Cross Member of the late middle Eocene Tupelo Bay Formation in Berkeley County, South Carolina. That formation is also de®ned and named in this paper. Although the holotype skull of Carolinacetus is fragmentary, it includes the best preserved petrosal of any described specimen from the archaeocete families of , Ambulocetidae, Remington- ocetidae, and . The phylogenetic relationships of Carolinacetus were determined by a cladistic analysis of a dataset that includes 16 cetacean taxa and 5 outgroups scored for 107 morphological characters. Carolinacetus was found to be the basalmost cetacean known from North America, and the most conspicuous character supporting this position is the ex- ternal, bony nares being anterior to P1. Other noteworthy ®ndings are that is more basal than Babiacetus and that Remingtonocetidae occupies a branch between Pakice- tidae and Protocetidae. Based on our phylogenetic analysis, the genus Gaviacetus is removed from the and restored to the Protocetidae. Possible dispersal routes of proto- cetids from the Old World to the New World are discussed, and a route westward along the southern coast of Greenland is considered to be the most likely avenue of protocetid migration to North America.

1 Department of and Geography and Georgia Southern Museum, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA30460-5149 ([email protected]). 2 Department of Natural Sciences, The Charleston Museum, 360 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29403 (asanders@ charlestonmuseum.org). 3 Section of , Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-4080 ([email protected]).

Copyright ᭧ American Museum of Natural History 2005 ISSN 0003-0082 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Fig. 1. Type locality (indicated by the star) of Carolinacetus gingerichi, new genus and species: South Carolina, Berkeley County; Martin Marietta Berkeley (``Cross'') Quarry. Cross Member, Tupelo Bay Formation, late Middle Eocene (Middle ).

INTRODUCTION 1996; McLeod and Barnes, 1996), and three new taxa have been described: Georgiacetus The Protocetidae is a paraphyletic vogtlensis (Hulbert et al., 1998), Natchito- of archaeocete cetaceans that ¯our- chia jonesi (Uhen, 1998b), and Eocetus war- ished during the middle Eocene ( dii (Uhen, 1999). In the present study, we and Bartonian). Their immediate descen- describe Carolinacetus gingerichi, a new ge- dants, the late Eocene basilosaurids, are more closely related to the extant cetacean subor- nus and species of protocetid whale from the ders Odontoceti (toothed ) and Mys- middle Eocene Tupelo Bay Formation of ticeti (-bearing whales). Protocetid re- South Carolina. The preserved skeletal ele- mains have provided important insights into ments of this indicate that it is the the origin of Cetacea (Gingerich et al., basalmost cetacean known from North 2001a; Geisler and Uhen, 2003), the evolu- America. tion of underwater hearing (Luo and Ginger- The holotype, Charleston Museum ich, 1999; Spoor et al., 2002; Nummela et PV5401, was discovered in sediments of al., 2004), and the evolution of aquatic lo- lower middle Eocene in April 1994 by comotion (Gingerich et al., 1994, 2001a; Bricky Way, the ®rst author, and other mem- Buchholtz, 1998; Fish, 1998). As recently as bers of the College of Charleston Geology the 1980s, the published record of North Club during a ®eldtrip to the Martin Marietta American protocetids consisted of a single Berkeley Quarry in Berkeley County, South vertebra from Texas discussed by Kellogg Carolina (®g. 1). Because of its proximity to (1936). During the past 15 , protocetid the small town of Cross, this quarry is fa- remains have been found at several localities miliarly known as the ``Cross Quarry''. Al- in the southeastern United States (Albright, though isolated teeth of protocetids have 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 3 been reported from the Cross Quarry (Al- base perpendicular to the long axis of the bright, 1996; McLeod and Barnes, 1996), crown. The vertical dimension of the crown this specimen is the ®rst partial skeleton dis- was measured from the base to the tip of the covered there. apical . The existence of this new protocetid from In the descriptions and comparisons of the South Carolina was ®rst reported at the Sixth holotype vertebral elements of Carolinacetus North American Paleontological Convention we have employed the methods of utilizing (Geisler et al., 1996). Subsequent studies uti- length/width ratios of vertebral centra intro- lized the undescribed holotype of Carolina- duced by Sanders and Barnes (2003). Ratios cetus (referring to it as the ``Cross whale'') of the dimensions of centra were determined to test phylogenetic hypotheses for the sister by dividing the width of the anterior face by group to Cetacea (e.g., Geisler and Luo, the anteroposterior length of the centrum. 1998; O'Leary and Geisler, 1999). Geisler Higher values re¯ect a relatively short cen- and Luo (1998: ®g. 8) also used the partial trum and lower values indicate more elon- skull to infer the pattern of cranial vascula- gate ones. ture in early cetaceans. The skull ®gured prominently in their discussion because of CHARACTER ANALYSIS the superb preservation of the petrosal and the fact that nonpreservation of the basion of The phylogenetic analysis was based 23 the skull provided a unique endocranial view taxa scored for 107 morphological charac- of the petrosal and surrounding structures. ters, 46 multistate and 61 binary (appendix Geisler and Luo (1998) recognized two fea- 1). The character/taxon matrix is shown in tures not previously reported in cetaceans, a appendix 2. Thirty-nine of the 46 multistate postglenoid foramen at the squamosal/petro- characters were ordered to incorporate hy- sal suture and endocranial space for a large potheses of homology among character retia mirabile medial to the petrosal. states (Wilkinson, 1992). Multistate charac- In the following description of Carolina- ters were ordered so that anatomical differ- cetus gingerichi we distinguish this new ge- ences between sequential states were mini- nus and species from previously described mized. Most of the characters in the matrix protocetids, particularly those from North were taken directly from or slightly modi®ed America, and we present a phylogenetic from the following references: Thewissen analysis of archaeocete cetaceans. Although (1994), Geisler and Luo (1998), Uhen several studies have developed hypotheses (1998a), Luo and Gingerich (1999), Uhen for basal cetacean phylogeny (e.g., Uhen, (1999), and Thewissen and Hussain (2000). 1998a, 1999), our attempt bene®ts from the The ingroup included 17 taxa: Pakicetidae recent publication of pakicetid postcrania ( and Ichthyolestes); Ambuloceti- (Thewissen et al., 2001), protocetid postcra- dae (); the remingtonocetids Re- nia (Gingerich et al., 2001a), and description mingtonocetus harudiensis and Dalanistes of the protocetids Artiocetus clavus (Ginger- ahmedi; nine protocetids, including Artioce- ich et al., 2001a) and Qaisracetus ari® (Gin- tus clavus, Babiacetus indicus, Carolinacetus gerich et al., 2001b), which together docu- gingerichi, Eocetus schweinfurthi, E. wardii, ment previously unknown grades in cetacean Georgiacetus vogtlensis, atavus, evolution. Qaisracetus ari®, (R. kasrani, R. balochistanensis); and the basilosaurids Bas- MATERIALS AND METHODS ilosaurus cetoides, B. isis, and atrox. The protocetids Pappocetus lugardi, Measurements of skeletal elements were ramani, Takracetus simus, and made with dial calipers. Maxillary teeth are Natchitochia jonesi were not included be- indicated by upper case letters (M1) and cause their types and referred specimens are mandibular teeth by lower case letters (m1). fragmentary and do not preserve suf®cient Measurements of the anteroposterior length anatomical features to adequately place them of the crown were taken along the base, and in a phylogenetic hypothesis. Ingroup mono- the transverse diameter was measured at the phyly was tested by including three 4 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 taxa from Mesonychidae (, Pachyae- or the Cross Member of the Santee Lime- na, and Mesonyx) and two taxa from Artio- stone (e.g., Ward et al., 1979; Edwards et al., dactyla (Sus, and ). Most par- 1997). Although our main objective in this simonious trees were rooted using the me- paper is to describe that new species of sonychids because morphological data (Gin- whale, observations by the second author gerich et al., 2001a; Thewissen et al., 2001; (Sanders and Katuna, 2000), plus those pub- Geisler and Uhen, 2003) and molecular data lished in a recent USGS report (i.e., Edwards (e.g., Gatesy et al., 1996; Gatesy, 1997; Shi- et al., 1997), indicate that the geology of the mamura et al., 1997; Gatesy et al., 1999; Ni- Santee needs to be revisited. kaido et al., 1999) support a monophyletic The name ``Santee white limestone'' was Cetartiodactyla, which includes cetaceans informally applied by Charles Lyell (1845) and artiodactyls but not . to calcareous marine deposits that he saw at The branch-and-bound algorithm (Hendy Eutaw Springs near the Santee River in Or- and Penny, 1982), as implemented in the angeburg County, South Carolina, in 1842. computer program PAUP*4.0b10 (Swofford, Invertebrate that he collected there 2002), was used to ®nd the most parsimo- and at other localities led him to recognize nious trees. Bremer Support (Bremer, 1988, those deposits as being of Claiborne (middle 1994) was calculated using command ®les Eocene) age (Lyell, 1845). Since then, the generated with the program TreeRot (Soren- name ``Santee Limestone'' has become an son, 1996) and executed in PAUP 3.1.1. The accepted term in the stratigraphic nomencla- command ®le was altered so that 500 heuris- ture of the southeastern United States but has tic replicates were performed for each node been used by various authors in various and only 15 suboptimal trees were held for ways. Sloan (1908: 460) called it the ``Santee each replicate. The length of the shortest un- marl'' but was clearly referring to the Santee constrained tree was subtracted from the Limestone. length of the shortest constrained tree to ®nd The type locality of Carolinacetus ginger- the branch support for each node. The degree ichiÐthe Martin Marietta Berkeley to which the present matrix contradicted al- (``Cross'') QuarryÐis also the location of ternative phylogenetic hypotheses was deter- the of the Cross Member of the mined by creating constraint trees and then Santee Limestone, described by Ward et al. enforcing them during 500 heuristic repli- (1979: 8) as a ``bryozoan-brachiopod-bivalve cates. Only those synapomorphies that are biomicrite.'' In the Berkeley Quarry it is typ- optimized at the same node under ACC- ically less than 3 ft thick (Ward et al., 1979) TRAN and DELTRAN optimizations are re- but thickens to approximately 8 ft in a south- ported. westward direction (personal obs.). The Cross Member is underlain by the middle INSTITUTIONAL ABBREVIATIONS Eocene Moultrie Member, which Edwards et al. (1997) correlated with nannoplankton ChM, The Charleston Museum, Charles- (NP) zone 16 (late Lutetian/early Bartonian) ton, SC; GSM, Georgia Southern Museum, (®g. 2). Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Several aspects of the Cross Member sug- GA; NCSM, North Carolina Museum of Nat- gest that this be elevated to ural Sciences, Raleigh, NC; SNMS, Staat- formational rank. The gamma-ray log for a liches Museum fuÈr Naturkunde, Stuttgart; USGS core near Pregnall, SC, shows a peak USGS, United States Geological Survey; at the contact between the Cross and the USNM, U.S. National Museum of Natural Moultrie Members (Edwards et al., 1997: ®g. History, Washington, DC. 2), which is typical of disconformities be- tween formations and unlike the conformable GEOLOGIC SETTING contacts between members of the same de- Carolinacetus gingerichi was found in a positional sequence. In addition, the top of semi-indurated Eocene limestone referred to the Moultrie Member contains numerous as the Cross Formation (e.g., Baum et al., borings, indicative of a hiatus in deposition 1980; Harris et al., 1993; Weems et al., 2004) (Ward et al., 1979). Further examination of 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 5

ports an NP 17 age because protocetids are not known to have survived beyond the Bar- tonian (Gingerich et al., 1997). Thus, the dat- ing of that subunit as NP 17 by Edwards et al. (1997) is consistent with the ceta- cean evidence from the Cross Member at the Berkeley Quarry. Exposures of the upper subunit are best seen in the Giant Cement Quarry near Har- leyville, SC, in Dorchester County. It con- sists of foraminifer-peloid-bivalve grain- stones and packstones (L. Edwards, personal commun., February 2004). Only basilosaurid cetaceans (, ) have been found in this quarry (Sanders and Ka- tuna, 2000), con®rming the NP 18 (Priabo- nian) date for the upper subunit as reported by Edwards et al. (1997). In North America, species of the Basilosauridae are known only from the and are not known to have survived beyond it. In addition, Mr. Bil- ly Palmer, Sr. collected the remains of an un- described basilosaurid archaeocete (ChM PV6761) from the deepest part of this sub- Fig. 2. Chronostratigraphic sequence of upper unit as exposed in the Blue Circle Quarry, and middle Eocene carbonate units on the Coastal which is a short distance west of the Giant Plain of South Carolina and correlation with Eu- Cement Quarry. ropean stages and nannoplankton (NP) zones. Sol- On the strength of the paleontological and id circle (ⅷ) denotes stratigraphic position of ho- stratigraphic evidence, Sanders and Katuna lotype of Carolinacetus gingerichi, new genus (2000) informally proposed that the Moultrie and species. divisions and NP zones follow and the Cross Members be elevated to for- Berggren et al. (1995). mational rank, and that the two subunits in the latter be recognized as members of the the Pregnall core reveals that the Cross Cross Formation, that is, a lower Berkeley Member has two lithologic subunits: a lower Member and an upper Pregnall Member, with microfossiliferous limestone that is NP 17 in their stratotypes in the Pregnall core. Sanders age and an upper occasionally macrofossili- and Katuna now think that nomenclatural ferous limestone that is NP 18 in age (Ed- stability would be better served by preserv- wards et al., 1997). ing the name ``Cross Member'' of Ward et The Cross Member at both the Berkeley al. (1979: 8) rather than by changing the Quarry and the adjacent Martin Marietta Or- name to ``Berkeley Member''. Another rea- angeburg Quarry appears to consist entirely son for maintaining use of ``Cross Member'' of the lower subunit. As in the lower subunit is that at the type locality in the Berkeley in the Pregnall core (Edwards et al., 1997), Quarry, the upper subunit is not present and the Cross Member at those quarries has thus is not represented in the type section abundant quartz and phosphate grains. Nan- (Ward et al., 1979: 7; ®g. 3). Therefore, we noplankton in samples of the matrix sur- consider it best to restrict the name ``Cross'' rounding the skull of Carolinacetus are poor- to the Cross Member as originally proposed ly preserved but suggest an NP 17 date for by Ward et al. (1979). the Cross Member in the Berkeley Quarry Here, we formally propose the name ``Tu- (L. Bybell, personal commun., March 2000). pelo Bay Formation'' to incorporate the The presence of protocetid whales in the Cross Member and the previously named Cross Member at the Berkeley Quarry sup- Pregnall Member of Sanders and Katuna 6 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

(2000) (®g. 2). The type section of the Tu- Springs. We continue to recognize Eutaw pelo Bay Formation is here designated as the Springs as the type area for the Santee Lime- ``locally shelly, microfossiliferous lime- stone, even though the original type section stone'' between the the depths of 189.4 and is all but inaccessible. 90.9 ft in the USGS Pregnall core (Edwards To summarize, the holotype of Carolina- et al., 1997: 15), which was taken from lat- cetus gingerichi is from the Cross Member itude 33Њ09Ј08ЉN and longitude 80Њ28Ј14ЉW of the Tupelo Bay Formation, which is NP (Reid et al., 1986). This core can be exam- 17 in age. In the timescale of Berggren et al. ined at the South Carolina Geological Survey (1995), NP 17 ranges from 40.2 to 37 Ma. in Columbia, South Carolina. The stratotype Thus, we estimate the age of the holotype of the Cross Member in the Berekely Quarry material of Carolinacetus, found in the lower is no longer accessible since quarrying activ- 2 ft of the Cross Member, to be approxi- ities ended in 2001 and reclamation efforts mately 40 Ma. began. Thus, under the provisions of article 8, section E, of the North American Strati- SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY graphic Code, we designate the typically mi- crofossiliferous interval between 189.4 and CLASS MAMMALIA LINNAEUS, 1758 125 ft of the Pregnall core as the neostrato- CETACEA BRISSON, 1762 type of the Cross Member. The Pregnall Member (NP 18) is de®ned as the occasion- SUBORDER ARCHAEOCETI FLOWER, 1883 ally macrofossiliferous limestone between FAMILY PROTOCETIDAE STROMER, 1908 the depths of 125 and 90.9 ft of the Pregnall core, which is also the stratotype of this Carolinacetus, new genus member. DIAGNOSIS: Same as for the species. The namesake of this new formation, Tu- ETYMOLOGY: The generic name recognizes pelo Bay, is a Carolina bay in Berkeley South Carolina, USA, as the origin of the County that is directly on the boundary of holotype. Ј the USGS Pringletown and Sandridge 7.5 TYPE SPECIES: Carolinacetus gingerichi, quadrangles. It is bounded triangularly by new species. U.S. Route 178, S.C. Route 311, and County Road 59 and is almost equidistant from the Carolinacetus gingerichi, new species Berkeley Quarry to the northeast and the Gi- ant Cement Quarry to the southwest. The DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from other name ``Pregnall Member'' re¯ects represen- known protocetids by the presence of two tation of this unit in the USGS core taken autapomorphies: (1) presence of a postero- near the town of Pregnall. dorsal tongue of the petrosal that is exposed We also restrict the name Santee Lime- between the exoccipital and the squamosal stone to the formation of NP 16 age under- with the skull in posterior view (®g. 9); (2) lying the Tupelo Bay Formation (®g. 2) and mandible with a steep ascending process and represented between 258.0 and 189.4 ft with- a deeply descending ventral margin posteri- in the Pregnall core. This renders the ``Moul- orly, depth of mandible at the mandibular trie Member'' of Ward et al. (1979) as equiv- fossa greater than 2.5 the depth of the alent to the Santee Limestone, and thus the mandible at p4 (®g. 11). It differs from Geor- name ``Moultrie Member'' should be aban- giacetus vogtlensis in having the posterior doned. Recent authors (e.g., Baum et al., margin of the external nares above the ca- 1980; Ward et al., 1979) have followed nine; palatal process of the premaxilla ter- Cooke (1936) in recognizing the stratotype minating between the canine and P1; ascend- of the Santee Limestone as the outcrop at ing process of the premaxilla terminating Eutaw Springs visited by Lyell in 1842. Un- dorsal to P1; and parietal ridge rounded, not fortunately, that locality now lies beneath the acute. Carolinacetus differs fron Natchito- waters of Lake Marion and is no longer ac- chia jonesi in having anterior thoracic ver- cessible, although other outcrops of the San- tebrae that are 10±15% smaller, and no fur- tee Limestone can be seen near Eutaw ther comparisons can be made because the 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 7

Fig. 3. Reconstructions of the holotype skull of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in (A) dorsal and (B) lateral views. Gray areas indicate portions of the skull actually recovered. Scale bar is 10 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. holotype of the latter taxon includes only of the origin of Cetacea and of the diversity vertebrae and fragmentary ribs. of protocetids. HOLOTYPE: ChM PV5401 (®gs. 3±24): in- REFERRED SPECIMEN: ChM PV6088, prob- complete cranium with right petrosal in able sixth thoracic vertebra missing right place, partial tympanic bullae, and detached transverse process, dorsal portion of left anterior portion of rostrum; anterior and pos- transverse process, and tip of spinous pro- terior portions of both mandibles; 11 identi- cess. South Carolina, Berkeley County; Mar- ®able teeth; atlas, axis, and 3rd, 4th, 6th, and tin Marietta Berkeley Quarry; collected by 7th ; 1st, 2nd, and 4th±8th Billy Palmer, Sr., 9 March 1999. Cross Mem- ; 15 ribs. Collected by A.E. ber, Tupelo Bay Formation, late Middle Eo- Sanders, J.H. Geisler, C.B. Way, S. Davis, cene. Z.-X. Luo, and J.L. Hanlon, April 1994. TYPE LOCALITY: South Carolina, Berkeley DESCRIPTION County; Martin Marietta Berkeley (``Cross'') SKULL Quarry, east side of County Road 59, 2.4 km (1.49 mi) south of South Carolina Routes 6 The preserved portions of the holotype and 45; USGS Chicora 15Ј quadrangle, skull consist of the anterior end of the ros- 33Њ21Ј N, 80Њ13.4Ј W. trum with the right canine in place (®gs. 3, FORMATION AND AGE: Cross Member, Tu- 4), detached anterior part of the left nasal, pelo Bay Formation, late middle Eocene, detached portions of the right and left jugals middle Bartonian, zone NP 17, ca. 40 Ma. (®g. 3), partial cranium with the right petro- ETYMOLOGY: The speci®c name is a pa- sal in place (®gs. 5±8), and detached right tronym honoring Philip D. Gingerich for his occipital condyle. Measurements of the cra- many contributions to the present knowledge nial elements are given in table 1. 8 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Fig. 4. Anterior end of the rostrum of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in (A) dorsal, (B) lateral, and (C) ventral views. Note that the external nares (no) are above the canine. Scale bar is 10 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations.

The preserved rostral portion extends from tions of the right and left premaxillae that the tip of the rostrum to a point just posterior can be attributed to distortion. In dorsal view, to the alveoli for P1. It is missing the dorsal the rostrum gradually tapers anteriorly, with portions of the premaxillae that enclose the the external nares being located above the roots of I1, the lateral side of the right max- canines, unlike many other described proto- illa, and the left nasal. In comparison with cetids, in which the nasal opening is situated the maxillae, the premaxillae appear ventral- above P1. ly de¯ected, probably the result of distortion The cranial portion is preserved from the at the maxillary/premaxillary suture. In ad- dorsal margin of the foramen magnum to the dition, there is a gap between the dorsal por- anterior margins of the orbits but is missing 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 9

Fig. 5. Partial cranium of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in (A) dorsal and (B) lateral views. Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

TABLE 1 Measurements (in mm) of Holotype Skull and Auditory of Carolinacetus gingerichi, new genus, new species (ChM PV5401)

Condylobasal length, as preserved (235)a Greatest length, plane of margins of nuchal crest to tip of rostrum (290) Anteroposterior length of parietals along sagittal crest 235 Transverse diameter of supraorbital processes at posterior processes 256 Shortest transverse diameter at parietal ridge 33.1 Greatest outside dimensions across nuchal crest 116 Greatest inside dimensions across nuchal crest 95.2 Vertical diameter of occiput (138) Greatest diameter at outside margins of exoccipitals (284) Length of external auditory meatus 68.7 Anteroposterior length, detached partial left jugal, as preserved 199.9 Depth at midpoint of detached partial left jugal, as preserved 21 Anteroposterior length of right premaxilla (285) Depth of right premaxilla at posterior margin of 12 66.2 Least depth of premaxilla between I3 and C1 46.5 Width of rostrum at P1 (87) Width of rostrum at I3 64.7 Width of rostum behind I1 40.5 Width of palate at I3 25.8 Length of alveolus, right I2 35 Length of alveolus, left I3 23.3 Length of alveolus, left C1 (38) Length of alveolus, right P1 18 Width of alveolus, left I3 12.2 Width of alveolus, right P1 10.4 Length of diastema between left I3 and C1 43.3 Length of diastema between left C1 and P1 62 Anteroposterior length of right bulla 68.2 Greatest length of posterior process of right bulla 71.2 Greatest width of posterior process of right bulla 28.5 Anteroposterior diameter of internal acoustic meatus of petrosal 14.4 Length of promontorium of petrosal 16.8 a Measurements in parentheses are estimates. the vertex, the left occipital condyle, the en- the maxilla via ascending and palatal pro- tire ventral region, all of the left squamosal, cesses (®g. 4). The ascending process rises and the zygomatic process of the right squa- over the dorsal surface of the maxilla and is mosal. In dorsal aspect the cranium is elon- sutured to it, terminating ca. 21 mm behind gate with a prominent sagittal crest, is broad- the posterior margin of P1. Ventrally, the pre- est at the outermost margins of the exoccip- maxilla puts forth a palatal process that ex- ital, and is narrowest at a point approximate- tends posteriorly for approximately 75 mm ly 75 mm posterior to the posterior margins behind the anterior tip of the maxilla and ter- of the supraorbital processes of the frontals. minates at a point adjacent to the diastema The temporal fossa is quite extensive, occu- between the alveoli for C and P1. Together, pying 65% of the anteroposterior length of the two palatal processes form a wedge be- the cranial region. The nuchal crests of the tween the maxillae. Each of these processes supraoccipital are horseshoe-shaped in dorsal is sutured to the maxilla laterally and artic- view, and the entire occiput is projected pos- ulates medially with the vomer at its poste- terodorsally. rior end. Just anterior to the anterior edge of PREMAXILLA: As in other archaeocetes, the the nasal, the dorsal margin of the premaxilla premaxilla is elongate and articulates with descends rather sharply into a gentle depres- 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 11 sion anterior to C, begins to rise dorsally wide and 9 mm deep immediately posterior above I3, and above I2 achieves the same to the alveolus for P1. In the preserved por- elevation as the ascending process. The up- tion, the walls of the trough reach their great- per edges of the premaxillae ¯are dorsally est height medial to P1. On each side of the and laterally to form the nasal opening di- trough medial to P1 there are sulci that lead rectly above the canine. The nasal opening is posteriorly to the major palatine foramina 25 con¯uent anteriorly with a mesorostral gutter mm posterior to P1. On the right side this that extends anteriorly as far as the diastema foramen is only 11 mm beyond P1. The ma- between I1 and I2. jor palatine foramen is the ventral opening The alveoli for the incisors within the pre- for the palatine canal that houses the greater maxilla are aligned longitudinally in two par- palatine nerve, a rami®cation of the maxil- allel rows, not in a transverse arc as in me- lary branch of the trigeminal nerve (Sisson, sonychids and archaic (Prothero, 1921). Three well-de®ned foramina and ev- 1988; Thewissen, 1994). The alveoli for the idence of a fourth occur on the lateral side right and left I2 are slightly asymmetrical, of the maxilla in the region of P1. with the anterior margin of the alveolus for VOMER: The anterior end of the vomer ar- the left I2 being approximately 4 mm ante- ticulates with the palatal process of the pre- rior to its counterpart on the right side. The maxilla laterally, and the remaining posterior ®rst and third alveoli are roughly equal in portion is sutured to the maxilla laterally and size, but the alveolus for I2 is considerably ventrally. A portion of the vomer is exposed deeper and longer anteroposteriorly. The al- ventrally on the midline of the palate be- veoli for I1 are at the extreme anterior end tween the alveoli for C and P1 (®g. 4). The of the rostrum and were at least partially ex- total exposure is 40 mm in length beginning posed anteriorly. A diastema of 28 mm sep- immediately posterior to the palatal process- arates I1 from I2, and I3 is directly behind es of the premaxillae and terminating poste- I2, separated from it by a diastema of only riorly at the level of the anterior edge of the 12 mm. On the ventral surface immediately alveolus for P1. In dorsal view, the vomer is posterior to the alveolus for I1 there is a a U-shaped trough on the ¯oor of the me- small pit that is vascularized and is divided sorostral cavity. The morphology of the vo- by a sulcus leading into an anterior and a mer is correlated with the presence of the posterior foramen. On the lateral surface pos- ethmoidal plate or a septal cartilage that sep- terior to the alveolus for I3 there is a deep, arates the left from the right nasal passage. ovate embrasure pit for the lower canine. The preserved portion of the vomer in Car- MAXILLA: The maxilla is sutured to the olinacetus is low and U-shaped, as in extant premaxilla anteriorly, anteromedially, and cetaceans; however, it differs from Recent dorsally; to the nasals dorsally posterior to taxa in that it does not extend laterally and the premaxilla; and to the vomer medially. dorsally to completely ¯oor the mesorostral Ventrally, the preserved palatal portion con- cavity. Although the preserved portion in the tains the alveoli for C1 and P1 (®g. 4). Be- holotype is restricted in length to the region tween the alveoli for C1 and I3 there is a between the alveoli for C1 and P1, the vomer diastema of ca. 40 mm that spans the max- undoubtedly extended for a considerable dis- illary/premaxillary suture and another of ca. tance anteriorly and posteriorly, but almost 58 mm between C1 and P1. The alveolus for certainly not beyond the anterior end of the the canine is large, angled posterodorsally, maxilla. and seated completely on the maxilla. A NASAL: The nasal articulates laterally long, deep, porous embrasure pit occurs in with the premaxilla and is sutured to the pos- the diastema between C1 and P1 and prob- terior point of its ascending process. Poste- ably received p1. The anteroposterior length rior to the ascending process of the premax- of the alveolus for P1 (13 mm) is small rel- illa, the nasal is sutured ventrally and later- ative to that of the canine and is strongly ally to the maxilla. The nasal forms the dor- bilobed. Ventrally, the maxillae form a cen- sal quarter of the lateral surface of the tral trough that deepens and widens posteri- rostrum and forms half of the roof of the me- orly. The roof of the trough is ca. 29 mm sorostral trough posterior to the nasal open- 12 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Fig. 6. Line drawing (A) and photograph (B) of the cranium of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in ventral view. Dashed line is approximate boundary between middle and posterior cranial fossae. Scale bar is 10 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 13

Fig. 7. Stereopairs and line drawings of the right petrosal of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401). A. Stereopairs of the petrosal in ventral view with (B) corresponding line drawing. C. Line drawing of the endocranial side of the petrosal with (D) corresponding stereopairs. Note the elongate tube (tiam) that houses the internal acoustic meatus and postglenoid foramen (pgf) in the petrosal/ squamosal suture. Scale bars are 2 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. 14 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

and are exposed as open grooves. Curving posteromedially and opening onto the exte- rior of the cranium laterally, these foramina enclosed supraorbital frontal that drained the facial region and connected to the (Sisson, 1921). The posterior edge of the supraorbital pro- cess forms the anterior edge of the temporal fossa and the postorbital process of the fron- tal. The posterior surface of the postorbital process is oriented vertically and is contin- uous posteriorly with the laterally facing por- tion of the temporal fossa. In lateral view, the frontoparietal suture originates along the posterior edge of the postorbital process and is angled posteroventrally. The postorbital process extends laterally beyond the anterior portion of the supraorbital process, but breakage in the skull has obscured the degree Fig. 8. Ventrolateral view of the right petrosal of that extension. In parasagittal section, the of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401). An- postorbital process is triangular and is point- terior is to the top of the page and the scale bar ed ventrally. The anterior side of the post- is 1 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical orbital process is concave and forms the pos- abbreviations. terior border of the orbit. The ventral edge of this process forms a sharp ridge that ing. The anterior tip of the nasal marks the curves posteromedially and also forms the posterior edge of the nasal opening and is posterior edge of a broad trough containing level with the posterior edge of the alveolus two major orbital foramina missing their for C (®g. 4). This position for the nasal original ¯ooring (®g. 6). The central and opening is comparable to those in Indocetus deepest portion of the trough probably con- ramani and Rodhocetus kasrani (Gingerich veyed the ophthalmic branch of the trigemi- et al., 1993, 1994). The ventral internal edge nal nerve and the optic nerve. In the antero- of the nasal is a thin, ventrally expanded lam- lateral corner of the trough there is a small ina. On the inner surface of the nasal, 55 mm foramen of undetermined utility. The oph- posterior to its anterior margin, the turbinate thalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve is sep- crest begins and broadens vertically and arated from the ethmoid canal and foramen transversely in the posterior direction. Pos- by a prominent ridge of bone ca. 3±4 mm terior to the level of P1, the turbinate crest thick. The ethmoid canal proceeds in a thickens to a vertical diameter of 23.7 mm at straight line posteromedially and then abrupt- the broken edge of the specimen. Apparently, ly turns anteriorly. Lateral to the anterior the dorsal turbinate (naso-turbinate) was ridge of bone separating the ophthalmic fused to the posterior portions of the turbi- trough from the ethmoid canal there is an nate crest as in extant ungulates (Sisson, anteroposteriorly oriented row of four minute 1921). foramina. In lateral aspect, the supraorbital FRONTAL: In dorsal view, the frontals form process is greatly arched dorsally to form the laterally broad and anteroposteriorly elongate orbit. The frontal of this specimen has been supraorbital processes (®g. 5). The dorsal broken anteriorly, revealing numerous later- surface of the supraorbital process is gently ally elongate frontal sinus cavities. convex and slopes ventrally anteriorly and PARIETAL: The parietal is sutured to the su- laterally. Approximately half the distance praoccipital posteriorly, to the squamosal lat- from the midline to the lateral edge of the erally, to the alisphenoid anteroventrally, and supraorbital process are two supraorbital fo- to the frontal anteriorly and ventrally. The ramina that have lost their original roo®ng posterior portion of the parietal is a thin lam- 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 15 ina that extends posterodorsally to the edge nach, 1955) and for the protocetid Indocetus of the lambdoidal crest. The ventral portion (Bajpai et al., 1996). The cranial cavity is of the parietal anterior to the squamosal/pa- transversely constricted anteriorly but widens rietal suture is sutured to the alisphenoid an- posteriorly at the level of the foramen ``pseu- teromedially. The parietal/alisphenoid suture dovale'' (see discussion of this term below). traverses the lateral wall of the braincase Posterolateral to the groove for the dorsal steeply and anterodorsally (®g. 5). In dorsal (superior) sagittal sinus is a shallow fossa for view, the anterior end of the parietal diverges the right cerebral hemisphere. The posterior from the midline and curves laterally along edge of this fossa forms the division between the postorbital process to a point ca. 63 mm the middle and posterior endocranial fossae, anterolaterally from the midline. Breakage thus marking the division between the cere- on the ventral side of the skull reveals a lon- brum and cerebellum. Although not well de- gitudinal frontal/parietal suture on the ventral veloped in Carolinacetus, this ridge forms a surface of the parietals anterior to the ali- tentorium osseum in Basilosaurus cetoides sphenoid (®g. 6). This sutural surface is an- (Kellogg, 1936: ®g. 6). gled posteroventrally and bifurcates at its Ventrolateral to the cerebral fossa there is posterior end ca. 108 mm from the foramen a sharp anteroposterior bulge corresponding for the optic nerve. The posterior edge of this to the rhinal sulcus of the brain, which sep- suture delineates the point at which the fron- arates a ventrolateral fossa for the piriform tal forms its part of the roof of the cranial lobe from the rest of the cerebral hemisphere. cavity. Within the parietal and lateral to the medial The parietals converge along the midline bulge that de®nes the rhinal sulcus, there is to form a pronounced sagittal crest (®g. 5). a large vascular canal for the cranio-orbital The anterior half of the parietals are narrow sinus that continues anteriorly toward the or- and form a distinct longitudinal intertemporal bital region and opens posteriorly into a deep constriction. The dorsolateral surface of the sulcus. That sulcus rapidly widens postero- parietal is the origin of the anterior half of ventrally and forms a pit-like depression on the temporalis muscle. A low ridge, contin- the squamosal/parietal suture anterodorsal to uous posteriorly with the squamosal ridge, the anterior process of the petrosal. From that sweeps anterodorsally to a point ca. 32 mm pit a small canal continues posteroventrally ventral to the sagittal crest, then anteriorly within the petrosal/squamosal suture and parallel to the sagittal crest, and terminates connects with the temporal canal. on the medial end of the postorbital process. SQUAMOSAL: The squamosal forms the Ventral to this ridge, the parietal is concave posterior half of the temporal fossa and part and faces laterally; above the ridge, the pa- of the lateral side of the braincase. Its con- rietal is ¯at to concave and faces dorsolat- tribution to the endocranial wall is relatively erally. A line of rugosities occurs on the pos- small, consisting only of a narrow strip on teroventral corner of the parietal and runs the ventral quarter of the lateral side of the parallel to the parietal/alisphenoid suture. braincase. The squamosal is sutured to the Endocranially, the parietals form the roof and parietal dorsally and dorsomedially, to the lateral walls of the cranial cavity (®g. 6). The alisphenoid anteriorly and medially, to the anterior end of their endocranial exposure exoccipital and mastoid process of the petro- has a deep groove for the superior sagittal sal posteriorly, and a small portion to the sinus, situated between the posterior bifur- pterygoid medially. Externally, the squamo- cations of the parietal/frontal sutural surface. sal/parietal suture traverses the posterior por- The groove extends posteriorly into a highly tion of the temporal fossa (®g. 5). As in other irregular, convex region that includes a me- archaeocetes (Kellogg, 1936), the squamosal/ dian tentorial projection. Around and poste- parietal suture begins at the posterior margin rior to that projection the endocranial surface of the temporal fossa and arches dorsally to of the parietal is heavily pitted. The heavily a point anterior to the nuchal crest. From pitted surface probably housed a vascular there it extends anteriorly parallel to the sag- rete situated dorsal to the cerebellum, as has ittal crest for a distance of ca. 31 mm and been suggested for basilosaurids (Breath- then slopes steeply anteroventrally, terminat- 16 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 ing at the anteromedial corner of the squa- along the squamosal/parietal suture from a mosal fossa. A small foramen possibly for an textured tuberosity anterior to the posterior emissary from the dorsal cerebral vein margin of the temporal fossa. That tuberosity (petrosquamous sinus) is situated on the is not homologous to the squamosal promi- squamosal/parietal suture anterior to the nu- nence of Sanders and Barnes (2003). chal crest. On the endocranial surface the In the holotype cranium, the preserved squamosal/parietal suture meanders antero- structures on the ventral side of the squa- posteriorly near the base of the lateral wall mosal are the external auditory meatus, the of the braincase immediately dorsal to the posttympanic process, the sigmoid fossa, the petrosal/squamosal suture. The squamosal/ postglenoid foramen, the falciform process, parietal suture is highly oblique in cross sec- the medial edge of the glenoid fossa, and the tion with the squamosal extensively overlap- foramen ovale (®g. 6). The postglenoid pro- ping the parietal laterally. The anteroventral cess, most of the glenoid fossa, and the zy- corner of the squamosal is sutured to the ali- gomatic process were not preserved. sphenoid anteromedially. A small portion of The external auditory meatus extends from the pterygoid likely sutured to the squamosal the tympanic cavity posterolaterally to the dorsomedial to the foramen ``pseudovale'' as edge of the skull and is a deep, narrow in Zygorhiza (Kellogg, 1936: ®g. 31c) and trough ¯aring slightly at its lateral end. Its Georgiacetus. We follow Luo and Gingerich posterior margin is formed by the ventrally (1999: 49) in recognizing that foramenÐthe extended posttympanic process of the squa- external opening for the mandibular branch mosal. A small sigmoid fossa is situated im- of the trigeminal nerveÐas the foramen mediately anterior to the medial end of the ovale (®g. 6: fo). In Carolinacetus the fora- external auditory meatus and is separated men ovale is within the squamosal, and its from the latter by a small ridge (®g. 7: sgf). ventral margin is incomplete. The sigmoid fossa received the sigmoid pro- The squamosal is sutured to the supraoc- cess of the tympanic as in basilosaurids (Luo cipital medially along the lateral margin and and Gingerich, 1999). The postglenoid fora- base of the nuchal crest and to the exoccipital men occurs in the squamosal/petrosal suture posteriorly. In the holotype of Carolinacetus anteromedial to the sigmoid fossa (®g. 7: the exoccipital and the squamosal are sepa- pgf). On the medial edge of the squamosal rated by a narrow gap for most of their length immediately anterior to the sigmoid fossa and only sporadically contact each other. The there is a small groove that leads dorsally lateral portion of the posterior surface of the into the postglenoid foramen. The falciform squamosal is tightly sutured to the mastoid process of the squamosal is situated anterior process of the petrosal. to the postglenoid foramen and probably ar- The external surface of the squamosal ticulated with the anterior margin of the tym- bears rough-textured rugosities and relatively panic as in Georgiacetus and Protocetus. The smooth depressions, is generally concave, falciform process is broad and blocky, unlike and is the origin for the posterior half of the that of odontocetes, in which it is long, nar- and fascia. A broadly ele- row, and ventrally extended. In the holotype vated region, herein termed the squamosal of Carolinacetus the medial surface of the rise (®g. 5: sqr), ascends anterodorsally to falciform process is rugose, probably for the join an elongate elevation on the parietal ho- attachment of the tympanic bulla. Although mologous to the parietal ridge of Georgiace- the anterior edge of the falciform process is tus (Hulbert et al., 1998: 912). The squa- missing, it appears to have partially ¯oored mosal rise descends posteroventrally across the foramen ovale, which is 7.6 mm in di- the face of the squamosal. Below the squa- ameter. mosal rise the squamosal is deeply excavat- ALISPHENOID: Posteriorly, the alisphenoid ed, forming the squamosal fossa. Above it is sutured to the squamosal and the parietal. the bone slopes posterodorsally toward the On the ventral half of its medial surface there nuchal crest. In the center of the squamosal is a broad sutural surface that probably re- rise there is a dorsoventrally oriented de- ceived the pterygoid. Externally, there is a pression that separates an elevated region broad longitudinal ridge at the juncture of the 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 17 basicranium and the lateral wall of the cra- is one of presumably a pair of nuchal tuber- nium. Anteriorly, the alisphenoid becomes cles as in Pakicetus inachus (Gingerich and very thin as it approaches the sphenorbital Russell, 1981). Lateral to the ridge for the ®ssure, which is con¯uent posteriorly with nuchal ligament there is a deep, dorsally the fossa for the piriform lobe of the cere- elongate fossa for the rectus capitus dorsalis brum. There is no indication of the foramen muscle, which is probably homologous to the ovale on the preserved portion of the ali- recti postici muscle in extant cetaceans sphenoid in this specimen. The foramen ro- (Schulte, 1916; Schulte and Smith, 1918). tundum is absent in other archaeocetes (Kel- The ventral half of the rectus capitus dorsalis logg, 1936). fossa contains numerous vascular foramina. OCCIPUT: In certain areas of the occipital On either side of the midline near the dorsal region of the holotype cranium the bones are edge of the supraoccipital are two shallow fused, thus obscuring the sutures between fossae from which the semispinalis capitus them. In posterior view, the supraoccipital probably originated. The ventral margin of forms a dorsally elongate surface from which the right fossa is V-shaped, points ventrally, originated deep epaxial musculature and extends posteriorly along the inner edge that supported the skull (®g. 9). The dorsal edge of the supraoccipital is thrust posteri- of the lambdoidal crest. The left fossa ap- orly, causing the upper two-thirds to face pears larger and more wedge-shaped, but its posteroventrally. The lower third is directed exact shape and extent is unclear due to posteriorly and bears a prominent median breakage. In posterior view, the dorsal mar- ridge dorsal to the foramen magnum. Herein gin of the supraoccipital forms a tightly termed the supracondylar ridge (®g. 9: scr), rounded arc, somewhat horseshoe-like in this prominence probably anchored the nu- shape (®g. 9). The posteriormost point of the chal ligament, which separates the right deep lambdoidal crest is thickened and sharply di- neck muscles from the corresponding left rected inward. Breakage at the vertex of the muscles in the bovid Bos taurus (Dyce et al., skull reveals that the supraoccipital is thick- 1996). The left half of the ridge is missing est anteroposteriorly along the midline and in the holotype of Carolinacetus, but im- wedges between the posterior ends of the pa- mediately lateral to the base of the right half rietals. The dorsal surface of the supraoccip-

Fig. 9. Line drawing (left) and photograph (right) of the cranium of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in posterior view. The posterodorsal tongue of the petrosal (pdt) is an autapomorphy of Car- olinacetus. Scale bars are 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. 18 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 ital is covered by thin, posterior extensions is formed by the exoccipital ventrally, ante- of the parietals. riorly, and laterally, while the roof of the fo- The endocranial surface of the occipital ramen is formed by the squamosal. Continu- contains fossae for various lobes of the cer- ing from that foramen is a vascular channel ebellum. Posterior to the median tentorial that curves ventromedially within the suture projection, a dorsoventrally elongate, rugose between the squamosal and the exoccipital fossa accommodated a dorsal portion of the and opens endocranially posterodorsal to the lobus medius cerebelli (sensu Dart, 1923), pars cochlearis of the petrosal. Medial to the also known as the cerebellar folia (Sisson, endocranial opening for the mastoid foramen 1921). Medial to the dorsoventral fossa, a there is a of parallel vascular grooves sagittal ridge divided the cerebellum into for the occipital diploic veins, which travel right and left halves. Ventral to the dorsal posterodorsally into the squamosal/exoccipi- fossa for the lobus medius cerebelli, a trans- tal suture to enter cancellous bone of the oc- verse ridge 32 mm in length forms the an- cipital. terior margin of a fossa for another lobe of The external surface of the exoccipital has the cerebellum seated immediately anterior several fossae that presumably were the ori- to the roof of the foramen magnum. The pos- gin or site of insertion for musculature of the terior wall of the braincase dorsal to the fo- neck. Although speculative, myological in- ramen magnum is massively thick, measur- terpretations can be implied from the mor- ing 36 mm along the midline. phology of extant cetaceans (Carte et al., Lateral to the foramen magnum, the ex- 1868; Schulte, 1916; Schulte and Smith, occipital broadens laterally and extends to 1918; Howell, 1927) and artiodactyl out- the lateral edge of the mastoid process of the groups (Sisson, 1921; Woodburne, 1968). In petrosal, thus obscuring the latter in posterior the holotype of Carolinacetus the right con- view. The exoccipital is sutured to the squa- dyle of the skull and most of the condylar mosal dorsally and anteriorly, to the mastoid neck are missing. A small foramen and a vas- process of the petrosal (lateral to the squa- cular groove of unknown function perforate mosal) dorsally and anteriorly, and to the the base of the condylar neck 22 mm dorsal posterior process of the tympanic (ventral to to the hypoglossal foramen on the posterior the mastoid process) anteriorly and ventrally. surface of the occipital. Ventrolateral to the The triple junction of the supraoccipital, ex- condylar neck there is a notch in the ventral occipital, and squamosal occurs dorsolateral edge of the exoccipital that forms the dorsal to the broken base of the right occipital con- margin of the jugular foramen. The hypo- dyle. At that junction there is a small pit-like glossal foramen is in the medial wall of the fossa that we interpret as the supracondylar jugular foramen. Lateral to the jugular fora- fossa. Extending laterally from that fossa men there is a partially preserved, bulbous there is a ®ssure-like separation between the paroccipital process. Dorsal to the paroccip- exoccipital and squamosal, terminating at the ital process there is a semicircular depression posterodorsal exposure of the mastoid pro- containing two pits, ca. 9 mm in diameter cess of the petrosal. Herein termed the pos- each, which may mark the insertion of the terodorsal tongue of the petrosal (®g. 9: pdt), rectus capitus lateralis muscle. The ventral this exposed portion is sutured to the dorsal pit is considerably deeper than the dorsal one edge of the exoccipital, which is notched to and contains a pair of minute foramina. Lat- receive it. This portion of the mastoid pro- eral to those depressions the exoccipital is cess is 30 mm in transverse diameter and 14 more posteriorly directed. Lateral to the par- mm in vertical diameter. At the lateral end of occipital process an ovate prominence of the ®ssure between the squamosal and ex- bone forms the base of the exoccipital and occipital suture there is a foramen that we de®nes the edges of two muscular fossae. interpret as the mastoid foramen. We use the Dorsal to this region a broad fan-shaped fos- term ``mastoid foramen'' as de®ned by sa tapers ventrally and marks the likely point MacPhee (1994) to specify a foramen that of insertion for the obliquus capitus anterior transmits an emissary vein from the sigmoid muscle, which inserts in a similar position in sinus. The mastoid foramen in Carolinacetus the collared peccary (Woodburne, 1968). The 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 19 exoccipital extends to the lateral edge of the is preserved in the holotype of Carolinace- skull and thus excludes the mastoid process tus, it is by far the best preserved petrosal of the petrosal and the postmeatic portion of from the archaeocete families of Pakicetidae, the squamosal as a surface for muscle at- Ambulocetidae, Remingtonocetidae, and tachment. Instead, a vertical row of four Protocetidae. The ventral portion of that bone muscular fossae occurs on the lateral edge of was found separate from the skull, thus al- the exoccipital. The top three are roughly lowing both the ventral and dorsal surfaces equal in size and the ventral one is twice the of the petrosal to be studied before restora- size of the others. From dorsal to ventral po- tion to its original position. In describing the sition they are interpreted as fossae for the petrosal we employ the term ``mastoid pro- capitus, the splenius mastoideus, cess'' in preference to ``posterior process of sternomastoideus, and the cleidomastoideus petrosal'' because the former stresses ho- muscles. The latter two may be reversed as mology with other taxa. We suggest in extant cetaceans (Schulte, 1916; Howell, that usage of the term ``posterior process of 1927). petrosal'' be restricted to petrosals that have A fragment of the right side of the basi- decoupled from the skull (see Fraser and Pur- occipital bearing the basioccipital crest is ves [1960] for a detailed explanation of pe- preserved but cannot be reattached to the trotympanic decoupling). skull. However, its position relative to the The ventral view of the petrosal is domi- rest of the skull can be estimated because a nated by a gently convex promontorium that matching portion of the hypoglossal foramen houses the spiral cochlear canal (®gs. 7, 8). was preserved. This fragment indicates that The medial edge of the promontorium is de- the dorsoventral thickness of the basioccipi- ®ned by a broad area (3±5 mm) of rugose tal rapidly increases laterally. The ventrolat- bone, the lateral edge by the epitympanic re- eral border is formed by a rounded, protrud- cess, the anterior edge by the groove for the ing basioccipital crest estimated to be 31.5 tensor tympani muscle, and the posterior mm in length and 19 mm in greatest thick- edge by the peribullary sinus. The postero- ness. The dorsal surface of the basioccipital medial third of the promontorium is ¯at, crest has numerous ®ne pits to which con- while the remaining portion is rounded, con- nective tissue to the ectotympanic bulla and vex, and protrudes slightly more ventrally. At petrosal were attached. On the dorsal surface the posterior end of the rugose bone and me- of the basioccipital anterior to the hypoglos- dial to the fenestra rotunda there is a small, sal foramen there is a broad, laterally orient- pointed process herein termed the medial tu- ed excavation for the peribullary sinus. An- berosity of the promontorium (®g. 7: mt). terior to that excavation the dorsoventral From this tuberosity a short medially direct- thickness increases and the carotid foramen ed ridge ascends to the perilymphatic fora- and canal perforate the lateral side of the ba- men. A narrow sulcus extends from the peri- sioccipital crest, unlike extant cetaceans in lymphatic foramen paralleling the posterior which the carotid foramen is within the ba- margin of the tube of the internal acoustic sisphenoid (Schulte, 1916; Wible, 1984; For- meatus (IAM). Anterodorsal to this tuberos- dyce, 1994). ity there is a prominent pit within which JUGAL: The left jugal is represented only there is a small foramen of unknown utility. by its posterior portion and the right one only The fenestra rotunda opens onto the posterior by its anterior portion (®g. 3). The sutural face of the pars cochlearis and is highly el- surface for the articulation of the lacrimal is liptical, with the long axis being 4.6 mm in present on the anterior end of the right jugal. length and oriented transversely and horizon- The dorsal surface of that bone is ¯attened tally. A shallow groove extends medially adjacent to the orbit, is not sharply recurved, from the fenestra rotunda and terminates pos- and apparently there was not a postorbital terior to the medial tuberosity of the pro- process. Medially, the sutural surface for ar- montorium. Immediately lateral to the fenes- ticulation with the maxilla is present above tra rotunda there is a small posteriorly pro- the lower edge of the right jugal. jecting ledge of bone that might be homol- PETROSAL: Although only the right petrosal ogous with the caudal tympanic process of 20 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 other as de®ned by MacPhee squamosal, which wraps around the anterior (1981) and Wible (1990). Lateral to the pro- end of the former. In basilosaurids the squa- montorium is the fenestra vestibuli, which is mosal overlaps the lateral side of the anterior situated medial to the epitympanic recess. process but does not override it (Luo and The fenestra vestibuli faces lateroventrally Gingerich, 1999). A pronounced deep groove (®g. 8: fv) and is not visible in a directly for the tensor tympani muscle extends along ventral view (®g. 7). It is elliptical with the the ventromedial edge of the anterior pro- long axis oriented anteroposteriorly and is cess. This groove begins as a deep fossa pos- 2.8 mm in length. In the holotype of Caro- teriorly and narrows to a shallow groove at linacetus the base of the stapes is still lodged its anterior end (®g. 7: gtt). Medial to the within the fenestra vestibuli and appears as a tensor tympani fossa on the ventromedial ring of broken bone. Lateral to the fenestra edge of the anterior process there is a small vestibuli is the tympanic aperture of the canal hiatus fallopi for the greater super®cial pe- for the facial nerve (®g. 8: VII). The sulcus trosal nerve. The posterior end of the anterior for the facial nerve begins at its tympanic process projects toward the tympanic cavity, aperture and proceeds posteriorly along the is ¯attened, and faces primarily ventrally but roof of the epitympanic recess. A deep fossa slightly posteriorly. That portion of the pro- for the stapedial muscle is located posterior cess likely articulated with the tympanic bul- to the fenestra vestibuli, medial to the facial la as in Protocetus (Geisler, personal obs.). nerve sulcus, and lateral to the fenestra ro- Anterior to the probable articulating surface tunda. The stapedial muscle fossa is at least with the ectotympanic there is an anterodor- twice as deep as the facial nerve sulcus. sal-to-posteroventral fossa that receives a The tegmen tympani, which is homolo- posterior projection from the falciform pro- gous to the superior process of Kellogg cess of the squamosal. The postglenoid fo- (1936) (see Luo and Gingerich, 1999), is the ramen is visible lateral to the posterior end part of the petrosal lateral to the facial nerve of the anterior process. The foramen also oc- canal and has extensive contact with the me- curs in basilosaurid archaeocetes but was dial side of the squamosal. The epitympanic misidenti®ed by Kellogg (1936: ®g. 6) as the recess is situated on the ventral surface of the fossa epitubaria. The dorsal two-thirds of the tegmen tympani and bears a large circular anterior face of the anterior process is ¯at fossa for the head of the , which is and faces primarily anteriorly but slightly situated anterolateral to the tympanic aper- ventrally. The anterior process tapers to a ture for the facial nerve canal. The presence point, homologous to the anterodorsal angle or absence of the fossa for the incus cannot of other taxa (see Fordyce, 1994; Luo and be determined because that area of the petro- Marsh, 1996; Geisler and Luo, 1996) (®g. 7: sal is missing. The tegmen tympani extends ap). This point is homologous to, but not as dorsally (dorsal Schuppe of tegmen tympani well developed as, the dorsal spine of Rem- of Pompeckj, 1922), forming a small portion ingtonocetus (Kumar and Sahni, 1986). of the endocranial wall of the braincase. The The mastoid process of the petrosal is dorsal edge of tegmen tympani is not ¯ush elongate and is wedged between and sutured with the squamosal but instead is slightly to the squamosal anteriorly and to the exoc- raised and is penetrated by multiple fossae/ cipital posteriorly. It has extensive exposure foramina. The anterior foramen transmitted on the lateral and posterior sides of the skull, the cranio-orbital sinus, the adjacent poste- with a signi®cant portion of the ventrolateral rior canal contained the capsuloparietal em- exposure undoubtedly being ectotympanic issary vein (i.e., postglenoid vein), and the and not petrosal. Viewed laterally, the mas- posterior fossa connected to the sigmoid si- toid process has a thick wedge-shaped ex- nus (®g. 7: cos, etc). posure of heavily rugose bone that narrows As in other cetaceans, the petrosal of Car- dorsally to a thin layer between the squa- olinacetus has a distinct anterior process (an- mosal and the exoccipital. It then thickens terior extension of the tegmen tympani; Luo adjacent to the dorsolateral corner of the ex- and Gingerich, 1999). In ventral view, most occipital and forms the posterodorsal tongue of the anterior process is obscured by the of the petrosal (®g. 9). In posterior view, that 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 21 portion of the petrosal protrudes into the ex- tractus spiralis foramina, for branches of the occipital/squamosal suture ca. 10 mm medial cochlear nerve, are centered in the IAM at to the lateral edge of the exoccipital. The its deepest point. The foramen singulare for ventral surface of the mastoid process is al- the vestibular nerve is slightly anterolateral most completely obscured by the posterior to the tractus spiralis foramina. The cranial process of the tympanic (®g. 6). That obser- aperture for the facial nerve canal is con- vation, based on a cross-sectional break cealed by sediment, but a break repaired dur- through the mastoid process in the holotype ing preparation revealed its position anterior and upon careful comparison with the basi- to the foramen singulare ca. 9 mm from the cranium of Georgiacetus, demonstrates that lip of the IAM. That break also exposed a in Carolinacetus the apparent mastoid pro- very thin dividing wall (ഠ0.25 mm) between cess of the petrosal is actually a compound the facial nerve canal and the IAM proper. structure composed of the posterior process The ventralmost surface of the IAM tube is of the tympanic and the mastoid process of smooth, broadly rounded anteroposteriorly, the petrosal as in mysticetes (Kasuya, 1973; and forms a nearly ¯at medial sulcus for the Geisler and Luo, 1996). In ventromedial (Geisler and Luo, view, the proximal end of the mastoid pro- 1998: ®g. 8). The anterior process of the pe- cess is constricted to form the neck of the trosal and the anterior edge of the IAM tube mastoid process (homologous to neck of pos- form, respectively, the lateral and posterior terior process, sensu Luo and Marsh, 1996). borders of the piriform fenestra, through The degree of constriction is unclear because which the inferior petrosal sinus exited the a fragment of the petrosal is missing. The cranial cavity. The medial side of the piri- petrosal/tympanic suture is situated at the an- form fenestra was probably enclosed by the teromedial end of the mastoid process of the basioccipital and basisphenoid as in other petrosal and anterolateral to the paroccipital protocetids (e.g., Protocetus and Georgiace- process. Adjacent and posterior to that suture tus). The endocranial surface of the petrosal there is a short groove that is interpreted as contains two large fossae: the suprameatal a continuation of the facial nerve sulcus on fossa (sensu Luo and Eastman, 1995) dorsal the ventral surface of the mastoid process as to the IAM, and a second one, located pos- reported in other cetaceans (e.g., Geisler and terior to the IAM, herein termed the post- Luo, 1996; Dooley et al., 2004). meatal fossa (®g. 7: pmf). Those two fossae In dorsal view, the rim of the internal are probably excavations for the endocranial acoustic meatus in Carolinacetus is elevated portion of the peribullary sinus. A subarcuate to form a cranially elongate tube that projects fossa is not present. Posterodorsal to the a maximum of 20 mm from the edge of the IAM tube and between the postmeatal and pars cochlearis (®g. 7: tiam). The tube is suprameatal fossae there is a prominent dor- somewhat volcano-shaped, and the meatus it- somedially projecting process herein termed self is analogous to the crater on a volcano's the suprameatal process (®g. 7: smp) Be- summit. The dorsal lip of the internal acous- tween the base of the suprameatal process tic meatus tube projects considerably farther and the base of the IAM tube there is a small than the ventral lip and has a needle-like pro- cleft for the endolymphatic foramen. cess in the posteromedial corner. The internal ECTOTYMPANIC BULLA: Both ectotympanic acoustic meatus tube is present in Georgia- bullae of ChM PV5410 are preserved, with cetus but is not as well developed as in Car- the right one being more complete than the olinacetus. The rim of the internal acoustic left. Our description of the bulla of Caroli- meatus is elevated in many mysticetes (Geis- nacetus is a composite based on both speci- ler and Luo, 1996; Dooley et al., 2004), al- mens. In ventral view, a broad anteroposte- though this morphology is presumably con- riorly oriented median furrow divides the vergent to the one in Carolinacetus and bulla into lateral and medial eminences (®g. Georgiacetus. 10). The thickened and in¯ated medial edge The internal acoustic meatus tube trans- and eminence is termed the . In mitted both the vestibulocochlear nerve (cra- ventral view, the median furrow wraps nial nerve VIII) and the facial nerve. The around the posterior face of the bulla and 22 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

anterior to the posterior margin of the invo- lucrum. On the posterior face of the bulla there is a vertical tympanic cleft between the invo- lucrum, or inner lip, and the outer lip of the bulla. A broad sulcus originates near the ven- tral end of the outer lip and extends dorsally along the lateral margin of the cleft and then enters the tympanic cavity at the ventral edge of the cleft. Broken fragments from the ho- lotype bullae indicate that the lateral edge of the bulla thinned dorsally. The presence of a sigmoid fossa on the squamosal strongly sug- gests that a large sigmoid process was pres- ent but was not preserved. Other features of the outer lip also were not preserved. As mentioned above, what appears to be the mastoid process is actually a compound process composed ventrally of the posterior process of the ectotympanic and dorsally of the mastoid process of the petrosal. The pos- terior process of the tympanic is broad, elon- gate, and almost completely covers the ven- tral surface of the mastoid process of the pe- trosal and is sutured to it (®gs. 6, 7: ppt). The distal end of the posterior process is ex- Fig. 10. Right tympanic bulla of Carolinace- posed on the lateral side of the skull between tus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in dorsal (A) and the exoccipital and squamosal ventral to the ventral (B) view. Most of the outer lip of the bulla mastoid process of the petrosal (®g. 3). The was not preserved. Scale bar is 5 cm in length. posterior process increases in thickness pos- See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. terolaterally, and its ventral surface is gen- erally smooth with a few shallow transverse grooves. In the holotype right bulla there are forms a broad rounded notch on its posterior two broken surfaces near the proximal end edge. The medial margin of the involucrum of its ventral surface; in Georgiacetus and in is deeply indented 47.7 mm anterior to its basilosaurids, the inner and outer pedicles of posterior end, marking the opening for the the posterior process of the tympanic connect eustachian tube. That indentation is also ev- at similar points. Multiple pits occur in the ident in medial view where the dorsoventral space between the broken bases of the ped- thickness of the involucrum abruptly thins. icles and might have been continuous with The posterior surface of the involucrum is the sulcus lateral to the vertical tympanic covered with small depressions and rugosi- cleft. ties. That area and a similar one along the medial side of the involucrum are points of MANDIBLE attachment for tough connective tissue that anchored the bulla to the paroccipital process The posterior regions of both mandibles of the exoccipital and to the basioccipital are preserved, but only the medial halves of crest, respectively. In medial view, a deep the anterior ends were found. The posterior groove runs dorsally on the surface of the portion of the left mandible is intact as far involucrum 8.0 mm anterior to its posterior as the anterior margin for the alveolus of the edge. This groove deepens dorsally and turns third but is missing that portion of the anteriorly before reaching the dorsal surface dentary between the ®rst molar and the ca- of the involucrum, then terminates 15 mm nine (®g. 11). Only 114 mm of the anterior 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 23

Fig. 11. Posterior portion of the left mandible of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in lateral (A) and medial (B) views. The great depth of the mandible between the coronoid process (cp) and the mandibular angle (man) is an autapomorphy of this genus. Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. end is preserved, including a portion of the lus for i3 to the middle of the alveolus for alveolus for i1 and the alveolus for i2. The i1, a distance of 180 mm. The anterior ends posterior region of the right mandible is pre- of both mandibles are tightly sutured along served from the condyle to the anterior edge the symphysis but are not ankylosed (®g. of the alveolus for p4, but it is missing por- 13). tions of the coronoid process and the entire The posterior end of the alveolus for i1 is angular region (®g. 12). The preserved por- situated immediately anteroventral to the al- tion of the anterior end of the right mandible veolus for i2, with the posterior wall of the extends from the posterior end of the alveo- former forming the anterior wall of the latter. 24 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Fig. 12. Posterior portion of the right mandible of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in lateral (A) and medial (B) views. Scale bar is 10 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations.

Although the anterior part of the alveolus for row, measuring only 10.5 mm (®g. 13). Cen- i1 is missing, it is clear that this was tered on the medial wall of the alveolus of considerably smaller than i2, the alveolus of i2 and of the canine there is a low, rounded which is approximately 33 mm in anteropos- ridge, suggesting a corresponding groove on terior diameter. Posterior to the alveolus for the medial surface of these teeth. i2 there is a shallow, rounded depression ap- The most striking feature of the mandible proximately 27 mm in anteroposterior di- is its extreme depth in the region of the man- ameter that we think to be the medial wall dibular fossa, where it is 265% greater than of the alveolus for i3. The alveolus for the the depth at p4 (table 2). The posterior in- canine lies almost directly behind the alve- crease in mandibular depth is caused by the olus for i3 and has an anteroposterior diam- steep ascending (coronoid) process and by eter of approximately 50 mm. The medial the abrupt downward slope of the mandible's wall of the canine alveolus is extremely nar- ventral edge, which begins at a point below 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 25

Fig. 13. Sutured anterior ends of the right and left mandibles of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in dorsal (A) and lateral (B) views. The lateral sides of the mandibles are not preserved, thus exposing the alveoli for the incisors and canines. Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. the margin of the and an enlarged opening into the mandibular ca- ends at the angular process (®g. 11). The as- nal. cending process begins posterior to p4 then The medial side of the mandible is domi- rises sharply in the region of m2. The lateral nated by a large rectangular mandibular fossa surface of the mandible is highly convex (®g. 11, 12: mfs). This fossa is continuous with a broadly rounded longitudinal ridge bi- anteriorly with a cavernous mandibular fo- secting the mandible into dorsal and ventral ramen. The medial surface of the mandible halves. In lateral view, the dorsal edge of the is ¯at to slightly concave anterior to the man- coronoid process begins 15 mm posterior to dibular foramen and highly concave in the the posterior edge of the alveolus for m3, region of the mandibular fossa. The mandib- rises sharply at an angle of approximately ular fossa and foramen presumably contained 45Њ, gradually curves to become nearly hor- an intramandibular fat body as in extant izontal, and ®nally curves sharply ventrally odontocetes (Norris, 1980). The dorsoventral at its posterior terminus. The anteroposterior depth of the mandibular foramen is nearly length of the coronoid process is roughly the height of the mandible at m3. The medial twice its dorsal height, and the anterior half and lateral walls of the mandibular canal are of its lateral surface forms a shallow tem- extremely thin just anterior to the mandibular poralis fossa. The base of the dorsal edge of foramen, having an average thickness of 3 the coronoid is in line with the lateral edge and 4 mm, respectively. In medial view, the of the alveolus for the m3. The coronoid pro- medial edge of the mandibular foramen is cess is relatively thin, and the dorsal edge relatively straight and is oriented vertically. adjacent to the temporalis fossa is curved lat- This edge is continuous with longitudinal erally. Medial to the base of the coronoid and ridges that de®ne the dorsal and ventral edg- 23 mm posterior to the edge of the alveolus es of the mandibular fossa. The ventral edge for m3 there is small foramen that leads to of the mandible adjacent to the mandibular 26 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

TABLE 2 Measurements (in mm) of Holotype Mandibles of Carolinacetus gingerichi, new genus, new species (ChM PV5401)

Left Right Anteroposterior length of preserved portion 310 373 Transverse diameter at margin of mandibular fossa 40.4 40.5 Depth at maximum height of coronoid process 187 Ð Depth at anterior base of coronoid process 122.6 Ð Depth at posterior margin, alveolus for m3 (lingual side) 103.6 96.6 Depth at anterior margin, alveolus for p4 (lingual side) Ð 75.3 Anteroposterior length of coronoid process, anterior base to greatest posterior extremity 132.2 Ð Length of coronoid process at base 130.1 Ð Transverse diameter of condyle, as preserved 39.3 41.8 Vertical diameter of condyle, as preserved 40.3 38.2 Post. margin of condyle to posterior base of coronoid process 62.6 Ð Post. margin of condyle to posterior margin of alveolus for m3 210.5 Ð Post. margin of condyle to anterior margin of alveolus for m3 244.9 246 Post. margin of condyle to margin of mandibular fossa (172.7)a (187.4) Vertical diameter of mandibular fossa 97.8 96.6 Anteroposterior length, alveolus for m3 35.5 Ð Anteroposterior length, alveolus for m2 (27.5) (27.5) Anteroposterior length of m3 at base of crown 35 Ð fossa bows ventrally in medial view and ends the pterygoideus externus muscle. In lateral with a posteriorly projecting point that forms view, a pronounced ridge separates the con- the mandibular angle. That angle terminates dyloid process into a dorsally facing shallow at a point almost directly ventral to the pos- fossa and a broad, ¯at, ventrally facing sur- terior end of the coronoid process. A rugose face. In posterior view, the condyle is rough- ridge extends anteriorly from the mandibular ly triangular and is directed ventrally. In dor- angle for a distance of 51 mm. This ridge sal view, the condyle is situated lateral to the and the ¯attened ventral edge adjacent to it long axis of the ramus. Its dorsal edge is ap- probably served as a point of attachment for proximately level with the dorsal edge of the the pterygoideus internus muscle. The con- alveolus for m2, and the edge that forms the dyloid process projects approximately 56 mandibular notch is in line with the medial mm posteriorly from the plane of the poste- edge of the condyle. rior edge of the coronoid process and the tip of the mandibular angle. The condyle is sep- DENTITION arated from the posterior edge of the coro- noid process by the mandibular notch and Eighteen dental elements were preserved, from the mandibular angle by the curved including both upper canines, a probable posterior edge of the mandible. The condy- right P1, a probable left p1, left p3, right p4, loid process is stout and projects posteriorly half of the left m1, right and partial left m2, approximately along the longitudinal axis of right and left m3, and seven tooth fragments. the mandible. On its medial face there is a In general, the enamel of all the teeth is poor- wide longitudinal fossa for the insertion of ly preserved (®g. 14). The tips of the lower 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 27

bears a distinct linear median depression on both the lingual and labial surfaces below the crown base. The root of the canine is directed posteriorly and lies almost parallel to the ventral margin of the maxilla, but the crown is angled anteroventrally. LOWER THIRD : The crown of the left p3 is transversely compressed with a broad and low protoconid (®g. 14D). The protoconid is inclined posteriorly and has poorly de®ned anterior and posterior carinae. The anterior carina forms a long angled cut- ting surface. Posterior to the protoconid is a posteriorly projecting cusp that is separated from the former on the lingual surface by a broad shallow fossa. In lingual view, the an- terior edge of the crown bears a shoulder that separates the cutting edge from the ascending part of the crown below. Between the crown and the dorsal ends of the roots, the tooth is anteroposteriorly and transversely constrict- ed. The tooth is double-rooted with clear sep- aration up to the base of the crown. The an- terior root is 7 mm longer than the posterior root and is considerably wider both in trans- verse and anteroposterior thickness. The lin- gual face of the anterior root is concave to ¯at, the posterior face is concave, and the Fig. 14. Teeth of Carolinacetus gingerichi remaining faces are convex. The posterior (ChM PV5401) in labial view: right m2 (A), right root is convex on all faces. C(B), right p4 (C), and left p3 (D). Scale bar is LOWER FOURTH PREMOLAR: The right p4 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical has a narrow pointed protoconid that is in- abbreviations. clined posteriorly and a low posteriorly pointed cusp (®g. 14C). The apical end of teeth bear numerous ®ne dorsoventral the protoconid is recurved to a more vertical grooves, and the inner faces of both roots are position. The crown is strongly compressed bisected by a narrow, deep groove. The two transversely. Both the anterior and posterior teeth that appear to be the upper and the low- edges of the protoconid have carinae. The er ®rst are relatively small, and posterior carina descends abruptly posterior each is missing the crown and the basal por- to the protoconid and continues onto the pos- tions of the roots, but the size and the tightly terior cusp, which is low, dorsally convex, coalesced roots of these teeth indicate that and hook-like in form. The protoconid and they are ®rst premolars. posterior cusp are separated by a shallow fur- UPPER CANINE: The left upper canine is in row on both the labial and the lingual faces. situ and the right one was isolated (®gs. 4, The tooth has two widely separated roots, 14B). The root and crown of the canine are with the anterior root being signi®cantly lon- transversely compressed, the crown occupy- ger and much more robust than the posterior ing one-half the total length of the tooth on one. The lingual sides of the roots are ¯at- the lingual surface and one-fourth of the la- tened, and the labial sides are strongly con- bial surface. The anterior half of the labial vex. Approximately midway down the ante- surface of the crown bears a prominent wear rior and posterior roots the transverse and an- facet from occlusion with the lower canine. teroposterior diameters increase abruptly. The root is ®nely grooved lengthwise and LOWER SECOND MOLAR: The complete 28 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

come progressively fewer and shallower api- cally. Along its entire anteroposterior length the hypoconid bears a carina with faint, widely spaced serrations. The hypoconid is separated anteriorly from the protoconid by a small carnassial notch 1 mm in height. The anterior face of the protoconid is formed by labial and lingual carinae that are widely sep- arated at the base but converge dorsally near the apex of the protoconid. On the left m3 the lingual carina ends on a distinct anteri- orly projecting cusp, which abuts anteriorly against the hypoconid of m2. The roots are separated by a narrow gap, with the anterior Fig. 15. Left (A) and right (B) m3s of Caro- one being compressed anteroposteriorly and linacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in lingual the posterior one compressed transversely. view. Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appendix The lingual and labial faces of the posterior 3 for anatomical abbreviations. root are ¯at. The anterior face of the anterior root is concave, the labial face is convex, and right m2 was found in place in the mandible, the lingual surface is ¯at. but only the posterior half of the left m2 was preserved (®gs. 11, 14A). The protoconid is VERTEBRAE more than twice the height of the hypoconid. The anterior face of the protoconid is ¯at- Thirteen vertebrae were recovered, includ- tened, suggesting the original presence of lin- ing the atlas, axis, and 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th gual and labial carinae. The protoconid and cervical vertebrae, and the 1st, 2nd, and 4th± the hypoconid are connected by a carina, the 8th thoracics. Three neural arches and six posterior half of which is also known as the fragments of centra also were found. Each of cristid obliqua. In anterior aspect, the proto- the cervicals is described separately, but we conid is angled farther lingually than the hy- have selected only the second and sixth tho- poconid. The hypoconid is directed posteri- racic vertebrae for description because most orly beyond the margin of the posterior root. of the preserved thoracics are similar in mor- The anterior root is in¯ated at the base. The phology. Positional determinations of the posterior root is more transversely narrow thoracics were simpli®ed by the preservation than the anterior one. of vertebrae from the anterior portion of the LOWER THIRD MOLAR: Both lower m3s series, in which the transitional elevation of were found in place in the mandibles. The the transverse processes posterodorsally can crown of the right m3 is better preserved be readily observed (®g. 16). Measurements than the left, but it is missing half of its pos- of the cervical vertebrae are given in table 3; terior root. Although incomplete in both those of the thoracics appear in table 4. In specimens, the protoconid is clearly not measuring transverse diameters of the thor- much higher than the hypoconid (®g. 15). As acics, measurements of the anterior face of in the lower premolars, both cusps are trans- the centrum were taken at the approximate versely compressed. A crenulated cingulum centers of the demifacets, and those of the 3±5 mm in height wraps around the base and posterior face were taken at the lateral mar- posterior edge of the hypoconid. It continues gins of the demifacets. anteriorly for at least half of the length of the Epiphyses were missing from both faces tooth on the lingual side, with the anterior of the fourth thoracic and from the posterior portion remaining only as an eroded remnant. face of both the ®fth and the seventh thora- The cingulum has been almost completely cics. In both of the latter two vertebrae, por- removed by wear from the labial side of the tions of the anterior epiphysis were not fully tooth. The enamel of the cingulum and the ankylosed and were subsequently glued onto hypoconid has ®ne, faint wrinkles that be- the centrum. Hence, the holotype of C. gin- 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 29

canids, ursids, and hyaenids, inferring that its presence is primitive for cetaceans. Posterior to the notch the dorsal surface grades upward to the dorsal tubercle. The right transverse process is well pre- served, with most of its dorsal surface being depressed below the level of the dorsal tu- bercle. The transverse process is formed by a horizontal tabular portion and a vertically oriented descending portion, which in lateral view has the form of an inverted ``L''. The deeply excavated region immediately below the horizontal portion of the transverse pro- cess is termed the atlantal fossa in land mam- mals. The distal end of the transverse process is upturned and thickens posteriorly, achiev- ing its greatest thickness at the junction of the horizontal and descending potions. The right and left halves of the posterior face are separated by the semicircular trough Fig. 16. Lateral views of the thoracic verte- for the reception of the odontoid process of brae (i.e.. T4±T7) of Carolinacetus gingerichi the axis vertebra, herein termed the odontoid (ChM PV5401). Scale bar is 10 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. fossa (®g. 17B: of). Each half has an ovoid articular surface with an upturned lateral edge that forms a thin lip that partially con- gerichi seems to have been a young adult and ceals the opening of the transverse foramen. may not have reached the maximum size at- This foramen is vertically elongate, with a tained by this species. maximum diameter of 8.9 mm. It opens an- FIRST CERVICAL: The atlas vertebra is ap- teriorly into the atlantal fossa along the lat- proximately 215 mm in width and 101 mm eral surface of the centrum and at that point in vertical dimension (®g. 17). It is missing is situated 18.5 mm posteroventral to the most of the ventral tubercle (hypophysis), the ventral opening of the alar foramen. This fo- anterolateral portion of the transverse pro- ramen perforates the base of the transverse cess, and the edges of the transverse pro- process at a point 28.3 mm posterior to the cesses ventrolateral to the transverse foram- dorsal edge of the anterior face of the cen- ina. In general form it is robust and more trum. At that point it is directly opposite to nearly like the atlas vertebra in artiodactyls the mouth of the lateral vertebral foramen, than in modern cetaceans. Hence, we have which opens into the neural canal. This canal used certain osteological terms generally ap- is broadest (59.5 mm) across its posterior plied to land mammals, for example, ``trans- opening and tapers ventrally into the odon- verse foramen,'' is usually termed ``verte- toid fossa. brarterial canal'' in the cetacean literature. SECOND CERVICAL: The axis vertebra is The width of the anterior face is approxi- complete except for the distal ends of the spi- mately 125 mm, and its height at the midline nous and transverse processes, the lateral is 56 mm. The surface is deeply concave edges of the posterior face of the centrum, with high and narrow lateral and dorsal edg- the right pedicle of the neural arch, and the es. The anterior margin of the dorsal surface lateral edge of the right transverse foramen extends forward beyond the lower portion of (®g. 18). The right and left articular surfaces the anterior face and is deeply emarginated for the atlas vertebra are ¯at dorsoventrally at the midline by a broad notch, herein and slightly concave transversely. The odon- termed the supracondylar notch (®g. 15C: toid process is bullet-shaped in ventral view sn). This notch is present in many land mam- and is 30 mm in transverse diameter and 29 mals, including artiodactyls, perissodactyls, mm in anteroposterior length. The ventral 30 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

TABLE 3 Measurements (in mm) of Holotype Cervical Vertebrae of Carolinacetus gingerichi, new genus, new species (ChM PV5401)

C1 C2 C3 C6 C7 Anteroposterior diameter 42 86.7a 36.6 38.6 34.3 Transverse diameter of centrum, anteriorly 103.5 113.3 49.8 50.1 50.2 Vertical diameter of centrum, anteriorly 31.7b 42.7 49 50.3 51.5 Transverse diameter of centrum, posteriorly 102.7 (52)c 60.5 66 77.2 Vertical diameter of centrum, posteriorly 62.8 Ð 51.7 51.9 50.3 Tip of neural spine to ventral face of centrum, anteriorly 102ϩ 129ϩ 90.3 93ϩ 143.7 Distance between outer margins of transverse processes (233) Ð (156) 179.1 (82.7) Vertical diameter of neural canal 47.4 36.6 23.3 26.2 26.7 Transverse diameter of neural canal 58 (36.6) 32.8 37.6 37.2 Greatest distance between outer margins of prezygapophyses Ð Ð (82.2) 101.8 (102.7) Distance between inner margins of prezygapophyses Ð Ð 42 53 61 Greatest distance between outer ends of postzygapophyses Ð 77 81.9 104.2 103.5 Least anteroposterior diameter of right pedicle of neural arch Ð Ð 22.3 18.5 Ð Transverse diameter of left transverse foramen (vertebraterial canal) 7.8 (17.5) 11.5 14.9 Ð Transverse diameter of right transverse foramen 6.3 Ð 10.2 13.8 Ð a Includes odontoid process. b Includes hypophysis. c Measurements in parentheses are estimates. two-thirds of the odontoid surface is smooth margin of the ventral region of the centrum. and articulates with the atlas; the dorsal third The ventral surface bears a large hypophysis does not. There is a sharp ridge that begins that forms an elongate tuberosity occupying on the dorsal surface of the odontoid process most of the length of the centrum. This fea- and extends along the midline for the entire ture begins anteriorly as a low narrow ridge, length of the centrum. It increases in height 12 mm in width, behind the odontoid pro- posteriorly and divides the dorsal surface of cess. Posteriorly, it deepens dorsoventrally the centrum into two deep, elongate fossae. and widens until it reaches an estimated max- It also separates two pairs of foramina, a imum transverse width of 34 mm at the pos- smaller pair at the base of the odontoid pro- terior end of the centrum. Most of the dorsal cess and a second larger pair close to the surface of the hypophysis has been eroded, posterior end of the centrum. The greatest but its preserved surface is rugose. A deep length of the centrum, including the odontoid fossa parallels the hypophysis on each side. process, is 87 mm. The transverse processes extend postero- The posterior face of the centrum is poorly laterally from the centrum. Their anterior preserved, but the remainder shows that it faces are convex, and the posterior faces are was roughly ovate in shape except for its concave. Their ventral edges are thickened ventral edge, which is transversely horizon- and rugose, apparently for muscle attach- tal. From near the posterior bases of the ped- ment. The transverse foramen for the verte- icles it slopes posteroventrally at an angle of bral artery is preserved only on the left side approximately 39Њ to intersect the posterior of the holotype axis vertebra. In posterior 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 31

TABLE 4 Measurements (in mm) of Holotype Thoracic Vertebrae of Carolinacetus gingerichi, new genus, new species (ChM PV5401), and ChM PV6088, Probable Sixth Thoracic Vertebra Referred to C. gingerichi

T1 T2 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 PV6068 Anteroposterior diameter of centrum 35.5 38.5 (41.5)a 42.3 43.7 (43.5) Ð 49.5 Transverse diameter of centrum, anteriorly Ð 60.6 64.6 63.6 67.7 67.2 Ð 73.4 Vertical diameter of centrum, anteriorly Ð 48.8 53.3 51.2 53.5 52.5 Ð 55.1 Transverse diameter of centrum, posteriorly 68.4 76.4 (76) 77.4 83 84 Ð 89.5 Vertical diameter of centrum, posteriorly 46 44.1 47 54.4 60.8 56.2 Ð 63.1 Tip of spinous process to ventral face of centrum, anteriorly Ð Ð 187.7ϩ 196.5ϩ 206.5 Ð Ð 195ϩ Distance between outer margins of transverse processes Ð Ð (115) (122) (115) Ð Ð Ð Vertical diamter of neural canal Ð 24.3 22 26.8 30.4 29.7 Ð 27 Transverse diameter of neural canal Ð 34.1 32.3 32.4 32.4 31.9 (34) 36.1 Greatest distance between outer margins of prezygapophyses Ð (105) (62) 64.5 67.8 (66.4) (66.8) 68.8 Distance between inner margins of prezygapophyses Ð (50) (30) 24 (28) (26) Ð 29.7 Greatest distance between outer margins of postzygapophyses Ð 67 60.4 60.6 61 (61) Ð 61.7 Least anteroposterior diameter of right pedicle of neural arch Ð 23.2 27.2 24.1 26.1 25.7 Ð 28.5 Angle of spinous process from vertical axis of anterior face of centrum Ð 25Њ 37Њ 41Њ 45Њ 45Њ Ð50Њ Anteroposterior length of spinous process Ð 27.9 28 29.4 29 26.1 Ð 30 a Measurements in parentheses are estimates. view it is situated at the upper end of the The lateral margin of the foramen is formed base of the left transverse process and is by a bony strut that joins the transverse pro- ovoid with a vertical diameter of 20 mm and cess to the left pedicle of the neural arch. The a transverse diameter of 14 mm. Posteriorly, left pedicle is robust, with a transverse width it forms a short canal that curves and narrows of 25 mm. anterolaterally. The anterior aperture is much In anterior view the neural canal has the smaller than the posterior one, with a dor- shape of an inverted heart. Its anteroposterior soventral diameter of 16.4 mm and a trans- length varies considerably and is greatest (42 verse diameter of 9 mm. This opening is ob- mm) along the roof of the neural arch. The scured in anterior view by the lateral margin postzygapophyses are nearly circular and of the surface that articulates with the atlas. face posteroventrally and slightly laterally. 32 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Fig. 17. Atlas vertebra (C1) of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in anterior (A), posterior (B), dorsal (C), and right lateral view (D). Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations.

The distal end of the spinous process is miss- transverse process is directed ventrolaterally ing, but its general shape can be discerned. while its distal end is slightly recurved to Its base is anteroposteriorly long, is triangu- point laterally. The anteroposterior thickness lar in cross section, and is sharply hooked of the process thins distally, and its posterior posterodorsally. On the posterior face of the face bears a deep and wide transverse sulcus. preserved portion of the spinous process The ventral edge of the sulcus is delineated there is a shallow medial sulcus that extends by an elongate tubercle. A short transverse into a narrow, slit-like foramen in the base canal perforates the base of the transverse of the neural arch just above the dorsal mar- process. In anterior view, the canal is ovoid gin of the neural canal. This foramen is 6.7 with the long axis being oriented dorsoven- mm in dorsoventral diameter and 1.9 mm in trally. Within the canal, the lateral side of the transverse diameter. centrum forms a deep pit. The pedicles of the THIRD CERVICAL: This vertebra is nearly neural arch are stout and are joined to the complete, and both epiphyses are ®rmly an- transverse processes by bridges of bone that kylosed. As seen in lateral view, the anterior form the lateral walls of the transverse ca- and posterior faces of the centrum are not nals. The neural arch bears large prezyga- aligned. Instead, the posterior face is in a pophyses that face dorsomedially and large more ventral position. Whereas the anterior postzygapophyses that face ventrolaterally. face is somewhat cordiform (®g. 18D), the The neural spine is absent, although a bump posterior face is nearly circular. In lateral occurs in a homologous position, and the view, both faces are similar in having a sig- neural canal is ovoid. moidal pro®le with the dorsal two-thirds con- SIXTH CERVICAL: The sixth cervical verte- cave and the ventral third convex. A faint, bra is well preserved, missing only the distal dorsoventral groove ca. 9 mm in length is portion of the lateral branch of the right centered on the anterior epiphysis. Nutrient transverse process and the tip of the spinous foramina on the dorsal side of the centrum process (®g. 19A). The shapes of the anterior are separated by a span of bone that straddles and posterior faces of the centrum differ con- the sagittal plane, and the ventral side bears siderably. The anterior face is squarish, mea- a hypophysis along its posterior margin. suring 50.5 mm transversely and 51 mm dor- As seen in anterior view, the base of the soventrally, and is bisected transversely by a 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 33

Fig. 18. Axis vertebra (C2) of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401) in anterior (A), posterior (B), left lateral view (C), and anterior view of third cervical vertebra (D). Scale bars are 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. shallow channel-like depression. The poste- The transverse processes are bi®d, with the rior face is ovate, is 60.5 mm in transverse lateral (upper) branch being much smaller diameter and 50.7 mm dorsoventrally, and is than the ventral branch, which is robust and concave at its center. The ventral side of the dorsoventrally compressed and extends for centrum bears a low median keel. Along the 79 mm ventrolaterally from the centrum. The midline of the dorsal surface an elevated anteroposterior width of the right ventral hourglass-shaped platform of bone ca. 8 mm branch widens distally from 36 mm at its in width extends between the anterior and base to a width of 57 mm at its distal end. posterior faces of the centrum and separates On the ventral side of each ventral branch a pair of bilaterally symmetrical foramina. there is an anteroposteriorly elongate tuber- 34 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Fig. 19. Anterior views of sixth (A) and seventh (B) cervical vertebrae of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401). Scale bars are 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. cle for muscle attachment situated approxi- neural canal. Immediately posterior to the mately 26 mm distal to the centrum. The tu- prezygapophyses the postzygapophyses pro- bercle on the left side is much better devel- ject posteriorly beyond the posterior face of oped than the one on the right side. The well- the centrum. They are ovate, face ventrolat- preserved left lateral branch of the transverse erally, and overhang the posterior entrance to process is short (16.2 mm), projects laterally, the transverse foramen. The long axis of each is hooked slightly dorsally, and its dorsoven- postzygapophysis is oriented dorsolaterally, tral depth exceeds its anteroposterior width and the right one is 30.8 mm in length. (12.1 mm). In anterior view, the neural canal is pen- The bridge of bone between the dorsal and tagonal with rounded corners and is 26.2 mm ventral branches is anteroposteriorly com- in greatest height and 37.6 mm in transverse pressed. Posterior to the junction of the dor- diameter. The spinous process is incomplete, sal and ventral branches there is an ovate but its preserved portion shows that it was muscular fossa, with its medial margin low and shaped like a spear point, with the formed by a low ridge that ascends toward apex being situated anteriorly. Laterally, it is the base of the dorsal branch. That ridge ¯anked by narrow expanses of rugose bone forms the posterolateral margin of a broad bounded by steep posterodorsally and anter- sulcus leading into the transverse foramen, omedially directed escarpments that con- which perforates the base of the transverse verge above the peak of the neural arch. The process medial to its lateral branch and im- point of convergence is uneven, however, mediately lateral to the centrum. As a con- with the left escarpment being higher than duit for the vertebral artery, this foramen is the right one. Although not demonstrable nearly circular and has a maximum diameter within the light of present knowledge, the tri- of approximately 15 mm. The pedicles of the angular shape of the area enclosing the spi- neural arch support a pair of large, ¯at pre- nous process may be diagnostic for the sixth zygapophyses. The prezygapophyses are cervical vertebra of Carolinacetus. ovate, are 32±33 mm in anteroposterior SEVENTH CERVICAL: This vertebra is com- length, and the dorsal plane of each is con- plete except that it is missing the left pre- comitantly sloped dorsomedially and poster- zygapophysis, the left transverse process, and oanteriorly. Both facets face dorsomedially, the posterior epiphysis, which was not an- and the transverse plane of their dorsal mar- kylosed (®g. 19B). The centrum of C7 rap- gins intersects the peak of the roof of the idly increases in size posteriorly, resulting in 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 35 its posterior face being much larger than its anterior face. The anterior and posterior faces are different in shape; the anterior face is square-shaped, except for a broadly rounded ventral side, while the posterior face is oval with a width 1.5 times its height. Centered on the anterior face is a narrow, dorsoventral groove ca. 10 mm in length. In lateral view, the anterior face of the centrum has a sig- moidal pro®le; the anterior two-thirds are concave while the ventral third is convex. Several small foramina lie on the centrum adjacent to the lateral margins of the anterior epiphysis. Other features of the centrum in- clude: bilateral nutrient foramina on its dor- sal side, a weak sagittal keel on its ventral side, and elevated capitular facets for the 1st on the lateral sides adjacent to the mar- gins of the posterior face. Extending dorsolaterally from the centrum is a wide, dorsoventrally compressed plate of bone that bifurcates into the transverse pro- cess and the pedicle for the neural arch. In posterior view, there is an oval pit on that Fig. 20. Anterior view of second thoracic ver- plate between the base of the transverse pro- tebra of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401). cess and the postzygapophysis. The trans- Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for verse process is about 35 mm in length, is anatomical abbreviations. oriented ventrolaterally, and has a fairly ¯at distal end. The transverse foramen is absent. In anterior view, the neural canal is pentag- margin there is a low tuberosity on each side onal in shape with rounded corners. Above of the sagittal plane. The demifacets for the the canal is a gracile neural spine that bears capitula of the second ribs are situated at the bilateral pits on the anterior face of its base, dorsal margins of the anterior face. Posteri- one on either side of the sagittal place. The orly, each demifacet is bordered by a shallow pre- and postzygapophyses are large; the left fossa. The posterior face of the centrum is postzygapophysis has a transverse diameter much broader than its vertical height, having of 33 mm, and whereas the prezygapophyses a transverse diameter of 76.4 mm and a ver- face dorsomedially, the postzygapophyses tical diameter of 44.1 mm. The left demifacet face ventrolaterally. Medial to the postzyga- for the capitulum of the third rib is present, pophysis and just inside the neural canal is but the right one is less distinct. an ovoid area of rugose bone probably for The neural canal is ovate, with a trans- muscle attachment. verse diameter of 34.1 mm and a vertical di- SECOND THORACIC: Most of the holotype ameter of 24.3 mm. The left prezygapophysis second thoracic vertebra is preserved, but it is virtually complete; its articular surface is is missing both transverse processes, the edg- ¯at, faces dorsomedially, and is approxi- es of the right metapophysis, and the distal mately 26 mm wide. The right prezygapo- half of the spinous process (®g. 20). The an- physis is missing its lateral and medial edges terior face of the centrum is slightly trape- but is 20.2 mm in anteroposterior length, vir- zoidal, with a transverse diameter of 60.6 tually the same measurement as its counter- mm and a vertical diameter of 48.8 mm. part on the left. The distance between the two Most of the anterior face is gently convex prezygapophyses was ca. 50 mm, estimated except for the dorsalmost portion, which is by doubling the distance from the inner mar- concave transversely. Just above the ventral gin of the left prezygapophysis to the midline 36 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 of the neural canal. Posterior to the articular eter of the anterior face at the midline (53.5 surface of each prezygapophysis there is an mm). The pedicles are stout and thicken pos- ovoid fossa at the base of the neural arch. teriorly. The prezygapophyses extend ante- Medial to each of these fossae there is a shal- riorly from the base of the junction of the low angular recess bordering the dorsal mar- transverse processes with the neural arch and gin of the neural canal. slope dorsolaterally. The left prezygapophy- The preserved portion of the spinous pro- sis is ¯at and circular and is 19 mm in an- cess is triangular in cross section, with the teroposterior diameter and 18.9 mm in trans- apex of the triangle being directed anteriorly. verse diameter. Immediately behind it a pair It is inclined posteriorly at an angle of ca. of ventrolaterally elongate fossae deeply in- 25Њ from the vertical axis of the anterior face dent the base of the transverse process. Pos- of the centrum. The posterior face of the pro- terior to the right prezygapophysis there is cess is fairly ¯at, but ventrally it grades into only a single shallow, circular fossa. The me- a narrow groove leading to a rectangular, dial edges of the prezygapophyses extend concave fossa between the medial edges of posteromedially to join the anterior margin the postzygapophyses. Each postzygapo- of the neural arch at the midline. Immediate- physis is ovate, slightly concave, and faces ly above the midline of the arch there is a ventromedially. shallow, broadly triangular recess. At its cen- SIXTH THORACIC: This vertebra is virtually ter a hood-like transversely broadened pro- complete except for the distal end of the right jection extends anteriorly and overhangs the transverse process and the anterior tip of the midline of the neural canal. We herein term right prezygapophysis (®g. 21B). The verte- this feature the supraneural prominence (®g. bra is 206.5 mm in height from the ventral 21: snp). base of the centrum to the tip of the spinous The transverse processes extend dorsolat- process. It is approximately 115 mm in width erally from the juncture of the pedicles and between the lateral margins of the transverse the neural arch. The distal end of the well- processes. The centrum is 67.7 mm in great- preserved left process ¯ares slightly upward est transverse width anteriorly and 83 mm at its outermost extremity, which is 57.5 mm posteriorly. The neural canal is circular and from the median ridge at the base of the spi- is 30.4 mm in vertical diameter and 32.4 mm nous process. The articulating facet for the transversely. tuberculum of the left sixth rib is vertically The anterior face of the centrum is nearly elongate, faces laterally and slightly ventral- circular except for its slightly emarginated ly, and is 39.7 mm in dorsoventral diameter. dorsal edge, and it is slightly concave at its The vertical axis of the facet is directed an- center. The demifacets for the capitula of the teriorly, so that the dorsal end of the process sixth ribs are somewhat larger than the de- projects forward beyond the vertical axis of mifacets on most of the other preserved thor- the anterior face. The left postzygapophysis acics of Carolinacetus. The ventral surface is larger than the right one, which is virtually of the centrum is featureless, and there is no complete but may have lost the edge of its pronounced median keel. On the dorsal sur- lateral margin through erosion. The left one face there is a low median ridge ¯anked by is slightly concave and is quadrangular with vascular foramina. Unlike the more circular rounded corners. anterior face, the posterior face of the cen- The spinous process is inclined posteriorly trum has the shape of a transversely expand- at an angle of approximately 45Њ from the ed heart and is concave over most of its sur- vertical axis of the anterior face of the cen- face. The demifacets for the capitula of the trum and is 142.6 mm in length measured seventh ribs are much larger than the anterior from the plane of the bases of the postzy- demifacets but are similar in size to the de- gapophyses. The proximal two-thirds of the mifacets for the seventh ribs on the anterior process is triangular in cross section, with the face of the seventh thoracic. posterior face as the base. The posterior face The neural canal is circular in shape and is irregular in width, ranging from 23 to 23.5 relatively large, with its vertical diameter mm in transverse diameter. Proceeding from (30.4 mm) being 57% of the vertical diam- its margins, the lateral faces of the process 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 37

Fig. 21. Anterior views of the ®fth (A) and sixth thoracic (B) vertebrae of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401). Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. converge anteromedially to form the apex of neural canal. We herein term this projection the triangular con®guration. Proximally, the the supraneural shelf. This feature is not narrow, blade-like anterior edge of the spi- present in the second thoracic vertebra, but nous process forms a wall dividing the left the beginnings of it are evident in T4. It is and right sides of the neural arch. Distally, further developed in T5, is most pronounced the spinous process narrows and becomes el- in T6 and T7, and has begun to disappear in liptical in cross section, with the posterior T8. face tapering from a width of 23.5 mm to OTHER THORACIC VERTEBRAE: The pre- 16.3 mm at a point 60.5 mm from the distal served portions of the other holotype thorac- end. Along most of the posterior face there ic vertebrae of Carolinacetus are similar in is a longitudinal median ridge. At the base morphology to T6. Three trends are evident of the spinous process between the postzy- in the thoracic series. The shape of the neural gapophyses there is a cave-like recess ¯oored canal ranges from ovate with a wide trans- by a shelf of bone that extends posteriorly verse diameter in the anteriormost thoracics and overhangs the posterior entrance to the (T2±T5) to nearly circular in T6±T8 and pre- 38 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 sumably in the remaining thoracics. As shown in table 4, the vertical diameter of the neural canal increases from 24.3 mm in T2 to 30.4 mm in T6, resulting in its more cir- cular shape in the latter vertebrae. That trend seems merely a re¯ection of the progressive increases in the height of the pedicles that accompanied the gradual elevation of the transverse processes and their facets for ar- ticulation of the capitula of the ribs. In most cetaceans the elevation of the rib facets reaches its peak at or about the middle of the thoracic series, after which they begin a se- quential descent to the level of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. As demonstrated by T2 and T4 (®g. 22), the anterior face of the centrum in the anter- iormost thoracics continues the squarish shape of that face in the cervicals, but in T5 the shape is more cordiform (®g. 23). The anterior face of T4 is intermediate in mor- phology between that of T2, which is nearly square, and that of T6, which is nearly cir- cular. Additionally, the supraneural promi- nence between the prezygapophyses is poor- ly de®ned in T2 and T4 and is most promi- nent in T5±T8, although it is somewhat erod- ed in the latter vertebra (®g. 23). Seemingly by more than sheer coincidence, the supra- neural shelf between the postzygapophyses is most strongly developed in T5±T7, suggest- ing that it and the supraneural prominence of the following vertebra were common points for the attachment of connective tissue. Fig. 22. Anterior view of the fourth thoracic As shown in table 4, the spinous processes vertebra of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM of the thoracics undergo a progressive pos- PV5401). Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appen- teroventral incline from the vertical axis of dix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. the posterior face of the vertebra, beginning at 25Њ in T2 and continuing to a slope of 45Њ in T6 and T7. The narrow, posteriorly in- sition of individual specimens. Without care- clined spinous processes are characteristic of ful study, even a provisional interpretation of protocetid vertebrae and are more typical of the preserved material would not have been terrestrial ungulates than of crown cetaceans. feasible. The ribs of Carolinacetus are somewhat RIBS unusual in that a well-formed tuberculum persists through virtually the entire rib se- The holotype ribs of Carolinacetus gin- quence, as we have determined it. In most gerichi consist of 15 partial elements with cetaceans the posteriormost two, three, or heads, two individual rib heads, and ®ve even four ribs lack a well-de®ned capitulum shaft fragments (®g. 24). All of the rib ele- and tuberculum, but only one of the pre- ments were randomly distributed among the served rib heads of CarolinacetusÐthe prob- rest of the skeletal remains, making it dif®- able last (13th) ribÐlacks these structures in cult to determine the correct anatomical po- their conventional form. In all of the pre- 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 39

Fig. 23. Anterior views of the seventh (A) and the eighth (B) thoracic vertebrae of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401). Scale bar is 5 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. served ribs of Carolinacetus except the latter the probable 7th rib, but in the probable 8th one, the capitulum is globose and is much rib, it begins a retreat toward the tuberculum broader than the neck. The better preserved that continues through the much shorter 9th specimens can be assigned to the right or left and 10th ribs. Its position in the probable side of the ribcage based on the curvature of 11th and 12th ribs could not be determined the shaft and the direction in which the neck because most of the shaft is missing in those of the capitulum is twisted, that is, to the left specimens. Nevertheless, the position of the in right ribs and to the right in left ribs. CIA seems clearly related to the length of the Among all of the rib elements for which as- rib, that is, closer to the tuberculum in the signments can be attempted, including the shorter anterior and posterior ribs and farther two detached rib heads, 10 left ribs and 7 from it in the longer ribs in the middle of the right ones are represented. Measurements of . Hence, this feature was used to de- the length of the ribs as preserved were taken termine the probable position that the pre- on a straight line from the articular facet of served rib elements occupied in the sequence the tuberculum to the distal end of the shaft of dorsal ribs of Carolinacetus (table 5). For as preserved, with the exception of three ribs example, in L2 the CIA occurs only 50 mm (L3, R7, L8) in which the tuberculum is distal to the base of the tuberculum, while in missing; in those ribs the measurement was the probable R3 the CIA is 93 mm from the taken from the dorsal side of the capitulum. base of the tuberculum. In R3 and all sub- The change in angle (CIA) of the dorsal sequent ribs the CIA measurement was taken edge of the rib is preserved in 10 of the ribs along the dorsal curvature of the rib. and is quite prominent. That feature is com- In the two detached rib heads (i.e., the ca- mon in varying degrees in the ribs of ceta- pitulum and its neck) the direction of the ceans (e.g., Kogia, Tursiops) and in many ar- twist of one of them shows it to be from a tiodactyls (e.g., Cervus, Odocoileus) and cer- right rib. Despite its fragmentary nature, the tain other land mammals, but it is especially latter specimen can be assigned a provisional well developed in Carolinacetus. In the ho- place in the rib series. The length of its neck lotype ribs of Carolinacetus the CIA be- (29.2) compares favorably with that of prob- comes progressively more distal to the tu- able L4 (27.4), so we have tentatively re- berculum from anterior to posterior through ferred this rib head to R4. The other detached 40 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Fig. 24. Posterior views of the ribs of Carolinacetus gingerichi (ChM PV5401). The left 4th, 6th, 7th, and 13th and the right 2nd and 9th±12th ribs were not preserved. Anterior is to the top of the page, and the scale bar is 10 cm in length. See appendix 3 for anatomical abbreviations. rib head has only suggestions of the capitu- the anterior ribs and in recognizing two par- lum and the tuberculum and is clearly a pos- tial ribs with shallow depths as probable L11 terior rib, possibly the last rib in the series. and L12. The dorsoventral depth of the shaft at the The location of the CIA was the princi- base of the tuberculum was useful in placing palÐand most reliableÐmeans of determin- 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 41

TABLE 5 lum. This feature is especially prominent in Key Measurements (in mm) of Holotype Rib the probable 8th±12th ribs. Elements of Carolinacetus gingerichi, Using the criteria described above, the ho- new genus, new species lotype ribs and detached rib heads of Caro- Capitulum Diameter of Distance to linacetus were sorted into the following pat- Rib length shaft change in angle tern of probable identity, with detached heads shown in italics: L1 23.3 42.9 Ð R1 23 (35) Ð R1 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R13 L2 31.6 37.3 50 L1L2 L3 L5 L8 L9L10 L11 L12 L3 26.1 Ð (93) R3 27.9 36 93 FIRST AND SECOND RIBS: Although approx- (R4) 29.6 Ð Ð imately half of the shaft is missing in the left L5 27.4 34.6 139 ®rst rib (L1) and nearly all of it in the right R5 33.7 34.1 144 ®rst rib (R1), these bones are easily recog- R6 33.5 28.9 168 nized by the very large tuberculum and very R7 Ð 23.6 191 short neck of the capitulum. Those features L8 29.2 Ð (178) are characteristic of the ®rst rib in cetaceans R8 28.6 26.7 Ð and in many land mammals (e.g., Bison, Eq- L9 30.9 27 58 L10 26 26.3 61 uus). L11 25.1 24 Ð The preserved portion of the holotype L1 L12 20.7 15.6 Ð of Carolinacetus measures 152.6 mm in a R13 Ð Ð Ð straight line from the articular face of the tu- berculum to the broken end of the shaft. In Note: Left (L) and right (R) ribs are identi®ed by upper case pre®xes. Rib heads (capitulum and neck only) are this rib the tuberculum actually exceeds the in parentheses, for example, (R4). Numberical sequence capitulum in size and robustness, with the of ribs is provisional and is based on the three former measuring 30.1 mm mediolaterally measurements listed below: (1) relative length of the and 25.1 mm anteroposteriorly and the latter capitulum neck, (2) dorsoventral diameter of shaft at 27.2 mm vertically and 23.1 mm anteropos- distal base of tuberculum, and (3) distance from distal teriorly. On the dorsal surface of L1 there is base of tuberculum to dorsal change in angle (CIA). an elongate, anteroposteriorly compressed tu- Neck of capitulum was measured from proximal base of bercle at the base of the tuberculum. This tuberculum to epiphysial suture of capitulum. With the feature is present also on R1 but is not as exception of the second rib, all CIA measurements were large as in L1. Among the other holotype ribs made along the curve of the dorsal surface. Parentheses indicate estimated measurements. Dash (Ð) indicates of Carolinacetus, that structure appears only measurement not possible because of breakage. on the one that we have identi®ed as R2, Additional measurements are given in the text. where it is associated with the CIA, but it is not as robust as in the ®rst ribs. The holotype R1 is fragmentary, measur- ing only 72.5 mm from the broken base of ing probable positions in the rib sequence. the tuberculum to the broken edge of the That feature ®rst appears in R2 and is well shaft. The tuberculum is missing in R1, but preserved in 11 of the 13 ribs apparently the size of its base indicates that it was small- present in Carolinacetus, and, as seen in ta- er than its counterpart in L1. The capitulum ble 5, it provides a valuable landmark for in R1 is 30.9 mm vertically, but its anterior placement of the ribs. The morphology of the face has been eroded and yields an incom- dorsal surface of the rib immediately lateral plete measurement of only 19.3 mm antero- to the tuberculum also is useful in recogniz- posteriorly. ing anterior and posterior ribs. In the speci- The probable R2 also lacks most of its mens that we have identi®ed as the ®rst ®ve shaft, measuring only 144.6 mm on a straight ribs the dorsal surface of the shaft adjoining line from the articular face of the tuberculum the tuberculum is rounded, but in the rest of to the broken end of the shaft. It is also miss- the ribs it is ¯at for a short distance (ca. 25 ing the epiphysis of the capitulum. In R2 the mm) extending laterally from the tubercu- tuberculum is 30.9 mm mediolaterally and 42 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

18.1 mm in anteroposterior diameter. The ca- position of the distal base of the tuberculum pitulum is 24.1 mm vertically and 19.4 mm cannot be determined as precisely as in the anteroposteriorly, and its neck is 31.8 mm in ribs in which the tuberculum is present; nev- length and is longer and more slender than ertheless, we are con®dent that the measure- the neck in the ®rst ribs. The CIA of the ment of the dorsoventral depth of L3 was dorsal side is preserved in R2 and is situated taken very close to, if not immediately be- 46 mm distal to the tuberculum. Both the hind, the distal base of the missing tubercu- dorsal and ventral surfaces of the shaft are lum. In both of these ribs the dorsal surface rounded at the base of the tuberculum dor- immediately behind the tuberculum is round- sally and at the beginning of the neck of the ed, and directly below that point the ventral capitulum ventrally. surface is keeled, with the keel continuing THIRD,FOURTH, AND FIFTH RIBS: The ribs for approximately half the length of the pre- that we recognize as the probable L3, R3, L5, served portion of the shaft of the more com- and R5 differ from the rest of the preserved pletely preserved R3. ribs of Carolinacetus in having a greater The detached rib head that we regard as depth of the shaft at the distal base of the probably belonging to R4 consists only of tuberculum, averaging 34.9 mm in dorsoven- the capitulum and its neck and is 50.5 mm tral diameter at that point. A detached rib in total length from the articular face of the head is tentatively regarded as that of the capitulum to the broken end of the specimen. right fourth rib. The neck of the capitulum measures 29.2 Most of the probable right third rib is pre- mm from the medial remnant of the base of served and measures 251.5 mm on a straight the missing tuberculum to the epiphysial su- line from the articular face of the tuberculum ture of the capitulum. That measurement is to the preserved distal end. This rib appears close to the measurement of the neck of L4 to be missing not more than 60 or 70 mm of (27.4 mm) and for that reason is thought to the distal end of the shaft. The capitulum is represent its opposite. The capitulum is 23 22 mm in vertical depth and 25 mm antero- mm in vertical diameter and 20.8 mm an- posteriorly, and its ventral face is ¯attened. teroposteriorly. Though not nearly as robust as in L2, the The probable left ®fth rib is missing ap- tuberculum of R3 is large, measuring 22.8 proximately half of its shaft and is 192 mm mm in mediolateral length and 15.4 mm an- in length on a straight line from the articular teroposteriorly. The CIA is more distal than face of the tuberculum to the broken end of in L2, being 93 mm from the tuberculum. the shaft. The head is well preserved al- The probable L3 is missing the tuberculum though slightly eroded in places. The capit- and less than half of its shaft and measures ulum is 22.4 mm in vertical depth and 22.7 200.9 mm on a straight line from the dorsal mm anteroposteriorly, and its ventral face is side of the capitulum to the broken end of ¯attened. The tuberculum measures 24.8 mm the shaft. The capitulum is 22.5 mm in ver- in mediolateral length and 15.3 mm antero- tical depth and 24 mm anteroposteriorly. posteriorly. The dorsal surface of the shaft When L3 is placed against R3 with the heads immediately behind the tuberculum is round- of the two ribs aligned evenly, the CIA of ed, and directly below that point the ventral the two occurs at exactly the same point, and surface is sharply keeled along its anterior the dorsal and ventral degrees of curvature edge and rounded along its posterior margin. are almost identical, leaving little doubt that In that regard L5 differs from R3, in which these two ribs are opposites. Using the head the ventral keel is located medially instead of R3 as a gauge, it is possible to obtain a of along the anterior edge of the shaft. The measurement of the dorsoventral depth of L3 dorsoventral depth of the shaft at the distal very close to the base of the missing tuber- base of the tuberculum is 34.6 mm. There is culum. In L3 the dorsoventral depth is 35.8 also a marked difference in the location of mm and is 36 mm in R3, adding further sup- the CIA, which is 93 mm distal to the tuber- port to the placement of this rib as the op- culum in R3 and 140 mm in L5, as the CIA posite of R3. This measurement in L3 was continues to move farther distally in the rib not placed in table 5, however, because the sequence. 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 43

The probable R5 is missing perhaps a third ment at this point that does not exceed 30 of its shaft and is 222.8 mm in length on a mm. The CIA is 168 mm from the tubercu- straight line from the articular face of the tu- lum, continuing the movement of the CIA berculum to the broken end of the shaft. The distally from the proximal end of the rib. capitulum is 21.5 mm in vertical depth and The probable right seventh rib measures 22.2 mm anteroposteriorly. The tuberculum 302.6 mm on a straight line from the dorsal is poorly preserved and is missing its medial side of the capitulum to the preserved distal third, precluding a mediolateral measure- end of the shaft. Although the lateral edge of ment; its preserved portion is 12.1 mm an- the distal end the shaft is missing, the medial teroposteriorly, but that is an incomplete edge is present and appears to be the natural measurement. The dorsoventral depth of the end of this rib, and thus it seems to be es- shaft at the distal base of the tuberculum is sentially complete. It is clearly shorter than 34.1 mm, and the CIA is 144 mm distal to R6, indicating that it represents the beginning the tuberculum, slightly farther than in L5 of the posterior rib series. It is in this rib that (139) but not appreciably so. the CIA achieves its greatest separation from As we have determined them, the ®rst ®ve the tuberculum, a distance of 191 mm. Al- ribs differ from the remaining ones in having though the tuberculum is missing in R7, a a deeper dorsoventral depth immediately dis- remnant of the edge of its distal base can be tal to the tuberculum. This characteristic can detected, permitting a measurement of the be seen in the anterior ribs of other cetacean CIA. The dorsoventral depth of the shaft at taxa and thus lends support to our placement that point is 23.6 mm. The area immediately of this portion of the holotype ribs of Car- distal to the tuberculum is ¯attened, typical olinacetus. of the posterior ribs of Carolinacetus. The SIXTH,SEVENTH,EIGHTH, AND NINTH RIBS: capitulum is 23.9 mm in vertical depth and It is within this series that the ribs of Caro- 25.8 mm anteroposteriorly. linacetus reach their greatest length and then The probable left eighth rib is virtually begin to shorten as they approach the pos- complete, lacking only the tuberculum and terior proton of the rib cage. The probable less than 20 mm of its distal end. It is 243.3 right sixth and seventh ribs are the best pre- mm in length on a straight line from the dor- served of all of the holotype ribs of Caroli- sal side of the capitulum to the preserved dis- nacetus. The R7 is missing its tuberculum, tal end of the shaft. The capitulum is 21.1 however, so to obtain comparative lengths of mm in vertical depth and 24 mm anteropos- R6 and R7 the overall measurement of each teriorly. Placement of this rib in correct of these two ribs has been taken from the alignment in juxtaposition to R8, in which dorsal surface of the capitulum instead of the tuberculum is preserved, permits an ap- from the articular face of the tuberculum. proximate measurement of the CIA of L8 as The R6 measures 298.1 mm on a straight 178 mm distal to the presumed lateral margin line from the dorsal side of the capitulum to of its missing tuberculum. Thus, it is in the the preserved distal end of the shaft. The pro- probable eighth rib that the CIA begins to jected terminus of the curvature of its ante- retreat medially toward the tuberculum. rior and posterior faces indicates that it is Missing bone behind the tuberculum prohib- missing approximately 25 mm of its distal its a measurement of the depth of L8 at that end, the addition of which would place its point. original length at approximately 323 mm. As preserved, the probable R8 lacks part The capitulum is 23.4 mm in vertical depth of the capitulum and most of its shaft, mea- and 24 mm anteroposteriorly. The tubercu- suring only 130.4 mm on a straight line from lum is missing its medial half, and thus a the articular face of the tuberculum to the mediolateral measurement is not possible. Its preserved distal end. The ¯attened area on anteroposterior diameter is 11.5 mm, though the lateral side of the tuberculum identi®es this may not be a complete measurement be- this specimen as a posterior rib. The absence cause of the breakage. The dorsoventral of the CIA on the preserved portion places depth of the shaft at the distal base of the this rib between R7, in which the CIA is 191 tuberculum is 28.9 mm, the ®rst measure- mm distal to the tuberculum, and the prob- 44 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 able L9, in which the CIA is just 58 mm short shaft, with the capitulum measuring from the tuberculum. When placed in juxta- 22.2 mm in vertical depth and 24.7 mm an- position with L8, the two ribs are virtually teroposteriorly. The tuberculum is 18.3 mm identical in curvature and lateromedial di- in mediolateral length and 16.2 mm antero- ameter, leaving little question that that these posteriorly. The ¯attening of the dorsal sur- two ribs are opposites. The capitulum is 24.9 face of the shaft immediately lateral to the mm in vertical depth and 21.5 mm antero- tuberculum is quite pronounced in this rib, posteriorly. The tuberculum is 19.5 mm in measuring 12.1 mm anteroposteriorly and mediolateral length and 12 mm anteroposte- 24.2 mm in its lateral extent. The dorsoven- riorly. tral depth of the shaft lateral to the base of The probable left ninth rib evinces a pro- the tuberculum is 26.3 mm. In this rib the nounced shortening of the shaft characteristic CIA occurs 64 mm distal to the tuberculum. of the last few ribs in the sequence. This rib The probable L11 is missing most of its is virtually complete, missing only the dis- shaft and measures only 79.6 mm from the talmost tip of the shaft, and as preserved it medial edge of the tuberculum to the pre- measures 205.6 mm on a straight line from served end of the shaft. The capitulum is the articular face of the tuberculum to the 21.4 mm in vertical depth and 23 mm an- preserved distal end. There is a pronounced teroposteriorly. The tuberculum is consider- ¯attening of the dorsal surface immediately ably smaller than in the preceding rib, mea- lateral to the tuberculum, a characteristic of suring 14.6 mm in mediolateral length and the posterior ribs of Carolinacetus. At this 14.1 mm anteroposteriorly. In L11 the dor- point the dorsolateral depth of the shaft is 27 soventral depth of the shaft lateral to the base mm. Doubtless because the shortness of the of the tuberculum continues its decrease in rib, the CIA is located only 58 mm distal to the posterior ribs and is just 24 mm in this the tuberculum. The capitulum is 20.5 mm rib. in vertical depth and 25.5 mm anteroposte- The smallest of all of the preserved ribs riorly. The length of its neck (30.9 mm) is with both capitulum and tuberculum, the slightly greater than the of the other probable L12 is also missing much of its posterior ribs, but this difference merely re- shaft, but apparently not more than about ¯ects the variation that occurs in the lengths 60%. It is 92.5 mm from the medial edge of of the necks throughout the rib cage of Car- the tuberculum to the preserved end of the olinacetus. The tuberculum is somewhat shaft. The capitulum is 18.3 mm in vertical eroded but yields measurements of 19.3 mm depth and 26.7 mm anteroposteriorly, re- in mediolateral length and approximately 11 markably large for such a small rib. The tu- mm anteroposteriorly. berculum is eroded but is approximately 15 TENTH,ELEVENTH,TWELVETH, AND THIR- mm in mediolateral length and about 12 mm TEENTH RIBS: The small sizes of the speci- anteroposteriorly. The dorsoventral depth of mens that we think to be the probable 10th± the shaft lateral to the base of the tuberculum 13th ribs clearly place them near the poste- is a mere 15.6 mm. The diminutive size of rior end of the rib cage. Remarkably, the the shaft of this rib and the greatly reduced 10th±12th ribs of Carolinacetus all have as size of the tuberculum compared to that of well-developed capitula and tubercula as any the capitulum strongly suggest that it is the of the preceding ribs. All three of those ribs last of the ribs of Carolinacetus in which also display a prominent ¯attening of the both of those structures are well de®ned. dorsal surface of the shaft immediately lat- One single-headed rib element was pre- eral to the tuberculum. served among the holotype ribs of Caroli- The probable left 10th rib is virtually com- nacetus. Only 32 mm in length, this speci- plete, lacking not more than 15 or 20 mm of men is strongly convex on one side (appar- its distal end. As preserved, it measures ently the posterior face), and on the other 162.8 mm on a straight line from the articular side there is a median gutter separating two face of the tuberculum to the broken edge of rounded elevations, with the larger presum- the distal end. The head of this rib seems ably representing a relict capitulum and the inordinately large compared to its relatively smaller one seemingly being a remnant of the 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 45 tuberculum. If this interpretation is correct, dimensions and morphology of this specimen this side would be the posterior face and this are so similar to the thoracics of Carolina- rib head would thus be from the right side. cetus that we feel safe in referring it to that Even on the opposite (anterior) side there is form until its identity can be demonstrated a narrow groove that outlines the presumed otherwise. tuberculum and separates it from the pre- sumed capitulum. We feel fairly con®dent DISCUSSION that such is indeed the case, and accordingly TAXONOMIC PLACEMENT AND COMPARISONS we regard it as the head of the probable right 13th rib. Several characters diagnostic of Cetacea Whether there were additional single- are apparent in the holotype of Carolinacetus headed ribs in the rib sequence of Caroli- and support its placement in this group, in- nacetus is, of course, impossible to deter- cluding a greatly reduced postglenoid fora- mine with absolute certainty, but judging men situated on the petrosal/squamosal su- from the small size of the probable 12th and ture (Geisler and Luo, 1998); presence of an 13th rib elements it seems rather unlikely anterior process of the petrosal (Luo and that the ribcage of Carolinacetus contained Gingerich, 1999); involucrum of ectotym- more than 13 ribs. panic bulla (Thewissen, 1994); and incisors subequal to canine. In addition, Carolinace- REFERRED SPECIMEN tus is a member of the clade that includes protocetids, basilosaurids, and crown ceta- An isolated probable sixth thoracic verte- ceans but excludes pakicetids, ambulocetids, bra (ChM PV6088) from the Tupelo Bay and remingtonocetids (®g. 25). This clade Formation at the type locality of Carolina- has a Bremer support of 4 and is diagnosed cetus is here referred to C. gingerichi. Both by six unequivocal synapomorphies: anterior morphometrically and in its preservation, margin of external nares over or just poste- this specimen so closely agrees with the ho- rior to I3 (character 4, 1 Ͼ 2), wide rostrum lotype thoracics of Carolinacetus that it (13, 1 Ͼ 0), supraorbital processes present could easily be mistaken for one of the ho- but short (16, 0 Ͼ 1), anterior edge of orbit lotype series, but it was collected at a differ- over M2 or the division between M2/M3 (19, ent location within the Berkeley Quarry. The 0 Ͼ 1), postorbital process forms a 90Њ angle length/width ratio of the centrum of this ver- with the sagittal crest (20, 0 Ͼ 1), and short tebra (1.48) is only slightly less (0.07) than cervical vertebrae (87, 0 Ͼ 1). that of the holotype T6 (1.55) of Carolina- Carolinacetus is further recognized as a cetus but is considerably greater than that of member of Protocetidae, which is a paraphy- the T6 of Georgiacetus (1.34), which is also letic family of early cetaceans (Uhen, 1999), smaller in overall dimensions. Both the su- and, as interpreted here, includes the follow- praneural prominence and the supraneural ing taxa: Artiocetus clavus, Carolinacetus shelf are as well developed as they are in the gingerichi, Protocetus atavus, Eocetus holotype sixth thoracic of Carolinacetus, schweinfurthi, E. wardii, Georgiacetus vogt- suggesting that the referred specimen occu- lensis, Pappocetus lugardi, Babiacetus indi- pied a similar position in the thoracic series. cus, Rodhocetus kasrani, R. balochistanen- All of the measurements of this specimen ex- sis, Indocetus ramani, Takracetus simus, ceed those of the holotype T6, and the epiph- Natchitochia jonesi, Gaviacetus razai, and yses are well ankylosed to the centrum, in- G. sahnii. Plesiomorphic features that sup- dicating that it belonged to a slightly larger port the inclusion of Carolinacetus in the and more mature individual than the holo- Protocetidae are: (1) external nares above the type of Carolinacetus. The referred specimen canine; (2) supraoccipital narrow, tubular, differs from the holotype T6 in having a less and oriented posterodorsally; (3) accessory circular neural canal and a greater posterior cusps absent on m3; (4) broad articulation slope (50Њ) of the spinous process. between the ectotympanic bulla and the fal- Although it is possible that PV6088 be- ciform process of the squamosal; and (5) longs to another as-yet-unknown taxon, the large vertebral foramen in the axis vertebra. 46 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Fig. 25. Strict consensus of two most parsimonious trees of 229 steps; thick lines/black boxes to the left of taxon names indicate known temporal ranges, circles to the right of cetacean taxa indicate geographic occurrence(s). Bremer support values are placed below and to the left of each node. Note that the branching order of taxa is generally concordant with the ®rst geologic occurrence of taxa, and we can infer that the immigration of cetaceans to North America occurred in the latter half of the Lutetian. The geologic durations of taxa are from Gingerich et al. (1997, 2001a, 2001b) and Uhen (1998a, 1998b).

Carolinacetus has multiple differences margin of the external nares above the ca- with every described taxon in the Protoceti- nine, not P1; (2) palatal process of the pre- dae for which comparisons can be made. Al- maxilla terminates between the canine and though the autapomorphies described in the P1, not posterior to P1; (3) ascending process diagnosis are suf®cient to distinguish this of the premaxilla terminates dorsal to P1, not new taxon, we describe below further com- above P3; and (4) parietal ridge is rounded, parisons between Carolinacetus and the three not acute. There is considerable difference protocetids described from North America, between the length-to-width ratios of the Georgiacetus vogtlensis, Eocetus wardii, and centrum in the vertebrae of Carolinacetus Natchitochia jonesi. Presently, the best pre- and Georgiacetus (table 5). Ratios for the served and most informative protocetid from thoracic series T2±T7 range from 1.54 to North America is Georgiacetus vogtlensis, 1.58 in Carolinacetus and 1.34 to 1.46 in known from the middle Eocene ``Blue Bluff Georgiacetus. The higher ratios of the ver- Unit'' of Georgia. Hulbert et al. (1998) and tebral centra of Carolinacetus re¯ect their Hulbert (1998) described the holotype skel- proportionately shorter length compared to eton of the genus, which includes a complete those of Georgiacetus. In addition, the spi- skull, left mandible, 23 vertebrae, 12 ribs, nous processes of the anterior thoracics of and both innominates. Carolinacetus is be- Carolinacetus are much larger and more ro- tween 8 and 15% larger than Georgiacetus, bust than those of Georgiacetus, and the ribs and the former differs from the latter in the of Carolinacetus have a more prominent CIA following cranial characters: (1) posterior than those of Georgiacetus. 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 47

Eocetus wardii Uhen, 1999 is the only comparisons are possible, the relative pro- protocetid from North America to have been portions of the vertebrae of Carolinacetus placed in an Old World genus. The type spe- differ considerably from those of ``E.'' war- cies of Eocetus, E. schweinfurthi Fraas, dii, with those of the former being much 1904, was described from a skull (SNMS shorter than those of the latter. For example, 10986) from the mid-Bartonian Guishi For- the width/length ratio of the centrum of the mation from Gebel Mokattam near Cairo, sixth thoracic vertebra in Carolinacetus is Egypt (Gingerich, 1992: 72, ®gs. 5, 52). Two 1.55, while in ``E.'' wardii the ratio for that isolated vertebrae from Gebel Mokattam vertebra is 0.90 (table 6). Unlike C7 in Car- were referred to Eocetus by Fraas (1904), but olinacetus, the transverse processes of that they have since been referred to Basilosaurus vertebra in ``E.'' wardii are deeper dorsoven- drazindae by Uhen (1998a). The af®nities of trally and are directed laterally instead of two other isolated vertebrae from Gebel Mo- ventrolaterally. Beginning with T4, there is kattam, described by Stromer (1908) as an extreme difference in the anteroposterior ``Frankfurt #1'' and also referred to Eocetus, diameter of the spinous process of the tho- remain unclear, partly because they have racic vertebrae in these two taxa. In Caroli- been missing for many years, thus precluding nacetus it is very narrow (table 4), but in the any comparisons with vertebrae of other thoracics of ``E.'' wardii the anteroposterior taxa. Uhen (1999) reported two vertebrae in diameter of the neural spine is greater than the Staatliches Museum fuÈr Naturkunde that in any known protocetid and is more similar appeared to ®t the description of ``Franfurt to those of basilosaurids, as is the broad, fan- #1'', and the similarity of these vertebrae to shaped scapula of ``E.'' wardii (Uhen, 2001: those of E. wardii was the primary basis for ®gs. 3, 8). his assignment of E. wardii to Eocetus.We Little comparison can be made between follow previous authors (Barnes and Mitch- Natchitochia jonesi Uhen (1998b) and Car- ell, 1978; Hulbert, 1998) in treating the re- olinacetus because the holotype vertebrae of ferral of any isolated vertebrae to Eocetus the former consist only of four thoracics, ®ve with skepticism because no vertebrae were lumbars, one sacral, two caudals, and three found with the holotype skull of E. schwein- ribs, while the holotype of the latter includes furthi and thus are unknown for Eocetus. thoracic vertebrae but no lumbars, sacrals, or Therefore, we hereinafter refer to the taxon caudals. The relative positions of the thoracic described by Uhen (1999) as ``Eocetus'' war- vertebrae of N. jonesi are ambiguous, further dii. Although it clearly represents a form dis- compounding the problem. The only cur- tinct from all other known North American rently reportable difference between these cetacean taxa, a better understanding of the two taxa is in the relative size of the verte- systematic position of ``E.'' wardii must brae, with the anterior thoracics of Natchi- await the discovery of additional remains tochia being ca. 15% larger than those of with a fairly complete skull. Carolinacetus. Natchitochia has a single sa- The holotype of ``E.'' wardii (USNM cral vertebra with short transverse processes, 310633), from late Lutetian (NP 16) beds in no pleurapophyses, and broad articulation the Castle Hayne Formation of North Caro- with the (Uhen, 1998b). The mor- lina, includes only a fragment of the anterior phology of the sacrum is intermediate be- end of the rostrum, 11 vertebrae, a partial tween Gaviacetus, which has a sacral verte- sacrum, and 3 partial ribs. Most of the pre- bra with short transverse processes, and Pro- caudal axial skeleton of this taxon is now tocetus, which has a sacral vertebra with long known from referred specimens (NCSM transverse processes. Natchitochia and Car- 11284) reported by Uhen (2001). There are olinacetus may represent a similar evolution- several differences between the vertebrae of ary grade, but that issue cannot be settled Carolinacetus and ``E.'' wardii. The cortical without additional skeletal material. bone of the vertebrae in the former is thin and smooth externally, but in the latter it is PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS thick and bears numerous external depres- The branch-and-bound analysis found two sions that lead into vascular canals. Where most parsimonious trees of 299 steps, each 48 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

TABLE 6 Measurements (in mm) and Width/Length Ratios of Holotype Vertebral Centra of Carolinacetus gingerichi, n.gen, n.sp. (ChM PV5401) and Referred ϳT6 (ChM PV6088), Georgiacetus vogtlensis (GSM 350), and Referred Specimens of ``Eocetus'' wardii (NCSM 11284)

Carolinacetus Georgiacetus ``Eocetus'' wardii AW APL Ratio AW APL Ratio AW APL Ratio C3 49.8 36.6 1.36 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð C4 Ð Ð Ð 46.3 28.1 1.65 Ð Ð Ð C5 Ð Ð Ð 42ϩ 28.6 (1.47) Ð Ð Ð C6 50.1 38.6 1.30 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð C7 50.2 34.3 1.46 45.6 28.5 1.60 56.4 32 1.76 T1 Ð 35.5 Ð Ð Ð Ð 62.3 51 1.22 T2 60.6 38.5 1.57 Ð Ð Ð 59.4 63.3 0.94 T3 Ð Ð Ð 54.2 37.2 1.46 67.1 63.7 1.05 T4 64.6 (41.5) (1.56) Ð Ð Ð 64.2 60.3 1.06 T5 66.9 42.3 1.58 Ð Ð Ð 68 58.4 1.16 T6 67.7 43.7 1.55 54.1 40.5 1.34 66.8 74.3 0.90 ϳT6* 73.4* 49.5* 1.48* Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð T7 67.2 (43.5) (1.54) 54.0 40.4 1.34 72.2 74 0.98 T8 Ð Ð Ð 57.1 40.7 1.40 73 78.2 0.93 T9 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð 84.2 80.5 1.05 T10 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð 93 89.5 1.04 T11 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð 85.9 111 0.77 T12 Ð Ð Ð 68.2 47.8 1.43 97 118.1 0.82 T13 Ð Ð Ð 76ϩ 48.3 1.57 Ð Ð Ð L1 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð 95.9 134 0.71 L2 Ð Ð Ð Ð 54.8 Ð 104.1 135.1 0.77 L3 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð L4 Ð Ð Ð 78 59.1 1.32 Ð Ð Ð L5 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð L6 Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð L7 Ð Ð Ð 81.5 71.2 1.14 Ð Ð Ð L8 Ð Ð Ð 78ϩ 72.3 1.08 Ð Ð Ð Notes: Ratios derived from dividing anterior width (AW) of centrum by anteroposterior length (APL). Atlas vertebra (C1) and axis vertebra (C2) are omitted because their disparate morphology makes it dif®cult to compare their measurements with those of the remaining cervical vertebrae. Dashes (Ð) indicate missing elements. Measurements for Georgiacetus are from Hulbert (1998: 241, table 1); those for ``E.'' wardii are from Uhen (2001: 137, table 1). Asterisk (*) indicates the measurements for the referred specimen (ChM PV6088), thought to be a T6. with a CI of 0.59 and a RI of 0.75. A strict and P1; in Carolinacetus it is deep, like that consensus of the two trees is shown in ®gure of Georgiacetus, while in Protocetus this pit 25. In both trees, Carolinacetus and Proto- is shallow, similar to the morphology in cetus are adjacent members of a pectinate se- Qaisracetus. In all other respects, the most ries of stem taxa to Basilosauridae; however, parsimonious trees are identical, including a in the ®rst most parsimonious tree, Caroli- monophyletic Cetartiodactyla, Cetacea, Rem- nacetus is more basal than Protocetus, while ingtonocetidae, Basilosauridae, and Eocetus. the opposite is true in the second one. The Carolinacetus occupies a fairly central po- ®rst topology is supported by the position of sition among protocetids and is more basal the posterior edge of the external bony nares; than the North American protocetids Geor- in Carolinacetus it is over the canines, while giacetus and ``Eocetus'' wardii. Natchitochia in Protocetus it is just anterior to P1. The is too poorly known to determine whether it second shortest tree is supported by the mor- is more derived than Carolinacetus. The phology of embrasure pit between the canine phylogenetic position of Carolinacetus,as 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 49 supported by the present study, is consistent and P1 indents ventral and lateral surfaces of with previous studies of Carolinacetus as the rostrum (character 11, 2 Ͼ 3); frontal with ``Cross Whale'' that placed it between Pro- large nasal process (15, 1 Ͼ 2); postorbital tocetus and Remingtonocetidae among a se- process directed laterally and slightly poste- ries of cetacean stem taxa (Geisler and Luo, riorly (20, 1 Ͼ 2); exoccipital does not ex- 1998; O'Leary and Geisler, 1999). In our tend beyond lateral margin of mastoid pro- study, the most exclusive clade of which cess of petrosal (29, 1 Ͼ 0); lateral margin Carolinacetus is a member includes Proto- of exoccipital lacks a dorsoventral row of cetus, Georgiacetus, and Babiacetus but ex- muscular fossae (38, 1 Ͼ 0); P1 and p1 sub- cludes Gaviacetus and Qaisracetus. This equal to canine (character 66, 0 Ͼ 1); and clade has a Bremer support of 1 and is only absence of molar protocones (75, 1 Ͼ 2). diagnosed by a foramen ovale that is not en- Forcing Georgiacetus to be the sister group closed on its ventral side (character 23, 2 Ͼ to a Basilosauridae ϩ Eocetus clade to the 1). Better support is found for the clade ex- exclusion of Babiacetus increases the tree cluding Carolinacetus and Protocetus but in- length by a minimum of six steps. cluding Georgiacetus, Babiacetus,``Eoce- Gingerich et al. (2001b) noted that sacral tus'' wardii, and Basilosauridae. It has a Bre- characters do not unambiguously indicate mer support of 2 and is diagnosed by three whether Rodhocetus or Qaisracetus is more unambiguous synapomorphies: posterior closely related to extant cetaceans. We agree margin of bony nares over P1 (character 5, that this anatomical region contains contra- 1or2Ͼ 3), palatal processes of premaxillae dictory evidence; nevertheless, our parsimo- terminate near P1 (7, 1 Ͼ 2 or 3), and as- ny analysis resolved the relationship between cending process of premaxilla terminates these taxa and supports a more derived po- over or posterior to P3 (8, 2 Ͼ 3). sition for Qaisracetus. The clade including Our phylogenetic analysis corroborates Qaisracetus, Georgiacetus, and later ceta- previous studies that found Protocetidae to ceans but excluding Rodhocetus and Artioce- be paraphyletic (Uhen, 1998a, 1999; Geisler, tus has a Bremer support of 1 and is diag- 2001; Geisler and Uhen, 2003). In addition, nosed by two synapomorphies: three or few- we corroborated the phylogenetic arrange- er postlumbar vertebrae articulate via pleu- ment (Pakicetidae (Ambulocetidae (Reming- rapophyses (character 96, 1 Ͼ 2), and tonocetidae (Protocetidae (Basilosauri- ventromedial expansion of (106, 0 Ͼ dae))))) advocated by Uhen (1998a, 1999), 1). Under this topology, it is equally parsi- Geisler and Luo (1998), O'Leary and Geisler monious to infer that the fusion of two sacral (1999), Geisler (2001), and Geisler and Uhen vertebrae in Qaisracetus is a reversal or that (2003). A notable exception is the phyloge- the lack of fusion in Rodhocetus is conver- netic analysis of Thewissen and Hussain gent with more derived cetaceans (e.g., (2000), which proposed a sister-group rela- Georgiacetus). tionship between Basilosauridae and Rem- The systematic position of the Eocene ce- ingtonocetidae to the exclusion of protoce- tacean genus Gaviacetus warrants discussion tids. The authors of that study were skeptical here because its status is in dispute. Gavi- of their results, and we can con®rm their acetus was described by Gingerich et al. skepticism by noting that, in the present (1995b) as a protocetid, but in their descrip- study, forcing monophyly of Basilosauridae tion of Gaviacetus sahnii, Bajpai and Thew- ϩ Remingtonocetidae increases the length of issen (1998) removed that genus from the the shortest trees by 28 steps. Protocetidae and placed it in the Basilosaur- Contrary to Uhen (1999), we found Geor- idae. Their revision was based on the appar- giacetus to occupy a more basal position than ent absence of the alveolus for M3 in the Babiacetus. The clade including Babiacetus, holotype of G. sahnii and on the length of Eocetus, and Basilosauridae to the exclusion two elongate caudal vertebrae that they re- of Georgiacetus is relatively well supported, ferred to that species. Basilosaurus, the type as indicated by a Bremer support of 3 (®g. genus of Basilosauridae, lacks M3 and has 25) and by seven unequivocal synapomor- elongate lumbar and caudal vertebrae (Kel- phies, including embrasure pit between C logg, 1936). Bajpai and Thewissen (1998: 50 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

231) stated that ``M3 is probably absent'' in BIOGEOGRAPHY G. sahnii; however, we note that the thin bone that forms the alveoli of the second and All and most Lutetian cetaceans third upper molars may not be preserved are currently known only from Indo-Paki- (e.g., Georgiacetus). More informative is the stan, but by Bartonian or Priabonian times, single tooth preserved with the holotype, a cetaceans had achieved a cosmopolitan dis- right P1 that the authors of that taxon ®gured tribution, with taxa known from North in drawings but did not compare with other America (McLeod and Barnes, 1996; Hulbert taxa. Their ®gure 7d shows a tooth that is et al., 1998; Uhen, 1998b, 1999), Egypt triangular, low-crowned, and broad-based, (Fraas, 1904), New Zealand (KoÈhler and For- far more similar to the P1 of protocetids dyce, 1994), and Europe (Kellogg, 1936; (e.g., Protocetus) than that of basilosaurids, Uhen and Tichy, 2000). Those distributional in which the crown of P1 is much higher, has patterns clearly indicate that protocetids accessory denticles, and is proportionately moved out of Indo-Pakistan at some time more narrow at the base (see Fraas, 1904: ®g. during the Lutetian. There is, however, no 2, left P1, and Kellogg, 1936, ®gs. 3, 31a). direct evidence of the routes of their dispers- Bajpai and Thewissen (1998: 226 [®g. 9], al, especially of those that eventually made 228, 230) also referred four elongate caudal their way to North America. vertebrae to G. sahnii because they ``are of Although there are several possible routes an animal of the size of Gaviacetus'', but we of protocetid dispersals, we will consider regard it as equally probable that the speci- only two of the most obvious avenues by mens could belong to another taxon similar which they could have dispersed from the in size to Gaviacetus. We do not think that Tethys region to the Western Hemisphere. there is suf®cient evidence to refer those ver- The ®rst was a course across the North At- tebrae to Gaviacetus; therefore, G. sahnii has lantic Ocean from the west coast of Africa no unambiguous basilosaurid characters. to the north coast of South America, and then Among the characters upon which Gin- northward to the east coast of North Ameri- gerich et al. (1995b) based their assignment ca. The second route was a northerly one of Gaviacetus to the Protocetidae were the along the west coast of Europe, then west- ``sphyroid shape of frontals and con®rmation ward along the southern coast of Greenland, of exoccipitals and bulla'' in the type species and down the coast of Labrador to the east- of the genus, Gaviacetus razai. The supra- ern shores of the present-day United States. occipital of G. razai has the narrow, tubular, Uhen (1999) was the ®rst to suggest a path and posteriorly elongate form typical of pro- of dispersal to North America from the west- tocetids, quite unlike the broader, more ver- ern Mediterranean via the open Atlantic tically directed occiput of basilosaurid ar- Ocean. In support of that hypothesis, he cited chaeocetes. Other characters in the holotype Feldmann et al. (1998), who noted that fossil of G. razai indicate that it is excluded from decapods from Lutetian beds in North Car- Basilosauridae, including a rudimentary pter- olina are closely related to Old World forms. ygoid sinus that has not extended beyond the Feldmann et al. (1998) used a computer- tympanic bulla; broad articulation between based ocean circulation model to estimate the the falciform process of the squamosal and temperatures, salinities, and circulation of the the ectotympanic bulla (Luo and Gingerich, Atlantic during the middle Eocene. Their 1999); and a short, robust transverse process model suggested a gyre in the North Atlantic of the sacral vertebra (Gingerich et al., similar to the present-day pattern of circula- 1995b; Hulbert, 1998). Our cladistic analysis tion (e.g., Sanders et al., 1976: ®g. 12.6), and shows that the shortest trees that include they suggested that westward larval dispersal Gaviacetus within Basilosauridae require an via the southern branch of the Eocene gyre additional 28 steps. Thus, based on strong could explain the close phylogenetic relation- morphological evidence and the results of ships between European and eastern North our phylogenetic analysis (®g. 25), we re- American decapods. Earlier, Blow and Man- store the genus Gaviacetus to the Protoceti- ning (1996: 1) had observed that the assem- dae. blage of crabs from both the Castle Hayne 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 51

Fig. 26. Paleocoastline map, Middle Eocene (Lutetian), ca. 45 Ma, showing paleogeographic distri- bution of selected protocetid taxa (A-H) from Ypresian (Early Eocene) (ࡗ), Lutetian (Middle Eocene) (Ⅵ), and Bartonian (Late Middle Eocene) (ⅷ) rocks, and probable route (ł) of protocetid dispersal from Tethys Sea to North America. A. Himalayacetus subathuensis, Subathu Fm. (ca. 53.5 Ma), Kuthar Nala, India. B. ``Habib Rahi Limestone Whale'', Habib Rahi Fm. (ca. 48 Ma), Sulaiman Range, Pakistan. C. Various remingtonocetids and protocetids, Harudi Fm. (ca. 41 Ma), Kutch, India. D. Protocetus atavus, Mokattam Fm. (ca. 43.5 Ma), Gebel Mokattam, Egypt. E. ``Togo whale'', unspeci®ed strati- graphic unit (ca. 45 Ma), Kpogame-Hahotoe Basin, Togo. F. Pappocetus lugardi, Ameki Fm. (ca. 42 Ma), Ombialla District, Nigeria. G. ``Eocetus'' wardii, Castle Hayne Fm. (ca. 42 Ma), Maple Hill, North Carolina, U.S. H. Carolinacetus gingerichi, new genus and species, Tupelo Bay Fm. (ca. 40 Ma), Martin Marietta Berkeley Quarry, South Carolina, U.S.

Limestone of North Carolina and the Santee not nearly as well adapted to the marine en- Limestone of South Carolina ``as a whole, vironment as are extant cetaceans or even has greater af®nities with faunas of the Eo- basilosaurids. As Gingerich et al. (2001a: cene of Hungary, Italy, and Spain than with 2241) noted regarding Rodhocetus, ``The known American Eocene faunas.'' While forelimbs and hands could not be extended currents could affect the distribution of cer- as broad pectoral ¯ippers, which would be tain invertebrates, particularly those with a required to control recoil from undulation or larval , we do not think that currents oscillation of a caudal ¯uke . . . hence, it is would substantially in¯uence the distribution doubtful that Rodhocetus had such a ¯uke.'' of active swimmers, such as protocetids. If such were the case, the absence of a ¯uke In trying to determine the most probable would seem to have mitigated against the route that these early migrants would have movement of early Lutetian protocetids out taken, perhaps the most important factor to into the open sea. Coastal waters are typi- consider is the locomotor capabilities of pro- cally more productive than pelagic surface tocetids, but current opinions regarding their waters; therefore, successful dispersal across locomotion are controversial. Protocetids the open ocean is unlikely for taxa that do have been described as ef®cient swimmers not move ef®ciently in the marine environ- with propulsion via undulation of the body ment. For these reasons, we think that the and tail (Buchholtz, 1998; Fish, 1998) or as most likely route along which protocetids having a more primitive means of aquatic would have migrated to North America dur- movement that involved alternate hindlimb ing the middle Eocene would have been paddling (Gingerich, 2003). Despite the lack northward along the coast of Europe and of consensus, it is clear that protocetids were thence westward along the southern coast of 52 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

Greenland. As seen in ®gure 26, that course Carolinacetus, and the clade including de- presented only two relatively narrow water rived protocetids and basilosaurids. Surpris- barriers that would have been far more easily ingly, no postcranial characters are optimized negotiated than the open ocean between Af- to have evolved on this branch. The loss of rica and South America, and in the warm cli- fusion between sacral vertebrae is optimized matic conditions of the middle Eocene there to have evolved lower on the tree, on one of would have been no appreciable temperature the three internal branches at the base of Pro- deterrents (Cronin, 1999). tocetidae. Hence, we cautiously suggest that The timing of the movement of protocetids the development of caudal ¯ukes may have toward North America is suggested by the been a key anatomical innovation that as- age of the oldest cetaceans from North sisted Carolinacetus-grade cetaceans in their America. ``Eocetus'' wardii, from late Lute- dispersal out of Indo-Pakistan. What little is tian (NP 16) beds in the Castle Hayne For- known of the caudal vertebrae of early ce- mation of North Carolina (®g. 25), and un- taceans is consistent with this hypothesis. described material in the Charleston Museum Buchholtz (1998) inferred the presence or from the late Lutetian Santee Limestone (NP absence of ¯ukes in extinct taxa from vari- 16) at Cross Quarry in South Carolina dem- ations in the ratios of centrum width/height onstrate that protocetids were present in among caudal vertebrae, noting that extant North America by the late Lutetian, ca. 42 cetaceans with ¯ukes have relatively narrow Ma. The undescribed material from the San- caudal vertebrae anteriorly and wide verte- tee Limestone seems to include representa- brae within the region of the ¯ukes. If the tives of at least two (and possibly three) dif- correlation observed among extant taxa holds ferent taxa, suggesting that protocetid diver- for extinct forms, then basilosaurids had si®cation in North America was well under- ¯ukes (Buchholtz, 1998) and primitive ceta- way by the late Lutetian. Carolinacetus and ceans like Kutchicetus (Bajpai and Thewis- two undescribed ChM specimens from the sen, 2000) did not. Therefore, caudal ¯ukes middle to late Bartonian (NP 17) Cross would seem to have evolved within the pro- Member of the Tupelo Bay Formation over- tocetid grade of cetaceans, but only after the lying the Santee Limestone, Georgiacetus, loss of iliosacral articulation had committed from the early Bartonian McBean Formation, them to an aquatic existence. However, our and Natchitochia, from the early Bartonian hypothesis can be tested only by the discov- Cook Mountain Formation of Louisiana, ery of protocetid skeletal remains with most document a protocetid fauna of at least ®ve of the caudal vertebrae preserved. Theoreti- taxa along the late middle Eocene coastline cally, the distalmost caudals of a protocetid of the southeastern United States, and there with ¯ukes would be short and broad, much is no reason to think that other taxa were not like those of basilosaurids, and their ¯ukes present as well. Given the stratigraphic age may have been ``small rounded, lateral out- (ca. 42±40 Ma) and the diversity of North growths of the tail'', similar to stage 2 in American protocetids by mid-Bartonian ®gure 7 of Fish (1998: 316). times, the initial dispersal of cetaceans into the Western Hemisphere seems to have taken CONCLUSIONS place between 45 and 43 Ma. Anatomical innovations in locomotion Carolinacetus gingerichi is the basalmost may have played a role in the timing of pro- cetacean from North America known from tocetid dispersal to North America. Hypoth- cranial and postcranial material. Hence, its eses regarding speci®c evolutionary devel- lineage is expected to have existed during the opments that might have been involved were late Lutetian, even though it is currently tested by optimizing characters onto our known only from the Bartonian. The mor- most parsimonious trees. On the cladogram phology of Carolinacetus is distinctly differ- supported by the present study, the ®rst ce- ent from that of Georgiacetus and ``Eocetus'' tacean lineage that had representatives out- wardii, and all three taxa appear to represent side of Indo-Pakistan branched from an un- distinct grades of protocetid evolution. If the resolved trichotomy between Protocetus, dispersal capabilities of protocetids were lim- 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 53 ited, one might expect that there was a single younger than those that have produced other dispersal of protocetids to the east coast of North American protocetids. Thus, the strati- North America and that all taxa found there graphic sequence of protocetid occurrence in would form a clade. The phylogenetic anal- North AmericaÐas currently understoodÐis ysis presented here shows that the North not consistent with their respective phyloge- American taxa do not form a clade, with sev- netic positions as implied by the cladogram eral synapomorphies indicating that ``Eoce- of the present study. It is, however, a pattern tus'' wardii is more closely related to basil- that would be expected of evolving osaurids than to Georgiacetus or Carolina- in one region and migrating to another. In cetus. Alternatively, was there a single dis- such a case, the order of appearance could persal after which several grades of be more re¯ective of dispersal capability protocetids evolved in North America, with than of evolutionary grade. one lineage being ancestral to basilosaurids An important caveat to the preceding bio- and extant cetaceans? A detailed study of the geographic observations is the fact that we meager but growing Middle Eocene record are still in the early stages of discovering and from North America suggests that such was studying the protocetid faunas of North not the case. America. There is at least one undescribed Given an adequate fossil record for a par- protocetid from North Carolina (McLeod and ticular group, one might expect that in the Barnes, 1990), and an initial assessment of primary region of its evolution and specia- protocetid specimens in the Charleston Mu- tion the stratigraphic position of its various seum indicates that there are at least three taxa would correlate with their relative po- other undescribed species in the Cross Quar- sitions in a cladogram; that is, the oldest ry fauna. We think that the as-yet-unde- forms should be the basalmost taxa on the scribed diversity of the protocetid faunal re- cladogram. In general, that appears to be the mains from this quarry will indicate that case with the Eocene deposits of Indo-Paki- there were multiple immigrations of proto- stan (®g. 25). Using the most up-to-date cor- cetids to eastern North America and that one relation chart for this region (Gingerich et al., or more of those dispersals were followed by 1997: ®g. 14) and adding the discoveries of endemic speciation and evolution. If we are Artiocetus (Gingerich et al., 2001a) and correct, North America will provide a unique Qaisracetus (Gingerich et al., 2001b), the window into early cetacean evolution, sup- ®rst stratigraphic occurrence of taxa follows plementing the excellent record from Indo- quite closely the position of taxa in the clad- Pakistan with knowledge of the earliest de- ogram of the present study. Artiocetus, which velopments in cetacean evolution in the New is the oldest known protocetid (Gingerich et World. al., 2001a), is also the basalmost protocetid in our cladogram. Babiacetus, which, accord- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ing to our study, is the most derived of the Indo-Pakistan pakicetids, is found in the We are especially grateful to Sonny King, youngest (i.e., Bartonian) rocks that produce plant manager of the Martin Marietta Berke- fossil cetaceans in that region. Thus, the ley Quarry, and others of the Martin Marietta Indo-Pakistan record is consistent with the Company for allowing representatives of the hypothesis that the eastern Tethys was an Charleston Museum full access to the quarry area of origin for several early cetacean lin- to search for fossil cetacean remains during eages. the past decade. Mr. King has been ever help- In North America, the record of early ce- ful with information about the quarry, and taceans is quite different from that of Indo- during the excavation of the holotype skele- Pakistan. ``Eocetus'' wardii appears in the tal remains of Carolinacetus gingerichi he fossil record at approximately the same time diverted mining activities from the excava- as Georgiacetus, which branches from our tion site so that our work would not be in- cladogram two nodes below ``E.'' wardii. terrupted. We also thank Bricky Way, Sam Carolinacetus, which is more basal than Davis, and Johnny Hanlon for their valuable both, is presently known only from rocks assistance in the excavation. 54 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480

We express our sincere thanks to Robert Indocetus (Cetacea, Mammalia) endocasts from E. Weems and Lucy Edwards (U.S. Geolog- Kachchh (India). Journal of Vertebrate Paleon- ical Survey) and Ralph Willoughby (South tology 16: 582±584. Carolina Geological Survey) for their helpful Barnes, L.G., and E.D. Mitchell. 1978. Cetacea. In V.J. Maglio and H.B.S. Cooke (editors), suggestions and discussions regarding the Evolution of African mammals: 582±602. stratigraphic relationships of the Eocene Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. units on the coastal plain of South Carolina. Barnes. L.G. 1984. Whales, , and por- Philip Gingerich (Univ. of Michigan) and poises: origin and evolution of Cetacea. In T. W. J.G.M. ``Hans'' Thewissen (Northeastern Broadhead (editor), Mammals. Notes for a Ohio Universities, College of Medicine) gra- short course organized by P.D. Gingerich and ciously provided access to described and un- C.E. Badgley: 139±154. University of Tennes- described specimens in their care. We greatly see Department of Geological Sciences. Studies in Geology 8(1±4). appreciate the constructive comments of two Baum, G.R., J.S. Collins, R.M. Jones, B.A. Mad- anonymous reviewers. linger, and R.J. Powell. 1980. Correlation of the It is with utmost gratitude that we ac- Eocene strata of the Carolinas. South Carolina knowledge the contributions of Charleston Geology 24: 19±27. Museum volunteer Billy Palmer. His tireless Berggren, W.A., D.V. Kent, C.C. Swisher III, and collecting efforts in the South Carolina quar- M-P. Aubry. 1995. A revised Cenozoic geo- ries have provided a crucial body of Eocene and chronostratigraphy. In W.A. cetacean remains that gives us an unprece- Berggren, D.V. Kent, and J.A. Hardenbol (edi- dented perspective of the North American tors), , time scales and global stratigraphic correlation: 129±212. SEPM So- protocetid fauna. ciety for Sedimentary Geology Special Publi- Much of this research was conducted cation No. 54. while J.H. Geisler was a graduate student. Blow, W.C., and R.B. Manning. 1996. Prelimi- During that time, he was supported by a Na- nary descriptions of 25 new decapod crusta- tional Science Foundation Graduate Fellow- ceans from the middle Eocene of the Carolinas, ship, a Faculty Fellowship in the Department U.S.A. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleon- of and Environmental Sciences at Co- tology 29: 1±26. lumbia University, and the Of®ce of Grants Breathnach, A.S. 1955. Observations on endocra- and Fellowships at the American Museum of nial casts of recent and fossil cetaceans. Journal of 89: 532±546. Natural History. Recent fossil discoveries Bremer, K. 1988. The limits of amino acid se- were integrated into this study during the quence data in angiosperm phylogenetic recon- summer of 2003, with support from a faculty struction. Evolution 42: 795±803. research grant from Georgia Southern Uni- Bremer, K. 1994. Branch support and tree stabil- versity. Zhe-Xi Luo's research was supported ity. Cladistics 10: 295±304. by the National Science Foundation (grant Buchholtz, E.A. 1998. Implications of vertebral DEB 94±19898). morphology for locomotor evolution in early Cetacea. In J.G.M. Thewissen (editor), The emergence of whales, evolutionary patterns in REFERENCES the origin of Cetacea: 325±351. New York: Ple- Albright, L.B. 1996. A protocetid cetacean from num Press. the Eocene of South Carolina. Journal of Pa- Carte, A., A. MacAlister, and W.H. Flower. 1868. leontology 70: 519±523. On the anatomy of Balaenoptera rostrata. Phil- Bajpai, S., and J.G.M. Thewissen. 1998. Middle osophical Transactions of the Royal Society of Eocene cetaceans from the Harudi and Subathu London 158: 201±262. Formations of India. In J.G.M. Thewissen (ed- Cifelli, R.L. 1982. The petrosal structure of Hyop- itor), The emergence of whales, evolutionary sodus with respect to that of some other un- patterns in the origin of Cetacea: 213±233. New gulates, and its phylogenetic implications. Jour- York: Plenum Press. nal of Paleontology 56(3): 795±805. Bajpai, S., and J.G.M. Thewissen. 2000. A new, Cooke, C.W. 1936. Geology of the coastal plain diminuitive whale from Kachchh (Gujarat, In- of South Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey Bul- dia) and its implications for locomotor evolu- letin 867: 1±196. tion of cetaceans. Current Science (New Delhi) Coombs, M.C., and W.P. Coombs, Jr. 1982. Anat- 79: 1478±1482. omy of the ear region of four Eocene artiodac- Bajpai, S., J.G.M. Thewissen, and A. Sahni. 1996. tyls: Gobiohyus,? Helohyus, Diacodexis and 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 55

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CHARACTERS FOR PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS Character codings for characters 14, 76, 77, 79, 15. Nasal process of frontal: (0) absent, (1) 80, 82, 92, 102, and all postcranial codings for present, frontal with small (Ͻ3 mm) process that Sinonyx are from Uhen (1999). lies medial to the posterior end of the nasal, (2) frontal with large nasal process (derived from CRANIAL CHARACTERS Uhen, 1998a). 16. Supraorbital process (ordered): (0) absent, 1. Premaxillae: (0) short with incisors arranged frontal shield width Ͻ 180% the condylar breadth, in transverse arc, (1) elongate, incisors aligned (1) present but small, 180% Ͻ frontal shield width longitudinally with intervening diastemata (Proth- Ͻ 290% of condylar breadth, (2) present, 190% ero et al., 1988; Thewissen, 1994). Ͻ frontal shield width Ͻ 240% of condylar 2. Palatine ®ssures: (0) present, (1) absent breadth, (3) greatly enlarged, Ͼ245% of condylar (Uhen, 1998a; O'Leary and Geisler, 1999). Ͻ breadth (Barnes, 1984; modi®ed from Uhen, 3. Skull length (ordered): (0) short, length 1998a). 700% of condylar breadth, (1) moderate length, 17. Orbit size: (0) small, vertical diameter of 700% Ͻ length Ͻ 800% of condylar breadth, (2) Ͻ Ͼ orbit 30% of condylar breadth, (1) large, ver- elongate, 800% condylar breadth (Uhen, 1998a, tical diameter of orbit Ͼ 30% of condylar breadth 1999). (Gingerich et al., 1995b; Uhen, 1998a). 4. Anterior margin of external nares (ordered): 18. Orbit: (0) elevated well above toothrow, (1) (0) anterior to I2, (1) dorsal to I2, (2) dorsal or elevated slightly above toothrow (Thewissen and immediately posterior to I3, (3) dorsal to I3 to Hussain, 2000). canine diastema, (4) dorsal to canine. 19. Anterior edge of orbit: (0) over or posterior 5. Posterior margin of external nares (ordered): to M3, (1) over M2 or M2/M3 division, (2) over (0) anterior to the canine, (1) over C, (2) imme- M1 or M1/M2 division, (3) over P4 or P4/M1 diately anterior to P1, (3) dorsal to P1, (4) be- division (Geisler, 2001). tween P1 and P2 (modi®ed from Geisler and Luo, 20. Posterior edge of postorbital process (or- 1998). dered): (0) forms highly obtuse angle with sagittal 6. Palate (ordered): (0) concave transversely, crest (angle of anterior border of temporal fossa), (1) ¯at transversely, (2) convex transversely (Gin- (1) oriented at approximately 90Њ to sagittal crest, gerich et al., 1995b; Uhen, 1998a). (2) forms acute angle with sagittal crest due to 7. Palatal process of premaxilla (ordered): (0) posterior swelling of lateral end (modi®ed from short, terminates anterior or at posterior edge of Uhen, 1998a). canine, (1) between canine and P1, (2) at P1, (3) posterior to P1. 21. Foramen rotundum: (0) present, (1) absent, 8. Ascending process of premaxilla (ordered): maxillary division of trigeminal nerve exits skull (0) terminates posteriorly, anterior to or over P1, through sphenorbital ®ssure (Novacek, 1986; (1) over P2, (2) over diastema between P2 and Thewissen and Domning, 1992). P3, (3) over or posterior to P3. 22. Alisphenoid canal: (0) present, (1) absent 9. Embrasure pits between I1±I2 and I2±I3: (0) (Novacek, 1986; Thewissen and Domning, 1992). absent, (1) present. 23. Foramen ovale: (0) within the alisphenoid, 10. Embrasure pit between C and I3 (ordered): (1) at squamosal and alisphenoid suture but open (0) absent, (1) shallow, (2) deep. ventrally, (2) at squamosal/alisphenoid suture but 11. Embrasure pit between P1 and C (ordered): completely enclosed, (3) merged with piriform fe- (0) absent, (1) small, located on ventral surface of nestra. Use of the term ``foramen ovale'' follows maxilla, (2) deep but contained on ventral surface, Luo and Gingerich (1999) and corresponds to the (3) occurs on lateral and ventral surfaces of max- ``foramen pseudoovale or pseudo-ovale'' of some illa. other authors (KoÈhler and Fordyce, 1997; Hulbert 12. Embrasure pits between upper cheekteeth: et al., 1998). (0) absent, (1) present (Thewissen, 1994). 24. Pterygoid sinus (ordered): (0) absent, (1) 13. Rostrum breadth: (0) wide, width at M2 Ͼ present but obscured in ventral view by the bulla, 140% the condylar width, (1) narrow, width at M2 occupies region between anterior end of involu- Ͻ 120% the maximum width across the occipital crum and alisphenoid portion of pterygoid ridge, condyles (modi®ed from Uhen, 1999). (2) breaches posterior wall of tube for foramen 14. Palate narrows (ordered): (0) posterior to ovale and extends slightly anterior to the anterior M3, (1) at M3, (2) at M2, (3) at M1, (4) at P4 edge of the tympanic bulla, (3) enlarged, forms a (Uhen, 1998a). deep anteroposterior trough which approaches the 60 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 internal nares (modi®ed from Luo and Gingerich, pit lateral to occipital condyle, (2) present and di- 1999). vided into two smaller fossae which share the 25. Preglenoid process: (0) absent, (1) present, larger depression. forms transverse, ventrally projecting ridge at an- 37. Fan-shaped fossa on exoccipital dorsal to terior edge of glenoid fossa (modi®ed from Thew- paroccipital process (narrow part of fan points issen, 1994; Geisler and Luo, 1998). medially, see description in text): (0) absent, (1) 26. Postglenoid foramen (ordered): (0) large, present. (1) greatly reduced in size, only slightly larger 38. Dorsoventral row of muscular fossae on lat- than the fenestra vestibuli, (2) absent (modi®ed eral edge of exoccipital: (0) absent, (1) present. from Novacek, 1986; Geisler and Luo, 1998). 27. Basioccipital crests (falcate processes): (0) PETROSAL CHARACTERS absent, (1) present, forming ventrolaterally ¯aring basioccipital processes, (2) present and extremely 39. Size (transverse width) of tegmen tympani: wide transversely and narrow anteroposteriorly (0) small or moderately in¯ated, Ͻ80% the trans- (modi®ed from Barnes, 1984; Thewissen, 1994; verse width of the promontorium, (1) massive and Geisler and Luo, 1998). in¯ated, Ͼ90% the transverse width of the pro- 28. External auditory meatus (ordered): (0) ab- montorium (modi®ed from Cifelli, 1982; Geisler sent or very short, length less than 7% of half of and Luo, 1998; Luo and Gingerich, 1999). the basicranial width, (1) short, 17% Ͻ length of 40. Anterior process of petrosal (anterior exten- meatus Ͻ 25% half of the basicranial width, (2) sion of tegmen tympani): (0) absent, (1) present, long, 25% Ͻ length of meatus Ͻ 40%, (3) very anterior edge of tegmen tympani extends far an- long, 40% Ͻ length of meatus Ͻ 47% (4) elon- terior to the edge of the pars cochlearis (Luo and gate, Ͼ50% of half of the basicranial width (mod- Marsh, 1996; Geisler and Luo, 1998; Luo and i®ed from Luo and Gingerich, 1999). Gingerich, 1999). 29. Lateral extent of exoccipital in ventral 41. Anterior process of petrosal: (0) articulates view: (0) same as or less than the mastoid process laterally with the entoglenoid (falciform) process of petrosal, (1) greater than mastoid process of of the squamosal but is exposed ventrally, (1) an- petrosal. terior two-thirds of the anterior process complete- 30. Hypoglossal foramen: (0) closer to occipital ly overlapped ventrally by the entoglenoid process condyle, (1) closer to jugular foramen or notch (Luo and Gingerich, 1999). (Thewissen et al., 1996; Uhen, 1998a). 42. Epitympanic recess: (0) uniformly concave 31. Nuchal crests: (0) oriented laterally, (1) lat- without a fossa for the malleus, (1) with distinct eral ends are gently curved posterolaterally, (2) fossa for the head of the malleus (derived from form a horseshoe shape in dorsal view that is open Luo and Eastman, 1995). posteriorly. 43. Hiatus epitympanicus: (0) poorly developed 32. Orientation of supraoccipital shield: (0) or absent, (1) forms a deep transverse groove be- posterodorsally, (1) vertical above foramen mag- tween the tegmen tympani and mastoid process of num, (2) anterodorsally (modi®ed from Uhen, the petrosal (Geisler and Luo, 1996; Luo and Gin- 1998a). gerich, 1999). 33. Cerebellar rete (as determined in endocasts 44. Transpromontorial sulcus for internal carot- or a visible cranial cavity) (ordered): (0) absent id artery: (0) absent, (1) present (Cifelli, 1982; or indistinguishable from the rest of the endocast, Thewissen and Domning, 1992). (1) occurs dorsal and medial to petrosal, (2) oc- 45. Fossa for tensor tympani muscle: (0) shal- curs dorsal and medial to petrosal as well dorsal low, bowl-shaped pit, (1) deep groove that is par- to the cerebellum, (3) hypertrophied, completely tially hidden in ventral view by a medial shelf of surrounding the dorsal surface of the cerebellum the tegmen tympani, (2) deep groove that is clear- and the trigeminal nerve and towers above the ly visible, (3) absent (modi®ed from Luo and endocast of the cerebral hemispheres (derived Marsh, 1996). from Geisler and Luo, 1998). 46. Articulation of pars cochlearis with basi- 34. Nuchal tubercles: (0) absent, (1) present on sphenoid/basioccipital: (0) present, (1) absent dorsal edge of foramen magnum. (Thewissen and Domning, 1992; Geisler and Luo, 35. Exoccipital in posterior view: (0) small ®n- 1998; Luo and Gingerich, 1999). ger-like lateral process, dorsoventral diameter Ͻ 47. Edge of internal acoustic meatus: (0) ¯ush 75% of vertical diameter of foramen magnum, (1) or nearly ¯ush with the surrounding endocranial large rectangular process, Ͼ80% the vertical di- surface of petrosal, (1) forms a tube that projects ameter of foramen magnum. mediodorsally into the endocranial cavity. 36. Fossa for insertion of rectus capitus lateralis 48. Lambdoidal exposure of mastoid process of muscle (ordered): (0) absent, (1) present as ovoid petrosal: (0) present, triangular exposure visible 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 61 in posterior view with exposure bounded medially 59. Base of posterior process of tympanic: (0) by the supraoccipital, ventrally by the exoccipital, forms a single columnar pedicle, (1) perforated and dorsolaterally by the lambdoidal crest of the and forms medial and lateral pedicles (Kasuya, squamosal, (1) absent, squamosal contacts exoc- 1973; Luo and Gingerich, 1999). cipital in this region. 60. Entoglenoid process (ordered): (0) absent with broad articulation of squamosal to tympanic, Ectotympanic Characters (1) short with circular facet for articulation with tympanic, (2) entoglenoid process forms ridge 49. Stylomastoid foramen: (0) forms a large which contacts tympanic (Luo and Gingerich, open notch, petrosal does not contact the petrosal 1999). either anterior or posterior to the fenestra rotunda, 61. Articulation of anterior part of tympanic (1) is complete, ectotympanic contacts tympano- ring or bulla to the tegmen tympani of petrosal hyal laterally and the petrosal medially, in some (ordered): (0) absent, ectotympanic ring or bulla cases ectotympanic separated from petrosal by a Ͻ articulates with squamosal only, (1) articulation narrow ( 1 mm) ®ssure (Geisler and Luo, 1998; present immediately anterolateral to epitympanic O'Leary and Geisler, 1999; Luo and Gingerich, recess (Luo and Marsh, 1996; Luo and Gingerich, 1999). 1999). 50. Ectoympanic: (0) simple ring or a annulus 62. Articulation of medial edge of the tympanic of thin bone projects from dorsal surface of the bulla with basioccipital (ordered): (0) present bulla, (1) annulus not visible, instead the middle along entire medial edge of bulla, (1) present but conical process present in the homologous posi- small, (2) absent, wide gap separates both bones tion (Luo, 1998; Luo and Gingerich, 1999). (Luo and Gingerich, 1999). 63. Contact between ectotympanic and mastoid Ectotympanic Bulla Characters process of petrosal (ordered): (0) absent, ectotym- 51. Involucrum of bulla: (0) absent, (1) present panic ring or bulla contacts tegmen tympani just (Thewissen, 1994; Luo and Gingerich, 1999). anterior to junction of mastoid process with rest 52. Position of external opening of the eusta- of petrosal, (1) present but restricted to ventro- chian tube: (0) at anterior end of bulla, (1) on medial end of mastoid process, (2) extensive, pos- medial side of bulla (Luo and Gingerich, 1999). terior process of ectotympanic covers greater part 53. Meatal portion of ectoympanic: (0) tympan- of mastoid process in ventral view (Luo and Gin- ic does not extend ventral to external auditory me- gerich, 1999). atus, (1) tympanic extends laterally forming the 64. Posterior edge of tympanic: (0) does not ¯oor of the external auditory meatus (Luo and contact exoccipital, (1) contacts paraoccipital pro- Gingerich, 1999). cess of exoccipital (Geisler and Luo, 1998; Luo 54. Sigmoid process (medial part of anterior and Gingerich, 1999). wall of ectotympanic meatal tube) (ordered): (0) absent, (1) present, forms a thin, splint-like, trans- Dental Characters versely oriented plate that projects laterally from the anterior crus of the tympanic ring, (2) present 65. Incisors (uppers and lowers): (0) substan- and robust, base has clearly de®ned posterior edge tially smaller than canines, (1) subequal to ca- which is marked by a dorsoventral groove (Geis- nines. ler and Luo, 1998; Luo and Gingerich, 1999). 66. P1 and p1: (0) substantially smaller than 55. Tip of sigmoid process: (0) points poster- canines, (1) subequal to canine in size. odorsally, (1) forms anteroposteriorly broad, 67. Accessory cusps on posterior premolars and transverse plate (modi®ed from Luo and Ginger- molars (lowers and uppers) (ordered): (0) absent, ich, 1999). (1) present but small, (2) present and large (mod- 56. Lateral furrow of tympanic: (0) absent, (1) i®ed from Uhen, 1998a). present (Kasuya, 1973). 68. p1 roots: (0) absent, (1) one root, (2) two 57. Median furrow of tympanic: (0) absent, (1) roots (Uhen, 1999). present, forms narrow notch on posterior edge of 69. P1 roots: (0) one root, (1) two roots (Uhen, bulla, bulla in ventral view, (2) present, forms 1999). broad embayment of postrior edge of bulla, (3) 70/ P3 length: (0) shorter than length of P4, (1) bisects bulla into a smaller posteromedial and a subequal to P4 length, (2) longer than P4 (Thew- larger posterolateral portions (modi®ed from issen and Hussain 2000). Geisler and Luo, 1998; Luo and Gingerich, 1999). 71. Paraconid on lower molars (ordered): (0) 58. Medial eminence of tympanic (ordered): (0) present and large, (1) small and much lower than absent, (1) present (modi®ed from Luo and Gin- protoconid, (2) absent. gerich, 1999). 72. Carnassial notch on lower molars: (0) ab- 62 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480 sent, (1) present and located on cristid obliqua aration from lateral articulation facets for the at- between protoconid and hypoconid. las, transverse width Ͼ 2 times its anteroposterior 73. Trigonid of molars: (0) ¯at anterior border, length. (1) concave with a reentrant groove, accommo- 85. Articulation facets on the atlas for the axis: dates posterior convex border of the talonid or (0) convex, (1) concave. adjacent tooth (modi®ed from Thewissen, 1994; 86. Vertebral canal in axis vertebra: (0) wide, Geisler and Luo, 1998). straight canal, (1) small, curved canal. 74. Talonid of m1 and m2: (0) slightly longer 87. Cervical vertebra: (0) long, length of centra to or subequal to length of trigonid, (1) distinctly greater than or equal those of anterior thoracics, shorter than length of trigonid (Thewissen and (1) short, length shorter than anterior thoracics Hussain, 2000). (Gingerich et al., 1995b). 75. M1 and M2 protocone: (0) present and 88. Number of thoracic vertebrae (ordered): (0) large, (1) present but is minute cusp, (2) absent Ͻ10, (1) 12, (2) 13, (3) 14±15, (4) Ͼ15 (modi®ed (Thewissen and Hussain, 2000). from Uhen 1998a). 76. M1 roots (ordered): (0) four completely 89. Spinous processes of T6 and T7: (0) steeply separate, (1) three completely separated, (2) three inclined from plane of the anterior face of the cen- partially divided, (3) two, and an anterior and a trum, Ͼ25Њ, (1) gently inclined to vertical, Ͻ15Њ. posterior root (modi®ed from Uhen, 1998a). 90. Number of lumbar vertebrae (ordered): (0) 77. M2 roots (ordered): (0) four completely 6, (1) 7, (2) 8, (3) Ն13 (modi®ed from Uhen, separate, (1) three completely separated, (2) three 1998a). partially divided, (3) two, and an anterior and a 91. Length of posterior lumbar or anterior sa- posterior root (modi®ed from Uhen, 1998a). cral vertebrae, whichever is longer (ordered): (0) 78. M3 (ordered): (0) present and distinctly short, centrum length Յ 150% the length of T1, larger than M2, (1) present and roughly equal in (1) slightly elongate, 150% Յ centrum length Յ size to M2, (2) present but small, maximum me- 200% the length of T1, (2) elongate, 200% Յ cen- sodistal Ͻ 60% the length of M2, (3) absent trum length Յ 250% the length of T1, (3) greatly (modi®ed from Zhou et al., 1995; Geisler and elongate, centrum length Ն 250% the length of Luo, 1998). T1. 79. M3 roots (ordered): (0) four completely separate, (1) three completely separated, (2) three 92. Lumbar zygapophyses (ordered): (0) revo- partially divided, (3) two, and an anterior and a lute, (1) curved, (2) ¯at, (3) absent (Uhen, 1998a). posterior root (Uhen, 1998a). Cannot be scored if 93. Articulation between sacral vertebrae and M3 is absent. of (ordered): (0) broad area of artic- ulation between pelvis and one or two sacral ver- tebrae, (1) no articulation between vertebrae and Mandibular Characters pelvis (Uhen, 1998a). 80. posterior termina- 94. Number of vertebrae fused together to form tion (ordered): (0) below p1, (1) below p2, (2) a sacrum (ordered): (0) no fusion, (1) two, (2) below diastema between p2 and p3, (3) below p3, three, (3) four, (4) four or more (modi®ed from (4) below or posterior to p4 (Uhen, 1998a). Uhen, 1998a). 81. Mandibular symphysis: (0) suture visible, 95. Transverse processes of sacral vertebrae: (0) (1) fused (Uhen, 1998a) short, (1) long. Cannot be scored when homology 82. Mandibular foramen size: (0) small, maxi- of sacral vertebrae unclear (derived from Hulbert, mum height of opening 25% or less the height of 1998). mandible at m3, (1) greatly enlarged, maximum 96. Number of postlumbar vertebrae articulat- height greater than 50% the height of the mandi- ing via pleuropophyses: (0) more than four, (1) ble at m3 (modi®ed from Thewissen, 1994; Geis- four, (2) three, (3) two, (4) none, no vertebrae ler and Luo, 1998). have them (derived from Hulbert, 1998). 97. First ®ve ribs: (0) distal ends similar in di- Vertebral and Rib Characters ameter to proximal portions, (1) distal ends ex- 83. Surface texture of posterior thoracic and panded and bulbous. postthoracic vertebrae: (0) smooth, (1) pock- 98. : (0) circular to slightly ovoid in marked with verebrae having multiple layers of cross section, (1) ¯attened mediolaterally, highly dense, cortical bone with vascular channels that elliptical in cross section (Uhen, 1998a). invade these layers (Uhen, 1999). 99. process: (0) has the same, or 84. Hypophysis of axis in ventral view: (0) slightly narrower, anteroposterior diameter as the steep-sided cone, transverse width Ͻ 1.5 times its shaft of the , (1) much larger anteroposterior anteroposterior length, (1) low with no clear sep- diameter than the shaft (Uhen, 1998a). 2005 GEISLER ET AL.: NEW PROTOCETID WHALE 63

100. Distal end of ulna: (0) pointed, (1) broad small ilium, total length Յ the length of the ®rst anteroposteriorly (Uhen, 1998a). sacral vertebra. 101. Trapezoid and magnum: (0) separate, (1) 104. Obturator foramen, (0) larger than acetab- fused (Uhen, 1998a). ulum, (1) smaller than acetabulum (derived from 102. Distal carpal articular surfaces (e.g., un- Hulbert, 1998a). ciform, magnum): (0) curved to allow for sub- 105. Dorsal edge of acetabulum: (0) high and stantial movement, (1) ¯at (Uhen, 1998a). sharp, (1) low and rounded (Gingerich et al., 1995b). 106. Ventromedial expansion of pubis ventro- PELVIC CHARACTERS medial to obturator foramen (ordered): (0) absent, (1) present but small expansion, (2) present and 103. Pelvis size: (0) large, has well-developed extreme expansion (Hulbert, 1998; Uhen, 1999). ilium with total length Ͼ 300% the length of the 107. (ordered): (0) large, (1) moderate, ®rst sacral vertebra, (1) greatly reduced with a (2) small (Uhen, 1998a). 64 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3480



ANATOMICAL ABBREVIATIONS USED IN FIGURES II/V path of optic nerve and ophthalmic mf median furrow branch of V mfr mandibular foramen VII foramen for facial nerve mfs mandibular fossa VIII foramina for vestibulocochlear nerves mg medial groove for inferior petrosal sinus ac alveolus for canine mp mastoid process of the petrosal ai# alveolus for lower incisor no. mt medial tuberosity of the promontorium aI# alveolus of upper incisor no. na nasal al alisphenoid nc nuchal crest alf alar foramen no external nares ant anterior nt nuchal tubercle ap anterior process of petrosal of odontoid fossa aP# alveolus of premolar no. op odontoid process asp ascending process of premaxilla or orbit C canine pa parietal cn cingulum pdt posterodorsal tongue of the petrosal co condyle pf perilymphatic foramen cos canal for cranio-orbital sinus pgf postglenoid foramen cp coronoid process pmf postmeatal fossa dor dorsal pmx premaxilla dt dorsal tuberosity pop postorbital process eam external auditory meatus poz postzygapophysis ec ethmoid canal pp palatal process of premaxilla elf endolymphatic foramen ppt posterior process of tympanic eo exoccipital pr promontorium etc endocranial opening of temporal canal prz prezygapophysis eut opening for eustachian tube ptp posttympanic process fev foramen for emissary vein sc sagittal crest fm fossa for the malleus scr supracondylar ridge fo foramen ovale fp falciform process sgf sigmoid fossa fr fenestra rotunda smf suprameatal fossa ft frontal smp suprameatal process ft/pa frontal/parietal suture sn supracondylar notch fv fenestra vestibuli snp supraneural projection gl glenoid fossa so supraoccipital gss groove for superior sagittal sinus sop supraorbital process gtt groove for tensor tympani muscle sp spinous process hf hypoglossal foramen sq squamosal hy hypophysis sqf squamosal fossa iam internal acoustic meatus sqr squamosal rise iv involucrum T# thoracic vertebra no. ju jugal tc tympanic cavity lat lateral tiam tube for internal acoustic meatus lvf lateral vertebral foramen tf temporal fossa m# molar no. tp transverse process man mandibular angle trf transverse foramen max maxilla vo vomer Complete lists of all issues of the Novitates and the Bulletin are available at World Wide Web site http://library.amnh.org/pubs. Inquire about ordering printed copies via e-mail from [email protected] or via standard mail from: American Museum of Natural History, LibraryÐ Scienti®c Publications, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY 10024. TEL: (212) 769- 5545. FAX: (212) 769-5009.

a This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).